Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

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• Exhaustive coverage of MCQs subtopic wise.
• Precise theory for every topic.
• Additional information relevant to the concepts.
• Neat, labelled and authentic diagrams.
• In all ‘3897’ MCQs including questions from various competitive exams.
• Hints provided wherever relevant.
• Simple and lucid language.
• Self evaluative in nature.

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TEID : 751
Chemistry is one of the oldest academic discipline and its roots lie in man’s fascination towards study of structure,
composition and properties of matter and the reactions by which matter converts from one form to the other.
NEET: Chemistry (Vol. I) not only adds great value towards a progressive society but also contributes greatly to other
branches of science like biology, physics, geology, astronomy, biotechnology etc. Thus chemistry serves to be the backbone
of all lifesciences.
Target’s “NEET: Chemistry (Vol. I)” has been compiled according to the notified syllabus for NEET-UG & ISEET, which
in turn has been framed after reviewing various state syllabi as well as the ones prepared by CBSE, NCERT and COBSE.
In the National-Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET), 25% weightage is given to Chemistry, as there are 45 questions
based on Chemistry, out of the total 180 questions.
Target’s “NEET: Chemistry (Vol. I)” comprises of a comprehensive coverage of theoretical concepts & Multiple Choice
Questions. In the development of each chapter we have ensured the inclusion of shortcuts & unique points represented as a
‘note’ for the benefit of students.
The flow of content & MCQs have been planned keeping in mind the weightage given to a topic as per the NEET-UG &
ISEET exam.
MCQs in each chapter comprise of mixture of questions based on theory & numericals and their level of difficulty is at par with
that of various competitive examinations like CBSE, AIIMS, CPMT, PMT, JIPMER, IIT, AIEEE, & the likes.
This edition of “NEET: Chemistry (Vol. I)” has been conceptualized with a complete focus on the kind of assistance
students would require to answer tricky questions, which would give them an edge required to score in this highly
competitive exam.
Lastly, we are grateful to the publishers of this book for their persistent efforts, commitment to quality & their unending
support to bring out this book, without which it would have been difficult for us to partner with students in this journey
towards their success.
All the best to all Aspirants!
Yours faithfully

No. Topic Name Page No.

1 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 1
2 Structure of Atom 48
3 Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 100
4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 132
5 States of Matter: Gases and Liquids 209
6 Thermodynamics 252
7 Equilibrium 307
8 Redox Reactions 384
9 Hydrogen 424
10 s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals) 460
11 Some p-Block Elements 512
12 Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques 565
13 Alkanes 655
14 Alkenes 693
15 Alkynes 727
16 Aromatic hydrocarbons 749
17 Environmental Chemistry 786
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)

01 Some basic concepts of chemistry

1.0 General Introduction – Importance and Scope of Chemistry
¾ Scientists and their contribution:
Scientists Contribution
Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac Gay Lussac’s law of combining volumes of gases
Amedeo Avogadro Avogadro’s law
Antoine Lavoisier Law of conservation of mass
Joseph Proust Law of definite composition
John Dalton Law of multiple proportions
¾ Chemistry:
“Chemistry is defined as the study of composition, structure and properties of matter and the
reactions by which one form of matter may be converted into another form.”
¾ There are five important branches of chemistry such as:


Physical Inorganic Organic Analytical

Chemistry Bio-Chemistry
Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry

It deals with the It deals with the It deals with It deals with the It deals with the
structure of matter, the chemistry of the chemistry separation, extraction, substances which
energy changes and elements other of carbon and identification and are constituents of
the theories, laws and than carbon and carbon quantitative living organisms.
principles that explain their compounds. compounds. determination of the
the transformation of composition of
matter from one form different substances.
to another.
Apart from the above, there are several other branches of chemistry as:
i. Medicinal (pharmaceutical) Chemistry: It deals with the application of chemical research
techniques to the synthesis of pharmaceuticals.
ii. Environmental Chemistry: It deals with the study of chemistry associated with soil, air and water
and also of the impact of human activities on the natural system.
iii. Green Chemistry: It deals with processes and products that eliminate or reduce the use or release of
hazardous substances.
iv. Food Chemistry: It deals with the chemical processes associated with all forms of food stuffs.
v. Agrochemistry: It deals with the application of chemistry for agricultural production and food
vi. Geo Chemistry: It deals with the study of chemical composition and chemical processes associated
with Earth and the other plants.
vii. Astrochemistry: It deals with the study of the compositions and reactions of the chemical elements
and molecules found in the space and the interactions between this matter and radiation.
viii. Photochemistry: It deals with the interactions between light and matter.
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

ix. Electrochemistry: It deals with the study of chemical reactions in a solution and electron transfer
particularly within electrolytic solution.
x. Solid State Chemistry: It deals with the structures, properties and chemical processes that occur in
the solid phase.
xi. Polymer Chemistry: It deals with the examination of structure and properties of macromolecules and
the study of new ways to synthesize those molecules.
xii. Nuclear Chemistry: It deals with the study of radioactivity, nuclear processes and nuclear properties.
xiii. Nano Chemistry: It deals with the production and reactions of nanoparticles and their compounds.
¾ Importance and scope of Chemistry:
Chemistry plays a very important role in our everyday lives. Our daily needs of food, clothing,
shelter, potable water, medicines, etc., are in one or the other manner connected with chemical
compounds, processes and principles. There is no aspect of life that is not associated with chemistry.
In fact, Chemistry is the single branch of science which profoundly influences the existence of human
beings, plants, animals as well as their habitat. Thus, mankind owes much to chemistry because it has
improved the quality of life.
¾ Some Applications of Chemistry:
i. Chemistry in medicines and health care:
The chemical substances used for treatment of diseases by destroying the disease causing
agents (antigens) without causing harm to the host tissues are called drugs or medicines.
Some of the medicinal compounds are mentioned below:
a. Antipyretics Used to lower the temperature of the Aspirin (acetylsalicyclic acid),
body in high fever. paracetamol, phenacetin
b. Analgesics Used to relieve pain without causing
impairment of consciousness. These are
of two types:
i. Narcotic drugs: These are sleep Naproxen, Ibuprofen
ii. Non-narcotic drugs: These do not Morphine, Codeine
induce sleep.
c. Tranquillizers Used for the treatment of stress, fatigue,Noradrenaline, Iproniazid,
mild and severe mental diseases. Phenelzine (antidepressant
d. Antiseptics Used to either kill or prevent the growth Furacin, Soframycin
of micro-organisms. Not harmful and
can be applied on living tissues.
e. Disinfectant Used to kill micro-organisms, but are Chlorine, Dettol, Bithional,
harmful to mankind and cannot be Iodine, Boric acid, Iodoform,
applied on living tissues. Hydrogen peroxide
f. Antimicrobials Used to cure infections caused by Salvarsan, prontosil
g. Antibiotics Produced by microbes and are used to Penicillin, Ampicillin,
inhibit the growth of microbes. Streptomycin, Neomycin
h. Antacids Used to neutralize excess acid in the Baking soda (NaHCO3) in
gastric juices and give relief from acid water, omeprazole,
indigestion, acidity and gastric ulcers. lansoprazole
i. Antihistamines Used to diminish or abolish the main Brompheniramine,
actions of histamine released in the (Diametapp), Terfenadine
body, thus prevent the allergic (Seldane), Dimithendine
reactions. (foristal)
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
j. Anaesthetics Used to produce general or local General anaesthetics:
insensibility to pain and other Chloroform, Diethyl ethers,
sensations. Vinyl ethers.
Local anaesthetics:
Cocaine, Novocaine.
k. Antifertility Used to control pregnancy. Ethynylestradiol (Novestrol),
drugs Mifepristone
ii. Chemistry in food:
Many chemicals are added to food for their preservation and enhancing their appeal. These are
called food additives. While antioxidants, preservatives, fat emulsifiers, flour improvers are
added to increase the shelf life of the stored food, some additives like dyes, flavours and
sweetening agents are added to improve their cosmetic value. Some of these additives are
mentioned below:
a. Food preservatives These are added to the food materials to
Butylated hydroxyanisole,
prevent their spoilage and to retain their
(BHA), Butylated hydroxy
nutritive value for long periods. toluene (BHT)
b. Taste enhancers These are used to enhance the taste of
Monosodium glutamate
food stuffs. (MSG) – commonly called
as aginomoto.
c. Artificial These give sweetening effect to the food Aspartame (methylester)
sweetening agents and enhance its odour and flavour. Alitame, sucralose.
d. Edible food These are used to give an attractive Natural dye like carotene.
colours (dyes) appeal to the food stuffs.
iii. Other applications of chemistry:
a. Fuel: These are used for transportation and power generation. Petroleum is a rich source
of organic compounds. It is fractionally distilled to obtain various fractions like gasoline,
kerosene, diesel and aviation fuel.
b. Dyes: These impart colour to the textiles. A dye should have a suitable colour and
capacity to fix to the fibre.
Natural dyes include Indigo, alizarin etc.
Synthetic dyes include Azo dyes, pthalocyanin dyes, etc.
c. Detergents: These are the substances which possess cleansing properties.
E.g. Sodium alkyl sulphates:
(C12H25 – OSO3Na: Sodium lauryl sulphate),
long chain alkyl benzene sulphonates:

C12H25 SO3Na

Sodium p-dodecyl benzene sulphonate.

¾ Matter and its constituents:
i. The entire universe is made up of matter.
ii. Matter is anything which has mass and occupies space.
iii. It exists in three physical forms viz., solid, liquid and gas.
a. Solids have definite shape and definite volume.
b. Liquids have definite volume but no definite shape.
c. Gases have neither definite shape nor definite volume.
iv. These three states are interconvertible by changing the conditions of temperature and pressure.
heat heat
Solid YZZZ X Liquid YZZZ
cool cool

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

Greek philosopher Democritus had suggested that matter is composed of extremely small atomio.

¾ Classification of matter:


Physical classification Chemical classification

Solids Liquids Gases

Eg. NaCl Eg. H2O Eg. CH4

Mixtures Pure substance

Physical methods
It comprises of two or more It comprises of a single type
substances (components) present in of particle present in a fixed
any ratio in which the constituent ratio in which all the
substances retain their separate constituent particles are
identities. Eg. Air, Tea, Brass (an same in their chemical
alloy of copper and zinc) etc nature. Eg. Water, glucose,
sodium chloride etc

Homogeneous Heterogeneous
It comprises of a single phase It comprises of two or more
in which components are phases present in the mixture
completely mixed with each and its composition is not
other and its composition is uniform throughout.
uniform throughout. Eg. Phenol-water system,
Eg. Mixture of salt and silver chloride-water
water. system etc.

Compounds Elements
Pure substances which are Chemical methods Pure substances which
made up of two or more are made up of only one
components. component.
Eg. Water, ammonia, etc. Eg. Ag, Au, Cu, etc.

Inorganic Organic
Eg. AlCl3 Eg. CH3CHO

¾ Unit and its need:

“The arbitrarily decided and universally accepted standards used in the measurement of physical
quantities are called units.”
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
i. For calculation of experimental data.
ii. For measurement of physical quantities such as mass, pressure, volume, length, time,
temperature, density, etc.
iii. Any measured property is expressed as a number along with an appropriate unit associated with
the property as only the number does not give any idea of the property.
¾ Various system in which units are expressed:
i. Units are expressed in various systems like CGS (centimeter for length, gram for mass and
second for time), FPS (foot, pound, second) and MKS (meter, kilogram, second) systems etc.
ii. In 1960, the general conference of weights and measures, proposed a revised metric system,
called International System of units i.e., SI system, abbreviated from its French name
Systeme Internationale d′ Units.
NASA’s Mars climate orbiter, the first weather satellite for Mars, was destroyed by heat. The failure
of the mission was due to confusion in estimating the distance between Earth and Mars in miles and
¾ Seven fundamental SI units:
No. Fundamental quantity SI unit Symbol
1. Length Meter m
2. Mass Kilogram kg
3. Time Second s
4. Temperature Kelvin K
5. Amount of substance Mole mol
6. Electric current Ampere A
7. Luminous intensity Candela cd
¾ Derived units
The units of all physical quantities can be derived from the seven fundamental SI units. These units
are known as derived units.
The table given below shows some common derived units.
No. Physical quantity Relationship with fundamental unit Symbol
i. Area Length squared m2
ii. Volume Length cubed m3
iii. Density Mass per unit volume kg m−3
iv. Velocity Distance travelled in unit time ms−1
v. Acceleration Velocity change per unit time ms−2
vi. Force Mass × acceleration kg m s−2 (newton, N)
vii. Pressure Force per unit area kg m −1 s−2
viii. Electric charge Current × time A s (coulomb, C)
Electric potential or kg m2s−2A−1 (J A−1 s−1
ix. Energy per unit charge
Potential difference or volt V or J C−1)
x. Energy (work or heat) Force × distance travelled kg m2 s−2 (J s−1)
xi. Concentration Mole per cubic metre mol m−3
Cp = dH/dT kg m2 s−2 K−1 mol−1
xii. Heat capacity
Cv = dE/dT (J K−1 mol−1)
xiii. Electrochemical equivalent Z = E/F kg C−1 (kg/coulomb)
Note: 1 Litre = 1 dm3
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

¾ Some common SI prefixes used for expressing big and small numbers:
Prefix Symbol Magnitude Meaning (multiply by)
Tera− T 1012 1 000 000 000 000
Giga− G 109 1 000 000 000
Mega− M 106 1 000 000
myria− my 104 1 000 0 (this is now obsolete)
kilo− k 103 1 000
hecto− h 102 100
deka− da 10 10
deci− d 10−1 0.1
centi− c 10−2 0.01
milli− m 10−3 0.001
micro− µ 10−6 0.000 001
nano− n 10−9 0.000 000 001
pico− p 10−12 0. 000 000 000 001
femto− f 10−15 0.000 000 000 000 001
1.1 Laws of chemical combination
¾ Chemical combination:
“The process in which the elements combine with each other chemically, to form compounds, is
called as chemical combination.”
¾ Laws of Chemical Combination:
One of the most important aspects of the subject of chemistry is the study of chemical reactions.
These chemical reactions take place according to certain laws called as “Laws of chemical
i. Law of conservation of mass:
The law was first stated by Russian scientist Lomonosove in the year 1765. Later in 1774,
French scientist, Antoine Lavoisier also stated the same law independently.
It states that, “Mass is neither created nor destroyed during chemical combination of matter.”
a. According to Lavoisier, total masses of the reactants before the reaction are found to be
same as that of total masses of the products formed after the reaction.
b. Eg. AgNO3 + NaCl ⎯→ AgCl + NaNO3
1.70g 0.555g 1.435g 0.82g
ii. Law of definite composition or constant proportions:
This law was first stated by French chemist Joseph Proust in (1799).
It states that, “Any pure compound always contains the same elements in a definite proportion
by weight irrespective of its source or method of preparation.”
a. In support of this law, it was experimentally proved that a naturally occurring pure
sample of copper carbonate contains 51.35 % copper by weight, 38.91 % carbon by
weight and 9.74 % oxygen by weight.
b. Further, a pure sample of copper carbonate was synthesized in laboratory and it was
found that the percentage by weight of copper, carbon and oxygen were exactly identical
to that of the naturally occurring sample of copper carbonate.
c. French scientist Berthollet opposed Proust’s law of definite proportion by giving
examples of the substances containing different proportions of elements.
d. However, Berthollet’s objections were ruled out as the experimental work of analysis
mentioned by Berthollet was found to be based on impure samples or incomplete reactions.
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
iii. Law of multiple proportions:
This law was proposed by British scientist John Dalton in 1808.
It states that, “If two elements, combine chemically with each other forming two or more
compounds with different compositions by weight, then the masses of the two interacting
elements in the two compounds are in the ratio of small whole numbers.”
a. Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form two compounds H2O (water) and H2O2
(Hydrogen peroxide).
H2O : 2 parts of Hydrogen, 16 parts of Oxygen
H2O2 : 2 parts of Hydrogen, 32 parts of Oxygen.
b. The masses of oxygen which combine with same mass of hydrogen in these two
compounds bear a simple ratio 1 : 2.
iv. Law of reciprocal proportions:
This law was given by Richter in 1794.
It states that, “When two different elements combine separately with the same weight of a third
element, the ratio in which they do so will be the same or some simple multiple of the ratio in
which they combine with each other.”
a. Definite mass of an element A combines with two other elements B and C to form two
b. If B and C also combine to form a compound, their combining masses are in same
proportion or bear a simple ratio to the masses of B and C which combine with a constant
mass of A.
Eg. H

