The Rise of The Knowledge Graph

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The Rise
of the
Toward Modern Data Integration
and the Data Fabric Architecture

Sean Martin, Ben Szekely,

and Dean Allemang

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connected enterprise.
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The Rise of the
Knowledge Graph
Toward Modern Data Integration
and the Data Fabric Architecture

Sean Martin, Ben Szekely,

and Dean Allemang

Beijing Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo

The Rise of the Knowledge Graph
by Sean Martin, Ben Szekely, and Dean Allemang
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March 2021: First Edition

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2021-03-19: First Release

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Table of Contents

The Rise of the Knowledge Graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Executive Summary 1
Introduction 3
Emergence of the Knowledge Graph 7
Data and Graphs: A Quick Introduction 14
The Knowledge Layer 37
Managing Vocabularies in an Enterprise 40
Representing Data and Knowledge in Graphs: The
Knowledge Graph 55
Beyond Knowledge Graphs: An Integrated Data
Enterprise 66
References 79

The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

Executive Summary
While data has always been important to business across industries,
in recent years the essential role of data in all aspects of business has
become increasingly clear. The availability of data in everyday life—
from the ability to find any information on the web in the blink
of an eye to the voice-driven support of automated personal
assistants—has raised the expectations of what data can deliver for
businesses. It is not uncommon for a company leader to say, “Why
can’t I have my data at my fingertips, the way Google does it for the
This is where a structure called a knowledge graph comes into play.
A knowledge graph is a combination of two things: business data in a
graph, and an explicit representation of knowledge. Businesses man‐
age data so that they can understand the connections between their
customers, products or services, features, markets, and anything else
that impacts the enterprise. A graph represents these connections
directly, allowing us to analyze and understand the relationships
that drive business forward. Knowledge provides background infor‐
mation such as what kinds of things are important to the company
and how they relate to one another. An explicit representation of
business knowledge allows different data sets to share a common
reference. A knowledge graph combines the business data and the
business knowledge to provide a more complete and integrated
experience with the organization’s data.
What does a knowledge graph do? To answer that question, let’s
consider an example. Knowledge graph technology allows Google to

include oral surgeons in a list when you ask for “dentists”; Google
manages the data of all businesses, their addresses, and what they do
in a graph. The fact that “oral surgeons” are a kind of “dentist” is
knowledge that Google combines with this data to present a fully
integrated search experience. Knowledge graph technology is essen‐
tial for achieving this kind of data integration.

A knowledge graph is a combination of two things:

business data in a graph, and an explicit
representation of knowledge.

An integrated data experience in the enterprise has eluded data tech‐

nology for decades, because it is not just a technological problem.
The problem also lies in the way enterprise data is governed. In a
company, distinct business needs often have their own data sources,
resulting in independently managed “silos” of data that have very lit‐
tle interaction. But if the enterprise wants to support innovation and
gain insight, it has to adopt a completely different way of thinking
about data, and consider it as a resource in itself, independent from
any particular application. Data utilization then becomes a process
of knitting together data from across the enterprise (sales, product,
customers) as well as across the industry (regulations, materials,
markets). Continuing the knitting metaphor, we call a data architec‐
ture of this sort a data fabric.
This report is written for the various roles that need to work
together to weave a data fabric for an enterprise. This includes
everyone from data managers, data architects, and strategic decision
makers to the data engineers who design and maintain the databases
that drive the business. Modern companies also have a variety of
data customers, including analysts and data scientists. The data fab‐
ric provides these data customers with a much broader resource
with which to work. Another key role in driving a data fabric is the
business architect, the one who analyzes business processes and fig‐
ures out who needs to know what to make the processes work cor‐
rectly. For all the people in these various roles, the data fabric of the
business is essential to their everyday activities. Building and main‐
taining a data fabric is a challenge for any enterprise. The best way
to achieve a data fabric is by deploying knowledge graph technology
to bring together enterprise data in a meaningful way.

2 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

In this report, you will learn:

• What a knowledge graph is and how it accelerates access to

good, understandable data
• What makes a graph representation different from other data
representations, and why this is important for managing enter‐
prise, public, and research data
• What it means to represent knowledge in such a way that it can
be connected to data, and what technology is available to sup‐
port that process
• How knowledge graphs can form a data fabric to support other
data-intensive tasks, such as machine learning and data analysis
• How a data fabric supports intense data-driven business tasks
more robustly than a database or even a data architecture

We’ll start by looking at how enterprises currently use data, and how
that has been changing over the past couple of decades.

Around 2010, a sea change occurred with respect to how we think
about and value data. The next decade saw the rise of the chief data
officer in many enterprises, and later the data scientist joined other
categories of scientists and engineers as an important contributor to
both the sum of human knowledge and the bottom line. Google cap‐
italized on the unreasonable effectiveness of data, shattering expect‐
ations of what was possible with it, while blazing the trail for the
transformation of enterprises into data-driven entities.
Data has increasingly come to play a significant role in everyday life
as more decision making becomes data-directed. We expect the
machines around us to know things about us: our shopping habits,
our tastes, our preferences (sometimes to a disturbing extent). Data
is used in the enterprise to optimize production, product design,
product quality, logistics, and sales, and even as the basis of new
products. Data made its way into the daily news, propelling our
understanding of business, public health, and political events. This
decade has truly seen a data revolution.
More than ever, we expect all of our data to be connected, and con‐
nected to us, regardless of its source. We don’t want to be bothered

Introduction | 3
with gathering and connecting data; we simply want answers that
are informed by all the data that can be available. We expect data to
be smoothly woven into the very fabric of our lives. We expect our
data to do for the enterprise what the World Wide Web has done for
news, media, government, and everything else.
But such a unified data experience does not happen by itself. While
the final product appears seamless, it is the result of significant
efforts by data engineers, as well as crowds of data contributors.

When data from all over the enterprise, and even the
industry, is woven together to create a whole that is
greater than the sum of its parts, we call this a data fabric.

A data fabric is a dynamic, distributed enterprise data architecture

that allows different parts of the enterprise to both manage data for
their own business uses and make it available to other parts of the
enterprise as a reusable asset. By bringing business data together in
an integrated way, a data fabric allows companies the same easy
access to connected data that we have come to expect in our every‐
day lives.
A data fabric is the result of weaving together two long-term trends
in how to think about managing data and knowledge. On the one
hand, knowledge representation (with its roots in AI research in the
1960s) emphasizes the meaning of data and metadata, while on the
other hand, enterprise data management (starting with database
research in the 1960s) emphasizes the application of data to business
problems. The history of these two threads is shown in Figure 1;
today, they are being woven together to form a data fabric.
What does a data fabric look like? Imagine a company in which data
strategists, all the way from chief data officers to data application
developers, hear executives and analysts say that they want this sort
of data-rich experience. A product developer then searches through
the firm’s current offerings, which are sorted by type and audience,
and correlates them with sales data, which is organized by
geography, purchase date, etc., including online sales as well as in-
store purchases. This is seamlessly combined with product pricing
and feature data from inside the firm, as well as with reviews from
third-party sites and sales data from secondhand markets like eBay
or Mercari. The product developer gets a comprehensive picture of

4 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

every aspect of all related products, and can use this information to
guide new product development.

Figure 1. Parallel history of knowledge-based technology and data

management technology, merging into the data fabric.

How do we get from the current state of affairs, where our data is
locked within specific applications, to a data fabric, where data can
interact throughout the enterprise?
The temptation is to treat this problem like any other application
development challenge: find the right technology, build an applica‐
tion, and solve it. Data integration has been approached as if it is a
one-off application, but we can’t just build a new integration appli‐
cation each time we have a data unification itch to scratch. Instead,
we need to rethink the way we approach data in the enterprise; we
have to think of the data assets as valuable in their own right, even
separate from any particular application. When we do this, our data
assets can serve multiple applications, past, present, and future. This
is how we make a data architecture truly scalable; it has to be dura‐
ble from one application to the next.
Data strategists who want to replicate the success of everyday search
applications in the enterprise need to understand the combination
of technological and cultural change that led to this success.
Weaving a data fabric is at its heart a community effort, and the
quality of the data experience depends on how well that communi‐
ty’s contributions are integrated. A community of data makes very
specific technological demands. So it comes as no surprise that the
data revolution came to life only when certain technological advan‐
ces came together. These advances are:

Introduction | 5
Distributed data
This refers to data that is not in one place, but distributed across
the enterprise or even the world. Many enterprise data strate‐
gists don’t think they have a distributed data problem. They’re
wrong—in any but the most trivial businesses, data is dis‐
tributed across the enterprise, with different governance struc‐
tures, different stakeholders, and different quality standards.
Semantic metadata
This tells us what our data and the relationships that connect
them mean. We don’t need to be demanding about meaning to
get more value from it; we just need enough meaning to allow
us to navigate from one data set to another in useful ways.
Connected data
This refers to an awareness that no data set stands on its own.
The meaning of any datum comes from its connection to other
data, and the meaning of any data set comes from its connec‐
tions to other data.
The knowledge graph, made up of a graph of connected data along
with explicit business knowledge, supports all of these new ways of
thinking about data. As a connected graph data representation, a
knowledge graph can handle connections between data. The explicit
representation of knowledge in a knowledge graph provides seman‐
tic metadata to describe data sources in a uniform way. Also, knowl‐
edge graph technology is inherently distributed, allowing it to
manage multiple, disparate data sets.
In our context, recent breakthroughs in graph database technologies
have proven to be key disruptive innovations marked by vast
improvements in data scales and query performance. This is allow‐
ing this technology to rapidly graduate from a niche form of analyt‐
ics to the data management mainstream. With the maturity of
knowledge graph technology, today’s enterprises are able to weave
their own data fabric. The knowledge graph provides the underpin‐
nings and architecture in which data can be shared effectively
throughout an enterprise.
In the next sections, we’ll introduce the two key technology compo‐
nents you’ll need to build a knowledge graph—namely a graph rep‐
resentation of data and an explicit representation of knowledge. We
will explore how these two important capabilities, in combination,
support the realization of a data fabric architecture in an enterprise.

6 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

Knowledge graph technology is not a figment of a science-fiction
imagination; the technology exists and is in use today. Enterprises
are currently using knowledge graphs to support this new culture of
data management. Let’s briefly take a look at how knowledge graphs

With the maturity of knowledge graph technology,

today’s enterprises are able to weave their own data fabric.

Emergence of the Knowledge Graph

Digital data management has been around for decades. To under‐
stand the value of the knowledge graph in this context, it’s important
to briefly highlight some of the history that has contributed to the
emergence of the knowledge graph.
The term knowledge graph came into vogue shortly after Google’s
2012 announcement of its new capabilities for managing data on a
worldwide, connected scale. In contrast to earlier experiences with
Google as a global index of documents, Google search results began
to include relevant knowledge cards for almost any concept. Fig‐
ure 2 shows one such card, for the international bank UBS. These
cards were linked to one another; the links to Ralph Hamers and
Zurich, Switzerland, point to other, similar cards. The result is a
graph of named entities, connected to one another with meaningful
links. In addition to the cards, the graph included templates for
describing the attributes collected on the cards. For example, all
cards for publicly traded companies have the same structure (stock
price, CEO, headquarters, etc.); these templates are called frames.
Google used this graph to provide insight during search and
retrieval, making its results more relevant and providing additional
interpretive context. This context took the form of direct links to
closely associated information and services that could act directly on
the information presented. For example, a map might be provided
that pinpoints a location or generates driving directions, or the latest
stock price might be presented by applying a service to the stock
ticker provided in the frame. Frames are automatically associated
with search results and bring with them unambiguously described
data structures that are suitable input to associated services.

Emergence of the Knowledge Graph | 7

Figure 2. Example of a Google knowledge card for the multinational
banking organization UBS.

As executives desired to emulate the capabilities of Google in their

own enterprises, the moniker knowledge graph was used to describe
any distributed graph data and metadata system, based on the same
principles of linking distributed, meaningful data entities and
appropriate services in a graph structure.
The knowledge graphs that power Google’s knowledge cards have a
pedigree going back to the early days of artificial intelligence
research, where a number of systems were developed to allow
machines to understand the meaning of data; we refer to these sys‐
tems collectively as semantic systems.

Semantic Systems
Knowledge graphs draw heavily on semantic nets. A semantic net is,
as its name implies, a network of meaningful concepts. Concepts are
given meaningful names, as are their interlinkages. Figure 3 shows
an example of a semantic net about animals, their attributes, their
classifications, and their environments. Various kinds of animals are
related to one another with labeled links. The idea behind a

8 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

semantic net is that it is possible to represent knowledge about some
domain in this form, and use it to drive expert-level performance for
answering questions and other tasks.

Figure 3. Sample semantic net about species of animals.

Semantic nets have developed into frame-based systems, in which a

distinction has been made between patterns of representation and
individual members of those patterns. The Google knowledge card
we saw in Figure 2 shows an example of this; any publicly traded
company will have a CEO, a stock price, headquarters, revenue, etc.
The pattern for all publicly traded companies provides a “frame” for
expressing information about a particular company.
Around 1995, a huge revolution in data awareness occurred; this
was about the time that the World Wide Web became available to
the public at large. Up until that time, data was stored in a data cen‐
ter, and you needed to go to a certain place or run a certain applica‐
tion to access the data. But with the advent of the web, expectations
about data switched from centralized to decentralized; everyone
expected all data to be available everywhere. On the web, you don’t
go somewhere to find your data; your data comes to you.
Semantic nets, and by extension frame-based systems, were set to
move quickly into the web-based age, and did so with the help of the
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), in the form of standards for
the semantic web. The move from frame-based systems to the
semantic web was an easy one; the networked relationships in the
underlying semantic net were simply expanded with web-based, dis‐
tributed relationships. The semantic web began life with a little bit
of both of the essential aspects of the knowledge graph; because of
its networked origins, it was at heart a graph representation. The

Emergence of the Knowledge Graph | 9

frame patterns used to organize information in a semantic net pro‐
vided the explicit representation of knowledge about how to reuse
that data. Furthermore, the semantic web was natively on the web,
and distributed on a worldwide scale. Hence the name semantic
web—a distributed web of knowledge.

Data Representation
One of the drivers of the information revolution was the ability of
computers to store and manage massive amounts of data; from an
early date, database systems were the main driver of information
technology in business.
Early data management systems were based on a synergy between
how people and machines organize data. When people organize data
on their own, there is a strong push toward managing it in a tabular
form; similar things should be described in a similar way, the think‐
ing goes. Library index cards, for example, all have a book title,
an author, and a Dewey Decimal classification, and every customer
has a contact address, a name, a list of things they order, etc. At the
same time, technology for dealing with orderly, grouped, and linked
tabular data, in the form of relational databases (RDBMS), was fast,
efficient, and easily optimized. This led to advertising these data sys‐
tems by saying that “they work in tables, just the way people think!”
Tables turned out to be amenable to a number of analytic
approaches, as online analytical processing systems allowed analysts
to collect, integrate, and then slice and dice data in a variety of ways.
This provided a multitude of insights beyond what was apparent in
the initial discrete data sets. A whole discipline of formal data mod‐
eling, now also known as schema on write, grew up, based on the
premise that data can be represented as interlinked tables.
RDBMS are particularly good at managing well-structured data at
an application level; that is, managing data and relationships that are
pertinent to a particular well-defined task, and a particular applica‐
tion that helps a person accomplish that specific task. Their main
drawback is the inflexibility that results because the data model
required to facilitate data storage, and to support the queries neces‐
sary to retrieve that data, must be designed up front. But businesses
need data from multiple applications to be aggregated, for reporting,
analytics, and strategic planning purposes. Thus enterprises have
become aware of a need for enterprise-level data management.

