Basic 3 Term 1 Scheme
Basic 3 Term 1 Scheme
Basic 3 Term 1 Scheme
Word cards,
Reading Phonics B3.2.2.1 B3.
cards, letter
Writing Penmanship B3.4.2.1 B3. cards,
Writing on a manila
Conventions & Using Capitalization B3.5.1.1 B3. card and a
Grammar Usage class library
Word cards,
Reading Diphthongs B3.2.4.1 B3. sentence
cards, letter
Writing Simple Words
4 Writing B3.4.5.1 B3. handwriting
and Sentences
on a manila
Writing card and a
Conventions & Using Punctuation B3.5.2.1 B3. class library
Grammar Usage
Word cards,
Reading Vocabulary B3.2.6.1 B3. sentence
cards, letter
7 Writing Writing as a Process B3.4.9.1 B3. handwriting
on a manila
card and a
Using Qualifying Words class library
Conventions & B3.5.5.1 B3.
– Adjectives
Grammar Usage
Word cards,
Reading Comprehension B3.2.7.1 B3.
cards, letter
8 Writing Writing as a Process B3.4.9.2 B3. handwriting
on a manila
Writing card and a
Using Qualifying Words class library
Conventions & B3.5.6.1 B3.
– Adverbs
Grammar Usage
Word cards,
Reading Comprehension B3.2.7.1. B3. sentence
cards, letter
10 Writing Descriptive Writing B3.4.12.1 B3. handwriting
on a manila
Writing card and a
Using Simple class library
Conventions & B3.5.7.1 B3.
Grammar Usage
Extensive Building the love and
B3.6.1.1 B3.
Reading culture of reading
Word cards,
Reading Fluency B3.2.9.1 B3. sentence
cards, letter
11 Writing B3.3.13.1 B3. handwriting
on a manila
Writing card and a
Using Simple and class library
Conventions & B3.5.9.1 B3.
Compound Sentences
Grammar Usage
Extensive Building the love and
B3.6.1.1 B3.
Reading culture of reading
Word cards,
Reading Fluency B3.2.9.1 B3. sentence
cards, letter
Informative/ Academic
12 Writing B3.4.14.1 B3. handwriting
on a manila
Writing card and a
Conventions & Spelling B3.5.10.1 B3. class library
Grammar Usage
Extensive Building the love and
B3.6.1.1 B3.
Reading culture of reading
Currency notes
11 Number Money B3.3.3.2 B3.
and coins
Metals, woods
Diversity Of
3 Materials B3.1.2.1 B3. plastics soil stones
paper pencil
crayons balloons
Diversity Of water sand salt
4 Materials B3.1.2.1 B3.
Matter sugar
Metals, woods
Diversity Of
5 Materials B3.1.2.2 B3. plastics soil stones
paper pencil
crayons balloons
Diversity Of water sand salt
6 Materials B3.1.2.3 B3.
Matter sugar
Torch candle
7 Cycles Earth Science B3.2.1.1 B3. matchstick lantern
paper pencil
pictures of well
8 Cycles Earth Science B3.2.1.2 B3. river stream
Torch candle
9 Cycles Earth Science B3.2.1.3 B3. matchstick lantern
paper pencil
pictures of well
10 Cycles Earth Science B3.2.1.4 B3. river stream
Life Cycle Of
11 Cycles B3.2.2.1 B3.2. 2.1.2 Plant seeds, hand
lens, paper, pencil
Life Cycle Of fruits
12 Cycles B3.2.2.1 B3.2. 2.1.2
3 Map, Pictures,
All About Us My Self B3.1.2.1 B3. Charts,
Video Clips
4 Pictures, Charts,
All About Us Myself B3.1.2.1 B3.
Video Clips
9 The Environment
All Around Us B3.2.1.1 B3.
And The Weather Pictures, Charts,
10 The Environment Video Clips
All Around Us B3.2.1.1 B3.
And The Weather
11 Plants And
All Around Us B3.2.2.1 B3.
Animals Pictures, Charts,
12 Plants And Video Clips
All Around Us B3.2.2.1 B3.
1 Creation & God the Creator B3.1.2.1 B3.
Attributes Wall charts, wall
words, posters,
God’s video clip, etc.
2 Creation & God the Creator B3.1.2.1 B3.
3 Creation & God the Creator B3.1.2.1 B3.
Attributes Wall charts, wall
words, posters,
God’s video clip, etc.
4 Creation & God the Creator B3.1.2.1 B3.
Purpose of God’s
5 Creation & B3.1.3.1 B3.
creation Wall charts, wall
words, posters,
God’s video clip, etc.
Purpose of God’s
6 Creation & B3.1.3.1 B3.
Purpose of God’s
7 Creation & B3.1.3.1 B3.
creation Wall charts, wall
words, posters,
God’s video clip, etc.
Purpose of God’s
8 Creation & B3.1.3.1 B3.
9 Religious Worship B3.2.1.1 B3.
Practices Wall charts, wall
words, posters,
Religious video clip, etc.
10 Religious Worship B3.2.1.1 B3.
11 Religious Worship B3.2.1.1 B3.
Practices Wall charts, wall
words, posters,
Religious video clip, etc.
12 Religious Worship B3.2.1.1 B3.
1 Thinking and
Visual Arts Exploring Ideas CSE 1 B3.
(Visual Arts)
2 Thinking and
Performing Exploring Ideas Photos, videos, art
CSE 1 B3.
Arts paper, colors and
(Performing Arts) traditional art
3 Planning, Making tools, other
B3. materials available
Visual Arts and Composing CSE 2&3
B3. in the community
(Visual Arts)
4 Planning, Making
Performing B3.
and Composing CSE 2&3
Arts B3.
(Performing Arts)
5 Displaying and
Visual Arts Sharing CSE 4&5
(Visual Arts)
6 Displaying and
Performing B3. Photos, videos, art
Sharing CSE 4&5
Arts B3. paper, colors and
(Performing Arts) traditional art
7 Appreciating and tools, other
B3. materials available
Visual Arts Appraising CSE 6&7
B3. in the community
(Visual Arts)
8 Appreciating and
Performing B3.
Appraising CSE 6&7
Arts B3.
(Performing Arts)
9 Thinking and
Exploring Ideas
Visual Arts Photos, videos, art
School based B3.1.1.1
& CSE 1 paper, colors and
project B3.2.1.1 traditional art
Arts (Visual Arts & tools, other
performing Arts) materials available
in the community
10 Visual Arts Planning, Making
CSE 2&3
and Composing
Performing School based
Arts project
(Visual Arts &
11 Displaying and
Visual Arts
School based
& CSE 4&5
Performing Photos, videos, art
Arts (Visual Arts & paper, colors and
Performing Arts) traditional art
12 Appreciating and tools, other
Appraising materials available
Visual Arts in the community
& School based
CSE 6&7
Performing project
Arts (Visual Arts &
Performing Arts)
Oral Language Songs B3.1.1.1 B3.
Word cards,
sentence cards,
Oral Language Rhymes B3.1.2.1 B3. letter cards,
handwriting on
3 a manila card
Oral Language Poems B3.1.3.1 B3.
Oral Language Story telling B3.1.4.1 B3.
Word cards,
sentence cards,
5 Phonological and
Reading B3.2.3.1 B3. letter cards,
phonemic awareness
handwriting on
6 Phonics: letter and a manila card
Reading B3.2.4.1 B3.
sound knowledge
Writing Penmanship B3.3.1.1 B3. Word cards,
sentence cards,
8 Writing Simple letter cards,
Writing Words/Names of handwriting on
B3.3.3.1 B3.
Conventions People and Places a manila card
(Proper Nouns)
9 Integrating grammar
Writing Word cards,
in written language B3.5.2.1 B3.
Conventions sentence cards,
letter cards,
10 Integrating grammar handwriting on
in written language B3.5.3.1 B3. a manila card
Movement Pictures and
Dynamics B3.2.2.2 B3.
Concepts Videos
Pictures and
Physical Fitness Aerobic Capacity B3.3.1.3 B3.
12 Values And
Self- Pictures and
Psycho-Social B3.5.1.5 B3.
Responsibility Videos
Name of School………………………………………………….……………………….…………………
Place all the cards face down on the floor. Learners will
then flip over two at a time and say each word, if the
words match the learner gets to keep the cards.
Did you enjoy the game?
What words did you hear in the game?
Make a list of ten words you heard.
PHASE 3: Ask learners to tell you what they have learnt and what In our next lesson,
REFLECTION they will like to learn in the next lesson we shall create our
own stories using
Take feedback from what have learnt and summarize the pictures.
Ask learners;
Whether they enjoyed singing the songs?
What words did you hear in the songs?
Are these words food, animals, objects?
PHASE 3: Ask learners to tell you what they have learnt and what
REFLECTION they will like to learn in the next lesson
Using think-pair-share, learners retell their story books to
their partners.
Monday Play show me a number Guide learners to skip count What have we learnt today?
game with learners (up to forwards and backwards from 0 to
10), with fingers. 10,000 by 10s, 50s 100s, 500s and Counting sequence
1000s starting at any point.
Teacher mentions the
number from (1 to 10). Learners to identify and correct Give learners task to count
errors or omissions in a skip numbers in sequence that is by
Learners then show their counting sequence 1s and 2s
fingers up to show the
Tuesday Have learners to write Guide learners to count to tell the Have learners to count how
number patterns in the air. number of objects in given many books , desks, tables
collection of objects by selecting ,pencils, crayons, blackboard,
Bring handy objects to class, the most appropriate of three rulers, sharpeners, erasers etc.
call learners to count them. estimates for a given collection of in the classroom
Now use the “how many” to objects and justify the choice.
ask pupils about what they
Wednesday Play show me a number Represent numbers or quantities What have we learnt today?
game with learners (up to to 1000 with written numerals
10), with fingers. Estimation
Write number words for given
Teacher mentions the multiples of ten to 9999 and for
number from (1 to 10). multiples of 100 to 99990 Have learners to estimate the
Learners then show their number of objects in a small
fingers up to show the Guide learners to count by 2s, 5s group
number. or 10s, to answer “how many?”
questions about as many as 100 or
Show learners a chalk box 1000 objects regardless of the
full of chalks. order in which the objects are
Ask learners to guess the counted or the arrangement of the
number of chalks and hence objects
introduce the lesson
Thursday Engage learners in the game; Display a number chart with Give learners task to identify
Clap that number (up to 10). numbers between 0 and 10,000. numbers in different positions
Have learners count in around a chosen number using
unison as they clap the Have learners identify numbers in number grid
number. different positions around a given
Put learners in convenient groups
and give each group a number grid
and have them identify numbers in
different positions around a
chosen number.
For example, choose 34 and
identify numbers above, below, to
the right or to the left etc.
