CQ-Concepts-For-2-Marks Northern University Bangladesh

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CQ Concept Questions

Max Mark: 2+2

Knowledge Representation:

1. What are the different types of knowledge representation schemes used in artificial intelligence?

Different types of knowledge representation schemes include semantic networks, frames, production rules, logic-
based representations (such as first-order logic and predicate logic), and neural networks.

2. Explain the difference between symbolic and sub-symbolic representations in knowledge

Symbolic representations deal with explicit symbols and their relationships, while sub-symbolic representations
involve patterns learned from data without explicit symbols.

3. How does semantic networks help in representing knowledge in artificial intelligence systems?

Semantic networks represent knowledge in the form of nodes (concepts) and arcs (relationships) between them,
facilitating the organization and retrieval of knowledge.

Knowledge Acquisition:

1. What are the various methods used for knowledge acquisition in expert systems?
Methods for knowledge acquisition include knowledge elicitation through interviews and surveys, observation of
domain experts, studying documentation and literature, and utilizing automated tools for extracting knowledge from
existing data.

2. Discuss the importance of knowledge engineering in the process of knowledge acquisition.

Knowledge engineering involves the systematic process of designing, acquiring, and implementing knowledge-
based systems, playing a crucial role in knowledge acquisition by structuring domain knowledge for effective use.

3. How does machine learning contribute to knowledge acquisition in modern AI systems?

Machine learning techniques, such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning,
contribute to knowledge acquisition by automatically learning patterns and relationships from data.

Knowledge Organization and Manipulation:

1. Explain the role of ontologies in knowledge organization and manipulation.

Ontologies provide a formal and explicit specification of a shared conceptualization, enabling the organization,
retrieval, and reuse of domain knowledge.
2. How do frames facilitate the organization and manipulation of knowledge in AI systems?

Frames are knowledge structures that represent stereotypical situations or concepts, containing slots for attributes
and values, which aid in organizing and manipulating knowledge efficiently.

3. Discuss the significance of knowledge bases in storing and retrieving information in expert systems.
Knowledge bases store and organize information in a structured format, allowing for efficient retrieval and
manipulation of knowledge in expert systems, often using databases or specialized knowledge representation

Goal-Based Agent:

1. Question: What is a goal-based agent in artificial intelligence?

- Answer: A goal-based agent is an AI agent that operates by setting and achieving goals, often using search
algorithms to find paths to the goals.

2. Question: Explain the difference between a simple reflex agent and a goal-based agent.
- Answer: A simple reflex agent reacts to the current percept without considering long-term goals, while a goal-
based agent plans actions to achieve desired states.

3. Question: How does a goal-based agent formulate and pursue its goals?
- Answer: A goal-based agent formulates its goals based on its internal state and environment, then uses search
algorithms or other problem-solving methods to achieve those goals.

Utility-Based Agent:

4. Question: What is a utility-based agent in AI?

- Answer: A utility-based agent makes decisions based on the expected utility (or desirability) of different
outcomes, considering preferences or objectives of the agent.

5. Question: How does a utility-based agent evaluate different actions?

- Answer: A utility-based agent evaluates actions by assigning utilities to potential outcomes, then selects the
action that maximizes expected utility.

6. Question: Explain the concept of utility function in utility-based agents.

- Answer: A utility function maps states or outcomes to real numbers representing the desirability or utility of those
states or outcomes for the agent.

A* Search Algorithm:

7. Question: What is the A* search algorithm used for?

- Answer: The A* search algorithm is used to find the shortest path from a start node to a goal node in a weighted

8. Question: How does the A* search algorithm work?

- Answer: A* evaluates nodes by combining the cost to reach the node from the start node and the estimated cost
to reach the goal node from the current node, using a heuristic function.

9. Question: What makes A* different from other search algorithms like Dijkstra's algorithm?
- Answer: A* uses a heuristic function to guide the search, allowing it to be more efficient than Dijkstra's
algorithm in finding the shortest path.

First Order Logic:

10. Question: What is First Order Logic (FOL) used for in artificial intelligence?
- Answer: FOL is used to represent and reason about knowledge in a structured and formal manner, allowing for
logical inference and deduction.
11. Question: Explain the difference between propositional logic and first-order logic.
- Answer: Propositional logic deals with propositions and their truth values, while first-order logic deals with
objects, relations, and quantifiers, allowing for more complex statements and reasoning.

12. Question: How are quantifiers used in first-order logic?

- Answer: Quantifiers such as "for all" (∀) and "exists" (∃) are used to express statements about all objects in a
domain or to specify the existence of objects satisfying certain properties.

Fuzzy Logic:

13. Question: What is fuzzy logic used for in AI?

- Answer: Fuzzy logic is used to model and reason with uncertainty and imprecision in decision-making, allowing
for more flexible and human-like reasoning.

14. Question: Explain the concept of fuzzy sets in fuzzy logic.

- Answer: Fuzzy sets generalize classical sets by allowing elements to have degrees of membership ranging from
0 to 1, representing the degree of belongingness to the set.

15. Question: How are fuzzy rules and fuzzy inference used in fuzzy logic systems?
- Answer: Fuzzy rules map input variables to output variables based on fuzzy logic, and fuzzy inference combines
these rules to determine the output given the input.

Naïve Bayes Classification:

16. Question: What is Naïve Bayes classification used for?

- Answer: Naïve Bayes classification is used for supervised learning tasks, particularly for text classification and
spam filtering.

17. Question: Explain the "naïve" assumption in Naïve Bayes classification.

- Answer: The "naïve" assumption is that features are conditionally independent given the class label, simplifying
the calculation of probabilities.

18. Question: How does Naïve Bayes classification work?

- Answer: Naïve Bayes calculates the probability of a class given the input features using Bayes' theorem and
selects the class with the highest probability as the predicted class label.

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