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International Refereed Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences, 8(1). https://www.ejournals.ph/article.php?id=16632
This research aims to determine the extent of implementation of the school
disciplinary rules and regulations among junior high school (JHS) students and to identify
the factors that affect the students' behaviors that may influence their compliance. The
researcher used a mixed method evaluative research design. The school personnel who
participated in the study were the following: administrators; guidance counselors, prefects
of discipline, and teachers. Based on the assessment of the school personnel, it shows that
the most implemented was "substance use" and the least implemented among the areas of
disciplinary rules and regulations were 'uniform guidelines' and 'use of facilities.'
Moreover, significant differences were determined in the assessment of the extent of
implementation of school personnel in selected JHS in Caloocan City. As a mixed study,
it is the full intention of the researcher to garner the deep-seated responses of the
participants as to how extensively they implement the school guidelines. The research
tried to codify the most common theme reflected by each participant's answer to the open-
ended questions that were deliberately asked after answering the set of quantitative items.
The particular intention of the proposed action plan is to continue the improvement of the
implementation of disciplinary rules and regulations.
implementation of disciplinary rules and (EMA) of the students before, during, and
regulations as assessed by the four groups of after classroom hours, flag ceremony, and co-
participants for attendance; general behavior curricular activities. This should be
guidelines; substance use; uniform monitored by their respective teacher-in-
guidelines; and use of facilities. One-Way charge and classroom officers. Emphasize
ANOVA was used to indicate the significant the importance of submitting excuse letters or
differences in the responses among groups. medical certificates in case of absences
General behavior
Results (1) Strict implementation of the no
School disciplinary rules and regulations bullying in any form shall be strictly
Table 1 shows that the implementation of implemented by all school personnel and
the school disciplinary rules and regulations student leaders. Law against bullying must be
were considered very high coming from all explained thoroughly among students during
groups of responses. Given the range for orientation and for subjects involving values
interpreting weighted responses, some areas education and homeroom; (2) Loitering in
were least rated very high. This implies the any form shall be strictly monitored by the
need to enhance more the extent of teacher-in-charge. This can be done by using
implementation in the four areas: an ID pass whenever a student needs to go
particularly, attendance, general behavior outside the classroom for important matters;
guidelines, uniform guidelines, and use of (3) Littering in any form must be addressed
facilities. by placing trashcans and signages inside and
To continue and to enhance the extent of outside the classroom. Proper waste disposal
implementation of the existing disciplinary management must be thoroughly explained
rules and regulations, an action model called among students in related subjects. In this
AGSUF Action Plan Model is further regard, they will be aware of the significances
suggested. A stands for Attendance, G of refraining on the said matter; and (4)
stands for General behavior, S stands for Guidelines on bringing/using gadgets in the
Substance Use, U stands for Uniform school if required by the teacher must be
guidelines, and F for Facilities. Based on the explained by the teachers in coordination
collected data from interviews, and Focus with the prefect of discipline and school
Group Discussion (FGD) after the administrators. Regular inspection should be
quantitative survey, the common theme done in the school gate by the student leaders
reflected were: or guards and surprise inspection should be
Attendance done in the classroom. Confiscated gadgets
(1) School disciplinary rules and must be surrendered to the lost and found
regulations for students shall be elaborated office; the parent or guardian of the student
by guidance counselors to students with their must be informed about the said matter.
parents or guardians in collaboration with the Substance abuse
prefect of discipline and school display of support to no smoking policy, no
administrators during students’ orientation alcohol usage, and no to illegal drugs within
before the school year begins; (2) Follow-up and outside of the school premises as
discussion and elaboration of disciplinary explained in the student handbook; this shall
rules and regulations in terms of attendance be fully supported by the whole academic
shall be done by the teacher-in-charge in organization through various campaigns such
every quarter of the school year; and (3) as seminars, film showing and another
Encouraging and Monitoring Attendance pertinent anti-substance use drive.