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: Science
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: Diversity Of Matter
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Living & Non Living Things
Content Standard:
Indicator: Lesson:
B3.1.1.1 Show understanding of the physical
B3. classify living things plants and
features and life processes of living things and use
animals by their life process 1 OF 1
this understanding to classify them
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can classify living things plants and animals by their Problem Solving skills; Critical Thinking; Justification of
life process Ideas;
Teaching/ Learning Resources Pictures of Plants and animals in the environment
References: Science Curriculum Pg. 50
Have learners watch a Learners watch pictures and What have we learnt today?
documentary on the life videos on living things
processes of some plants and Life process of plants and
animals Learners collect and display cut- animals
out pictures or flash cards of
plants and animals Have learners to summarize
the important points of the
Have learners watch a Learners sort the living things What have we learnt today?
documentary on the life into plants and animals through
processes of some plants and an activity. Life process of plants and
animals Animals
Draw two large circles and let
learners place living things into Have learners to summarize
different circles for plants and the important points of the
animals based on their life lesson
Put the learners into groups. Have learners watch a What have learnt today?
Play a game of seeing which documentary on the life
group can list the highest processes of some plants and Life process of plants and
number of living and non-living animals Animals
Produce more materials for Have learners to summarize
Give them 5 minutes to write as different activities the important points of the
many ideas down on paper as lesson
they can. The group with the
highest number wins
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: OWOP
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: All About Us
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Nature Of God
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B3.1.1.1. Demonstrate understanding of the B3. Examine the purpose of God’s creation
purpose of God’s creation human beings 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration
Learners can examine the purpose of God’s creation human beings Critical Thinking and Problem
Teaching/ Learning Resources Pictures, Charts, Video Clips
References: OWOP Curriculum Pg. 39
Begin the lesson by sharing a Learners talk about the creation What have we learnt today?
few jokes with learners. of humankind.
i. Who were the first people Purpose of God’s creation
Make sure to choose jokes that God created? human beings.
will get learners attention. ii. Who was created first?
Learners to summarize the
Call two learners to share their Learners tell creation stories to important points of the
jokes as well explain why God created human lesson.
beings e.g. to take care of other
creatures, to worship and serve
Him, etc.
Use questions and answers to Learners think-pair-share on Engage learners in the
review learners understanding in why we should protect and care talking circle game
the previous lesson for God’s creation:
i. to maintain creation for Learners form two circles
Engage learners to play games generations such that a small circle is
and sing songs to begin the ii. it is a command from God within a bigger circle.
lesson. iii. our survival depends on Members in the small circle
other creation: food, medicine, face members in the bigger
shelter, air, etc. circle, and ask them
iv. it is service to God and questions to answer
humankind purpose of God’s creation
Use questions and answers to Learners think-pair-share on Engage learners in the
review learners understanding in why we should protect and care talking circle game
the previous lesson for God’s creation:
i. to maintain creation for Learners form two circles
Engage learners to play games generations such that a small circle is
and sing songs to begin the ii. it is a command from God within a bigger circle.
lesson. iii. our survival depends on Members in the small circle
other creation: food, medicine, face members in the bigger
shelter, air, etc. circle, and ask them
iv. it is service to God and questions to answer
humankind purpose of God’s creation
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: REL & MORAL EDUCATION
Duration: 60mins Strand: God’s Creation & Attributes
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: God the Creator
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B3.1.1.1. Identify ways of ensuring B3. demonstrate ways to care for the
environmental safety environment 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Cultural Identity, Sharing Reconciliation,
Learners can demonstrate ways to care for the environment Togetherness, Unity.
Teaching/ Learning Resources Wall charts, wall words, posters, video clip, etc.
References: RME Curriculum Pg. 22
Have learners mention natural Use questions and answers for What have we learnt today?
things (things created by god) learners to explain the
that are bright and beautiful in environment. Caring for the natural
the environment and classify environment
them into big and small Using Think-Pair-Share, let
learners talk about ways of Ask learners to summarize
caring for the environment the important points of the
through: tree planting, proper lesson
disposal of waste, legal mining,
clean-up exercises, avoiding Give learners task to
environmental pollution, etc. mention and discuss ways of
caring for the natural
Assessment: Let learners environment
organize and do clean-up
exercises in the school
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: History
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: My country Ghana
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: The People Of Ghana
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B3.2.1.1. Exhibit knowledge of the unique history B3. discuss the origins of the major
of the major ethnic groups in Ghana ethnic groups in Ghana 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can discuss the origins of the major ethnic groups Learners to become critical thinkers and digital
in Ghana literates
Teaching/ Learning Resources Wall charts, word cards, posters, video clip, etc.
Have learners watch videos of Identify some of the major Play a game of pick and win
some of the history of the major ethnic groups. using ethnic groups
ethnic groups in Ghana E.g. Guan, Mole-Dagbani/ Gonja,
Akan, Ga/Adangme, Ewe
Have learners to write on a
sheet of paper the following Use a map to trace the routes
the major ethnic groups
What are the major ethnic travelled to get to their present-
groups in Ghana? Etc. day locations in Ghana
Have learners watch videos of In groups, learners discuss the What have we learnt today?
some of the history of the major origin of the major ethnic
ethnic groups in Ghana groups The origin of major ethnic
Have learners to tell which of Compose a song with names of
part of the video interest them the major ethnic groups and Have learners to summarize
where they originated (In the the important points in the
special schools, resource lesson
persons should assist the
hearing impaired to sing)
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: Creative Arts
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: Visual Arts
Sub Strand: Thinking and Exploring
Class: B3 Class Size:
Content Standard: Indicator:
Demonstrate understanding of how to B3 Study and talk about performing
generate own ideas for artistic expressions on artworks produced or performed in other
1 OF 1
the people. African communities
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can study and talk about performing artworks produced or Decision Making Creativity,
performed in other African communities Innovation Communication
Teaching/ Learning Resources Photos, videos, art paper, colors and traditional art tools
References: Creative Arts Curriculum Pg. 68
Learners are to watch a short Learners are to gather Ask learners to tell the
video that reflects topical issues information through library whole class what they have
in the local community; research, surfing the internet for learnt.
African music, dances and
Ask learners to talk about parts drama. Learners tell what they will
of the video or pictures that like to learn.
interest them. Watch short documentaries on
the performing arts of Africa
Have learners to sing songs and Let learners sing a familiar Ask learners to talk about
recite familiar rhymes they occupational song they know. what they have learnt.
Play familiar traditional songs on Call out a few words for
ALPHABET a tape/clip for learners to listen. learners to spell them off
Now I know my head.
A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O, Teach learners the song and let
P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z. them sing the song alone. Ask learners to read some
keywords on the board
Allow learners to sing the song
with correct rhythms.
Put learners into groups of two. Teach learners the song and let Call out a few words for
The teacher writes a letter in them sing the song alone. learners to spell them off
the air. head.
Allow learners to sing the song
Learners makes the letter sound with correct rhythms. Ask learners to read some
and tell the teacher the sound keywords on the board
that has been written. Lead learners to brainstorm the
meaning of the song.
Duration: 60mins Strand: Motor Skill And Movement Patterns
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Locomotive Skills
Content Standard: Indicator:
Demonstrate competence in the motor skills B3. Change direction from forward and
and movement patterns needed to perform a back and right and left while walking, running, 1 OF 1
variety of physical activities. hopping, and jumping
Performance Indicator:
Core Competencies:
Learners can change direction from forward and back
Personal skills and core competencies such as
and right and left while walking, running, hopping, and
agility, concentration, precision
Teaching/ Learning Resources Pictures and Videos
References: PE Curriculum Pg. 20
Take learners through general Mark points on the court with Organize mini football game
and specific warm ups. cones/skittles with directions. for learners.
Have learners to watch pictures After warm-ups lead learners to End the lesson by leading
and videos of the skill to be direction from forward to learners to jog slowly to
learnt. backward, right to left whiles walking with fun whiles
starting with walking, to running, flexing the body parts for
hopping to jumping, etc. in a fun quick recovery.
End lesson with cool down
Allow learners to progress at
their own pace.
Place all the cards face down on the floor. Learners will
then flip over two at a time and say each word, if the
words match the learner gets to keep the cards.
Did you enjoy the game?
What words did you hear in the game?
Make a list of ten words you heard.
Ask learners;
Whether they enjoyed singing the songs?
What words did you hear in the songs?
Are these words food, animals, objects?
Using think-pair-share, learners retell their story books to
their partners.
Have learners draw parts of the story they read. Let learners
summarize the books they read to the whole class
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTION from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.
Monday Engage learners to complete Guide learners to revise counting of Give learners task to
the pattern. natural numbers up to 1,000. complete whiles you go
Which shape comes next? round to guide those who
Draw it Display and paste a number chart in don’t understand.
multiples of 500 between 10,000 and
100,000 Give remedial learning to
__ those who special help.
Lead learners to identify numbers in
different positions around a given
Have learners watch a Learners watch pictures and What have we learnt today?
documentary on the life videos on living things
processes of some plants and Life process of plants and
animals Learners collect and display cut- animals
out pictures or flash cards of
plants and animals Have learners to summarize
the important points of the
Have learners watch a Learners sort the living things What have we learnt today?
documentary on the life into plants and animals through
processes of some plants and an activity. Life process of plants and
animals Animals
Draw two large circles and let
learners place living things into Have learners to summarize
different circles for plants and the important points of the
animals based on their life lesson
Put the learners into groups. Have learners watch a What have learnt today?
Play a game of seeing which documentary on the life
group can list the highest processes of some plants and Life process of plants and
number of living and non-living animals Animals
Produce more materials for Have learners to summarize
Give them 5 minutes to write as different activities the important points of the
many ideas down on paper as lesson
they can. The group with the
highest number wins
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: OWOP
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: All About Us
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Nature Of God
Indicator: Lesson:
Content Standard:
B3. Explain God’s promises to
B3.1.1.2. Appreciate God’s promises to humankind
humankind 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration
Learners can explain God’s promises to humankind Critical Thinking and Problem
Teaching/ Learning Resources Pictures, Charts, Video Clips
References: OWOP Curriculum Pg. 40
Flash letter cards to learners for Through questions and answers, Ask learners to tell the
them to pronounce some key guide learners to identify the class what they have learnt.
words in the lesson. promises God made to
humankind: Call learners in turns
Ask pupils to spell and write the summarize the lesson
words in the books Making reference form the call
of Abraham (Ibrahim)
– God promised him with
eternal life.
Have learners mention natural Use questions and answers for What have we learnt today?
things (things created by god) learners to explain the
that are bright and beautiful in environment. Caring for the natural
the environment and classify environment
them into big and small Using Think-Pair-Share, let
learners talk about ways of Ask learners to summarize
caring for the environment the important points of the
through: tree planting, proper lesson
disposal of waste, legal mining,
clean-up exercises, avoiding Give learners task to
environmental pollution, etc. mention and discuss ways of
caring for the natural
Assessment: Let learners environment
organize and do clean-up
exercises in the school
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: History
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: My country Ghana
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: The People Of Ghana
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B3.2.1.1. Exhibit knowledge of the unique B3. discuss the origins of the major
history of the major ethnic groups in Ghana ethnic groups in Ghana 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can discuss the origins of the major ethnic groups Learners to become critical thinkers and digital
in Ghana literates
Teaching/ Learning Resources Wall charts, word cards, posters, video clip, etc.
