No2. RMI - EMRT - 1.3
No2. RMI - EMRT - 1.3
No2. RMI - EMRT - 1.3
This Extended Mineral Reporting Template (EMRT) is a free, standardized reporting template created by the Responsible Minerals
Initiative® (RMI®). The Template facilitates the transfer of information through the supply chain regarding mineral country of origin
and smelters, refiners and processors being utilized and supports the exercise of due diligence in accordance with the OECD Due
Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. The template also
facilitates the identification of new smelters and refiners to potentially undergo an audit via the Responsible Minerals Assurance
The EMRT was designed for downstream companies to disclose information about their supply chains up to but not including the
smelter. If you are a smelter or refiner, we recommend you enter your own name in the smelter list tab.
When filling out the form, none of the cell entries should start with "=" or "#."
1. Insert your company's Legal Name. Please do not use abbreviations. In this field you have the option to add other commercial
names, DBAs, etc. This field is mandatory.
2. Select your company's Declaration Scope. The options for scope are:
A. Company-wide
B. Product (or List of Products)
C. User-Defined
For "Company-wide", the declaration encompasses the entirety of a company's products or product substances produced by the
parent company. Therefore if the user is reporting cobalt or natural mica data at the company level, they will be reporting data on all
products they manufacture.
For Scope selection of Product (or List of Products), a link to the worksheet tab for Product List will be displayed. If this scope is
chosen, it is mandatory to list the Manufacturer's Product Number of the products covered under the Scope of this Declaration in
Column B of the Product List worksheet. It is optional to list the Manufacturer's Product Name in Column C of the Product List
For Scope selection of "User Defined", it is mandatory that the user describes the scope to which the cobalt or natural mica disclosure
is applicable. The scope of this class shall be defined in a text field by the supplier and should be easily understood by customers or
the receivers of the document. As an example, companies may provide a link to clarifying information.
3. Insert your company’s unique identifier number or code (DUNS number, VAT number, customer-specific identifier, etc.)
4. Insert the source for the unique identifier number or code ("DUNS", "VAT", "Customer", etc).
5. Insert your full company address (street, city, state, country, postal code). This field is optional.
6. Insert the name of the person to contact regarding the contents of the declaration information. This field is mandatory.
7. Insert the email address of the contact person. If an email address is not available, state "not available" or "n/a". A blank field
may cause an error in form implementation. This field is mandatory.
8. Insert the telephone number for the contact. This field is mandatory.
9. Insert the name of the person who is responsible for the contents of the declaration information. The authorizer may be a
different individual than the contact person. It is not correct to use the words ‘‘same’’ or similar identification to provide the name of
the authorizer. This field is mandatory.
10. Insert the title for the Authorizing person. This field is optional.
11. Insert the email address of the Authorizing person. If an email address is not available, state ‘‘not available’’ or ‘‘n/a.’’ A blank
field may cause an error in form implementation. This field is mandatory.
12. Insert the telephone number for the Authorizing person. This field is optional.
13. Please enter the Date of Completion for this form using the format DD-MMM-YYYY. This field is mandatory.
14. As an example, the user may save the file name as: companyname-date.xlsx (date as YYYY-MM-DD).
Instructions for completing the seven Declaration of Scope Questions (rows 24 - 63).
Provide answers in ENGLISH only
These seven questions define the usage, origination and sourcing identification for cobalt or natural mica. The questions are designed
to collect information about the use of cobalt or natural mica in the company’s product(s) and the completeness of reporting.
Responses to these questions shall represent the ‘Declaration Scope’ selected in the company information section.
This question asks if any cobalt or natural mica is used as raw material, component or additive in a product that you manufacture,
including compounds. Impurities from raw materials, components, additives, abrasives, and cutting tools are outside the scope of the
The answer to this question shall be either "yes" "no" "unknown" or "not applicable for this declaration". "Not applicable for this
declaration" can be used if a material is not in scope of the declaration.
Some companies may require substantiation for a "No" answer that should be entered into the Comment Field.
2. This question shall be answered for cobalt and/or mica for which the answer to question 1 is "yes." This is the second of two
questions for which the response is used to determine whether the cobalt or mica is within the scope of this reporting template. This
question is dependent upon the question and response to Question 1. This question is intended to identify cobalt and mica which are
intentionally added or included in the manufacturing process of a product where some amount of the cobalt and mica remains in the
finished product. This includes cobalt and mica which may not have been intended to become part of the final product and may not
be necessary to the functionality of the product but are only present as residuals of the manufacturing process. In many cases, the
manufacturer may have attempted to remove or facilitate consumption of the cobalt and mica during the manufacturing process,
however, some amount of the cobalt and mica remains. Should the cobalt or mica, which is added or included during the
manufacturing process, be completely removed such that none of the cobalt or mica remains upon the completion of that process, the
response to this question would be no.
