Part A-Introduction: JUST CSE '21-22 Syllabus of 12
Part A-Introduction: JUST CSE '21-22 Syllabus of 12
Part A-Introduction: JUST CSE '21-22 Syllabus of 12
Syllabus of 12
Part A- Introduction
1.Course Summary
To become a successful computer professional, one needs to have in depth knowledge of data
structures to apply them in problem solving and algorithms to analyze different solutions to
2.Course Objectives
1. Implements basic data structures such as Stacks, Queues, Graph and Trees.
2. Uses Big 'O' notation to express algorithmic running time.
3. Describes and analyzes elementary sorting algorithms such as Selection sort, Bubble
sort, Insertion sort, and Shell sort.
4. Understands and restates the fundamentals of basic data structures.
5. Designs and analyzes simple algorithms.
Stacks, Queues and Recursion: Apply CLO1 Lecture Quiz
Fundamentals,Different types of stacks, Exercise Assignment
stacks and queues: Circular, queues and Demonstration Practical
Week 1 dequeues etc.; evaluation of recursion; Exam
Week 2 expressions, multiple stacks and Differentiate
Week 3 queues; Recursion: Direct and between
indirect recursion, depth of stacks and
recursion; Simulation of queues;
Recursion: Removal of Evaluate
Recursion; Towers of Hanoi. expressions
using stacks;
Sorting: Apply CLO3 Lecture Quiz
Searching, bubble sort, shell sort, sorting Exercise Assignment
Week 11 insertion sort, selection sort, algorithms; Demonstration Practical
Week 12 quick sort, heap sort, 2-way Distinguish Exam
merge sort, sorting on several among
keys, practical considerations of sorting
internal sorting. searching, hash algorithms;
Assessment Procedures
Assessment Description
Quiz Quizzes are simple class tests with a duration from 20 minutes to 120 minutes. It can
be online or offline, students need to prepare for the quiz based on the instructed
Assignment Type of home work assessment, students are given specific tasks and instructed to
complete them within a given period of time.
Practical Mostly related to laboratory works or by implementing in real code in either exercise
book or in programming IDE
Exam Each course contains a final exam considering the complete syllabus. It should be a
3hours exam for 72 marks. Students need to answer at most 6 questions. Every
question may include sub questions
CLO1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
CLO2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
CLO3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
CLO4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
CLO5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Part D- Resources
1. Theory and Problem of Data Structures by S. Lipschutz
2. Data Structure by E. Horowitz
Reference Books
1. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 1, Fundamental Algorithms by D. E. Knuth
2. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2, Fundamental Algorithms by D. E. Knuth
3. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 3, Fundamental Algorithms by D. E. Knuth
Jashore University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Part A- Introduction
1. Course Summary
To become a successful computer professional, one needs to have in depth knowledge of data
structures to apply them in problem solving and algorithms to analyze different solutions to
2. Course Objectives
CLO1. Implements basic data structures such as Stacks, Queues, Graph and Trees.
CLO2. Uses Big 'O' notation to express algorithmic running time.
CLO3. Describes and analyzes elementary sorting algorithms such as Selection sort,
Bubble sort, Insertion sort, and Shell sort.
CLO4. Understands and restates the fundamentals of basic data structures.
CLO5. Designs and analyzes simple algorithms.
Part B- Lesson Plan
lists and dynamic
storage management,
generalized lists,
garbage collection and
components; spanning
trees; Shortest paths;
simplification and
Lower bound theory;
NP-completeness; NP-
hard and NP-complete
Introduction to parallel
Quiz Quizzes are simple class tests with a duration from 20 minutes to 120
minutes. It can be online or offline, students need to prepare for the quiz
based on the instructed syllabus.
Assignment Type of home work assessment, students are given specific tasks and
instructed to complete them within a given period of time.
