Tacn - Final
Tacn - Final
Tacn - Final
Unit 1 Management
1. The functions of management.
2. The roles (tasks) of a manager.
3. The differences between a manager and a leader.
Unit 2 Work and motivation
1. The importance of motivation
2. Common types of motivators
3. Theory X and Y
4. Maslow’s hierarchical needs
Unit 3. Company structure
1. Company structure: (Chain of command, functional structure, flattening
hierarchies, matrix management)
Unit 4. Managing across cultures
1. Richard Lewis model of types of culture
2. The conflict between globalization and localization
Unit 5 Recruitment
1. The different stages of recruitment
Unit 8 Production
1. The process of industrial production
Unit 9 Logistics
1. Different strategies for stock control and manufacturing (Pull and Push strategies)
2. Just In Time (JIT) production
Unit 12 Marketing
1. A product life cycle
2. Role of marketing
3. Pricing and distribution strategies
Unit 13. Advertising
1. Different kinds of sales promotions
2. Conditions to make a successful advertising campaign
Unit 23 The business cycle
1. Business cycle: Causes
Unit 24 Corporate social responsibility
1. Responsibilities of businesses
2. Illegal acts (non-ethics business practices)
Unit 27 International trade
1. Theory of free trade
2. Advantages and disadvantages of free trade.
Unit 1 Management
1. What is the function of management?
- The employee will obey the manager, but people follow a leader, it is a
voluntary choice
- Leaders do not have to hold a management position.
- Intrinsic motivation: refers to the act of doing something that does not
have any obvious external rewards. You do it because it’s enjoyable and
interesting to you, not because of any outside incentives or pressures,
like rewards or deadlines.
Intrinsic motivators come from within an individual, such as their
own interests, values, and goals. Examples
- Enjoyment: Engaging in activities that are pleasurable and fun
- Curiosity: The desire to learn and explore new things
- Challenge: Seeking out and overcoming difficult tasks
- Personal growth: Striving to develop one's skills and knowledge
- Autonomy: Having the freedom to make one's own choices and
- Extrinsic motivation: refers to the behavior of individuals to perform
tasks and learn new skills because of external rewards or avoidance of
Extrinsic motivators come from external sources, such as rewards,
punishments, or social recognition. Examples
- Money: Financial rewards, such as salary, bonuses, or
- Power: The desire to have control over others and influence their
- Status: The desire to be respected and admired by others
- Recognition: Receiving praise or rewards for one's
- Competition: The desire to outperform others and achieve
3. Theory X and Y
- Theory X: people are lazy and will avoid work and responsibility if they
can. Workers have to be closely supervised and controlled, and told what to
do. Apply “carrot and stick” means They have to be both threatened (ex: losing
their job) and rewarded with incentives, probably monetary ones such as a pay
rise or bonuses. Most people are incapable of taking responsibility for
themselves and have to be looked after.
Apply when:
+ Workforce is large and unskilled
+ The work if repetitive and routine
- Theory Y: Most people have a psychological need to work, and given the
right conditions - job security, financial rewards - they will be creative,
ambitious and self-motivated by the satisfaction of doing a good job.
Apply when:
+ Workforce is small and highly skilled
+ Work is complex and challenging
+ There is a need for creativity and innovation
+ by skilled professionals and “knowledge workers” - managers,
specialists, programmers, scientists, engineers
Hierarchy - One person or a group All people know The activities of most
chain of of people at the top what decisions they organizations are too
command and an increasing are able to make, complicated to be
number of people who their line organized in a single
below them at each manager (to whom hierarchy
successive level (line they report) and who
structure) their immediate People at lower levels
subordinates (over cannot take important
whom they have line decisions but have to
authority and can pass on responsibility
give instructions to) to their boss
Clear chain of
commands running
down the pyramid
Prefer to listen to and Attach more importance to Organized and rational, act
establish other’s position, feelings, emotions and logically rather than
then react to it. Avoid intuition, and emotionally, plan in advance
confrontation or lose face, relationship/connection.
rarely interrupt speaker Like to do one thing at a time
and avoid eye contact Do many things at the same Rules apply to everybody,
time, flexible, good at contract
Try to formulate changing plans and happy to Not afraid to confrontation
approaches which suit improvise, believe in social but will compromise when
both parties or company hierarchy and necessary achieve a deal
respect status →
→ prioritize relationship individualist/universualist
over rule/regulations
→ collectivist/particularist
Introduction Try to break the ice have good relations and with everyone
Unit 8 Production
- Product Design and Development:
- Material Processing
- Assembly or Manufacturing
- Packaging:
2 Product mix The product mix is the total range of product lines and
types a company has on sale for its customers.
9 Endorsement
15 procurement
the obtaining of supplies
thu mua
Product Design - Engineers and designers create technical drawings and specifications for the product to be
Unit 9 Logistics
1. Different strategies for stock control and manufacturing (Pull and
Push strategies)
- Pull strategy: The company manufactures depending on current demand, which is
satisfied from a small inventory. This is a replenishment strategy: both production and
supplies are constantly reacting to the actual consumption of components, rather than
planning ahead. include lean production, stockless production, continuous flow
manufacture, and agile manufacturing, nothing is bought or produced until it is needed
● Advantages:
- Establish direct contact with consumers and build consumer loyalty
- Focuses on creating brand equity and product value
- Consumers are actively seeking out the product, which removes much of
the pressure of conducting outbound marketing
- Can be used to test a product’s acceptance in the market and obtain
consumer feedback
- Reduce inventory cost
● Disadvantages:
- Require high brand loyalty
- Lead time is long, as consumers are comparing alternatives before making
a purchase
- Risk of stockout: if customer demand is higher than expected → disappoint
customers and damage the brand’s reputation
- Requires strong marketing efforts to convince consumers to actively seek
out the product
- Push strategy: production is based on estimates of future demand, and begins according to
the planned production lead time; incorporate with safety stocks and lead time
● Advantages
- Push marketing is useful for manufacturers that are trying to establish a
sales channel and are seeking distributors to help with product promotion.