(B) Na Cl (C)
Hydrogen combines with sodium and chlorine to form compounds NaH and HCl
NaH : 23 parts of sodium, 1 part of Hydrogen
HCl : 35.5 parts of chlorine, 1 part of Hydrogen
Sodium and chlorine also combine to form NaCl in which 23 parts of sodium and 35.5
parts of chlorine are present. These are the same parts which combine with one part of
hydrogen in NaH and HCl respectively.
v. Gay-Lussac’s law of combining volumes of gases:
This law was enunciated by Gay-Lussac in 1808.
It states that,“When gases react together to produce gaseous products, the volumes of reactants
and products bear a simple whole number ratio with each other, provided volumes are
measured at same temperature and pressure.”
a. Under similar conditions of temperature and pressure, 1 volume of hydrogen reacts with
1 volume of chlorine to give 2 volumes of hydrogen chloride.
H2 + Cl2 ⎯→ 2HCl
1 volume 1 volume 2 volumes
b. Thus, the volume ratio of hydrogen: chlorine: hydrogen chloride is 1 : 1 : 2.
c. This is a simple whole number ratio and is also in agreement with their molar ratios when
they are involved in the reaction.
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

i. Gay-Lussac’s law of combining volumes is applicable only to gaseous reactions and not to
reactions involving solids and liquids.
ii. The volumes of gases in the chemical reaction are not additive, though it appears to be additive.
However in case of hydrogen-oxygen reaction, 2 volumes of hydrogen and 1 volume of oxygen
equal to 3 volumes of reactants get converted into 2 volumes of product steam.
iii. Similarly, in case of formation of ammonia, 1 volume of nitrogen reacts with 3 volumes of
hydrogen equal to 4 volumes of reactants get converted into 2 volumes of product ammonia.
1.2 Dalton’s atomic theory
¾ Dalton’s atomic theory:
John Dalton, an English school teacher, proposed the atomic theory in the year 1808.
According to him, “Atom is the smallest indivisible particle of a substance.”
Dalton made the following assumptions in his theory:
i. All matters are made up of tiny, indestructible, indivisible unit particles called atoms.
ii. Atoms are the smallest particles of an element and molecules are the smallest particles of a
iii. All atoms of the same element have same size, shape, mass and all other properties.
iv. Atoms of different elements have different properties.
v. Compounds are formed when atoms of different elements combine.
vi. The atoms in a compound unite in small whole number ratios like 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:3, etc.
vii. A chemical reaction involves only the separation, combination or rearrangement of integer
number of atoms.
viii. During a chemical reaction, atoms are neither created nor destroyed.
The number of atom present in a molecule of a substance is called Atomicity.
¾ Avogadro’s Law:
Avogadro, in the year 1811, combined Gay -Lussac’s law and Dalton’s theory to propose Avogadro’s
Statement :
It states that, “Equal volumes of all gases, under identical conditions of temperature and pressure,
contain equal number of molecules.”
“At constant pressure and temperature, volume of a gas is directly proportional to the number of
∴ V ∝ number of molecules (P, T constant)
i. If equal volumes of three gases i.e. Hydrogen (H2), Oxygen (O2) and Chlorine (Cl2) are taken in
different flasks of the same capacity under similar conditions of temperature and pressure, all
the flasks are found to have the same number of molecules.
ii. However, these molecules may differ in size and mass.

1L of H2 gas 1L of O2 gas 1L of Cl2 gas

at N.T.P at N.T.P at N.T.P

Illustration of Avogadro’s hypothesis.

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
a. Hydrogen + Chlorine ⎯→ Hydrogen chloride
[1 vol ] [1 vol ] [2 vol]
b. Applying Avogadro’s hypothesis, assuming that 1 volume contains n molecules, it
follows that
Hydrogen + Chlorine ⎯→ Hydrogen chloride
n molecules n molecules 2n molecules
c. Dividing throughout by 2n, we get
1 1
molecule + molecule ⎯→ 1 molecule
2 2
d. This means that 1 molecule of hydrogen chloride contains 1 / 2 molecule of hydrogen and
1 / 2 molecule of chlorine.
e. Now, 1 / 2 molecule of hydrogen can exist because one molecule of hydrogen contains 2
atoms of hydrogen and therefore 1/ 2 molecule of hydrogen contains one atom of
f. Similarly, 1/2 molecule of chlorine contains an atom of chlorine because chlorine is also
a diatomic molecule.
g. Thus, one molecule of hydrogen chloride is formed from one atom of hydrogen and one
atom of chlorine.
This generalization is in agreement with Dalton’s atomic theory.
1.3 Concept of Elements, Atoms and Molecules
¾ Elements:
i. “An element is defined as a substance which cannot be separated into simpler substances by
any chemical process.”
Eg. Platinum, Nickel, Cobalt, etc.
ii. A pure substance is made up of only one kind of atoms having the same atomic number.
iii. The smallest particle of an element is the atom.
iv. Elements can be divided into two groups namely
a. naturally occurring and b. artificially synthesized one
v. There are about 118 elements out of which about 92 elements are naturally occurring and
nearly 26 elements are synthesized in laboratory.
vi. The most abundant element in the earth’s crust is oxygen.
vii. Artificially synthesized elements have a very short life as they breakup into more stable lighter
viii. Most of the elements are solids, while eleven of them are gases and only two are liquids.
ix. The two liquids are Mercury and Bromine.
x. Elements can be broadly divided into four categories.
Classification of elements:
Elements Characteristics Example
Metals Generally solid, hard, malleable, ductile, high tensile Copper, iron, zinc,
strength, lustre and good conductors of heat and electricity. etc.
Non- Generally non-lustrous, brittle, poor conductors of heat and Sulphur, phosphorus,
Metals electricity. nitrogen,etc.
Metalloids Elements that have properties which lie in between those of Arsenic, tin, bismuth,
metals and non- metals. etc.
Noble Group of six elements that do not combine with other Neon, helium, argon,
Gases elements and tend to exist by themselves. etc.
They are chemically inactive. Hence, are also known as inert
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

¾ Chemical symbols:
i. An abbreviated form in which the name of an element is represented is called as a symbol.
ii. Chemists represent elements by symbols of one or two letters.
iii. The first letter of the symbol is always capital and the second letter if present, is always small.
iv. The symbols of most of the elements are derived from the English names of the elements.
v. In some cases, Latin names of the elements are used to derive the symbols.
Eg. Aluminium − Al , Einsteinium − Es, Gold − Au (Aurum)
¾ Compounds:
i. “Compounds are defined as substances of definite compositions which can be decomposed into
two or more substances by a simple chemical process.”
Eg. Methane, ammonia, urea, etc.
ii. The properties of all the substances and elements obtained on decomposition of the compounds
are completely different.
Eg. Carbon is combustible and oxygen supports combustion, but carbon dioxide is used as a
fire extinguisher.
¾ Atoms:
i. “The smallest indivisible particle of an element is called atom.”
ii. Every atom of an element has a definite mass of the order of 10−26 kg and has a spherical shape
of radius of the order of 10−15 m.
iii. The smallest atom of an element is that of hydrogen with mass 1.667 × 10−26 kg.
iv. Atoms may or may not exist freely.
v. Atoms of almost all the elements can react with one another to form compounds.
Name Number of atoms in a molecule Example
Monoatomic Only one atom noble gases, some metals, carbon, silicon, etc.
Diatomic Two atoms Hydrogen (H2), Oxygen (O2), Nitrogen (N2), etc.
Polyatomic More than two atoms Phosphorus (P4), Sulphur (S8), etc.

¾ Molecules:
i. “A molecule is an aggregate of two or more atoms of definite composition which are held
together by chemical bonds.”
“The smallest particle of a substance (element or compound) which is capable of independent
existence is called a molecule.”
ii. It has all the properties of the original compound.
iii. It cannot be divided into its constituent atoms by simple methods.
iv. Only under drastic conditions, a molecule can be decomposed into its constituent atoms.
v. The properties of the constituent atoms of a compound and the molecule of compound are
completely different.
¾ Phlogiston theory:
i. The phlogiston theory was proposed by Ernst Stahl (1660 - 1734).
ii. Phlogiston was described as a substance in a combustible material which is given off when the
material burns.
iii. This theory persisted for about 100 years and was a centre of much controversy.
iv. Antoine Lavoisier proved that the flammable air produced by Cavandish was a new gas and
named it as hydrogen gas.
v. During the end of the eighteenth century, much work was done with gases, especially by
Joseph Black, Henry Cavendish, Joseph Priestley and Carl Scheele.
vi. Priestley was a very conservative scientist. Even after his discovery of oxygen, he still believed
in phlogiston theory.
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
1.4 Atomic and molecular masses
¾ Atomic mass:
i. In 1961, the International Union of Chemists selected a new unit for expressing the atomic
ii. They accepted the stable isotope of carbon (12C) with mass number of 12 as the standard for
comparing the atomic and molecular masses of elements and compounds.
iii. “Atomic mass is the average relative mass of an atom of an element as compared to the mass of
an atom of carbon (C12) taken as 12”.
Mass of an atom
Atomic mass =
mass of an atom of C12
12 th
i. 1 a.m.u = 1.66056 × 10−24 g , where a.m.u stands for atomic mass unit.
1.6736 × 10−24 g
ii. Mass of hydrogen atom = = 1.00780 a.m.u = 1.0080 a.m.u
1.66056 × 10−24 g
iii. Mass of oxygen-16 (16O) = 15.995 a.m.u
iv Recently the unit of atomic mass ‘a.m.u.’ is been replaced by ‘u’ known as unified mass.
v. “Gram atomic mass is the quantity of an element whose mass in grams is numerically equal to
its atomic mass”.
. “Atomic mass of an element expressed in grams is the gram atomic mass or it is also called
gram atom”.
Eg. The atomic mass of oxygen = 16 a.m.u
Therefore, gram atomic mass of oxygen = 16g.
¾ Average atomic mass:
i. Majority of elements occur in nature as mixtures of several isotopes.
ii. Isotopes are the different atoms of same elements possessing different atomic masses but same
atomic number.
iii. The average relative mass depends upon the isotopic composition of that particular element.
iv. The best way to define the atomic mass of the elements is to determine the atomic mass of each
isotope separately and then combine them in the ratio of their proportion of occurrence. This is
called average atomic mass.
v. Each element has a number of isotopes with different isotopic masses.
vi. While calculating the atomic mass of an element, a weighed average of the isotopic masses of
the isotopes of the element is taken, considering the relative quantity of isotopes.
vii. Thus, it is the average mass of an atom of the element which is used in calculating the atomic
mass weight of the element.
a. Chlorine has two isotopes, 85Cl and 37Cl, present in 75 % and 25 % proportion
respectively. Hence, the atomic mass of chlorine is the weighed average of these two
isotopic masses.
i.e., (35.0 × 0.75) + (37.0 × 0.25) = 35.5.
b. Aston’s mass spectrometer proved that neon exists in nature in the form of a mixture of
three isotopes,
1. Neon-20 with atomic mass 19.9924 u with natural abundance 90.92 %
2. Neon-22 with atomic mass 21.9914 u with natural abundance 8.82 %
3. Neon-21 with atomic mass 20.9940 u with natural abundance 0.26 %
∴ Average atomic mass of Ne,
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
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(Atomicmassof 20 Ne × % of 20 Ne) + (Atomicmassof 22 Ne × % of 22 Ne)

+ (Atomicmassof 21 Ne× % of 21 Ne)
= [(19.9924 u × 90.92) + (21.9914 u × 8.82) + (20.994 u × 0.26)]/100
= 20.1713 u
¾ Molecular mass:
“Molecular mass of a substance is defined as the ratio of mass of one molecule of a substance to
of the mass of one atom of 12C.”
It is also the algebraic sum of atomic masses of constituent atoms present in the molecule.
Characteristics of molecular mass:
i. Like atomic mass, molecular mass is expressed as a.m.u.
ii. It is the number that indicates comparative mass of a molecule of a compound with respect to
of the mass of one atom of 12C.
iii. Gram molecular mass is the molecular mass expressed in grams.
iv. 1 gram molecular mass is also known as 1 gram molecule.
Molecular mass of CO2 = 44 a.m.u
Therefore gram molecular mass of CO2 = 44 g
1.5 Mole concept and molar mass
¾ Mole Concept:
i. A mole is defined as the amount of substance that contains the same number of entities (atoms,
molecules, ions or other particles), as present in 12 g (or 0.012 kg) of the 12C isotope.
ii. The quantity of a substance equal to its atomic mass or molecular mass in grams is referred as
1 mole of a substance.
iii. Avogadro Number (NA):
“The number of atoms, molecules, ions, or electrons etc. present in 1 mole of a substance is
found to be equal to 6.023 × 1023, which is called Avogadro Number (NA).”
Thus, NA = 6.023 × 1023 molecules or ions or electrons per mol.
1 mole of hydrogen atoms = 6.023 × 1023 hydrogen molecules.
1 mole of sodium ions = 6.023 × 1023 sodium ions.
1 mole of electrons = 6.023 × 1023 electrons.
iv. The volume of 1 mole of any pure gas at standard temperature and pressure is always constant
and is equal to 22.414 L or 0.022414 m3. This value is called as Avogadro’s molar volume or
molar gas volume at STP.
Eg. 1 mole of chlorine gas = 22.4 L or 0.0224 m3
¾ Molar Mass:
i. The mass of one mole of a substance is called its molar mass (M)
ii. The units of molar mass are g mol−1 or kg mol−1.
iii. The molar mass is equal to atomic mass or molecular mass expressed in grams, depending upon
whether the substance contains atoms or molecules.
Mole Triangle:
The relationship between the mass of a gas with number of moles, volume of a gas at STP and the
number of molecules is given by the mole triangle.
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
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Number of