10 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

Efforts to extend the RDBMS approach to accumulate enterprise-
level data culminated in reporting technology that went by the
name enterprise data warehouse (EDW), based on the analogy that
packing a lot of tables into a single place for consistent management
is akin to packing large amounts of goods into a warehouse. The
deployment of EDWs was not as widespread as the use of tabular
representations in transaction-oriented applications (OLTP), as
fewer EDWs were required to sweep up the data from many applica‐
tions. They were, however, far larger and more complex implemen‐
tations. Eventually, EDWs somewhat fell out of favor with some
businesses due to high costs, high risk, inflexibility, and the rela‐
tively poor support for entity-rich data models. Despite these issues,
EDW continues to be the most successful technology for large-scale
structured data integration for reporting and analytics.
Data managers who saw the drawbacks of EDW began to react
against its dominance. Eventually this movement picked up the
name NoSQL, attracting people who were disillusioned with the
ubiquity of tabular representations in data management, and who
wanted to move beyond SQL, the structured query language that
was used with tabular representations. The name NoSQL appeared
to promise a new approach, one that didn’t use SQL at all. Very
quickly, adherents of NoSQL realized that there was indeed a place
for SQL in whatever data future they were imagining, and the name
“NoSQL” was redefined to mean “Not Only SQL”—to allow for other
data paradigms to exist alongside SQL as well as to provide intero‐
perability with popular business intelligence software tools.
The NoSQL movement included a wide range of different data
paradigms, including document stores, object stores, data lakes, and
even graph stores. These quickly gained popularity with developers
of data-backed applications and data scientists, as they enabled rapid
application development and deployment. Enterprise data guru
Martin Fowler conjectured that the popularity of these data stores
among developers stemmed to a large extent from the fact that these
schemaless stores allowed developers to make an end run around the
business analysts and enterprise data managers, who wanted to keep
control of enterprise data. These data managers needed formal data
schemas, controlled vocabularies, and consistent metadata in order
to use their traditional relational database and modeling tools. The
schemaless data systems provided robust data backends without the
need for enterprise-level oversight. This was wonderful for

Emergence of the Knowledge Graph | 11

developers often frustrated by the rigidity and the difficulty of mod‐
eling complex representations offered by RDBMS schema, but not
so wonderful for the enterprise data managers.
This movement resulted in a large number of data-backed applica‐
tions, but at the expense of an enterprise-level understanding of
what data and applications were managing the enterprise. Similarly,
data scientists found that NoSQL systems more suited to mass data,
like Hadoop or HDFS storage, were fast, direct means for them to
get access to data they needed—if they could find it, rather than
waiting for it to eventually end up in an EDW. This approach was
often described as “schema on read.”

Bringing It Together: The Need for the

Knowledge Graph
The NoSQL movement, along with its unruly child, the data lake,
were in many ways a reaction to the frustrations and skepticism sur‐
rounding the sluggishness, high cost, and inflexibility of traditional
approaches to enterprise data management. In some organizations,
there was even outright rejection and rebellion; the words “data
warehouse” were literally barred by the business, along with every‐
thing else that came with it. From the data consumer’s point of view,
enterprise data management systems were too often a barrier to dis‐
covery and access of the data they needed.
But, of course, there are numerous scenarios that support enterprise
data management systems. Consider the following:

• A government manages various documents around family life:

marriage licenses, birth certificates, citizenship records, etc.
Built into this management are the assumptions behind the
structure of this information, such as that a family consists of
two parents, one man and one woman, and zero or more chil‐
dren. Suppose the government decides to recognize individuals
whose gender is neither male nor female, or parent structures
where the gender of the parents need not be one man and one
woman. Or perhaps it decides to recognize single-parent fami‐
lies or a legal ersatz guardian, like a godparent, as part of the
formal family structure. How do we make sure that all of our
systems are up to date with the new policies? A failure to do this
means that some systems are in violation of new legal dictates.

12 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

• A large industrial manufacturing company wants to support its
customers with an integrated view across the entire life cycle of
a product from its inception in R&D, to its manufacturing, to its
operation in the real world. Such a view supports analytic and
operational use cases not before possible, but requires integra‐
tion of sources never before considered.
• Privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) include a “right to be forgotten.” An individual can
request of an enterprise that personally identifiable information
(PII) be deleted from all of its data systems. How can an enter‐
prise assure the requester, as well as the government regulators,
that it can comply with such a request? Even if we are able to say
what constitutes PII, how do we know where this appears in our
enterprise data? Which databases include names, birthdates,
mother’s maiden names, etc.?
• A retail company buys out one of its competitors, gaining a
large, new customer base. In many cases, they are not actually
new customers, but customers of both original companies. How
do we identify customers so that we can determine when we
should merge these accounts? How do the pieces of information
we have about these customers correspond to each other?
• An industrial trade organization wants to promote collabora‐
tion among members of its industry, to improve how the indus‐
try works as a whole. Examples of this are plentiful: in law, the
West Key Number System allows legal documents to be indexed
precisely and accurately so that the law can be applied in a uni‐
form manner. The UNSPSC (United Nations Standard Products
and Services Code) helps manufacturers and distributors man‐
age the products they ship around the globe. The NAICS codes
(North American Industry Classification System) allow banks
and funding institutions to track in what industry a corporation
operates, to support a variety of applications. How can we pub‐
lish such information in a consistent and reusable manner?

There is a common theme in all of these cases—it isn’t sufficient to

just have data to drive an application. Rather, we need to understand
the structure, location, and governance of our data. This need to
understand your data can be due to regulatory purposes, or even
simply to better understand the customers and products of your

Emergence of the Knowledge Graph | 13

enterprise. It isn’t sufficient just to know something; an agile enter‐
prise has to know what it knows.
At first blush, it looks as if we have contradictory requirements here.
If we want to have agile data integration, we need to be able to
work without the fetters of an enterprise data standard. If we require
one application to be aware of all the requirements of another appli‐
cation, our data management will cripple our application
development. To a large extent, this dynamic, or even just the
appearance of this dynamic, is what prompted so much interest in
NoSQL. On the other hand, if we want to know what we know, and
be able to cope with a dynamic business world, we need to have a
disciplined understanding of our enterprise data.
A knowledge graph has the ability to support agile development and
data integration while connecting data across the enterprise. As we
go forward in this report, we will examine the details of the knowl‐
edge graph, first by looking at the unique features of graph represen‐
tations of data, then by examining how knowledge can be explicitly
represented and managed. We will then show how these two can be
combined into a knowledge graph. Finally, we’ll show how knowl‐
edge graphs are perfectly suited to support the vision of a data fabric
in an enterprise, changing the way we think about scalable enter‐
prise data management.

Data and Graphs: A Quick Introduction

What do we mean by a “graph” in the context of “graph data”? When
you hear or read the word “graph,” you might think back to grade
school, where you learned how to draw graphs or charts of func‐
tions, as well as how you use visual graphs in business today. You
started with a simple line graph, where you plotted points on an x-
axis and a y-axis.
In the context of “graph data” this isn’t the sort of graph we are talk‐
ing about. There is a branch of mathematics called graph theory that
deals with structures called graphs. A graph in this sense is a set,
usually called the set of nodes, connected together by links, some‐
times called edges. One of the advantages of these structures is that
you can draw pictures of them that reflect all the information in a
graph. A semantic net like the one in Figure 3 is an example of a
graph; the nodes are the types of animals in the net, and the edges
(with labels like “is a” and “lives in”) connect them together. You can

14 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

usually draw a graph on a piece of paper in a simple way; the only
issue you will have is that you might have to make some of the edges
cross over one another.
The ability of a graph structure to represent data in a natural, asso‐
ciative way is evident; whenever you express some data, it is a con‐
nection between two things: our company and a product it
produces, or a person and a company they are a customer of, or a
drug that treats some medical condition. Even simple data can be
thought of this way: the relationship between a person and their
birthdate, or a country and its standard dialing code.
There is a natural relationship between a graph and other familiar
data representations. Consider a simple table that might come from
a biographical database, as shown in Figure 4. The dates and names
are plain data; relationships are expressed with references. For
example, 002 in the Mother column refers to the person described in
the second row (Jane Doe); 124 in the Father column refers to the
person in the 124th row (not shown).

Figure 4. Simple tabular data in a familiar form.

We can read this as describing three people, whom we can identify

by the first column. Each cell reflects different information about
them. We can reflect this in a graph in a straightforward way, as seen
in Figure 5.

Figure 5. The same data from Figure 4 shown as a graph, represented


Data and Graphs: A Quick Introduction | 15

Each row in the table becomes a starburst in the graph. In this sense,
a graph is a lowest common denominator for data representation;
whatever you can represent in a table, a document, a list, or what‐
ever, you can also represent as a graph.
The power of graph data, and the thing that made it so popular with
AI researchers back in the 1960s and with developers today, is that a
graph isn’t limited to a particular shape. As we saw in Figure 2, a
graph can connect different types of things in a variety of ways.
There’s no restriction on structure of the graph; it can include loops
and self-references. Multiple links can point to the same resource, or
from the same resource. Two links with different labels can connect
the same two nodes. With a graph, the sky’s the limit.

Why Graphs Are Cool

What is so special about graph data representations? In particular,
what are the cool things about them in contrast to more classical
data representations like tables?

Graphs are a universal data representation.

Graphs can quickly be built from all kinds of data sources

The basis of graph data is that we represent how one entity is related
to another in some specific way; this simple representation has
broad applicability to other forms of data. As we saw in Figures 4
and 5, it is possible to map tabular data into a graph in a repeatable,
straightforward way. Similar transformations can be made for struc‐
tured data in spreadsheets; relational and nonrelational databases;
semistructured data in JSON documents, XML (including HTML),
CSV, and really any other data format. The techniques that allow us
to extract meaningful information from even the most complex
types of data, like text and video, continue to improve by leaps and
bounds. A graph representation provides the ideal home for this
kind of data too, since it can describe the enormous variety of entity
types often found in these complex sources, along with their
attributes and relationships, and with full fidelity.
This can’t be said for all the other ways we store data; recursive
structures like trees and documents are difficult to represent in tab‐
ular format. Cyclic structures like social networks are difficult to

16 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

represent in JSON and XML documents, and rich, complex data is
difficult to represent in tabular style schemes. In this sense, graphs
are a universal data representation; you can represent and quickly
combine any data structures you like in a graph, but in general, not
vice versa.

Graphs represent networked structures

Many important data sources are naturally represented as networks.
Social networks even have the word “network” in their name; they
are naturally represented as connections between individuals—the
first person is connected to the second, who is connected to a third,
and so on. Of course, each individual is connected to a number of
others, and people can be connected in many ways (A knows B, A is
a close friend of B, A is married to B, A is a parent of B, A serves on
the same board as B, etc.), as seen in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Social/professional network example of some fictional people.

All sorts of networked data can be represented easily in this way. In

finance, companies are represented in what is called a legal hierarchy,
a networked structure of companies and the ownership/control rela‐
tionships between them. In biochemistry, metabolic pathways are
represented as networks of basic chemical reactions. As one begins
to think about it, it becomes apparent that almost all data can be
represented as a graph, as any data that describes a number of differ‐
ent concepts or entity types with relationships that link them is a
natural network.

Data and Graphs: A Quick Introduction | 17

Many small graphs can be merged into one larger graph
A distributed data system is most valuable if it can combine data
from different sources into a coherent whole. In a table-based data
system, combining data from multiple tables poses a number of
problems, not least of which has to do with the number of columns
in a table.
Figures 7 and 8 show some of the issues. These two tables contain
information about people. How can we merge them? This poses a
number of problems: when are the columns referring to the same
thing (in this example, “First name” and “Last name” are apparently
the same columns in both tables)? When are we referring to the
same persons (“Chris Pope” in the first table may not be the “Chris
Pope” in the second table)? When columns don’t match, what
should we do with them—tack them on at the end? All these prob‐
lems must be solved before we even have a new table to work with.

Figure 7. Two tables covering some common information. How can

you combine these?

18 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

Figure 8. Tables simply aren’t easy to combine. Doing so with these two
produces something that isn’t even a proper table. How do we line up
columns? Rows?

As alluded to earlier, because the graph data representation is so uni‐

versal, it is the perfect data representation for quickly combining
data from varying sources or formats. This is one of the graph
superpowers. By quickly reducing all the data sets you need to com‐
bine to their entity types or concepts, with their attributes and their
connections in graph form, you can combine all the data into a sin‐
gle graph representation by simply merging or loading them into the
same file or graph database.
We don’t even need to draw two figures; Figure 9 shows several
small graphs, one for each person in the tables in Figure 8. But Fig‐
ure 9 also shows one big graph that includes all this information. A
large graph is just the superimposition of several small graphs. If we
decide that Chris Pope is the same person in both tables (as we did
in Figure 9), then we can reflect that easily in the graph representa‐
tion (Figure 10).
After merging two or more graphs, you may need to process your
new graph to create additional linking attributes (edges) that con‐
nect the graph entity instances (nodes), further integrating the data
in your graph as a combined network. You may also want to detect
which nodes in the graph represent the exact same thing and dedu‐
plicate them by merging their attributes and connections, or simply
creating a link between them to record that they are the same. If
later on you want to add additional data to your graph, simply
repeat the process. No other data representation facilitates such a
malleable and rapid means of stitching data together quickly as well
as extending this integration over time. As you will read in the next
section, the rewards for having done so are considerable.

Data and Graphs: A Quick Introduction | 19

Figure 9. Multiple graphs together are just a bigger graph.

20 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

Figure 10. Merging two graphs when they have a node in common.

Graphs can match complex patterns

Many business questions involve describing complex relationships
between data entities. Examples of such questions are plentiful in
every domain:

• An online clothing store wants to know about the types of coats

it offers; does it have a coat with a cotton lining, synthetic fill‐
ing, and waterproof outer? Not to be confused with a coat with
a synthetic lining, cotton filling, and waterproof outer.
• A bank wants to find customers with at least three accounts: a
savings, checking, and credit card account. Each of these
accounts must display its recent activity that is over a week old.
• A physician checking for adverse drug indications wants to find
patients currently being treated with drugs that have chemical
components that are known to react adversely with a proposed
new treatment.

Data and Graphs: A Quick Introduction | 21

• A conference wants to promote women in science, and is look‐
ing for a keynote speaker. Its organizers want to compile a list of
women who have published an article whose topic is some
branch of science.

Tabular data systems (e.g., relational databases) are queried using

what is probably the most familiar approach. Given a question that
you want to answer, you pick out some tables in the database and
specify ways to combine them to create new tables. You do this
selection and combination in such a way that the new table answers
the question.
Graph data systems are queried in a very different way. Starting as
usual with a question you want to answer, you write down a pattern
that expresses that question. The pattern itself is also a graph. For
example, you might write, “Find me a patient with a condition that
is treated by a drug that has a component known to interact with my
proposed therapy,” as seen in Figure 11. This pattern is itself a graph,
that is, a set of relationships between entities. Graph data systems
can efficiently match patterns of this sort against very large data sets
to find all possible matches.

Figure 11. “Find me a patient with a condition that is treated by a

drug that has a component known to interact with my proposed ther‐
apy” shown as a graph.

