Ahead With: For Schools

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Sean Haughton

Ahead with

FCE for schools

CD inclu


Sean Haughton

Ahead with

FCE for schools

© Aheadbooks
First Edition August 2016

Sevron 3, Athens Greece

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Tel: +30
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Written by: Sean Haughton

Edited by: Julia H.
Layout: Irene L.
Picture Credits: www.shutterstock.com
Soundtack production: Sonica Studios-London

I.S.B.N.: 978-88-98433-45-2

The CD that contains the audio recordings of the listening tasks in MP3 format can be heard on your computer by opening your usual
audio player program and then playing the MP3 files. CD can be played on PC and Macintosh.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any
means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Aheadbooks.

Test 1 Reading and Use of English pg. 8

Writing pg. 18
Listening pg. 20
Speaking pg. 24

Reading and Use of English pg. 28

Test 2

Writing pg. 38
Listening pg. 40
Speaking pg. 44

Reading and Use of English pg. 48

Test 3

Writing pg. 58
Listening pg. 60
Speaking pg. 64

Reading and Use of English pg. 68

Test 4

Writing pg. 78
Listening pg. 80
Speaking pg. 84

Reading and Use of English pg. 88

Test 5

Writing pg. 98
Listening pg. 100
Speaking pg. 104

Reading and Use of English pg. 108

Test 6

Writing pg. 118

Listening pg. 120
Speaking pg. 124

Reading and Use of English pg. 128

Test 7

Writing pg. 138

Listening pg. 140
Speaking pg. 144

Reading and Use of English pg. 148

Test 8

Writing pg. 158

Listening pg. 160
Speaking pg. 164
Glossary Pictures

Visual material for speaking pg. 169

Alphabetised dictionary pg. 194

Sample dialogues pg. 209

What does Cambridge English: First for Schools involve?
Cambridge English: First for Schools is for learners who have an upper-intermediate level of English, at Level
B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It is taken internationally and
thousands of colleges and universities around the world, as well as employers, recognise it as proof that you
can use spoken and written English for study, work and life.
Cambridge English Language Assessment carries out extensive research to make sure that you get the fairest,
most accurate result, and that the exam is relevant to the different ways that you may need to use English. The
test includes exactly the same tasks and question types as Cambridge English: First. The only difference is that
Cambridge English: First for Schools uses topics that are of interest to candidates who are at school.
You can take Cambridge English: First for Schools as a paper-based or computer-based test.

Here’s a summary of what’s in the exam:

Paper details What’s in the paper? Skills assessed

Reading There are seven parts in the Reading The Reading and Use of English pa-
and Use of English and Use of English paper. First, there per tests your reading skills and your
1 hour 15 minutes are three short texts with different knowledge and use of vocabulary and
tasks. You have to complete the gaps grammar. You will be assessed on:
with different kinds of words. • how well you can use a range of
The fourth part doesn’t use a text. vocabulary and grammar
You have to rewrite sentences in a dif- • a range of reading skills, including
ferent way. reading for detail, understanding
Parts 5–7 all have texts and compre- opinions and feelings, understanding
hension tasks. First, there’s one long how a text is organised and under-
text with eight multiple-choice ques- standing the main idea.
tions, then a gapped text which you You also need to be able to read a text
must complete by choosing the correct quickly to get the general idea.
sentence, and a multiple-matching task.
There’s a wide range of different texts,
and all of them are about topics which
are interesting to school-aged students.

Writing The Writing paper has two parts. The In both questions, you’ll be assessed
1 hour 20 minutes first is compulsory, and you must write using the assessment criteria: Content,
an essay which shows your opinion Communicative Achievement, Organi-
about the topic, using ideas you’re sation and Language.
given and one idea of your own.
Then you have a choice between four
questions, and you must choose one.
One of the questions is always about a
set text, which you can read (or watch
the film version) and prepare before the

Paper details What’s in the paper? Skills assessed

Listening There are four parts in the Listening This paper tests different real-life listen-
Approximately 40 paper, and there is a mixture of mono- ing skills, such as listening for informa-
minutes logues (one speaker) and dialogues (two tion, opinion or detail, or listening for the
or more speakers). general meaning of the whole text.
The tasks include answering multiple-
choice questions about short and longer
texts; completing notes while you listen
to a longer text; and matching options to
short monologues.
Speaking The Speaking test starts with general You are tested on different aspects of
14 minutes conversation between the examiner and speaking, such as pronunciation, how
each candidate in Part 1. Then, in Part well you use grammar and vocabulary,
Paired: two
2, you take turns to speak for 1 minute how you organise your ideas and how
(occasionally three)
about two photographs. In Part 3, you well you participate in discussions with
candidates together
discuss a decision- making task with the other people.
other candidate. Finally, you will discuss
topics related to this task in Part 4.

