Nlight-eclypse User Manual
Nlight-eclypse User Manual
Nlight-eclypse User Manual
User Guide
Acuity Brands | One Lithonia Way Conyers, GA 30012 Phone: 800.535.2465 © 2017-2019 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved.
Document Revision History
©, Acuity Brands Inc., 2017-2019. All rights reserved.
While all efforts have been made to verify the accuracy of information in this manual, Acuity Brands is not responsible for
damages or claims arising from the use of this manual. Persons using this manual are assumed to be trained lighting pro-
fessionals and are responsible for using the correct wiring procedures, correct override methods for equipment control and
maintaining safe working conditions in failsafe environments. Acuity Brands reserves the right to change, delete or add to
the information in this manual at any time without notice.
Acuity Brands, Distech Controls, the Acuity Brands logo, and the Distech Controls logo are registered trademarks of Acuity
Brands, Inc. BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
nLight ECLYPSE 2
Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Overview................................................................................................................................................................... 8
About the nLight ECLYPSE Controller........................................................................................................... 8
About the IP Protocol Suite............................................................................................................................ 8
About BACnet®.............................................................................................................................................. 8
About This User Guide ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Purpose of the User Guide ............................................................................................................................ 8
Referenced Documentation ........................................................................................................................... 8
nLight ECLYPSE Introduction........................................................................................................................ 9
Network Security............................................................................................................................................ 9
Intended Audience ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Conventions Used in this Document.............................................................................................................. 9
Acronyms and Abbreviations Used in this Document............................................................................................. 10
Internet Protocol Suite Fundamentals ............................................................................................................................. 11
About the Internet Network ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Internet Protocol Suite Overview ............................................................................................................................ 11
IPv4 Communication Fundamentals................................................................................................................................ 12
DHCP Versus Manual Network Settings ................................................................................................................ 12
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) ............................................................................................ 12
Fixed IP Address or Hostname Management .............................................................................................. 12
Networking Basics .................................................................................................................................................. 13
IP Addressing............................................................................................................................................... 13
About the Subnetwork Mask ........................................................................................................................ 13
CIDR Addressing ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Private IPv4 Address Ranges ...................................................................................................................... 14
Reserved Host Addresses ........................................................................................................................... 14
Default Gateway .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Domain Name System (DNS) ...................................................................................................................... 14
About Routers, Switches, and Hubs ....................................................................................................................... 15
Connecting a Router .................................................................................................................................... 15
Network Address Translation / Firewall ....................................................................................................... 16
IP Network Segmentation ............................................................................................................................ 16
IP Network Protocols and Port Numbers......................................................................................................................... 17
About Port Numbers ............................................................................................................................................... 17
IP Network Port Numbers and Protocols ................................................................................................................ 17
ECLYPSE Services that Require Internet Connectivity .......................................................................................... 18
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network......................................................................................................................... 19
Connecting the IP Network ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Wired Network Cable Requirements............................................................................................................ 19
About the Integrated Ethernet Switch .......................................................................................................... 20
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)..................................................................................................................... 20
Connecting the Network Cable to the Controller.......................................................................................... 21
Wireless Network Connection................................................................................................................................. 21
About the 2.4 GHz ISM Band....................................................................................................................... 22
Distance Between the Wi-Fi Adapter and Sources of Interference.............................................................. 22
About Wi-Fi Network Channel Numbers ...................................................................................................... 22
Radio Signal Range ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Radio Signal Transmission Obstructions ..................................................................................................... 23
Where to Locate Wireless Adapters ............................................................................................................ 23
Transmission Obstructions and Interference ............................................................................................... 24
ECLYPSE Wi-Fi Adapter Mounting Tips...................................................................................................... 24
Planning a Wireless Network ....................................................................................................................... 25
ECLYPSE Wi-Fi Adapter Connection Modes .............................................................................................. 27
Wi-Fi Client Connection Mode ..................................................................................................................... 27
Wi-Fi Access Point....................................................................................................................................... 28
Wi-Fi Hotspot ............................................................................................................................................... 29
Wireless Bridge............................................................................................................................................ 29
Wireless Network Commissioning Architectures .................................................................................................... 31
Client to Access Point Configuration............................................................................................................ 31
Client to Hotspot Configuration .................................................................................................................... 32
First Time Connection to an ECLYPSE Controller .......................................................................................................... 33
Connecting to the Controller ................................................................................................................................... 33
Controller Identification ................................................................................................................................ 33
Ethernet Network Connection................................................................................................................................. 34
Network Connections for ECLYPSE Controllers.......................................................................................... 34
Wi-Fi Network Connection ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Configuring the Controller....................................................................................................................................... 35
Default Credentials ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Using the Controller's Factory-default Hostname in the Web Browser ........................................................ 35
Using the Controller's IP Address in the Web Browser................................................................................ 36
Connecting to the Controller's Configuration Web Interface................................................................................... 36
Next Steps ................................................................................................................................................... 36
Supported RADIUS Server Architectures........................................................................................................................ 37
Overview................................................................................................................................................................. 37
Authentication Fallback................................................................................................................................ 37
RADIUS Server and Enabling FIPS 140-2 Mode ................................................................................................... 37
RADIUS Server Architectures................................................................................................................................. 38
Local Credential Authentication ................................................................................................................... 38
ECLYPSE-Based Centralized Credential Authentication............................................................................. 39
ECLYPSE Web Interface................................................................................................................................................. 40
Overview................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Web Interface Main Menu............................................................................................................................ 40
Home Page .................................................................................................................................................. 41
User Profile and Login Credentials .............................................................................................................. 41
Network Settings..................................................................................................................................................... 42
Ethernet ....................................................................................................................................................... 42
Wireless Configuration................................................................................................................................. 43
Network Diagnostics .................................................................................................................................... 45
BACnet Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 47
General ........................................................................................................................................................ 47
Routing......................................................................................................................................................... 48
Network IP Ports .......................................................................................................................................... 48
Network MS/TP Ports .................................................................................................................................. 50
Diagnostics .................................................................................................................................................. 51
User Management .................................................................................................................................................. 52
Server/Client User Configuration ................................................................................................................. 52
Password Policy........................................................................................................................................... 56
Radius Server/Client Settings................................................................................................................................. 57
RADIUS Server Settings.............................................................................................................................. 57
RADIUS Client Settings ............................................................................................................................... 58
Single Sign On (SSO) Settings............................................................................................................................... 59
SSO Server Settings.................................................................................................................................... 60
SSO Client Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 60
Setting Up the SSO Functionality ................................................................................................................ 62
Certificate Authentication with SSO ............................................................................................................. 64
System Settings...................................................................................................................................................... 65
Device Information ....................................................................................................................................... 65
Updating the Firmware................................................................................................................................. 66
Export Audit Log .......................................................................................................................................... 66
Location and Time ....................................................................................................................................... 67
Web Server Access ..................................................................................................................................... 68
Licenses....................................................................................................................................................... 72
FIPS 140-2 Mode......................................................................................................................................... 73
GSA IT Security Mode ................................................................................................................................. 74
Backup and Restore .................................................................................................................................... 75
Open ADR Virtual End Node (VEN)............................................................................................................. 79
nLight ECLYPSE BACnet Points ............................................................................................................................ 82
BACnet Object Mapping .............................................................................................................................. 82
nLight Air PTI ............................................................................................................................................... 83
Configuring the ECLYPSE Wi-Fi Adapter Wireless Networks......................................................................................... 84
Setting up a Wi-Fi Client Wireless Network ............................................................................................................ 84
Setting up a Wi-Fi Access Point Wireless Network ................................................................................................ 86
Setting up a Wi-Fi Hotspot Wireless Network......................................................................................................... 87
Securing an ECLYPSE Controller ................................................................................................................................... 89
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 89
Passwords .............................................................................................................................................................. 89
Change the Default Platform Credentials .................................................................................................... 89
Use Strong Passwords ................................................................................................................................ 89
Account Management and Permissions ................................................................................................................. 89
FIPS 140-2 Mode......................................................................................................................................... 90
Use a Different Account for Each User ........................................................................................................ 90
Use Unique Service Type Accounts for Each Project.................................................................................. 90
Disable Known Accounts When Possible .................................................................................................... 90
Assign the Minimum Required Permissions ................................................................................................ 90
Use Minimum Possible Number of Admin Users ......................................................................................... 90
HTTPS Certificates ................................................................................................................................................. 90
Certificates ................................................................................................................................................... 90
Additional Measures ............................................................................................................................................... 90
Update the Controller's Firmware to the Latest Release ............................................................................. 90
External Factors...................................................................................................................................................... 91
Install Controllers in a Secure Location ....................................................................................................... 91
Make Sure that Controllers are Behind a VPN ............................................................................................ 91
BACnet MS/TP Communication Data Bus Fundamentals............................................................................................... 92
BACnet MS/TP Data Transmission Essentials ....................................................................................................... 92
BACnet MS/TP Data Bus is Polarity Sensitive............................................................................................. 92
Maximum Number of BACnet MS/TP Devices on a Data Bus Segment and Baud Rate ....................................... 93
Data Bus Segment MAC Address Range for BACnet MS/TP Devices........................................................ 93
Device Loading ............................................................................................................................................ 93
Data Bus Physical Specifications and Cable Requirements................................................................................... 95
Data Bus Topology and EOL Terminations ............................................................................................................ 95
Function of EOL Terminations ..................................................................................................................... 95
When to Use EOL Terminations .................................................................................................................. 96
When to use EOL Terminations with BACnet MS/TP Thermostats ............................................................. 96
About Setting Built-in EOL Terminations ..................................................................................................... 97
Only a Daisy-Chained Data Bus Topology is Acceptable ............................................................................ 97
Data Bus Shield Grounding Requirements............................................................................................................. 98
24V-Powered Controller Data Bus Shield Grounding Requirements........................................................... 98
Using Repeaters to Extend the Data Bus ............................................................................................................... 99
Device Addressing................................................................................................................................................ 101
About the MAC Address ............................................................................................................................ 102
BACnet MS/TP Data Bus Token-Passing Overview.................................................................................. 102
About Tuning the Max Info Frames Parameter.......................................................................................... 103
About Tuning the Max Master Parameter .................................................................................................. 103
Setting the Max Master and Max Info Frames ........................................................................................... 103
Default Device Instance Number Numbering System for nLight ECLYPSE Controllers............................ 104
Adopting a Numbering System for MAC Addresses, Device Instance Numbers, and Network Numbers . 104
Setting the Controller’s MAC Address ....................................................................................................... 105
Inter-Building BACnet Connection ............................................................................................................. 105
BACnet/IP Broadcast Management Device Service (BBMD) .................................................................... 106
Power Supply Requirements for 24VAC-Powered Controllers............................................................................. 106
BACnet MS/TP is a Three-Wire Data Bus ................................................................................................. 106
Avoid Ground Lift ....................................................................................................................................... 107
Techniques to Reduce Ground Lift ............................................................................................................ 107
About External Loads................................................................................................................................. 107
Transformer Selection and Determining the Maximum Power Run Length............................................... 108
24VAC Power Supply Connection ............................................................................................................. 108
Modbus TCP Configuration ........................................................................................................................................... 110
Controller Modbus Support................................................................................................................................... 110
Modbus TCP Device Connection.......................................................................................................................... 110
Device Addressing................................................................................................................................................ 110
About Device Addressing........................................................................................................................... 110
Modbus RTU Communication Data Bus Fundamentals................................................................................................ 111
Controller Modbus Support................................................................................................................................... 111
Modbus RTU Data Transmission Essentials ........................................................................................................ 111
Modbus RTU Data Bus is Polatiry Sensitive.............................................................................................. 111
Data Bus Physical Specifications and Cable Requirements................................................................................. 112
Data Bus Topology and EOL Terminations .......................................................................................................... 112
When to Use EOL Terminations ................................................................................................................ 112
About Setting Built-in EOL Terminations ................................................................................................... 113
Only a Daisy-Chained Data Bus Topology is Acceptable .......................................................................... 113
Data Bus Shield Grounding Requirements........................................................................................................... 114
Modbus RTU Data Bus Shield Grounding Requirements.......................................................................... 114
Device Addressing................................................................................................................................................ 115
Resetting or Rebooting the Controller ........................................................................................................................... 116
Resetting or Rebooting the Controller .................................................................................................................. 116
ECLYPSE Controller Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................... 117
Wi-Fi Network Troubleshooting Guide........................................................................................................................... 119
Single Sign On (SSO) Troubleshooting......................................................................................................................... 120
This document describes best practices, specifications, wiring rules, and application information to implement robust and
reliable communications networks.