Multiplied by Divided by
Avogadro’s number Avogadro’s number

Divided by Multiplied by
molecular mass 22.4 dm3 Volume
Mass of Number of occupied by
substance moles gas at STP
Multiplied by Divided by in dm3
molecular mass 22.4 dm3

Mole Triangle
Mass of an element
a. One mole of atoms =
Atomic mass
Atomic mass
b. Mass of one atom =
c. One mole of molecules = 6.023 × 1023 molecules
= Gram molecular mass of the substance
Molecular mass
d. Mass of one molecule =
Mass of the compound
e. Moles of a compound =
Molecular mass
Mass of thesubstance
f. Number of moles (n) =
Molar mass of the substance
g. Number of molecules = n × Avogadro’s number
h. Volume of gas at S.T.P = n × 22.414 L
i. Volume occupied by 1 mole of a gas at N.T.P = 22.4L
j. Molecular mass = Vapour density × 2

1.6 Percentage composition and empirical and molecular formula

¾ Percentage composition:
i. Percentage composition of a compound is the relative mass of each of the constituent element
in 100 parts of it.
ii. Percentage composition can be calculated as mass percentage.
iii. Mass percentage gives the mass of each element expressed as the percentage of the total mass.
Mass of the element in1mole of compound
iv. Mass percentage of an element = × 100
Molar mass of the compound
Calculate the mass percentage composition of glucose:
The formula of glucose = C6H12O6
Molar mass of glucose = (6 × 12) + (12 × 1) + (6 × 16) = 180
The formula of glucose shows that there are 6−C atoms, 12−H atoms and 6−O atoms.
Mass of 6−C atoms = (6 × 12) = 72
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⎛ 72 ⎞
Mass % of C = ⎜ ⎟ × 100 = 40.0 %
⎝ 180 ⎠
Mass of 12−H atoms = 12 × 1 = 12
⎛ 12 ⎞
Mass % of H = ⎜ ⎟ × 100 = 6.67 %
⎝ 180 ⎠
Mass of 6−O atoms = 6 × 16 = 96
⎛ 96 ⎞
Mass % of O = ⎜ ⎟ × 100 = 53.33 %
⎝ 180 ⎠
¾ Chemical formula:
i. Elements and compounds are represented by symbols and formulae respectively. A chemical
formula gives the representation of a molecule of a substance in terms of symbols of various
elements present in it.
Ammonia is represented by the formula NH3, carbon dioxide by CO2, copper sulphate by
CuSO4, etc. The determination of a formula of the substance involves the chemical analysis of
a. The constituent elements present.
b. The relative amount of elements of each type present in a given mass of the compound.
ii. The chemical formula may be of two types:
a. Empirical formula:
“The empirical formula of a compound is defined as a chemical formula indicating the
relative number of constituent atoms in a molecule in the simplest ratio.”
Eg. Molecular formula of benzene = C6H6
∴ Empirical formula = CH
b. Molecular formula:
“The formula which gives the actual number of each kind of atoms in one molecule of the
compound is called the molecular formula of the compound.”
It is an integral multiple of empirical formula.
Eg. Molecular formula of benzene = C6H6.
Thus, it has six atoms of carbon and six atoms of hydrogen.
iii. Empirical and molecular formula of some molecules are given below:
Compound Empirical Formula Molecular Formula
Hydrogen peroxide HO H2O2
Benzene CH C6H6
Glucose CH2O C6H12O6
Sucrose C12H22O11 C12H22O11
Naphthalene C5H4 C10H8
iv. Molecular formula and empirical formula are related as:
Molecular Formula = n × Empirical formula
where ‘n’ is a simple whole number and may have values 1, 2, 3 …..

Molecular mass
n =
Empiricalformula mass
The molecular mass of benzene is 78. The empirical formula of benzene is CH and therefore,
its Empirical formula mass is 13.
Molecular mass 78
n = = = 6
Empiricalformula mass 13
Therefore, molecular formula of benzene = 6 × (CH) = C6H6
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¾ The various steps involved in determining the empirical formula are:
Step 1:
Divide the percentage of each element by its atomic mass. This gives the moles of atoms of various
elements in the molecule of the compound.
Percentage of an element
Moles of atoms =
Atomic mass of the element
Step 2:
Divide the result obtained in the above step by the smallest value among them to get the simplest ratio
of various atoms.

Step 3:
Make the values obtained above to the nearest whole number by multiplying if necessary by a
suitable integer. This gives the simplest whole number ratio.

Step 4:
Write the symbols of the various elements side by side and insert the numerical value at the right
hand lower corner of each symbol. The formula thus obtained represents the empirical formula of the

¾ Steps for determination of the Molecular Formula of a compound:

Step 1:
Determine the empirical formula as described above.

Step 2:
Calculate the empirical formula mass by adding the atomic masses of the atoms in the empirical

Step 3:
Determine the molecular mass of the compound.
Molecular mass can be determined by the following formulae:
i. Molecular mass = Vapour Density × 2
ii. Molecular mass of an acid = Equivalent mass × basicity of the acid
iii. Molecular mass of a base = Equivalent mass × acidity of the base
iv. Molecular mass = Equivalent mass × no. of e− gained or lost.

Step 4:
Molecular mass
Determine the value of ‘n’ as, n =
Empirical formula mass
Change ‘n’ to the nearest whole number.

Step 5:
Multiply empirical formula by ‘n’ to get the molecular formula.
Molecular formula = n × Empirical formula
A compound with molar mass 159 was found to contain 39.62% copper and 20.13% sulphur. Suggest
molecular formula for the compound (Cu = 63, S = 32 and O = 16)
% copper + % sulphur = 39.62 + 20.13 = 59.75
This is less than 100%. Hence compound contains adequate quantity of oxygen so that total
percentage of elements is 100%.
Hence, % of oxygen = 100 − 59.75 = 40.25%
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
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Element % of Element At. Mass Atomic ratio Simplest ratio

39.62 0.63
Cu 39.62 63 = 0.63 =1
63 0.63

S 20.13 32 20.13 =1
= 0.63 0.63

O 40.25 16 40.25 =4
= 2.51 0.63

Hence, empirical formula is CuSO4 and empirical formula mass = 63 + 32 + 16 × 4 = 159

Molecular mass = empirical formula mass
Therefore, molecular formula = empirical formula = CuSO4
Molecular mass is the sum of the atomic masses of all the the atoms as given in the molecular formula of
the substance.
1.7 Chemical reactions, stoichiometry and calculations based on stoichiometry
¾ Chemical Reactions:
i. “A chemical reaction is a process in which a single substance or many substances interact with
each other to produce one or more substances.”
ii. Chemical reactions are represented in terms of chemical equations.
iii. Chemical equation is a statement of a chemical reaction in terms of the symbols and formulae
of the species involved in the reaction.
iv. The chemical equation may be defined as, “the brief representation of a chemical change in
terms of symbols and formulae of substances involved in it”.
v. The chemical reaction when written in the form of chemical equation is always in balanced
form and the masses are always conserved.
vi. The substances which react with each other to bring about the chemical changes are known as
vii. Whereas, the substances which are formed as a result of the chemical change are known as
AgNO3 + NaCl ⎯→ AgCl + NaNO3

Reactants Products
¾ Stoichiometry:
Stoichiometry means quantitative relationship among the reactants and the products in a reaction.
1N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ⎯→ 2NH3 (g)
1, 3, and 2 are coefficients of N2, H2 and NH3 respectively. These coefficients of reactants and
products in the balanced chemical reaction are called stoichiometric coefficients.
The stoichiometric calculations involve the following steps:
i. Write the correct formula of the reacting substances and products. Care must be taken to satisfy
valencies of the atoms of the compound.
ii. For writing the balanced chemical equation, following three steps must be followed:
Step 1:
Write the names of the reactants with ‘+’ sign separating the reacting substances on the left
hand side. Then draw an arrow from left to right and to the right side of the arrow, write the
names of all the products with ‘+’ sign separating them. Thus, in case of a reaction involving
burning of methane in oxygen, producing carbon dioxide and water, the reaction is written as,
methane + oxygen ⎯→ carbon dioxide + water
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Step 2:
Rewrite the chemical equation in terms of chemical formula of each substance as shown.
CH4 (g) + O2 (g) ⎯→ CO2 (g) + H2O(l)

Step 3:
Balance the mass of the chemical reaction by selecting the proper whole number coefficients
for each reactant and product as shown.
CH4(g) + 2O2 (g) ⎯→ CO2 (g) + 2H2O(l)
This is the balanced chemical equation.

Some Common Compounds:

No. Compound Formula No. Compound Formula

1. Phosphoric acid H3PO4 11. Cupric chloride CuCl2
2. Sodium phosphate Na3PO4 12. Ferrous chloride FeCl2
3. Ferric phosphate FePO4 13. Ferric chloride FeCl3
4. Aluminium phosphate AlPO4 14. Stannous chloride SnCl2
5. Copper phosphate Cu3(PO4)2 15. Stannic chloride SnCl4
6. Ferrous phosphate Fe3(PO4)2 16. Hydrogen sulphate H2SO4
7. Hydrogen chloride HCl 17. Sodium sulphate Na2SO4
8. Potassium chloride KCl 18. Copper sulphate CuSO4
9. Sodium chloride NaCl 19. Ferrous sulphate FeSO4
10. Cuprous chloride Cu2Cl2 20. Ferric sulphate Fe2(SO4)3

¾ Mass relationship:
i. A balanced chemical reaction may be used to establish the weight relationships of reactants and
ii. This is based on the law of conservation of mass, which states that, total mass of reactants is
always equal to total mass of the products.
Atomic masses: (Na = 23, Cl = 35.5)
2Na(s) + Cl2(g) ⎯→ 2 NaCl(s)
(2 atoms) (1 molecule) ⎯→ (2 molecules)
[2 × 23] [1 × 35.5 × 2] ⎯→ [2 (23 + 35.5)]
[46 g ] [71g] ⎯→ [117g]

117g ⎯→ 117g

¾ Limiting reactants:
“It is the reactant that reacts completely but limits further progress of the reaction.”

¾ Excess reactant:
“It is the reactant which is taken in excess than the limiting reactant.”
Eg. 2H2(g) + O2(g) ⎯→ 2H2O(l)
3g 2g xg
Limiting Excess Water
reactant reactant
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¾ Calculations based on stoichiometry:

Solving of stoichiometric problems is very important. It requires grasp and application of mole
concept, balancing of chemical equations and care in the conversion of units.
The problems based upon chemical equations may be classified as:
i. Mole to mole relationships:
In these problems, the moles of one of the reactants/products is to be calculated if that of other
reactants/products are given.

ii. Mass-mass relationships:

In these problems, the mass of one of the reactants/products is to be calculated if that of the
other reactants/products are given.

iii. Mass-volume relationship:

In these problems, mass or volume of one of the reactants or products is calculated from the
mass or volume of other substances.

iv. Volume-volume relationship:

In these problems, the volume of one of the reactants/products is given and that of the other is
to be calculated.
The main steps for solving such problems are:
a. Write down the balanced chemical equation.
b. Write down the moles or gram atomic or gram molecular masses of the substances whose
quantities are given or have to be calculated. In case, there are two or more atoms or
molecules of a substance, multiply the mole or gram atomic mass or molecular mass by
the number of atoms or molecules.
c. Write down the actual quantities of the substances given. For the substances whose
masses or volumes have to be calculated, write the symbol of interrogation (?).
d. Calculate the result by a unitary method.
Calculate, how many moles of methane are required to produce 22g of CO2(g) after combustion.
(Atomic masses, C = 12u, H = 1u, O = 16u)
The balanced combustion chemical reaction is,
CH4(g) + 2O2(g) ⎯→ CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)
1 mol 1 mol
? 22 g
44 g of CO2(g) are produced from 1 mole of CH4
1 × 22
22 g of CO2(g) will be produced by burning moles of CH4.
= 0.5 mole of CH4.
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8. Which of the following drugs is used as a
Multiple Choice Questions tranquilizer?
(A) Naproxen (B) Furacin
1.0 General Introduction – Importance and (C) Noradrenaline (D) Ampicillin
Scope of Chemistry 9. Aspirin is used as an
(A) Antipyretic (B) Antibiotic
1. The branch of chemistry which deals with (C) Antihistamine (D) Tranquilizer
carbon compounds is called _____ chemistry.
(A) Organic (B) Inorganic 10. Aspartame is used as a food additive to
(C) Carbon (D) Bio (A) Impart attractive colour to the food stuff.
(B) give sweetening effect to the food and
2. The branch of chemistry which deals with the enhance its odour and flavour.
separation, identification and quantitative (C) To prevent food spoilage
determination of the composition of different (D) To retain the food nutritive value for a
substances is called _____ chemistry. longer time.
(A) Organic (B) Inorganic
11. Indigo is used as a/an
(C) Analytical (D) Bio
(A) Natural dye (B) Detergent
3. _____ chemistry deals with the chemistry of (C) Artificial dye (D) Fuel
elements other than carbon and of their 12. Greek philosopher _____ had suggested that
compounds. matter is composed of extremely small
(A) Organic (B) Physical atomio.
(C) Inorganic (D) Bio (A) Dalton (B) Aristotle
4. The branch of chemistry that deals with the (C) Ptolemy (D) Democritus
structure of matter, the energy changes and the 13. Which of the following is CORRECT?
theories, laws and principles that explain the (A) 1 L = 1 dm3 (B) 1 L = 10 dm3
transformation of matter from one form to (C) 10 L = 1 dm (D) 1 L = 1 m3
another is called _____ chemistry.
14. The prefix femto is used for expressing
(A) Inorganic (B) Organic
(A) 109 (B) 10−12
(C) Analytical (D) Physical
(C) 10−15 (D) 105
5. _____ chemistry is the chemistry of the 15. A ______ is a simple combination of two or
substances consisting of living organisms. more substances in which the constituent
(A) Organic (B) Physical substances retain their separate identities.
(C) Inorganic (D) Bio (A) compound (B) mixture
6. Which of the following branch of chemistry (C) alloy (D) amalgam
deals with the application of chemical research 16. If two or more phases are present in a mixture
techniques to the synthesis of then it is called a _____ mixture.
Pharmaceuticals ? (A) heterogeneous
(A) Nano chemistry (B) homogeneous
(B) Polymer chemistry (C) homologous
(C) Medicinal chemistry (D) heterologous
(D) Green chemistry 17. Mixture of all gases constitute _____ system.
7. Nuclear chemistry deals with (A) homogeneous
(A) Chemical processes associated with (B) heterogeneous
food stuffs. (C) homologous
(B) Structure, properties and chemical (D) heterologous
processes occuring in the solid phase. 18. Mixture of liquids constitute _____ system.
(C) Production and reactions of (A) homogeneous
nanoparticles. (B) heterogeneous
(D) Study of radioactivity, nuclear, (C) either (A) or (B)
processes and nuclear properties. (D) neither (A) nor (B)
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19. Phenol−water system is a/an 27. Which of the following is the best example of
(A) element. law of conservation of mass?
(B) compound. [NCERT 1975]
(C) homogeneous system. (A) 12 g of carbon combines with 32 g of
(D) heterogeneous system. oxygen to form 44 g of CO2
(B) When 12 g of carbon is heated in a
20. Which out of the following is NOT a
vacuum there is no change in mass.
homogeneous mixture?
(C) A sample of air increases in volume
(A) Air
when heated at constant pressure but its
(B) Solution of salt in water
mass remains unaltered.
(C) Solution of sugar in water
(D) Smoke (D) The weight of a piece of platinum is the
same before and after heating in air.
21. Which one of the following is NOT a mixture?
(A) Iodized table salt 28. ‘n’ g of substance X reacts with ‘m’ g of
(B) Gasoline substance Y to form ‘p’ g of substance R and
(C) Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) ‘q’ g of substance S. This reaction can be
(D) Distilled water represented as, X + Y = R + S. The relation
which can be established in the amounts of the
1.1 Laws of chemical combination reactants and the products will be
(A) n − m = p − q
22. Law of conservation of mass was first stated (B) n + m = p + q
by (C) n = m
(A) Lomonosove
(D) p = q
(B) Antoine Lavoisier
(C) Joseph Proust 29. If law of conservation of mass was to hold
(D) Dalton true, then 20.8 g of BaCl2 on reaction with
9.8 g of H2SO4 will produce 7.3 g of HCl and
23. After a chemical reaction, the total mass of
BaSO4 equal to
reactants and products [MP PMT 1989]
(A) 11.65 g (B) 23.3 g
(A) Is always increased
(C) 25.5 g (D) 30.6 g
(B) Is always decreased
(C) Is not changed 30. The law of definite composition was proposed
(D) Is always less or more by
24. The sum of the masses of reactants and (A) Lomonosove
products is equal in any physical or chemical (B) Antoine Lavoisier
reaction. This is in accordance with (C) Joseph Proust
(A) Law of multiple proportion (D) Dalton
(B) Law of definite composition 31 If water samples are taken from sea, rivers,
(C) Law of conservation of mass clouds, lake or snow, they will be found to
(D) Law of reciprocal proportion contain H2 and O2 in the fixed ratio of 1 : 8.
25 The law of conservation of mass holds good This indicates the law of
for all of the following except (A) Multiple proportion
(A) All chemical reactions. (B) Definite proportion
(B) Nuclear reactions. (C) Reciprocal proportion
(C) Endothermic reactions. (D) None of these
(D) Exothermic reactions.
32. The percentage of copper and oxygen in
26. 1.5 g of hydrocarbon on combustion in excess samples of CuO obtained by different
of oxygen produces 4.4 g of CO2 and 2.7 g of methods were found to be the same. This
H2O, The data illustrates illustrates the law of [AMU 1982, 92]
(A) Law of conservation of mass (A) Constant proportion
(B) Law of multiple proportion (B) Conservation of mass
(C) Law of constant composition (C) Multiple proportion
(D) Law of reciprocal proportion (D) Reciprocal proportion
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
33. Irrespective of the source, pure sample of 40. Different proportions of oxygen in the various
water always yields 88.89 % mass of oxygen oxides of nitrogen proves the law of
and 11.11 % mass of hydrogen. This is [MP PMT 1985]
explained by the law of [Kerala CEE 2002] (A) Equivalent proportion
(A) Conservation of mass
(B) Multiple proportion
(B) Constant composition
(C) Constant proportion
(C) Multiple proportions
(D) Constant volume (D) Conservation of mass

