3- If __ people can't solve a problem one way, they try to find another way.
a. rigid b. resourceful c. unimaginative
4- After the war destroyed their country, the people rebuilt it quickly because they were so
a. charming b. entertaining c. industrious
11. The difficulties that arise when animals and humans live together are undoubtedly many.
a. İnsanlar ve hayvanlar birlikte yaşamasa şüphesiz çok fazla güçlük ortaya çıkmazdı.
b. İnsanlar ve hayvanlar birlikte yaşasa da şüphesiz çok fazla problem ortaya çıkmıyor.
c. İnsanlar ve hayvanlar birlikte yaşadığı zaman ortaya çıkan güçlükler şüphesiz çoktur.
12. Eğer yeni bir deneyim yaşamayacaksan tatile gitmenin bir anlamı yoktur.
Every company has leaders. The leaders are responsible for making decisions and managing teams.
The people on the teams are followers. They have to work together or alone to do jobs that the leaders
tell them to do. It is common to hear people talk about how to become a good leader, but followers
are just as important. In fact, before you can become a good leader, you have to learn to be a good
follower. How can you do this?
First, understand the goals of your organization. If you can understand what your boss or company
is trying to do, then you will see in what way your work is important to the organization as a whole.
This will keep you more interested in your work and more satisfied when you finish each job. As
you achieve your goals, the company you work for is achieving theirs as well.
Second, listen carefully to instructions so that you understand what you have to do. You must be
honest. If something is not clear to you, it is better for your boss to repeat the instructions than for
you to do the job the wrong way.
Good followers also learn to get along with others at work even if they have different opinions. By
being cheerful and helpful, you will build good relationships with the other members of your
company. If you need help in the future, they may help you in return. Finally, good followers need
to be brave. If the leaders make any mistakes, the followers need to tell them.
If you can develop these skills, you will not only be a good follower. You will also be learning how
to become a good leader in the future.
18. What does the writer say about good 20. According to the writer, why is it a
leaders? good idea to help
A They were good followers before they coworkers?
were good leaders. A They may tell your boss that you’re
B They are more important than followers. helpful.
C They do particular jobs in teams. B They might know people at other
companies who
19. According to the writer, if you can offer you a job in the future.
understand the goals of the organization, C They might do something for you in the
A your boss will give you more important future.
work to do.
B you will understand the value of your own 21. Which is one quality of a good
work. follower?
C you will like your boss more. A explaining instructions carefully to the
B helping people who work in different
C telling the bosses if the bosses have done
something wrong
It’s a big country!
When it comes to body weight, Americans stand out. Most visitors to the United States, no
matter where they go across this vast country, comment on the size of many Americans. In fact,
these impressions are backed by numerous statistics. For example, the average 5' 4" American
weighs 162 pounds, or 15 pounds more than the average person of the same height from
Western or Central Europe. Another comparison: At 150 pounds, the average 5’ 4” American
woman is 24 pounds heavier than her Japanese counterpart.
Why are Americans so heavy? Some blame the American diet. Certainly it’s true that
Americans eat more high-fat foods – meat, dairy products, and processed food – and fewer
grains and vegetables than people in other countries. But fat isn’t the whole story. Lifestyle
factors – including the tendency for Americans to drive rather than walk or ride a bicycle to
work, to snack throughout the day, and to have so many labor-saving devices in the home –
appear to contribute to the problem.