About BACnet®
The BACnet® ANSI/ASHRAE™ Standard 135-2008 specifies a number of Local Area Network (LAN) transport types. Acu-
ity Controls’ controllers support both BACnet/IP and BACnet Master-Slave/Token-Passing (MS/TP) communications data
bus (based on the EIA‑485 medium) as a local network for inter-networking of supervisory controllers and field controllers.
Referenced Documentation
The follow documentation is referenced in this document.
£ Controller Hardware Installation Guides: These documents are available on Acuity Brands website
nLight ECLYPSE 8
Network Security
Maintaining the highest level of network security, especially when IP devices are connected to the Internet requires spe-
cially-trained personnel who are aware of the necessary techniques to ensure continued protection. This must include the
implementation of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to connect with IP controllers over the Internet. It is also important to co-
ordinate with Information Technology (IT) department personnel the use of shared network resources.
At the first connection to an nLight ECLYPSE Controller you will be forced to change the password to a strong password
for the admin account to protect access to the controller.
Intended Audience
This user guide is intended for system designers, integrators, electricians, and field technicians who have experience with
control systems, and who want to learn about how to make a successful IP network installation. It is recommended that
anyone installing and configuring the devices specified in this user guide have prior training in the usage of these devices.
This is an example of Caution or Warning text. Wherever the exclamation icon appears, it means that there may be an important
safety concern or that an action taken may have a drastic effect on the device, equipment, and/or network if it is improperly
carried out.
nLight ECLYPSE 9
nLight ECLYPSE 10
Internet Protocol Suite Fundamentals
Internet Protocol Suite Fundamentals
This chapter describes the Internet protocol operating principles necessary to configure the IP parameters of an IP con-
nLight ECLYPSE 11
IPv4 Communication Fundamentals
IPv4 Communication Fundamentals
This chapter describes IPv4 Communication operating principles.
Figure 1: Typical Router Configuration to Assign a Device’s MAC Address to a Fixed IP Address
If your router supports DHCP and you have access to the router’s configuration interface, this is the most straight-forward
way to configure your network. Ensure that all devices that require a fixed IP address use a manually assigned IP address.
nLight ECLYPSE 12
IPv4 Communication Fundamentals
Networking Basics
When manually configuring the TCP/IP interface on an ECLYPSE IP controller (the DHCP option is not used), an IP ad-
dress, subnetwork mask, and a default gateway are required in the Network Settings.
IP Addressing
The most widely used internet addressing scheme is IPv4. It codes an IP address in 32 bits.
An IPv4 address is made up of two parts defined by a subnetwork mask; the network portion (which identifies a specific
network or subnetwork) and the host portion (which identifies a specific device).
nLight ECLYPSE 13
IPv4 Communication Fundamentals
CIDR Addressing
Another way to express the subnetwork mask is through CIDR addressing (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) which is writ-
ten as a slash and a number which represents the number of true bits set in the subnetwork mask. For example, the sub-
network mask is 11111111 10000000 00000000 00000000 in binary or /9.
An IP address can be expressed with its CIDR subnetwork mask in the form of for example.
Default Gateway
Two hosts on the same subnetwork can directly communicate with each other. When a host wants to communicate to an
IP address that is not in the subnetwork address range, the host sends the packet to the default gateway. The default gate-
way is usually the router’s IP address and is usually set in the routers administration interface. For more information about
IP routing, see About Routers, Switches, and Hubs.
Certain ECLYPSE controller services use the default gateway. See ECLYPSE Services that Require Internet Connectivity.
nLight ECLYPSE 14
IPv4 Communication Fundamentals
Set the DNS IP address of the Domain Name System (DNS) servers in routers and in IP controllers that have manually-
configured IP parameters. Between one and three DNS IP address is usually provided by the Internet Service Provider
(ISP). The second and third DNS addresses are for failover should the first DNS become unavailable.
If you do not know the address of your DNS server(s), try the following publicly-available DNS server addresses: primary = and secondary =
Some ECLYPSE controller services use DNS to resolve Web addresses thereby allowing the service to operate. See
ECLYPSE Services that Require Internet Connectivity.
Connecting a Router
The way a router is connected to other devices changes its function.
Connection to use ROUTER A as a router Connection to NOT use ROUTER A as a router
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
To To To To To To To To
Device Device Device WAN Device Device Device WAN
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
To To To To To To To Function is
Device Device Device Device Device Device Device Not Used
nLight ECLYPSE 15
IPv4 Communication Fundamentals
IP Network Segmentation
For efficient network planning, normally the IP controllers will be assigned to their own network segment of an IP network
or subnetwork. This is done as shown in the figure below.
To ISP Network
Gateway Router
1 2 3 4
To To To
Device Device Device
1 2 3 4
Router for
Controller Controller Controller Controller
Figure 4: Network Segment for HVAC IP Controllers with a Wireless Access Point
If a wireless router is unavailable or is out-of-range, an ECLYPSE Wi-Fi adapter can be connected to an ECLYPSE con-
troller’s USB port to add wireless connectivity. See Wireless Network Connection.
nLight ECLYPSE 16
IP Network Protocols and Port Numbers
IP Network Protocols and Port Numbers
This chapter describes the IP Network Protocols and Port Numbers used by the ECLYPSE controller.
nLight ECLYPSE 17
IP Network Protocols and Port Numbers
nLight ECLYPSE 18
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
An IP network requires infrastructure such as Ethernet cable, routers, switches, or Wi-Fi hotspots in order to work. The fol-
lowing topics discuss the fundamentals of such a network.
nLight ECLYPSE 19
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
nLight ECLYPSE 20
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
When a network wire is cut, the ring is split into two – the switch / router automatically enables the port to maintain service.
This is shown below.
To Other IP Devices
nLight ECLYPSE 21
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
Transmitted Center
power Frequency
Power (Log)
Desired Signal Spurious Emissions
Figure 9: Typical Radio Transmitter Spurious Emissions
nLight ECLYPSE 22
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Channel
2.412 2.417 2.422 2.427 2.432 2.437 2.442 2.447 2.452 2.457 2.462 2.467 2.472 2.484 Center Frequency
22 MHz
Figure 10: 2.4 GHz Band 802.11g Radio Spectrum Showing Inter-Channel Overlap
For a 20 MHz channel width in the 2.4 GHz band using 802.11g, the best channels to use to avoid inter-channel overlap
are channels 1, 6, and 11. For a 40 MHz channel width in the 2.4 GHz band using 802.11g, the best channels to use to
avoid inter-channel overlap are channels 3 and 11.
For a 20 MHz channel width in the 2.4 GHz band using 802.11n, the best channels to use to avoid inter-channel overlap
are channels 1, 6, and 11. For a 40 MHz channel width in the 2.4 GHz band using 802.11g, the best channel to use to
avoid inter-channel overlap is channel 3.
For industrial / commercial environments, it is recommended to avoid using a 40 MHz channel width in the 2.4 GHz band
as it occupies a large part of the available radio spectrum. This means that it will be difficult to co-exist with other networks
while avoiding interference, especially from devices that use mixed mode 802.11 b/g which significantly degrades 802.11n
performance. One solution is to disable the 802.11 b/g mode on all hotspots to force all wireless clients to 802.11n mode,
thereby forbidding the use of legacy devices.
nLight ECLYPSE 23
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
High Angle of
Figure 12: Angle of Radio Waves
A solution to avoid an obstruction is to add another wireless router located closer to the controller(s).
nLight ECLYPSE 24
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
Wireless Adapter
installed on top or
side of panel
Wireless Adapter
NOT to be installed
inside the panel
Figure 13: Wi-Fi Adapter Position with Metal Relay Panel/Utility Box
2. Mark relevant radio shadings into floor plan such as: fire protection walls, lavatories, staircases, elevator shafts and
supply areas.
nLight ECLYPSE 25
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
3. Draw circles to locate the ideal positions for your Wi-Fi Adapter as shown below:
Radio Shading
Wi-Fi Hotspot
Elevator Wi-Fi Hotspot Channel 6
Channel 1
Staircase Shaft
well Radio Shading
Radio Shading
Wi-Fi Hotspot
Channel 11
Make sure that the Wi-Fi Adapter is positioned in a way such that no screens block the connection to any corner inside the fire safety
section (potential sensor positions).
For reliable range planning, the unfavorable conditions should be detected at the beginning but often come from later changes to the
environment (room filled with people, alteration of partition walls, furniture, room plants, etc.).
Even after careful planning, range and signal tests should be done during installation to verify proper reception at the Wi-Fi Adapter
positions. Unfavorable conditions can be improved by changing the antenna position or by adding a router closer to the controller(s).
nLight ECLYPSE 26
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
Wireless Router
Interconnection Through Wi-Fi
nLight ECLYPSE 27
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
Wi - Fi Access Point:
Use the Controller to Provide Wi - Fi Access to other Wireless Devices
Web Browser
Wired- to - Wireless
Sensor View
Wired - to-
Wireless Bridge
nLight ECLYPSE 28
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
Wi-Fi Hotspot
Should the wired network not use a DHCP server (uses fixed IP addresses); an ECLYPSE controller can be configured to
create a hotspot with a router that creates its own subnet and DHCP server which can provide Wi-Fi access to other Wi-Fi
enabled clients. This is the default connection method when a Wi-Fi adapter is connected to an ECLYPSE controller. The
Wi-Fi adapter can also be temporarily added to an ECLYPSE controller for wireless commissioning purposes. A variety of
software applications are available for system monitoring and override, commissioning, configuration and programming. To
configure the Wi-Fi hotspot connection mode, see Setting up a Wi-Fi Hotspot Wireless Network.