This question shall be answered for cobalt and mica. Valid answers to this question are either "yes", "no", or "unknown". This
question is mandatory.
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3. This is a declaration that any portion of the cobalt or natural mica contained in a product or multiple products originates from a
conflict-affected and high-risk area (CAHRA). The answer to this question should be "yes" if any smelter in the supply chain sources
from CAHRAs, regardless of whether such a smelter has been independently audited or not.
The answers to this question for cobalt shall be "yes," "no," "unknown," or "DRC only." The answers to this question for mica shall be
"yes," "no," "unknown," or "India and/or Madagascar only." Substantiate a "Yes" answer in the comments section. An answer of
"unknown" is an acceptable response. This question is mandatory for cobalt or natural mica if the response to Question 1 and 2 is
4. This is a declaration that identifies whether cobalt contained in the product(s) originate exclusively from recycled or scrap sources.
A "Yes" answer means that 100% of the cobalt comes from recycled or scrap sources. A "No" answer means that some of the raw
material does not come from recycled or scrap sources. An "Unknown" answer means that the user does not know whether or not
100% of the raw material comes from recycled or scrap sources. This field is mandatory.
Note: As of the date of this publication, there is no significant post-consumer recycling of mica.
5. This is a question to determine whether a company has received disclosures from all direct suppliers reasonably believed to be
providing cobalt or natural mica contained in the products covered by the scope of this declaration. Permissible responses to this
question are:
Greater than 90%
Greater than 75%
- Greater than 50%
- 50% or less
- None
6. This question verifies if the supplier has reason to believe they have identified all of the smelters providing cobalt or natural mica
in the products covered by this declaration. The answer to this question shall be "Yes" "No" or "unknown", along with a comment in
certain cases, e.g. list of smelters. This field is mandatory.
7. This question verifies that all of the smelters or processors identified to be providing any of the raw materials contained in the
products covered by the scope of this declaration have been reported in this declaration. The answer to this question shall be "yes,"
"no," or "unknown" along with a comment in certain cases e.g. list of smelters.
Instructions for completing Questions A. – G. (rows 69 - 83). Questions A through G are mandatory if the response to Question 1 and
Question 2 is "Yes" for cobalt or natural mica.
Provide answers in ENGLISH only.
The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-affected and High-risk Areas (OECD
Guidance) defines “Due Diligence” as “an on-going, proactive and reactive process through which companies can ensure that they
respect human rights and do not contribute to conflict”. More information is available at
Questions A. through G are designed to assess your company’s cobalt and/or natural mica sourcing due diligence activities.
Responses to these questions shall represent the full scope of your company’s activities and shall not be limited to the ‘Declaration
Scope’ selected in the company information section.
A. This is a declaration to disclose whether a company has a responsible minerals sourcing policy. The answer to this question shall
be "yes" or "no."
B. This is a declaration to disclose whether a company's responsible minerals sourcing policy is available on the company website.
The answer to this question shall be "yes" or "no." If "yes," add the URL in the comments field.
C. This is a declaration to determine whether a company requires their direct suppliers to source cobalt and/or natural mica from
independently validated smelters and processors. The answer to this question for cobalt shall be "yes" or "no." The answer to this
question for mica shall be "yes," "yes, when more processors are validated," or "no." Comments should be captured in a question
comment field. This field is mandatory.
D. This is a question to disclose whether a company has implemented responsible minerals sourcing due diligence measures. This
question is not intended to provide details of a company's due diligence measures. The aspects of acceptable due diligence measures
shall be determined by the requestor and supplier.
The answer to this question shall be "yes" or "no." If "yes," the user shall describe the due diligence measures implemented in the
question comment field (e.g. OECD Due Diligence Framework).
E. This is a question to disclose whether a company requests their supplier to fill out an extended mineral reporting template.
Acceptable answers are listed below, in certain cases further explanation may be required, i.e., to provide the format used for
collecting information. If the answer is "Yes, using other format" the user shall provide a comment in a question comment field.
Permissible responses to this question are:
“3rd party audit” - on-site audits of your suppliers conducted by independent third parties.
