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DLL W2 Q1 Science

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K to 10 Curriculum Teacher: MARION C. PILANDE Learning Area: SCIENCE

Teaching Dates & Time: (WEEK 2)AUGUST 08 TO AUGUST 12 Quarter: First


A. Content Standards Materials and their uses

B. Performance Standards By the end of the Quarter, learners describe chemical properties of materials and changes in them. They demonstrate an
understanding that science processes can solve everyday problems and use creativity and determination to provide examples.
They exhibit objectivity and open-mindedness in gathering information related to environmental issues and concerns in the
C. Learning Competencies/ Describe the chemical properties of materials, such as they can be burnt, react with other materials, or are degradable or
Objectives biodegradable.
( Write the Lode for
D. Learning At the end of the At the end of the At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, the learners should be
Objectives lesson, the learners lesson, the learners the learners should be able to describe the chemical properties of
should be able to should be able to able to describe the materials, such as they can be burnt, react with
describe the chemical describe the chemical chemical properties of other materials, or are degradable or
properties of materials properties of materials materials as biodegradable.
such as they can be as they react with degradable or
burnt other materials biodegradable.
Science Inventions Science Inventions Science Inventions Science Inventions
( Subject Matter)

A. References Science in Our World 5 Science in Our World 5 Science in Our World 5 Science in Our World 5
Worktext Revised Worktext Revised Worktext Revised Edition Worktext Revised Edition by
Edition by Edition by by Sarte, Evelyn, Garcia,
Sarte, Evelyn, Garcia, Sarte, Evelyn, Garcia, Sarte, Evelyn, Garcia, Ednaliza R et.al, Vibal Group,
Ednaliza R et.al, Vibal Ednaliza R et.al, Vibal Ednaliza R et.al, Vibal Inc. 2019
Group, Group, Group,
Inc. 2019 Inc. 2019 Inc. 2019
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Science Quarter 1 – Science Quarter 1 – Science Quarter 1 – Science Quarter 1 – Module 4: “Changes in
Resources Module 4: “Changes in Module 4: “Changes in Module 4: “Changes in Materials that are Useful and Harmful to One’s
Materials that are Materials that are Materials that are Useful Environment”
Useful and Harmful to Useful and Harmful to and Harmful to One’s EASE Module
One’s Environment” One’s Environment” Environment”
EASE Module 1 EASE Module 1 EASE Module

Integrated Science
Module 5
Project EASE
Before/Pre-Lesson Proper
Activating Prior 2 minutes 3 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
Knowledge Directions: Draw a The teacher will let the The teacher will show Let the learners give the word formed from the
happy face ( ) if the learners give their the following real following jumbled words.
following pictures show insights why iron nails materials and let the
chemical change and a form rust. Discuss to learners classify them as BUSBITILITYCOM
sad face ( ) if it is not. the class their to materials that decay MAFLAMTYLIBI
observations and give easily and materials that DAGRADEBIOLIBITY
feedback. do not decay easily. GRANONBIOLIDEDALITY

The teacher will paper The teacher will facilitate the learners sharing.
establish the linkage of Banana peeling
idea to the lesson malunggay leaves
about chemical plastic bottles
______1. properties of materials disposable spoon
as they react with twigs
other materials.
The teacher will establish
the linkage of
biodegradable materials


________ 4
________ 5

The teacher will

observe the learners
while doing the activity.
Answer the activity by
class discussion and
giving feedbacks.

Lesson The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will present The teacher will present and explain the
Purpose/Intention present and help the present and explain to to the learners that the importance of describing the chemical properties
learners describe the the learners that the lesson is all about the of materials, such as they can be burnt, react
chemical properties of lesson is all about the degradable and with other materials, and are degradable or
materials such as they chemical properties of biodegradable materials biodegradable
can be burnt. materials as they react as chemical property of
with other materials materials
Lesson Language 8 minutes 15 minutes 5 minutes 15 minutes
Practice Divide the class into 5 Divide the class into 5 The teacher will let the Divide the class into 5 and let the learners
and let them do the and let them do the learners complete the conduct a school environment scanning and let
activity provided in the activity provided in the graphic organizer. them list the materials that are commonly
Worksheet Day 1 Task Worksheet Day 2 Task Refer to Worksheet Day disposed of inside and outside the classrooms.
1. 1. 3 Let them classify the materials as combustible,
The teacher observes The teacher observes Task 1 flammable, biodegradable and
learners’ answers while learners’ answers The teacher observes the nonbiodegradable. Refer to worksheet 2 Day
doing the activity and while doing the learners’ answers. Let 4
let the learners present activity. Let the the learners present their
their answers and give learners present their answers and give The teacher will facilitate the activity and let the
positive feedback. observations on the positive feedback. learners report.
activity conducted and
The teacher will draw give positive feedback.
the lesson from the
learners’ answers by The teacher will select
identifying materials answers from the
that can be burned and learners to write down.
materials that do not.
The teacher will
Note: Guide the facilitate the
learners while doing discussion by asking
the activity to avoid fire the learners to give
accident. their observations.
Then, the teacher will
provide additional
e about the lesson.

