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Using Custom Units and User-Entered Values: With The 740 Series Dpcs

Custom Units feature extends documenting capabilities of the Fluke 740 series DPCs. It is possible to convert and scale actual measurement units into alternative measurement units. Custom Units are used to set decade relationships for mV output accessories or current shunts. User entered values are available for the measure and / or source functions.

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Using Custom Units and User-Entered Values: With The 740 Series Dpcs

Custom Units feature extends documenting capabilities of the Fluke 740 series DPCs. It is possible to convert and scale actual measurement units into alternative measurement units. Custom Units are used to set decade relationships for mV output accessories or current shunts. User entered values are available for the measure and / or source functions.

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Using Custom Units and User-Entered Values

with the 740 Series DPCs

Application Note
One of the most powerful capabilities of the Fluke 740 Series Documenting Process Calibrators (DPCs) is the custom units feature. This extends the documenting capabilities of the DPC to include the capturing of data outside its functional source and measurement capabilities. When this custom unit capability is coupled with the enhanced user-entered value capability for both source and measurement functions, the documentation applications for the DPC are almost limitless. Using the Custom Units feature, it is possible to convert and scale actual measurement units into alternative measurement units. For example, imagine you are using a temperature probe that measures 0C to 100C and converts that to an output voltage of 0 mV to 100 mV. The Custom Units feature allows you to convert and scale the 0 mV to 100 mV probe output such that the measurements are displayed and captured on the 740 Series DPC as 0C to 100C. There are two distinct implementations of Custom Units on the DPCs. 1. Custom Units are used to set decade relationships for mV output accessories or current shunts and are used only in the MEASURE mode of the DPC. User entered values are not available with this feature. 2. Custom Units are used to convert and scale, to any desired units, the MEASURE and/or SOURCE functions inside an automated DPC calibration procedure. User entered values are available for the MEASURE and/or SOURCE values.

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

1. Setting decade relationships for MEASURE functions

This is the least complex of the custom unit implementations. This format of custom units requires that there is a decade relationship between native (the mV dc actually being measured) and the custom units displayed (C), that the measurement mode is VDC and that there is no baseline offset.

To set this type of custom units up on the DPC, go to the VDC measurement screen and select the Custom Units softkey. You should be presented with the menu shown in Figure 1. If you were using the Fluke700IV shunt with the DPC and wanted to measure and source current simultaneously, you would depress enter and install the shunt into the VDC measurement terminals. For this example however, depress the key and the key twice. Move the cursor to the C with the key and depress and then the Done softkey. Now the DPC should display the setup information shown in Figure 2.

Figure 3.

Process Temperature Measured


4-20 mA ouput

Burner Control

24 VDC Load Supply

Figure 4.

If the decade relationship The format of custom units between native units (mV DC) mentioned is simple to utilize and custom units (C) needs to and is intended to take advanbe changed the x10 and 10 tage of multimeter accessories softkeys will do so. Depress the designed with a decade correDone softkey and the DPC will spondence between an input now display in units of C. parameter being measured and Figure 3 shows the DPC configa mV output. Examples of these ured as described with the accessories would be the Fluketransducer measuring 50C and 80T-150 Universal Temperature the 50 mV output measured by Probe, 80T-IR Infrared Probe the DPC. The triangular box and PV350 Digital Pressure and with the ! inside in the custom Vacuum Module. unit indication, native units measured continues to be dis- 2. Using Custom Units in calibration procedures played in the fine print screen text in the lower right hand The other custom unit scaling corner of the screen. capability of the DPC accommodates more complex relationships in which both linear Digital Temperature relationships and offset values Controller can be correlated. An example of this might be a 4-20 mA current 100C Control output of a transmitter that is Output representative of an input temTemperature perature between 100C-300C. Transmitter 4-20 mA An application example input where this might be useful and D C also utilizes the user entered Jumper value will be described in the following example. Figure 4 is In an example of a process control Control loop circuit. Room The process variable being measured is temperature and is sensed by the thermocouple (type K) shown. The transmitter shown has a span of 100C300C, senses the thermocouple output and converts it to 4-20 mA. In series with this transmitter is a temperature controller located remotely in a control room. In this example the controller interprets the 4 mA as 100C and 20 mA as 300C and provides a digital display in degrees C for the operator. This device (a form of limit switch) also has a setpoint that is capable of controlling the temperature of the process variable.