34. A sample of pure carbon dioxide, irrespective 41. Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form H2O2
of its source contains 27.27 % carbon and and H2O containing 5.93 % and 11.2 %
2.73 % oxygen. The data supports Hydrogen respectively. The data illustrates
[AIIMS 1992] (A) Law of conservation of mass
(A) Law of constant composition (B) Law of constant proportion
(B) Law of conservation of mass (C) Law of reciprocal proportion
(C) Law of reciprocal proportion
(D) Law of multiple proportion
(D) Law of multiple proportion
35. Zinc sulphate contains 22.65 % of zinc and 42. Which one of the following pairs of
43.9 % of water of crystallization. If the law compounds illustrates the law of multiple
of constant proportions is true, then the weight proportion? [EAMCET 1989]
of zinc required to produce 20 g of the crystals (A) H2O, Na2O
will be (B) MgO, Na2O
(A) 45.3 g (B) 4.53 g (C) Na2O, BaO
(C) 0.453 g (D) 453 g (D) SnCl2, SnCl4
36. A sample of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) has
43. Which of the following pairs of substances
the following percentage composition :
illustrates the law of multiple proportions ?
Ca = 40 %; C = 12 %; O = 48 %
If the law of constant proportions is true, then [CPMT 1972, 78]
the weight of calcium in 4 g of a sample of (A) CO and CO2
calcium carbonate from another source will be (B) H2O and D2O
(A) 0.016 g (B) 0.16 g (C) NaCl and NaBr
(C) 1.6 g (D) 16 g (D) MgO and Mg(OH)2
37. The law of definite proportion is NOT
44. Two samples of lead oxide were separately
applicable to nitrogen oxide because
reduced to metallic lead by heating in a
[EAMCET 1981] current of hydrogen. The weight of lead from
(A) Nitrogen atomic weight is not constant one oxide was half the weight of lead obtained
(B) Nitrogen molecular weight is variable from the other oxide. The data illustrates
(C) Nitrogen equivalent weight is variable
[AMU 1983]
(D) Oxygen atomic weight is variable
(A) Law of reciprocal proportions
38. The law of multiple proportions was given by (B) Law of constant proportions
(A) Proust (B) Dalton (C) Law of multiple proportions
(C) Avogadro (D) Lavoisier
(D) Law of equivalent proportions
39. In SO2 and SO3, the ratio of the masses of
oxygen which combine with a fixed mass of 45. 1.0 g of an oxide of A contains 0.5 g of A.
sulphur is 2 : 3. This is an example of the law 4.0 g of another oxide of A contains 1.6 g of
of A. The data indicates the law of
(A) Constant proportion (A) Reciprocal proportion
(B) Multiple proportion (B) Constant proportion
(C) Reciprocal proportion (C) Conservation of energy
(D) Gay Lussac (D) Multiple proportion
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
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46. In compound A, 1.00 g of nitrogen unites with (C) Reciprocal proportion

0.57 g of oxygen. In compound B, 2.00 g of (D) Conservation of mass
nitrogen combines with 2.24 g of oxygen. In
compound C, 3.00 g of nitrogen combines 51. 6 g of carbon combines with 32 g of sulphur to
with 5.11 g of oxygen. These results obey the form CS2. 12 g of C also combines with 32 g
of oxygen to form carbondioxide. 10 g of
[CPMT 1971]
sulphur combines with 10 g of oxygen to form
(A) Law of constant proportion
sulphur dioxide. Which law is illustrated by
(B) Law of multiple proportion
(C) Law of reciprocal proportion
(A) Law of multiple proportion
(D) Dalton’s law of partial pressure
(B) Law of constant composition
47. Two elements, X (Atomic mass 16) and Y (C) Law of Reciprocal proportion
(Atomic mass 14) combine to form (D) Gay Lussac’s law
compounds A, B and C. The ratio of different
52. ______ law of combining volumes states that
masses of Y which combines with fixed mass
“Whenever gases combine, they do so in
of X in A, B and C is 1:3:5. If 32 parts by
simple ratio by volumes”.
mass of X combines with 84 parts by mass of
Y in B, then in C, 16 parts by mass of X will (A) Avogadro’s (B) Gay Lussac’s
combine with (C) Dalton’s (D) Thomson’s
(A) 14 parts by mass of Y 53. 1 L of N2 combines with 3 L of H2 to form 2 L
(B) 42 parts by mass of Y of NH3 under the same conditions. This
(C) 70 parts by mass of Y illustrates the
(D) 82 parts by mass of Y (A) Law of constant composition
(B) Law of multiple proportions
48. Two elements X and Y have atomic masses of
14 and 16 respectively. They form a series of (C) Law of reciprocal proportions
compounds A, B, C, D and E in which for the (D) Gay-Lussac’s law of gaseous volumes
same amount of element; X, Y is present in 54. The balancing of chemical equation is based
the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5. If the compound A upon_____
has 28 parts by mass of X and 16 parts by (A) Law of combining volumes
mass of Y, then the compound of C will have (B) Law of multiple proportions
28 parts by mass of X and (C) Law of constant volume
[NCERT 1971] (D) Law of definite proportions
(A) 32 parts by mass of Y
(B) 48 parts by mass of Y 55. Which of the following reactions has the ratio
(C) 64 parts by mass of Y of volumes of reacting gases and the product
(D) 80 parts by mass of Y as 1 : 2 : 2 ?
(A) 2CO(g) + O2(g) ⎯→ 2CO2(g)
49. One part of an element A combines with two (B) O2(g) + 2H2(g) ⎯→ 2H2O(g)
parts of an element B. Six parts of the element (C) H2(g) + F2(g) ⎯→ 2HF(g)
C combines with four parts of element B. If A
(D) N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⎯→ 2NH3(g)
and C combine together the ratio of their
weights will be governed by 56. How many litres of ammonia will be formed
(A) Law of definite proportion when 2 L of N2 and 2 L of H2 are allowed to
(B) Law of multiple proportion react?
(C) Law of reciprocal proportion (A) 0.665 (B) 1.0
(D) Law of conservation of mass (C) 4.00 (D) 1.33
50. 2 g of hydrogen combines with 16 g of oxygen 57. What volume of ammonia would be formed
to form water and with 6 g of carbon to form when 0.36 dm3 of nitrogen reacts with
methane. In carbon dioxide, 12 g of carbon is sufficient amount of hydrogen? (all volumes
combined with 32 g of oxygen. These figures are measured under same conditions of
illustrate the law of temperature and pressure)
(A) Multiple proportion (A) 0.36 dm3 (B) 0.72 dm3
(B) Constant proportion (C) 0.18 dm3 (D) 0.12 dm3
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
58. The volume of oxygen required for the 1.3 Concepts of Elements, Atoms and
complete combustion of 0.25 cm3 of CH4 at Molecules
S.T.P is
(A) 0.25 cm3 (B) 0.5 cm3 68. Substances which CANNOT be decomposed
(C) 0.75 cm3 (D) 1 cm3 into two different substances by chemical
process are called
1.2 Dalton’s atomic theory (A) Elements (B) Molecules
(C) Compounds (D) All of these
59. Who proposed the atomic theory?
(A) Democritus (B) Newton 69. _____ elements exist naturally.
(C) Thompson (D) Dalton (A) 92 (B) 35
60. According to Dalton’s atomic theory, an atom (C) 118 (D) 105
can 70. The most abundant element in the earth’s crust
(A) be created. is
(B) be destroyed. (A) Iron (B) Aluminium
(C) neither be created nor destroyed.
(C) Oxygen (D) Nitrogen
(D) be created and destroyed.
61. Dalton assumed that _____ are the smallest 71. Which of the following is indivisible by
particles of a compound. chemical methods?
(A) atoms (B) molecules (A) atom (B) molecule
(C) ions (D) elements (C) compound (D) mixture
62. On the basis of his assumptions, Dalton 72. Atom is the smallest particle of a/an
explained (A) compound (B) substance
(A) Law of conservation of mass (C) mixture (D) element
(B) Law of multiple proportion
(C) Both (A) and (B) 73. Atoms have a mass of the order
(D) Neither (A) nor (B) (A) 10−26 kg (B) 10−15 kg
63. The number of atoms present in a molecule of (C) 10 g (D) 10−15 g
a substance is called ________ 74. A/An _____ is an aggregate of two or more
(A) Atomicity (B) Volume atoms of definite composition which are held
(C) Density (D) Mass together by chemical bonds.
64. Atomicity of mercury vapour is_____ (A) ion (B) molecule
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) compound (D) mixture
(C) 3 (D) 4
75. Atoms have a radius of the order
65. Atomicity of ammonium phosphate molecule (A) 10−26 m (B) 10−15 µm
is_____ (C) 10−15 mm (D) 10−15 m
(A) 5 (B) 10
(C) 15 (D) 20 76. The number of atoms in 5.4 g of NH3 is
66. Avogadro’s law distinguishes between approximately
(A) cations and anions. (A) 8 × 1023 (B) 2 × 1023
(B) atoms and molecules. (C) 4 × 1023 (D) 6 × 1023
(C) atoms and ions.
77. The number of atoms of oxygen present in
(D) molecules and ions.
11.2 L of ozone at N.T.P. are
67. Two containers of the same size are filled (A) 3.01 × 1022 (B) 6.02 × 1023
separately with H2 gas and CO2 gas. Both the (C) 9.03 × 10 23
(D) 1.20 × 1019
containers under the same temperature and
pressure will contain the same 78. _____ is a substance of definite composition
(A) number of atoms which can be decomposed into two or more
(B) mass of gas substances by a simple chemical process.
(C) number of molecules (A) Compound (B) Element
(D) number of electrons (C) Solution (D) Mixture
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

79. The phlogiston theory was suggested for 89. _____ mass of a substance is defined as the
(A) neutralisation reaction. ratio of mass of one molecule of a substance
(B) oxidation reaction. 1
to of mass of one 12C atom.
(C) reduction reaction. 12
(D) combustion reaction. (A) Chemical (B) Molecular
80. Antoine Lavoisier proved that the flammable (C) Molar (D) Gram molar
air produced by Cavendish was a new gas and 90. The molecular mass of carbon dioxide is 44.
named it as What is the unit of molecular mass?
(A) Oxygen (B) Hydrogen (A) g (B) mol
(C) Methane (D) Nitrogen
(C) a.m.u (D) mol g−1
1.4 Atomic and Molecular masses
91. Vapour density of a gas is 22. What is its
81. The modern atomic mass scale is based on molecular mass? [AFMC 2000]
(A) 12C (B) 16O (A) 33 (B) 22
(C) H1
(D) 13C (C) 44 (D) 11

