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School: Grade 11

Teacher: Learning Area: Computer System Servicing

Daily Lesson Log
Date: Quarter: 1st (week 1)
Time: Section:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the Lesson the At the end of the Lesson the At the end of the session, At the end of the Lesson the
student must be able to: student must be able to: learners are expected to: student must be able to:
1. respond to questions 1. identify one’s strengths 1. present creative output 1. express how they feel
about themselves and their and weaknesses; and based on one’s strengths about their subjects and
expectations for Senior High 2. illustrate/show responses and weaknesses; and teachers;
School; through various creative 2. appreciate that class 2. brainstorm how their class
2. work with a group by means. members have strengths can be happy given their
sharing one’s responses to and weaknesses. similarities and differences;
given questions; and and
3. collaborate with a group to 3. contribute to class rules,
present group output. regulations, norms, and

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts and underlying theories in computer systems servicing

B. Performance
The learners shall be able to demonstrate common competencies in computer systems servicing as prescribed by TESDA
Training Regulations
C. Learning The learners…
Competencies/ 1. Explain basic concepts in computer systems servicing
Objectives 2. Discuss the relevance of the course
3. Explore career opportunities in computer systems servicing

II. CONTENT I am a Senior High School

My Strengths and Me, My Teacher and My
Computer System Unity in Diversity
Weaknesses Class
Servicing Learner
Projector, Laptop, paper and Pen

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
Suggested Class Activity week 1 Session 1-4 form central office
2. Learner’s Materials N/A

3. Textbook Pages

Computer System Servicing Gr11

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4. Additional Materials
Learning Resource (LR) N/A

B. Other Learning
TESDA Computer System Servicing NC II Training Regulation (TR)
DepEd Computer System Servicing NC II Curriculum Guide (CG)

A. Review previews Teacher welcomes the class Teacher reviews the Teacher reviews activities
Class reviews presentations
lesson or presenting a and introduces questions asked and from the last session.
from the last session. Class
new lesson himself/herself class responses from Teacher explains that this
discusses what they have
(specialization, background, yesterday’s activity session will be for
learned from the
credentials). presentation of output.
B. Establishing a purpose • What CSS-Tools best
for the lesson represents you?
1. Teacher says:
• What excites you about
http://www.tecweb.org/styles/ “I had the chance to
gardner.html know each one of you in the
• What makes you nervous
past days. Now, I want to
about SHS-CSS?
Howard Gaardner’s Theory know your expectation from
• What are your top three
of Multiple Intelligences me since we will be together
positive personal
in this semester.”
Below are options that
classes may use for
C. Presenting examples/ “Hello, my name is ______. 1. Teacher presents the
presenting class output: 2. Learners bring out a of
instances of new lesson I am from_________. I am different Intelligences and
1. Gallery walk sheet of paper and ballpen.
excited for ________. I am gives a brief explanation for
2. Individual/group
nervous about _________. each:
presentations 3. Teacher says: “I need you
My top three positive a. Verbal-Linguistic
Presentations may vary per to complete the following
personal qualities/trait are b. Logical-Mathematical
subject. sentences.”
____, ____, and _______. c. Interpersonal
The CSS – Tools that best d. Intrapersonal
a. I like CSS
represents me is a/an e. Visual-Spatial
_____ because________.” f. Bodily-Kinesthetic
g. Musical-Rhythmic-
b. I don’t like CSS because
h. Naturalistic
i. Existential
c. I like it when the teacher

Computer System Servicing Gr11

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D. Discussing new d. I don’t like it when the
concepts and practicing 1. Learners are asked to teacher
new skills #1 think of their responses and ________________.
write them down. 4. Teacher collects the
E. Discussing new 2. After they have written sheets of paper, reads the
concepts and practicing their responses, the teacher 2. Teacher says: Based on answers, and reflects with
new skills #2 will ask them to group what you feel are your top the class.
themselves into at most five two intelligence/s, think of
F. Developing mastery members. Groups assign a how you can illustrate/show
(Leads to formative leader and documenter. your response to the
assessment 3. Group members share question yesterday. Learners
their responses. may choose from the
G. Finding practical 4. Groups then share their following options. They may
applications of concepts responses to the class. choose more than one.
and skills in daily living a. An object to represent
H. Making 1. Who has similar b. Collage
generalizations and responses? c. Drawing
abstractions about the 2. In what ways are they d. Song/Rap
lesson similar? e. Dance/Movement
Teacher and learners make
3. How can our differences f. Poem/Acrostic
an agreement on which
bring about positive effect/s g. Script/Story
activities, practices, routines,
for the learners, class and h. Comic Strip
strategies will be adopted by
both to make the class a
4. What can students do to 3. Learners are given time to
happy class.
make sure Senior High prepare and work on their
School be a positive output.
5. What can teachers do to
make this happen?
6. What can the school do to
make this happen?

Teacher and students write

Teacher summarizes how a the agreement on a
Teacher closes the session
Bilang isang TVL-Track class is made up of cartolina/manila paper and
by how people will
student gaano ka importante learners with different should be posted inside the
have different strengths and
I. Evaluating learning sayo ang pagkuha nang strengths and weaknesses. classroom for everyone to
National Certificate (NC)? Teacher then emphasizes see during the semester.
Bakit sa tingen mo ito ay that there can be unity
Teacher asks learners to
mahalaga? despite diversity. Each subject may contribute
pack away.
to the agreements. These
should be collated for each

Computer System Servicing Gr11

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J. Additional activities for Agreement: Bring old or used
application or remediation magazines, newspapers,
catalogues, brochures,
leaflets, etc; art materials, i.e.
scissors, glue, crayons, color
pencils, markers, bond
paper, etc.


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No of learners who
additional activities for

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

Computer System Servicing Gr11

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G. What innovation or
localized materials did
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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