1960NBC-V3 National Building Code
1960NBC-V3 National Building Code
1960NBC-V3 National Building Code
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Part 1 Administration
Part 2 Definitions
Part 3 Use and Occupancy
Part 4 Design
Section 4.1 Structural Loads and Procedures
Section 4.2 Foundations
Section 4.3 Wood
Section 4.4 Unit Masonry
Section 4.5 Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed
Section 4.6 Steel Construction
Section 4.7 Cladding
Part 5 Materials
Part 6 Building Services
Part 7 Plumbing Services
Part 8 Construction Safety Measures
Part 9 Housing
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
ODE 1960
Section 1.1 Short Title ........................................................ 3
~d Section 1.2 Application ...... •••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••• « ••• 3
Section 1.3 Responsibility of the Owner ............................ 3
Section 1.4 Prohibition .......................................................... 3
Section 1.5 Permits .............................................................. 4
Section 1.6 Duties of the Owner ............ , .... ...................... 4
Section 1.7 Documents on the Site ...................................... 5
Section 1.8 Penalties ............................................................ 5
Section 1.9 Duties of the Authority Having Jurisdiction .... 5
Section 1.10 Powers of the Authority Having Jurisdiction .... 5
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
1.1.1. This Bylaw may be cited as the Building Bylaw.
1.2.1. Parts 2 to 8 inclusive of this Bylaw apply to all buildings O other than
those provided for in Part 9.
1.2.2. Part 9 applies to houses.
1.2.3. Where
(a) a building is built, this Bylaw applies to the design and construction of
the building;
(b) the whole or any part of a building is moved, this Bylaw applies to all
parts of the building whether moved or not;
(c) the whole or any part of a building is wrecked, this Bylaw applies to
any remaining part and to the work involv~d in the wrecking;
(d) a building is altered, this Bylaw applies to the whole buildmg except that
the Bylaw applies only to part if that part is completely self-contained
with respect to the facilities and safety measures required by this Bylaw;
(e) the occupancy of a buildmg is changed, this Bylaw applies to all parts
of the building affected by the change.
t This preamble relates the Bylaw to enabling legislation and should be ad-
justed to conform to the powers delegated to the Municipality .
° Italicized words are defined in Part 2.
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Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
1.8.1. Any person who contravenes any prOVlSlon of this Bylaw is guilty of an
offence and is liable, on summary conviction to . . . . 0000 •
.vings of
showing )
1.9.1. The authority having iurisdiction shall
is to be (a) administer this Bylaw; and
(b) keep proper records of all applications received, permits and orders
ed to in issued, inspections and tests made, and shall retain copies of all papers
and documents connected with the administration of his duties.
r on the
1.10.1. The authority having jurisdiction may
(a) enter any building or premises at any reasonable time for the purpose of
Council administering or enforcing this Bylaw; ,
(b) cause a written notice to be delivered to the owner of any property direct-
ing him to correct any condition where, in the opinion of the authority
having iurisdiction, that condition constitutes a violation of this Bylaw;
(c) direct that tests of materials, deviQes, construction methods, structural
assemblies or foundation conditions be made, or sufficient evidence or
proof be submitted, at "the expense of the owner, where such evidence
or proof is necessary to determine whether the material, device, con-
premises struction or foundation eondition meets the requirements of this Bylaw;
'llforcing (d) revoke (or recommend to Council the revocation of) or refuse to issue
a permit where in his opinion the results of the tests referred to in
its relat- clause (c) are not satisfactory.
!t, signs,
permits 00 Here each municipality or authOrity will insert the requirements for any
additional notification as necessary.
000 To apply only to those municipalities which require this permit.
rJ, of the
ooooThe Municipality can insert a penalty clause.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Apply to Code
4. Maximum Fifteen-minute
5. Maximum Twenty-four-hour
Rainfall (in.) .............. .
The above table has been provided for recording the values of major climate
factors that affect building for each municipality using the Code. These factors
may be obtained for any municipality by writing to the Secretary, Associate
Committee on the National Building Code, c/o the National Research Council,
Ottawa, Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
This advisory document has developed from the original National Building Code issued
in 1941 jointly by the National Research Council and the Department of Finance. A completely
revised edition was published in 1953. This is therefore the Third Edition.
The Associate Committee on the National Building Code consists of a group of about
twenty-four Canadian citizens appointed for three-year terms by the Council. They sit as
individuals and not as representatives of any organization. The major task of the Committee
is to promote the uniformity of building regulations throughout Canada. Continued study and
improvement to maintain the National Building Code as a satisfactory document containing
regulations which can be conveniently adopted or enacted for local use will always be an im-
portant part of the Committee's work.
The National Building Code and its various parts or sections may be obtained by writing to:
The Secretary,
Associate Committee on the National Building Code,
National Research Council,
Ottawa 2, Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Pm 1 Administration
Pm 2 DefInitions
Part 3 Use and Occupancy
Pm 4 Design
Section 4.1 Strudural Loads .nd Procedures
Section 4.2 Founct.tiona
Section 4.3 Wood
Section. 4.4 Unit Masonry
Section 4.5 Plain, Reinforced and Preltreaed
Section 4.6 Steel Construction
Section 4.7 Cladding
Pm 5 Materials
Part 6 Building Services
Part 7 Plumbing Services
'.rt 8 ~."&JrMMsures
Part 9 Housing
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
~ial de-
Commercial and industrial occupancy - defined in Part 3
milding Composite column - defined in Section 4.5
Concrete - defined in Section 4.5
Concrete chimney see chimney, Part 6
which Connector, timber - defined in Section 4.3
lt from Consistency - (as applying to concrete) - defined in Section 4.5
ade as
Continuous vent - defined in Part 7
Critical level - (as applying to plumbing fixtures) - defined in Part 7
Curtain wall- defined in Section 4.4
Damp-proof - defined in Section 4.7
Deformed bar defined in Section 4.5
Density (as applying to wood) - defined in Section 4.3
Depth (as applying to wood) - defined in Section 4.3
Design capacity (of foundations) - defined in Section 4.2
~ltering Design properties (of soil or rock) - defined in Section 4.2
Diameter (of pipes, fittings, etc.) - defined in Part 7
Directly connected (as applying to plumbing) - defined in Part 7
Drainage system defined in Part 7
Dual vent - defined in Part 7
DweUing unit - means two or more rooms used or intended for the domestic
use of one or more individuals living as a single housekeeping unit,
with cooking, living, sleeping and sanitary facilities
Edge distance (as applying to timber construction) - defined in Section 4.3
Effective area of concrete - defined in Section 4.5
:lich is Effective area of reinforcement - defined in Section 4.5
of its Effective opening (as applying to plumbing) - defined in Part 7
inished End distance (as applying to timber construction) - defined in Section 4.3
Exhaust duct - defined in Part 6
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Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Lumber, sawn - defined in Section 4.3
Lumber, structurally graded defined in Section 4.3
Lumber, yard - defined in Section 4.3
Main vent - defined in Part 7
Masonry - defined in Section 4.4
Masonry or concrete chimney - see chimney, Part 6
Masonry chimney - see chimney, Part 6
Means of egress - means a doorway, hallway, corridor, lobby, stair, ramp or
other facility or combination thereof provided for the escape of persons
from a building, floor area or room to a public thoroughfare or other
approved open space; means of egress include exits and access to exits
Exit - means that part of a means of egress which leads from the floor area
it serves, including any doorway leading directly from a floor area, a
public thoroughfare or an approved open space
Exit, access to - means that part of a means of egress within a floor area which
provides access to an exit serving the floor area
Exit, horizontal means the connection by a bridge, balcony, vestibule or
doorway of two floor areas at substantially the same level; such floor
areas being located either in different buildings or located in the same
building and fully separated from each other
Mercantile occupancy - defined in Part 3
Metal chimney - see chimney, part 6
Moisture content (as applying ~o wood) - defined in Section 4.3
Motel see hotel
Nominally horizontal (as applying to plumbing) - defined in Part 7
Nominally vertical (as applying to plumbing) - defined in Part 7
Noncombustible (as applying to materials in building generally) - defined in
Part 3
Noncombustible (as applying to materials adjacent to heating equipment) - de-
fined in Part 6
Noncombustible construction - defined in Part 3
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Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
above it
Story, first means the story with its floor closest to grade and having its
ceiling more than 6 ft above grade
Story, second - means the story located immediately above the first story
Storm building drain defined in Part 7
Storm building sewer - defined in Part 7
Storm drainage system - defined in Part 7
Storm sewer - defined in Part 7
Storm water defined in Part 7
Stove - defined in Part 6
Strength test (for concrete) - defined in Section 4.5
Stressed skin - defined in Section 4.3
Stud defined in Section 4.3
Subsoil drainage pipe - defined in Part 7
Sump defined in Part 7
Supply duct defined in Part 6
Trap - defined in Part 7
~fined in Trap, building - see building trap
Trap dip defined in Part 7
Trap seal - defined in Part 7
Trap weir - defined in Part 7
Unit heater - defined in Part 6
Vapour barrier defined in Section 4.7
Veneer - defined in Section 4.4
Vent connector - defined in Part 6
Vent pipe (as applying to plumbing) - defined in Part 7
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
• D. C. Beam
C. N. Blankstein
A. E. Bridges-
A. J. Cameron
J. P. Carriere
G. S. Mooney
J. H. PaimalOn
R.B. Rolland
P. S. Secord
A. Tubby
S. D. C. Chutter A. E~ lerry (ex officio)
J. Connolly R. E. Bolton (ex officio)
R. Duschenes C. D. Carruthen (ex officio)
R. S. ferguson C. A. Thomson (ex officio)
J. H. JenkiM J. M. Robertson (Secretary)
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
This advisory document has developed from the original National Building Code issued
in 1941 jointly by the National Research Council and the Department of Finance. A completely
revised edition was published in 1953. This is therefore the Third Edition.
The Associate Committee on the National Building Code consists of a group of about
twenty-four Canadian citizens appointed fo!" three-year terms by the Council. They sit as
individuals and not as representatives of any organization. The major task of the Committee
is to promote the uniformity of building regulations throughout Canada. Continued study and
improvement to maintain the National Building Code as a satisfactory document containing
regulations which can be conveniently adopted or enacted for local use will always be an im-
portant part of the Committee's work.
The Associate Committee is generally r~presentative of all major phases of building in
Canada. Its direct responsibility for the preparation and publication of the Code ensures the
independence of this document. The staff of. the Council are responsible only for the necessary
technical and secretarial work, all of which is done to the direction of the Associate Committee.
This work is done within the Division of Building Research, to which are referred the many
research problems that the use and revision of the Code are continually revealing. In this
way, the most up-to-date information is made available for the use of the Committee.
The actual work of preparing new parts of the Code and of revising existing parts is
delegated by the Associate Committee to special revision committees. 'Engineers, architects,
building officials, and other technical experts sit upon these committees in order that the
re5ultin,.g. d~uf11~nt5,~ay .repreJ8nt. contempo~Qry practice i!,! Ca?adq, interprete~ QS. nec;essary,
,,:~' h,",·,"'.:~~~·,QJ,whJdI,(,b8. cOcht'" ~...r.;'T,,*·~i"':~Y.'·,"''''
drafts of the ~ew documents which they prepare. These are sent for co~ment to those who
express interest in them. Three Advisory Groups, on Fire, Health and Structure, each with
representative memberships, keep the technical content of the Code under review, between
revisions, and advise the Associate Committee on technical problems.
Comments on the use of the Code and suggestions for its improvement will be welcome
and may be sent to the Secretary, Associate Committee on the National Building Code, in care
of the National Research Council, Ottawa. If those who use this document will thus co-operate
with those who have worked toward its preparation and revision, the true national character
of the Code will be maintained and strengthened and its development as a satisfactory set of
desirable building regulations for use by municipalities and other agencies throughout Canada
should steadily progress.
Ce document, ainsi que toutes les autres sections du Code National du Batiment, sera
disponible en fran~ais d'ici quelque temps. Toutes demandes doivent etre adressees au
Secretaire, Comite Associe sur Ie Code National du BOtiment, Conseil National de Recherches,
Ottawa, Canada.
The National Building Code and its various parts or sections may be obtained by writing to:
The Secretary,
Associate Committee on the National Building Code,
NatIonal RlMeGl'ch Cou~1"
Ottawa 2',' Canad~.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Third Printing
including all Corrections and Revisions
to July 1963
Part Administration
Part 2 Definitions
Part 3 Use and Occupancy
Part 4 Design
Section 4.1 Structural Loads and Procedures
Section 4.2 Fou ndations
Section 4.3 Wood
Section 4.4 Unit Masonry
Section 4.5 Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed
Section 4.6 Steel Construction
Section 4.7 Cladding
Part 5 Materials
Part 6 Building Services
Part 7 Plumbing Services
Part 8 Construction Safety Measures
Part 9 Housing )
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
s: ,•
CODE 1960 •
ing and servicing of motor vehicles .
• Words that Jl,re in italics in this Part are defined in Part 2: Definitions.
Garage J storage means a building, other than a private garage, used or in-
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
tended for the storage of automobiles and which contains no provision for
the repair or servicing of such motor vehicles.
Hazardous substance means a substance which, because of its physical or
chemical nature or because of the form in which it exists, may explode
or become ignited easily and cause intense fires.
Heavy timber construction (see article
Hotel or motel means a building or part thereof wherein accommodation
without private cooking facilities is provided for transient lodgers, and
having a public dining room or cafe.
House, lodging means any building or part thereof other than a hotel or
motel wherein lodging without cooking facilities is provided for compen-
sation pursuant to previous arrangement and not necessarily to anyone
who may apply; but shall not include a single dwelling unit within which
not more than four sleeping rooms are provided for compensation.
Infirm persons includes all persons under the age of six and all other per-
sons whose age or health is such that they require special care or treatment.
Institutional occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building or struc-
ture or any portion thereof by persons harboured or detained to receive
medical, charitable or other care or treatment, or by persons involuntarily
Interior finish material (see article 3.1.3.B.)
Load bearing as applied to beams, girders, columns, posts, piers, lintels,
column bracing, joists, girts, purlins, rafters, roof and floor decking, means
that such members transfer live or dead loads to another member or to
the ground. It does not apply to roof insulation or finish or panel walls
which do not transmit vertical loads from floor to floor.
Load, fire means the average weight per unit area of the combustible con-
tents of a room or floor area in pounds per square foot and includt;s the
furnishings, finished floor, combustible trim, and temporary or movable
Load, high occupant means that the number of persons in a room or floor
area is such that the area of floor per person (total area divided by num-
ber of persons) is B sq ft or less.
Means of egress means a doorway, hallway, corridor, lobby, stair, ramp or
other facility or combination thereof, provided for the escape of persons
from a building, floor area, or room to a public thoroughfare or other ap-
proved open space. Means of egress include exits and access to exits.
Mercantile occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building or structure
or any portion th,ereof for the displaying, selling, or buying of retail
goods, wares or merchandise by large groups of people.
Noncombustible as applied to a building construction material means a
material that falls in one of the following groups (a) through (c).
(a) Materials that are classed as noncombustible when tested in accordance
with CSA specification B54.1-1960, "Determination of Non-Combusti-
bility of Building Materials."
(b) Materials having a structural base of noncombustible material, as de-
fined in (a), with a surfacing not over liB-in. thick which has a
flame spread rating not higher than 50.
(c) Materials, other than as described in (a) or (b), having a surface
flame spread rating not higher than 25 without evidence of continued
progressive combustion and of such composition that surfaces that
would be exposed by cutting through the material in any way would
not have a flame spread rating higher than 25 without evidence of
continued progressive combustion.
Note.-"Noncombustible" does not apply to surface finish materials nor to the
determination of whether a material is noncombustible from the standpoint of
clearances to heat-producing units, venting equipment, pipes and ducts regu-
lated in Part 6: Building Services.
ed or in-
vision for
tible con-
Stage means a raised platform in a place of assembly, cut off from the
:ludt;s the audience section either by a proscenium wall where the wing space is over
movable 3 feet beyond the proscenium opening on one or both sides or where there
is more than 3 feet of space above the proscenium opening.
n or floo-r Story means that portion of any building which is situated between the top
by num- of any floor and the top of the floor next above it; and if there is no
floor above it, that portion between the top of such floor and the ceiling
, ramp or above it.
If persons
other ap- Unprotected noncombustible construction (see article
means a For the purposes of this Bylaw, every building or other structure or Buildings
part thereof whether existing or hereafter erected shall be classified by the required to
ccordance be classified
Combusti- authority havmg jurisdiction on the basis of its maior occupancy in accordance
by major
with the system of classification set forth in article occupancy
aI, as de-
ch has a Where it is intended to use a building for more than one maior oc- Classification
cupancy the building shall he classified according to all maior occupancies for where there
a surface which it is intended. is more than
continued one major
:aces that occuI'ancy
fay would
'idence of Note. - The purpose of classification is to determine what requirements apply.
nor to the This Bylaw requires classification in accordance with every major occupancy for
ndpoint of which the building is intended. This gives the authority having jurisdiction the
ucts regu- right to enforce regulations for every such occupancy. Where necessary in the Bylaw,
an application clause has been inserted to explain how to choose between the
alternate regulations which multiple occupancy classification sometimeB presents.
Group F Buildings - Commercial and Industrial
Division 1 - High Hazard
Buildings in which the occupancy involves sufficient quantities of highly
combustible and flammable or explosive material, and that due to their
inherent characteristics constitute a special fire hazard including:
Bulk storage warehouses for Dry-cleaning plants (employing
hazardous substances flammable liquids)
Cereal and flour mills Grain elevators
Chemical or other plants in- Paint, varnish pyroxylin product
volving hazardous substances factories
Distilleries Rubber plants
Division 2 Moderate Hazard
(Buildings for occupancies with fire loads of more than 10 pounds per
square foot.)
Box factories Mattress factories
Candy plants Planing mills
Cold storage plants Printing plants
Electrical substations Repair garages and service stations
Laboratories Woodworking factories
Loft and warehouse buildings
(containing largely
d because combustible stores)
Loft buWiings
Involving the manufacture, use or
Storage rooms storage of combustible goods not
Workshops elsewhere classified
Wholesale stores
Dry-cleaning plants (employing no flammable or explosive solvents
or cleaners)
Division 3
f persons,
lstitutional (Buildings for occupancies with a fire load of 10 pounds per square
foot or less.)
Creameries Power plants (excluding substations)
Storage garages
Factories } using noncombustible and
Workshops non-explosive materials
Salesrooms } for noncombustible and
Storage rooms non-explosive materials
Detached, one-story, non-business buildings used only to house not more than
ten non-commercial motor vehicles or two such vehicles and three commercial
and roW vehicles
Open sheds Private garages
9.) Private barns Private stables
• (iv) In the top and bottom and at least once in the middle of each run of
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
IVE stairs, and between studs along and in line with run of stair adjoin-
ing stud walls and partitions.
(v) In concealed wall pockets for sliding doors, around top, bottom, sides,
and ends.
, element (vi) Any other location not specifically mentioned above such as holes for
pipes and ducts, and behind furring strips and similar places which
could permit the free travel of flame. Openings around pipes and
ducts shall be filled with approved noncombustible material or shall
Materials be closed off with close fitting metal caps.
ials. (e) Fire stops shall not be covered or concealed until inspected and approved
t 1. 1953. by the authority having iurisdiction. Heavy timber construction means that type of wood construction Heavy
in which a degree of fire endurance is attained by placing limitations on the timber
l National minimum sizes of wood structural members and on minimum thickness and construction
composition of wood floors and roofs, by avoidance of concealed spaces· under
floors and roofs. by the use of approved fastenings, construction details. and
adhesives for structural members as follows:
(a) All wood elements are arranged in heavy solid masses and smooth flat
s. bearing surfaces so as to avoid thin sections, sharp projections, and concealed
lank wall or inaccessible spaces.
(b) Built-up members are not used unless the individual pieces are glued
together as in glued laminated construction or the entire assembly com-
9 of this
plies with the requirements for minimum sizes as set forth herein for
solid sawn timber.
cladding (c) Wood columns are solid sawn or glued laminated and are not less than
laterial so 8 in. nominal in any dimension when supporting floor loads and not less
lin except than 6 in. nominal in width and not less than 8 in. nominal in depth
when supporting roof and ceiling loads only.
y 1/2 in . (d) Columns are continuous or superimposed throughout aU stories by means
of reinforced concrete or metal caps with brackets, or connected by
m this re- properly designed steel or iron caps, with pintles and base plates. or by
timber splice plates affixed to the columns by means of metal connec-
tors housed within the contact faces. or by other approved methods.
ery floor
or other (e) Beams and girders of wood supporting floors are solid sawn, or glued
moke and laminated and are not less than 6 in. nomirtal in width and not less
than 10 in. nominal in depth.
(f) Arches which spring from the floor line and support floor loads are not
less than 8 in. nominal in any dimension.
1 whether (g) Framed timber trusses supporting floor loads have members of not less
than 8 in. nominal in any dimension.
(h) Framed or glued laminated arches for roof construction which spring
o cut off from the floor line and do not support floor loads have members not less
19Soccur- than 6 in. nominal in width and not less than 8 in. nominal in depth
for the lower half of the height and not less than 6 in. nominal in depth
thickness, for the upper half.
ice to be (i) Framed or glued laminated arches for roof construction which spring
lumber is from the top of walls or wall abutments, framed timber trusses. and
mbustible other roof framing which does not support floor loads have members
licknesses not less than 4 in. nominal in width and not less than 6 in. nominal in
sed. depth. Spaced members may be composed of two or more pieces not less
doors of than 3 in. nominal in thickness when blocked solidly throughout their
intervening spaces or when such spaces are tightly closed by a con-
tinuous wood cover plate of not less than 2 in. nominal in thickness,
secured to the underside of the members. Splice plates shall be no less
,artitiotlS, than 3 in. nominal in thickness. When protected by approved automatic
sprinklers under the roof deck. framing members may be not less than
.0 placed 3 in. nominal in width.
)t greater
• Ooncealed spaces refers to spaces ranging in size from cracks to gaps between
the members, but does not mean large spaces such as ceiling or attic spaces.
• Concealed spaces refers to spaces ranging in size from cracks to gaps between
the members. but does not mean large spaces such as ceiling or attic spaces.
.' (iv) in floor areas or rooms used by a single tenancy for business pur-
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
ft. apart. (All such duct openings shall be protected by approved
fire dampers with automatic closers.)
ps between (iv) openings into ducts which are protected throughout the ceiling space
(b) Where a duct enters the space above a fire-resistive ceiling as a branch
outlet from a fire-protected main shaft or duct, the opening from the
main shaft to the duct shall be providEd with an approved damper with
an automatic closer. Such openings shall not be restricted as to size.
Fire Fire separation means a barrier against the spread of fire in the
separation form of construction
(0 having a fire resistance rating
(ii) without openings or if it has openings such openings are a mmunum
in number and size, according to the needs for circulation within the
occupancy and the need for light, access, and ventilation, so that
every opening in the fire separation whether large or small is protected
with closures or shafts or otherwise effectively sealed against the
passage of smoke and flame
(iii) which satisfies the conditions of sentences (2) to (l9).
Grading (2) A fire separation may be termed a 3/4-hr, a I-hr, 1 1/2-hr, 2-hr, 3-hr, or
4-hr separation if it conforms in all respects to table 3.1.3.A and to all other
applicable requirements in this article.
Design and (3) Every fire separation shall be so designed, constructed and supported
construction that it can be expected to remain fntact and in position during the period of time
of fire that it is required to perform. Where pipes or ducts which are not enclosed in
separations shafts pass through a fire separation they shall be tightly fitted or fire stopped
to prevent the passage of smoke and flame from one separated area to another.
TABLE 3.1.3.A
Column 1 2 3 4
• or roof surface, no combustible material shall extend across the end of the
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minimum (9) No combustible member of any kind shall pierce a noncombustible fire
rvithin the separation nor shall it reduce the thickness of the fire separation to less than 4 in.
l, so that
protected (10) Every fire separation shall be required to penetrate through combustible
~ainst the roof construction except that combustible decking and insulation may be sup-
ported on top of a noncombustible fire separation if no member is continuous
across the fire separation, the exterior surface of the roof is noncombustible,
and there is a gap of at least 4 in. between combustible roofing materials on
r, 3-hr, or either side of the fire separation such gap being solidly filled with noncom-
all other bustible material.
(11) Where any story of a building of Group E or Group F Division 1 and 2 Fire
supported occupancy is required to be separated from the story above or below, all openings separations,
)d of time in the exterior walls located vertically one above the other shall be separated by spandrel
nclosed in apron or spandrel walls not less than 3 ft in height or by a horizontal canopy protection
~e stopped
not less than 3 ft in width at each floor level and such apron, spandrel, or
nother. canopy shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than 1 hr. Any spaces
between such walls and the floor construction shall be fire stopped.
m Fire
nce of
es, hr
• (12) Any fire-resistive closure that has been tested by a recognized laboratory
in accordance with "Standard Method of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies,"
ASTM E152-58 and to which a fire resistance rating has been assigned by the
laboratory shall be acceptable as a required fire-resistive closure for any opening
where its fire resistance rating meets the performance that is required.
(13) Any fire door may have a viewing panel of wired glass not more than
100 sq in. in area and in any 3/4-hr fire separation or I-hr fire separation
larger areas of wired glass or glass block may be used where approved by the
protection of
with the requirements of this article except that in buildings that are sprinklered
the enclosure of such escalators may be in accordance with the "Rolling Shutter
terior wall Method" or the "Spray Nozzle Method" or the "Sprinkler Vent Method"
Fire Walls
Fire walls A fire wall means a noncombustible fire separation dividing the
building, terminating on
(i) the ground
( ii) an exterior wall
( iii) an exterior roof surface
( iv) another fire separation
and complying with the following:
(a) Where a fire wall is required to separate two parts of a building anyone
of which is Group E, Mercantile, or Group F. Division 1, Industrial.
such fire wall shall be constructed as a 4-hr fire separation. Where a
fire wall is required to separate other occupancies such fire wall shall
be constructed as a 2-hr fire separation except as otherwise permitted
in article
Openings in (b) Except as permitted in (c) openings in fire walls shall not exceed 120
fire walls sq ft in area and the aggregate width of all openings in anyone wall
of a compartment and at any floor level shall not exceed 25 per cent of
the length of the wall.
(c) When the areas on both sides of a fire wall are provided with automatic
sprinklers complying with this Bylaw, openings designed for the passage
of trucks are permitted up to 240 sq ft in area.
(d) All openings shall have clomres as required for the grade of fire separa-
tion in which the fwe wall is classed.
Openings in (e) Every door opening in a fire wall serving as a horizontal edt shall be
fire walls protected on one side with an approved 1 1/2-hr self-closing fire door
used as or its equivalent when designed as an exit from one side only. An auto-
horizontal matic fire door, fire curtain, or water curtain shall be provided on the
exits opposite side of each such opening. When exits are required from both
directions, there shall be adjacent openings with swinging fire doors
opening in opposite directions. Signs shall be provided indicating as an
exit the door that swings in the direction of travel from that side.
(f) Where a building is of noncombustible construction, a fire wall may be
supported on the structural frame of the building provided that such
supporting frame has a fire resistance at least equal to that required for
the fire wall. Where a fire wall is offset at any intermediate floor con-
struction, the offset floor construction shall be equivalent in fire resist-
ance to the fire wall and the fire separation for the complete assembly
shall be continuous. Flame spread rating means the rating given to an interior finish Flame
material or other material which spread
(a) has been tested in accordance with Tentative Method of Test of Surface rating
ding the Burning Characteristics of Building Materials ASTM E84.59T, or
(b) is listed in Underwriters Laboratories of Canada List of Tested Materials,
(c) is contained in the list of fire resistance ratings published by the National
Research Council as a supplementary document to this Bylaw.
Sprinldered Buildings Sprinklered, as applied to buildings, means that the building is
provided with
: anyone (a) a system of automatic sprinklers conforming to the requirements of Part
Ildustrial, 6: Building Services and
Where a
ooU shall (b) that every room or similar space within the building or part of the
permitted building shall be equipped with sprinklers.
ceed 120
one wall Occupant Load
!r cent of Occupant load means Occupant
(a) the normal occupancy for which the floor area or part thereof is designed load
lutomatic (b) not less than the number that can be accommodated on the net area of
~ passage
floor within the perimeter of the bUilding, not including elevator, stair,
or other shaft enclosures, at the rate of one occupant per unit of area
"e aspara- as prescribed in table 3.1.3.B.
(2) For the purposes of this definition mezzanines, tiers, balconies and pent-
shall be houses for habitation or used as a part of a maior occupancy shall be regarded
fire door as areas of floors.
An auto-
d on the (3) Where a room or group of rooms is intended for two or more occupancies
rom both
at different times, the value to be used from table 3.1.3.B is the least value for
ire doors
any of the occupancies concerned.
ng as an
t may be
hat such
uired for
loor con-
,re resist-
ut of the
Face of a
TABLE 3.1.3.B
Fonning Part of Article
Vocational shops 50
Operating and clinical rooms in hospitals 125
Dining rooms· 12
Kitchens· 100
Offices 100
Storage 300
Column 1 Column 2
lperson, Where a building is divided by a fire wall or fire walls each portion Building
ft of the building separated from the remainder in this manner may be considered divided by
as a separate building.
(2) For the purposes of this Section, area of a building means the greatest
6 horizontal projected area at or above grade, inside the outside perimeter of the
exterior walls or inside the outside perimeter of the exterior walls and firewalls.
8 The height of a building in stories shall mean the number of stories Height of
contained between its roof and the floor of its first story. building
(2) Penthouses containing habitable space or penthouses whose use is part
of the principal or maior occupancy of the building shall be included in calculat-
10 ing the height.
(3) Elevator, stairway bulkheads and machinery rooms used for no other
;0 purpose than as a service to the building shall not be considered in calculating
the height.
(4) Balconies or galleries in places of assembly shall not be considered as
increasing the height of a building in stories.
(5) Space under tiers of seats in buildings of the arena type shall not be
.2 considered as adding to the height of a building in stories provided such space
is employed only for purposes incidental to the major use of the building, i.e.,
dressing rooms, etc.
'0 (6) A mezzanine floor or floors shall not be considered as increasing the
.0 height of a building in stories provided that their aggregate area does not
exceed 40 per cent of the area of the room or story in which they are located,
10 provided further that the space beneath the mezzanine is not enclosed, and
;0 provided finally that the mezzanine overhang does not exceed 40 per cent of
the least dimension of any room in which it is located.
(7) Where a building is situated on sloping ground the height to be assumed
'0 shall be the average value for all principal faces.
)0 Where any building is classified as containing more than one maior Mixed
occupancy for the purpose of determining the minimum construction require- occupancies
ments of this Section the most restrictive requirements for fire spread and
)0 collapse for any of the major occupancies so contained shall apply to the whole
building without regard to the possibility that each maior occupancy may have
its own space to which the other major occupancies have no access.
m 2
(2) Notwithstanding sentence (1) any building which is predominantly of
one maior occupancy, such as a large hotel or office building but which has
a small percentage of the building and on floors at or near grade, then the
requirements that shall apply are those of the predominant occupancy and for
the purposes of this subsection the other malor occupancies can be ignored.
Support Except for completely buried piles combustible material shall not be
for fire used to support any masonry or concrete wall or concrete construction that is
resistance required to have a fire resistance rating, other than precast roof slabs and other
approved construction.
Where fire Notwithstanding the general requirements for fire protection of load-
protection bearing members in this subsection fire protection shall not be required for the
not required following elements of any building:
(a) Structural steel loose lintels over openings not more than 6 ft wide in
bearing walls and not more than 10 ft wide in non-bearing walls;
(b) Structural steel lintels over openings more than 6 ft or 10 ft wide as
the case may be if such lintels are suspended at intervals of not more
than 6 ft from a structural member or members with the required fire
resistance rating;
(c) The bottom flanges of shelf angles and plates that are not a part of
the structural frame;
(d) Structural steel or iron members for framework around elevator shaft
doorways, for the support of elevator and dumbwaiter guides, counter-
weights and other such equipment, when entirely enclosed in a shaft
and not a part of the structural frame of the building;
(e) steel or iron members of stairways, including escalators, which are not a
part of the structural frame of a building;
(f) Structural steel or iron members of porches, exterior balconies, exterior
stairways, fire-escapes, cornices, marquees and other similar appurten-
ances, provided they are entirely outside of an exterior wall of the
required fire resistance rating. The precautions for fire spread and collapse in any article of articles to may be applied to a building of the same occupancy but
of a lesser number of stories than that described in the article and where this
mprising is the case the area may be greater provided that it is in proportion to the
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
(d) in which the area of the building if sprinklered is not greater than
. of load-
d for the 20,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
25,000 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
30,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets,
wide in
the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse shall
wide as
not more be taken:
lired fire
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or ceDars shall be con-
, part of structed of protected wood-frame construction, heavy timber construction
or combinations thereof or as a 3/4-hr fire separation.
tor shaft
counter- Other floor assemblies shall be constructed of protected wood-frame con-
I a shaft struction, heavy timber construction or combinations thereof or as a 3/4-hr
fire separation.
ire not a
Balconies and mezzanines shall be constructed of protected wood-frame
exterior construction, heavy timber construction, unprotected noncombustible
lppurten- construction or combinations thereof or as construction having a 3/4-hr
1 of the fire resistance .rating.
f articles
mcy but Interior load-bearing walls and columns shan have fire endurance equiva-
flere this lent to the construction which they support.
.1 I
Balconies and mezzanines shall be of construction having a I-hr fire re-
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
sistance rating.
I having
located Roof assembly shall be of construction having a I-hr fire resistance rating.
rtruction Interior load-bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have a fire
resistance rating equivalent to the construction which they support.
Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
a 3·hr fire resistance rating.
Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 3-hr fire resistance
lot line rating.
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
structed as a protected wood-frame construction, heavy timber construc-
tion or combinations thereof or as a 3/4-hr fire separatton.
, fire reo In buildings without basements or cellars a I-hr fire separation may be
used in lieu of a fire wall to separate the building into limiting areas.
~e rating See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
he main
.s includ- In any building of Group A, Division 2 (see article Schools etc
t, unpro- 1 story
estriction (a) which is not more than 1 story in height
16,000 sq ft
(b) in which the area of the building if unsprinklered is not greater than basic area
ld which 16,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
20,000 sq ft if it faces two 30·ft streets
24,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets
(c) in which the area of the building if sprinklered does not exceed
'e a fire 32,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
rt. 40,000 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
In having 48,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets
the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse shall
'esistance be taken (see article;
Basements or cellars shall be divided by a I-hr fire separation into areas not
exceeding 10,000 sq ft or they shall be sprinklered.
heavy timber construction, unprotected noncombustible construction or
Interior load-bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have fire
endurance equivalent to the construction which they support.
Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
a 1-hr fire resistance rating except that such columns and arches located
more than 10 ft from the lot line may be equivalent to the construction
that they support.
Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 2-hr fire resistance
rating except that such walls located more than 10 ft from the lot line
may be equivalent to the construction which they support.
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
(a) an inclined and stepped floor ascending from the main floor and which
is used for seating purposes only
resistance Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 2-hr fire resistance
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
have fire
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article 3.4 •.2.13.
)n having
,s located
nstruction In any building of Group A, Division 2 (see article Schools etc.
(a) which is not more than 2 stories in height 2 stories
resistance (b) which is sprinklered 8000 sq ft
e lot line basic area
(c) in which the area of the bufliling is limited to
8,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
12,000 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
16,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets
the minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse as set forth
in article shall be taken.
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
collapse In any building of Group A, Division 2 (see article Schools etc.
(a) which is not more than 2 stories in height 2 stories
8000 sq ft
(b) in which the area of the building if unsprinklered is not greater than basic area
permitted 8,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
10,000 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
12,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets
Ition into
(c) in which the area of the building if sprinklered is not greater than
16,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
20,000 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
U be con-
24,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets
>n having
a I-hr fire resistance rating except that such columns and arches located
more than 10 ft from the lot line may be equivalent to the construction
that they support.
rating except that such walls located more than 10ft from the lot
line may be equivalent to the construction which they support.
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
Schools etc. In any building of Group A, Division 2 (see article
5 stories (a) which is not more than 5 stories in height
any area (b) in which the area of the building is unlimited
the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse
shall be taken (see article
The building shall be of fire-resistive construction except as permitted
for high roofs herein.
Basements or cellars shall be subdivided by a 2-hr fire separation into
areas not exceeding 10,000 sq ft or they shall be sprinklered.
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed as a 2-hr fire separation.
Other floor assemblies shall be constructed as a 1-hr fire separation.
Balconies and mezzanines shall be of construction having a 1-hr fire re-
sistance rating.
Roof assembly shall be of construction having a 1-hr fire resistance rating,
except that where any roof assembly is 20 ft or more above the main
floor or balcony and carries no loads other than normal roof loads includ-
ing access walks and ventilating and sound or similar equipment, un-
protected noncombustible construction may be used. The above restriction
concerning minimum distance shall not apply to
(a) an inclined and stepped floor ascending from the main floor and which
is used for seating purposes only
(b) a balcony used for seating purposes only
(c) a walkway used only as a means of egress.
Interior load-bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have a 1-hr
fire resistance rating equal to the construction which they support.
Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
a 2-hr fire resistance rating.
Exterior bearing walls shall be constructed having a 2-hr fire resistance
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
(b) in which the area of the building if unsprinklered is not greater than basic area
ve a I-hr 20,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
ort. 25,000 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
on having 30,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets
(c) in which the area of the building if sprinkle red is not greater than
resistance 40,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
50,000 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
60,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets
the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse shall be taken (see article
Basements or cellars shall be subdivided by a 2-hr fire separation into
minimum areas not exceeding 10,000 sq ft or they shall be sprinklered.
ee article Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed as a 2-hr fire separation.
permitted Other floor assemblies shall be constructed of protected wood-frame con-
struction, heavy timber construction, unprotected noncombustible con-
struction or combinations thereof or as a 3/4-hr fire separation.
'ltion into
Balconies and mezzanines shall be constructed of protected wood-frame
construction, heavy timber construction, unprotected noncombustible
11 be con- construction or combinations thereof or of construction having a 3/4-hr
fire resistance rating.
fon. Roof assembly shall be constructed of protected wood-frame construction,
r fire reo heavy timber construction, unprotected noncombustible construction or
combinations thereof or of construction having a 3/4-hr fire resistance
ce rating, rating.
the main Interior load-bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have fire
Jof loads endurance equivalent to the construction which they support.
IUipment, Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
lbove re- a 1-hr fire resistance rating except that such columns and arches located
more than 10 ft from the lot line may be equivalent to the construction
that they support.
nd which
Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 2-hr fire resistance
rating except that in buildings less than 20,000 sq ft in area such walls
located more than 10 ft from the lot line may be equivalent to the
concerning Interior load-bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have a fire
resistance rating equivalent to the construction which they support.
and which Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
a 3-hr fire resistance rating.
Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 3-hr fire resistance
Lve a I-hr See also subsection 3.2.2. and article In any building of Group B, Division 2 (see article Nursing
ion having occupied as a nursing home homes
nd arches (a) which is not more than 1 story in height 1 story
mt to the (b) in which the area of the building if unsprinklered is not greater than 2500 sq ft
2500 sq ft basic area
resistance ( c) in which the area of the building if sprinklered is not greater than
area such 5000 sq ft
lent to the the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse
shall be taken:
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed of protected wood-frame construction, heavy timber construction
~ or combinations thereof or as a 3/4-hr fire separation.
Roof assemblies shall be constructed of protected wood-frame construction,
heavy timber construction except that the limiting width of beams need
i collapse not apply, unprotected noncombustible construction or combinations
thereof or of construction having a 3/4-hr fire resistance rating.
ilrena type Interior load-bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have fire en·
durance equivalent to the construction which they support.
'ation into Exterior load-bearing columns and arches may be equivalent to the con-
struction that they support.
LIl be con- Exterior bearing walls may be equivalent to the construction which they
tion. See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
2-hr fire In any building of Group B, Division 2 (see article Hospitals
lce rating,
the main
roof loads .) occupied as other than a nursing home
(a) which is not more than 1 story in height
(b) in which the area of the building if unsprinklered is not greater than
12,000 sq ft
1 story
12000 sq ft
basic area
(c) in which the area of the buUdinll. if sprinkle red is not greater than
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
24,000 sq ft
the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse
shall be taken:
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed of protected wood-frame construction, heavy timber construction
or combinations thereof or as a 3/4-hr fire separation.
Roof assemblies shall be constructed of protected wood-frame construction,
heavy timber construction, unprotected noncombustible construction or
combinations thereof or of construction having a 3/4-hr fire resistance
Interior load-bearing walls, (!olumns, and partitions shall have fire en-
durance equivalent to the construction which they support.
Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
a 1-hr fire resistance rating except that such columns and arches located
more than 10 ft from the lot line may be equivalent to the construction
that they support.
Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 1-hr fire resistance
rating except that such walls located more than 10 ft from the lot
line may be equivalent to the construction which they support.
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
Hospitals In any building of Group B, Division 2 (see article
and nursing which is not more than 1 story in height and unlimited in area
homes the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse
1 story shall be taken (see article
any area The building shall be of fire-resistive construction.
Basements or cellars shall be subdivided by a 2-hr fire separation into
areas not exceeding 10,000 sq ft or they shall be sprinklered.
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed as a 2-hr fire separation.
Balconies and mezzanines shall be of construction having a 1-hr fire re-
sistance rating.
Roof assembly shall be of construction having a 1-hr fire resistance rating.
Interior load-bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have fire en-
durance equivalent to the construction which they support.
Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
a 1-hr fire resistance rating.
Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 2-hr fire resistance
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
Hospitals In any building of Group B, Division 2 (see article
and nursing (a) which is not more than 2 stories in height
homes (b) in which the area of the building if unsprinklered is not greater than
2 stories 8000 sq ft
8000 sq It (c) in which the area of the building if sprinklered is not greater than
basic area 16,000 sq ft,
the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse
shall be taken (see article
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed as a 1-hr fire separation.
Other floor assemblies shall be constructed of protected wood-frame con-
struction, heavy timber construction or combinations thereof or as a
3/4-hr fire separation.
Balconies and mezzanines shall be constructed of protected wood-frame
construction, heavy timber construction, unprotected noncombustible
construction or combinations thereof or construction having a 3/4-hr fire
resistance rating.
Roof assemblies shall be constructed of protected wood-frame construction,
heavy timber construction, unprotected noncombustible construction or
combinations thereof or construction having a 3/4-hr fire resistance rating.
Interior load-bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have fire en-
durance equivalent to the construction which they support.
Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
'eater than a I-hr fire resistance rating except that such columns and arches located
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
more than 10 ft from the lot line may be equivalent to the construction
d collapse that they support.
Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 2-hr fire resistance
all be con- rating except that such walls located more than 10 ft from the lot line may
onstruction be equivalent to the construction which- they support.
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
Instruction, In any building of Group B, Division 2 (see article
:ruction or Hospitals
which is not limited in height or area the following minimum precautions
and nursing
resistance against fire spread and collapse shall be taken (see article
homes any
ve fire en-
The building shall be of fire-resistive construction height any
Basements or cellars shall be subdivided by a 2-hr fire separation into area
areas not exceedinsr 10,000 sq ft or they shall be sprinklered.
:ion having
les located Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed as a 2-hr fire separation.
onstruction Other floor assemblies shall be constructed as a 2-hr fire separation.
Balconies and mezzanines shall be of construction having a 2-hr fire re-
sistance rating.
m the lot Roof assembly shall be of construction having a I-hr fire resistance rating.
t. Interior load· bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have fire en-
durance equivalent to the construction which they support.
e Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
d. in area a 3-hr fire resistance rating.
d collapse Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 3-hr fire resistance
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
ration into
1111 be con- In any building of Group C, Division 1 (see article Apartments,
hr fire re- (a) which is not more than 1 story in height hotels, etc.
(b) in which the area of the building if unsprinklered is not greater than 1 story
nee rating. 10,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street 10,000 sq ft
ve fire en- 12,500 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
basic area
15,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets,
ion having (c) in which the area of the building if sprinklered is not greater than
20.000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
resistance 25.000 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
30.000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets.
U.2.2.) the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse shall
be taken:
eater than Basements or cellars shall be subdivided by a I-hr fire separation into
areas not exceeding 10,000 sq ft or they shall be sprinklered.
~ater than
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
:I collapse structed of protected wood-frame construction, heavy timber construction
or combinations thereof or as a 3/4-hr fire separation.
LII be con- Roof assemblies shall be constructed of protected wood-frame construction,
heavy timber construction except that the limiting width of beams need
'rame con- not apply. unprotected noncombustible construction or combinations
f or as a thereof or as construction having a 3/4.hr fire resistance rating.
rood-frame Interior load-bearing walls, columns and partitions shall have a fire
)mbustible endurance equivalent to the construction which they support.
1/4-hr fire Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall have fire endurance
equivalent to the construction that they support.
ruction or Exterior bearing walls shall have fire endurance equivalent to the con-
lce rating. struction which they support.
'e fire en- (2) Where exterior bearing walls or columns are of construction having a 2-hr
fire resistance rating for buildings as defined in sentence (1) then the provisions
:on having in sentence (1) apply except that the limiting areas in clauses (b) and (c) may
• In any building of Group C, Division 1 (see article Apartments,
er than (a) which is not more than 6 stories in height hotels, etc•
(b) in which the area of the building if unsprinklered is not greater than 6 stories
24,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street 24,000 sq ft
30,000 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets basic area
than 36,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets
(c) in which the area of the buildinll if sprinklered is not greater than
48,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
60,000 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
!lapse shall 72,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets
the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse
all be con- shall be taken (see article
onstruction The building shall be of fire-resistive construction.
Basements or cellars shall be subdivided by a 2-hr fire separation into
frame con- areas not exceeding 10,000 sq ft or they shall be sprinklered.
is a 3/4-hr Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed as a 2-hr fire separation.
•nstruction, Other floor assemblies shall be constructed as a 1-hr fire separation.
onstruction Balconies and mezzanines shall be of construction having a 1-hr fire re-
sistance rating.
ve fire en- Roof assembly shall be of construction having a l-hr fire resistance rating.
Interior load-bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have a fire
ion having resistance rating equivalent to the construction which they support.
les located Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
onstruction a 2-hr fire resistance rating.
Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 2-hr fire resistance
resistance rating.
ile lot line See also subsection 3.2.2. and article In any building of Group C, Division 1 (see article Apart-
having a any height any area the following minimum precautions against fire spread and ments,
then the collapse shall be taken (see article hotels. etc.
lauses (b) The building shall be of fire-resistive construction. any height
Basements or cellars shall be subdivided by a 2-hr fire separation into any area
areas not exceeding 10,000 sq ft or they shall be sprinklered.
tall be con-
• a I-hr fire resistance rating except that such columns and arches located
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
more than 10 ft from the lot line may be equivalent to the construction
ltion. that they support.
-hr fire re- Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a I-hr fire resistance
rating except that in buildings less than 20,000 sq ft in area such walls
tnce rating. located more than 10 ft from the lot line may be equivalent to the
lave a fire construction which they support.
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
tion having In any building of Group D, Division 1 (see article Office
~ resistance (a) which is not more than 1 story in height and any area buildings
the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse etc. 1 story
shall be taken (see article any area
ItVICES The building shall be of fire-resistive construction except as permitted
e for balconies or mezzanines.
Basements or cellars shall be subdivided by a I-hr fire separation into
Lter than areas not exceeding 10,000 sq ft or they shall be sprinklered.
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed as a 1-hr fire separation.
Balconies and mezzanines shall be constructed of unprotected noncom-
than bustible construction or as construction having a 1-hr fire resistance
Roof assembly shall be of construction having a 1-hr fire resistance rating.
Interior load-bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have fire
.d collapse endurance equivalent to the construction which they support.
all be con-
Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
a 1-hr fire resistance rating.
Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 2-hr fire resistance
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
er than In any building of Group D, Division 1 (see article Office
(a) which is not more than 2 stories in height buildings
(b) in which the area of the building if unsprinklered is not greater than etc. 2
er than 6,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street stories,
7,500 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets 6000 sq It
9,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets, basic are?,
(c) in which the area of the building if sprinklered is not greater than
ld collapse 12,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
15,000 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
ration into 18,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets,
the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse
all be con- shall be taken (see article
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
frame con- structed of protected wood-frame construction, heavy timber construction
stible con- or combinations thereof or as a 3/4-hr fire separation.
t. See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
~ a 3/4-hr any building of Group D, Division 1 (see article Office
(a) which is not more than 4.stories in height buildings
Instruction, (b) in which the area of the building if unsprinklered is not greater than etc. 4
:ruction or 16,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street stories
resistance 20,000 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets 16,000 sq ft
24,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets, basic area
have fire (c) in which the area of the building if sprinklered is not greater than
32,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
40,000 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
ion having 48,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets,
collapse Exterior bearing walls shall be constructed having a 2-hr fire resistance
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
ltton into See also subsection 3.2.2. and article In any building of Group D, Division 1 (see article> Office
U be con- (a) which is unlimited in height or area buildings
nstruction any height
the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse shall be any area
~ame con- taken (see article>:
tibIe con-
The building shall be of fire-resistive construction.
ood-frame Basements or cellars shall be subdivided by a 2-hr fire separation into
mbustible areas not exceedinK 10,000 sq £t or they shall be sprinklered.
a 3/4-hr
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or ceDars shall be con-
structed as a 2-hr fire separation.
uction or Other Door assemblies shall be constructed as a 2-hr fire separation.
Balconies and mezzanines shall be of construction having a 2-hr fire re-
have fire sistance rating.
[)n having 48,000 sq ft if it faces one 300ft street
60,000 sq ft if it faces two 30·ft streets
72,000 sq ft if it faces three 30·ft streets,
Stores etc. In any building of Group E, Division 1 (see article
2 stories (a) which is not more than 2 stories irrheight
5000 sq ft (b) in which the area of the building if unsprinklered is not greahlr than
basic area 5,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
6,200 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
7,500 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets,
(c) in which the area of the building if sprinkle red is not greater than
10,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
12,500 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
15,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets,
the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse
shall be taken (see article
Floor assembUes immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed of protected wood-frame construction, heavy timber construction
or combinations thereof or as a 3/4-hr fire separation.
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
I collapse 3.%.L46.(I) In any buDding of Group E, Division 1 (see article Stores etc.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed as a 2-hr fire separation .
Other floor assemblies shall be constructed as a 2-hr fire separation.
Stores etc. In any building of Group E, Division 1 (see article
6 stories (a) which is not more than 6 stories in height
sprinklered (b) in which the area of the building if sprinklered is not greater than
25,000 sq ft 25,000 sq ft if it faces one 30-ft street
basi-c area 31,000 sq ft if it faces two 30-ft streets
37,000 sq ft if it faces three 30-ft streets,
minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse shall be taken
in accordance with article
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
Stores etc. In any building of Group E, Division 1 (see article any
any height, height any area the following minimum precautions against fire spread and
any area collapse shall be taken (see article
The building shall be of fire-resistive construction and shall be sprink.
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed as a 3-hr lire separation.
Other floor assemblies shall be constructed as a 3-hr /ire separation.
Balconies and mezzanines shall be of construction having a 3-hr fire re-
sistance rating.
Roof assembly shall be of construction having a 2-hr fire resistance rating.
Interior load-bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have fire en-
durance equivalent to the construction whiCh they support.
Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
a 3-hr fire resistance rating.
Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 4-hr fire resistance
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
r fire ro-
ee rating. In any buDding of Group F, Division 1, 2, or 3 (see article Industrial
ve a fire and storage
art. 1 story
(a) which is not more than 1 story in height
)n having Division 1
(b) in which the area of the building is not greater than the value as 4000 sq It;
resistance tabulated below Division 2
10,000 sq It;
Unsprinklered and facing Sprinklered and facing Division 3
18,000 sq It
1 30-ft 2 30-ft 3 30-ft 1 30-ft 2 30.ft 3 30·ft basic area street streets streets street streets streets
Division 1 4,000 5,000 6,000 12,000 15,000 18,000
2.2.) any the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse shall be taken:
read and
Basements or cellars shall be subdivided by a I-hr fire separation into
>e sprink-
areas not exceeding 5,000 sq ft in Division 1 and 10,000 sq ft in
II be con- Divisions 2 and 3 or they shall be sprinklered.
ion •
.r fire re-
ee rating.
e fire en-
m having
• Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed of protected wood-frame construction, heavy timber construction
or combinations thereof or as a 3/4-hr fire separation.
Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
a I-hr fire resistance rating except that such columns and arches located
more than 20 ft from the lot line may be equivalent to the construction
that they support.
e article
Basements or cellars shall be sub-divided by a 2-hour fire separation into
value as areas not exceeding 5,000 sq. ft. in buildings classified under Division
1 and 10,000 sq. ft. in buildings classified under Divisions 2 and 3
or they shall be sprinklered.
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
I 30-ft structed as a 2-hour fire separation in buildings classified under Divi-
:treets sions 1 and 2 and as a I-hour fire separation in buildings classified
under Division 3.
Balconies and mezzanines used in connection with operating processes
5.000 only may be constructed of unprotected noncombustible construction.
6,000 All other balconies and mezzanines shall be of construction having a
shall be
( 2-hour fire resistance rating in buildings classified under Divisions 1 and
2 and a I-hour fire resistance rating in buildings classified under Divi-
sion 3.
tion into
sq ft in
J Roof assembly shall be of construction having a 2-hour fire resistance rat-
ing for buildings classified under Division 1 and a I-hour fire resistance
rating for buildings classified under Division 2. Roof assembly in build-
lstructed ings classified under Division 3 may be of unprotected noncombustible
In or as construction.
Interior load-bearing waIls, columns, and partitions shall have a fire
resistance rating at least equivalent to the construction which they sup-
od.frame port.
1 3/4·hr Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall have a fire resistance
rating at least equivalent to the construction which they support.
.truction. Exterior bearing walls shall have a fire resistance rating at least equiva-
lent to the construction which they support.
lction or
esistance (2) In any building of Group F, Division 3, which is not more than one
storey in height and which is used solely for a power-generating station or a
plant for the manufacture or storage of noncombustible materials, such as
e a fire asbestos, brick, cement and steel, or for the fabrication of structural steel or
precast concrete products, or any other occupancy with a correspondingly low
n having fire load7 the area shall not be limited.
Division The minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse for such buildings
lot line shall be as set forth in sentence (1) except that areas within such buildings
which may have concentrations of combustibles, such as for packaging or for pro-
esistance cessing, shall be separated in accordance with section or shall be pro-
I located vided with approved fire protection.
struction See also sub-section 3.2.2 and article
(a) which is not more than 2 stories in height 2 story
shall be (b) in which the area of the building is not greater than the value as tabulat- Division 1
ed below 10,000 sq ft;
nto areas Division 2
U nsprinklered and facing Sprinklered and facing
1 30-ft 2 30-ft 3 30-ft 1 30-ft 2 30-ft 3 30-ft 24,000 sq ft;
1 be con- Division 3
lstruction street streets streets street streets streets
48,000 sq ft
at where Division 1 10,000 12,500 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 basic area
Ife a fire
Division 2 24;000 30,000 36,000 48,000 60,000 72,000
Division 3 48,000 60,000 72,000 96,000 120,000 144,000
having a the following mInImum precautions against fire spread and collapse shall be
then the taken (see article>:
(b) may The building shall be of fire-resistive construction.
Basements or cellars shall be subdivided by a 2-hr fire separation into areas
not exceeding 5,000 sq ft in Division 1 and 10,000 sq ft in Divisions
e article 2 and 3 or they shall be sprinklered.
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed as a 2-hr fire separation except that where necessary for
value as occupancy reasons unprotected openings may be approved.
Other floor assemblies shall be constructed as a I-hr fire separation except
that where necessary for occupancy reasons unprotected openings may be
::ing approved.
~ 30-ft Balconies and mezzanines shall be of construction having a I-hr fire re-
•treets sistance rating .
2,000 Roof assembly shall be of construction having a I-hr fire resistance rating.
5,000 Interior load-bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have fire
endurance equivalent to the construction which they support.
2,000 Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
shall be a 2-hr fire resistance rating.
Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 2-hr fire resistance
tion into rating.
sq ft in See also subsection 3.2.2. and article .
may be approved.
Balconies and mezzanines shall be of construction having a 2-hr fire re-
sistance rating.
Roof assembly shall be of construction having a 2-hr fire resistance rating.
Interior load-bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have fire
resistance rating equivalent to the construction which they support.
Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
a 3-hr fire resistance rating.
Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 3·hr fire resistance
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
Industrial In any building of Group F, Division 2, 3 (see article
and storage (a) which is not limited in height
any height (b) in which the area of the building is not greater than the value as tabu-
Division 2 lated below
48,000 SfJ. It; Unsprinklered and facing Sprinkle red and facing
Division 3
96,000 sq It 1 30·ft 2 30-ft 3 30-ft 1 30-ft 2 30-ft 3 30-ft
basic area street streets streets street streets streets
Division 2 48,000 60,000 72,000 96,000 120,000 144,000
Division 3 96,000 120,000 144,000 192,000 240,000 288,000
the following mmunum precautions against fire spread and collapse shall be
taken (see article
The building shall be of fire-resistive construction.
Basements or cellars shall be subdivided by a 4-hr fire separation into
areas not exceeding 10,000 sq ft or they shall be sprinklered.
Floor assemblies immediately above basements or cellars shall be con-
structed as a 4-hr fire separation except that where necessary for
occupancy reasons unprotected openings may be approved.
Other fioor assemblies shall be constructed as a 3-hr fire separation except
that where necessary for occupancy reasons unprotected openings may be
Balconies and mezzanines shall be of construction having a 3-hr fire resist-
ance rating.
Roof assembly shall be of construction having a 2-hr fire resistance rating.
Interior load-bearing walls, columns, and partitions shall have fire
endurance equivalent to the construction which they support.
Exterior load-bearing columns and arches shall be of construction having
a 4-hr fire resistance rating.
Exterior bearing walls shall be of construction having a 4-hr fire resistance
See also subsection 3.2.2. and article
ion into Mixed Occupancy In any building classified as having occupancies regulated by article Mixed
be con- the requirements of sentence shall govern except that in a occupancy
.ary for building, such as a multi-story hotel or office building, which has rental space
on or near the iround floor occupied by Group E or Group F occupancies and
n. except where no such commercial tenancy is greater than 3000 sq ft in area the re-
may be quirements of the predominant major occupancy shall govern. The area of unprotected openings shall be the aggregate area of Area of unpro-
re resist- windows, doors (excepting fire doors) and any part of the building face having tected open-
a fire resistance less than that required by article ings defined
~ rating. (2) Where the unprotected openings permitted in article consist Where wired
ave fire solely of windows of wired ilass in metal frames the area of unprotected glass used
openings may be not more than twice the area of unprotected openings shown
1 having in tables 3.2.2.A and 3.2.2.B. The limiting distance referred to in article is the distance Limiting
measured at right angles to the wall face, from the exterior face of a building to distance
(a) the lot line, defined
(b) the centreline of a street or lane.
m (c) the mid-point between two buildings on the same lot,
(d) the mid-point between two parts of· the same building which are re-
quired to be separated from each other.
ivision 3 Area of The area of exposed building face referred to in article is the
area of that part of the exterior wall of a buildini which is bounded by: exposed
Ill, ( a) finished exterior grade building
at least (b) the ceiling of the uppermost floor area face defined
(c) a wall or floor which in a buildini classified as Group A, B, C, D or
be con- Group F Division 3 is a 1 hr fire separation
pierced (d) a wall or floor which in a building classified as Group E or Group F
,rotected Division 1 and 2 is a 2-hr fire separation.
2.A. de-
~ngth of
n clause Where it is necessary to apply the requirements of this subsection to Application
1, heavy two parts of the same buildinll, and the exterior face of each part meets the to interior
bsection exterior face of the other at an anile less than 90 0, the limitini distance shall angles in
be the .distance between any opening in one part of the building and any open- walls
ing in the other part.
Walls ex:~ Where a wall is exposed to a fire hazard from an adjoining roof in a
posed to separate part of the same building and the adjoining roof has less than a I-hr
roofs fire resistance rating every opening within 3 stories of such roof shall be pro-
tected with wired glass in metal frames or metal~overed frames.
TABLE 3.2.2.A
Forming Part of Subsection 3.2.2.
Groups A, B, C, D and
Group F, Div. 3 4 6 8 10 15 20 30 50 70 100
Area of Exposed Ratio Permissible Area of Unprotected Openings
Building Face, sq ft L/H or H/V" in Exposed Building Face, per cent
less than 3 : 1 10 13 20 30 63 100 100 100 100 100
less than 300 3:1 to 10:1 12 17 25 35 68 100 100 100 100 100
over 10:1 17 25 35 50 87 100 100 100 100 100
less than 3 : 1 911 16 24 49 82 100 100 100 100
300 and over
3:1 to 10:1 11 15 21 29 54 89 100 100 100 100
but less than 400
over 10:1 15 21 27 40 70 100 100 100 100 100
less than 3: 1 811 15 21 41 68 100 100 100 100
400 and over 11 14 19 25 45 73 100 100 100 100
3:1 to 10:1
but less than 500 10:1 14 20 27 36 61 93 100 100 100 100
less than 3 : 1 811 14 19 36 58 100 100 100 100
500 and over 63 100 100 100 100
3:1 to 10:1 10 13 17 22 39
but less than 600 10:1 14 19 26 33 55 82 100 100 100 100
less than 3 : 1 710 12 15 29 45 94 100 100 100
600 and over 50 100 100 100 100
3:1 to 10:1 10 12 15 19 32
but less than 800 69 100 100 100 100
over 10:1 14 15 22 28 46
less than 3 : 1 7 911 14 24 38 80 100 100 100
800 and over 9 10 14 17 28 43 88 100 100 100
but less than 1000 3:1 to 10:1
over 10:1 13 16 20 25 42 60 100 100 100 100
less than 3 : 1 6 8 911 18 27 56 100 100 100
1 000 and over 62 100 100 100
3:1 to 10:1 8 10 13 15 22 32
but less than 1500 46 80 100 100 100
over 10:1 12 14 18 21 33
less than 3 : 1 5 6 8 9 14 19 37 91 100 100
1500 and over 41 100 100 100
3:1 to 10:1 6 7 10 H~ 17 23
but less than 2500 11 13 15 17 25 34 67 100 100 100
over 10:1
less than 3 : 1 4 6 7 8 12 16 28 67 100 100
2500 and over 5 7 9 11 15 19 32 93 100 100
3:1 to 10:1
but less than 3500 46 100 100 100
over 10:1 11 12 14 16 22 30
less than 3: 1 4 5 6 7 10 13 22 50 88 100
3500 and over 3:1 to 10:1 5 6 8 10 13 16 25 70 100 100
but less than 5000 24 75 100 100
over 10:1 10 11 13 14 19 38
less than 3: 1 4 4 6 6 10 12 16 38 68 100
5000 and over 3:1 to 10:1 4 4 6 8 12 14 20 44 74 100
over 10:1 8 10 12 14 18 20 30 60 94 100
Column 1 2- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
• TABLE 3.2.2.B
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
'oof in a
n a I-hr Forming Part of Subsection 3.2.2 .
. be pro-
Group E and Group F, Div. 1 and 2 4 r 6 110 115120 I 30 1 50 1 701100 1140
Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
• 4) L
length of building face; H height of building face.
• (5) Boilers and furnaces burning solid fuel shall be installed only in rooms
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Size of
that all or spaces which are large in comparison with the size of the appliance. For boiler in
::tions of boilers this shall be a room or space having a volume at least 16 times the furnace room
ways, to total volume of the boiler. For furnaces this shall be a room or space having
r places a volume at least 12 times the total volume of the furnace. The total volume
oade by of the boiler or furnace shall be determined from its exterior dimensions including
ISS, nhy fan compartments and burner vestibules, when used. When the actual ceiling
l 0.2 ft- height of a room or space is greater than 8 ft, the volume of the room for the
above purpose shall be de~ermined on the basis of a ceiling height of 8 ft.
~ of any All kitchens except cafeteria kitchens and kitchens in dwelling units Separation of
shall be separated by a I-hr fire separation. kitchens In all buildings except those classified as Group F Division 1, process Separation
t in area rooms where hazardous substances are used shall be separated from the re- of process
Iver 100 mainder of the building by a 2-hr fire separation, or they shall have equivalent rooms
protection in accordance with approved standards of safe practice.
ight, Vaults or rooms in such buildings where hazardous substances are stored Enclosure
shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a 3-hour fire separation. of vaults
~ device Storage garages shall comply with the requirements set forth in sub- Storage
iCOndary section 3.3.7. garages
s to be provided with an exhaust ventilation system to remove effectively such impurities relief vents
or contaminants. Such exhaust ventilation system shall be designed in accordance required
with Part 6: Building Services. It shall also be provided with approved explosion
, failure relief devices or vents conforming to good practice \) and acceptable to the
area in authority having iurisdiction.
(2) In no case shall the combined area of openable windows, pivoted sash Area of
or wall panels arranged to open under internal pressure be less than 10 per cent relief vents
of the area of the enclosing walls, with not less than 50 per cent of the opening
arranged for automatic release.
(3) All explosion relief devices shall be of an approved type constructed of Construction
lightweight, noncombustible and corrosion-resistive materials, and the discharge of vents
end shall be protected with approved screens of not more than 3/4-in. mesh,
arranged to blowout under relatively low pressure.
e separ-
: that
nent or
paration No occupancy of Group F Division 1 may be contained within the same Prohibited
building as with occupancies which have a high occupant load or in which combinations
infirm persons are cared for or treated or in which sleeping accommodation is
Ig walls provided.
(2) Except as provided for in sentence ( 4) where two or more maior Separation
occupancies are contained within the same building and each occupies separate required
)reclude space, each major occupancy shall be separated from any other maior occupancy
,3.). by a fire separation in accordance with sentence
service (3) Separation between any two maior occupancies in a building shall be at Degree of
bustible least equal to the greater rating required in table 3.2.6.A for maior occupancies separation
concerned. required
mce in
per en- o The "Guide for Explosion Venting," NFPA No. 68-1954 is acceptable as good
TABLE 3.2.6.A
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Grade of
Major Occupancies Separation
Assembly, Institutional, Residential, Business and Personal
Services, and Commercial and Industrial Div. 3 1 hour
Mercantile, Commercial and Industrial Div. 2 2 hours·
Commercial and Industrial Div. 1 3 hours
Column 1 Column 2
o Where not more than 2 dwelling units are contained within a building not
over 3 stories in height together with a mercantile occupancy, the separation
between the two occupancies may be reduced to a I-hr fire separation.
Separation (4) Where more than one major occupancy is contained within any floor
not required area which is leased to tenants such ma;or occupancies need not comply with the
requirements of sentence provided that they conform in all respects
with the requirements for floor areas leased for rental purposes (See subsection
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
(7) No fuel-fired heating appliance shall be installed in a corridor which pro- Fuel fired
vides access from rooms or suites to any exit. heating
(8) All ways of access to exits shall be clearly marked. prohibited
e of
ur Any auditorium desi2ned or intended to seat more than 200 persons Separation
shall be separated from work, storage and dressing rooms by a I-hr fire separa- required
urs o tion.
urs (2) Any room, tier, ba,kx)nyor mezzanine intended for more than 60 persons Means of
or having more than 1000 sq ft in area shall have at least 2 means of egress. egress
(3) Without special approval of the appropriate authorities having jurisdiction Enclosure of
lading not every fuel-fired heating appliance that is installed in a floor area used as an fuel-fired
separation indoor place of assembly shall be contained within an enclosure conforming to heating
~ion. sentence, except that in any building not more than 2 stories in appliances
height including basement or cellar and not more than 4000 sq ft in area per
any floor floor which is of assembly occupancy and which has a total occupant load less
y with the than 200
II respects (a) 2 fuel-fired heating appliances approved on the basis of tests and certi-
subsection fication, or
(b) 6 sealed combustion system appliances
.. may be installed without being enclosed.
purpose of (4) In any room or space occupied for assembly purposes, no interior finish .Fire hazard of
th storeys. material used on the wall or ceiling shall have a flame spread rating greater interior finish
nor shall than 150.
ght of not
mtside, or Places of Assembly with Fixed Seats
istive they In places of assembly with fixed seats, all seats shall have arms Fixed
ily opened and backs and shall be securely fixed to the floor, except that seats need not seats
n may ap- be fixed in a railed-in enclosure, box or loge having a level floor and accom-
light fire modation for not more than 25 persons.
(2) Aisles shall be so located, both on the main floor and in balconies Aisles
and sr;alleries. that there are not more than seven seats between any seat and
an aisle; except that this limitation shall not apply where the seats are self-
raising seats and are so placed as to leave, when raised, a clear walkway of
22 in. between rows, such walkway giving access to the exterior of the building
nto rooms or to a passageway on each side of the floor or balcony at the rate of one
~ach such
doorway for every three rows of seats.
lY leading (3) Steps shall not be placed in aisles unless the gradient of the aisle Steps in
utside air, exceeds I-ft rise in 10 ft of run. All steps in aisles shall be the full width of the aisles
i balcony, aisle. Risers shall be not more than 9 in. in height and treads not less than
18 to each
10 in. in width.
(4) Not more than twenty transverse rows of seats shall be placed between Cross aisles
or suites cross aisles. Not more than ten rows of seats nor 12 ft of rise shall be placed
between cross aisles where steps are provided in the main aisles to overcome
o an exit differences in level.
(5) Cross aisles shall be not less than 44 in. in width unless railed away
o an exit from the seats fronting them, in which case they may be not less than 3 ft .
or suites (6) Cross aisles, except where the back of seats on the front of the aisle
lor within project 24 in. or more above the floor of the aisle, shall be provided with
railings not less than 26 in. in height.
Places of Assembly with Removable Seats
10 greater In any room or place of assembly with removable seats, where non- Non-fixed
fixed seats are used for such purposes as a seated audience and excluding the seats
use of seats with tables, such as in dining rooms, the number of such non-fixed
seats shall be limited to five hundred.
(2) Non-fixed seats shall be secured together in units of at least five seats
and shall be so arranged to provide clear aisle space for exit purposes sufficient
to meet the general intent of this Bylaw.
Bleachers in Gymnasia
Dimension In bleachers in gymnasia, the minimum width of seats per person
of seats shall be 18 in. whether seats are marked off or not. Seat boards or seats
without backs shall be spaced not less than 30 in. measured from back-to-back.
Aisles (2) Aisles not less than 44 in. wide at the narrowest point shall be provided
so that there are not more than twenty seats between any seat and an aisle.
Aisles shall be uniformly increased in width as they approach exits in accordance
with Section 3.4.
('3) Steps shall not be placed in aisles to overcome differences in level
unless the gradient exceeds a 1-ft rise in 8 ft of run. When steps are permitted
they shall not be required to have handrails when the adjacent seating is on the
same level.
Other (4) The authority having iurisdktion may permit arrangements of aisles
seating and seats other than those prescribed in this article, provided that the total
arrange- number of persons accommodated and the time required to empty the occupancy
ments are not thereby increased.
Construction Except as permitted in sentence (2)
of stages (a) walls, and subfloor of any stage shall be constructed of noncombustible
(b) the roof over a stage shall be
(i) constructed of noncombustible materials,
(ii) of construction having a 1-hr fire resistance rating or it shall be
(c) any stage shall be separated from work, dressing and store rooms by a
2-hr fire separation,
(d) any stage shall be separated from the auditorium by a 2-hr fire separation
having a proscenium opening protected with an approved asbestos fire
(e) any stage shall have at least two vents in the roof, or at the top of the
stage walls where there is an occupancy above the stage of such a type to
vent smoke and fire from the stage to the outside.
(f) the details of construction and equipment shall be in accordance with
established safe practice.
Alternative (2) Where any requirement of sen~nce (1) is incompatible with the func-
arrange~ tion of a theatre other fire safety measures may be substituted provided the
ments authority having jurisdiction is satisfied that the standard of safety is not reduced.
In-fixed Every motion picture machine using flammable fUms, together with Construction
e seats all associated electrical devices, shall be enclosed in a booth of noncombustible require-
fficient construction of not less than 2-hr fire resistance rating. ments
(2) There shall be two means of egress from the booth, equipped with tight-
fitting self-closing fire-resistive doors. Such doors shall open outwards and shall
not be equipped with any latch.
person (3) Each port-hole opening in the projection booth wall shall be limited Port hole
r seats
to not more than 12 in. by 18 in. and shall be equipped with approoed metal projection
o-back. shutters arranged for manual and automatic operation.