82. Recently the unit of atomic mass amu is 92. The vapour density of gas A is four times that
replaced by of B. If molecular mass of B is M, then
(A) u (B) mol molecular mass of A is
(C) g (D) kg (A) M (B) 4M
(C) 3M (D) 2M
83. 1 amu is equal to
1 1 93. Boron has two stable isotopes, 10B (19 %) and
(A) of C − 12 (B) of O − 16 11
B (81 %). The atomic mass that should
12 14
appear for boron in the periodic table is
(C) 1 g of H2 (D) 1.66 × 10−23 kg
[CBSE PMT 1990]
84. The number of atoms in 6 amu of He is (A) 10.8 amu (B) 10.2 amu
(A) 18 (C) 11.2 amu (D) 10.0 amu
(B) 18 × 6.022 × 1023
1.5 Mole concept and molar mass
(C) 54
(D) 54 × 6.023 × 1023 94. Avogadro’s number is
85. The element whose atom has mass of (A) number of atoms in one gram of
10.86 × 10−26 kg is
(A) Boron (B) Calcium (B) number of millilitres which one mole of
a gaseous substance occupies at N.T.P.
(C) Silver (D) Zinc
(C) number of molecules present in a gram
86. An atom of an element weighs 1.792 × 10–22 g, molecular mass of a substance.
atomic mass of the element is (D) All of these.
(A) 108 (B) 17.92
95. Avogadro number is the number of particles
(C) 1.192 (D) 64
present in
87. The number of gram atoms of oxygen present (A) 1 molecule (B) 1 atom
in 0.3 gram mole of (COOH)2.2H2O is (C) 1 kg (D) 1 mole
(A) 0.6 (B) 1.8
(C) 1.2 (D) 3.6 96. NA = _________ atoms mol−1.
(A) 6.021 × 1021 (B) 6.024 × 1024
88. The sulphate of a metal M contains 9.87 % of (C) 6.051 × 1015
(D) 6.023 × 1023
M. This sulphate is isomorphous with
ZnSO4.7H2O. The atomic mass of M is 97. One _____ is the collection of 6.023 × 1023
[IIT 1991] atoms /molecules/ions.
(A) 40.3 u (B) 36.3 u (A) kg (B) g
(C) 24.3 u (D) 11.3 u (C) mole (D) cm
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
98. The number of molecules in 22.4 cm3 of 108. How many moles of electrons weigh one
nitrogen gas at STP is kilogram?
(A) 6.023 × 1020 (B) 6.023 × 1023 (A) 6.023 × 1023
(C) 22.4 × 10 (D) 22.4 × 1023 1
(B) × 1031
99. Number of molecules in 0.4 g of He is 9.108
(A) 6.023 × 1023 (B) 6.023 × 1022 6.023
(C) × 1054
(C) 3.011 × 1023 (D) 3.011 × 1022 9.108
100. If NA is the Avogadro’s number then number (D) × 108
of valence electrons in 4.2 g of nitride ions 9.108 × 6.023
N3− is 109. The number of molecule at NTP in 1 mL of an
(A) 2.4 NA (B) 4.2 NA ideal gas will be
(C) 1.6 NA (D) 3.2 NA (A) 6 × 1023 (B) 2.69 × 1019
(C) 2.69 × 10 (D) 2.69 × 1034
101. 11.2 cm3 of hydrogen gas at STP,
contains____ 110. 4.4 g of an unknown gas occupies 2.24 L of
(A) 0.0005 mol volume under NTP conditions. The gas may
(B) 0.01 mol be [MP PMT 1995]
(C) 0.029 mol (A) CO2 (B) CO
(D) 3.011 × 1023 molecules (C) O2 (D) SO2

102. The number of molecules present in 0.032 mg 111. One mole of CO2 contains
of methane is (A) 6.023 × 1023 atoms of C
(A) 12.046 × 1017 (B) 1.2044 × 1017 (B) 6.023 × 1023 atoms of O
(C) 12.044 × 107 (D) 2 × 10−6 (C) 18.1 × 1023 molecules of CO2
(D) 3 g atoms of CO2
103. What is the mass of 0.5 mole of ozone
112. How many grams are contained in 1 g atom of
(A) 8 g (B) 16 g (A) 13 g (B) 23 g
(C) 24 g (D) 48 g
(C) 1 g (D) g
104. At STP, 2 g of helium gas (molar mass = 4) 23
occupies a volume of
113. One mole of oxygen weighs______.
(A) 22.4 dm3 (B) 11.2 dm3
3 (A) 8 g (B) 32 g
(C) 5.6 dm (D) 2 dm3
(C) 1 g (D) 64 g
105. The number of molecules in 16 g of oxygen is 114. 1 mol of CH4 contains
(A) 6.023 × 1023 (B) 3.011 × 1023 (A) 6.02 × 1023 atoms of H
(C) 3.011 × 1022 (D) 1.5 × 1023 (B) 4 g atom of Hydrogen
106. The number of sulphur atoms present in (C) 1.81 × 1023 molecules of CH4
0.2 moles of S8 molecules is (D) 3.0 g of carbon
(A) 4.82 × 1023 115. The mass of carbon present in 0.5 mole of
(B) 9.63 × 1022 K4[Fe(CN)6] is
(C) 9.63 × 1023 (A) 1.8 g (B) 18 g
(D) 1.20 × 1023 (C) 3.6 g (D) 36 g

107. 19.7 kg of gold was recovered from a 116. How many molecules are present in one gram
smuggler. How many atoms of gold were of hydrogen? [AIIMS 1982]
recovered? (Au = 197) (A) 6.023 × 1023 (B) 3.012 × 1023
[Pb. CET 1985] (C) 2.512 × 1023 (D) 1.512 × 1023
(A) 100 117. The number of moles of sodium oxide in
(B) 6.023 × 1023 620 g is [BHU 1992]
(C) 6.023 × 1024 (A) 1 mole (B) 10 moles
(D) 6.023 × 1025 (C) 18 moles (D) 100 moles
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

118. How many atoms are contained in one mole of 128. 2 moles of H2 at NTP occupy a volume of
sucrose (C12H22O11)? [Pb. PMT 2002] (A) 11.2 litre (B) 44.8 litre
(A) 45 × 6.023 × 10 atoms/mole (C) 2 litre (D) 22.4 litre
(B) 5 × 6.623 × 1023 atoms/mole
129. If the density of water is 1 g/cm3, then the
(C) 5 × 6.023 × 1023 atoms/mole
volume occupied by one molecule of water is
(D) 40 × 6.023 × 1023 atoms/mole approximately [Pb. PMT 2004]
119. One mole of P4 molecule contains (A) 18 cm3 (B) 22400 cm3
(A) 1 molecule (C) 6.02 × 10−23 cm3 (D) 3.0 × 10−23 cm3
(B) 4 molecules
130. The number of molecules in 8.96 L of a gas at
(C) × 6.022 × 1023 atoms 0°C and 1 atmospheric pressure is
4 approximately [BHU 1993]
(D) 24.092 × 1023 atoms 23
(A) 6.023 × 10 (B) 12.04 × 1023
120. Total number of atoms in 44 g of CO2 is (C) 18.06 × 10 (D) 24.09 × 1022
(A) 6.023 × 1023
(B) 6.023 × 1024 131. Number of g of oxygen in 32.2 g of
(C) 1.807 × 1024 Na2SO4.10H2O is [Haryana PMT 2000]
(D) 18.06 × 1022 (A) 20.8 (B) 22.4
(C) 2.24 (D) 2.08
121. The mass of 1 atom of hydrogen is
(A) 1 g (B) 0.5 g 132. Number of moles of water in 488 gm of
(C) 1.66 × 10−24 g (D) 3.2 × 10−24 g BaCl2.2H2O are (Ba = 137)
(A) 2 moles (B) 4 moles
122. The mass of 2.01 × 1023 molecules of CO is (C) 3 moles (D) 5 moles
(A) 9.3 g (B) 7.2 g
(C) 1.2 g (D) 3 g 133. The mass of 1 × 1022 molecules of
CuSO4.5H2O is
123. How many moles of Helium gas occupy
[CBSE PMT 1999; MH CET 2003]
22.4 L at 0 °C at 1 atm pressure?
(A) 41.51 g (B) 415.1 g
(A) 0.11 (B) 0.90
(C) 4.151 g (D) 4151 g
(C) 1.0 (D) 1.11
124. The mass of a molecule of water is 134. Mass of H2O in 1000 kg CuSO4.5H2O is
[Bihar CEE 1995] (Cu = 63.5)
(A) 3.607 kg (B) 36.07 kg
(A) 3 × 10–26 kg (B) 3 × 10–25 kg
(C) 360.7 kg (D) 3607 kg
(C) 1.5 × 10–26 kg (D) 2.5 × 10–26 kg
125. The mass of 1 molecule of N2 is 135. The number of molecules in 16 g of methane is
(A) 3.24 × 10−22 g (B) 3.45 × 10−25 g (A) 3.0 × 1023 (B) 6.023 × 1023
(C) 4.65 × 10−23 g (D) 4.56 × 1022 g 16 16
(C) × 1023 (D) × 1023
6.02 3.0
126. The mass of a molecule of the compound
C60H122 is 136. The number of water molecules in 1 litre of
(A) 1.4 × 10−21 g water is [EAMCET 1990]
(B) 1.09 × 10−21 g (A) 18 (B) 18 × 1000
(C) 5.025 × 1023 g (C) NA (D) 55.55 NA
(D) 16.023 × 1023 g 137. The numbers of moles of BaCO3 which
127. The number of moles of oxygen in 1 L of air contain 1.5 moles of oxygen atoms is
containing 21 % oxygen by volume, in [EAMCET 1991]
standard conditions, is (A) 0.5 (B) 1
[CBSE PMT 1995; Pb. PMT 2004] (C) 3 (D) 6.02 × 1023
(A) 0.186 mol
(B) 0.21 mol 138. 1.24 g of P is present in 2.2 g of
(C) 2.10 mol (A) P4S3 (B) P2S2
(D) 0.0093 mol (C) PS2 (D) P2S4
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
139. 2 g of oxygen contains number of atoms equal 147. Percentage of nitrogen in urea is about
to that in [BHU 1992] (A) 46 % (B) 85 %
(A) 0.5 g of hydrogen (B) 4 g of sulphur (C) 18 % (D) 28 %
(C) 7 g of nitrogen (D) 2.3 g of sodium
148. The percentage composition of carbon in urea,
140. If 1021 molecules are removed from 200 mg of [CO(NH2)2] is
CO2, then the number of moles of CO2 left are (A) 40 % (B) 50 %
[IIT 1983] (C) 20 % (D) 80 %
(A) 2.89 × 10−3 (B) 28.8 × 10−3
(C) 0.288 × 10−3 (D) 1.68 × 10−2 149. What is the % of H2O in Fe(CNS)3.3H2O?
(A) 45 (B) 30
141. Mole triangle is the relationship between the (C) 19 (D) 25
mass of a gas, the number of moles, the
volume at S.T.P. and the 150. The percentage of P2O5 in diammonium
(A) number of electrons. hydrogen phosphate (NH4)2HPO4 is
(B) number of molecules. [CPMT 1992]
(C) pressure at S.T.P. (A) 23.48 (B) 46.96
(D) temperature at S.T.P. (C) 53.79 (D) 71.00

1.6 Percentage composition and empirical and 151. A 400 mg iron capsule contains 100 mg of
molecular formula ferrous fumarate (CHCOO)2Fe. The
percentage of iron present in it is
142. _____ of a compound is the chemical formula approximately
indicating the relative number of atoms in the (A) 33 % (B) 25 %
simplest ratio. (C) 14 % (D) 8 %
(A) Empirical formula
(B) Molecular formula 152. Which pair of species have same percentage
(C) Empirical mass of carbon?
(D) Molecular mass (A) CH3COOH and C6H12O6
(B) CH3COOH and C2H5OH
143. _____ indicates the actual number of (C) HCOOCH3 and C12H22O11
constituent atoms in a molecule.
(D) C6H12O6 and C12H22O11
(A) Empirical formula
(B) Molecular formula 153. Empirical formula of glucose is
(C) Empirical mass (A) C6H12O6 (B) C6H11O6
(D) Molecular mass (C) CHO (D) CH2O
144. The mass percentage of each constituent 154. The empirical formula of C2H2 is _____.
element present in 100 g of compound is (A) C2H4 (B) CH
called its (C) CH4 (D) all of these
(A) Molecular composition
(B) Atomic composition 155. A compound (80 g) on analysis gave C = 24 g,
(C) Percentage composition H = 4 g, O = 32 g. Its empirical formula is
(D) Mass composition [CPMT 1981]
(A) C2H2O2 (B) C2H2O
145. If two compounds have the same empirical (C) CH2O2 (D) CH2O
formula but different molecular formulae, they
156. Which of the following has same molecular
must have [MP PMT 1986]
formula and empirical formula?
(A) Different percentage composition
(A) CO2 (B) C6H12O6
(B) Different molecular mass
(C) C2H4 (D) all of these
(C) Same viscosity
(D) Same vapour density 157. The molecular mass of an organic compound
146. The percentage of oxygen in NaOH is is 78. Its empirical formula is CH. The
[CPMT 1979] molecular formula is
(A) 40 (B) 60 (A) C2H4 (B) C2H2
(C) 8 (D) 10 (C) C6H6 (D) C4H4
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

