TEXT: Design of Analog Filters 2nd Edition, by R. Schaumann, H. Xiao and M.E. Van Valkenburg, Oxford U. Press, 2010, ISBN13: 9780195373943.
Dr. R. A. Nordin Spring 2012
Reference Texts: - Design of Analog Filters, by R. Schaumann and M.E. Van Valkenburg, Oxford U. Press, 2001, ISBN 0-19-511877-4. - Passive & Active Filters: Theory & Implementations, by Wai-Kai Chen, Wiley, 86. - Introduction to the Theory and Design of Active Filters, by L. P. Huelsman and P. E. Allen, McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1980. - Introduction to Filter Theory, by David E. Johnson - Prentice Hall 1976 - SPICE: A guide to circuit simulation & analysis using Pspice, by P. W. Tuinenga - The illustrated Guide to PSPICE Windows, by Robert Lamely
Grading Policy: Test 1 100 pts Test 2 100 pts Final 100 pts Homework 100 pts Project 100 pts Total 500 pts Notes: All exams are closed book, but you are allowed to use both sides of an 8.5 by 11 sheet of paper for notes. Save your notes for the next exam, because you are allowed to have cumulative notes at subsequent exams. The exams have four problems with multiple parts per problem. All exams will be held at the IIT main campus and at the Rice campus unless special arrangements are made. The class project is a computer simulation of an active filter using a CAD tool called PSPICE. Homeworks are to be turned in (via campus mail, digital box in blackboard or email) at the beginning of class on the assigned day. Late homeworks will not be accepted, unless previous arrangements are made. Electronically submitted homework should be in PDF format.
Office Hours: By Phone only on M. W. F. from 11:00 am to 1:00 p.m. at telephone # = (630) 9269345 or email at [email protected]. I will also be available 30 minutes before and after class upstairs (at the Rice campus) in the faculty room.
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HW#1 HW#2
Chapter 6 Review Exam #1 & intro to 2nd order low-pass filters Chapter 6 Low-Pass Filters with maximally flat magnitude response Chapter 6 Low-Pass Filters with maximally flat magnitude response Chapter 7 Low-Pass Filters with Equal ripple (Chebyshev) mag resp. Chapter 7 Low-Pass Filters with Equal ripple (Chebyshev) mag resp. Chapter 8 Inverse Chebyshev and Cauer Filters Chapter 8 Inverse Chebyshev and Cauer Filters Chapter 9 Frequency Transformation Chap 6,7,8,9 Review for Exam #2 material (Problem Solving)
HW#3 HW#4
Exam #2 (covering chapters part of 6,7,8 and part of 9
Chapter 10 Review of Exam #2 & Delay Filters Chapter 12 Sensitivity Chapter 12 Sensitivity Chapter 13 LC Ladder Filters Chapter 13 LC Ladder Filters Chap 10,12,13 Review for Final Exam material Final Exam (covering chapters 10,12,13, and one comp) 7:30 9:30
HW#6 Project
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HW #1 HW #2
See Assignment #1 handout Chapter 2, 3 & 4 Problems (2.9, 2.10, 2.19, 2.23, 3.19, 3.23, 3.26, 3.45, 4.5, 4.10
20 pts 15 pts
HW #3
Chapter 6 & 7 Problems 15 pts (6.1, 6.3, 6.10, 6.13, 6.20) (2 points each) - Design a normalized BW LP filter of order 5 using single Op-Amp infinite gain multiple feedback configurations and a single Op-Amp single pole configurations if needed. Plot the magnitude and the phase response using P-Spice. (5 points) Chapter 7 & 8 Problems 20 pts (7.1, 7.4, 7.6, 7.7, 7.15) (2 points each) (8.1, 8.5, 8.8) (2 points each) - Design a normalized Chebychev (=1dB) LP filter of order 5 using single Op-Amp infinite gain multiple feedback configurations and a single Op-Amp single pole configurations if needed. Plot the magnitude and the phase response using P-Spice. Compare to BW. - Design a normalized Inv-Chebychev (=1dB) LP filter of order 5 using single Op-Amp infinite gain multiple feedback configurations and a single Op-Amp single pole configurations if needed. Plot the magnitude and the phase response using P-Spice. Compare to BW Chapter 8, 9, & 10 Problems (8.10, 8.12) (1 point, 2 points) (9.1, 9.2, 9.10) (2 points each) (10.1, 10.2, 10.4) (2 points each) Chapter 12 & 13 Problems (12.1, 12.5, 12.6) (1 point, 2 point, 2 point) (13.1, 13.4, 13.5, 13.9, 13.10) (2 points each)
Total 15 pts
HW #4
HW #5
HW #6
15 pts
100 pts
Neglect any part of a problem that requests a computer simulation using EWB.