Have learners watch videos of Identify some of the major Play a game of pick and win
some of the history of the major ethnic groups. using ethnic groups
ethnic groups in Ghana E.g. Akans
Learners are to watch a short Learners are to gather Ask learners to tell the
video that reflects topical issues information through library whole class what they have
in the local community; research, surfing the internet for learnt.
African music, dances and
Ask learners to talk about parts drama. Learners tell what they will
of the video or pictures that like to learn.
interest them. Watch short documentaries on
the performing arts of Africa
Split learners into 2 teams. Let learners sing a popular play Use questions to review
Taking turns, learners from each song they know. their understanding of the
team come up and chose a lesson
vocabulary word. Learners to Read aloud a rhyme to learners.
draw something on the board Ask learners to summarize
while only their tries to guess Let learners read aloud the what they have learnt
the word rhyme in turns.
Take learners through general Learners find free space and skip Have learners to discuss the
and specific warm ups. 10 times always landing on the importance in exercising
balls on both feet. the body.
Have learners to watch pictures
and videos of the skill to be Learners find free space and skip End lesson with cool down.
learnt. 5 times on one foot always
landing on the balls of the same
foot as they alternate the foot.
e.g. right – 5times
left – 5times
Place all the cards face down on the floor. Learners will
then flip over two at a time and say each word, if the
words match the learner gets to keep the cards.
Did you enjoy the game?
What words did you hear in the game?
Make a list of ten words you heard.
Ask learners;
Whether they enjoyed singing the songs?
What words did you hear in the songs?
Are these words food, animals, objects?
Using think-pair-share, learners retell their story books to
their partners.
Have learners draw parts of the story they read. Let learners
summarize the books they read to the whole class
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTION from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.
Monday Engage learners to sing songs Demonstrate an understanding of Give learners task to
and recite some familiar how place value determines the complete whiles you go
rhymes they know relative size of whole numbers round to guide those who
(between 100 and 10,000) don’t understand.
Early to Bed
Early to bed and early to rise Guide learners to describe the Give remedial learning to
Makes a man, healthy, wealthy relative size of two numbers those who special help.
and i.e., saying whether one number is
wise. a little or a lot bigger or smaller
than another and justifying the
Tuesday Play games and sing some Demonstrate an understanding of Give learners task to
action songs to begin the class how place value determines the complete whiles you go
relative size of whole numbers round to guide those who
(between 100 and 10,000) don’t understand.
Engage learners to sing Show learners pictures and videos of Ask learners questions to
some action songs common materials e.g. wood, plastics, review their understanding
paper, metals, leather, cotton, etc. of the lesson.
Show me your head oo, Learners collect everyday materials in Have learners write 3 facts
This is my head oo. their environment e.g. wood, plastics, of the lesson on a sheet of
Show me your eyes oo, paper, metals, leather, cotton, etc. paper and it in their pockets
This is my eyes oo. Etc. and bring them to class. and learn it on their way
Learners use think-pair-share to
discuss the uses of the materials
Get a viral picture, a Brainstorm with learners to come Divide the class into two
trending news on twitter, out with the uses of the materials in teams. One player serves a
Facebook, YouTube and relation to their properties, e.g. question and choses a
other social media handles. metals are used for making car bodies player in the other group to
because they are hard, plastics are answer.
Discuss what is trending used for making bottles, buckets,
and invite learners to share bowls because they can be moulded
their opinions on them into different shapes
Get a viral picture, a trending Learners talk about things they Ask learners questions to
news on twitter, Facebook, need to promote personal review their understanding
YouTube and other social media hygiene: water, soap, tooth of the lesson.
handles. brush and tooth paste, nail
cutter, etc. Have learners write 3 facts
Discuss what is trending and of the lesson on a sheet of
invite learners to share their Learners talk about things they paper and it in their pockets
opinions on them do to show personal hygiene, and learn it on their way
through think-pair-share, home.
e.g. bathing twice a day, brushing
of the teeth, at least twice daily,
washing of clothes regularly,
washing of hands regularly, etc.
Flash letter cards to learners for Learners draw items used in Ask learners to tell the
them to pronounce some key keeping our bodies clean. class what they have learnt.
words in the lesson.
Learners sing and tell stories Call learners in turns
Ask pupils to spell and write the about the importance of keeping summarize the lesson
words in the books personal hygiene
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: REL & MORAL EDUCATION
Duration: 60mins Strand: God’s Creation & Attributes
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: God the Creator
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B3.1.1.1. Identify ways of ensuring environmental B3. demonstrate ways to care for the
safety environment 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Cultural Identity, Sharing Reconciliation,
Learners can demonstrate ways to care for the environment Togetherness, Unity.
Teaching/ Learning Resources Wall charts, wall words, posters, video clip, etc.
References: RME Curriculum Pg. 15
Have learners mention natural Use questions and answers for What have we learnt today?
things (things created by god) learners to explain the
that are bright and beautiful in environment. Caring for the natural
the environment and classify environment
them into big and small Using Think-Pair-Share, let
learners talk about ways of Ask learners to summarize
caring for the environment the important points of the
through: tree planting, proper lesson
disposal of waste, legal mining,
clean-up exercises, avoiding Give learners task to
environmental pollution, etc. mention and discuss ways of
caring for the natural
Assessment: Let learners environment
organize and do clean-up
exercises in the school
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: History
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: My country Ghana
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: The People Of Ghana
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B3.2.1.1. Exhibit knowledge of the unique history B3. discuss the origins of the major
of the major ethnic groups in Ghana ethnic groups in Ghana 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can discuss the origins of the major ethnic Learners to become critical thinkers and digital
groups in Ghana literates
Teaching/ Learning Resources Wall charts, word cards, posters, video clip, etc.
Have learners watch videos of Identify some of the major Play a game of pick and win
some of the history of the major ethnic groups. using ethnic groups
ethnic groups in Ghana E.g. Akans
Learners are to watch a short Learners are to examine the Ask learners to tell the
video or pictures on an history and culture of the whole class what they have
exhibition or visit an exhibition people from other countries in learnt.
Centre, preferably during the Africa.
circuit, district or regional Learners tell what they will
cultural festival. Talk about artworks like to learn
produced/performed in Africa.
Ask learners to talk about parts
of the video or pictures that Identify and experiment with the
interest them. tools, materials and methods of
production the artists use.
Flash letter cards to learners Explore poems to learners. Use questions to review
for them to make its sounds. their understanding of the
Ask pupils to write some As you read the poem, allow them lesson
letters in the air as you to note words in the poem.
mention them Ask learners to summarize
Let learners explore poems and what they have learnt
take note of the words.
Take learners through 5 Guide learners to pick their Allow learners to progress
minutes jogging to warm the skipping ropes and find self-space. at their own pace. Give
body up. corrective feedback for skill
Hold the handle of the skipping improvement.
rope side by side with the two
hands with the middle of the rope End the lesson with cool
on the ground or slightly above. down
Place all the cards face down on the floor. Learners will
then flip over two at a time and say each word, if the
words match the learner gets to keep the cards.
Did you enjoy the game?
What words did you hear in the game?
Make a list of ten words you heard.
Ask learners;
Whether they enjoyed singing the songs?
What words did you hear in the songs?
Are these words food, animals, objects?
Using think-pair-share, learners retell their story books to
their partners.
Have learners draw parts of the story they read. Let learners
summarize the books they read to the whole class
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTION from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.
Monday Send learners out of the Have learners use their feet, What have we learnt today?
class for a small exercise. strides, arms, hand-span and
referent materials such as Using hand, feet span and
Divide class into groups to sticks or threads to find how other referent materials in
play a type of football called long a table, window and door measuring.
“small poles” frames etc., by counting the
number of times their feet, Let learners’ measure objects
Ask learners to count each hand-span and referent in the class by using their
pole with their feet span four materials is able to do this hand, feet span and other
times. referent materials
Introduce the lesson on the Assessment: Have learners to
field by alerting learners how demonstrate how long objects
the poles were measured. in the class are, by using their
feet and hand-span
Tuesday Bring measuring bowls, cups, Have learners use empty What have we learnt today?
buckets etc. to class. container such as bottles, cups
Call students to fill each item etc. to determine the capacity Determining the capacities of
with water. of other bigger containers by bigger containers by using
counting to find how much (the smaller containers.
Learners record the volume number of times) the bottles,
of each item. cups etc. is able to do this Review lesson with learners.
Engage learners in the ‘mystery Display objects such as What we have learnt today?
box game’ computer, football, clothes,
Teacher brings a bag into the mobile phone, pencils etc. Compositions of materials.
classroom that contains an
object (phone, pencil, clothes Provide materials such as glass, Have leaners to summarize
etc.). plastics, wood, metals etc. the important points of the
It is then passed around and lesson.
learners try to determine what Assist learners to identify that
is in the bag just by feeling it. an object such as computer is
The student who guess right made up of materials such as
wins, and hence introduce the plastics, glass and metals
Assessment: in groups
learners tell class the
compositions of materials such
as pencil, computer etc.
Revise the previous lesson with Show a video to learners on What we have learnt today?
learners how things are made.
Compositions of materials.
Have learners write on a sheet Have learners talk about the
of paper the following part of video that interest them Have leaners to summarize
The composition of; Discuss the compositions of the important points of the
a. Computer items with learners. lesson.
b. pencil
Assessment: Engage learners
to give examples of objects and
the materials used to make
Show a video to learners on Do more activities with learners What we have learnt today?
how things are made. to build the concepts of objects
and materials Compositions of materials.
Have learners talk about the Assessment: have learners to
part of video that interest them. make objects using local Have leaners to summarize
materials in their community. the important points of the
Learners present their work to lesson.
class and tell the composition
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: OWOP
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: All About Us
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: My Self
Content Standard: Lesson:
B3. Explain ways of promoting
B3.1.2.1. Demonstrate knowledge of promoting
personal hygiene and safety personal hygiene and safety as a responsible 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can explain ways of promoting personal hygiene and safety as a Communication and Collaboration
responsible citizen Critical Thinking and Problem
Teaching/ Learning Resources Pictures, Charts, Video Clips
References: OWOP Curriculum Pg. 41
Get a viral picture, a trending Learners talk about things they Ask learners questions to
news on twitter, Facebook, need to promote personal review their understanding
YouTube and other social media hygiene: water, soap, tooth of the lesson.
handles. brush and tooth paste, nail
cutter, etc. Have learners write 3 facts
Discuss what is trending and of the lesson on a sheet of
invite learners to share their Learners talk about things they paper and it in their pockets
opinions on them do to show personal hygiene, and learn it on their way
through think-pair-share, home.
e.g. bathing twice a day, brushing
of the teeth, at least twice daily,
washing of clothes regularly,
washing of hands regularly, etc.