“Documentation review only” - a review of supplier submitted records and documentation conducted by independent third parties
and, or your company personnel.
“Internal audit” - on-site audits of your suppliers conducted by your company personnel.
G. This is a question to disclose whether a company’s review process includes corrective action management. The answer to this
question shall be "yes" or "no." Comments shall be captured in a question comment field. This field is mandatory.
This template allows for the identification of smelters, refiners, or processors using the Smelter Look-up. Columns B, and C must be
completed in order from left to right to utilize the Smelter Look-up feature.
Use a separate line for each metal/smelter/country combination.
1. Smelter Identification Input Column - If you know the Smelter Identification Number, input the number in Column A (columns B, C,
D, E, F, G, I, and J will auto-populate). Column A does not autopopulate
2. Metal (*) - Use the pull down menu to select the metal for which you are entering smelter information. This field is mandatory.
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3. Smelter Look-up (*) - Select from dropdown. This is the list of known smelters as of template release date. If smelter is not listed
select 'Smelter Not Listed'. This will allow you to enter the name of the smelter in Column D. If you do not know the name or
location of the smelter, select 'Smelter Not Yet Identified.' For this option, columns D and E will autopopulate to say, 'unknown.'
This field is mandatory.
4. Smelter Name (1)- Fill in smelter name if you selected "Smelter Not Listed" in column C. This field will auto-populate when a
smelter name in selected in Column C. This field is mandatory.
5. Smelter Country (*) – This field will auto-populate when a smelter name is selected in column C. If you selected "Smelter Not
Listed" in column C, use the pull down menu to select the country location of the smelter. This field is mandatory.
6. Smelter Identification - This is a unique identifier assigned to a smelter or refiner according to an established smelter and refinery
identification system. It is expected that multiple names or aliases could be used to describe a single smelter or refiner and therefore
multiple names or aliases could be associated to a single ‘Smelter ID’.
7. Source of Smelter Identification Number - This is the source of the Smelter Identification Number entered in Column F. If a
smelter name was selected in Column C using the dropdown box, this field will auto-populate.
8. Smelter Street - Provide the street name on which the smelter is located. This field is optional.
9. Smelter City – Provide the city name of where the smelter is located. This field is optional.
10. Smelter Location: State/Province, if applicable – Provide the state or province where the smelter is located. This field is optional.
11. Smelter Contact Name – The Extended Mineral Reporting Template (EMRT) is circulated among companies in the requesting
company's supply chain to exercise due diligence in accordance with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains
of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk.
If the template is circulated in a country where laws protecting personal information exist, sharing personal contact information in
the EMRT may violate related regulations. Therefore, it is recommended that the requesting company take precautions such as
obtaining the contact person's permission to share the information with other companies in the supply chain when completing
"Smelter Contact Name" and the "Smelter Contact Email" columns.
If you have permission to share this information, please fill in the name of the Smelter Facility Contact person who you worked with.
12. Smelter Contact Email – Fill in the email address of the Smelter Facility contact person who was identified as the Smelter Contact
Name. Example: [email protected]. Please review the instructions for Smelter Contact Name before completing this
13. Name of Mine(s) - This field allows a company to define the actual mines being used by the smelter. Please enter the actual mine
names if known. If 100% of the smelter’s feedstock originates from recycled or scrap sources, enter "Recycled" or "Scrap" in place
of the name of the mine and answer "Yes" in Column P.
14. Location (Country) of Mine(s) - This is a free form text field that allows a company to define the location of the mines being used
by the smelter. Please enter the country of the mine(s). If the country of origin is not known, enter "Unknown". If 100% of the
smelter’s feedstock originates from recycled or scrap sources, enter "Recycled" or "Scrap" in place of the country of origin. This field
is optional.
15. Indicates whether the smelter solely obtains inputs for its smelting process(es) from recycled or scrap sources. This question is
optional. Permissible responses to this question are:
- Yes
- No
- Unknown
16. Comments – free form text field to enter any comments concerning the smelter. Example: smelter is being acquired by Company
RBA does not make any representations or warranties with respect to the List or any Tool. The List and Tools are provided on an "AS
IS" and on an "AS AVAILABLE" basis. RBA hereby disclaim all warranties of any nature, express, implied or otherwise, or arising from
trade or custom, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, quality, title, fitness for a
particular purpose, completeness or accuracy.
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, RBA renounces any liability for any losses, expenses or damages of any nature,
including, without limitation, special, incidental, punitive, direct, indirect or consequential damages or lost income or profits,
resulting from or arising out of the User’s use of the List or any Tool, whether arising in tort, contract, statute, or otherwise, even if
shown that they were advised of the possibility of such damages.