I aisle. (4) Every booth shall be equipped with exhaust ventilation of sufficient Ventilation
,rdance capacity to provide six air changes per hour and shall be designed in accordance of booth
with recognized safe practice.
I level All films not in a<:tual use shall be stored in metal cabinets or boxes Film cabinets
1l1itted constructed of galvanized iron or steel with metal partitions and shelves. Each
on the such compartment shall have a capacity not in excess of ten reels of film, and
shall have tight self.closing doors of iron or steel. No solder shall be used in
the construction of such metal boxes or cabinets.
~ total Rooms Where Hazardous Substances Are Used
'Jpancy Any room where hazardous substances are used shall be equipped Sprinklers or
with sprinklers or other suitable fire extinguishing equipment, and shall have other fire
special protection in accordance with the nature of the risk present and precautions
approved standards of safe practice. required
[la-type (2) Any room where hazardous substances are stored, used or handled Separation of
naIl be should preferably be in a separate building, but where this is not practicable rooms con-
such rooms may be adjacent to other rooms if they are separated by a 2-hr taining
fire separation and do not exceed 3000 sq ft in area. hazardous
~rsons, substances
Every (3) Hazardous substances may be stored, used or handled in connection
Ig. with and incidental to assembly occupancy.
~ fune-
ed the which may be exit doorways or doorways to a corridor or corfidors giving access
duced. to exits .
Heating units In any floor area intended for institutional occupancy no fuel·fired heating
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required to appliance shall be installed unless it is separated from the remainder of the
be enclosed floor area by an enclosure conforming to sentence
Fire hazard In an institutional occupancy, no interior finish material used on a wall
of interior or ceiling of any room or space shall have a flame spread rating greater than 150.
. heating
of the
1 a wall Any room or space intended for more than 60 persons or larger Requirement
lan 150. than 1000 sq ft in area shall have 2 means of egress which may be exit doorways for means
or doorways to a corridor or corridors giving access to exits. of egress
(2) Without special approval of the appropriate authorities having furisdic- Heating
tion every fuel-fired heating appliance that is installed in a floor area used for appliances
quipped business or mercantile occupancy shall be contained within an enclosure con- require
til have forming to article except that in any building not more than 2 stories enclosure
mt and in height including basement or cellar and not more than 4000 sq ft in area in some
per floor which is of business or mercantile occupancy and which has a total circum-
occupant load less than 200 stances
Lcticable (a) 2 fuel-fired heating appliances approved on the basis of tests and certi-
fie other fication, or
area. (b) 6 sealed combustion system appliances
may be installed without being enclosed.
ion with
or need
space as a Group F Division 1 Hazardous Occupancy or any room in which restricted
hazardous substances are used, handled or stored •
:er than
ways or (3) Any building or part thereof used or intended for Group F Division 1 Special safety
occupancies shall be equipped with suitable fire extinguishing equipment, such measures for
as a standard installation of automatic sprinklers, a carbon dioxide system, a dry hazardous
heating chemical system, or other such protection equipment as is required by the occupancies
of the authority having furisdiction. The protection shall be in accordance with the
that in nature of the risk present, and standards of good practice, meeting the approval
tern ap- of the authority having furisdiction.
(4) No occupancy involving the storage, manufacture or handling of volatile Hazard
solids, liquids or gases which generate explosive air-vapour mixtures and pro- from
always cesses which involve explosive dusts shall be conducted in the basement or explosion
~ direct cellar of any bu.ilding. Basements and rooms containing building services shall
be separated from the other parts of the building with a vapour-tight separation
and shall have separate exits and entrances. Special ventilation shall be provided
Ia wall in accordance with subsection 3.2.5.
an 150.
Garages The floor of any garage shall be of noncombustible material. Garage floors
Lli have (2) Any garage whether private, storage or repair shall be separated from Fire
andards the remainder of the building in which it is situated by at least a 1-hr fire separation
separattora. of garages
handled (3) Facilities for dispensing gasoline shall not be installed in any building. Dispensing
.cticable gasoline
le other prohibited
in area. Storage garages which have not less than 50 per cent of the area Open-air
of two sides open at each story shall be classed as open-air parking garages. parking
Such garages shall conform to the requirements for storage garages except as set garages
forth herein.
(2) Open-air parking garages shall have no other occupancy above the
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(3) Automobile repair work and the servicing of automobiles shall not be
permitted in such garages.
Construction (4) Open-air parking garages shall be of noncombustible construction or not
less than 1-hr fire-resistive construction. Separation of stories shall not be re-
quired and no combustible finishes shall be permitted. In unprotected noncom-
bustible construction, column protection may be omitted unless the columns
are less than 10 ft from a lot line or another building, in which case they shall
be protected by construction having a 1-hr fire resistance rating. No tarpaulins,
glass or other materials shall be used to close required exterior openings at any
Story height (5) The clear story heiiht shall not be less than 6 ft 6 in.
(6) Adequate approved curbs and guardrails shall be provided at every open-
ing and where exterior walls are omitted.
Heights and (7) Where any open-air parking garage is constructed of
Areas (a) unprotected noncombustible construction, or
(b) fire-resistive construction where every structural member has at least
a 1-hr fire resistance rating,
such garage may be built to 6 stories in height and 30,000 sq ft in area when
facing one street, 37,000 sq ft in area when facing two streets, and 45,000 sq ft
in area when facing three streets. Such areas may be doubled when the
building is sprinklered.
(S) In open-air parking garages parking may be provided at a level not more
than 4 ft 6 in. below grade and on the roof.
Exits (9) Open-air parking garages, where no persons other than parking at-
tendants are permitted above the street-floor level, may have only two exits
located remote from each other and where such garage does not exceed four
stories in height the stair enclosures may be omitted, provided that, where an
approved mechanical parking device is used which does not permit any persons
other than the operator of such device above the loading floor level, the
authority having iurisdietion may waive all or part of the requirements for
(10) All required stairways shall extend to the roof if the roof is used for
parking and shall be enclosed with a noncombustible enclosure above the roof.
Shafts and (11) Floor openings for ramps and shafts may be unenclosed except as re-
openings quired for guardrails and similar protection.
(12) Lifts to transport employees only may be installed in open-air parking
garages. Such lifts need not be enclosed except that they shall be protected
from floor to ceiling in each story with wire mesh or other approved material
and approved devices shall be installed to prevent the entry and use of the lifts
by persons other than employees.
Fire (13) In open-air parking garages not exceeding 50 ft in height, no standpipe
extinguishing shall be required but hand-fired extinguishing equipment shall be provided as
equipment required by the authority having iurisdiction.
)ve the
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increase in width as tributary population feeds into the main stream.
king at-
NO exits Principle 3: Means of egress should be designed so that the escape route is
~ed four always in a direction away from any possible fire. This means, in theory,
rhere an that for any position in a buflding which might be occupied, it should
persons be possible to travel in two directions since it is unlikely that both will
'vel, the be cut off at once. Ideally, therefore, corridors should have exits at both
,ents for ends. Practically, it is difficult to achieve this ideal within individual
suites and it is less important to achieve it in some circumstances such
as where an entire floor area is one office or under the control of one
used for person or which is not intended for infirm persons or for sleeping.
the roof. Under some circumstances, therefore, a reasonable length of dead end
?t as re- may be tolerated but only with the approval of the authority having
jurisdiction and only when no other reasonable solution exists.
parking Principle 4: Exit safety in multistory buildings is almost wBolly dependent
~rotected on the escape routes from any floor being fire separated from the other
material floors. This not only means that all exit stairs should be in fire-resistive
the lifts shafts but that the doorways in such shafts should be closed off with
fire doors. Even this is ahnost useless unless such doors are kept closed.
Unless these construction practices are adhered to and the discipline of
tandpipe keeping doors closed is maintained, equivalent safety (ultimate safety is
vided as never possible) can only be achieved by the most complete sprinkler
system and elaborate and expensive alarms.
Principle 5: With occupancies which are slow to evacuate such as hospitals
and which are contained in multistory buildings, the principle is applied
pace oc- of providing temporary safe places of refuge on each floor rather than
y a I-hr relying on complete and immediate evacuation. This requires a high
uirement standard of fire resistance in the building and demands that each floor
be divided into two compartments or floor areas separated by a fire waU
with fire doors so that when a fire occurs in one compartment patients
can be moved horizontally to the other compartment where. shut off from
the fire, the slow evacuation to the street can commence.
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Application These requirements apply to all new construction. Where alterations I
to new and and cl.anges of occupancy occur in existing construction:
existing (a) the requirement for exits shall be the requirements of this Bylaw except
construction that they may be relaxed with special approval of the authority having
jurisdiction when in his opinion safety to life is not unduly endangered,
(b) and the existing occupancy is deficient in exits the authority having
jurisdictwn may require the deficiency to be corrected, in which case fire
escapes may be erected to floor areas not exceeding 5 stories from
the grade level.
Requirement (2) Except as permitted In sentence (3) from every floor area which is
for exits contained within exterior walls or exterior walls and required fire walls and
from every floor area which is cut off by any means from the remainder of the
story on which it is located, there shall be exit facilities which are independent
of the exit facilities from any other floor area.
Where exits (3) Exit facilities may be shared by
may be (a) any two or more floor areas which are contiguous and one above the other
shared provided none are on the ground floor or below, or
(b) any two floor areas when the shared facility is a horizontal exit.
Additional (4) Where any exit facility is provided in addition to those required it shall
exits conform to the requirements in this Section.
• This shall not be interpreted as prohibiting the use of any enclosed slide escape
as &II. additional exit from a room where due to the nature of the occupancy there
is a risk of explosion.
• (2) Every exit shall be enclosed within a fire separation having a fire re- Exits leading
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sistance as specified in article except that one half the required exits, through
from any floor area above the first floor, may lead through the lobby including occupied
the foyer or hall or another floor area when spaces
teratlons (a) the lobby floor is not more than 15 ft above grade, and
(b) the path of travel through a lobby does not exceed 50 ft, and
v except (c) unsprinklered rooms or premises adjacent to the lobby other than those
, having used for the sole purpose of control or supervision of a residential or
angered, institutional building are separated from it by noncombustible enclosures
having in which all glass is wired glass, or sprinkle red rooms or premises adjacent
case fire to the lobby are separated by noncombustible enclosures having windows
es from of plain glass in metal frames and doors with plain glass panels set in solid
wood frames not less than 1 3/4' in. in thickness and equipped with
automatic closers, and
i'hich is
JlIs and (d) the occupancies in the adjacent rooms or premises are not more hazardous
r of the than any which could be classified as Group D, Business, and Group E,
pendent Mercantile.
Number of Exits No floor area in which hazardous substances are manufactured, Minimum
stored or used, and no other floor area greater than 1000 sq ft in area or number of
tIe other intended for an occupancy of more than 60 persons shall be served by less than exits
two exits each of which is completely independent of the other and in a
separate fire enclosure.
it shall (2) Every floor area shall be served by exits to the extent that the travel Total number
distance to an exit as defined in sentence (3) shall not be more than of exits
(a) 75 ft in any building classified as Group F, Division 1
(b) 150 ft in any sprin1<iered building which contains an occupancy other
than one classsified as Group F, Division 1
(c) 100 ft in any other occupancy.
(3) Travel distance means the distance from any point in the floor area to Travel
any exit measured along the path of exit travel except that when floor areas are distance
subdivided into rooms used singly, or suites of rooms, and served by corridors, defined
the travel distance shall be measured from the corridor entrance of such rooms
or suites to the nearest exit.
(4) Sentences (2) and (3) need not apply if exits are placed along the Exception to
perimeter of the floor area and are not more than 100 ft apart. travel distance
or more Exits from Floor Areas with a High Occupant Load Notwithstanding the requirements in sentences (2), (3)' and (4) of Exits from
Iccupant Article, every floor area in which there is a high occupant load shall floor areas
have exits in accordance with Table 3.4.2.A depending on the total number of with a high
ny floor persons for which the floor area is designed. occupant load
~ escape over 4000 4 persons
~y there
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Exits from (2) Where an assembly hall or theatre has more than one balcony or
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galleries gallery every exit stair or ramp leading from a balcony or gallery above the first
required to balcony shall be independent of any other stairway and in a separate enclosure.
be separate
Location of Exits
Location of Where separate exits are required for a floor area, they shall be
exits placed as remote from each other as is practicable.
(2) Exits from outdoor stadia or grandstands shall be placed not more than
75 ft apart.
(8) All exits shall be so located and arranged that they shall be readily
accessible and visible.
Width of Exits No exit shall decrease in width in the direction of exit travel.
Minimum (2) The minimum clear width of any exit which serves bedridden patients
clear width or a floor area or floor areas which in aggregate have an occupancy of more
of exits than 50 persons shall be not less than 44 in.
(3) The minimum clear width of exits from the seating area in stadia or
grandstands shall be 88 in.
(4) The clear width of an opening for any single swinging door shall not be
less than 30 in. or more than 48 in.
(5) The minim:um clear width of doorways into or out of exits leading out
of stairs or ramps shall provide not less than the number of units of exit width
required but in no case less than three quarters of the width of the stair or ramp.
(6) Other than as set forth in sentences (1) to (4) the minimum clear width
of any exit facility shall be 36 in.
Determina- (2) The clear width of exits shall be expressed in units of 22 in., and the
tion of num- least total number of such units required from any floor area or room shall be
ber of units of determined by dividing the total population of the floor area by the figure given
exit width in article for the occupancy concerned.
(3) Twelve inches or more of width when added to one or more full 22-in.
units may be considered as half a unit.
Circum- (4) The aggregate width of exits need not be cumulative from floor to floor
stances except as follows:
where width (a) width shall be cumulative as applied to the first story and all stories
of exits need below the first story;
not be (b) width shall be cumulative where stairways feed into a passageway on
cumulative anyone floor;
(c) width shall be cumulative where exits from a floor area containing a high
occupant load join with other exit facilities.
Waiting (5) In places with a high occupant load where persons are admitted to the
space in buildinll at times when seats are not available for them and are allowed to wait,
theatres they shall not be permitted to encroach on the clear width of means of egress.
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llcony or (6) If special areas are allocated for this purpose they shall be divided hom
~ the first required mearu of egress by substantial partitions or fixed railings not less than
enclosure. 42 in. in height.
(7) Additional exit width shall be provided for such spaces.
shall be
Determination of Units of Exit Width
nore than The capacity of mearu of egress shall be computed on the basis of the Determina-
following maximum number of persons per unit of width. tion of
e readily (a) In floor areas intended for the treatment or care of infirm persons or in number of
which people sleep, the number of persons per unit of exit width shall persons per
be 30. unit of exit
(b) In floor areas which have a high occupant load the number of persons
per unit of exit width shall b~ 90 for a grade entrance and passageways
at ground level and 60 for ramps, stairs, and connecting passageways
I patients except that in places of outdoor assembly such as stadia or grandstands
of more where there is unobstructed access to an open place of refuge such as
a playing field, the number of persons per unit of exit width may be 300.
(c) In all other occupancies the number of persons per unit of exit width shall
stadia or be 60.
Obstructions Within the Required Width
,11 not be Except for the following, no fixture, turnstile, or construction shall Obstructions
project into, or be fixed within, the required width of any exit. within the
(a) The doors of exits shall be so hung and arranged that when open they required width
lding out shall not diminish nor obstruct the required width of the doorway,
dt width
passageway, hallway, stairway, or other exit, by more than 2 in. for
or ramp. each full unit of width.
~ar width (b) Swinging. doors in their swing shall not reduce the effective width of
stairways or landings to less than 30 in., nor shall they reduce 'the effective
width of a passageway or hallway to less than the minimum width
(c) Handrails shall project not more than 3 1/2 in. into such width.
lred exits
Minimum Height of Exits
room or Every mearu of egress, except a doorway, shall have a headroom Headroom
expected clearance of not less than 7 ft. clearance
(2) In the case of stairs this distance shall be measured vertically above any
landing, or the nosing of any stair tread.
, and the
shall be (3) The minimum headroom clearance for doors shall be 6 ft 8 in.
ure given
Prohibition of Heating Units No fuel-fired heating appliance shall be installed in any exit. Fuel fired
ull 22-in. heating units
r to floor
Flam; Spread Rating For Exits No interior finish material used on a wall or ceiling of any exit or Flame spread
.II stories corridor leading to any exit shall have a flame spread rating greater than 150. rating
:eway on (2) Unless a building is sprinklered 90 per clmt of the surface of the ceiling Flame spread
of an exit shall be clad with interior finish materials no one of which has a flame rating for
spread rating greater than 25. ceilings
Ig a high
(3) Unless a building is sprinklered: Flame spread
(a) 90 per cent of the surface of a wall of an exit shall be clad with interior rating for
xi to the finish materials no one of which has a flame spread rating greater than walls
I to wait, 75, or
~ egress.
(b) 90 per cent of the upper half of the wall of an exit shall be clad with
Interior stairs Every flight of stairs shall have a minimum of three risers.
Landings No fli2'bt of stairs shall have a vertical rise of more than 12 ft
between floors or landings, except that flights of stairs serving as exits from
rooms intended for infirm persons or having a high occupant load shall have a
vertical rise of not more than 8 ft between floors or landings.
(2) The length and width of landings shall be not less than the width of
stairways in which they occur. except that in a straight run, the length of a
landing shall not be required to exceed 44 in.
Guards and Every exit ramp or stairway shall have a wall or a well-secured
handrails balustrade or guard on each side.
ld rating
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(2) Every exit ramp or stairway shall ,have a handrail on at least one side,
and when 44 in. or more in width, shall have handrails on both sides.
(3) When the required width of a ramp or flight of stairs exceeds 88 in., Design and
IIlbustible one or more intermediate handrails continuous between landings shall be provided, construction
eparation and the number and position of these intermediate handrails shall be such that of balus-
lstruction there will be not more than 66 in. between handrails. Handrails shall be so trades or
nates are constructed that there will be no obstruction on or above them tending to handrails
tion and break a hand hold.
(4) Every stair balustrade and guard shall be not less than 2 ft 8 in. in
;eparated height measured vertically from the nose of the treads.
shall be
~esistance (5) Every intermediate landing balustrade and guard rail shall be not less
than 3 ft in height measured from the surface of the landing.
(6) All other balustrades and railings, except as approved, shall be not less
than 3 ft 6 in. in height measured vertically from the adjacent floor level.
I such a When any exit, ramp, or stair continues past the exit door at grade to Ramps or
exit ap-- a basement or cellar the part below grade and which is not part of the path stairs leading
ic assem- of travel from upper stories to the outdoors shall be closed off by a door to a floor
,ver each clearly marked on the upper side by a sign reading "To Basement" or marked below grade
1 plainly
in some other manner to warn occupants that the stair does not lead downwards level
of such to a place of outdoor safety.
ed, shall
le letters
not less The maximum gradient of ramps shall be: Gradient of
l.ecessary (a) 1 in 10, from any apartment, assembly room, hospital ward or other ramps
l suitable room intended for the care of infirm persons, and any exterior ramp
t smaller regardless of occupancy,
(b) 1 in 6, from rooms or floor areas used for mercantile, industrial, or stor-
ibly illu- age, and
1 5 foot- (c) 1 in 8, from any other floor area.
us as re-
~xit signs (2) When a doorway or stairway empties into a ramp through a side wall, Level area
~d types, there shall be a level area extending across the full width of the passage- required
Artificial way and for a distance of 12 in. on either side of the wall opening (excepting opposite a
ted types one side when it abuts an end wall). When a door or stairway empties through door opening
made of an end wall, there shall be a level area across the full width of the passageway to ramp
and along its length for at least 36 in.
separate Treads and risers shall be so proportioned that the product of the Treads and
, marked rise and run in inches shall be not less than 70 nor more than 75; risers shall risers
have a maximum hei£ht of 7 3/4 in. and a minimum height of 5 in.; and
treads shall have a minimum width of 9 in. exclusive of nosing.
(2) Treads and risers shall have uniform rise and run in anyone flight and
shall not alter materially in width and height in successive flights in any stair
system. All treads less than 10 in. wide shall have a nosing of approximately
1 in. over the tread or landing immediately below. No winders shall be permitted in exit stairways. In stairways not re- Winders
m 12 ft quired as exits, treads with a minimum width of 7 in. and a minimum average
cits from width of 9 in. may be permitted.
1 have a
width of
gth of a Any escalator, enclosed in accordance with the requirements of this Where an
Bylaw and of the horizontal tread type, moving downward when serving escalator
stories above an exit from a building or moving upward when serving stories may be an
below such exit, may be considered as an exit, provided that it conforms to the exit
I-secured requirements of this article.
Width of (2) Where any escalator serves as a required edt the width of tread shall
tread be not less than 35 in., the hei"ht of riser shall not exceed 8 112 in. and the
run shall be not less than 15 3/4 in.; at the handrails there shall be a clear
width of not less than 44 in.
Vertical (3) No single escalator shall have a vertical travel of more than two
travel stories or 35 ft.
Units of (4) Such escalator may be deemed to have two units of exit width.
exit width
Top and (5) EverY escalator shall have top and bottom landings, as required herein
bottom landing for stairs.
Horizontal Exits
Areas on The floor area on each side of a horizontal exit shall be sufficient
either side to hold the occupants of both floor areas, allowing not less than 3 112 sq ft of
clear floor space per. person for fit persons, 16 sq ft for handicapped, and 24 sq
ft for bed-ridden persons.
Clear width (2) When vesb'bules, enclosed balconies, or bridges are used as parts of any
horizontal exit, their clear width shall be at least as great as that of the edt
doorways opening into them, except that handrails may project into this clear
width not more than 3 112 in.
Gradients (3) In any horizontal exit. where there is a difference in level between the
connected floor areas, gradients not exceeding those specified for ramps in
article may be provided. No stairs or steps shall be used in a horizontal
Doors for (4) EverY opening used as a horizontal exit shall be protected by a self-
horizontal closing swinging fire-resistive door or by some other approved type of door.
exits When swinging doors are used, there shall be two such doors mounted adjacent
to each other in each wall or partition concerned. These adjacent doors shall
swing in opposite directions, and signs on each side of the wall or partition
shall indicate as the exit" the door that swings in the direction of travel from that
side. These adjacent doors may be mounted in separate openings, or may' be
mounted in one opening and meet on a mullion, provided that the size of the
one opening shall not exceed that specified for fire walls in article
Other arrangements providing doors swinging always in the direction of any
possible exit travel may be approved by the authority having furisdiction.
Design to Passageways and stairways shall be so arranged as to keep the length
keep length of passageways to a minimum.
a minimum
Access to Access to exterior passagewats from any floor area shall be through
exterior exit doors at floor level.
Guards and (2) EverY exterior passageway which has a drop of more than 1 ft 6 in.
handrails at any side shall have substantial guards on the open sides at least 3 ft high.
Exit doors No door in any exit shall open immediately on a flight of stairs,
must open on but shall open on a landin" of which neither the length nor width shall be less
a landing than the width of such doors.
No riser (2) No riser of any flight of stairs shall be located within 1 ft of a door
within 1 ft in any exit.
of a door
Hangings or (3) No hangings or draperies shall be placed over exit doors or otherwise
draperies to conceal or obscure any exit.
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by a self- restraint.
»e of door. (11) This requirement shall not prohibit the installation of locks on doors of
ed adjacent rooms or floor areas, permitting the room or floor area to be locked against
doors shall ingress but not egress.
)r partition
~l from that
or max be
size of the Enclosed Straight Slide Escapes
ion of any The slope of an enclosed straight slide escape shall be not less than Slope
24 del/; and not more than 42 deg to the horizontal.
(2) On all enclosed slide escapes having slopes greater than 30 deg, there
shall be a section at the lower end at least 10 ft long, set at an angle not to
exceed 15 deg to the horizontal, connected to the upper section by a transition
the length curve.
(3) Enclosed straight slide escapes slmll be not less than 24 in. nor more Width
than 42 in. wide.
be through
(4) Access to enclosed slide escapes shall be through doorways at floor Access
level, or through casement windows swinging in the direction of exit travel.
1 ft 6 in.
, ft high. (5) The sill height of such casement windows shall not exceed 2 ft 6 in.
above the floor.
(6) Doors shall be provided at each entrance, swinging with the exit travel, Doors to
It of stairs, so constructed that they will not obstruct the use of the escape. slide escapes
nall be less
(7) Door or window openings shall be at least 30 in. wide and at least 6 ft
6 in. hi2h.
of a door
(8) Where entrance is directly from the building with no intervening landing Height of
or balcony, access openings may be not less than 3 ft 6 in. high. access opening
r otherwise
No door
at bottom
Height of (10) The lower edge of the escape at the discharge point shall be at least
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
discharge 12 in. and not more than 20 in. above the ground or walkway level.
point above
Escape for (11) Where an enclosed straight slide escape is provided for use of bed-
bedridden ridden patients, the lower end shall terminate with a straight level discharge
patients table at least 15 ft in length so arranged as to allow access to both sides.
Protection (12) Where snow or ice may obstruct the discharge point, a shed shall be
from snow provided made of noncombustible materials, having a clear height of not less
than 7 ft, with roof not less than 8 ft wide and not less than 8 ft long, connected
with the slide by metal flashing.
(13) Where discharge tables are installed, the roof shall extend at least
4 ft beyond the end of the table.
Discharge to (14) All enclosed slide escapes shall lead directly to the street or to an
open space or approved open space.
Fire Escapes
Construction Fire escapes shall be of metal or concrete, of the stair type extending
of fire to ground level, constructed throughout in a strong substantial manner, and
escapes securely fixed to the building, except that wooden fire escapes may be used on
buildings of wood-frame construction if all posts and brackets are not less than
4 in. in their least nominal dimension, and all other woodwork is not less than
2 in. in its least nominal dimension.
Access to (2) Access to fire escapes shall be from hallways or corridors through doors
fire escapes at floor level, except that in any apartment building where fire escapes are
provided for each apartment, access may be through a casement window located
in any room other than a bathroom.
Protection of (3) Where a fire escape serves any story above the second, all openings,
adjacent including access doorways in the exterior walls of the building to which the
openings fire escape is attached, shall be protected by fire-resistive closures as specified
for a I-hr fire separation in article when they are located within the
following limits:
(a) Horizontally - openings within 10 ft of any balcony, platform, or
(b) Bdow - openings within three stories or 35 ft of any balcony, platform,
or stairway;
(c) Above - openings within 6 ft of any balcony, platform, or stairway.
Treads and (4) Stairs shall have risers of not more than 10 in. in height and treads of
risers not less than 8 in. in width exclusive of nosing, and shall be inclined at an
angle of not more than 45 deg with the horizontal.
Headroom (5) Stairway headroom shall be not less than 6 ft 4 in. plus the height of
one riser measured vertically above the nosing of any tread or platform.
Balconies (8) Where doors open on to balconies such balconies shall have a clear
area of not less than 12 sq ft.
Guards and (7) The open sides of every platform, balcony, and stairway shall be pro-
rails tected by substantial guards not less than 3 ft in height measured vertically
above the nosing of any tread or platform.
(8) 'two equally spaced rails not more than 18 in. apart, parallel to stair
stringers and to platform edges, shall be the minimum of protection, and the top
rail may serve as a handrail if free from obstructions which could break a
(9) A wall handrail shall be installed if the fire escape is more than 22 in.
in width.
Access to (10) When the flight of stairs leading to the ground at the foot of a fire
the ground escape is not permanently fixed, it shall be held in the "up" position without
a latch or locking device. and shall be fitted with an (lpproved counter-balancing
device that will cause it to be easily and quickly brought into position for use.
at least
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
openings, sectional area and shall be spaced to provide the optimum circulation and change
rhich the of air.
'ithin the When separation is required in this Bylaw for rooms or other parts Separation
of buildings, any attic, duct or crawl space adjoining StWh parts shall be divided of attic, duct
:form, or and separated by the same grade of separation as required for the part of the and crawl
building which they adjoin to prevent the spread of fire to other parts of the spaces
platform, building, except that the requirement for the separation of an attic space may be
waived if the ceiling of the room forms a separation equivalent in grade to the
tirway. separation required for the room.
treads of (2) Where there is a suspended ceiling supported on or by combustible Fire stopping
ed at an construction or enclosing a space containing combustible material such concealed of attic
space shall be divided by smoke-tight fire stops so that there is no space space
greater than 4000 sq ft in area, or longer in any dimension than 150 ft.
height of (3) Such fire stops shall be noncombustible where the building is required
n. to be of noncombustible construction.
~ a clear
I be pro-
I to stair
d the top
break a
iln 22 in.
of a fire
'or use.
700 I I I I I I I
(f) 600
B \A -
Q. r- -
a: 500
\~ -
\ -
0 \
LrJ 200
a: 100
Ci ....
\ ~~
o I I I I I I I
o 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
FIGURE 3.6.2.(a)
Minimum Outside Air Requirements for Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
SUBSECTION 3.6.3. LIGHTING Means of obtaining sufficient artificial illumination on objects or on
exposed surfaces shall be provided in all buildings in accordance with good
practice as set forth in table 3.6.3.A.
TABLE 3.6.3.A
Forming Part of Article
Minimum Minimum
obtainable obtainable
foot-candles foot-candles
Locations of light Locations of light
Auditoria: Hotels:
Assembly only ., ..... ,... , 15 Lobby.......................... 10
Exhibitions .... ,............. 30 Dining room ................ 20
Kitchen ........................ 30
Dance halls ...................... 10
Library reading room:
Dwellings (general lighting): Difficult seeing tasks .... 70
Ordinary seeing tasks .... 30
Entrance hall, stairways,
stair landings ... .. .. . . . 10 Industrial buildings:
Dining room, bedrooms,
Most difficult seeing
bathrooms ................ 10
tasks, such as extra-
Kitchen ........................ 30 fine assembly, preci-
sion grading, extra-
28 fine finishing 200-1000
Private rooms and Very difficult seeing
MIN wards (general) ........ 10 tasks, such as fine
Private rooms and assembly, high speed
ioning wards (reading) . ....... 30 work, fine finishing 100-500
Minimum Minimum
obtainable obtainable
foot-candles foot-candles
Locations of light Locations of light
Industrial buildings: Restaurants, lunch rooms,
Difficult and critical cafeterias:
seeing tasks, such as Dining areas .............. .. 20
ordinary bench work Kitchens .................... .. 30
and assembly, ma- Schools:
chine shop work, fin- Classrooms - on desks
ishing of medium to and chalkboards .... 70
fine parts ................ 100 Offices, art rooms,
Ordinary seeing tasks, libraries, shops and
such as automatic ma- laboratories ............. . 70
chine operation, Classrooms for pupils
rough grinding, gar- with impaired vision 100
age work, switch- Draughting rooms, typ-
boards, continuous ing rooms, sewing
processes, packing, rooms .................... .. 70
and shipping ............ 50 Reception rooms, gym-
Casual seeing tasks, nasiums, and swim-
such as stairways, ming pools ............... . 30
washrooms, active Auditoria (not for
storage .................... 20 study), cafeteria,
Rough seeing tasks, locker rooms, wash-
such as hallways, in- rooms, corridors con-
active storage .......... 5 taining lockers,
stairways ................ .. 30
Offices: Open corridors and
Difficult seeing tasks, store rooms ........... . 20
such as auditing, ac-
Store interiors:
counting, bookkeep.-
ing, transcribing, Circulation areas ....... . 30
General merchandising
draughting ................ 150
Ordinary seeing tasks, areas ....................... . 100
such as general office Stock rooms ............... . 30
work, private office Theatres and motion pic-
work, conference ture houses:
rooms, active file Auditorium - during
rooms, mail rooms .... 100 intermission 10
Reception rooms ... .... . 30 -during
Stairways, washrooms, picture .................. .. 0.1
service areas ............ 20 Foyer ........................ .. 10
Hallways ...................... 5 Lobby ........................ .. 30
Nate: For comvlete table of current recommended practice of lighting in build-
ings as published in the Illuminating Engineering Society Lighting Hand-
book. refer to the Secretary of the Associate Committee on the National
Building Code, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
to a public sanitary sewer, private sewage disposal system, or other approved
0 means of sewage disposal.
0 (2) For existing buildings the requirement set forth in sentence (1) may be Relaxation
relaxed at the discretion of the authority having jurisdiction if in his opinion
the relaxation does not create unsuitable conditions for the use and occupancy
0 concerned.
>0 (3) When such public or municipal water supply is not available, a plumbing When plumb-
,0 system shall not be mandatory. ing system
not required
(4) When no plumbing system is installed, there shall be provided sanitary
privies, chemical closets, or other means approved by the authority having
iurisdiction for the disposal of human excreta.
Type of Occupancy and Plumbing Requirements
,0 The number of fixtures required by article for any building shall Number of
~O be calculated using the total population for which the building is designed and fixtures
in no case less than that obtained by dividing the total area of rooms by the required
build- respective unit areas per person set forth in article
ational SUBSECTION 3.6.9. ACOUSTICAL INSULATION Walls and floors separating maior occupancies in buildings and walls Design to
and floors separating dwelling units, sleeping rooms occupied separately, or prevent
suites, in residential buildings shall be designed to prevent the transmission of transmission
'incipal objectionable noise between occupancies. of objection-
lirectly Note. Column 5 of table 3.6.6.A shows the maximum level of airborne noise likely able noise
to be produced by typical occupancies, and Column 6 shows the maximum level of
extraneous noise acceptable in each occupancy.
(2) Walls and floors separating major occupancies shall have a transmission Minimum
loss of. not less than the difference between the maximum level produced by one transmission
.r win- occupancy and the maximum acceptable level of extraneous noise for the loss of walls
t room
adjacent occupancy. and floors
I shall
Note. - The calculation should be made both ways, the greater difference being used
for determining the required transmission loss.
• • •
TABLE 3.6.6.A (Continued)
Reading or writing rooms or lounges· 72 B See Table 3.6.6.B 75 30
Dining rooms· 70 B See Table 3.6.6.B 80 60
a~ ....
1. Interior Finish
The interior finish shall have high resistance to the passage of water and shall
be resistant to change under conditions of varying temperature and humidity antici-
pated for the type of occupancy concerned.
Olass B. All Olass B finishes shall be capable of being cleaned, but are not
expected to withstand repeated washings with water and common cleaning agents.
2. Plumbing
Whenever more than one water closet, one wash basin or sink, or one bathtub
or shower bath is installed in a single room other than in a private dwelling unit,
the use of such room shall be restricted to one sex only.
Whenever separate water-closet rooms or bathrooms are provided for each sex
separately, they shall be enclosed by a full-size door and shall be clearly and properly
1 to 9
10 to 24 2
25 to 49 3
50 to 74 4
75 to 100
In the above table where two or more closets are required a urinal may be
substituted for one half of the required number of water closets. A lavatory shall be
provided for each water closet.
4. A dwelling unit shall be supplied with a sink, bath. water closet, and wash basin.
• • •
"tI TABLE 3.6.6.B
~ Forming Part of Subsection 3.6.6.
Number of Plumbing Fixtures Required
Male Female
Type of Use of Floor Area Number of Number of
Water Water Persons Lavatories
or Room Persons
Closets Urinals Closets
Assembly Rooms, Concourses, up to 100 1 1 1 up to 500 1 for each 100
Stadia, Grandstands, 101 200 2 2 2
Bowling Alleys, Pool and 201 " 300 2 2 3 over 500 1 for each 500
Billiard Rooms and 301 " 400 3 3 4 additional persons
similar areas 401 " 500 3 3 5
over 500 1 water closet and 1 urinal for each
additional 500 males
1 water closet for each additional 250 females
Class-rooms, Vocational Shops, I water closet and 1 urinal for each 50 males 1 for each 50
Reading or Writing Rooms or 1 water closet for each 25 females persons
Dining Rooms Each 100 1 1 1 1 for each water
seats or closet
Kitchens 1 water closet for each sex 1 for each water
Dormitories, Institutions, 1 water closet for each 10 males Males - 1 for each
Detention Quarters 1 " " " " 8 females 15 persons up to 50
over 10 persons add 1 water closet for each persons. Add 1 lava-
25 additional males and 1 water closet for tory for each 20
each additional 20 females persons over 50.
1 urinal for each 25 males up to 150; over Females - 1 for each
150 add 1 urinal for each additional 50 males 15 persons
~ Column 1 2 3 4 5
I.'I:l The figures shown are based upon one fixture for the persons indicated or any fraction thereof.
:. Lavatories to be provided for each sex in the ratio indicated.
Minimum The height of every room and floor area shall be such that adequate
height light and air may be provided for the intended occupancy and that no obstruction
is caused by the ceiling or ceiling fixtures to movement or activities below.
Dwelling (2) The unobstructed height in dwelling units shall be in accordance with
units good practice as set forth in "Canadian Housing Standards:'
Mezzanines (3) The height of any mezzanine floor shall not be less than 7 ft unless
approved by the authority having iurtsdiction.
This advisory document has developed from the original Notional Building Code issued
in 1941 jointly by the Notional Research Council and the Deportment of Finance. A completely
revised edition was published in 1953. This is therefore the Third Edition.
The Associate Committee on the National Building Code consists of a group of about
twenty-four Canadian citizens appointed for three-year terms by the Council. They sit as
individuals and not as representatives of any organization. The major task of the Committee
is to promote the uniformity of building regulations throughout Canada. Continued study and
improvement to maintain the National Building Code as a satisfactory document containing
regulations which can be conveniently adopted or enacted for local use will always be on im-
portant port of the Committee's work.
The Associate Committee is generally representative of all major phases of building in
Canada. Its direct responsibility for the preparation and publication of the Code ensures the
independence of this document. The stoff of the Council are responsible only for the necessary
technical and secretarial work, all of which is done to the direction of the Associate Committee.
This work is done within the Division of Building Research, to which are referred the many
research problems that the use and revision of the Code are continually revealing. In this
way, the most up-to-date information is made available for the use of the Committee.
The actual work of preparing new parts of the Code and of revising existing ports is
delegated by the Associate Committee to special revision committees. Engineers, architects,
building officials, and other technical experts sit upon these committees in order that the
resulting documents may represent contemporary practice in Canada, interpreted as necessary
to frame the minimum regulations of which the Code consists. These committees always issue
drafts of the new documents which they prepare. These are sent for comment to those who
express interest in them. Three Advisory Groups, on Fire, Health and Structure, each with
representative memberships, keep the technical content of the Code under review, between
revisions, and advise the Associate Committee on technical problems.
Comments on the use of the Code and suggestions for its improvement will be welcome
and may be sent to the Secretary, Associate Committee on the National Building Code, in core
of the Notional Research Council, Ottowa. If those who use this document will thus co-operate
with those who have worked toward its preparation and revision, the true national character
of the Code will be maintained and strengthened and its development as a satisfactory set of
desirable building regulations for use by municipalities and other agencies throughout Canada
should steadily progress.
Ce document, ainsi que toutes les autres sections du Code National du Botiment, sera
disponible en franc;ais d'ici quelque temps. Toutes demandes doivent etre adressees au
Secretaire, Comite Associe sur Ie Code National du SOtiment, Conseil Notional de Recherches,
Ottowa, Canada.
The National Building Code and its various parts or sections may be obtained by writing to:
The Secretory,
Associate Committee on the Notional Building Code,
Notional Research Council,
Ottowa 2, Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Part 1 Administration
Part 2 Definitions
Part 3 Use and Occupancy
Part 4 Design
Section 4.1 Structural Loads and Procedures
Section 4.2 Foundations
Section 4.3 Wood
Section 4.4 Unit Masonry
Section 4.5 Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed
Section 4.6 Steel Construction
Section 4.7 Cladding
Part 5 Materials
Part 6 Building Services
Part 7 Plumbing Services
Part 8 Construction Safety Measures
Part 9 Housing
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
:ODE 1960 •
.1 Subsection 4.1.1.
Subsection 4.1.2.
Subsection 4.1.3.
General.. .. ..................................... .............
Loads ... .... . . ... .. . ..... .. ............ ......................
Design Procedures .................................... 10
Application This Section applies to those aspects of structural design common to Application
all buildings. 0
Design Conditions The structural members of a building shall be designed to have suf- Structural
ficient capacity to resist safely and effectively requirements
(a) all climatic and seismic loads that may probably be expected to be ap-
plied to them during the expected life of the building,
(b) all loads due to the intended use of the building that may probably
be applied to them during the period of that use, and
(c) all loads that may reasonably be expected to be applied to them during
construction of the building.
(d) all lateral loads due to earth pressure that may reasonably be expected
to be applied on any part of the building below ground level.
(e) all loads due to weights of the material.. of construction incorporated in
the building and the weight of all permanent building service equipment. The loads that the structural members of a building are designed to Design
resist shall not be less than the minimum design loads set forth in subsection loads
4.1.2. The design properties of a material used in determining the capacity of Design
a structural member shall not be greater than the maximum design properties of properties
the material set forth in that section appropriate to the material, except as pro-
vided for in subsection 4.1.3. The procedures and practices used in the design of the structural mem- Procedures
bers of a building, whether designed as provided for in Part 4 or otherwise, shall
provide safety and performance at least equivalent to that provided for in the
provisions of Part 4.
Competence of Designer Except as provided for in sentence (2), the structural members of Competence
a building shall be designed as provided for in Part 4 by a person competent to
interpret the provisions listed therein.
(2) The structural members of a building may be designed otherwise than as
provided for in Part 4 where such design is carried out by a person qualified
professionally and competent in the specific field of design undertaken. Procedures and practices used to design the structural members of Standard
a building, as provided for in sentence, shall be the generally ac- procedures
cepted standard procedures and practices where these are available.
(2) Where there are no generally accepted standard procedures and practices Developed
they may be developed on the basis of a complete analysis of the properties of procedures
the materials to be used and loads to be applied.
Supervision of Construction Except as provided for in sentence (2), the construction of any Supervision
building or part thereof shall be carried out under the supervision of the person by designer
responsible for its design.
(2) The construction of a building may be supervised by a person other than Supervision
as required in sentence (1) where the person is qualified professionally and by others
competent in the specific field of construction being carried out .
o W DreIs that are in italics in this Section are defined in Part 2 of this Bylaw.
(3) Where the construction of a building will not be supervised by the person
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
responsible for its design, the name and address of the person who will super·
vise the construction shall be submitted with the application to build and notice
shall be given to the authority having jurisdiction of any subsequent change of
supervisor or of address whenever any such change takes place.
the person
Table 4.1.2.A
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
will super-
and notice Forming Part of Sentence
change of
, psf
'ided for in Apartment buildings
Living and sleeping quarters 40
:ied out as Locker rooms 50
Entrance halls, ground floor corridors, exits and stairs 100
cate in ad- Corridors, other floors 60
J a specific
Attics and crawl spaces where there is no storage of
:ual design, equipment or material 10
II sufficient
Bowling alleys, pool and billiard rooms 75
truction in- Offices and toilets 50
Corridors. exits and stairs 100
:lcorporated Churches and Sunday schools
Private rooms, toilets 50
mem- Class rooms, movable seats; assembly areas. fixed seats 60
m upon his Assembly areas, movable seats; entrance halls, lobbies,
exit halls, stairs and kitchens 100
Court rooms 100
Dance halls, gymnasia, including entrance halls,
,n incorpor- stairs, corridors and exits 100
Offices and toilets 50
Reading rooms 60
ded for in
Column 1 Column 2
Column 1 Column 2
Table 4.1.2.B
Forming Part of Sentence
Number of Manufacturing
Storie8 Building8,
Supported Storage Stores. All Other
Below Roof Buildmg8 Garages Building8
Column 1 2 3 4
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Table 4.1.2.C
Forming Part of Article
1 Load,
,s£ Use o£ Area of Floor Load, lb
Offices and stages 2,000
50 Storage for passenger cars 1,500
Storage for vehicles not exceeding 8,000 lb gross
00 weight
50 4,000
Storage for vehicles not exceeding 20,000 lb gross
weight 8,000
40 Storage for vehicles exceeding 20,000 lb gross
50 weight
60 12,000
60 Driveways and sidewalks over areaways and
basement, 12,000
00 Column 1 Column 2
50 (3) Where a column, pier, wall or foundation supports an area of roof and
areas of floor from one or more storie, the minimum' design load tributary to
this member is the load provided for in sentence (1) multiplied by the appro-
50 priate factor listed in table 4.1.2.B.
Concentrated (4) Where a room or group of rooms is intended for two or more occupancies
60 floor loads at different times, the value to ee used from Table 4.1.2.A is the greatest
value for any of the occupancies concerned.
00 Where the use of an area of floor is not in a category provided for in Uses not
,mn 2 articles and, the design loads due to the use of the area shall stipulated
be determined from an analysis of the loads resulting from
(a) the weight of the probable assembly of persons,
(b) the weight of the probable accumulation of equipment and furnishings,
(c) the weight of the probable storage of materials. The minimum design loads on a railing which guards a drop of more Loads on
than 18 in. are railings
(a) 75 Ib/lin ft applied laterally at the top of the railing, and
(b) 100 lb/lin ft applied vertically at the top of the railing and acting
separately from the lateral load provided for in clause (a).
l Other Grandstands, stadia, rinks, arenas, reviewing stands and bleachers shall Sway loads
lJildings be designed to resist all sway force which might result from the use of these
0.85 Table 4.1.2.D
0.80 Forming Part of Sentence
0.75 Service Equipment or Machinery Factor
0.70 Impact
0.65 Elevators 2.0
Motor driven cranes 1.25
0.60 Hand driven cranes 1.10
Hangers supporting floor areas 1.33
0.50 Shaft or motor driven light machinery 1.20
Reciprocating machinery and power driven units 1.50
Column 1 Column 2
Table 4.1.2.E
Forming Part of Sentence
Over 30 to 40 0.8
Over 40 to 50 0.6
Over 50 to 60 0.4
Over 60 to 70 0.2
Over 70 0.0
Column 1 Column 2
sno\\ otherwise unevenly, due to snow sliding onto it from an adjacent sloping surface,
bration Impact and the minimum design load, applied as indicated to be appropriate by relative
of the vibrations positions of the surfaces, is that provided for in sentence 1) plus the
by the weight of snow from the adjacent surface, determined from sentence Where a roof surface is curved or peaked, the roof shall be designed
(a) for the load provided for in sentence, and
>erated (b) for a minimum design load of 1.25 times that provided for in sentence
ld and 1) applied on either side and no load on the other.
,y, and Loads Due to Wind
~y rail. The minimum design load, due to the pressure of wind on a surface Wind loads
is .................... O' psf applied normal to the surface, decreased or increased as
may be provided for in sentence (2) and article
(2) Where a surface or part of a surface is located within any of the height Variation
increments listed in column 1 of table 4.1.2.F, the minimum design load on that with height
surface or part of a surface is that provided for in sentence (1) multiplied by the
IV on a appropriate factor in column 2.
,2.9. to • Climatic information applicable to any municipality can be obtained from the
Secretary of the Associate Committee on the National Building Code and is
published in a handbook of climatic information which is available from the
lDd full 'National Research Council.
by the
Forming Part of Sentence
Height, ft Factor
o to 20 0.8
Over 20 to 40 1.0
Over 40 to 90 1.2
Over 90 to 180 1.5
Over 180 to 350 1.8
Over 350 to 650 2.2
Over 650 2.5
Column 1 Column 2 Where the sum of the pressure coefficients for a wall, roof or other Variation
element exposed to the wind determined differentially from the coefficients· with
for both sides of such an element is greater or smaller than 1, the minimum shape
om the design load on that surface is that provided for in article multiplied
and is by this sum.
om the
• Pressure coefficients applicable to many elements and surfaces can be obtained
from the Secretary of the Associate Committee on the National Building Code
b.erwise and are published in a handbook available from the National Research
t three possible, is that resulting from a rainfall of ................. in. over the horizontal
is 1.5. projection of the surface and all tributary surfaces.
(2) The provisions of sentence (1) are intended to apply whether or not the
surface is provided with drainage. such as rain water leaders.
• Climatic information applicable to any municipality can be obtained from the
Secretary of the Associate Committee on the National Building Code and is
published in a handbook of climatic information which is available from the
National Research Council.
Table 4.1.2.G
Forming Part of Sentence
Column 1 Column 2
not the
Simultaneous All minimum design loads shall be considered to act simultaneously
nm the loads except that
and is (a) loads due to wind shall not be considered to act simultaneously with loads
nmthe due to earthquake,
(b) uniformly applied loads due to use shall not be considered to act simul-
taneously with concentrated loads due to use, and
(c) loads due to snow shall not be considered to act simultaneously with loads
nay be Earthqu'\ke due to rain.
carried loads When either the load due to wind or the load due to earthquake is con- Increase in
.t deter- sidered as acting simultaneously with other loads the maximum design stresses design
for the materials of the structural members being designed may be taken as 1/3 stresses
• greater than those listed in the Section of Part 4 appropriate to the material.
ltally in Where the overturning moment on a building caused by the load due Overturning
to wind is greater than 50 per cent of the stabilizing moment caused by the load moment
due to the weight of materials of construction, the building shall be anchored to
resist the excess overturning moment and the excess of horizontal shear over
e to the sliding friction. Where a bracing system is intended to resist loads due to earthquakes Bracing to
g of the it shall resist earth-
l in the (a) be located symmetrically about the centre of mass of the building, or quake loads
: service (b) be designed for the resulting rotational forces about the vertical axis.
'rom the
I and is
'rom the
11 2
• floors,
L whole,
led that
This advisory document has developed from the original National Building Code issued
in 1941 iointly by the National Research Council and the Department of Finance. A completely
revised edition was published in 1953. This is therefore the Third Edition.
The Associate Committee on the National Building Code consists of a group of about
twenty-four Canadian citizens appointed for three-year terms by the Council. They sit as
individuals and not as representatives of any organization. The major task of the Committee
is to promote the uniformity of building regulations throughout Canada. Continued study and
improvement to maintain the National Building Code as a satisfactory document containing
regulations which can be conveniently adopted or enacted for local use will always be an im-
portant part of the Committee's work.
The Associate Committee is generally representative of all major phases of building in
Canada. Its direct responsibility for the preparation and publication of the Code ensures the
independence of this document. The staff of the Council are responsible only for the necessary
technical and secretarial work, all of which is done to the direction of the Associate Committee.
This work is done within the Division of Building Research, to which are referred the many
research problems that the use and revision of the Code are continually revealing. In this
way, the most up-to-date information is made available for the use of the Committee.
The actual work of preparing new parts of the Code and of revising existing parts is
delegated by the Associate Committee to special revision committees. Engineers, architects,
building officials, and other technical experts sit upon these committees in order that the
resulting documents may represent contemporary practice in Canada, interpreted as necessary
to frame the minimum regulations of which the Code consists. These committees always issue
drafts of the new documents which they prepare. These are sent for comment to those who
express interest in them. Three Advisory Groups, on Fire, Health and Structure, each with
representative memberships, keep the technical content of the Code under review, between
revisions, and advise the Associate Committee on technical problems.
Comments on the use of the Code and suggestions for its improvement will be welcome
and may be sent to the Secretary, Associate Committee on the National Building Code, in care
of the National Research Council, Ottawa. If those who use this document will thus co-operate
with those who have worked toward its preparation and revision, the true national character
of the Code will be maintained and strengthened and its development as a satisfactory set of
desirable building regulations for use by municipalities and other agencies throughout Canada
should steadily progress.
Ce document, ainsi que toutes les autres sections du Code National du BOtiment, sera
disponible en fran~ais d'ici quelque temps. Toutes demandes doivent lttre adressees au
Secretaire, Comite Associe sur Ie Code National du Betiment, Conseil National de Recherches,
Ottawa, Canada.
The National Building Code and its various parts or sections may be obtained by writing to:
The Secretary,
Associate Committee on the National Building Code,
National Research Council,
Ottawa 2, Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Part 1 Administration
Part 2 Definitions
Part 3 Use and Occupancy
Part 4 Design
Section 4.1 Structural Loads and Procedures
Section 4.2 Foundations
Section 4.3 Wood
Section 4.4 Unit Masonry
Section 4.5 Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed
Section 4.6 Steel Construction
Section 4.7 Cladding
Part 5 Materials
Part 6 Building Services
Part 7 Plumbing Services
Part 8 Construction Safety Measures
Part 9 Housing
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
)DE 1960
Subsection 4.2.1. General .................................................... 3
• Subsection 4.2.. 2.
Subsection 4.2.3.
Subsection 4.2.4.
Properties of Soils and Capacities
of Foundations ......................................
Materials and Types of Foundations ........ 11
Excavating, Placing and Backfilling .......... 15
1 3
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Application 'This Section applies to the design of the foundation O of a building, Application
particularly with respect to
(a) the detennination of the design properties of soils and the design capacity
of foundations.
(b) the materials and practices of foundation design, and
(c) the work of excavating, placing foundations and backfilling.
Definitions In this Section Definitions
(a) bearing surface means the contact surface between a foundation-unit and
the soil or rock upon which it bears,
(b) design properties of a soil or rock means those properties of the soil or rock
used in proportioning and detennining the design capacity of a foundation,
(c) design capacity of a foundation means the load that a foundation is de-
signed to transfer to the supporting soil or rock within the accepted
limits of stresses and settlement.
(d) foundation means a system or arrangement of structural members of a
building through which the loads from the building are transferred to the
supporting soils or rock, and
(e) foundation-unit means one of the structural members of the foundation
of a building and includes a footing, a slab, a mat, a pile, a pier, a
caisson, a foundation wall and a retaining wall. Soil is that portion of the earth's crust which is fragmentary, or such that Soil
some individual particles of a dried sample may be readily separated by agitation
in water; it includes boulders, gravel, sand, silt, clay and organic soils.
o Words that are in italics in this Section are defined. Definitions relating par·
ticularly to Foundations are contained in article General definitions
are contained in Part 2 of this Bylaw.
Design Conditions
Design The foundation of a building shall have a design capacity not less
capacity of than
foundations (a) the design loads tributary to it as set forth in subsection 4.1.2., and
(b) the design load due to soil pressure set forth in subsection 4.2.2. The foundation of a building shall be proportioned so that the cal- Total and
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
culated probable settlement of the foundation is not greater than the total or differential
n., but differential movement that the building is designed to accommodate. settlement In the design of the foundation of a building the procedures, con- Design
d pass struction practices and stresses used shall be those provided for in that Section criteria
applicable to the material of which the foundation is made, modified as pro- for
vided for in subsection 4.2.3. materials
,f clay, Before any part of a foundation is placed and again before any Inspection
e as a superstructure is placed on a foundation
(a) the authority having jurisdiction shall be notified and given an oppor-
tunity to inspect the site. and
(b) the permission of the authority having jurisdiction shall be obtained to
'; mas· proceed.
;, have
I when Where during construction the soil or rock to which a foundation Altered
ey are is to transfer loads is found to be not of the type or in the condition indicated conditions
on the drawings
ituents, (a) the foundation shall be redesigned and constructed for the existing type
visible or conditions, or
ling or (b) the condition of the soil shall be returned to that originally anticipated.
,bIe to (2) Where a foundation has not been placed or located as indicated on the
plans, the error shall be corrected or the maximum design capacity of the foun-
dation recalculated for the altered conditions.
lS talc
[stones, (3) Where a foundation is placed in a damaged condition the damage shall
.edding be repaired or the maximum design capacity of the foundation recalculated for
as and the damaged condition.
:10 not For buildings exceeding 2 stories in height or having a ground area Bearing
asonry. of more than 4,000 sq ft, the design properties of the soil or rock and bearing pressures
capacity bf the foundation shall be determined on the basis of
(a) soils exploration, soil testing and the application of generally accepted
ot less soil mechanics principles conducted by a person competent in this field
of work, or
,.. , and
(b) well established local practice where such practice includes successful
experience both with soils of similar type and condition and with a
foundation of similar type in an adjacent area.
4,000 sq ft or less, the design properties of the soil and the bearing capacity
of the foundation shall be detennined on the basis of
(a) soils exploration or successful local practice as provided for in sen-
tence (1),
(b) a load test, where the footing is 3 ft wide or less, carried out in accor-
dance with ASTM standard method of test for "Bearing Capacity of Soil
for Static Loads on Footings" designated D1l94-57, except that the
bearing plate shall be 12 in. sq, and the maximum design bearing pres-
sure of the soil is
(j) 1/3 the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil, or
(ij) 1/3 the pressure that would cause the bearing plate to settle 1 in.,
whichever is the lesser. or
in the absence of infonnation provided for in clauses (a) and (b), the design
bearing pressure of the soil or rock supporting the foundation may be deter-
mined by
(c) table 4.2.2.A, column 2, where the type and condition of the soil or
rock listed in column 1 can be identified and described as set forth in
articles to and adjusted as may be required in article, the increase allowed for embedment, and article, the
decrease for high ground water level.
TABLE 4.2.2.A
Fonning Part of Sentence
Type and Condition Bearing
of Soil or Rock Pressure,
Cohesionless soils
Dense sand, dense sand-and-gravel 6,000
Cohesive soils
Dense silt 3,000
Medium dense silt 2,000
Hard clay 6,000
Stiff clay 4,000
Firm clay 2,000
Soft clay 1,000
Miscellaneous soils and rock
Till, dense 10,000
Cemented sand and gravel 20,000
Clay-shale - special investigation required since
insufficient load may cause problems ............
Rock ...... see article for definitions
Massive 100,000
Foliated 80,000
Sedimentary 40,000
Soft or Shattered 20,000
Column 1 Column 2
rea of The bearing surface on a gravel, sand or silt shall not be less than 1 ft Embedment
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
lpacity below grade; however, where this surface is more than 1 ft below grade and is
embedded on all sides by the same soil, the maximum design bearing pressure of
the soil is that listed in table 4.2.2.A increased at the rate of 20 per cent for each
n sen- foot increase in depth but not more than 200 per cent. Where a foundation bears on gravel, sand or silt, and where the highest High ground
accor- level of the ground water is, or is likely to be, higher than an elevation defined water level
of Soil by the bearing surface less the width of the footing, the maximum bearing pres·
lat the sure shall be 50 per cent of that determined in articles and
g pres-
Lateral Pressure Where a soil is retained in position by a foundation wall or a retaining Load due to
. in., wall and the soil is likely to become saturated with water, the minimum design retained soil
lateral pressure against the wall is that equivalent to a head of water the height
design of the retained soil.
Bearing Capacity
soil or The maximum design capacity of :\ foundation may be determined Bearing
orth in on the basis of the maximum design bearing pressure provided for in article capacities
article provided that the type and condition of the soils or rock below the on basis
3., the bearing surface has been identified to a depth of at least twice the width of the of bearing
foundation-unit. pressures
(2) Where load test values or tabular values are used as provided for in
article, the maximum design capacity of a foundation is the area of its
horizontal projection times the maximum design bearing pressure of the soil
or rock at the bearing surface, reduced as may be required by article
(3) Where a soil or rock below the bearing surface has, as may be indicated Reduction
by the tabular bearing values in article, a lower maximum design bearing for weaker
g pressure than that at the bearing surface, the maximum design capacity of the underlying
e, foundation shall not be greater than would cause the weakest soil or rock to be soils
stressed beyond its maximum design bearing capacity.
(4) For purposes of determining the vertical stress in soils or rock below the Distribution
10 bearing surface the load from the foundation shall be assumed to be distributed of stress
uniformly over the area of any horizontal plane within a frustum extending
downward from the foundation at 60 deg to the horizontal; but the area con-
sidered as supporting the load shall not extend beyond the intersection of 60-deg
10 planes of adjacent foundations.
'0 Compressibility
iO In any of the following cases the degree and rate of compressibility Cases
10 of the soils below a foundation shall be determined by exploration and analysis requiring
as provided for in sentence determination
10 of compres-
(a) where a foundation is placed or a surcharge adjacent to a building is
to be placed, sibility
10 (i) above soft clay and the load transferred will cause a net increase of
10 pressure on the clay of 250 psf or more,
(ii) above medium clay and the load transferred will cause a net increase
of pressure on the clay of 500 psf or more, or
(iii) above soft clay showing large variations in thickness, or
10 (b) where the loads to be transferred by the foundation to the soils are
10 vibratory.
10 Where the probable settlement of the foundation of a small building, Settlement
10 other than of the size provided for in sentence, is not determined of footings
by exploration and analysis as provided for in sentence, it shall be
2 determined on the basis of a load test as set forth in article Where a load test has been carried out as provided for in sentence
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays and the design capacity of the applicable footings has been deter-
mined as provided for in article the probable settlement of these
footings may be calculated using the formulae
Pile Foundations
Pile Piles may be used for foundations of structures when soil conditions
foundations are suitable. For purposes of this Code, a pile shall be considered to be any
slender structural element which is driven, jetted or otherwise embedded on end
in the ground for the purpose of supporting a load or compacting the soil. Piles
which support loads are generally classified as friction piles and end bearing piles.
(2) All piles used to support any structure or part thereof shall be driven,
jetted or otherwise embedded to such a depth as is necessary to secure adequate
soil or roc~ bearing capacity and in such a manner as not to impair their
Pile The maximum design capacity of the pile shall be determined on the
capacit} basis of
(a) a load test carried out in accordance with the provisions in article,
(b) the tabular values for soil friction given in article for friction
(c) the Hiley formula given in article when the load on each pile
does not exceed 30 tons,
(d) the criterion for end bearing piles given in article, and
(e) considering the pile as a column in accordance with the provisions in
Capacity of Piles
Load tests The maximum design capacity of a pile may be determined on the
basis of a load test carried out in accordance with ASTM standard method of
test for "Load Settlement Relationship for Individual Piles Under Vertical
Load", designated D1143-57T.
(2) Where a load test is carried out as provided for in sentence (1), the
maximum design capacity of the tested pile is the load that caused a net
settlement of the pile of 1 in., measured after the test load has been removed.
entence The maximum design capacity of a friction pile may be determined Frictional
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
1 deter- on the basis of the frictional resistance between its surface and the soil in which resistance
f these it is placed as provided for in sentence (2) if the type and condition of the soils
or rock has been identified to a depth half the length of the pile below
the tip of the pile.
(2) The maximum design frictional resistance at the interface of a foundation
and a soil is that listed in column 2 or 3 of table 4.2.2.B, according to the
material of the foundation and type and condition of the soil.
TABLE 4.2.2.B
Forming Part of Article
Frictional Resistance
Ie; it is when a pile has been allowed to stand more than 1 hour after hav-
or part ing been driven; in the case of wood piles, broomed heads shall
'reafter. be cut off to sound wood before making penetration measurements)
e2 P
and for the -Special case where a pile point meets with refusal on im-
penetrable rock, the efficiency of the blow shall be assumed to be
n _ W+0.5e 2 P
- W+0.5P
where P is the weight of the pile including the helmet or driving cap
or anvil in pounds, and e is the coefficient of restitution of the hammer
on the pile. This shall be assumed to have the following values: 0.5
for steel ram of double acting hammer striking on steel anvil and driving
steel H-piles or reinforced concrete piles; 0.4 for steel ram of a double
acting hammer striking on steel anvil and driving timber piles; 0.4 for
cast iron ram of a single acting or drop hammer striking directly on head
of reinforced concrete pile not fitted with a helmet; 0.3 for ram of
single acting hammer striking on a I-in. thick plate on the top of a
helmet containing a wood cap fitted to a 16- by 3/4-in. steel piling tube;
0.25 for cast iron ram of single acting or drop hammer striking on well-
conditioned wood cap or helmet in driving reinforced concrete piles, or
directly on head of timber piles; 0.25 for steel piling tubes driven
by a mandrel; 0.0 for a deteriorated condition of head of timber pile or
of wood cap and for excess packing in helmet.
(b) The value of H shall be taken as:
h for drop hammers released by a monkey trigger,
0.9h for single acting steam hammers,
O.Sh for drop hammers actuated by a wire rope from a friction winch,
where h is the actual stroke of the hammer or ram in feet;
for double acting hammers
H- heW +A.M)
where A is the area of the piston acted on by the steam in square inches,
M is the mean effective steam pressure in pounds per square inch;
alternatively W.H may be determined by means of an approved device
attached to the hammer measuring the actual energy in foot-pounds per
blow delivered; where single acting hammers or drop hammers work in
leader guides inclined at an angle 8 from the vertical, a further allow-
ance must be made for frictional resistance of the guides and for the
reduced component of gravity acting along the direction of the guides;
this shall be done by substituting for H
HI H(cos 0 - M sin 0)
where M is the coefficient of friction (usually 0.1).
(c) The total temporary compression c in inches occurring at each blow of
the hammer shall be determ'ined by measurement during the driving of
the pile, or alternatively may be estimated approximately by calculation
using the following formula
blow of (2) Where timber has been treated as set forth in sentence (1) it shall be
iving of cared for as provided for in CSA specification 080.M4-1959 for "Instructions for
Iculation the Care of Pressure-Treated Wood After Treatment", Where unsawn timbers are used as piles they shall be in accordance Timber
with CSA specification A56-1942 for "Round Timber Piles", piles
[} unless Where steel is exposed to soil its thickness shall be at least 1116 Steel piles
're than in. greater than that required for structural stability and to carry design loads,
unless evidence is submitted that corrosion is not a factor in the area.
Steel Where steel pipes are used as piles and the pipes act as permanent
pipe load carrying members or as shells to form cast-in-place concrete piles they shall
piles be in accordance with ASTM specification A252-55 for "Welded and Seamless
Steel Pipe Piles".
Steel Where steel tubes are used as piles and the tubes or shells act as
tube permanent load carrying members to form cast-in-place concrete piles they shall
piles be of steel in accordance with
(a) ASTM specification A245-58T for "Flat-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets of
Structural Quality",
(b) ASTM specification A303-58T for "Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Strip of
Structural Quality", or
(c) ASTM specification A283-54 for "Low and Intermediate Tensile
Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Quality".
(2) Where steel tubes are used for piles and the tubes do not act as per-
manent load carrying members such as shells to form cast-in-place concrete piles
they shall be of steel in accordance with
(a) ASTM specification A.366-58T for "Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets
Commercial Quality", or
(b) ASTM specification AA15-57T for "Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets
Commercial Quality".
Piles as A pile shall be considered to act as a column and shall be designed as
columns a short, intermediate or long column according to its unsupported length in
air, water, peat or very fluid soil.
Reduction of Where a pile is stressed during placing, such as by driving or ram-
stresses ming, the maximum design stresses for the materials of which the pile is made
(a) 75 per cent on the sectional area including the allowance for corrosion
of those otherwise permitted if the maximum design capacity of the pile
is determined or controlled by a load test, and
(b) 50 per cent on the sectional area including the allowance for corrosion
of those otherwise permitted if the maximum design capacity of the pile
is not determined by a load test.
Swelling Where a pile is of concrete and the concrete is placed directly in contact
soils with cohesive soil the pile shall be reinforced to resist tension if there is a pos-
sibility of the soil's swelling.
Structural Where a pile is of hot-rolled structural steel
steel piles (a) the minimum thickness of material is 3/8 in.,
(b) the minimum width and depth is 6 in.,
(c) the projection of any flange or leg shall not be greater than 14 times
its thickness, and
(d) the ratio of the section modulus in the strongest direction to that in the
weakest direction shall not be greater than 8.
(a) not more than 2 per cent of its length out of plumb for vertical piles, and
(b) not more than 3 in. off centre.
or alkaline Where a pier or column does not have adequate lateral structural Number of
support, it shall be supported by piles
(a) a single pile, in which case the pile shall supporting
piers or
(i) be of cast-in-place concrete, columns
(ij) have a diameter or diagonal not less than 4 in. greater than that of
the pier or column, or 16 in., whichever is the greater,
(iii) be rigidly connected to the pier or column, and
permanent (iv) have its centre not more than 2 in. off the centreline of the pier or
they shall column, or
I Seamless
(b) a group of at least 3 piles.
ells act as Where a strip footing or a wall that does not have adequate Supporting
they shall lateral structural support is supported by a pile foundation, the foundation strip footings
shall be either or walls
Sheets of (a) one row of piles that
(i) are of cast-in-vlace concrete,
I Strip of (ii) have a diameter not less than 4 in. greater than the width of the wall
or 16 in., whichever is the greater,
:e Tensile (iii) are rigidly connected to the footing or wall, and
(iv) have their centres not more than 2 in. off the centreline of the wall,
Ict as per-
!Crete piles (b) two rows of piles that
(i) are at least 18 in. apart, and
eel Sheets (ii) are symmetrical relative to the resultant of the load transferred by the
eel Sheets (2) Where a wall that does have adequate lateral support is supported
by a pile foundation the foundation may be a single row of piles. Where piles bear on rock the distance centre-to-centre of two piles Spacing
esigned as shall not be less than 1 ft plus the average butt diameter or diagonal of the of piles
length in piles. Except as provided for in sentence (2), where piles do not bear
[lg or ram- on rock the distance centre-to-centre of two piles shall not be less than either
Ie is made (a) twice the average butt diameter or diagonal of the piles, or
(b) 2 ft 6 in., whichever is the lesser.
r corrosion
of the pile (2) Where piles are of unencased cast-in-place concrete and are placed by Driven
driving a forming tube, the distance centre-to-centre of two piles shall not be cast-in-place
r corrosion less than 2" times the average of the greatest shaft diameters of the piles. concrete
of the pile piles A pile shall be placed in such a manner as not to impair either the
strength of the pile or the properties of the soil in or above which it is placed.
in contact
~ is a pos- Where a pile is driven into place and the tip or butt of the pile Driving
is likely to be damaged during driving, if the damage could not subsequently protection
be repaired, the tip or butt shall be protected from damage during driving.
(2) Where the butt of a pile is shattered, broomed or otherwise damaged
during driving the pile shall be cut back to sound materials.
14 times Where a group of end hearing piles are to be placed in silt or clay Upward
measures shall be taken to indicate any upward movement of one of the movement
hat in the piles during the driving of an adjacent pile and if any pile moves upward it
shall be redriven.
Jetting to Where a pile has been placed by jetting it shall be driven to required
be followed resistance immediately after jetting is finished.
by driving
Cast-in-place Where a concrete pile is cast and placed in position by placing
concrete the concrete in a preformed hole in the soil and in contact with the soil
measures shall be taken
(a) to ensure a pile of full cross-section throughout its length,
(b) to exclude soil from the concrete~
( c) to control the water content and the strength of the concrete, and
(d) to ensure that the green concrete in one pile is not disturbed by the
driving of adjacent piles.
Precast Where precast concrete piles are used, they shall
concrete (a) have adequate metal tips when driven to rock or through soils con-
taining stones or boulders~ and
(b) have sufficient strength to withstand all stresses resulting from handling
and driving.
Foundation Walls Where a wall bears directly on a foundation wall the foundation
wall shall have sufficient thickness to support the loads bearing on it and
against it.
(2) A foundation wall shall be built of
(a) masonry in accordance with Section 4.4,
(b) plain concrete in accordance with Section 4.5, or
(c) reinforced concrete in accordance with Section 4.5.
(3) In the absence of a satisfactory structural design of foundation walls
made of plain concrete or masonry, they shall conform to the applicable prac-
tices set forth in Part 9.
Frost Action
Depth of Except as provided for in sentence (2), the bearing surface of a
bearing foundation shall be below the level of possible damage from frost.
(2) Where a foundation
(a) supports a non-residential light accessory building 1 story in height and
not more than 500 sq ft in plan area, or
(b) bears,directly on rock not susceptible to damage from frost, its bearing
surface need not be below the level of frost action.
Special Foundations Special types or systems of foundation-units not described may be
permitted where it can be shown that such units or systems meet the general
provisions of this Section and professional evidence is presented to show that
such units or systems have performed satisfactorily under similar conditions
Excavating Where a soil is intended to support a foundation measures shall be Disturbance
f' placing taken to minimize the· disturbance of the soil due to
the soil (a) the activities of excavation and construction, and
(b) any inward or upward flow of water.
and Where a sensitive soil,that is a soil that loses strength whenremoulded, Sensitive
I by the is intended to support a foundation precautions shall be taken to ensure that soils
the soil is not disturbed. When cohesive soils with large swelling and shrinking characteristics Swelling
mils con- are encountered, precautions shall be taken in the design of the structure to soils
prevent excess ,differential movements.
handling When filled ground or organic materials are encountered, except for Filled
non-residential light accessory buildings not more than 1 story in height and ground.
not more than 500 sq ft in area, organic
(a) such material shall be removed to such a depth that the foundations material
from the will rest on stable soil or rock,
Ileight or (b) such precautions shall be taken based on exploration and testing in
forced. accordance with generally accepted soil mechanics principles to ensure
that satisfactory foundations will be attained.
as sloped Where a foundation is to be placed on rOCk Bearing
vertical. surface
{a) the bearing sur/ace of the rock shall not have a slope greater than 1 in
6, or be adequately keyed, and on rock
(b) the bearing surface of the rock shall be cleaned of loose .and decom-
posed material before the foundation is placed. A foundation shall not be placed in, on or above any soil that is Freezing
mndation frozen and may subsequently thaw. of
n it and supporting
(2) Where a foundation is placed on frost susceptible soil during freezing
weather the soil shall be kept from freezing. soil
Backfilling Where an excavation is being backfilled measures shall be taken
to place the backfill so as to
ion walls (a) maintain the lateral support of the soil exposed by the excavation,
ble prac- (b) have a bearing capacity adequate to support the anticipated surcharge,
( c) prevent detrimental settlement.