Flash letter cards to learners for Learners draw items used in Ask learners to tell the
them to pronounce some key keeping our bodies clean. class what they have learnt.
words in the lesson.
Learners sing and tell stories Call learners in turns
Ask pupils to spell and write the about the importance of keeping summarize the lesson
words in the books personal hygiene
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: REL & MORAL EDUCATION
Duration: 60mins Strand: God’s Creation & Attributes
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: God the Creator
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B3.1.1.1. Identify ways of ensuring B3. demonstrate ways to care for the
environmental safety environment 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Cultural Identity, Sharing Reconciliation,
Learners can demonstrate ways to care for the environment Togetherness, Unity.
Teaching/ Learning Resources Wall charts, wall words, posters, video clip, etc.
References: RME Curriculum Pg. 15
Have learners mention natural Use questions and answers for What have we learnt today?
things (things created by god) learners to explain the
that are bright and beautiful in environment. Caring for the natural
the environment and classify environment
them into big and small Using Think-Pair-Share, let
learners talk about ways of Ask learners to summarize
caring for the environment the important points of the
through: tree planting, proper lesson
disposal of waste, legal mining,
clean-up exercises, avoiding Give learners task to
environmental pollution, etc. mention and discuss ways of
caring for the natural
Assessment: Let learners environment
organize and do clean-up
exercises in the school
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: History
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: My country Ghana
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: The People Of Ghana
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B3.2.1.1. Exhibit knowledge of the unique B3. discuss the origins of the major ethnic
history of the major ethnic groups in Ghana groups in Ghana 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can discuss the origins of the major ethnic Learners to become critical thinkers and digital
groups in Ghana literates
Teaching/ Learning Resources Wall charts, word cards, posters, video clip, etc.
Have learners watch videos of Identify some of the major Play a game of pick and win
some of the history of the major ethnic groups. using ethnic groups
ethnic groups in Ghana E.g. Akans
Get a viral picture, a trending Learners are to organize and Use series of questions and
news on twitter, Facebook, develop concepts from memory answers to review learners
YouTube and other social media to come out with own creative understanding of the lesson.
handles. ideas to compose own music,
dance and drama based on Call learners in turns to
Discuss what is trending and knowledge and understanding of summarize the lesson
invite learners to share their the:
opinions on them
Talk about the history and
culture of people from other
parts of Africa;
Engage leaners in the ‘wipe out Revise occupational songs with Ask learners to tell the
game’ learners. whole class what they have
Write 4-5 sounds on the board. Tell/show an interesting story.
With the whole class, say the Learners tell what they will
sounds (with the action). Ask Discuss the story with learners. like to learn
the learners to close their eyes
and teacher wipes out one Help learners to mention some
sounds. Learners open their of the key words in the story.
eyes and must say which is gone.
Flash letter cards for leaners to Let learners sing a song they Use series of questions and
make its sound. know. answers to review learners
understanding of the lesson.
Have leaners to sing songs of Tell/show an interesting story.
the alphabets. Call learners in turns to
Discuss the setting of the story summarize the lesson
with learners.
Take learners through 5 minutes After warm-ups learners roll ball Learners to practice
jogging to warm the body up with sticks from stationary to a individually and in groups.
demarcated point and back to Help those who finds it
the starting point. difficult in rolling the ball
Place all the cards face down on the floor. Learners will
then flip over two at a time and say each word, if the
words match the learner gets to keep the cards.
Did you enjoy the game?
What words did you hear in the game?
Make a list of ten words you heard.
Ask learners;
Whether they enjoyed singing the songs?
What words did you hear in the songs?
Are these words food, animals, objects?
Using think-pair-share, learners retell their story books to
their partners.
Have learners draw parts of the story they read. Let learners
summarize the books they read to the whole class
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTION from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.
Monday Engage learners to sing songs Explain that “≠” means “not the Give learners task to
and recite some familiar same as” or “not equal to”. complete whiles you go
rhymes they know round to guide those who
Learners construct two sets that don’t understand.
Early to Bed are not equal, explaining why they
Early to bed and early to rise are not equal and recording the Give remedial learning to
Makes a man, healthy, wealthy relationship using the symbol ≠ those who special help.
e.g., 4≠5
let learners practice with more
Tuesday Play games and sing some Explain that “≠” means “not the Give learners task to
action songs to begin the same as” or “not equal to”. complete whiles you go
class. round to guide those who
Learners construct two sets that don’t understand.
Engage learners to sing songs are not equal, explaining why they
and recite some familiar are not equal and recording the Give remedial learning to
rhymes they know. relationship using the symbol ≠ those who special help.
e.g., 56 ≠ 98
let learners practice with more
Wednesday Have learners to sing songs Guide learners to change two given Give learners task to
and recite familiar rhymes sets, equal in size, to create sets complete whiles you go
that are not equal. round to guide those who
LITTLE FINGER don’t understand.
Little finger, little finger where
are you, = Give remedial learning to
Here am I, here am I, how do those who special help.
you do
Provide more examples for learners
to practice with.
Thursday Have learners to sing songs Guide learners to change two given Give learners task to
and recite familiar rhymes sets, equal in size, to create sets complete whiles you go
that are not equal. round to guide those who
LITTLE FINGER don’t understand.
Little finger, little finger where
are you, = Give remedial learning to
Here am I, here am I, how do those who special help.
you do
Provide more examples for learners
to practice with.
Engage learners in the ‘mystery Display objects such as What we have learnt today?
box game’ computer, football, clothes,
Teacher brings a bag into the mobile phone, pencils etc. Compositions of objects.
classroom that contains an
object (phone, pencil, clothes Provide materials such as glass, Have leaners to summarize
etc.). plastics, wood, metals etc. the important points of the
It is then passed around and lesson.
learners try to determine what Assist learners to identify that an
is in the bag just by feeling it. object such as computer is made
The student who guess right up of materials such as plastics,
wins, and hence introduce the glass and metals
Assessment: in groups learners
tell class the compositions of
materials such as pencil,
computer etc.
Revise the previous lesson with Show a video or pictures to What we have learnt today?
learners learners on how things are made.
Compositions of objects.
Have learners write on a sheet Have learners talk about the part
of paper the following of video that interest them Have leaners to summarize
The composition of; Discuss the compositions of the important points of the
c. Computer items with learners. lesson.
d. pencil
Assessment: Engage learners to
give examples of objects and the
materials used to make them
Show a video to learners on Do more activities with learners What we have learnt today?
how things are made. to build the concepts of objects
and materials Compositions of objects.
Have learners talk about the
part of video that interest Assessment: have learners to Have leaners to summarize
them. make objects using local materials the important points of the
in their community. lesson.
Learners present their work to
class and tell the composition
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: OWOP
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: All About Us
Sub Strand: My Family & The
Class: B3 Class Size:
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B3.1.3.1. Show understanding of roles in the B3. Explain factors that promote good
family and community relationships at home, school and community 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can explain factors that promote good relationships at home, Communication and Collaboration
school and community Critical Thinking and Problem
Teaching/ Learning Resources Pictures, Charts, Video Clips
References: OWOP Curriculum Pg. 41
Have leaners to sing songs and Learners talk about good Ask learners questions to
recite rhymes related to the relationship. review their understanding
lesson of the lesson.
In groups, guide learners to talk
about things that promote good Have learners write 3 facts
relationship, of the lesson on a sheet of
e.g. comportment, respect, love, paper and it in their pockets
obedience, humility, friendliness, and learn it on their way
honesty. home.
Have leaners to sing songs Discuss with learners the Ask learners questions to
about creation and God. creation of humankind (Islamic review their understanding
version of creation). of the lesson.
Tell leaners stories about
creation. -Who were the first people God Have learners write 3 facts
created? of the lesson on a sheet of
paper and it in their pockets
-Who was created first? and learn it on their way
Let learners tell creation stories
Of how Allah created the world.
Engage learners to sing some Engage learners to identify some Ask learners series of
patriot songs they are familiar of the major ethnic groups in questions to review their
with. Ghana. understanding of the lesson
Example: Arise Ghana Youth. E.g. Guan, Mole-Dagbani/ Gonja, Akan,
Ga/Adangme, Ewe Ask learners to summarize
Ask learners questions about what they have learnt
what they know about Ghana. Use a map to trace the routes
the major ethnic groups Give learners individual or
travelled to get to their present- home task
day locations in Ghana.
The guan people are an ethnic group
found almost in all parts of ghana,
including the Nkonya tribe, Gonja,
Anum, Larteh, nawuri and Ntdumburu.
They primarily speak the guan
languages of the Niger-Congo language
family. They make up 3.7% of the
population of ghana.
Let learners sing songs and Draw a map to locate the Ask learners to summarize
recite rhymes. Ensure that all migratory routes of the ethnic what they have learnt
learners take part in it. groups. (this can also be done
on a manila card) Give learners individual or
home task
Develop a timeline of the
periods each ethnic group
arrived in Ghana
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: Creative Arts
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: Visual Arts
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Displaying and Sharing
Content Standard: Indicator:
Demonstrate understanding of how to B3 /B3 Plan a display of own visual
generate own ideas for artistic expressions artworks that reflect the history and culture of 1 OF 1
on the people. people in other African communities.
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can plan a display of own visual artworks that reflect the history Decision Making Creativity,
and culture of people in other African communities. Innovation Communication
Teaching/ Learning Resources Photos, videos, art paper, colors and traditional art tools
Engage learners to play games, Learners are to watch a short Ask learners to tell the
sing songs and recite rhymes to video or exhibition of artworks whole class what they have
begin the lesson. of people in other Ghanaian learnt.
Using questions and answers Learners tell what they will
review learners on the previous like to learn
Flash letter cards to learners Lead learners to say the letters of Use questions to review their
for them to make its sounds. the alphabet as a group. understanding of the lesson
Ask pupils to write some
letters in the air as you Call learners to say the letters of Ask learners to summarize what
mention them the alphabet in turns. they have learnt
Learners go through warm-ups. Review base of support as the Learners end the lesson
feet, hands, etc. Learners to with cool down
volley light balls at a spot.
Place all the cards face down on the floor. Learners will
then flip over two at a time and say each word, if the
words match the learner gets to keep the cards.
Did you enjoy the game?
What words did you hear in the game?
Make a list of ten words you heard.
Ask learners;
Whether they enjoyed singing the songs?
What words did you hear in the songs?
Are these words food, animals, objects?
Guide them with the vocabulary they may use. Let learners
present a draft of their write up.
Have learners write a neat final copy and read it once again
to check for errors.
Using think-pair-share, learners retell their story books to
their partners.
Have learners draw parts of the story they read. Let learners
summarize the books they read to the whole class
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTION from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.
