Legal notice-PATH INFOTECH
Legal notice-PATH INFOTECH
Legal notice-PATH INFOTECH
S/o ……………….
Sub: Legal Notice
2. That at the time of joining you the Noticee were provided the
Company Laptop and also fully briefed about the terms and
conditions for use of the same.
3. That you the Noticee, after joining the office of my client, present
only for 2 days i.e. ……………………. and further on
…………………., thereafter you neither present in the office of my
client, nor any information has been provided to my client for
default .
4. That you all of a sudden, without giving any sufficient reason and
without serving proper notice discontinued your services from
………………………….., two days after joining my client. However,
you have not given any phone call or formal written
notice/information to our client for the same.
7. That you also have not given the handover of the work/duties
assigned to you by our client and have also not provided the
complete possession of the company’s laptop which is having
confidential data of the company and same may be misused by
you at any point of time. It is submitted that the act of not
handing over company’s property without any proper and valid
authorisation by you, constitutes criminal breach of trust under
Indian Penal Code, which is a very serious offence in nature.
Copy of this Legal Notice is kept with me for future reference and it
may be used against you.