A hotspot creates a subnetwork. As a result, any connected BACnet device will not be able to discover BACnet devices on any other
LAN subnetwork.
Wi - Fi Hotspot
Use the Controller to Provide Wi - Fi Access to the Controllers Configuration Interface
Wireless Hotspot
SiteView Energy
Web Browser
Wireless Router
and DHCP Server
Sensor View
Wireless Bridge
A second controller can be configured as a wired-to-wireless bridge to allow the connection of wired IP devices to the
bridged controller’s Ethernet ports. This can be used as a solution to ‘jump’ architectural features that are not compatible
with wires such as glass atrium and the like.
The access point / hotspot can provide Wi-Fi access to other Wi-Fi enabled clients.
nLight ECLYPSE 29
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
Wireless Bridge
Use Wi-Fi to Jump Open spaces
Wireless to
Wired IP Wired Bridge
Wireless to
Wired IP Wired Bridge Wired IP – Up to 15 Controllers
£ One wireless bridged controller is connected to one wired controller that is wirelessly connected to one wireless bridge
that is then connected 13 daisy chained wired devices.
If the access point is a Wi-Fi router:
1. The number of devices is limited by the total number of clients the router is able to support.
2. It can support many controllers acting as wireless to wired bridges.
nLight ECLYPSE 30
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
Wired IP Client
Daisy Chain
Wi-Fi Client
Access Point
Wi - Fi Client
Access Point
nLight ECLYPSE 31
Connecting IP Devices to an IP Network
Subnetwork 1
ECLYPSE Controller
Wired IP Wi-Fi
Daisy Chain Client
Access Point
Wi -Fi
Wi -Fi
Wi -Fi
Client Laptop2
Access Point
nLight ECLYPSE 32
First Time Connection to an ECLYPSE Controller
First Time Connection to an ECLYPSE Controller
This chapter describes how to get started with an ECLYPSE controller. This includes connecting to the factory-default IP
address to gain access to the controller’s configuration interfaces.
Controller Identification
Controllers are uniquely identified on the network by their MAC address. This identifier is printed on a label located on the
side of the controller and another is on the controller’s box. Get a printed copy of the building’s floor plan. During controller
installation, peel the MAC address sticker off of the controller’s box and put it on the floor plan where the controller has
been installed.
This MAC address is used as part of the controller’s factory-default Wi-Fi access point name and its hostname.
Bar Code
ID: MAC Address
Model: NECY-S1000
nLight ECLYPSE 33
First Time Connection to an ECLYPSE Controller
Cat 5e
RJ-45 Cable
To Next
To Router / Device
Next Device
Figure 27: nLight ECLYPSE Wired Network Connection: Cat 5e Cables with RJ-45 Connectors are used
2. Connect power to the controller(s). See the controller’s Hardware Installation Guide for how to do so.
nLight ECLYPSE 34
First Time Connection to an ECLYPSE Controller
Cable Assembly
USB Plug
Figure 28: Connecting the Wireless Adapter to the Controller’s USB HOST Port
Default Credentials
If this is a first-time connection to an ECLYPSE controller, or if the controller has been reset to factory default settings, you
must use the default username and password.
– Default username:admin
– Default password: admin
nLight ECLYPSE 35
First Time Connection to an ECLYPSE Controller
Next Steps
In Network Settings, configure the controller’s network parameters so that they are compatible with your network. See
ECLYPSE Web Interface.
nLight ECLYPSE 36
Supported RADIUS Server Architectures
Supported RADIUS Server Architectures
A RADIUS server is used to centralize user credentials (controller login username / password) across all devices. This
chapter describes the supported RADIUS server architectures and how to configure a RADIUS server in an ECLYPSE
When network connectivity allows, a user can connect directly to an ECLYPSE controller. No matter the connection
method, a user has to authenticate themselves with their user credential (controller login username / password combina-
When a user connects to an ECLYPSE controller, the ECLYPSE controller connects to the remote RADIUS server to au-
thenticate the user’s credential. A RADIUS server uses a challenge/response mechanism to authenticate a user’s login
credentials. An unrecognized username or a valid username with an invalid password receive an ‘access denied’ re-
sponse. A remote RADIUS server can be another ECLYPSE controller, or a Microsoft Windows Domain Active Directory
Authentication Fallback
Should the connection to the remote RADIUS server be temporarily lost, ECLYPSE controllers have a fall back authentica-
tion mode: users that have already authenticated themselves with the remote RADIUS server and then the connection to
the RADIUS server is lost, these users will still be able to log in to the controller as their successfully authenticated creden-
tials are locally cached.
The user profile cache is updated when the user authenticates themselves while there is a working RADIUS server connection. For this
reason, at a minimum, admin users should log in to each ECLYPSE controller at least once, so their login can be cached on that controller.
Otherwise, if there is a RADIUS server connectivity issue and a user who has never before connected to the ECLYPSE controller will be
locked out from the controller. It is particularly important for admin user credentials to be cached on each controller as an admin user can
change the controller’s network connection parameters that may be at cause for the loss of connectivity to the RADIUS server.
nLight ECLYPSE 37
Supported RADIUS Server Architectures
1 2 3
4 4
Credential Database
Login Credential
nLight ECLYPSE 38
Supported RADIUS Server Architectures
1 2 2
Optional Key:
RADIUS Credential Database
Cached Credential
Cache Database
nLight ECLYPSE 39
ECLYPSE Web Interface
ECLYPSE Web Interface
This chapter describes the ECLYPSE controller’s Web interface.
The ECLYPSE controller has a web-based interface that allows you to view system status, configure the controller, update
the controller’s firmware, and access applications associated to your projects. Note that if you intend on enabling FIPS
140-2 mode, it should be done prior to configuring the controllers. See FIPS 140-2 Mode.
Figure 31: Example of an ECLYPSE Controller’s Web Interface Welcome Home Page (options may vary)
nLight ECLYPSE 40
ECLYPSE Web Interface
Home Page
The web interface home page consists of the following items:
Item Description
Device Information Basic information on the device such as controller name, device instance, host ID, MAC address, time, and date
Copy icon that allows you to copy the Host Id and/or the MAC address of the device to that you can quickly paste
elsewhere as needed
Public IP Address IP address to access your ECLYPSE controller from a public network (e.g. Internet)
Connected/Not Connected to
ECLYPSE controller Internet connection status
Access different applications associated to your projects and controller license such as the following:
– ENVYSION: Embedded graphic design and visualization interface. Host system-based graphics for lighting
control systems and more, directly from the controller. See the ENVYSION User Guide.
– Space Utilization: The Space Utilization edge application allows building owners and property managers to
analyze where occupants spend their time throughout the day, to make data-driven decisions for renova-
tion, space planning and other expansions.
– SiteView™ Energy: The energy metering edge application gives building owners real-time, actionable data
about their facility’s energy consumption, making it easier to identify usage trends and savings.
– nLight Explorer: An edge application that gives a general system overview and system health of con-
nected nLight devices.
The profile box is used to change your password and logout from your ECLYPSE controller.
On your first login to an ECLYPSE controller, you will be prompted to change the factory default password. We recom-
mend you choose a strong password for the 'admin' account as it gives full control over the controller.
See User Management, Securing an ECLYPSE Controller, and Supported RADIUS Server Architectures.
3. Enter the new password twice to confirm and click Next. Your password is changed.
Click the show password icon to see the password you are entering.
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Network Settings
The Network menu is used to configure the ECLYPSE controller’s network interface and setup the wired and wireless net-
work configuration parameters. The available menus are:
£ Ethernet
£ Wireless
£ Diagnostic
The Ethernet screen is used for any wired IP connections that are made through either one of the controller’s Ethernet
Switch Pri(mary) connector or Ethernet Switch Sec(ondary) connector. See Network Connections for ECLYPSE Controllers.
The Wired IP parameters can be auto-configured when the connected network has a working DHCP server. The alterna-
tive is to manually configure the controller’s IP parameters.
When making changes to the network settings, click Apply to apply and save the changes. You can click refresh to re-
fresh the information in the screen.
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Wireless Configuration
This configuration interface is for any ECLYPSE Wi-Fi Adapter connected to the HOST connector.
A hotspot creates a subnetwork. As a result, any connected BACnet device will not be able to discover BACnet devices on any other LAN
Figure 33: The Wi-Fi network operating modes: Hotspot, Access-Point, or Client.
The Wireless connection parameters can be set as follows.
Item Description
On / Off
Enable/disable the controller’s wireless features
Network Name For Hotspot: set a descriptive network name that other wireless clients will use to find this hotspot.
For Client: select an available hotspot from the lists of access point connections that are within range. Click the Wi-Fi
icon to select an available Wi-Fi network from the list of access points that are within range.
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Item Description
Set the encryption method to be used by the Wi-Fi network:
– Open: this option should be avoided as it does not provide any wireless security which allows any wireless
client to access the LAN
– WPA2: select the Wi-Fi Protected Access II option to secure the Wi-Fi network with a password.
– WPA2E: Use this option if you are connecting to an enterprise network that has a working RADIUS authenti-
cation server. This RADIUS server provides user authentication.
When encryption is used, set the password to access the Wi-Fi network as a client or the password other clients will
use to access this hotspot. Passwords should be a long series of random alphanumeric characters and symbols that
are hard to guess. This parameter is case sensitive.
Password If using a Hotsopt connection, network access will be disabled until the default password is changed.
If using an Access Point connection, the default password must be changed before you can save and
apply your changes to this page.
Click to show or hide the password.
IP address for a Hotspot (or gateway address that wireless clients will connect to). Ensure that this address is:
IP Address – Not in the range of IP address set by First Address and Last Address.
– Not the same as the IP address set under IP Configuration for the wired network.
Subnet Mask The hotspot’s subnetwork mask. See About the Subnetwork Mask.
The range of IP addresses to be made available for Hotspot clients to use. The narrower the range, the fewer hotspot
First Address clients will be able to connect due to the lack of available IP addresses. For example, a range where First Address =
Last Address and Last Address = will allow a maximum of 5 clients to connect to the hotspot on a first-to-
connect basis.
When a Hotspot or Access-point is configured, this sets the channel width and number the hotspot is to use. The
wireless mode can also be set. See below.
Sets the center frequency of the transmission. If there are other Wi-Fi networks are nearby, configure each Wi-Fi
Channel Number network to use different channel numbers to reduce interference and network drop-outs.