Your overall performance is calculated by averaging the scores you achieve in Reading, Writing, Listening,
Speaking and Use of English.
The weighting of each of the four skills and Use of English is equal.
You don’t need to pass all four papers in order to pass the whole exam. For example, if you do very well in
Reading and Use of English, Writing and Listening, but you don’t do so well in Speaking, it’s still possible to pass
the exam.
In Ahead with FCE the first two tests (1&2) are accompanied by tip boxes which are an invaluable resource for
students, in preparing for the exam. They can be instrumental, whether students are trying for the exam with or
without teacher’s supervision.

* Directions for the First for Schools exam were reprinted with thanks from UCLES (2016) Cambridge English: First for
Schools Information for Candidates, available online:

Test 1
1 hour
Reading and Use of English | Part 1 15 minutes

For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is
an example at the beginning (0).
Test 1

(0) A watch B look C sense D tell

0 A B C D

How bacteria can see

Scientists have long known that bacteria can (0) sense light; however, until now, they
haven’t understood (1) how . A team of scientists at Queen Mary University of London
believe they have finally (2) solved the mystery.
The team studied the way bacteria reacted to a laser beam to discover how sensitive they were to light.
They found that when the light (3) hit one edge of the organism, the rounded shape of its
cell (4) caused it to focus the light onto the other side. The bacterium would then move in ex-
actly the opposite direction to (5) where
the light had focused.
Bacteria, therefore, use their whole bodies to
(6) process light in basically the same
way as the human eye does. A bacterium cell is
(7) like a mini eyeball in that sense,
although the images bacteria create by focusing light
are much blurrier than the clear ones the human eye
can (8) produce .

(1) A what B how C when D why

(2) A fixed B checked C solved D realised

(3) A brought B sensed C hit D did

(4) A placed B caused C achieved D brought

(5) A where B that C how D when

(6) A make B watch C do D process

(7) A as B of C from D like

(8) A produce B cause C solve D watch

Reading and Use of English | Part 2

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word
in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Test 1
0 T H E

The Ultimate Supercomputer – Your Brain

(0) The human brain weighs about 1.3kg. This is only around 2% of the average hu-
man’s total bodyweight, (9) but/yet it controls every single thing you will ever do. It enables
you to think for yourself, learn new things, be creative and feel emotions, (10) not to men-
tion that it also facilitates all your essential body functions, such as breathing and blinking.
Your brain can actually outperform a supercomputer, (11) which is incredible when you
think about it. (12) There is no computer in existence that can come close to matching the
brain’s ability to download, process and react to all the sensory
information it receives.
It is (13) an incredibly complex machine
comprised of billions of microscopic cells called neurons. Ap-
parently, it would take a person over 3,000 years to count each
and every one (14) of them. These tiny brain
cells create and send more messages (15) than
all the phones on the planet. In fact, their activity creates ap-
proximately (16) enough electricity to power a
low-watt light bulb.


44 If you are having difficulty with a question, eliminate the options you know are definitely wrong
first, so you have fewer to choose from. Then, try the remaining options in the gap and read the
whole sentence to see how they fit. If you’re still not sure, have a guess.
44 Always study the words before and after the gap carefully and try to understand the intended
meaning of the sentence. This will help you make the right choice to fill the gap.
44 Practise! (1) This task tests your understanding of meaning at sentence and word level. So focus
on building up your vocabulary (by reading and then reproducing vocabulary through writing).
(2) Some of the questions will test your understanding of meaning at phrase level, so also focus
on revising common collocations (words that go together) and phrasal verbs.

