Lab 05

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Data Structures Lab 5

Course: Data Structures (CL2001) Semester: Fall 2022

Instructor: Muhammad Monis T.A: N/A

 Maintain discipline during the lab.
 Listen and follow the instructions as they are given.
 Just raise hand if you have any problem.
 Completing all tasks of each lab is compulsory.
 Get your lab checked at the end of the session.

Linked List:
Like arrays, Linked List is a linear data structure. Unlike arrays, linked list elements are not
stored at a contiguous location; the elements are linked using pointers.

Task # 1: Implement a singly Linked List class

Singly Linked List is an important bifurcation of Linked List data structure.

It is called Singly as it holds one data member and one link member associated to each node in
the list.
In order to create a singly Linked List class, we first need a helper class to implement nodes.
Each node object will have 3 public data members
(a) Int type Key (unique to each node)
(b) data
(c) next pointer. Along that we will use a default constructor and a parameterized constructor of
Node class to manipulate those data members.

The singly Linked List class will only have a public Node type pointer variable “head” to point
to the first node of the list. Together with the help of default and parameterized constructor the
head’s value will be manipulated in the singly Linked List class.
//Node Object
Class Node
//public members: key, data, next
Node ()
//initialize both key and data with zero while next pointer with NULL.
Node (int k, int d)
//assign the data members initialized in default constructor to these arguments.

//SinglyLinkedList Object
Class SinglyLinkedList
// create head node as a public member
//Default Constructor
//initialize the head pointer will NULL;
//Parameterized Constructor with node type ‘n’ pointer
SinglyLinkedList (Node* n)
//Assign the head pointer to value of pointer n;

Task # 2: Add a node at the end of a Singly Linked List.

Add a Node at the End:

In this task, the new node is always added after the last node of the given Linked List.
For example, if the given Linked List is 20->1->2->5->10 and we add an item 25 at the end,
then the Linked List becomes 2->1->2->5->10->25.
Since a Linked List is typically represented by the head of it, we have to traverse the list till the
end and then change the next to last node to a new node.
To append a node at the end of the list, first check if there exists a node already with that key
or not. For that you may need a helper function inside the singly Linked List class to perform
the test. In case a node already exists with that key value, Intimate the programmer to use
another key value to append a node. On the contrary, If the node doesn’t exist, append a node
at the end. Before that check if the list has some node or not, i.e., Check if the head pointer is
null or not. If it is null, access the head and assign node n to it. Otherwise, traverse through
the list to find the node whose next is Null, i.e., the last node in the list. Then, assign the node
n to next pointer of the last node. Also, make sure the next pointer of node n (new last node) is

//Creating a Node type helper Function named node Exists (argument key)
Node nodeExists (int k)
//temporary pointer var to hold Null value;
//node type pointer to hold head pointers value;
// loop condition (Traverse through the node until the ptr variable points to null)
If the ptr variable’s key = passed key argument
//assign the pointer ptr to temp variable;
//assign the pointer ptr to point to the next pointer’s value.
return the temp variable;

//Append Function
Void appendNode (Node* n, int data)
//create new node and assign data to it.
//check if the head pointer points to Null or not with a condition
if (head == NULL)
//If it does, assign the head pointer the passed pointer ‘n’. This will put the address of
node n in the head pointer.

// Else traverse through the list to find the next pointer holding Null as address (last node)
if (nodeExists(n->key) != NULL ) {
// Print an intimation that a node holding passed key already exists.
If (head != NULL)
// assign the head pointer to a new pointer of type Node (say, ptr).
//loop through the list using ptr until the next of any node contains null.
//when ptr->next = NULL. Then assign the n node to ptr->next to append that
node after the last found node.

Task # 3: Add a node at the front of a Singly Linked List (Prepend a new node)

Add a Node at the Front:

The new node is always added before the head of the given Linked List. The newly added node
becomes the new head of the Linked List.
For example, if the given Linked List is 20->10->15->17 and we add an item 5 at the front,
then the Linked List becomes 5->20->10->15->17.
Let us call the function that adds at the front of the list is push ().
The push () must receive a pointer to the head pointer because push must change the head
pointer to point to the new node.
To prepend a node, simply check if the key that is passed already exists or not, if yes, intimate
the programmer to pass a new key value or else assign the new head node’s value to the next
pointer of new node. Then set the new head to be the new node’s address.