- It creates product exposure, product demand, and consumer awareness
about a product.
- Reduced risk of stockout: as business can produce products in advance of
- Economies of scale can be realized if the product is able to be produced at
scale due to high demand.
● Disadvantages
- Increased inventory cost
- Risk of obsolescence
- Potential for waste
Unit 12 Marketing
1. A product life cycle: the length of time from a product first being
introduced to consumers until it is removed from the market.
2. Role of marketing
Q4: How sale, cost, price, promotion (sgk trang 65 cái bảng)
many stages
does PLC
What are the
main features In the introduction stage, users tend to be willing to buy
of each stage brand-new products rather than the old ones and are
of the PLC ? more likely to spend a premium for innovative ones.
How can
business take
advantage of
PLC model to
make more
Pros Cons
Price Its early high prices help Copycat products can rob
skimming recoup development costs. later-stage sales potential.
Penetration Its significantly lower price can Price wars and too-low prices
pricing motivate customers to switch can become the norm.
● A distribution channel represents a chain of businesses or
intermediaries through which the final buyer purchases a good or
● Components:
+ Manufacturer
+ Retailer, wholesaler = middleman/intermediary
+ consumer
Direct Indirect
DEF Customers make purchases directly customers buy goods from wholesalers
from the manufacturers and retailers
Marketing plays a significant role in helping a company achieve its goals and
objectives for growth and survival. The roles of marketing include:
● Distribution
● Financing
● Market research
● Pricing
● Product and service management
● Promotion
● Selling
a company hired by clients and marketers to produce promotional
advertising across various media formats -> save time, cost
advantages, professional experience, industry insiders, strategic
- Full-service agencies engage in all facets, from the beginning to the
end of an advertising campaign and smaller advertising agencies may
specialize in a few core services like print media or online advertising
Flexibility cannot modify once the One can change or edit anytime
advertisement is placed and anywhere
=> digital advertising-> best option for most->reach a particular group of
people-> keeping costs low-> allow collect valuable information on your
audience immediately-> create even more effective advertising campaigns.
Sales promotions are marketing strategies that aim to increase the demand
and sales of a product or service by offering temporary incentives or
benefits to customers
● Coupons
● BOGO (buy 1 get 1) deals
● Loyalty programs
● Free trials
● Free shipping
● Flash sales
● Product discounts
● Competitions and challenges
1. External Factors:
○ Seasonal Influence: specific seasons or market conditions.
○ Pandemic Impact
2. Internal Factors:
○ Product/Service Features
○ Marketing Platform Choice
3. Content Strategy:
○ High-quality and relevant content resonates with the target audience and
drives engagement
○ Regularly monitoring and evaluating campaign performance using relevant
metrics (e.g., click-through rates, conversions) allows for data-driven
+ Appropriate platforms
+ Increased revenue
- It is human psychology to believe in things that we read, hear, and see over
and over.
the product’s value, often showing that the customers are saving money
5. Increase trust:
- Extra strategies:
+ Money-back guarantee or offering a free trial.
+ Review from reliable people (KOL, Youtubers,...)
+ High rates from online platforms.
⇒ By adopting CSR practices, businesses can avoid illegal acts and build a
more ethical and sustainable business model. CSR can also help businesses to
improve their reputation, attract and retain customers and employees, and
reduce their long-term costs.
Phân biệt shareholder (cổ đông) và stakeholder (các bên liên quan):
⇒ Shareholders are a subset of stakeholders
Free trade: refers to the unrestricted flow of goods and services between countries without tariffs,
quotas or other trade barriers. The theory of free trade is that allowing countries to trade freely
with one another will be mutually beneficial.
Absolute advantage( Lợi thế tuyệt đối): Based on the ability to produce a good at a lower
cost (more efficiently) than another country. It is the ability to produce a product most
efficiently given all the resources available.
Comparative advantage (Lợi thế so sánh): Based on the ability to produce a good at a
lower cost (more efficiently) than producing another good. The theory developed by
economist David Ricardo that countries should produce and export goods where they have
the lowest opportunity cost. This allows countries to specialize based on their advantages.
Trong sách không có cái Free Trade Theory nên t tham khảo trên mạng nha:
● The concept of comparative advantage - This idea, developed by David Ricardo, states
that countries should specialize in producing and exporting goods where they have
the lowest opportunity cost. Even if a country is more efficient at producing
everything, it can still benefit from trade.
● The principle of mutual benefit - Free trade theory argues that unrestricted trade is
mutually beneficial for countries. Specialization and exchange promote more efficient
use of resources and allocation of labor. More production occurs, benefiting both
trading partners.
● The role of competition - Free trade promotes competition between producers and
countries. This drives efficiency and innovation as producers have to become more
competitive. Consumers also benefit from lower prices.
● Economic growth and development - According to the theory, free trade enables
access to larger markets, allows the dissemination of knowledge and technology, and
encourages investment. This leads to economic growth.
pros cons