Research Proposal

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Sleep may be one of the most important factors for student success and often of the most
neglected. Many students will sacrifice sleep in order to work, play, or get school projects
completed. However, although, most people think they can function well when they don’t get
sleep, the truth is they cannot. Sleep is extremely important for one’s mental and physical health.
Even though enough sleep is necessary for cognitive function and memory consolidation, it did
not seem to have any effect on the academic performance opposite to what other studies have

Lack of sleep during night time and going to school early could probably affect
the students’ performance inside the classroom, because of feeling sleepy. They do not have the
guts to pay attention anymore to the discussion because they are absent minded. They might get
lower grades because of loads of works and early time schedule.

Teachers know the possible consequences, first is the difficulty paying attention.
More than one-fourth of senior high school students sleep during class, according to a 2006
National Sleep Foundation poll. Second is poor academic performance, students earning Cs or
below reported getting less sleep, having later bed times, and having more irregular sleep
schedules than students getting As and Bs, according to the 1998 study “Teens who do not get
enough sleep can also suffer from moodiness and feeling of sadness, “says Mary Lou Gavin,
MD, Medical editor for kids’ health. Org. through its unclear what is cause and what is effect.

Sleep duration affects the health of children and adolescents. Shorter sleep durations have
been associated with poorer academic performance, unintentional injuries, and obesity in
adolescents. The effects of sleep deprivation to the students resulted to the incapacity to pay
attention that could affect their performance because of lack of energy due to late night sleep.


Background & Rationale of the Study

Senior High School life can be stressful but most memorable experience in everyones’
life. At this stage, a person starts to develop from childishness to early adolescence. They
become easily distracted, vulnerable to temptations and several changes. But people around them
are expecting them to excel academically more than they do when they were younger.

School hours start too early, preventing the students from getting the rest they need.
Having enough sleep is important for their health, safety, and academic performance. Students
can get sufficient sleep-in order to thrive both physically and academically. Significant risks that
come with lack of sleep includes higher rate of obesity and depression, involvement to motor
accidents as well as low quality of life.

Morning classes are valuable if you are a rare breed of senior high school student, an
early bird. But let us face the fact that morning classes are not for everyone. Most students prefer
to get up at noon. Professor Russel Foster, Head of circadian neuroscience in Oxford University
said, "Forcing teenagers to turn up to school in the morning could result in more errors, fewer
memory, reduced motivation and depression." However, some teachers believe that students
performed better in the morning.

Sleep is a state on which the body and mind of an individual is relatively inactive and its
muscles are relaxed. In human body, sleep aids with all the cognitive function such as memory,
learning, decision making, and critical thinking. Sleep is also said to be a physiological
adaptation to conserve energy. With enough sleep, an individual can function better and the
condition of which an individual suffers from lack of sleep is called sleep deprivation.
Sleep is a vital play an important role in human systems. According to the National Sleep
Foundation (2015) an individual need to at least 7 to 10 hours of sleep to store energy and be
able to function properly. It helps people work at brain. This makes sleep necessary on academic
performance. Being able to understand the impact of sleep deprivation on academic performance
will aid in comprehending the importance of sleep especially for students to maintain a quality
academic performance.

However, not everyone is getting sufficient sleep to function duly, especially students.
Many studies in the past have shown that sleep deprivation does correlate with poor academic
performance because of lower abilities in cognition as a result of poor sleep loss interferes with a
student’s academic, extracurricular and vocational choices. Being unable to have adequate
amount of sleep results to negative outcome while having enough sleep will not only result to an
individual who's more functional but also healthy.