NOTE: The range of available channels may vary from country to country.
Sets the wireless mode (wireless G or wireless N). Wireless N mode is backwards compatible with wireless G and B.
Wi-Fi Mode
Wireless G mode is backwards compatible with wireless B.
Click to refresh the information in the list.
Apply Click Apply to apply and save the changes
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Network Diagnostics
The Diagnostic menu provides a number of tools to diagnose network connectivity issues between controllers.
£ Wi-Fi Monitor: shows the current performance of a Wi-Fi connection with another controller.
£ Ping Monitor: shows the round trip time it takes for a ping packet to go to an IP address and come back.
Item Description
Disable Throughput Disables the Wi-Fi Monitoring throughput client service. For Wi-Fi monitor to work, this must be started.
Enable Throughput Activates the Wi-Fi Monitoring throughput client service. For Wi-Fi monitor to work, this must be started.
Device Target Select the corresponding controller’s MAC address in the Device Target list.
Ip Address Target Enter the corresponding controller’s IP address for its Wi-Fi interface in Ip Address Target.
Click to refresh the information in the Device Target list.
Start Starts graphing the monitored data
Clear Clears the graph
Throughput (Mbps) Transmit datarate to the target
Current average received signal strength.
Signal avg (dBm) Note: Signal strength is measured in negative units where the stronger the signal, the closer it is to zero. A weaker signal
strength will have a more negative number. For example, a receive signal strength of -35 dBm is much stronger than a
receive signal strength of -70 dBm.
RX rate (Mbps) Receiving data rate from the target
nLight ECLYPSE 45
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Item Description
Ip Address Target Enter the corresponding controller’s IP address for its Wi-Fi interface in Ip Address Target.
Start Starts graphing the monitored data
Clear Clears the graph
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BACnet Settings
This is where the BACnet interface parameters are set.
This sets the controller’s BACnet network parameters.
Item Description
Controller Name Set a descriptive name by which this controller will be known to other BACnet objects.
Device ID Each controller on a BACnet intra-network (the entire BACnet BAS network) must have a unique Device ID.
Location Current controller’s physical location. This is exposed on the BACnet network as a device object property.
Description Description of the controller’s function. This is exposed on the BACnet network as a device object property.
Maximum amount of time the controller will wait for an acknowledgment response following a confirmed request sent to a
APDU Timeout (ms) BACnet device before re-sending the request again or moving onto the next request. This property is exposed on the
BACnet network as a device object property.
Maximum amount of time the controller will wait for an acknowledgment response following a confirmed segmented
APDU Segment Timeout
request sent to a BACnet device before re-sending the segmented request again or moving onto the next request. This
property is exposed on the BACnet network as a device object property.
Sets the number of times to retry a confirmed request when no acknowledgment response has been received. This
APDU Retries
property is exposed on the BACnet network as a device object property.
Export BACnet Object List Export all controller BACnet variables to a file (.csv).
Click to refresh the information in the list.
Apply Click Apply to apply and save the changes
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This enables the routing of BACnet packets between BACnet MS/TP controllers connected to the ECLYPSE Controller’s
RS-485 port and BACnet/IP controllers connected to the ECLYPSE Controller’s Ethernet Switch ports. For example, rout-
ing must be enabled for a Server to discover the BACnet MS/TP controllers connected to the ECLYPSE Controller’s
RS-485 port.
Item Description
On / Off
Enables/disable the routing of BACnet packets between BACnet MS/TP controllers connected to the ECLYPSE
Controller’s RS-485 port and BACnet/IP controllers connected to the ECLYPSE Controller’s Ethernet Switch ports.
Network number that identifies a LAN for routing purposes. All controllers with the same network number are members of
Network Number
the same logical BACnet network. See Device Addressing.
Mac Address Device Mac address
Click to refresh the information in the list.
Apply Click Apply to apply and save the changes.
Network IP Ports
This sets the IP network configuration parameters (on-board port) as well as the BACnet Broadcast Management Device
(BBMD) and Foreign Device for intranetwork connectivity.
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On-Board Port
Item Description
On / Off
Enables/disables the routing of BACnet packets between BACnet MS/TP controllers connected to the ECLYPSE
Controller’s RS-485 port and BACnet/IP controllers connected to the ECLYPSE Controller’s Ethernet Switch ports.
Network number that identifies a LAN for routing purposes. All controllers with the same network number are members of
Network Number
the same logical BACnet network. See Device Addressing.
BACnet IP UDP Port Standard BACnet/IP port number (UDP 47808) used by BACnet devices to communicate.
BBMD allows broadcast message to pass through a router. See BBMD Settings.
Enable BBMD
To enable this feature, set Enable BBMD on only one device on each subnet.
Foreign Device Registration allows a BACnet/IP device to send broadcast messages to a device with BBMD enabled.
Enable Foreign Devices See Foreign Device Settings.
To enable this feature, set Enable Foreign Devices on only one device on each subnet.
Click to refresh the information in the list.
Apply Click Apply to apply and save the changes.
BBMD Settings
BACnet/IP devices send broadcast discovery messages such as “Who-Is” as a means to discover other BACnet devices
on the network. However, when there are two or more BACnet/IP subnetworks, broadcast messages do not pass through
network routers that separate these subnetworks.
BBMD allows broadcast message to pass through a router: on each subnet, a single device has BBMD enabled. Each
BBMD device ensures BACnet/IP connectivity between subnets by forwarding broadcast messages found on its subnet-
work to each other, and then onto the local subnetwork as a broadcast message.
In the BBMD table, add the BBMD-enabled controllers located on other subnetworks. To add a BBMD:
1. Click .
2. In the IP field, enter IP address of the BBMD located on the other subnetwork.
3. In the Mask field, enter the subnetwork mask for the other subnetwork.
4. In the Port field, enter the port number for the BACnet service of the BBMD located on the other subnetwork.
5. Click OK.
You can also edit or delete a BBMD selected from the list using the Edit icon or Delete icon provided.
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Item Description
On / Off
Enables/disables the controller’s BACnet MS/TP connection. If the controller has been configured to use Modbus RTU,
this option cannot be enabled.
Network number identifies a LAN for routing purposes. All controllers with the same network number are members of the
Network Number
same logical BACnet network. See Device Addressing.
Baud Rate Recommended baud rate setting is 38 400. See Baud Rate.
Mac Address The ECLYPSE controller’s MAC Address on the BACnet MS/TP Data Bus.
When commissioning a BACnet MS/TP Data Bus, it is useful to start with the Max Master set to 127 so as to be able to
discover all devices connected to the data bus. Then, once all devices have been discovered and the MAC Addressing is
Max Master finalized by eliminating any gaps in the address range, set the Max Master (the highest MAC Address) to the highest
Master device’s MAC Address number to optimize the efficiency of the data bus. See Setting the Max Master and Max Info
Max Info Frames For the ECLYPSE controller, this should be set to 20. See Setting the Max Master and Max Info Frames.
Click to refresh the information in the list.
Apply Click Apply to apply and save the changes.
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BACnet MS/TP and Modbus RTU communications are made by connecting directly to separate RS-485 ports. On-board
RS-485 Port is the controller’s onboard RS-485 port.
The following Diagnostics tab provides information on live values passing through the RS-485 ports. By default, the live
values are displayed. You can stop and restart the streaming of the live values using the Stop Live Values/Start Live Val-
ues button.
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User Management
User management is the control of who can access the controller by enforcing the authentication credentials users need to
access the controller. User management can either be managed in Server or Client mode. You can also set the Welcome
page a user will land on when they connect to the controller.
An ECLYPSE controller can manage users through several mechanisms. It can either be in Server mode that provides a
user database to other ECLYPSE controllers and itself, or in Client mode for access to a remote user database.
You can provide appropriate privileges to users depending on the clearance level desired for each role. You can also mod-
ify user properties and customize the user experience by assigning a Welcome page to each user.
1. Click the Add User icon to add a new user or select a user and click edit to edit an existing user. The User
Details window is displayed.
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ECLYPSE Web Interface
Item Description
Username User’s login credential
Password User’s password credential
Show/Hide the user’s password credential
User must change
Select to force user to change their password at the next login.
password at next login
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4. Select the access levels the user will be able to use. Set one or more options according to the user’s role:
BLE Room Device Roles are not available on the nLight ECLYPSE and can be ignored.
5. Click Next. The Welcome Page screen is displayed allowing you to define the user’s landing page that will be dis-
played when they login to the controller.
6. Enter the URL of the web page you want to define as the landing page. The URL is the one found after the controllers'
IP address or hostname. This should be copied from your Web browser’s address bar when you have navigated to the
target page.
For example if the address for the user default web page is HOSTNAME/eclypse/envysion/index.html OR, remove the hostname or IP Address so that the URL becomes /eclypse/envysion/in-
dex.html, or /#/bacnet.
7. Click OK, and because authentication is required, enter your username and password.
The edit icon is used to edit a user’s information. When editing user information, the user password is not shown therefore the field
appears empty. You can leave the password as is or assign a new one.
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1. Click to add a user and Welcome page. The User Details window is displayed.
To edit an existing user, select the user from the list and click the edit icon and to remove, click the delete icon .
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Password Policy
The password policy sets the minimum requirements for a valid password to help prevent common password cracking
techniques. By requiring long passwords with a well-rounded composition of elements (uppercase and lowercase letters,
numbers, and symbols) it makes the password harder to guess and makes a brute force attack less effective.
Item Description
Minimum password length
Password length (>8)
See also FIPS 140-2 Mode for password settings.
Uppercase letters Minimum number of uppercase letters (A to Z) required to compose the password
Lowercase letters Minimum number of lowercase letters (a to z) required to compose the password
Numbers Minimum number of numbers (0 to 9) required to compose the password
Symbols Minimum number of symbols (for example, =, +, &, ^, $, etc.) required to compose the password
Click to refresh the information in the list.
Apply Click Apply to apply and save the changes.
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The user profile cache is updated when the user authenticates themselves while there is a working RADIUS server connection. For this
reason, at a minimum, admin users should log in to each ECLYPSE controller at least once, so their login can be cached on that controller.
Otherwise, if there is a RADIUS server connectivity issue, and a user who has never connected to the ECLYPSE controller before will be
locked out from the controller. It is particularly important for admin user credentials to be cached on each controller as an admin user can
change the controller’s network connection parameters that may be at cause for the loss of connectivity to the RADIUS server.
The port values of 1812 for authentication and 1813 for accounting are RADIUS standard port numbers. However, other
port numbers may be used. No matter which port numbers are used, make sure that the port numbers are unused by other
services on this controller and that both the RADIUS server and the RADIUS clients use the same port number values.
See also IP Network Port Numbers and Protocols.
The SSO requires HTTPS to function properly. HTTP cannot be enabled and will automatically be disabled when SSO is activated.
