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Question 543500 3

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Sahara Garden city Road, Adityapur-2, JSR -14

Class 12 - Physics
Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

All the questions are compulsory. However Internal choices are given in the paper.

1. Two wires A and B are of same metal, have the same area of cross-section and have their lengths in the ratio 2 : [1]
1. What will be the ratio of currents flowing through them respectively when the same potential difference is
applied across the length of each of them?
2. A piece of silver has a resistance of 1Ω . What will be the resistance of a constantan wire of one-third length and [1]
one-half diameter, if the specific resistance of constantan is 30 times that of silver?
3. When is Wheatstone bridge most sensitive? [1]
You are given a primary and a secondary cell of the same emf. From which cell will you be able to draw larger
current and why?
4. A potential difference of 6V is applied across a conductor of length 0.12 m. Calculate the drift velocity of [1]
electrons, if the electron mobility is 5.6 × 10-6 m2V-1s-1.
5. Why is the Wheatstone bridge (or meter bridge) method considered unsuitable for the measurement of very low [1]
6. Assertion (A): In a simple battery circuit the point at the lowest potential is the positive terminal of the battery. [1]
Reason (R): The current flows towards the point of the lower potential, as it does in a circuit from negative to
the positive terminal.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the
explanation of A correct explanation of A

c) A is true but R is false d) A is false and R is also false

7. In the circuit shown in figure, R1 = R2 = 10Ω , E1 = 20V, E2 = 40V. For what value of R the thermal power [1]
developed in it will be maximum?

8. An electric heating coil is connected in series with a resistance of x Ω across the 240V mains the coil being [1]
immersed in one kg of water at 20oC. The temperature of the water rises to boiling point in 10 minute. When a
second heating experiment is made with the resistance x short circuited, the time required to develop the same
quantity of heat is reduced to 6 minutes. Calculate the approximate value of x.

9. A constant voltage V = 50 V is maintained between points A and B of the circuit shown here. Find the current [1]
through CD if the resistance R1 = 1Ω , R2 = 2Ω , R3 = 3Ω and R4 = 4Ω

For the circuit shown in figure, determine the voltage across 4Ω resistor in volt.

10. Two batteries of e.m.f. 12 V and 6 V and internal resistance 2Ω and 1Ω are connected in parallel and the [1]
combination is connected to resistor 2Ω through a key when key is closed it is 6. Find the potential difference
between the positive and negative terminals of batteries When key is open.
11. In the adjoining circuit, the current through the resistor R(= 2Ω ) is I amperes. The value of I is: [1]

12. A cylindrical wire is stretched to increase its length by 10%. Calculate the percentage increase in resistance. [2]
13. A potential difference V is applied to a conductor of length l, diameter D. How are the electric field E, the drift [2]
velocity vd and the resistance R affected when

i. V is doubled
ii. l is doubled
iii. D is doubled?
14. In the circuit shown in Figure, the heat produced in 5 Ω resistor, due to the current flowing through it is 10 [2]
calorie per second. Find the heat produced in 4 Ω resistor.

The V-I graphs of two resistors, and their series combination, are shown in Figure. Which one of these graphs
represents the series combination of the other two? Give reasons for your answer.

15. A 25 W and 100 W bulbs are joined in series and connected to the mains. Which bulb will glow brighter? [2]
16. Three materials A, B and C have electrical conductivities σ, 2σ and 2σ respectively. Their number densities of [2]
free electrons are n, 2n and n respectively. For which material, is the average collision time of free electrons
A combination of four resistances is shown in Figure. Calculate the potential difference between the points P and Q,
and the values of currents flowing in the different resistances.

17. 4 cells of identical emf ε internal resistance r, are connected in series to a variable resistor. The following graph [3]
shows the variation of terminal voltage of the combination with the current output.
i. What is the emf of each cell used?
ii. For what current from the cells, does maximum power dissipation occur in the circuit?
iii. Calculate the internal resistance of each cell.

