Debussy Nocturnes Mov. 1 Nuages - Scanned Score

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Rotation starrts energetically, ends wtih expanded fadeout

- Cuts through
Cluster chords

Syncopated pizz in lower strings

: static harmony and no new material
Fade out, expansion of 2 note harmonic idea in Y, 6/4, variant of closing motif in the horns

B Pedla (previously there was a diminished triad instead)

Bass descends to F (tritone away), same as cor anglais melody movement

Viola solo: partway between countermelody and accomp

Rotation 4: longest, 37 bars, less ordered expansion of X

Total length of Rotation 3: sum of rotations 1 than rotatoins 2 and 3
and 2: 10 + 18 bars
Ends inconclusively, ambiguous harmony around F, More in common with rotation 1, but even thinner
tritone away from opening tonal focus of B texture, SOLO VIOLA adds additional material:
between countermelody and expanded accompaniment
Whole tone chord INTERJECTION


Parallel Dom7ths, recalls outline of b.14 Parallel Dom7ths

'B' in Ternary Form, also developed X from Rotation 1, b.15-20, RESOLUTION of V7d to D#m; Unlike previous material, this is logical contiuation
processes from rotation 1-3

D# Pentatonic theme in Flute+Harp


Impression of Dorian mode

Perfect 5th Idea: ####a ####a1

I Quaver
V interjection rhythmic
I in D#m, idea
Whole tone interjection

Wide range tessitura, shimmery sonority

Timbral contrast: "Light through clouds"

D# Drone
X texture thins out even more, as will do in every subsequent rotation


G# implies IV?, stepwise modal harmonies like b.20

Pizz 5ths Cb Feels like dominant E maj chord 1st inversion

Similar to bar 19
Entirely octatonic bar G#7
####a Fragements of pentatonic patterns, abrupt ending

Harp harmonics: bell like sound, octave above written

A1 in Ternary form

Foghorn returns, but with darker orchestration

G7 Chord Only F and G notes accompany

Falling tritone motif

WW only orchestation

Different chords from B octatonic (C#7), change COLOUR

sur la touche: on the fingerboard, wispy sound

Section corresponds to bars 43-50

E7, falling tritone Foghorn expanded, fade out

Last hearing of this expanded melody

Texture becoming thinner, notes held longer

E7 Continues, More static chords, similar to Rotation 1

Rotation 5
New harmonic colour, but still octatonic
Expanded foghorn heard 2 part version of X transsferred to bass, darker, more fragmented orchestration
for last time
Very short, almost like a coda

Only Second half of idea, continued in Vcl

E7 (V7b) Continues Debussing fading out an idea: "Wave structure"


Reminder of Syncopated pentatonic Increasing disonance of G/B against F# and A#

Decreasing dissonance as bass moves
idea in 'B' section, low flute register
up to B

2x falling tritone in horn

Dissonance disaapears, B-D in timps

G7 tonally unstable, leaves harmonic uncertainty

Slight Melodic variation Vcl 2 end of bar Pizz cadential motif answer to foghorn, now 3rd apart

No real harmonic resolution: harmonically and tonally ends only way it could:
repeated single pitch of B, same key centre as opening

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