Espinosa, K. P. M. (2020). Implementation of disciplinary rules and regulations in selected private junior high schools. Sulo:
International Refereed Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences, 8(1). https://www.ejournals.ph/article.php?id=16632
Table 1
Summary of the Implementation of Disciplinary Rules and Regulations as Assessed by the School
Personnel in Selected Private Junior High Schools in Caloocan City
1. Attendance 3.92 VHE 3.78 VHE 3.81 VHE 3.73 VHE
2. General Behavior
3.97 VHE 3.67 VHE 3.80 VHE 3.77 VHE
3. Substance Use 4.00 VHE 4.00 VHE 3.90 VHE 3.99 VHE
4. Uniform Guidelines 3.84 VHE 3.75 VHE 3.70 VHE 3.66 VHE
5. Use of Facilities 3.67 VHE 3.61 VHE 3.82 VHE 3.72 VHE
GRAND MEAN 3.88 VHE 3.76 VHE 3.81 VHE 3.77 VHE
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 (Very High Extent – VHE); 2.50 - 3.49 (High Extent - HE);
1.50 - 2.49 (Low Extent - LE); 1.00 - 1.49 (Very Low Extent – VLE)
students for subjects involving health and regulations was “use of facilities”, while
education and Science. This can be done for teachers and school administrators it was
through posting signages in the proper use of on “uniform guidelines”.
comfort rooms and placing trashcans in The presented contents of the Action
designated areas. Plan Model gathered from interviews and
FGDs intend to present the logic and roles of
Differences in the Implementation of implementers for each rule. According to a
Disciplinary Rules and Regulations study (Thornberg, 2008), it is important to
As can be gleaned from Table 2, there are create a professional language observed in
significant differences in the assessment of managing classes and promotes school
school personnel in the implementation of discipline. Thus involving the teachers in
school disciplinary rules and regulations explaining rules and discipline are often
implying varied views among school mentioned as rules must be taught (Alter &
implementers as to how the rules and Hydon, 2017) and the consequences for
regulations were observed. This strengthens violating rules can be explained in class.
the importance of parent involvement and Finally, there are significant differences
student government empowerment to in the assessment of school personnel in the
propagate respect to existing rules and implementation of school disciplinary rules
regulations reflected in student handbooks. and regulations. Since implementation
would vary as reported by the select school
Table 2 personnel, students should be also reminded
at home about the disciplines imposed in
Differences in the Assessment of School schools since such awareness would develop
Personnel in the Implementation of further understanding, acceptance, and
Disciplinary Rules and Regulations realization on the purpose of schools rules
and disciplines in shaping good behavior that
Areas of Mean aids in forming an environment that is
sig Interpretation
Concern Diff
conducive to learning (Fekadu, 2019).
Attendance 0.000 3.77 Significant Based on the findings and conclusions
General of this study, recommendations were as
Behavior 0.000 3.78 Significant follows:
Guidelines 1. Secure that students understand the
Substance positive and negative consequences of their
0.000 3.96 Significant
Use actions which is best done through orientation
0.000 3.71 Significant
during student conferences and become part
Guidelines of daily class reminders;
Use of 2. Behavior-related concerns of the
0.000 3.75 Significant
Facilities students should be addressed by providing
Overall emotional or psychological support than
0.000 3.78 Significant focusing on punitive actions;
3. To form a student help desk to
Discussion report students’ disciplinary concerns;
From the presented findings, it 4. Continuous review of the
showed that from the guidance counselors and implementation of school disciplinary rules
discipline officers’ views, the least extent of and regulations to be done collaboratively
implementation among the disciplinary rules
Espinosa, K. P. M. (2020). Implementation of disciplinary rules and regulations in selected private junior high schools. Sulo:
International Refereed Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences, 8(1). https://www.ejournals.ph/article.php?id=16632
with student representatives, school officials, and secondary schools from using
implementers, and parents; and cellular phones and pagers during class
5. Align other school programs and hours. https://www.deped.gov.ph/wp-
seminars with the school rules and regulations content/uploads/2003/11/DO_s2003_83
instilling discipline to the students in terms of .pdf
attendance, general behavior guidelines,
substance use, uniform guidelines, and use of Ehrlich, T. (2013). Cheating in schools and
facilities. colleges: What to do about it.
Acknowledgment 013/08/22/cheating-in-schools/
The researcher would like to thank Dr.
Leslie F. Lazaro, for all her motivations, for Fekadu, A. (2019). Assessing the impact of
her shared expertise, lasting assistance and school rules and regulations on students'
for her inspiration to the researcher, perception toward promoting good
encouragement, and support, and imparted behavior: Sabian secondary school, Dire
her constructive criticism that improved the Dawa, Ethiopia. Stats. 2. 202-211.
quality of this research. https://doi:10.3390/stats2020015
discipline-everyday- Yee, J. (2016, June 16). Teachers get
pointers on how to discipline pupils.
Ong, P. (2012, August 22). Bullies never get Inquirer.https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/79
the last laugh. The Lasallian. 0533/teachers-get-pointers-on-how-to-
https://thelasallian.com/2012/08/22/b discipline-pupils