Exam Each course contains a final exam considering the complete syllabus. It
should be a 3hours exam for 72 marks. Students need to answer at most
6 questions. Every question may include sub questions
CIE- Continuous Internal Evaluation (40 Marks):
Bloom’s Category Test Attendance External Participation
Marks (out of 20) (30) (10) in Curricular/Co-
Curricular Activities
Remember 2
Understand 5
Apply 13
Analyze 2
Evaluate 4
Create 4
Understand 10
Apply 25
Analyze 10
Evaluate 5
Create 5
CLO1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
CLO2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
CLO3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
CLO4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
CLO5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Part D- Resources
1. Theory and Problem of Data Structures by S. Lipschutz
2. Data Structure by E. Horowitz
Reference Books
1. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 1, Fundamental Algorithms by D. E. Knuth
2. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2, Fundamental Algorithms by D. E. Knuth
3. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 3, Fundamental Algorithms by D. E. Knuth
Jashore University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Part A- Introduction
II. Credit: 3
1. Course Summary
A computer engineer needs to know about number system, logic design and the basic
building blocks used in digital systems, in particular digital computers.
2. Course Objectives
1. To learn about basic concept on number system, universal gates and truth tables.
2. To know about Boolean function and De-Morgan, canonical forms and
minimization techniques
3. To learn about combinational and sequential circuits and basic flip flops
4. To know about synchronous and asynchronous counters
CLO1. Identify and explain fundamental concepts of digital logic design including
basic and universal gates, number systems, binary coded systems, basic
components of combinational and sequential circuits
CLO2. Demonstrate the acquired knowledge to apply techniques related to the design
and analysis of digital electronic circuits including Boolean algebra and multi-
variable Karnaugh map methods
CLO3. Analyze small-scale combinational and sequential digital circuits
CLO4. Design small-scale combinational and synchronous sequential digital circuit
using Boolean algebra and K-maps
Part C- Assessment and Evaluations
Assessment Procedures
Quiz Quizzes are simple class tests with a duration from 20 minutes to 120
minutes. It can be online or offline, students need to prepare for the
quiz based on the instructed syllabus.
Assignment Type of home work assessment, students are given specific tasks and
instructed to complete them within a given period of time.
Exam Each course contains a final exam considering the complete syllabus.
It should be a 3hours exam for 72 marks. Students need to answer at
most 6 questions. Every question may include sub questions
Mapping of CLOs to PLOs
CLO1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
CLO2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
CLO3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
CLO4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
Part D- Resources
1. Digital logic and Computer Design by M. Morris Mano
2. Digital System Analysis by Tocci
Reference Books
1. Principles of Electronic by D. E. Knuth
2. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by R.L. Boylestad
Jashore University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Part A- Introduction
4. Course Summary
A computer engineer needs to know about number system, logic design and the basic
building blocks used in digital systems, in particular digital computers.
5. Course Objectives
1. To learn about basic concept on number system, universal gates and truth tables.
2. To know about Boolean function and De-Morgan, canonical forms and
minimization techniques
3. To learn about combinational and sequential circuits and basic flip flops
4. To know about synchronous and asynchronous counters
CLO1. Apply and explain fundamental concepts of digital logic design including
basic and universal gates, number systems, binary coded systems, basic
components of combinational and sequential circuits
CLO2. Implement the acquired knowledge to apply techniques related to the design
and analysis of digital electronic circuits including Boolean algebra and multi-
variable Karnaugh map methods
CLO3. Analyze small-scale combinational and sequential digital circuits
CLO4. Design small-scale combinational and synchronous sequential digital circuit
using Boolean algebra and K-maps
Week 1 Number systems Explain number systems CLO1, CLO2 Lecture Quiz
and codes. Exercise Assignment
Week 2 Apply De-Morgan law for the Demonstration Practical
Digital logic: Boolean function Exam
Week 3 Boolean algebra,
De-Morgan's law, State and explain De-Morgan
Logic gates and
their truth tables.
Week 4 Canonical forms, Evaluate canonical forms CLO1, CLO2 Lecture Quiz
combinational Exercise Assignment
Week 5 logic circuits, Apply minimization techniques Demonstration Practical
Week 6 minimization Explain combinational logic Exam
techniques. circuits
Week 7 Arithmetic and Determine decoder and encoder CLO3, Lecture Quiz
data handling logic function Exercise Assignment
Week 8 circuit, decoders Demonstration Practical
and encoders, Differentiate MUX and Exam
Multiplexers and DEMUX
De-multiplexers. Draw data handling logic circuit
Week 9 Combinational Explain flip flops and race CLO3, Lecture Quiz
Circuit design, problems Exercise Assignment
Week 10 Flip-flops, race CLO4 Demonstration Practical
around problems. Exam
Week 13 State minimization Explain state minimization and CLO3, CLO4 Lecture Quiz
and assignments. assignments Exercise Assignment
Week 14 Pulse mode logic, Demonstration Practical
Fundamental mode Demonstrate pulse mode logic Exam
logic design. and mode logic design
Part C- Assessment and Evaluations
Assessment Procedures
Quiz Quizzes are simple class tests with a duration from 20 minutes to
120 minutes. It can be online or offline, students need to prepare
for the quiz based on the instructed syllabus.