Find the value of the unknown resistance X, in the following circuit, if no current flows through the section AO. Also
calculate the current drawn by the circuit from the battery of emf 6 V and negligible internal resistance. (Figure)

18. The walls of a closed cubical box of edge 50 cm are made of a material of thickness 1 mm and thermal [3]

conductivity 4 × 10-4 cal s-1 cm-1 oC-1. The interior of the box maintained at 100°C above the outside
temperature by a heater placed inside the box and connected across a 400 V d.c. source. Calculate the resistance
of the heater.
19. In the circuit shown in Figure, find the current through the 4 Ω resistor. [3]

20. A current of 1.0 ampere is flowing through a copper wire of length 0.1 metre and cross-section 1.0 × 10-6 m2. [3]

i. If the specific resistance of copper be 1.7 × 10-8 Ω m, calculate the potential difference across the ends of the
ii. Determine current density in the wire,
iii. If there be one free electron per atom in copper, then determine the drift velocity of electrons. Given: density

of copper = 8.9 × 103 kg m-3, atomic weight = 63.5, N = 6.02 × 1026 per kg-atom.
In the circuit shown in Figure, find the potential difference across the capacitor.

21. The heater coil of an electric kettle is rated at 2000 W, 200 V. How much time will it take in raising the [3]
temperature of 1 litre of water from 20° C to 100° C, assuming that only 80% of the total heat energy produced

by the heater coil is used in raising the temperature of water. Density of water = 1 g cm-3 and specific heat of

water = 1 cal g-1 oC-1.

A potential difference of 200 V is applied to a temperature of 15°C and the current is 10 A. What will be the mean
temperature of the coil when the current has fallen to 5A, the applied voltage being same as before? Given

°C-1 at 0°C.
α =

22. Read the source given below and answer any four out of the following questions: [4]
Whenever an electric current is passed through a conductor, it becomes hot after some time. The phenomenon of
the production of heat in a resistor by the flow of an electric current through it is called heating effect of current
or Joule heating. Thus, the electrical energy supplied by the source of emf is converted into heat. In purely
resistive circuit, the energy expended by the source entirely appears as heat. But if the circuit has an
active element like a motor, then a part of the energy supplied by the source goes to do useful work and the rest
appears as heat. Joule's law of heating form the basis of various electrical appliances such as electric bulb,
electric furnace, electric press etc.

i. Which of the following is a correct statement?

a. Heat produced in a conductor is independent of the current flowing.
b. Heat produced in a conductor varies inversely as the current flowing.

c. Heat produced in a conductor varies directly as the square of the current flowing.
d. Heat produced in a conductor varies inversely as the square of the current flowing.
ii. If the coil of a heater is cut to half, what would happen to heat produced?
a. Doubled
b. Halved
c. Remains same
d. Becomes four times
iii. A 25 W and 100W are joined in series and connected to the mains. Which bulbs will glow brighter?
a. 100 W
b. 25 W
c. both bulbs will glow brighter
d. none will glow brighter
iv. A rigid container with thermally insulated wall contains a coil of resistance 100 Ω , carrying current 1A.
Change in its internal energy after 5 min will be
a. 0 kJ
b. 10 kJ
c. 20 kJ
d. 30 kJ
v. The heat emitted by a bulb of 100 W in 1 min is
a. 100 J
b. 1000 J
c. 600 J
d. 6000 J
23. A regular hexagon with diagonals is made of identical wires, each having same resistance r, as shown in Figure. [5]
Find the equivalent resistance between points A and B.

A cell of emf ε and internal resistance r is connected to two external resistances R1 and R2 (R2 > R1) and a perfect

ammeter. The current in the circuit is measured in four different situations:

i. Without any external resistance in the circuit
ii. With resistance R1 only

iii. With resistance R2 only

iv. With both R1 and R2 used in series combination, and

v. With R1 and R2, used in parallel combination.