158. The empirical formula of an acid is CH2O2, 166. 14 g of element X combines with 16 g of
the probable molecular formula of acid may be oxygen. On the basis of this information,
[AFMC 2000] which of the following is a CORRECT
(A) CH2O (B) CH2O2 statement?
(A) The element X could have an atomic
(C) C2H4O2 (D) C3H6O4
mass of 7 and its oxide formula is XO
159. The empirical formula of a compound is (B) The element X could have an atomic
CH2O. If 0.0835 mole of the compound mass of 14 and its oxide formula is X2O
contains 1.0 g of hydrogen, then the molecular (C) The element X could have an atomic
formula of the compound is mass of 7 and its oxide formula is X2O
(A) C6H12O6 (B) C5H10O5 (D) The element X could have an atomic
mass of 14 and its oxide formula is XO2
(C) C4H8O8 (D) C3H6O3
1.7 Chemical reactions, stoichiometry and
160. On analysis, a certain compound was found to calculations based on stoichiometry
have 254 g of iodine (At. mass 127) and 80 g
oxygen (At. mass 16). What is the molecular 167. ________ is the quantitative relationship
formula of the compound? between the reactants and products in a
(A) IO (B) I2O balanced chemical equation.
(C) I5O3 (D) I2O5 (A) Stoichiometry (B) Complexometry
(C) Chemistry (D) Reactions
161. The molecular formula of the compound with 168. The starting material which takes part in
molecular mass 159, containing 39.62 % Cu chemical reaction is called
and 20.13 % S is (A) product. (B) reactant.
(A) Cu2S (B) CuS (C) catalyst. (D) starter.
(C) CuSO3 (D) CuSO4
169. _____ reactant is the reactant that reacts
162. A compound made of two elements A and B is completely but limits further progress of the
found to contain 25 % A (At. mass 12.5) and reaction.
75 % B (At. mass 37.5). The simplest (A) Oxidizing (B) Reducing
formula of the compound is (C) Limiting (D) Excess
(A) AB (B) AB2 170. 3 g of H2 reacts with 29 g of O2 to yield water.
(C) AB3 (D) A3B Which is the limiting reactant?
(A) H2 (B) O2
163. Two elements X (At. mass 75) and Y (At. (C) H2O (D) none of these
mass 16) combine to give a compound having
75.8 % X. The formula of the compound is 171. _____ reactant is the reactant which is taken in
excess than the limiting reactant.
(A) XY (B) XY2
(A) Oxidizing (B) Reducing
(C) X2Y2 (D) X2Y3 (C) Limiting (D) Excess
164. An oxide of a metal (M) contains 40 % by 172. A _____ chemical reaction may be used to
mass of oxygen. Metal (M) has atomic mass establish the weight relationships of reactants
of 24. The empirical formula of the oxide is and products.
(A) M2O (B) MO (A) thermal (B) molecular
(C) M2O3 (D) M2O4 (C) balanced (D) molar
173. The set of numerical coefficient that balances
165. Two oxides of metal contain 27.6 % and 30 %
the equation
oxygen respectively. If the formula of first
oxide is M3O4 then formula of second oxide is K2CrO4 + HCl ⎯→ K2Cr2O7 + KCl + H2O is
[Kerala CEE 2001]
(A) MO
(A) 1, 1, 2, 2, 1
(B) M2O (B) 2, 2, 1, 1, 1
(C) M2O3 (C) 2, 1, 1, 2, 1
(D) MO2 (D) 2, 2, 1, 2, 1
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
174. One mole of calcium phosphide on reaction 184. Hydrogen reacts with nitrogen to form
with excess of water gives [IIT 1999] ammonia as: N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⎯→ 2NH3(g)
(A) One mole of phosphine The amount of ammonia that would be
(B) Two mole of phosphoric acid produced if 200 g of H2 reacts with N2 is
(C) Two moles of phosphine (A) 1032.2 g (B) 11332 g
(D) One mole of phosphorus pentoxide (C) 1133.3 g (D) 8692.6 g
175. For the reaction : A + 2B ⎯→ C 185. What volume of Hydrogen gas, at 273 K and 1
5 moles of A and 8 moles of B will produce atm pressure will be consumed in obtaining
(A) 5 moles of C (B) 4 moles of C 21.6 g of elemental boron (At. mass = 10.8)
(C) 8 moles of C (D) 13 moles of C from the reduction of boron trichloride by
Hydrogen ? [AIEEE 2003]
176. The moles of O2 required for reacting with
(A) 22.4 L (B) 89.6 L
6.8 g of ammonia in the following reaction
(C) 67.2 L (D) 44.8 L
(..... NH3 +..... O2 ⎯→ ..... NO + ..... H2O) is
(A) 5 (B) 2.5 186. 12 g of Mg (At. mass 24) will react
(C) 1 (D) 0.5 completely with acid to give [MNR 1985]
(A) One mole of H2
177. One mole of potassium dichromate completely
oxidises ______ number of moles of ferrous 1
(B) mole of H2
sulphate in acidic medium. 2
(A) 1 (B) 3 2
(C) mole of O2
(C) 5 (D) 6 3
178. 27 g of Al (At. mass = 27) will react with 1 1
(D) Both mol of H2 and mol of O2
oxygen equal to 2 2
(A) 24 g (B) 8 g 187. H2 evolved at STP on complete reaction of 27
(C) 40 g (D) 10 g g of Aluminium with excess of aqueous NaOH
179. 1.2 g of Mg (At. mass 24) will produce MgO would be [CPMT 1991]
equal to (A) 22.4 litres
(A) 0.05 mol (B) 0.03 mol (B) 44.8 litres
(C) 0.01 mol (D) 0.02 mol (C) 67.2 litres
(D) 33.6 litres
180. If 0.5 mol of BaCl2 is mixed with 0.2 mol of
Na3PO4, the maximum number of moles of 188. What mass of CaO will be obtained by heating
Ba3(PO4)2 that can be formed is 3 mole of CaCO3? [At. mass of Ca = 40]
(A) 0.7 (B) 0.5 (A) 150 g (B) 168 g
(C) 0.3 (D) 0.1 (C) 16.8 g (D) 15 g
181. If one mole of ethanol (C2H5OH) completely 189. How much of NaOH is required to neutralise
burns to form carbon dioxide and water, the 1500 cm3 of 0.1N HCl? (Na = 23)
mass of carbon dioxide formed is about [KCET 2001]
(A) 22 gm (B) 45 gm (A) 40 g (B) 4 g
(C) 66 gm (D) 88 gm (C) 6 g (D) 60 g
182. Complete combustion of 0.858 g of compound 190. How many grams of caustic potash is required
X gives 2.63 g of CO2 and 1.28 g of H2O. The to completely neutralize 12.6 g HNO3?
lowest molecular mass X can have is (A) 22.4 g of KOH
(A) 43 g (B) 86 g (B) 1.01 g of KOH
(C) 129 g (D) 172 g (C) 6.02 g of KOH
183. 1.12 mL of a gas is produced at STP by the (D) 11.2 g of KOH
action of 4.12 mg of alcohol (ROH) with 191. The mass of CaCO3 produced when carbon
methyl magnesium iodide. The molecular dioxide is passed in excess through 500 mL of
mass of alcohol is [Roorkee 1992; IIT 1993] 0.5 M Ca(OH)2 will be
(A) 16.0 (B) 41.2 (A) 10 g (B) 20 g
(C) 82.4 (D) 156.0 (C) 50 g (D) 25 g
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

192. What mass of calcium chloride in grams 201. Molecular mass = vapour density × 2, is valid
would be enough to produce 14.35 g of AgCl? for
(At. Mass of Ca = 40, Ag = 108) (A) metals. (B) non-metals.
(A) 5.50 g (B) 8.295 g (C) solids. (D) gases.
(C) 16.59 g (D) 11.19 g
202. One mole of H2O corresponds to
193. The amount of sulphur required to produce (A) 22.4 litres at 1 atm and 25 °C
100 moles of H2SO4 is (B) 6.02 × 1023 atoms of hydrogen and
(A) 3.2 × 103 g (B) 32.65 g 6.02 × 1023 atoms of oxygen
(C) 32 g (D) 3.2 g (C) 18 g
194. What should be the weight of 50 % HCl which (D) 1 g
reacts with 100 g of limestone ?
203 4.48 litres of methane at N.T.P. corresponds to
(A) 50 % pure (B) 25 % pure
(A) 1.2 × 1022 molecules of methane
(C) 10 % pure (D) 8 % pure
(B) 0.5 mole of methane
195. The conversion of oxygen to ozone occurs to (C) 3.2 g of methane
the extent of 15 % only. The mass of ozone (D) 0.1 mole of methane
that can be prepared from 67.2 L of oxygen at
STP will be 204. 6.023 × 1023 electrons make an electrical
(A) 144 g (B) 96 g charge of one
(C) 640 g (D) 64 g (A) electron volt (B) avogadro
(C) coulomb (D) faraday
205. The mass of a substance that displaces
196. An element forms two oxides containing 22.4 litre air at NTP is
respectively 53.33 and 36.36 percent of (A) Molecular mass (B) Empirical mass
oxygen. These figures illustrate the law of (C) Equivalent mass (D) All of these
(A) Conservation of mass 206. The number of atoms present in 0.1 mole of
(B) Constant proportion P4 are
(C) Reciprocal proportion
(A) 2.4 × 1023 atoms
(D) Multiple proportion
(B) 6.02 × 1022 atoms
197. One sample of atmospheric air is found to (C) same as in 0.2 mole of S8
have 0.03 % of carbon dioxide and another (D) same as in 3.1 g of phosphorus
sample 0.04 %, this is an evidence that
(A) The law of constant composition is not 207. Number of moles of water in 1 L of water with
always true density 1 g/cc are
(B) The law of multiple proportions is true (A) 55.56 (B) 45.56
(C) Air is a compound (C) 56.55 (D) 46.55
(D) Air is a mixture 208. Which one of the following pairs of gases
198. Among the following pairs of compounds, the contain the same number of molecules?
one that illustrates the law of multiple (A) 16 g of O2 and 14 g of N2
proportions is (B) 8 g of O2 and 22 g of CO2
(A) NH3 and NCl3 (B) H2S and SO2 (C) 28 g of N2 and 22 g of CO2
(C) CuO and Cu2O (D) CS2 and FeSO4 (D) 32 g of O2 and 32 g of N2
199. An example of a chemical change is 209. 54 grams of aluminium (atomic mass = 27)
(A) the melting of an ice cube will react with how many grams of oxygen ?
(B) the boiling of gasoline (A) 16 g (B) 48 g
(C) the frying of an egg (C) 40 g (D) 15 g
(D) all of these 210. The largest number of molecules is in
200. ________ is the sum of the atomic masses of [BHU 1997]
all the atoms as given in the molecular (A) 34 g of water
formula of the substance. (B) 28 g of CO2
(A) Molecular mass (B) Empirical mass (C) 46 g of CH3OH
(C) Percentage mass (D) Equivalent mass (D) 54 g of N2O5
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
211. Which of the following has least mass? 218. 14 g of nitrogen represents
(A) 2 g atom of nitrogen (A) 6.02 × 1023 N2 molecules
(B) 3 × 1023 atoms of C (B) 22.4 L of N2 at N.T.P.
(C) 1 mole of S (C) 11.2 L of N2 at N.T.P.
(D) 7.0 g of Ag (D) 28 gm of nitrogen.
212. Which of the following contains maximum 219. In the reaction,
number of atoms? [JIPMER 2000] +
2Al(s) + 6HCl(aq) ⎯→ 2Al3(aq) −
+ 6Cl(aq) + 3H2(g),
(A) 6.023 × 10 molecules of CO2
(A) 6 L HCl(aq) is consumed for every 3L
(B) 22.4 L of CO2 at S.T.P.
H2(g) produced.
(C) 0.44 g of CO2
(B) 33.6 L H2(g) is produced regardless of
(D) None of these
temperature and pressure for every mole
213. 4.0 g of caustic soda (molar mass 40) contains of Al that reacts.
same number of sodium ions as are present in (C) 67.2 L H2(g) at STP is produced for every
(A) 10.6 g of Na2CO3 (molar mass 106) mole of Al that reacts.
(B) 58.5 g of NaCl (Formula mass 58.5) (D) 11.2 L H2(g) at STP is produced for every
(C) 100 mL of 0.5 M Na2SO4 (Formula mole of HCl(aq) consumed.
mass 142)
(D) 1 mol of NaNO3 (molar mass 85) 220. Number of water molecules in a drop of water,
if 1 mL of water has 20 drops and A is
214. Four containers of 2L capacity contain Avogadro number, is
dinitrogen as described below. Which one (A) 0.5 A / 18
contains maximum number of molecules (B) 0.05 A
under similar conditions ? (C) 0.5 A
(A) 2.5 g of N2 molecules (D) 0.05 A / 18
(B) 4 g of N atoms
(C) 40 g of N atoms 221. M is the molecular mass of KMnO4. The
(D) 84 g of dinitrogen equivalent mass of KMnO4 when it is
converted into K2MnO4 is
215. Which of the following contains the largest
number of atoms? (A) M (B)
(A) 11 g of CO2
(B) 4 g of H2 (C) (D)
(C) 5 g of NH3 5 7
(D) 8 g of SO2 222. Volume of a gas at N.T.P. is 1.12 × 10−7 cc.
216. 4.4 g of CO2 and 2.24 litre of H2 at STP are Calculate the number of molecules in it.
mixed in a container. The total number of (A) 3.01 × 1020
molecules present in the container will be (B) 3.01 × 1012
(A) 6.023 × 1023 (C) 3.01 × 1023
(B) 1.2046 × 1023 (D) 3.01 × 1024
(C) 2 moles
223. Under similar conditions, oxygen and nitrogen
(D) 6.023 × 1024
are taken in the same mass. The ratio of their
217. Number of moles of KMnO4 required to volume will be_______.
oxidize one mole of Fe(C2O4) in acidic (A) 7 : 8
medium is [Haryana CEE 1996] (B) 3 : 5
(A) 0.6 (B) 0.167 (C) 6 : 5
(C) 0.2 (D) 0.4 (D) 9 : 2
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

9 Answers to Multiple Choice Questions

1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (D) 6. (C) 7. (D) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (B)
11. (A) 12. (D) 13. (A) 14. (C) 15. (B) 16. (A) 17. (A) 18. (C) 19. (D) 20. (D)
21. (D) 22. (A) 23. (C) 24. (C) 25. (B) 26. (A) 27. (A) 28. (B) 29. (B) 30. (C)
31. (B) 32. (A) 33. (B) 34. (A) 35. (B) 36. (C) 37. (C) 38. (B) 39. (B) 40. (B)
41. (D) 42. (D) 43. (A) 44. (C) 45. (D) 46. (B) 47. (C) 48. (B) 49. (C) 50. (C)
51. (C) 52. (B) 53. (D) 54. (C) 55. (B) 56. (C) 57. (B) 58. (B) 59. (D) 60. (C)
61. (B) 62. (B) 63. (A) 64. (A) 65. (D) 66. (B) 67. (C) 68. (A) 69. (A) 70. (C)
71. (A) 72. (D) 73. (A) 74. (B) 75. (D) 76. (B) 77. (C) 78. (A) 79. (D) 80. (B)
81. (A) 82. (A) 83. (A) 84. (A) 85. (D) 86. (A) 87. (B) 88. (C) 89. (B) 90. (C)
91. (C) 92. (B) 93. (A) 94. (C) 95. (D) 96. (D) 97. (C) 98. (B) 99. (B) 100. (A)
101. (A) 102. (A) 103. (C) 104. (B) 105. (B) 106. (C) 107. (D) 108. (D) 109. (B) 110. (A)
111. (A) 112. (B) 113. (B) 114. (B) 115. (D) 116. (B) 117. (B) 118. (A) 119. (D) 120. (C)
121. (C) 122. (A) 123. (C) 124. (A) 125. (C) 126. (A) 127. (D) 128. (B) 129. (D) 130. (D)
131. (B) 132. (B) 133. (C) 134. (C) 135. (B) 136. (D) 137. (A) 138. (A) 139. (B) 140. (A)
141. (B) 142. (A) 143. (B) 144. (C) 145. (B) 146. (A) 147. (A) 148. (C) 149. (C) 150. (C)
151. (D) 152. (A) 153. (D) 154. (B) 155. (D) 156. (A) 157. (C) 158. (B) 159. (A) 160. (D)
161. (D) 162. (A) 163. (B) 164. (B) 165. (C) 166. (C) 167. (A) 168. (B) 169. (C) 170. (A)
171. (D) 172. (C) 173. (D) 174. (C) 175. (B) 176. (D) 177. (D) 178. (A) 179. (A) 180. (D)
181. (D) 182. (A) 183. (C) 184. (C) 185. (C) 186. (B) 187. (D) 188. (B) 189. (C) 190. (D)
191. (D) 192. (A) 193. (A) 194. (A) 195. (A) 196. (D) 197. (D) 198. (C) 199. (C) 200. (A)
201. (D) 202. (C) 203. (C) 204. (D) 205. (A) 206. (A) 207. (A) 208. (A) 209. (B) 210. (A)
211. (B) 212. (B) 213. (C) 214. (D) 215. (B) 216. (B) 217. (A) 218. (C) 219. (D) 220. (D)
221. (A) 222. (B) 223. (A)

