Al Mamun CV
Al Mamun CV
Al Mamun CV
Al Mamun
C/O: M.A Wazed Ali
Vill- B-Bongram, P.O- Mrigi Bazar
P.S- Kalukhali, Dist- Rajbari.
Mobile: +8801624256898.
Career Objective:
To build up a successful career in challenging and competitive environment
where strong sense of responsibility and commitment is required where dignity
or work provides job satisfaction and the place of work provides potential
avenues for learning, growing and achieving the hierarchy of the organization.
Educational Qualification:
Computer Experience:
Computer Office Application:
MS Word,
MS Excel,
MS Power Point,
Internet Browsing,
Language Proficiency:
Fluent in speaking both English, Bengali & Chinese.
Excellent writing and reading abilities both Bengali & English.
Capable to writing and speaking Bengali & English in a professional way
with natural flow.
Special Interest:
Reading Books.
Traveling new places.
Communicating with common people
Continuous knowledge building as a means of Professional development.
Personal Details:
Name : Al Mamun
Father’s Name : M.A Wazed Ali
Mother’s Name : Rabeya Khatun
Date of Birth : 15 May-1998
Present Address : Vill: B-Bongram, P.O: Mrigi Bazar
P.S: Kalukhali, Dist: Rajbari.
Permanent Address : Vill: B-Bongram, P.O: Mrigi Bazar
P.S: Kalukhali, Dist: Rajbari.
Nationality : Bangladeshi
NID : 3754358848
Marital Status : Single
Religion : Islam
Height : 5'-4"
Blood Group : B+
Al Mamun