~ight and
~ bearing
may be
~ general
now that
This advisory document has developed from the original National Building Code issued
in 1941 iointly by the National Research Council and the Department of Finance. A completely
revised edition was published in 1953. This is therefore the Third Edition.
The Associate Committee on the National Building Code consists of a group of about
twenty-four Canadian citizens appointed for three-year terms by the Council. They sit as
individuals and not as representatives of any organization. The major task of the Committee
is to promote the uniformity of building regulations throughout Canada. Continued study and
improvement to maintain the National Building Code as a satisfactory document containing
regulations which can be conveniently adopted or enacted for local use will always be an im-
portant part of the Committee's work.
The actual work of preparing new parts of the Code and of revising existing parts is
delegated by the Associate Committee to special revision committees. Engineers, architects,
building officials, and other technical experts sit upon these committees in order that the
resulting documents may represent contemporary practice in Canada, interpreted as necessary
to frame the minimum regulations of which the Code consists. These committees always issue
drafts of the new docume"ts which they prepare. These are sent for comment to those who
express interest in them. Three Advisory Groups, on Fire, Health and Structure, each with
representative memberships, keep the technical content of the Code under review, between
revisions, and advise the Associate Committee on technical problems.
Comments on the use of the Code and suggestions for its improvement will be welcome
and may be sent to the Secretary, Associate Committee on the National Building Code, in care
of the National Research Council, Ottawa. If those who use this document will thus co-operate
with those who have worked toward its preparation and revision, the true national character
of the Code will be maintained and strengthened and its development as a satisfactory set of
desirable building regulations for use by municipalities and other agencies throughout Canada
should steadily progress.
Ce document, ainsi que toutes les autres sections du Code National du Botiment, sera
disponible en fran~ais d'ici quelque temps. Toutes demandes doivent etre adressees au
Secretaire, Comite Assode sur Ie Code National du Botiment, Conseil National de Recherches,
Ottawa, Canada.
The National Building Code and its various ports or sections may be obtained by writing to;
The Secretary,
Associate Committee on the National Building Code,
National Research Council,
Ottawa 2, Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Part Administration
Part 2 Definitions
Part 3 Use and Occupancy
Part 4 Design
Section 4.1 Structural Loads and Procedures
Section 4.2 Foundations
Section 4.3 Wood
Section 4.4 Unit Masonry
Section 4.5 Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed
Section 4.6 Steel Construction
Section 4.7 Cladding
Part 5 Materials
Part 6 Building Services
Part 7 Plumbing Services
Part 8 Construction Safety Measures
Part 9 Housing
Section 4.3
.DE 1960 •
Subsection 4.3.1. General.................................................... 3
Subsection 4.3.2. Species Groups ........................................ 6
Subsection 4.3.3. Allowable Unit Stresses .......................... 7
Subsection 4.3.4. Design of Structural Units ........................ 8
Subsection 4.3.5. Sawn Lumber .......................................... 15
Subsection 4.3.6. Glued - Laminated Timber .................... 19
Subsection 4.3.7. Plywood .................................................. 22
Subsection 4.3.8. Timber Piling ....... ...... ................ ... ... ... .. .. 30
Subsection 4.3.9. Pole Construction .................................... 31
• Subsection 4.3.10.
Subsection 4.3.11.
Subsection 4.3.12.
Timber Fastenings .................................... 32
Design of Bolted Joints ............................ 43
Design of Common Steel Wire
Nail Joints ........ ................................. 51
l 3
Scope This Section applies to the design of structural members of sawn
lumber,cJ glued-laminated timber, plywood, and their connections. This Section is intended for use in the design or appraisal of structures
or structural elements made from wood or wood products.
Definitions In this Section the following definitions apply:
Butt 10int means a plain square joint between the ends of two pieces of wood,
or plywood,
Connector, timber means a metal ring or plate that, by being embedded in
each of adjacent timbers, acts in shear to transmit loads from one timber
to the other,
Simple column means a compression member consisting of a single piece, or
of pieces properly glued or fastened together to form a single solid
Spaced column means a column consisting of two or more individual members
with their longitudinal axes parallel, separated at the ends and middle
points of their length by blocking, and joined at the ends by connectors
capable of developing the required shear resistance,
Density means weight per unit volume. In the case of wood, density is
usually expressed as pounds per cubic foot at a speCified moisture
Depth means, in a bending member, the dimension of the member parallel
to the direction in which load is applied,
Edge distance means the distance from the edge of the member to the
centre of the nearest fastening,
End distance means the distance measured parallel to the axis of a piece from
the centre of a fastening to the square cut end of the member. In the
case of a connector, if the end of the member is not square cut, the
end distance shall be taken from any point on the centre half of the
connector diameter drawn perpendicular to the centreline of the piece
to the nearest point on the end of the member measured parallel to the
axis of a piece (see Fig. 4.3.1O(b) ),
Fibre saturation point means the stage in the drying or in the wetting of
wood at which the cell walls are saturated and the cell cavities are
free from water. When drying, wood shrinkage starts at this stage, ap-
proximately 25 to 30 per cent moisture content,
Frame construction means structures erected with studs, joists and rafters,
Glue means a substance capable of holding materials together by surface
Glued-laminated timber (glulam) means the product obtained by gluing
together a number of laminations having their grain essentially parallel,
~r manu-
Stressed skin means a form of construction in which the outer skin, in addi-
tion to its normal function of providing a surface covering, acts in-
a stand-
tegrally with the frame members contributing to the strength of the unit
as a whole,
ral Tim- Stud means one of a series of slender wood structural members placed
rovisions vertically as supporting members in a wall, partition, or similar struc-
thods of tural unit.
:hods of
,ble unit General Requirements
I Design The requirements of this Section are based on adherence to requirements Reference
of the following CSA specifications: specifications
lded for (a) 043-1953, Structural Timber
l on the
~ce with (b) 0122-1959, Glued-Laminated Softwood Structural Timber
ence to (c) 0121-1961, Douglas Fir Plywood
(d) 0151-1961, Western Softwood Construction Plywood
I a per-
(e) B33.1-1961. Square and Hexagon Bolts and Nuts, Studs and Wrench
:wers of (f) 080-1959, Specification for Wood Preservation
veneers (g) 0141-1959, Yard Lumber
fn) 0112.3-1960, Casein Glues for Wood
ground (0 0112.5-1960, Urea Resin Adhesive for Wood (Room- and High-
iOll and Temperature Curing)
(j) 0112.7-1960, Phenol and Resorcinol Resin Adhesives for Wood (Room-
and Intermediate-Temperature Curing).
1 under All wood structural members and assemblies shall be of adequate size Structural
and quality to carry all the dead, live, wind and earthquake loads or other forces adequacy
fungi, coming upon them during construction or use without exceeding the allowable
unit stresses specified in appropriate subsections. All members shall be so
framed, anchored, tied, and braced together as to provide the strength and rigid-
e of a
ity necessary for the purpose for which they are used.
angles Plywood and glulam shall be either exterior or interior grade as re- Service
at the quired to meet the service conditions. Interior grade may be used where the conditions
pieces equilibrium moisture content in service will average 15 per cent or less over any
year. Exterior grade shall be used for all other service conditions.
with Actual dimensions shall apply throughout this Section unless otherwise Dimensions
Untreated Untreated wood in permanent structures shall comply with the re-
wood quirements of article of Section 4.4.
Pressure (2) Wood that has been pressure treated in accordance with the require-
treated ments of CSA specification 080-1959, "Specification for Wood Preservation,"
wood may be in continuous contact with masonry or concrete when moisture condi-
tions which favour decay are present. All boring, grooving, cutting and other
possible fabrication shall be completed before treatment. All fabrication carried
out after treatment shall be locally treated in accordance with CSA specification
080-1959, "Specification for Wood Preservation!'
Net section The net section, obtained by deducting from the gross section the
projected area of all material removed by boring, grooving, dapping or other
means, shall be used in calculating the load-carrying capacity of a member.
(2) The net section used in calculating the load-carrying capacity of a
member shall be the least net section determined as above by passing a plane
or a series of connected planes transversely through the member.
(3) Daps and notches shall in no case remove more than one quarter of the
TABLE 4.3.2.A
Group Species
Column 1 Column 2
• TABLE 4.3.3.A
Continuous 0.90
Normal 1.00
Two months 1.15
Seven days 1.25
Wind or earthquake 1.33
Impact 2.00
Column 1 Column 2
as obtained in most storage occupancies.
6. When a structure is subjected to loads 'of different durations and the load
duration increases are used in design, the most conservative evaluation shall
Preservative (3) Allowable unit stresses for wood and wood products that have been
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Length of When lengths of bearing or diameters of washers are less than 6 in.
bearing and no part of the bearing area is closer to the end of the member than 3 in.,
the allowable bearing stress may be multiplied by the appropriate modification
factor as set forth in table 4.3.3.B provided such bearing areas do not occur in
positions of high flexural stress.
TABLE 4.3.3.B
1/2 1.75
1 1.38
1 1/2 1.25
2 1.19
3 1.13
4 1.10
6 or more 1.00
Column 1 Column 2
Deflection The deflection of trusses, beams and similar structural units may be cal-
limitations culated on the basis of live load only, and shall not exceed 1/360 of the span
when used with plaster and ceramic materials. Other deflection-span ratios may be
used provided the characteristics of complementary materials are not exceeded,
but they shall not exceed 1/180 of the span when calculated on the basis of
live and dead loads combined.
Depth to Maximum depth to breadth ratios for various degrees of lateral support
breadth for sawn and glulam members with rectangular cross-sections shall be governed
ratio; by the following rules:
flexural (a) 2:1 when no lateral support is provided,
loading (b) 3: 1 when the ends are held in position,
(c) 4:1 when the member is held in line, as in a well-bolted chord member,
(d) 5: 1 when the compression edge is held in line, as by direct connection
of sheathing, deck or foists,
(e) 6: 1 when the compression edge is held in line, as by direct connection
of sheathing, deck, or foists, together with adequate bridging or block-
ing spaced at intervals not exceeding six times the depth, or
(f) 7: 1 when both edges are firmly held in line.
lave been Maximum depth to breadth ratio for members with rectangular cross- Depth to
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
:ation for sections, which may be subjected to both flexural and axial compression load- breadth
ing, shall be governed by the following rules: ratio,
(a) 4:1 when both ends are firmly held in line, combined
b.an 6 in. flexural
b.an 3 in., (b) 5:1 when one edge is held in line by rafters or joists, with securely and axial
)dification nailed sheathing, or compression
t occur in (c) 6: 1 when one edge is held in line by rafters or joists with securely nailed loading
sheathing, and when the flexural load is sufficient to induce tensile
stresses in the other edge.
(3) Longitudinal shear in rectangular beams shall be calculated as follows: Shear
f v -
where v unit shearing stress, psi,
in the ap-
d, stresses b breadth of beam, in.
om recog-
'e to face d depth of beam, in.
; for con-
[lorts over V shearing force, lb, as calculated in clauses (a) or (b) below.
or block-
Notched The longitudinal shear stress obtained by using the following formula
rectangular for rectangular beams notched on the lower face at the support shall not exceed
beams the allowable stresses specified in the appropriate subsection of this Section
as modified by article and shall be calculated as follows:
v = 2b(d1 )2
where v unit shearing stress, psi
V shearing force, lb
d depth of beam, in.
d1 = actual depth of beam at notch, in.
Holes or other reductions of sections within a distance of three tiIr..es the depth
of the member from any support shall not exceed one fifth the depth of the
member except over the points of support.
Compression Members
General The unit stress in compression shall not exceed the allowable values
listed in appropriate tables of this Section, as modified by article
Stresses shall be calculated from formulae for concentrically loaded columns of
rectangular cross-section except as otherwise noted. In no case shall the slender-
ness ratio exceed 50 for simple columns and 80 for individual members of
spaced columns.
Note: All wood columns and posts shall be framed to true end hearing on supports
designed to protect the bases from excessive moisture transfer
Simple Columns
Short (2) (a) When the slenderness ratio of a column does not exceed 10, the
maximum permissible unit load (~) shall be obtained using the fol-
lowing formula:
where P = total applied load, lb
A area of column cross-section, sq in.
c allowable unit stress in compression parallel to grain, lb/sq
in. (Figure 4.3.4.(a) illustrates a simple column.)
L = Unsupported over-all
length, in inches, of
simple column
• (b) When the slenderness ratio of a column is greater than 10 but does Intermediate
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
t exceed
Section not exceed K, the maximum pennissible unit load shall be ob-
tained using the following formula:
~ (~) 4 J
K = ;.JI; = 0.641 /f
Ie depth where L unsupported over-all length between points of lateral sup-
~ of the port, in.
d least cross-sectional dimension, in.
ring the E modulus of elasticity, psi
le same
shall be
Note: When d = K
P 2c
A 3"'
e values (c) When the slenderness ratin exceeds K, the maximum permissible unit load Long
umns of columns
slender· ~ shall be obtained using the following formula:
lbers of A
P 1\'"2 E 0.274E
..- - ..- .
-A ~
(~-) (_~)
supports 2
{d} The maximum permissible load on a column of round cross-section shaH Round
not exceed that permitted for a square column of the same cross-sectional columns
10, the area.
the f01- (e) Tapered columns shall be designed according to the preceding clauses, Tapered
but the least dimension of a round column tapered at one or both ends columns
shall be takell as the sum of the minimum diameter and one third the
-difference between the minimum diameter and the maximum diameter,
but in no case shall it be taken as more than 1~ times the minimum
diameter. The induced unit stress at the small end of a round tapered
column shall not exceed the allowable unit stress for a short column.
Tapered columns of rectangular cross-section shall be designed according
n, lb/sq to the same principlcs as round tapered columns.
(f) When axial compression is combined with bending stresses, the formula Combined
of article shall be used. stresses
Spaced Columns The spaced-column formulae shall apply when individual members General
of the spaced column are joined with timber connectors and with spacer and
end blocks installed as specified herein and shown in Fig. 4.3.4.(b). The maxi-
mum permissible load for the spaced-column equals the allowable unit stress
multiplied by the total cross-sectional area of the individual members.
(2)(a) End blocks shall be so placed that sufficient end and edge distances Spacer and
and spacing, as required in subsection 4.3.10. for the required minimum end blocks
size and number of connectors, are maintained in end blocks and in
individual members. Connectors shall be placed so that the limits ac-
cording tt} sentence (3), depending on the fixity factor assumed. are
met. In compression members of trusses, a panel point which is stayed
laterally may be considered as the end of the spaced member.
(b) A single spacer block shall be located within the middle 10 per cent
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
of the column length; when so located, connectors are not necessary for
this block. When more than one spacer block is used, the distance between
any two blocks shall not exceed one half the distance between centres of
connectors in the end blocks. The requirements for connectors shall be the
same as for end blocks, when two or more spacer blocks are used.
(c) The thickness of spacer and end blocks shall be not less than that of
the individual members of the spaced columns, except that spacer and
end blocks of a thicknes~ between that of the individual members and
one half that thickness may be used provided that the length of the
blocks is made inversely proportional to the thickness in relation to the
required length of a full-thickness block. Spacer and end block sizes shall
be adequate to develop the required strength as provided by subsection
Fixity classes (3) Spaced columns shall be classified as to end fixity either as condition a
or as condition b.
(a) For condition a, the centroid of connectors or of the connector group
in the end block shall be within 1/20 of the length L from the column end.
(b) For condition b, the centroid of connectors or connector group in the end
block shall be between 1/20 and 1/10 of the length L from the column end.
= Over-all unsupported length in
inches from centre to centre of
lateral supports of continuous
spaced columns and from end
to end of simple spaced co-
c..> lumns
n:: L2 Distance from centre of con-
c..> nectors in end blocks to centre
D.. of spacer block
= side
Dimension, in inches, of least
of individual member
(5) When the slenderness ratio of an individual member does not exceed Short
~r cent 10, the maximum pennissible load on a spaced column shall not exceed the sum
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
sary for of the maximum pennissible loads on the individual members computed as simple columns
between short columns.
,ntres of
[1 be the (6) When the slenderness ratio of an individual member is between 10 and Intennediate
[. p spaced
that of K" for condition a or K" for condition b, the maximum pennissible load A columns
cer and
lers and shall be obtained as follows:
of the (a) For condition a
1 to the
res shall
dition a
r group
(b) For condition b
the end
mn end.
• ! TABLE 4.3.4.A.
Fonning Part of Article
25 134 114 94 75
30 181 155 128 101
35 229 195 162 128
40 277 236 195 154
45 325 277 229 181
50 372 318 263 208
55 420 358 296 234
60 to 80 468 399 330 261
cs and
a size Column 1 2 3 I 4 5
he ap- o Constant for intennediate L/d ratios may be' obtained by straight line inter-
e pro-
00 For grouping of species, see table 4.3.2.A .
TABLE 4.3.4.B.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Column 1 2 3
Long spaced (7) When the slenderness ratio of an individual member exceeds K" for con-
columns P
dition a, or Kb for condition b, the permissible unit load for long columns
shall be obtained using the following formulae:
(a) For condition a
A ( 36'lr2) (~)
(~) 2
Tension The unit stress in tension parallel to grain shall not exceed the values
members listed in appropriate subsections of this Section, as modified by article
Members When a member is subjected to both direct stress and bending stress,
subjected to
axial load
a + shall not exceed unity,
and bending
where A
= concentrated
area of cross section, sq in.
load. lb
M bending moment, in.·lb
= section modulus, in. cubed
allowable unit stress in axial loads. psi. For columns, maximum
permissible unit stress for the LI d ratio under consideration
f allowable unit stress in bending, psi.
'I The allowable unit stress normal to a plane inclined to the grain of a Members
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
wood member shall not exceed that determined by the Hankinson formula: subjected to
LO.6. load at
angle to
p grain
where n allowable unit stress at an angle of zero degrees to the grain of
a wood member, psi,
p = allowable unit compressive stress parallel to grain, psi,
q = allowable unit compressive stress perpendicular to grain, psi,
8 angle between the direction of load and the direction of grain,
• All structurally graded lumber assigned allowable unit stresses under Structurally
this subsection shall be identified by a grade mark of an inspection agency ap- graded
proved by the authority having iurisdiction. lumber
column (2) Lumber not structurally graded may be assigned allowable unit stresses Lumber not
of indi- for structurally
xity. In (a) load-sharing systems, provided it meets the requirements of the lowest graded
grade permitted in table 4.3.5.A for the specified end use; and
an indi-
(b) posts, beams and tension members used singly, when reselected from
:>etween grades in columns 3 and 6 of table 4.3.5.A to have the required slope of
:dth. Of grain.
mn, the
(3) Lumber which is resawn, or used in a manner not originally intended, Regraded
shall be assigned an allowable unit stress as regraded for the intended use. lumber
lding is For desIgn purposes, the actual size (net dimensions) of lumber shall be Sizes
used. In this subsection, dimensions referred to are nominal.
~values Allowable Unit Stresses Allowable unit stresses for structurally graded lumber and for normal Structurally
~ stress, duration of load shall not exceed the values listed in table 4.3.5.B as modified graded
by article and table 4.3.5.C. Allowable unit stresses for stru~turally lumber
graded lumber, except modulus of elasticity, may be increased by 10 per cent
when used in load sharing systems. Allowable unit stresses, when assigned to lumber grades listed in Lumber
columns 3 to 6 inclusive of table 4.3.5.A for the end uses specified, shall not not
exceed 64 per cent of the allowable unit stresses for select structural grade structurally
lumber listed in table 4.3.5.B except that 100 per cent of the tabulated values graded
aximum for modulus of elasticity and compression perpendicular to grain may be used.
:ation When lumber not structurally graded but meeting the requirements of clause is used in load sharing systems, the allowable unit stresses above
may be increased by 10 per cent.
o •
t"" TABLE 4.3.5.A
~ ~
vVIUlll11 '":I: "-'Ulumn ;;) "-'OJumn 0
• see next page
- 2019
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next page
•• see next page ••• see next pa2e
• • •
!'IJ Notes to Table 4.3.S.A
:! • Lumber to be stressed in accordance with clause (2) (b) and article 4.3.5.S.
o shall have the following slope of grain limitation for each use: beams and
olio stringers 1 in 10; posts and timbers, 1 in 8; and tension members selected from
W material acceptable for joists, 1 in 15; members subjected to combined bending
and compression shall be a grade suitable for bending.
In Douglas fir and Pacific Coast hemlock this table refers only to "construction"
and "standard" grades of light framing, and to "standard" grade of beams and
stringers and of posts and timbers. "Construction" and "standard" grades of
joists and planks, and "construction" grade of beams and stringers and posts
and timbers are structurally graded, and for them the provisions of sentence and article apply.
** Where local grading rules for these species differ from Western Pine rules. they
shall be assessed by competent authority to determine comparable grades •
••• A list of agencies in Canada whose grading qUalifications' have been approved by
the Canadian Lumber Standards Committee may be 'obtained by writing to the
Chairman care of Canadian Standards Association, 235 Montreal Road, Ottawa.
Note: The following abbreviations for Organizations are used in this Table.
BCLMA British Columbia Lumber Manufacturers Association
CLA Canadian Lumbermen's Association
ESGC Eastern Spruce Grading Committee
WPA - Western Pine Association
o ...
t:I .
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z ~
o •
§ TABLE 4.3.5.B
Forming Part of Articles and
Note 1 Timber grades should be specified by intended end use (e.g., joist and plank,
00 beam and stringer, post and timber) as well as species and grade.
11';)0 0)
I Note 2 Yellow Birch, Hard Maple and Red and White Oak 'of eSA "select structural"
or "structural" grades have the same allowable unit stresses as Group Ib for
"select structural" or "construction" respectively.
~o '" The stresses given for "construction" grade in this table apply only to joist
~tO QO
and plank, beams and stringers, and posts and timbers. The stresses given
for "standard" grade in this table apply only to joist and plank. Other end
use categories graded as "construction' and "standard" are not structurally
graded, and the provisions of sentence (2) and article apply.
f.)lI',) r--
TABLE 4.3.5.C
Condition Stress Modulus Perpen-
at Longi- of Parallel dicular Parallel
::'0 Extreme tudinal Elasti- to to to
~QO It')
Fibre Shear city Grain Grain Grain
All Other
...,. Conditions 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.67 1.00
Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- -
i Scope
i This subsection applies to the engineering design of glued-laminated
General Requirements
- - Design tables, methods and data specified herein apply only to Reference
.... glued-laminated timber manufactured in accordance with CSA specification specifica-
j 0122-1959, "Glued-Laminated Softwood Structural Timber." tions
0 (2) All fabricators of glued-laminated timber shall be qualified to the Qualification
satisfaction of the authority having jurisdiction. of
Conditions (3) Design tables, methods and data for bending members specified herein
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
of use apply to horizontally laminated members, the wide faces of whose laminations
are normal to the direction of load, except for vertical laminating (See article
(2) Allowable unit stresses for normal duration of full design load for the
same stress ilrades of other species groups shall be the values of table 4.3.6.A
multiplied by the factor for the appropriate species from table 4.3.6.B except
that modulus of elasticity shall be as listed in table 4.3.6.B.
Modification For the curved portion only of members, the allowable unit stress in
for curvature bending shall be multiplied by the following curvature factor in which the ratio
factor t
Ii shall not exceed 1/125 for softwoods.
1 _ 2,000 (~) 2
(2) No curvature factor shall be applied to the allowable unit stress in the
straight portion of a member, regardless of curvature elsewhere.
(2) When the bending moment is in the radial direction which tends to de-
crease curvature (increase the radius), the stress is tension perpendicular to grain
and it shall be limited to the allowable tension perpendicular to grain from
tables 4.3.6.A or 4.3.6.B.
(3) When the bending moment is in the radial direction which tends to in-
crease curvature (decrease the radius), the stress is compression perpendicular to
grain and it shall be limited to the allowable compression perpendicular to grain
from tables 4.3.6.A or 4.3.6.B.
Vertically Allowable unit stresses for beams made up of vertical laminations shall
glued- be calculated as for load-sharing systems of sawn lumber.
cl herein
• TABLE 4.3.6.A
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
e article Fonning Part of Articles and
stress in
the ratio 241 2400 165 1600 390 2000 65
20c 2400 165 2000 410 2400 70
Dry 165 2300 1,800,000
18c 1600 1800 390 65
26t 2200 165 1900 410 2600 70
Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
o Stress grades shall meet the requirements of the latest issue of CSA specifica-
tion 0122, Glued-Laminated Softwood Structural Timber.
TABLE 4.3.6.B
.s to in- Ia and Ib 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,800,000 1,600,000
cular to 0.95 0.85
Ie 1.00 0.94 0.95 1.00 1,500,000 1,500,000
to grain
II 0.82 1.00 0.83 0.85 0.82 1.00 1,200,000 1,200,000
III 0.73 0.85 0.66 0.77 0.73 0.60 1,200,000 1,200,000
ns shall IV 0.64 0.77 0.66 0.68 0.64 0.60 1,100,000 1,100,000
Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Scope This subsection applies to the engineering design of plywood.
General Requirements
Reference Design tables, methods, and data specified in this Section apply only
specifications to plywood manufactured in accordance with CSA specifications 0121-1961,
Douglas Fir Plywood and 0151-1961, Western Softwood Construction Plywood.
Assembly Glues
Dry service (2)(a) Glues used for the assembly of plywood with sawn lumber or glued-
conditions laminated timber components in the assembly of built-up members for use
under dry service conditions shall conform to one of the following CSA specifica-
tions, except that this shall not preclude the use of high-temperature-curing
melamine resin adhesives or high-temperature-curing phenol resin adhesives
suitable for use in the manufacture of exterior-type plywood:
0) 0112.3, Casein Glues for Wood (Type 1 only);
(ii) 0112.5, Urea Resin Adhesives for Wood (Room- and High-Tempera-
ture Curing); or
(iii) 0112.7, Phenol and Resorcinol Resin Adhesives for Wood (Room-
and Intermediate-Temperature Curing).
Wet service (b) Glues used for the assembly of plywood with sawn lumber or glued-
conditions laminated timber components in the assembly of built-up members for use under
all service conditions other than those referred to in sentence (2) (a) shall con-
form to CSA specification 0112.7, "Phenol and Resorcinol Adhesives for Wood
(Room- and Intermediate-Te:nperature Curing)," except that this shall not
preclude the use of high-tern perature-curing melamine resin adhesives or high-
temperature-curing phenol resin adhesives suitable for use in the manufacture
of exterior-type plywood.
Ir glued- Types of Stress
2 Sides
for use
pecifica- Good Good Solid Un sanded
'e-curing 2 Sides 1 Side 1 Side Sheathing
A. Extreme Fibre in Bending
1. Face grain parallel to span 2430 2220 2080 2080
empera- 2. Face grain perpendicular to span 2080 2080 2080 1665
(Room- B. Tension
1. Parallel to face grain, 3 plies 2430 2220 2080 2080
r glued- 2. Parallel to face grain, 5 or more
;e under plies 2220 2080 2080 1875
all con- 3. Perpendicular to face grain 2080 2080 2080 1665
4. ± 45° to face grain 375 355 345 295
r Wood
lall not
)r high- C. Compression
jfacture 1. Parallel to face grain, 3 plies 1760 1610 1510 1510
2. Parallel to face grain, 5 or more
plies 1610 1510 1510 1360
3. Perpendicular to face grain 1510 1510 1510 1055
4. ± 45° to face grain 540 520 500 400
oad for
s modi- D. Bearing (on face) 440 440 440 440
of the
Column 1 2 3 4 5
EI = Ell ( I + !~)
General For the design of beams consisting of one or more vertical plywood.
webs to which lumber flanges are glued along the top and bottom edges, a trial
beam section at the point of maximum bending moment shall be checked to en-
sure that allowable unit stresses are not exceeded in each of the following cases:
(a) tension or compression in flanges
(b~ longitudinal shear in webs, and
(c) flange-web shear (rolling shear.)
Other sections at critical points shall be established and checked similarly.
(2) Flanges
Compression (a) The stress in the extreme fibre in compression shall be calculated by the
following relationship:
Tension (b) The stress in the extreme fibre in tension shall be calculated by the fol-
lowing relationship:
where f I = fibre stress in tension, psi,
e, distance from neutral axis to extreme fibre in tension flange, in.
Neutral axis (c) When tension and compression flanges are unequal in area, the location
of the neutral axis shall be calculated by summation of the moments of
areas of the components of the beam cross-section.
• (d) When full length lumber of glulam flange material is not available,
accurately fitted plain scarf foints may be made in flanges provided that
Scarf joints
in flanges
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
ending, they are fabricated and glued in accordance with the 1959 issue of
to the CSA specification 0122, "Glued-Laminated Softwood Structural Timber,"
uea of and provided that the slope of scarf in the tension flange shall be no
cross- steeper than 1 in 12, and in the compression flange no steeper than 1
he ply- in 5.
)e con-
raming (3) The longitudinal shear stress obtained from the following formula shall Longitudinal
not exceed the allowable unit stress for the web material as specified in article shear
I found
vI' =--
where vI' longitudinal shear stress on the plane under consideration
(usually the neutral axis), resulting from design loading, psi
V total shear on cross-section, Ib
Q statical moment about the neutral axis of all fibres whose
grain is parallel to the beam's axis and lying above or below
the plane under consideration, in.a
I, = moment
of inertia of all parallel fibres about the neutral axis,
by the
• symmetrical about a vertical axis, obtained from the following formula
shall not exceed the allowable unit stress for the web material in roUing
sheM as specified in article
where v
v = nl,d
= flange web shear stresS\ psi,
(b) The formula shall also be used for obtaining flange-web shear stress
le fol-
for symmetrical double-l sections, provided that the sum of the areas
of the tension flanges on the outside of the webs is equal to the area
of the tension flange between the webs.
(c) For beams that do not conform to the requirements of either of the two
~e, in. preceding clauses, a separate investigation shall be made of each flange-
web joint, on the basis that unit longitudinal shear stress is assumed
~ation to he equal in all webs, and unit flange stress is assumed to be equal
lts of
in all flange areas.
Bending (5)(a) Bending deflection of a beam shall be checked using the standard
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
deflection beam formulae. Where a beam section changes along the span, section
properties are to be weighted in bending deflection calculations. The
average moment of inertia for a symmetrical beam symmetrically loaded
shall be calculated as follows:
_ ~(Ax)
-~ (~x)
where l at'lf = average moment of inertia, in. 4
A the area of a section of the moment diagram
x the distance from the near reaction to the centroid of the
area under consideration
1 the moment of inertia of that portion of the beam correspond-
ing to the area under consideration, in. 4
Shear (b) Shear deflection of a beam shall be checked by use of the following
deflection formula:
d. --Cl-
where d. shear deflection, in.
P total load on beam, lb
L span length, in.
K a factor determined by the beam cross-section, shown in Fig.
h depth of beam, in.
C a coefficient depending on the manner of loading, shown in
Fig. 4.3.7.(a)
G shearing modulus of the webs, psi,
1 gross moment of inertia of all parallel fibres about the neutral
axis, in.4
Where the beam section changes along the span, section properties are to be
weighted in shear deflection. Average v;\lues for moment of inertia and K shall
be calculated as follows:
IS. The
of the
in Fig.
)wn in •
to be
\: shall
0.2 0 ~~""""'''''''''''...J.,...J,.,...&....I...oI...J.....I....J.,...J,.,..J...J.....lu..J....I...L..J...J.....l-l...l...I....I...J....U-I...I..J...J...1....I...I.....I...I....L...t....I....I....\..:
0.00 0.10 0.20 d/h 0.30 0.40 0.50
ling to
g the
the ends of the beam shall be held in position at the bottom flange at
(c) If the ratio of the moments of inertia is between 10 to 1 and 20 to 1, the
beam shall be held in line at the ends,
(d) If the ratio of the moments of inertia is between 20 to 1 and 30 to 1,
one edge shall be held in li;ne,
(e) If the ratio of the moments of inertia is between 30 to 1 and 40 to I,
the beam shall be restrained by bridging or other bracing at intervals of
not more than 8 ft, or
(f) If the ratio of the moments of inertia is greater than 40 to 1, the como
pression flanges shall be fully restrained.
Stiffeners (7) At reaction points, and at the location of heavy concentrated loads, load
distribution stiffeners shall be provided. These stiffeners shall be adequately
fastened to the webs and shall bear on the inner surfaces of the top and bottom
flanges. The stiffeners shall be made as wide as the flanges, and their dimension
parallel to the span shall be obtained from the following formula:
% = wc,t
where % = stiffener thickness, in.
P = concentrated load or reaction, lb
w = total beam width, in.
c = allowable unit stress perpendicular to the grain of the flange
lumber, psi~
L = (1'11)2 + (Vl't)2
where L = sured
total length of splice plate glued to both faces of the web mea·
perpendicular to the joint, in.
f = maximum stress in tension or compression in the flange, at
location of splice, psi
t" = sum of thicknesses of those plies in the web whose grain is
parallel to the span, in.
= thickness of the web spliced, in.
vI' = maximum longitudinal shear stress in the web at location of the
splice, psi
vr = allowable rolling shear stress for plywood, not reduced for stress
concentration, psi
• to 1,
• Flat Panels
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
.nge at The following procedure shall be followed for the stress analysis General
of flat stressed skin panels having continuous longitudinal members and plywood
I 1, the covers. The design procedures are such that buckling of the compression skin is
avoided at design load. The method of stress analysis which follows applies only
to flat stressed skin panels having the following characteristics:
() to 1,
(a) Covers shall be glued to both edges of the framing members,
o to I, (b) Covers and longitudinal framing members shall be continuous in longi-
~als of tudinal direction, or adequately spliced,
(c) Covers shall be adequate to resist secondary bending stresses from an-
ticipated loads between longitudinal framing members,
le CODl"
(d) Solid bridging shall be provided where longitudinal members are rela-
tively thin and deep, and
:1s, load (e) Clear distance between longitudinal members shall not exceed 2b for
!quately both covers, where b is taken from table 4.3.7.B and represents the
bottom value for the thinner face.
TABLE 4.3.7.B
Forming Part of Sentence
Values of b
e flange Face Grain Face Grain
Parallel to Longitudinal Perpendicular to Longitudinal
of Plywood,
Members, in. Members, in.
nt buck. Sanded Rough Sanded Rough
1/4 10.1 -- 12.1 --
5/16 -- 11.0 -- 15.6
3/8 17.5 15.3 15.5 16.5
be butt- 1/2 25.6 23.0 25.3 28.2
rwise to 5/8 33.1 26.8 30.7 38.8
~d, their
lle splice 3/4 40.3 36.3 36.3 40.2
h of the
Column 1 2 3 4 5
(2) The trial cross-section of a panel shall be checked by considering a sec- Flange
tion consisting of one framing member and the flanges contributed by the covers. width
veb mea- The width of the flangc of thc section shall be taken as extending half-way to
adjacent framing members unless the clear distance between members exceeds
the basic spacing b, in which case the flange width shall be taken as b plus the
ange, at framing member thickness. Only those plies in the cover whose grain is parallel
to the span shall be considered.
grain is (3) When the clear distance between framing members does not exceed b/2, Resisting
the allowable unit stresses shall be those required by sentence moment
When the clear distance between framing members is b or greater, the allowable
unit stresses for bending and for compression parallel to grain shall be reduced
In of the by one third, and for spacings intermediate betwecn b/2 and b they shall be
adjusted in direct proportion. The resisting momcnt shall be calculated on the
basis of the maximum allowable tension stress and the maximum allowable
for stress compression stress, and thc lesser value shall be the resisting moment used in
Rolling (4) The maximum permissible load, as determined by rolling shear, shall be
shear calculated for one interior framing member and the flanges contributed by its
covers using the following formula:
V = Vr 0
where V = allowable external shear on section, lb
Vr allowable rolling shear stress, sentence, psi
1 = moment of inertia of section, in.4
= thickness of longitudinal member, in.
o = statical moment about the neutral axis of parallel plies out-
side the critical shear plane, in. 3
Longitudinal (5) The maximum permissible load as determined by the longitudinal shear
shear at the neutral axis shall be calculated using the following formula:
V' = Vn
where V' = allowable external shear on section, lb
vI' allowable longitudinal shear stress, for the framing member,
0' = statical moment about the neutral axis of all
material above (or below) the neutral axis, in.3
parallel ply
General Requirements
Reference Design data and requirements specified herein apply to piling com-
specifica tions plying with the requirements of CSA specification A56-1942, "Round Timber
Piles," and when sawn piles are used, the requirements of CSA specification
043-1953, "Structural Timber" shall be followed.
(2) Conditions of use:
Soil (a) Pile design shall be suitable for the soil conditions at the selected site.
Preservative (b) Pressure-treated piling, treated in accordance with the requirements of
treatment CSA specification 080-1959, "Code for Wood Preservation," shall be
used for all purposes and for all conditions of use except that untreated
piling may be used in permanent construction only when cutoff is
below a known permanent water level, or for falsework or other tem-
porary construction.
General Piles shall be designed to transmit to the soil all loads that may be
• (2) Piles shall be designed as short columns, except that the portion extend- Column
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
II be
y its ing above pennanent ground level, and piles below ground level which receive design
negligible lateral support from the surrounding soil, shall be designed taking
into account the unsupported length.
(3) The allowable load at the tip of a pile which is considered to be a Design check
point bearing pile shall not exceed BO per cent of the allowable load on a short
column of the nominal tip diameter.
d site. Poles shall be designed to transmit to the soil all loads that may be General
applied. Design of pole structures shall be in accordance with the provisions of
~nts of this subsection. Design of nailed or spiked fastenings shall be in accordance
lall be with subsection 4.3.12. or recognized engineering principles.
:reated (2) Poles shall be designed as columns subjected to combined axial load and Column
totI is bending moment, in accordance with the provisions of article Round design
r tem- pol.es shall be designed as tapered columns equivalent to a square column or
beam having the same cross sectional area, as provided in article and
clauses 4.3.4.B.(2)(d) and (e).
(3) That portion of the pole embedded in ground may be considered as a Embedded
cent of short column. Bearings on footings or supporting soil shall be square and true. portion
(2) Al10wable unit stresses for sawn poles shall be those listed in subsection
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
poles 4.3.5 for the appropriate grade and species.
Split ring Tabulated loads and design methods for split ring connectors given
connectors herein are for connectors that shall be of dimensions in accordance with table
4.3.10.A and that shall be manufactured from hot-rolled carbon steel, SAE 1010,
meeting the requirements of the 1959 issue of the SAE Handbook. Each ring
shall form a closed true circle with the principal axis of the cross-section of the
ring metal parallel to the geometric axis of the ring. The ring shall be bevelled
from the central portion toward the edges to a thickness less than that at mid-
section so that it will fit snugly in a precut groove, or such other means as will
accomplish the equivalent performance shall be u;ed. It shall be cut through
in one place in its circumference to form a tongue and slot.
Shear plate (2) Tabulated loads and design methods for shear plate connectors having
connectors dimensions in accordance with table 4.3.10.A shall be:
(a) Pressed steel type. - Pressed steel shear plates shall be manufactured
from hot-rolled carbon steel, SAE 1010, meeting the requirements of the
1959 issue of the SAE Handbook. Each plate shall be a true circle with a
flange around the edge, extending at right angles to the face of the plate
from OIre face only. The plate portion shall have a central hole and two
small perforations on diametrically opposite sides of the hole each
midway from the centre and circumference; or
(b) Malleable iron type. - Malleable iron shear plates shall be manu-
factured according to the requirements of ASTM Standard A47-52 for
Grade 35018, malleable-iron castings. Each casting shall consist of a
perforated round plate with a flange extending at right angles to the
face of the plate and projecting from one face only. The plate portion
shall have a central bolt hole, reamed to size, with an integral hub
concentric to the bolt hole and extending from the same face as the
Bolts and (3) Design requirements and data herein for connector joints and bolted
lag screws joints are based upon the use of common bolts. Design of lag screw joints and
lag screw connector joints is based on lag screws of material equal to common
Conditions of Use
Tightening Joints shall be assembled and bolts tightened so that the surfaces
and ini,tial are brought into close contact. Structures that have been assembled with un-
maintenance seasoned or partially seasoned timbers shall be inspected regularly at intervals
not exceeding six months until it becomes apparent that further shrinkage
of the timbers will not be appreciable, and at each inspection the fastenings
shall be tightened sufficiently to bring the faces of the connected members
into close contact.
Washers (2)(a) A standard cut washer of size listed in table 4.3.IO.B or its equivalent,
or a metal plate or strap in lieu thereof, shall be placed between the
wood and the bolt head and between the wood and the nut, when a
fastening is in shear.
(b) When a bolt head or nut bears directly on a steel plate, washers may be
(c) All bolts in direct tension or with a calculated tension component shall
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
rith un-
een the
when a p
Connector Joint Bolted Joint
may be
FIGUHE 4.3.1O.(a)
"he" for Member with Various Fastenings
Connector For purposes of specifying allowable connector loads herein, a con-
unit nector unit shall consist of one of the following, in any joint of any number
of members:
(a) One split ring connector with its bolt in single shear,
(b) One shear plate connector with its bolt in single shear used in <;on-
junction with a steel strap or shape in a timber-to-metal joint, or
(c) Two shear plate connectors used back-to-back in the contact faces of a
timber-to-timber joint with their bolt in single shear.
Multiple- (2) For a joint assembly in which two or more connector units of the same
connector size are used in the contact faces with the connectors concentric with the same
joints bolt axis, or in which two or more bolts are used with connectors on separate
bolts, the total allowable connector load shall be the sum of the allowable con~
nector loads given for each connector unit used. If grooves for two sizes of split
rings are cut concentric in the same timber surface, rings shall be installed
in both grooves and the total allowable load shall be the tabulated load for the
larger ring only.
Distance (3) Connectors installed at any edge distance or end distance less than the
factors minimum distance for which a tabulated value appears in the appropriate column
of table 4.3.1O.C or table 4.3.1O.D or at a spacing less than the values of
K. 0.75 in table 4.3.1O.E shall not be considered to carry load. Factors for
reduction of load for edge distance, and distance and spacing shall be separately
determined and the lowest factors so determined for anyone connector shall be
applied to all connectors resisting a common force in a joint.
Moisture (4) For purposes of assigning moisture content factors specified in table
content 4.3.4.B, lumber which has been seasoned to approximately 15 per cent moisture
factor content to a depth of 3/4 in. from the surface shall be considered seasoned.
For lumber that has been partially seasoned, proportional intermediate moisture
content factors may be used.
Lumber (5) Connectors installed in lumber of a thickness less than the minimum
thickness specified in table 4.3.10.F for the connector type and use, shall not be con-
sidered to carry load.
Lag screw (6) When lag screws instead of bolts are used with connectors, the allowable
connector loads on connectors shall be considered to vary uniformly from full allowable
joints load for connector unit with a common bolt with an anchorage of the threaded
portion of the lag screw equal to 9 times the diameter of the shank, to 90
per cent of full allowable load with an anchorage of 5 times the shank
diameter. With anchorages of less than 5 times the shank diameter, 75 per
cent of full allowable connector load shall apply, but the anchorage shall be not
less than 3 1/2 times the shank diameter.
Net section (7) Load-carrying capacities of connector joints shall be che~ked for net
section in accordance with sentence{ 1). The area deducted from the
gross section shall include the projected area of that portion of the connectors
within the member and that portion of the bolt hole not within the connector
projected area, located at the critical plane.
(a) For sau:n lumber, the tension or compression stresses in the net section
shall not exceed 7/8 of the allowable unit stress in bending for the
grade of lumber used.
• (b) For glued-laminated timber, the tension or compression stress in the net
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
section shall not exceed the allowable unit stress in compression for the
l con-
stress grade used.
1mber The load on a connector unit shall be not greater than the value of
P (lb) as determined by the following formula and as modified by article,
l <;:on- but in no case shall the load on a shear plate exceed the appropriate value
given in table 4.3.10.H.
~ of a
P = X Kg K t K. K".
where :x = allowable load as given in table, on a connector unit
loaded at angle () to grain pounds, when
e con~
Kg Kt = K. = K". = 1.00, lb
.f split Kg = factor for species, table 4.3.10.G
:or the
Kt = factor for thickness, table 4.3.10.F
K. = factor for spacing, end distance, or edge distance, tables 4.3.10.C,
4.3.10.D and 4.3.10.E
an the
~olumn K... = factor for moisture condition, table 4.3,4.B.
nes of
ors for The value of K. shall be determined separately from tables 4.3.10.C, 4.3.10.D Allowable
arately and 4.3.10.E and the lowest value for K. so obtained shall be used in de- loads
hall be termining allowable load in the above formula.
1 table
TABLE 4.3.10.A
Forming Part of Sentence 1)
)e con· Split Ring Dimensions, in.
TABLE 4.3.1O.B
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TABLE 4.3.1O.C
• TABLE 4.3.10.D
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Compression Tension
lte 2%-in. 4-in.
End 2~-ln.Split RIng or 4-in. Split Ring or S.R. S.R.
B-in Distance, 2 -in. Shear Plate Shear Plate 2~-in. or
in . .P. S.P.
0=0° 0=0°
e 0° 0=45° 0 90° 0=0° 0=45° 0 90° to 90° to 90°
21/2 0.625 ........ ••• * •••• ........ ~ .. " ..... ........ ........ .........
25/8 0.648 0.625 ......... .. .....
~ ........ ....... ~ ........ ........
23/4 0.672 0.645 0.625 ........ . ....... ........ 0.625 ... ....
Col. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
par- • Values of (J shown are for anale of load to arain. For intermediate values of
(J not shown in the table, straiaht line interpolation may be used.
TABLE 4.3.10.E
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
0 31/2 41/4 5 6
15 31/2 41/4 5 6
30 31/2 41/4 5 57/8
45 45 31/2 4114 5 57/8
60 31/2 41/8 5 53/4
75 31/2 41/8 5 53/4
90 31/2 41/8 5 53/4
o min 31/2 31/2 5 5
15 31/2 31/2 5 5
30 31/2 35/8 5 51/4
60-90 45 31/2 37/8 5 53/8
60 31/2 4 5 53/4
75 31/2 41/8 5 57/8
90 31/2 41/4 5 6
Col. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Note: Intermediate values of K. between 0.75 and 1.00 for intermediate connector
spacing may be interpolated on a straight-line basis.
• /,,, Imaintain
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
~ distance
'4 Figure 4.3.10.(b)
End Distance for Member With Sloping End Cut
18 rA R-j
A = End distance
B = Unloaded -edge distance
C = Loaded -edge distCllCe
/8 R Spacing
./4 Figure 4.3.10.(c)
TABLE 4.3.10.F
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Number of Faces
of a Piece
Connector Type Thickness Kt
and Size of Timber,
on a Bolt
15/8 1.000
1 1 0.831
2 1/2-in. split ring
2 1.000
2 15/8 0.831
15/8 1.000
1 1 0.666
1 15/8 1.000
13/4 1.000
1 15/8 0.933
35/8 1.000
4-in. shear plate 3 0.950
2 25/8 0.871
2 0.744
13/4 0.667
Column 1 2 3 4
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
TABLE 4.3.10.G
Forming Part of Article
laO 1.166
Ib 1.000
Ie 0.B33
II 0.B33
III 0.720
IV 0.720
Column 1 Column 2
• For yellow birch, hard maple, red and white oak, use value of Group Ia woods
TABLE 4.3.10.H
Forming Part of Article
A. Washers provided, no
bearing on threaded portion
of bolt:
1. All loads other than
wind 2900 4970 6760
2. Wind load only 3B70 6630 9020
Column 1 2 3 4
• TABLE 4.3.10.J
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
2112--in. 4-in.
SPUT RING GROOVE Ring, in. Ring, in.
4-in. Plate
Plate, in. 3/4-in. 7/S-in.
Bolt, in . Bolt, in.
C 13/16 13/16 15/16
D 0.97 0.97
E 0.19 0.27 Q.27
..,; F 0.45 0.64 0.64
G 0.25 0.22 0.22
.S H 0.50 0.50
'3 I 2.25 3.49 3.49
~ Column 1 2 3 4
"& For purposes of specifying allowable loads on bolted joints herein, General
~ tabulated values are given for one bolt in double shear in a 3-member joint,
<:b consisting of a main (centre) member and two side members. Bolt L/d ratio
....Q is the ratio of its length L in the main member to its diameter d •
~ (2) The allowable load for a joint having more than one bolt of the same
;.. size of miscellaneous sizes is the sum of the loads permitted for each bolt. Spac-
.!!!CIS ings, end distances, and edge distances shall be sufficient to develop the full
strength of each bolt in multiple-bolt joints.
.!!!'" (3) Tabulated values for calculating loads apply to species groups irrespec-
.S tive of uade of lumber used. Loosening of nuts, resulting from any shrinkage,
;:.. '"
Q is allowed for in the tabulated values. Tabulated values shall apply for tight
nuts also •
Z (4) A standard cut washer or its equivalent, or a metal plate or strap in
lieu thereof, shall be placed between the wood and the bolt head and between
the wood and the nut.
of timber Tabulated values are for bolts in timber seasoned to a moisture
content approximately equal to that to which it will eventually come in service.
(2) When timber is installed at or above fibre saturation point and becomes
seasoned in place, and when there are two or more rows of bolts, or when bolts
are placed at an angle to the grain of one member, allowable bolt loads shall
not exceed 40 per cent of the loads calculated from tabulated values.
(3) For timber partially seasoned when fabricated, adjusted intermediate
values may be used.
Service Allowable loads calculated from tabulated values as adjusted for
conditions condition of timber, apply to bolted joints used under dry service conditions
as in most covered structures ..
(2) When a joint is to be used in a location that is continually wet, the
allowable load on the b9lt shall be reduced by one third.
Side Members
Materials Tabulated values are for side members of wood. When steel plates are
used for side members the allowable loads calculated from tabulated values
for parallel-to-grain loading may be increased by 25 per cent but no increase
shall be made for perpendicular-to-grain loads.
Dimensions Tabulated loads apply when side members of wood are each at
least one-haH the thickness of the main member. If side members are thicker than
one-baH the thickness of the main member, no increase is permitted.
(2) When wood splice plates are used on both sides of a timber which is
more than twice the thickness of one splice plate, the allowable. bolt load shall
be computed on the basis that the centre timber is exactly twice the thickness of
one splice plate, or of the thinner splice plate if the splice plates are not of
equal thickness.
Combined Tabulated loads are for loading acting perpendicular to the axis of a
shear and bolt. If the load in a two-member joint acts at an angle to the axis of a bolt,
axial load the allowable load component acting perpendicular to the bolt axis shall be
equal to one haH the tabulated load for a bolt twice the length of the bolt
length in the thinner piece. Washers or plates of adequate thickness and size
to resist the load component parallel to axis of bolt shall be installed.
• (2) In a row of bolts aligned with direction of load regardless of direction Spacing of
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
ervice. of grain and measured from centres of bolts, minimum spacings and distances bolts in a
shall be: row
1 bolts (a) For parallel to grain loading, four times the bolt diameter; and
; shall
(b) For perpendicular to grain loading:
(i) if the design load approches the bolt bearing capacity of side mem-
lediate bers, spacing shall be the same as for parallel to grain loading.
(li) if the design load is less than the bolt bearing capacity of the side
ed for members, spacing may be reduced.
(3)(a) For parallel to grain loading, the spacing shall be such that the re- Spacing be-
quirements for net section in sentence are met. tween rows
~t, the of bolts
(b) For perpendicular to grain loading, the spacing shall be at least 2"
times the bolt diameter for Lid ratio of 2, and 5 times the bolt diameter
for Lid ratios of 6 or more. For ratios between 2 and 6, the spacing
shall be obtained by straight line interpolation.
tes are
values (4) The end distance shall be not less than: End distance
Clcrease (a) 7 times the bolt diameter for a softwood member in tension,
(b) 5 times the bolt diameter for a hardwood member in tension, or
:ach at (c) 4 times the bolt diameter or 2 in., whichever is the greater for a mem~
er than ber of any species in compression.
(5) For members loaded perpendicular to grain, the loaded edge distance Edge
hich is shall be at least four times the bolt diameter. For members loaded parallel to distance
d shall grain, the edge distance shall be at least one and one-half times the bolt dia-
ness of meter, or half the distance between rows of bolts, whichever is the greater.
not of
:is of a
FIGURE 4.3.11.(a)
a bolt,
ball be Placement of Bolts in Joints
be bolt
nd size The allowable load on one bolt in a joint shall not be greater than the Allowable
values of P, Q, or N (lb) as determined by one of the following formulae. In loads
no case shall the strength of steel parts be exceeded. Provisions of sentence shall not apply.
ch that (a) For loads parallel to grain
qual at
P = Yp A Kl
lber for
section (b) For loads perpendicular to grain
Q = Y!I A Kr K"
TABLE 4.3.11.A
Forming Part of Article
Column 1 2 3
• TABLE 4.3.11.B
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Value of Xl
Lid of Bolt Group Group
in Main MeDlbet Ia and Ib Ic and II III and IV
Woods Woods Woods
1 to 2 1.00 1.00 1.00
2.5 0.997 1.00 1.00
3 0.990 1.00 1.00
3.5 0.967 0.993 1.00
4 0.925 0.974 0.995
4.5 0.868 0.938 0.979
5 0.800 0.883 0.954
6 0.672 0.758 0.856
7 0.576 0.650 0.734
8 0.504 0.569 0.642
9 0.448 0.506 0.571
10 OA03 0.455 0.514
12 0.336 0.379 0.428
ColUDlD 1 2 3 4
Note: Ye))ow birch, hard maple, and red and white oak have the same factors as
group Ia and Ib woods .
TABLE 4.3.11.C
Forming Part of Article
Value of Xr
Lid of Bolt
in Group Group Group Yellow Birch
Main Member Ia and Ib Ie and II Hard Maple
III and IV
Woods Woods Red Oak
White Oak
1 to 5 inc. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
5.5 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.990
6 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.963
6.5 0.995 1.00 1.00 0.923
7 0.973 1.00 1.00 0.869
7.5 0.933 0.991 1.00 0.812
8 0.S81 0.961 1.00 0.750
8.5 0.821 0.917 0.981 0.699
9 0.767 0.863 0.946 0.646
9.5 0.719 0.809 0.900 0.600
10 0.672 0.762 0.850 0.554
11 0.593 0.676 0.761 0.484
12 0.520 0.610 0.686 0.425
• Column 1
2 3 4 5
TABLE 4.3.11.D
1/4 2.50
3/8 1.95
1/2 1.68
5/8 1.52
3/4 1.41
7/8 1.33
1 1.27
11/4 1.19
11/2 1.14
13/4 1.10
2 1.07
21/2 1.03
3 up 1.00
Column 1 Column 2
Condition The allowable loads given are for lag screws in timber seasoned
of timber to a moisture content approximately equal to that which it will eventually reach
in service.
(2) For timber installed at or above fibre saturation point which becomes
seasoned in place, the allowable lag screw loads shall be 40 per cent of those
(3) For timber partially seasoned when fabricated, proportional intenne-
diate loads may be used.
Service Allowable loads given herein apply to joints used indoors or in a
conditions location which is always dry.
quickly dried, the allowable load on the lag screw shall be reduced by one
quarter; when used in a location that is continually wet, the allowable load
shall be reduced by one third.
Side Members When metal side plates are used, allowable loads determined Materials
by the formula for parallel to grain loading may be increased 25 per cent but
no increase shall be made to the allowable loads for perpendicular to grain
loading. The stresses induced in the metal plate and at the bearing of the lag
screw on the plate shall not exceed the allowable stresses for the metal used.
(2) Tabulated values are for side members of wood having a thickness equal Dimensions
to 3" (or more) times the shank diameter of the lag screw.
(3) For wood side members having a thickness equal to twice the lag screw
diameter, allowable loads determined from tabular values shall be multiplied by
a factor of 62 per cent; for intermediate values straight-line interpolation may
be used. In determining the penetration of a lag screw into a member, the Penetration
reduced portion (threaded or gimlet point) shall not be considered a part of of threads
the threaded portion.
(2) The formulae for determining allowable loads on lag screws are based
on the following penetration of the threaded portion of the lag screw in'tt> the
main member:
(a) Group Ia woods ................... " ......... " ..... "" ....... 7 times shank diameter;
(b) Group Ib woods "" .......................................... ,,9 times shank diameter;
(c) Group Ic and II woods ...................................... 10 times shank diameter;
(d) Group III and IV woods ................................ 11 times shank diameter •
(3) If the above required penetrations cannot be obtained, the allowable
loads shall be reduced in direct proportion to the ratio of actual penetration to
required penetration; allowable loads shall not be increased for penetration
greater than that required.
oints, The spacings, end distances, edge distances and net section for Placement of
lag screw joints shall be the same as for joints with bolts of a diameter equal lag screws
to the shank diameter of the lag screw used (see article in joints
ina Q
N = allowable load on lag screw at an angle tJ to grain, lb.
End grain (2) The allowable load on lag screws in lateral resistance, when the lag
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
screw is inserted parallel to grain in the end grain of the main member, shall
be no greater than two-thirds the resistance to lateral loads perpendicular to
grain when in side grain. No increase for metal side plates shall be permitted.
Side grain (2) The allowable load for lag screws in withdrawal from side grain, with
the axis of the lag screw perpendicular to the fibres, shall be determined from
the following formula and the provisions of sentence shall not
p = K", D3/4
in which p = allowable load per inch of penetration of threaded portion of
lag screw into member receiving the point, Ib
K", = constant for species group, table 4.3.11.E
D shank diameter of lag screw. in.
End grain (3) The allowable load for lag screws in withdrawal from end grain shall
not be taken as more than three-fourths of that for withdrawal from side grain.
Note: Use of lag screws in end grain should be avoided whenever possible.
TABLE 4.3.11.E
Forming Part of Sentence
Ic 1700 480
II 1700 465
IV 1500 300
Yellow Birch, Hard Maple.
Red and White Oak 2200 780
Column 1 2 3
.e lag
• TABLE 4.3.11.F
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
lar to Forming Part of Sentence
5/16 0.85
3/8 0.76
tion of
7/16 0.71
1/2 0.65
5/8 0.60
[l shan 3/4 0.55
7/8 0.52
1 0.50
• Column 1 Common steel wire nails shall not be driven closer together than one- Spacing and
c'" half their length unless driven in bore holes, nor closer to the edge of the penetration
member than one-quarter their length. Nails shall be of such length that, when
joining one member to another, the penetration of the nail into the second or
further timber shall not be less than one half the length of the nail. Common steel wire nails shall not be used where they are highly Withdrawal
stressed in direct withdrawal. resistance Allowable lateral loads for common steel wire nails when inserted at Nails in-
right angles to the grain shall not exceed those set forth in table 4.3.12.A. serted at
right' angles
to grain Allowable lateral loads on common steel wire nails when inserted Nails in-
parallel to grain shall not exceed three-fourths the allowable loads as set forth in serted
table 4.3.12.A. parallel to
TABLE 4.3.12.A
.. ..
Fonning Part of Articles 43123 and 4312 4 .. . .
Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
L R. Andrews W. M. McCance
D. C. Beam G. S. Mooney
C. N. Blankstein J. H. Palmason
A. E. Bridges R. B. Rolland
A. J. Cameron P. S. Secord
J. P. Carriere A. Tubby
G. A. Alison R. l. Montador
P. G. A. Brault E. M. Rensaa
R. F. DeGrace D. O. Robinson
G. E. de Vorennes P. Rule
P. O. Freeman O. Safir
J. Hoogstraten D. l. Tarlton
D. C. MacCallum G. Venne
H. C. MacDonald D. T. Wright
R. F. DeGrace R. l. Mantador
D. E. Kennedy K. Pullerits
S. G. Frost (Secretary)
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
This advi~ary document has developed from the original National Building Code issued
in 1941 jointly by the National Research Council and the Department of Finance. A completely
revised edition was published in 1953. This is therefore the Third Edition.
The Associate Committee on the National Building Code consists of a group of about
twenty-four Canadian citizens appointed for three-year terms by the Council. They sit as
individuals and not as representatives of any organization. The major task of the Committee
is to promote the uniformity of building regulations throughout Canada. Continued study and
improvement to maintain the National Building Code as a satisfactory document containing
regulations which can be conveniently adopted or enacted for local use will always be an im-
portant part of the Committee's work.
The Associate Committee is generally representative of all major phases of building in
Canada. Its direct responsibility for the preparation and publication of the Code ensures the
independence of this document. The staff of the Council are responsible only for the necessary
technical and secretarial work, all of which is done to the direction of the Associate Committee.
This work is done within the Division of Building Research, to which are referred the many
research problems that the use and revision of the Code are continually revealing. In this
way, the most up-to-date information is made available for the use of the Committee.
The actual work of preparing new parts of the Code and of revising existing parts is
delegated by the Associate Committee to special revision committees. Engineers, architects,
building officials, and other technical experts sit upon these committees in order that the
resulting documents may represent contemporary practice in Canada, interpreted as necessary
to frame the minimum regulations of which the Code consists. These committees always issue
drafts of the new documents which they prepare. These are sent for comment to those who
express interest in them. Three Advisory Groups, on Fire, Health and Structure, each with
representative memberships, keep the technical content of the Code under review, between
revisions, and advise the Associate Committee on technical problems.
Comments on the use of the Code and suggestions for its improvement will be welcome
and may be sent to the Secretary, Associate Committee on the National Building Code, in care
of the National Research Council, Ottawa. If those who use this document will thus co-operate
with those who have worked toward its preparation and revision, the true national character
of the Code will be maintained and strengthened and its development as a satisfactory set of
desirable building regulations for use by municipalities and other agencies throughout Canada
should steadily progress.
Ce document, ainsi que toutes les autres sections du Code National du Botiment, sera
disponible en fran~ais d'ici quelque temps. Toutes demandes doivent etre adressees au
Secretaire, Comite Associe sur Ie Code National du BOtiment, Conseil National de Recherches,
Ottawa, Canada.
The National Building Code and its various parts or sections may be obtained by writing to:
The Secretary,
Associate Committee on the National Building Code,
National Research Council,
Ottawa 2, Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Part 1 Administration
Part 2 Definitions
Part 3 Use and Occupancy
Part 4 Design
Section 4.1 Structural Loads and Procedures
Section 4.2 Foundations
Section 4.3 Wood
Section 4.4 Unit Masonry
Section 4.5 Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed
Section 4.6 Steel Construction
Section 4.7 Cladding
Part 5 Materials
Part 6 Building Services
Part 7 Plumbing Services
Part 8 Construction Safety Measures
Part 9 Housing
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
CODE 1960 •
Subsection 4.4.1. General...................................................... 3
Subsection 4.4.2. Materia~s.................................................... 4
• Subsection 4.4.3.
Subsection 4.4.4.
Subsection 4.4.5.
Subsection 4.4.6.
Design .... .. .. .... .... ..... ... ... . ...... .. .... .... .. .. .. . ...
Practice ..... ,.. .. .. ............. .. ... .... .. .. .. .. .... .. ...... 11
Laying or Placing ........
Reinforced Masonry ............ "...
".......... 15
... .. ..... 16
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Application This Section applies to the design of masonryO, particularly with
respect to
(a) materials used,
(b) determination of design properties and capacities,
( c) practices of design,
( d) work of placing, and
(e) reinforced masonry.
Definitions In this Section
(a) bearing support means a structural member or system of structural mem-
bers, other than of masonry, that supports masonry and resists all ap-
plied loads,
(b) cavity wall means a construction of masonry that is laid up with a cavity
between the wfJthes,
(c) curtain wall means a non-load-bearing self-supporting wall between
columns or piers,
(d) height means height above bearing support,
(e) hollow unit means a ma~onry unit that has a net area less than 75 per
cent of its gross area measured in a plane through the unit parallel to
its bearing surface,
(f) lateral support means a structural member or system of structural mem-
bers that resists the horizontal component of loads applied to masonry,
(g) load-bearing as applied to a structural member or system of structural
members means such members are subject to applied loads other than
own weight.
(h) masonry means that type of construction made up of masonry units laid
up with mortar,
0) panel wall means an exterior non-load-bearing wall built between columns
or piers and wholly supported at each story,
(j) partition means an interior non-load-bearing wall 1 story or part-story
in height,
(k) pier means a vertical compression member of masonry that has no
lateral support other than at its top and bottom,
(1) pilaster means a part of a wall of masonry that is greater in thickness
than the rest of the wall and extends vertically,
(m) solid masonry means masonry that does not have cavities between the
(n) solid unit means a masonry unit that has a net area not less than 75
per cent of its gross area measured in a plane through the unit parallel
to its bearing surface, except for radial chimney brick and chimney
(0) veneer means a facing of masonry securely attached to the backing but
not so bonded as to exert a common reaction under load,
• o Words that are in italics in this Section are defined. Definitions relating par-
ticularly to Masonry are contained in article General definitions
arc contained in Part 2 of this Bylaw.
(p) wythe means a continuous vertical section of a masonry wall, one unit
in thickness.
Design Conditions
Selection' Materials used in masonry shall be selected as provided for in subsec-
of materials tion 4.4.2.
Design The design capacity of masonry shall be not less than the design loads
capacities tributary to it as set forth in subsection 4.1.2. of Section 4.1.
Design pro- The design properties and design capacity of masonry shall be deter-
perties and mined as provided for in suhsection 4.4.3.
Nominal Where dimensions of masonry units or masonry are set forth in this
dimensions Section these dimensions are nominal.
Minimum (2) Minimum actual dimensions of masonry units or masonry shall be de-
actual termined on the basis of CSA "Code for Modular Coordination in Building",
dimensions designated A31-1959.
Applicable (3) The maximum actual thickness of a mortar joint that may be used in
joint applying the provisions of sentence (2) is % in.
Units Masonry units of day or shale shall meet the requirements of and he
of clay tested in accordance with
or shale (a) CSA specification for "Building Brick (Made from Clay or Shale)" desig-
nated A82.1-1954,
(h) CSA specification for "Structural Clay Load-hearing Wall Tile" desig-
nated A82.4-1954,
(c) CSA specification for "Structural Clay Non-load-hearing Tile" designated
A82.5-1954, or
• (d) CSA specification for "Facing Brick (Made from Clay or Shale)" desig-
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
be deter- Masonry units of granite shall meet the requirements of and be tested Units of
i(l accordance with ASTM specification for "Structural Granite" designated granite
C422-58T. or other
(2) Masonry units of natural stone other than granite shall have been tested
:h in this stone
in accordance with
(a) ASTM method of test for "Compressive Strength of Natural Building
11 be de- Stone" designated C170-50, and
Juilding", (b) ASTM method of test for "Modulus of Rupture of Natural Building
Stone" designated C99-52.
~ used in Masonry units of gypsum shall meet the requirements of and be Units of
tested in accordance with CSA specification A82.25-1950 for "Gypsum Parti- gypsum
tion Tile or Block".
(2) Masonry of gypsum units shall not be exposed to soil, dampness, or the
to build weather.
(3) Unreinforced masonry of gypsum units shall not be load-bearing.
(4) Where a wall is of masonry in which the units are gypsum block the Masonry
faces of the wall shall not be plastered with other than gypsum plaster. of gypsum
'd or pro- Masonry units of glass shall meet the requirements of British Standard Units of
st of the specification for "Hollow Glass Blocks" designated 1207: 1953. glass
(2) Masonry of glass units shall not be load-bearing nor shall it serve as
other than a partition or as a panel set into a wall. Where masonry units, other than those provided for in articles Units not to, inclusive, are to be used they shall be specified
f and be (a) manufactured in such a way that their quality is controlled and consis-
tent, and
~55-55, (b) tested to determine whether they are adequate for their proposed use.
ry Units" Mortars Portland cement used in mortar shall meet the requirements of and be Cement
Masonry tested in accordance with CSA specification for "Portland Cements" designated used in
A5-1961. mortars
'y Units" Lime used in mortar shall meet the requirements of and be tested Lime used
in accordance with in mortars
(a) CSA specification for "Quicklime for Structural Purposes" designated
A82.42-1950, or
(b) CSA specification for "Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes" designated
)f and be A82.43-1950,
whichever is appropriate.
:)" desig- (2) Quicklime shall not be used in a mortar except as a putty Quicklime
(a) made by slaking the quicklime in water, to be slaked
c" dcsig- (b) weighing not less than 80 lb/cu ft or brought up to this weight by the
addition of extra putty, and
,esignated (c) that has been stored at least seven days before using.
Gypsum used Gypsum used in mortar shall meet the requirements of and be tested
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Masonry Masonry cement used in mortar shall meet the requirements of and be
cement used tested in accordance with CSA specification for "Masonry Cement" designated
in mortars A8-1956, as revised December 1959.
Aggregates Aggregate used in mortar shall meet the requirements of and be
used in tested in accordance with CSA specification for "Aggregate for Masonry Mortar"
mortars designated A82.56-1950.
(2) Where mortar is being proportioned by volume of components the
aggregate shall be measured in a damp loose condition.
Water used Water used in mortar shall be clean and free from injurious amounts
in mortars of deleterious substances such as oils, acids, alkalis, and organic materials.
Types and In this Section a mortar referred to using a type designation listed
composition in column 1 of table 4.4.2.A shall either
of mortars (a) be composed and proportioned by volume as set forth in columns 2, 3,
4 and 5, or
(b) have a compressive strength not less than that listed in column 6.
(2) Where the compressive strength of a mortar is used to determine its
type, this strength shall be determined as provided for in ASTM speci-
fication for "Mortar for Masonry" designated C270-59T.
Mortars not (3) Type 0 or Type K mortars shall not be used where masonry is to be
to be used (a) directly in contact with soil, such as in a foundation wall, or
in exposed
masonry (b) exposed to the weather on all sides, such as in a parapet wall, a balus-
trade, a chimney other than a radial brick chimney, steps and landings or
( c) an isolated pier.
TABLE 4.4.2.A
Forming Part of Sentence
Composition in Parts by Volume
Type of Portland Masonry Strength,
Mortar Cement Cement Lime Aggregate psi
1 (type H
o none
or L)
none 350
or 1 none over 1~ to 2~
K 1 none over 2~ to 4 75
or none none 1
• Where masonry units of gypsum are used they shall be laid up with a Mortar for
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
e tested mortar composed and proportioned by weight of 1 part gypsum and not more masonry units
L-1950. than 3 parts aggregate. of gypsum
and be
Design Stresses Where the masonry units and the mortar of a type of masonry listed Compressive
and be in column 1 of table 4.4.3.B are provided for in columns 2 to 7 inclusive, the stresses
Mortar" maximum design compressive stress, in pounds per square inch, of the masonry
is that listed in the column appropriate to the mortar used.
mts the (2) Where a type of masonry unit or type of mortar is not provided for in Masonry not
sentence (1) the maximum design compressive stress of the masonry, of which provided for
amounts the units or mortar form a part, is 15 per cent of the ultimate compressive
als. strength of this masonry, determined as provided for in ASTM specification for
"Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Construction" designated
:m listed E72-55. Where a masonry unit directly supports a concentrated load the maxi- Units
us 2,3, mum design compressive stress for that unit is 10 per cent of its ultimate com- supporting
pressive strength. concentrated
6. loads
mine its TABLE 4.4.3.B
M speci-
Forming Part of Sentence 1)
Masonry Ashlar granite 800 720 640 500 ......
Ashlar limestone and marble 500 450 400 325 ......
Ashlar sandstone and cast-stone 400 360 320 250 ..... ~
Hollow load-bearing units 70 60 55
p with a
It, 1 part Column 1 Column 2 3 4 5 6 7
Flexural The maximum design flexural stress for natural stone is 1/6 its modulus
stress for of rupture.
natural stone
Bearing Capacity
Capacity The maximum design bearing capacity of a type of masonry con-
of masonry struction is the product of its maximum design compressive stress, provided for
in article and
(a) its gross cross-sectional area when it is solid masonry, or
(b) its gross cross-sectional area minus any area of air space between wythes
when it is a cavity wall.
Calculation (2) For the purpose of calculating the areas of masonry the actual dimen-
of areas sions of the cross-section of the masonry shall be used.
Weaker units Where a type of masonry is to be built of more than one type of masonry
govern unit its maximum design bearing capacity shall be determined on the basis oE
the weaker unit.