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Item Description
Server Mode (On/Off)
Enable or disable the functionality of the server. When set to OFF, the controller is no longer in server mode.
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When Type is set to Local, credentials are added to and managed by this controller.
Item Description
Type Server type
Server IP address of the SSO server. This is the IP address of the ECLYPSE controller that was configured as the server.
Server IP Address Note: An SSO server must be configured with a static IP address. If the SSO server IP address changes, you will have to
reconfigure all SSO clients with the new IP address. See Ethernet.
Server Https Port Server HTTPS port of the SSO server. By default, this port is set to 443.
Server access token of the SSO server. If the server access token changes, this parameter should be updated by the user
Access Token In the Access Token field, enter the access token belonging to the Server. To do so, go to Server Settings, copy the access
token using the copy icon and paste (CTRL+V) into the Access Token field in Client Settings.
Define a recovery password to access the controller in recovery mode if ever the server is unavailable. See Single Sign On
(SSO) Troubleshooting.
Recovery Password /
Click the show password icon to see the password you are entering.
Confirm Recovery
In order for the recovery to work, we highly recommend you do not forget your recovery password. If so, a factory
reset will be required.
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SSO functionality is only available in HTTPS mode. See Web Server Access for more information on enabling HTTPS.
6. In Access Token, an access token is displayed by default. If required, you can generate a new access token or
manually enter a custom access token. This exact access token will be needed to setup the Client server (see next pro-
cedure Setting Up the SSO Client).
7. Click Apply.
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7. In Server IP Address, enter the server IP address of the controller that is configured as the Server (e.g.,
8. In Server Https Port, verify that the port number matches the HTTPS port number of the SSO server in System >
Web Server (e.g., 443).
9. In Access Token, you must enter the access token from the SSO Server. Copy the access token from the Server
Settings (see above procedure Setting up the SSO Server) and paste in this field.
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10. In Recovery Password, enter a recovery password that you will use in a case where the server is no longer available.
11. In Confirm Recovery Password, enter the password again.
12. Click Apply to apply and save the configuration.
13. When setting up a new SSO connection, a message is displayed to notify you that a new certificate has been detected.
To validate the authenticity of the server, click Continue.
14. A new page is displayed confirming that the server settings are being applied. After approximately 1 minute, you can
refresh your browser manually using the F5 key or close and reopen your browser.
To switch from the SSO Mode to Radius or Local Mode, you will be asked to log in to the remote or local server. These credentials are the
ones associated to the server you wish to switch to.
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ECLYPSE Web Interface
11. A warning message is displayed. Click Yes to continue and apply the certificate.
12. Close all Google Chrome windows for the changes to be applied.
When restarting the Web browser, you will no longer get a message stating that your connection is NOT secure, but rather
a Secure green padlock icon will appear in the URL bar to indicate a secure connection.
System Settings
This is where you configure the controller’s date and time, Web interface, port numbers, secure web interface, and the li-
cense. A secure web interface requires a SSL certificate.
Device Information
This shows detailed information about the controller such as the firmware version, MAC address for each network inter-
face, extension modules versions, and Wi-Fi information.
Item Description
The controller’s firmware can be updated through the Firmware Update file upload interface. See Updating the Firmware.
Also see Extensions.
Click to reboot the controller.
Reboot Note: Rebooting the controller will interrupt the operation of any connected equipment and the controller will be offline from the
network for the duration of the reboot.
Export an audit log in .csv format showing auditable events such as account logins, event ID and description, event type, etc.
Export Audit Log
See Export Audit Log for more information.
The Wired IP (wired Ethernet connection) and Wifi Key (wireless connection) sections provide information such as the IP
address, subnet mask, gateway and Mac address
The Mac Address is the same for both Primary (PRI) Wired Ethernet connection (ETH0) and the Secondary (SEC) Wired Ethernet connection.
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ECLYPSE Web Interface
2. Upload the firmware file using one of the following firmware upload methods:
– Click Upload File to find the firmware file on your PC.
– In Windows Explorer, find the firmware file on your PC and drag and drop it in the dotted area.
The file upload starts followed by the firmware upgrade. Once the upgrade is complete, the controller will reboot. If you
click Cancel, not only will the upload processed be canceled, but also the upgrade.
Do not remove power from the controller or interrupt the network connection to the controller during the firmware upgrade process. Failing to
do so may render the controller unusable.
See also Extensions to update the ECLYPSE Controller’s I/O extension modules.
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ECLYPSE Web Interface
Item Description
Set Time Automatically
Toggle On or Off to automatically set the time based on the NTP Server
Input the desired NTP Server that will be used to automatically fetch time and date information. A successful connection
NTP Server
will display the icon and an unsuccessful connection will display the icon.
Date Set the controller’s date.
Time and Time Zone Set the controller clock’s time and the time zone the controller is located in.
Get Current Computer Date Click to get the current time a date from an Internet time clock server. Internet connectivity is required for this feature to
Time work.
Weather On/Off
Weather service is not available for nLight ECLYPSE controllers.
City Set the city location from which the system will use weather data.
Current City Displays the currently selected city
Coordinate Displays the latitude and longitude coordinates of the currently selected city. Click the coordinate icon to display to
open the location in Google maps.
Click to refresh the information in the list.
Apply Click Apply to apply and save the changes.
nLight ECLYPSE 68
ECLYPSE Web Interface
Item Description
Give this controller a label or nickname to identify it on the network. The hostname can be used in place of an IP address to
identify this controller on the network. This hostname can be used in a Web browser’s address.
Hostname A hostname may contain only the ASCII letters 'a' through 'z' (case-insensitive), the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen ('-').
A hostname cannot start with a hyphen and must not end with a hyphen. No other symbols, punctuation characters, or white
space are permitted.
Set this to enable the standard Webserver on this controller.
HTTP When Single Sign On (SSO) is enabled, HTTP is not available.
See also FIPS 140-2 Mode.
Set this to enable the secure Webserver on this controller. Connections to this sever are encrypted which helps to prevent
eavesdropping thereby keeping passwords secure.
TLS minimum Protocol Version:
– Select the appropriate Transport Layer Protocol (TLSv1+, TLSv1.1+, or TLSv1.2) minimum version to be used for
server authentication and secure encryption and decryption of data over the Internet.
Cipher Suite Compatibility Level:
– Legacy: This is the default value and is used only if you need to support outdated client and browser versions (e.g.,
Internet Explorer 6, Client in Java 6).
Recommended: This level provides a higher level of security but is only compatible with latest client and browser versions
(e.g., Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+, Client in Java 8).
Select the type of certificate (Internal or Custom) to be used by the ECLYPSE controller.
– Internal: Use a self-signed certificate that has been created automatically by the ECLYPSE controller.
Certificate Mode
– Custom: Use a custom certificate. In this case, the user must import the custom certificate into the ECLYPSE con-
For HTTPS connections, a certificate must have the controller’s current URL or IP address encoded into it to show to the
Common Name connecting device that the connection corresponds to the certificate. Set the controller’s current IP address, hostname, or
DNS name.
For HTTPS connections, click to export the public key from the local authority that generates the internal certificate to a file
Export Authority
on your PC. You must import this certificate into all PCs that are going to connect to this controller as a trusted certificate.
Public Key
See Saving a Certificate.
Displays the certificate status:
Status – File not found: No certificate has been imported.
Saving a Certificate
When the HTTPS Certification has been configured, you can save the certificate on your PC. This certificate must be dis-
tributed to all PCs that will connect to this controller. It is this certificate that allows a trusted connection to be made be-
tween the two devices.
1. Enable Certificate Mode to Internal, and set this controller’s IP address or DNS name in the Common Name parame-
2. Click Export Authority Public Key to save the certificate on your PC.
3. Save the file on your PC.
4. Distribute this file to all PCs that will connect to this controller.
5. Install the certificate on the PC by double-clicking it in Microsoft Windows Explorer.
6. Click Open.
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7. Install the certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store. Click Install Certificate.
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Removing a Certificate
After you hold the controller’s reset button for 20 seconds, the controller’s HTTPS security certificates will be regenerated.
If you use HTTPS to connect to the controller, you will no longer be able to connect to the controller from any PC that was
used in the past to connect to the controller unless you delete the old HTTPS security certificate from these PCs.
Security certificates are managed on a PC through the Certificate Manager. To delete an ECLYPSE controller’s HTTPS
security certificate from a PC, proceed as follows.
1. On the PC, open the Certificate Manager: click Start and type certmgr.msc into the search box and press Enter. If
you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
2. In the Certificate Manager, navigate to Certificates - Current User\Trusted Root Certification Authorities\Certifi-
cates. When you open this folder, certificates are displayed along with related details in the right pane.
3. Certificates for ECLYPSE controllers are named in the following ways:
– Local ECLYPSE Authority
– Local ECLYPSE-XXXXXX Authority where XXXXXX is the controller’s MAC address. See Controller Identifica-
Backup the certificate in case it will be needed: right-click the certificate and select All Tasks\Export.
4. Delete the certificate: right-click the certificate and select Delete.
When you connect to the controller, your browser will ask you to accept the new HTTPS security certificate.
You can import licenses from your PC or a Web server, as well as export an existing license.
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ECLYPSE Web Interface
Item Description
License Info Basic license information
License Host ID License host ID
Generated on License generation date
Name The name of the licensed feature
Mode The feature’s operating mode
Limit The quantity limited by the license. ‘None’ indicates that there is no limitation.
Imports a license file from your PC.
Import From PC 1. Click Import from PC.
2. Click Upload File to select a file from your PC or drag and drop the file in the dotted area.
Imports a license file directly from a Web server. Internet connectivity on the computer is required. Once connected to the Web
Import From Server
server the license is imported and a message is displayed to confirm the successful file import.
Export To PC Saves the controller’s license file to your PC. Select Export to PC to download a .zip file of the license.
Click to refresh the information in the list.
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£ FIPS 140-2 mode can’t be disabled without a factory reset: to disable FIPS 140-2 mode on an ECLYPSE controller, a
factory reset must be performed.
£ Wi-Fi is disabled: Enabling FIPS 140-2 mode will disable Wi-Fi. The controller can then be connected to a network only
via its Ethernet port, using an Ethernet cable.
£ Password requirements: When FIPS 140-2 mode is enabled, a stronger user password is required. The password
must be at least 14 characters long. As soon as FIPS 140-2 is enabled, the controller resets to a default username and
password, and the user will then be prompted to reset both.
– Default username: admin
– Default password: adminadminadmin
£ Radius server: On a project where the controllers have FIPS 140-2 mode enabled, a third-party Radius server cannot
be used. If the use of a Radius based authentication is required, an ECLYPSE controller must act as the Radius
server. In addition, third party Radius clients will not be able to connect to the ECLYPSE Radius server.
£ When GSA mode is active, the main ECLYPSE Configuration Portal login page can display a warning banner at the
top of the screen by setting the display banner option to ON.