Graphs can trace deep paths

In many network settings, it is useful to understand the connections
between entities. For example, in a social network, you might want
to “find all of my friends.” A more complex task is “find all friends of
my friends,” and still more complex, “find all friends of friends of my
friends.” The well-known game “six degrees of Kevin Bacon” chal‐
lenges players to find connections from a given actor, where two
actors are connected if they have acted in a movie together. In a
graph network, this can be formulated as “find me connections of
connections of connections and so on, up to six layers, starting at

22 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

Kevin Bacon.” This sort of question finds all the items that are
closely related to a given seed item, finding a neighborhood of con‐
nected items.
Tracing deep paths can work the other way around, too. Given two
people in a social network, a graph data system can find out how far
apart they are, and even tell all the steps in between that connect
them: how is this person connected to that company? How is this
drug connected to that condition? Answers to questions like these
take the form of long paths of connections from one entity to
another. To answer the same kind of questions against a tabular sys‐
tem, a separate SQL query would have to be composed to test for
each possible type of relationship that might exist.

Graph Data Use Cases

All of the features mentioned above have fueled the current popular‐
ity of graph data representations for data engineers and application
developers. Since many of these features were impractical or even
impossible using the prevailing data methods of the past 30 years
(mostly relational-based), innovative IT professionals turned to
graph data to provide them. But what drove this shift? What were
some of the problems that they wanted to solve? We’ll describe a few
of them here.

Anti-money laundering
In finance today, money laundering is big business. On a surpris‐
ingly large scale, so-called bad actors conceal ill-gotten gains in the
legitimate banking system. Despite widespread regulation for
detecting and managing money laundering, only a small fraction of
cases are detected.
In general, money laundering is carried out in several stages. This
typically involves the creation of a large number of legal organiza‐
tions (corporations, LLCs, trust funds, etc.) and passing the money
from one to another, eventually returning it, with an air of legiti‐
macy, to the original owner.
Graph data representations are particularly well suited to tracking
money laundering because of their unique capabilities. First, the
known connections between individuals and corporations naturally
form a network; one organization owns another, a particular person
sits on the board or is an officer of a corporation, and individual

Data and Graphs: A Quick Introduction | 23

persons are related to one another through family, social, or profes‐
sional relationships. Tracking money laundering uses all of these
Second, certain patterns of money laundering are well known to
financial investigators. These patterns can be represented in a
straightforward manner with graph queries and typically include
deep paths: one corporation is a subsidiary, part owner, or control‐
ling party of another corporation, over and over again (remember
Kevin Bacon?), and transactions pass money from one of these cor‐
porations to another, often many steps deep. Cracking a money-
laundering activity involves finding these long paths, matching some
Finally, the data involved in these patterns typically comes from
multiple sources. A number of high-profile cases were detected from
data in the Panama Papers, which, when combined with other pub‐
lished information (corporate registrations, board memberships, cit‐
izenship, arrest records, etc.), provided the links needed to detect
money laundering.
The application of graph data in finance has achieved a number of
results that were infeasible using legacy data management

Collaborative filtering
In ecommerce, it is important to be able to determine what products
a particular shopper is likely to buy. Advertising combs to bald men
or diapers to teenagers is not likely to result in sales. Egregious
errors of this sort can be avoided by categorizing products and cus‐
tomers, but highly targeted promotions are much more likely to be
A successful approach to this problem is called collaborative filtering.
The idea of collaborative filtering is that we can predict what one
customer will buy by examining the buying habits of other custom‐
ers. Customers who bought this item also bought that item. You
bought this item—maybe you’d like that item, too?
Graph data makes it possible to be more sophisticated with collabo‐
rative filtering; in addition to filtering based on common purchases,
we can filter based on more elaborate patterns, including features of
the products (brand names, functionality, style) and information

24 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

about the shopper (stated preferences, membership in certain
organizations, subscriptions). High-quality collaborative filtering
involves analysis of complex data patterns, which is only practical
with graph-based representations. Just as in the case of money laun‐
dering, much of the data used in collaborative filtering is external to
the ecommerce system; product information, brand specifics, and
user demographics are all examples of distributed data that must be

Cross-clinical trial data harmonization

In the pharmaceutical industry, drug discovery is the source of
much of the innovation. But developing a new drug from scratch is
risky and expensive; in many cases, it is more productive to repur‐
pose an existing drug, either by finding new uses for it or by mitigat‐
ing its known adverse effects. In these cases, there is already a large
body of data available from earlier investigation into the drug. This
data comes from earlier FDA filings, internal studies, or studies per‐
formed by outsourced research. Regardless of the investigation his‐
tory of an existing drug, one thing is for sure: there will be
thousands of relevant data sets of various vintages and formats.
While these data sets are relatively similar conceptually, their indi‐
vidual details differ, making the application of traditional data inte‐
gration techniques unfeasible.
Representing these data sets as graph data makes it far more practi‐
cal to align the disparate instance data and nontechnical metadata
into a single harmonized model. This in turn greatly reduces the
effort required to reuse all the available data in research for new
medical uses for existing drugs.

Identity resolution
Identity resolution isn’t really a use case in its own right, but rather a
high-level capability of graph data. The basic problem of identity
resolution is that, when you combine data from multiple sources,
you need to be able to determine when an identity in one source
refers to the same identity in another source. We saw an example of
identity resolution already in Figure 8; how do we know that Chris
Pope in one table refers to the same Chris Pope in the other? In that
example, we used the fact that they had the same name to infer that
they were the same person. Clearly, in a large-scale data system, this

Data and Graphs: A Quick Introduction | 25

will not be a robust solution. How do we tell when two entities are
indeed the same?
One approach to this is to combine cross-references from multiple
sources. Suppose we had one source that includes the Social Security
number (SSN) of individuals, along with their passport number
(when they have one). Another data source includes the SSN along
with employee numbers. If we combine all of these together, we can
determine that Chris Pope (with a particular passport number) is
the same person as Chris Pope (with a particular employee number).
It is not uncommon for this sort of cross-referencing to go several
steps before we can resolve the identity of a person or corporation.
Identity resolution has clear applications in money laundering (how
do we determine that the money has returned to the same person
who started the money laundering path?), and fraud detection
(often, fraud involves masquerading as a different entity with intent
to mislead). A similar issue happens with drug discovery: if we want
to reuse a result from an experiment that was performed years ago,
can we guarantee that the test was done on the same chemical com‐
pound that we are studying today? But identity resolution is also
important for internal data integration. If we want to support a cus‐
tomer 360 application (that is, gathering all information about a cus‐
tomer in a single place), we need to resolve the identity of that
customer across multiple systems. Identity resolution requires the
ability to merge data from multiple sources and to trace long paths
in that data. Graph data is well suited to this requirement.

Advantages of Graph Standardization

The benefits of graph technology for application development, data
integration, and analytics rely on its basic capabilities to combine
distributed data and to match complex patterns of long links in the
resulting data set. But a distributed system is not typically confined
to a single enterprise; much of the relevant data is shared at an
industry level, between enterprises and research organizations, or
between some standards or regulatory organizations and an
Examples of external industry data are quite commonplace. Here are
a few common ones:

26 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

Countries and country subdivisions
While the international status of some countries is controver‐
sial, for the most part, there is a well-agreed-upon list of recog‐
nized countries. Many of these have subdivisions (states in the
United States, provinces in Canada, cantons in Switzerland,
etc.). If we want to refer to a jurisdiction for a company or cus‐
tomer, we should refer to this list. There is no advantage to
maintaining this data ourselves; international standards organi‐
zations (like ISO and the OMG) are managing these already.
Industry codes
The US census bureau maintains a list called the NAICS (North
American Industry Classification System). This is a list of
industries that a company might be involved in. NAICS codes
have a wide variety of uses: for example, banks use them to
know their customers better, and funding agents use them to
find appropriate candidates for projects.
Product classifications
The United Nations maintains the UNSPSC, the UN Standard
Products and Services Code, a set of codes for describing prod‐
ucts and services. This is used by many commercial organiza‐
tions to match products to manufacturing and customers.
All of these examples can benefit from graph representations; each
of them is structured in a multilayer hierarchy of general categories
(or countries, in the case of the geography standards), with subdivi‐
sions. In the case of NAICS and UNSPSC, the hierarchies are several
layers deep. This is typical of such industry standards, that there are
hundreds or even thousands of coded entities, and some structure to
organize them.
With literally tens of thousands of companies using these externally
controlled reference data structures, there is a need to publish them
as shared resources. In many cases, these have been published in
commonplace but nonstandard formats such as comma-separated
files. But if we want to represent standardized data in a consistent
way, we need a standard language for writing down a graph. What
are the requirements for such a language?

Data and Graphs: A Quick Introduction | 27

Saving and reading graphs
These are the basics of any language: I have to be able to write
something down, and you have to be able to read it. A graph
representation language has to be able to allow these two operations
on graph data. This simple capability enables a wide variety of gov‐
ernance activities, including basic sharing (e.g., sending a graph to
someone in an email, just as we are accustomed to sending spread‐
sheets or documents to one another in email), publication (storing a
graph in a public place where others can read it), reuse of parts
(copying part of a graph into another, as we are accustomed to
doing with spreadsheets and documents), continuous development
(saving a version of a graph, working on it, saving that new one, and
continuing to work on it again, as we are accustomed to doing with
spreadsheets and documents), and in more controlled settings, ver‐
sion control (knowing how a graph has changed from one version to
the next, who made that change, and what they were doing when
they made it). Having a way to save a graph to a file, and read it back
again, facilitates all of these familiar capabilities.

Determining when two graphs are the same

Why is it important to know whether two graphs are the same? This
is really the foundation of publication of any data. If I publish a
graph, and then you read what I publish, did you actually get the
same graph that I published? The answer to this question has to be
“yes,” otherwise we have no fidelity in publication, and there is no
point in my publishing anything, or you reading it.
This apparently simple requirement is the basis for many others,
and is surprisingly subtle. Take, for example, Figure 12. The first
graph (A) should look familiar; it is identical to the graph in Fig‐
ure 3, and describes relationships among various sorts of animals
and the features they have. The second graph (B) does the same.
However they are laid out differently: the first graph is more com‐
pact, and fits into a small space on the page. The second graph sepa‐
rates out the animals (all related to one another via links labeled “is
a”) from physical features of the animals (“fur,” “vertebrae”) and
from habitats (just one of those, “water”). Despite the differences in
layout, it seems sensible to consider these two graphs to be “the
same.” But are they, really? A graph representation has to be able to
answer this question unambiguously. As we’ll see below, when we

28 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

represent these two graphs in a standard format, they are indeed the

Figure 12. Two graphs with similar information that look very differ‐
ent. We already saw part (A) in Figure 3. Part (B) has exactly the
same relationships between the same entities as (A), but is laid out dif‐
ferently. What criteria should we use to say that these two are the
“same” graph?

Technology Independence
When an enterprise invests in any information resource—docu‐
ments, data, software—an important concern is the durability of the
underlying technology. Will my business continue to be supported
by the technology I am using for the foreseeable future? But if I do
continue to be supported, does that chain me to a particular tech‐
nology vendor, so that I can never change, allowing that vendor to
potentially institute abusive pricing or terms going forward? Can I
move my data to a competitor’s system?
For many data technologies, this sort of flexibility is possible in
theory, but not in practice. Shifting a relational database system
from one major vendor to another is an onerous and risky task that

Data and Graphs: A Quick Introduction | 29

can be time-consuming and expensive. If, on the other hand, we
have a standard way of determining when the graph in one system is
the same as the graph in another, and a standard way to write a
graph down and load it again, then we can transfer our data, with
guaranteed fidelity, from one vendor system to another. In such a
marketplace, vendors compete on features, performance, support,
customer service, etc., rather than on lock-in, increasing innovation
for the entire industry.

Publishing and Subscribing to Graph Data

In many cases, sharing data is more valuable than keeping it. This is
certainly the case for scientific data; data about how the biochemis‐
try of the human body works contributes to the development of
treatments and cures to novel diseases. Pharmaceutical companies
all over the world have their own research topics, which they com‐
bine with general scientific data to create new medicines. A failure
to share this data can delay the development of life-saving therapies.
Even in nonscientific fields, data sharing improves the performance
of an industry. Industrial regulation relies on enterprises sharing
data with regulators and market watchdogs. Investigation of wrong‐
doing (e.g., fraud, money laundering, and theft) can be carried out
with the help of shared data. Keeping data private gives bad actors
places to hide.
A standardized data representation makes it possible to publish data
just as we are accustomed to publishing research results in docu‐
ments. Similar to how we have developed privacy and security poli‐
cies for reports to regulators and public declarations, we can do the
same with published data. Once we can write data to a file, and have
a standard way to read it back into a variety of systems, we can share
data just as we have grown accustomed to sharing documents. In
contrast to shared documents, shared data has the advantage that
the data consumer can put it to new uses, increasing the value of the
data beyond what was imagined by the data producer.

Standardizing Graphs: The Resource Description

To support all of these advantages of standardized data, the World
Wide Web Consortium has developed a standard for managing
graph data called the Resource Description Framework (RDF). The

30 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

RDF standard builds on the standards that are already familiar on
the web, extending them to include graph data.
It is not the intent of this section to give full technical details of the
workings of RDF; such treatments are plentiful. (For more, see
Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist by Dean Allemang, James
Hendler, and Fabien Gandon [ACM Press].) In this section, we will
describe the basics of RDF and how it provides the capabilities for
shared data management listed in the previous section.
Consider a basic capability of a distributed graph data management
system: determining when two graphs are the same. Fundamental to
this capability is determining when two entities, one in each of two
graphs, are the same. In the example in Figure 12, we assume that
“Cat” in graph (A) is the same thing as “Cat” in graph (B). If we want
to be precise about the sameness of graphs, we need a way to specify
an entity, independent of which graph it is in. Fortunately, the web
provides exactly such a mechanism; it is called the URI (Uniform
Resource Identifier). Anyone who has used a web browser is familiar
with URIs; these are the links (also known as URLs or Uniform
Resource Locators, a subform of URIs) that we use to identify loca‐
tions on the web, such as or https:// They typically begin with http:// (or
https://) and include enough information to uniquely identify a
resource on the web. In RDF, every node in every graph is repre‐
sented as a URI. Figure 12 (A) is taken from a semantic net that pre‐
dates the web, but the identifiers there can be updated to be URIs
easily enough; “Cat” in Figure 12 could be expanded to http:// to bring it into line with web standards. In the
web infrastructure, a URI refers to the same thing, no matter where
it is used; this makes the URI a good way to uniquely identify enti‐
ties, regardless of the graph they appear in.
Next, the RDF standard specifies how the resources, identified by
URIs, are connected in a graph. RDF does this by breaking any
graph down into its smallest pieces. The smallest possible graph is
simply two things connected together by a single link, also identified
by a URI. Because it is always made up of exactly three URIs (two
entities and a single link between them), a minimal piece of a graph
is called a triple. We can break any graph down into triples. We see
an example of this in Figure 13. Part (A) of the figure shows a famil‐
iar graph; part (B) shows how that graph is made up of 10 very
simple graphs. Each component graph in part (B) consists of exactly

Data and Graphs: A Quick Introduction | 31

two nodes connected by exactly one link. When merged together,
the 10 very small graphs in part (B) represent exactly the same data
as the single complex graph in part (A).

Figure 13. The graph from Figure 3 (repeated here as part [A]), broken
down into its smallest pieces (part [B]).

Once we have identified the triples, we can sort them in any order,
such as alphabetical order, as shown in Figure 14, without affecting
the description of the graph.