Reading and Use of English | Part 3

For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to
form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Test 1

0 C O L L I S I O N S

What are the Northern Lights?

The Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) are (0) collisions between COLLIDE
electrically charged gas particles from the Sun which enter the Earth’s atmos-
phere. They are frequently seen above the (17) magnetic pole in the MAGNET
(18) northern hemisphere. The same phenomenon at the South Pole is NORTH
known as the Aurora Australis. The lightshow is most often pale-green or pink in
(19) appearance , but various other shades have also been reported, from APPEAR
yellow to blue to violet. The (20) variations in colour are due to differ- VARY
ent types of particles colliding. Pale-green auroras are produced by oxygen gas
(21) roughly 60 miles above the Earth’s surface, while purplish-red ones ROUGH
are the result of nitrogen gas activity. The (22) arrival of such charged ARRIVE
gases in Earth’s atmosphere is down to the solar wind, which blows electrons and
protons that escape from the Sun towards Earth. Where the Earth’s magnetism is
at its (23) weakest near the poles, some of these charged gas particles WEAK
enter the atmosphere and collide with existing (24) atmospheric gases there. ATMOSPHERE


44 F irst, read the text quickly for gist (general understanding) so as to get an idea of what it is
about. Don’t worry about understanding every single word when you do this. Then, read the
whole sentence containing the gap. Decide what type of word is needed (eg a noun, verb, adjec-
tive, …). Finally, reread the sentence with your chosen word to make sure it makes sense.
44 Study prefixes (eg irregular) and suffixes (eg sweetness) of words.
44 You must use the word given to form your answer.

Reading and Use of English | Part 4

For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including

Test 1
the word given. Here is an example (0).

(0) The teacher said we didn’t need to spend too long revising Unit 6.
The teacher told us it wasn’t worth spending too long revising Unit 6.

(25) Erica is the best player on our netball team.

THAN better than
Erica is anyone/anybody/everyone/everybody else on our netball team.

(26) Mark’s parents allowed him to go abroad on his own.

Mark’s parents let him go abroad by himself.

(27) Paul has a real talent for singing.

Paul is (very) good at singing.

(28) It’s possible that I was wrong about Mark.

I may have been wrong about Mark.

(29) Simone now regrets not starting her revision earlier.

Simone (now) wishes she had started her revision earlier.

(30) I haven’t had time to reply to your letter yet.

I haven’t got round to replying to your letter yet.

Reading and Use of English | Part 5

You are going to read an extract from the journal of a scientist and explorer form the early 20th century. For
questions 31-36, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
Test 1

It’s past midnight now and still the sky is carpeted

with a thick, dark layer of stubborn cloud. For at least
6 hours I have been stationed in this same spot. The
first few were spent hopeful, with the air of an opti-
mist. I was sure a gap would appear at any moment,
giving me a glimpse of that rarest of natural phenom-
ena I had come in search of. Alas, frustration gradual-
ly replaced hope as the hours passed. Did I make this
long journey for nothing? Am I to be denied again? I
grow very tired of waiting for what I know is hidden
above the clouds. I have not yet turned to anger, but
I am getting close. If it were not so important, I might
laugh at myself, but no – this means everything. …
… And now here we are, when two hours more
have passed. The anger creeps closer and closer.
From the other side of the world I have come to find the famed lights of the Aurora Australis. It has not
been a journey without considerable danger and expense. The stormy seas of the Southern Ocean nearly
had us beaten a number of times, but we made it somehow to the edges of this lonely world. Oh, Antarc-
tica, frozen continent; I think you would have us freeze here too and stay forever as your frozen, lifeless
guests. But you will fail. We are strong, and we have much courage and will to survive. Yet, if only it would
come out from its hiding place above the clouds, this great lightshow we came to witness, we could be
gone from this awful place. …
… It has been barely fifteen minutes since my last entry, but I could not wait to write again for I bring,
at last, some good news. The wind had got up and was roaring not moments ago; snow was falling for the
first time on our trip and our blood was turning ice-cold. We had all but given up hope and decided to leave
this place for good. But then Marco shouted something excitedly in my direction. I couldn’t hear a word he
was saying through the howling wind, but his hand was pointed towards the sky. It was then that I noticed
the snow was no longer falling and stars were visible through a widening gap in the clouds. And there it
was, my friends, not for as long as I’d hoped or wished, but at least my eyes could behold it for a moment;
Marco had drawn my attention to the magnificent green hue of the Aurora Australis as it lit up the night
sky. I had seen what I had come for at last. …
… Well then, now we’ve reached morning. The light of day is up and all chance of another glimpse of that
magnificent natural lightshow is gone. We depart this unforgiving land for good in an hour or so. I will not
be at all sorry to see the back of it either, I tell you. I look forward to returning to the fine, mild climate of
home, sweet home. But I do not regret this journey for a moment. Some might consider it time wasted – a
failure even, perhaps. After all, we saw the phenomenon for barely five minutes. That is not a good return
on 30 days’ waiting, I agree. But I would do it all again. You could not buy the feeling of wonder that filled
my body as I gazed up at the sky last night with all the riches in the world. And, for that reason, I am very
glad indeed that we came here.