In consideration for access and use of the List and/or any Tool, THE USER hereby agrees to and does (a) release and forever
discharge RBA as well as its officers, directors, agents, employees, volunteers, representatives, contractors, successors, and assigns,
from any and all claims, actions, losses, suits, damages, judgments, levies, and executions, which the User has ever had, has, or ever
can, shall, or may have or claim to have against RBA , as well as its officers, directors, agents, employees, volunteers,
representatives, contractors, successors, and assigns, resulting from or arising out of the List or any Tool or use thereof, and agrees
to (b) indemnify, defend and hold harmless RBA, as well as its officers, directors, agents, employees, volunteers, representatives,
contractors, successors, and assigns, from any and all claims, actions, losses, suits, damages, judgments, levies, and executions
resulting from or arising out of the USER'S use of the List or any Tool.
If any part of any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, said part shall be
deemed ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability only, without in any way affecting the remaining parts of said
provision or the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
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Extended Mineral Reporting Template
1 of 8
• A change in the first digit of the revision number (e.g., 1.0 to 2.0) signifies that a set of major improvements have occurred and would likely include different data reporting
• Changes to the first decimal places (2.10 to 2.20) indicate that minor changes have been made to the template and are not expected to result in substantial changes to the data being
• Changes to the second decimal places (2.10 to 2.11) indicates an even more minor change, for example an update to the smelter reference list
• Changes to alpha characters (e.g., "a", or "b", or "c") following the revision number indicates that the version is an alpha or a beta version; these only appear on pre-released versions
and would be dropped once the version is released to the public. A version with a letter (post version 4.xx) should not be used in commerce. RMI recommends that companies reject
these versions as they are pre-release and could contain errors or other inconsistencies which could impact the accuracy of the data.
1.0 RMI October 20, 2021 Version 1.0: The Extended Mineral Reporting Template is This version incorporates changes to the standard smelter list for cobalt
the updated and renamed Cobalt Reporting Template that and includes the standard smelter list for mica as of July 28, 2021. The
incorporates mica within its scope. This includes updates latest version of the Standard Smelter List is available at:
to the Declaration tab in line with the IPC-1755A October
2021 amendment. smelter-reference-lists-export/
1.01 RMI November 23, 2021 1. Minor revisions to correct reported issues including This version incorporates changes to the standard smelter list for cobalt
those related to the “Declaration”, "Checker" and and includes the standard smelter list for mica as of July 28, 2021. The
"Smelter List" tabs, and Chinese and Korean translations. latest version of the Standard Smelter List is available at:
1.02 RMI December 23, 2021 1. Minor revisions to correct reported issues for Chinese This version incorporates changes to the standard smelter list for cobalt
translations. and includes the standard smelter list for mica as of July 28, 2021. The
latest version of the Standard Smelter List is available at:
1.1 RMI October 14, 2022 1. Corrections to all bugs and errors This version incorporates changes to the standard smelter lists for cobalt
2. Enhancements which do not conflict with IPC-1755A and mica as of July 25, 2022. The latest version of the Standard Smelter
such as the activation of filter/search function in the List is available at:
Smelter List tab.
a. Update to ISO short names for countries, states / smelter-reference-lists-export/
3. Updates to the Smelter Reference List and Standard
Smelter List
1.11 RMI November 4, 2022 1. Minor revisions to correct reported issues including This version incorporates changes to the standard smelter lists for cobalt
those related to the "Declaration" tab, and Chinese and mica as of July 25, 2022. The latest version of the Standard Smelter
translations. List is available at:
1.2 RMI May 12, 2023 1. Corrections to all bugs and errors. This version incorporates changes to the standard smelter lists for cobalt
2. Updates to the Smelter Reference List and Standard and mica as of March 27, 2023. The latest version of the Standard
Smelter List. Smelter List is available at:
1.3 RMI April 26, 2024 1. Corrections to all bugs and errors This version incorporates changes to the standard smelter lists for cobalt
2. Updates to highlighting on the Smelter List tabs. and mica as of February 28, 2024. The latest version of the Standard
3. Updates to Smelter Reference List and Standard Smelter List is available at:
Smelter List
4. Added German translation to file. reference-lists-export/
An entity that processes cobalt concentrates, intermediates or recycled feed and produces a
Cobalt Refiner
cobalt product for direct use in a downstream manufacturing process.
Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRA) are defined by the OECD Due Diligence Guidance
as "areas identified by the presence of armed conflict, widespread violence or other risks of harm
to people. Armed conflict may take a variety of forms, such as a conflict of international or non-
Conflict-Affected and High-Risk international character, which may involve two or more states, or may consist of wars of
Areas (CAHRA) liberation, or insurgencies, civil wars, etc. High-risk areas may include areas of political instability
or repression, institutional weakness, insecurity, collapse of civil infrastructure and widespread
violence. Such areas are often characterised by widespread human right abuses and violations of
national or international law."
For the purposes of this template, “scope” describes the applicability of the information provided
by the reporting company. The scope may encompass the entirety of a company’s services and/or
Declaration of Scope or Class products, or at a company’s discretion, the template may be used to report on a specific product
(or products), or, be ‘User defined’. The ‘User defined’ scope selection or class may be used to
describe any subset of a company’s operation or product portfolio
The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-
affected and High-risk Areas (OECD Guidance) defines “Due Diligence” as “an on-going, proactive
and reactive process through which companies can ensure that they respect human rights and do
Due Diligence
not contribute to conflict”. More information is available at
With respect to smelter audits, an “Independent Third-Party Audit Firm” is a private sector
Independent Third-Party Audit organization competent in evaluating the smelter or refiner’s due diligence system against a
Firm defined standard. To maintain neutrality and impartiality, such organization and its audit team
members must have no conflicts of interest with the auditee.
Intentionally added is commonly known as the deliberate use of a substance, or in this case metal,
Intentionally added in the formulation of a product where continued presence is desired to provide a specific 14
characteristic, appearance or quality.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The OECD has developed the OECD
Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains. The OECD Due Diligence Guidance
provides detailed recommendations to help companies respect human rights and avoid
OECD contributing to conflict through their mineral purchasing decisions and practices and uses a
reasonableness approach. This Guidance is for use by any company potentially sourcing minerals
or metals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas. The OECD Guidance is global in scope, and
applies to all mineral supply chains. (
Mica (Natural) Natural mica is a mineral that is mined or naturally occurring, such as muscovite and phlogopite.
A mica processor is an entity that takes raw mined minerals such as pegmatites (schist), feldspar,
kaolin, muscovite or phlogopite and subjects them to various physical or mechanical methods to
Processor separate non-mica components from mica components, then produce grades of mica products for
use in downstream manufacturing processes. Raw mineral processing can include sorting,
separation, milling, grinding, cutting, stamping and binding.
A company’s Product or Finished good is a material or item which has completed the final stage of
manufacturing and/or processing and is available for distribution or sale to customers.
Recycled or scrap sources are recycled cobalt that are reclaimed end-user or post-consumer
products, or scrap processed cobalt created during product manufacturing. Recycled cobalt
includes excess, obsolete, defective, and scrap cobalt materials that contain refined or processed
metals that are appropriate to recycle in the production of such metals. Minerals partially
Recycled or Scrap Sources
processed, unprocessed or byproducts from other ores are not included in the definition of
recycled cobalt.
Note: As of the date of this publication, there is no significant post-consumer recycling of mica.
Founded in 2004 the Responsible Business Alliance is the world’s largest industry coalition
Responsible Business Alliance
dedicated to electronics supply chain responsibility. (
The Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) is a program developed by the RBA and GeSI
Responsible Minerals Assurance
to enhance company capability to verify the responsible sourcing of metals. Further details of the
Process (RMAP)
RMAP can be found here:
Founded in 2008 by members of the Responsible Business Alliance and the Global e-Sustainability
Initiative, the Responsible Minerals Initiative has grown into one of the most utilized and
respected resources for companies addressing conflict minerals issues in their supply chains. Over
150 companies from seven different industries participate in the RMI today, contributing to a
Responsible Minerals Initiative range of tools and resources including the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process, the Conflict
(RMI) Minerals Reporting Template, Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry data and a range of guidance
documents on conflict minerals sourcing. The RMI also runs regular workshops on conflict
minerals issues and contributes to policy development and debates with leading civil society
organizations and governments. Additional information is available at
The Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) Conformant Smelter List is a published list of
smelters and refiners that have undergone assessment through the RMAP, a program of the
Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) or industry equivalent program (such as Responsible
Jewellery Council or London Bullion Market Association) and have been validated to be in
RMAP Conformant Smelter List conformance with the protocols. If a smelter or refiner is not on the list, it has either not
completed a RMAP assessment or is not in conformance with the RMAP protocol.