32 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

Figure 14. The triples can be listed in any order.

While there are of course more technical details to RDF, this is basi‐
cally all you need to know: RDF represents a graph by identifying
each node and link with a URI (i.e., a web-global identifier), and
breaks the graph down into its smallest possible parts, the triple.

Future-Proofing Your Data

Here are ways that the simple triple structure enables the benefits of
graph standardization listed previously:
Helps determine when two graphs are the same
Two graphs are exactly the same if they are made up of the same
triples. In order for two triples to be the same, the URIs of the
connected entities must be the same, and they must be linked
together with the same connection. The two graphs in Figure 12
are indeed the same, presuming that the nodes are all the same;
for example, “Cat” in part (A) has the same URI as “Cat” in part
(B), and so on.

Data and Graphs: A Quick Introduction | 33

Enables saving and reading of graphs
The RDF standard includes a number of serialization standards
or formats—that is, systematic ways to write down a
graph. These are based on the idea that the triples completely
and uniquely describe the graph, so if you write down the tri‐
ples, you have written down the graph. The simplest serializa‐
tion strategy is just to write down each triple as three URIs, in
the order that follows the arrow, as shown in Figure 14. There
are several standard serializations, to provide convenience for
various technical infrastructures; these include serializations in
XML, JSON, and plain text. Different serializations don’t change
the content of the graph. Think of it as writing the same sen‐
tence in cursive versus printing—they look very different, but
mean exactly the same thing.
Enables technology independence
The RDF standard was completed before most RDF processors
were written. Because of this, the marketplace of RDF systems is
very uniform; every RDF-based system can write out a data
graph in any of the RDF standardizations, and another system
can read it back in again. In fact, it is quite typical, in small
projects as well as production-scale projects, to export RDF data
from one system and import it into another with no transfor‐
mation and no loss of fidelity. This allows companies who
depend on RDF data to switch from one vendor to another
based on other considerations, such as performance, scalability,
or customer service.
Enables publishing and subscribing to graph data
Many RDF systems consume data from outside the system, as
well as internal data. The most typical example of this is proba‐
bly the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. This is a highly
reused set of metadata terms whose applicability spans multiple
industries and use cases. Other examples include reference data
sets, such as geographic codes (countries, states) and industry
codes (UNSPSC, NAICS). The Linked Open Data Cloud initia‐
tive has curated thousands of data sets that are shared using
RDF. Through a serialization process called, it is
estimated that nearly two-thirds of web content today includes
RDF data, amounting to trillions of triples of shared data.
The simple structure of RDF, in which graphs are represented as sets
of uniform triples, allows it to support all of the governance of

34 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

distributed data, inside the enterprise and beyond. This lays the
groundwork for a smooth, extensible data management system in
which the data can far outlast the systems that created it.

Querying Graphs: SPARQL

Once we have a standard data representation system like RDF, we
can also standardize a query language. In general, a query language
is the part of a data management system that allows someone to
pose questions to a data set and retrieve answers. The details of the
query language are heavily dependent on the details of the data rep‐
resentation. SQL, the query language for relational databases, is
based on operations that combine tables with one another. XQuery,
the standard XML query language, matches patterns in XML docu‐
ments. SPARQL is the standard query language for RDF, and is
based on matching graph patterns against graph data.
A simple example shows how this works. In Figure 15, we see some
data about authors, their gender, and the topics of their publications.
Suppose we are looking for candidate keynote speakers for a
Women in Science conference, and we decided to look for female
authors who have published papers with the topic of Science. We
might have some data that looks like Figure 15 (A). In the SPARQL
query language, a query is represented as a graph, but with wild
cards. Figure 15 (B) shows a graph pattern: an author to be deter‐
mined (shown by a “?”) is Female, and wrote something (also shown
by a “?”) that is about Science. A SPARQL query engine searches the
data for a match: Chris Pope wrote an article about Science, but is
not Female; Sal is Female, but did not write an article about Science.
Jay both is Female and wrote an article about Science, and is hence a
candidate for our speaker slot.
A standardized query language like SPARQL is the last piece in the
puzzle to provide full technology independence. Not only can data
be copied from one system to another without changes, but the
queries that applications use to access this data will also work from
one system to another. It is possible, and indeed quite common, to
completely swap out one data backend for another, even in a large-
scale deployment.
SPARQL also enables graph data systems to manage distributed
data, by allowing for federated queries. A federated query is a query
that matches patterns across multiple data sources. SPARQL can do

Data and Graphs: A Quick Introduction | 35

this because not only is it a query language, but it is also a
communications protocol that defines how graph databases that
support SPARQL are to be queried. To take an example from Fig‐
ure 15, imagine that the biographical information about our authors
(including their gender) was stored in one data source, while the
publication information (who published what, and about what
topic) was in another. The same query pattern can be matched to the
combined data without actually copying all the data into a single
data store. This turns graph data sets into active data products on
the web, and the SPARQL query language allows application devel‐
opers to combine them in arbitrary ways to answer business

Figure 15. Data about authors, their gender, and the topics of their
publications (A). The pattern (B) finds “Female authors who have pub‐
lished in Science.”

Graph data on its own provides powerful capabilities that have made
it a popular choice of application developers, who want to build
applications that go beyond what has been possible with existing
data management paradigms, in particular, relational databases.
While graph data systems have been very successful in this regard,
they have not addressed many of the enterprise-wide data manage‐
ment needs that many businesses are facing today. For example, with
the advent of data regulations like GDPR and the California
Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), enterprises need to have an explicit
catalog of data; they need to know what data they have and where
they can find it. They also need to be able to align data with

36 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

resources outside the enterprise, either to satisfy regulations or to be
able to expand their analyses to include market data beyond their
control. Graphs can do a lot, but accomplishing these goals requires
another innovation—the explicit management of knowledge.

The Knowledge Layer

In everyday life, the word “knowledge” refers to a wide variety of
things. Often, knowledge refers to some ability to perform: I know
how to bake a layer cake, or I know how to dance the tango. Some‐
times it is background information: I know that there are 50 US
states and I know their capitals, or I know what symptoms to look
for to identify several diseases. My knowledge might involve know‐
ing about different kinds of things and how they are related; I know
that a credit card is similar to a loan in that it incurs a debt, but is
different from a mortgage in that a credit card is not collateralized.
How does knowledge play a role in managing enterprise data?
For the purposes of enterprise data delivery, knowledge plays a role
in two ways. The first is reference knowledge, represented in shared
vocabularies. The second is conceptual knowledge, represented in

What Is a Vocabulary?
A vocabulary is simply a controlled set of terms for a collection of
things. Vocabularies can have very general uses, like lists of coun‐
tries or states, lists of currencies, or lists of units of measurement.
Vocabularies can be focused on a specific domain, like lists of medi‐
cal conditions or lists of legal topics. Vocabularies can have very
small audiences, like lists of product categories in a single company.
Vocabularies can also be quite small—even just a handful of terms—
or very large, including thousands of categories. Regardless of the
scope of coverage or the size and interests of the audience, all vocab‐
ularies are made up of a fixed number of items, each with some
identifying code and common name.

The Knowledge Layer | 37

Some examples of vocabularies:
A list of the states in the United States
There are 50 of them, and each one has some identifying infor‐
mation, including the name of the state and the two-letter postal
code. This vocabulary can be used to organize mailing addresses
or to identify the location of company offices. This list is of
general interest to a wide variety of businesses; anyone who
needs to manage locations of entities in the United States could
make use of this vocabulary.
The Library of Congress classification system
The Library of Congress maintains a classification scheme that
is a vocabulary consisting of several thousand subject headings.
Each heading has an identifying code (e.g., QA76.75) and a
name (e.g., “Computer software”). These headings are used to
classify documents so that relevant materials can be identified
when storing or searching for information. The Library of Con‐
gress classification system has broad coverage, but is typically
limited to classification of published documents, such as books,
movies, and periodicals.
The West Key Number System
In the early 20th century, Westlaw, the preeminent publisher of
legal documents at the time, developed a vocabulary for classi‐
fying legal briefs. The goal of this vocabulary, which came to be
known as the West Key Number System, was to precisely
describe a legal document so that it could be accurately
retrieved during a search for legal precedent. Keys in the West
Key Number System have a unique identifier (e.g., 134k261)
and a name (e.g., “Divorce - enforcement”). The system is
widely used to this day in the legal profession in the United
States, but is less useful to businesses that are not involved in
The preceding vocabularies are of general interest, and could be
(and often are) shared by multiple businesses. Vocabularies can also
be useful within a single enterprise, such as:

38 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

A list of customer loyalty levels
An airline provides rewards to returning customers, and
organizes this into a loyalty program. There are a handful of
loyalty levels that a customer can reach; some of them are based
on travel in the current year (and might have names like “Silver,”
“Gold,” “Platinum,” and “Diamond”); others for lifetime loyalty
(“Million miler club”). The airline maintains a small list of these
levels, with a unique identifier for each and a name.
A list of regulatory requirements
A bank is required to report transactions, depending on its rela‐
tionship to the counterparty in the transaction. If the bank
holds partial ownership of the counterparty, certain transactions
must be reported; if the bank holds controlling ownership over
the counterparty, certain other transactions must be reported.
The bank has determined that there is a fixed list of relation‐
ships with counterparties that it must track in order to know
which transactions to report.
A list of genders
Even apparently trivial lists can and often are managed as con‐
trolled vocabularies. A bank might want to allow a personal cli‐
ent to specify gender as Male or Female, but also as an
unspecified value that is not one of those (“Other”), or allow
them not to respond at all (“Unspecified”). A medical clinic, on
the other hand, might want to include various medically signifi‐
cant variations of gender in their list.
Lists of this sort can reflect knowledge about the world on which
there is an agreement (the list of US states is not very controversial),
but often reflect a statement of policy. This is particularly common
in vocabularies that are specific to a single enterprise. The list of cus‐
tomer loyalty levels is specific to that airline, and represents its pol‐
icy for rewarding returning customers. The list of regulatory
requirements reflects this bank’s interpretation of the reporting
requirements imposed by a regulation; this might need to change if a
new court case establishes a precedent that is at odds with this classi‐
fication. Even lists of gender can be a reflection of policy; a bank
may not recognize nonbinary genders, or even allow a customer to
decline to provide an answer, but it must deal with any conse‐
quences of such a policy.

The Knowledge Layer | 39

Controlled vocabularies, such as those examples mentioned previ‐
ously, provide several advantages:
If multiple data sets refer to the same thing (a state within the
United States, or a topic in law), a controlled vocabulary pro‐
vides an unambiguous reference point. If each of them uses the
same vocabulary, and hence the same keys, then there is no con‐
fusion that “ME” refers to the state of Maine.
Standardizing references
When someone designs a data set, they have a number of
choices when referring to some standard entity; they could spell
out the name “Maine” or use a standard code like “ME.” In this
example, having a standard vocabulary can provide a policy for
using the code “ME.”
Expressing policy
Does an enterprise want to recognize a controversial nation as
an official country? Does it want to recognize more genders
than just two? A managed vocabulary expresses this kind of
policy by including all the distinctions that are of interest to the

Managing Vocabularies in an Enterprise

Managed vocabularies are not a new thing—the West Key Number
System dates back to the middle of the 19th century! Most enterpri‐
ses today, regardless of size, use some form of controlled vocabulary.
Large organizations typically have a meta-index, a list of its con‐
trolled vocabularies. But let’s take a closer look at how these vocabu‐
laries are actually managed in many enterprises.
On the face of it, a vocabulary is a simple thing—just a list of names
and identifiers. A vocabulary can be easily represented as a spread‐
sheet, with only a couple of columns, or as a simple table in a rela‐
tional database. But suppose you want to build a relational database
that uses a controlled vocabulary, say, one that lists the states in the
United States. You build a table with 50 rows and two columns,
using the two-letter postal code as a key to that table. There aren’t
any duplicates (that’s how the post office organized those keys; they
can’t have any duplicates in the codes), so the table is easy for a rela‐

40 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

tional database system to manage. Any reference to a state, any‐
where in that database, refers to that table, using the key.
But what happens when we have multiple applications in our enter‐
prise, using multiple databases? Each of them could try to maintain
the same table in each database. But, of course, maintaining multiple
copies of a reference vocabulary defeats many of the purposes of
having a controlled vocabulary at all. Suppose we have a change of
policy—we decide that we want to include US territories (Puerto
Rico, Guam, American Samoa, etc.), as well as the District of
Columbia, and treat them as states. We have to find all these tables
and update them accordingly. Since the data is repeated across mul‐
tiple systems, do we actually know where it even is, let alone that it
is consistent and unambiguous?
In enterprises that manage a large number of applications, it is not
uncommon to find several, or even dozens, of different versions of
the same reference vocabulary. Each of them is represented in some
data system in a different way, typically as tables in a relational data‐
base. There is no single place where the reference data, or knowl‐
edge, is managed.
This is the most common state of practice in enterprises today. The
value of reference knowledge is acknowledged and appreciated, and
that knowledge is even explicitly represented. But it is not well man‐
aged at an enterprise level, and hence fails to deliver many of its

What Is an Ontology?
We have already seen, in our discussion of controlled vocabularies, a
distinction between an enterprise-wide vocabulary and the repre‐
sentations of that vocabulary in various data systems. The same ten‐
sion happens on an even larger scale with the structure of the
various data systems in an enterprise; each data system embodies its
own reflection of the important entities for the business, with
important commonalities repeated from one system to the next.
We’ll demonstrate an ontology with a simple example. Suppose you
wanted to describe a business. We’ll use a simple example of an
online bookstore. How would you describe the business? One way
you might approach this would be to say that the bookstore has cus‐
tomers and products. Furthermore, there are several types of prod‐
ucts—books, of course, but also periodicals, videos, and music.

Managing Vocabularies in an Enterprise | 41

There are also accounts, and the customers have accounts of various
sorts. Some are simple purchase accounts, where the customer
places an order, and the bookstore fulfills it. Others might be sub‐
scription accounts, where the customer has the right to download or
stream some products.
All these same things—customers, products, accounts, orders, sub‐
scriptions, etc.—exist in the business. They are related to one
another in various ways; an order is for a product, for a particular
customer. There are different types of products, and the ways in
which they are fulfilled are different for each type. An ontology is a
structure that describes all of these types of things and how they are
related to one another.
More generally, an ontology is a representation of all the different
kinds of things that exist in the business, along with their interrela‐
tionships. An ontology for one business can be very different from
an ontology for another. For example, an ontology for a retailer
might describe customers, accounts and products. For a clinic, there
are patients, treatments and visits.
The simple bookstore ontology is intended for illustrative purposes
only; it clearly has serious gaps, even for a simplistic understanding
of the business of an online bookstore. For example, it has no provi‐
sion for order payment or fulfillment. It includes no consideration
of multiple orders or quantities of a particular product in an order. It
includes no provision for an order from one customer being sent to
the address of another (e.g., as a gift). But, simple as it is, it shows
some of the capabilities of an ontology, in particular:

• An ontology can describe how commonalities and differences

among entities can be managed. All products are treated in the
same way with respect to placing an order, but they will be
treated differently when it comes to fulfillment.
• An ontology can describe all the intermediate steps in a transac‐
tion. If we just look at an interaction between a customer and
the online ordering website, we might think that a customer
requests a product. But in fact, the website will not place a
request for a product without an account for that person, and,
since we will want to use that account again for future requests,
each order is separate and associated with the account.