Reading and Use of English | Part 5

How does the writer suggest he is feeling in the first
paragraph? TIP BOX!

Test 1
A angry
B impatient 44 A lways read the instructions
C good-humoured first. These provide some
D optimistic basic context or background
information (ie who is writing
(32) What does ‘it’ refer to on line 20? and why).
A the Southern Ocean 44 Then, read the title of the
B Antarctica text (if there is one) and skim
through the questions (not
C the Aurora Australis
the answer options). This will
D courage give you a better idea of what
the text is about.
Why does the writer make another entry in his journal
44 Next, read the text quickly
so soon again, in paragraph 3?
for gist (general understand-
A He wants to describe a significant change in the ing). Highlight any sections
weather. you think might relate to the
B He has just seen the Aurora Australis. questions as you read.
C He has decided to leave the place immediately. 44 Now, read each question and
D He wants to complain about his friend’s shouting. set of options carefully. Then,
scan the text to find the rel-
(34) What was Marco pointing at? evant section. Read this sec-
A the snow falling from the sky tion carefully and choose
B the stars shining brightly your answer.
C the clouds overhead
D a natural display of green-coloured lights

(35) How does the writer feel about his adventure?

A He is sad to be leaving Antarctica.
B He regrets ever going to Antarctica.
C He views it as a failure and a waste of time.
D He thinks it was worthwhile.

(36) Based on the writer’s journal entries, what was the weather probably like for the majority of his stay
on Antarctica?
A cloudy and very cold
B windy and cold, with clear skies
C cloudy and snowing constantly
D fine and mild

Reading and Use of English | Part 6

You are going to read a magazine article about dinosaurs. Six sentences have been removed from the
article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (37-42). There is one extra sentence
Test 1

you do not need to use.

Giant among giants

Tyrannosaurus rex is undoubtedly the celebrity of the dinosaur family, having even starred in a variety
of movies and TV shows. However, T. Rex, as he is better to known to most of us, has had some of his
thunder stolen away from him of late, following the discovery of the fossilised remains of what is thought
to be the biggest dinosaur identified to date. A life-size model of the newly uncovered giant, which is a
member of the titanosaur family, has been wowing visitors to New York’s American Museum of Natural
History for some time now. 37 C
The dinosaur’s skeleton is a remarkable 37.5 metres in length. As if that wasn’t impressive enough, its
forehead also grazes the 5.8m-high ceiling of the museum. Truly, this is a giant among giants. However,
we’re not dealing with a ferocious killer here. 38 A The plant-eater is thought to have lived in the for-
ests of Patagonia between 100 and 95 million years ago. That was during a time known as the Cretaceous
Period. T. Rex, incidentally, hails from the same period, though comes decidedly later by around 30 million
39 E One theory is that the most abundant food sources at the time contained a lot of fibre. It
takes a significant amount of time to digest food of this nature, so animals would have needed a very large
stomach, and a similarly large skeleton or frame to accommodate this. Another factor in their incredible
size may have been defence. Not even the largest predator dinosaurs would have dared to attack a full-
grown adult titanosaur. In fact, it’s a similar defence strategy to that used by elephants today. 40 B
The gigantic creature was discovered by chance by a shepherd back in 2013. He spotted an enormous
fossilised bone sticking out of the rock on a farm in the desert of Central Patagonia. It turned out to be a
2.4m-long femur bone, which was the largest of its type ever discovered. Palaeontologists and scientists
soon set up camp in the area and began its excavation. By the end of the dig, they had found 223 separate
bones. 41 F It is thought that the bones belonged to seven separate species, with the model now on
display in New York representing the biggest of the seven.
Also on display there is a model T. Rex. And you can’t help but feel that Mr Rex must be feeling a little
insecure now! Not only has our new titanosaur been drawing huge crowds to its display, but it has also
become a television star in its own right. 42 D It was presented by David Attenborough. So you’d bet-
ter watch out T. Rex because there’s a new star in town!