" Hints to Multiple Choice Questions

29. BaCl2 + H2SO4 ⎯→ HCl + BaSO4

∴ 20.8 + 9.8 = 7.3 + x
∴ x = 23.3 g
35. 100 g zinc sulphate crystals are obtained from 22.65 g of zinc.
∴ 1 g of zinc sulphate crystal will be obtained from = g of zinc.
∴ 20 g of zinc sulphate crystals will be obtained from = × 20 = 4.53 g of zinc.
36. 100 g of CaCO3 is obtained from 40 g of Ca
∴ 1 g of CaCO3 will be obtained from g of Ca
∴ weight of Ca in 4 g of a sample of calcium carbonate from another source will be = × 4 = 1.6 g
47. In compound B, 32 parts of X react with 84 parts of Y.
∴ In compound B, 16 parts of X react with 42 parts of Y.
In compound C, 16 parts of X react with x parts of Y.
The ratio of masses of Y which combines with fixed mass of X in compounds B and C is 3:5
B 42 3
C x 5
42 × 5
∴ x= = 70
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
48. A 16 1
C x 3
x = 16 × 3
x = 48
57. N2 + 3 H2 ⎯→ 2 NH3
(1 vol.) (3 vol.) (2 vol.)
1 : 3 : 2
0.36 : 3 × 0.36 : x
2 × 1.08
x= = 0.72 dm3
58. CH4 + 2O2 ⎯→ CO2 + 2H2O
(1 vol.) (2 vol.) (1 vol.) (2 vol.)
1 cm3 of CH4 requires 2 cm3 of O2
∴ 0.25 cm3 of CH4 requires 0.5 cm3 of O2
64. In vapour state, atomicity of mercury is 1.
65. Ammonium phosphate [(NH4)3PO4] contains 3N, 12H, 1P and 4O, atoms, hence total number of atoms are
20, hence atomicity is 20.
76. Molecular mass of NH3 = 17
Amount of NH3 = 5.4 g
∴ Number of moles = = 0.32 mole
∴ 1 mole of NH3 = 6.023 × 1023 atoms
6.023 × 1023 × 0.32
∴ 0.32 mole of NH3 = atoms
≈ 2 × 1023 atoms
77. 22.4 L of ozone ≡ 6.023 × 1023 atoms
6.023 × 1023 × 11.2
∴ 11.2 L of ozone ≡
= 3.011 × 1023 atoms
Hence, number of oxygen atoms in ozone (O3)
= 3 × 3.011 × 1023
= 9.03 × 1023 atoms
84. 1 atom of He ≡ amu
∴ x atom of He ≡ 6 amu
∴ 1×6=
∴ x = 6 × 3 = 18 atoms
85. Atomic mass of the given element
= 6.023 × 1023 × 10.86 × 10–26 kg
= 65.4 × 10–3 kg
= 65.4 g
∴ The element whose atom has mass of 10.86 × 10–26 kg is Zinc.
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

86. Atomic mass of an element

= 1.792 × 10−22 × 6.023 × 1023
≈ 108
87. ∵ 1mole (COOH)2.2H2O has 96 g of oxygen
∴ 0.3 mole (COOH)2.2H2O has 96 × 0.3 = 28.8 g
∴ Number of gram atoms of oxygen =
= 1.8
88. As the given sulphate is isomorphous with ZnSO4.7H2O, its formula would be MSO4.7H2O; Let m be the
atomic mass of M, molecular mass of MSO4.7H2O
= m + 32 + 64 + 126 = m + 222
Hence % of M = × 100
m + 222
= 9.87 (given)
∴ 100 m = 9.87 m + 222 × 9.87
90.13 m = 222 × 9.87
222 × 9.87
∴ m= = 24.3 u
91. Molecular mass = Vapour density × 2
= 22 × 2
= 44
92. Molecular mass = Vapour density × 2
Vapour density of A is 4 × = 2M
∵ (Vapour density of A is four times that of B)
∴ Molecular mass of A = 2M × 2 = 4M
93. Contribution of 10B = 10.0 × 0.19
= 1.9 amu ….(i)
Contribution of B = 11.0 × 0.81
= 8.91 amu ….(ii)
Adding (i) and (ii) = 1.9 + 8.91 = 10.81 amu
Thus, the average atomic mass of boron is 10.81 amu.
99. Molecular mass of He = 4
Amount of He = 0.4 g
∴ Number of moles of He = = 0.1 mole
∵ 1 mole of He = 6.023 × 1023 molecules
0.1 × 6.023 × 1023
∴ 0.1 mole of He =
= 6.023 × 1022 molecules
100. 14 g N3– ions have 8NA valence electrons
∴ 4.2 g of N3– ions have valence electrons
8N A × 4.2
= 2.4NA
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
101. 1 cm3 = 0.001 L
∴ 11.2 cm3 = 0.001 × 11.2 = 0.0112 L
Number of moles in 11.2 cm3 of H2 is = = 0.0005 mol

102. Molecular Mass of CH4 = 12 + 4 = 16 g mol−1

Amount of CH4 = 0.032 mg = 3.2 × 10−5g
3.2 ×10−5
Number of moles of CH4 = = 2 × 10−6 mol
1 mole of CH4 contains 6.023 × 1023 molecules of CH4
∴ 2 × 10−6 moles of CH4 contains = 2 × 10−6 × 6.023 × 1023 = 12.046 × 1017 mol

103. Ozone has molecular structure as O3

∵ 1 mole of ozone = 48 g
0.5 × 48
∴ 0.5 mole of ozone = = 24 g

104. 4 g of Helium gas = 22.4 dm3 of volume

22.4 × 2
∴ 2 g of Helium gas = = 11.2 dm3

105. Molecular mass of oxygen = 32 g/mol

Amount of oxygen = 16 g
∴ Number of moles of oxygen = = 0.5 mole
∵ 1 mole of oxygen = 6.023 × 1023 molecules
6.023 × 1023 × 0.5
∴ 0.5 moles of oxygen = = 3.011 × 1023 molecules

106. Number of S atoms = 6.023 × 1023 × 0.2 × 8

≈ 9.63 × 1023

107. Gram atomic mass of Au = 197

Number of moles in 19700 g = = 100
Number of Au atoms = 100 × 6.023 × 1023 = 6.023 × 1025
108. 1 mole ≡ 6.023 × 1023 electrons
Mass of 1 electron is 9.108 × 10−31 kg
∴ 6.023 × 1023 electrons mass is 6.023 × 1023 × 9.108 × 10−31 kg
Now, one kg of electron contains = −31
9.108 × 10 × 6.023 × 1023
= × 108 mole
9.108 × 6.023
109. ∵ 22400 mL at NTP has 6.023 × 1023 molecule
6.023 × 1023
∴ 1 mL at NTP has = = 0.0002688 × 1023 = 2.69 × 1019 mol
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

110. ∵ 2.24 L of gas has mass = 4.4 g

∴ 22.4 L of gas has mass = × 22.4 = 44 g
So, given gas is CO2 because CO2 has molecular mass = 44 g
114. 1 mole of CH4 contains 4 mole of hydrogen atom i.e., 4 g atom of hydrogen.
115. 1 mole of K4[Fe(CN)6] ≡ 12 × 6 g of carbon
0.5 × 12 × 6
∴ 0.5 mole of K4[Fe(CN)6] ≡ g ≡ 36 g of carbon

116. ∵ 2 g of hydrogen = 6.023 × 1023 molecules

6.023 × 1023
∴ 1 g of hydrogen = = 3.012 × 1023 molecule.
117. Sodium oxide = Na2O
Molecular mass = 46 +16 = 62
∵ 62 g of Na2O = 1 mole
∴ 620 g of Na2O = 10 moles
118. 1 mole of sucrose contains 6.023 × 1023 molecules.
∵ 1 molecule of sucrose has 45 atoms
∴ 6.023 × 1023 molecule of sucrose has 45 × 6.023 × 1023 atoms/mole
119. 1 mole of P ≡ 6.023 × 1023 molecules
∵ 1 molecule of P4 ≡ 4 atoms
∴ 6.023 × 1023 molecules ≡ 4 × 6.023 × 1023 ≡ 24.092 × 1023 atoms
120. 1 mole of CO2 contains 6.023 × 1023 molecules
∵ 1 molecule of CO2 ≡ 3 atoms
∴ 6.023 × 1023 molecules of CO2 ≡ 3 × 6.023 × 1023 atoms ≡ 1.807 × 1024 atoms
121. Mass of 1 atom of hydrogen = = 1.66 × 10−24 g
6.023×10 23

122. 6.023 × 1023 molecules ≡ 28 g of CO

28 × 2.01 × 1023
∴ 2.01 × 1023 molecules ≡ g of CO ≡ 9.3 g of CO
6.023 × 1023
123. 4 g of He ≡ 22.4 L of He at 0 °C and at 1 atm pressure
Weight in g of He 4
∴ Number of moles = = = 1 mole
Molecular mass of He 4
124. 6.023 × 1023 molecules = 18 g of water
18 × 1
∴ 1 molecule of water = = 3 × 10–23g = 3×10–26 kg
6.023 × 1023
125. 6.023 × 1023 molecules of N2 ≡ 28 g of N2
28 × 1
∴ 1 molecule of N2 ≡ ≡ 4.65 × 10–23 g of N2
6.023 × 10 23

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
Molar mass in gram
126. Mass of Molecule =
6.023 ×10 23
= Molar mass in amu ×1.66 × 10−24 g
= 842 × 1.66 × 10−24 (∵ Molar mass of C60H122 = 842)
= 1.4 × 10−21
127. 1 L of air = 210 cc of O2
∵ 22400 cc = 1 mole
∴ 210 cc = × 210 = 0.0093 mol
128. 1 mole of H2 ≡ 22.4 L
∴ 2 mole of H2 ≡ 44.8 L
129. d = ; 1 = or M = V; 18 g = 18 mL
∵ 6.023 × 1023 molecule of water has volume = 18 cc or cm3
∴ 1 molecule of water has volume = = 2.988 × 10–23 ≈ 3× 10–23 cm3
6.023 × 10 23

130. ∵ 22.4 L of a gas at STP has number of molecules = 6.023 × 1023

6.023 × 1023 × 8.96
∴ 8.96 L of a gas at STP has number of molecules = = 2.409 × 1023 = 24.09 × 1022 mol
131. Na2SO4.10H2O = 2 × 23 + 32 + 4×16 + 10 × 18 = 46 + 32 + 64 + 180 = 322 g
∵ 322g Na2SO4.10H2O contains 224g of oxygen
32.2 × 224
∴ 32.2 g Na2SO4.10H2O contains = 22.4 g of oxygen
132. Molecular mass of BaCl2.2H2O ≡ 137 + 35.5 × 2 + 2 × 18 ≡ 244 g
∵ 244 g of BaCl2.2H2O ≡ 2 mole of water
488 × 2
∴ 488 g of BaCl2.2H2O ≡ ≡ 4 moles of water
133. Gram−molecular mass of CuSO4.5H2O = 250 g
Number of molecules in 250 g (one mole) of CuSO4.5H2O = 6.023 × 1023
Let the mass of 1 × 1022 molecule of CuSO4.5H2O = x g
1×1022 x
So, = or
6.023×10 23
250 ×1×1022
x = 4.151 g
134. Molecular mass of CuSO4.5H2O ≡ 249.5 g
∵ 249.5 g of CuSO4.5H2O ≡ 90 g of H2O
106 × 90
∴ 1000×103 g of CuSO4.5H2O ≡ g of H2O ≡ 360721 g of H2O ≡ 360.7 kg of H2O
135. 16 g of CH4 = 1mole = 6.023 × 1023 molecules
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

136. d = (d = density, M = mass, V = volume)
Since d = 1
So, M = V
18 g = 18 mL
∵ 18 mL or 18 g of water = NA molecules (NA = avogadro’s number)
∴ 1000 mL = × 1000 = 55.55 NA mol

137. ∵ 3 moles of oxygen is present in 1 mole of BaCO3

1 1
∴ 1.5 moles of oxygen is present in BaCO3 = × 1.5 = = 0.5 mol
3 2

138. ∵ (31 × 4 = 124)g of P is present in 220g of P4S3

∴ 1.24 g P is present in = × 1.24 = 2.2 g of P4S3
2 1
139. 2 g of oxygen contains atom = = mole
16 8
4 1
Similarly, 4 g of sulphur = = mole
32 8
140. 200 mg of CO2 = 200 × 10–3 = 0.2 g
∵ 44 g of CO2 = 6.023 × 1023 molecules
6.023 × 1023
∴ 0.2 g of CO2 = × 0.2 = 0.0274 × 1023 = 2.74 × 1021 molecules
Now 1021 molecules are removed,
So, remaining molecules = 2.74 × 1021 – 1021 = 1021(2.74 – 1) =1.74×1021 molecules
Now, 6.023 × 1023 molecules = 1mole
1 × 1.74 × 1021
1.74 × 1021 molecules = = 0.289 × 10–2 = 2.89 × 10–3 moles
6.023 × 1023

146. ∵ 40 g of NaOH contains 16 g of oxygen

∴ 100 g of NaOH contains = × 100 = 40 % oxygen
147. Urea- (NH2 – CO – NH2)
∵ 60 g of urea contains 28 g of nitrogen
∴ 100 g of urea contains × 100 = 46.66 %
≈ 46 %
148. 60g of urea contains 12g of carbon
100g of urea contains × 100 = 20%
149. In Fe(CNS)3.3H2O
3 × 18
% of H2O = × 100 = 19 %
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
150. 2(NH4)2HPO4 ≡ P2O5
2(36 + 1 + 31 + 64) = 62 + 80
264 = 142
(Molecular mass (Molecular mass of
of the salt) P2O5)
Molecular mass of P2 O5 142
% of P2O5 = × 100 = × 100 = 53.79 %
Molecular mass of salt 264
151. Molecular mass of (CHCOO)2Fe = 170
∴ Fe present in 100 mg of (CHCOO)2Fe = × 100 mg = 32.9 mg
32.9 mg of Fe is present in 400 mg of capsule
∴ % of Fe in the capsule = × 100 = 8.225 ≈ 8 %
152. Molecular mass of CH3COOH ≡ 60
∵ 60 g of CH3COOH ≡ 12 × 2 g of carbon
12 × 2
∴ Percentage of carbon ≡ × 100 ≡ 40 %
Molecular mass of C6H12O6 ≡ 180
∵ 180 g of C6H12O6 ≡ 12 × 6 g of carbon
12 × 6
∴ Percentage of carbon ≡ × 100 ≡ 40 %
Therefore, both the compounds have same percentage of carbon.
153. Molecular formula = n(Empirical formula)
= 6(CH2O)
= C6H12O6 (Glucose)
∴ Empirical formula = CH2O
155. C = 24 g, H = 4 g, O = 32 g
Hence number of moles is
24 4 32
= 2; = 4; =2
12 1 16
So, Molecular formula = C2H4O2
So, Empirical formula = CH2O
(Simplest formula)
156. CO2 has same molecular and empirical formula.
Molecular mass 78
157. n = = =6
Emperical formula mass 13
Molecular formula = n (Empirical formula)
= 6 (CH)= C6H6
158. Empirical formula of the acid is CH2O2
(Empirical formula)n = Molecular formula
n = whole number multiple i.e. 1,2,3,4......
If n = 1; then the molecular formula will be CH2O2
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