Despite its pros, many STEM students of Asian Development Foundation College
emerge to have a lack of sleep. Some may murmur that their eyebags are on fleek implying that
they are having sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is a condition where a person stays awake
for than normal, and as a result may experience fatigue, lethargy, or other effects (Harvard
Health Publication, n.d.). According to Harvard Health Publications, sleep deprivation is
categorized into two: Partial sleep deprivation, a condition where a person sleeps, but for less
than his/her personal normal for the day, resulting in effects less prominent than complete sleep
deprivation and complete sleep deprivation, the elimination of sleep for a period of time.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims at the effect of sleep deprivation to the academic performance of Senior
High School students in Asian Development Foundation College. Specifically, it intended to
answer the following questions:

1. What is the reason of your sleep deprivation?

2. How sleep deprivation affects your studies?
3. Does sleep duration affect students overall academic performance?
4. How do you deal with this situation?
5. How often do you feel sleepy during the day?

Significance of the study

This study may be of help to those who would want to gather data and/or references for
future use of the following sectors:

Community- The benefit that the community can get here that will know sleep is very important
part of our body. Because if you do not have sleep you might have an accident or have a problem
because of lack of sleep.
Student- This study helps students to understand how important sleep is. Students need to sleep
6-8 hours for good mentally and physically health.

Teacher- this study will be very beneficial to the teachers’ to educate more sleep deprivation to
the grade 12 students, especially to the students that lack knowledge about sleep deprivation.

Parents- Family members, especially parents may use this study to help and guide their children
to understand how important sleep is.
Future researchers- This study may serve more references for those who haven’t yet know how
important sleeping is. And it can be also used as relevant studies by other featured researchers.
Scope and delimitation
This present study will be focusing in the condition of the students when it comes in
academic performance while experiencing sleep deprivation in the way of knowing the factors
and effects of sleep loss but not all the effects like in physical illness or mentally illness only in
their studies.

The respondents or the individuals which is mainly focused by this research are the
Senior High School (SHS), GRADE 12 students of Asian Development Foundation College. In
this study, questionnaires are the main tool in gathering those essential and necessary data. And
the said questionnaire is regarding to the effects of sleep deprivation to the academic
performance of a student. The validity and reliability of the results in this research is; it depends
on the honesty and sincerity of the respondents in answering the questions written in the

Definition of terms

Effect- A change that results when something is done or happens.

Late night sleep- Meant delaying sleep till a late hour at night. It is a common unhealthy habit
that may be attributed to certain medical conditions. Sleeping late triggers a disorder of the
circadian rhythm (an internal body clock that organizes the body’s biological functions).

Academic performance-The measurement of student achievement across various academic

subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using classroom
performance, graduation rates, and results from standardized tests.
Asian Development Foundation College- A private academic institution in Tacloban City,
Leyte. Accredited by TESDA, CHED, and DepED. Established since 1984. Dedicated to the
development of able to professional, competent leaders, progressive, efficient, and responsible
citizen of the country and the world.


Theoretical Framework

Sleep deficiency is progressively being shown to be a significant impediment to learning,

cognition, and memory in adolescents. Sleep disorders affect behavior, social competence, and
quality of life, and they are more common than educators and health professionals realize.
Students are suffering from sleep deprivation, which is having an adverse effect on their
academic performance.

Experimental and modeling studies of the impact of sleep deprivation on cognitive

performance have mostly concentrated on global outcome measures so far (Durmer & Dinges
2005, Van Dongen, 2004). Overall output degrades as a result of the amount of the time spent
awake, which is influenced by the circadian rhythm (Van Dongen & Dinges, 2005). However,
little is known about the impact of sleep deprivation on specific performance outcomes, such as
RT distributions, or improvements in specific cognitive components, such as decision-making
processes. Attempts are being made to close this gap using computational modeling based on
cognitive architectures (Gunzelman, Gluck, Price, Van Dongen & Donges,2007) but this attempt
must be driven by detailed knowledge about which cognitive processes are influenced by sleep
deprivation and how.

As a way of evaluating the concept of sleep deprivation for each framework specified, we
describe the frameworks’ foundation, framed educators, key relationships between predictors and
outcomes, and limitations.
Darmer & Dinges, 2005
Sleep loss caused by disease- related sleep fragmentation such as sleep and restless legs
syndrome causes neurocognitive function declines similar to those observed in sleep restriction
studies. Individual vulnerability to sleep loss may play a more critical role than previously
thought in performance deficiencies associated with sleep disorders. Attempts indicate that
individual vulnerability to sleep loss may play more critical role than previously thought.