Reading and Use of English | Part 6

A A s with all the members of the titanosaur family, this new star of the dinosaur world is strictly

Test 1
B They have few if any natural predators in the wild and the only real threat to their survival is man.

C Indeed, the exhibit has become a huge attraction and it is not very hard to understand why peo-
ple are so impressed.

D A new documentary made by the British Broadcasting Corporation aired for the first time at the
start of the year.

E As yet, scientists have no concrete answer to explain why dinosaurs from this period grew so big.

F T o uncover so many in one place was incredibly fortunate and the scientists could hardly believe
their luck.

G A feature-length documentary film was released in cinemas earlier this year.


44 First, read for gist (general understanding) and summarise each paragraph in your own words.
44 Then, read the sentence options. Think about the paragraphs they could relate to.
44 Next, read the sentences before and after each gap. This will give you an idea of the type of
sentence that is missing.
44 Choose the best option and then read the before and after sentences again with your answer
choice to make sure it makes sense.

Reading and Use of English | Part 7

You are going to read a magazine article about computer code-writing. For questions 43-52, choose from
the sections of the article (A-F). The sections may be chosen more than once.
Test 1

Which section of the article

suggests there is a gender imbalance in careers involving code-writing? 43 D

says computing skills will soon be a significant part of most professions? 44 C

lists examples of things children are currently taught to encourage their creativity? 45 A

suggests all children should be given code-writing lessons without charge? 46 F

suggests code-writing can be very beneficial to children later, in their professional life? 47 C

compares code-writing to a more traditional form of creative work? 48 B

uses a real-life example to show that kids are interested in learning about code? 49 E

suggests that children possess a characteristic which is absent or weaker in many adults? 50 A

suggests a reason why young people are attracted to learning about code-writing? 51 F

suggests lessons in code-writing might encourage more women to take this career path? 52 D


44 Read the questions and highlight key words or ideas.

44 Then, read the text or texts for gist (general understanding), but make a note of or highlight any
sections you think might be linked to the questions as you read.
44 Next, scan the text or texts to find the sections relevant to each question.
44 Now, read these sections carefully to make sure they match the information in the questions.
Remember, several different sections might have similar information, but only one will have the
right answer. This is why careful reading is so important.

Reading and Use of English | Part 7

Kids and Code

Test 1
A It is well-known that kids are vessels of creativity; it flows through them in a way that many adults can
only admire and envy. As we grow up, a lot of us lose this youthful flair for the creative. Of course, some
adults are lucky enough to retain it, though, and they go on to become writers, artists, actors and so forth.
But it is indisputably kids who are the kings and queens of creativity. They let their imagination run wild.
This is why we teach them creative skills when they are young; to help harness their natural talent. We
make sure that they learn to write, draw, and typically teach them to play a musical instrument as well.

B However, in this modern age in which we live, if we are really concerned about helping children develop
their creativity, isn’t it about time we started showing them how to write code, too? After all, code is
one of the most creative tools of the digital era. It is to a technology lover what pen and paper are to a
writer. Code is a means of expression that allows a person to create something truly unique and original.

C What’s more, it is also the future. Computers are taking over our day-to-day lives more and more as time
goes on. Soon, the majority of careers will be computer-centred. With this in mind, isn’t it about time we
prioritised children’s digital education? If you don’t accept the argument that code-writing helps young
people channel their creativity, then listen to the practical argument in favour of teaching kids code-
writing instead. This skill will undoubtedly be advantageous to them as they set out on their careers as
young adults. In short, code-writing is an essential skill for the workplace of the future.