The banner states the following message: “This is a U.S. General Services Administration Federal Government com-
puter system that is "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.". This system is subject to monitoring. Therefore, no expectation of
privacy is to be assumed. Individuals found performing unauthorized activities are subject to disciplinary action includ-
ing criminal prosecution.”
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The Backup and Restore window, shown below, is used to create a backup as well as import and restore a backup. When
a backup is created, the file appears in the list as shown in the following figure.
Item Description
Click to eject the USB key. This is highly recommended in order to avoid data corruption.
Select the checkbox next to the file or files you wish to delete.
Checkbox Select the main selection checkbox at the top left corner of the list to select all or deselect all items in the list.
nLight ECLYPSE 75
ECLYPSE Web Interface
Creating a Backup
The backup functionality guides you through a series of well-defined steps to easily create the data backup.
1. In the Backup & Restore main screen, click Create Backup. The options to create a new backup are displayed.
2. In the Backup File Name section, enter the backup file name, and click Next.
3. In the Features section, select the data you wish to backup and click Next.
4. Select the ENVYSION projects you wish to backup and click Next.
5. In the Target section, select to store the backup in the Device or on a USB key and click Next.
If no USB key is plugged in, the USB key option is grayed out. At this point you can insert a USB key but remember to refresh in order to
make the option available.
In the Confirmation section, an overview of the data you selected to backup is displayed. Click Finish to create the backup.
Keep in mind that space may be limited on your ECLYPSE controller therefore plan to remove the backup from the controller shortly after.
nLight ECLYPSE 76
ECLYPSE Web Interface
2. In the Select Backup File section, select to upload from the Device or USB Key.
3. Click Select File to select the backup file (.ecybackup) you wish to restore or drag and drop the backup file in the dot-
ted area.
4. Click Next.
5. In the Features section, select the data you wish to backup and click Next.
6. Select the ENVYSION projects you wish to restore and click Next.
7. In the Confirmation section, an overview of the data you selected to restore is displayed and by default the Remove
backup file after restore option is selected. When selected, the backup file will be removed after the device reboots.
8. Click Finish to restore the backup. A status page is displayed to indicate that the data is being restored.
Do not power off the device or close the browser window. You will automatically be redirected to the login page once the
device is ready
nLight ECLYPSE 77
ECLYPSE Web Interface
3. Select the features you want to restore. By default, all features are selected. To unselect some of the features, simply
click the checkbox or use the Select All or Unselect All options.
4. Click Next.
5. Select the ENVYSION projects to restore and click Next.
nLight ECLYPSE 78
ECLYPSE Web Interface
6. In the Confirmation section, review the selected features you selected and select Remove backup file after restore to
remove the backup file from the device after reboot.
7. Click Finish. The restore process may take a few minutes.
You cannot restore a “non-FIPS 140-2” to a FIPS 140-2 device because the file is not encrypted and therefore not compatible with the FIPS
140-2 mode.
You also cannot restore a backup which was created in a more recent firmware version than the one you are restoring to.
nLight ECLYPSE 79
ECLYPSE Web Interface
Item Description
Open ADR
Toggle On or Off the Open ADR functionality
£ Networked control devices supporting ECLYPSE Embedded OpenADR have ADR settings enabled out-of-box with the
following default settings (can be changed during system startup):
– Automated Demand Response: Enabled
– Automated Demand Response Low Level: 90% max light output
– Automated Demand Response Medium Level: 80% max light output
– Automated Demand Response Max Level: 70% max light output
£ Automated DR Level settings are individually configurable for specific luminaires, devices, or zones.
– Light outputs of 100% to 1% (in 1% increments) and “Off” can be configured for each severity level of Automated
– Luminaires can be enabled or disabled to respond to ADR events invoked by the nECY.
£ The nECY can issue a Test Event to demonstrate DR commissioning to the owner and/or commissioning agent.
nLight ECLYPSE 80
ECLYPSE Web Interface
Figure 82: Device “Default Settings” Configuration for Embedded AutoDR Response in SensorView
The Automated DR Levels can be configured for specific luminaires, devices or zones using the SensorView software in-
Application Requirements
The utility VTN server must support OpenADR 2.0a VEN clients.
The nECY must have an outbound https connection to the OpenADR VTN IP address (TCP 443).
nLight ECLYPSE 81
ECLYPSE Web Interface
nLight ECLYPSE 82
ECLYPSE Web Interface
nLight ECLYPSE 83
Configuring the ECLYPSE Wi-Fi Adapter Wireless Networks
Configuring the ECLYPSE Wi-Fi Adapter Wireless
The ECLYPSE Wi-Fi Adapter supports a number of wireless network connection modes. This chapter describes how to
configure a controller’s wireless network. See also ECLYPSE Wi-Fi Adapter Connection Modes.
nLight ECLYPSE 84
Configuring the ECLYPSE Wi-Fi Adapter Wireless Networks
Configure the controller’s ECLYPSE Wi-Fi adapter mode as a Wi-Fi client as follows.
1. Set Wireless to On.
2. Set the Mode to Client.
3. Click the Find Network icon to search for available access points that are within range. The access points are
listed on the right.
4. Select an access point to pair with from the Networks list. The Encryption mode is provided by the access point.
5. Enter the required Username and Password.
6. Choose the access point’s Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) and Phase2 type.
7. Click Apply.
nLight ECLYPSE 85
Configuring the ECLYPSE Wi-Fi Adapter Wireless Networks
nLight ECLYPSE 86
Configuring the ECLYPSE Wi-Fi Adapter Wireless Networks
6. Set the access point’s authentication password in Password. This is the password wireless clients will need to know in
order to connect to this access point. The default password must be changed before you can save and apply your
changes to this page.
7. Under Advanced, set the Channel Number and Wi-Fi Mode. See Wireless Configuration for an explanation of these
8. Click Apply.
nLight ECLYPSE 87
Configuring the ECLYPSE Wi-Fi Adapter Wireless Networks
nLight ECLYPSE 88
Securing an ECLYPSE Controller
Securing an ECLYPSE Controller
This section describes how to secure an ECLYPSE controller from unauthorized access and use.
This chapter describes how to implement best security practices for ECLYPSE controllers. Security is built up layer upon
layer to make the system more resistant to attacks. This involves taking simple but effective steps to implement built-in se-
curity features.
A username / password combination (or credentials) authenticates a user’s access rights to a controller. If an attacker
gains access to a user’s password, the attacker has access to carry out any action on the controller that is allowed by that
user’s permissions.
nLight ECLYPSE 89
Securing an ECLYPSE Controller
HTTPS Certificates
HTTPS is a protocol which encrypts HTTP requests and their responses. This ensures that if someone were able to com-
promise the network, they would not be able to listen in or tamper with the communications.
Make sure that HTTPS is enabled. For more information on how to enable HTTPS, see Web Server Access.
Generate and install a trusted SSL certificate. Refer to Web Server Access for information on how to import a custom certifi-
Additional Measures
nLight ECLYPSE 90
Securing an ECLYPSE Controller
External Factors
nLight ECLYPSE 91
BACnet MS/TP Communication Data Bus Fundamentals
BACnet MS/TP Communication Data Bus
This chapter describes the BACnet MS/TP Communications Data Bus operating principles.
When interfacing with BACnet MS/TP devices from other manufacturers, refer to the documentation provided with the device to correctly wire
the device.
nLight ECLYPSE 92
BACnet MS/TP Communication Data Bus Fundamentals
Data Bus Segment MAC Address Range for BACnet MS/TP Devices
The BACnet MS/TP data bus supports up 255 devices:
£ Up to 128 devices (with device MAC addresses in the range of 0 to 127) that are BACnet MS/TP Masters (that can ini-
tiate communication).
£ Up to 128 devices (with device MAC addresses in the range of 128 to 255) that are BACnet MS/TP Slaves (cannot ini-
tiate communication).
However, it is recommended that any given data bus segment have no more than 50 devices, when a baud rate of 19 200
or higher is used for the BACnet MS/TP Data Bus. A repeater counts as a device on each data bus segment to which it is
Device Loading
Each device presents an electrical load on the BACnet MS/TP Data Bus Segment. This is called device loading. The use
of full load devices limits the number of devices connected to a BACnet MS/TP Data Bus Segment to 32 devices.
If a data bus segment is interoperating with devices that are full-load, ½-load, ¼-load, or ⅛-load, then the device that sup-
ports the fewest devices on the same data bus is the one that sets the limit for the maximum total number of devices for
that data bus segment. For example, you plan to put on one data bus the following devices:
Manufacturer Quantity of devices Equivalent full- Maximum devices supported by the manufac-
(example) load devices turer
⅛-load devices 8 1 1281 Maximum 50 recommended
½-load devices 14 7 64 Maximum 50 recommended
full load devices 26 26 32
There are too many devices on the data bus. It is
Total Full-Load Devices 34
limited to a maximum of 32 devices.
Table 5: Device Loading Example
1. This is limited by the maximum number of master devices allowed on a BACnet MS/TP Data Bus.
The solution for the above example is to create two data bus segments connected together by a repeater and then split up
the devices between the data bus segments, ensuring again that the maximum number of devices on each separate data
bus is not exceeded. See Using Repeaters to Extend the Data Bus.
nLight ECLYPSE 93
BACnet MS/TP Communication Data Bus Fundamentals
Baud Rate
Most devices will have a range of baud rate settings and possibly an AUTO setting that detects the baud rate of other de-
vices transmitting on the data bus and adjusts the baud rate of the device accordingly. Typical baud rates are 9600, 19
200, 38 400, and 76 800. The baud rate setting determines the rate at which data is sent on the BACnet MS/TP data bus.
At 9600 baud, the maximum number of devices is reduced to 25 due to the increased time it takes for token passing between devices.
All devices on the data bus must be set to the same baud rate. Therefore, the chosen baud rate must be supported by all
devices connected to the data bus.
The recommended baud rate for an ECLYPSE Controller is 38 400.
We recommend that you:
£ Set the baud rate of two controllers on a BACnet MS/TP Data Bus Segment to the same baud rate to provide failover
£ For example, set the baud rate of the ECLYPSE Controller (if equipped) and one other controller to 38 400 baud. If the
ECLYPSE Controller becomes unavailable and there is a power cycle, the BACnet compatible controller will set the
baud rate for the BACnet MS/TP Data Bus.
£ Set all other devices to automatically detect the baud rate, if this option is available.
