Principles of Flight
PHAK Chapter 4 – Principles of Flight
Study Questions
1. The _______________________ is an envelope of air that surrounds the Earth and is as much a part of the
Earth as the seas or the land.
a) Newtonian bubble.
b) molecular cohesion.
c) atmosphere.
2. On average, how much pressure does the atmosphere exert at sea level?
a) 29.92 lbs/in2 (or 14.7 inches of mercury in a mercury barometer)
b) 14.7 lbs/in2 (or 29.92 inches of mercury in a mercury barometer)
c) 14.7 pounds
3. Two identical pressure gauges are used to measure the air pressure of the atmosphere. One of the
pressure gauges is at sea level, and the other pressure gauge is at 18,000 feet. How will the measurements
a) Atmospheric pressure is constant and the gauges will read identically.
b) The gauge at 18,000 feet will read about twice the air pressure of the gauge at sea level.
c) The gauge at 18,000 feet will read about half the air pressure of the gauge at sea level.
? 4. Why does it matter how many air molecules surround the airplane at any time?
a) The amount of oxygen molecules determines how much fuel can be burned and turned into power.
b) Thrust is generated by the propeller spinning through air molecules and forcing them backwards.
c) Lift is generated by smoothly turning a flow of air molecules downward by the wings.
d) All of the above.
5. As air density decreases, what is the resulting impact on the following aircraft performance factors?
Engine power ☐ increases ☐ decreases
Propeller thrust ☐ increases ☐ decreases
Wing (airfoil) lift ☐ increases ☐ decreases
Principles of Flight
(amount of air)
__________________________ = ________________________
(space the air takes up)
7. Air pressure and air density are directly related. Assuming no change in temperature, this means that
doubling the air pressure will result in
a) twice the air density.
b) half the air density.
c) four times the air density.
? 8. A balloon is placed within a sealed test room. The balloon holds a fixed amount of air. If the air pressure in
the test room is increased, what is the impact on the balloon?
a) The balloon will expand, increasing the volume and increasing the density of the air inside the balloon.
b) The balloon will shrink, decreasing the volume and decreasing the density of the air inside the balloon.
c) The balloon will shrink, decreasing the volume and increasing the density of the air inside the balloon.
9. What will happen to the air density in the balloon if the air pressure in the room is decreased?
10. A steel box with a small opening is placed within a sealed test room. The volume of the box is constant,
but air can move into and out of the box. If the air pressure in the room is increased, what is the impact on
the air in the steel box?
a) The steel box will shrink, decreasing the volume of the air inside the box.
b) The volume of the box will remain the same, but air will flow into the box increasing the density of the
air inside the box.
c) The volume of the box will remain the same, but air will flow out of the box decreasing the density of
the air inside the box.
11. What will happen to the air density in the box if the air pressure in the room is decreased?
Principles of Flight
? 13. A balloon holds a fixed amount of air. If the air inside the balloon is heated, what is the impact on the
a) The balloon will expand, increasing the volume and increasing the density of the air inside the balloon.
b) The balloon will expand, increasing the volume and decreasing the density of the air inside the
c) The balloon will shrink, decreasing the volume and increasing the density of the air inside the balloon.
14. What will happen to the air density inside the balloon if the balloon is cooled?
15. A fixed-size box has a small opening allowing air to move into and out of the box. If the box is cooled and
the air inside the box cools also, what is the impact?
a) The air density inside the box does not change.
b) Air will flow into the box increasing the density of the air inside the box.
c) Air will flow out of the box decreasing the density of the air inside the box.
16. What will happen to the air density in the box if the box is heated slightly?
17. Water vapor is lighter than air, and therefore the presence of moisture in the air
a) increases the air density and improves performance.
b) decreases the air density and degrades performance.
c) has no impact on performance.
18. Newton’s 1st Law of Inertia states that a body at rest tends to
19. Acceleration means a change in either speed or direction. An airplane will fly at a constant airspeed and
? heading unless there is
a) willpower.
b) an applied force.
c) a negative energy contract.
21. According to Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion, which object will require more force to accelerate, an object with
a large mass or an object with a small mass?
Principles of Flight
? 22. When a moving ball on a pool table strikes another ball, both balls are affected by the interaction.
Which of Newton’s Laws of Motion best describes how the two pool balls influence each other?
a) Newton’s First Law.
b) Newton’s Second Law.
c) Newton’s Third Law.
23. An airplane propeller pushes a mass of air backward. What is the equal and opposite reaction as described
by Newton’s Third Law?
24. Bernoulli’s Principle states that air traveling at a faster rate through a constriction results in
a) a decrease in air pressure at the constriction.
b) an increase in air pressure at the constriction.
c) no change in air pressure at the constriction.
Airfoil _____________________________________________________
Leading edge ____________________________________________________ _
Trailing edge _____________________________________________________
Upper camber _____________________________________________________
Lower camber _____________________________________________________
Chord line _____________________________________________________
Principles of Flight
7. a
25. a structure designed to……produce lift
8. c the edge of the airfoil facing forward in flight
9. the balloon will grow in size and reduce the air the narrow tapered edge at the back edge of
density inside the balloon the airfoil
10. b the curvature of the upper surface of the airfoil
the curvature of the lower surface of the airfoil
11. air will flow out of the box and the air density an imaginary line connecting the leading and
inside the box will decrease trailing edges
12. b 26. c
13. b 27. b
14. the balloon shrinks in size and the air inside 28. the chord line
increases in density the direction of the relative wind (airflow)
15. b
16. the pressure of the air inside the box will increase
and air will flow out of the box, decreasing the
density of air inside the box