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यि गत िववरण (Personal Details)

फोटो (Photograph) ह ता र (Signature)

पंजीकरण का पकार (Register Provisional Registration

Type )
आवेदन सं या (Application RMC-266523 आवेदन करने क ितिथ 01/04/2022
Number) (Application Date)
आवेदक का नाम (Applicant's GARGI MEENA िपता का नाम (Father's Name) MUKESH CHAND MEENA
माता का नाम (Mother's Name) PRITI MEENA वैवािहक ि थित (Marital Status) Single
िलंग (Gender) Female
ज म ितिथ (Date of Birth) 20/11/1999 ईमेल (Email Address) [email protected]
मोबाइल नंबर (Mobile Number) 7727892976 रा ीयता (Nationality) Indian
आधार काड (Aadhar Card) 9493/8710/7898
िनवास (Domicile) Rajasthan अ ययन पूरा हआ (Study Indian
अ ययन का राज् (State of Study) Rajasthan SSO ID GARGI17M0001
संदभ यि का नाम (c) MUKESH CHAND MEENA संदभ यि का पता (Reference 6-A-24 MAHAVEER NAGAR 3
person address)
संदभ यि का नाम (Reference PRITI MEENA संदभ यि का पता (Reference 6-A-24 MAHAVEER NAGAR 3
person name) person address)
या आप कभी अपराधी ठहराए गए हो? No
(Have you ever been

Transaction Details

Transaction ID 22432576071 Transaction Amount ₹ 1000/- Transaction Date 01 Apr, 2022

पते का िववरण (Address Details)

पता पंि 1 (Address Line 1) पता पंि 2 (Address Line 2) पता पंि 3 (Address Line 3)

रा य (State) िजला (District) लॉक/तहसील (Block/Tehsil)

Rajasthan Kota Ladpura

शहर / गाँव (City/Village) िपन कोड (Pincode)

KOTA 324005

यो यता िववरण (Qualification Details)

10 व क यो यता िववरण (10th Qualification Details)

State of Year of Roll Marks Final Maximum Final Marks

Study Board/Council Passing Number Obtained Marks Obtained

Rajasthan CBSE 2015 1162216 CGPA 10 8.20

वर मा यिमक यो यता िववरण (Senior Secondary Qualification Details)

State of Science Year of Roll Marks Final Maximum Final Marks

Study Board/Council Stream Passing Number Obtained Marks Obtained

Rajasthan CBSE PCB 2017 1657857 Marks 300 191.00

िचिक सा यो यता िववरण (Medical Qualification Details)

Final Final
Name & Address Year of Year Year
Course of the Name of the admission/ Year of Marking Maximum Marks
Types Course College/Institute University/Board/Council Batch Passing Schema Marks Obtained

Under BACHELOR Jaipur National JAIPUR NATIONAL 2017 2022 Marks 900 554.00
Graduate OF University Institute UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR
MEDICINE for Medical
AND Sciences and
BACHELOR Research Centre,
OF Jaipur

आवेदक घोषणा (Applicant undertaking)

I here by declare that the information given above and in the enclosed documents is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing
has been concealed therein. I am well aware of the fact that if the information given by me is proved false / not true, I will have to face the
punishment as per the law. Also all the benefits availed by me shall be summarily withdrawn.

िचिक सा नैितकता घोषणा (Medical Ethics undertaking)

I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to service of humanity., Even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the
laws of Humanity., I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception., I will not permit considerations of religion,
nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient., I will practice my profession with conscience
and dignity., The health of my patient will be my first consideration., I will respect the secrets which are confined in me., I will give to my
teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due., I will maintain by all means in my power, the honour and noble traditions of medical
profession., I will treat my colleagues with all respect and dignity., I shall abide by the code of medical ethics as enunciated in the Indian
Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations 2002. I make these promises solemnly , freely and upon my

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