159. ∵ 0.0835 mole of compound contains 1 g of hydrogen

∴ 1 mole of compound contains = = 11.97 ≈ 12 g of hydrogen.
∵ 12 g of hydrogen is present only in C6H12O6
∴ Molecular formula = C6H12O6
Element Amount (g) Atomic ratio Simplest ratio
254 2
I 254
127 = 2 2=1×2=2
80 5
O 80
16 = 5 2 = 2.5 × 2 = 5
∴ Molecular formula of compund is I2O5
161. As percentage of Cu = 39.62 %
S = 20.13 %
∴ Percentage of O = 100 – (39.62 + 20.13) = 40.25 %
Element % of Element At. Mass Atomic ratio Simplest ratio
39.62 0.63
Cu 39.62 63 = 0.63 =1
63 0.63
S 20.13 32 20.13 =1
= 0.63 0.63
O 40.25 16 40.25 =4
= 2.51 0.63
∴ Empirical formula = CuSO4
Molecular mass 159
∵ n= = =1
Empiricalformula mass 159
∴ Molecular formula = (CuSO4) × n = (CuSO4) × 1 = CuSO4
Elements % Composition Atomic Mass Atomic ratio Simplest ratio
25 2
A 25 12.5 = 2 =1
12.5 2
75 2
B 75 37.5 = 2 =1
37.5 2
Hence, the simplest formula of the compound is AB (1 : 1).
163. % of X = 75.8
∴ % of Y = 100 – 75.8 = 24.2
Element % Composition Atomic ratio Simplest ratio
75.8 1.011
X 75.8 = 1.011 =1
75 1.011
24.2 1.513
Y 24.2 = 1.513 = 1.5 ≈ 2
16 1.011
Thus, empirical formula of the compound is XY2
Hence, the Molecular formula of the compound = XY2
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
164. % of oxygen ≡ 40 %
% of metal (M) ≡ 100 – 40 ≡ 60 %
Element % Composition Atomic ratio Simplest ratio
40 2.5
Oxygen 40
16 = 2.5 2.5 = 1
60 2.5
Metal (M) 60
24 = 2.5 2.5 = 1

∴ Empirical formula of the oxide is MO (1 : 1)

165. Percentage of oxygen in M3O4 = 27.6 %
∴ Percentage of M in M3O4 = 100 – 27.6 = 72.4 %
Now, to find out the formula of second oxide, we have to calculate the atomic mass of metal (M).
Let the atomic mass of metal (M) be x
∴ Molecular mass of M3O4 = x + 16 × 4 = x + 64
∴ Percentage of M = × 100 = 72.4 (calculated)
x + 64
∴ 72.4 = × 100
x + 64
∴ 100x = 72.4x + 64 × 72.4
∴ 27.6x = 64 × 72.4
64 × 72.4
∴ x= = 168
As, number of metal (M) in M3O4 = 3
∴ Atomic mass of M = = 56
Now, we know that percentage of oxygen in second oxide is 30 %
∴ Percentage of metal (M) = 100 – 30
= 70 %
∴ Formula of second oxide is given as follows:
Elements % Composition Atomic ratio Simplest ratio
70 1.25
M 70 = 1.25 = 1×2 = 2
56 1.25
30 1.875
O 30 = 1.875 =1.5×2=3
16 1.25
∴ Simplest formula of the second oxide is M2O3
173. 2K2CrO4 + 2HCl ⎯→ K2Cr2O7 + 2KCl + H2O
174. Ca3P2 + 6H2O ⎯→ 2PH3 + 3Ca(OH)2
Calcium Phosphine

175. A + 2B ⎯→ C
∵ 2 mole of B ≡ 1 mole of C
8 ×1
∴ 8 mole of B ≡ ≡ 4 mole of C
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

176. 2NH3 + O2 ⎯→ 2NO + 3H2O
∵ (2 × 17) g of NH3 ≡ mole of O2
6.8 × 5
∴ 6.8 g of NH3 ≡ mole of O2 ≡ 0.5 mole of O2
2 × 17 × 2
177. K2Cr2O7 + 6FeSO4 + 7H2SO4 ⎯→ 3Fe2(SO4)3 + Cr2(SO4)3 + 7H2O + K2SO4
∴ 1 mole of K2Cr2O7 oxidizes 6 mole of FeSO4 completely.
178. 4Al + 3O2 ⎯→ 2Al2O3
(108 g) (96 g) (204 g)
∵ 108 g Al reacts with 96 g of O2
96 × 27
∴ 27 g Al will react with = = 24 g of O2
179. 24 g of Mg ≡ 1 mol of MgO
1.2 × 1
∴ 1.2 g of Mg forms ≡ ≡ 0.05 mol of MgO
180. 3BaCl2 + 2Na3PO4 ⎯→ Ba3(PO4)2 + 6NaCl
∵ 2 mol of Na3PO4 ≡ 1 mol of Ba3(PO4)2
0.2 × 1
∴ 0.2 mol of Na3PO4 ≡ ≡ 0.1 mol
181. 1 mole of ethanol (C2H5OH) completely burns to form 2 mole of carbon dioxide and 3 mole of water
∵ 1 mole of carbon dioxide ≡ 44 g
∴ 2 mole of carbon dioxide ≡ 88 g
12 WCO2 12 2.63
182. % C = × × 100 = × × 100 = 83.6%
44 W 44 0.858
2 WH 2O 2 1.28
%H= × × 100 = × × 100 = 16.6 %
18 W 18 0.858

Element % (A) At.wt. (B) Ratio Simplest ratio
C 83.6 12 6.97 1×3 ≈3
H 16.6 1 16.6 2.38 × 3 ≈7

∴ Molecular formula is C3H7

∴ C3H7 = (12 × 3) + (7 × 1)
= 36 + 7 = 43 g
183. ROH + CH3MgI ⎯→ CH4 + Mg
1mol I
1mol = 22400mL

1.12 mL is obtained from 4.12 mg

∴ 22400 mL will be obtained from
× 22400 = 82400 mg = 82.4 g
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
184. N2 + 3H2 ⎯→ 2NH3
(28 g) (6 g) (34 g)
6 g of H2 produces 34 g of NH3
34 × 200
∴ 200 g of H2 produces = = 1133.3 g
185. BCl3 + H2 ⎯→ B + 3HCl;
(Number of moles of B) = = 2 mole
B ≡ H2
For 1 mole of B ≡ mole of H2
∴ For 2 mole of B ≡ ≡ 3 mole of H2
∴ V = 3 × 22.4 L = 67.2 L
186. Mg+2 ≡ H2
Mg2+ + 2HCl ⎯→ MgCl2 + H2↑
∵ 24 g of Mg = 1 mole of H2
12 1
∴ 12 g of Mg = = mole of H2
24 2
187. H2O + Al + NaOH ⎯→ NaAlO2 + H2
27 g 2
Hence, volume of hydrogen evolved is
× 22.4 = 33.6 L

188. CaCO3 ⎯⎯ → CaO + CO2
(94) (56) (44)
1 mol of CaCO3 ≡ 56 g of CaO
3 × 56
∴ 3 mole of CaCO3 ≡ ≡ 168 g of CaO
W(g) ×1000
189. N =
V × Eq.wt.
W(g) × 1000
0.1 =
1500 × 40
0.1 × 1500 × 40
∴ W=
∴ W=6g
190. HNO3 + KOH ⎯→ KNO3 + H2O
= 0.2 mole; HNO3 ≡ KOH
∵ 0.2 mole of HNO3 ≡ 0.2 mole of KOH
∴ 0.2 × Molecular mass (KOH) ≡ 0.2 × 56
≡ 11.2 g of KOH
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

W(g) × 1000
191. N =
V × Molecular mass
0.5 × 500 × 100
W(g) = = 25 g
192. CaCl2 + Ag+ ⎯→ 2AgCl + Ca2+
(110) (108) (2 × 143.5) (40)
∴ 110 g of CaCl2 ≡ 2 × 143.5 g of AgCl
∴ For 14.35 g of AgCl,
110 × 14.35
Mass of CaCl2 required ≡ ≡ 5.5 g
2 × 143.5
193. 1 mole of H2SO4 ≡ 32 g of S
100 × 32
∴ 100 moles of H2SO4 ≡ ≡ 3.2 × 103 g of S
194. 50 % HCl itself means 50 g HCl reacts with 100 g sample
∴ % Purity = × 100 = 50 %

195. ∵ 22.4 L of O2 ≡ 48 g of O3
48 × 67.2
∴ 67.2 L of O2 ≡ ≡ 144 g of O3
203. 22.4 L ≡ 16 g of CH4
16 × 4.48
∴ 4.48 L ≡ ≡ 3.2 g of CH4
206. 1 mole of P4 = 6.023 × 1023 atoms
∴ 0.1 mole of P4 = 6.023 × 1023 × 0.1 atoms = 6.023 × 1022 atoms
∴ 0.1 mole of P4 = 6.023 × 1022 × 4 atoms = 2.4 × 1023 atoms
Mass 1 kg
207. n = = = 55.56 mol
Molar mass 18×10 kg mol−1

16 1
208. 16 g of O2 has number of moles = =
32 2
14 1
14 g of N2 has number of moles = =
28 2
Number of moles are same, so number of molecules are same.
209. 4Al + 3O2 ⎯→ 2Al2O3
(108 g) (96 g) (204 g)
96 × 54
∵ 54 g Al will react with = 48 g of O2
210. (A) 34 g of water :
∵ 18 g H2O = 6.023 × 1023 molecules
6.023 × 1023
∴ 34 g H2O = × 34
= 11.38 × 1023 molecules
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
(B) 28 g of CO2 :
∵ 44 g CO2 = 6.023 × 1023 molecules
6.023 × 1023
∴ 28 g CO2 = × 28 = 3.83 × 1023 molecules
(C) 46 g of CH3OH :
∵ 32 g CH3OH = 6.023 × 1023 molecules
6.023 × 1023
∴ 46 g CH3OH = × 46 = 8.658 × 1023 molecules
(D) 54 g of N2O5 :
∵ 108 g of N2O5 = 6.023 × 1023 molecules
6.023 × 1023
∴ 54 g of N2O5 = × 54 = 3.01 × 1023 molecules.
211. (A) 2 g atom of nitrogen = 28 g
(B) 6.023 × 1023 atoms of C has mass = 12 g
12 × 3 × 1023
∴ 3 × 1023 atoms of C has mass = =6g
6.023 × 1023
(C) 1 mole of S has mass = 32 g
(D) 7.0 g of Ag
So, lowest mass = 6 g of C

212. (A) 6.023 × 1021 molecules of CO2 :

Number of atoms = 3 × 6.023 × 1021 = 18.069 × 1021 atoms
(B) 22.4 L of CO2 :
Number of atoms = 6.023 × 1023 × 3 = 18.069 × 1023 atoms
(C) 0.44 g of CO2 :
Number of moles = ×6.023×1023moles
= 6.023 × 1021 moles
= 3×6.023× 1021 atoms
= 18.069 × 1021 atoms

213. ∵ 40 g of caustic soda (NaOH) contains 6.023 × 1023 ions of Na

4 × 6.023 × 1023
∴ 4 g of NaOH = = 6.023 × 1022 ions
Similarly, for 100 mL of 0.5 M Na2SO4
∵ 1000 mL of 1M Na2SO4 = 2 × 6.023 × 1023 ions of Na
100 × 0.5 × 2 × 6.023 × 1023
∴ 100 mL of 0.5M Na2SO4 = = 6.023 × 1022 ions
1000 × 1
214. (A) 2.5 g of N2 molecules :
∵ 28 g of N2 ≡ 6.023 × 1023 molecules
6.023 × 1023 × 2.5
∴ 2.5 g of N2 ≡ ≡ 5.4 × 1022 molecules
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chemistry (Vol. I) TARGET Publications

(B). 4 g of N atoms :
∵ 14 g atom of N ≡ 6.023 × 1023 molecules
6.023 × 1023 × 4
∴ 4 g atom of N ≡ ≡ 17.2 × 1022 molecules
(C) 40 g of N atoms :
14 g atom of N ≡ 6.023 × 1023 molecules
6.023 × 1023 × 40
40 g of N atoms ≡ ≡ 172.1 × 1022 molecules
(D) 84 g of dinitrogen :
∵ 28 g of dinitrogen ≡ 6.023×1023 molecules
6.023 × 1023 × 84
∴ 84 g of dinitrogen ≡ ≡ 180.7 × 1022 molecules
∴ Maximum number of molecules are present in 84 g of dinitrogen.
215. (A) 11 g of CO2 :
44 g of CO2 ≡ 6.023 × 1023 atoms
6.023×1023 ×11
11 g of CO2 = = 1.505 × 1023 atoms
(B) 4 g of H2:
1.008 g of H2 ≡ 6.023 × 1023 atoms
6.023×1023 × 4
4 g of H2 = = 23.900 × 1023 atoms
(C) 5 g of NH3 :
17 g of NH3 ≡ 6.023 × 1023 atoms
6.023×1023 × 5
5 g of NH3 = = 1.77 × 1023 atoms
(D) 8 g of SO2 :
48 g of SO2 ≡ 6.023 × 1023 atoms
6.023×1023 × 8
8 g of SO2 = = 1.0 × 1023 atoms

216. 44 g of CO2 ≡ 6.023 × 1023 molecules

6.023 × 1023 × 4.4
∴ 4.4 g of CO2 ≡ ≡ 0.6023 × 1023 molecules
22.4 L of H2 ≡ 6.023 × 1023 molecules
6.023 × 1023 × 2.24
∴ 2.24 L of H2 ≡ ≡ 0.6023 × 1023 molecules
∴ Total number of molecules present in the container is
= 0.6023 × 1023 + 0.6023 × 1023
= (0.6023 + 0.6023) × 1023
= 1.2046 × 1023 molecules

217. Equivalent of KMnO4 = Equivalent of Fe(C2O4)

x = 0.6 mol
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
TARGET Publications Chemistry (Vol. I)
218. ∵ 28 g of N2 ≡ 22.4 L of N2
22.4 × 14
∴ 14 g of nitrogen ≡ ≡ 11.2 L of N2
220. Number of molecules = n × A
Molar Mass
Mass of 1 mL of water = 1g
∴ n=
∴ Number of molecules in 1 mL (20 drops) of water = ×A
1 0.05A
∴ Number of molecules in 1 drop of water = ×A= mol
18 × 20 18
Molecular mass (M)
221. Equivalent mass =
Number of e− gain or lost
When KMnO4 is converted in K2MnO4
transfer of 1 electron takes place.
∴ Equivalent mass = =M
Number of molecules
222. n =
Volumeof gas at N.T.P.
Also, n =
22.4 L
Number of molecules Volumeof gasat N.T.P.
∴ =
NA 22.4 L
x 1.12 × 10−10 L
∴ =
6.023 × 1023 22.4 L
1.12 × 10−10 × 6.023 × 1023
∴ x= = 3.01 × 1012 mol
223. Molecular mass of nitrogen = 14
Molecular mass of oxygen = 16
∴ Ratio = 14 : 16 = 7 : 8

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

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