Van Dongen, 2004

Sleep deprivation caused neurobehavioral deficiencies that differed substantially among
people but remained consistent among them. Inter individual discrepancies in neurobehavioral
reactions to sleep deprivation were not solely due to history differences. Rather, they involved a
trait-like differential susceptibility to sleep deprivation deficiency, for which no neurobiological
correlations have been found.

Gunzelmann, Gluck, Price, Dongen & Dinges, 2007

Sleep deprivation reduces ones’ ability to perform cognitive tasks, but hypothesis vary
from suggesting a general decrease in cognitive performance to alleging severe lead functions.

Related literature
In Philippine newspaper – the Philippine Daily Inquirer stated that Filipino are the most
sleep-deprived people in Asia. According to their research sleep-deprivation in the Philippines
affects half of the population or close to 50 million Filipinos, who sleep less than six hours a day.

Every student should have about eight to ten hours of sleep before taking and
examination to have a better performance and adding a nap in the afternoon will also help
improve your memory. Ther more we study the effects of sleep loss, the more we could find the
importance of a good sleep resulting to achieve better memory and improved learning. Sleep loss
means mind loss. It binds learning in many ways. It reduces critical thinking, messes up memory
ad mood, retards reasoning, and shutters quantitative skills (Leodinas, 2012).

Academic performance refers to how students deal with their studies and they accomplish
different tasks given to them by their teachers (Banquilet et al, 2009). It also refers on how
students deal with their studies and how they cope with different factors affecting their
performance. Academic performance can also refer to “how well a student meets standards set
out by local government and the institution itself.”

The quality of our sleep directly affects the quality of our waking life, including our
productivity, emotional balance, creativity, physical vitality and even our weight. Therefore,
sleep is an essential human need and not a luxury, because it is in the state of rest that our brain
oversees the great work of biological maintenance to keep our bodies in good condition. Mild
sleep deprivation does not cause serious impairment but chronic sleep deprivation does.

According to K.M. Arieta, R. Gementiza, C.J. Saco (2017) the study entitled, “Factors
affecting the Study Habits on the Academic Performance.” Is conducted to the Senior High
School Students of Davao Doctors College during the second semester of School Year 2016-
2017. Study habits play a very important role in the life of students. Success or failure of each
student depends upon his own study habits. Of course, study is an art and as such it requires
practice. Some students study more but they fail to achieve more. Others study less but achieve
more. Success of each student definitely depends upon ability, intelligence and effort of students.
The quantitative method is used in the study, in which objectives are to name the factors which
affect study habits of the Senior High School Students of Davao Doctors College, how study
habits affect the academic performance of the said students, and investigate the relationship
between the two variables. For this study, the researchers design a self-administered
questionnaire for the data gathering process to achieve the main objective of the study. The
primary aim of the questionnaire is to determine the respondents’ profile according to the factors
which affect the study habits, including time management, and use of social media. Results
imply that most of the respondents believes that their study habits are affected by their time
management, study environment, and use of social media, and that these factors impact their
academic performance. Another important finding shows a high level of Senior High School
Students’ academic performance is greatly influenced by their use of social media, which is a
said factor that affect the study habits of the respondents. Generally, all the said factors tend to
significantly affect the academic performance.

It is important to the adolescents to have enough sleep each night. According to Wolfson (2007),
which the descent od adolescence, the teenagers require 9.2 hours of sleep and experience a
delay in the timing of sleep. In the reality, early school starts times, however, teenager report less
sleep. It is noticeable difference between their school-weekend schedules, and significant
daytime sleepiness. Prior studies demonstrated that high schoolers with later school starts do not
further delay bedtime but obtain more sleep due to late wake times.