A list of smelters and refiners which have been validated to be conformant to the RMAP can be
found at
A smelter or refiner is a company that procures and processes mineral ore, slag and/or materials
from recycled or scrap sources into refined metal or metal containing intermediate products. The
Smelter output can be pure (99.5% or greater) metals, powders, ingots, bars, grains, oxides or salts. The
terms "smelter", "refiner", and "processor" are used interchangeably throughout various
A unique identification number the RMI assigns to companies that have been reported by
members of the supply chain as smelters or refiners, whether or not they have been verified to
Smelter Identification Number
meet the characteristics of smelters or refiners as defined in the RMAP audit protocols or other
applicable audit programs.
© 2024 Responsible Minerals Initiative. All rights reserved.
Extended Mineral Reporting Template (EMRT)
Mandatory fields are noted with an asterisk (*). Consult the instructions tab for guidance on how to answer each question.
Company Information
Declaration Scope or Class (*): A. Company A. Company
Description of Scope:
Answer the following questions 1 - 7 based on the declaration scope indicated above
1) Is any of the cobalt or natural mica intentionally added or used in the product(s) or in the
production process? (*) Answer Comments
Cobalt No
Mica No
2) Does any cobalt or natural mica remain in the product(s)? (*) Answer Comments
Cobalt No
Mica No
3) Do any of the smelters or processors in your supply chain source the cobalt or natural mica
from conflict-affected and high-risk areas? (OECD Due Diligence Guidance, see definitions tab)
(*) Answer Comments ###
Cobalt No
Mica No
4) Does 100 percent of the cobalt originate from recycled or scrap sources? (*) Answer Comments ###
Cobalt No ###
5) What percentage of relevant suppliers have provided a response to your supply chain survey?
Answer Comments ###
Cobalt 100% ###
Mica 100% ###
6) Have you identified all of the smelters or processors supplying the cobalt or natural mica to
your supply chain?(*)
Answer Comments ###
Cobalt Yes ###
Mica Yes ###
Extended Mineral Reporting Template (EMRT)
Mandatory fields are noted with an asterisk (*). Consult the instructions tab for guidance on how to answer each question.
Extended Mineral Reporting Template (EMRT)
Mandatory fields are noted with an asterisk (*). Consult the instructions tab for guidance on how to answer each question.
7) Has all applicable smelter or processor information received by your company been reported
in this declaration?(*) Answer Comments ###
Cobalt Yes ###
Mica Yes ###
Answer the Following Questions at a Company Level ###
Question Answer Comments ###
A. Have you established a responsible minerals sourcing policy? Yes ###
B. Is your responsible minerals sourcing policy publicly available on your website? (Note – If yes, the No
user shall specify the URL in the comment field.)
C. Do you require your direct suppliers to source cobalt from smelters or natural mica from processors
whose due diligence practices have been validated by an independent third-party audit program?
Cobalt No
Mica No
D. Have you implemented due diligence measures for responsible sourcing? Yes
E. Does your company conduct cobalt and/or natural mica supply chain survey(s) of your relevant No
F. Do you review due diligence information received from your suppliers against your company’s
Option A: If you know the Smelter Identification Number, input the number in Column A (columns B, C, E, F, G, I and J will auto-populate); D will
grey out.
Option B: If you have a cobalt or natural mica and Smelter Look-up name combination, complete the following steps:
Step 1. Select Metal in column B
Step 2. Select from dropdown in column C
Option C: If you have a cobalt or natural mica and Smelter Name combination, complete the following steps:
Step 1. Select Metal in column B
Step 2: Select "Smelter Not Listed" in the Smelter Look-up drop down and complete columns D & E
Step 3. Enter all available smelter information in columns H through Q
(*) Mandatory fields are noted with an asterisk.
(1) Entry required when Smelter Look-up = "Smelter Not Listed"
NOTE: A combination of Options A, B and C may be used to complete the Smelter List. Do not alter autopopulated cells. All errors in the Smelter
Look-up should be reported to RBA by contacting [email protected].
Link to RMAP Conformant Smelter List e
Version 1.3
April 26, 2024
Cobalt No Complete
Mica No Complete
Cobalt No Complete
Mica No Complete
Cobalt No Complete
Mica No Complete
Cobalt No Complete
Cobalt 1 Complete
Mica 1 Complete
Please refer to the RMI web site for the most current and accurate list of
Names included in column B represent company names that are commonly recognized and reported by the sup
names, alternate names, abbreviations, or other variations. Although the names may not be the Standard Sme
under column C in the Smelter Look-up.