During/Lesson Proper
Reading the Key 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes
Idea/Stem Let the learners The teacher will let the The teacher will let the Let the learners report their output.
read: A chemical learners read the learners read the
property of a definition of a concept about The teacher will observe the learners’ answers
material is chemical property. biodegradability and and will ask them to give their answers
observed when one highlight terms that voluntarily, giving positive feedback.
material reacts Chemical property is a might be confusing to
with other material property of materials the learners.
chemically. wherein the
composition has to Degradability is the
The teacher will post change first before a property of a material to
the following terms: certain property can decompose chemically or
be observed. biologically
Combustibility is the
ability of a materials to The teacher will Biodegradability is a
be burned. facilitate the chemical property of
Flammability is the discussion by asking materials that easily
ability of a material to the decompose or decay
ignite or catch fire learners to give their through the actions of
easily. insights first on the bacteria or other living
concept operationally. organisms in the soil.
The teacher will Then, the teacher will When materials decay
facilitate the class provide additional their materials return to
reading and unlock the information/knowledg the soil.
terms so that the e about it.
learners will The teacher will facilitate
understand the The teacher will select the class reading and
concept. Then, the answers from the unlock the terms so that
teacher will provide learners to write down. the learners will
additional understand the concept.
information/knowledge Then, the teacher will
on provide additional
the difference of information/knowledge
combustibility and about degradability and
flammability. biodegradability
Developing 20 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes
Understanding of the The teacher explains The teacher will Let the learners answer Let the learners describe the chemical
Key Idea/Stem the difference between facilitate the the activity provided in properties of materials. 1. Combustibility
combustibility and discussion on the the Worksheet Day 3 2. Flammability
flammability and give chemical properties of Task 3. Biodegradability
examples of materials materials. 1.
4. Nonbiodegradability
that are combustible The teacher will observe
and flammable. 1. Formation of a new learners’ answers. Let
The teacher will give the learners present their The teacher will observe learners’ answers and
product. When an
examples of answers and give will ask them to give their answers on voluntary
iron nail is exposed
combustible materials: positive feedback. basis, giving positive feedback.
to air (oxygen and
paper, cloth, dried water), rust will
leaves, wax, saw dust, form. The teacher will highlight
rubber band. Formation of gas. that materials like
Discuss: When baking soda is plastics and cellophanes
Alcohol and kerosene mixed with vinegar, are also biodegradable
are combustible bubbles are formed since their chemical
materials. They are also that indicate gas composition allows them
flammable because formation. to decay but it will take
they catch fire easily 3. Formation of them years to decay or
which make them burn precipitate. When decompose fully.
so fast. Emphasize that milk spoils,
not all combustible precipitate formed. The teacher should
materials are Precipitate is the facilitate the
flammable. solid particles that presentation/discussion
settle in the spoiled and give feedback.
Note: milk.
The teacher can
demonstrate to the The teacher should
class the difference facilitate the
between combustibility presentation/discussio
and flammability. Use n and give feedback.
kerosene or alcohol for
them to realize how
these materials catch
fire easily.

Combustible and
flammable materials
should be properly
handled when using
them because they are
highly reactive when
exposed to heat or fire.
Deepening 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes
Understanding of the The teacher will let the Let the learners Let the learners answer The teacher will ask the learners to answer the
Key Idea/Stem. learners answer task answer the activity the activity provided in activity provided in the
provided in the provided in the the Worksheet Day 3 Worksheet Day 4 Task 2.
Worksheet Day 1 Task Worksheet Day 2 Task Task
2. 2. 2. The teacher will observe learners’ answers and
will ask them to give their answers on voluntary
The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will observe basis, giving positive feedback
observe learners’ observe learners’ learners’ answers and
answers and will ask answers and will ask will ask them to give
them to give their them to give their their answers on
answers on voluntary answers on voluntary voluntary
basis, giving positive basis, giving positive basis, giving positive
feedback. feedback. feedback.

After/Post-Lesson Proper
Making 2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 3 minutes
Generalizations and The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will highlight The teacher will present and explain the
Abstractions present and help the highlight the different the importance of importance of describing the chemical properties
learners describe the chemical properties of describing the chemical of materials, such as they can be burnt, react
chemical properties of materials. properties of materials as with other materials, and are degradable or
materials such as they to biodegradability and biodegradable
can be burnt. nonbiodegradability

Evaluating Learning 5 minutes 5 minutes 3 minutes 5 minutes

Written Written Let the learners reflect Let the learners reflect on their learning about
Work. Work. on their learning about chemical properties of materials by doing the
chemical properties of Reflection in Worksheet
Classify the following Answer the following materials as to Week 2 Day 4
materials according to questions. Write your degradability,
their chemical answer in your biodegradability and
properties. science notebook. nonbiodegradability by
answering the Reflection
candle wax, rubber Why is it important to in Worksheet Week 2
slippers, plastic bag, know the chemical Day 3
dried leaves, twigs, properties of
cloth, wood, kerosene, materials?
acetone, cotton, pad
paper, alcohol
A. Additional Activities for
Application or

A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who

required additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:
School Principal I

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