Materials The following type of masonry or masonry units shall not be con-
excluded in sidered in determining the maximum design bearing capacity of a masonry con-
determination struction:
of capacity (a) a veneer forming a wythe less than 4 in. thick,
(b) a veneer not bonded to its backing as provided for in article,
(c) masonry materials used for furring.
Thicknesses Except as provided for in sentence (2), where a wall of solid masonry
of load- is load-bearmg and is neither over 3 stories above a basement nor over 36
bearing solid ft in height the minimum thicknesses of the wall are
masonry walls (a) 8 in. for the top 12 ft
(b) 10 in. for that portion more than 12 ft but not more than 24 ft below
the top, and
(c) 12 in. for that portion more than 24 ft below the top.
(2) Where a wall of solid masonry is laid up of rubble stone, is load-bearmg,
and is neither over 3 stories above a basement nor over 36 ft in height the
minimum thicknesses for the wall are
(a) 12 in. for the top 24 ft, and
(b) 16 in. for that portion more than 24 ft below the top.
(3) Where a wall of solid masonry 1s load-bearing and is over 36 ft in height
the minimum thicknesses of the wall are 12 in. for the top 36 ft with an addi-
tional 4 in. for each subsequent 36-ft increment of height, or part thereof,
measured down from the top.
(4) Load-bearing walls of bricks 6 in. in width may be built to a height
not exceeding 9 ft or 15 ft in the case of a gable.
Thicknesses Except as provided for in article, where a wall of solid
of non-Ioad- masonry is non-load-bearing the minimum thickness of the wall is 8 in. if the
bearing solid height is not greater than 36 ft.
masonry walls
(2) Where a wall is of solid masonry, is non-load-bearing and is over 36 ft
in height its minimum thicknesses are 8 in. for the top 36 ft with an additional
• 4 in. for each subsequent 36-ft increment of height, or part thereof, mea- Thicknesses
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
1 wythes (b) the spacing of the pilasters, centre-to-centre. is not more than 25 times
the reduced thickness of the stiffened wall, and
(c) the width of the pilasters is not less than 1/8 of their centre-to-centre
I dimen- spacing.
Height and Thickness of Cavity Walls
basis of A cavity wall shall not be built to a height greater than 36 ft. Height of
cavity walls
(c) 14 in. for that portion more than 24 ft from the top .
masonry (2) Except as provided for in article, where a cavity wall is non- Thickness of
over 36 load-bearing tne minimum total thickness of wythes and spaces for the entire non-Ioad-
height of the wall is 10 in. bearing
cavity walls
ft below Height and Thickness of
Partitions, Panels and Veneers Where a wall of masonry is non-load-bearing, is not greater than 12 Walls of
:-bearmg. ft in height and serves as masonry
~ight the (a) a partition, or used as
(b) a panel set into a wall
or panels
it may be of any thickness.
in height (2) Except as provided for in sentence (1) the height of any masonry non-
an addi- load-bearing partition between horizontal lateral supports shall not exceed 36
thereof, times its thickness. Where lateral support is provided by means of walls, piers Qr
columns at horizontal intervals not exceeding 36 times its thickness the height
may extend to 72 times its thickness.
a height Where the masonry wall of a structure on a roof, such as a ma-
chinery room or elevator penthouse, is non-load-bearing and not greater than
lirements 12 ft. in height, it
p to the
(a) must be not less than' 8 in. in thickness, and
(b) must have as its bearing support solid masonry construction.
of solid
n. if the (2) It is intended that the requirements for bearing support not be applied
to the provisions of clause (1)( b).
(3) No such wall shall he deemed eithecr to increase the height of or require
ler 36 ft any increase in thickness of the wall below provided the allowable working
dditional stresses are not exceeded.
Veneer with A veneer of masonry units individually attached to and supported by
bearing some backing of contiJluous construction shall not extend more than 24 ft above
support finished grade .•
Changes in Thickness
Change in The thickness of a wall of masonry at any height shall not be greater
wall thickness than the thickness of the wall immediately below.
with height
Chases cut Where a chase is cut into masonry
into masonry (a) the width and depth of the cut shall not be greater than 1/3 the
thickness of the masonry, and
(b) the horizontal projection of the total length of the cut shall not be
greater than 4 ft.
(2) A chase shall not be cut into load-bearing masonry except a wall greater
than 8 in. in thickness.
(3) Where a chase is cut into a load-bearing wall of masonry the thickness
of masonry remaining in the chased section shall not be less than 8 in.
Large chases Chases and recesses larger than provided for in articles and
and recesses may be cut or built into masonry but shall be considered as openings
in the masonry for purposes of design.
Lateral Support
Walls of Except as provided for in sentence (2), a wall of masonry shall
solid masonry have wteral supports, either horizontally or vertically, at intervals not greater
or hollow than
masonry (a) 20 times the thickness of the wall where the wall is of solid masonry of
solid units, or
(b) 18 times the thickness of the wall where the wall is
ti) of solid masonry of hollow units, or
(ii) a cavity wall.
Walls of (2) Where a wall of masonry is non-load-bearing, is not greater than 12 ft
masonry used in height, and serves as
as partitions (a) a partition, or
or panels
(b) a panel set into a wall
it shall be supported laterally, either horizontally or vertically, at intervals not
greater than 36 times the thickness of the wall.
Walls of Except as provided for in sentence (2), where a wall of masonry
masonry not does not have horizontal wteral support along its top and if its height exceeds
supported three times its thickness it shall have vertical wteral supports.
along top
ted by
(2) Where a wall extends from the sill of a window to the floor immediately Piers
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
: above
below, does not have horizontal lateral support along its top and its height ex-
ceeds four times its thickness, it shall have vertical lateral support.
for in A pier shall have lateral supports perpendicular to its faces so that
the vertical distance between supports is not greater than
(a) 10 times the least dimension of the pier where the pier is of solid
masonry of solid units or hollow units filled solidly with concrete. or
(b) four times the least dimension of the pier where the pier is of solid
masonry of hollow units.
greater Unless calculations are made to determine that allowable stresses are Openings
not exceeded. the amount of opening in a masonry wall shall not exceed the
percentage listed in columns 2 to 7 of table 4.4.3.C for appropriate height to
thickness ratios and type of masonry. The percentage of openings shall be cal.
culated using the centre-to-centre dimension of adjacent openings.
13 the Control joints shall be provided in masonry when shown necessary in
the design of the wall.
not be
TABLE 4.4.3.C
Forming Part of Article
height of wall in inches
Type of Masonry hit Ratio
lickness thickness in inches
8 10 12 15 18 20
Solid masonry of 65 50 30 20
85 75
solid units
s of the Solid masonry of
hollow units 75 65 50 35 15 ....
and cavity walls
Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Where masonry projects over the edge of its bearing support the Masonry
:mry of projection shall not be greater than either projecting
(a) 1~ in., or over bearing
(b) 2/3 the distance from the projecting face to a vertical line through the
centre of gravity of the masonry. The lateral support for any masonry shall be tied or bonded to the Lateral
1 12 ft masonry so as to provide continuous support in both the inward and outward support
directions. Two masonry constructions requiring lateral support in the same direc- Mutual
tion shall not be dependent upon each other for lateral support in that direction. lateral
als not support Where the units of a veneer are individually supported by a backing. Backing
wsonry the surface of the backing to which the units are applied shall be true and even supporting
~xceeds or brought so by a coating of type S mortar. veneer
(2) Where the backing provided for in sentence (1) is of wood-frame con-
struction the mortar shall be applied over metal lath weighing not less than 3
lb/sq yd securely attached to the construction.
Support on Masonry
Support of a Where masonry supports a concentrated loading so that the resultant
concentrated vertical component of the applied loads passes through the axis of the width of
loading on the masonry the maximum design bearing capacity of the support shall be as
masonry defined in article
Reduction for (2) Where the resultant vertical component described in sentence (1) is
eccentric eccentric the reduction listed in table 4.4.4.D appropriate to the ratio of eccen-
loading tricity shall be applied to the maximum design bearing capacity of the support.
TABLE 4.4.4.D
o o
0.1 25
0.2 50
0.3 75
0.4 87.5
0.5 100
Resistance to (3) Where the applied loads provided for in sentence (1) have any horizon-
horizontal tal component this component shall be resisted by construction specifically de-
component signed for that purpose.
of load
Support of Where a wooden plank deck is supported directly by a wall of masonry
plank the support may be a corbelled ledge projecting at least 4 in.
Support of Where masonry supports a load applied other than as provided for in
other loads articles and, the support shall be of solid units to a depth of
on walls at least 8 in. measured down from the bearing surface.
Support Where anchor bolts are to be placed in the top of a pier, the pier shall
on piers be capped with concrete or reinforced masonry 12 in. thick.
Support Where a wooden structural member is supported by and built inte
of wooden masonry the support shall be designed so that
(a) should it burn the member will collapse and fall without dislodging any
of the masonry, anQ
(b) there is a ~-in. air space between all interfaces except the bearing area
where a moisture-proof barrier shall be installed.
width of Anchorage of Masonry
II be as Masonry shall be secured to its lateral supports by Anchorage
to lateral
(a) corrosion-resistant metal anchorage spaced not more than 3 ft centre-to--
~ (1) is supports
centre vertically and not more than 6 ft centre-to-centre horizontally,
,f eccen- where the lateral support is other than masonry, or
(b) appropriate bonding, as provided for in article where the
lateral support is masonry.
(2) Metal anchors used as set forth in clause (l)(a) shall Metal
(a) be of ~-in. thick steel strip, anchors
(b) be 1~ in. wide, and
(c) have 2 in., at the end set into the masonry, bent up or down at 90 deg,
(d) be of a length twice the thickness of the masonry supported, or
be of other metal or shape providing equivalent or greater strength, stiffness
and bond.
(3) Wedges may be used to anchor the top of a partition to its top horizon-
tal support.
(a) masonry bonding units, or
(b) corrosion-resistant metal anchors spaced not more than 1 ft vertically
and 2 ft horizontally centre-to-centre, and extending not less than 4 in.
into the backing .
.cally de- ' (2) Metal anchors used as set forth in sentence (1) shall be
(a) of 16-gauge corrugated sheet steel and 7/8 in. wide, or
(b) of other metal or shape providing equivalent or greater strength stiffness
and bond.
[lore than Where masonry serves only as a non-load-bearing veneer and is Veneer
backed but not supported by wood-frame construction it shall be securely backed
anchored to its backing by metal anchors up by
)f 2~ in.
(a) of 20-gauge corrosion-resistant corrugated sheet steel and 7/8 in. wide, wood-frame
(b) of other metal anchors providing equivalent or greater strength and
(2) Anchors shall be spaced not more than 16 in., both horizontally and
vertically, centre-to-centre. Where masonry units serving only as a non-load-bearing veneer are Veneer
ed for in supported by the backing they shaH be securely and individually tied to the supported
depth of backing. by backing Where a cornice, belt course or sill depends entirely upon masonry Cornices,
pier shall for its support it shall have 65 per cent of its mass within the masonry and its belt courses
bearing area shall be at least 4 in. deep measured inwards from the face of the and sills
built inte
19ing any
Lring area
e) Where a wall is of masonry in which the units are laid in two or
more wythes, the wythes shall be bonded either with masonry bonding units
as specified in article or with metal ties as specified in article
Walls of
two or
more wythes
Use of Where masonry bonding units are used as provided for in article
masonry they shall
bonding (a) extend through two wythes as continuous units or as units that overlap
units at least 4 in.,
(b) constitute not less than 1/7 the face area of each wythe, and
(c) be spaced a distance, measured vertically between centres, not greater
(i) 21 in. when brick masonry is used, or
(ii) 36 in. when block or tile only are used.
Use of Where metal ties are used as provided for in article they
metal ties shall
(a) extend at least 2~ in. into the adjacent wythe,
(b) be spaced apart a distance neither greater than
(i) 18 in. measured vertically between centres, nor
(ii) 36 in. measured horizontally between centres, and
(c) be staggered from course to course.
Details of (2) Metal ties used as set forth in sentence (1) shall be 3/16-in. diameter
metal ties corrosion-resistant steel rods with 2 in. at each end bent at 90 deg or be of
other metal or shape providing equivalent or greater strength, stiffness and
(3) When a wall of solid masonry is bonded as provided for in sentences
( 1) and (2) it shall be deemed a cavity wall for the purposes of design.
Openings in Where there is an opening in a wall of masonry in which the masonry
walls of two units are laid up in two or more wythes, the wythes shall be appropriately
or more bonded together with masonry bonding units or metal ties spaced not more than
wythes 3 ft centre-to-centre around the opening and not more than 12 in. in from
the opening.
Walls of Where a wall is of solid masonry in which the masonry units are
rubble rubble stone it shall be bonded with masonry bonding units that
stone (a) extend from face to face of the wall either as continuous units or by
overlapping at least 6 in.,
(b) constitute not less than 1/7 the face area of the wall, and
(c) are uniformly spaced.
Intersecting Where one wall of masonry intersects or abuts and serves as lateral
walls support for another wall of masonry, the two walls shall be bonded
(a) by laying, in true bond, 50 per cent of the units of each wall at the
intersection when the walls are built llP together, or
(b) by causing the first wall laid up to be regularly toothed or blocked at the
intersection with offsets not less than 4 in. and by laying in metal ties
at a maximum spacing of 4 ft when the second wall is laid up.
(2) The provision of sentence (1) is not intended to apply to subsequently
constructed walls that abut or intersect existing walls.
Details of (3) Metal ties used as set forth in clause (l)(b) shall be of ~~ in. by a
metal ties steel 2 ft long with 2 in. at each end bent up at 90 deg, or of other metal or
shape providing equivalent or greater strength, stiffness and bond.
Where walls Where the thickness of a wall of masonry changes, the top 8 in. of
change thick,. the thicker portion shall be of solid units.
Masonry of Where a wall is of masonry in which the units are glass blocks, re-
glass blocks inforcement that is continuous for the full length of the wall or overlapped at
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays Where a balustrade is of masonry the units shall be securely dowelled Balustrades
or clamped together.
L8. they
,priately be continuously reinforced at least every 8 in. with joints
Ire than (a) two corrosion-resistant steel bars of 3/16-in. diameter placed in the
in from mortar of the horizontal joints, lapped at least 6 in., or
(b) other metal or shape providing equal or greater strength, stiffness and
nits are (2) Where a wall of masonry is non-load-bearing, is not greater than 12
ft in height, and serves as
; or by ( a ) a partition, or
(b) a panel set inta a wall ,
the vertical joints between units in masonry may be continuous for the entire
height of the wall.
lateral Except as provided for in article, wood may only be built Inclusion
into masonry construction as plugs, blocks or strips for fastening strapping of wood
flashings, conduits and other light coverings and service equipment.
at the
(2) Where wooden blocks or strips are used they shall not exceed 8 in.
I at the in length and shall not be placed less than 32 in. apart on centres horizontally
Ita I ties and vertically. Parapet walls shall be capped and flashed as provided for in articles
quently and of Section 4.7.
B~ in. In cavity and brick-veneered walls having bearing support, weep holes
letal or of minimum diameter 3/8 in. shall be provided immediately above the base
in. of
cks, re- All nwsonry shall be built true and plumb. Alignment
>ped at of work
Joints All available bearing areas of solid masonry units shall be fully
covered with mortar spread in an even layer and all vertical joints shall be
filled solidly with mortar.
(2) Where hollow masonry units are used the end areas and the bearing
areas of the face shells shall be fully covered with mortar spread in an even
Droppings In cavity walls the cavity shall be kept clear of mortar droppings.
in cavities
Natural Where the cleavage plane of stone masonry units is pronounced the
Stone stone shall be laid on its natural bed.
Placing of All nailing blocks, anchors, bolts, ties and inserts shall be placed
anchors, as the work proceeds.
ties, etc.
Frozen No frozen materials nor materials containing ice shall be used in
materials masonry.
Temperature When the mean daily temperature at the job site falls below 40°F,
limitations mortar, water and masonry units shall be maintained at a temperature not
less than 40°F during laying.
(2) Masonry shall be protected from freezing for 48 hours after laying.
Protection Uncompleted masonry, which is exposed to the weather shall be covered
from the completely on the top surface with an adequate waterproofing material except
elements when construction is in progress.
Construction Safety Masonry walls in locations where they may be exposed to high winds
during construction shall not be built higher than ten times their thickness un
less adequately braced.
This advisory document has developed from the original National Building Code issued
in 1941 jointly by the National Research Council and the Department of Finance. A completely
revised edition was published in 1953. This is therefore the Third Edition.
The Associate Committee on the National Building Code consists of a group of about
twenty-four Canadian citizens appointed for three-year terms by the Council. They sit as
individuals and not as representatives of any organization. The major task of the Committee
is to promote the uniformity of building regulations throughout Canada. Continued study and
improvement to maintain the National Building Code as a satisfactory document containing
regulations which can be conveniently adopted or enacted for local use will always be an im-
portant part of the Committee's work.
Comments on the use of the Code and suggestions for its improvement will be welcome
and may be sent to the Secretary, Associate Committee on the National Building Code, in care
of the National Research Council, Ottawa. If those who use this document will thus co-aperate
with those who have worked toward its preparation and revision, the true national character
of the Code will be maintained and strengthened and its development as a satisfactory set of
desirable building regulations for use by municipalities and other agencies throughout Canada
should steadily progress.
Ce document, ainsi que toutes les autres sections du Code National du Batiment, sera
disponible en fran~ais d'ici quelque temps. Toutes demandes doivent etre adressees au
Secretaire, Comite Associe sur Ie Code National du Batiment, Conseil National de Recherches,
Ottawa, Canada.
The National Building Code and its various parts or sections may be obtained by writing to:
The Secretary,
Associate Committee on the National Building Code,
National Research Council,
Ottawa 2, Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Part 1 Administration
Part 2 Definitions
Part 3 Use and Occupancy
Part 4 Design
Section 4.1 Structural Loads and Procedures
Section 4.2 Foundations
Section 4.3 Wood
Section 4.4 Unit Masonry
Section 4.5 Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed
Section 4.6 Steel Construction
Section 4.7 Cladding
Part 5 Materials
Part 6 Building Services
Part 7 Plumbing Services
Part 8 Construction Safety Measures
Part 9 Housing
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Part Administration
Part 2 Definitions
Part 3 Use and Occupancy
Part 4 Design
Section 4.1 Structural Loads and Procedures
Section 4.2 Foundations
Section 4.3 Wood
Section 4.4 Unit Masonry
Section 4.5 Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed
Section 4.6 Steel Construction
Section 4.7 Cladding
Part 5 Materials
Part 6 Building Services
Part 7 Plumbing Services
Part 8 Construction Safety Measures
Part 9 Housing
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
DE 1960
• Subsection 4.5.1.
Subsection 4.5.2.
Load Tests ................................................
Subsection 4.5.3. Concrete Materials and Methods
of Construction .................................... 7
Subsection 4.5.4. Allowable Stresses .................................. 21
Subsection 4.5.5. Flexural Computations ............................ 23
Subsection 4.5.6. Shear and Diagonal Tension .................... 33
Subsection 4.5.7. Bond a,nd Anchorage ............................... 35
Subsection 4.5.10. Footings .................................................. 59
Subsection 4.5.11. Precast Concrete . .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ...... 62
Subsection 4.5.12. Reinforced Gypsum Concrete ................ 63
Subsection 4.5.13. Prestressed Concrete .............................. 63
, 3
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Application This Section applies to
(a) the materials and methods of construction used in plain, o reinforced or
prestressed concrete structural elements, and
(b) the design of structural elements of plain, reinforced or prestressed
(2) Subsections 4.5.1 to 4.5.12 pertain to plain or reinforced concrete.
(3) Subsection 4.5.13 pertains to prestressed concrete.
Definitions In this Section
(a) Admixture means any material other than cement, water, fine and Definitions
coarse aggregate which is added to concrete at time of mixing,
(b) Air-entraining admixture means a material which is used as an in-
gredient of concrete which is added to the batch immediately before
or during its mixing for the purpose of entraining air,
(c) Aggregate means inert material which is mixed with cement and water
to produce concrete,
(d) Cement means normal portland cement, high early strength portland
cement, sulphate resisting portland cement or such other cement as may
be permitted,
(e) Coarse aggregate means aggregate, subject to specified tolerances, re-
tained on a 3/B-in. sieve and of a maximum size generally not larger
than 4 in.,
(f) Combination column means a column in which a structural steel mem-
ber, designed to carry the principal part of the load, is wrapped with
wire or wire mesh and encased in concrete of such quality that some
additional load may be allowed thereon,
(g) Composite column means a column in which a steel or cast iron struc-
tural member is completely encased in concrete containing spiral and
longitudinal reinforcement,
(h) Concrete means a mixture of cement, aggregate and water,
0) Consistency means a general term used to designate the relative plas-
ticity of freshly mixed concrete or mortar.
°Words that are in italics in this Section are defined. Definitions relating
particularly to concrete are contained in article General definitions
are contained in Part 2 of this Bylaw.
(j) Deformed bar means a steel reinforcing bar conforming to CSA Speci-
fication G30.6-1954, "Minimum Requirements for the Deformations
of Deformed Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement." (Wire mesh with
welded intersections not farther apart than 6 in. in the direction of the
principal reinforcement and with cross wires not smaller than No. 10
AS & W gauge may be rated as a deformed bar),
(k) Effective area of concrete means the area of a section which lies be-
tween the centroid of the tensile reinforcement and the compression
face of the flexural member,
(1) Effective area of reinforcement means the area obtained by multiplying
the right cross-sectional area of the reinforcement by the cosine of the
angle between its direction and the direction for which the effectiveness
is to be determined,
(m) Fine aggregate means aggregate, subject to specified tolerances, smaller
than 3/8 in.,
(n) Lightweight aggregate means aggregate of special inert materials which
produce concrete with a unit weight of less than 120 lbl cu ft,
(0) Pedestal means an upright compression member whose height does not
exceed three times its least lateral dimension,
(p) Plain bar means a steel reinforcing bar not conforming to the definition
of a deformed bar,
(q) Plain concrete means concrete without steel reinforcement,
(r) Precast concrete means a plain or reinforced concrete building element
cast in other than its final position in the structure,
(s) Prestressed concrete means concrete in which there have been intro-
duced internal stresses of such magnitude and distribution that the
stresses resulting from service loads are adjusted to the desired degree,
(t) Proportions means the relative quantities of the ingredients which make
up a concrete mix, usually measured by weight,
(u) Reinforced concrete means concrete in which steel reinforcement is
embedded in such a manner that the two materials act together in
resisting forces,
(v) Strength test means the average compressive strength of 3 companion
compression test specimens tested at the same age,
(w) Water:cement ratio means the ratio of the amount of water contained
in a freshly mixed batch of concrete to the amount of cement contained
in the same batch. (The amount of water means the total water added
to the batch, plus any surface moisture carried by the aggregates.)
Design Conditions
Basis for The design of reinforced concrete members shall be made with
design reference to allowable stresses and working loads.
(2) When the concrete aggregates are normal weight aggregates conforming
to the requirements for such aggregates in article, the modulus of
elasticity, E, of the concrete shall for design purposes be assumed as 1000 f' 0
(where f' c equals the specified design compressive strength defined in article
(3) When lightweight concrete aggregates conforming to the requirements
of article are used in structural concrete, the modulus of elasticity of
the concrete, E, shall be established from straight line stress-strain data obtained
in rapidly conducted compression tests on representative standard 6-in. diameter
by 12-in. cylindrical specimens having the same material proportions as the
concrete mix to be used in the structure. (In the rapidly conducted compres-
sion tests, the specimen shall be preloaded at least three times to fully 1h its
ultimate strength to eliminate initial strains. Stress-strain data shall then be
taken with the head of the testing machine moving continuously at a uniform
speed of from 0.025 to 0.05 in.!min.)
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
l Speci. (4) The modulus of elasticity of reinforcing steel shall be assumed, for de-
mations sign purposes, as 30,000,000 psi.
,sh with
l of the (5) In reinforced concrete it shall be assumed in flexural computations that
No. 10 steel takes all the tension stresses.
lies be- The minimum design loads or forces that a plain or reinforced Design loads
concrete structural element must be able to resist are and forces
(a) the loads set forth in subsection 4.1.2, and
Itiplying (b) the forces due to shrinkage and temperature changes set forth in this
~ of the subsection.
~tiveness The stresses caused by the moments, shears and direct forces re- Stresses due
sulting from shrinkage and temperature changes, determined in accordance to shrinkage
smaller with recognized methods, shall be added to the computed maximum stresses at and tempera-
any cross-section due to dead and live loads, except that in monolithic beam and ture changes
ls which slab or slab construction such stresses may usually be neglected if expansion
joints are spaced at a maximum of 150- to 200-ft centres, depending on the
:1oes not
(2) Stresses due to shrinkage and temperature changes may be calculated
on the basis of the expected temperature change in the structure plus an
iefinition allowance of 30 F deg temperature drop for shrinkage in the case of normal
stone concrete and 60 F deg for lightweight aggregate concrete.
element Drawings Drawings submitted with an application to build shall be in ac- Items to be
~n intro- cordance with article and shall also clearly indicate shown on
that the drawings
(a) the type, size and position of all steel reinforcement,
degree, (b) the strength and kind (type of aggregate) of concrete at a specified age
ch make for which the various parts of the structure were designed,
(e) the locations and details of expansion or contraction joints and the
~ment is permissible locations and details for construction joints, and
:ether in (d) the amount or range of shrinkage and temperature forces taken into
account in the design.
New or Special Systems of Design or Construction
~ontained New or special systems of design or construction of concrete structures New or
:ontained or structural elements not already covered by this Section may be used where special
er added such systems are based on analytical and engineering principles and reliable systems
.) test data which demonstrate to the satisfaction of the authority having juris-
diction the safety of the resulting structure for the purpose intended.
then be shall have the right to order tests under load of any portion of an existing struc- structures
uniform ture when conditions are such as to leave reasonable doubt as to the stiffness
and strength of the structure to serve the purpose for which it is intended.
Criteria of The test load shall be left in position for 24 hours, after which time
acceptability readings of the deflections shall again be made.
(2) The test load shall then be removed and additional readings of deflections
shall be made 24 hours after the removal of the test load.
(3) The following criteria shall be used in determining conformity with the
load test requirements:
(a) if the structure shows evident failure, the changes or modifications needed
to make the structure adequate for the rated capacity shall be made, or
a lower rating may be established;
(b) floor and roof construction shall be considered to conform to the load
test requirements if there is no evidence of failure and the maximum de~
fleotion does not exceed
D = 12,000 t
in which all terms are in the same units; constructions with deflections
greater than given by formula (1) shall be considered acceptable if they
meet the requirements of clauses (c), (d) and (e);
( c) the maximum deflection of a floor or roof construction shall not exceed
the limit in table 4.5.2.A, where the values of D, Land t are all to be
taken in the same units;
(d) the maximum deflection shall not exceed L/180 for a floor construction
intended to support or to be attached to partitions or other construction
likely tv be damaged by large deflections of the floor;
• (e) within 24 hours after the removal of the test load the recovery of de-
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
tiffness flection caused by the application of the test load shall be at least 75
bjected per cent of the maximum deflection if this exceeds 1..2/12,000 t.
rees to
TABLE 4.5.2.A
to be Forming Part of Clause
Maximum Allowable Deflection
tes the Construction Deflection D
It shall
l made 1. Cantilever beams and slabs L2/1800 t
2. Simple beams and slabs L2/4000 t
: to be 3. Beams continuous at one support and slabs continuous
at one support for the direction of the principal
, initial
reinforcement L2/9000 i
linS, if 4. Flat slabs (L = the longer span) L2/10,000 t
5. Beams and slabs continuous at the supports for the
direction of the principal reinforcement L2/10,OOO t
or con-
(4) Constructions failing to show 75 per cent recovery of the deflection may
ion. be retested.
:ructure (5) The second test loading shall not be made until at least 72 hours after
the removal of the test load for the first test.
ne load
(6) The maximum deflection in the retest shall conform to the requirements
design. of clauses (3)(c) and (3)(d), and the recovery of deflection shall be at least
75 per cent within 24 hours of the removal of the test load.
::h time
lections CONSTRUCTION The requirements of this subsection apply to all concrete and methods Application
used in the construction of the concrete structural elements of all structures sub-
rith the ject to the provisions of this Code, with the exception of reinforced gypsum-
concrete which shall comply with the requir~ments of subsection 4.5.12 and
prestressed concrete which shall comply with the requiremnts of subsection
needed 4.5.13.
,ade, or Where tests of concrete materials or concrete are made to ensure con- Preservation
formity with the requirements of this subsection, records of the test data shall of test
lie load be kept available to the au.thority having jurisdiction for inspection during the records
lum de- progress of the work and for a period of two years thereafter.
Materials All cements, aggregates, water, admixtures, reinforcement or other Requirements
(1) materials used in plam or reinforced concrete shall satisfy the applicable re-
quirements of CSA Code A23.1-1960, "Code for Concrete Materials, and Methods
of Concrete Construction."
if they Storage of Materials All materials shall be stored at the site in a manner which prevents Storage
deterioration or contamination by foreign matter.
U to be Any material which has deteriorated or has been contaminated shall not
be used in concrete and shall be removed from the site immediately.
truction Cement shall be stored in a suitable bin or bu.ilding which will protect
:ruction it from dampness and permit easy access for proper inspection and identification
of each shipment.
Classes of Concrete
Classification All concretes shall be classified either as
(a) controlled concrete, satisfying the requirements of articles to, or
(b) ordinary concrete, satisfying the requirements of articles and
Basis of Except where considerations of consistency or durability necessitate the
concrete use of a lower water:cement ratio, concrete mix propor.tions shall be based on the
propor- water:cement ratio necessary to produce concrete of the required strength in
tioning accordance with articles to with regard to controlled
concrete or article with regard to ordinary concrete.
Controlled Concrete shall be considered "controlled concrete" where
concrete (a) the cement and aggregates are measured by weight,
(b) frequent determinations of the surface moisture of the aggregates are
madfl and allowance is made for such surface moisture in controlling the
water:cement ratio, and
(c) the water:cement ratio necessary to produce concrete of the required
strength is established by either of the methods given in articles
(2) Surface moisture determinations as required by clause (l)(b) shall be
made in accordance with CSA Standard A23.2.11-1960, "Surface Moisture in
Fine Aggregate."
Trial Where a uniform and sufficiently large quantity of job materials
batch is available, the water:cement ratio necessary to produce controlled concrete
method of the required strength may be established from strength tests on trial batches,
as follows:
(a) trial batches shall be prepared using the job materials and consistencies
suitable for the work;
(b) the water:cement ratios used in the trial batches shall be selected to
cover the entire range of concrete strengths required for the project;
(c) at least four different toater:cement ratios shall be used in the trial
batches and from each batch at least three 6-in. diameter by 12-in.
cylindrical specimens shall be moulded and cured in accordance with
CSA Standard A23.2.12-1960, «Making and Curing Concrete Compres-
sion and Flexure Test Specimens in the Laboratory;"
(d) at least three specimens from each batch shall be tested in compression
at 28 days, or at such earlier age as the concrete may be expected to
receive its full load, by the method specified in CSA Standard A23.2.13-
1960, "Compressive Strength of Moulded Concrete Cylinders;"
(e) from the data obtained in the tests of the trial batches, water:cement
ratios shall be established which not only give average compressive
strengths at least 15 per cent more than the strengths specified for the
various parts of the structure, but which also ensure that the water:
cement ratios will not exceed those required for durability.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
~moved Where trial batches as described in article are not made, Alternative
the water:cement rat;o for controlled concrete shall be established at a value not to trial batch
greater than that listed in table 4.5.3.A for the particular specified compres- method
training sive strength.
TABLE 4.5.3.A
)red in
Forming Part of Article
2000 6 0.69 5 12
2500 5~ 0.63 5 0.57
3000 5 0.57 411
14 0.49
:ate the
3500 0.51 3 12 0.40
. on the
rrgth in
ntrolled When any of the solid ingredients of a complete mix are measured Requirements
by volume, or where the requirements of article are not satisfied, the for ordinary
concrete shall be considered "ordinary concrete" and the water:cement ratio concrete
shall not exc(,~d the value listed in table 4.5.3.B for the specified compressive
:tes are
ing the
TABLE 4.5.3.B
.5.3.13. Forming Part of Sentence 1)
for the Where the concrete used is air-entrained concrete it shall have a Air-entrained
water: total air content (entrapped plus entrained) within 1 per cent of that specified concrete air
in table 4.5.3.C corresponding to the maximum size of aggregate used in the mix. content
TABLE 4.5.3.C
Forming Part of Article
Maximum Size of
Aggregate, in.
3/8 1/2 3/4 1 11/2 2 3 6
Concrete Tests
Compression 4.5.3,19.(1) Concrete compression test specimens, required by article
test specimens to be made from samples of the concrete placed in a structure, shall be made
and laboratory-cured by the methods stated in CSA Standard A23.2.14-1960,
"Making and Curing Concrete Compression and Flexure Test Specimens in
the Field."
Sampling (2) Samples of concrete from which test specimens are. moulded shall be
secured from the concrete being placed in a structure by the methods stated in
CSA Standard A23.2.21-1960, "Sampling Fresh Concrete."
Compression (3) Compression strength tests shall be performed in accordance with CSA
tests Standard A23.2.13-1960, "Compressive Strength of Moulded Concrete Cylinders",
Age for Strength tests as defined by clause 1 Hv) and required by
strength sentences (2) and (3) shall be performed at the test specimen age of 28
test days.
Number of (2) Not less than one strength test (three specimens) shall be made from
strength samples from each 100 cu yd of concrete placed in a structure and in no case
tests shall there be less than one test for each class of concrete placed on anyone day.
Additional (3) Tests additional to those required by sentence (2) shall be made if there
tests is a distinct change in job conditions, or if required by the authority having
Failure to If any of the criteria of article are not met the authority
meet strength having jurisdiction may require one or more of the following:
requirements (a) changes in the mix proportions for the remainder of the work,
(b) that cores be drilled from the portions of the structure in question and
tested in accordance with the latest issue of CSA Standard A23.2.16-
1960, "Securing, Preparing and Testing Specimens from Hardened
Concrete for Compressive and Flexural Strengths," the results of which
tests will help ascertain whether or not the specimens previously tested
were truly representative of the concrete in place, or
(c) load testing of the structural element in accordance with articles
• If, after carrying out the requirements of article, the
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authority having iur~diction is not satisfied that the concrete in the structure is
of the specified strength he may demand a strengthening or replacement of those
portions that failed to develop the specified strength. Where air-entrained concrete is used, not less than one air content Tests for
determination shall be made for each 100 cu yd placed, and in no case shall air content
there be less than one air test for each class of concrete placed on anyone day.
(2) Air content determinations for normal weight concrete shall be performed
in accordance with one of the following CSA Standards:
a mix- (a) A23.2.17-1960, "Weight per Cubic Foot, Yield and Air Content (Gravi-
:lround metric) of Concrete,"
(b) A23.2.1B-1960, "Air Content (Volumetric) of Freshly Mixed Concrete,"
Iy seg- or
(c) A23.2.19-1960, "Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by Pressure
(3) Where lightweight aggregate is used, air content determinations shall be
made by the method stated in clause (2)( b ).
-1960, Measurement of Materials
ens in For controlled concrete, the measurement of cement and aggregates Cement and
shall be by weight. aggregate
lall be
Ited in (2) For ordinary concrete, the materials may be measured either by weight
or by volume.
1 CSA (3) All measuring means and devices shall be so designed and arranged as to
aders". permit rapid adjustments of quantities when required.
(4) Gates and closing devices shall be positive in action, and shall prevent
red by leakage of materials when in the closed position.
of 28 Water may be measured either by weight or volume. Water
~ from (2) Water-measuring devices shall be capable of measuring the quantity of
LO case
water per batch within ± 1 per cent.
Ie day.
(3) The operating mechanism in water-measuring devices shall be such that
f there no leakage will occur when the valves are closed and discharge valves cannot
be opened until the filling valve is closed. In the measurement of materials, due allowance shall be made for Surface
surface water carried by the aggregates in accordance with articles moisture
by at and
avail- Cement, fine aggregate, and coarse aggregate shall each be weighed Measurement
!treater separately. by weight
:ength. (2) The accuracy of the weighing devices shall be so maintained that the
indicated weight does not vary by more than 1/2 of 1 per cent from true weight
throughout their range of use.
(3) The weighing equipment shall be capable of being operated to control
thority delivery of material so that the combined inaccuracies in feeding and measur-
ing by per cent do not exceed the following limits:
(a) cement 1 per cent,
,n and (b) aggregate smaller than 1 1/2 in. - 2 per cent, and
1.2.16- (c) aggregate larger than 1 1/2 in. - 3 per cent.
which (4) Cement in standard bags need not be weighed (except as required for a
tested check), but the use of fractional sacks shall not he permitted unless weighed .
(2) Equipment for measuring all materials shall be readily adjustable and
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shall be arranged, when full and struck off, to measure the correct quantities
of aggregates within ± 2 per cent, taking into consideration the change in unit
weight and volume of the materials with changes in gradation and moisture
General Concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer equipped with a suit-
able charging hopper and discharge device; hand mixing may be used in ex-
ceptional circumstances.
Mechanical The drum, blades and discharging device of a mechanical mixer
mixing shall be such that the cOllcrete is uniform in consistency and the materials are
evenly distributed throughout the batch as it is discharged.
(2) The mixer shall be cleaned after each period of continuous use, and be
maintained in such condition that the mixing action will not be impaired.
(3) The mixer shall not be loaded beyond its rated capacity.
(4) The entire contents of the mixer shall be discharged before recharging.
Time and For mixers with a capacity of 1 cu yd or less, mixing shall eon-
speed of tinue for a minimum of 1 minute after all the materials, including the mixing
mixing water, are in the drum.
(2) For mixers with capacities larger than 1 cu yd the mInImUm mixing
time stipulated in sentence (1) shall be increased by 15 sec for each additional
1/2-cu yd capacity or fraction thereof.
(3) In all cases the mixing shall continue until there is a uniform distri-
bution of materials, and the mass is uniform in colour and consistency.
(4) Mixers shall be rotated at the rate recommended by the manufacturer
of the mixer.
Readv- Ready-mixed concrete shall be mixed as specified in CSA Code A23.1-
mixed 1960, "Code for Concrete Materials and Methods of Construction," regarding
concrete mixing of ready-mixed concrete.
Hand Where hand mixing is used it shaH be carried out on a water-tight
mixing platform, and care shall be taken that the mixing continues until the mass is
uniform in colour and consistency.
(2) Air-entrained concrete shall not be mixed by hand.
Retempering Concrete that has stiffened shall not be retempered (remixed with
additional water).
Placing Under adverse weather conditions, suitable arrangements shall be
made to prevent damage to fresh concrete.
Conveying Concrete shall be conveyed from the mixer to the point of de-
posit as rapidly as practicable, using means and equipment that will prevent
segregation or loss of materials.
(2) Equipment for conveying concrete such as buckets, cars and trucks, belt
conveyors and pumping equipment shall be of such design, size and condition
as to ensure as continuous a supply of cOllcrete at th~ point of delivery as is
Ie and The sequence in the work of placing concrete shall be so arranged Depositing
e work that no concrete which has partially hardened will be subjected to injurious
: affect vibration or shock.
(2) Concrete shall be deposited in the forms as close as is practicable to its
final position, and in layers that are approximately horizontal.
(3) To prevent segregation, the vertical height of free fall of concrete shall
not exceed 5 ft. For falls greater than 5 ft, or if segregation occurs, chutes or
a suit-
in ex- spouts designed to prevent segregation of the concrete shall be used.
(4) The size of section to be placed in one continuous operation shall be as
shown on the drawings.
als are (5) Mixing and placing equipment shall be such that when concreting has
once started, the depositing of concrete shall be carried on as a continuous
operation until the placing of the panel or section is completed.
and be
(6) Concreting shall be carried out at such a rate that the concrete is at
all times sufficiently plastic to ensure proper bonding of successive layers.
(7) When construction joints are required, they shall be made in accord-
arging. ance with article
(8) In walls or deep sections where removable separators or spreaders are
III eon-
mixing used they shall not be removed until the concrete has reached their level and
suitable tools shall be provided for their removal and recovery.
mixing (9) Where wood spreaders are used they shall be removed during placing.
ditional (10) Wood spreaders shall not be used in any concrete where either face
will be exposed or in any wall where water-tightness is required.
distri- (11) When a deep section is completed, a slight excess of concrete shall be
placed and screeded off after most of the settlement has taken place, usually
'acturer from 1 to 2 hours after placing.
(12) In upset beams, stepped footings and similar details where concrete
has to be placed in two or more stages and where the monolithic nature has to
A23.1- be maintained,
(a) the upper portion shall be cast as soon as stiffening of concrete in the
lower portion will permit,
er-tight (b) the consistency of the concrete in the lower portion shall be stiffer than
nass is that normally used in order to minimize the accumulation of free water or
laitance at the level of the joint, and
( c) any free water or laitance shall be removed before the next layer of
concrete is placed.
d with
(13) If the concrete details are such that a feather edge or thin section might
be created by the sequence of casting, a bulkhead should be introduced to
maintain an edge thickness of at least 4 in.
all be Before depositing new concrete on concrete that has set, the forms Concrete on
shall be retightened, the surface of the set concrete suitably roughened, thor- hardened
oughly cleaned of foreign matter and laitance, and saturated with water in concrete
of de- advance of concreting.
lrevent (2) Immediately before depositing new concrete on hardened concrete, a
neat cement paste should be broomed into the surface for bonding.
:s, belt (3) To ensure bond, the first layer of new concrete placed on hardened
concrete should contain an excess of mortar which may be obtained by first
.' as is placing concrete of the quality specified for the work, but from which 30 to 50
per cent of the coarse aggregate has been omitted.
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Vibration Internal vibrators shall be used wherever practicable, except that
external-type vibrators may be used where satisfactory surfaces cannot be
obtained with the internal type alone.
(2) Vibrators shall be operated at a frequency of not less than 5000 im-
pulses per minute when fully immersed.
(3) Application of the vibrators shall be made systematically and at such
intervals that the zones of influence of the vibrators overlap.
(4) Vibrators shall be applied at any point only until the concrete is pro-
perly compacted, and not for such a time that segregation will occur.
(5) Extreme care shall be taken to ensure that internal-type vibrators do not
disturb the reinforcing steel or the forms.
(6) Where required, vibration shall be supplemented by hand spading
adjacent to the forms.
Screeding Screeding shall consist of moving a straight edge or template with
a sawing motion along wood or metal strips established as guides.
(2) Screeding shall be done immediately after consolidation of the concrete
to give the surface its proper shape and elevation.
Curing After the concrete has set sufficiently, the exposed surfaces shall
be kept continuously moist for at least seven consecutive days after placing
when normal portland or sulphate-resisting cements are used, and for at least
three consecutive days when high early strength portland cement is used.
(2) The water for curing shall be clean and free from any materials that
will cause staining or discoloration of the concrete.
(3) A curing compound meeting the requirements of ASTM Standard
C309, "Liquid Membrane-forming Compounds for Curing Concrete," may be
used under circumstances where the application of moisture is impracticable, and
where such compounds will not jeopardize the appearance of the concrete nor
the bonding of future floor finishes.
(4) Curing compounds where used shall be applied at the thickness recom-
mended by the manufacturers, and where surfaces are to be exposed to sunlight
the compound shall contain a white pigment and the applied surface shall have
a reflectance of not less than 60 per cent of that of magnesium oxide.
(5) Curing compounds shall not be used on a surface where a bond is
required for additional concrete, or where a bonded surface coating such as
paint or tile is to be applied.
Protection All freshly placed and consolidated concrete shall be suitably pro-
tected from the elements and from defacement due to building operations.
(2) Freshly placed concrete shall be protected from the effects of direct
sunshine, drying winds, cold, excessive heat and running water by the use
of adequate tarpaulins or other suitable material to cover completely, or en-
close, all freshly finished surfaces until the end of the curing period specified
in sentence
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00 00- When the air temperature is at or below 40° F, or when there is Mixing
a probability of its falling to that limit during the placing period, the tem-
.t such perature of the concrete, when deposited, shall be at not less than 60 nor more
than 80° F; to accomplish this, the mixing water, and if necessary the aggregates,
shall be heated.
is pro-
(2) When the exposure is severe, either due to low air temperature, location
of the work or thin sections of concrete, the temperature of the concrete should
do not approach the higher limit of 80° F.
(3) Aggregates shall not be heated above 180° F.
(4) To avoid the possibility of flash set when either water or aggregate is
heated to a temperature in excess of 100" F, water and aggregates should come
together first in the mixer in such a way that the temperature of the combination
is reduced to below 100" F before cement is added.
:e with
(5) All frozen lumps of aggregate shall be excluded from the mix.
oncrete (6) For mass concrete, the minimum temperatures stated above may be
reduced. Before depositing concrete on any surface, all snow and ice shall Placing
be removed, using heat where necessary.
oncrete (2) Concrete shall not be placed on, or against, any surface that is at a
temperature less than 40" F.
:s shall Effective means shall be provided for maintaining the temperature Protection
of the concrete at all surfaces at not less than 70° F for three days, or at not requirements
,t least
less than 50" F for five days, after placing.
:Is that (2) The concrete shall be kept above freezing temperature for a period of
seven days, and shall be kept from alternate freezing and thawing for at least
14 days after placement.
!lay be (3) When high early strength cement is used or when an additional 20 per
Ie, and cent cement is added to the mix, the protection period may be reduced to 2/3
?te nor of the times stated in sentences (1) and (2).
(4) No salt or other chemical shall be used to lower the freezing point of
recom- the concrete as a substitute for the specified curing and protection.
unlight (5) At the end of the specified protection period the temperature of the
II have concrete shall be reduced gradually at a rate not exceeding 20 F deg per day until
the outside air temperature has been reached.
ond is
lch as The protection requirements specified in article may Protection
be maintained by the use of adequate supplementary insulation, by enclosing the methods
concrete surfaces with raised tarpaulins, or by building a complete housing a-
ly pro- round the concrete with provision for the introduction of heat into the en-
ns. closure or housing when required.
le use NOTE: Proper protection will depend upon the outside tem-
perature, the wind velocity and the massiveness of the
or en-
ecified concrete, but under normal circumstances the protection re-
ferred to in sentences (2), (3) and (4) may be expected to
maintain the protection conditions specified in article
(2) When the outside temperature during placing or during the protection
period established in article may fall below 10° F, a complete hous-
ing of the concrete work together with supplementary heat should be provided,
particularly in typical builqing frames.
(3) When the outside temperature during placing or during the protection
period established in artide may fall below 25° F but not below
10 F, then adequate enclosure of all concrete surfaces with tarpaulins or in-
Heating of Means shall be provided to humidify the air within the enclosed
enclosures space and to keep the concrete and formwork continuously moist if dry heat is
(2) Combustion-type heaters may be used but they shall be so constructed
and so placed that their combustion gases will not come in contact with surfaces
of the concrete.
Design Forms shall be built with sufficient strength and rigidity to carry
of forms the weight or fluid pressure of the concrete and of any equipment or runways
which might be placed upon them.
(2) Fluid pressure on forms shall be correlated to the capacity and type of
placing equipment, the planned rate of placing concrete, and the slump and
temperature of the concrete.
(3) Generally, forms shall be supported in two directions at right angles by
stiff members which are sufficiently rigid to hold the unit as a whole in line
and in proper position and shape.
Form Lumber used in forms shall be free from warp, and shall be sawn
lumber straight so that lines and shapes will be accurately maintained.
Construction Forms shall be so constructed that the finished concrete will conform
of forms to the shape and dimensions specified.
(2) Forms shall be arranged for easy dismantling and stripping, and be such
that removal will not damage the concrete.
(3) Shores supporting normal structural framing, arches, etc., shall be set
on wedges or shall be adjustable so that they may be removed without causing
undue strains in the concrete.
(4) Shores in successive stories of a structure shall be placed directly over
those below so that loads will be transmitted axially to avoid excessive bending
and shearing stresses in the concrete on which they rest.
e hous- and under arches and similar spans, forms shall be so framed that sides may be
:ovided, stripped without disturbing the soffit forms of the principal supports.
(6) Shores shall be braced horizontally in two directions and diagonally in
the same two vertical planes so as to withstand safely the dead loads and moving
Jtection loads to which the formwork will be subjected, without lateral movement or
below buckling; and where shores are more than one tier in height they shall be
; or in- adequately braced, in addition, at the tier junction.
(7) Members providing horizontal support to shores shall not be spliced
)tection between points of support.
ate en-
ed and (8) Where deep sections of concrete are reduced in cross-section, as at
stepped footings, stairs or units of like detail, and where concrete is to be
placed continuously, the effect of fluid pressure on the lower portion of the
step or slope shall be provided for by partial top forms that will contain the
concr.ete and prevent upward bulge or flow; where such top forms are com-
heat is
plete or are large, slots or holes shall be provided to vent air and to permit
rod ding or spading of concrete.
:tructed (9) The top edges of forms for columns, deep beams and walls adjacent to
:urfaces slabs should be set down so that the normal elastic settlement of the slab and
beam forms will not create an indented crease that will reduce the concrete
cross-section immediately above.
(10) Where appearances do not restrict their use, chamfer or comparable
J carry moulding strips should be used on internal and external corners and edges of
unways all concrete forms to improve the junction of concrete faces and to avoid local
strains on the concrete during stripping of forms.
type of (11) Footings for forms shall be sound, rigid and capable of carrying the
flP and maximum load without excessive settlement or deformation.
(12) Loose masonry or other unstable objects shall not be used as footings
gles by for forms .
in line
(13) Mud sills used to support shores should normally be embedded in
sand or stone, and shall not be set on frozen ground.
e sawn Immediately before concrete is placed, all forms shall be carefully Inspection
inspected to ensure that they are properly placed, sufficiently rigid and tight,
thoroughly clean, properly surface treated, and free from snow, ice or other
foreign materials.
a type
:apable (2) Temporary ports or openings shall be provided at the bottom of all
: in the deep units, such as columns and walls, to facilitate cleaning and inspection;
devices in restricted units they shall be so located that water can be used to wash
be less out debris and they shall subsequently be closed with patches flush on the
is au- A non-staining mineral oil or other liquid may be used for treating Treatment
per tie forms.
(2) Care should be taken in the use of such materials so that bonding or
!st con- colour of any subsequently applied surface finish is not adversely affected.
ven in
(3) Where oil is used it shall be kept to a minimum and shall be applied
before the reinforcement is placed.
onform (4) Where panel forms are used, they should be oiled or treated prior to
fabrication or assembly.
(5) Untreated forms shall be kept wetted down to prevent shrinkage prior
to the placing of concrete and shall be surface wetted at the time of placing.
be set
:ausing Prior to placing concrete, suitable means for checking the alignment Alignment
and elevations of forms during placing shall be provided; these checks shall be of forms
made frequently during placement of the concrete. during
y over placing
lending (2) Checking and corrective wedging or shoring shall be carried out both
horizontally and vertically as required, until all concrete is in place.
Re-use of Framing and fonn supports may be re-used as long as the material
fonns is satisfactory for the purpose required.
(2) Except where otherwise required, contact fonn lumber or panels may
be re-used after adequate cleaning, provided that the faces have not been
cracked or become roughened; such lumber shall be trimmed and properly
Stripping Forms shall not be disturbed until the concrete has hardened
of fonns adequately,
(2) In building frames, column fonns shall be stripped before removal of
any shores.
(3) Fonns under slabs and those for beam sides, arch sides, etc., shall be
removed prior to removing shores under framing.
(4) Shores shall be left in place until concrete has attained sufficient strength
to support safely its own weight together with construction loads likely to be
(5) Fonns shall be removed progressively and with care so that corners
of concrete members are not damaged.
Details of Construction
Cleaning of (1) Metal reinforcement, at the time concrete is placed, shall be free
reinforcement from scale or other coatings that will destroy or reduce the bond.
(2) Where tbere is a delay in depositing concrete, reinforcement shall be
re-inspected and cleaned when necessary.
Bending Bends for stirrups and ties shall be made around a pin having a
reinforcement diameter not less than twice the minimum thickness of the bar.
(2) Bends for other bars shall be made around a pin having a diameter
not less than six times the minimum thickness of the bar, except for bars larger
than 1 in. where the pin shall be not less than eight times the minimum thick-
ness of the bar and except as stipulated in sentence
(3) Hooks shall conform to the requirements of article
(4) All bars shall be bent cold.
Spacing of The clear distance between parallel bars, except in columns, shall
reinforcement be not less than
(a) the nominal diameter of the bars,
(b) 1 in., or
(c) 1 1/3 times the maximum size of the coarse aggregate.
(2) Where reinforcement in beams or girders is placed in two or more layers,
the clear distance between layers shall not be less than 1 in., and the bars in
the upper layers shall be placed directly above those in the bottom layer.
(3) The spacing of reinforcement for columns, etc., shall be as specified
in sentence
• (2) Tension splices where necessary in slabs, beams or girders shall be lap-
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
ped, welded (where the reinforcing steel is of suitable quality and by methods
approved by the authority havWlg iurisdiction) or otherwise fully developed, but
may in any case shall transfer the entire stress from bar to bar without exceeding
been the allowable bond and shear stresses listed in article
(3) The minimum overlap for a lapped tension splice shall be 36 bar dia-
dened (4) The clear distance between parallel bars stipulated in sentence 1) shall also apply to the clear distance between a contact splice and
'al of adjacent splices of bars.
(5) Centres of welded or lapped splices in parallel bars shall be offset at
111 be least 42 bar diameters, and not more than 1/5 of the tensile reinforcement
shall be spliced at the same section unless tests prove to the authority having
'ength jurisdiction that safety will be obtained when a larger proportion of bars are
to be spliced at the same section without such offsetting.
(6) Where overlap tension splices are used in beams or direct tension mem-
lrners bers, ties having a diameter of not less than 1/4 of that of the spliced bars
and spaced not farther apart than ten times the diameter of such bars shall be
placed along the full length of splice to prevent splitting.
(7) Splices in bars stressed in compression may be lapped or welded in ac-
~ free cordance with the provisions of sentence
III be The main reinforcement. stirrups, ties or any other reinforcement Concrete
of footings and other structural members in which the concrete is deposited protection
against the ground shall have not less than 3 in. of concrete between them for
and the ground contact surface. reinforcement
ing a
(2) If concrete surfaces after removal of the forms are to be exposed to the
meter weather or be in contact with the ground, the reinforcement shall be protected
larger with not less than 2 in. of concrete for bars larger than #5 and 1 1/2 in. for #5
thick- bars or smaller.
(3) The concrete protective covering for main reinforcement, stirrups, ties
or other reinforcement at surfaces not exposed directly to the ground or wea-
ther shall be not less than 3/4 in. for slabs and walls, and not less than 1 1/2
in. for beams, girders, and columns; in concrete joist floors in which the clear
distance between joists is not more than 30 in., the protection of reinforcement
lately shall be at least 3/4 in.
~es in
(4) Concrete protection for reinforcement shall in all cases be at least equal
meter to the diameter of round bars, and 1 1/2 times the side dimension of square
point (5) Exposed reinforcing bars intended for bonding with future extensions
either shall be protected from corrosion by concrete or other adequate covering.
d as
(5) Deep beams shall be given special consideration.
Concrete Special attention shall be given to the spacing of expansion joints, the
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
in corrosive details of construction joints, the amount of shrinkage steel provided and the
environments amount of protection afforded the reinforcing steel in structurp-s in which
danger of steel corrosion is increased due to the presence of salt or a:!id solutions
or vapours.
ts, the
ld the
which Notation
lutions In this subsection
fo compressive unit stress in extreme fibre of concrete in flexure
1'0 =compressive strength of concrete at age 28 days unless other-
wise specified
llowed fr compressive unit stress in the metal core of a composite column
, stress
than 4
f. =tensile unit stress in longitudinal reinforcement; also, nominal
allowable stress in vertical column reinforcement
f., tensile unit stress in web reinforcement
ill not ratio of modulus of elasticity of steel to that of concrete
le con-
lly the U bond stress per unit of surface area of bar
~terior- V shearing unit stress
, have
VI! =shearing unit stress permitted on the concrete.
Concrete QuaUty
uctural For the design of reinforced concrete structures, the value of I'I! used Value of f'1t
trough, for determining the allowable stresses stipulated in article shall be used for
e slab, based on determining
)r than allowable
of the (a) the specified 28-day compressive strength of the concrete, or
(b) the specified compressive strength at the earlier age at which the concrete stresses
may be expected to receive its full load.
nay be
Allowable Unit Stresses in Concrete
ded in Except as permitted by article, the unit stresses in pounds per Allowable
square inch on concrete to be used when designs are made in accordance with concrete
50° F; article shall not exceed the values of table 4.5A.A. stresses
Ie sub-
Allowable Unit Stresses in Steel Reinforcement
diately Except as permitted by article, concrete reinforcing steel
atmos- shall not be designed for stresses exceeding the following limits:
testing (a) tensile unit stress f. in longitudinal reinforcement or tensile unit stress Tension in
re; the f" in web reinforcement, longitudinal
except (i) 20,000 psi for rail-steel concrete reinforcing bars. billet-steel concrete or web
reinforcing bars of intermediate and hard grades, axle-steel concrete re- reinforcement
ljUriOUS inforcing bars of intermediate and hard grades, and cold-drawn steel
oncrete wire for concrete reinforcement.
(ii) 18,000 psi for billet-steel concrete reinforcing bars of structural grade,
emper- and axle-steel concrete reinforcing bars of structural grade;
(b) tensile unit stress f. in main reinforcement, 3/8 in. or less in diameter. Steel tension
in one-way slabs of not more than 12-ft span, in one-way
bottom slabs of not
(i) 50 per cent of the minimum yield point specified in the specifications
of the Canadian Standards Association for the particular kind and more than
grade of reinforcement used, but in no case exceeding 30,000 psi; 12-ft span
,e area ( c) nominal compressive unit stress f. in vertical column reinforcement, Compression
(0 40 per cent of the minimum yield point specified in the specifications in vertical
solder- of the Canadian Standards Association for the particular kind and column
s shall grade of reinforcement used, but in no case to exceed 30.000 psi; reinforcement
it will
cement (d) Compressive unit stress in the metal core of composite or combination Compression
columns, in cores of
to the 0) Structural steel sections ...................................................... 16.000 psi composite or
(ii) Cast iron sections ................................................................ 10,000 psi
ethan (iii) Steel pipe ." ............................. See limitations of sentence;
red in (e) compressive unit stress in steel reinforcement of flexural members,
(i) see sentence,
TABLE 4.5.4.A
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t Top bars, in reference to bond, are horizontal bars so placed that more than
12 in. of concrete is cast in the member below the bar.
§ This increase shall be permitted only when the least distance between the
edges of the loaded and unloaded areas is a minimum of 1/4 of the parallel
side dimension of the loaded area. The allowable bearing stress on a reason-
ably concentric area greater than 1/3 but less than the full area shall be in-
terpolated between the values given.
fl. =
psi stresses Due to Wind, Earthquake and Volume Changes Members subject to stresses produced by wind forces, earthquakes forces Permissible
or volume changes when computed, combined with other loads may be increase in
proportioned on the basis of allowable unit stresses 33 1/3 per cent greater than stresses
those specified in articles and, provided that the section thus
2250 required is not less than that required for the combination of dead and live
load plus impact if any.
1250 • Additional requirements regarding flexural computations are given in sub-
section 4.5.8. for flat slabs, subsection 4.5.9. for columns and subsection
1875 4.5.10. for footings.
Shear in end members at first interior support ......................... 1.15 2
Shear at all other supports ............................................................ T
of the
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays For continuou~ slabs and beams of different span lengths, the positive Minimum
lay be
bending moment shall in no case be assumed less than would be the case for a positive bend-
fixed condition at the support or supports as the case may be. ing moment
lat are
width Requirements regarding column moments are given in article Column
width, moments
19 the
Design of Flexural Members
: made In T-beam construction the slab and beam shall be built integrally Require-
or otherwise effectively bonded together. ments for
girders (2) The effective flange width to be used in the design of symmetrical T· T-beams
beams shall not exceed 1/4 of the span length of the beam, and its overhang-
1311 be ing width on either side of the web shall not exceed eight times the thickness,
t, of the slab nor 1/2 the clear distance to the next beam.
ven in
,surned (3) For beams having a flange on one side only, the effective overhanging
r cent, flange width shall not exceed 1/12 of the span length of the beam, nor, six times
ulation the thickness, t. of the slab, nor 1/2 the clear distance to the next beam.
(4) Where the principal reinforcement in a slab which is considered as the
,ending flange of aT-beam (not a joist in concrete joist floors) is parallel to the beam,
(a) transverse reinforcement shall be provided in the top of the slab,
,Iidings (b) this reinforcement shall be designed to carry the load on the portion of
the slab required for the flange of the T-beam,
(c) the flange shall be assumed to act as a cantilever, and
:ger of
) with (d) the spacing of the bars shall not exceed five times the thickness, t. of
three the flange, nor in any case 18 in.
due to (5) Provision shall be made for the compressive stress at the support in con-
tinuous T -beam construction, care being taken that the provisions of articles and relating to the placing and spacing of bars shall be
fully met.
2 (6) The overhanging portion of the flange of the beam shall not be con-
sidered as effective in computing the shear and diagonal tension resistance of
2 T-beams.
(7) Isolated beams in which the T-form is used only for the purpose of
providing additional compression area shall have a flange thickness, t. not
2 less than 1/2 the width of the web and a total flange width not more than
four times the web thickness.
2 The clear distance between lateral supports of a beam shall not exceed Distance be-
32 times the least width of compression flange. tween lateral
2 supports The effective depth, d, of a beam or slab shall be taken as the Effective
distance from the centroid of the tensile reinforcement to the compression face depth of
of the structural member. beam or slab
2 (2) Any floor finish not placed monolithically with the floor slab shall not be
included as a pa.rt of the structural member, neither shall it constitute pro-
tection for the steel reinforcement as required by article
(3) When the finish is placed monolithically with a structural slab in
buildings of the warehouse or industrial class, there shall be placed an additional
depth of 1/2 in. over that required by the design of the member. The effect of haunches shall be considered in computing unit stresses. Effect of
I' haunches
• Wherever at any section positive reinforcement is indicated by analysis, Minimum
the amount provided shall be not less than 0.005 b'd except in slabs of uniform positive
thickness. (Use b instead of b ' for rectangular flexural members.) reinforcement
Compression To approximate the effect of creep, the stress in compression rein-
reinforcement forcement resisting bending may be taken at twice the value indicated by using
the straight-line relation between the stress and strain, and the modular ratio,
n, calculated using the values for modulus of elasticity stipulated in article, but not of greater value than the allowable stress in tension.
(2) Rectangular beams and upturned beams shall have a minimum rein-
forcement on the compression side of 0.003 bd, and this reinforcement shall
be placed adjacent to the outer faces of the beam.
(3) Compression steel in beams or girders shall be anchored by ties or stirrups
not less than 1/4 in. in diameter spaced not farther apart than 16 bar diameters
or 48 tie diameters.
(4) Stirrups or ties shall be used throughout the full length of compression
Shrinkage and Reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature stresses normal to the
temperature principal reinforcement shall be provided in structural floor and roof slabs
reinforcement where the principal reinforcement extends in one direction only.
in slabs (2) Such reinforcement shall provide for the following minimum ratios of
reinforcement area to concrete area bt, but in no case shall the reinforcing bars
be placed farther apart than three times the slab thickness, t, nor more than
15 in.
Slabs where plain bars are used .......................................................... 0.0025
Slabs where deformed bars are used .................................................... 0.0020
Slabs where wire fabric is used, having welded intersections
not farther apart in the direction of stress than 12 in ................. 0.0018
(3) The coefficients stipulated in sentence (2) shall be increased in cases
where slabs are restrained to a considerable extent against contraction due to
shrinkage and temperature change and it is desirable to keep unavoidable
cracks small.
TABLE 4.5.5.A
Forming Part of Sentence
Minimum Thickness, t
Member Simply One End Both Ends
Supported Continuous Continuous Cantilever
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
n rein- (3) Where a type of aggregate is used. such that the modulus of elasticity
, using is less than that normally obtained with stone concrete, the thickness.to--span
~ ratio, ratios shall be adjusted to yield the same limiting deflections as for stone
article concrete.
(4) For the purpose of sentence (3) the value of the modulus of elasticity
tl rein- of the concrete shall be taken as 80 per cent of the value established in accord-
tt shall ance with sentence Where burned clay or concrete tile fillers of material having a unit
to the compressive strength at least equal to that of the designed strength of the
f slabs concrete in the joists are used,
(a) the vertical shells of the fillers in contact with the joists may be included
tios of in the calculations involving shear or negative bending moment, and
19 bars (b) no other portion of the fillers may be included in the design calculations.
e than The concrete slab over the fillers shall be not less in thickness, I,
0.0025 than
0.0020 (a) 1 112 in., or
0.0018 (b) 1/12 of the clear distance between joists.
1 cases Shrinkage reinforcement shall be provided in the slab at right angles
due to to the joists as required in article
405.5.25.(1) Where removable forms or fillers not complying with article are used,
which (a) the thickness. I. of the concrete slab shall not be less than 1112 of the
Ice un- clear distance between joists and in no case less than 2 in., and
(b) such slab shall be reinforced at right angles to the joists with at least
the amount of reinforcement required for flexure, giving due consideration
'e that to concentrations, if any, but in no case shall the reinforcement be less
thick- than that required by article
405.5.28. When the finish used as a wearing surface is placed monolithically with
the structural slab in buildings of the warehouse or industrial class, the thickness,
I. of the concrete over the fillers shall be 1/2 in. greater than the thickness used.
for desigll purposes.
lI10 Shrinkage reinforcement shall not be required in the slab parallel to
the joists.
Support The slab shall be supported by walls or beams on all sides and if not
conditions securely attached to supports shall be reinforced as specified in article
Comer Where the slab is not securely attached to the supporting beams or
reinforcement walls, special reinforcement shall be provided at exterior comers in both the
bottom and top of the slab. as follows:
(a) the reinforcement shall be provided for a distance in each direction
from the comer equal to 1/5 the longest span,
(b) the reinforcement in the top of the slab shall be placed parallel to the
diagonal from the comer,
(c) the reinforcement in the bottom of the slab shall be placed at right
angles to the diagonal or may consist of bars placed in two directions
parallel to the sides of the slab, and
(d) the reinforcement in each band shall be of equivalent size and spacing
to that required for the maximum positive moment in the slab.
General The slab shall be designed by methods which take into account
design (a) the effect of continuity at the supports,
requirements (b) the ratio of width to length of the slab, and
(c) the effect of two-way action.
Maximum The spacing of reinforcement shall not be greater than three times
spacing of the slab thickness.
Minimum The reinforcement shall in each direction be equal to or greater than
reinforcement 0.0025 of the concrete cross-section.
Acceptable The method of design given in this article satisfies the requirements
design of article where the supporting beams have a depth, d, at least three
method times the slab thickness, t.
Notation (2) In this article
A = length of clear span in short direction
B = length of clear span in long direction
m ~
= ratio of short to long span
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• (6) Critical sections for moment shall be assumed as follows:
(a) for negative moment
the supports,
along the edges of the panel at the faces of
moments in
middle strips
MAneg CAneg x W x A2 (2)
:imes MBoeg = C»oeg x W x B2 (3)
where W is the total uniform load per square foot as defined in sentence (2).
(8) Positive bending moments per foot of width shall be computed as the Positive
than sum of formulae (4) and (6) for the middle strip in the direction of span A, and bending
formulae (5) and (7) for the middle strip in the direction of span B, using the moments
coefficients given in tables 4.5.5.C and 4.5.5.D (the moments thus obtained in middle
take into account the most disadvantageous case of live load in alternate spans). strips
three MAI,POS C.u x WI. x A2 (4)
MIJI.pos C III• x WL x B2 (5)
MAl)pos CAD x WI) x A2 (6)
M1Wpos C IID x WI) x B2 (7)
(9) The average moments per foot of width in thc column strip shall be Bending
2/3 of the corresponding moments in the middle strip. In determining the moment in
spacing of the reinforcement in the column strip, the moment may be assumed column
to vary from a maximum at the edge of the middle strip to a minimum at the strips
edge of the panel.
(10) Where the negative moment on one sidc of a support is less than 80 Adjustment of
per cent of that on the other side, the difference shall be distributed between unbalanced
the two slabs in proportion to their relative stiffnesses. moments
Shearing (11) The shearing stresses in the slabs may be computed on the assumption
stresses that the load, w, is distributed to the supports in accordance with article
Loads The loads on the supporting beams of a two-way rectangular panel
on slab may be assumed as the load within the tributary areas of the panel bounded by
supports the intersection of 45-deg lines from the comers with the median line of the
panel parallel to the long side.
(2) The bending moments in the supporting beams may be determined ap-
proximately by using an equivalent uniform load per lineal foot of beam for
each panel supported, as follows:
TABLE 4.5.5.B
Forming Part of Sentence
C",neg - 0.081 0.089 0.088 0.095 - 0.080 0.085
CJlneg - 0.010 0.035 0.011 - - 0.024 0.018 0.006
C",neg - 0.084 - 0.092 0.089 0.096
- -
0.085 0.086
CJlneg - 0.007 0.028 0.008 -
0.019 0.014 0.005
-- 0.086 - 0.094 0.090 0.097
0.006 0.022 0.006 -
- 0.089 0.088
0.014 0.010 0.003
• TABLE 4.5.5.C
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
:.5.37. Forming Part of Sentence
)f the
(M ALP08 = CAL X WL X A2; M SL P08 = C BL X WL X B2)
n for B
A/B Coeff.
AD C P Q C Lj d 0 C
CAL 0.036 0.027 0.027 0.032 0.032 0.035 0.032 0.028 0.030
CSL 0.036 0.027 0,032 0.032 0.027 0.032 0.035 0.030 0.028
CAL 0.040 0.030 0.031 0.035 0.034 0.038 0.036 0.031 0.032
C BL 0.033 0.025 0.029 0.029 0.024 0.029 0.032 0.027 0.025
CAL 0.045 0.034 0.035 0.039 0.037 0.042 0.040 0.035 0.036
Cn 0.029 0.022 0.027 0.026 0.021 0.025 0.029 0.024 0.022
CAL 0.050 0.037 0.040 0.043 0.041 0.046 0.045 0.040 0.039
C BL 0.026 0.019 0.024 0.023 0.019 0.022 0.026 0.022 0.020
• CAL 0.055 0.041 0.045 0.048 0.044 0.051 0.051 0.044 0.042
CSL 0.023 0.017 0.022 0.020 0.016 0.019 0.023 0.019 0.017
CAL 0.061 0.045 0.051 0.052 0.047 0.055 0.056 0.049 0.046
0.068 C BL 0.019 0.014 0.019 0.016 0.013 0.016 0.020 0.016 0.014
0.072 CAL 0.068 0.049 0.057 0.057 0.051 0.060 0.063 0.054 0.050
0.021 0.70
C BL 0.016 0.012 0.016 0.014 0.011 0.013 0.017 0.014 0.012
CAL 0.074 0.053 0.064 0.062 0.055 0.064 0.070 0.059 0.054
C BL 0.013 0.010 0.014 0.011 0.009 0.010 0.014 0.011 0.009
CAL 0.081 0.058 0.072 0.067 0.059 0.068 0.077 0.065 0.059
Cn O.OlO 0.007 0.011 0.009 0.007 0.008 0.011 0.009 0.007
CAL 0.088 0.062 0.080 0.072 0.063 0.073 0.085 0.070 0.063
C BL 0.008 0.006 0.009 0.007 0.005 0.006 0.009 0.007 0.006
C BL 0.006 0.004 0.007 0.005 0.004 0.005 0.007 0.005 0.004
TABLE 4.5.5.D
CAD 0.040 0.020 0.021 0.030 0.028 0.036 0.031 0.022 0.024
C BD 0.033 0.016 0.025 0.024 0.015 0.024 0.031 0.021 0.01'i
CAD 0.045 0.022 0.025 0.033 0.029 0.039 0.035 0.0215 0.02E
C BD 0.029 0.014 0.024 0.022 0.013 0.021 0.028 0.019 0.0115
CAD 0.050 0.024 0.029 0.036 0.031 0.042 0.040 0.029 0.02f
C BD 0.026 0.012 0.023 0.019 0.011 0.017 0.025 0.017 0.01~
CAD 0.055 0.026 0.034 0.039 0.032 0.045 0.045 0.032 0.02~
C BD 0.023 0.011 0.020 0.016 0.009 0.014 0.022 0.015 0.0l(]
CAD 0.061 0.028 0.040 0.043 0.033 0.048 0.051 0.036 0.031
C BD 0.019 0.009 0.018 0.013 0.007 0.012 0.020 0.013 0.007
CAD 0.068 0.030 0.046 0.046 0.035 0.051 0.058 0.040 0.033
C BD 0.016 0.007 0.016 0.011 0.005 0.009 0.017 0.011 0.006
CAD 0.074 0.032 0.054 0.050 0.036 0.053 0.065 0.044 0.034
C BD 0.013 0.006 0.014 0.009 0.004 0.007 0.014 0.009 O.OOf
CAD 0.081 0.034 0.062 0.053 0.037 0.056 0.073 0.04S 0.03{
C BD 0.010 0.004 0.011 0.007 0.003 0.006 0.012 0.007 0.004
CAD 0.088 0.035 0.071 0.056 0.038 0.058 0.081 0.052 0.03'l
C BD 0.008 0.003 0.009 0.005 0.002 0.004 0.009 0.005 O.OO~
CAD 0.095 0.037 0.080 0.059 0.039 0.061 0.089 0.05€ 0.03f
C BD 0.006 0.002 0.007 0.004 0.001 0.003 0.007 0.004 O.OO~
V tl shearing unit stress permitted on the concrete (see table 4.5.4.A)
V total shear
V' = total shear carried b)" the web reinforcement
i' ,
M = bending moment . As a measure of diagonal tension, the shearing unit stress, v, on any Shearing
cross-section of reinforced concrete flexural members shall be computed by unit stress
the following formulae:
V±d tanp
for members of varYing depth v = (9)
The negative sign applies where the bending moment, M, increases numerically
in the same direction as the depth, d, increases, and the positive sign where the
moment decreases in this direction.
