Activity 7
1. Describe a time when you faced an ethical dilemma at work. How did you approach the situation, and
what leadership principles guided your decision-making process?
Consequently, it is not easy reacting ethically when faced with an ethical dilemma scenarios at
your workplace. A particular incident in my previous job comes to my mind. In a project, I was able to
learn that one of my employees was actually inflating information presented to the managerial level, in a
bid to try and get more resources for the team. This placed me in a dilemma; I would have preferred to
give my candid opinion being true to my mantra of not telling people what they want to hear but didn’t
want to lose face with my fellow team member. As to address this approach, I first tried to analyze this
problem with as much clarity and distance without feeling overwhelmed or stuck in a corner. I thought
about how this individual’s actions may impact not only our work team but the organization as a whole
was in mind. Deception of management could lead to inefficiency due to wrong allocations of resources
that would hurt the credibility of our team the overall success of the project.
2. In what ways does ethical leadership influence workplace morale and overall team performance?
Discuss how leaders in your organization have fostered or hindered an ethical work environment.
The first and foremost causal relationships between ethical leadership and workplace morale is through
trust. When leaders are ethical, people trust them indicating a good image of how they want to be
governed. If the workers trust their leaders, and those leaders are assumed to be honest and fair, there
shall be free flow of communication, cooperation and they will even be ready to work hard and
contribute towards the achievement of the organizational goals. This trust helps to improve the morale
of the team in the organization since team members feel that they belong to a certain team and are loyal
to it.
Also, ethical leaders create awareness of accountabilities and responsibilities. First of all, leaders provide
the exemplary model for the ethical conduct and also insist that members of their team follow the same
protocols. It helps in creating a culture where every employee feels obliged and responsible towards the
task assigned to him and his company respectively. This is the key motivating factor that makes a group
of individuals adhere to the set values driven by the fact that the leaders are ethical, thus creating a
competent group of teams. In my previous organization, leaders have both promoted and obstructed an
ethical work culture at some point in their leadership. For example, in the course of a recent work, a
manager made a significant stress upon the necessity of ethical approaches, including communication, in
this process. People were permitted to voice their problematic aspects and the process was done to
make everyone comfortable to speak about difficulties. Not only morale was increased, but ideas were
developed, ideas and the dynamics of teams were enhanced as well.
3. How does your organization promote ethical decision-making among its leaders and employees? What
tools or processes are in place to ensure that ethical considerations are part of everyday operations?
It is, therefore, important for organizations to encourage appropriate ethical choices towards
creating ethical working environment. There are ways and models how ethical concerns were becoming
a part of a number of activities in the organization. Let me outline some of the best approaches that
organisations could use here;
Code of ethic is a formal document that provides the organization with policy and standards that are
expected to be upheld by the employees or anyone affiliated with the organization . A reference version
of this code should be made available to all employees and it is advisable to update the document often
to undertake current issues and paradigm. More time can be spent on training, so the workers learn
about the code and realize that it is applicable in their work.
Ethics can also be initiated through regular training programs that teach leaders and ordinary employees
the different ethic models for decision making. Training can be conducted through workshop based on
the life situation which an employee can experience in practice, so he will build an ethic of the
professional samples. Such training can also provide for discussion of ethics, the incidents that happened
at work place, and lessons learned.
Leadership Commitment
There is leadership responsibility for ethical decisions because leadership can influence ethical
behaviour. Leaders should be paragon models by practicing ethic in the way they make decisions in an
organization. Managers should be willing to talk about ethical dilemmas, invite feedback, and be very
clear about their choices. Such a policy from the top gives the organization an ethical territory in which
employees feel free to act ethically.
4. Discuss the importance of transparency in ethical leadership within your workplace. How does
transparency impact trust and loyalty among employees and stakeholders?
Organizational transparency is a critical and important virtue that is expected to be upheld whenever
leaders are conducting themselves at the workplace. It refers to the process of being able to share
information, explaining oneself and being able to explain something back to other people. Transparency
becomes one of the key components of ethical organizational culture, especially in the context of
constant violation of public trust of organizations.
Building Trust
On the same note, transparency is perhaps one of the greatest approaches that impact the faith of the
employees most. If leaders are transparent about their actions and decisions as well as their thought
processes, employees get engaged. This openness increases the chances employees give their opinion
and bring forward issues knowing they will be listened to. Accountability is another way of building trust,
and when the leaders accept their failure, everyone learns that everyone makes mistakes. When
employees trust their leaders it would imply that they and work with more focus and it enhances morale
and productivity.
Enhancing Loyalty
Transparency also has an important effect on employee commitment. If the management assures the
subordinates of their position and is sincere to them, the latter feel safe. When they trust their leaders
they will be more likely to commit to the organization and its goals they set out to achieve. This can also
enhance the turnover rate since employees hardly look for other better g employer companies since
they are loyal to the employer.