42 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

All of these distinctions are represented explicitly in an ontology.
For example, see the ontology in Figure 16. The first thing you’ll
notice about Figure 16 is probably that it looks a lot like graph data;
this is not an accident. As we saw earlier, graphs are a sort of univer‐
sal data representation mechanism; they can be used for a wide vari‐
ety of purposes. One purpose they are suited for is to represent
ontologies, so our ontologies will be represented as graphs, just like
our data. In the following section, when we combine ontologies with
graph data to form a knowledge graph, this uniformity in represen‐
tation (i.e., both data and ontologies are represented as graphs) sim‐
plifies the combination process greatly. The nodes in this diagram
indicate the types of things in the business (Product, Account, Cus‐
tomer); the linkages represent the connections between things of
these types (an Account belongs to a Customer; an Order requests a
Product). Dotted lines in this and subsequent figures indicate more
specific types of things: Books, Periodicals, Videos, and Audio are
more specific types of Product; Purchase Account and Subscription
are more specific types of Account.

Figure 16. A simple ontology that reflects the enterprise data structure
of an online bookstore.

Put yourself in the shoes of a data manager, and have a look at Fig‐
ure 16; you might be tempted to say that this is some sort of sum‐
marized representation of the schema of a database. This is a natural
observation to make, since the sort of information in Figure 16 is
very similar to what you might find in a database schema. One key
feature of an ontology like the one in Figure 16 is that every item
(i.e., every node, every link) can be referenced from outside the

Managing Vocabularies in an Enterprise | 43

ontology. In contrast to a schema for a relational database, which
only describes the structure of that database and is implicit in that
database implementation, the ontology in Figure 16 is represented
explicitly for use by any application, in the enterprise or outside. A
knowledge graph relies on the explicit representation of ontologies,
which can be used and reused, both within the enterprise and
Just as was the case for vocabularies, we can have ontologies that
have a very general purpose and could be used by many applica‐
tions, as well as very specific ontologies for a particular enterprise or
industry. Some examples of general ontologies include:
The Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO)
The Enterprise Data Management Council has produced an
ontology that describes the business of the finance industry.
FIBO includes descriptions of financial instruments, the parties
that participate in those instruments, the markets that trade
them, their currencies and other monetary instruments, and so
on. FIBO is offered as a public resource, for describing and har‐
monizing data across the financial industry.
CDISC Clinical Data Standards
The Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC)
publishes standards for managing and publishing data for clini‐
cal trials. CDISC publishes versions of its standards as RDF
models, and many member organizations are adopting RDF as
the primary metadata representation because of its flexibility
and interoperability.
Quantities, Units, Dimensions, and Types (QUDT)
The name of this ontology outlines its main concepts. QUDT
describes how measured quantities, units, dimensions, and
types are related, and supports precise descriptions of measure‐
ments in science, engineering, and other quantitative
Dublin Core Metadata Terms
This is a small ontology that describes the fields that a librarian
would use to classify a published work. It includes things like
the author (“creator”), date published (“date”), and format (such
as print, video, etc.). It is one of the smallest published ontolo‐
gies, but also one of the most commonly used.

44 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

Just as was the case for vocabularies, ontologies can be made for
multiple enterprise users (such as the ones mentioned previously),
or for specific enterprise uses—for example:
A model of media productions
A television and movie production company manages a wide
variety of properties. Beginning with the original production of
a movie or television show, there are many derivative works:
translations of the work into other languages (dubbed or with
subtitles), releases in markets with different commercial break
structure, limited-edition broadcasts, releases on durable media,
streaming editions, etc. To coordinate many applications that
manage these things, the company develops an ontology that
describes all these properties and the relationships between
Process model for drug discovery
A pharmaceutical company needs to usher several drugs
through a complex pipeline of clinical trials, tests, and certifica‐
tions. The process involves an understanding not only of drugs
and their interactions with other chemicals, but also of the
human genome and cascades of chemical processes. The com‐
pany builds an ontology to describe all of these things and their
Government model for licensing
A government agency manages licenses for many purposes:
operating motor vehicles, marriage licenses, adoptions, business
licenses, etc. Many of the processes (identification, establishing
residency, etc.) are the same for all the forms of license. The
agency builds an ontology to model all the requirements and
expresses constraints on the licenses in those terms.
A key role that an ontology plays in enterprise data management is
to mediate variation between existing data sets. Each data set exists
because it successfully satisfies some need for the enterprise. Differ‐
ent data sets will overlap in complex ways; the ontology provides a
conceptual framework for tying them together.
Explicit ontologies provide a number of advantages in enterprise
data management:

• Since the ontology itself is a data artifact (managed in RDF), it

can be searched and queried (e.g., using SPARQL).

Managing Vocabularies in an Enterprise | 45

• Regulatory requirements and other policies can be expressed in
terms of the ontology, rather than in terms of specific technical
artifacts of particular applications. This allows such policies to
be centralized and not duplicated throughout the enterprise
data architecture.
• The ontology provides guidance for the creation of new data
artifacts, so that data designers don’t have to start from scratch
with every data model they build.

Ontology Versus Data Model

Early in this section, we made the distinction between reference and
conceptual knowledge, where reference knowledge is represented by
a vocabulary and conceptual knowledge is represented by an ontol‐
ogy. An ontology is conceptual in that it describes the entities, or
concepts, in the business domain, independently of any particular
application. An application might omit some concepts that are not
relevant to its use; for example, a fulfillment application only needs
to know about the product and the recipient. It doesn’t need to
know about the distinction between a customer and an account, and
might not include any reference to those concepts at all. Conversely,
the data model for such an application might include artifacts spe‐
cific to fulfillment that are not even visible to the rest of the busi‐
ness, such as tracking information for third-party delivery services.
The ontology coordinates all the data models in the enterprise to
provide a big-picture view of the enterprise data landscape.

Ontology and Representation

Not surprisingly, there is a whole discipline on the topic of how to
build and test an ontology. We’ll only scratch the surface of ontology
design in this report.
A simple ontology is relatively easy to build; the classes correspond
to types of things that are important to the business. These can often
be found in data dictionaries for existing systems or enterprise glos‐
saries. The basic relationships between these things are a bit more
difficult to tease out, but usually reflect relationships that are impor‐
tant to the business. A simple starting ontology based on this sort of
enterprise research will usually have a complexity comparable to
what we have in Figure 16. Even a simple ontology of this sort can
provide a lot of value; the basic relationships represented in such an

46 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

ontology are usually reflected in a number of data-backed systems
throughout the organization. A simple ontology can act as a hub for
an important subset of the data in the enterprise.
Further development of an ontology proceeds in an incremental
fashion. As we saw in Figure 13, we have identified some more spe‐
cific types of products. These are distinguished not just by their
names, but also by the sorts of data we use to describe them. Books
have numbers of pages, whereas videos have run times. Both of
them have publication dates, though we could easily imagine
products (perhaps not from a bookstore) that don’t have publication
dates. We can extend an ontology in this manner to cover different
details in different data sources.

Why Knowledge Is Cool

Why is knowledge, in the context of data, getting attention today?
We have always had representations of knowledge in enterprise, but
not in an explicit, shared form. How does an explicit, shared repre‐
sentation of knowledge help us with our enterprise data?

Knowledge allows architects to manage business descriptions

Data representations that power applications—like relational data‐
bases and JSON and XML documents—are designed for application
developers to use. As such, they have detailed technical restrictions
on syntax, structure, and consistency. The business, on the other
hand, is concerned with policies, processes, and revenue models,
which are for the most part independent of implementation details.
There is a profession called business architecture whose niche is the
reconciliation of business processes and terminology with data and
application specifications. An explicit representation of knowledge
allows business architects to save and reuse business processes and
terminology in much the same way that application developers save
and reuse code.

Knowledge aligns meaning independently from data

In a typical enterprise, each application has its own data sources,
each of which represents some part of the enterprise data. Each
application brings its own perspective to the enterprise data, based
on the use cases that drove the development of the application.

Managing Vocabularies in an Enterprise | 47

When we represent enterprise knowledge explicitly, we move
beyond specific application uses, and can describe the data to align
with business processes. This, in turn, makes it possible to align the
enterprise knowledge with different data sources. Enterprise knowl‐
edge becomes a sort of shared Rosetta Stone that connects the
meaning of various enterprise data sources for application develop‐
ers and their business stakeholders.

Knowledge consolidates enterprise policies into a single place

As we saw with both shared vocabularies and conceptual knowl‐
edge, enterprise knowledge is typically represented idiosyncratically
in various applications, each keeping its own copy of important pol‐
icy, reference, and conceptual knowledge. An explicit representation
of enterprise knowledge, in contrast, allows it to be represented sep‐
arately from any application and consolidates it into a single place,
allowing the enterprise to know what it knows. It is quite common
for different applications to get out of sync on important informa‐
tion, resulting in inefficient and inconsistent enforcement of busi‐
ness policies. Explicit knowledge representation allows these policies
to be managed on an enterprise scale.

Knowledge Use Cases

Though knowledge-based systems were a promising technology
many decades ago, they never grew to a position of popularity in
enterprise applications until recently. This is in part due to the capa‐
bilities listed previously, which cannot be achieved without explicit
representation of knowledge. But how are these capabilities being
used in modern businesses? There are a number of use cases that
have become important in recent years that require explicit knowl‐
edge representation. We’ll describe a few of them here.

Data catalog
Many modern enterprises have grown in recent years through merg‐
ers and acquisitions of multiple companies. After the financial crisis
of 2008, many banks merged and consolidated into large conglom‐
erates. Similar mergers happened in other industries, including life
sciences, manufacturing, and media. Since each component com‐
pany brought its own enterprise data landscape to the merge, this
resulted in complex combined data systems. An immediate result of
this was that many of the new companies did not know what data

48 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

they had, where it was, or how it was represented. In short, these
companies didn’t know what they knew.
The first step toward a solution to this problem is creating a data
catalog. Just as with a product catalog, a data catalog is simply an
annotated list of data sources. But the annotation of a data source
includes information about the entities it represents and the
connections between them—that is, exactly the information that an
ontology holds.
Some recent uses for a data catalog have put an emphasis on privacy
regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. Among the guarantees that
these regulations provide is the “right to be forgotten,” meaning an
individual may request that personal information about them be
removed entirely from the enterprise data record. In order to com‐
ply with such a request, an enterprise has to know where such infor‐
mation is stored and how it is represented. A data catalog provides a
road map for satisfying such requests.

Data harmonization
When a large organization has many data sets (it is not uncommon
for a large bank to have many thousands of databases, with millions
of columns), how can we compare data from one to another? There
are two issues that can confuse this situation. The first is terminol‐
ogy. If you ask people from different parts of the organization what a
“customer” is, you’ll get many answers. For some, a customer is
someone who pays money; for others, a customer is someone they
deliver goods or services to. For some, a customer might be internal
to the organization; for others, a customer must be external. How do
we know which meaning of a word like “customer” a particular
database is referring to?
The second issue has to do with the relationships between entities.
For example, suppose you have an order for a product that is being
sent to someone other than your account holder (say, as a gift).
What do you call the person who is paying for the order? What do
you call the person who is receiving the order? Different systems are
likely to refer to these relationships by different names. How can we
know what they are referring to?
An explicit representation of business knowledge disambiguates
inconsistencies of this sort. This kind of alignment is called data
harmonization; we don’t change how these data sources refer to

Managing Vocabularies in an Enterprise | 49

these terms and relationships, but we do match them to a reference
knowledge representation.

Data validation
As an enterprise continues to do business, it of course gathers new
data. This might be in the form of new customers, new sales to old
customers, new products to sell, new titles (for a bookstore or media
company), new services, new research, ongoing monitoring, etc. A
thriving business will generate new data all the time.
But this business will also have data from its past business: informa‐
tion about old products (some of which may have been discontin‐
ued), order history from long-term customers, and so on. All of this
data is important for product and market development, customer
service, and other aspects of a continuing business.
It would be nice if all the data we have ever collected had been
organized the same way, and collected with close attention to qual‐
ity. But the reality for many organizations is that there is a jumble of
data, a lot of which is of questionable quality. An explicit knowledge
model can express structural information about our data, providing
a framework for data validation. For example, if our terminology
knowledge says that “gender” has to be one of M, F, or “not pro‐
vided,” we can check data sets that claim to specify gender. Values
like “0,” “1,” or “ ” are suspect; we can examine those sources to see
how to map these values to the controlled values.
Having an explicit representation of knowledge also allows us to
make sure that different validation efforts are consistent; we want to
use the same criteria for vetting new data that is coming in (say,
from an order form on a website) as we do for vetting data from ear‐
lier databases. A shared knowledge representation provides a single
point of reference for validation information.

Standardizing Knowledge Representation

We have seen the advantages of having an explicit shared represen‐
tation of knowledge in an enterprise that is independent from any
particular application. But how can we express such a shared repre‐
sentation? If we want to share it, we will need to write it down. If we
want to write it down, we’ll need a language to do that.

50 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

It is tempting for an application developer or even an enterprise data
manager to discount the importance of standardization. “I’m build‐
ing an application to drive my own business; I don’t have time to pay
attention to standards, I’m just writing one application,” someone
might say, or “My business is unique; I don’t want to be tied down by
standards.” Why should an enterprise be interested in standards if all
it is doing is managing its own data for its own business? We have
already seen a couple of examples that explain why:

• In the section on managing vocabularies in an enterprise, we

observed that a common practice is to maintain the same
vocabulary many times in a single enterprise, often in different
forms: a spreadsheet, a table in a relational database, or even an
XML or JSON document. If we want to consolidate these, how
can we tell if they actually have the same data in them? What
does it even mean to say that a JSON document has the “same”
data in it as a spreadsheet?
• In Figure 16, we saw an explicit representation of an ontology.
This ontology provides structures that will be implemented in
relational database schemas throughout the enterprise. How can
we express this ontology so that we can make a comparison
between what it says and what we find in our database schemas?
• We are now maintaining a controlled vocabulary in a reusable
way. We even update it from time to time. How do we know
what has changed from one version to the next?

Data and metadata standards can answer questions like these. Now,
can someone develop standards of this sort, or do we have to just
build our own bespoke way of recording and sharing metadata in
our organization? Once again, the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) comes to the rescue, by providing standards for knowledge
sharing. In this report, we have identified two major types of knowl‐
edge that we want to share—reference knowledge and conceptual
knowledge. The W3C has two standards, one for each type of
knowledge. The first is called the Simple Knowledge Organization
System (SKOS), for managing reference knowledge. The second is
called the RDF Schema language (RDFS), for managing conceptual
Both of these languages use the infrastructure of RDF as a basis, that
is, they represent the knowledge in the form of a graph. This allows

Managing Vocabularies in an Enterprise | 51

these languages to benefit from all of the advantages of graph repre‐
sentations listed earlier: we can publish knowledge represented in
SKOS or RDFS and subscribe to it, we can track versions of the
knowledge, and we can distribute it on the web. Explicit knowledge
needs to be shared throughout the enterprise; a distributed graph
representation makes this an easy thing to do.

Standardizing Vocabulary: SKOS

The first “S” in SKOS stands for “Simple.” The most successfully
reused structures on the web are typically the simplest, so this is
probably a good design choice. It also means that we can describe
SKOS in simple terms.
The basic job for SKOS is to provide a way to represent controlled
lists of terms. Each such controlled term needs some way to identify
it, a name, and probably one or more official designations. Figure 17
shows an excerpt of a vocabulary about two US states represented in
SKOS. Each of them has a preferred label (the official name of the
state), an alternate label (an unofficial but often used name), and a
notation (an official designation, in this case a code from the US
Postal Service). Each state is identified by a URI; in this diagram,
those URIs are given by sequential numbers—State39 and State21.

