Instrumentation Lecture Note
Instrumentation Lecture Note
Instrumentation Lecture Note
Instrumentation engineering
When the word safety comes, I usually compare it with a vehicle which I
am driving and suddenly I have to apply brakes. A good vehicle will
immediately comes to a halt without skid and without harm to any
It makes eyes and ears of industry’s happenings. Its an art and science of
measurement and control.
The value of Design Engineer who DESIGNS
Most helpful thing while designing could be the lessons from the past, and
techniques which didn’t work and the man-made mistakes, or the
responses which didn’t work for which those were designed.
These lessons could help to design a robust control system which works
flawless and is flexible for more add-on control actions which workers
learn from their daily activities.
Technology we used to use about ten years ago are now being replaced
by more reliable and high speed data communication protocols.
In today’s modern world, the top target of every plant management or
plant ownership is to achieve the safest and maximum production out of
their equipment, machinery and devices. In order to reach that target, one
of the major steps it follows is to install good instrumentation in the plant.
It needs some brain that can constantly monitor the readings provided by
it and takes actions accordingly to operate the final control elements like
valves, motors etc.
At the same time, these actions must ensure to operate these devices at
optimal parameters as to ensure their health and long-life. This is where
the world of control comes in.
This blog has been developed in order to discuss about these two greatest
technologies of industrial plants. We will be sharing our experiences, our
ideas and our observations. We invite you to be the part of it to contribute
it to be the world’s best resource of learning and sharing the experiences
of instrumentation and control.
by Editorial Staff
instrument technician tasked with maintaining 4-20 mA instruments
commits these values to memory, because they are referenced so often:
This is not unlike 3-15 pounds per square inch (PSI) pneumatic signal
standard, where a varying air pressure signal proportionately represents
some process variable.
Both 3-15 PSI and 4-20 mA signal standards are referred to as live zero
because their ranges begin with a non-zero value. This “live” zero
provides a simple means of discriminating between a legitimate 0%
signal value and a failed signal (e.g. leaking tube or damaged cable)
4 to 20 mA analog Signals
Note that how the output range of each sending device matches the input
range of its corresponding receiving device. If we view this system as a
path for information to flow from the thermocouple’s tip to the transmitter
to the resistor and finally to the voltmeter/indicator, we see that the
analog output range of each device must correspond to the analog input
range of the next device, or else the real-world meaning of the analog
signal will be lost.
Both the thermocouple and the resistor are non-adjustable devices, their
input/output characteristics being fixed by physical laws.
DC current signals are also used in control systems to command the
positioning of a final control element, such as a control valve or a variable-
speed motor drive (VSD).
In these cases, the milliamp value does not directly represent a process
measurement, but rather how the degree to which the final control
element influences the process.
Final control elements often are equipped with adjustable ranges so that
an accurate correspondence between the analog signal and the desired
control action may be ensured.
Thus, most industrial control systems use at least two different 4-20 mA
signals: one to represent the process variable (PV) and one to represent
the command signal to the final control element (the “manipulated
variable” or MV):
by Editorial Staff
It is extremely simple to measure 0-20 mA signal with a device that will
measure only Voltage inputs. If the Voltage input module available will
accept a 0-10 Vdc signal, but may not accept a 0-20ma signal directly.
To avoid damage you must ensure that the external current source
has short-circuit protection in all conductor cases.
The external resistor is a source of error because of its dependency
on temperature and its inaccuracy.
In order to obtain measuring results that are as precise as possible
it is recommended to use resistors with tolerances that are as small
as possible.
Sensors and Transducers
A sensor is a device that can be used for measuring the physical quantity
and converts it into signals that can be read by a user, an observer, or by
an instrument.
The term sensor is used for an element that produces a signal relating to
the quantity being measured. In the case of an electrical resistance
temperature element, the quantity being measured is temperature and
the sensor transforms an input of temperature into a change in resistance.
Thus, Sensors are Transducers. A measurement system may use
transducers in addition to the sensor, in other parts of the system to
convert signals from one form to another form.
For example, a load cell for the measurement of forces might have a
range of 0 to 50kN and its span is 50kN (50 kN – 0 kN = 50kN).
Error is the difference between the result of the measurement and the
true value of the quantity being measured.
but the actual reading is 49 ℃, then the error is +1℃ (50℃ – 49℃). If the
For example, measurement system gives a temperature reading of 50℃ ,
actual reading is 52 ℃ , then the error is -2℃ (50℃ – 52℃). The error can
obtain in both positive and negative values.
Hysteresis Error
Non-Linearity error
Linearity error. Various methods are used for the numerical expressions
of the non-linearity error.
Then the non-linearity function for the input and output also plot in the
same graph. Surely, this non-linearity will not be in straight line. The
difference between two graphs is called error (non-linearity error). Below
image shows the graph of non-linearity error
The error occurring from the same output not given with repeated
applications is usually expressed as a percentage of the full range output.
Normally, stability is nothing but for the constant given input the output
will be stable only for given period of time in the measurement system.
The term drift is used to describe the change in output for a given period
of time for the same input.
The drift may be expressed as percentage of the full range of output.
There is a term called Zero Drift which is used to describe the change in
output on the system when there is no input or zero input.
Dead Band
The dead band of a transducer is the range of input values in the system
for which there will be no output.
The space / time where there is no output for the input is known as Dead
Band or Dead space.
When the input varies continuously over the range in the system, which
may cause small change in output signals. Resolution is nothing but small
change in input will cause the observable change in output also.
For example, in wire wound potentiometer the slider moves from one turn
to the next one which will change the output resistance reasonably. For a
transducer giving a digital output will produce a smallest change in output
signal is 1 bit.
Output Impedance