Monday Engage learners to complete Demonstrate by using strategies Give learners task to
the pattern. like counting up solving the complete whiles you go
Which shape comes next? addition. round to guide those who
Draw it Example: Add 8+4 don’t understand.
Teacher writes and lets students Learners watch pictures and Ask learners questions to
see the answer on the board, videos of solid, liquid and review their understanding
perhaps a picture of object on gaseous substances. of the lesson.
the board.
Provide learners with solid and Have learners write 3 facts
The students must come up liquid substances such as shea of the lesson on a sheet of
with questions in which the butter, water, candle wax, ice paper and it in their pockets
answer could be the object on and learn it on their way
the board. Learners identify the physical home.
states of the materials provided.
Have leaners to sing songs and Learners talk about good Ask learners questions to
recite rhymes related to the relationship. review their understanding
lesson of the lesson.
In groups, guide learners to talk
about things that promote good Have learners write 3 facts
relationship, of the lesson on a sheet of
e.g. comportment, respect, love, paper and it in their pockets
obedience, humility, friendliness, and learn it on their way
honesty. home.
Teacher introduces the lesson Call learners in turns to mention Ask learners questions to
to learners. some creation of God. review their understanding
e.g. Trees, water bodies, of the lesson.
Students are to list all the words animals, etc.
they associate with the topic to Have learners write 3 facts
be treated. Lead learners to think-pair-share of the lesson on a sheet of
on why we should protect paper and it in their pockets
Ask them to put words together God’s creation: and learn it on their way
to form a definition - to preserve creation for home.
- it is a command from God,
- our survival depends on other
creation: food, medicine, shelter,
air, etc. and
- it is service to God and
Engage learners to sing some Engage learners to identify some Ask learners series of
patriot songs they are familiar of the major ethnic groups in questions to review their
with. Ghana. understanding of the lesson
Example: Arise Ghana Youth. E.g. Guan, Mole-Dagbani/ Gonja, Akan,
Ga/Adangme, Ewe Ask learners to summarize
Ask learners questions about what they have learnt
what they know about Ghana. Use a map to trace the routes
of how Ga/Adangme ethnic Give learners individual or
group travelled to get to their home task
present-day locations in Ghana.
Let learners sing songs and Draw a map to locate the Ask learners to summarize
recite rhymes. Ensure that all migratory routes of the ethnic what they have learnt
learners take part in it. groups. (this can also be done
on a manila card) Give learners individual or
home task
Develop a timeline of the
periods each ethnic group
arrived in Ghana
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: Creative Arts
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: Performing Arts
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Displaying and Sharing
Content Standard: Indicator:
Demonstrate understanding of how to B3. /B3. Perform own artworks to share
generate own ideas for artistic expressions on creative experiences that reflect the history and
1 OF 1
the people. culture of people in other African communities
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can perform own artworks to share creative experiences that Decision Making Creativity, Innovation
reflect the history and culture of people in other African communities Communication
Teaching/ Learning Resources Photos, videos, art paper, colors and traditional art tools
Review the previous knowledge Learners are to watch pictures Ask learners series of
of the learners by making them of performances that reflect the questions to review their
answer questions on the history and culture of the understanding of the lesson
previous lesson. Ghanaian people.
Ask learners to summarize
Engage learners to play games Let leaners talk about the what they have learnt
and sing songs to begin the pictures and tell the class the
lesson part of the pictures that interest Ask learners to tell you what
them most. they have learnt
Engage learners to sing songs Lead learners to say the letters Ask learners questions to
and recite rhymes of the alphabet as a group. review their understanding
of the lessson.
Row, Row, Row Your Boat" Call learners to say the letters
Row, row, row your boat, of the alphabet in turns. Give learners task to do
Gently down the stream. whiles you go round to
Merrily, merrily, merrily, Practice alphabetic awareness to guide those who need help.
merrily, decode words on the board for
Life is but a dream. learners to observe.
Ding dong bell. Write and read simple short Let learners say 5 words
Pussy's at the well. sentences that include they remember from the
Who took her there? compound words on the board. lesson.
Little Johnny Hare.
Who’ll bring her in? Lead learners to read the
Little Tommy Thin. sentences aloud.
What a jolly boy was that
To get some milk for pussy cat, Underline the compound words
Who ne'er did any harm? in the sentences and encourage
But played with the mice in his learners to use the words to
father's barn form simple short sentences
that include compound words.
Duration: 60mins Strand: Motor Skill And Movement
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Rhythmic Skills
Content Standard: Indicator:
Demonstrate competence in the motor skills and B3. Balance while moving and
movement patterns needed to perform a variety of manipulating an object on a ground-level
1 OF 1
physical activities. balance beam.
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can balance while moving and manipulating an Personal skills and core competencies such as
object on a ground-level balance beam. agility, concentration, precision
Teaching/ Learning Resources Ball, videos and pictures
References: PE Curriculum Pg. 33
Take learners through general Learners lean forward and Have learners to practice
and specific warm ups. bounce balls whiles moving on individually and in groups.
ground level balance beam.
Help those who finds it
They roll ball with stick whiles difficult and help them
Learners practice the skill at Organize mini game for
their own pace. learners for fun and
End the lesson with cool down
Name of School………………………………………………….……………………….…………………
Place all the cards face down on the floor. Learners will
then flip over two at a time and say each word, if the
words match the learner gets to keep the cards.
Did you enjoy the game?
What words did you hear in the game?
Make a list of ten words you heard.
Ask learners;
Whether they enjoyed singing the songs?
What words did you hear in the songs?
Are these words food, animals, objects?
Using think-pair-share, learners retell their story books to
their partners.
Have learners draw parts of the story they read. Let
learners summarize the books they read to the whole
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTION from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.
Engage leaners to sing the Guide learners to use strategies to Give learners task to complete
song mentally add and subtract whole whiles you go round to guide
WE CAN COUNT numbers. those who don’t understand.
We class three
We can count Let learners look for doubles, and then Give remedial learning to those
We count 1,2,3,4,5 change the subtraction question into who special help.
We count 6,7,8,9,10 an addition and solve it
We class three can count
very well.
e.g.24 - 12 ,
think 12 + 12 = 24
so 24 - 12 is 12
GIVE ME A HEARTBEAT Let learners make doubles when the Give remedial learning to those
•Give me a heartbeat boom two numbers that are close together who special help.
boom, a heartbeat boom or close to doubles by:
-Compensating to make doubles:
•Give me a heartbeat and a
sneezing, boom boom e.g. 48 – 23,
eeetiinn 3x think 48 - 24 = 24.
Then add 1 to 24 to get 25.
•Give me a heartbeat, a
sneezing and coughing, Guide learners to practice with more
boom boom eeetiinn, examples.
eeehee eeheee.
Engage leaners to Play show Guide learners to use strategies to Give learners task to complete
me a number game with mentally add and subtract whole whiles you go round to guide
learners (up to 10), with numbers. those who don’t understand.
Give remedial learning to those
who special help.
Teacher mentions the Let learners make doubles when the
number from (1 to 10). two numbers that are close together
Learners then show their or close to doubles by:
fingers up to show the
number -Decomposing the second number to
make doubles
48 – 25
e.g. ,
think 48 – 24 – 1
Ask learners questions to Prior to the lesson, task learners Learners to tell what was
review their understanding in to find-out some different cyclic interesting about the lesson.
the previous lesson events from their homes
Have learners to read and
Example: day and night, wet and dry spell the key words written
seasons, going to school, on the board
Independence Day celebrations,
cultivation of crops [e.g. maize]
Invite learners to tell stories Engage Learners in a warm up- Learners to tell what was
of their mistakes they have directions. interesting about the lesson.
committed in the past. On the board, draw a rough map
Encourage learners to come of the neighborhood, just a few Have learners to read and
up with how best they could streets and the school. spell the key words written
do to prevent such mistakes on the board
and/ or solve them. Ask “where is the school?”
Have learners to come to the map
in turns and point it out.
Invite learners to tell stories Lead learners to talk about good Ask questions to review
of their mistakes they have relationships. learners understanding of
committed in the past. the lesson
Encourage learners to come Let learners talk about things that
up with how best they could promote good relationships: Learners to tell what was
do to prevent such mistakes comportment, respect, love, interesting about the lesson.
and/ or solve them. obedience, humility, friendliness,
etc. Have learners to read and
spell the key words written
Let learners identify their friends on the board
and say things they like about
Play games and recite rhymes Revise with learners on the Ask questions to review
that learners are familiar with to major ethnic groups in ghana. learners understanding of
begin the lesson. the lesson
Let them identify some
Ask learners questions to characteristics of these ethnic Learners to tell what was
review their understanding in groups. interesting about the lesson.
the previous lesson.
Identify the forms of exchanges Have learners to read and
including forms of trade, inter- spell the key words written
marriage, conflict and alliances. on the board
Play games and recite rhymes Appreciating in art is the ability of Use questions to review
that learners are familiar people to look at a work of art and their understanding of the
with to begin the lesson. understand how the work was made. lesson
Ask learners questions to Explain to learners the guidelines and Ask learners to
review their understanding in have them agree to it. summarize what they
the previous lesson. have learnt
Description of the work: this stage
involves describing what the work is Learners to read and
made of, size of the work and spell the key words on
materials used. the board
The subject matter: this stage talks
about the meaning of the work.
Appraisal: this stage talks of the use
of the artwork.
Experience to share: this stage talks
about the design process
Engage learners to sing songs Learners are to display selected Use questions to review
and play games to get them works that reflect the history and their understanding of the
ready for lesson. culture of the people of Ghana. lesson
Use questions and answers Talk about the works dispassionately Ask learners to
to review learners using the developed guidelines. summarize what they
understanding in the have learnt.
previous lesson Use the outcome of the
appreciation/appraisal to modify the
product or to produce similar or
different artworks.
Have learners to sing songs and Let learners say the letters of Ask questions to review
recite familiar rhymes they the alphabet as a group and learners understanding of
know. individually. the lesson
ALPHABET Write letter and words boldly Learners to tell what was
Now I know my on the board. interesting about the lesson.
N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z. Give learners some letters and Have learners to read and
words to write on their own. spell the key words written
on the board
Assist learners to write letters
and words given them.
Engage learners in the “What Let learners say the letters of Ask questions to review
letter am I writing game” the alphabet as a group and learners understanding of
individually. the lesson
Put learners into groups of two.
The teacher writes a letter in Write simple sentences boldly Learners to tell what was
the air. on the board. interesting about the lesson.
Learners makes the letter sound Lead learners to read the Have learners to read and
and tell the teacher the sound sentences aloud as a group. spell the key words written
that has been written. on the board
Let learners read the sentences
aloud in turns.
Engage leaners to sing songs General space is the space within a Ask questions to review
and recite familiar rhymes in bounded area that a person can learners understanding of
relation to the lesson move through using any means of the lesson
Learners to tell what was
Caution learners to keep their eyes interesting about the lesson.
up watching to avoid others.