Column C is the list of the official standard smelter names, in the ASCII character set. The majority of smelters
from the standard name, the variation is noted in Column B. for the most current and accurate list of standard smelter names that are Active or Conformant.
s that are commonly recognized and reported by the supply chain for a particular smelter. These names may include form
tions. Although the names may not be the Standard Smelter Name, the reference names are helpful to identify the smelte
mes, in the ASCII character set. The majority of smelters will have the same entry for both columns, however if the comm
mn B.
Baotou Fuguang Trading Co., Ltd. Guyang Branch CHINA CID004799
Caolines de Vimianzo, SAU ( aka CAVISA) SPAIN CID004805
Hunan Rongtai New Material Co., Ltd. CHINA CID003980
Imerys Canada, Inc. CANADA CID003589
Imerys Mica Kings Mountain, Inc. UNITED STATES OF AMERICACID003591
JSC “Sludyanaya Fabrika” RUSSIAN FEDERATION CID003664
Kehui Mica Co., Ltd. CHINA CID004402
Lingshou Huajing Mica Co., Ltd. CHINA CID003730
LKAB Minerals Oy FINLAND CID004623
Mica Electrical Material (Luhe) Co., Ltd. CHINA CID003987
Minerals i Derivats, S.A. SPAIN CID003985
MK Import Export MADAGASCAR CID004743
Modi Mica Enterprises INDIA CID003513
Nanjing Jinyun Mica Ltd. CHINA CID003787
Pachisia & Co. INDIA CID003599
Southeastern Performance Minerals, LLC UNITED STATES OF AMERICACID003590
Super Market Fort Dauphin MADAGASCAR CID004744
The Jai Mica Supply Co., PVT Ltd. INDIA CID004067
The Jai Mica Supply Co., PVT Ltd. INDIA CID004067
Yamaguchi Mica JAPAN CID003512
Yamaguchi Mica Co., Ltd. Shinshiro Factory JAPAN CID003971
Yamaguchi Mica Co., Ltd. Toyohashi Factory JAPAN CID003970
st up-to-date version can be found on the
ere is NOT a guarantee that it is currently
ve or Conformant.
Source of
Smelter Street Smelter City
RMI Chuzhou
RMI Roorkee
RMI Lubumbashi
RMI Lubumbashi
RMI Chizhou
RMI Chizhou
RMI Marrakech
RMI Marrakech
RMI Toufen
RMI Ulsan
RMI Ulsan
RMI Toamasina
RMI Cheongju-si
RMI Mardin
RMI Mardin
RMI Mardin
RMI Luishia
RMI Baoding
RMI Toronto
RMI Kokkola
RMI Longyan City
RMI Nanjing City
RMI Nanjing City
RMI Ganzhou
RMI Ganzhou
RMI Taixing
RMI Kristiansand
RMI Jiangmen City
RMI Guangzhou
RMI Qizhou City
RMI Yulin
RMI Tongren
RMI Tongren
RMI Kako-gun
RMI Kako-gun
RMI Hefei
RMI Changsha
RMI Changsha
RMI Changsha
RMI Yiyang
RMI Yiyang
RMI Yiyang
RMI Changsha
RMI Changsha
RMI Widnes
RMI Springs
RMI Rustenburg
RMI Guangzhou
RMI Jiangmen
RMI Jiangmen
RMI Taixing
RMI Taixing
RMI Haimen
RMI Ganzhou
RMI Ganzhou City
RMI Yichun City
RMI Yichun City
RMI Jingmen
RMI Monchegorsk
RMI Kolwezi
RMI Lubumbashi
RMI Kolwezi
RMI Kolwezi
RMI Monchegorsk
RMI Lubumbashi
RMI Lubumbashi
RMI Lubumbashi
RMI Lubumbashi
RMI Lubumbashi
RMI Lanzhou
RMI Wujie
RMI Kostroma
RMI Lubumbashi
RMI Kolwezi
RMI Koruvichi
RMI Tianjin
RMI Rayong
RMI Shaoxing
RMI Ulsan
RMI Taoyuan
RMI Taoyuan
RMI Likasi
