NOTES - Nelson Mandela Long walk to freedom
NOTES - Nelson Mandela Long walk to freedom
NOTES - Nelson Mandela Long walk to freedom
(i) In the first decade of the century, the whites erected a system of racial
domination against the blacks, thus creating the basis of one of the
harshest and most inhumane societies the world had ever known.
(ii) In the final decade of the 20th century, the previous system had been
overturned and replaced by one which recognised rights and freedom of
all people regardless of colour of their skin.
Mandela does not think that the oppressor is free because according to
him an oppressor is a victim of hatred who is behind the bars of
prejudice and narrow-mindedness. He realises that both the oppressor
and the oppressed are robbed of their humanity and peace.
5. What does Mandela mean when he says he is “simply the sum of all
those African patriots”, who had gone before him ?
By saying that he is simply the sum of all those African patriots, Mandela
wants to pay his tribute to all the people who have sacrificed their lives
for the sake of freedom. He says that he is grateful to those who had
gone before him because those heroes of the past had paved the path of
cooperation and unity for him. Therefore, he could try to come to power
to bring equality for his people with their support.
Mandela realised in his youth that it was not just his freedom that was
being curtailed, but the freedom of all blacks. This changed the fearful
man to a fearless rebel.