Learners identify general space by Have learners to read and
indicating the total working area. spell the key words written
on the board
Learners move to indicate the
general space;
Look for and move to “open space”,
thus where others are not.
Place all the cards face down on the floor. Learners will
then flip over two at a time and say each word, if the
words match the learner gets to keep the cards.
Did you enjoy the game?
What words did you hear in the game?
Make a list of ten words you heard.
Ask learners;
Whether they enjoyed singing the songs?
What words did you hear in the songs?
Are these words food, animals, objects?
Using think-pair-share, learners retell their story books to
their partners.
Have learners draw parts of the story they read. Let learners
summarize the books they read to the whole class
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTION from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.
Monday Put leaners in two groups. Have learners to know that Assessment: Have
Call out a number between fractions tell us how many parts of a learners to practice with
1 and 6. E.g. 3. whole we have. The fraction are more examples
normally written with one number
Learners must call out the up and another number down with
double (2x) of that number. a dash in between
In this case 6 is the answer.
Try out more numbers.
The group that answers
more wins.
Half= ½
Thirds= 1/3
Fourths= 1/4
Fifths= 1/
Tuesday Engage leaners to Play show Introduce the fraction notation by Review lesson with
me a number game with explaining the fraction one-half as learners by giving them task
learners (up to 10), with the quantity obtained by taking 1 to solve in their
fingers. part when a whole is partitioned workbooks
into 2 equal parts and is
Teacher mentions the represented by ½
number from (1 to 10).
Learners then show their One whole
fingers up to show the
Wednesday Engage leaners to sing the Ask learners to match pictorial Review lesson with
song representations of fractions to their learners by giving them task
WE CAN COUNT symbols to solve in their
We class three workbooks
We can count
We count 1,2,3,4,5
We count 6,7,8,9,10
We class three can count
very well.
Assessment: Have learners to
practice with more examples
Thursday Have leaners to sing songs Use several pictorial Review lesson with
and recite rhymes in representations (or card cut outs) learners by giving them task
relation to the lesson to introduce multiples of unit to solve in their
fractions like thirds, fifths, tenths, workbooks
etc., show the notations
2/5,3/8,4/12, etc. and ask learners to
draw and label fractions with their
Friday Engage learners to sing Ask learners to colour given Review lesson with
I’m counting one, what is fractions in given shapes with equal learners by giving them task
one portions or match fractions to to solve in their
• 1 - One is one alone, shaded regions workbooks
alone it shall be.
• 2 - Two pair, two pair
come pair let us pair
• 3 - Turn around
• 4 - Follow me
• 5 - Fire Assessment: Have learners to
practice with more examples
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: Science
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: Cycles
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Earth Science
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B3.2.1.1 Recognize that some events in our B3. Know the importance of the sun to
environment occur recurrently the earth 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Problem Solving skills; Critical Thinking; Justification of
Learners can know the importance of the sun to the earth Ideas;
Teaching/ Learning Resources Pictures of the sun and earth
References: Science Curriculum Pg. 52
Engage learners to play games Begin by discussing with learners Use questions to review
and sing songs to begin the the role of the sun and its learners understanding of
lesson. importance to life on earth. the lesson.
Engage learners to play games Learners outline everyday uses Ask learners to tell the
and sing songs to begin the of the sun. class what they have learnt.
Evaluate the lesson by asking Call learners to summarize
learners to draw a picture the main points of the
showing one benefit of the sun lesson.
to life on earth (drying of
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: OWOP
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: All About Us
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Home And School
Content Standard: Indicator:
B3.1.4.1. Demonstrate understanding of the B3.1.4.1. 1. Sketch a map of the neighborhood
home and other important locations in the showing major home, major routes and other 1 OF 1
neighborhood important locations
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can sketch a map of the neighborhood showing major home, major Communication and Collaboration
routes and other important locations Critical Thinking and Problem
Teaching/ Learning Resources Pictures, Charts, Video Clips
References: OWOP Curriculum Pg. 42
Invite learners to tell stories Revise with learners on some Ask questions to review
of their mistakes they have “directional phrase” learners understanding of
committed in the past. -turn right/left the lesson
Encourage learners to come -go straight
up with how best they -you will see it on the right/left. Learners to tell what was
could do to prevent such -go across (the school, the park, the post interesting about the
mistakes and/ or solve office) lesson.
-its next to (the school, the park, the post
them. office)
Have learners to read and
Guide learners to explain each of the spell the key words
phrase. written on the board
Invite learners to tell stories Lead learners to talk about good Ask questions to review
of their mistakes they have relationships. learners understanding of
committed in the past. the lesson
Encourage learners to come Let learners talk about things that
up with how best they could promote good relationships: Learners to tell what was
do to prevent such mistakes comportment, respect, love, interesting about the lesson.
and/ or solve them. obedience, humility, friendliness,
etc. Have learners to read and
spell the key words written
Let learners identify their friends on the board
and say things they like about
Play games and recite rhymes Revise with learners on the Ask questions to review
that learners are familiar with to major ethnic groups in ghana. learners understanding of
begin the lesson. the lesson
Let them identify some
Ask learners questions to characteristics of these ethnic Learners to tell what was
review their understanding in groups. interesting about the lesson.
the previous lesson.
Identify the forms of exchanges Have learners to read and
including forms of trade, inter- spell the key words written
marriage, conflict and alliances. on the board
Use questions and answers The easiest way to understand and Use questions to review
to revise the previous appreciate a performance is to learners understanding of
lesson with learners. develop a relevance and appropriate the lesson.
criteria or checklist
Engage learners to play Ask learners to tell the
games and sing songs to Guide learners to create a checklist class what they have learnt.
begin the lesson or criteria for appreciating and
appraising a performance; Call learners to summarize
Creative process the main points of the
Subject matter lesson.
Selection and use of instruments
and elements
Styles and techniques
Originality or creativity
Use of space
Selection and use of costumes
Symbolism and cultural relevance
Aesthetic qualities
Show pictures of people Lead a discussion to explain the Use questions to review
performing a dance to criteria with learners. learners understanding of
learners’ the lesson.
Now let learners use the checklist to
Let learners observe and appreciate and appraise a previous art Ask learners to tell the
talk about the pictures performance in class. class what they have learnt.
Use questions and answers to Let learners mention names of Use questions to review
revise the previous lesson with places and names of their learners understanding of
learners. friends. the lesson.
Engage learners to play games Create people and place names Ask learners to tell the
and sing songs to begin the map on a cardboard. class what they have learnt.
Show the map to learners and Call learners to summarize
discuss it with them. the main points of the
Assist learners to write simple
words or names of people and Learners to read and spell
places in their books. the key words on the board
Engage learners to play the Let learners mention names of Use questions to review
crossword game places and names of their learners understanding of
friends. the lesson.
Write a word on the board
crossword-style. Invite each Create people and place names Ask learners to tell the
student to the board to create a map on a cardboard. class what they have learnt.
new word stemming from the
letters that are already available Show the map to learners and Call learners to summarize
discuss it with them. the main points of the
Assist learners to write simple
words or names of people and Learners to read and spell
places in their books. the key words on the board
Duration: 60mins Strand: Movement Concepts
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Dynamics
Content Standard:
Indicator: Lesson:
Demonstrate competence in the motor
B3. compare and contrast locomotor
skills and movement patterns needed to
movements conducted to even and uneven beats. 1 OF 1
perform a variety of physical activities.
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can compare and contrast locomotor movements Personal skills and core competencies such as
conducted to even and uneven beats. agility, concentration, precision
Teaching/ Learning Resources Ball, videos and pictures
References: PE Curriculum Pg. 36
Have learners to sing songs There are four locomotor skills Review the lesson with
and recite familiar rhymes in (jumping, walking, hopping and learners
relation to the lesson running ) that can be performed
to an even beat; Call out learners to
summarize the main points
Have learners to jump, jog, hop of the lesson
and dance to a recorded music to
form even beat Take learners through cool
down to end the lesson
There are three locomotor skills
(skipping, sliding and
galloping.)that can be performed
to an uneven beat
Place all the cards face down on the floor. Learners will
then flip over two at a time and say each word, if the
words match the learner gets to keep the cards.
Did you enjoy the game?
What words did you hear in the game?
Make a list of ten words you heard.
Ask learners;
Whether they enjoyed singing the songs?
What words did you hear in the songs?
Are these words food, animals, objects?
Guide them with the vocabulary they may use. Let learners
present a draft of their write up.
Have learners write a neat final copy and read it once again to
check for errors.
Give learners individual or home task to underline the
She stayed at her grandmother’s house all day
The newspaper arrives daily
They go out to dinner weekly.
Are you coming to work tomorrow?
PHASE 3: Ask learners to do the following by ways of reflecting on
REFLECTION the lesson:
1. Tell the class what you learnt during the lesson.
2. Tell the class how you will use the knowledge they
acquire during the lesson.
3. Which aspects of the lesson did you not understand?
Using think-pair-share, learners retell their story books to
their partners.
Have learners draw parts of the story they read. Let learners
summarize the books they read to the whole class
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTION from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.
Monday Engage learners to sing the Use concrete objects and pictorial Ask learners to tell you what
songs, rhymes and play representations to explain the fraction they have learnt
games to begin the lesson half as the quantity obtained by taking 1
part when a group of object is Give learners individual or
partitioned into two equal parts. home task
Tuesday Engage learners to sing the Use concrete objects and pictorial Ask learners to tell you what
songs, rhymes and play representations to explain the fraction they have learnt
games to begin the lesson half as the quantity obtained by taking 1
part when a group of object is Give learners individual or
partitioned into two equal parts. home task
Wednesday Engage learners to sing the Ask learners to color given fractions of Ask learners to tell you what
songs, rhymes and play given groups of object or match they have learnt
games to begin the lesson fractions to given groups of objects.
Give learners individual or
Ask learners to cut given fractions from home task
a given (e.g. 12cm long) card, bar or
Thursday Engage learners to sing the Guide learners to locate missing Ask learners to tell you what
songs, rhymes and play fractions on a number. they have learnt
games to begin the lesson
Draw and ask learners to locate the Give learners individual or
missing fractions on the number line home task
Friday Engage learners to sing the Guide learners to locate missing Ask learners to tell you what
songs, rhymes and play fractions on a number. they have learnt
games to begin the lesson
Draw and ask learners to locate the Give learners individual or
missing fractions on the number line home task
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: Science
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: Cycles
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Earth Science
Content Standard:
Indicator: Lesson:
B3.2.1.3 Show understanding of the roles of
B3. Identify the types of precipitation
condensation, evaporation, transpiration and
and describe the differences among them 1 OF 1
precipitation in the hydrological (water) cycle
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can identify the types of precipitation and describe Problem Solving skills; Critical Thinking; Justification of
the differences among them Ideas;
Teaching/ Learning Resources Pictures of the sun and earth
References: Science Curriculum Pg. 53
Use questions and answers to Explore the previous knowledge Ask learners series of
review learners understanding in of learners on this topic, questions to review their
the previous lesson e.g., learners know of iced understanding of the lesson
water, ‘ice block’ and rainfall.
