ISOFLEX NBU 15 004026 PI GB en
ISOFLEX NBU 15 004026 PI GB en
ISOFLEX NBU 15 004026 PI GB en
Spindle bearing grease
Your requirements - our solution for the lubrication of tooth flanks in precision gears (e.g. bevel gears
ISOFLEX NBU 15 is a high-speed grease with a good pressure in milling machines, electromechanical valve actuators).
absorption capacity. Application notes
It consists of a combination of ester oil, synthetic hydrocarbon oil The lubricant is applied by brush, spatula, grease gun or grease
and mineral oil and a barium complex soap. It offers good protection cartridge. Owing to the many elastomer and plastic compositions,
against wear and corrosion and is resistant to water, media and we recommend checking the grease's compatibility prior to series
oxidation. application with elastomers or plastics.
Cartrigde 400 g +
Can 1 kg +
Bucket 5 kg +
Bucket 25 kg +
Drum 180 kg +
Spindle bearing grease
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