Figure 17. Two US states represented in SKOS.

52 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

The full vocabulary of US states would have 50 such structures,
some of which might have more data than we have shown here.
SKOS provides properties called prefLabel, altLabel, and notation
(and many more, but those details are beyond the scope of this
report). Each of these is given a precise meaning by the
SKOS standard:
The preferred lexical label for a resource in a given language
An alternative lexical label for a resource
A string of characters such as “T58.5” or “303.4833” used to
uniquely identify a concept; also known as a classification code
In this example, we have used the prefLabel to provide the official
name of the state; we use altLabel to specify some common names
that don’t match the official name (in the case of Rhode Island, the
long name including “Providence Plantations” was the official name
until November 2020; we list it as an “alternative” name since there
are certainly still some data sets that refer to it that way).
A notation in SKOS is a string used to identify the entity; here, we
have used this for the official US postal code for the state. The postal
service guarantees that these are indeed unique, so these qualify as
an appropriate use of notation.
We have also added into our graph a link using a property we have
called has type.1 This allows us to group all 50 of these entities
together and tell our knowledge customers what type of thing these
are; in this case, they are US states.
Any data set that wants to refer to a state can refer to the knowledge
representation itself (by using the URI in the graph in Figure 17,
e.g., State21), or it can use the notation (which is guaranteed to be
unambiguous, as long as we know that we are talking about a state),
or the official name, or any of the alternate names (which are not
guaranteed to be unique). All of that information, including the
caveats about which ones are guaranteed to be unique and in what

1 This link is often labeled simply as type, but that can be confusing in examples like this,
so we clarify that this is a relationship by calling it has type.

Managing Vocabularies in an Enterprise | 53

context, is represented in the vocabulary, which in turn is repre‐
sented in SKOS.
There are of course more details to how SKOS works, but this exam‐
ple demonstrates the basic principles. Terms are indexed as URIs in
a graph, and each of them is annotated with a handful of standard
annotations. These annotations are used to describe how data sets in
the enterprise refer to the controlled terms.

Standardizing Concepts: RDFS

RDFS is the schema language for RDF; that is, it is the standard way
to talk about the structure of data in RDF. Just like SKOS, RDFS uses
the infrastructure of RDF. This means that RDFS itself is repre‐
sented as a graph, and everything in RDFS has a URI and can be ref‐
erenced from outside.
RDFS describes the types of entities in a conceptual model and how
they are related; in other words, it describes an ontology like the one
in Figure 16. Since RDFS is expressed in RDF, each type is a URI.
Using Figure 16 as an example, this means that we have a URI for
Customer, Order, Account, Product, etc., but also that we have a URI
for the relationships between these things—requests, on behalf of,
and belongs to are all URIs.
In RDFS, the types of things are called Classes. There are 10 classes
in Figure 16; they are shown in blue ovals. We see some business-
specific links between classes (like the link labeled requests between
Order and Product). We also see some unlabeled links, shown with
dashed lines. These are special links that have a name in the RDFS
standard (as opposed to names from the business, like requests, on
behalf of, and belongs to); that name is subclass of. In Figure 16, sub‐
class of means that everything that is a Purchase Account is also an
Account, everything that is a Subscription is also an Account, every‐
thing that is a Book is also a Product, and so on.
How does an ontology like this answer business questions? Let’s
consider a simple example. Chris Pope is a customer of our book‐
store, and registers for a subscription to the periodical Modeler’s
Illustrated. Pope is a Customer (that is, his type, listed in the ontol‐
ogy, is Customer). The thing he purchased has a type given in the
ontology as well; it is a Subscription. Now for a (very simple) busi‐
ness question: what is the relationship between Chris’s subscription
and Chris? There’s no direct link between Subscription and Customer

54 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

in the diagram. But since Subscription is a more specific Account,
Chris’s subscription is also an Account. How is an Account related to
a Customer? This relationship is given in the ontology; it is called
belongs to. So the answer to our question is that Chris’s subscription
belongs to Chris.
Now let’s see how a structure like this can help with data harmoniza‐
tion. Suppose we have an application that just deals with streaming
video and audio. It needs to know the difference between video and
audio, but doesn’t need to know about books or periodicals at all
(since we never stream those). Another application deals with books
and how to deliver them; this application knows about book readers
and even about paper copies of books. There’s not a lot of need or
opportunity for harmonization so far.
But let’s look a bit closer. Both of these applications have to treat
these things as Products; that is, they need to understand that it is
possible to have an Order request one, and that eventually, the deliv‐
ery is on behalf of an account, which belongs to a customer. These
things are common to books, periodicals, videos, and audio. The
RDFS structure expresses this commonality by saying that Books,
Periodicals, Videos, and Audio are all subclasses of Product.
Like SKOS, RDFS is a simple representation and can be used to rep‐
resent simple ontologies. Fortunately, a little bit of ontology goes a
long way; we don’t need to represent complex ontologies in order to
satisfy the data management goals of the enterprise.
Between the two of them, SKOS and RDFS cover the bases for
explicit knowledge representation in the enterprise. SKOS provides a
mechanism for representing vocabularies, while RDFS provides a
mechanism for representing conceptual models. Both of them are
built on RDF, so every concept or term is identified by a URI and
can be referenced from outside. This structure allows us to combine
graph data with explicit knowledge representation. In other words,
this structure allows us to create a knowledge graph.

Representing Data and Knowledge in Graphs:

The Knowledge Graph
How can we make knowledge and data work together, and how does
the graph enable this? To answer this question, we need to under‐
stand the relationship between knowledge and data. We’ll start by

Representing Data and Knowledge in Graphs: The Knowledge Graph | 55

understanding how the building blocks of conceptual knowledge—
Classes and Properties—are related to data.

Classes and Instances

In everyday speech, we regularly make a diction between things and
types of things. We’ve seen a number of examples of this already:
Chris Pope is a Customer; they are also a Person. Mastering the Art
of French Modeling is a Book. Chris Pope and Mastering the Art of
French Modeling are things; Person, Customer, and Book are types of
When we represent metadata in an ontology, we describe types of
things and the relationships between them. Accounts belong to Cus‐
tomers, Orders request Products, and so on. This distinction,
between types of things and the things themselves, is the basis for
the distinction between knowledge (types and relationships) and
data (specific things).
We categorize things in our world for a number of reasons. It allows
us to make general statements that apply to all the members of a cat‐
egory: “every Person has a date of birth,” “Every product has a price,”
etc. We can also use categories to talk about what makes different
types of things different: Books are different from Videos because
(among other things) a book has some number of pages, whereas a
video has a running length.
As we discussed, categories in RDFS are called classes. The individ‐
ual members of the class are called instances of that class. So Person
is a class in RDFS terms, and Chris Pope is an instance of the class
Let’s have a look at how this works for representing knowledge and
data. We’ll revisit the example of an ontology of the business of an
online bookstore, shown in Figure 18. We see in the figure that a
Book has a number of pages, and a Video has a runtime.
The ontology in Figure 18 defines some classes: Product, Order,
Account, etc. But how about the data? We haven’t seen any data in
this example yet. That data might be in any of several forms, but let’s
suppose it’s in a tabular form, like we see in Figure 19.

56 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

Figure 18. Ontology of an online bookstore, showing relations from
Book to number of pages and from Video to runtime.

Figure 19. Tabular data about Products.

Each product in Figure 19 has an SKU (stock-keeping unit, an iden‐

tifier that retailers use to track what products they have in stock), a
title, a format, and other information. Notice that many of the fields
in this table are listed as N/A for not applicable; the number of pages
of a video or the runtime of a book are not defined, but the table has
a spot for them anyway. Despite the existence of good data modeling
practices for avoiding such confusing and wasteful data representa‐
tions, it is still common to find them in practice.
Just as we saw in Figures 4 and 5, we can turn this tabular data into a
graph in a straightforward way, as shown in Figure 20.

Representing Data and Knowledge in Graphs: The Knowledge Graph | 57

Figure 20. The same data from Figure 19, now represented as a graph.

The labels on the arrows in Figure 20 are the same as the column
headers in the table in Figure 19. Notice that the N/A values are not
shown at all, since, unlike a tabular representation, a graph does not
insist that every property have a value.
What is the connection between the data and the ontology? We can
link the data graph in Figure 20 to the ontology graph in Figure 16
simply by connecting nodes in one graph to another, as shown in
Figure 21. There is a single triple that connects the two graphs,
labeled has type. This triple simply states that SKU1234 is an
instance of the class Product. In many cases, combining knowledge
and data can be as simple as this; the rows in a table correspond
directly to instances of a class, whereas the class itself corresponds to
the table. This connection can be seen graphically in Figure 21: the
data is in the bottom of the diagram (SKU1234 and its links), the
ontology in the top of the diagram (a copy of Figure 16), and a sin‐
gle link between them, shown in bold in the diagram and labeled
with “has type.”

58 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

Figure 21. Data and knowledge in one graph.

But even in this simple example, we have some room for refinement.
Our product table includes information about the format of the
product. A quick glance at the possible values for format suggests
that these actually correspond to different types of Product, repre‐
sented in the ontology as classes in their own right, and related to
the class Product as subclasses. So, instead of just saying that
SKU1234 is a Product, we will say, more specifically, that it is a
Book. The result is shown in Figure 22.
There are a few lessons we can take from this admittedly simplistic
example. First, a row from a table can correspond to an instance of
more than one class; this just means that more than one class in the
ontology can describe it. But more importantly, when we are more
specific about the class that the record is an instance of, we can be
more specific about the data that is represented. In this example, the
ontology includes the knowledge that Books have pages (and hence,
numbers of pages), whereas Videos have runtimes. Armed with this
information, we could determine that SKU2468 (The Modeled Fal‐
con) has an error; it claims to be a video, but it also has specified a
number of pages. Videos don’t have pages, they have runtimes. The

Representing Data and Knowledge in Graphs: The Knowledge Graph | 59

ontology, when combined with the data, can detect data quality

Figure 22. Data and knowledge in one graph. In this case, we have
interpreted the format field as indicating more specifically what type of
product the SKU is an instance of. We include SKU2468 as an instance
of video as well as SKU1234 an instance of Book.

In this example, we have started with a table, since it is one of the

simplest and most familiar ways to represent data. This same con‐
struction works equally well for other data formats, such as XML
and JSON documents and relational databases (generalizing from
the simple, spreadsheet-like table shown in this example to include
foreign keys and database schemas). If we have another data source
that lists books, or videos, or any of the things we already see here,
we can combine them into an ever-larger graph, based on the same
construction that gave us the graph in Figure 22.

Digging Deeper into the Knowledge Graph

We have seen how to represent data and knowledge as a graph, and
how to combine them. We’re now in a position to be more specific
about what we mean when we talk about a knowledge graph.
As we’ve discussed, a knowledge graph is a representation of knowl‐
edge and data, combined into a single graph. From this definition,
the structure in Figure 22 qualifies as a knowledge graph. The

60 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

knowledge is explicitly represented in a graph, the data is repre‐
sented in a graph, and the linkage between the two is also repre‐
sented in the graph. We bring all of these graphs together, and we
are able to manage data and metadata in a single, smoothly integra‐
ted system.
When we speak of a knowledge graph and the value it brings, this is
the sort of dynamic we are talking about: knowledge in service to a
greater understanding of our underlying data. This is what the Goo‐
gle Knowledge Graph brought to the search experience, above and
beyond providing a simple list of likely matches: it organized the
web’s data into types of things, with known relationships between
them, allowing us to use that context to query and navigate through
the data in a more streamlined and intelligent way.

Why Knowledge Graphs Are Cool

We’ve seen why knowledge is cool, and why graphs are cool, but
when we combine graphs and knowledge, we get some even cooler

Modular knowledge
Knowledge is better in context, and context is supplied by more
knowledge. A large-scale enterprise will manage a wide variety of
data about products, services, customers, supply chains, etc. Each of
these areas will have knowledge in the form of metadata and con‐
trolled vocabularies that allow the enterprise to manage its business.
But much of the interest in the business will lie at the seams between
these areas: sales are where customers meet products, marketing is
where features meet sales records, etc.
Merging data and knowledge in a single graph lets us treat knowl‐
edge as a separate, reusable, modular resource, to be used through‐
out the enterprise data architecture.

Self-describing data
When we can map our metadata knowledge directly to the data, we
can describe the data in business-friendly terms, but also in a
machine-readable way. The data becomes self-describing as its
meaning travels with the data, in the sense that we can query the
knowledge and the data all in one place.

Representing Data and Knowledge in Graphs: The Knowledge Graph | 61

Knowledgeable machine learning and analysis
Most machine learning software tools were designed to accept a
table of data as an input for training and testing a model as well as
for obtaining predictions when using it in production. A well-
known challenge with machine learning can be the process of fea‐
ture selection: how does one select the features (columns) to be used
as input to the model in order to most accurately support what will
be predicted? The answer to this question sometimes lies in under‐
standing the meaning of the columns and how they are to be inter‐
preted in both the data set being used and the inferred predictions.
A knowledge graph can provide this semantic context to the data
scientist since in a graph, the features are potentially links between
entities as well as their attributes, which are all fully described.
Not only that, knowledge graphs that facilitate easier integration of
data from multiple sources can provide richer combined data sets
for the purposes of making predictions that are in fact only possible
using data source combinations. Complex information domains,
such as those often found in biology, manufacturing, finance, and
many other kinds of industries, have rich, connected structures, and
these are most easily represented in a graph. So often it is the con‐
nections in the graph data, as well as graph-specific algorithms that
can extract or augment information from the graph, that turn out to
be the model input features that drive the best performance. The
knowledge graph also provides a handy, flexible data structure in
which to store predictions along with the data that drove them.
These predictions can potentially be annotated with metadata
describing the version of the model that created them, when the pre‐
diction was made, or perhaps a confidence score associated with the
In recent years the area of graph embeddings has proved to be a
fruitful one for data scientists to pursue. This is the process of trans‐
forming a graph (which provides an accurate representation of some
real-world situation, such as a social, technical, or transportation
network or complex processes like we find in biology) into a set of
vectors that accurately capture the connections in a graph or its top‐
ology, in a form that is amenable to the kinds of mathematical trans‐
formations that underlie machine learning. What is particularly
exciting about this technique is that features can be learned auto‐
matically by learning the graph representation, thus removing one
of the largest impediments to any machine learning project, the lack

62 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

of labeled data. This style of machine learning is used to predict
connecting links and labels for data in a knowledge graph. Another
recent approach causing excitement in data science circles is the
Graph Neural Network (GNN). This is a set of methods for using a
neural network to provide predictions at the different levels of rep‐
resentation within the graph. It uses the idea that nodes in a graph
are defined by their neighbors and connections and can be applied
to problems like traffic prediction and understanding chemical

Knowledge Graph Use Cases

What sorts of improvements to data delivery can we expect a knowl‐
edge graph to bring to an enterprise? To answer this question, let’s
examine some common use cases for knowledge graphs.