Ask learners to summarize
Engage learners to sing songs Provide learners with cut-out what they have learnt
and play games to get them pictures or videos of the other
ready for lesson forms of precipitation (snow, Learners to read and spell
hail, sleet, these may be foreign the key words on the
to them. board.
Use questions and answers to In groups lead learners in a picture Ask learners series of
review learners understanding discussion to talk about problems with questions to review their
in the previous lesson the use of land and water. understanding of the lesson
E.g. Galamsey sites, indiscriminate dumping
of refuse, choked gutters, roads with Ask learners to summarize
Engage learners to sing songs potholes etc. what they have learnt
and play games to get them
ready for lesson
Use questions and answers to Guide learners to mention the Ask learners series of
review learners understanding in sacred scriptures of the questions to review their
the previous lesson christians: The Holy Bible understanding of the lesson
Engage learners to sing songs Let learners in groups, talk Call learners to talk about
and play games to get them about the Holy bible and some what they have learnt and
ready for lesson lessons the Bible teaches. how they will apply it.
Play games and recite rhymes Identify trade items that were Ask questions to review
that learners are familiar with to exchanged among ethnic groups: learners understanding of
begin the lesson. salt. fish, gold, kola, Shea butter, the lesson
pottery and cloth and iron
Ask learners questions to utensils Learners to tell what was
review their understanding in interesting about the lesson.
the previous lesson. Match items with the areas /
sources where the items were
e.g. Shea butter - savannah belt
Engage learners to play games Learners are to gather information Use questions to review
and sing songs to begin the through library research on some their understanding of the
lesson. African music. lesson
e.g. Afrobeat music.
Afrobeat is a music genre which involves Ask learners to summarize
Learners to sing songs and play the combination of elements of west what they have learnt
games to get them ready for african musical styles such as Fuji music
the lesson and highlife with American jazz and later
soul and funk influences. This term was
introduced by the Nigerians in 1960s.
Write words on th board and Let learners sing any play song Ask learners questions to
cover parts with a smiley for they know. review their understanding
learners to guess the word of the lessson.
Create a game that helps to use
Have learners sing songs to capital letters to write proper Give learners task to do
begin the lesson nouns. whiles you go round to
guide those who need help.
Through the game help learners
to understand the use of capital
letters to write proper nouns.
Have learners play games and Let learners sing any play song Ask learners series of
recite familiar rhymes to begin they know. questions to review their
the lesson understanding of the lesson
Create a game that helps
Using questions and answers, learners to use capital letters to Ask learners to tell you
review their understanding of write sentences. what they have learnt
the previous lesson
Help learners to understand the Give learners individual or
use of capital letters to write home task
correct sentences.
Review the previous knowledge Let a learner lead the class to Ask learners to summarize
of the learners by making them sing a popular song they know. what they have learnt.
answer questions on the
previous lesson. Tell learners why we use capital Let learners say 5 words
letters after sentences and full they remember from the
Engage learners to play games stops. lesson.
and sing songs to begin the
lesson Help learners to understand the
use of capital letters after
sentences and full stops using
illustrations on the board.
Duration: 60mins Strand: Physical Fitness
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Aerobic Capacity
Content Standard:
Indicator: Lesson:
Demonstrate competence in the motor skills and
B3. Perform 10 minutes dance
movement patterns needed to perform a variety of
with music. 1 OF 1
physical activities.
Core Competencies:
Performance Indicator:
Personal skills and core competencies such as
Learners can Perform 10 minutes dance with music.
agility, concentration, precision
Teaching/ Learning Resources Drums, laptop, speakers
References: PE Curriculum Pg. 38
Have learners to watch a short Learners perform 10minute Review the lesson with
video on a popular dance in the dance with music at their own learners
locality. pace for recreation and
improvement of their physical
Name of School………………………………………………….……………………….…………………
Place all the cards face down on the floor. Learners will then
flip over two at a time and say each word, if the words match
the learner gets to keep the cards.
Did you enjoy the game?
What words did you hear in the game?
Make a list of ten words you heard.
Ask learners;
Whether they enjoyed singing the songs?
What words did you hear in the songs?
Are these words food, animals, objects?
Using think-pair-share, learners retell their story books to
their partners.
Have learners draw parts of the story they read. Let learners
summarize the books they read to the whole class
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTION from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.
Monday Engage learners to Use pictorial representations to compare Ask learners to tell you what
complete the pattern. pairs of fractions. they have learnt and what
Which shape comes next? E.g. Which is larger,
? they will like to learn in the
Draw it 8 4 next lesson
3 2
Let learners compare and using
6 3
pictorial drawings.
Tuesday Have learners to match the Use fraction charts to compare pairs of Ask learners to tell you what
shapes. 3 1
fractions. Which is larger, and ? they have learnt and what
8 4 they will like to learn in the
next lesson
2 5
Let learners compare and using
3 6
pictorial drawings.
Wednesday Engage learners to draw the Use the number line to compare fractions Ask learners to tell you what
circles and shade any three. with the same denominator. they have learnt and what
they will like to learn in the
Fractions with the larger numerator is next lesson
always the bigger fraction
e.g. compare , and
5 2 Give learners individual or
3 3 3 home task.
2 < 5
< 8
3 3 3
Thursday Engage learners to count Use the number line to compare fractions Ask learners to tell you what
the dots and write each with the same numerator. they have learnt and what
number beside they will like to learn in the
Fractions with the smaller denominator is next lesson
always the bigger fraction.
__ 15 15 15 Give learners individual or
e.g. compare , and
3 5 8 home task.
__ 15
< 15
< 15
Friday Engage leaners to sing the Use fraction charts to compare pairs of Ask learners to tell you what
song fractions. Which is larger, and ?
3 1 they have learnt and what
8 4 they will like to learn in the
WE CAN COUNT next lesson
We class three
We can count Give learners individual or
We count 1,2,3,4,5 home task.
We count 6,7,8,9,10
We class three can count
very well.
Have learners to sing songs and Provide learners with cut-out What have we learnt
recite familiar rhymes relating pictures showing how water is today?
to the lesson polluted.
Things that make water
WATER WE DRINK This should include leakages, impure
Water we drink and water we use, flooding during rainy season which
To wash our vessels, our clothes carries waste deposits into water bodies, Ask learners to summarize
and shoes. Industrial waste dumped into water, the main points in the
With water we bathe, and wash mining, littering, pesticides application, lesson
our hair. fertilizer application, house hold
But what do we do, when it isn’t chemicals, improper disposal of animal
there! wastes.
Learners talk about what
Shut the tap when you don’t need was interesting and made
it, In groups, learners observe the meaning to them in the
Don’t let water overflow. pictures and communicate their lesson and what they will
When you learn to save water, change and do differently
You will have enough and more.
ideas on what makes water
Teacher brings a bag into the Take learners on a trip to What have we learnt
classroom that contains an observe littered parts of the today?
object that has a connection to community to identify things that
the lesson. make water impure. Effects of drinking impure
Then it is passed around and water
learners try to determine what Ask learners to summarize
is in the bag just by feeling it. the main points in the
The student who guess right
wins, and hence introduce the Learners talk about what
lesson. was interesting and made
meaning to them in the
lesson and what they will
Ask learners what will happen if change and do differently
they drink impure water.
Have learners to sing songs and Learners to identify some What have we learnt
recite familiar rhymes relating practices that pollute water today?
to the lesson
Industrial waste. Industries produce Practices that pollute water
WATER WE DRINK a huge amount of waste which
Water we drink and water we contains toxic chemicals Have learners to
use, Sewage and wastewater. The summarize the main points
To wash our vessels, our sewage and wastewater that is in the learners
clothes and shoes. produced by each household and
With water we bathe, and Learners talk about what
wash our hair. was interesting and made
But what do we do, when it meaning to them in the
isn’t there! lesson and what they will
Shut the tap when you don’t change and do differently
need it,
Don’t let water overflow.
When you learn to save water,
You will have enough and
Display an image on the board Have learners to suggest ways in What have we learnt
(relating to the topic) but cover which these practices can be today?
it up. mitigated
e.g. Practices that can prevent
Every time a student a student do not cut down trees anyhow, water and land pollution
answers a question then show do not win sand along water bodies,
a little bit of the image. do not defecate in water bodies Have learners to
summarize the main points
The first person to guess the in the learners
correct image wins.
Learners talk about what
was interesting and made
meaning to them in the
lesson and what they will
change and do differently
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: REL & MORAL EDUCATION
Duration: 60mins Strand: Religious Practices
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Religious Worship
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B3.2.1.1. Appreciate the importance of B3. Name the sacred scriptures of the three
religious worship major religions. 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can name the sacred scriptures of the three major Cultural Identity, Sharing Reconciliation,
religions. Togetherness, Unity.
Teaching/ Learning Resources Wall charts, wall words, posters, video clip, etc.
References: RME Curriculum Pg. 18
Use questions and answers to Guide learners to mention the Ask learners series of
review learners understanding in sacred scriptures of the questions to review their
the previous lesson Moslems: The Quran understanding of the lesson
Play games and recite rhymes Identify trade items that were Ask questions to review
that learners are familiar with to exchanged among ethnic groups: learners understanding of
begin the lesson. salt. fish, gold, kola, Shea butter, the lesson
pottery and cloth and iron
Ask learners questions to utensils Learners to tell what was
review their understanding in interesting about the lesson.
the previous lesson. Match items with the areas /
sources where the items were
e.g. Shea butter - savannah belt
Learners to sing songs and play Learners are to recall and Use questions to review
games to get them ready for the organize ideas on visual their understanding of the
lesson artworks and topical issues in lesson
Show pictures of visual artworks Example: poverty Ask learners to summarize
to learners for them to observe what they have learnt
and talk about them Have learners to recall images of
visual artworks on the topical
Review the previous knowledge Let a learner lead the class to Ask learners series of
of the learners by making them sing a popular song they know. questions to review their
answer questions on the understanding of the lesson
previous lesson. Create a game on the Show an
understanding of the use of full Ask learners to tell you
Engage learners to play games stops and commas. what they have learnt
and sing songs to begin the
lesson Play the game with learners. Give learners individual or
home task
Help learners to understand the
use of full stops and commas.
Write words on th board and Let the class sing a popular Ask learners questions to
cover parts with a smiley for traditional occupational song review their understanding
learners to guess the word they know. of the lessson.
Have learners sing songs to Create a game on the use of full Give learners task to do
begin the lesson stops. whiles you go round to
guide those who need help.
Play the game with learners and
let learners play the game in
Take learners through general Explain to learners during Review the lesson with
and specific warm ups. physical activities, that in order learners
to sustain continuous movement
for increasing periods of time Call learners in turns to
with varying intensity, one needs summarize the learners
improvement of muscular
endurance through regular Learners end the lesson
workout. with cool down
Place all the cards face down on the floor. Learners will then
flip over two at a time and say each word, if the words match
the learner gets to keep the cards.