(2) For beams of 1- or T-section, b' shall be substituted for b in formulae
(8) and (9).
(3) In concrete joist floor construction, where burned clay or concrete tile
are used, b' may be taken as a width equal to the thickness of the concrete web
plus the thickness of the vertical shells of the concrete or burned clay tile in con-
tact with the joist, as in article
(4) When at a discontinuous or unrestrained end of a flexural member the
value of the shearing unit stress~ v, as computed by formulae (8) or (9), exceeds
the shearing unit stress, v c, permitted for concrete without web reinforcing (see
table 4.5.4.A), web reinforcement shall be provided to carry at least 2/3 of
the total shear at the section, providing the shearing unit 'stress, v, does not
exceed 0.06 fc.
(5) When the value of shearing unit stress, v, computed by formula (8) or
(9) exceeds 0.06 f' c. web reinforcement shall be provided to carry the complete
shear on the length where this value is exceeded.
Stirrups The area of steel required in stirrups placed perpendicular to the
longitudinal reinforcement shall be computed by formula (10)
A .. = I~
Bent bars The effective portion in resisting shear of the inclined length of any
longitudinal bar that is bent up shall not be considered greater than d.cot a and
such bars shall be bent around a pin having a diameter of at least 11 bar dia-
(2) When the web reinforcement consists of a single bent bar or of a single
group of parallel bars all bent up at the same distance from the support, the
required area of such bars shall be computed by formula (11)
A" = ---
I .. sin a
(3) In formula (11). V' shall not exceed 0.04 f' cbid or 120 psi.
(4) Where there is a series of parallel bars or groups of bars bent up at dif-
ferent distances from the support, the required area shall be determined by
formula (12)
A .. = V's (12)
'II;'" (sin a + cos a)
(5) Where bent bars are used alone as web reinforcement, the shearing unit
stress. v. shall not exceed 0.08f CI nor 240 psi.
ing stress,
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
(6) The shearing unit stress permitted when special arrangements of bars
~ point of are employed shall be that determined by making comparative tests, to destruction.
lCf'ete, the
of specimens of the proposed system and of similar specimens reinforced in
conformity with the provisions of this Code, the same factor of safety being ap-
:1 the face plied in both cases.
: the span
eyond the Where more than one type of reinforcement is used to reinforce Combined
the same portion of the web, the total shearing resistance of this portion of the web re.
less than web shall be assumed as the sum of the shearing resistances computed for the inforcement
I specified various types separately.
(2) In such computations the shearing resistance of the concrete shall be
e basis of included only once, and no one type of reinforcement shall be assumed to resist
more than 3'
forcement 0.06 f c. in which case the maximum spacing shall be 1/4 d.
l.5.7.6. Even if the shearing unit stress does not exceed v". the cross-sectional Minimum
lr to the area of the web reinforcement in a flexural member shall not be less than 0.15 web rein-
per cent of the concrete area computed as the product of the width of the mem- forcement
ber at mid-depth and the horizontal spacing of the web reinforcement.
(10) (2) Where the shearing unit stress is less than V e• stirrups shall be placed
not farther apart than 2/3 d.
(sentence (3) Article shall not apply to slabs or slab beams where the ratio
of b to d exceeds 4.
shall not
, exceeds In isolated footings the shearing unit stress computed by formula (8) -Shear and
or (9) on the critical section (see sentence» shall not exceed diagonal
0.03 f co nor in any case shall it exceed 75 psi. tension in
h of any footings
~t a and
bar dia- SUBSECTION 4.5.7. BOND AND ANCHORAGE In this subsection Notation
a single
port, the d = depth from compression face of beam or slab to centroid of longi·
tudinal tensile reinforcement
I'" = compressive strength of concrete at age of 28 days unless otherwise
(11) specified
= ratio of distance between centroid of compression and centroid of
tension to the depth d
.p at dif- 10 sum of perimeters of bars in one set
lined by ,fl = bond stress per unit of surface area of bar
V = total shear.
(12) In flexural members in which the tensile reinforcement is parallel
to the compression face,
r:ing unit
-NOTE: For shearing stresses in flat slabs see sentence
(a) the bond stress at any cross-section shall be computed by formula (13)
11 =~
in which V is the shear at that section and :£0 is taken as the perimeter
of all effective bars crossing the section on the tension side,
(b) bent-up bars that are not more than d/3 from the level of the main
longitudinal reinforcement may be included, and
(c) critical sections occur at the face of the support, at each point where
tension bars terminate within a span and at the point of inflection.
(2) Bond shall be similarly computed on compressive reinforcement, but the
shear used in computing the bond shall be reduced in the ratio of the com-
pressive force assumed in the bars to the total compressive force at the section.
(3) Anchorage of compressive reinforcement shall be provided by embedment
past the section to develop the assumed compressive force in the bars at the
bond stress in table 4.S.4.A.
(4) Adequate end anchorage shall be provided for the tensile reinforcement
in all flexural members to which formula (13) does not apply, such as sloped,
stepped or tapered footings, brackets or beams in which the tensile reinforce-
ment is not parallel to the compression face.
Anchorage Plain bars in tension shall terminate in standard hooks except that hooks
in tension shall not be required on the positive reinforcement at interior supports of con-
of plain bars tinuous members.
Bars in ten- Reinforcing bars in tension shall not be bent around re-entrant comers
sion at re-en- near the inside surface without adequate provision for preventing bars from
trant comers breaking out of the concrete.
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. (13) (i) embedment above or below the mid-depth, d/2, of the beam on the
compression side a distance sufficient to develop the stress to which
(13) the bar will be subjected at a bond stress not to exceed the unit
stress specified in table 4.5.4.A, but in any case a minimum of 24
erimeter bar diameters;
(ii) by a standard hook considered as developing 10,000 psi plus embed-
be main ment sufficient to develop by bond the remaining stress in the bar
at the unit stress specified in table 4.5.4.A, in which case the ef-
it where fective embedded length of a stirrup leg snall be taken as the dis-
tion. tance between mid-depth, d/2, of the beam and the beginning of the
but the curve of the hook;
he com- (ill) welding to longitudinal reinforcement where the main reinforcement
section. and stirrup steels are of suitable quality and by methods ofJPToved
bedment by the authority having ;urisdiction;
s at the (iv) bending tightly around the longitudinal reinforcement through an
angle of at least 180 deg.
)rcement (b) If anchorage in a tension zone becomes necessary, the end of a stirr'up
i sloped, shall be bent over a longitudinal bar through an angle of 90 deg or more
einforce- and shall have an additional anchorage length of at least 24 stirrup
diameters measured from the centre of bend.
(2) Between the anchored ends, each bend in the continuous portion of a U-
or multiple U-stirrup shall be made around a longitudinal bar.
'y bond, (3) Hooking or bending stirrups around the longitudinal reinforcement shall
er, be considered effective only when these bars are perpendicular to the longitudinal
lired for reinforcement.
.stance d
~ 4) Longitudinal bars bent to act as web reinforcement shall, in a region
r needed
of tension, be continuous with the longitudinal reinforcement.
moment (5) The tensile stress in each bar shall be fully developed in both the upper
} of the and lower half of the beam as specified in subclauses (1)(~)(i) or (l)(aHii).
le allow-
h, or not (6) In all cases web reinforcement shall be carried as close to the compres.
:est, and sion surface of the beam as the requirements of article and the
oped on proximity of other steel will permit.
an angle<'1)(a) The terms "hook" or "standard hook" as used herein shall Hooks
bar and mean eIther
tment of
0) a complete semicircular bend near the end of a bar made about a
pin having a diameter of not less than 5 and not more than 11 bar
1/4 the diameters, plus an extension of at least 4 bar diameters at the free
distance end of the bar. or
(ii) a 90-deg bend made about a pin having a diameter not less than
earns, at 7 bar diameters plus an extension of 12 bar diameters, or
Ime face
a force (ill) for stirrup anchorage only, a 135-deg bend made about a pin having
a diameter not less than 5 bar diameters plus an extension of at least
6 bar diameters at the free end of the bar.
lat hooks (b) Hooks made by bending about a pin having a diameter greater than 11
of con- bar diameters shall be considered merely as ex'ensions to the bars.
(2) No hooks shall be assumed to carry a load which would produce a tensile
~ comers stress in the bar greater than 10,000 psi.
illS from
(3) Hooks shall not be considered effective in adding to the compressive re-
sistance of bars.
lpression (4) Any mechanical device capable of developing the strength of the bar
the fol- without damage to the concrete may be used in lieu of a hook, in which case
f tests must be presented to show the adequacy of such devices.
Notation In this subsection
A = distance in the direction of span from centre of support to the
intersection of 'the centreline of the slab thickness with the extreme
45-deg diagonal line lying wholly within the concrete section of
slab and column or other support, including drop panel, capital
and bracket
b = width of section
c = effective support size (sentence»
d = depth from compression face of beam or slab to centroid of tensile
f e = compressive strength of concrete at age of 28 days unless otherwise
H = story height in feet of the column or support of a flat slab centre-
to-centre of slabs
= ratio of distance between centroids of compression and tension
to depth d
L = span length of a flat slab panel centre-to-centre of supports
M. = numerical sum of assumed positive and average negative moments
at the critical design sections of a flat slab panel (see clause»
t = thickness of slab in inches at centre of panel
tl = thickness in inches of slabs without drop panels, or through drop
panel, if any
'2 = thickness in inches of slabs with drop panels at points beyond the
drop panel
v = shearing unit stress
V = total shear
w' = uniformly distributed unit dead and live load
W = total dead and live load on panel
WD = total dead load on panel
WL = total live load on panel, uniformly distributed
Definitions In this subsection, "flat slab" means a concrete slab reinforced in
and scope two or more directions, generally without beams or girders to transfer the loads
to supporting members. Slabs with recesses or pockets made by permanent or
removable fillers between reinforcing bars may be considered flat slabs. Slabs
with panelled ceilings may be considered as flat slabs provided the panel of
reduced thickness lies entirely within the area of intersecting middle strips,
and is at least 2/3 the thickness of the remainder of the slab, exclusive of the
drop panel, and is not less than 4 in. thick.
(2) "Column capital" means an enlargement of the end of a column designed
and built to act as an integral unit with the column and flat slab. No portion
of the column capital shall be considered for structural purposes which lies out-
side of the largest right circular cone with 9O-deg vertex angle that can be
included within the outlines of the column capital. Where no capital is used,
the face of the column shall be considered as the edge of the capital.
(3) "Drop panel" means the structural portion of a flat slab which is thick-
ened throughout an area surrounding the column, column capital, or bracket.
(4) Panel strips: a flat slab shall be considered as consisting of strips in each
direction as follows:
<a> a middle strip 1/2 panel in width, symmetrical about panel centreline,
(b) a column strip consisting of the two adjacent quarter-panels either side
of the column centreline.
(5) "Panel length.. means the distance along a panel side from centre-to-
centre of columns of a flat slab.
Arrangement (4)(a) The spacing of ~e bars at critical sections shall not exceed twice the
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
of slab total slab thickness at the sections except for those portions of the slab
reinforcement area which may be of cellular or ribbed construction. In the slab over
the cellular spaces, reinforcement shall be provided in both directions
as required by article
(b) In exterior panels, except for the bottom bars adequately anchored in
the drop panel, all positive reinforcement perpendicular to the discon-
tinuous edge shall extend to the edge of the slab and have embedment,
straight or hooked, of at least 6 in. in spandrel beams, walls or columns
where provided. All negative reinforcement perpendicular to the dis-
continuous edge shall be bent, hooked or otherwise anchored in span-
drel beams, walls or columns.
(c) The area of reinforcement shall be detennined from the bending moments
at the critical sections but shall not be·less than 0.0025 bt at any section.
(d) Required splices in bars may be made wherever convenient, but pre-
ferably away from points of maximum stress. The length of any such
splice shall be at least 36 bar diameters.
Openings in (5) Openings of any size may be provided in flat slabs if provision is made
flat slabs for the total positive and negative moments and for shear without exceeding
the allowable stresses except that, when design is based on article, the
limitations given therein shall not be exceeded.
Design of (6) All columns supporting flat slabs shall be designed as provided in
columns subsection 4.5.9. with the additional requirements of this subsection.
(2) The critical section for negative bending, in both the column strip and Critical
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
wice the
the slab middle strip, may be assumed as not more than the distance A from the centre sections
lab over of the column or support and the critical negative moment shall be considered
irections as extending over this distance.
(3) Bending at critical sections across the slabs of each bent may be appor- Distribution
Iored in tioned between the column strip and middle strip, as given in table 4.S.8.A. For of panel
discon- design purposes, any of these percentages may be varied by not more than 10 moments
ledment, per cent of its value, but their sum for the full panel width shall not be reduced.
the dis- Design by Empirical Method
in span- Flat slab construction may be designed by the empirical provisions General
of this Section when they conform to all of the limitations on continuity and limitations
noments dimensions given herein:
section. (a) the construction shall consist of at least three continuous panels in each
but pre- direction,
ny such (b) the ratio of length to width of panels shall not exceed 1:33,
is made Forming part of Sentence 4.S.8.4.(3)
Moment Section
Negative moment at
exterior support
be used Slab sup-
btained: ported on
ts, each reinforced
d slabs, Slab sup- concrete
:1 either Strip ported on bearing
moment at Positive
Ie taken columns and wall or
interior moment
on beams of columns
total depth with beams
equal to the of total
Imns as
slab thick- depth equal
at their nesso or greater
be as-
than 3 times
slab is
the slab
dch the
thickness °
md this Column strip 76 60 80 60
in the Middle strip 24 40 20 40
and in Total depth
change of beam
)ns due equal to 38 30 40 30
Half-column slab thick-
of their strip ad- nessO
jacent and
on may parallel Total depth
ariation to marginal of beam or
~ir axes
beam or wall equal
wall or greater 19 15 20 IS
than 3
re shall times slab
,oes not thicknesso
is such
bending °Interpolate for intermediate ratios of beam depth to slab thickness.
,r other
el may Note: The total dead and live load reaction of a panel adjacent to a marginal
lternate beam or wall may be divided between the beam or wall and the parallel half-
may be column strip in proportion to their stiffnesscs, but the moment provided in the
slab shall not be less than given in table 4.5.8.A .
(c) the grid pattern shall consist of approximately rectangular panels; the
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
successive span lengths in each direction shall differ by not more than
20 per cent of the longer span; within these limitations. columns may
be offset a maximum of 10 percent of the span, in direction of the
offset, from either axis between centrelines of successive columns.
(d) the calcubtted lateral force moments from wind or earthquake may be
combined with the critical moments as determined by the empirical
method. and the lateral force moments shall be distributed between the
column and middle strips in the same proportions as specified for the
negative moments in the strips for structures not exceeding 125 ft high
with maximum story height not exceeding 12 ft 6 in.
Columns (2)(a) The minimum dimension of any columns shall be 8 in. For columns
or other ~upports of a flat slab, the required minimum average moment
of inertia. Ie. of the gross concrete section of the columns above and
below the slab shall be determined from formula (15) and shall be not
less than 1000 in.4. If there is no column above the slab, the I. of the
column below shall be twice that given by the formula with a minimum
of 1000 in.4.
,els; the (4)(a) The slab thickness, span L being the longest side of the panel, shall Slab
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
moment tl = 0.028 L ( 1 - ~) Vfe/;~OO + 1-112 (17)
Jve and
I be not where tl is in inches and L and e are in feet.
e of the
)inimum (c) The total thickness, t2, in inches, of slabs with drop panels, at points
beyond the drop panel shall be at least
:~) VftJ~~OO + 1
t2 = 0.024 L (1 - (18)
(c) The minimum thickness of slabs where drop panels at wall columns are
omitted shall equal (tl -I-: t 2 )/2 provided the value of e used in the
interior computations complies with sentence (3).
y above
oportion (6)(a) The numerical sum of the positive and negative bending moments in Bending
I to the
the direction of either side of a rectangular panel shall be assumed as not moment
less than coefficients
aken as
mred at Mo == 0.09 WLF ( 1 _ ~)2 (l9)
TABLE 4.5.8.B
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
A 44
With 24 20 50
drop B 36 56
C 6 36 72
strip A 40
out B 32 28 50 22 46
drop C 6 40 66
A 10
With B 20 20 15 15 0
drop 17°
C 6 26 22°
strip A 10
out B 20 20 180 16 160
drop C 6 28 24·
A 22
1 B 18 12 28 10 25
C 3 18 36
A 17
With 2 B 14 9 21 8 19
C 3 14 27
A 11
column 3 B 9 6 14 5 13
strip C 3 9 18
to mar-
ginal A I 20
beam 1 B 16 14 25 11 23
or wall C 3 20 33
A 15
out 2 B 12 11 19 9 18
drop C 3 15 25
A 10
3 B 8 7 13 6 12
C 3 10 17
°lncrease negative moments 30 per cent of tabulated values when middle strip
is continuous across support of type B or C. No other values need be increased.
16° Note: For intermediate proportions of total beam depth to slab thickness, values
for loads and moments may be obtained by interpolation. See also Figs.
4.5.8.(a) and 4.5.8.(b).
(e) In flat slab construction, holes in slabs close to columns shall be located
on the column centrelines and shall be allowed for in calculations of
bending and shear stresses.
--- B~ -
o , ....,:
- - :.;!". -
';",-~------ - :.,;,:'
--r -1Efij'.:---j - ----- - '!~~:'
~~.::'" :~~ --~ -- -
-12 .... -13
+7 -8 I -10 I
..rS~L - -17 +10
1-----1--' -3
'~" I I
>- ii.... -t.:,;
--=mi.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
..J II) r.!:~!~L'1 .F~·!(L
~ ; j
It --~ I--~;-- --~. - - I--~~-- --"YI
'-r --rut ~ -15 I
- 25 + 15
1 ~
- 3
.... c:. ;:) ~ I
""~ I-- :~
'"'"c:> i e ~~;~; ::c
-23 til +14 -33 +20 -3
..J 0..
"" - tIS -18* + 20 -24- +28
~::Ii ~ ..- -.
j !!: ... 22 +28 +40
;:) 0:: :41·jO:
t; lli1 ~ ..
fiE -.
-46 -50 -$I
0Increase negative moments 30 per cent when middle striP is continuous across a support of type
B or C. No other values need be increased.
FIGURE 4.5.8.(a)
• • -
z I I J
~ !!:
ct CIC IE0 I--
:r I-
en 0.
0. --r{2}T-t-------r-r~
en L_-~!._J +14 I t:,!-W
~I. -- +10 -28 +12 +18 c!
~ ~ !!:
-15* +15 -17* +20 -22'*' +26 -6
Et ~:IE ~
0 r---, r---' r---,
:l:! !!: IIf?1 I
{"l I F'?:1 I I~.. I
~::;) CIC
t'-' ...J I- I~I +20 I~I +24 I ti2:J I +36
..,o en L..
I ___
-50 -'I
= L..:~_J L..
I ___
-72 .JI
:l:! Moments in Flat Slab Panels in Percentage of Mo-With Drops
00 See Table 4.5.8.B for notes and classification of conditions of end supports and side supports
:l:! °Increase negative moments 30 per cent when middle strip is continuous across a support of type
}2 B or C. No other values need be increased.
t'-' FIGURE 4.5.8.(b)
t'-' ~
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
~1:"4 -
FIGURE 4.5.S.(c)
- 0:: Z
~ a.. 0 MINIMUM '"I. OF
~ I- ~ 0
oI\lj l: 9
b b a 0
~ 50 - I d d d d
~ Remainder ...... I 1
~ 0- or
... I- I-
<0 :z: b b a a
ell C) 33
o - I c C b b 1
0:: 34 -- I d d d 1
• d
Cl. en Remainder - -
:Ii 50 ---- ~ 16 Bar dia. or 10"*011 bars~
0 ~
Z I- Remainder ......
I- ' I
:::I 0
...I III ----.J~_;d~~;-d:;~--L
0 Face ot support
--t ~-r---..---------------'.-.
7 Max. 0.125 L ---
b b a a
a.. 33 - - I c e b b 1
l- 34 I e e 1
,~ Max. 0.2SL Mox.O.25L / c Bend outside drop-----... e
z Remainder -
- I r..... ,,'\
Max.0.2SL :7---... J
III ~ 1/ ."- J/
:Ii SO to 67
~ 16 Bar dio.of 10".~
o 33 to SO-
I- I ..J:;------------------..!...- .r------------;:L
~ Toto I not less I--~~" .. I-..,Faee of support Max. 0.12SL --b-. 1 - - - - ----- Edge of drop ____ -~- ---
III thon 100
• •
~ 10lNIOUO% OF
~ I!(~
0 \i; ~ g AT SECTION
Z I- ..J
d d d d
R....;"'''- L-tb'~-;':::'-;;;;'~'-------:~~~~;L-t t:t~:-;,~;:- -----~::~-,,:-;,;'/I: i':f--
r-~~d____ d d
"'d f ~t1ax. 0·25 L Max'0'2~ f d>sz:LMax.0'25L Male. 0'25L f
Remainder ..... : I. .1. ~
.rE .I
~ v
50- ~
£:!j I I r---------------------~t~t----------------------"-
1------- 1"'--- /1 -I- -I - -
W Face of support Max. 0·15 L M a x . 0'15 L Face of support W
o ..1_ I
4.. Exterior support t Interior support Exterior support t
LENGTH 0'15L At interior supports, L is longer of adjacent spans
!'Il Minimum Length of Flat Slab Reinforcement
~ At exterior supports, where masonry walls or other construction provide only negligible restrait to
the slab, the negative reinforcement need not be carried further than O.20L beyond the centreline
~ of such support. Any combination of straight and bent bars may be used provided minimum
1::1 requirements are met.
g 1>For bars not terminating in drop panel use lengths shown fbr panels without drops.
FIGURE 4.5.8.(c)
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TABLE 4.5.8.C
Not less
than 33 0.30Loo 0.33Lt
per cent
Not less
Column than an
strip 0.27Loo 0.30Lt
reinforce- 34 per cent
To edge of
drop but
Remaindert 0.25L or 0.20L 0.25L or
at least
Not less
Middle than 50
strip 0.25L 0.25L
per cent
ment (r
Remaindert 0.25L 0.15L 0.25L ?r 0.15L
00 Where no bent bars are used, the 0.27L bars may be omitted, provided the
0.30L bars are at least 50 per cent of total required.
t Where no bent bars are used, the 0.30L bars may be omitted provided the
0.33L bars provide at least 50 per cent of the total required.
t Bars may be straight, bent, or any combination of straight and bent bars.
All bars are to be considered straight bars for the end under consideration
unless bent at that end and continued as positive reinforcement.
• TABLE 4.5.8.D
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
in drop
Not less panel of
than 33 0.125L
per cent 16 bar dia-
meters but
at least
10 in.
~dge of strip Not less
)P but
than 50 3 in. or 0.25L
reinforce- per centO
least ment
in drop
panel of
Remaindero 0.125L or 0.25L 16 bar or 0.25L
1.15L diameters
but at least
10 in.
ide only
be car- Middle 50 per cent 0.15L 0.15L
ided the ment 50 per centO 3 in. yr 0.25L 3 in. or 0.25L
ided the
0- Bars may be straight, bent, or any combination of straight and bent bars.
All bars are to be considered straight bars for the end under consideration
lnt bars. unless bent at that end and continued as negative reinforcement.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
using at the junction, it shall be the clear distance between the floor and the
lower edge of the bracket, provided that the bracket width equals that
'olumn of the beam or strut and is at least half that of the column.
(2) For rectangular columns, that length shall be considered which produces
other- the greatest ratio of length to depth of section.
forming a splice may be in contact, hut the minimum clear spacing between
r of a one splice and the adjacent splicc should be that spccified for adjacent single
Splices in (3) Where lapped splices in the column verticals are used, the minimum
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Spiral (4) The ratio of spiral reinforcement, p', shall not be less than the value
reinforce- given by formula (21)
0.45 ( Ac
1) 1'.I'
c (21)
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(6) In case two or more interlocking spirals are used in a column, the outer Isolated
boundary of the column. shall be· taken as a rectangle the sides of which are columns with
more, outside the extreme limits of the spiral at a distance equal to the requirements multiple
lars of of sentence ( 5 ). spirals
10 psi; (7) For a spiral column built monolithically with a concrete wall or pier, Limits of
of lap the outer boundary of the column section shall be taken either as a circle at column built
least 1 1/2 in. outside the column spiral or as a square or rectangle of which monoli-
oecified the sides are at least 1 1/2 in. outside the spiral or spirals. thically
with wall
sed in- (8) As an exception to the general procedure of utilizing the full gross area Equivalent
'1 cases of the column section, it shall be permissible to design a circular column and to circular
naIl be build it with a square, octagonal or other shaped section of the same least lateral columns
ch will dimension. In such case, the allowable load, the gross area considered, and
,g steel the required percentageS' of reinforcement shall be taken as those of the cir-
cular column.
1 in 6, Tied Columns
parallel The maximum allowable axial load on columns reinforced with lon- Allowable
offset gitudinal bars and separate lateral ties shall be 80 per cent of that given by load
ded by formula (20), sentence The ratio, P,l' to be considered in tied
ties or columns shall not be less than 0.01 nor more than 0.04. The longitudinal rein-
'ar dia- forcement shall consist of at least four bars, of minimum bar size of #5.
resisted Splices in reinforcing bars shall be made as described in sentence
nominal The spacing requirements for vertical reinforcement in sentence
. before shall also apply for all tied columns.
(2) For tied columns which are designed to withstand combined axial and Combined
bending stresses, the limiting steel ratio of 0.04 may be increased to 0.08. The axial and
e value amount of steel spliced by lapping shall not exceed a steel ratio .of 0.04 in any bending
3-ft. length of column. The size of the column designed under this provision load
shall in no case be less than that required to withstand the axial load alone
with a steel ratio of 0.04.
(3) Lateral ties shall be at least 1/4 in. in diameter and shall be spaced Later~l
40,000 apart not over 16 bar diameters, 48 tie diameters or the least dimension of the ties
I grade, column. When there are more than four vertical bars, additional ties shall be
provided so that every longitudinal bar is held firmly in its designed position
and has lateral support equivalent to that provided by a 90-deg corner of a tie.
two for (4) In a tied column which for architectural reasons has a larger cross- Limits of
iameter, section than required by considerations of loading, a reduced effective area, A,l' column
Dds 5/8 not less than 1/2 of the total area may be used in applying the provisions of section
:d as to sentence (1).
1/4 in. Composite Columns
)f spiral
wire at The allowable load on a composite column, consisting of a structural Allowable
>iral rod steel or cast iron column thoroughly encased in concrete reinforced with both load
als shall longitudinal and spiral reinforcement, shall not exceed that given by formula (22)
als shall
lum size
P = 0.225 Acf'c + f.A. +frAr (22)
Jor level wherein fr = allowable unit stress in metal core, not to exceed 16,000 psi for
!l of the a steel core; or 10,000 psi for a cast iron core.
Ie. In a
or width (2) The cross-sectional area of the metal core shall not exceed 20 per cent Details of
of the gross area of the column. If a hollow metal core is used it shall be filled metal core
with concrete. The amounts of longitudinal and spiral reinforcement and the and rein·
re by a requirements as to spacing of bars, details of splices and thickness of pro- forcement
thickness tective shell outside the spiral shall conform to the limiting values specified
in sentences to A clearance of at least 3 in. shall be
n size of
)f article maintained between the spiral and the metal core at all points, except that
when the core consists of a structural steel H-column the minimum clearance
may be reduced to 2 in.
Splices and (3) Metal cores in composite columns shall be accurately milled at splices
connections and positive provision shall be made for alignment of one core above another.
of metal cores At the column base, provision shall be made to transfer the load to the footing
at safe unit stresses in accordance with article The base of the metal
section shall be designed to transfer the load from the entire composite column
to the footing, or it may be designed to transfer the load from the metal section
only, provided it is so placed in the pier or pedestal as to leave ample section
of concrete above the base for the transfer of load from the reinforced concrete
section of the column by means of bond on the vertical reinforcement and by
direct compression on the concrete. Transfer of loads to the metal core shall be
provided for by the use of bearing members such as billets, brackets or other
positive connections; these shall be provided at the top of the metal core and
at intermediate floor levels where required. The column as a whole shall satisfy
the requirements of formula (22), sentence (1) at any point; in addition to this,
the reinforced concrete portion shall be designed to carry, in accordance with
formula (20), sentence, all floor loads brought on to the column
at levels between the metal brackets or connections. In applying formula (20),
the value of Ag shall be interpreted as the area of the concrete section outside
the metal core, and the allowable load on the reinforced concrete section shall
be further limited to 0.35 f' CAg. Ample section of concrete and continuity of
reinforcement shall be provided at the junction with beams or girders.
Allowable (4) The metal cores of composite columns shall be designed to carry safely
load on metal any construction or other loads to be placed upon them prior to their encase·
core only ment in concrete.
Combination Columns
Steel columns The allowable load on a structural steel column which is encased
encased in in concrete at least 2-1/2 in. thick over all metal (except rivet or bolt heads)
concrete reinforced as hereinafter specified, shall be computed by formula (23)
P = Art rI (
1 + Ag)
100A,. (23)
The concrete used shall develop a compressive strength, f' c, of at least 2000 psi
at 28 days. The concrete shall be reinforced by the equivalent of welded wire
mesh having wires of No. 10 AS&W gauge, the wires encircling the column
being spaced not more than 4 in. apart and those parallel to the column axis
not more than 8 in. apart. This mesh shall extend entirely around the column
at a distance of 1 in. inside the outer concrete surface and shall be lap-spliced
at least 40 wire diameters and wired at the splice. Special brackets shall be
used to receive the entire floor load at each floor level. The steel column shall
be designed to carry safely any construction or other loads to be placed upon
it prior to its encasement in concrete.
Pipe (2) The allowable load on columns consisting of steel pipe filled with concrete
columns shall be determined by formula (24)
p h )
0.251' c ( 1 - 0.000025k2~~ Ac + f' ,.A. (24)
(3) The value f' c shall be taken equal to that permitted by article for axial compression on columns and struts.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
load and bending in one principal plane, but with the ratio of eccentricity to subjected
depth elt no greater than 2/3, shall be so proportioned that to axial
load and
+ (26) bending
000 psi does not exceed unity.
ed wire
column (2) Except as required by sentence (3), when bending exists on both of the
nn axis principal axes, formula (26) becomes
.-spliced ~+ f"", + f"l1 (27)
;hall be Fa F" F"
1D shall
not to exceed unity where fbz and fbll are the bending moment components
~d upon
about the x and y principal axes divided by the section modulus of the trans-
formed section relative to the respective axes, provided that the ratio elt is no
greater than 213 in either direction.
(3) Where 50 per cent or more of the stress f" is due to bending moments
resulting from horizontal loads and elt exceeds 1/3, the cracked section
(24) method of computation required by sentences (4) and (5) shall be used.
article (4) In designing a column subject to both axial load and bending,
(a) the preliminary selection of the column may be made by use of an
equivalent axial load given by formula (28)
P (28)
~ed con-
:han ten
(b) for trial computations B may be taken from 3 to 3-1/2 for rectangular
tied columns, the lower value being used for columns with the minimum
amount of reinforcement; similarly, for circular spiral colulnns, the value
(25) of B from 5 to 6 may be used, and
• (c) when bending exists on both of the principal axes, the quantity Belt
is the numerical sum of the Belt quantities in the two directions.
(5) For columns in which the load, N, has an eccentricity, e, greater than
2/3 the column depth, t, the determination of the fibre stress fe shall be made
by use of recognized theory for cracked sections, based on the assumption that
the concrete does not resist tension. In such cases the modular ratio for the
compressive reinforcement shall be assumed as double the value calculated
using the values of modulus of elasticity stipulated in article; however
the stress in the compressive reinforcement, when calculated on this basis,
shall not be greater than the allowable stress in tension. The maximum com-
bined compressive stress in the concrete shall not exceed 0.45 f' c' For such
cases the tensile steel stress shall also be investigated.
Wind and When the allowable stress in columns is modified to provide for com-
earthquake bined axial load and bending, and the stress due to wind or earthquake loads
stresses is also added, the total shall still come within the allowable values specified
for wind or earthquake loads in article
Allowable The allowable stresses in concrete bearing walls reinforced against
stresses shrinkage and temperature changes only as required by article shall
be 0.25 f' c for walls having a ratio of height to thickness, hit, of 10 or less,
and shall be reduced proportionally to 0.15 f' e for walls having a ratio of height
to thickness of 25.
(2) Where bearing walls are designed, and the reinforcement placed and an-
chored in position, as for tied columns, the allowable stresses shall be on the
basis of article, as for columns.
(3) In the case of concentrated loads, the length of the wall to be considered
as effective for each load shall not exceed the centre-to-centre distance between
loads, nor shall it exceed the width of the bearing plus four times the wall
(4) In concrete walls designed as in sentence (2), the ratio P g shall not
exceed 0.04.
Lateral and Walls shall be designed for any lateral or other pressure to which they
eccentric loads are subjected. Proper provision shall be made for eccentric loads and wind
stresses. In such designs the allowable stresses shall be as given in articles
Panel walls Panel and enclosure walls of concrete shall have a thickness of not less
minimum than 4 in. and not less than 1/30 the distance between the supporting or en-
thickness closing members.
Bearing walls Concrete bearing walls shall have a thickness of at least 1/25 of the
minimum unsupported height or width, whichever is the shorter.
Bearing walls Concrete bearing walls of buildings shall be not less than 6 in. thick
of buildings for the uppermost 40 ft. of their height; and for each successive 25 ft. down-
minimum ward, or fraction thereof, the minimum thickness, t, shall be increased 1 in.
thickness Concrete bearing walls of 2-story dwellings may be 6 in. thick throughout their
height, except as specified in article
Basement, Exterior basement walls, foundation walls, and party walls shall not
foundation, be less than 8 in. thick.
party walls-
Anchorage Concrete walls shall be anchored to the floors, or to the columns,
of walls pilasters, buttresses, and intersecting walls with reinforcement at least equivalent
to #3 bars 12 in. on centres for each layer of wall reinforcement.
• The area of the horizontal reinforcement of concrete walls shall Minimum
be not less than 0.0025 and, except in portions of exterior walls below grade, shrinkage
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
: than that of the vertical reinforcement not less than 0.0015 times the area of the and temper-
made reinforced section of the wall if of bars, and not less than 3/4 as much if of ature rein-
1 that
welded wire fabric. forcement
Ir the for walls
(2) The wire of the welded fabric used for concrete wall reinforcement shall above grade
Illated be of not less than No. 8 AS&W gauge.
basis. (3) Welded wire reinforcement for walls shall be in flat sheet form.
com- (4) Concrete walls more than 7 in. thick, except for basement walls, shall
such have the reinforcement for each direction placed in two layers parallel with the
faces of the wall: one layer consisting of not less than 1/2 and not more than
2/3 the total required shall be placed no further than the minimum specified
com- in article from die exterior surface; the other layer, comprising the
loads balance of the required reinforcement, shall be placed not less than 314 in.
and not more than 2 in. from the interior surface.
(5) Bars, if used, shall not be less than #3 bars, nor shall they be spaced more
than 18 in. on centres except in portions of exterior walls below grade;
(6) The ratio of horizontal reinforcement for outside walls shall be in-
gainst creased at least 50 per cent if the wall is longer than 30 ft and there are not
shall control joints at a maximum spacing of 30 ft.
height In addition the minimum reinforcement prescribed in Article
there shall be:
ld an- (a) Not less than two #5 bars around all windows or door openings which
In the shall be adequately anchored beyond the comers of the openings, and
(b) Not less than two #5 bars placed in continuous lines for the full length
of wall at the top and bottom of founMtion walls and at the top of all
idered walls.
tween (2) If the wall is more than 30 ft. long and not divided· by contraction,
~ wall expansion or control joints at 30 ft. intervals or less, the diameters of the two
bars, stipulated in (1) and (2) shall be increased by 1/8-in. for 30 ft. increment
of length up to a maximum of two #8 bars.
II not
(3) In lieu of two bars as stipulated in (1), (2) and (3), more than two
bars with an equivalent total cross sectional area may be used.
1 they The limits of thicknesses and quantity of reinforcement may be waived
wind by the authority having jurisdiction where structural analysis shows adequate
5.4.3. strength and stability. Where reinforced concrete bearing walls consist of studs or ribs tied
together by reinforced concrete members at each floor level, the studs may be
)t less considered as columns, but the restrictions as to minimum diameter or thickness
)r en- of columns shall not apply.
)f the The requirements prescribed in articles to apply Scope
only to isolated footings. Footings shall be proportioned to sustain the applied loads and in- Loads and
thick duced reactions without exceeding the allowable stresses as prescribed in articles reactions
down- and, and as further provided in articles to
1 in. (2) In cases where the footing is concentrically loaded and the member being
their supported does not transmit any moment to the footing, computations for
moments and shears shall be based on an upward reaction assumed to be uni-
formly distributed per unit area or per pile and a downward applied los-d as-
II not sumed to be uniformly distributed over the area of the footing covered by the
column, pedestal, wall or metallic column base.
(3) In cases where the footing is eccentrically loaded andlor the member
being supported transmits a moment to the footing, proper allowance shall be
made for any variation that may exist in the intensities of reaction.
(4) In the case of footings on piles, computations for moments and shears
V'alent may be based on the assumption that the reaction from any pile is concentrated
at the centre of the pile. In sloped or stepped footings, the angle of slope or depth and location Sloped or
of steps shall be such that the allowable stresses are not exceeded at any section. stepped
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Bending The external moment on any section shall be determined by pass-
moment ing through the section a vertical plane which extends completely across the
footing, and by computing the moment of the forces acting over the entire area
of the footing on one side of said plane.
(2) The greatest bending moment to be used in the design of an isolated
footing shall be the moment computed in the manner prescribed in sentence
( 1) at sections located as follows:
(a) at the face of the column, pedestal or wall, for footings supporting a
concrete column, pedestal or wall,
(b) halfway between the middle and the edge of the wall, for footings
under masonry walls, and
(c) halfway between the face of the column or pedestal and the edge of the
metallic base, for footings under metallic bases.
(3) The width resisting flexural compression at any section shall be assumed
as the entire width of the top of the footing at the section under consideration.
(4) In one-way reinforced footings, the total tensile reinforcement at any
section shall provide a moment of resistance at least equal to the moment com-
puted in the manner prescribed in sentence (1); the reinforcement thus deter-
mined shall be distributed uniformly across the full width of the section.
(5) In two-way reinforced footings, the total tensile reinforcement at any
section shall provide a moment of resistance at least equal to 100 per cent of
the moment computed in the manner prescribed in sentence (1); the total re-
inforcement thus determined shall be distributed across the corresponding re-
sisting section in the manner prescribed for the square footings in sentence
( 6 ), and for rectangular footings in sentence (7).
Shear and The critical section for shear to be used as a measure of diagonal
bond tension shall be assumed as a vertical section obtained by passing a series of
vertical planes through the footing, each of which is parallel to a corresponding
face of the column, pedestal or wall and located a distance therefrom equal to
the effective depth d of the footing at the face of the column for footings on
soil, and 1/2 d for footings on piles.
(2) Each face of the critical section as defined in sentence (1) shall be con-
sidered as resisting an external shear equal to the load on an area bounded by
said face of the critical section for shear, two diagonal lines drawn from the
column or pedestal corners and making 45-deg angles with the principal axes of
the footing, and that portion of the corresponding edge or edges of the footing
intercepted between the two diagonals.
(3) Critical sections for bond shall be assumed at the same planes as those
prescribed for bending moment in sentence; also at all other
vertical planes where changes of section or of reinforcement occur.
( 4) Computation for shear to be used as a measure of bond shall be based
on the same section and loading as prescribed for bending moment in sentence 1).
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
)y pass- (5) The tensile reinforcement in any direction shall have the length beyond
ross the the critical section for shear as defined in sentence (1) sufficient to develop the
ire area allowable stress in the bar at the bond stresses allowed for footings (see sen-
tence (9)).
(6) Plain bars in footing slabs shall be anchored by means of standard hooks.
isolated The outer faces of these hooks and the ends of deformed bars shall not be less
,entence than 3 in. nor more than 6 in. from the face of the footing.
orting a (7) In computing the external shear on any section through a footing sup-
ported on piles, the entire reaction from any pile whose centre is located 6 in.
or more outside the section shall be assumed as producing shear on the section;
footings the reaction from any pile whose centre is located 6 in. or more inside the
section shall be assumed as producing no shear on the section. For intermediate
e of the positions of the pile centre, the portion of the pile reaction to be assumed as
producing shear on the section shall be based on straight-line interpolation be-
tween full value at 6 in. outside the section and zero value at 6 in. inside the
assumed section.
(8) For allowable shearing stresses, see articles and
at any
mt com- (9) For allowable bond stresses, and general bond and anchorage require-
1S deter- ments, see articles and to
:h direc-
(3) In cases where dowels are used, their total sectional area shall be not
less than the sectional area of the longitudinal reinforcement in the member
19 direc- from which the stress is being transferred. In no case shall the number of dowels
. In the per member be less than four and the diameter of the dowels shall not exceed
lined by the diameter of the column bars by more than liB in.
red with (4) Dowels shall extend up into the column or pedestal a distance at least
th equal equal to that required for lap of longitudinal column bars (see sentence
)rcement and down into the supporting pedestal or footing the distance re-
quired to transfer to the concrete, by allowable bond stress, the full working
value of the dowel (see sentence».
(5) The compressive stress in the concrete at the base of a column or pedestal
~ footing. shall be considered as being transferred by bearing to the top of the supporting
pedestal or footing. The unit compressive stress on the loaded area shall not
diagonal exceed the bearing stress allowable for the quality of concrete in the supporting
series of member as limited by the ratio of the loaded area to the concentric supporting
sponding area.
equal to (6) For allowable bearing stresses see article
ltingS on
(7) J n sloped or stepped footings, the supporting area for bearing may be
taken as the top horizontal surface of the footing, or assumed as the area of
l be con- the lower base of the largest frustum of a pyramid or cone contained wholly
mded by within the footing and having for its upper base the area actually loaded, and
from the having side slopes of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal.
I axes of
~ footing The allowable compressive unit stress on the gross area of a con- Pedestals
centrically loaded pedestal shall not exceed 0.25 f' c' Where this stress is ex- and footings
as those ceeded, reinforcement shall be provided and the member designed as a rein- (plain
ill other forced concrete column. concrete)
(2) The thickness and width of a pedestal or footing of plain concrete shall
be based be such that the tension in the concrete shall not exceed 0.03 f' c, and the average
sentence shearing stress shall not exceed 0.02 f' c taken on sections as prescribed in articles and for reinforced concrete footings.
Footings In computing the stresses in footings which support a round or octagonal
supporting concrete column or pedestal, the "face" of the column or pedestal shall be taken
round as the side of a square having an area equal to the area enclosed within the
columns perimeter of the column or pedestal.
Minimum In reinforced concrete footings, the depth above the reinforcement
edge at the edge shall be not less than 6 in. for footings on soil, nor less than 12 in.
thickness for footings on piles.
(2) In plain concrete footings, the thickness at the edge shall be not less
than 8 in. for footings on soil, nor less than 14 in. above the tops of the piles
for footings on piles.
Aggregates The maximum size of aggregate shall not be larger than 1/3 of the
least dimension of the member.
Concrete At surfaces not exposed to weather, all reinforcement including stirrups
protection and ties shall be protected by concrete equal to the nominal diameter of bars
for reinforc~ but not less than 5/8 in.
Details All details of jointing, inserts and anchors shall be shown on the
drawings. Such details shall be adequate to transfer all moments, shears and axial
forces to which they may be subjected under the design load conditions.
Curing Curing by high pressure steam, steam vapour, or other accepted pro-
cesses may be employed to accelerate the hardening of the concrete and to re-
duce the time of curing required by subsection 4.5.3., provided that the com-
pressive strength of the concrete at the time of use be at least equal to the
specified design strength.
Identifica- All precast concrete members shall be plainly marked to indicate the
tion and top of the member and its location and orientation in the structure. Identifica-
marking tion marks shall be duplicated on the placing plans.
Transporta- Units shall be so stored, transported and placed that they will not
tion, storage be over-stressed or damaged.
and erection. (2) Precast concrete units shall be adequately braced and supported during
erection to ensure proper alignment and safety and such bracing or support shall
be maintained until there are adequate permanent connections.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
modulus of elasticity is less than that normally obtained with stone concrete,
the thickness: span ratio shall be adjusted to yield the same limiting deflections
taken as for stone concrete. For this purpose the value of the modulus of elasticity of
n the the concrete shall be taken as 80 per cent of the value established in accordance
with sentence
ement (4) In floors built as in sentence (1), the joist head shall be clean and rough
L2 in. and shall be embedded at least 1/2 in. into the monolithic concrete slab.
.t less (5) In floors built as in sentence (1), the minimum thickness of the cast-in-
: piles place concrete slab shall be 2 in. where the joist spacing is less than 30 in. For
joist spacing of 30 to 36 in. the minimum thickness of the cast-in-place concrete
slab shall be 2-1/2 in. The required thickness of slabs spanning more than 36
in. shall be determined by accepted design methods.
(6) In floors built as in sentence (2) the minimum thickness of the precast
concrete slabs shall be 2 in. for joist spacing up to 30 in. and 2-1/2 in. for
,recast joiSt spacing from 30 to 36 in. In the case of slabs of ribbed or channel sec-
tions, the thickness requirement applies to the portion thereof containing tensile
of the
(7) Where a floor is built as in sentence (1) and supports walls parallel to
the joists or where loads heavier than the uniform load for which the floor is
tirrups designed are expected, the joists may be placed side by side, with flanges touch-
If bars ing, but under such conditions the joists and cast-in-place slabs shall not be
considered as a T-beam unless the shear reinforcing loops in the joists extend
into the slab. Where multiple joists are used, their strength shall be that of a
single joist multiplied by the number used.
)ll the
(8) Where a floor is built as in sentence (1), the joists must be supported
:l axial by lines of supports not more than 8 ft apart while the cast-in-place concrete
slab is being placed. These supports must be left in place until the concrete in
the slab has hardened. Under these conditions, the dead load may be con-
:d pro- sidered to be the weight of the floor slab per joist plus the weight of the joist.
to re-
e com- (9) In floors built as in clause (l)(a), the resistance to longitudinal shear
to the between the floor slab and the joist shall be taken as equal to 0.02 f' c of the
weaker concrete. In floors built as in clause (l)(b), the resistance to longitudinal
shear between the floor slab and the joist shall be taken as 150 psi.
lte the
ntifica- (10) Where the ends of joists cannot be rested on walls, as at stair wells,
etc., metal joist hangers may be used to provide end support, or a preformed
tension bar hanger may be inserted in the joist at the time of casting.
"ill not
(11) Where holes in the weh of precast concrete joists are found to be neces-
sary, they shall be located as near the centre of the joist as possible or at the
during location of minimum shear. They shall be cast in the joist when it is made,
rt shall or drilled (not punched) on the job. Before any hole is made in a precast concrete
joist, the joist shall be investigated and, if necessary,' reinforced around the hole
to take care of shear stresses.
ms, the
:hat the
E. A. Allcut * F. Lasserre
L. R. Andrews W. M. McCance
D. C. Beam G. S. Mooney
C. N. Blankstein J. H. Palmason
A. E. Bridges R. B. Rolland
A. J. Cameron P. S. Secord
J. P. Carriere A. Tubby
G. A. Alison R. l. Montador
P. G. A. Brault E. M. Rensaa
R. F. DeGrace D. O. Robinson
G. E. de Varennes P. Rule
P. O. Freeman O. Safir
J. Hoogstraten D. l. Tarlton
D. C. MacCallum G. Venne
H. C. MacDonald D. T. Wright
J. Hoogstraten O. Safir
This advisary document has developed from the original National Building Code issued
in 1941 jointly by the National Research Council and the Department of Finance. A completely
revised edition was published in 1953. This is therefore the Third Edition.
The Associate Committee on the National Building Code consists of a group of about
twenty-four Canadian citizens appointed for three-year terms by the Council. They sit as
individuals and not as representatives of any organization. The major task of the Committee
is to promote the uniformity of building regulations throughout Canada. Continued study and
improvement to maintain the National Building Code as a satisfactory document containing
regulations which can be conveniently adopted or enacted for local use will always be an im-
portant part of the Committee's work.
The actual work of preparing new parts of the Code and of revising existing parts is
delegated by the Associate Committee to special revision committees. Engineers, architects,
building officials, and other technical experts sit upon these committees in order that the
resulting documents may represent contemporary practice in Canada, interpreted as necessar'
to frame the minimum regulations of which the Code consists. These committees always issu ..
drafts of the new documents which they prepare. These are sent for comment to those who
express interest in them. Three Advisory Groups, on Fire, Health and Structure, each with
representative memberships, keep the technical content of the Code under review, between
revisions, and advise the Associate Committee on technical problems.
Comments on the use of the Code and suggestions for its improvement will be welcome
and may be sent to the Secretary, Associate Committee on the National Building Code, in care
of the National Research Council, Ottawa. If those who use this document will thus cooOperate
with those who have worked toward its preparation and revision, the true national character
of the Code will be maintained and strengthened and its development as a satisfactory set of
desirable building regulations for use by municipalities and other agencies throughout Canada
should steadily progress.
Ce document, ainsi que tautes les autres sections du Code National du Batiment, sera
disponible en fran~ais d'ici quralque temps. Toutes demandes doivent etre adressees au
Secretaire, Comite Associe sur Ie Code National du Batiment, Conseil National de Recherches,
Ottawa, Canada.
The National Building Code and its various parts or sections may be obtained by writing to:
The Secretary,
Associate Committee on the National Building Code,
National Research Council,
Ottawa 2, Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Part Administration
Part 2 Definitions
Part 3 Use and Occupancy
Part 4 Design
Section 4.1 Structural Loads and Procedures
Section 4.2 Foundations
Section 4.3 Wood
Section 4.4 Unit Masonry
Section 4.5 Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed
Section 4.6 Steel Construction
Section 4.7 Cladding
Part 5 Materials
Part 6 Building Services
Part 7 Plumbing Services
Part 8 Construction Safety Measures
Part 9 Housing
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Subsection 4.6.1. General
................................................. . 3
Subsection 4.6.2. We~d~~g
Specifications .......................... .. 3
Subsection 4.6.3.
Definitions .............................................. . 3
Subsection 4.6.4.
Types of Design. .. .............................. .. 3
Subsection 4.6.5.
Materials ................................................. . 4
Subsection 4.6.6.
Plans ....................................................... . 5
Subsection Loads and Forces .................................. ..
4.6.7. 5
Subsection 4.6.8.
Reversal of Stress .................................. . 5
Subsection Combined Stresses ................................. .
4.6.9. 6
Subsection Composite Beams ................................... .
4.6.10. 7
ODE 1960 • Subsection Effective Span Length .......................... ..
4.6.11. 8
Subsection Unit Stresses ........................................... .
4.6.12. 8
Subsection 4.6.13.
Slenderness ........................................... . 11
Subsection Depth Ratios and Deflections ................ ..
4.6.14. 13
Subsection Thickness of Material ............................ ..
4.6.15. 13
Subsection Gross and Net Sections .......................... ..
4.6.16. 14
Subsection Expansion and Contraction ..................... .
4.6.17. 15
Su bsection Connections ........................................... .
4.6.18. 15
Subsection Use of Fasteners ..................................... .
4.6.19. 16
Subsection Rivets and Bolts .................................... ..
4.6.20. 17
Subsection Spacing of Rivets, Bolts or Welds ........... .
4.6.21. 17
Subsection Plate Girders and Rolled Beams ............. .
4.6.22. 19
Subsection Separators ....... '" ..................................... .
4.6.23. 20
Subsection Lacing Systems, Battens and
Perforated Plates .. .. ... . .. .. ....... . .. .... .. . .. . 21
Subsection 4.6.25. Camber .................................................. 23
Subsection 4.6.26. Open-Web Steel Joists ............................ 23
Subsection 4.6.27. Column Bases .......... ............................... 27
Subsection 4.6.28. Anchor Bolts ............................................ 27
Subsection 4.6.29. Workmanship .......................................... 27
Subsection 4.6.30. Shop Painting ........................................ 29
Subsection 4.6.31. Erection ............. , .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .... .... ..... . 29
Subsection 4.6.32. Inspection ................................................ 30
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Scope Subsections 4.6.1. to 4.6.34. apply to the design, fabrication and erection
of hot-rolled structural steel used in the construction of buildings. Subsection
4.6.35. applies to open-web steel joist construction consisting of decks or slabs
supported by open-web steel joists. Subsection 4.6.36. applies to structural members
and decking cold-formed to shape from flat-rolled steel sheet "Or strip.
SUBSECTION 4.6.3. DEFINITIONS Definitions of words and phrases in italics in this Section are contained
in Part 2 of this Bylaw.
Conventional Design In Type 2, conventional design, the design assumptions are that Design
the joints are unrestrained and the angles between the members are free to assumptions
change under loads. A beam-to-column connection with seat angle and a top for con-
clip angle for lateral support only is typical of this type. ventional
Semi-Rigid Design
Design In Type 3, semi-rigid design, the design assumptions are that the joints
assumptions are semi-rigid and that the angles between connected members change under
for semi-rigid load, though partially restrained from changing by the connections which are
design designed to develop definite predetermined moments. The proportioning of
main members jointed by such connections shall be predicated upon no greater
degree of end restraint than the minimum known to be effective for the respective
Unidentified Steel
Unidentified Unidentified steel, the classification of which cannot be established to
steel used the satisfaction of the authoritu havinll jurisdiction, shall not be used unleis
only on approved. If tests are required by the authority having jurisdiction before ap-
approval proval, the testing shall be done by an approved testing laboratory in accordance
with the 1959 issue of CSA Standard G40.1, "General Requirements for
Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling, and Bars for Structural
Use," The results of such tests shall form the basis for the determination of the
working stresses as specified herein.
• Steel Castings
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
ing to
wind Steel castings shall conform to the requirements of the 1949 issue of Specifica-
ccord- CSA Standard G28, "Carbon Steel Castings." tions
for steel
Iron Castings
joints Iron castings shall confonn to the requirements of the 1948 issue of Specifica-
under CSA Standard S61, "Cast Iron." tions
~h are for iron
ng of castings
lective Carbon Steel Forgings Carbon steel forgings shall conform to the requirements of the 1953 Specifica-
issue of CSA Standard G38, "Heavy Steel Shaft Forgings." tions for
carbon steel
Design Drawings Design drawings shall show the complete design of the structure Design
with sizes, sections and the relative locations of members. Floor levels, column drawings to
centres and offsets shall be dimensioned. Plans shall be drawn to a scale large contain
of the enough to convey the information adequately. details
(2) Plans shall indicate the type or types of design, as defined in subsection
4.6.4., to be employed; and shall be supplemented by data for the assumed
Brittle loads and the shears, moments and axial forces to be resisted by all members
and their connections, as may be required for the proper preparation of the
shop drawings .
Erection Diagrams Erection diagrams shall show the sizes and locations of all members Erection
and give complete locations and details for setting anchor bolts. The elevations diagrams
of bottoms of all column bases, bearing plates and the tops of all masonry to
receive these bearing plates shall be clearly shown. These diagrams shall show
ovided clearly the extent of all riveted, bolted or welded connections with welding
llctural symbols and all details necessary for erection.
Shop Drawings Shop drawings giving complete information necessary for the fabrication Shop
of the component parts of the structure, including the location, type, size and drawings
extent of all welds, shall be prepared in advance of the fabrication. They shall
andard clearly distinguish between shop and field rivets, bolts and welds.
of the each combination being increased by 50 per cent of the smaller. Members shall due to
be designed for each combination of stresses. moving loads
Tension Members Any tension member in which a reversal of stress would occur if the
dead load were reduced by one third shall meet the stiffness requirements for
a compression member.
II shall not exceed unity,
where Fa axial unit stress that would be permitted by this Section if only
axial stress existed
F II bending unit stress that would be permitted by this Section if only
bending stress existed
fa actual axial unit stress (axial load divided by area of member)
fll actual bending unit stress (bending moment divided by section
modulus of member).
Columns For columns wherein end bending moments are developed, allowance shall be
with end made for a bending moment at mid-length not less than
zero slenderness ratio. Fa may be assumed to vary linearly along the length of a
column, from a maximum at points of lateral support to a minimum (according to
slenderness ratio) at mid-length. The allowable bending unit stress at any section
may be determined according to article
where F" unit shear stress that would be permitted by this Section if only
shear stress existed
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
TABLE 4.6.9.A
Fonning Part of Article
00 15,000 0
if only
2.0 14,040 7,020
1.8 13,860 7,700
1.6 13,600 8,500
section 1.4 13,240 9,460
1.2 12,740 10,620
shall be 1.0 12,000 12,000
0.8 10,960 13,700
0.6 9,360 15,600
0.4 7,060 17,650
0.2 3,860 19,300
0 0 20,000
urvature ° Based on an allowable stress for shear alone of 15,000 psi and an allowable
stress for tension alone of 20,000 psi. Intennediate values may be interpolated.
)le axial
gth of a
Irding to General
r section Subject'to the provisions of articles and, allowances Strengthen-
may be made for the strengthening effect of concrete encasing the compression ing effect
flange of a steel beam or of a concrete slab bearing on the compression flange of of concrete
a beam, provided that the concrete conforms to the requirements of Section 4.5
of this Bylaw and has a minimum ultimate compressive 28.day strength of
~ stresses 2,000 IbJsq in.
the unit
shall be Cleaning
~ar stress The contact surface of the steel in composite beams shall be cleaned Contact
to the satisfaction of the authority having jurisdiction and shall not be painted. surfaces to
be cleaned
that the
Method of Calculation Allowances may be made for the strengthening effect of the concrete Strengthen-
by assuming that the steel beam and the concrete slab act together elastically, ing effect
in which case the stress in the steel beam shall not exceed that permitted in assumptions
subsection 4.6.12. If the horizontal unit shear stress on the upper surface of the
steel beam exceeds 0.025 times the ultimate compressive strength of the concrete,
n if only special provision shall be made to develop fully the horizontal shear between
the steel and the concrete.
Axial tension Axial tension on net section of steel members 20,000 (or 0.61 f ll )
Axial tension on rivets, having two full heads, based on nominal area 20,000
Axial tension on ordinary bolts and other threaded parts, based on area
at root of thread 20,000
Axial tension on high-strength bolts (exclusive of initial tension) based on
nominal area of unthreaded shank 40,000
Diagonal tension in webs of plate girders and rolled beams, at sections
where maximum shear and bending occur simultaneously 24,000 (or 0.73 f ll )
Axial Columns and struts, axial compression on gross section ....... ,.", ......... , ..
(20,000 - 70KL/r) (.~) but not to exceed 145,000.000
33,000 (KL/r)2
where KL is the effective length of a member of unsupported length L (see
Fig. 4.6.12(a) and subsection 4.6.13.),
is the radius of gyration applicable to this length,
f 11 is the specified minimum yield point of the steel
Webs of rolled sections at toe of fillet 24,000 (or 0.73 f ll )
Cast steel bases, direct compression 15.000
Cast iron bases, direct compression 10.000
Cast iron columns, axial compression ..... 9.000 - 40 L/r
n com- •
:or that
1 beam
IS shall
d upon
\ fa = (20,000-70 KrL) ( 33~~00 )
\ NOT TO EXCEED 145,000,000
I-centre, ~ \ (19:. )2
lengths o 30,000 r
~d. The f/)
moment a:
~ 25,000
that the f/) 20,000
L6.12.2. LIJ
tructural >
" where Cii
x:cept as LIJ
eel con- a:
000 psi, ~ 15,000 t----+----'!"'"~~~---=--.loor+-----I
;pecified ou
,hall not .r:t
.r:t 10,000 r-------ir-------il------*~:.....-l---~
0.61 11/)
:::i 5,000 " "
20,000 .r:t .......... '
o ........__---"___-..I.._ _ _-I..._ _---J_ - - - - - - -
..... ,~
0.73/J1 )
40 L/r
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Bending Tension on extreme fibres of rolled sections, plate girders and built-
stresses up members, proportioned in accordance with article 20,000 (or 0.61 f,,>
Compression on extreme fibres of doubly-symmetrical I-shaped rolled sections
and plate girders ............................................... ......... 12~Jb~00 or 12(~~~~00
whichever is greater, but not to exceed 0.61 times the specified minimum yield
where L is the unsupported length (in.),
d is the depth of the member (in.),
b is the flange width (in.), and
t is the thickness of the compression flange (in.),
except that for a cantilever beam not fully stayed at its outer end against
lateral translation and rotation, L shall be taken as twice the unsupported length
of the compression flange.
(2) Fully continuous and fixed-end beams and girders may be proportioned
for maximum negative moments at a unit bending stress not exceeding 24,000
psi (or 0.73 '1/)' provided that the section used at supports shall not be less than
that required for the maximum positive moments in the same beam or girder, and
provided further that the flaDl{e in compression shall be regarded as unsupported
from the support to the point of contraflexure.
(3) For columns proportioned for combined axial and bending stresses the
maximum unit bending stress at points where the column is held laterally about
both axes may be taken as 24,000 psi (or 0.73 f,,) when this stress is induced by
the gravity loading of fully or partially restrained beams framing into the column.
Shearing Unstiffened webs of beams and plate girders, gross section (h/t)2
but not to exceed 13,200 psi (or 0.4 f,,)
Where h = clean depth between flanges (in.),
t = web thickness (in.),
Webs of beams or plate girders with stiffeners in accordance with
article ................................................................. 13,200 psi (or 0.4 I,,)
Rivets, and pins in drilled or reamed holes ..................................... 15,000
Ordinary bolts where threads are not excluded from a shear plane of the contact
surfaces between connected parts, based on nominal unthreaded shank
area .............................................................................................................. 10,000
Ordinary bolts where threads are excluded from a shear plane of the contact
surfaces between connected parts, based on nominal unthreaded shank
area .............................................................................................................. 12.000
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13,500 4.6.12..7. Members subject only to stresses produced by wind forces may be pro- Stresses
portioned for unit stresses 33 1/3 per cent greater than those specified for produced by
15,000 dead and live load stresses, provided that no increased unit stress shall exceed wind forces
0.85 times the specified minimum yield point of the steel. A corresponding in-
crease may be applied to the allowable unit streases in their connecting rivets,
10,000 bolts or welds.
restraint (see also Appendix 4.6.C). L shall be taken as the distance between
centres of members supporting the column or strut in the plane in which buckling
shank is being considered. At a base or cap detail, the distance shall be measured from
the outer surface of the base or cap plate.
TABLE 4.6.13.A
Degree of End Restraint Effective Symbol
of Compression Member Length Factor,
Effectively held in position at one end but not I
restrained against rotation, and at the other I
end restrained against rotation but not held in I
position 2.00 ,/
1 13
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Tension Members Where live load is preponderant or pulsating in its nature, the Slenderness
slenderness ratio of tension members in trusses or bracing may be limited at the ratio where
discretion of the authority having jurisdiction. live load
Simple Spans The depth of beams, girders and trusses supporting floors in general Depth of
shall be not less than 1124 of the span, and where subject to shock or vibration beams, girders
1>01 not less than 1120. Members of less depth may be used only when their deflec- and trusses
tion will not exceed the deflection derived from. the depth-span ratios specified
(2) The depth of roof purlins in general shall be not less than 1124 of the Purlins
and continuous
Bracing Members in Tension The horizontal projection of the length of bracing members in tension, Horizontal
'-1"' other than rods, shall not exceed 90 times the depth, unless approved. projection
I of bracing
/ members
~ :']
t".J Unless protected by galvanizing or other special approved means, Minimum
,- ,-
the minimum thickness of steelwork exposed to the outside atmosphere shall be thickness of
I 1/4 in., except that purlins, girts, trusses and bracing members sheltered from steel exposed
( direct exposure to rain and snow may be 3/16 in. in thickness. to weather
(2) No thickness limitations need apply to steelwork exposed to £onditions
~ r-, no more corroding than an indoor atmosphere controlled for human comfort.
, (3) The minimum thickness of steelwork exposed to corrosive industrial
I liquids, fumes, vapour or other adverse conditions shall be 3/16 in. In addi-
I tion, special protection shall be given as required in the judgement of the
authority having jurisdiction.
, ... (4) The controlling thickness of rolled shapes shall be taken as the mean
,- / flange thickness regardless of web thickness.
I Projecting Elements under Compression Except for members designed by the plastic theory, when the pro- Projecting
77 visions of subsection 4.6.33 shall apply, projecting elements of members sub- elements,
jected to axial compression or compression due to bending shall have ratios of ratios of
nn3 width to thickness not greater than the following: width to
ntence /33,000
Single-angle struts ............................ 16 -,-.- but not greater than 16
plate girders; flange or stems of tees 20 --f.-- but not greater than 20
where f'll is the minimum yield strength of steel.
(2) In the cases referred to in sentence the term 'width', when
applied to plates, shall be considered as the distance from the edge of the mem-
ber to the first row of rivets or welds; when applied to the legs of angles,
channels, zeds or to the stems of tees. the term 'width' shall be taken as the
full nominal dimension; and when applied to the flanges of beams and tees,
the term 'width' shall be taken as one half the full nominal width.
(3) The thickness of a sloping flange shall be measured half way between
the free edge and the corresponding face of the web of the member.
(4) When a projecting element exceeds the width-ta-thickness ratio pres-
cribed in the preceding paragraph .. but would conform to it and would satisfy
the stress requirements with a portion of its width considered as removed, the
member shall be considered acceptable without the actual removal of the excess
Compression Members
Width of In compression members the unsupported width of web, cover or
web in diaphragm plates between the nearest lines of rivets, bolts or welds, or between
compression the roots of the flanlles in case of rolled sections, in general shall not exceed 40R
members times the thickness of the plate or web, or the aggregate thickness if two or more
plies of material are used, where
where f .. is the maximum allowable unit stress permitted by the compression for-
. mula in article for steel with f" equal to 33,000 psi and fill is the
calculated unit compressive stress in the element in question.
(2) When the unsupported width exceeds 40R times the thickness, but does
not exceed 60H times the thickness, not more than 40R times the thickness shall
be considered as effective section. If a width of more than 40R times the
thickness is required to satisfy stress requirements or when the width exceeds
60H times the thickness, the plates or webs shall have transverse stiffeners at
intervals not greater than 60H times the thickness of the web or plate. The
factor R in this clause shall be as defined in sentence 1).
(3) Cover plates which are perforated with a series of access holes shall
comply with the requirements of subsection 4.6.24.
Application Unless otherwise specified, tension members shall be designed on the
basis of net section. Compression members shall be designed on the basis of
gross section. Beams and girders shall be designed in accordance with article
ns or
rs on In the case of a chain of holes extending across a part in any Net width
diagonal or zigzag line, the net width of the part shall be obtained by deducting
from the litI'oss width the sum of the diameters of all the holes in the chain.
an 20 and adding, for each gauge space in the chain, the quantity
when where 8 = longitudinal spacing (pitch), in inches. of any two successive holes
mem- g = transverse spacing (gauge). in inches. of the same two holes~
IS the The critical net section of the part is obtained from that chain which gives the
tees, least net width.
(2) For angles. the gross width shall be the sum of the widths of the legs Gross width
tween less the thickness. The gauge for holes in opposite legs shall be the sum of the for angles
gauges from the back of angle less the thickness.
pres- Size of Holes
1, the In computing the net area, the diameter of a hole shall be taken as Diameter
excess 1/8 in. greater than the nominal diameter of the fastener. of hole
Pin Holes In pin-connected tension members, other than forged eyebars, the Net section
net section across the pin hole, transverse to the axis of the member, shall be of pin holes
rer or not less than 135 per cent and the net section beyond the pin hole, parallel
tween with the axis of the member, not less than 90 per cent of the net section of
140R the body of the member.
(2) In all pin-connected riveted members the net width across the pin hole.
transverse to the axis of the member, shall not exceed eight times the thickness
of the member at the pin, unless lateral buckling is prevented.
sis of trusses shall be designed as flexible, and may ordinarily be proportioned for beams, girders
uticle the reaction shears only. If, however, the eccentricity of the connection is proportioned
excessive, provision shall be made for the resulting moment. for reaction
Restrained Members
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Beams, gird- When beams, girders or trusses are subject both to reaction shear and
ers trusses end moment due to full or partial end restraint or to continuous or cantilever
subjected to construction, their connections shall conform to the requirements of subsection
reaction 4.6.9. or subsection 4.6.33., whichever is applicable.
shear and
Connections of Tension
or Compression Members
Connections The connections at the ends of any tension or compression member
to develop shall develop the strength required by the maximum stress for which the
strength member is proportioned but in no case less than 50 per cent of the effective
required capacity of the member connected.
• High-str~gth bolts and their usage shall conform to subsection 4.6.34.
Checking of Nuts
resist All bolts shall be properly tightened. The nuts on bolts, other than Prevention
Lcting properly tightened high-strength bolts, shall, if required by the authority having of loosening
d no jurisdiction, be prevented from becoming loose by burring the bolt thread, by of nuts
load welding, by the use of lock washers, lock nuts or other approved method.
lices, (2) The maximum pitch of rivets or bolts or the clear distance between welds Maximum
knee in the line of stress of compression members composed of plates and shapes pitch of
shall not exceed 16 times the thickness of the thinnest outside plate or shape, fasteners
nor 20 times the thickness of the thinnest enclosed plate or shape, with a
loads maximum of 12 in. When two or more gauge lines are used with rivets, bolts
or welds staggered, the maximum pitch of rivcts or bolts or the clear distance
between welds in the line of stress in each gauge line shall not exceed 24 times
the thickness of the thinnest plate or shape with a maximum of 1B in.
(3) The distance between lines of rivets, bolts or welds measured at right
angles to the line of stress in any flange, cover or web consisting of two or
more plies of material shall not exceed 32 times the thickness of the thinnest
plate or shape in said flange, cover or web. (See also article
TABLE 4.6.21.A
° May be decreased 1/8 in. when holes are near end of beam
t right
:wo or The maximum distance from the centre of any rivet or bolt to the Distance from
linnest near edge shall be 12 times the thickness of the plate but shall not exceed 6 in. rivet or bolt
centre to edge
of plate
to the Flanges
~ inter- Flange coverplates shall be connected at their ends with sufficient Flange cover-
rivets, bolts or welds to develop fully the plates beyond the ends of the next plate con-
outside coverplate. In outside coverplates there shall be generally sufficient nections
to any rivets, bolts or welds to develop fully the plates in 1/3 of their length at each end.
