Quiz 3 English G7
Quiz 3 English G7
Quiz 3 English G7
Subject : English Score Teacher’s Parent’s
Class : Grade 7 Open Minded Signature Signature
Academic Year : 2023/2024
Day/Date : ___________________________
Teacher : Anggryni Puspitasari, S.Pd.
B. Read the text and answer the questions related to the text!
Health and fitness expert Dr Michael Mosley has a new book on the market. It is called ‘Just One
Thing’. In this book, he says you can get fit and healthy without making many changes. He says you
have to do only one thing a day to improve. Here is some of his advice. One easy
exercise you can do is to stand on one leg and balance for as long as you can. Go
on, try it now! Then swap legs. Next, do the same thing, but – close your eyes!
When you go for a walk, walk faster, really feel your heart beating. Always walk
up and down stairs, never take the lift or the escalator. Have your breakfast
later. It is better if you go for a walk before your breakfast. As you prepare your breakfast, dance to
music. Do not eat late at night. The longer your daily fast, the better. Eating only within an eight-hour
window is best, but a twelve hour fast is also good. There are many ‘super foods’, including beetroot.
Beetroot is excellent for all-round health. Make your shopping trip into an exercise! You can lift your
shopping bags up and down like weights. This will make your muscles stronger. By making small
changes to our lifestyle, we can get fitter and healthier.
D. Complete these sentences with one of these phrases: has to / have to / don't have to / doesn't have
1. It's OK - you ________ do anything. Just sit there and wait for me.
2. Wait for Greg. He ________ make sure that the door is locked.
3. It's a free museum - people ________ pay anything.
4. At the end of the year the students ________take an exam. It's necessary for them to continue the
5. I know your sister doesn't like supermarkets so she ________ to come if she doesn't want to.
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