Assignment Type of home work assessment, students are given specific tasks
and instructed to complete them within a given period of time.
Understand 10
Apply 25
Analyze 10
Evaluate 5
Create 5
CLO1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
CLO2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
CLO3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
CLO4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
Part D- Resources
3. Digital logic and Computer Design by M. Morris Mano
4. Digital System Analysis by Tocci
Reference Books
3. Principles of Electronic by D. E. Knuth
4. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by R.L. Boylestad
Jashore University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Part A- Introduction
VI. Credit: 1
7. Course Summary
Capability of computer aided design and drawing is essential for an engineer in order to
be able to design objects using some drawing software..
8. Course Objectives
Part B- Lesson Plan
Part C- Assessment and Evaluations
Assessment Procedures
Quiz Quizzes are simple class tests with a duration from 20 minutes to
120 minutes. It can be online or offline, students need to prepare for
the quiz based on the instructed syllabus.
Assignment Type of home work assessment, students are given specific tasks
and instructed to complete them within a given period of time.
Understand 10
Apply 25
Analyze 10
Evaluate 5
Create 5
Mapping of CLOs to PLOs
CLO1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
CLO2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
CLO3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
CLO4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
Part D- Resources
5. Mastering AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD LT 2008 by Wiley
6. Computer Aided Design and manufacturing by M. Groover and E. Zimmers
Reference Books
5. CAD/CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future by S. Narayanan
6. Computer Aided Manufacturing by TienChien Chang
Jashore University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Course Outline: Electronic Devices and Circuits
Part A- Introduction
II. Credit: 3
1. Course Summary
To learn basic concepts about semiconductor physics.
To know about formation of semiconductor diodes, transistors, field effect transistors, Oscillators and
their working principle.
To know about power electronics devices and its operation.
A computer engineer needs to know about number system, logic design and the basic
building blocks used in digital systems, in particular digital computers.
2. Course Objectives
Part B- Lesson Plan
Week 4 Intrinsic and Define and discuss CLO1, CLO2 Lecture Quiz
Extrinsic semiconductor Exercise Assignment
Week 5 Semiconductors: N Demonstration Practical Exam
physics and
Week 6 and P type semiconductors.
carrier densities,
generation and
recombination of
excess carriers,
carrier life time,
continuity equation.
Part C- Assessment and Evaluations
Assessment Procedures
Quiz Quizzes are simple class tests with a duration from 20 minutes to
120 minutes. It can be online or offline, students need to prepare
for the quiz based on the instructed syllabus.
Assignment Type of home work assessment, students are given specific tasks
and instructed to complete them within a given period of time.
Mapping of CLOs to PLOs
CLO1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
CLO2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
CLO3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
CLO4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
Part D- Resources
1. Basic Electronics (Solid State).
2. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory.
Reference Books
1. Hand Book of Electronics.
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits.
Jashore University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Course Outline: Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab
Part A- Introduction
1. Course Summary
To learn basic concepts about semiconductor physics.
To know about formation of semiconductor diodes, transistors, field effect transistors, Oscillators and
their working principle.
To know about power electronics devices and its operation.
A computer engineer needs to know about number system, logic design and the basic
building blocks used in digital systems, in particular digital computers.
2. Course Objectives
Part B- Lesson Plan
Week 7 Diode circuits: The PN junction, Define diods CLO3, Lecture Quiz
biasing and V-I characteristics of Exercise Assignment
Week 8 diodes, rectifier concept, half wave Demonstration Practical
and full wave rectifiers, Zener Exam
diode and voltage regulators.
Week 11 Field effect Define and CLO3, Lecture Quiz
transistor: Construction of JFET, explain Exercise Assignment
Week 12 its parameters, biasing, Operational CLO4 Demonstration Practical
characteristics and principles of Amplifiers Exam
operation, different types of and FET
MOSFET and its operation and
Amplifier: Voltage and current
amplifiers of different
configurations, RC coupled
amplifier, operational amplifiers
(OPAMPS), linear applications of
OPAMPS, gain, input and output
Quiz Quizzes are simple class tests with a duration from 20 minutes to
120 minutes. It can be online or offline, students need to prepare
for the quiz based on the instructed syllabus.