The total cross-sectional area of coverplates on riveted or bolted girders shall
preferably not exceed 50 per cent of the total flange area. Rivets or bolts
connecting the flanges to the webs of plate girders shall be proportioned to
carry the resultants of the longitudinal and vertical shears on such rivets or
Bearing Stiffeners
Ige of Bearing stiffeners shall be placed in pairs on the webs of plate girders Placing of
lapes, at all points of concentrated loads which cannot be carried to the webs through stiffeners
the connecting flange rivets, bolts or welds and where required for web crip-
pling. Such stiffeners shall have a close bearing against the loaded flanges, and
shall extend as closely as possible to the edge of the flange plates or flange
angles. They shall be designed as colunms subject to the provisions of article; assuming the colunm section to comprise the pair of stiffeners and a
centrally located strip of the web equal to not more than 25 times its thickness
at interior stiffeners, or a strip equal to not more than 12 times its thickness
when the stiffeners are located at the end of the web. The effective column
length, KL, shall be taken as not less than 3/4 of the length of the stiffeners
in computing the ratio KLlr. Onl} that portion of the stiffener outside the angle
fillet or the flange-to-web welds shall be considered effective in bearing. Angle
bearing stiffeners shall not be crimped.
Intermediate Stiffeners When the average unit shear stress in the web of a girder under Intermediate
any condition of complete or partial loading exceeds non-bearing
64,000,000 stiffeners in
)arallel (hlt)2 but not 0.4fr (see article lieu of in-
lstener creased web
e from intermediate non-bearing stiffeners may be provided in lieu of increasing the thickness
lOunds, web thickness. The maximum spacing of stiffeners when required shall be not
~es, of more than the depth of the girder or 7 £t whichever is the lesser. Where the
lstener girder depth varies, the average depth between stiffeners may be used to de-
termine stiffener spacing.
side of the web, or they may be applied singly on one side of the web or
alternately on opposite sides of the web. Intermediate stiffener angles may be
crimped about the vertical legs of flange angles. Outstanding legs of stiffeners
should either be in contact with the flanges or be stopped sufficiently clear 01
the flanges to permit painting in the space between. When angle or plate stif-
feners are used on one side only, they shall be attached to the outstanding leg
of the compression flange.
Legs of Stiffeners
Minimum for The outstanding legs of stiffeners shall not be less than 2 in. plus 1/30
legs of of the depth of the girder.
Rivets or Bolts in Stiffeners
Spacing of Rivets or bolts connecting stiffeners to the girder web shall be spaced
rivets or not over 8 times their diameter, or more closely if so required to transmit the
bolts in stress due to concentrated loads.
Web splices Web splices in plate girders and in beams shall be proportioned
to develop the full shearing and bending stresses in the web at the point of splice.
Flange (2) Flange splices shall develop the strength required to resist the total
splices bending moment developed in the beam or girder at the centreline of the splice
location, but in no case shall the strength developed be less than 50 per
cent of the effective stren£th of the material spliced.
I each
reb or
ear ot Built-up Members
:e stif~
ng leg Any built.up member with open sides or without a continuous web Shear
shall be provided with at least one shear resisting element consisting of lacing, resisting
batten plates or a perforated plate. element in
a built-up
; 1/30
rtioned (2) In any compression member carrying calculated bending stress, lacing
splice. or perforated plates shall be designed to resist the shear accompanying the
~ total bending moment. in addition to the 2 1/2 per cent transverse shear. Batten
splice plates shall not be used in compression members carrying calculated bending
>0 per stress.
Lacing Bars Flat bars used for lacing shall have rolled edges, and their widths, Width of
stress unless otherwise approved, shall be not less than flat lacing
:It su~ bars
0.73fll ) 2 314 in. for I-in. rivets;
2 1/2 in. for 7/B-in. rivets;
2 1/4 in. for 3/4-in. rivets;
2 in. for 5IB-in. rivets.
(2) The thickness of flat lacing bars shall be not less than 1/40 of the Thickness of
distance between end rivets in the case of single lacing, and not less than flat lacing
1/60 of this distance for double lacing. Where sections other than flat bars are bars
used, the ratio of Llr for each bar shall not exceed 140 for single lacing or
200 for double lacing. In double lacing the lacing members shall be joined at
their intersections.
(3) In compression members the maximum spacing of lacing bars shall be Spacing of
such that the Llr ratio for a single main component shall not exceed 3/4 of the flat lacing
critical ratio for the member as a whole. bars
lers to (4) The inclination of lacing bars to the axis of the member generally shall Inclination to
due to not be less than 60 deg for single lacing or 45 deg for double lacing. axis of flat
lacing bars
Tie Plates
Its and Tie plates shall be provided at the ends of lacing systems and at each Tie plates in
~pth of
point where a system is interrupted. Tie plates shall have a length not less lacing systems
)arator. than the perpendicular distance between the innermost lines of rivets or welds
ributed connecting them to the flanges. Tie plates shall have a thickness not less than
,tribute 1 150 of the distance between the connecting lines of rivets or welds. In riveted
'lall be construction, the rivet pitch in tie plates shall be not more than 6 diameters and
part to any tie plate shall be connected to each segment by at least three rivets. In
welded construction welds equivalent to the rivets specified above shall be
Battens for When battens are used in a compression member, they shall be
compression provided at the ends of the member and at points where the member is stayed
members in its length, and shall, as far as is practicable, be spaced and proportioned
uniformly throughout.
Spacing of (2) The spacing of battens shall be such that the following proportions are
battens maintained:
(a) .if the ratio of slenderness of the whole member about the axis perpen-
dicular to the battens (y-y axis) is not more than 0.8 times the slender-
ness ratio about the x-x axis, the spacing of battens centre-to-centre of end'
fasteners shall be such that the slenderness ratio of either mam component
over that distance shall not be greater than 50, or greater than 0.7 times
the slenderness ratio of the whole member about its x-x axis (the axis
parallel to the battens);
(b) if the slenderness ratio of the whole member about the y-y axis is more
than 0.8 times that about the x-x axis, the spacing of battens centre-to-
centre of end fasteners shall be such that the slenderness ratio of either
main component over that distance shall not be greater than 40, or
greater than 0.6 times the slenderness ratio of the member as a whole
about its weaker axis.
Battens may (3) Battens may be plates, channels or beam sections and shall be riveted
be plates, or welded to the main components so as to resist simultaneously a longitudinal
channels or shear force
q = Qd/na and a moment M = Qd/2n,
where d the longitudinal distance centre-to-centre of battens,
a = minimum distance between centroids of groups of rivets or welds,
Q 2 1/2 per cent of total axial force in the member,
n - number of parallel planes of battens.
Effective (4) Battens shall have an effective length of not less than the distance
length of between the innermost connecting rivets or welds, but in no case shall the
battens effective length of a batten be less than twice the width of one main component
in the plane of the batten. The effective length of a batten shall be taken as the
longitudinal distance between end rivets or end welds.
Thickness of (5) Batten plates shall have a thickness of not less than 1/50 of the
batten minimum distance between the innermost lines of connecting rivets or welds.
plates Batten plates with stiffened edges or rolled shapes with flanges perpendicular
to the main components are not subject to this requirement.
Perforated Plates
Perforated One or more sides of a built-up compression or tension member
plates for may be a perforated plate, subject to the following provisions:
or tension (a) Thickness. - The thickness of a perforated plate shall be not less than
member 1/50 of the unsupported distance between the innermost lines of con-
necting rivets or welds
(b) Net Width. - The transverse distance from the edge of the perforation
to the nearest line of connecting rivets or welds shall not exceed 12 times
the thickness of the plate.
11 be radius at any point along the edge of the perforation shall not be less
tayed than 1 1/2 in. The length of the perforation measured parallel to the
ioned axis of the member shal1 not exceed twice its width. The width of the
perforation shall not be less than 8 in. and the width of the perforation
shall not exceed one half the width of the plate.
s are (d) Spacing of Perforations. - The clear distance between perforations,
measured parallel to the axis of the member, shall not be less than the
rpen- unsupported width between the innermost lines of connecting rivets or
nder- welds. When the plate is spliced for transfer of stress, the clear distance
fend between the end perforation and the end of the plate shall be not less
lnent than the distance between the nearer lines of connecting rivets or welds,
times except that one half such distance may be used for compression members
axis which are faced for bearing. When the plate is not spliced for the trans-
fer of stress, an open perforation may be used at the end of the plate
provided that its length does not exceed one half the distance between
more the nearer lines of connecting rivets or welds.
!ither (e) Section at Perforations. For compression members, the gross section
), or of the plate through the perforation, and for tension members, the net
vhole section of the plate through the perforation, shall be considered as a part
of the area of the member. In compression members, the ratio of the
length of the perforation to the radius of gyration of the half-member
..eted at the centre of the perforation, about its own axis, shall not be more
dinal than 20 and not more than one third of the slenderness ratio of the
member about its axis perpendicular to the plane of the plate. In this Section, reference to rivets and rivet spacing shall apply equally
to bolts and bolt spacing in the event that lacing, battens or perforated plates
are connected by means of bolts.
trusses with unrestrained ends to support a uniform load applied directly to the
imes top chord. When other conditions exist, such as non-uniform load, fixed or
cantilevered ends, the joists shall be designed for these conditions.
(3) Open-web steel joists shall not be assumed to contribute to the over-all
rigidity of the structural frame unless so designed and developed; however,
they may be assumed to provide lateral support to the top flanges of the sup-
porting beams or srirders or to the top chords of supporting trusses when ade-
quate connections are provided.
Live load Unless otherwise specified by the authority having jurisdiction, live
deflection load deflection shall not exceed 1/360 of the span.
Minimum Unless otherwise specified by the authority haVing jurisdiction, joists
camber of having spans of 40 ft or more shall have minimum cambers as given in table
joists 4.6.26.A.
TABLE 4.6.26.A
Forming Part of Article
Column 1 Column 2
Span-to-Deptb Ratio
Span-to- In general the span-to-depth ratio shall not exceed 24. Ratios larger
depth than 24 shall not be used unless it can be shown that live load deflection will
ratio limit be within acceptable limits. In floor construction for spans in excess of 32 ft
it is recommended that the span-to-depth ratio shall not exceed 20 if practicable.
Spacing of The spacing of joists shall not exceed the safe span of the slab or
joists decking which they support.
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'er-all Chords
sup- Chords shall be continuous members. For the normal design condi- Chords to be
ade- tion specified in article, the lower chord shall be designed as an continuous
axially loaded tension member; the top chord shall be designed as a con- memhers
tinuous compression member subject to combined axial and bending stresses
(see article, except that when the distance between panel points
does not exceed 24 in. bending stresses due to uniformly distributed load may be
live neglected.
(2) For the purpose of computing the allowable axial compressive stress, Allowable
Fa, at mid-panel, the effective slenderness ratio shall be assumed to be axial com-
0.9 L/r where L is the panel length in inches centre-to-centre of panel points and pressive stress
r is the radius of gyration of the top chord about the horizontal axis. At panel
joists points the allowable axial compressive stress shall be the maximum per-
table mitted for compression members with zero slenderness ratio.
(3) Allowable unit bending stresses at panel points may be 20 per cent Allowable
higher than those permitted at mid-panel. unit bending
Webs Webs shall be designed to resist the shear forces resulting from Webs designed
the design loading conditions; however, such shearing forces shall be not less to resist
than 50 per cent of the end reaction for joist spans less than 32 ft. shear forces
(2) In computing the slenderness ratio KL/r, the value of KL shall be as-
sumed equal to the clear length of the web member between chords.
(2) The number of lines of bridging shall be not less than given in
table 4.6.26.B.
bridging to
hold joists
in alignment
Up to 14 1 7
Over 14 to 21 2 7
Over 21 to 32 3 8
'( the Over 32 to 40 3 10
Over 40 to 48 3 12
,olts, Over 48 to 60 4 12
~e of
lcing Over 60 4 (min) 15
and Column 3
Column 1 Column 2
,b or
(3) In no case shall the spacing of lines of bridging be greater than per-
f the
mitted by article
(4) Bridging may be either diagonal or horizontal type.
om top
Idemess Care shall be taken to avoid damage through careless handling. Care in
, or one Unloading from transport shall be done with reasonable care. Dumping onto handling
:re they the ground shall not be permitted. Special precautions shall be taken when
erecting long slender joists. Preferably, hoisting cables shall not be released
be con-
until the member is stayed laterally by at least one line of bridging.
pable of Loads
lrizontal 4.6.27.l. Proper provision shall be made to transfer the column loads and mom- Transfer
pounds ents, if any, to the footings and foundations. column loads
to footings and
is of the
Finishing Column bases shall be finished in accordance with the following Finishing of
sonry or requirements: column bases
he walls
(a) rolled steel bearing plates 2 in. or less in thickness may be used without
planing, provided a satisfactory contact bearing is obtained; rolled
steel bearing plates, over 2 in. but not over 4 in. in thickness, may be
straightened by pressing, or if presses are not available, by planing
on all bearing surfaces to obtain a satisfactory contact bearing; rolled
steel bearing plates over 4 in. in thickness shall be planed on all
bearing surfaces except as noted in clause (c);
masonry (b) column bases other than rolled steel bearing plates shall be planed on all
bearing surfaces except as noted in clause (c);
. beyond
ltely an-
at least
• (c) the bottom surfaces of bearing plates and column bases which rest
on masonry foundations and are grouted to ensure full bearing need
not be planed.
Finish of The edges of plates or shapes under 3/4 in. in thickness, if sheared
edges of or gas-cut with a mechanically guided torch, need not be planed or finished
plates or unless such treatment is called for on the drawings or included in a stipulated
shapes edge preparation for welding, or required in compliance with the provisions for
plastic design as set forth in subsection 4.6.33.
(2) All gusset plates 3/4 in. or more in thickness shall have their edges
planed or machine burned.
Assembly of All parts of riveted members shall be well pinned or bolted and rigidly
riveted held together while being riveted. Drifting done during assembling of any con-
members nection shall not distort the metal or enlarge the holes.
Riveting Rivets shall be driven by power riveters of either compression or
require- manually operated type employing pneumatic, hydraulic or electric power.
ments After driving they shall be tight and their heads shall be in full contact with
the surface. Special care shall be used in heating and driving rivets whose grip
exceeds five diameters.
(2) The finished heads of rivets shall be of uniform size throughout the
work for the same size rivet, full, neatly finished and concentric with the holes.
Hot-driven rivets shall be heated uniformly to a light cherry red and driven
while hot. The maximum temperature of the rivet shall be 1,950 deg F and they
shall not be driven after their temperature has fallen below 1,000 deg F.
(3) Rivets may be driven cold, provided the rivets and their usage conform
to Appendix 4.6.B. Cold riveting should not be used in joints subject to fatigue,
except as approved.
Plate edges The edges of all plates which transmit loads directly by edge bear-
planed or ing shall be planed or milJed. Compression joints or built-up members depending
milled upon contact bearing shall have the bearing surfaces machined to a common
plane after the members are completed.
Surface (2) The surface finish of bearing surfaces which are to come into contact
finish of with each other shall meet the American Standards Association surface roughness
bearing requirements as defined in the 1955 issue of American Standard B46.1, "Surface
surfaces Roughness, Waviness and Lay, Part I," with specific reference to the standard
ASA 500, unless otherwise specified.
Faced (3) Faced abutting joints, when brought together, shall bear fully and
abutting evenly at all points with a maximum tolerance of 0.004 in. except at the toe of
joints outstanding flanges where no opening shall exceed 0.024 in.
Lacing Bars The ends of lacing bars shall be neat and free from burrs.
.' Tolerances
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sheared Completed members shall be true to line and free from twists, Completed
=inished bends and open joints. members to
pulated be free from
ons for (2) Compression members may have a lateral variation not greater than twists and
1/1000 of the axial length between points which are to be laterally supported. bends
r edges (3) A variation of 1/32 in. is permissible in the over-all length of members Length
with both ends milled. tolerance
(4) Members without milled ends which are to be framed to other steel
parts of the structure may have a variation from the detailed length not greater
lominal than 1/16 in. for members 30 ft or less in length, and not greater than 1/8 in.
:er than for members over 30 ft in length.
nay be
he drill
[lominal Shop Coat After inspection and approval and before leaving the shop, all Steelwork
at must steelwork shall be thoroughly cleaned (by effective means) of all loose mill cleaned and
.es shall scale, loose rust, excessive spatter, slag or flux deposit, oil, dirt and other primed
foreign matter. Except where encased in relatively non-porous concrete, and
excepting edges and surface areas where field welding is to be done, all steel-
work shall be given one prime coat of approved metal protection.
. rigidly (2) Where steelwork is to be encased in a porous lightweight concrete a coat
ny con- of paint is advisable.
Inaccessible Parts Parts inaccessible after assembly shall be given two coats of shop
paint, preferably of different colours.
ision or
Ict with Contact Surfaces
)se grip Contact surfaces shall be cleaned by effective means before assembly,
but not painted.
out the Finished Surfaces
e holes.
driven Machine-finished surfaces shall be protected against corrosion by a
nd they suitable coating.
temporary loading due to equipment and its operation. Such bracing shall be erection
left in place as long as reQuired for safety.
Fastening As erection progresses, the work shall be securely bolted up or welded
of work as to take care of all dead load. wind and erection stresses.
Erection Stresses
Provisions Wherever piles of material, erection equipment, or other loads are
for the carried durini erection, proper provisions shall be made to take care of stresses
carrying of resulting from them.
Fastening No riveting, welding or tightening of high-strength bolts shall be done
done only until as much of the structure as will be stiffened thereby has been properly
after proper aligned.
Field Assembly
Field All field assembly and welding shall be executed in accordance
assembly with the requirements for shop fabrication, except those which manifestly
to conform apply only to shop conditions.
to shop
(2) Any shop paint on surfaces adjacent to joints to be field-welded shall
fabrication be thoroughly removed to expose clean steel for a distance of at least 2 in.
practice on either side of the joint.
(3) Prior to general field painting, all field rivets, field bolts and field
welds. as well as all serious abrasions to the shop coat, shall be spot-painted
with the material used for the prime coat or an equivalent, and all mud and
other objectionable foreign matter shall be removed.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
welded (3) For structures more than 2 atories in height, continuous or fixed-
end lloor beams may be designed by the plastic theory, provided that the
columns below the second uppermost atory are proportioned so that calculated
stresses will remain in the elastic range when the columns are subject to loads
required to produce the plastic strength of the floor beams at the specified
load factors. Bracing or other effective means shall be provided, as required,
1ds are to prevent frame failure by sidesway at loads less than tholle assumed in de-
stresses termining the plastic strength of the floor beams.
Columns Supporting Not More Than Two Stories In the plane of bending of columns which would develop a plastic
hinge at ultimate loading, the slenderness ratio Llr shall not exceed 120, L
:>e done being taken as the distance centre-to-centre of adjacent members connecting to
;>roperly the column or the distance from such a member to the base of the column.
The maximum axial load P on such columns at ultimate loading shall not exceed
6/10 P". where P" is the product of yield point stress times column area.
(2) Columns in continuous frames where sidesway is not minimized
:ordance (a) by diagonal bracing, or
lnifestly (b) by floor slabs or roof decks secured horizontally by walls or bracing
systems parallel to the plane of the continuous frames
ed shall
st 2 in. shall be so proportioned that (;: + 7~) shall not exceed unity.
rld field /, (3) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, M.IM" the ratio of allow·
-painted able end moment to the full plastic bending strength of columns and other
lud and axially loaded members, shall not exceed unity nor the value given by the
following formulae where they are applicable:
(a) CASE 1. For columns bent in double curvature by moments pro-
ducing plastic hinges at both ends of the columns 1.18 - 1.18 (:,,)
(b) CASE II. For pin.based columns required to develop a plastic hinge
at one end only, and double curvature columns required to develop
a plastic hinge at one end when the moment at the other end would
of this
opposite sign, 1.0 _ K (:,) • 1 (:,,)2
progress the numerical values for K and 1 being those given in table 4.6.33.B.
(4) For Case II columns where LI r in the plane of bending is less than 60,
and for Case I columns, the full plastic strength of the member may be used
(M. = M,) when PIP" would not exceed 0.15.
(5) Columns designed as provided for in Cases I, II, and III shall have
ructures, lateral bracing adjacent to plastic hinge locations, spaced in accordance with
III be in article Columns or unsupported lengths of columns which will not
rle other contain a plastic hinKe may be designed elastically using allowable unit stresses
members 1.65 times those allowed in subsections 4.6.9. and 4.6.12. and load factors as
'ane run- given in sentence,
(8) In no case shall the ratio of axial load to plastic load exceed that given
be not
P 8700
!ad load,
by the following expression: P" = (Llr)2 when Llr > 120
where L and r are the unbraced length and radius of gyration of the column
in the plane normal to that of the continuous frame under consideration.
Shear Unless reinforced by diagonal stiffeners or a doubler plate, the webs
of columns, beams and girders shall be so proportioned that;;1 L 18 ksi
where V If is the shear in kips, that would be produced by the required ultimate
loading, d is the depth of the member and w is its web thickness.
(2) Shear stresses are generally high within the boundaries of the connection
of two or more members whose webs lie in a common plane. The foregoing
provision will be satisfied without reinforcing the web within the connection
when its thickness w in inches is greater than 0.60 M/ A, M being the algebraic
sum of clockwise and counter-clockwise moments (in kip-feet) applied on opposite
sides of the connection web boundary, and A the planar area of the connection
web, expressed in square inches. When the thickness of this web is less than
that given by the above formula the deficiency may be compensated by one or a
pair of doubler plates, or by a pair of diagonal stiffeners.
Web Crippling
Prevention To prevent the crippling of the web of a supporting member at the
of crippling point where the stress in the compression flange of another member framing
of the web to its flange is ,1elivered as a concentrated load, stiffeners are generally re-
of supporting quired. One end of the stiffeners shall be fitted against, or fully welded to,
members the inside face of the flange against which the supported member is framed.
(2) The length of stiffeners in line with the compression flange of a bean!
framing to a column flange, when there is no corresponding beam framing to
the opposite flange, need not exceed one half the depth of the column; but
the welding connecting them to the column web shall be sufficient to develop
the full plastic compressive strength of the stiffener cross-section.
Minimum Thickness
Compression Compression elements that would be subjected to plastic bending
members and hinge rotation under ultimate loading shall have width-thickness ratios no
subject to greater than the following:
plastic (a) flanges of rolled shapes and flange plates of similar built-up shapes,
bending 17; for rolled shapes an upward variation of 3 per cent may be tolerated;
the thickness of sloping flanges may be taken as their average
(b) stiffeners and that portion of flange plates in box sections and cover
plates included between the free edge and the first longitudinal row of
rivets or connecting welds, 8 1/2;
(c) that portion of flange plates in box-sections and coverplates included
between longitudinal lines of rivets or connecting welds, 32.
(2) The width-thickness ratio of beam and girder webs subjected to plastic
bending without axial loading shall not exceed 70. The width-thickness ratio
for the web of beams, girders and columns designed for combined axial force
and plastic bending moment at ultimate loading shall be limited by the formula
~ shall not exceed 70·100 (;~) but need not be less than 40.
Connections All connections in which the rigidity is essential to the continuity
to be capable assumed as the basis of the design analysis shall be capable of resisting the
of resisting moments, shears and axial loads to which they would be subjected by the
all loading ultimate loading.
(2) Comer connections (haunches) tapered or curved for architectural rea-
sons shall be so proportioned that the full plastic bending strength of the
section adjacent to the connection can be developed, if required.
Lateral Bracing
at the The maximum laterally unsupported length of members designed on Lateral
~aming the basis of ultimate loading need not be less than that which would be per- bracing
fiy re- mitted for the same members designed under the provisions of subsection
ed to, 4.6.12., except at plastic hinge locations associated with the failure mechanism.
led. Furthermore, the following provisions need not apply in the region of the last
beant hinge to form in the failure mechanism assumed as the basis for proportioning
ing to a given member, nor in members oriented with their weak axis normal to the
tl; but
plane of bending. Other plastic hinge locations shall be adequately braced to
resist lateral and torsional displacement.
(2) The laterally unsupported distance, Lw from such braced hinge loca-
tions to the nearest adjacent point on the frame similarly braced, need not be
less than given by the formula Lcr = ( 60 - 40 ::p) '11 nor less than 35 '11'
ios no where r II is the radius of gyration of the member about its weak axis,
M is the lesser of the moments at the ends of the unbraced segment,
napes, and
,rated; M
verage 1.1 the end moment ratio, is positive when M and Mp have the same
p sign and negative when they are of opposite sign, signs changing
(2) The use of sheared edges in the tension area shall be avoided if possible
19 the in locations subject to plastic hinge rotation at ultimate loading. If used, they
Iy the
shall be finished smooth by grinding, chipping or planing.
(3) In locations subject to plastic hinge rotation at ultimate loading, holes
LI rea- for rivets or high-strength bolts in the tension area shall be sub-punched and
)f the reamed or drilled full size.
TABLE 4.6.33.A
Forming Part of Article
M,. P
M JJ - p.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
TABLE 4.6.33.B
Fonning Part of Article
13 .604 .564 53 1.219 -.0588 93 2.161 -1.153
14 .619 .549 54 1.231 -.0111 94 2.191 -1.192
1Q 15 .633 .534 55 1.256 -.0910 95 2.222 -1.231
55 16 .641 .519 56 1.214 -.111 96 2.254 -1.212
19 11 .661 .504 51 1.293 -.131 91 2.286 -1.313
03 18 .615 .490 58 1.312 -.151 98 2.318 -1.354
19 .689 .415 59 1.332 -.111 99 2.350 -1.391
28 20 .103 .461 60 1.351 -.198 100 2.384 -1.440
,19 21 .111 .441 61 1.311 -.220 101 2.411 -1.484
06 22 .131 .432 62 1.391 -.241 102 2.451 -1.529
133 23 .146 .418 63 1.411 -.263 103 2.486 -1.515
24 .160 .403 64 1.432 -.286 104 2.521 -1.621
161 25 .114 .389 65 1.452 -.309 105 2.556 -1.668
.19 26 .189 .314 66 1.413 -.332 106 2.592 -1.116
.49 21 .803 .360 61 1.495 -.356 101 2.628 -1.165
.19 28 .818 .345 68 1.516 -.380 108 2.665 -1.814
29 .832 .331 69 1.538 -.404 109 2.103 -1.865
30 .841 .316 10 1.560 -.429 110 2.141 -1.916
31 .862 .301 11 1.583 -.455 111 2.119 -1.968
32 .811 .281 12 1.605 -.481 112 2.818 -2.021
109 33 .892 .212 13 1.628 -.501 113 2.851 -2.051
143 34 .901 .251 14 1.652 -.534 114 2.891 -2.123
35 .922 .242 15 1.615 -.562 115 2.931 -2.185
l14 36 .931 .221 16 1.699 -.590 116 2.918 -2.242
l50 31 .953 .211 11 1.124 -.618 111 3.020 -2.300
l81 38 .968 .196 18 1.148 -.641 118 3.062 -2.358
,25 39 .984 .180 19 1.113 -.611 119 3.104 -2.411
40 1.000 .165 80 1.199 -.101 120 3.141 -2.418
°Mo ( P)
Mp = 1.0 - K p. -]
( p.P)2
Design of This Section covers the design and assembly of structural joints using
structural high-strength steel bolts tightened to a high tension. Such bolts shall be
joints using in accordance with ASTM specification A325-5BT and used in holes slightly
high strength larger than the nominal bolt size.
steel bolts
Steel con- Except as otherwise provided herein, steel construction shall conform
struction to to the applicable requirements of this Section.
conform to
this section
Friction or High-strength bolted joints required to resist shear between their
bearing type connected parts shall be designated as either
bolted joints
(a) friction-type connections, or
(b) bearing-type connections.
Specifications Bolt dimensions shall conform to the requirements for regular semi-
for bolt finished hexagon bolts as given in the 1960 issue of American Standard BIB.2,
dimensions "Square and Hexagon Bolts and Nuts." Alternatively, bolts may be furnished
with heads meeting one of the following descriptions:
(a) hexagon head having same height as regular semi-finished hexagon bolt
but having width across flats equal to corresponding heavy semi-finished
hexagon bolt,
(b) interference-body bolts, with heads conforming to the dimensions for
driven high button heads as given in the 1960 issue of American Stan-
dard B1B.4. "Large Rivets (1I2-Inch Nominal Diameter and Larger);'
for large rivets of the same nominal diameter, except that the head may
be flattened to the same height as the head of the regular semi-finished
hexagon bolt.
Specificatioi1S Nut dimensions shall conform to current requirements for heavy semi-
for nut finished hexagon nuts as given in the American Standard B1B.2-l960 "Square and
dimensions Hexagon Bolts and Nuts." Alternatively, finished hexagon nuts conforming to
ASA Standard B1B.2-l960 and meeting the requirements of the 1959 issue of
ASTM Standard A194, "Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure
and High-Temperature Services, Grade 2H," may be used instead of heavy semi-
finished hexagon nuts. Circular washers shall be flat and smooth and their dimensions
shall be not less than those Itiven in table 4.6.34.A of this Section. Bevelled
washers shall be square or rectangular, taper in thickness, and conform to the
dimensions given in table 4.6.34.A.
(2) Where necessary, washers may be clipped on one side to a point not
closer than 7/B of the bolt diameter from the centre of the washer.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
TABLE 4.6.34.A
Forming Part of Article
1C0lumn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
° ID not to be increased if larger washers are used.
e 1958
)lts and Bolted Parts
:einafter Surfaces of bolted parts in contact with the bolt head and nut shall Bolted parts
not have a slope of more than 1: 20 with respect to a plane normal to the bolt to fit solidly
ar semi- axis. Bolted parts shall fit solidly together when assembled and shall not be together
l B18.2, separated by gaskets or any other interposed compressible material. Holes
llrnished may be punched, sub-punched and reamed, or drilled and shall be of a nominal
diameter not more than 1116 in. in excess of the nominal bolt diameter.
~on bolt When assembled, all joint surfaces, including those adjacent to the Contact
-finished washers, shall be free of scale, except tight mill scale. They shall be free of surfaces to
dirt, leose scale. burrs and other defects that would prevent solid seating of the be clean
ions for
ilIlStan- Contact surfaces within friction-type joints shall be free of oil,
,arger)," paint, lacquer or galvanizing.
ead may
Allowable Working Stresses The allowable working stresses shall be those set forth in subsections Allowable
vy semi- 4.6.9, 4.6.12 and other applicable parts of this Section. In friction-type con- working
llare and nections in shear, high-strength bolts may be used in combination with rivets. In stresses
ming to friction-type connections, bearing is not a consideration and fillers need not be
issue of 'developed',
.vy semi- Installation Bolts shall be installed with a hardened washer under the nut or Use of
mensions bolt head. whichever is the elment turned in tightening. washers
Bevelled (2) A hardened washer shall also be used under the head of regular semi-
n to the finished hexagon bolts and under finished hexagon nuts, even when these are
not the elements turned in tightening,
(3) The washer may be omitted under the head of special heavy semi-
)Oint not finished hexagon bolts and interference-body bolts, and under heavy semi-
finished hexagon nuts when these are not the turned elements.
(4) A flat circular washer may be used when the abutment surface ad-
jacent to the bolt head or nut does not have a slope of more than 1: 20 with
respect to a plane normal to the bolt axis. Where an outer face of the bolted
parts has a slope of more than 1: 20 with respect to a pl~ne normal to the bolt
axis, a smooth bevelled washer shall be used to compensate for the lack of
Tightening All fasteners shall be tightened to give at least the required minimum
of fasteners bolt tension values shown in table 4.6.34.B on completion of the joint.
to give Tightening shall be done with properly calibrated wrenches or by the turn-of-
maximum nut method.
bolt tension
TABLE 4.6.34.B
Forming Part of Article
1/2 12,050
5/8 19,200
3/4 28,400
7/8 36,050
1 47,250
1 1/8 56,450
1 1/4 71,700
1 3/8 85,450
1 1/2 103,950
Column 1 Column 2
Calibrated Wrenches
Use of When calibrated wrenches are used to provide the bolt tension spe-
calibrated cified in table 4.6.34.B. their setting shall be such as to induce a bolt tension
wrenches slightly in excess of this value. These wrenches shall be calibrated by tighten-
ing in a device capable of indicating actual bolt tension, not less than three
typical bolts from the lot to be installed. Power wrenches shall be adjusted to
stall or cut out at the selected tension. If manual torque wrenches are used, the
torque indication corresponding to the calibrating tension shall be noted and
used in the installation of all bolts of the tested lot. Nuts shall be in tightening
motion when torque is measured. When using calibrated wrenches to install
several bolts in a single joint, the wrench shall be returned to Ctouch up' bolts
previously tightened which may have been loosened by the tightening of sub-
sequent bolts, until all are tightened to the prescribed amount.
Tightening Before final tightening of the bolts by this method the several parts
of bolts by of the joint shall be properly compacted by bringing a sufficient number of
turn-of-nut bolts to as snug a fit as can be produced by a few blows of an impact wrench
method or by an ordinary spud wrench. All bolts shall be tightened in accordance with
the provisions given in table 4.6.34.C, progressing from the most rigid part
of the joint towards the free edges. Impact wrenches shall be of adequate
capacity and sufficiently supplied with air to perform the required tightening
in approximately 10 sec.
TABLE 4.6.34.C
:e ad-
Forming Part of Article
e bolt
Lck of From Snug Fit Rotate Nut
Bolt Diameter, (Tolerance, +1/4 turn, - nothing)
limum 1/2 Turn for Grips 3/4 Turn for Grips
llrn-of- 1/2
5/8 .. ..
Up to 5
..e. 55
Above 5
7/8 .. ..
.. ..8
1 1/8
.. ..8
... ....
1 1/4 8 8
1 3/8 8° 8°
1 1/2 8° " 8°
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
°Tentative figures
faces having slopes not greater than 1:20.
Inspection The inspector shall satisfy himself that all requirements of this See- Inspection of
tion are met. procedures
and require-
ments of
this Section The inspector shall approve the procedure for calibration of wrenches
and installation of bolts. The inspector shall further observe the field installa-
tion to determine that these procedures are followed. No further inspection is
on spa- normally required.
tighten- Where further inspection is required by the authmity having juris-
n three diction, he shall specify in advance the method the inspector is to follow.
Isted to
sed, the The following clauses are supplementary to the provisions of CSA
ted and Specification SI6-1961 (constituting subsections 4.6.1. to 4.6.34. of this
~htening Section) but are to be regarded as an integral part of this Bylaw for the
) install types of steel construction indicated.
lP' bolts
of sub-
Scope The provisions of this subsection shall apply to the design, con- Design, con-
struction and erection of structural assemblies in which decks or top slabs are struction and
:al parts supported by open-web steel joists so spaced that erection of
mber of structural
wrench (a) the safe spans of the decks or top slabs which the steel joists support
lce with are not exceeded. using open-
~id part (b) the permissible design stresses in the steel joists are not exceeded. web steel
ldequate joists
ghtening (c) the design live load deflections of the steel joists do not exceed 1/360
of their spans or as specified by the authority having jurisdiction.
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Use of open- (}pen-web steel joists may be used in structures for all classes
web steel of occupancy within the height and area limitations of subsection 3.2.1 of Part
joists in 3. Where a fire-resistive assembly is required, open-web steel joists shall be
structures protected with a deck or top slab and an attached or suspended ceiling below,
all as is necessary for the assembly as a whole to provide the required degree
of fire resistance, or shall be protected in other approved manner.
(2) Where protected combustible construction is permitted, open-web joists
may be used with wood nailing strips and wood decks.
(3) Where unprotected construction is permitted, open-web steel joists may
be used without ceiling protection.
Concrete Slabs Every slab shall be of such thickness and so reinforced that the
stresses in the concrete and the reinforcement will not exceed those permitted
in Section 4.5 of this Bylaw, and in no case shall the reinforcement at right
angles to, and parallel with, the joists be less than ~-in. diameter bars at 12-in.
centres or the equivalent, except that the reinforcement parallel to the joists
may be omitted where wood-finished floors on wood screeds are used.
Thickness. (2) The minimum thickness of any concrete slab over open-web steel joists
strength and shall be 2 in. for joist spacings up to and including 24 in., and 2~ in. for joist
reinforce- spacings up to and including 36 in. The concrete shall have a minimum strength
ment of con- at 28 days of 2000 lb/sq in.
crete slabs
(3) All slab reinforcement shall be in the form of bars or mesh.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
of Structural Quality ................................................ ASTM A245-58T
Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Strip
without of Structural Quality ............................................... ASTM A303-58T
High-Strength Low-Alloy Cold-
?porting Rolled Sheets and Strip .......................................... ASTM A374-58T
High-Strength Low-Alloy Hot-
laterally Rolled Steel Sheets and Strip ..................... .. .... ASTM A375-58T
mt, are
cent of
farther Subject to the requirements of Part 3 individual cold-formed steel Use of
structural members may be used for the structural frames of buildings. cold-formed
of the (2) Where the structural frame of any building is capable of resisting all members
vertical and horizontal moments and shears resulting from lateral forces, cold-
formed steel decking may be used for floors and roofs in all classes of occu-
pancy within the height and area limitations of subsection 3.2.1. of Part 3.
The decking or decking assembly may be assumed to act as a diaphragm to
that the transmit lateral forces to the main structural frame or to shear walls when
ermitted properly designed and anchored.
at right
Lt 12-in.
Ie joists
Limiting Thicknesses The minimum thickness of any cold-formed unit shall be as pre- Minimum
scribed below: thickness
!el joists and protec-
strength formed units
Individual Structural Member 18 AISI Manufacturers Std. Gauge
Floor deck (cellular) 20 " " ""
Roof deck (cellular) 22
Floor or roof deck (not cellular) 22
When for non-structural reasons a flat sheet lighter than 22-gauge is
fastened to the underside of a ribbed floor or roof deck section, the structural
properties of only the ribbed section shall be considered for design purposes.
(2) Cold-formed structural members or decks exposed to the weather, or to
corrosive conditions inside buildings, shall be specially protected against cor-
rosion as approved by the authority having jurisdiction. No cold-formed struc-
tural member less than 3/16 in. in thickness shall be used as a lintel or shelf
angle to support masonry exposed to the weather unless galvanized or otherwise
protected in an approved manner.
Steel Deck
Cold-formed The requirements of this article shall govern cold-formed steel
steel decking decking used for floors and roofs.
for floors
and roofs (2) Cold-formed steel decking shall be designed in accordance with recog-
nized engineering practice, or in lieu of design, tests in accordance with article may be made to determine the structural properties of the deck, ap-
proval to be based on the load-carrying capacity established by test and the
maximum deflection specified herein.
Moment and (3) For purposes of design, where cold-formed steel deck units extend
deflection over three or more spans, a moment coefficient of 1/10 and a deflection coeffi-
coefficients cient of 1/45 shall be used provided deck units are welded or fastened to
supports in an approved manner. Where cold-formed steel deck units extend over
two spans, a moment coefficient of 1/8 and a deflection coefficient of 1/ 185
shall be used. For design of simple spans, a moment coefficient of 1/8 and a
deflection coefficient of 5/384 shall be used.
Anchorage (4) Steel roof-deck. units shall be anchored to the supporting framework to
resist the following gross uplifts;
(a) 45 lb/sq ft for eave overhang and monitor roofs,
(b) 30 lb/sq ft for all other roof areas.
The dead load of the roof-deck construction may be deducted from the above
uplift forces.
Live-load The live-load deflection of cold-formed steel structural members and
deflection decks shall not exceed 1/360 of the span, except that for roofs the live-load
of structural deflection of steel decking which does not support a plastered ceiling may be
members permitted to exceed 1/360 but not 1/240 of the span.
Shop coat All structural members or decks cold-formed of strip or sheet steel
of paint or shall be free of oil, grease and dirt and shall have one shop coat of paint or
equivalent equivalent protection.
Certified Certified reports of tests conducted by an approved and recognized
test reports testing laboratory may be submitted to establish the structural properties and
on structures load-carrying capacity of cold-formed steel decking, or other elements not
not amenable amenable to design by recognized procedures.
to recognized
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es. (2) Determination of allowable load-carrying capacity shall be made on the Determination
basis that the decking or other element shall be capable of sustaining without of allowable
or to failure, for a period of 24 hours, a total load equal to 1.9 times the total load-carrying
;t cor- allowable loads. Readily visible or harmful local distortions shall not develop capacity
struc- during the test at a total load, including the weight of the test specimen, equal
, shelf to 1.65 times the total allowable load.
(3) For members subjected to wind or earthquake loads only, or combined
with dead and live loads. the above factors may be reduced by 25 per cent.
(4) The allowable load, as determined from tests, shall not exceed that load
which would cause deflections in excess of those permitted by article
! shall
(5) All units or assemblies to be tested shall be supported on non-restraining
supports and loads shall be applied in an approved manner.
(6) ..Except as otherwise approved by the authority having iurisdiction, Evaluation
evaluation of test results shall be made on the basis of mean values resulting of test
from tests of not fewer than three identical specimens, provided that the devia- results
recog- tion of any individual test result from the mean value obtained from all tests
article does not exceed plus or minus 10 per cent. If such deviation from the mean
~k, ap- exceeds 10 per cent at least three more tests of the same kind shall be made.
Id the The average of the three lowest values of all tests made shall then be regarded
as the result of the series of tests.
coeffi- NOTE: The following Appendices are part of this Section when
led to
and a APPENDIX 4.6.A
Matters such as the classification of steel, the calculation of weights and other
lork to matters not covered by this Section but pertinent to the fabrication and erec-
tion of structural steelwork are to be in accordance with the provisions of the
"Code of Standard Practice for Structural Steel for Buildings," as published by
the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction.
rs and
ve-Ioad (Rivets 1!2-in. Diameter and Larger)
nay be
4.6.B.l. General
Cold riveted construction shall conform to the specifications for hot riveted
work and to the following requirements.
t steel
4.6.B.2. Rivets
aint or
Grade Rivets shall conform to the requirements of the 1959 issue of CSA
Standard G40.2, "Structural Rivet Steel," except that hot-made rivets shall
not be quenched and cold-made rivets shall be annealed.
.gnized Heads Button, high-button, or any other standard type of manufactured head
es and may be used. If approved by the authority having jurisdicHon, flat heads may
ts not be used having a diameter 1 1/2 times and a minimum height of head 3/8 times
the nominal diameter of the rivet.
• Points Rivet points shall be free from shearing cracks, and shall be reasonably
square to prevent bending of the rivet shank during driving.
4.6.B.3, Fabrication
Driven Head The driven heads of rivets shall be flat head or a modified
cone, or other types within the range of cold riveting as approved by the
authority having jurisdiction. The diameter of the flat head shall be approxi~
mately 1 1/2 times and the minimum height of head 1/4 times the nominal
diameter of the rivet; the modified cone head shall conform to Fig. 4.6.B.(a),
Driving Die The die for driving the heads shall not restrict the free trans-
verse flow of metal at the edge of the head.
Holes Diameter of hole shall be larger than nominal diameter of rivet by not
more than: 1/32 in. for 1/2-in. to 5/B-in. diameter inclusive; 1/16 in. above
5/B in.
Two cases influencing the design of columns based on effective length are
sidesway of structure prevented,
sidesway of structure permitted.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
by the
80 0 ,.,
211) 0 0
N 2C11CD .... CD II)
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00 tn.,. ,., N OCIICD .... CD tn N - 0
8 11)-
':'000 0 0 0 0 0
:h are
Fig. 4.6.C(a) Alignment chart for effective length of
columns in continuous frames.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Subscripts u and L refer to the joints at the two ends of the column section
. cons!'d ere.
b emg ~IcIL"
d G'IS d e f'me d as G =lI,IILIJ
L. R. Andrews W. M. McCance
D. C. Beam G. S. Mooney
C. N. Blankstein J. H. Palmason
A. E. Bridges R. B. Rolland
A. J. Cameron P. S. Secord
J. P. Carriere A. Tubby
G. A. Alison R. L. Montador
P. G. A. Brault E. M. Rensaa
R. F. DeGrace D. O. Robinson
G. E. de Varennes P. Rule
P. O. Freeman O. Safir
J. Hoogstraten D. L. Tarlton
D. C. MacCallum G. Venne
H. C. MacDonald D. T. Wright
This advisory document has developed from the original National Building Code issued
in 1941 jointly by the National Research Council and the Department of Finance. A completely
revised edition was published in 1953. This is therefore the Third Edition.
The Associate Committee on the National Building Code consists of a group of about
twenty-four Canadian citizens appointed for three-year terms by the Council. They sit as
individuals and not as representatives of any organization. The major task of the Committee
is to promote the uniformity of building regulations throughout Canada. Continued study and
improvement to maintain the National Building Code as a satisfactory document containing
regulations which can be conveniently adopted or enacted for local use will always be an im-
partant part of the Committee's work.
The Associate Committee is generally representative of all major phases of building in
Canada. Its direct responsibility for the preparation and publication of the Code ensures the
independence of this document. The staff of the Council are responsible only for the necessary
technical and secretarial work, all of which is done to the direction of the Associate Committee.
This work is done within the Division of Building Research, to which are referred the many
research problems that the use and revision of the Code are continually revealing. In this
way, the most up-to-date information is made available for the use of the Committee.
The actual work of preparing new parts of the Code and of revising existing parts is
delegated by the Associate Committee to special revision committees. Engineers, architects,
building officials, and other technicol experts sit upon these committees in order that the
resulting documents may represent contemporary practice in Canada, interpreted as necessary
to frame the minimum regulations of which the Code consists. These committees always issue
drofts of the new documents which they prepare. These are sent for comment to those who
express interest in them. Three Advisory Groups, on Fire, Health and Structure, each with
representative memberships, keep the technical content of the Code under review, between
revisions, and advise the Associate Committee on technical problems.
Comments on the use of the Code and suggestions for its improvement will be welcome
and may be sent to the Secretary, Associate Committee on the National Building Code, in care
of the National Research Council, Ottawa. If those who use this document will thus co-operate
with those who have worked toward its preparation and revision, the true national character
of the Code will be maintained and strengthened and its development as a satisfactory set of
desirable building regulations for use by municipalities and other agencies throughout Canada
should steodily progress.
Ce document, ainsi que to utes les autres sections du Code National du Batiment, sera
disponible en franc;ais d'ici quelque temps. Toutes demandes doivent etre adressees au
Secretaire, Comite Associe sur Ie Code National du Batiment, Conseil National de Recherches,
Ottawa, Canada.
The National Building Code and its various parts or sections may be obtained by writing to:
The Secretary,
Associate Committee on the National Building Code,
National Research Council,
Ottawa 2, Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
NRC No. 5800-J
Part 1 Administration
Part 2 Definitions
Part 3 Use and Occupancy
Part 4 Design
Section 4.1 Structural Loads and Procedures
Section 4.2 Foundations
Section 4.3 Wood
Section 4.4 Unit Masonry
Section 4.5 Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed
Section 4.6 Steel Construction
Section 4.7 Cladding
Part 5 Materials
Part 6 Building Services
Part 7 Plumbing Services
Part 8 Construction Safety Measures
Part 9 Housing
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
CODE 1960 •
Application This Section applies to
(a) the design of a building (lssemblyO with respect to the control of
0) condensation,
(ii) wind and rain penetration, and
(iii) moisture penetration,
(b) the properties of materials used as cladding, vapour barriers, thermal
insulation, backing for cladding, sheathing papers, flashing, fastening
devices, damp-proofing and water-proofing, and
(c) the practices to be followed in the application of cladding, t:apour bar-
riers, thermal insulation, sheathing papers, flashing, damp-proofing and
Definitions In this Section
(a) buildmg assembly means a wall, floor, roof, floor-ceiling combination or
roof-ceiling combination,
(b) cladding means the exposed surface of a building assembly,
(c) dnmp-proof means resistant to the penetration of free water,
(d) vapour barrier means a material or combination of materials having a
maximum water vapour permeability of 0.75 grain/sq ft/hour for a
calculated pressure differential of 1 in. of mercury when tested before
aging, and
(e) water-proof means resistant to the penetration of water under pressure .
Control of Condensation Where a building assembly is to be subjected to a temperature gra-
dient and a gradient in water vapour pressure such that condensation will occur
within the buildmg assembly,
(a) a t:apour barrier shall be installed in the assembly at or near the high
water vapour pressure side of the material that has the major thermal
(b) if an air space forms part of the building assembly, it shall be vented
to the cold side of the building assembly, or
(c) the materials on the cold side of the material that has the major ther-
mal resistance shall be at least five times more porous to vapour than
those on the warm side,
except that the requirements in clauses (a), (b) and (c) do not apply where
recommendations to the contrary are made by the manufacturer of an insulating
material and proof is available to show that the performance of the building
assembly is satisfactory with respect to the control of condensation pnder ex-
pected exposure conditions.
(2) Where a material or combination of materials that have a resistance to
water vapour flow equivalent to that of a vapour barrier are used on the cold
side of the material that has the major thermal resistance in a building assembly,
(a) a vapour barrier, classed as Type I in CGSB specification 70-GP-l,
"Vapour Barriers; Sheet, For Use in Above-Grade Building Construction,"
July 1960, shall be installed as set forth in clause (l)(a), and
I) Words that are in italics in this Section are defined. Definitions relating par-
ticularly to cladding are contained in article General definitions are
contained in Part 2 of this Bylaw.
ion of except that glass veneer and masonry materials used as cladding shall comply
fie en- with the requirements set forth in subsection 4.4.2. of Section 4.4.
taIl be
ne en-
, Where conditions exist that are likely to cause the deterioration of a
material due to corrosion, a material that is intended to be exposed to such
conditions shall be resistant to their action.
TABLE 4.7.2.A
Forming Part of Article
hat is
Iysical Type of Roofing Minimum Slope Maximum Slope
as to Built-up roofing
is ex- Asphalt base (graveI1cd) 0 3 in 12
Asphalt base (without gravel) 1/2 in 12 9 in 12
tterior Asphalt base (mineral surface) 2 in 12 no limit
Coal-tar base (gravelled) 0 1 in 12
sheds Cold process 1/2 in 12 9 in 12
19-in. selvage 2 in 12 9 in 12
Asphalt shingles
. wall
l pro- Normal application 4 in 12 no limit
Low slope application 2 in 12 no limit
ilnder Roll roofing
Smooth and 90-lb mineral surface 1 1/2 in 12 12 in 12
19-in. selvage 1 in 12 9 in 12
Cold application fcIt 1/2 in 12 9 in 12
r the
Wood shingles and handsplit shakes 3 in 12 no limit
Asbestos-cement shingles 4 in 12 no limit
.elow ( Asbestos-cement corrugated sheets 3 in 12 no limit
Sheet metal roofing 0 'no limit
.t Corrugated metal roofing 3 in 12 no limit
Sheet metal shingles 3 in 12 no limit
Slate shingles 6 in 12 no limit
Clay tile 6 in 12 no limit
.,., Details of requirements for materials and practices to be followed in their
the application are included in the Canadian Housing Standards published by
the National Research Council. Unit masonry and glass veneer materials used as cladding shall be
applied in accordance with the requirements set forth in subsection 4.4.4. of
Section 4.4.
• A. J. Cameron
J. P. Corriere
S. D. C. Chutter
J. Connolly
R. Duschenes
P. S. Secord
A. Tubby
A. E. Berry (ex officio)
R. E. Bolton (ex officio)
C. D. Carruthers (ex officio)
R. S. Ferguson C. A. Thomson (ex officio)
J. H. Jenkins J. M. Robertson (Secretary)
* Died April 1961
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
This advisory document has developed from the original National Building Code issued
in 1941 iointly by the National Research Council and the Department of Finance. A completely
revised edition was published in 1953. This is therefore the Third Edition.
The Associate Committee on the National Building Code consists of a group of about
twenty-four Canadian citizens appointed for three-year terms by the Council. They sit as
individuals and not as representatives of any organization. The major task of the Committee
is to promote the uniformity of building regulations throughout Canada. Continued study and
improvement to maintain the National Building Code as a satisfactory document containing
regulations which can be conveniently adopted or enacted for local use will always be an im-
portant part of the Committee's work.
The Associate Committee is generally representative of all major phases of building in
Canada. Its direct responsibility for the preparation and publication of the Code ensures the
independence of this document. The staff of the Council are responsible only for the necessary
technical and secretarial work, all of which is done to the direction of the Associate Committee.
This work is done within the Division of Building Research, to which are referred the many
research problems that the use and revision of the Code are continually revealing. In this
way, the most up-to-date information is made available for the use of the Committee.
The actual work of preparing new parts of the Code and of revising existing parts is
delegated by the Associate Committee to special revision committees. Engineers, architects,
building officials, and other technical experts sit upon these committees in order that the
resulting documents may represent contemporary practice in Canada, interpreted as necessary
to frame the minimum regulations of which the Code consists. These committees always issue
drafts of the new documents which they prepare. These are sent for comment to those who
express interest in them. Three Advisory Groups, on Fire, Health and Structure, each with
representative memberships, keep the technical content of the Code under review, between
revisions, and advise the Associate Committee on technical problems.
Comments on the use of the Code and suggestions for its improvement will be welcome
and may be sent to the Secretary, Associate Committee on the National Building Code, in care
of the National Research Council, Ottawa. If those who use this document will thus co-operate
with those who have worked toward its preparation and revision, the true national character
of the Code will be maintained and strengthened and its development as a satisfactory set of
desirable building regulations for use by municipalities and other agencies throughout Canada
should steadily progress.
Ce document, ainsi que to utes les autres sections du Code National du Botiment, sera
disponible en fran~ais d'jci quelque temps. Toutes demandes doivent etre adressees au
Secretaire, Comite Associe sur Ie Code National du BOtiment, Conseil National de Recherches,
Ottawa, Canada.
The National Building Code and its various parts or sections may be obtained by writing to:
The Secretary,
Associate Committee on the National Building Code,
National Research Council,
Ottawa 2, Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Part 1 Administration
Part 2 Definitions
Part 3 Use and Occupancy
Part 4 Design
Section 4.1 Structural Loads and Procedures
Section 4.2 Foundations
Section 4.3 Wood
Section 4.4 Unit Masonry
Section 4.5 Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed
Section 4.6 Steel Construction
Section 4.7 Cladding
Part 5 Materials
Part 6 Building Services
Part 7 Plumbing Services
Part 8 Construction Safety Measures
Part 9 Housing
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
CODE 1_ •
Section 5.1 New or Alternative Materials ........ , 3
• Section 5.2
Section 5.3
Sedion 5.4
Used Materials ....................... ,... ".,',",......
Storage of Materials .... ,.......
Material Specifications and
,........ ...................
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Abbreviations Used
Technical Section,
Canadian Pulp and Paper Association,
Montreal, P.Q. . .................. . ...... TSCPPA
Commercial Standards,
Department of Commerce,
Washington, D.C., U.S.A. . ................................. CS
5.1.1. The provisions of this Bylaw are not intended to prevent the use of any
material not specifically prescribed. Any such material may be approvedo
provided it is shown to be satisfactory for the purpose intended and at least the
equivalent of that required in this Bylaw in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire
Irce of
resistance, durability and safety.
5.1.2. Approval in writing shall be obtained by the owner or his agent before
any new, alternative or equivalent material is used. The authority having iur-
.... CSA isdicti~m shall base such approval on the principle set forth in subsection 5.1.1.,
and shall require that tests be made or sufficient evidence or proof be submitted,
at the expense of the owner or his agent, to substantiate any claim for the
proposed material.
5.2.1. Unless otherwise specified, use of all used materials shall be permitted
where these meet the minimum requirements of this Bylaw for new materials.
5.3.1. All building materials shall be stored on the building site in such a way
as to prevent deterioration or the loss or impairment of their structural and other
essential properties .
..... ACI
...... BS
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
2. Aluminum
Sheet for Roofing, Siding, etc.
(1) CSA HA-4.990-1958
(2) CSA HA-4.Ml-1958
(3) CSA HA-4.GR20-1958
(4) CSA HA-4.GSllN-1958
Shapes and Sheet for Windows and Doors
(5) CSA I1A-5.GS10-1958
(6) CSA HA-5.GSllN-1958
Sheet for Ductwork Inspection of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys .... CSA HA-1-1958
Foil for Insulation and Vapour Barrier
Plates, Sheets, and Rivets for Structural Work
(7) CSA HA-4.CS41N (Alclad)-1958
(8) CSA I1A-5.CS41N-1958
(9) CSA I1A-6.CG30-1958
(10) CSA HA-6.GSllP-1958
(11) CSA HA-7.GSllN-1958
(12) CSA HA-7.GSIO-1958
(10) CSA HA-6.GSllP-1958
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
(11) CSA HA-7.GSllN-1958
(12) CSA HA-7.GSI0-1958
• !- • •
"C Material Specifications Methods of Testing
Aluminum (Continued)
c:.n Fasteners
(13) CSA HA-5.ZG62-1958 Inspection of Aluminum and
(14) CSA HA-6.990-1958 Aluminum Alloys HA-1-1958
(15) CSA HA-6.GM50R-1958 )
(16) CSA HA-5.CG42-1958
3. Asbestos Cement
(1) Shingles; Asbestos-Cement,
Roofing ........... CGSB 34-GP-3a 9 Oct 1959
(2) Shingles; Asbestos-Cement,
Siding ...... CGSB 34-GP-4a 11 Dec 1959
(3) Sheets; Asbestos-Cement,
Corrugated ... CGSB 34-GP-5b 4 Mar 1960
(4) Sheets; Asbestos-Cement, Flat,
Fully-Compressed CGSB 34-GP-16a 11 Dec 1959
(5) Sheets; Asbestos-Cement, Included in material specification and:
34-GP-17b 9 Oct 1959
(6) Sheets; 1\soestOs-l,.,emem, Methods of Sampling and Testing
Decorative ...... CGSB 34-GP-14 14 lui 1950 Asbestos-Cement Products ........ CGSB 34-GP-7a 14 luI 1950
(7) Sheets; Asbestos
Low Density ..... CGSB 34-GP-18 25 Mar 1960
(8) Panels; Asbestos-Cement for
Acoustical Purposes CGSB 34-GP-19 1 Ian 1960
(9) Asbestos Fibre Sprayed
Insulation ......... CGSB 34-GP-20 1 Apr 1960
(10) Sheets; Sandwich Asbestos -
Cement and Fibre Board .... CGSB 34-GP-21 17 Iun 1960
(11) Pipe; Asbestos-Cement,
Flue ...... CGSB 34-GP-ll 28 Dec 1949
4. Bituminous Materials
( 1) Asnhalt Shiru!ies Surfaced with
( 2) Asphalt Roofing Surfaced with
Mineral Granules A123.2-1953 Methods of Testing Asphalt Roll Roofing,
( .3) Asphalt Hoofing Surfaced with Cap Sheets and Shingles .. ASTM D228-57T
> Powdered Mineral Matter A123.3-1953
~ (4) Wide Selvage Asphalt Roofing
::0 Surfaced with Mineral Granules .. CSA A123.4-1953
:;: (5) Asphalt Roll-Type Siding Surfaced
r.n with Mineral Granules A123.5-1953 en
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
.ASTM D70-52
• • •
~ Material Specifications Methods of Testing
103 Bituminous Materials (Continued)
Method of Test for Bitumen ........................................ ASTM D4-52
Method of Test for Penetration of
Bituminous Materials ............................................ ASTM D5-52
Method of Test for Distillation of Tar
Products Suitable for Road
Treatment .. . ................................................. ASTM D20-52
Method of Test for Softening Point of
(14) Coal-Tar Pitch for Steep Built- Bituminous Materials (Ring-and.Ball Method) .... ASTM D36-26
Up Roofs AI23.14-1953 Method of Test for Specific Gravity of Asphalts
and Tar Pitches Sufficiently Solid to be
Handled in Fragments. . ......................... ASTM D71-52
Method of Test for Flash and Fire Points by
Means of Cleveland Open Cup ............................ ASTM D92-57
Method of Sampling Bituminous Materials ............ ASTM D140-55
Methods of Laboratory Sampling and
Analysis of Coal and Coke ................................ ASTM D271-58
(15) Woven Cotton Fabrics Saturated with Methods of Sampling and Testing Felted and
Bituminous Substances for Use Woven Fabrics Saturated with Bituminous
in Waterproofing Substances for Use in Waterproofing
A123.15-1953 { and Roofing ................................................... ASTM D146-59
z Material Specifications Methods of Testing
o Bituminous Materials (Continued) •
z See material specification and:
>-t"" Method of Test for Bitumen ASTM D4-52
Method of Test for Penetration of
= Bituminous Materials D5-52
(17) Emulsified Asphalt Compounds; Method of Test for Flash and Fire Points by
Flt= Mineral-Colloid Type, for Water- Means of Cleveland Open Cup .... ASTM D92-57
Z proofing and Dampproofing .... CGSB 37-GP-2 7 Jul 1950 Method of Test for Ductility of
Bituminous Materials ASTM D113-44
o Methods of Testing Emulsified Asphalts ASTM D244-60
t= Method of Test for Softening Point by
Ring-and-Ball Apparatus .... ASTM E28-58T
Included in material specification and:
Method of Test for Penetration of
z>- Bituminous Materials ...... ASTM 05-52
>-t= Method of Test for Softening Point of
? Bituminous Materials (Ring-and-Ball
.... Method) ...... ................... ................ . .... ASTM 036-26
eft Method of Test for Distillation of Gasoline,
(18) Cement; Lap, Asphalt Naptha, Kerosine, and Similar Petroleum
Roofing CGSB 37-GP-4a 27 Jan. 1961 Products .................... .ASTM 086-59
Method of Test for Flash Point by
Pensky-Martens Closed Tester .. ASTM 093-58T
Method of Test for Water in Petroleum
Products and Other Bituminous Materials ....... ASTM 095-58
Method of Test for Proportion of Bitumen
Soluble in Carbon Tetrachloride ..................... ASTM 0165-42
Method of Test for Distillation of Cut-Back
Asphaltic Products .... ................................ ASTM 0402-55
Included in material specification and:
Method of Test for Penetration of
Bituminous Materials ....... ASTM D5-52
Method of Test for Softening
(19) Cement; Plastic, Asphalt Materials (Ring-and-Ball Method) .. ASTM 036-26
Cut-Back CGSB 37-GP-5a 6 Jan. 1961 Method of Test for Flash Point by
Tag Closed Tester ...... ASTM D56-56
Method of Test for Water in Petroleum
Products and Other Bituminous Materials ......... ASTM D95-58
Method of Test for Proportion of
Bitumen Soluble in Carbon Tetrachloride ........ ASTM D165-42
lVlCUlOU or 1. est lor vvaler HI rt:trOlt:UIII
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC and Other Bituminous
Products1941-2019 Droits Materials "",ASTM
réservés pour tousD95-58
Method of Test for Proportion of
l Bitumen Soluble in Carbon Tetrachloride "" ... ASTM D165-42
• • •
~ Material Specifications
>- Methods of Testing
.., Bituminous Materials (Continued)
Included in material specification and:
Method of Test for Penetration of
Bituminous Materials ,.... .. .... ,ASTM D5-52
Method of Test for Softening Point of Bituminous
Materials (Ring-and-BaU Method) ,ASTM D36-26
Method of Test for Flash Point by
(20) Asphalt Cut-Back; Unfilled, for Tag Closed Tester .. "ASTM D56-56
Dampproofing and Method of Test for Viscosity by Means of
Waterproofing CGSB 37-GP-6a 6 Jan. 1961 Saybolt Viscosimeter .. , .... ". ..", .. ASTM D88-56
Method of Test for Water in Petroleum
Products and Other Bituminous Materials ,.ASTM D95-58
Method of Test for Proportion of Bitumen
Soluble in Carbon Tetrachloride .. ASTM D165-42
Method of Test for Distillation of Cut-Back
Asphaltic Products D402-55
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © Method
Test for Flash Droits Pen sky-Martens
Point by réservés pour tous pays
l Closed Tester ." ............... " ... ".,', ....... "." .. , ....... ,ASTM D93-58T
(continued next page)
_..- ..
• • •
"1:1 Material Specifications Methods of Testing
~ Bituminous Materials (Continued)
(25) (continued) Method for Test for Water in Petroleum Products
and Other Bituminous Materials ............... , .. , .. , .... ,ASTM D95-58
Method of Test for Proportion of Bitumen Soluble
Asphalt Cut-Back; Filled, for in Carbon Tetrachloride ..... "ASTM D165-42
Dampproofing and Water- Method of Test for Distillation of Cut-Back
proofing ... , .. CGSB 37.GP-16 27 Nov 1952 Asphaltic Products ",. ".. " .,.". ASTM D402-55
Method of Test for Hot Extraction of Asphaltic
Materials and Recovery of Bitumen by the
Modified Abson Procedure , ..... ASTM D762-49
Included in material specification and:
Method of Test for Bitumen "ASTM D4-52
Method of Test for Distillation of
Tars and Tar Products ASTM D20-56
Method of Test for Softening Point of Bituminous
Materials (Ring-and-Ball Method) ASTM D36-26
(26) Cut-Back, Distilled Tar, Unfilled Method of Test for Flash Point by
for \Vaterproofing and Tag Closed Tester .. ,ASTM D56-56
Dampproofing . CGSB 37-GP-18 14 Jan 1954 Method of Test for Specific Gravity of Road Oils,
Road Tars, Asphalt Cements and Soft
Tar Pitches D70-52
Method of Test for Saybolt Viscosity ... "ASTM D88-56
Method of Test for Water in Petroleum Products
and Other Bituminous Materials "ASTM D95-58
Methods of Test for Water Vapour Permeability
of Paper and Paper Board , .... TAPPI T448 m-49
.... a'\,;l..l.I.\JU U.L '"" '-'03\. J.VJ. .l.Ju\..l..l.lu• .r VL
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC Materials ..........................................
1941-2019 Droits réservés pour ASTM
Method of Test for Proportion of Bitumen Soluble
l in Carbon Tetrachloride ...................................... ASTM D165-42
• • •
"tj Material Specifications Methods of Testing
c:n 5. Brass
General Requirements for Wrought Copper
( 1) Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip,
and Copper-Alloy Plate Sheet, Strip,
and Rolled Bar ASTM B36-60 { and Rolled Bar ........ . ....................................... ASTM B248-59
6. Cement
( 1) Portland Cements A5-1961 Included in material specification
Included in material specification and:
Methods of Sampling Hydraulic Cement ASTM C183-58T
Method of Test for Fineness of Portland
Cement by Air Permeability ............................. ASTM C204-55
(2) Natural Cement CI0-54
Method of Test for Tensile Strength of
Hydraulic Cement Mortars ... ................ . ....... ASTM C190-59
Methods of Test for Time of Setting of Hydraulic
Cement by the Vicat Needle .............................. ASTM C191-58
(3) Masonry Cement A8-1956 Included in the material specification Appendices A and B
\.7raae ................ .................... \.A:i;:)n ~~I-\..:i.r-;j :.!;j Jan H'::>~
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
(5) Soft Solder Metal ............................................ ASTM B32-58T Methods for Chemical Analysis of Lead-
{ and Tin-Base Solder Metal ................................... ASTM E46-56
• • ., •
"C Material Specifications
> Methods of Testing
~ Compounds for Jointing (Continued)
(6) Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Methods of Testing Preformed Expansion
Concrete (Nonextruding and Resilient J oint Fillers for Concrete (Nonextruding
Types) ASTM D1751-60T
{ and Resilient Types) .......................................... ASTM D545-49
Included in material specification and:
(7) Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Methods of Testing Preformed Expansion
Concrete (Bituminous Type) ...................... ASTM D994-53 { JOint Fillers for Concrete (Nonextruding
and Resilient Types) .......................................... ASTM D545-49
(8) Compound, Joint, Sewer
Pipe, Bituminous Hot
Pour, Mineral Filled ............ CGSB 5&-GP-2 11 Feb 1954
(9) Compound, Joint, Sewer
Pipe, Bituminous Hot Included in material specification
Pour, Mineral Filled .............. CGSB 56-GP-3 16 Dec 1954
(10) Compound, Joint, Sewer
Pipe, Bituminous Cold-
Applied, Mineral Filled ........ CGSB 56-GP-4 20 Sep 1956
9. Concrete
( 1) Code for Concrete Materials
and Methods of Construction .................. CSA A23.1-1960
(2) Minimum Requirements for the
Deformation of Deformed Steel Methods of Test for Concrete ............................. eCSA A23.2-1960
Bars for Concrete Reinforcement ............ CSA G30.6-1954
( 3) Design Requirements for Reinforced [
Gypsum Concrete .................................. CSA A82.32-1954
10. Concrete Units
(1) Concrete Building Brick .................................... ASTM C55-55 Standard Methods of Sampling and
{ Testing Brick .................................................. CSA A82.2-1954
(2) Hollow Load.Bearing Concrete
Masonry Units .............................................. ASTM C90-59
i:C (3) Hollow Non-Load-Bearing Methods of Sampling and Testing
> Concrete Masonry Units .............................. ASTM C129-59 Concrete Masonry Units ................................... ASTM C140-56
t!.l (4) Solid Load-Bearing Concrete (
e> Masonry Units ............................................ ASTM Cl45-59
tIJ (5) Cast Stone 704-44 Included in material specification
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
14. Glass
(1) Hollow Glass Blocks 1207:1953
(2) Glass; Flat, Clear Sheet ........ CGSB 12-GP-2 19 May 1955
(3) Glass; Flat, Polished
Plate .................................... CGSB 12-GP-3 19 May 1955 Included in material specification
(4) Glass; Flat, Heat Absorbing,
Transparent, Building
Construction ........................ CGSB 12-GP-4 22 May 1959
( 4) Glass; Flat,
Copyright © NRCHeat Absorbing,
1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Transparent, Building
Construction ........................ CGSB 12-GP-4 22 May 1959
• • •
>! Material Specifications Methods of Testing
:s 15. Gypsum
(1) Gypsum AB2.21-1950
(2) Gypsum Plasters AB2.22-1950
(3) Gypsum Moulding Plaster ...................... CSA AB2.23-1950 Standard Methods of Testing for Gypsum
and Gypsum Products ..................... CSA AB2.20-1954
(4) Gypsum Lath AB2.24-1950
(5) Gypsum Partition Tile or Block ................ CSA AB2.25-1950 1 Included in material specification and:
( 6) Keene's Cement AB2.26-1950 Standard Methods of Testing Gypsum
{ and Gypsum Products AB2.20-1954
(7) Gypsum Wall Board ...................... CSA AB2.27-1950 Standard Methods of Testing Gypsum
(B) Gypsum Sheathing Board .......................... CSA AB2.2B-1950 } and Gypsum Products AB2.20-1954
(9) Standard Definitions of Terms
Relating to Gypsum .............................. CSA AB2.29-1950
(10) Gypsum Plastering, Interior Furring
and Interior Lathing .............................. CSA AB2.30-1953
(11) Gypsum Wallboard Application ................ CSA AB2.31-1954
(12) Design Requirements for Reinforced
Gypsum Concrete .................................. CSA AB2.32-1954
(13) Poured-in-Place Reinforced Gypsum
Concrete Roof Decks Using
Permanent Formboards .......................... CSA AB2.33-1954
(14) Gypsum Formboard .................................. CSA AB2.34-1954
17. Lime
Methods of Chemical Analysis of Limestone,
(1) Quicklime for Structural Purposes .............. CSA· AB2.42-1950 Quicklime and Hydrated Lime ..................... CSA AB2.40-1950
~ Methods of Physical Testing of Quicklime
(2) Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes ........ CSA AB2.43-1950
and Hydrated Lime AB2.41-1950
:; (3) Normal Finishing Hydrated Lime ................ CSA AB2.44-1950
Methods of Sampling, Inspection, Packing and
& Marking of Quicklime and Lime Materials ... CSA AB2.45-1950
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
• • •
"tI Material Specifications Methods of Testing
,.;j 23. Protective Coatings
( 1) Red Lead Dry Pigment, Paste
and Mixed Paint CGSB 1-GP-14c 11 Aug. 1961
(2) Priming Paint for Steel;
Zinc Chromate - Iron
Oxide Type CGSB 1-GP-40b 11 Dec. 1959
(3) Primer; Red Lead, Iron
Oxide, Oil - Alkyd
Type CGSB 1-GP-140b 24 Nov. 1961
Top Coats
( 4) Exterior Linseed Oil
Paints; White and
Tinted CGSB 1-GP-28b 16 Oct 1959 Schedule of Methods of Testing
Paints and Pigments ........................ CGSB 1-GP-71 May 1960
(5) Graphite Paint; Black CGSB 1-GP-35b 11 Aug. 1961
(6) Exterior Linseed Oil
Paints; Solid Colours .. CGSB 1-GP-41b 16 Oct 1959
(7) Enamel, Glyceryl
Phthalate Type .... CGSB 1-GP-59c 24 Nov. 1961
(8) Aluminum Paint ...... CGSB 1-GP-69b 24 Nov. 1961
Wood Preservation
Specification for Wood Preservation ............. CSA 080-1959
N.B. The American Wood Preservers Association Standards fonn
a part of this specification.