Did you enjoy the game?
What words did you hear in the game?
Make a list of ten words you heard.
Ask learners;
Whether they enjoyed singing the songs?
What words did you hear in the songs?
Are these words food, animals, objects?
Let learners choose one of the meals and give reasons why
they think it is better.
Using think-pair-share, learners retell their story books to
their partners.
Have learners draw parts of the story they read. Let learners
summarize the books they read to the whole class
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTION from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.
Monday Engage learners to sing songs Display the Ghanaian cedi (coins and Give learners task to complete
and recite some familiar notes) currently being used for whiles you go round to guide
rhymes they know transaction in Ghana and initiate those who don’t understand.
discussion on the need for monetary
GIVE ME A HEARTBEAT transaction. Give remedial learning to those
•Give me a heartbeat boom Learners touch feel and say the who special help.
boom, a heartbeat boom features of each note.
Find how many different ways the
•Give me a heartbeat and a notes ¢1, ¢2 and ¢5, can be used to
sneezing, boom boom make ¢10
eeetiinn 3x
•Give me a heartbeat, a
sneezing and coughing, boom
boom eeetiinn, eeehee
Friday Engage leaners to Play show Ask learners to copy and complete Give learners task to complete
me a number game with the table (based on items and their whiles you go round to guide
learners (up to 10), with prices in the picture and find the those who don’t understand.
fingers. change to receive in each case
Give remedial learning to those
Teacher mentions the who special help.
number from (1 to 10).
Learners then show their
fingers up to show the
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: Science
Duration: 60mins per lesson Strand: Cycles
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Life Cycle Of Organism
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B3.2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding of life B3. Observe the germination of maize
cycle of a plant and bean seeds 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can observe the germination of maize and bean Problem Solving skills; Critical Thinking; Justification of
seeds Ideas;
Teaching/ Learning Resources Pictures of the sun and earth
References: Science Curriculum Pg. 54
Play games and recite rhymes Begin this activity by asking Ask learners questions to
that learners are familiar with to learners to predict whether it is review their understanding
begin the lesson. possible for bean and maize of the lesson.
seeds to germinate in water
Ask learners questions to without soil. Have learners write 3 facts
review their understanding in of the lesson on a sheet of
the previous lesson. Place learners into groups and paper and it in their pockets
give each group two transparent and learn it on their way
glasses or plastic containers home.
(labeled A and B), cotton wool,
water and viable maize and bean
Play games and recite rhymes Learners talk about the importance Ask learners questions to
that learners are familiar with of gardens in the home, school and review their
to begin the lesson. community understanding of the
Ask learners questions to Learners visit various gardens e.g.
review their understanding in school garden, flower garden Have learners write 3
the previous lesson. facts of the lesson on a
Learners make a simple garden in sheet of paper and it in
the school and care for them e.g. their pockets and learn it
flower pots, flower beds, vegetable on their way home.
Play games and recite rhymes Have learners to watch pictures of Ask learners questions to
that learners are familiar with gardens and relate to them. review their
to begin the lesson. understanding of the
Ask learners questions to
review their understanding in Have learners write 3
the previous lesson. facts of the lesson on a
sheet of paper and it in
their pockets and learn it
on their way home.
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: REL & MORAL EDUCATION
Duration: 60mins Strand: Religious Practices
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Religious Worship
Content Standard: Lesson:
B3. Give reasons for studying the sacred
B3.2.1.1. Appreciate the importance of
religious worship scriptures of the three major religions among their 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can give reasons for studying the sacred scriptures Cultural Identity, Sharing Reconciliation,
of the three major religions among their followers. Togetherness, Unity.
Teaching/ Learning Resources Wall charts, wall words, posters, video clip, etc.
References: RME Curriculum Pg. 18
Play games and recite rhymes Let learners talk about the Ask learners questions to
that learners are familiar with to religion they belong to. review their understanding
begin the lesson. of the lesson.
Let learners mention the
Ask learners questions to scriptures their religion uses. Have learners write 3 facts
review their understanding in of the lesson on a sheet of
the previous lesson. Discuss the importance of paper and it in their pockets
studying the sacred scriptures: and learn it on their way
i. they lead us to God, home.
ii. they help us to know the
Truthfulness about God and the world,
iii. they help us to lead good moral
iv. they give us messages from God,
Play games and recite rhymes Identify trade items that were Ask questions to review
that learners are familiar with to exchanged among ethnic groups: learners understanding of
begin the lesson. salt. fish, gold, kola, Shea butter, the lesson
pottery and cloth and iron
Ask learners questions to utensils Learners to tell what was
review their understanding in interesting about the lesson.
the previous lesson. Match items with the areas /
sources where the items were
e.g. Shea butter - savannah belt
Show pictures and videos of the Guide learners to plan an Teacher moves round the
artwork to exhibit. arrangement of own artworks class to monitor the
to share, educate and inform the progress of learners in their
public on topical issues of the sketches.
Engage learners to sing songs local community.
about work. Encourage learners to come
Learners should select a theme out with good sketches.
for their art. E.g. go green or
save trees. Give out manual invitations
cards to learners to be
given to their parents.
Write words on th board and Let learners explore a popular Ask learners questions to
cover parts with a smiley for rhyme they know. review their understanding
learners to guess the word of the lessson.
Read a short story aloud and
Have learners sing songs to correctly to learners. Give learners task to do
begin the lesson whiles you go round to
Discuss the short story with guide those who need help.
Place all the cards face down on the floor. Learners will then
flip over two at a time and say each word, if the words match
the learner gets to keep the cards.
Did you enjoy the game?
What words did you hear in the game?
Make a list of ten words you heard.
Ask learners;
Whether they enjoyed singing the songs?
What words did you hear in the songs?
Are these words food, animals, objects?
Using think-pair-share, learners retell their story books to
their partners.
Have learners draw parts of the story they read. Let learners
summarize the books they read to the whole class
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTION from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.
Monday Engage leaners to Play show Guide learners to Identify the What have we learnt
me a number game with pattern rule used to create more today?
learners (up to 10), with complex increasing pattern and
fingers. extend the pattern for the next 2 Identifying the pattern rule
or 3 terms.
Teacher mentions the E.g. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15… Review the lesson with
number from (1 to 10). the rule is “add 3 or take 3 steps learners by giving them
Learners then show their forward some task to complete in
fingers up to show the their workbooks
number E.g. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25….
Have learners determine the rule
for the pattern. The rule is add 5
or take 5 steps forward.
Play games and recite rhymes Begin this activity by asking Ask learners questions to
that learners are familiar with to learners to predict whether it is review their understanding
begin the lesson. possible for bean and maize of the lesson.
seeds to germinate in water
Ask learners questions to without soil. Have learners write 3 facts
review their understanding in of the lesson on a sheet of
the previous lesson. Place learners into groups and paper and it in their pockets
give each group two transparent and learn it on their way
glasses or plastic containers home.
(labeled A and B), cotton wool,
water and viable maize and bean
Play games and recite rhymes Learners talk about the importance Ask learners questions to
that learners are familiar with of gardens in the home, school and review their
to begin the lesson. community understanding of the
Ask learners questions to Learners visit various gardens e.g.
review their understanding in school garden, flower garden Have learners write 3
the previous lesson. facts of the lesson on a
Learners make a simple garden in sheet of paper and it in
the school and care for them e.g. their pockets and learn it
flower pots, flower beds, vegetable on their way home.
Play games and recite rhymes Have learners to watch pictures of Ask learners questions to
that learners are familiar with gardens and relate to them. review their
to begin the lesson. understanding of the
Ask learners questions to
review their understanding in Have learners write 3
the previous lesson. facts of the lesson on a
sheet of paper and it in
their pockets and learn it
on their way home.
Week Ending: DAY: Subject: REL & MORAL EDUCATION
Duration: 60mins Strand: Religious Practices
Class: B3 Class Size: Sub Strand: Religious Worship
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B3.2.1.1. Appreciate the B3. Give reasons for studying the sacred scriptures
importance of religious worship of the three major religions among their followers. 1 OF 1
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can give reasons for studying the sacred scriptures of Cultural Identity, Sharing Reconciliation,
the three major religions among their followers. Togetherness, Unity.
Teaching/ Learning Resources Wall charts, wall words, posters, video clip, etc.
References: RME Curriculum Pg. 18
Play games and recite rhymes Let learners talk about the Ask learners questions to
that learners are familiar with to religion they belong to. review their understanding
begin the lesson. of the lesson.
Let learners mention the
Ask learners questions to scriptures their religion uses. Have learners write 3 facts
review their understanding in of the lesson on a sheet of
the previous lesson. Discuss the importance of paper and it in their pockets
studying the sacred scriptures: and learn it on their way
i. they lead us to God, home.
ii. they help us to know the
Truthfulness about God and the world,
iii. they help us to lead good moral
iv. they give us messages from God,
Play games and recite rhymes Identify trade items that were Ask questions to review
that learners are familiar with to exchanged among ethnic groups: learners understanding of
begin the lesson. salt. fish, gold, kola, Shea butter, the lesson
pottery and cloth and iron
Ask learners questions to utensils Learners to tell what was
review their understanding in interesting about the lesson.
the previous lesson. Match items with the areas /
sources where the items were
e.g. Shea butter - savannah belt
Engage learners to play games Let learners use their senses to Assessment: Present
and sing songs to begin the appreciate and appraise their own learners with different
lesson. artworks. artworks for them to use
the guidelines in
Review learners Make decisions on agreed guidelines appreciating and
understanding in the previous to appreciate and appraise an appraising.
lesson using questions and artwork. E.g. clay pot
Theme: Unity Summarize lesson activities
Subject matter: with learners.
Media: Clay
Techniques: coiling method
Uses: for fetching and storing water
Future modification: addition of
Engage learners to play games Performing artworks include dance, Review the lesson
and sing songs to begin the music and drama. activities through
lesson. questions and answers.
Let learners use their senses to
Review learners appreciate and appraise their own
understanding in the previous artworks.
lesson using questions and
answers Make decisions on agreed guidelines
to appreciate and appraise an
artwork. E.g. Agbadza dance
Review the previous Sing a popular song with learners. Ask learners questions to
knowledge of the learners by review their understanding
making them answer Read a short story aloud and of the lessson.
questions on the previous correctly to learners.
lesson. Give learners task to do
Discuss the story with learners and whiles you go round to
Engage learners to play read the story again. guide those who need help.
games and sing songs to
begin the lesson Call them out one by one to read
short stories aloud correctly.
Revise with learners on the Guide learners during physical Review the lesson with
previous lesson activities to set personal goals such learners
as participate in 30 minutes physical
activities at least three time a week,
improve upon the number of push-
ups(from 4-5 in 4 weeks)