Assignment Type of home work assessment, students are given specific tasks
and instructed to complete them within a given period of time.
Bloom’s Category Test Attendance External Participation
Marks (out of 20) (30) (10) in Curricular/Co-
Curricular Activities
Remember 2
Understand 5
Apply 13
Analyze 2
Evaluate 4
Create 4
SE- Lab Final Exam (60 marks)
Bloom’s Category Test
Remember 5
Understand 10
Apply 25
Analyze 10
Evaluate 5
Create 5
CLO1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
CLO2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
CLO3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
CLO4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
Part D- Resources
1. Basic Electronics (Solid State).
2. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory.
Reference Books
1. Hand Book of Electronics.
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits.
Jashore University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes: After the successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
5. Transformations: Change of axes, Translation, 6 CLO5
Invariants, Analyzing an equation using a
rotation (identify and sketch).
6. Straight Lines: Straight lines, Pair of straight 3 CLO5
7. General Equation of Second Degree: Reduction 4 CLO6
to standard form and Identification of conics.
8. Circles: Circles, System of circles, Tangent, 3 CLO7
Recommended References:
Anton, H., Bivens, I. and Davis, S. : Calculus
Das and Mukherjee : Differential Calculus
Thomson & Finne. : Calculus
Swokowski. E. W : Calculus
Shanti Narayan : Differential Calculus
CIE- Continuous Internal Evaluation (28Marks)
Bloom’s Category Tests Assignments Quizzes External Participation in
Marks (out of 20) (10) (05) (05) Curricular/Co-Curricular
Remember 05
Understand 03
Apply 04 8
Analyze 03
Evaluate 03
Create 02
Jashore University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Part A- Introduction
II. Credit: 2
1. Course Summary
Someone wants to develop his/her career as a computer engineer needs to know the basic theories
and principles of physics to generate problem solving, analytical, mathematical and solution finding
skills; this course will equip him/her with the concepts of Kinetic Theory of Gases, Heat and
Thermodynamics, Simple Harmonic Motion, Wave Motion, Sound Waves, Acoustics and Electrostatics.
2. Course Objectives
1. Apply the concepts, ideas and methods of Physics required to solve problems in
engineering studies.
2. Acquire knowledge about different laws and models of Physics, which will develop
analytical capabilities among them.
3. Apply the laws and skills in higher studies or research areas.
4. Understand the origins in thermodynamics, electronics and Acoustics.
5. Explain everyday things happening around us.
Part B- Lesson Plan
Week 4 Heat and Thermodynamics: 1st Explain work CLO1, Lecture Quiz
law of Thermodynamics, done by CLO2 Exercise Assignment
Week 5 Internal energy, Specific heats expanding Demonstration Practical
Week 6 of gases, Work done by gas Exam
expanding gas, Elasticity of a
perfect gas, 2nd law of
thermodynamics, Carnot’s
cycle, Efficiency of heat
engines, Absolute scale of
temperature, Entropy and its
physical concepts, Maxwell’s
thermodynamic relations,
Statistical Mechanics
Variation of resistance with
Week 9 Wave motion: Travelling List the types CLO3, Lecture Quiz
waves, Principle of of velocity CLO4 Exercise Assignment
Week 10 superposition, wave velocity, play role in Demonstration Practical
Group velocity, Phase velocity, wave motion Exam
Power and intensity in wave and interpret
motion, Interference, diffraction each with
and transmission of waves, respective
Standing Waves. example
Part C- Assessment and Evaluations
Assessment Procedures
Quiz Quizzes are simple class tests with a duration from 20 minutes to
120 minutes. It can be online or offline, students need to prepare
for the quiz based on the instructed syllabus.
Assignment Type of home work assessment, students are given specific tasks
and instructed to complete them within a given period of time.
CLO1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
CLO2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
CLO3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
CLO4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
Part D- Resources
1. Equilibrium Thermodynamics by Adkins
2. Waves and Oscillations by Brijlal
3. Fundamentals of physics by Halliday and Rensick