24. Refractories
See Clay and Shale Units
25. Sand
~ See Aggregates
::1l 26. Sand-Lime
:; Standard Methods of Sampling and
t"' ( 1) Sand-Lime Building Brick A82.3-1954 III'
00 Testing Brick A82.2-1954
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
• • •
'tl Material Specifications Methods of Testing
~ Steel and Iron (Continued)
(20) Cast Iron S61-1948 Included in material specification
(21) Mild Steel Arc-welding Electrodes .CSA W48.1~1952 Included in material specification
(22) Corrosion-resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel
Included in material specification
Steel Welding Electrodes ....... .. ... CSA W4B.2-1953
(23) Steel for Bridges and Buildings ........... ASTM A7-58T
(24) Structural Steel ... ASTM A36-60T
(25) High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steel .... ASTM A242-55
Included in material specification
(26) High Strength Structural Steel ...... ASTM A440-59T and either:
(27) High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Manganese Method of Test for Brinell Hardness
Vanadium Steel .. ASTM A441-60T of Metallic Materials ASTM EI0-60T
(28) Structural SteeJ for Welding ..... ASTM A373-58T or
Methods of Test for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell
(29) Low Carbon Steel Externally and Internally Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials ........... ASTM E18·60T
Threaded Standard Fasteners ..... ASTM A307-58T
(30) Quenched and Tempered Steel Bolts and Studs with Suitable
Nuts and Plain Hardened Washers ...... ASTM A325-58T
29. Ventilators
Louvres Metal for Ventilating Houses ..... CSA A93-1961
• • •
Material Specifications Methods of Testing
~ Wood and Wood Products (Continued)
(7) Fibreboard; Insulating ............................ CGSB 11-GP-2 -1960 Methods of Sampling and Testing
(8) Fibreboard; Hard-Pressed ...................... CGSB 11-GP-3 -1960 } of Fibreboard ... ............ CGSB 11-GP-O, 22 Jan. 1960
(9) Code of Recommended Practice for
Engineered Design in Timber ........................ CSA 086-1959
(10) Lumber Grades (Minimum) (see table 5.4.3.A)
& tI
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
·Where wall sheathing is not required as a nailing base, one lower grade than those specified is permitted.
Grading Rules
For the species listed in Column 2. the following grading rules apply:
British Columbia Lumber Mfrs. Assoc. Rules No. 59 as amended up to May 3, 1962 (Supplements I to III)
West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau Rules No. 15-Revised Edition-May 1, 1962
Western Pine Association Rules 1961 as amended up to April I, 1962 (Supplements 1 to 4)
For the species listed in Column 3, the following grading rules apply:
Eastern Spruce Grading Committee Rules as published by the Maritime Lumber Bureau and the Quebec Lnmber Mfrs. Assoc. May. 1961.
Canadian Lumbermen's Association Rules, Oct. 1960, as amended up to March 1, 1962.
For the species listed in Column 4. the following grading rules apply:
Eastern Pine Grading Committee Rules for White and Red Pine as published by the Maritime Lumber Bureau and the Quebec Lumber
Manufacturers' Association-effective August 1. 1962.
Canadian Lumbermen's Association Rules, Oct. 1960, as amended up to March 1, 1962.
For the species listed in Column 5, the folIowing grading rules apply:
Western Pine Association Rules 1961 as amended up to April 1. 1962 (Supplements 1 to 4).
Ea~tern Pine-Grading. --Committ~ -:Ji;;fes --for ~Whit; ~nd--li;Cpine as published by the Maritime Lumber Bureau and the Quebec Lumber
Copyright © NRC Association-effective
1941 - 2019 World 1, 1962.
August Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Canadian Lumbermen's Association Rules, Oct. 1960, as amended up to March 1, 1962,
For the species listed in Column 5, the following grading rules apply:
Western Pine Association Rules 1961 as amended up to April 1, 1962 (Supplements 1 to 4),
• • •
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This advisory document has developed from the original National Building Code issued
in 1941 iointly by the National Research Council and the Department of Finance. A completely
revised edition was published in 1953. This is therefore the Third Edition.
The Associate Committee on the National Building Code consists of a group of about
twenty-four Canadian citizens appointed for three-year terms by the Council. They sit as
individuals and not as representatives of any organization. The major task of the Committee
is to promote the uniformity of building regulations throughout Canada. Continued study and
improvement to maintain the National Building Code as a satisfactory document containing
regulations which can be conveniently adopted or enacted for local use will always be an im-
portant part of the Committee's work.
The actual work of preparing new parts of the Code and of revising existing parts is
delegated by the Associate Committee to special revision committees. Engineers, architects,
building officials, and other technical experts sit upon these committees in order that the
resulting documents may represent contemporary practice in Canada, interpreted as necessary
to frame the minimum regulations of which the Code consists. These committees always issue
drafts of the new documents which they prepare. These are sent for comment to those who
express interest in them. Three Advisory Groups, on Fire, Health and Structure, each with
representative memberships, keep the technical content of the Code under review, between
revisions, and advise the Associate Committee on technical problems.
Comments on the use of the Code and suggestions for its improvement will be welcome
and may be sent to the Secretary, Associate Committee on the National Building Code, in care
of the National Research Council, Ottawa. If those who use this document will thus co-aperate
with those who have worked toward its preparation and revision, the true national character
of the Code will be maintained and strengthened and its development as a satisfactory set of
desirable building regulations for use by municipalities and other agencies throughout Canada
should steadily progress.
Ce document, ainsi que toutes les autres sections du Code National du Batiment, sera
disponible en fransais d'ici quelque temps. Toutes demandes doivent etre adressees au
Secretaire, Comite Associe sur Ie Code National du Batiment, Conseil National de Recherches,
Ottawa, Canada.
The National Building Code and its various parts or sections may be obtained by writing to:
The Secretary,
Associate Committee on the National Building Code,
National Research Council,
Ottawa 2, Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Part 1 Administrltion
'Irt 2 Definitions
'.rt 3 Use and Occupancy
Put 4 Design
Section 4.1 StrvctunlLNds.nd ProC.cI....
Section 4.2 Foundations
Section 4.3 Wood
Section 4.4 Unit MalOnry
Section 4..5 'lain. R.lnforced .nd Prell,.swcI
Section 4.6 5...1 CoftStruction
Section 4.7 C..dc:ling
.il1 5 Materials
'-} . ,.<~y
6 Building Services
" P'JH 7 Plumbing Services
;,:', :> ," .d 8 Constrvdion S.fety Melsuns
Pad 9 Housing
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Section 6.1 General 3
Section 6.2 Definitions ...... 4
Section 6.3 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
Systems and Equipment ... ............ 7
Section 6.4 Incinerators . 29
Section 6.5 Electrical Equipment, Installations and
Wiring ................................. . 29
Section 6.6 Elevators and Escalators ...................................... 30
Section 6.7 Fire Extinguishing Equipment ............................ 31
U.S. Canadian
National Building Code National Building Code
of Canada 1960
National Electrical Code Canadian Electrical Code
NFPA - 70 CSA C22.1-1958 and
Supplement R-1960
American Standard Safety Mechanical Refrigeration
Code for Mechanical Code CSA B52-1951
Refrigeration ASRE 15-53
Installation of Oil Burning Installation Code for Oil
Equipment NFPA-31 Burning Equipment
CSA B139-1962
Installation of Gas Installation Code for Gas
Appliances and Gas Burning Appliances and
Piping NFPA-54 Equipment CSA B149-1962
and Supplements 1 and 2, 1960
• Words that are in italics in this Part are defined. Definitions relating par-
ticularly to general services are contained in Section 6.2. General definitions
are contained in Part 2 of this Bylaw.
TABLE 6.1.3.A
Forming Part of Article
Substitution of Decimal Inches for Gauge Numbers in the
Designation of Minimum Sheet Metal Thicknesses
Minimum Thickness of Sheet Metal, in.
tion from the combustion chamber of a fuel-fired heat producing unit to the
~3 flue outlet means the opening of a fuel-fired heat producing unit through
}5 which the products of combustion pass to the flue pipe or breeching,
l4 flue pipe means the conduit connecting the flue outlet of a fuel-fired heat
~9 producing unit with a chimney or vent,
~7 forced warm-air furnace means a warm-air furnace equipped with a fan or
~8 blower which provides the primary means for the circulation of air,
~O furnace (see warm-air furnace)
'1 gas vent means a primarily vertical shaft which encloses one flue serving
gas-fired appliances,
~8 gravity warm-air furnace means a warm-air furnace depending primarily
l3 on gravity for the circulation of air,
;3 heat exchanger means a chamber or conduit in which heat resulting directly
~4 from combustion of fuel or electrical resistance or heat from a heating me-
15 Ii
dium such as air, water or steam is transferred through the walls of the
;0 chamber or conduit to the surrounding air and surrounding objects, or to
the surrounding water,
)1 heating appliance means a fuel-fired or electrical resistance device intended
'6 primarily for space heating, cooking or the heating of water, including
.4 warm-air furnaces, hot water and steam boilers, stoves, ranges, space
heaters, heat exchangers, ullit heaters and water heaters,
~2 heat producing unit means a fuel-fired or electrical resistance device which
16 produces heat, including a heating appliatlCe, a fireplace and an in-
!3 cinerator,
,5 liner (see chimtley liner),
masonry chimney (see chimney, masonry or concrete),
l5 masonry or concrete chimney (see chimney, masonry or concrete),
metal chimney (see chimney, metal),
noncombustible means not combustible (see definition),
perimeter heating system means a heating system in which the heat from
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
t from
madly The proVIsIons of this Section shall apply to the design, construction
water and installation of heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems and equip-
'stems) ment, both residence type and other than residence type, installed in building,
Ie, the other than houses for the purpose of providing and maintaining conditions of air
temperature, humidity, movement or quality suitable for the use and occupancy
of the space, including all alterations or additions to such systems and equip-
~ rated ment.
4,000 6.3.12. The installation of all equipment not covered specifically herein shall Equipment
comply with the regulations of the municipal or provincial authority or com· not covered
neated, mission concerned. In the absence of such regulations, the installation of such herein
ir con- equipment shall be subject to the approval of the authority ha&ing ;urisdiction.
.ting or
lir con-
Plans and Specifications
ing apo All plans, specifications and data for heating, ventilating and air con-
:h it is ditioning systems of all buildings and serving all occupancies within the scope
of this Bylaw shall be supplied to the authority having jurisdiction. The lines, data and information shown on plans for heating, ventil- Details and
ating and air conditioning systems submitted for approval shall be clear, data
legible and complete and shall include all details and data necessary for review
mit, of installation, such as
leI-fired (a) building: name, type, and location,
(b) owner: name,
:ned to
, to the :"- (c) architect: name,
(d) engineer or designer: name,
domes- (e) orientation: north point on plans,
ing two
nd two (f) general plans: dimensions and height of all rooms.
(g) intended use of all rooms.
ives its (h) detail or description of wall construction including insulation and finish,
(i) detail or description of roofs, ceiling, and floor construction including
its heat insulation and finish,
er, (j) detail or description of windows and outside doors, including size,
!l or in-
weatherstripping, storm sash, sills, storm doors, etc.,
(k) size and continuity of all pipes, ducts and flues.
ater de- (I) location, size, capacity and type of all principal units of equipment,
(m) chimney or c;ent size, shape and height.
Good All heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems and equipment,
engineering including radiant panels, shall be designed, constructed and installed in accord~
and ance with good engineering and commercial practice O and to the satisfaction of
commercial the authority having jurisdiction.
(2) Heating and air conditioning equipment fonning part of a system in
which oil, gas or electrical energy is used as a heat source shall be installed
according to the requirements of the appropriate installation code as follows:
ea) Oil firing-CSA BI39-1962, "Installation Code for Oil Burning Equip-
(b) Gas firing-CSA BI49-1962, "Installation Code for Gas Burning Appli-
ances and Equipment".
(c) Electricity-CSA C22.1.1958, "Canadian Electrical Code" and Supple-
ment R-1960.
Design The outside design conditions to be used for heating, ventilating and
conditions air conditioning systems shall be those established by the authority having juris-
diction for the area in which the building is located. The indoor design condi-
tions to be used for such systems shall be those in sftbsection 3.6.6. of Part 3,
Access All equipment serving or fonning part of any heating, ventilating
or air conditioning system, with the exception of embedded pipes or ducts, shall
be designed and installed for easy access for inspection, maintenance, repair and
(2) All mechanical apparatus shall be adequately guarded to prevent injury
to the public or maintenance staff.
Guards Closed type heating systems shall incorporate adequate provision for
expansion and contraction of the heating fluid.
Expansion and All equipment and systems servicing spaces which house sources of
contraction odours, fumes, noxious gases, smoke, vapours, dust, spray or other contamination
shall be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with NFPA 91-1961 00 ;
and shall be operated in such a manner as to prevent spreading of any con-
tamination to any other occupied parts of the building and surrounding areas.
Equipment All electrical wiring and electrical equipment used in connection with
for heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems and their components shall be
contaminated installed in accordance with Section 6.5.
wiring and General
equipment Notwithstanding other requirements in this subsection, warm-air
supply ducts shall be constructed only of noncombustible materials.
bustible (2) Where warm-air supply ducts are lined, the lining material shall be
supply ducts noncombustible .
Noncom- Flexible connectors for warm-air supply ducts shall be constructed of
bustible noncombustible fabric such as woven glass fibre or woven asbestos.
lining for Ducts for Blower and Exhaust Systems
supply ducts Ducts for blower and exhaust systems for dust and vapour removal
Noncom- and for conveying stock and refuse shall be constructed and installed in accor-
bustible dance with NFPA No. 91-1961.
flexible (2) Ducts or airways used for the transmission of contaminated air shall be
connectors used for no other purpose.
• For the purpose of this Section, the latest issues of the following reference
publications are recommended as being representative of good engineering and com-
mercial practice:
(i) The Guide and Data Books of the AmeriClln Society of Heating, Refrigerat~
ing and Air-Conditioning Engineers.
(U) The published manuals of the National Warm Air Heating and Air Con-
ditioning Association.
(iii) The published manuals of the Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufac-
(iv) The Heating Manual of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association •
.. National Fire Protection Association. 60 Batterymal'ch Street, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.
accord- Ducts for ventilation of restaurant cooking equipment shall be con-
~tion of structed and installed in accordance with NFPA No. 96-1961.
urces of
mination supply ducts
1961 00 ;
my con- (a) for furnaces with required clearances between the furnace supply plenum Where
areas. and combustible construction of 3 in. or less, the offset transition take- required
off connecting the plenum to a horizontal supply duct shall be not less plenum
ion with than 18 in. in length. Beyond that point a clearance of at least ~ in. clearance io;
shall be shall be maintained between the horizontal supply duct and combustible 3 in. or less
construction, except that the clearance may be reduced to zero beyond a
bend or offset in the duct sufficiently large to shield the remainder of the
supply duct from direct radiation from the furnace heat exchanger (see
Fig. 6.3.2.(a»;
(b) for furnaces with required clearances between the furnace supply plenum Where
shall be and combustible construction of more than 3 in. but not more than 6 in., required
the clearance specified for the plenum shall be maintained between the plenum
horizontal supply duct and combustible construction for a distance of not Clearance is
ucted of less than 6 ft from the furnace supply plenum measured horizontally more tha·; :;.
along the supply duct. Beyond that point a clearance of at least ~ in. in. but ncr
shall be maintained between the horizontal supply duct and combustible more than
removal construction except that the clearance may be reduced to zero beyond 6 in.
in accor- a bend or offset in the duct sufficiently large to shield the remainder of
"' the supply duct from direct radiation from the furnace heat exchanger
shall be (see Fig. 6.3.2.(b»;
I (c) for furnaces with required clearances between the furnace supply Where
lnd com- plenum and combustible construction of more than 6 in. the clearance required
specified for the plenum shall be maintained between the horizontal plenum
~frigerat- supply duct and combustible construction for a distance of at least 3 ft clearance is
I\ir Con- from the furnace supply plenum, and a clearance of at least 6 in. shall more than
be maintained for that section of the duct between 3 and 6 ft from the 6 in.
lIanufac- furnace supply plenum measured horizontally along the supply duct; a
clearance of at least 1 in. shall be maintained beyond the 6-ft limit
(see Fig. 6.3.2.(c) );
• U.S.A.
18" MIN
3'-0· MIN
6'-0· MIN
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
(d) where a horizontal supply duct passes through or enters a partition or Passage
wall of combustible construction, the clearance between a horizontal through
supply duct and combustible construction shall be not less than as combustible
specified in clauses (a), (b) or (c) as applicable, taking into considera- construction
tion the location of the partition relative to the furnace supply plenum
and the arrangement of the duct work; the ends of the space providing
the required clearance may be closed with a thimble and collar, or the
partition or wall surfaces may be extended with noncombustible material
such as plaster on metal lath.
(5) Clearances to combustible construction from vertical supply ducts form- Clearances
ing part of forced warm-air heating systems shall be not less than those for
specified in sentences (4)(a) to (4)(d) as applicable, taking into consideration vertical
the location of the vertical supply duct in relation to the furnace, except that heating
(a) where the heating supply duct work, on heating systems with furnaces supply
requiring clearances above their heating supply plenum of 6 in. or less, is ducts
arranged so that the air in the vertical supply duct has changed direction
equivalent to at least two 9O-deg turns after leaving the furnace heat
exchange surface, no clearance is required, and
(b) clearance to combustible material from vertical heating supply ducts
forming part of a duct system for a forced warm..air furnace whose
supply plenum is required to be more than 6 in. from combustible con-
struction shall be at least 5/16 in.
(6) Clearances between combustible material and branch ducts, boots or Clearances
register boxes forming part of a forced warm-air heating system shall be the for branch
same as for the ducts to which they are attached, except that where such ducts, boots
branch duct, boot or register box is required to have a clearance of not less or register
than 5/16 in. to combustible construction a layer of ~-in. thick cellular asbestos boxes
insulation may be used as an alternative to the required clearance.
• (7) Ducts for heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems of other than
residence type shall be provided with automatic fire doors and dampers accord-
in.g to the provisions of NFPA No. 90A-1961 when required.
Underground Ducts Every underground duct used for conveying air for heating and
ventilating purposes, except those used for warm-air supply ducts for perimeter
heating systems, shall be
Fire doors
and dampers
, I
Gravity Exhaust Ducts Gravity exhaust ducts serving separate rooms or spaces shall not be Combination
combined anywhere, except that when serving similar occupancies they may be of ducts
combined immediately below the point of final delivery to the outside such as
at the base of a roof ventilator.
(2) Where exhaust ducts are installed leading to the outside atmosphere, due Condensation
provision shall be made for any condensation. provisions
(3) The exterior opening of gravity exhaust ducts shall be provided with a Cowl at ex-
cowl designed to prevent back draft. terior opening
(4) In gravity exhaust systems provision shall be made for the admission of Adequate
an adequate supply of air to the room through intakes at least equal in area to air supply
the exhaust outlets.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
(2) Where heating appliances are required to be enclosed or separated from Enclosures
the remainder of the building, such separation or enclosure shall conform to the and
requirements of subsection 3.2.4. of Part 3. separation
(3) All heating appliances installed in buildings shall comply with the re- Special
quirements of subsection 6.3.3., except that in the case of special equipment equipment
rt ducts incorporating systems of operation, fuel supply, combustion or venting not con-
exhaust templated by these requirements the installation of such equipment shall be
Ifficient subject to the special approval of the authO'rity having jurisdiction.
om one (4) Adequate access facilities shall be provided for all heating appliances Access
including those installed in concealed locations such as attics and crawl spaces. facilities
mt and elements of the building structure.
'eration .
Heating Appliances Burning Solid Fuel
structed Solid fuel burning heating appliances shall be installed only in loca- Air for
nt dirty tions where the facilities for ventilation provide sufficient air for the combustion combustion
of the fuel and proper draft under normal conditions of use. and draft
d as to (2) Every solid fuel burning heating appliance shall be connected to a Connection
access chimney by a flue pipe or breeching. Such flue pipe or breeching shall conform to flue
Jhall be to article pipe
)f other Every steam and hot water boiler burning solid fuel shall be designed, Regulations
PA No. constructed and installed according to ~he requirements of CSA B51-1960, for boilers
"Code for the Construction and Inspection of Boilers and Pressure Vessels," and pressure
, )
and where applicable shall be approved and registered and distinctly stamped. vessels
systems Boilers and furnaces burning solid fuel shall be installed only in rooms Installation
PA No. or spaces that comply with the requirements of subsection 3.2.4. space
~sshall. (b) on a concrete floor,
of such
Part 3. (c) on any floor of noncombustible construction having not less than a 2-hour
fire resistance rating, or
(d) on any floor which is protected by two courses of 4-in. thick hollow
masonry units arranged so that the hollow cores in the units are at
right angles to each other and will pennit air circulation from side to side.
(2) A boiler or furooce burning solid fuel of a type in which flame or hot
gases do not come in contact with its base may be mounted on any floor where
(a) the floor is protected with not less than 4 in. of hollow masonry units
covered with sheet metal not less than 0.022 in. thick, and
(b) the masonry units are arranged so that the hollow cores will permit
air circulation from side to side through them.
(4) A boiler of the water-base type in which the water chamber extends
under the whole of the ash pit and fire-box, or under the whole of the combus-
tion chamber if there is no ash pit, may be mounted on any floor.
Clearances Except as permitted in sentence (2), boilers and furnaces burning
solid fuel shall be installed to provide clearance to combuatible construction
whether plastered or unplastered not less than as shown in table 6.3.3.A.
(2) Boilers and furnaces may be installed with reduced clearances as provided
in table 6.3.3.B where combustible construction is protected in the manner
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Minimum Clearance. in.
(7) is
18 in.
• operating at not over 15 psi gauge
pressure and hot water boilers oper-
ating at not in excess of 250 0 F of
the water-wall type or having a
jacket or lining of masonry or other
satisfactory insulating material. 6 6 48
Note 4)
Notes: (1) Front clearance shall be sufficient for servicing the stoker and
t metal "'" furnace.
(2) Temperature high limit control that cannot be set higher than 250°F
installed not more than 10 in. above the top surface of heat ex-
lce (5) changer in a supply plenum that extends at least 12 in. above the
do not
top surface of the heat exchaneer.
~ovided ( 4) For clearance pUrPoses the projecting flue outlet is considered as
nanner part of the flue pipe. Refer to article for clearance re-
TABLE 6.3.3.B
Above Above
and Jacket and Jacket
sides of sides sides of sides
bonnet or and bonnet or and
plenum rear plenum rear
(9) 1"
14-m. cellular asbestos 18 18 3 3
Column 1 2 3 4 5
• Every steam boiler burning solid fuel shall be equipped with Steam boller
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
(a) one or more water gauge glasses attached to the water column and accessories,
arranged so that the lowest visible part of the water glass is not lower safety devices
than the lowest safe waterline; each water gauge glass being equipped and controls
with at least two gauge cocks located within the range of the visible
length of the water gauge glass;
(b) an approved steam pressure gauge connected to its steam space, water
column, or steam connection by means of a siphon or equivalent device
either inside or outside of the boiler;
(c) at least one safety valve which meets the requirements of CSA specifica-
lble tion B51-1960, "Code for the Construction and Inspection of Boilers
~ mjni- and Pressure Vessels"; no shut-off of any description shall be installed
lIlce between a safety valve and a boiler, or on any discharge pipe between
ltection such valve and the atmosphere;
(d) a blow-off pipe connection fitted with a valve or cock not less than
3/4-in. pipe size connected with the lowest practicable water space;
sides (e) a limit control to stop a fan or blower used for draft under conditions of
and (0 low water level, and
rear (ii) pressure exceeding the design working pressure of the boiler or the
setting of the pressure relief valve whichever of the two is lower.
(2) Every hand-fired steam boiler burning solid fuel shall be equipped with
a pressure combustion regulator to control the rate of combustion and to prevent
2 the steam pressure from rising above 15 psig. An electric damper controller
of the spring-loaded type, which will close the fire damper and open the check
damper in case of power failure, may be used for this purpose.
(3) Every stoker serving a steam boiler burning solid fuel shall be equipped
with the following controls in addition to those required in sentence (1):
(a) a means of manually stopping the supply of fuel from a location near
the entrance to the space in which the stoker is located;
2 (b) an automatic means of stopping the stoker motor under conditions of
(i) low water level,
(ii) pressure exceeding the design working pressure of the boiler or the
setting of the pressure relief valve whichever of the two is lower.
1 (iii) failure of a fan or blower providing draft; and
(c) either
(i) a timing-type relay which will provide stoking according to a
2 predetermined schedule so that minimum fire is maintained, or
(U) a temperature sensitive device located in the flue pipe adjacent to the
boiler to maintain a minimum fire.
2 In the event of fire failure these controls shall de-energize the stoker
"1 motor until the fire is restored. Every hot water boiler burning solid fuel shall be equipped with Hot water
4 boiler
(a) a pressure gauge connected to it or to its flow connection;
3 (b) a thermometer reading in degrees Fahrenheit located safety devices
(i) so that it can be re~~. and and controls
5 (ii) at or near the outld: of the boiler;
(c) at least one relief valve which meets the requirements of B51-1960,
"Code for the Construction and Inspection of Boilers and Pressure
Vessels" published by the Canadian Standards Association; no shut-off
hall be of any description shall be installed between the relief valve and the
tie con- boiler, nor on a discharge pipe between a relief valve and the
bustible atmosphere;
(d) a blow-off pipe connection fitted with a valve or cock not less than
3/4·in. pipe size connected with the lowest practicable water space;
(f) a limit control to stop a fan or blower used for draft under conditions
(i) low water level, and
(ii) temperatures exceeding the design working temperature of the
boiler or the setting of the temperature relief valve whichever of the
two is lower.
(2) Every hand-fired hot water boiler burning solid fuel shall be equipped
with a temperature combustion regulator installed near the outlet connection
of the boiler to control the rate of combustion and to prevent the temperature
of the water from rising above 250°F. An electric damper controller of the
spring-loaded type which will close the fire damper and open the check damper
in case of power failure may be used for this purpose.
(3) Every stoker serving a hot water boiler burning solid fuel shall be equip-
ped with the following controls in addition to those required in sentence (1):
(a) a means of manually stopping the supply of fuel from a location near
the entrance to the space in which the stoker is located;
(b) an automatic means of stopping the stoker motor under conditions of
(i) low water level,
(ii) temperatures exceeding the design working temperature of the
boiler or the setting of the temperature relief valve whichever of the
two is lower.
(iii) failure of a blower or fan providing draft; and
(c) either
(i) a timing-type relay which will provide stoking according to a pre-
determined schedule so that a minimum fire is maintained, or
(ii) a temperature sensitive device located in the flue pipe adjacent to the
boiler to maintain a minimum fire.
In the event of fire failure these controls shall de-energize the stoker
motor until the fire is restored.
\.4) Every stoker-fired forced circulation hot water boiler shall be provided
with an over-run control to operate the circulating pump when the water tempera-
ture reaches a predetermined temperature not higher than 250°Fj if a manually
operated switch is installed in the electric circuit serving the circulating pump,
it shall be so installed as to de-energize simultaneously the motors of the cir-
culating pump and the stoker.
Forced warm- Every forced-circulation warm-ai,.. furnace burning solid fuel shall
air furnace be equipped with a limit control to stop a fan or blower used for draft when
safety devices the temperature in the furnace supply plenum exceeds 250°F.
and controls
(2) Every hand-fired forced-circulation warm-air furnace burning solid fuel
shall be equipped with
(a) a barometric draft control located in the flue pipe downstream from the
check damper and permanently set to limit the draft to a maximum of
0.13 in. water gauge or to the maximum draft recommended by the
furnace manufacturer, whichever is lower, and
(b) a temperature combustion regulator to control the rate of combustion
and to prevent the temperature in the furnace supply plenum from
exceeding ~50 ° F; an electric damper controller of the spring-loaded type,
which will close the fire damper and open the check damper in case
of power failure. may be used for this purpose; such a regulator shall
be installed as close to the top of the furnace supply plenum as possible,
or at the beginning of the main supply duct.
(3) Every stoker serving a forced-circulation warm-air furnace burning solid
fuel shall be equipped with the following controls in addition to those required
in sentence (1):
(a) a means of manually stopping the supply of fuel from a location near
the entrance to the space in which the stoker is located;
d to the
that the
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
1t to the The requirements for the mounting of stoves, ranges and space heaters Mounting
burning solid fuel shall be the same as those given in article for boilers
, stoker and furnaces of similar construction. Except as permitted in sentence (2), stoves, ranges and space heaters Clearances
)rovided burning solid fuel shall be installed to provide clearance to combustible con-
empera- struction, whether plastered or unplastered, not less than as shown in table
Janually 6.3.3.C.
~ pump, (2) .. Stoves, ranges and space heaters burning solid fuel may be installed with
the cir- reduced clearances as provided in table 6.3.3.D. where combustible construc-
tion is protected in the manner specified.
el shall
ft when TABLE 6.3.3.C
Forming Part of Sentence 1) and Article
lid fuel Minimum clearances to Combustible Construction for Stoves, Ranges, Space
Heaters and Direct-fi.red Water Heaters Burning Solid Fuel
rom the Minimum Clearance, in.
num of Appliances
by the Flue
Top Sides Rear Front Pipe
lbustion Stoves, ranges and direct-fired water
n from heaters (fire pot without fire-clay lin-
36 36° 36 48 ••
!d type,
in case Stoves, ranges and direct-fired water
lr shall heaters (fire pot with fire-clay lining) 36 24° 12 48 ••
Space heaters 36 12 12 48 .0
19 solid Column 1 2 3 4 5 6
• The clearance from the sides of a range burning solid fuel. other than the fire
box side. may be 18 in.
In near "Refer to article
Sides Sides
and and
Rear Sides Sides Top Rear
~4-in. asbestos millboard spaced out 1 in. by noncombustible material 6 9 12 30 IS
0.0136-in. sheet metal on J4-in. asbestos millboard 6 9 12 24 IS
0.0136-in. sheet metal spaced out 1 in. by noncombustible material 4 6 S IS 12
asbestos millboard on I-in. mineral wool batts reinforced with
4 6 S IS 12
wire mesh or equivalent
0.02S2-in. sheet metal on I-in. mineral wool batts reinforced with 12
wire mesh or equivalent 2 4 S IS
o All clearances shall be measured from the outer surface of the appliance to the combustible construction, disregarding any intervening
protection applied to the combustwle construction.
, , j
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays The mounting of direct-ftred water heaters burning solid fuel shall be Mounting
the same as those given in article for boilers and furnaces of similar
construction. All direct-fired water heaters burning solid fuel shall be provided Controls and
with one of the following: safety devices
(a) a pressure relief valve and a temperature relief valve,
(b) a combination pressure and temperature relief valve, or
(c) a pressure relief valve and a high temperature combustion regulator
complying with the requirements for hand-fired hot water boilers con-
tained in sentence
(2) All indirect water heaters installed within the heat exchanger of a boiler
shall be provided with operating controls of the type recommended by the
boiler manufacturer.
(3) All instantaneous (tankless) type indirect water heaters shall be pro-
vided with the following:
!a) a thermostatic mixing valve,
(b) a flow regulator of the same flow rate as the heater (nearest standard
size), when water pressure exceeds 40 psig, and
(c) a pressure relief valve.
(4) All storage type indirect water heaters shall be provided with a pressure
relief valve located in the cold water supply piping to the tank.
steam or hot water heating system, when placed in a recess, concealed space
of combustible construction or attached to the face of a wall shall be provided
with a noncombustible lining or backing.
Storage Bins
Solid-fuel 6.3.3.%2..(1) No steam. water or other pipes shall pass through a solid-fuel
storage bins storage bin. No sewer or drain openings shall be located under or adjacent to
piled solid fuel.
(2) The floor and walls of solid-fuel storage bins shall be made of n0n-
combustible material.
(3) Solid fuels shall not be stored where the air temperature or the surface
temperature of any part of the floor or walls is in excess of 120°F.
Ash storage Every ash storage bin or receptacle for ashes shall be of iron, brick
bins or other noncombustible material of adequate thickness. The floor and, in case
such an ash bin is covered. the roof shall be of noncombustible material. When
such a bin is not covered, the ceiling of the room in which it is located shalt
be of noncombustible material.
(2) Every opening shall be protected by a metal door fitting tightly into a
metal frame which shall be securely fastened to the walls or roof.
Expansion Every steam and hot water pipe shall be installed to provide for all
and expansion and contraction movements due to temperature changes.
Steam or Water
Temperature, Required Clearance,
deg F in.
• Every covering or insulation used on any steam or hot water pipe shall Pipe
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays Any enclosure for steam or hot water piping shall Enclosures
of non- (a) be lined with metal or asbestos millboard. and
(b) be at least equal in fire resistance rating to any construction through
e surface which it passes.
• Masonry or concrete fireplaces and factory·built fireplaces shall conform
to the requirements of subsection 9.8.7. of Part 9 .
in excess (4) The venting of all oil or gas fired heating appliances and the construc- Codes
llstruction tiol\ and installation of all venting equipment therefor shall at least conform
a sleeve to the follOWing installation codes as applicable
larger in (a) CSA B139-1957, "Installation Code for Oil Burning Equipment,"
(b) CSA B149-1958, "Installation Code for Gas Burning Appliances and
Equipment" and Supplements 1 and 2.1960,
an which except as required in sentence (5).
1I/'een the
a sleeve, (5) Where installation codes specified in clauses (4) (a) and (4) (b) do not
required contain requirements for
(a) masonry or concrete chimneys
ge space,
Jf'oved in- (b) metal chimneys for oil burning appliances, or
e surface (c) chimney flues for oil burning appliances,
the requirements of subsection 6.3.7. shall apply.
insulated (6) The venting of all solid fuel burning heating appliances and fireplaces
Iexposed burning solid fuel shall comply with the requirements of this subsection.
Residence Every masonry or concrete chimney of residence type shall be designed
type and constructed in accordance with the requirements of subsection 9.8.6. of
Part 9.
Other than Every masonry or concrete chimney other than residence type shall
residence be designed according to good engineering and commercial practice to with-
type stand the stresses and forces due to its weight and to the probable wind,
temperature and earthquake conditions for its location and exposure, taking
into account the service for which it is intended.
(2) The foundations for masonry or concrete chimneys other than residence
type shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of
Section 4.2.
(3) Masonry or concrete chimneys other than residence type shall be con-
structed of
(a) radial brick, conforming to the requirements for Grade SW brick as
contained in CSA specification A82.1-1954 of best quality, run of the
kiln, moulded from refractory clay, sound, ringing hard, well burned,
well shaped and free from checks, which shall
(i) be p~rforated vertically, the total area of perforation not exceeding
35 per cent of the gross cross-sectional area of the brick,
(ii) be acid resistant,
(iii) have an ultimate crushing strength of not less than 5000 psi of the
net cross-sectional area, and
(iv) be cut radially with curved inner and outer faces conforming closely
to the circular and radial lines of the finished chimney; or
(b) reinforced concrete conforming to the requirements of Section 4.5.
(4) Mortar used in the construction of radial brick chimneys shall consist
of a thorough mixture of portland cement, fresh lime and clean sharp sand, in
the proportion of 1 part cement, 2 parts lime and not less than 5 parts sand,
except that other approved mortar materials or additives may be used. The
portland cement, lime and sand (aggregate) shall comply with the requirements
of subsection 4.4.2.
(5) Structural steel for other than residence type, masonry or concrete
chimneys shall conform to the requirements for
(a) mild structural steel contained in CSA specification G40.3-1959, "Struc-
tural Steel for Locomotives and Cars," or
(b) medium structucal steel contained in CSA specification G40.4-1959,
"Medium Structural Steel".
(6) Reinforcing steel for other than masonry or concrete chimneys of resi-
dence type shall be intermediate or hard grade conforming to the requirements
of CSA specification G30.1-1954.
(7) Cast iron used in the construction of masonry or concrete chimneys other
than residence type shall conform to the requirements of CSA specification
S61-1948. "Cast Iron."
(8) Where the temperature of flue gases entering the chimney does not
exceed 800°F, linings of radial brick chimneys shall be constructed of either
rectangular or radial brick made from hard burned clay or shale and confonn-
ing to the requirements for Grade SW brick contained in CSA specification
A82.1-1954. Where perforated brick is used, the total area of perforation
shall not exceed 35 per cent of the gross cross-sectional area of the brick.
(9) Where the temperature of flue gases entering the chimney exceeds
800°F, refractory linings shall be used for radial brick chimneys which shall
have the characteristics necessary for the conditions of service. Fire clay brick
• (iv) joints unifonn and not exceeding 3/4 in.,
(v) full bed of mortar extending not less than 1/2 in. into the perfora-
tions and vertical joints,
(vi) vertical radial brick joints filled with mortar on the inside and out-
side of the chimney to a depth of not less than 2 in., and
(vii) all joints reasonably level or plumb;
( c) circular steel reinforcing no less than 1.00 sq in. in cross-sectional area
shall be embedded in the mortar of the brickwork at each change in
wall thickness or section and above and below the flue or breeching
, "Struc-
(d) protection against the radiant heat of the flue gases shall be provided
1.4-1959, 0) any part of the foundation which is exposed within the chimney, and
(ii) concrete floors at the base of, or supported from, the chimney
of resi- column.
(12) Every masonry or concrete chimney other than residence type shall be
provided with
3yS other
(a) a chimney cap of cast iron or remforced concrete to protect the top of
the column and the top of full height linings where used,
(b) a cleanout door constructed of cast iron fitted to a cast iron frame at
ioes not least 2 ft wide by 3 ft high and provided with a device to prevent the
[)f either entry of unauthorized persons,
~ification (c) access ladders consisting of round, bent steel rungs built into the walls
rforation at suitable intervals, such rungs to begin at least 8 ft from grade in the
~k. case of external ladders.
exceeds (13) A lightning protection system, where used, shall confonn to the re-
ich shall quirements of CSA B72-1960, "Code for Installation of Lightning Rods", and
ay brick shall comply with the applicable provincial regulations.
Clearances The top of every smokestack shall be located at least 10 ft above
the top of any door or window within a horizontal distance of 50 ft from the
(Z) The minimum clearance between an exterior smokestack and
(a) any wall or roof of combustible construction shall be 3 ft, or
(b) any opening in any wall or any means of egress shall be 6 ft, or
(c) any masonry wall shall be 1 ft,
except that in the case of insulated smokestacks such distances may be reduced
to not less than 2/3 these clearances by the authority havifll: jurisdiction.
(3) Every interior smokestack that passes through more than one story or
through an enclosed attic space shaH be enclosed above the room in which
the heat producing unit is located with waUs which are continuous to and
through the roof and which have
(a) a fire-resistance rating of not less than 4 hours, and
(b) every opening protected by self-closing fire doors approved as protection
for openingS in fire walls.
• (4) The space between the enclosing walls and the smokestack shall be
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
or smoke- (a) sufficient to render the stack accessible for examination and repair,
lent part (b) used to ventilate no room other than the one in which the heating
appliance is located,
tible ma- (c) ventilated to the outside air. and
(d) provided with suitable air inlets at the base.
(5) Within the story in which the heat producing unit is contained, every
designed interior smokestack shall have a clearance of 3 ft to any combustible material,
except that where such a smoke8tack passes through a combustible roof assembly,
the clearance between it and the nearest combustible material may be reduced
~kness of to 12 in. provided the stack is guarded by a metal thimble extending at least
shall the 9 in. above and 9 in. below the roof construction. The thimble shall be of a size
approoed to provide clearances on all sides of the stack of not less than 6 in., and shall
approoed have double cylindrical walls with a ventilated space between the walls and
between the stack and thimble.
(6) No interior smoke8tack shall be carried up inside a ventilating duct unless
such duct is constructed according to the requirements herein for smokmacb,
ed when and unless such duct is used solely for venting the room or space in which the
heat producing unit served by the smokestack is located.
• Every chimney flue serving any heat producing unil shall
;lance of
(a) be contained in a chimney or chimney line, conforming to the require-
ments of this subsection,
distance (b) in no case be inclined more than 45 deg to the vertical, and
r highest
(c) have a cross-sectional area sufficient to vent the heat producing unit
which it serves in accordance with good engineering and commercial
Ig at its practice, except that where a chimney flue is not specifically designed
for a particular installation the cross-sectional area shall be not less
than that given in table 6.3.7.A as applicable.
be lined
ing shall TABLE 6.3.7.A
Forming Part of Sentence
ft above
from the Heat Producing Minimum Flue Corresponding Nominal
Unit Area" External Dimensions of
sq in. Chimney Liner
Small Btooes, ranges, space
heaters, and water heat. 28 6-in. round
6 ft. or ers
Furnaces and
reduced boaers 35 8 by 8 in. sq
Fireplaces 57 8 by 1.2 in. rectangular
8tory or
[) which Column 1 .2 3
to and
(Z) Where a chimney flue is rectangular or oval in cross-section. the width
of such cross-section shall not be less than 2/3 its length.
iotection (3) Any chimney flue serving a fireplace shall not serve any other heat
.",.odudng unit.
(4) Two or more heat producing units other than fireplaces may be con-
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
TABLE 6.3.7.B
Forming Part of Article
(3) No flue pipe or breeching serving a solid fuel fired heating appliance
shall pass through
(a) an attic, closet or similar concealed space, or
(b) a floor, wall or partition of combustible construction.
(4) Every flue pipe or breeching serving a solid fuel fired heating appliance
(a) be securely supported by metal or other noncombusttble supports,
(b) be as short and straight as possible,
(c) be pitched upward toward the chimney at a slope of not less than 1/4
in./ft of horizontal run,
(d) have a cross-sectional area not less than
(i) the area of the flue outlet of the heating appliance served by a
flue pipe, or
(ii) the combined area of the flue outlets of all the heating appliances
served by a breeching,
(e) enter the side of a chimney through a metal thimble or masonry flue
(f) not extend into the chtmney flue, and
(g) have a tight connection with the chimney.
be con-
• The minimum clearance between a flue pipe or breechmg of a solid Clearances
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
TABLE 6.3.7.C
Forming Part of Article
with wire mesh or equivalent •
Column 1 Column 2
• Clearances shall be measured from the outer surface of the flue pipe or
breeching or from its protective covering to the combustible material, dis-
regarding any intervening protection applied to the combustible material.
SUBSECTION 8.4.2. INSTALLATION Every incinerator shall be served by and connected with a chimney Chimney
flue complying with the requirements of article flue
:han 1/4 (2) The chimney flue serving an incinerator shall serve no other heat pro-
ducing unit or ventilating appliance.
ed by a Rooms containing incinerators shall be separated from the remainder Separation
of the floor area in accordance with the requirements of subsection 3.2.4. of
Part 3.
Inry flue
• For the purpose of this Section the latest issues of "The Standard for Incinerators,"
NFPA-82. published by the National Fire Protection AlI8OOiation, International.
and the I.I.A. Incinerator Standards published by the Incinerator Institute of Ameri-
ca shall be deemed representative of good engineering and commercial praetice.
SUBSECTION 6.5.1. GENERAL The minimum requirements for all electrical equipment, installation and
wiring in any building shall be in accordance with the requirements of "The
Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1," 7th Edition, as published by the Canadian
Standards Association and contained in CSA C22.1-1958 and Supplement
AND All new electric elevator driving machines shall be of the direct·
drive traction type except that drum type machines without counterweights
may be used for elevators with a rise of not more than 40 ft and a rated
ion and
)f "The speed of not more than 50 ft/min.
:anadian (2) No belt or chain driven machine shall be used to drive any power
plement elevator.
(3) All hydraulic elevators shall be of the hydraulic plunger type and have
full electric control and operation.
der the
laced in retardant materials, except that the use of 1/28-in. wood veneers shall be
~termine permitted on balustrades backed with noncombustible materials •
of this (4) The machinery room shall be separated from the remainder of ate
Escala- building by a construction separation complying with the requirements of sub-
.chinery. section 3.2.4.
isions of
and all
periodiC Fir.e extinguishing equipment including sprinkler systems, first-aid ex-
mt is in tinguishers and stand.pipes installed in any building shall be approved equip-
shall be ment.
ons and
, Dumb-
SUBSECTION 8.7.2. SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Every automatic sprinkler system shall be designed, constructed, in-
stalled and tested in accordance with the regulations contained in the "Standard
for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems," NFPA No. 13-1961, as published by
fully en- the National Fire Protection Association, International.
noist air
(2) Before any sprinkler system is installed or remodelled, complete working
plans shall be submitted to the authority having ;urisdiction for approval. Plans
loistways shall be drawn to an indicated scale and shall show all pipe lines, valves, heads
nd with. and other essential details.
(3) All sprinkler systems shall be provided with an adequate water supply
or over- from either the municipal public water system or an auxiliary system, or both,
'e rating excep\ that the sprinkler systems containing not more than nine sprinklers may be
supplied from the domestic supply line in the buildiug provided that the pres-
sure and quantity of water supplied at all Sl)rinklers conform with the provisions
than l~ of the "Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems", NFPA No. 13.1961,
as published by the National Fire Protection Association, International.
This advisory do<:vment has developed from the original Notional Building Code imted
in 1941 loinfly by the National Research Council and the Department of fincu'Ice, A completely
revised edition was publi~hed in 1953. This is therefore the Third Edition.
The Associate Committee on the National Building Code consists Qt. 0 group of abouf
twenty-four Conodkm dti:zens appointed for three..yecr terms by the Ccun<U. They sit as
individuals. and not as representatives of any orgon/zation. The mojor fa$.k afthe Committee
is to promote the uniformity of bUilding reg.uiauons throughout Canodo. Continuedstudyancf
improvement to maintain the NotionQI 8uilding Code as a $Ofitfodorvdocument conkdi't~
regulations which con be conveniently adopted or enacted for loco! uw will alwaYl b. an 0...
portant port of the Committee'$ work.
Commenb on the use of the Code and suggeuions for its improvement win .be·.~
and may be sent to the Secretory, Associate Committee on 1&e National lundingCQde" m>cQfe
of the National Research Council. OttaWQ. If those who use thisdoatmentwitltnusaropen:.te
with fhose who han worked toward its preporation ond revtsion, the we nati«;J.1 cheroctef
of the Code will be maintained ond ,Jtengthened end Us. development OJC sot1$icctot'y •• of
desirable building regulations for use by municipalities ana otber Qgendesthrovg:houtC~ncdQ
should stellaily progress.
Ce do<:umentA orosi que foufes les autres$8cfions dll Code National du IOtiment;;::tefQ
disponible en d'ki quelque temps. Toutes demandes doi¥ent _ke OdressHsOU
Se<:refoire, (omite AS50cie sur Ie Cooe Nationai du 86timenf, Con$8it Natianal de RecMrches;
Ottawa, Canado. .
The Notional 8uilding Code and ih various ports or sections moy be obtained by writing to:
The Secretary.
Associate Committee on the Notional Building Cadet
Notioflo! Reseo.fch COlin<:N,
Ottowa 2. Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Third Printing
including all Corrections and Revisions
to July 1963
• Printed in Canada
NRC No. 5800-M
Price: 30 cents
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Part 1 Administration
Part 2 Definitions
Part 3 Use and Occupancy
Part 4 Design
Section 4.1 Structural Loads and Procedures
Section 4.2 Foundations
Section 4.3 Wood
Section 4.4 Unit Masonry
Section 4.5 Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed
Section 4.6 Steel Construction
Section 4.7 Cladding
Part 5 Materials
Part 6 Building Services
Part 7 Plumbing Services
Part 8 Construction Safety Measures
Part 9 Housing
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
The purpose of this Part is to specify the minimum
requirements of a system that will supply potable
water and will safely remove water-borne wastes
from a building.
junction of two or more vent pipes and at its upper end to a stack vent,
vent stack or header, or is terminated in open air,
building drain means that part of the lowest horizontal piping that conducts
sewage, clear water waste or storm water to a building sewer,
building sewer means a pipe that is connected to a building drain 3 ft out-
side of a wall of a building to conduct sewage, clear water waste or
storm water to a public sewer or private sewage disposal system,
building trap means a trap that is installed in a building drain or building
sewer to prevent circulation of air between a dramage system and a
public sewer,
circuit vent means a vent pipe that is connected at its lower end to a no-
minally horizontal branch and at is upper end to a vent stack or is ter-
minated in open air,
clear water waste means clear water that does not contain organic pollution,
but it does not include storm water,
combined building drain means a building drain that may conduct sewage,
clear water waste or storm water,
combined building sewer means a building sewer that may conduct sewage,
clear water waste or storm water,
combined sewer means a sewer that may conduct sewage, clear water waste
or storm water,
continuous vent means a vent pipe that is an extension of a vertical section
of a branch or fixture drain,
critical level means the highest level to which a back-siphonage preventer,
when subjected to a specified test, can be submerged before backflow
o This Section contains the definitions of terms used only in Part 7 .
General definitions are contained in Part 2 of this Bylaw.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
which nominally vertical means at an angle of not more than 45 deg with the
ater or offset means a nominally horizontal or nominally vertical part of a soil-or-
waste stack that joins the lower end of one vertical section of the stack
ps and to the upper end of another vertical section of the stack.
r storm
LIt does plumbing contractor means a person, corporation, or firm that undertakes
to construct, extend, alter, renew, or repair any part of a plumbing
res thai system,
tack ot plumbmg system means a drainage system, a venting system, a water system
or a private sewage disposal system,
to the potable water means water that is safe for human consumption,
et to a private sewage disposal system means a privately owned plant, such as a
septic tank with an absorption field, for the treatment and disposal of
lay dis-
relief vent means a vent pipe that is connected at its lower end to a nominally
dure to horizontal branch, and at its upper end to a branch vent, header, stack
vent or vent stack, or is terminated in open air.
, fixture sanitary building drain means a building drain that may conduct sewage and
clear water waste, but not storm water,
that a sanitary building sewer means a building sewer that may conduct sewage
and clear water waste, but not storm water,
from a sanitary drainage system means a drainage system that may conduct sewage
or clear water waste, and includes a combined building drain and a
combined building sewer,
:ld to a
~rminate sanitary sewer means a sewer that may conduct sewage or clear water waste,
but not storm water,
and has sewage means liquid waste that contains animal, mineral, or vegetable
n below matter in suspension or solution,
size, unless otherwise indicated, means the nominal size by which a pipe,
fitting, trap or other material is commercially designated,
nch that
r of the soil-or-waste pipe means a pipe in a sanitary drainage system,
soil-or-waste stack means a vertical so~l-or-waste pipe that passes through
one or more stories, and includes any offset that is a part of the stack,
e, sand, stack vent means a vertical vent pipe that is an extension of a soil-or-waste
Dof to a storm building drain means a building drain that may conduct only storm
water or clear water waste,
nninally storm buildmg sewer means a building sewer that may conduct only storm
or to a water or clear water waste,
storm drainage system means a drainage system or a part of a drainage
'e water system that conveys only storm water or clear water waste,
vith any
ilat in a storm sewer means a sewer that is installed to convey storm water,
ain vent storm water means water that is discharged from a surface as a result of
rom the rainfall or snowfall,
~ top of
story means the interval between two successive floor levels, beginning at
the lowest gravity soil-or-waste pipe,
vith. the
subsoil dra~llage pipe means a pipe that is installed underground to inter-
cept and convey ground water,
sump means a tank or pit that receives the discharge from a drainage pipe
that is lower than the building drain,
trap means a fitting or device that is designed to hold a liquid seal that wiU
prevent the passage of gas but will not materially affect the flow of
a liquid,
trap dip means the lowest part of the upper interior surface of a trap,
trap seal means the vertical distance between the trap dip and the trap we;',
trap weir means the highest part of the lower interior surface of a trap,
vent pipe means a pipe that is part of a venting system,
vent stack means a vertical vent pipe that is connected at its lower end to a
soil-or-waste stack and at its upper end to a stack vent or header, or
terminated in open air,
venting system means an assembly of pipes and fittings that connects a
drainage system with outside air to assure circulation of air and the
protection of trap seals in the drainage system,
water service pipe means a pipe that is in a water system and conveys water
from a public water main or a private water source to the inner side
of the wall through which the system enters the building,
water system means an assembly of pipes, fittings, control valves and ap-
purtenances that conveys water from a public main or private water
source to the water supply outlets of fmures or devices, and includes a
private water source,
wet vent means a soil-or-waste pipe that also serves as a vent pipe,
yoke vent means a vent pipe that is connected at its lower end to a soil-or-
waste stack and at its upper end to a vent stack or a branch vent that is
connected to a vent stack.
SUBSECTION 7.2.1. APPLICATION This Part applies to the construction, extension, alteration, renewal or
repair of a plumbing system.
Kt Sentences marked (Kt) will vary with local practice, and space is left for the
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
hat will (d) a sectional drawing that shows the size and location of each soil-or-
flow of u;aste pipe, trap and cellt pipe.
(3) \Vhere a permit has been issued, no departure shall be made from the
P. specification, abstract, plan or sectional drawing unless \vritten permis-
I weir, sion is obtained from the authority hat:ing jurisdiction.
necessary, and the work shall be subjected to further inspection or testing . The authority lwt:l1lg iurisdiction may inspect and test an existing Inspection of
plumbi1lg system in any building. existing
newal or
(2) If any part of the system is in a condition that is, or may become,
dangerous or injurious to health the OI.C1ler shall make any alteration or re-
placement that is ordered by the health authority hacing jurisdiction.
III not be \V'hen a plwnbing system has been completed and has been approced, Certificate
lade to a a certificate of approval shall he issued to the olcner and, if requested, to the of approval
plumbing contractor.
~pair~d or
Ie piping The granting of a permit, the approval of a specification or plan, or an Responsibility
inspection or test that is made by the authority har.:ing furisdiction does not in of contractor
any way relieve the plumbing contractor of full responsibility for carrying out
:pector or work on a plumbing system in complete accordance with this Bylaw.
meets the
at is pro-
SUBSECTION 7.3.1. APPLICATION This Section applies to the design and use of Application
(a) fixtures, to design
and use
(h) traps and interceptors,
(c) fittings,
,pplication (d) pipes,
in a drainage system, a centing system or a potable tcater system .
~ft for the (2) \Vhere this Section refers to a specification, the appJication of the speci-
fication is subject to the other requirements of this Bylaw.
Hect its «() the corners of the tray are rounded inside and out,
(d) the thickness of the sides and partitions is at least 1 1/8 in. at the top and
1 1/4 in. at the bottom,
(e) the thickness of the bottom is at least 1 1/4 in. The diameter of the waste opening of a fixture that is listed in table Diameter of
7.3.6.A shall not be less than the number of inches set forth in that table. waste
less the
as been
TABLE 7.3.6.A
Forming Part of Article
I "Used
fixture Diameter of
Fixture Waste Opening,
Bathtub P'12
ndelibly Laundry tray (each compartment) P'12
y of the
ation. Sink (except laboratory sink) P'12
Shower Receptor -
Serving one head P'12
3. shall Serving 2 or 3 heads 2
Wash basin P' ,~
Column 1 Column 2
:anadian Where a strainer, other than cross-bars, is installed, it shall provide Area of
an outlet area that is at least equal to the area of the waste op~ning of the strainer
Ie same fixture.
(2) Where cross-bars are installed, the outlet area shall be at least 60 per
vitreous cent of the area of the waste opening.
'ial that
m flaws Where an overflow is installed it shall be constructed so that Construction
(a) the area of the overflow and the overflow pipe or passage is at least of overflow
one half the area of the waste opening of the fixture,
(b) the overflow pipe or passage is connected to the fixture outlet pipe, and
(c) the overflow pipe may be readily and effectively cleaned.
(2) A concealed type overflow shall not be installed on a sink other than a
laboratory sink.
rd, cor- (2) A floor outlet bowl shall be of the siphon jet, blowout, washdown or
reverse trap type.
• (3) A wall outlet bowl shall be of the siphon jet or blowout type .
(4) A frost-proof closet shall not be used.
of urinals
(2) A urinal shall have an integral flushing rim, cxcept that a washout
type wall urinal may he equipped with a flush spreader.
(3) A urinal of the siphon jet, hlowout or pedestal type shall have an
integral trap.
(4) A stall urinal shall have a spud hy which it can be connected to a
tail piece.
Shower A shower receptor shall be constructed and arranged so that water
receptor cannot leak through the walls or floor.
(2) Not more than six shower heads shall be served by a single waste
(3) Where two or more heads are served by an opening the floor shall be
sloped, with or without a gutter, and the opening located so that water from
one head cannot pass over the area that serves another head.
(4) The smallest interior dimension of a receptor shall be at least 30 in.
(5) The distance between two shower heads shall be at least 30 in.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays Except to connect a r:ent pipe, a T or a cross shall not be used in T or cross
a drainage system.
(2) Except to connect a r:ent pipe, a sanitary T-Y shall not be used in a Sanitary
it dis- nominally horizontal pipe in a drainage system. T-Y
• A single or double Y and 1/8th bend shall not connect a vertical Y and 1$ bend
water rent pipe, or a vertical soil-or-u:aste pipe that serves as a rent pipe, to a fixture
draill that has a diameter that is equal to or less than 2 in.
waste A quarter bend that has a centreline radius that is less than the dia- Quarter bend
meter of the pipe shall not be used to join two nOmil1(llly horizontal soil-or-waste
lall be pipes.
r from A sisson fitting shall not be installed in a nominally horizontal soil-or- Sisson fitting
waste pipe.
30 in.
;ervice (2) Rubber rings shall be made of a moulded and vulcanized rubber com-
(3) :\sbt'stos cem('nt drainage pipe shall not be used eXCel)t for an under-
ground pmt of a drail!age system.
Asbestos Asbestos cement water pipe, couplings, and bends shall confonn
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Bituminized Bituminized fibre pipe, couplings, and bends shall be manufac-
fibre pipe tured according to specification 56-GP-1, 1955, for "Pipe; Bituminized-Fibre,
and fittings Drain and Sewer," of the Canadian Government Specifications Board.
(2) Bituminized fibre pipe shall not be used except for an underground
part of a drainage system.
Concrete Concrete pipe shall at least confonn to "standard strength nO(l-
pipe reinforced" concrete sewer pipe as set forth in specification C14-59, for
"Concrete Sewer Pipe:' of the American Society for Testing Materials.
(2) Branches shall be securely and completely fastened to the barrel of the
pipe in the process of manufacture.
(3) Concrete pipe shall not be used except for an underground part of a
drainage system.
Vitrified Vitrified clay pipe shall be manufactured according to specificatiot
clay pipe A60-1953, for "Vitrified Clay Pipe," of the Canadian Standards Association, ex·
cept that it may be manufactured with plain ends.
(2) Vitrified c1ay pipe shall not be used except for an underground part of
a drainage system.
Cast iron Cast iron soil pipe shall confonn to specification B70-1948, 'for
soil pipe "Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings," of the Canadian Standards Association, ex-
and fittings cept that it may be manufactured with a beaded spigot on each end.
(2) Cast iron drainage fittings shall confonn in wall thickness and hub
dimensions to cast iron soil pipe.
(3) The weight of a 5-ft length of soil pipe shall not be less than the num-
ber of pounds set forth in table 7.3.1l.A according to the size of the pipe.
(4) The weight of a 5-ft length of extra heavy soil pipe shall not be less
than the number of pounds set forth in table 7.3.1l.A according to the size
of the pipe.
(5) A soil pipe shall not be used in a water system.
(6) A double hub cast iron fitting or soil pipe that is intended for use with
caulked joints shall not be used in a drainage system.
Threaded cast Threaded cast iron pipe shall confonn to specification A40.5-1943,
iron pipe for "Threaded Cast-Iron Pipe for Drainage, Vent and Waste Services," of the
American Standards Association.
(2) Threaded cast iron pipe shall not be used in a water system.
TABLE 7.3.11.A
Forming Part of Article
2 20 25
3 30 42
4 42 57
5 55 70
6 68 88
8 140 140
10 205 205
12 250 250
15 350 350
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Screwed cast iron drainage fittings -shall conform to specification Screwed cast
BI6.12-1953 for "Cast-Iron Screwed Drainage Fittings," of the American Stan- iron drainage
dards Association. fittings
(2) Screwed cast iron drainage fittings shall not be used in a water system. Cast iron water pipe shall conform to Cast iron
(a) specification B131.2-1956, for "Cast Iron Pit Cast Pipe for Water water pipe
or Other Liquids,"
(b) specification B131.5-1956, for "Cast Iron Pipe Centrifugally Cast
in Metal Moulds, for Water or Other Liquids,"
(c) specification B131.7-1956, for "Cast Iron Pipe Centrifugally Cast in
Sand-Lined Moulds, for Water or other Liquids," or
(d) specification BI31.11-1958 for "Universal Cast Iron Pipe and Fittings
Cast in Sand-Lined Moulds for Water and Other Liquids,"
of the Canadian Standards Association. Cast iron screwed water fittings shall conform to specifica- Cast iron
tion B16.4-1949, for "Cast-Iron Screwed Fittings 125 and 250 lb," of the screwed
American Standards Association. water
(2) Cast iron screwed water fittings shall not be used in a drainage system.
(3) Cast iron screwed water fittings that are not cement lined or galvanized
shall not be used in a water system. Wrought iron pipe shall conform to "Standard Weight Pipe" as Wrought iron
set forth in specification B62-1949, for "Welded Genuine Wrought-Iron Pipe," pipe
of the Canadian Standards Association.
(2) Wrought iron pipe shall be galvanized.
(3) Couplings shall be of wrought iron.
(4) Wrought iron pipe shall not be used underground in a drainage system
or venting system.
Steel pipe Steel pipe shall conform to specification B63-1949, for "Welded
and Seamless Steel Pipe," of the Canadian Standards Association.
(2) Steel pipe shall be galvanized.
(3) Couplings shall be of wrought iron, steel or malleable iron.
(4) Steel pipe shall not be used underground in a drainage system or vent·
ing system.
Open-hearth Open-hearth iron pipe shall conform to specification A253-55T,
i:J;on pipe 1955, for "Welded and Seamless Open-Hearth Iron Pipe," of the American
Society for Testing Materials.
(2) Open-hearth iron pipe shall be galvanized.
(3) Open-hearth iron pipe shall not be used underground in a drainage
system or venting system.
Sheet metal A sheet metal leader shall not be used except on the outside of
leader a building.
N'elded A fitting for a flared joint shall conform to specification BI6.26-1958, Flared joint
for "Brass Fittings for Flared Copper Tubes," of the American Standards fittings
Association. Lead waste pipe shall at least conform to "strong" pipe and lead Lead waste
r vent- bends shall at least conform to "heavy" bends as set forth in specification B67- pipe and
1948, for "Lead Service Pipe, Waste Pipe, Traps, Bends and Accessories," of bends
the Canadian Standards Association, except that hard lead (16 per cent anti-
;3-55T, mony) may be used.
(2) Lead waste pipe and bends shall be made of lead that weighs at least
8 lb/sq ft,
(3) A lead waste pipe or bend that has a diameter of more than 4 in. shall
'ainage not be used.
(4) Lead waste pipe and lead bends shall not be used in a water system
:ide of or for a building sewer. Lead water pipe shall conform to specification B67-1948, for Lead water
"Lead Service Pipe, Waste Pipe, Traps, Bends and Accessories," of the Cana- pipe
dian Standards Association.
St~n- (2) Lead water pipe shall not be used for a building sewer.
min and not more than 1 hr before it is used. mortar
of the A hot-poured caulking compound shall conform to Hot-poured
(a) specification 56-GP-2, 1954, for "Compound; Joint, Sewer Pipe, Bitu- caulking
ainage minous, Hot-Pour, Mineral-Filled," or compound
(b) specification 56-GP-3, 1954, for "Compound; Joint, Sewer Pipe, Plastic,
Hot-Pour, Mineral-Filled,"
)f the of the Canadian Government Specifications Board. Solder and caulking lead shall at least conform to specification B67- Solder and
in a 1948, for "Lead Service Pipe, Waste Pipe, Traps, Bends and Accessories," of caulking
the Canadian Standards Association. lead
.1 con-
:e Fit- A saddle hub or a band shall not be used. Saddle hub
or band
(2) The length of the ferrule shall be such that the cover plate or plug
will project above a hub into which the ferrule is inserted.
(3) The ferrule shall be fitted with a cover plate and brass nuts or with a
threaded plug.
terns", In making a flared joint the pipe shall be expanded with a proper Flared joint
flaring tool.
e and (2) A flared joint shall not be used for hard (drawn) copper tube .
:"'isting )
Water A hot-poured joint shall be caulked tightly with twisted oakum and Hot-poured
rammed, and a hot-poured caulking compound shall be placed to a depth of at joint
least 1 in. all around the pipe.
(2) A hot-poured joint shall be used only for vitrified clay or concrete pipe,
or between either of such pipes and ferrous pipe. A cement joint in pipe that has a diameter of 6 in. or less shall be Cement joint
made by completely filling the annular space between the hub and the spigot
linage with cement mortar.
(2) A cement joint in pipe that has a diameter of more than 6 in. shall be
made by
(a) ramming into the annular space between the hub and the spigot a gas-
ket of closely twisted hemp or oakum at least equal in length to the
circumference of the pipe, and
(b) filling the remaining annular space with mortar.
1 until
(3) The exterior of a cement joint shall be carefully shaped from the outside
of the hub to the barrel of the pipe at an angle of approximately 45 deg.
'e in a
(4) After the joint is made, the interior of the pipe shall be thoroughly
swabbed and cleaned.
(5) A cement joint shall not be used except for vitrified clay or concrete pipe
or between either of such pipes and ferrous pipe. In making a burned lead joint the lead shall be lapped and fused Burned lead
to form a weld that is at least 13i times as thick as the wall of the pipe. joint
(2) In lead pipe the width of the weld shall not be less than
(a) 1/2 in. where the diameter of the pipe is less than 3 in.,
(b) 5/8 in. where the diameter of the pipe is 3 in., or
(c) 3/4 in. where the diameter of the pipe is 4 in.
(3) In sheet lead the width of the weld shall not be less than the number
of inches set forth in table 7.4.2.A according to the weight of the lead.
TABLE 7.4.2.A
Vulcanized A vulcanized rubber coupling that is held by 'stainless steel or cast iron
rubber clamps may be used to joint vitrified clay pipe, asbestos cement pipe or cast
coupling iron soil pipe, or between any such pipes.
Cold Cold caulked joints may be used on bell and spigot pipe in a water
caulked system or a drainage system. Compound shall be applied according to the manu-
facturer's directions and good practice.
(2) A cold caulked drainage joint shall be
(a) firmly packed with oakum and
(b) tightly caulked with cold caulking compound to a depth of at least one
(3) A cold caulking joint in a water system shall be made by tightly caulk-
ing the entire depth of the socket with cold caulking compound.
• (3) A connection between ferrous pipe and copper tube or copper or brass
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
pipe in a drainage or venting system shall be made with a brass caulking ferrule
or a threaded copper adapter.
(4) A connection between ferrous pipe and lead pipe shall be made with a
caulking ferrule or soldering nipple and the ferrule or nipple shall be joined
to the lead pipe by a wiped joint.
.lmber (5) A connection between ferrous pipe and vitrified clay pipe shall be made
with a cement or hot-poured joint, or with a vulcanized rubber coupling held by
stainless steel or cast iron clamps. A connection between a roof hopper and a leader shall be made in a Connection of
permanent manner and provision shall be made for expansion. roof hQpper
to leader A pedestal urinal or a floor mounted water closet or S-trap standard Connection
shall be connected to a fixture drain by a floor flange, except that a cast iron of floor
trap standard may be caulked to a cast iron pipe. outlet
(2) A brass floor flange shall be used except that a cast iron floor flange fixtures
may be used to connect a water closet located on a concrete basement floor to
a cast iron fixture drain.
(3) The floor flange shall be securely set on a firm base and bolted to the
trap flange of the fixture, and the joint shall be sealed with a natural rubber,
synthetic rubber or asbestos graphite gasket, or with a closet setting compound.
iron (4) Where a lead water closet stub is used the length of the stub below
r cast the floor flange shall be at least 3 in.
manu- SUBSECTION 7.4.4. ARRANGEMENT OF PIPING Piping shall be separate from and independent of the piping of a Separate
building that is not on the same property. piping for
(2) Each house, including a house that is a part of a double house, semi- buildings
st one detached dwelling or row housing, shall have a separate building drain and a
separate water service pipe from the street line to the building.
caulk- (3) Except where an easement is provided, pipe shall not cross property
other than the property on which the building that it serves is situated. Vertical piping shall be supported at the floor level of alternate Support for
stories, except that when the distance between the floor level of alternate vertical
Linage stories exceeds 25 ft, it shall be supported at 25-ft intervals. piping
by a (2) The support shall be provided by metal rests, each of which can bear
ubber the weight of pipe that is between it and the metal rest above it.
(3) Where hub and spigot cast iron pipe is used a hub shall rest on each
III be support.
Support for
horizontal ported at intervals that do not exceed 12 ft.
(2) If the pipe has a diameter of less than 4 in. it shall be supported at
intervals that do not exceed 8 ft.
(3) Nominally horizontal lead pipe shaH be supported throughout its length.
(4) Nominally horizontal cast iron pipe shall be supported at each hub.
(5) Where the support is provided by hangers they shall be of metal.
(6) Strap hangers shall not be used for pipe that has a diameter of more
than 4 in.
(7) Where a hanger is attached to concrete or masonry it shall be fastened
by metal or expansion type plugs that are inserted or built into the concrete
or masonry.
Support for Nomitullly horizontal pIpmg that is underground shall be supported
underground on a base that is firm and continuous under the whole of the pipe, except that
horizontal where the base is unstable
piping (a) any pipe may be supported on a layer of concrete or on cedar planks, and
(b) cast iron pipe may be supported on piers or hung from a wall or a floor.
Support of Where cast iron pipe is hung from a floor or waH it shall be supported
cast iron pipe by asphalt coated rods that are at least 3/8 in. in diameter.
Support of where a vent pipe terminates above the surface of a roof it shall be
vent pipe rigidly supported or braced.
above roof
Protection Where asbestos cement drainage pipe, bituminous fibre pipe, concrete
of non- pipe or vitrified clay pipe is located less than 2 ft below a basement floor and
metanic the floor is constructed of other than 3 in. or more of concrete, the pipe shall
pipes be protected by a 3-in. layer of concrete installed above the pipe.
• Isolation
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sup- Where pIpmg passes through or under a wall it shall be isolated
from loads that may be imposed by the wall bearing on the pipe. from loads
'ngth. (2) Where a vent pipe that terminates above the surface of a roof is in
danger of closure by frost it shall be insulated. \) Where a fixture outlet pipe, trap, or fixture drain that is subject to Protection
damage extends within 12 in. of the floor it shall be protected. against
more damage Where a leader is exposed to damage in a lane or other traffic way, Protection of
tened it shall be constructed of cast iron pipe to a height of 5 ft above finished grade. leaders in
Icrete traffic ways
(4) The authority having jurisdiction may apply a ball test to any pipe in a
drainage system . A drainage system, except an external leader or a fixture outlet
pipe, shall be capable of withstanding without leakage a water test, air test or
smoke test.
(2) A pipe in a drainage system shall be capable of meeting a ball test. A venting system shall be capable of withstanding without leakage
a water test, air test or smoke test. Tests of
system Where a water test is made it shall be applied to
(a) the system as a whole., or
(b) sections of the system, each of which is at least 10 ft high and includes Tests of
orted at least 5 ft of the section below. venting
(2) In making the test system
(a) each opening except the highest shall be tightly closed with a testing Water test
11 be plug or a screw cap, and
(b) the system or the section shall be kept filled with water for 15 min. Where an air test is made
(a) every opening in the system shall be closed,
care- (b) air shall be forced into the system from a compressor or another
pipe. suitable apparatus until a pressure of 5 lb/sq in. (10 in. of mercury
column) is created, and
\) No requirements are included to increase the size of vent pipes where they Air test
pass through a roof, (except that Section 6 requires that a vent pipe outside
crete a building be at least 3 in. in diameter) because the degree of frost, and the
and precautions that are taken to deal with it, vary widely in different parts of
shall Canada.
(c) this pressure shall be maintained, without the addition of more air for
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30 min.
Smoke test Where a smoke test is made
(a) all traps shall be filled with water,
(b) a pungent thick smoke from one or more smoke machines shall be forced
into the system,
(c) when smoke appears from all roof tenninals they shall be closed, and
(d) a pressure equivalent to a I-in. water column shall be built up and
maintained for at least 30 min.
Ball test- Where a ball test is made a hard ball that is sufficiently dense that
it will not float shall be rolled through the pipe.
(2) The diameter of the ball shall be
(a) 2 in. where the diameter of the pipe is 3 in. or more, or
(b) 1 in. where the diameter of the pipe is less than 3 in.
Water test Where a water test is made aU air shall be expelled from the system
before fixture control valves or faucets are closed.