D Another compelling argument for encouraging kids to learn code from a young age is that it might help
remove certain unwanted stereotypes. For example, code-writing is still more typically associated today
with males than females, and, indeed, the majority of people who embark on careers which involve code-
writing are still of the former sex. If we introduce lessons in code-writing into classrooms in primary
schools, we can dispel the idea that code-writing is only for boys once and for all. This will open up a
whole new set of career options to talented young females.

E Furthermore, for the doubters who don’t think kids would be interested in learning to code, proof already
exists to show that children’s code-learning programmes can be very successful. For example, trial
evening lessons in code-writing have proved exceptionally popular at one East London primary school.
The classes, which are not compulsory, are always fully attended – how often do kids usually volunteer
to stay late at school? That should tell you all you need to know. This is just one instance of many across
the country which demonstrate the appetite for code-writing among young people.

F We should hardly be surprised that young people find code-writing interesting, though. After all, think
of the popularity of video games and so on with their age group. Well, code writing empowers children
by enabling them to go one step further than simply playing computer games; they can develop their
own games from their imagination as well. How wonderful and exciting is that? And it is only the tip of
the iceberg. They will soon discover that the power of code goes far beyond simple gaming. Recently, it
was suggested that access to the internet should become a basic human right. I would go a step further
than this and suggest that so too should free access to code-writing in education as part of the school
curriculum. Kids are natural code-writers and we need to let them loose!

1 hour
Writing | Part 1 20 minutes

You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
Test 1

In your English class you have been talking about ways of reducing waste and pollution. Now your
English teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework.
Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

There are simple things we can all do to reduce the amount of waste
and pollution we produce.
Do you agree?

Write about:
1. recycling
2. modes of transport
3. (your own idea)


44 A lways spend a few minutes planning your answer. Marks are awarded for organisation, so make
sure you structure your paragraphs in a logical way.
44 Don’t waste time counting your words in the exam. You should, instead, try to get an idea of what
around 190 words looks like in your writing when you write practice answers. Use this as a guide.
You won’t be heavily penalised for writing a few words over the limit.

Writing | Part 2

Write an answer to one of the questions 2-5 in this part. Write your answer in 140-190 words in an ap-
propriate style.

Test 1
2 You have received an email from your English-speaking friend Fran.

I’m doing a school project on festivals in different parts of the world and I’m hoping you can help
me. Can you tell me about a festival which is popular in your country? When is it and what does
it celebrate? What happens during the festival that makes it special?

Write your email.

3 You see this announcement posted on an English-language Facebook page.

Reviews wanted!
Have you seen a film you loved recently? Well, we’d like to know. Tell us what genre the film is
and what it’s about, and say why you liked it and what age group(s) of people you would recom-
mend it for.
We’ll post the best reviews on our Facebook page.

Write your review.

4 You have seen this announcement in an online English-language magazine.

Story Competition
It’s time for this year’s story competition. Your story must begin with the sentence:
Suddenly the lights went out and it was completely dark.
Your story must include:
• a candle
• a new friend
The best stories will be published in our magazine and there will be mystery prizes for the win-

Write your story.

5 Answer the following question based on the set text.

You have been talking about the set text in your English class. Now your teacher has given you
this essay for homework:
There are some interesting relationships between the characters in this story. Which two char-
acters have the most interesting relationship? What do you think about the way their relation-
ship develops?

Write your essay.

Listening | Part 1 40 minutes

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
Test 1

(1) Y ou hear a brother and sister talking about their teacher. What do they agree about?
A She explains things well.
B She never loses her temper.
C She cares about her job.

(2) Y ou hear a teenager talking about her local gym. What does she dislike about it?
A The facilities need modernising.
B It’s too crowded most of the time.
C The staff could make more effort to be polite.

(3) Y ou hear a brother and sister talking about a film they saw. What does the boy say about it?
A The storyline was very original.
B The ending was a disappointment.
C The acting was quite weak.

(4) Y ou hear a father talking to his teenage daughter about her charity mountain climb? What is he doing?
A helping her plan her route up the mountain
B reminding her to pack the right equipment
C advising her to check the weather forecast

(5) Y ou hear someone talking about a play he has just acted in. What does he say?
A He’s not looking forward to the next performance.
B He’s glad that nothing went wrong on the opening night.
C He thinks the audience reacted positively and enjoyed themselves.