Baud: Auto (Factory Default) Baud: Auto (Factory Default) Baud: Auto (Factory Default) Baud: 38 400 Baud: 38 400
Typical BACnet Device Typical BACnet Device Typical BACnet Device Typical BACnet Device
Data Bus: Shielded Twisted Pair Cable
Figure 89: Setting the Baud rate on two Controllers on a BACnet MS/TP Data Bus Segment for Failover Protection
To set the baud rate for:
£ ECLYPSE Controllers, see Network MS/TP Ports.
nLight ECLYPSE 94
BACnet MS/TP Communication Data Bus Fundamentals
nLight ECLYPSE 95
BACnet MS/TP Communication Data Bus Fundamentals
device: set the EOL
Termination internally
Data Bus: Shielded Twisted Pair Cable
First and last daisy-chained device: System
- EOL Terminations are ENABLED Ground
OR EOL resistor is installed
All other Devices:
- EOL Terminations are DISABLED
Figure 90: EOL Terminations Must be Enabled at Both the First and Last Device on the Data Bus
Devices with built-in EOL terminations are factory-set with the EOL termination disabled by default.
The BACnet/IP to MS/TP Adapter does not have EOL Termination (and BACnet MS/TP Data Bus biasing) capabilities to be used at the end
of a BACnet MS/TP data bus. Instead, use the BACnet/IP to MS/TP Router for this application.
to ON to provide bias to
BACnet MS/TP Data Bus
Figure 91: Typical EOL Terminations with BACnet MS/TP Thermostats with Biasing Provided by the Controller’s Built-in EOL Termina-
tion set to ON
nLight ECLYPSE 96
BACnet MS/TP Communication Data Bus Fundamentals
1 2 3 OFF
Figure 92: Typical Controller with Separate EOL Termination and Bias Configuration Settings
Refer to the controller’s Hardware Installation Guide for how to identify and set a controller’s built-in EOL terminations.
ON ECLYPSE Controller Maximum of 32 nodes and 1200 meters.
EOL Internally Set
Segment 1
Only linear, daisy-chained devices provide predictable data bus impedances required for reliable data bus operation.
Only a daisy-chained data bus topology should be specified during the planning stages of a project and implemented in the installation phase
of the project.
A spur is only permitted when it is connected to the data bus through a repeater (see Using Repeaters to Extend the Data Bus).
nLight ECLYPSE 97
BACnet MS/TP Communication Data Bus Fundamentals
Typical BACnet 24VAC- Typical BACnet 24VAC- Typical BACnet 24VAC- Typical BACnet 24VAC-
ECLYPSE Powered Controller Powered Controller Powered Controller Powered Controller
Data Bus Shield: Data Bus Shields: Twist Data Bus Shields: Twist Data Bus Shield:
Connect to the ‘S’ together and Isolate together and Isolate Isolate with
terminal with electrical tape with electrical tape electrical tape
Figure 95: Typical Cable-Shield Grounding Requirements for a BACnet MS/TP Data Bus Segment with an ECLYPSE Controller located
at the End of the Data Bus
nLight ECLYPSE 98
BACnet MS/TP Communication Data Bus Fundamentals
Typical BACnet 24VAC- Typical BACnet 24VAC- Typical BACnet 24VAC- Typical BACnet 24VAC-
Powered Controller Powered Controller ECLYPSE Powered Controller Powered Controller
Data Bus Shields:
Connect to the ‘S’
Data Bus Shield: Data Bus Shields: Twist Data Bus Shield:
Isolate with together and Isolate Isolate with
electrical tape with electrical tape electrical tape
Data Bus Shields: Twist Data Bus: Shielded Twisted Pair Cable
together and Isolate
with electrical tape Electrical The shield of the data bus must be connected to
System the electrical system ground at one point only –
Ground usually at the Building Controller, when present
Figure 96: Typical Cable-Shield Grounding Requirements for a BACnet MS/TP Data Bus Segment with an ECLYPSE Controller located
in the Middle of the Data Bus
nLight ECLYPSE 99
BACnet MS/TP Communication Data Bus Fundamentals
Data Bus Shields: Twist
together and Isolate with
electrical tape
< 25 ft The data bus shield must be connected to the electrical system ground at
one point only – usually at the Building Controller, when present
Figure 99: Repeater Connections when it is the First or Last Device on its Respective Data Bus Segment
The BACnet MS/TP Data Bus must be biased. This bias can only be provided by built-in EOL termination resistors (ones
set with a jumper or DIP switch). When a repeater is the first or last device on its respective data bus segment, use the fol-
lowing methods to provide MS/TP Data Bus biasing and EOL termination as applicable to your situation:
1. On the BACnet MS/TP data bus segment ❶ shown in the above figure, bias and EOL termination is provided by a con-
troller’s built-in EOL termination being set to ON. In this case the connection to the repeater cannot be more than 7.6
meters (25 feet) from this controller.
2. On the BACnet MS/TP data bus segment ❷ shown in the above figure, a 120Ω EOL Termination resistor is added to
the repeater’s terminals. Biasing for this BACnet MS/TP data bus segment is provided by the built-in EOL termination
being set to ON at the last controller at the other end of this data bus.
See When to Use EOL Terminations for more information. The shield of one data bus must be grounded at one point as
specified in Data Bus Shield Grounding Requirements. The shields of the two data buses must be connected together and
isolated with electrical tape as shown in the above figure. Refer to the controller’s Hardware Installation Guide for how to
identify and set a controller’s built-in EOL terminations.
Device Addressing
Device addressing allows the coordinated transfer of messages between the intended devices on the BACnet MS/TP data
bus and with devices connected to the internetwork. For this, each device connected to the BACnet MS/TP data bus is
identified by a MAC address, a Device Instance number, and a Network Number:
£ The MAC Address uniquely identifies a device on a Network (identified by a Network Number). Devices on another
Network can have the same MAC Address as messages are not passed at the internetwork level using the MAC Ad-
dress. The MAC Address also defines the devices on the data bus that are Masters and Slaves, among other cate-
gories (see About the MAC Address). The MAC Address is also used to share data bus bandwidth between devices
through token passing between Master devices.
£ The Device Instance uniquely identifies a device across the BACnet internetwork. The Device Instance is any number
between 0 and 4 194 303. It is with the Device Instance that messages are exchanged between BACnet devices. The
Device Instance is also used by routers to forward messages to devices located elsewhere in the internetwork. Unlike
a MAC Address, a Device Instance cannot be reused elsewhere in the BACnet internetwork (it must be unique for the
entire network).
£ The Network Number is any number between 1 and 65 534. A network number identifies a LAN for routing purposes.
Both the MAC Address and the Device Instance must be set for each device and are essential for proper BACnet LAN op-
For an example of how MAC address, Device Instance number, and Network Number apply to a typical BACnet network,
see Adopting a Numbering System for MAC Addresses, Device Instance Numbers, and Network Numbers.
Figure 100: Setting the Max Master on the ECLYPSE Controller to the Highest MAC Address Used on the BACnet MS/TP Data Bus
For the ECLYPSE Controller, set the Max Info Frames to 20 in the screen shown in BACnet Settings of the Network MS/TP
Ports as this is a device that will make more requests for service from other devices on the network. In general, according
to the way a device is programmed, the Max Info Frames may have to be set to a higher value than for other devices. For
example, when Roof Top Unit Controllers are used with VAV controllers that use specific code, they should also have their
Max Info Frames set to a higher value such as 5, as Roof Top Unit Controllers will poll many VAV controllers for informa-
To set the Max Master and Max Info Frames for BACnet MS/TP devices (for example, a BACnet controller), use a Supervi-
sor to do so.
Default Device Instance Number Numbering System for nLight ECLYPSE Controllers
By default, nLight ECLYPSE controllers automatically self-assign a Device Instance number generated from the unique
MAC Address assigned to the controller during installation. The Device Instance number is calculated as follows:
Device Instance number = 364 X 1000 + MAC Address
Where 364 is the nLight ECLYPSE controller’s unique BACnet Manufacturer ID.
This Numbering system is sufficient for a BACnet network that has only one nLight ECLYPSE Controller. For larger BAC-
net networks that have more than one controller (to form a BACnet intranetwork), set the MAC Addresses, Device Instance
Numbers and Network Numbers according to the numbering scheme below.
Adopting a Numbering System for MAC Addresses, Device Instance Numbers, and
Network Numbers
Good network planning requires a well-thought-out numbering scheme for device MAC Addresses, Device Instance Num-
bers (DI), and Network Numbers. We recommend the following scheme, as it reuses the MAC Address and Network Num-
ber in the Device Instance number to make it easier for a network administrator to know where a device is located in the
network. This is shown below.
Description Range Example
BACnet/IP Network Number 0 to 65 534 1
10 000
ECLYPSE Controller BACnet/IP Device Instance Numbers: Multiples of 10 000 10 000 to 4 190 000
20 000
BACnet MS/TP Network Number: ECLYPSE Controller BACnet/IP Device Instance
10 to 4190 20
Number/1000 + 0,1,2,3,4 (for each LAN)
BACnet MS/TP Device Instance Number = 10 000 to 4 190 256 10 006 where MAC = 6
Table 9: Recommended Numbering Scheme for MAC Addresses, Instance Numbers, and Network Numbers
An example of this numbering system is shown below.
Figure 101: BACnet MS/TP Numbering System for MAC Addresses, Device Instance Numbers, and Network Numbers
When discovering devices with a supervisor which has the routing option configured, it will discover all BACnet devices connected to all
ECLYPSE Controllers when routing is enabled (see Routing). Make sure to add only the devices connected to the MS/TP port of the specific
ECLYPSE Controller being configured. Using this numbering system will greatly help to identify those devices that should be added to a
given ECLYPSE Controller.
Figure 103: Ground Lift from a Long Power Run with a 24VAC Device
Because the 24V COM terminal on BACnet MS/TP controllers is the signal reference point for the data bus, ground lift off-
sets the data bus voltage reference that is used to interpret valid data levels sent on the data bus. If the ground lift is more
than 7 volts peak, there is a risk of data corruption and offline events due to the device being incapable of correctly reading
data signals from the data bus. Thus, it is important to keep the power supply (transformer) as close to the controller as
For non-VAV devices, determine the appropriate size transformer for the job as follows:
£ Add up the power requirements of all devices plus all external loads (see About External Loads). Multiply the total
power needed by a multiplier of 1.3, as a security 164margin. For example, to power five devices (15 VA each), the to-
tal load is 75 VA multiplied by 1.3 is 98 VA. Choose a size of transformer just over this amount: For example, a 100 VA
£ When the total load of a number of devices requires a transformer with a rating greater than 100 VA, use two or more
transformers. Ensure that the load to be connected to each transformer follows the guideline of Step 1 above.
Power Supply
AC Power BACnet Device
Fuse: 4A Max.
Fast Acting
24 / 120 / 208 /
240 / 277 / 347 / 24 VAC
480 VAC, 1Ø, 2- 24V COM
Wire plus Ground
Maintain consistent
polarity when connecting BACnet Thermostat
Electrical controllers and devices to
System the transformer. RC
Ground – At The 24V COM / C C
Transformer terminals of all devices
Only must be connected to the
power supply bus that is
Figure 104: The 24V COM / C Terminal of all Devices must be Connected to the Grounded Power Supply Bus
Modbus TCP Configuration
This chapter describes the Modbus TCP Configuration.