The currents measured in the four cases are 0.42 A, 0.6 A, 1.05 A, 1.4 A, and 4.2 A but not necessarily in that order.
Identify the currents corresponding to the four cases mentioned above.
24. i. The potential difference applied across a given resistor is altered, so that the heat produced per second [5]

increases by a factor of 9. By what factor does the applied potential difference change?
ii. In the figure shown, an ammeter A and a resistor of 4Ω are connected to the terminals of the source. The emf
of the source is 12 V having an internal resistance of 2Ω . Calculate the voltmeter and ammeter readings.

In the circuit shown, R1 = 4Ω, R2 = R3 = 15Ω , R4 = 30Ω and E = 10V. Calculate the equivalent resistance of the

circuit and the current in each resistor.

25. i. Define the term of drift velocity. [5]

ii. On the basis of electron drift, derive an expression for resistivity of a conductor in terms of number density
of free electrons and relaxation time. On what factors does resistivity of a conductor depend?
iii. Why alloys like Constantan and Manganin are used for making standard resistors?
26. An infinite ladder network of resistances is constructed with 1 ohm and 2-ohm resistors as shown in figure [5]
below. The 6-volt battery between A and B has negligible internal resistance.
i. Show that effective resistance between A and B is 2 ohms
ii. What is the current that passes through the 2-ohm resistance nearest to the battery?

27. i. Define the term conductivity of a metallic wire. Write its SI unit. [5]
ii. Using the concept of free electrons in a conductor, derive the expression for the conductivity of wire in terms
of number density and relaxation time. Hence obtain the relation between current density and the applied
electric field E.
i. Derive an expression for drift velocity of electrons in a conductor. Hence, deduce Ohm's law.
ii. A wire whose cross-sectional area is increasing linearly from its one end to the other, is connected across a
battery of V volts. Which of the following quantities remain constant in the wire?
a. Drift speed
b. Current density

c. Electric current
d. Electric field
Justify your answer.

Question No. 28 to 32 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

Metals have a large number of free electrons nearly 1028 per cubic metre. In the absence of electric tield, average terminal
speed of the electrons in random motion at room temperature is of the order of 105 ms-1. When a potential difference V is
applied across the two ends of a given conductor, the free electrons in the conductor experiences a force and are accelerated
towards the positive end of the conductor. On their way, they suffer frequent collisions with the ions/atoms of the conductor
and lose their gained kinetic energy. After each collision, the free electrons are again accelerated due to electric field,
towards the positive end of the conductor and lose their gained kinetic energy in the next collision with the ions/atoms of
the conductor. The average speed of the free electrons with which they drift towards the positive end of the conductor under
the effect of applied electric field is called drift speed of the electrons.

28. Magnitude of drift velocity per unit electric field is [1]

a) resistivity b) current density

c) current d) mobility
29. The drift speed of the electrons depends on [1]

a) dimensions of the conductor b) neither dimensions of the conductor nor

number density of free electrons in the

c) number density of free electrons in the d) both dimensions of the conductor and
conductor number density of free electrons in the
30. We are able to obtain fairly large currents in a conductor because [1]

a) the electron drift speed is usually very large b) the very small magnitude of the electron
charge has to be divided by the still smaller
product of the number density and drift
speed to get the electric current.

c) the number density of free electrons is very d) the number density of free electrons, as well
high and this can compensate for the low as the electron drift speeds, are very large
values of the electron drift speed and the and these compensate for the very small
very small magnitude of the electron charge magnitude of the electron charge

31. Drift speed of electrons in a conductor is very small i.e., i = 10-4 ms-1. The Electric bulb glows immediately. [1]
When the switch is closed because

a) the electrons of conductor move towards the b) electrons are accelerated towards the

positive end and protons of conductor move negative end of the conductor
towards negative end of the conductor.

c) drift velocity of electron increases when d) the drifting of electrons takes place at the
switch is closed entire length of the conductor

32. The number density of free electrons in a copper conductor is 8.5 × 1028 m-3. How long does an electron take to [1]
drift from one end of a wire 3.0 m long to its other end? The area of cross-section of the wire is 2.0 × 10-6 m2
and it is carrying a current of 3.0 A.

a) 2.7 × 104 s b) 9 × 103 s

c) 8.1 × 104 s d) 3 × 103 s


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