Lab Manual - Linear Linked List
Lab Manual - Linear Linked List
Lab Manual - Linear Linked List
2) bool IsEmpty(); // checks whether the list is empty or not. Returns true if empty and false otherwise.
3) InsertAtFront(value); // takes input from a user and inserts it at front of the list
4) Void PrintList();
5) InsertSorted(value); //If we want to maintain a sorted list, we should implement this function
6) Search(value); This function shall search value in a list. If found, we will need to store two addresses:
a. Address of the node in which the searched value is found in a pointer variable named Loc_;
we will store NULL in Loc_ in case value is not found.
i. The Search() provides functionality for other operations such as insertion in a sorted
list, deleting a value, modifying a value, printing it etc.
8) DestroyList(); // Distroys all nodes of the list leaving the list in empty state.
Declare Node Class: The data structure that will hold the elements of the list is called Node.
Declare it as follows:
class ListNode{
int data;
ListNode *next;
Declare class Linked List: Now, declare your main class LinkedList. Inside this
class, you shall define all key functions to implement all operations of a linked
class LinkedList{
ListNode *start; // special variable which stores address of head node.
ListNode *PredLoc_; //to be used by Search(value) method to store address
of logical predecessor of value in a list.
ListNode *Loc_; //to be used by Search(value) method to store address of
the node containing the searched value in a list. If it is not found it contains
1) Creating a LinkedList
In order to create an empty list, assign NULL value to start pointer variable.
2) Bool IsEmpty() function
By checking content of the special pointer variable start/first, this function should return true value if the list is
empty and false otherwise.
Finally, link newnode at front of the linked list via following two statements:
4) void PrintList()
This function prints all elements of a linked list starting from the first one.
ListNode *temp = start;
If(list not empty){
While(not end of list){
cout<<temp->data<<” “;
// advance temp to successor node.
1. In the variable loc, save address of the node in which the searched value is found. In case, the searched
value does not exist, save NULL value in loc.
2. In the variable ploc, we shall store address of the logical predecessor node of the searched value.
Void search(value){
Initialize loc & ploc
Loc= address of head node
Ploc = address of logical predecessor of head node. Note that first node
has no predecessor. So, we will always initialize ploc to NULL.
For the moment assume that we are maintaining a list sorted in the
ascending order. Search value until either 1) we reach the end of the list
or 2) logical position of the value is passed.
If (value already exists) //check using loc
Return without insertion and print a message
If(position of value is as head node)
Insert value at front.
Insert after ploc.
7) Delete a Value
Find value using search method and if a node containing the searched value is
found, then delete it from the linked list. Also free the allocated memory.
//if list empty then return
If(value is found){ //check loc
If(value is in the head node)//check ploc {
//delete head node and free memory
//update link using ploc
ploc->next = loc->next;
//finally free memory using delete command.
delete loc;
8) Destroy a Linked List
This method should destroy all nodes of a linked list making it empty. It should also free space
allocated for all the nodes.
Hint: Save address of current head node in a temporary pointer variable. Advance start variable to
the second node so that it becomes new head node. Then, delete current head node using the
temporary pointer variable.
Assignment 1:
1. Write a function that prints all nodes of a linked list in the reverse order.
2. Write a function that deletes all those nodes from a linked list which have odd numbered value
in their data part. For instance, if the original list is 1-> 2->3->4->5 -> 6, then, the updated list
should be 2-> 4 -> 6
3. Write a function which reverses the order of the linked list. If the original list is 1-> 2->3->4->5
-> 6, the updated list should be 6 -> 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 ->1. Note that this function should only
change pointer fields in the nodes, you are not allowed to modify data field of any node.
4. Write a function which rearranges the linked list by group the nodes having even numbered
and odd numbered value in their data part. The updated list may look like 1-> 3 -> 5->2-> 4->
6 or 2-> 4-> 6 -> 1-> 3 -> 5.
5. Write a function which takes two values as input from the user and searches them in the list.
If both the values are found, your task is to swap both the nodes in which these values are
found. Note, that you are not supposed to swap values. You are supposed to change next
pointer fields in the concerned nodes.