To calibrate this instrumentation, it is often preferable to calibrate the entire loop all at once rather than calibrate the transmitter and the temperature controller individually. To begin this calibration, first set the temperature control of the process to manual override operating mode such that it will be isolated from the calibration in process. Next, disconnect the thermocouple from the transmitter and connect a thermocouple jumper from transmitter connections A and B (in Figure 4) to the TC mini-connection of the DPC. Power up the DPC and depress the key. Then open the jumper between connection points C and D and connect the black center terminal to point C and the red center terminal to point D. Next depress the key of the DPC, then the key. Move the cursor down to highlight K and depress , and again to select linear T. Next depress 100 and . Depress the key once and the display should be as per Figure 5. Next, depress the As Found softkey and to select Instrument. Fill in the template as per Figure 6.







Next select the Custom Units softkey, depress the key, move the cursor to C and depress the key, then the Done softkey. Depress the to 0% and key in 100 and depress the key. Then key in 300 and depress the key for 100%. The display of the DPC should be as per Figure 7. Depress the Done softkey once. Next select the User Value softkey, depress and to highlight Enabled and depress and then the Done softkey twice. The display should now be similar to Figure 8. The DPC is now configured to source the correct thermocouple values into the transmitter, monitor the mA current drawn against loop power, display a reading in C scaled linearly to the 4-20 mA current measured and prompt the user to enter the actual indicated value in C from the temperature controllers digital display in a (3) point test. To start the test, depress the Autotest softkey and the DPC simulates a Type K temperature of 100C into the transmitter and measures for a nominal 4 mA. Once that measurement is complete a dialog box opens as per Figure 9.

Figure 7.

Figure 8.

Figure 9.

Figure 5. Figure 6.

Hot tip
Since the digital readout of the temperature controller is in the control room and the transmitter is most often in a remote location the technician performing the calibration will need to either request the digital reading via walkie talkie or walk to the control room for the reading. Next, key that reading into the DPC and depress . Repeat that test for 200C and 300C. Once the test is complete, the result should be similar to the result in Figure 10.

While the second, more general implementation of Custom Units is nominally intended for use inside of automated calibration procedures, heres a trick that will let you convert and scale while making routine measurements. Simply program your DPC using Custom Units for the MEASURE mode as part of an As Found procedure, as described above. Begin the test as usual, but when you get to the point where you would

launch an Auto Test or Manual Test (in Figure 8), simply hit the Abort soft key. The automated test is terminated, but you will find that the MEASURE function of the DPC has remembered the custom units and scaling from the automated. These units and scaling will remain until you deselect them using the Scale soft key, or until you change MEASURE functions, or until you power down your DPC.

Figure 10.

Depress the Done softkey, fill in your tag information and depress Done to return to the split screen. Select the Adjust softkey and adjust the zero on the transmitter until a satisfactory value is displayed in the control room. Select Go To 100% and adjust the transmitter span until a satisfactory reading is displayed in the control room. Once adjustments are complete, run the As Left test and if all error indications in the post test summary are in forward video, the loop calibration is complete. Using the user entered data and custom units, the data is captured in degrees C with errors calculated based on the manually entered numbers. Other applications of custom units include capturing results in weight (lbs), revolutions per minute (RPM), relative humidity (RH) and many other process parameters. The custom unit and user-entered value capability for both source and measure are a key component to increasing the workload coverage of the 740 Series DPCs.

This application note was prepared by Jim Shields, Sr. Product Specialist for Process Tools and Data Acquisition products. With Fluke Corporation since 1976 in engineering and manufacturing positions, Jim is a certified electronic technician and member of the Instrumentation Society of America, Northwest chapter. Fax: (425) 356-5992 email: [email protected]

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1998 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 7/98 B0322UEN Rev B Printed on recycled paper.

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