Device Addressing
Device addressing allows the coordinated transfer of messages between the master (the ECLYPSE Controller) and the
slave Modbus TCP device. For this, each Modbus TCP device is identified by its address.
Modbus RTU Communication Data Bus
This chapter describes the Modbus RTU Communications Data Bus operating principles.
When interfacing with Modbus RTU devices, refer to the documentation provided with the device to correctly wire the device.
Baud: Auto (Factory Default) Baud: Auto (Factory Default) Baud: Auto (Factory Default) Baud: 38 400 Baud: 38 400
Typical Modbus RTU Typical Modbus RTU Typical Modbus RTU Typical Modbus RTU
Device Device Device Device ECLYPSE
Data Bus: Shielded Twisted Pair Cable
Figure 105: EOL Terminations Must be Enabled at Both the First and Last Device on the Data Bus
Devices with built-in EOL terminations are factory-set with the EOL termination disabled by default.
The BACnet/IP to MS/TP Adapter does not have EOL Termination (and Modbus RTU Data Bus biasing) capabilities to be used at the end of
a Modbus RTU data bus. Instead, use the BACnet/IP to MS/TP Router for this application.
Figure 106: Typical ECLYPSE Controller with Separate EOL Termination and Bias Configuration Settings
Refer to the Modbus RTU device’s Hardware Installation Guide for how to identify and set a device’s built-in EOL termina-
Spur / Backbone
Star Topologies are
Topologies are
Typical Modbus RTU Typical Modbus RTU Typical Modbus RTU Typical Modbus RTU
ECLYPSE Device Device Device Device
Figure 108: Typical Cable-Shield Grounding Requirements for a Modbus RTU Data Bus Segment with an ECLYPSE Controller located
at the End of the Data Bus
Typical Modbus RTU Typical Modbus RTU Typical Modbus RTU Typical Modbus RTU
Device Device ECLYPSE Device Device
Data Bus Shields:
Connect to the ‘S’
2'-5 1/4"
Data Bus: Shielded Twisted Pair Cable
Electrical The shield of the data bus must be connected to
System the electrical system ground at one point only –
Ground usually at the Building Controller, when present
Figure 109: Typical Cable-Shield Grounding Requirements for a Modbus RTU Data Bus Segment with an ECLYPSE Controller located
in the Middle of the Data Bus
Device Addressing
Device addressing allows the coordinated transfer of messages between the master (the ECLYPSE Controller) and the
slave Modbus RTU device. For this, each device connected to the Modbus RTU data bus is identified by its address.
About the Device Address
Each slave device must have its own unique address number in the range from 1 to 247.
Refer to the device’s hardware installation guide for information about how to set its address number.
Resetting or Rebooting the Controller
This chapter describes how to recover control over the controller by resetting it to the factory default settings.
Always backup the controller's license through the controller's Web interface before you hold the controller’s reset button for 20 seconds.
Once the controller reboots, you will have to install the license through the controller's Web interface.
To backup and install the license, see System Settings. Click Export To PC to backup the controller's license to your PC. Click Import From
PC to restore the controller's license file from your PC.
After you hold the controller’s reset button for 20 seconds, the controller’s HTTPS security certificates will be regenerated. If you use HTTPS
to connect to the controller, you will no longer be able to connect to the controller from any PC that was used in the past to connect to the
controller unless you delete the old HTTPS security certificate from these PCs. Removing a Certificate.
ECLYPSE Controller Troubleshooting
You can use this Troubleshooting Guide to help detect and correct issues with ECLYPSE controllers.
Symptom Possible Cause Solution
Fuse has blown (for 24V
Disconnect the power. Check the fuse integrity. Reconnect the power.
Verify that consistent polarity is maintained between all controllers and the transformer.
Controller is powered but Power supply polarity Ensure that the COM terminal of each controller is connected to the same terminal on the
does not turn on secondary side of the transformer. See DHCP Versus Manual Network Settings.
The device does not have
Verify that the transformer used is powerful enough to supply all controllers. See
power / poor-quality power
Transformer Selection and Determining the Maximum Power Run Length.
(for 24V controllers)
1. Check power supply voltage between 24VAC/DC and 24V COM pins and ensure that it is
Absent or incorrect supply within acceptable limits (±15% for 24V controllers).
voltage (for 24V controllers)
2. Check for tripped fuse or circuit breaker.
Overloaded power
Verify that the transformer used is powerful enough to supply all controllers. See
transformer (for 24V
Transformer Selection and Determining the Maximum Power Run Length.
Network not wired properly Double check that the wire connections are correct.
Absent or incorrect network
Check the network termination(s).
Configure the Max Master to the highest MAC Address of any device on the MS/TP data
Max Master parameter
bus. See Setting the Max Master and Max Info Frames.
There is another controller
Each controller on a BACnet MS/TP data bus must have a unique MAC Address. Look at
with the same MAC
the MAC Address DIP switch on each controller. If it is set to 0 (all off), check the MAC
Address on the BACnet
MS/TP data bus
Device does not There is another controller Each controller on a BACnet intranetwork (the entire BACnet BAS network) must have a
communicate on the BACnet with the same Device ID on unique Device ID. See Adopting a Numbering System for MAC Addresses, Device Instance
MS/TP network the BACnet intranetwork Numbers, and Network Numbers.
BACnet data bus polarity is Ensure the polarity of the BACnet data bus is always the same on all devices. See BACnet
reversed. MS/TP Data Bus is Polarity Sensitive.
Cut or broken wire. Isolate the location of the break and pull a new cable.
The BACnet data bus has
See Adopting a Numbering System for MAC Addresses, Device Instance Numbers, and
one or more devices with
Network Numbers.
the same MAC Address.
The baud rate for all
At least one device must be set to a baud rate, usually the data bus master. See Baud Rate.
devices are set to AUTO
The device is set to a MAC See if the STATUS LED on the device is showing a fault condition. See the LED Fault
Address in the range of 128 Conditions provided by the manufacturer of your BACnet controller.
to 255. This range is for slave devices that cannot initiate communication.
The maximum number of
devices on a data bus Use a repeater to extend the BACnet data bus. See Maximum Number of BACnet MS/TP
segment has been Devices on a Data Bus Segment and Baud Rate.
The device has auto-
The STATUS LED is blinking See the LED Fault Conditions provided by the manufacturer of your BACnet controller.
diagnosed a fault condition
Network length See Data Bus Physical Specifications and Cable Requirements.
Controller communicates
well over a short network Wire type See Data Bus Physical Specifications and Cable Requirements.
BACnet MS/TP network, but Network wiring problem Double check that the wire connections are correct.
does not communicate on
Absent or incorrect network Check the network termination(s). Incorrect or broken termination(s) will make the
large network
termination communication integrity dependent upon a controller's position on the network.
Action Recommendation
EOL terminations must be enabled / installed at either end of the data bus only. See When to Use EOL
Properly terminate the BACnet MS/TP data bus
Verify that no device has a duplicate MAC Address by checking the MAC Address DIP switch settings
on all devices on the data bus, including segments connected by a repeater.
Avoid duplicate MAC Addresses
If necessary, isolate devices from the data bus to narrow-down the number of devices that may be at
When all devices are set to AUTO baud rate, at least one device must be set to a baud rate, usually
All devices must be set to the same baud rate the data bus master. See Maximum Number of BACnet MS/TP Devices on a Data Bus Segment and
Baud Rate.
Ensure that the polarity of all data bus wiring is consistent throughout the network. See BACnet MS/TP
The data bus is polarity sensitive
Data Bus is Polarity Sensitive.
COV reports create the most traffic on the BACnet MS/TP data bus. Set the COV report rate to the
largest value that provides acceptable performance. Only map COV reports for values that are
Do not overload the data bus with Change of
necessary. For mapped analog points that are continuously changing, try increasing the COV
Value (COV) reporting
increment on these points or set the COV minimum send time flag to true to send the value at a
regular frequency.
Assign MAC Address to device starting at 3, up to 127. Do not skip addresses. Set the maximum
Do not leave address holes in the device’s MAC MAC Address in the Controller to the final MAC Address number actually installed.
Address range NOTE: The physical sequence of the MAC Address of the devices on the data bus is unimportant: For
example, the MAC Address of devices on the data bus can be 5, 7, 3, 4, 6, and 8.
Only daisy-chained devices are acceptable Eliminate T-taps and star configurations. Use a router to connect a data bus spur.
Connect no more than five devices to a power BACnet MS/TP devices require good power quality. See Power Supply Requirements for 24VAC-
supply transformer (for 24V controllers) Powered Controllers.
Table 16: Verify that the Following Recommendations have been Carried Out Before Calling Technical Support
Wi-Fi Network Troubleshooting Guide
Any wireless system consists of two or more Wi-Fi transceivers and a radio propagation path (Radio Path). Problems en-
countered can be any of the following.
Symptom Possible Cause Solution
If the low power jammer is close to the transceiver antenna, move low power jammer (PC,
telephone, etc.) at least 6.5 feet (2 m) away from transceiver antenna.
Change the Wi-Fi channel on the router. Use a Wi-Fi surveying or Wi-Fi stumbling tool on a
Presence of a low power laptop computer to identify unused Wi-Fi channels that may provide a better interference-
jammer free radio path.
Move the Wi-Fi Adapter’s position where it has a clear line of sight to the router.
Move the wireless router’s position. Try moving the router to the center of the room where it
has a clear line of site to each wireless device.
Wi-Fi communications are Remove high power jammer if possible. If not, you will have to accept strong range
inexistent or intermittent Presence of a high-power reduction or add another wireless router closer to the controller(s).
Use a wired Ethernet connection to the controller.
Exchange the wireless dongle with another Wi-Fi Adapter. If the dongle is found to be
Defective Wi-Fi Adapter
defective, replace the dongle.
The maximum wireless
operating range has been Add another wireless router closer to the controller(s).
The controller has a known
Upgrade the controller’s firmware. See User Management.
technical issue
No communications even Radio signal path might be If a new screening or metal separation wall has been installed since the network was set up,
though the Wi-Fi Adapter obstructed try moving the receiver to see if the issue is corrected.
has been tested functional
and there is no jammer in Router may have a known
the field to interfere with the Upgrade the router’s firmware. See the manufacturer’s Website.
technical issue
Table 17: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi Network Symptoms
Single Sign On (SSO) Troubleshooting
You can use this Troubleshooting Guide to help detect and correct issues with the SSO functionality. Even though the fol-
lowing table provides a work around to the issues, in general, we highly recommend that you always find the solution to
any problem you may encounter.
Symptom Possible Cause Work Arounds Solution
Verify the server status and server
Recovery password is SSO Server is down or a
requested in the Web networking or connection Enter your recovery password. Verify the network connectivity.
browser. issue has occured.
Reconfigure the SSO parameters. See
Setting Up the SSO Functionality