//Prepending a Node.

void prependNode(Node* n)
// checking the value of node's key if the node with that key already exists.

if (nodeExists(n->key) != NULL ) {
// Print an intimation that a node holding passed key already exists.
// new node's next is pointing to the head i.e. address of first node.
// since we have changed the head pointer's value from first node to the new node, now the
new . // head will be pointing to address of new node.

Task # 4: Add a node after a given node in a Singly Linked List

Consider a singly linked list 4 -> 1 -> 5 - > 7 -> 2 and want to add the value 3 after node 1. The
List should be transformed as.
4 -> 1 -> 3-> 5-> 7 -> 2
To insert a new node after some node, create a void function named insertNodeAfter ()
carrying two arguments, one for the key of the node after which the insertion is to be done, the
new node.

//Inserting a new node after some node.

Void insertAfterNode (key , new node)

//creating a node type pointer that calls nodeExists () and passes the key argument into it to check
if there exists a node with this key value
Node * ptr = nodeExists(k);
If(ptr == NULL)
//print a message saying no node exists with that key
//check if any key with that already exists to avoid duplication
if (nodeExists(n->key) != NULL )
//Print an intimation that a node holding passed key already exists. Append a new
node with different key value.
//now the next pointer of new node will be holding the address kept in next
pointer of ptr.
//assign the address of node to the next pointer of the previous node (ptr).
//print a message that anode is inserted.

Task # 5

Delete a node from a Singly Linked List

- Delete Last node
- Delete any other node

Consider a singly linked list 4 -> 1 -> 5 - > 7 -> 2 and want to delete the value 5. The List should
be transformed as.
4 -> 1 -> 7 -> 2

To delete a node from the linked list, we need to do the following steps.
1) Find the previous node of the node to be deleted.
2) Change the next of the previous node to hold the node next to the node to be deleted.
3) Free memory for the node to be deleted.
void deleteNode(key)
// create a Node type pointer to hold head (say, temp)
// create a Node type pointer to hold previous node (say, prev)

// check if head contains the key

if (temp!=NULL && temp->key==key){
// assign next of temp to temp, which will unlink the node pointed by head
// delete the temp node
// return
While(temp!=NULL && temp->key != key){ // traverse the list until temp is not
NULL //and temp’s key is same as the key.
// set prev to temp
// set temp to temp’s next pointer
If(temp == NULL){ // key not found.
// return
// unlink by setting temp’s next to prev’s next.
// free memory by deleting temp

Task # 6

Update a node in a Singly Linked List

Consider a singly linked list 4 -> 1 -> 5 - > 7 -> 2 and want to update the node 7 to 6. The List
should be transformed as.
4 -> 1 -> 5-> 6 -> 2

Updating Linked List or modifying Linked List means replacing the data of a particular node
with the new data. Implement a function to modify a node’s data when the key is given. First,
check if the node exists using the helper function node Exists.
void updateNode(key, new_data)
// call the nodeExists function and hold the return value in a Node type pointer (say, ptr)
// set ptr’s data as new data
// print a message sating node does not exist.

Task # 7

Solve the following problem using a Singly Linked List.

Given a Linked List of integers, write a function to modify the linked list such that all even
numbers appear before all the odd numbers in the modified linked list. Also, keep the order of
even and odd numbers same.

Input: 17->15->8->12->10->5->4->1->7->6->NULL
Output: 8->12->10->4->6->17->15->5->1->7->NULL

Input: 8->12->10->5->4->1->6->NULL
Output: 8->12->10->4->6->5->1->NULL

// If all numbers are even then do not change the list

Input: 8->12->10->NULL
Output: 8->12->10->NULL

// If all numbers are odd then do not change the list

Input: 1->3->5->7->NULL
Output: 1->3->5->7->NULL
Task # 8

Solve the following problem using a Singly Linked List.

Given a Linked List of integers or string, write a function to check if the entirety of the linked list
is a palindrome or not

Input: 1->0->2->0->1->NULL
Output: Linked List is a Palindrome

Input: B->O->R->R->O->W->O->R->R->O->B->NULL
Output: Linked List is a Palindrome

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