(6) Y ou hear two friends talking about their technology class. Why is the girl feeling anxious?
A She hasn’t managed to complete the homework.
B She’s forgotten to bring her project to school.
C She hasn’t studied for the exam.

(7) Y ou hear a reviewer talking on the radio about a new film release. What type of film is it?
A horror
B crime
C action

(8) Y ou hear a brother and sister talking about a holiday. What did the girl think of it?
A She liked the accommodation.
B She was not impressed with the location.
C She wished they could have stayed longer.

Listening | Part 2

You will hear a scientist called Jeff talking to some students about current issues affecting Arctic wildlife.
For questions 9–18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

Test 1
Current issues affecting Arctic Wildlife

There are no (9) penguin species living in the northern hemisphere.

Polar bear skin is (10) black in colour, unlike its fur which is transparent.

(11) Air pockets in their fur help polar bears to stay warm during the very cold Arctic winter.

The average (12) summer temperature at the North Pole is about 0°.

If there is hardly any food around, polar bears will even eat (13) (human) garbage because they
are opportunists.

Polar bears are classed as (14) land mammals even though they are very skilled swimmers.

It is not common for polar bears to travel great distances (15) by sea/water because they
lose a lot of bodyweight when they do that.

Scientist believe polar bears are changing their (16) behaviour in order to adapt to global

Sea ice levels, as measured in (17) September annually, are reducing by around 13.4%
each decade.

Scientists fear that the polar bear’s classification may change to (18) endangered (species) before


44 Y ou have 45 seconds before the recording starts. Use this time wisely. Read the heading and the
sentences. Highlight or underline key words or ideas. If you have time, think about what type of
information each gap needs (for example, a noun, verb, adjective, etc). For instance, in Ques-
tion 10, you know you will have to listen out for a noun and it is probably the word for a specific

Listening | Part 3

You will hear five short extracts in which teenagers talk about clothes. For questions 19-23, choose from
the list (A-H) what each speaker says is important to them about the clothes they wear. Use the letters
Test 1

only once. There are three extra letters which you don’t need to use.

A I want to dress like my friends. Speaker 1 A 19

B I want to feel comfortable in my clothes.

Speaker 2 F 20
C I want to be different from everyone else.

D I want to please my parents.

Speaker 3 B 21
E I want to wear designer brands.

F I want to spend as little money as possible.

Speaker 4 H 22
G I want to wear a certain type of material.

H I want to copy my role model. Speaker 5 C 23


44 Y ou have 30 seconds to read the statements before the recording starts. Use this time wisely
to find out as much as possible about the task. For example, check the topic in the instructions
(clothes) and what the speakers will talk about (what is important to them about the clothes
they wear). Then, underline or highlight key words in the options. This gives you something to
focus on and listen for. Remember, you might not hear these exact words but similar words or
ideas. For example, the idea of Option F - spend little money - could be expressed as not spend
a lot or spend a small amount. That’s why it helps to think not just of the key words but the key

Listening | Part 4

You will hear an interview with a young women called Michelle, who works as a travel writer. For questions
24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

Test 1
(24) How did Michelle become a full-time travel writer?
A she had a travel blog which became very popular
B she studied journalism at university and did an internship
C she self-published an e-book on travelling the world

(25) Why does Michelle love the Canary Islands?

A they are incredibly popular with tourists from all around Europe
B they offer a huge variety of different landscapes and wildlife
C they have some great hiking trails and cycling routes

(26) What has been the highlight of Michelle’s travel adventures so far?
A flying by helicopter over White Island in New Zealand during an eruption
B snowmobiling up a glacier in Iceland at night time with the northern lights above
C meeting wonderful people from all over the world while walking the Camino in northern Spain

(27) What does Michelle find most difficult about travelling abroad?
A finding suitable food to eat
B choosing what to see and do
C overcoming cultural and language barriers
(28) What is Michelle’s biggest regret?
A not learning a second language at school
B not continuing her study of French after she finished school
C not learning Spanish before she went on the Camino

(29) What does Michelle think about voluntourism?