According to Ansel (2012), sleep quality is associated with the ranges of neuropsychological and
psychological outcome in children and adolescents but community awareness of this is low. A
small body of literature on sleep education is attempting to address this. However, this is not
necessarily equated sleep behavior changes such as increased sleep duration or improved sleep

According to the study of Morgan Persky (2018) sleep serves to re-energize the body’s
cells, clear waste from the brain, and support learning and memory. It even plays vital roles in
regulating mood, appetite and libido. Based on the study of Sleep Habits it is recommended that
adolescents get nine hours of nightly sleep.

The brain generates two distinct types of sleep- slow-wave sleep (SWS), known as deep
sleep, and rapid eye movement (REM), also called dreaming sleep. SWS takes up most of the
time during sleep, characterized by large, slow brain waves, relaxed muscles and deep breathing,
which may help the brain and body to recuperate after a long day. After SWS, REM sleep
begins. In REM sleep, a dreamers’ brain becomes highly active while the body’s muscles are
paralyzed, and breathing and heart rate become erratic. The purpose of REM sleep remains a
biological mystery, sleep is not prioritized in society, and often needs to be sacrificed by high
school students.

Review of related Studies

According to Chee, M. W., & Choo, S. K. (2011). This meta-analysis synthesized the
results of 23 studies that investigated the relationship between sleep deprivation and academic
performance. The study found that sleep deprivation has a negative impact on academic
performance, with a moderate effect size. The authors also found that the effects of sleep
deprivation were more pronounced for cognitive tasks that required sustained attention and
working memory.

According to Alhola, A., & Borbely, A. A. (1987). This review article discusses the role
of sleep spindles, which are oscillations in the electroencephalogram (EEG) during non-rapid eye
movement (NREM) sleep, in learning and memory consolidation. The authors suggest that sleep
spindles are important for the consolidation of newly acquired information and that sleep
deprivation may impair this process, leading to decreased academic performance.

According to Lim, J., & Dinges, D. F. (2008). This review article summarizes the
neurobehavioral findings on the cognitive effects of sleep loss in humans and animals, with a
focus on functional neurochemistry. The authors suggest that sleep loss impairs various cognitive
processes, including attention, memory, executive function, and decision making, which could
have implications for academic performance in tasks that require these cognitive processes. The
authors also discuss potential mechanisms underlying these effects and suggest strategies for
mitigating the negative effects of sleep loss on cognitive function through lifestyle interventions
and pharmacological treatments.
According to Leonidas (2014), a medical news report from America stated that school
stress keeps 68 percent of students awake after their head hits the pillow. Only 30 percent of
students sleep eight hours a night, the average recommended amount of sleep for young adults.
In the Philippines, Areeo- Dumalao (2014) half of the Filipinos sleep less than six hours a day.
Poor quality of sleep has significant impacts or effects on day time behavior and academic
performance, as well as concentration, attention, and mood.

In this study the researchers’ objective is to find out the effects of sleep deprivation on
the academic performance of the students and if such effects are significant. One must also be
able to discover the reasons why they are having the said problem and be able to find a specific
solution of the problem.

According to School of Public Health studies, 70 percent to 80 percent of students do not

obtain the optimal level of sleep. Due to caffeine beverages and leisure time activities it led to
students staying up late doing homework and studying. Sleep deprivation adversely affects the
brain and cognitive function. A study completed by the Veterans Affair Healthcare System in
San Diego and the UCSD School of Medicine monitored activity in the brains of sleep-deprived
people whilst they performed basic verbal learning task by using functional magnetic resonance
imaging (FMRI). The results of the study showed that, in sleepier subjects, more activity was
found in certain areas of the prefrontal cortex of the brain.

The prefrontal cortex is an area of the brain that supports such mental faculties as logical
and practical (means-ends) reasoning and working memory. These results were interpreted by
the researchers as indicating that, in order to complete a specific task, the average non-sleep-
deprived subject’s brain needed to exert a lot more effort than the brain of an average non-sleep-
deprived person. They were able to infer from these results that the brains of sleep-deprived
people were trying to compensate for the adverse effects created by sleep deprivation.

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