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BP Filter
What to hand in: (20) 1.) The Filter schematic, including node labels, device labels, and any other type of labels used so as one can trace the schematic to relevant plots. (20) 2.) Brief (1 page maximum) summary of your project along with a circuit description. Describe any key circuitry used. (20) 3.) Create a specification sheet for your programmable filter, include the following: a.) attenuation or rejection of neighboring frequencies. b.) how the filter center frequency is varied. c.) Quality factor and bandwidth of the filter d.) element sensitivity (20) 4.) Verification Plots showing the performance of your Filter: a.) Amplitude and phase spectra for each frequency (label all pertinent information) b.) for the Fc=1209 Hz design, show the amplitude and phase spectra as component values vary by + and - 10% (for simplicity, assume either all components are up by 10% or all are low by 10%). c.) for the Fc=1209 Hz design, plot the step function response. d.) for the Fc=1209 Hz design, plot the impulse (estimate the impulse input) function response. (20) 5.) Comment on the sensitivity results of part 4b. (calculate the sensitivity and compare to simulated results).
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Homework Assignment #1 (20 points) (4 pts) 1.) For the following network,
1F 1
1H 1
2H 1
+ Vout -
Calculate the transfer function ( Vout / Vin ). Sketch the magnitude and the phase spectra of the Transfer Function. Calculate the cutoff frequency of the Transfer Function. What kind of filter is this?
+ Vin -
1 1F
+ Va -
+ -
+ Vout -
a.) Calculate the transfer function ( Vout / Vin ). b.) Sketch the magnitude and the phase spectra of the Transfer Function. c.) Calculate the cutoff frequency of the Transfer Function. d.) What kind of filter is this? e.) Is the network stable? (is the denominator polynomial Hurwitz?) (4 pts) 3.) For the following 3 order low pass Butterworth Filter,
+ Vin -
1H 2F
1H 1
+ Vout -
a.) Find the element values that will result when a frequency denormalization is made such that the bandwidth is increased to1kHz. b.) For part (a) re-calculate the transfer function. c.) Find the elemental values that will result when an impedance denormalization is made such that the terminating resistor is changed to 10k. d.) For part (c) re-calculate the transfer function.
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(3 pts) 4.) Use the Hurwitz test to check the following polynomials for stability, Dr. R. A. Nordin a.) s + 7s + 14s +8 b.) s3 + 2s2 + 2s + 5 c.) s4 + 3s3 + 3s2 + 3s + 2 d.) s5 + s4 + 2s3 + 2s2 + 5s + 5 e.) s4 + s2 + 1 f.) s5 + 5s3 + 4s (4 pts) 5.) Find a realizable H(s) if the magnitude response squared is | H(j) |2 = (1 + 2) / (6 54 + 52 + 4)
3 2
Spring 2012
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Due at the first exam (5 points) 1.) For a 5th order Butterworth Low Pass Filter, (a) derive the transfer function for the filter (b) prove that the amplitude function is equal to: |H(j)| = 1 / SQRT(1 + 10) (c) derive the phase response, and (d) simulate the frequency response (magnitude and phase) via PSPICE or a MathCAD (or similar CAD tool).
Due at the second exam (5 points) 2.) For a 5th order Butterworth filter Low Pass Filter, (a) Derive the delay time response. (b) Simulate a time domain response (use a step input and a impulse input) (c) Sketch the delay as the order of the filter increases from a 3rd order to a 8th order
Due at the final exam (5 points) 3.) For the following 5th order filters: Butterworth Chebyshev (ripple amplitude = 3 dB) Inverse Chebyshev (ripple amplitude = 50 dB) (a) Sketch their amplitude and their Phase response (b) Determine their delay, and (c) Compare and contrast these filters.
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