A it often does more harm than good
B she thinks a lot of voluntourists are ignorant and selfish
C she would like to see more people get involved in it

(30) What went wrong on Michelle’s most recent charity adventure in Tanzania?
A she suffered from a potentially deadly brain condition
B she had to be rescued from the top of a mountain
C she had a temporary problem with her vision

Speaking 14 minutes

Test 1

44 Before you enter the exam room …

ll You are given a mark sheet with your name on it.

ll You and your partner(s) wait outside the exam room until you are called in.

44 When you enter the exam room …

ll The interlocutor will greet you.

ll They will ask you for your names.

ll They will take your mark sheet.

ll The interlocutor will introduce themselves and the other examiner in the room.

ll The other examiner will not talk to you; he/she will only listen.

44 Y ou will usually have just one partner. Only if there is an odd number and you are the last group
will you have two partners.

44 The exam starts when you enter the room, so give full and proper answers to all questions.

44 Always give full-sentence answers; never give yes/no or single-word/short-phrase answers.

44 If you don’t hear or understand what the interlocutor has said, just ask them to say it again po-
litely. Always be polite and say please and thank you.

44 In Speaking Part 1, you don’t need to give really long answers. However, you can still show off
your English. For example, when asked the question Where are you from? most people will say
something like: I’m from Dublin.
Why not make your answer a little more interesting and personal: I live in Dublin city centre, but
I’m originally from the small northern suburb of Balgriffin.

44 R emember, Speaking Parts 2-4 are not a test of honesty. When giving an opinion, for example, if
you wish to say something you don’t necessarily believe because it shows off your English, that
is fine. It’s not a lie-detector test!


Part 1 | 2 minutes (3 minutes for groups of 3)

Test 1
ll What hobbies do you enjoy doing at weekends? (Why?)

ll How much time do you spend studying at weekends? (Do you think that is enough?)

ll What did you do last weekend?

ll What are you going to do this weekend?

ll Do you prefer Saturdays or Sundays? (Why?)

Part 2 | 4 minutes (6 minutes for groups of 3)

In this part of the test, I’m going to give you each two photographs. I’d like you to talk
about your photographs on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a question
about your partner’s photographs.
It’s your turn first (Candidate A). Here are your photographs on page 169.
They show people in different learning environments.
I’d like you to compare the photographs, and say what you think the people enjoy about
learning in these environments.
All right?

Candidate A: [Speak for about 60 seconds.]

Interlocutor: Thank you.

(Candidate B) Which learning environment would you prefer? (Why?)

Candidate B: [Speak for about 30 seconds.]

Interlocutor: Thank you.

Now, (Candidate B), here are your photographs on page 170. They show people with ani-
mals in different situations.
I’d like you to compare the photographs, and say what the people are enjoying about
being with animals in these situations.

Candidate B: [Speak for about 60 seconds.]

Interlocutor: Thank you.

(Candidate A) Which of these two situations would you prefer to be in? (Why?)

Candidate A: [Speak for about 30 seconds.]

Interlocutor: Thank you.


Part 3 | 4 minutes (5 minutes for groups of 3)

Test 1

Interlocutor: Now, I’d like you to talk about something together for about two minutes.
I’d like you to imagine that your school wants to encourage students to participate in
team sports and has asked for ideas about how to do this. Here are some ideas and a
question for you to discuss. First you have some time to look at the task on page 171.
Now, talk to each other about how each of these ideas might encourage students to
participate in team sports.

Candidates: [Speak for about 2 minutes if pairs; Speak for about 3 minutes for groups of 3]

Thank you. Now you have about a minute to decide which two ideas would be the most
interesting to choose.

Candidates: [Speak for about 1 minute]

Interlocutor: Thank you.

Part 4 | 4 minutes (6 minutes for groups of 3)

ll Do you think young people get less exercise today than they used to? (Why? / Why not?)

ll Is it better to play team or individual sports? (Why?)

ll What sports would you recommend for people your age? (Why?)

ll Which do you prefer – going to the gym or playing sports? (Why?)

ll How are you likely to benefit from exercising every day?

ll Have you ever injured yourself playing sports, or do you know someone who has? Say what happened.

Thank you. That is the end of the test.


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