RMI Lubumbashi
RMI Lubumbashi
RMI Laverton
RMI Laverton
RMI Tazenakht
RMI Kisanfu
RMI Kisanfu
RMI Laverton
RMI Kolwezi
RMI Kolwezi
RMI Norilsk
RMI Norilsk
RMI Trieu Son
RMI Trieu Son
RMI Nanjing
RMI Haimei
RMI Haimei
RMI Shaoxing
RMI Toronto
RMI Niihama
RMI Niihama
RMI Niihama
RMI Ningbo
RMI Ningbo
RMI Harvjavalta
RMI San Simon
RMI Port Colborne
RMI Le Mont-Dore
RMI Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan
RMI Bekasi
RMI Morowali Regency
RMI Quzhou
RMI Luano
RMI Luano
RMI Koruvichi
RMI Koruvichi
RMI Toronto
RMI Meishan
RMI Koruvichi
RMI Koruvichi
RMI Kipushi
RMI Lubumbashi
RMI Lubumbashi
RMI Niihama
RMI Gunsan-si
RMI Gunsan-si
RMI Kolwezi
RMI Toamasina
RMI Tianjin
RMI Kokkola
RMI Olen
RMI Long Harbour
RMI Le Mont-Dore
RMI Le Mont-Dore
RMI Qingyuan City
RMI Qingyuan City
RMI Baoding
RMI Xiangtan
RMI Haimen
RMI Xiamen
RMI Shaoxing
RMI Tongxiang
RMI Tongxiang
RMI Shaoxing
RMI Shaoxing
RMI Zhuhai
RMI Jeffersonville
RMI Baotou City
RMI Castrelo
RMI Pune
RMI Bhilwara
RMI Koderma
RMI Kolkata
RMI Shijiazhuang
RMI Yueyang
RMI Montreal
RMI Kings Mountain
RMI Saint-Petersburg
RMI Qingtong
RMI Koderma
RMI Shijiazhuang City
RMI Siilinjarvi
RMI Shanwei
RMI L'Arboc
RMI Fort Dauphin
RMI Koderma
RMI Nanjing
RMI Koderma
RMI Sandersville
RMI Gudur
RMI Fort Dauphin
RMI Giridih
RMI Giridih
RMI Maracanaú
RMI Maracanaú
RMI Maracanaú
RMI Toyokawa
RMI Shinshiro
RMI Toyohashi
Smelter Facility Location: State
/ Province
Anhui Sheng
Anhui Sheng
Anhui Sheng
Hebei Sheng
Mellersta Österbotten
Fujian Sheng
Jiangsu Sheng
Jiangsu Sheng
Jiangxi Sheng
Jiangxi Sheng
Jiangsu Sheng
Guangdong Sheng
Guangdong Sheng
Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu
Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu
Guizhou Sheng
Guizhou Sheng
Anhui Sheng
Hunan Sheng
Hunan Sheng
Hunan Sheng
Hunan Sheng
Hunan Sheng
Hunan Sheng
Hunan Sheng
Hunan Sheng
Cheshire West and Chester
Guangdong Sheng
Guangdong Sheng
Guangdong Sheng
Jiangsu Sheng
Jiangsu Sheng
Jiangsu Sheng
Jiangxi Sheng
Jiangxi Sheng
Jiangxi Sheng
Jiangxi Sheng
Hubei Sheng
Murmanskaya oblast'
Murmanskaya oblast'
Gansu Sheng
Kostromskaya oblast'
Tianjin Shi
Zhejiang Sheng
Western Australia
Western Australia
Western Australia
Krasnoyarskiy kray
Krasnoyarskiy kray
Thanh Hóa
Thanh Hóa
Jiangsu Sheng
Jiangsu Sheng
Jiangsu Sheng
Zhejiang Sheng
Zhejiang Sheng
Zhejiang Sheng
South Province
Maluku Utara
Jawa Barat
Sulawesi Tengah
Zhejiang Sheng
Sichuan Sheng
Tianjin Shi
Mellersta Österbotten
Newfoundland and Labrador
South Province
South Province
Guangdong Sheng
Guangdong Sheng
Hebei Sheng
Hunan Sheng
Jiangsu Sheng
Fujian Sheng
Zhejiang Sheng
Zhejiang Sheng
Zhejiang Sheng
Zhejiang Sheng
Zhejiang Sheng
Guangdong Sheng
Nei Mongol Zizhiqu
A Coruña [La Coruña]
West Bengal
Hebei Sheng
Hunan Sheng
North Carolina
Hebei Sheng
Hebei Sheng
Guangdong Sheng
Tarragona [Tarragona]
Jiangsu Sheng
Andhra Pradesh
MicaSmelter not listed
MicaSmelter not yet identified