Customer 360
Knowledge graphs play a role in anything 360, really: product 360,
competition 360, supply chain 360, etc. It is quite common in a large
enterprise to have a wide variety of data sources that describe cus‐
tomers. This might be the result of mergers and acquisitions, or sim‐
ply because various data systems date to a time when the business
was simpler and do not cover the full range of customers that the
business deals with today. The same can be said about products,
supply chains, and pretty much anything the business needs to
know about.
We have already seen how an explicit representation of knowledge
can provide a catalog of data sources in an enterprise. A data catalog
tells us where we go to find all the information about a customer:
you go here to find demographic information, somewhere else to
find purchase history, and still somewhere else to find profile infor‐
mation about user preferences. The ontology then provides a sort of
road map through the landscape of data schemas in the enterprise.
The ontology allows the organization to know what it knows, that is,
to have an explicit representation of the knowledge in the business.
When we combine that road map with the data itself, as we do in a
knowledge graph, we can extend those capabilities to provide
insights not just about the structure of the data but about the data

Representing Data and Knowledge in Graphs: The Knowledge Graph | 63

A knowledge graph links customer data to provide a complete pic‐
ture of their relationship with the business—all accounts, their
types, purchase histories, interaction records, preferences, and any‐
thing else. This facility is often called “customer 360” because it
allows the business to view the customer from every angle.
This is possible with a knowledge graph, because the explicit knowl‐
edge harmonized the metadata, clearing a path for a graph query (in
a language like SPARQL) to recover all the data about a particular
individual, with an eye to serving them better.

Right to privacy
A knowledge graph builds on top of the capabilities of a data cata‐
log. As we discussed earlier, a request to be forgotten as specified by
GDPR or CCPA requires some sort of data catalog, to find where
appropriate data might be kept. Having a catalog that indicates
where sensitive data might be located in your enterprise data is the
first step in satisfying such a request, but to complete the request, we
need to examine the data itself. Just because a database has customer
PII does not mean a particular customer’s PII is in that database; we
need to look at the actual instances themselves. This is where the
capabilities of a knowledge graph extend the facility of a simple data
catalog. In addition to an enterprise data catalog, the knowledge
graph includes the data from the original sources as well, allowing it
to find which PII is actually stored in each database.

Sustainable extensibility
The use cases we have explored all have an Achilles’ heel: how do
you build the ontology, and how do you link it to the databases in
the organization? The value of having a knowledge graph that links
all the data in the enterprise should be apparent by now. But how do
you get there? A straightforward strategy whereby you build an
ontology, and then painstakingly map it to all the data sets in the
enterprise, is attractive in its simplicity but isn’t very practical, since
the value of having the knowledge graph doesn’t begin to show up
until a significant amount of data has been mapped. This sort of
delayed value makes it difficult to formulate a business case.
A much more attractive strategy goes by the name sustainable exten‐
sibility. It is an iterative approach, where you begin with a simple
ontology and map a few datasets to it. Apply this small knowledge
graph to one of the many use cases we’ve outlined here, or any

64 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

others that will bring quick, demonstrable business value and pro‐
vide context. Then extend the knowledge graph, along any of vari‐
ous dimensions; refine the ontology to make distinctions that are
useful for organizing the business (as we saw in Figures 21 and 22);
map the ontology to new data sets; or extend the mapping you
already have to old data sets, possibly by enhancing the ontology.
Each of these enhancements should follow some business need.
Maybe a new line of business wants to make use of the data in the
knowledge graph, or perhaps someone with important corporate
data wants to make it available to other parts of the company. At
each stage, the enhancement to the ontology or to the mappings
should provide incremental increase in value to the enterprise. This
dynamic is extensible because it extends the knowledge graph, either
through new knowledge or new data. It is sustainable because the
extensions are incremental and can continue indefinitely.

Enterprise data automation

A knowledge graph makes an enterprise data architecture explicit,
but it can be challenging and even tedious to work out all the details
in a large enterprise. Many parts of the knowledge graph and the
ontology that describes it can be generated automatically using
existing underlying data models in data sources. For example, rela‐
tional or JSON/XML schemas can be mechanically converted to a
graph representation and then enhanced using existing enterprise
vocabularies and data dictionaries. Entity matching and disambigu‐
ation techniques can be applied to connect disparate knowledge
graphs programmatically, by establishing linkages and merging
nodes. We anticipate that this automation will continue to improve
as AI approaches are increasingly applied to the management of
enterprise knowledge. While knowledge graphs that are generated
automatically may not be quite as clean as those that are manually
mapped, data described this way is still useful and, for the less
widely used enterprise data sets, can represent a good stepping stone
to further refinement.

The Network Effect of the Knowledge Graph

Successfully following a program of sustainable extensibility will
yield a really large, usually logical, knowledge graph that describes
and connects many disparate data sources across the enterprise.
Many technologies that exhibit a positive “network effect,” where

Representing Data and Knowledge in Graphs: The Knowledge Graph | 65

each incremental addition of a new node (think telephone, fax
machine, website, etc.), can positively increase the overall value of
the network to its users synergistically. A growing network of inter‐
connected reusable data sets has similar potential. The more data
transformed and connected into a knowledge graph, the more use
cases it can deliver, and far more quickly. In recent years data has
been colorfully described as the “new oil,” and knowledge graph
technology provides the means to both capture and amplify its

Beyond Knowledge Graphs: An Integrated

Data Enterprise
Once we have a growing knowledge graph in our enterprise, and we
have set up a dynamic of synergistic sustainable extensibility that
continues to unlock and increase the value of our data, surely we
have achieved the Holy Grail of enterprise data management. Where
could we possibly go from there?
Like many advanced technologies, the knowledge graph can be used
in many ways. It is quite possible to use it to build a single, stand-
alone application; in fact, many enterprises have done just that to
build applications that provide flexible and insightful analyses. But
powerful as such applications are, they are still just another applica‐
tion in a field of silos, not connected to any other data or
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness that enterprise
data continues to be distributed in nature, and that conventional,
centralized views of data management are insufficient for addressing
the growing needs businesses place on data management and access.
A knowledge graph is, as part of its very design, a distributed sys‐
tem. And as such, it is an excellent choice for supporting an enter‐
prise data practice that acknowledges the distributed nature of
enterprise data. This involves using the knowledge graph well
beyond the scope of a single application, no matter how insightful.
A variety of concepts have been developed about how to manage
data that is distributed. None of these really constitutes a “solution”
as it were; they are developments in thinking about data manage‐
ment, all of which are responding to the same issues we are talking
about in this report. As such, the boundaries between them are

66 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

vague at best. Here are approaches and movements that represent
cutting-edge thinking about this topic:
Data fabric
As we’ve discussed in this report, a data fabric is a design con‐
cept for enterprise data architecture, emphasizing flexibility,
extensibility, accessibility, and connecting data at scale.
Data mesh
This is an architecture for managing data as a distributed net‐
work of self-describing products in the enterprise, where data
provisioning is taken as seriously as any other product in the
Data-centric revolution
Some data management analysts2 see the issues with enterprise
data management we have described here, and conclude that
there must be a significant change in how we think about enter‐
prise data. The change is so significant that they refer to it as a
revolution in data management. The fundamental observation
of the data-centric revolution is that business applications come
and go, but the data of a business retains its value indefinitely.
Emphasizing the role of durable data in an enterprise is a funda‐
mental change in how we view enterprise data architecture.
FAIR data
Going beyond just the enterprise, the FAIR data movement
(findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data) outlines prac‐
tices for data sharing on a global scale that encourages an inter‐
operable data landscape.
All of these approaches strive to create an environment where data is
shared and managed as a valuable resource in its own right, and
where it becomes more valuable as a shared resource than as a pri‐
vate resource.
None of these approaches or movements specifies a technological
solution. But we strongly believe that the best way to achieve the
goals of each of these movements is through appropriate use of a
knowledge graph. The knowledge graph must not simply become
yet another warehousing application in the enterprise, adding just

2 Such as Dave McComb in The Data-Centric Revolution (Technics Publications, 2019).

Beyond Knowledge Graphs: An Integrated Data Enterprise | 67

one more application to the quagmire of data applications. Instead,
the knowledge graph has to become the backbone of a distributed
data strategy, enabling the interoperability of data sources across the

Data Architecture Failure Modes

All of the concepts described previously and to which knowledge
graphs contribute—data fabric, data mesh, data-centric revolution,
and FAIR data—have been motivated by a common awareness of
some of the ways in which typical data architectures fail. These fail‐
ure modes are common not just in enterprise data systems but in
any shared data situation, on an enterprise, industrial, or global
Probably the most obvious failure mode is centralization of data.
When we have a system that we call a “database” with a “data man‐
ager,” this encourages data to be stored in a single place, harking
back to the image of the temple at Delphi, where insight was a desti‐
nation, and those who sought it made a journey to the data, rather
than having the data come to them. In an enterprise setting, this sort
of centralization has very concrete ramifications. When we do real‐
ize that we need to combine information from multiple sources, the
central data repository—whether we call it a data warehouse, a data
lake, or some other metaphor—has to be able to simultaneously
scale out in a number of dimensions to succeed.
Obviously, this scale must consider data volume and data complex‐
ity, as many more types of data must be represented and integrated.
However, it also means delivering what is required by the business
in reasonable time frames, given the inevitable constraints on your
skilled data delivery resources. Naturally, the business will always
have a never-ending queue of requests for new combinations of
data, and this puts an enormous strain on both the technology and
the people behind this kind of approach. Bitter experience has
taught the business that data centralization projects are slow, inflexi‐
ble, expensive, and high risk, as they fail to deliver so frequently.
A corresponding weakness of a centralized data hub is that it has a
tendency to suppress variation in data sets. If we have very similar
data sets in the organization with considerable overlap, the tendency
in any centralized system is to iron out their differences. While this
may be a valuable thing to do, it is also costly in time and effort. If

68 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

our system fails to be fully effective until all of these differences have
been eliminated, then we will spend most of our careers (and most
of the business time) in a state where we have not yet aligned all of
our data sources, and our system will not be able to provide the
capabilities the business needs.
Another failure mode is completely nontechnical, and has to do
with data ownership. For the purposes of this discussion, the data
owner is the person or organization who is responsible for making
sure that data is trustworthy, that it is up to date, that the systems
that serve it are running at an acceptable service level, and that the
data and metadata are correct at all times. If we have a single data
hub, the ownership of the data is unclear. Either the manager of the
hub is the owner of all the component data sets (not a sustainable
situation), or the owner of the data does not have ownership of the
platform (since not everyone can manage the platform), and hence
their ownership is not easy to enforce. As a result, it is typical in
such an architecture to find multiple copies, of varying currency, of
the same data in very similar data sources around the enterprise—
each in its own data silo, with no way of knowing the comparative
quality of the data.
Another failure mode, which is emphasized by Dave McComb in
The Data-Centric Revolution (Technics Publications), is that data is
represented and managed specifically in service to the applications
that use it, making the enterprise data architecture application-
centric. This means that data is not provided as an asset in its own
right, and is notoriously difficult to reuse. Data migration processes
speak of data being “trapped” in an application or platform, and
processes being required to “release” it so the enterprise can use it.
In military intelligence, there is a well-known principle that is sum‐
marized as “need to know”—intelligence (i.e., data) is shared with
an agent if and only if they need to know it. It is the responsibility of
a data manager to determine who needs to know something. But a
lesser-known principle is the converse—“responsibility to provide.”
In a mission-critical setting, if we discover that a failure occurred
because some agent lacked knowledge of a situation, and that we
had that knowledge but did not provide it, then we are guilty of hav‐
ing sabotaged our own mission. It is impossible to know in advance
who will need to know what information, but the information has to
be available so that the data consumer can determine this and have
access to the data they need. The modern concepts we are talking

Beyond Knowledge Graphs: An Integrated Data Enterprise | 69

about here—data mesh, data fabric, data-centric operation—repre‐
sent a shift in emphasis from “need to know” to “responsibility to
The attitude of “responsibility to provide” is familiar from the World
Wide Web, where documents are made available to the world and
delivered as search results, and then it is the responsibility of the
data consumer to use them effectively and responsibly. In a “respon‐
sibility to provide” world, describing and finding data becomes key.

Example: NAICS codes

As a simple example of the shift in emphasis from application-
centric, centralized data management to a data-centric, distributed
data fabric, we’ll consider the management of NAICS codes. NAICS
is a set of about six thousand codes that describe what industry a
company operates in. Any bank that operates with counterparties in
the US will have several reasons to classify their industry, from
“know your customer” applications—in which transactions are
spot-audited for realism, based on the operating industry of the
players in the transaction (e.g., a bicycle shop is probably not going
to buy tons of bulk raw cotton direct from the gin)—to credit evalu‐
ation (what industries are stable in the current market), and many
others. It is common for dozens or hundreds of data sets in a finan‐
cial enterprise to reference the NAICS codes.
The NAICS codes are probably the easiest data entity to reuse; they
are maintained by the US Census Bureau, which publishes them on
a very regular and yet quite slow basis (once every five years). The
codes are very simple: six numeric digits, along with a name and a
description. They are in a hierarchical structure, which is reflected
directly in the codes, and are made available free of charge in many
formats from many sources, all of which are in perfect agreement on
the content. The new releases every five years are fully backward
compatible with all previous versions. NAICS codes present none of
the usual problems with managing shared vocabularies.
Nevertheless, the management of NAICS codes as shared resources
in actual financial institutions is always a mess. Here are some of the
things that go wrong:

70 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

• They are represented in just about every way imaginable (XML
documents, spreadsheets, tables in relational databases, parts of
tables in relational databases, etc.). Despite the simple form of a
code, it can be represented in idiosyncratic ways; the names of
the columns in a spreadsheet or of the elements in an XML
document often do not match anything in the published codes.
• Despite the fact that the NAICS codes are standardized, it is
quite common to find that an enterprise has minted its own
codes, to add new ones that it needs but were missing in the
published version. These augmented codes typically don’t follow
the pattern of the NAICS codes, and in no circumstance are
they ever fed back to the NAICS committee for integration into
the upcoming versions.
• Because they are external to the enterprise, nobody owns them.
That is, nobody takes responsibility for making sure that the lat‐
est version is available, or that the current version is correct.
Nobody views it as a product, with service agreements about
how they will be published or the availability of the servers that
publish them.

As a result of these situations, it is typical to find a dozen or more

copies of the NAICS codes in any organization, and even if a data
catalog somewhere indicates this, it does not indicate the version
information or any augmentations that have been made. The sim‐
plest possible reusable data resource turns instead into a source of
confusion and turmoil.

Requirements for a new paradigm

When we think of how new approaches to enterprise data manage‐
ment are changing the data landscape, a number of recurring
themes come up, in terms of requirements they place on data

• Flexibility in the face of complex or changing data

• Description in terms of business concepts
• Ability to deal with unanticipated questions
• Data-centric (as opposed to application-centric)

Beyond Knowledge Graphs: An Integrated Data Enterprise | 71

• Data as a product (with SLA, customer satisfaction, etc.)
• FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable)

Let’s take a look at how this new paradigm deals with our simple
example of NAICS codes. A large part of the value of a standardized
coding system like NAICS is the fact that it is a standard; making ad
hoc changes to it damages that value. But clearly, many users of the
NAICS codes have found it useful to extend and modify the codes in
various ways. The NAICS codes have to be flexible in the face of
these needs; they have to simultaneously satisfy the conflicting needs
of standardization and extensibility. Our data landscape needs to be
able to satisfy this sort of apparently contradictory requirements in a
consistent way.
The NAICS codes have many applications in an enterprise, which
means that the reusable NAICS data set will play a different role in
combination with other data sets in various settings. A flexible data
landscape will need to express the relationship between NAICS
codes and other data sets; is the code describing a company and its
business, or a market, or is it linked to a product category?
The problems with management of the NAICS codes become evi‐
dent when we compare the typical way they are managed with a
data-centric view. The reason why we have so many different repre‐
sentations of NAICS codes is that each application has a particular
use for them, and hence maintains them in a form that is suitable for
that use. An XML-based application will keep them as a document, a
database will embed them in a table, and a publisher will have them
as a spreadsheet for review by the business. Each application main‐
tains them separately, without any connection between them. There
is no indication about whether these are the same version, whether
one extends the codes, and in what way. In short, the enterprise does
not know what it knows about NAICS codes, and doesn’t know how
they are managed.
If we view NAICS codes as a data product, we expect them to be
maintained and provisioned like any product in the enterprise. They
will have a product description (metadata), which will include infor‐
mation about versions. The codes will be published in multiple
forms (for various uses); each of these forms will have a service level
agreement, appropriate to the users in the enterprise.

72 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

There are many advantages to managing data as a product in this
way. Probably the most obvious is that the enterprise knows what it
knows: there are NAICS codes, and we know what version(s) we
have and how they have been extended. We know that all the
versions, regardless of format or publication, are referring to the
same codes. Furthermore, these resources are related to the external
standard, so we get the advantages of adhering to an industry stan‐
dard. They are available in multiple formats, and can be reused by
many parts of the enterprise. Additionally, changes and updates to
the codes are done just once, rather than piecemeal across many
The vision of a data fabric, data mesh, or data-centric enterprise is
that every data resource will be treated this way. Our example of
NAICS was intentionally very simple, but the same principles apply
to other sorts of data, both internal and external. A data fabric is
made up of an extensible collection of data products of this sort,
with explicit metadata describing what they are and how they can be
used. In the remainder of this report, we will focus on the data fabric
as the vehicle for this distributed data infrastructure; most of our
comments would apply equally well to any of the other approaches.

Knowledge Graph Technology for a Data Fabric

One of the basic tenets of a data fabric is that enterprise data man‐
agement should be able to embrace a wide variety of technologies,
and in fact, it should be flexible enough to be able to adapt to any
new technology. So it would be shortsighted to say that the data fab‐
ric must rely on one particular technology.
Nevertheless, any realization of a data fabric will be built on some
technology. We believe that knowledge graph technology, in particu‐
lar one based on the semantic web standards (RDF, RDFS, and
SKOS), is the best way to achieve a successful data fabric or data
As we wrap up the report, let’s examine how knowledge graph tech‐
nology satisfies the requirements for a data fabric, and how it is
indeed well suited to enable a data fabric. Note that many of the
requirements lay out some pretty strict specifications of what a tech‐
nology must provide in order to support a data fabric. These specifi‐
cations tightly constrain the technical approach, driving any
solution toward RDF, RDFS, and SKOS.

Beyond Knowledge Graphs: An Integrated Data Enterprise | 73

Let’s review the requirements for a data fabric, introduced in the
previous section, one by one.

Flexibility in the face of complex or changing data

One of the many advantages of an explicitly represented ontology is
that it is easy to extend a model to accommodate new concepts and
properties. Since an ontology in RDFS is itself represented as a
graph, it can be extended by merging with new graphs or by simply
adding new nodes into the graph. There is no need to reengineer
table structures and connections to accommodate new metadata.
The combination of explicit knowledge and a graph representation
combine to provide unparalleled metadata flexibility.

Description in terms of business concepts

Because an ontology is not bound to a particular technology, data
modelers can use it to model classes and properties in a domain and
provide them with names and structures that correspond to con‐
cepts familiar in the business. The art of matching business concepts
and processes to data structures is usually the purview of a profes‐
sion called “business analysis” or “business architecture.”

An ontology is a power tool for the business analyst,

providing them a formal structure for expressing business
models, data models, and the connections between them.

Ability to deal with unanticipated questions

An oft-lamented drawback of static data representations is that,
while the process of building a data structure to answer any particu‐
lar question is well understood, the process for reusing such a struc‐
ture to answer a new question is difficult, and typically amounts to
starting over. There is no incremental gain from incremental model‐
ing effort. In contrast, a knowledge graph allows users to pivot their
questions by following relationships in the graph. Explicit knowl‐
edge representation allows users to make sense of these relationships
in asking their questions as well as their unanticipated follow-on
questions. When requirements change drastically, semantic models
also allow dynamic remodeling of data and the quick addition of
new data sources to support new types of questions, analytic roll-
ups, or context simplifications for a particular audience.

74 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

Data-centric (as opposed to application-centric)
A knowledge graph contributes to a data fabric approach in many
ways, not least of which is based on standardization. Most data rep‐
resentations (especially relational databases) enclose data in applica‐
tions of some sort; there is no standard way to exchange data and
the models that describe it on a large scale from one platform to
another. ETL (extract, transform, and load) projects are expensive
and brittle. Semantic web standards relieve this problem in an
extreme way, by providing not only a way to write and read data but
also a standard for specifying how to do this on an industrial scale.
It is already possible to exchange data on a very large scale from one
vendor’s software to another. This interoperability enables data to be
the centerpiece of an enterprise information policy.

Data as a product (with SLA, customer satisfaction, etc.)

An upshot of a data fabric is that data now becomes valuable in its
own right; providing data is a way that one part of the organization
can support another. This shift in emphasis on data is sometimes
referred to as seeing data as a product. Someone who provides data
takes on the same responsibilities that we expect of anyone else who
is providing a product, including guarantees, documentation, ser‐
vice agreements, responses to customer requests, etc. When some‐
one views data as a product, other parts of the organization are less
likely to want to take over maintenance of their own version of the
The semantic web standards (RDF, RDFS, and SKOS) go beyond
simple syntactic standards; each of them is based on sound mathe‐
matical logic. Since most enterprises don’t have staff logicians, this
might seem like a rather obscure, academic feature, but it supports
key capabilities for viewing data as a product. With these standards,
it is possible to know exactly what a set of data means (in a mathe‐
matical sense), and hence to know when some data provided in
response to a request satisfies a requirement for a data service. This
is analogous to having clear requirements and metrics for other
kinds of products. You can’t support a service level agreement for a
product if you don’t know what services have been promised.

Beyond Knowledge Graphs: An Integrated Data Enterprise | 75

FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable)
The FAIR data principles place a variety of requirements on data
and metadata representations, many of which are supported by a
standardized knowledge graph. Explicit knowledge representation
makes it possible to find data that is appropriate for a particular
task. Globally referenceable terms (in the form of URIs) allow for
interoperability, since one data or metadata set can refer to any
other. The web basis of the semantic web standards allow them to
interoperate natively with web-based accessibility standards, and the
extensibility of an ontology encourages reuse. FAIR is not explicitly
a semantic web recommendation, but the semantic web covers all
the bases when it comes to building a FAIR data infrastructure.

Getting Started on Building Your Data Fabric

A data fabric is more than just a design concept for enterprise data
architecture; instituting a data fabric in an enterprise constitutes a
familiar change in attitude about how data is perceived and treated
in the enterprise. Why is it familiar? Because this change is in line
with prevailing attitudes for what is required for digital transforma‐
tion as a whole. Digital transformation changes how the business
operates. The adoption of a data fabric is the manifestation of that
change in enterprise data management.
In the introduction to this report, we considered the plight of a data
strategist faced with a business leader who expects an integrated data
experience like they are accustomed to seeing on the web. Given
what we know now about the data fabric and knowledge graphs,
what advice can we give them? How should they proceed? What will
drive the enterprise to make the required cultural shift, and how can
an appropriate data strategy make the path smoother?

Motivation for a Data Fabric

The executives in our enterprise want to have an integrated experi‐
ence when consulting business data. But what drives this desire?
What is lacking in their current data experience of using data ware‐
houses, data lakes, and other piecemeal enterprise architecture
The speed of business in a modern enterprise is accelerating. As
products move to just-in-time everything, new products, services,
and even business models are being developed at an increasing pace.

76 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

Companies acquire one another, consolidating business plans and
moving into new markets. The faster a company can move and
adapt, the more successful it can be.
As the enterprise enters these new areas, how can it manage all the
new information it needs to carry out business efficiently and effec‐
tively? To be blunt, how can the enterprise know what it is doing,
when what it is doing changes so quickly?
Conventional techniques for managing enterprise data are not keep‐
ing up. No longer is it sufficient to build a new application for each
new business model or product line. Data has become the key driver
of the business, and is more durable than applications. Each new
product, service, business area, or market brings with it new
demands on data.
The profit centers of the business don’t want to be slowed down by
application development. New products? New regulations? New
business models? The business needs to keep up with these things.
The business demands a digital transformation that provides flexi‐
bility, extensibility, and agility in its data architecture along with
business alignment. For a growing business today, a data fabric is no
longer a luxury, but a necessity. This is the situation our data strate‐
gist finds themself in.

Timing of the Data Fabric

Since the executive is telling our data strategist they want Google-
like access to their data and the board is asking questions about digi‐
tal transformation of the CEO, we know that the business
stakeholders are ready to make some big changes. But is the enter‐
prise ready to begin weaving its data fabric?
To be clear, there is no need to delay due to availability of the neces‐
sary technologies. As we have shown here, the best technology for
assembling a data fabric is a knowledge graph, and knowledge
graphs are already successfully used by enterprises in many indus‐
tries. But the transformational switch in an enterprise to a data fab‐
ric isn’t a simple matter of creating a new application, even a
knowledge-based one; it requires a cultural change in how the enter‐
prise relates to its data. This suggests an iterative approach to build‐
ing a data fabric.

Beyond Knowledge Graphs: An Integrated Data Enterprise | 77

You’ve already taken your first step toward building a data fabric in
your enterprise by reading this report. You’ve been introduced to
some of the technology and concepts that support a knowledge
graph approach. You might even have experimented with some of
that technology yourself, downloaded some of the wide array of free
software for managing knowledge graphs, or inventoried some of
the resources in your field.
The biggest obstacle you will face, moving from an awareness that
your enterprise needs a change to actually building a data fabric, will
be resistance from parts of the organization. Your application devel‐
opers see the problem as just another application that needs to be
built, and not a sea change in how the enterprise sees data as a
resource. Data scientists will focus on the questions they have in
front of them, and will not want to concern themselves with the big
picture. It is, of course, impractical to build a comprehensive enter‐
prise data fabric before reaping any of the benefits of having one. So
how can you proceed? We have a few suggestions.
First, we hope that this report can provide you with one tool for
informing your colleagues about data fabrics and knowledge graphs.
These are not far-fetched ideas bubbling in an academic lab (though
there is a strong academic foundation behind the technologies that
support the knowledge graph), but real technologies that are widely
in use today in enterprises. We have included examples from many
industries, covering a range of data capabilities. We hope you can
find some parallels in your own organization, as it is always more
persuasive to use local examples. We have also provided a bit of
guidance for what a data fabric looks like: it is distributed, it is con‐
nected, and it includes reusable metadata. These are the principles
that make a data fabric work at scale.
Second, remember that nothing succeeds like success; you will have
to deliver something that provides real business value to bring these
ideas home. One good approach is to start small, but pick a problem
to solve that delivers true business value, so that when it succeeds, it
is noticed within the organization and you can build on that success.
But how do you make your first application part of a data fabric
before the fabric exists? Or, to take the metaphor perhaps a bit too
seriously, how many stitches do you have to knit before your yarn
becomes a fabric?

78 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

Third, use the principles in this report and in the references below
as a guide to building your first data fabric application. When you
organize the application’s data, don’t organize it just for that applica‐
tion; organize it for the enterprise. Represent it as a graph, and give
the entities in the graph global names (using URIs). Find data assets
that already exist in your enterprise, and reuse them. Build your
application around the data, not vice versa. Think of each data set
you use as a potential product that someone else might reuse. Repre‐
sent your metadata explicitly, using the same principles. This is the
beauty of the knowledge graph: while it is the basis of a large, scala‐
ble enterprise architecture like a data fabric, it can also be used for a
single application. In short, build your first application as a fledgling
knowledge graph in its own right. By succeeding with something
that is small but that successfully delivers meaningful business value,
you attract positive notice to the overall approach. Most impor‐
tantly, you also earn the right to extend the application or develop a
peer application with adjacent data sources using the same method‐
ology, and thereby can continue to prove its efficacy. As you have
learned, the knowledge graph is ideal for this kind of expansion.
Just as a journey begins with a single step and a fabric starts with a
single stitch, a data fabric begins with a solution to a single business
problem—a solution that provides business benefits in its own right,
but that also forms the first stitch in something much larger. You’ve
got what you need to get started, and your business is waiting. The
next application you build will be the first stitch in your new data

Darrow, Barb. “So Long Google Search Appliance”. Fortune, Febru‐
ary 4, 2016.
Dehghani, Zhamak. “How to Move Beyond a Monolithic Data Lake
to a Distributed Data Mesh”., May 20, 2019.
Dehghani, Zhamak. “Data Mesh Principles and Logical Architec‐
ture”., December 3, 2020.
Neo4j News. “Gartner Identifies Graph as a Top 10 Data and Analyt‐
ics Technology Trend for 2019”. February 18, 2019.

References | 79
Weinberger, David. “How the Father of the World Wide Web Plans
to Reclaim It from Facebook and Google”. Digital Trends, August 16,
Wikipedia. “Database design”. Last edited December 20, 2020.
Wikipedia. “Network effect”. Last edited March 3, 2021.

80 | The Rise of the Knowledge Graph

About the Authors
Sean Martin, CTO, and founder of Cambridge Semantics has been
on the leading edge of technology innovation for over two decades
and is recognized as an early pioneer of next-generation enterprise
software, semantic, and graph technologies. Sean’s focus on Enter‐
prise Knowledge Graphs offers fresh approaches to solving data
integration, application development, and communication problems
previously found to be extremely difficult to address.
Before founding Cambridge Semantics, Sean spent fifteen years with
IBM Corporation where he was a founder and the technology
visionary for the IBM Advanced Internet Technology Skunkworks
group, where he had an astonishing number of internet “firsts” to
his credit.
Sean has written numerous patents and authored a number of peer-
reviewed Life Sciences journal articles. He is a native of South
Africa, has lived for extended periods in London, England, and
Edinburgh, Scotland, but now makes his home in Boston, MA.
Ben Szekely is chief revenue officer and cofounder of Cambridge
Semantics, Inc. Ben has impacted all sides of the business from
developing the core of the Anzo Platform to leading all customer-
facing functions including sales and customer success. Ben’s passion
is working with partners and customers to identify, design, and exe‐
cute high-value solutions based on knowledge graph.
Before joining the founding team at Cambridge Semantics, Ben
worked as an advisory software engineer at IBM with Sean Martin
on early research projects in Semantic Technology. He has BA in
math and computer science from Cornell University and an SM in
computer science from Harvard University.
Dean Allemang is founder of Working Ontologist LLC, and coau‐
thor of Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist, and has been a key
promoter of and contributor to semantic technologies since their
inception two decades ago. He has been involved in successful
deployments of these technologies in many industries, including
finance, media, and agriculture. Dean’s approach to technology
combines a strong background in formal mathematics with a desire
to make technology concepts accessible to a broader audience,
thereby making them more applicable to business applications.
Before setting up Working Ontologist, a consulting firm specializing
in industrial deployments of semantic technologies, he worked with
TopQuadrant Inc., one of the first product companies to focus
exclusively on Semantic products. He has a PhD in computer sci‐
ence from The Ohio State University, and an MSc in Mathematics
from the University of Cambridge.

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