(2) Water that is used to test a potable water system shall be potable water.
Air test Where an air test is made precautions shall be made to assure the
safety of personnel and adequate warning shall be given before the pressure
is applied.
air for
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
are served by the vent pipe.
r pres-
(2) Where a nominally horizontal offset drains fixtures that are in two or
system more stories above the offset, no fixture shall drain to a part of the offset that is
within 10 ft of the base of the upper part of the soil-or-waste stack.
water. (3) No other fixture shall be connected to a lead bend or stub that serves
a water closet.
re the
ressure Where one of the following fixtures is connected to a sanitary or Indirect
storm drainage system it shaH be indirectllJ connected: connections
(a) device for storage, preparation or processing of food or drink, including
a refrigerator or icebox,
(b) device or appliance that uses water as a cooling or heating medium,
(c) drip pipe from a food receptacle,
(d) water operated device,
('e) sterilizer or water stiB,
(f) water treatment device,
(g) drain or overflow from a water system,
tilding (h) an overflow from a tank or vat in which a water supply inlet is pro-
• or a tected according to sentence ( 3) or
(i) a pressure, temperature or other relief valve that is installed in a
storm water system.
(2) A drinking fountain may be indirectly connected.
Making Except as provided by sentences (2) and (3), an indirect connection
indirect shall be made by terminating the fixture drain above the flood level rim of a
connections directly connected fixture to form an air break.
(2) Two or more fixture drains that serve outlets from a single fixture that
is listed in sentence may be directly connected to a branch that
(a) has a diameter of at least a in., and
(b) is terminated above the flood level rim of a directly connected fixture
to form an air break.
(3) Two or more fixture drains from fixtures that are listed in sentence 1) may be directly connected to a pipe that
(a) is terminated to form an air break above the flood level rim of a fixture
that is directly connected to a storm drainage system, and
(b) is extended through the roof when fixtures that are on three or more
stories are connected to it.
(4) The size of the air break shall at least equal the size of the fixture drain,
branch or pipe that terminates above the directly connected fixture and it
shall not be less than 1 in.
\) Plumbing facilities that are required for various occupancies are specified in
subsection 3.6.8. of Part 3.
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of a
AND WASTES Where a fixture discharges sewage tha't may injure Sewage
~that treatment
(a) the sanitary drainage system,
(b) the public sewerage sys.tem, or
(c) the functioning of a pub1i<:. or private sewage disposal system,
ixture provision shall be made for treatment of the sewage before it is discharged to
the sanitary drainage system. Where a fixture may discharge sewage or clear water waste that is at a Cooling of
ltence t temperature in excess of 170 deg F, provision shall be made for coolihg of the hot wastes
waste to less than 170 deg F before it ic; discharged to the drainage system. or sewage
ixture } Where a fixture that may discharge oil or gasoline is located in a Interceptors
commercial location an oil interceptor shall be installed. for oil,
more gasoline
(2) Where a fixture that may discharge sewage that includes grease is lo-
or grease
cated in a public kitchen or restaurant or in an institution, a grease interceptor
shall be installed on the fixture drain.
nd it (3) An interceptor shall have sufficient capacity to perform the service
for which. it is provided.
(4) An interceptor shall be located where it is readily accessible for clean-
I and Each fixture outlet pipe of a fixture that is directly or indirectly Traps for
connected shall be provided with a trap except that fixtures
adily (a) one trap may serve all the trays or compartments of a two- or three-
compartment sink or a pair of laundry trays if
(i) the waste openings are at the same level,
TABLE 7.5.8.A
l (b) with flush valve
Bath: foot, sitz
inals or slab 1~ 1~
Beer cabinet 1* 1*
Bidet 1* 3
the Clothes washer 1* 2
Dental unit or
erve cuspidor 1~ 1
no load when connected
(a) domestic type 1* a to garbage grinder
(b) commercial type 2 3
d m
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
(ii) the developed length of the fixture outlet pipe from the trap weir to
the waste opening of the farthest compartment or tray does not exceed
36 in., and
c Load, (iii) the part of the fixture outlet pipe that is common to two or three
compartments of a sink is one size larger than the largest waste
opening that it serves,
(b) one trap may serve a group of floor drains, a group of washing ma-
trap chines, or a group of laboratory sinks if the fixturBs
(i) are in the same room, and
(ii) are not located where they can receive food or other organic matter.
(c) a trap is not required for an mdirectly connected fixture that Can dis-
charge only clear water waste, such as a relief valve outlet.
(2) Where an interceptor that has an effective water seal of at least 1* in. Interceptor
eparate as trap
(a) is required by this Bylaw, or
n trap
(b) is installed to serve a two- or three-compartment sink or a dishwasher,
it serves as a trap. A trap or an interceptor that serves as a trap shall be located as close Location of
as is practicable to the fixture it serves, and in no case shall the developed length trap or
of the fixture outlet pipe be more than 36 in. interceptor The size of a trap that serves a fixture shall not be less than the Size of trap
size of the fixture outlet pipe.
(2) The size of a trap that serves a fixture listed in table 7.5.B.A shall not
be less than the size set forth in the table.
TABLE 7.5.B.A (Cont'd)
(a) barber or beauty
parlour pI
III 1*
(b) dental pI
14 1
1 with l~-in. trap
(c) domestic type 1~
with l*-in. trap
(d) multiple or according to table
circular U 7.5.1l.A
Water closet
(a) with flush tank 3 6
(b) with flush valve 3 B
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Provision shall be made for maintaining the trap seal of a floor drain Trap seal
by the use of trap seal primer, by using the drain as a receptacle for an in-
directly connected drinking fountain, or by an equally effective means. Where a storm drainage system is connected to a combined building Traps for
drain or combined building sewer a trap shall be installed between any opening storm drain-
from the system and the drain or sewer, except that no trap is required if the age system
opening is the upper end of a leader that terminates
(a) at a roof that is used only for weather protection, and
(b) at least 3 ft above or 12 ft in any direction from an air inlet, a window
or a door.
Traps for A subsoil drainage pipe that is connected to a combined buikUng
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
subsoil drains sewer or a sanitary building sewer shall be provided with a trap.
(2) Where a subsoil drainage pipe is connected to a storm drainage system
that is connected to a combined building drain or sewer, the connection shall
be made on the upstream side of a trap or a trapped sump.
Location of Where a building trap is installed it shall be located
building trap (a) inside the building and as close as is practicable to the wall through
which the building drain leaves the building, or
(b) outside the building in an accessible manhole.
• A c1eanout shall be located so that the opening is readily accessible. Location of
of the c1eanout
uipment Subject to sentence (2) a pipe shall have a slope in the direction of Minimum
flow of at least I/B in.!ft, except that a building sewer may have a lesser slope slope
fe or a if it is designed so that the liquid velocity is at least 2 ft/ sec.
ler than
(2) A pipe that has a diameter of 3 in. or less, or a fixture drain, shall have
a slope in the direction of flow of at least 1/·1 in.!ft.
TABLE 7.5.11.A
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Hydraulic Load,
Size of Trap, in.
fixture units
IJ~ or less 1
U 2
2 3
2~ 4
3 5
4 6
Column 1 Column 2
Hydraulic The hydraulic load from a roof or paved surface is x4) times
load from (a) the area in square feet of the horizontal projection of the surface that
roof or paved
surface is drained, and
(b) one half the area in square feet of the largest adjacent vertical surface.
Values for this factor may be obtained from the Secretary of the Associate
Committee on the National Building Code, c/o National Research Council,
Where the 15-minute, 10-year rainfall is"'l in., (corresponding to a rate of
4 in./hr.), the value of the factor is x :::::: 1.0 and a municipality where this
value applies can delete the words x times" from article 1).
Any other municipality can avoid repeated use of the factor by:
(a) dividing
(0 each value of the load in sq ft in Tables 7.5.11.E., 7.5.11.F and
(ii) the value 28 in article 7 ..5.11.4.(1)(b), and
(iii) the values 1000 and 3.9 in article
by the factor that applies to the municipality; and
(b) omitting x times" from article
(For example: if the rainfall intensity is 2.8 in./hr. for 15 minutes and x ::::::
0.7, then "x times" is omitted from article ( 1 ), each load in the
tables is divided by 0.7 and the values in and
become 40, 1430 and 5.6.)
TABLE 7.5.11.B
uous flow Forming Part of Article
~ hydraulic
Maximum Load on Soil-or-Waste Stack
in Fixture Units
mes Diameter
of Stack Maximum load Maximum load to
uface that Maximum load on
Inches on stack that stack that passes be prained to stack
passes through through more of more than 3
~al surface. 3 storeys or less storeys from any
than 3 storeys
one storey
~ hydraulic 1~ ~, 2 1
as follows: 1" 4 8 2
2 10 24 6
.000 sq ft,
2" 20 42 9
9 sq ft for 3 60 60 16
4 240 500 90
5 540 1100 200
stack that 6 960 1900 350
;tack, shall
~ of Table
8 2200 3600 600
10 3800 5600 1000
12 6000 8600 1500
:hat passes
:, shall not Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
~ 7.5.11.B,
om fixture
, shall not
~ 7.5.11.B, The hydraulic load that is drained to a branch shall not exceed the Hydraulic
at is more number of fixture units set forth in table 7.5.11.C according to the diameter load on
shall not of the branch. branch
5.11.B ac-
ty of rain-
'a in falling The hydraulic load that is drained to a sanitary building drain or a Hydraulic
ten years. sanitary building sewer shall not exceed the number of fixture units set forth load on sani-
.8 inches/ in table 7.5.11.D according to the diameter and slope of the drain or sewer. tary building
drain or
TABLE 7.5.11.C
P'14 1
1~ 3
2 6
2.~ 12
3 30
4 180
5 390
6 700
8 1600
10 2500
12 3900
Column 1 Column 2
TABLE 7.5.11.D
TABLE 7.5.11.E
Column 1 2 3 4
TABLE 7.5.11.F
Forming Part of Article The hydraulic load that is drained to a circular leader shall not Hydraulic
exceed the number of square feet set forth in table 7.5.1l.G according to load on
diameter of the leader. leaders
(2) The hydraulic load that is drained to a leader that is not circular shall
lccording not exceed 90 per cent of the load that may be drained to a circular leader
of the same cross-sectional area.
)f gutter
Minimum A pipe shall not be smaller than the largest pipe that drains into it,
[-circular Si?'e except that a soil-or-waste stack may be smaller than a branch that is connected
~-circular to it.
TABLE 7.5.11.G
Forming Part of Article
Column 1 Column 2
Pipe serving The diameteJ! of a pipe that serves a water closet shall be at least 3 in.
water closet
Pipe serving The diameter of a branch, building drain or building sewer that serves
more than 2 more than two water closets shall be at least 4 in.
water closets
Building The diameter of a building sewer and the diameter of the building
sewer and dram cOnnecting the building sewer to the main vent shall be at least 4 in.,
drain except that the diameter of a building drain or building sewer that drains to a
private sewage disposal system may be 3 in.
Minimum The diameter of a soil-or-waste stack that serves more than six water
diameter of closets shall be at least 4 in.
Fixture out- The diameter of a fixture outlet pipe shall not be less than the diameter
let pipe of the fixture waste opening.
Fixture drain The diameter of a fixture drain shall not be less than the size of the
trap that serves the fixture ..
Main vent The diameter of a vertical soil-or-waste pipe, including a soil-or-waste
stack, that is part of a main vent shall be at least 3 in., and where the soil-or...
waste stack extends through more than 6 stories the diameter shall be at least
4 in.
Venting for Except as provided in sentences (3) or (4), a trap shall be protected
traps by
(a) a vent pipe, or
(b) a soil-or-waste pipe that also serves as a vent pipe according to articles, or
Traps for (2) Where a fixture drain is installed to provide for a fixture that may be
future fixtures installed at a future time, a vent pipe or a soil-or-waste pipe that also serves
as a vent pipe according to articles, or shall be con-
nected to the fixture drain.
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(4) A trap that serves a basement floor drain need not be protected if Exception for
(a) the diameter of the trap is 3 inches or more,
Hoor drain
::t ft (b) the length of the fixture drain
(i) is not greater than 5 ft, and
(ii) is not less than 18 inches, and
(c) the fixture drain is connected above the horizontal centreline of the
buildiniZ drain when the connection is within 3 ft of a soil-or-waste
stack. The developed length of a fixture drain, between the trap weir and Length of
the fitting that connects the vent pipe, or the soil-or-waste pipe that also serves drain between
as a vent pipe, to the fixture drain, shall not trap and vent
(a) exceed· 5 ft, or
(b) except for a water closet or another fixture that relies on siphonic action,
or for an S-trap standard, be less than twice the diameter of the fixture
ast 3 in. drain.
(2) Where a nominally horizolltal branch serves, according to articles,
at serves or, fls the vent pipe or a fixture other than a water closet,
another fixture that relies on siphonic action for its operation, or an S-trap
standard, the length of the fixture drain shall be at least 18 inches.
st 4 in., 7.6.13.(1) Except where a fixture is a water closet or another fixture that relies Fall on
LinS to a on siphonic action for its operation, or an S-trap standard, the fall on the fixture drain
fixture drain, from the trap weir to the invert at the fitting that connects the
vent pipe, or the soil-or-waste pipe that also serves as a vent pipe, to the fixture
:ix water drain, shall not exceed the diameter of the fixture drain.
e of the
• (2) Where a water closet, or another fixture that relies on siphonic action
for its operation, is loop vented, circuit vented or wet vented, the vertical dis-
tance from the outlet of the fixture to the invert of the branch to which the
fixture drain is connected shall not exceed 30 in. Where a vertical vent pipe, or vertical soil-or-waste pipe that also
serves as a vent pipe, is connected to a fixture drain that has a diameter of 2 in.
or less, the connection shall be made with a sanitary T-Y.
of drain to
vent pipe
~ soil-or.-
(2) Not more than one 90-deg, or two 45-deg, bends shall be installed in a
at least fixture drain between the trap weir and the vent pipe or soil-or-waste pipe that
also serves as a vent pipe. A continuous vent or a stack vent may serve as a dual vent for not Dual venting
more than 2 fixtures that are connected at the same level to the top of the
branch or soil-or-waste stack of which the vent pipe is an extension.
lrotected 7.6.16.(1) Subject to sentences to, a branch that is extended Wet venting
as a dual vent, or a section of a fixture drain that is extended as a continuous
vent, may serve as a wet vent for one or two fixtures.
I articles (2) The wet vented fixture or fixtures shall be connected to a nominally
horizontal part of the fixture drain.
may be (3) Not more than two fixtures and not more than four fixture units shall be
o serves drained to the branch or fixture drain upstream of the wet vented fixture or
be con- fixtures.
(4) Where two water closets are wet vented they shall be connected by a
double fitting.
(5) Where a water closet and another fixture are wet vented, the water
closet shall be connected downstream of the other fixture.
(6) The size of the wet vent shall be
(a) at least 1 1/4 in. where the size of the largest fixture drain of a
wet vented fixture is 1 1/2 in. or less,
(b) at least 1 1/2 in. where the size of the largest fixture drain of a wet
vented fixture is 2 in., or
(c) at least 2 in. where the size of the largest fixture drain of a wet vented
fixture is more than 2 in.
(7) Except where a wee vented fixture is a water closet or another fixture
that relies on siphonic action for its operation, or an S-trap standard, the length
of the fixture drain of a wet vented fixture shall be at least 18 in.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
f a wet
(2) The connection between the yoke vent and the soil-or-waste stack shall
~ vented (a) made with a Y, and
(b) located below the lowest soil-or-waste pipe that is connected to the stack
r fixture from every fifth story.
e length
or-waste A sump that receives sewage shall be provided with a vent pipe that is Venting of
: as the connected to the top of the sump. sewage sump
~tack or An oil interceptor shall be provided with two vent pipes that are Venting of
connected to the high points of opposite ends of the interceptor. oil interceptor
L section
(2) The vent pipes shall be extended directly to open air.
ed from (3) One of the vent pipes shall be terminated above the other to promote
1e stack circulation of air through the interceptor. Where a building trap is installed a fresh air inlet shall be connected Venting of
love the to the building drain upstream of the trap and within 4 ft of the trap. building trap
a nominally vertical position.
:he two (2) Where a vent pipe is connected to a nominally horizontal soil-or-waste
pipe the connection shall be above the horizontal centreline of the soil-or-waste
:1stream pipe and the vent pipe shall be extended directly to the nearest wall or vertical
'e on a Where a vent pipe is connected to another vent pipe the connection Vents to
:it have shall be located at least 3 in. above the flood level rim of every fixture that is connect above
served by either vent pipe. fixtures they
branch (2) A connection between a yoke vent and a vent stack or branch vent shall
vented be located at least 3 in. above the flood level rim of every fixture in the stOf'y
in which the connection is made.
lin the
nch. The upper end of a vent pipe that is not terminated in open air shall Terminals
be connected to a vent pipe or venting system that is terminated in open air.
~s if an
::tion of (2) The upper end of a stack vent or vent stack shall be terminated in
open air or be connected within the building to another stack vent or vent stack
or to a header.
(3) The upper end of a vent pipe that is terminated in open air, other than
• ( a ) a fresh air inlet,
(b) a vent pipe that serves an oil interceptor, or
or im- (c) a vent pipe that is installed when an existing drainage system is extended,
shall be extended through a roof.
ories, a
rom the (4) Where a vent pipe is terminated in open air the terminal shall be located
(a) at least 3 ft above or 12 ft in any direction from any air inlet, window
or door, The diameter of a vent pipe shall be at least l~ in. and not less
Minimum than the diameter set forth in Table 7.6.5.A according to the size of the largest
diameter trap that it serves.
(2) The diameter of a part of a vent pipe that is outside of a building shall
be at least 3 in.
Size of vents Where provision is made in the design of soil-or-waste pipes for the
for future installation of a fixture at a future time, the size of the venting system shall be
fixtures adequate to serve the fixture for which provision is made.
Size of The diameter of a vent pipe that is part of the main vent shall be at
main vent least 3 in., and where it serves a soil-or-waste stack that passes through six or
more stories the diameter shall be at least 4 in.
Minimum The diameter of an individual vent shall not be less than the diameter
diameter of set forth in table 7.6.5.A according to the size of the. trap that serves the fixture.
TABLE 7.6.5.A
Minimum Diameter of
Size of Trap, in.
Individual Vent, in.
1J4 1~
1~ P'14
2 1~
2~ P'12
3 1~
4 1~
5 2
6 2
Column 1 Column 2
Continuous The diameter of a continuous vent other than an individual vent
vent shall not be less than the diameter set forth in table 7.6.5.B according to the
length of the continuous vent and the total hydraulic load from the fixtures
that it serves.
• (2) The length of a continuous vent is its developed length frorn the branch
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
is used to which it is connected to a stack vent, vent stack or header, and where the
continuous vent is connected to a branch vent the length includes the length
of the branch vent from its connection with the continuous vent to its upper end. The diameter of a section of a branch vent or header shall not be Branch vent
ated at less than the diameter that is set forth in table 7.6.5.B according to or header
(a) the total hydraulic load from the fixtures that are served by the section,
(b) the length of the branch vent or header of which it is a part.
lot less
largest (2) The length of a branch vent is its developed length from its upper end
to the most distant soil-or-waste pipe that it serves, and includes the length of
any vent pipe that connects it to the soil-or-waste pipe.
19 shall
(3) 'The length of a header is its developed length from open air to the
most distant soil-or-waste pipe that it serves, and includes
for the (a) the length of any stack vent or vent stack that connects it with open air,
shall be and
(b) the length of any vent pipe that connects it to the soil-or-waste pipe.
II be at
1 six or TABLE 7.6.5.B
Minimum Diameter of Continuous Vent, Branch Vent,
Header, or Sump Vent, in.
fixture V~ I P'12 2 2~ 3 4 5 6 8
units :\1aximum Length of Vent Pipe, ft
0-2 30
3-8 30 100
9-20 25 50 150
1901-3600 T 25 60 250 800
'Jl vent 3601-5600 D 25 60 250
to the
fixtures Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sump The diameter of a vent pipe for a sump shall not be less than the
vent diameter set forth in table 7.6.5.B according to the length of the vent pipe and
the total hydraulic load from the fixtures that drain to the sump.
(2) The length of a vent lJipe for a sump is its length from the top of the
sump to a stack vent, vent stack or header, and where the vent pipe is con-
nected to a branch vent the length includes the length of the branch vent from
its connection with the vent pipe to its upper end.
Circuit vent, The diameter of
loop vent or (a) a circuit vent,
relief vent (b) a loop vent, or
(c) a relief vent
shall not be less than 2 in.
Stack vent Except as provided in sentence (2), the diameter of a stack vent or
or vent a vent stack shall not be less than the diameter set forth in table 7.6.5.C ac-
stack cording to
(a) the length of the stack vent or vent stack,
(b) the diameter of the lowest section of soil-or-waste stack to which it is
connected, and
( c) the hydraulic load that is drained to the lowest section of the stack.
(2) The length of a stack vent or vent stack is its developed length from its
lower end to open air, and where the stack vent or vent stack is connected to a
header, includes any part of the header that is between the top of the stack vent
or vent stack and open air.
(3) Where a section of a stack vent or vent stack connects the top of one or
more headers or other stack vents or vent stacks to open air, the diameter of
the section shall at least equal the value set forth in table 7.6.5.B, according
to the hydraulic load from the fixtures that are served by the section and the
length of the longest stack vent, vent stack, or header that is connected to it.
Yoke vent The diameter of a yoke vent shall not be less than the diameter of the
vent stack to which it is connected.
Fresh air inlet The diameter of a fresh air inlet shall not be less than 4 in.
Vent pipe for The diameter of a vent pipe that serves an oil interceptor shall not
oil interceptor be less than 3 in.
Drainage of Piping, except a water service ptpe, shall be graded or pitched so
piping that any part of the system can be drained, but if it is not practical to avoid a
trap or a sag in a pipe, provision shall be made to drain it.
(2) Where a drain valve is installed it shall be adequate to drain completely
the piping that it serves.
Shut-off valve A water service pipe shall be provided with a shut-off valve and a
and drip drip valve, except that a stop-and-waste cock may be installed when the
valve diameter of the pipe is 1 in. or less.
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:han the
TABLE 7.6.5.C
)ipe and
Forming Part of Sentence
) of the
is con- Total Minimum Diameter of Stack Vent or Vent Stack, in.
nt from Diameter of Hydraulic
Soil-or-waste Load on n 1~ 2 2~ 3 4 5 6 8
Stack, in. Stack,
fixture units Maximum Length of Vent Pipe, ft
P'14 0-2 30
1~ 0-8 50 150
2 0-8 30 75 200
2 9-20 26 50 150
vent or
.5.C ac- 2)!! 0-20 45 150 400
2~ 21-42 30 100 300
3 0-10 30 100 200 600
lch it is 3 11-30 15 60 200 500
tack. 3 31-60 15 50 80 400
from its 4 0-100 35 100 260 1000
ted to a '-----
4 101-200 30 90 250 900
1ck vent 4 201-500 20 70 180 700
' -
5 0-200 N 35 80 350 1000
f one or
neter of 5 201-500 0 30 70 300 900
ccording 5 501-1100 T 20 50 200 700
and the
1 to it. 6 0-350 25 50 200 400 1300
6 351-620 P~ 30 125 300 1100
• of the 6 621-960 E 24 100 250 1000
6 961-1900 R 20 70 200 700
8 0-600 M 50 150 500 1300
8 601-1400 I 40 100 400 1200
Iall not
8 1401-2200 T 30 90 350 1100
E -----
25 60 250 800
75 125 1000
10 1001-2500 D 50 100 500
~ water. 10 2501-3300 30 80 350
10 3301-5600 25 60 250
Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
r faucet
(2) The valves or cock shall be located at the inner side of the wall through
::hed so which the pipe enters the building.
avoid a Where polyethylene pipe is used for a water service pipe, a check Check valve
Ilpletely valve shall be installed at the building end of the pipe. A pipe that extends through more than 6 stories shall be provided Valve on
l and a with a shut-off valve. riser
len the (2) The valve shall be installed at the foot of the pipe .
Shut-off valve A supply to a water closet shall be provided with a shut-off valve. for water
Shut-off valve Shut-off valves shall be installed in a dwelling unit, or in a suite in a
for dwelling motel or hotel, as may be necessary to ensure that when the supply to one
unit or suite dwelling unit or suite is shut off the supply to the rest of the building is not
Shut-off The supply to each fixture or device that is in a building other than
valves for a dwelling unit, motel or hotel shall be provided with a shut-off valve except
other build.. that one shut-off may control the supply to a group of up to eight fixtures,
ings other than water closets or urinals, that are in the same room.
Shut-off A pipe that is supplied from a water tank shall be provided with
valves for a shut-off valve.
water tank (2) The valve shall be located close to the tanks. A pipe that supplies a hot water tank shall be provided with a shut-off
Stop-and- A pipe that passes through an exterior wall to supply water to the
waste cock exterior of the butlding shall be provided with a stop-and-waste cock or a
for exterior frost-proof wall hydrant.
(2) The stop-and-waste cock shall be located inside the building and close to
the wall.
Relief valves A hot water tank that has a capacity of less than 100,000 Btu/hr
for hot water shall be provided with
tanks (a) a temperature relief valve and a pressure relief valve, or
(b) a combined temperature and pressure relief valve.
(2) A temperature relief valve or a combined valve shall be connected into
the tank or located on the hot water pipe immediately adjacent to the tank.
(3) No shut-off shall be installed on the pipe between the tank and the relief
Connection No part of a potable water system shall be connected in such a way
of system that foreign matter or non-potable water may enter, except that a water treat-
ment device or apparatus may be installed with the written permission of the
health authority having jurisdiction.
(2) No potable water pipe shall be connected to an ejector.
Cleaning of A newly installed part of a water system shall be thoroughly cleaned
system to ensure freedom from contamination before the system is put into operation.
Air gap or A water supply inlet, including a float operated inlet, except an
back- inlet that serves a device in which the water surface may be exposed to a pres-
siphonage sure greater than atmospheric, shall be
preventer (a) located so as to provide an air gap, or
(b) provided with a back-siphonage preventer.
(2) Except as provided in sentence (3) the air gap shall be provided above,
or the back-siphonage preventer installed so that its critical level is above, the
flood level rim of the fixture or device.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
te in a (3) In a tank, vat or device the air gap may be provided above, or the
to one back-siphonage pret;enter installed so that its critical level is above, the maximum
: is not water level in the tank or vat if the tank or vat is provided with an overflow
that can, when all other inlets are open and the outlet is closed, maintain the
water level at a distance above the top of the overflow that does not exceed
er than (a) one half of the required air gap where an air gap is provided, or
tixtures, (b) the size of the inlet where a back-siphonage preventer is installed. The size of an air gap shall not be less than twice the diameter Size of
of the effective opening of the water supply inlet, but where the inlet is located air gap
id with
so that its inside edge is
(a) within three times the diameter of the effective opening from a wall, or
(b) within four times the diameter of the effective opening from each of two
~hut-off adjacent walls,
the size of the air gap shall not be less than three times the diameter of the
effective opening.
to the
( or a (2) Subject to sentence (1), where the fixture or device is other than a
drinking fountain the size of the air gap shall not be less than 1 in.
~lose to (3) Subject to sentence (1), where the fixture is a drinking fountain the
size of the air gap shall not be less than 3/4 in.
Btu/hr The height at which the critical level of a back-siphonage preventer Height of
is installed above a flood level rim or maximum water level shall not be less back-
than four times the diameter of the inlet of the fixture control valve or faucet. siphonage
(2) Subject to sentence (1), where the back-siphonage preventer is installed
in other than a water closet tank the height shall not be less than 4 in.
ed into
k. (3) Subject to sentence (1), where the back-stphonage preventer is installed
e relief in a water closet tank the height shall not be less than 1 in.
(4) Where the critical let;el is not marked on a back-siphonage preventer
the outlet of the back-siphonage preventer shall be assumed to be its critical level.
above, not under drainage or non-potable water piping. pressure tank
'e, the
TABLE 1.7.6.A
Forming Part of Article
Minimum Diameter
Fixture or Device of Supply Pipe, in.
Bath tub 1/2
Combination sink and tray 1/2
Drinking fountain 3/8
Dishwasher, domestic 1/2
Kitchen sink, domestic 1/2
Kitchen sink, commercial 3/4
Lavatory 3/8
Laundry tray: 1, 2, or 3
compartments .. 1/2
Shower, single head 1/2
Sink, service, slop 1/2
Sink, flushing rim 3/4
Urinal, flush tank 1/2
Urinal, direct flush valve 3/4
Water closet, flush valve type 1
Water closet, tank type 3/8
Hose bib 1/2
Wall hydrant 1/2
Column 1 COlumn 2
Capacity of The capacity of a potable water system shall be sufficient to provide
system and a positive pressure at each supply opening.
(2) The capacity of a water service pi1)e shall not be less than the peak de-
mand flow.
(3) The capacity of a pipe that supplies a fixture shall not be less than the
flow that will flush the fixture and keep it in a sanitary condition.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
1 10 ft
SUBSECTION 7.8.4. LOCATION Piping shall not be located Location of
(a) in a part where food is prepared in a food processing plant, pipe
rground (b) above food handling equipment,
(c) above a non-pressure potable water tank, and
isted in (d) above a cover of a pressure potable water tank. An outlet from a non-potable water system shall not be located where Location of
it can discharge into outlet
(a) a sink or washbasin,
(b) a fixture into which an outlet from a potable water system is discharged,
er (c) a fixture that is used for a purpose related to the preparation, handling
or dispensing of food, drink or products that are intended for human
~ak de-
Ian the
r than
• J. H. Jenkins
* Died April 1961
A. E. Berry (Chairman)
V. S. Baker
J. M. Robertson (Secretary)
K. R. Rybka (Chairman) W. Jack
V. S. Baker T. H. Lackie
G. W. Betts D. H. Waller (Secretary)
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
This advisory document has developed from the original Notional Building Code issued
in 1941 jointly by the Notional Research Council and the Deportment of Finance. A completely
revised edition was published in 1953. This is therefore the Third Edition.
The Associate Committee on the Notional Building Code consists of a group of about
twenty·four Canadian citizens appointed for three·year terms by the Council. They sit as
individuals and not as representatives of any organization. The major task of the Committee
is to promote the uniformity of building regulations throughout Canada. Continued study and
improvement to maintain the Notional Building Code as a satisfactory document containing
regulations which can be conveniently adopted or enacted for local use will always be on im·
portant port of the Committee's work.
The Notional Building Code and its various ports or sections may be obtained by writing to:
The Secretary,
Associate Committee on the Notional Building Code,
National Research Council,
Ottowa 2, Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
NRC No. 5800-N
Part Administration
Part 2 Definitions
Part 3 Use and Occupancy
Part 4 Design
Section 4.1 Structural Loads and Procedures
Section 4.2 Foundations
Section 4.3 Wood
Section 4.4 Unit Masonry
Section 4.5 Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed
Section 4.6 Steel Construction
Section 4.7 Cladding
Part 5 Materials
Part 6 Building Services
Part 7 Plumbing Services
Part 8 Construction Safety Measures
Part 9 Housing
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
CODE 1960.
Section 8.1 General Provisions ............................................ 3
Section 8.2 Housekeeping ............................................ 4
Section 8.3 Handling and Storing Materials ........................ 5
es Section 8.4 Temporary Services .......................................... 6
Section 8.5 Excavation ..................................................... 8
Section 8.6 Construction Equipment .............................. .. 9
Section 8.12 Guardrails and Toeboards ................................ 20
Section 8.13 Formwork ......................................................... 21
Section 8.14 Demolition........................................................ 21
Section 8.15 First Aid .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. ..... ..... ... .... 24
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays Special note is to be made of the fact that the term "lumber" is used
in Part 8 to include yard lumber, plywood and other wood products of cor-
responding structural strength and properties. For small building jobs such as the construction of individual residences
the requirements of Part 9 shall apply. Posts and roof shall be adequate to withstand falling objects and the
roof shall be weather tight and sloped to the building side for drainage. The structure shall be totally enclosed on the building side with tight
boarding applied on the sidewalk side of the posts. A 2- by 4-in. railing 42 in.
in height shall be provided on the street side of the structure. When building operations are located 7 ft or more from the inside
of a sidewalk there shall be erected, when so required by the authority having
jurisdiction, a strongly constructed fence, boarding or barricade not less than
6 ft in height. Boarding shall be applied on the street side to present a smooth
surface. Material or equipment shall not be placed on any street or other public
property, except as authorized by the authority having jurisdiction.
8.1.S.4. All damage to sidewalks, streets or other public property shall be made
good, and all obstructions pertaining to the work of construction shall be re-
moved. Excavations that may become filled with water shall be backfilled or
properly drained when required by the authority having jurisdiction.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
,e made When necessary to ensure firm footing, all platforms, scaffolds, run-
be re· ways, etc., shall be sprinkled with sand or other suitable material.
SUBSECTION 8.3.1. GENERAL A competent employee shall be placed in charge of all handling and
storing of materials and he shall be authorized to direct and supervise all such
suitable The load imposed on any part of the permanent work shall not exceed
the allowable loads stipulated in Part 4.
ions of
BUILDINGS Adequate measures for the fire protection of all temporary storage Fire
buildings shall be provided and shall be suitably located both inside and outside protection
,ed. of such buildings.
height of piles shall not exceed the width. lumber
:lear of Cross strips or shims shall be used to stabilize stacks of lumber which
are more than 4 ft in height. The vertical face of the stacked piles shall not exceed 6 ft in height,
and stacking above this height shall be stepped back with wood strips placed
between the tiers to prevent toppling. During unpiling, the top of the pile shall be maintained approximately
level. Toilet facilities shall be provided from the start of building operation,
and connection to a sewer shall be made as soon as practicable. Every toilet shall be so constructed that the occupant is sheltered from
view and protected from the weather and falling objects. Washing facilities shall be installed, and when practicable shall be con-
nected to municipal water supply and shall discharge to a sewer.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
:, except Where a water supply of not less than 70 gal/min at a pressure of not
less than 12 psi at the highest outlet is installed as building construction pro-
gresses, hose and nozzles may be provided in lieu of pump tank extinguishers.
ximately Such hose shall have a minimum internal diameter of 3/4 in. and the nozzle
shall be of the adjustable spray type with a minimum orifice of 3/8 in.
,tored in
specially • In all buildings in which standpipes are to be provided, they shall be
installed as the construction progresses, complete with hose and valves. in such
a manner that they are always ready for fire department use to the topmost floor
that has been installed. Such standpipes shall be provided with a fire depart-
ment connection on the outside of the building at the street level and with one
outlet at each floor. All outlets, connections and fittings shall be designed to
fit the fire department equipment. In all buildings where an automatic sprinkler system is to be provided,
installation shall follow construction and be placed in service before or im-
mediately following completion of each story and before it is occupied.
hin easy Access shall be provided and maintained at all times to all fire fighting
not less equipment including fire hose, extinguishers, sprinkler valves and hydrants.
Arrangements shall be made with the local fire department so that firemen will
have access to the premises if called to a fire. Close liaison shall be maintained
peration. with the local fire department at all times.
~ed from
SUBSECTION 8.4.3. ELECTRICAl. WIRING AND LIGHTING All electrical equipment, instal}ation and wiring shall conform to the Electrical
provisions of the "Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1," 7th ed. (C.22.1-1958>, as wiring and
published by the Canadian Standards Association. or to the local provincial lighting
electrical code .
.ition. A The main service switch shall be securely mounted on a substantial
support, shall be readily accessible and shall be provided with a suitable locking
device. No obstruction of any kind shall be placed within 3 ft of this switch.
shall be
! of the Secondary panels shall be securely mounted on a substantial support
, having and shall be within easy reach and readily accessible. No obstruction of any kind.
shall be placed within 3 ft of the front of such panels.
be con·
• All cables and wires for electrical distribution shall be suspended over-
head with adequate clearance for traffic. Such wires shall be protected by metal
conduit, boards or planks where necessary to protect them from damage. Extension cords in fixed position shall be carried overhead and adequately
secured in place. Extension cords for casual use shall be disconnected when not
in use. Adequate lighting shall be provided- throughout the building in all work
areas and passageways and stairWays. Electrical lamps for temporary lighting
shall be protected by wire guards against breakage. Panels and other electrical equipment shall be inspected at frequent
intervals and shall be maintained in safe condition. All high-tension lines which may constitute a hazard shall be marked
so as to be clearly visible to the operators of construction equipment.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
quately and bracing of his property. Adequate underpinning, shoring and bracing shall
len not be done to prevent damage to, or movement of, any part of the adjoining
property. Frequent inspections shall be made to ensure that such underpinning,
shoring and bracing is properly maintained.
II work
SUBSECTION 8.5.4. BARRICADES AND WARNING LIGHTS At all excavations on the site, barricades, warning lights and watchmen Safety
requent shall be maintained where required by the authority having jurisdiction. measures at
SUBSECTION 8.5.5. STABILITY OF BANKS Banks or sides of excavations shall be either trimmed to the stable Stability
slope of the material excavated, or such banks shall be adequately supported of banks
LY by sheet-piling, shoring and bracing. In all trench excavations, vertical faces
,uilding shall be sheet-piled or shored and braced when the depth exceeds 4 ft or as
may be required by the authority lwvitlg jurisdiction.
l clear Excavations
not to endanger the safety of any workmen in the excavations or to create con- cleared of
ditions resulting in a health hazard. water
:m 2 ft
SUBSECTION 8.5.8. EXPLOSIVES All matters pertaining to the use of explosives on the construction Handling of
site, including handling, storing, drilling, placing, blasting cover, warnings and explosives
for un- signals shall be conducted and arranged strictly in accordance with the ap-
propriate Federal and Provincial regulations. Copies of all such regulations
shall be prominently posted. A record of all explosives used shall be maintained.
:lyand SUBSECTION 8.5.9. CAISSONS, PIERS, AND TUNNELS All caissons, pier and tunnel excavation shall be executed in accordance
with the regulations of the appropriate authority having furisdiction. Wherever
on construction workmen are required to work in compressed air, all matters
pertaining to the work shall be conducted and arranged in accordance with the
regulations of the authority having jurisdiction. A copy of all such regulations
ectrical shall be prominently posted.
to the (a) only experienced and licensed drivers shall operate trucks within the
1t par- construction site; and
shoring (b) trucks shall be maintained in good repair and in safe working condition.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
ear an
• the Canadian Standards Association. Special care shall always be exercised in relation to the danger of
fire caused by sparks or drops of heated metal caused by welding operations.
appro- Power tools shall be inspected frequently and if found defective shall
or air not be used until all repairs and replacements have been made.
tall be
• Except for purposes of oiling, repair or maintenance, no person shall Hoists
e pins ride on a temporary hoist or elevator unless such temporary hoist or elevator
ile the conforms in all respects with the requirements of subsection 8.7.6. Only com-
petent men, duly authorized, shall operate a hoist or elevator used for men or The operator and hoisting engine and equipment shall be adequately
protected from falling objects and the working space shall be surrounded by
temporary walls or guardrails. Hoisting rope, blocks and pulleys shall be in accordance with the in-
structions of the manufacturer. All hoisting rope for power-driven hoisting ma-
chinery shall be steel wire rope. All rope shall match the blocks and pulleys.
At least four turns of rope shall remain on the drum at all times. Wire rope shall
be maintained free of kinks and shall be lubricated to prevent corrosion. Kinked
rope and rope in which 10 per cent of the strands in any 3 ft are broken
shall be replaced. Wire rope fastening devices shall be of an approved standard
and must always be applied correctly. Fibre rope shall be used only for manual-
ly operated hoists and shall be first quality manila rope or equal. Means shall
be provided to prevent chafing of the rope. Fibre rope shall be inspected fre-
quently and shall be replaced when there is evidence of seVere wear, abrasion or
deterioration. Sheaves shall be of proper size to accommodate the rope. Sheaves in-
tended for fibre rope shall not be used for wire rope. Hoist brakes shall be capable of stopping and holding 150 per cent of
the rated hoisting capacity. A ratchet and pawl shall be provided on the drum
to hold the load.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Ltor for There shall be not less than 4 ft of clearance between the crosshead
locking of the tower and the hoisting rope fastening the conveyance when it is at the
ings or uppermost terminal or landing. A platform of ample size and strength equipped
with guardrails and toeboards shall be constructed at each loading level. A bar
or gate shall be provided at the tower end of such platform. A strong ladder se-
curely fastened in place shall extend the full height of the tower and shall
extend not less than 3 ft 6 in. above the tower. The tower ladder shall be pro-
vided with a protective guard.
Ie been Inside hoistway shafts shall be enclosed on all sides and overhead ex- Inside
cept at entrances. Enclosure shall consist of vertical boarding not less than 1 hoistwav
1 in. (nominal) in thickness, tightly applied; or of exterior type plywood not less
than 5/16 in. in thickness, tightly applied; or alternatively of :\0. 16 gauge
shafts .
l~-in. wire mesh not less than 8 ft in height with toeboards; or slatted parti-
r has a
cuously 1 tions adequately supported, consisting of wood slats not less than 314 in. in
thickness installed horizontally and spaced not more than 2 in. apart.
quately Substantial gates shall be installed at all entrances to hoistways. Gates
ded by shall be not less than 5 ft 6 in. in height with a clearance at floor level of
not more than 2 in. and shall be located not more than 4 in. from the edge
of the floor. Where such gates are impracticable the hatchway enclosure shall
the in· be located not less than 2 ft from the edge of the floor. and the entrance shall
ng rna· be protected by a 2- by 4-in. hinged wooden bar located not less than 36 in.
pulleys. nor more than 48 in. from the floor.
)e shall A hoist or elevator shall not be operated while workmen are working
in the shaft. At such times a tight platform of 2-in. plank shall be installed
broken to cover the opening in the floor next above the workmen, and the top floor
tandard opening in the shaft shall also be closed in a similar manner. During repair
nanual· work, all shaft doors shall be kept closed, except when a workman is stationed
1S shall
as a guard at the open Shll ft door.
:ed fre·
~sion or SUBSECTION 8.7.6. HOIST CARS Hoist cars for the use of workmen and material shall be enclosed from Hoist cars
floor to crosshead with a solid enclosure; or alternatively with :\0. 9 gauge for
eves in· expanded metal, l~-in. mesh with toeboards. At the car crosshead an over- workmen's
head protective covering of planking shall be provided. Blocks and cleats se· use
curely fastened to the floor shall be provided to prevent accidental movement
cent of of wheelbarrows or other rolling equipment.
SUBSECTION 8.7.7. GUIDE RAH.S Guide rails shall be of steel or timber of high structural quality and Guide rails
shall be so designed and fastened that under normal operating conditions the on hoists
esigned deflection between two adjacent points of support shal1 not exceed II in.
re sta-
other with an electrical interlock to prevent movement of car while door or gate is
luately open. The car shall be equipped with automatic rail safety stops actuated by a
speed governor.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
;tandard more than 5 ft apart. Ends of the tie rods shall be riveted over proper sized
s. washers. Stringers shall be supported by means of U-bolts at all bearing points.
Hangers or stirrups shall be placed not less than 6 in. nor more than 18 in.
gid and from the ends of platforms. Planking shall be nailed in place or otherwise
leforma- secured against displacement. Platforms shall be not less than 20 in. in width.
not be Guardrails shall extend the full length of each working platform.
nded as
and spiked into the bracket and extending through the wall and inside blockmg
of the and secured with washer and lever handled nut. After erection the bracket
I to the shall be capable of sustainmg a load of 400 lb at the extreme outer end of the
bracket. The spacmg of the brackets centre-to-centre shall not exceed 10ft. Platfonns shall be not less than two planks in width. Planks shall be
not less than 2 in. in thickness and shall extend not less than 6 in. and not
more than 12 in. beyond the brackets. Outer guardrails securely fastened shall
be provided for all scaffolds which are more than 10 ft above ground. Kot more than two workmen shall occupy the same panel of a scaffold
at the same time. ~laterial load per panel shall not exceed 75 lb.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
secured and shall conform with the provisions of subsection 8.9.8.
and not Double width ladders shall comprise three rails evenly spaced and shall
~ ladder.
be not less than 5 ft in width. In ladders more than 20 ft long, the base end
he same shall be at least 6 in. wider than the top end. Cleats or rungs shall extend the
full width of the ladder.
ladder at ground or floor level shall be not less than 1/4 and not more than
1/3 of the length of the ladder.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
)re than Temporary flooring shall consist of not less than 2-in. plank of softwood Temporary
of good structural quality not less than 8 in. in width. Planks shall be laid flooring
close together. Maximum span of 2-in. planks shall be not less than 10 ft.
When the span between permanent supports exceeds 10 ft, temporary girders
1 length. or beams having adequate strength shall be provided to support the planks.
ier con- Planks shall not extend more than 6 in. beyond bearing except for purposes of
). If the overlap. The ends of all planks shall be securely fastened to the structure.
iers for
ninently Other temporary flooring may be used in lieu of planking if appro&ed. No part of the temporary flooring on any floor shall be removed while Removal of
,en such work is in progress at the floor except for the purpose of installing permanent temporary
work. This shall not apply to temporary flooring used in the erection of struc- flooring
tural steel frames. During the erection of any steel work, an adequate temporary plank Protection of
or other approved floor or floors shall be used, so that no steel erector shall be steel erection
required to work more than two stories, or the vertical distance between column crews
splices, above such temporary flooring.
~red and
love the Temporary flooring or the permanent subflooring shall be laid over Temporary
each tier of joists as the work progresses. Such flooring shall extend over the flooring in
whole area of each floor, except for openings for hoisting. ladders and stairways wood joist
and those areas in which formwork for concrete floors has been provided. construction
ight and Temporary flooring shall consist of tightly laid boards not less than 3/4 in. in
i in the thickness. or exterior type plywood not less than 1/2 in. in thickness for joist
lugh the spacings of not more than 24 in. apart. Joints shall be made over joists, or
t tightly boards shall 'overlap not less than 6 in. Boards shall not extend more than
6 in. beyond bearing except for purposes of overlap.
/16 in.,
bolts or
th three No part of the temporary flooring shall be removed except for pur- No part of
poses of installing permanent work. temporary
flooring to
pipe or be removed
SUBSECTION 8.11.1. STAIRS REQUIRED When any work on a building has progressed to a height of more than Where
60 ft above ground level, permanent or temporary stairs shall be provided lor permanent or
ENTS the entire height from the ground to the uppermost floor level. Such stairs shall temporary
.t create be continued as work progresses. stairs
rails or required
clear of Temporary stairs shall be maintained in sale condition until the per-
manent stairs have been installed.
cl hooks, Permanent stairs shall be installed as soon as working conditions wiD
permit. At least one stairway shall be maintained in usable condition at all
ring the Skeleton steel stairs shall have temporary wooden treads of not less Temporary
,e whole than 2- by 10-in. planking extending the full width of stairs and landings. Tem- wooden
hoisting porary treads shall be securely fastened in place. Permanent handrails or tempo- treads on
shall be rary guardrails securely fastened and supported in place shall be provided on steel stairs
the open side of stairs and landings. The incline of ramps for pedestrian or vehicular traffic shall not exceed
20 deg from the horizontal. Cross cleats shall be provided for all ramps having an
incline in excess of 7 deg from the horizontal. Cross cleats shall be not less
than 1 by 2 in. nominal and shall be secured in place and spaced at regular
intervals not exceeding 18 in. Guardrails shall be provided at the open sides of all ramps built at an
elevation 8 ft or more above a safe working level.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
ats. If the structure to be demolished has been partially wrecked or dam- Precautions
aged by fire, flood, explosion or other cause, all shoring, bracing or other mea- prior to
exceed sures necessary to prevent accidental collapse of any part shall be provided. demolition
,ring an
,ot less All measures required by the authority having iurisdiction for the
regular enclosure of the site and the protection of the public shall be completed before
the work of demolition is commenced.
t at an Danger signs shall be conspicuously posted around the property and
all doorways or thoroughfares giving access to the property shall be closed. During
the hours of darkness, warning lights or flares shall be placed on or about all
barricades. The owners of adjoining property shall be notified in writing by the
owner of the intent to demolish, and all necessary measures to prevent damage
to such adjoining property shall be arranged and put into effect before the work
)ported of demolition is commenced. If during the progress of the work a condition
. inter- developes which might endanger such adjoining property the owner shall be
lot less notified forthwith and the work of demolition, insofar as it affects the adjoining
smooth property, shall be stopped until the necessary measures to prevent damage
have been completed. All existing gas, electrical, water, steam and other services to the site
shall be shut off and capped at the property line,. In each case the service com-
pany involved shall be notified in advance and its approval obtained. If it is
In and necessary to maintain any such services, they shall be arranged and relocated
if necessary, and shall be protected to prevent injury and to afford safety to the
workmen. When work is not in progress, the site shall be patrolled by a watchman
to prevent the public from entering the danger zone, and to maintain all bar-
e wire ricades, danger signs and warning lights.
Ir plat-
of the A competent foreman shall be in charge of the work at all times while
work is in progress. Material or debris shall not be stacked or piled in the building to the
extent that it will create overloading of any part of the structure. Adequate supports, shoring and bracing shall be provided for the
support of all gin poles, derricks and other similar equipment necessary to
prevent overloading of any part of the structure. Material with protruding nails shall be piled or removed from the
building as it is dismantled, or the nails shall be removed or flattened as the
work proceeds. There shall be provided at all times safe access to and egress from
all working areas by means of entrances, hallways, stairways or ladder runs,
so protected as to safeguard the persons using them from falling material.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
to the
SUBSECTION 8.14.9. SAFETY BELTS Whenever a workman is required to work at a height of more than Wearing of
site of 12 ft above a floor, a platform, scaffold or the ground he shall be equipped safety belts
lthority with a safety belt with life line attached.
om the securely fastened to the floor at the opening. Open chutes shall be inclined
as the at an angle of not more than 45 deg to the horizontal. All large material or objects shall be lowered by means of derricks,
11 light- platform hoists or other adequate apparatus.
r lower- thoritfJ having jurisdiction. The site shall be left in such condition that no
~cted or
hazard to safety or health has been created. The site shall be left in such con-
e roped dition that no fire hazard has been created.
[ON •
19 of a
Irs with
eby the
ing full
as shall
be not
le peri-
l. R. Andrews M. McCance
ae point D. C. Beam G. S. Mooney
C. N. Blankstein J. H. Palmason
II be of
eight to A. E. Bridges R. B. Rolland
A. J. Cameron P. S. Secord
shall be
1 or be- J. P. Carriere A. Tubby
S. D. C. Chutter A. E. Berry (ex officio)
n condi-
Ired and
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
This advisory document has developed from the original National Building Code issued
in 1941 jointly by the National Research Council and the Department of Finance. A completely
revised edition was published in 1953. This is therefore the Third Edition.
rhe Associate Committee on the National Building Code consists of a group of about
twenty-four Canadian citizens appointed for three-year terms by the Council. They sit as
individuals and not as representatives of any organization. The major task of the Committee
is to promote the uniformity of building regulations throughout Canada. Continued study and
improvement to maintain the National Building Code as a satisfactory document containing
regulations which can be conveniently adopted or enacted for local use will always be an im-
portant part of the Committee's work.
The Associate Committee is generally representative of all major phases of building in
Canada. Its direct responsibility for the preparation and publication of the Code ensures the
independence of this document. The staff of the Council are responsible only for the necessary
technical and secretarial work, all of which is done to the direction of the Associate Committee.
This work is done within the Division of Building Research, to which are referred the many
research problems that the use and revision of the Code are continually revealing. In this
way, the most up-to-date information is made available for the use of the Committee.
The actual work of preparing new parts of the Code and of revising existing parts is
delegated by the Associate Committee to special revision committees. Engineers, architects,
building officials, and other technical experts sit upon these committees in order that the
resulting documents may represent contemporary practice in Canada, interpreted as necessary
to frame the minimum regulations of which the Code consists. These committees always issue
drafts of the new documents which they prepare. These are sent for comment to those who
express interest in them. Three Advisory Groups, on Fire, Health and Structure, each with
representative memberships, keep the technical content of the Code under review, between
revisions, and advise the Associate Committee on technical problems.
Comments on the use of the Code and suggestions for its improvement will be welcome
and may be sent to the Secretary, Associate Committee on the National Building Code, in care
of the National Research Council, Ottawa. If those who use this document will thus cooOperate
with those who have worked toward its preparation and revision, the true national character
of the Code will be maintained and strengthened and its development as a satisfactory set of
desirable building regulations for use by municipalities and other agencies throughout Canada
should steadily progress.
Ce documentt ainsi que toutes les autres sections du Code National du Batiment, sera
disponible en fran~ais d'icj quelque temps. Toutes demandes doivent etre adressees au
Secretaire, Comite Associe sur Ie Code National du BOtiment, Conseil National de Recherches t
Ottawa, Canada.
The National Building Code and its various parts or sections may be obtained by writing to:
The Secretary,
Associate Committee on the National Building Code,
National Research Council,
Ottawa 2, Canada.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Section 9.1 General............................................................ 3
Section 9.2 Definitions ........................................................ 4
Section 9.3 Building Planning .............................. , .. .. .. .... .. . 4
Section 9.4 Subgrade and Foundations .............................. 8
Section 9.5 Masonry and Masonry Veneer Walls
Above Grade ................................................ 10
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
9.1.1 The requirements of Part 9 shall apply Application
(a) to the design and construction of new houses lit , and
(b) to the alteration of existing buildings for housing purposes, except that
any deviation from the requirements of this Part may be permitted if
approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
9.1.2. In this Part where the term 'good practice' is used or where such words
as adequate, sufficient, suitable, reasonable or effective or derivatives thereof
are used, the appropriate provisions in the Canadian Housing Standards as
published by the National Research Council shall be used as a guide by the
authority having jurisdiction to satisfy the requirement. (References of this
kind in this Part are marked thus lit lit. )
9.1.3. Every house and dwelling unit forming all or part of a house shall be Design and
(a) designed according to the requirements of this Part, and construction
(b) built in such a manner that under the conditions of loading specified
herein the stresses normally permitted in any of the materials of con-
struction, or in the material on which the hotlse rests, as set forth in Part
4, will not be exceeded.
9.1.4. Materials and equipment not specifically described in this Part are per- Materials,
mitted provided that their suitability has been established to the satisfaction equipment
of the authority having jurisdiction and tests
(a) by test,
(b) by actual performance, or
(c) according to recognized engineering principles .
9.1.5. Where approval for materials or equipment is to be based on tests, the Test
test methods shall, methods and
(a) whenever possible, be those published by a recognized agency, or testing
(b) where no published test methods exist
(i) tests shall be designed to simulate or exceed anticipated service
conditions, or
(ii) tests shall be designed to compare the performance of a material or
component with a material or component for the same intended use
in the house
and the tests shall be carried out by a testing laboratory acceptable to the
authority having jurisdiction.
Construction Methods
9.1.6. Construction methods or building systems, including prefabricated or Prefabricat-
patented building systems not specifically described in this Part, may be used ed or patent-
if approved by the authority havmg jurisdiction. ed building
9.1.7. Workmanship of a standard equal to good building practice is required
by this Part.
information as required in Part 1.
Ceiling Height
Ceiling The height of every room, hallway or corridor, doorway or stair shall
height be adequate. 0 0 In accordance with good practice,OO sufficient clearance shall be
provided in a crawl space where it is necessary to service equipment.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
) provide
lith good Where there is one or more than one dwelling unit in a house each dwell- Number of
ing unit shall have exits
(a) one exit that serves only the one dwelling unit, or required
(b) at least two separate and independent exits
(i) both of which are common to two dwelling units, or
(ii) one of which is common to two dwelling units and the other of which
the roof, is an exterior stair. An exit as required by article shall not pass through Location of
>or levels an exit
alf of its (a) an attached or built-in garage. or
~ finished (b) a room or dwelling unit not under the immediate control of the oc-
cupants of the first dwelling unit.
the dom- The minimum width of any exit measured between finished wall sur- Width of
faces shall be 3 ft, except that an exit doorway may be of such width that there exit
is a clear passage 2 ft 6 in. wide when the door is open.
floor area
Access to Attic and Crawl Space
narily for At least one opening shall be provided as access to every attic or crawl
provided Openings that provide access to attics or crawl spaces shall be of a
size and design and located according to good practice. o 0
oundation Every stair shall be designed and constructed in accordance with good Design of
practice 0 0 with respect to stairs
(a) width of steps,
(b) rise and run,
(c) shape of the stairs,
(d) headroom clearance,
(e) handrails, and
(f) landings. Where a door swings toward a stair, the full arc of its swing shall Landing
be over a landing at the top or bottom of a stair. where
house, required
Lighting A living room, dining room or bedroom, or a room composed of Rooms
combinations of any of the fore-named rooms with each other or with others not requiring
mentioned, shall have a window or windows that windows
nd other (a) have an aggregate unobstructed glass area not less than 10 per cent Size.
ds. With of the floor area of the room served, location and
.f safety, obstruction
thods of (b) face directly on a street, yard or court, and
of windows
s. (c) are unobstructed in accordance with good practice. oo
openings for series of habitable spaces has an opening or openings for natural ventilation
natural such opening or openings shall
ventilation (a) have a minimum aggregate unobstructed free flow area of 3 sq ft
except that for a bathroom or water-closet room the minimum aggregate
unobstructed free flow area is 1 sq ft' and
(b) be constructed to provide protection from the weather.
(2) An opening or openings for natural ventilation may be omitted from a
living room or living dining room.
Air changes Where a habitable room, or series of habitable spaces, is ventilated by
when mechanical means the system of mechanical ventilation shall be capable of
mechanical producing at least one air change per hour.
is provided
Supply of air A space that contains a heating unit shall have natural or mechanical
to space with means of supplying the required combustion air.
heating unit
Ventilation of Where there is a space between insulation and roofing such space
roof spaces shall be adequatelyOO vented to the outside air.
Design Conditions
Minimum The loads that the structural members of a house are designed to
design loads resist shall not be less than the design loads set forth in this subsection.
Properties (2) The numerical values used in determining the size and shape of a
of structural structural member so that it will. have the required strength and stiffness shall
materials not be greater than the values of the material concerned, as set forth in the
appropriate Section of Part 4 •
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Bedrooms 30
Garages 75
Column 1 Column 2
r walls,
o their
(2) Except for article, the minimum design loads due to Loads due to
se and snow, wind, and rain on a surface are as set forth in articles to snow, wind
inclusive of Section 4.1. and rain
Design Procedure The mInImum design load due to snow and the design load due to Simultaneous
wind shall be considered as acting simultaneously. application
of design
(2) In the design of a structural member that is intended to resist the load loads due
rmined due to snow and the load due to wind, thfl maximum stresses for the materials to snow
is Part of the structural member may be 1/3 greater than those listed in the ap- and wind
on. propriate Section of Part 4. Dead loads need not be considered in calculating the design load on a Design load
floor beam. on a floor
ned to
: of a Dead loads need not be considered in computing the deflection of a Deflection
s shall structural member. of a
in the structural
(2) The computed deflection of the structural members listed in column 1
of table 9.3.4.B shall not exceed the values in column 3 for the type of ceiling
that is to be supported.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
TABLE 9.3.4.B
Forming Part of Sentence
Maximum Allowable
Type of Ceiling Deflection Express-
Structural Members Supported ed as a Ratio of the
Clear Span
No ceiling 1/180
Roof rafters, roof joists,
roof beams and roof decking Other than plaster or
of plank-and-beam construc- gypsum board 1/240
Plaster or gypsum board 1/360
Other than plaster or
gypsum board 1/240
Ceiling joists
Plaster or gypsum board 1/360
No ceiling 1/360
Floor beams, floor joists and
floor decking of plank-and- Other than plaster or
beam construction for floor gypsum board 1/360
areas other than bedrooms
Plaster or gypsum board 1/360
No ceiling 1/240
Floor beams, floor joists and
floor decking of plank-and- Other than plaster or
beam construction for floor gypsum board 1/240
areas of bedrooms
Plaster or gypsum board 1/360
• (2) Footings may be omitted under solid concrete walls provided the safe
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
iO Exterior foundation walls shall be constructed of unit masonry or con· Materials
crete or other material when approved .
•0 Where concrete is placed for foundation walls the mixing and placing Concrete
iO shall be done in conformance with Section 4.5.
,0 Where unit masonry is used for exterior foundation walls, Unit masonry
(a) the units shall be load bearing type concrete units, and
(b) hollow units shall be capped in a manner to distribute the loads applied
lO to them and in conformance with good practice. oo
,0 Design of Foundations
1 3 Foundations shall be Foundation
(a) designed for the existing soil conditions according to recognized design
engineering prinCiples,
(b) designed on the basis of past experience with the soil conditions where
the foundation is to be built, or
(c) designed on the basis of good practice. 00
:, walls,
s which
-TIl Basement and cellar columns and partitions shall be designed and con-
. of the structed in accordance with good practice oo to support the imposed loads.
done in
Materials All masonry units and cementitious material shall conform to the
requirements for materials in Section 9.12 and the appropriate specifications
referred to therein.
(2) Mortar mixes shall be proportioned in accordance with good practice. 00
Design All members shall be so framed, anchored, fastened, tied and braced Strength
together to provide the strength and rigidity necessary for the purpose for and
lorted at which they are used and in accordance with good practice.oO' rigidity Framing members shall not be notched or drilled other than in accord-
ance with good practice.oO'
together Ends of joists or beams and other members framing into masonry or Decay
concrete at or below grade shall be treated with preservative or designed in protection
masonry accordance with good practice 0 0 to prevent decay.
one unit Details of construction which differ from the requirements of this Special
Section shall be permitted if it can be shown construction
(a) by suitable tests,
bonded (b) by actual performance, or
(c) by an acceptable engineering analysis
framing that such details will provide satisfactory performance.
ed walls All components shan be of such a design and construction and con- Weather
ith good nected to other components in such a manner as to ensure a reasonably 0 0 wind- tightness
tight structure.
(2) Exterior construction details shall be such as to shed the rain effectivelyOO Rain
masonry so that water will not enter the walls, floor or roof of the house or collect in tightness
provided any manner that will promote deterioration of the materials.
d on the Mixed construction consisting of combinations of post, beam and plank, Mixed
wood frame construction or plank frame construction are permitted provided construction
the construction conforms to the appropriate requirements of this Part. systems
v frames
oorbelled Design Unless a structural analysis of wind and earth pressures shows that Anchorage
weather anchorage is not required, a1l house frames shall be anchored to the foundation
in accordance with good practice.O' 0'
12 Joists, rafters, beams and plank decking in plank and beam construc-
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
loads tion shall be designed to carry all superimposed loads according to the require-
ments in subsection 9.3.4.
(2) For ordinary loading conditions, the maximum pennissible spans for
joists, rafters, beams and plank decking of plank and beam construction shall
be as set forth in the Span Tables associated with the Canadian Housing
(3) Roof sheathing where applied shall confonn to good practice. 00
J oisted floor All partitions shall be supported by suitable oo framing members.
(2) Subflooring confonning to good practice OO shall be provided beneath
finished floors except that subfloors may be omitted when the finished floor
consists of matched wood strips confonning to good practice. oo
(3) Subfloors shall consist of
(a) lumber,
(b) plywood, or
(c) other materials acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.
Plank floors When supported on top of columns or other suitable oo bearing, the
length of end bearing required for beams in plank and beam floors and roofs shall
be determined on the basis of the allowable working stress of the wood in com-
pression perpendicular to the grain and the design load to be carried by the
beam, but in no case shall the length of end bearing be less than 1 1/2 in.
(2) When beams in plank and beam floors and roofs are supported by means
of mechanical connectors. such connectors shall be designed to support the re-
quired design loads.
(3) Joints in beams in plank and beam floors and roofs shall be in accordance
with good practice. oo
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
cordance cordance with good practice, (I (I with a vapour barrier located on the warm side insulation
of the insulation as near the interior surface as possible . Exterior walls shall be protected with a siding in accordance with good Exterior
practice(l(l including flashing and trim where necessary which shall provide a wall finish
top and reasonably durable surface and shall shed water. Interior walls and ceilings shall be provided with an acceptable OO finish Wall and
which shall provide a reasonably durable surface. ceiling
carryall covering When ceramic wall tile is attached to the wall with mortar the base Base for
, in post shall consist of portland cement plaster on metal lath or masonry. ceramic and
.ted with plastic tile All floors shall be finished in a manner acceptable to the authority Finish
having jurisdiction. floors
to good When installed without subfloors, wood strip flooring shall be laid in Wood strip
accordance with good practice. (I (I flooring
dequate- without
;urisdic- sub floor All glass areas shall be designed to withstand the wind pressure which Exterior
'ith good may be expected, and the thiclmess shall be in accordance with good practice.(I(I glazing Window size and open able area shall conform to the requirements in Windows
requires articles and
• "'*
See subsection 9.1.2.
14 Window frames which are intended to carry loads may be used if ac-
cepted by the authority having jurisdiction.
Definitions 'Combustible' (as pertaining to materials adjacent to or in contact
with heat-producing units, venting equipment, pipes and ducts) means made
of or surfaced with wood, compressed paper, plant fibres or other equally or
more flammable material.
(2) 'Noncombustible' means not combustible.
Minimum Except where otherwise permitted by the authority having juf'wic·
temperature tion
required (a) every dwelling unit shall be equipped with heating facilities, and
(b) the heating facilities required in clause (a) shall be designed on the
basis of a minimum indoor air temperature of 72°F and outside design
conditions established by the authority having jurisdiction for the area
in which the dwelling unit is located.
Design, All heating equipment shall be designed, constructed and installed
construction in accordance with good practice,oo and the following specifications as applicable:
(a) "Code for the Construction and Inspection of Boilers and Pressure
installation Vessels," CSA B51.1960, published by the Canadian Standards Associa-
(b) '1nstallation Code for Oil-Burning Equipment," CSA B139-1962, pub-
lished by the Canadian Standards Association,
(c) "Installation Code for Gas·Burning Appliances and Equipment" CSA
B149-1962, published by the Canadian Standards Association,
Access All equipment serving or forming part of any heating system, with the
exception of embedded or concealed pipes or ducts, shall be designed and
installed for easy access for inspection, maintenanCf', repair and cleaning.
Expansion Closed-type heating systems shall incorporate adequate OO provision for
and expansion and contraction of the heating fluid.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
(b) have temperature limit controls,
shall have at least one register without a closable shutter, and the duct leading
t on the to it shall be without a damper, except where dampers and shutters cannot
.e design shut off more than 80 per cent of the duct area.
the area A heating supply duct serving a garage shall be fitted with an auto- Ducts
matic closure that will prevent the entry of air from the garage into the duct serving
installed when the system is not operating. garages
'plicable: (2) A register attached to a heating supply duct serving a garage shall be
Pressure located at least 4 ft above the floor of the garage.
Clearances for Heating Supply Ducts,
>2, pub- Boots, Branch Ducts and Register Boxes Clearances to combustible construction from boots, register boxes,
,t" CSA branch ducts and supply ducts forming part of forced wann-air heating systems
shall be in accordance with good practice.·· Where a register is to be installed in a floor directly over a 'pipeless' Register box
R-1960, furnace, the register box shall be constructed and installed according to good for pipeless
practice.·· furnace
with the When heated air is discharged downward into an under-floor space
ned and the following requirements shall apply:
19. (a) use of such spaces shall be restricted to I-story portions of dwelling
(b) the enclosing material of the under-floor space, including the side wall
insulation, snaIl be not more flammable than I-in. (nominal) wood
ision for
(c) a noncombustible receptacle shall be installed beneath each floor type
register in accordance with good practice. o •
•• See subsection 9.1.2.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Noncom- The interior of combustible return ducts shall be lined with noncom-
bustible bustible material
duct lining (a) below floor registers,
(b) at the bottom of vertical ducts, and
(c) under furnaces having a bottom return.
Fire- The requirements of article shall apply to the installation of
stopping return ducts.
(2) \Vhere spaces between studs in walls or joists in floors are used as ducts,
the portions of such spaces so used shall be separated from all remaining
unused portions by tight-fitting stops of metal, or wood not less than 2 in. (no-
minal) thick.
Restriction A vertical return duct shall have openings to receive return air on not
on duct more than 1 story.
opening A public hall or stairway shall not be used as a return air plenum. The return system shall be arranged so that negative pressure from the
circulating fan cannot affect the air supply for combustion or act to draw
products of combustion from joints or openings in the furnace or flue pipe.
Expansion and Every steam and hot water pipe shall be installed to provide for all
contraction expansion and contraction movements due to temperature changes.
Pipe covering Every covering or insubtion used on any steam or hot water pipe shall
and insulation be of approt:ed noncombustible material.
:urface of
Heating Appliances Burning Solid Fuel
a furnace Every solid-fuel-burning heating appliance shall be connected to a Connection flue by a flue pipe. Such flue pipe shall meet the requirements of subsection to flue
9.8.6. pipe
f' be con-
) boards.
Mounting of Boilers, Furnaces, Stoves, Ranges,
noncom- Space Heaters and Domestic Water Heaters
Burning Solid Fuel Boilers, furnaces, stoves, ranges, space heaters and domestic water Mounting
heaters burning solid fuel shall be mounted in such a manner as to ensure solid fuel
safe operation and in accordance with good practice.·· burning
llation of
Clearances from Boilers, Furnaces, Stoves, Ranges
as ducts, and Space Heaters and Domestic Water Heaters
~ in. (no-
Burning Solid Fuel Boilers, furnaces, stoves, ranges, space heaters and domestic water heat- Clearances
ers burning solid fuel shall be installed with sufficient clearance from combus- for solid
ir on not tible construction to ensure that the temperature of the combustible material fuel burning
will not exceed the safe limit for the material and in accordance with good appliances
practice .••
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
(a) "Installation Code for Oil Burning Equipment," CSA B139-1962. pub-
lished by the Canadian Standards Association.
(b) "Installation Code for Gas Burning Appliances and Equipment," CSA
B149-1962, published by the Canadian Standards Association,
Flue Pipes
Material Every flue pipe or breeching serving a solid-fuel-fired heating appli-
ance shall be constructed of steel.
(2) The thickness of steel used for flue pipes shall be such as to ensure
sufficient durability and strength of the pipe in conformance with good
practice. 00
Clearance (3) Flue pipes or breeching serving a solid-fuel-fired heating appliance shall
and be installed with sufficient clearances and in a manner to ensure that the tem-
installation perature of adjacent combustible materials will not exceed the safe limit for
of flue the material and in conformance with good practice. oo
Chimney Flues
Chimney flues Every chimney flue serving any heat-producing unit shall
(a) be contained in a chimney or chimney Jiner conforming with the re-
quirements of this subsection,
(b) have a cross-sectional area sufficient to vent the heat-producing unit
which it serves, in accordance with good practice, 0 0 and
(c) in no case be inclined at more than 45 deg to the vertical.
(2) Any chimney flue serving a fireplace shall not serve any other heat-
producing unit .
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
(3) Two or more heat-producing units other than fireplaces may be con-
nected to a single chimney flue provided
(a) the flue pipe connections to the chimney are made at different levels
heating and in not more than one storey, and
the re-
(b) the cross-sectional area of the chimney flue is at least equal to the sum
of the cross-sectional areas of the flue pipes.
'ith any
Masonry or Concrete Chimneys Masonry or concrete chimneys shall be supported by footings con- Support
:himney, forming to the requirements in subsections 9.4.2. and 9.4.3.
(2) Every masonry or concrete chimney shall be constructed of Materials
he con-
shall at (a) clay, shale, sand-lime or concrete brick, solid concrete blocks or stone
complying with the requirements of Section 9.12 or Part 5,
(b) precast concrete chimney blocks, or other units of clay, shale or sand-
i2. pub- lime, having a passageway specifically designed as a flue, which are
acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction, or
t:' CSA (c) concrete conforming with the requirements of Section 4.5.
(3) Mortar used in the construction of masonry chimneys sball be Mortar
(a) a combination of portland cement and lime in which 1 part of cementi-
tious material shall be combined with not more than 3 parts of sand,
not con- and the amount of lime shall not exceed that of the cement, or
(b) a combination of masonry cement and sand in which 1 part of masonry
cement shall be combined with not more than 3 parts of sand.
Design of Masonry or Concrete Chimneys When necessary to provide adequate stability, chimneys shall be Wall
oUd fuel braced in accordance with good practice.·· thickness
(2) The walls of every masonry or concrete chimney having a flue area
of 126 sq in. or less, and having a height not exceeding 40 ft, shall be con-
structed of
ng appli- (a) masonry or concrete having a thickness of not less than 3 1/2 in., and
(b) a chimney lining complying with the requirements of article
a ensure
lth good (3) The walls of every masonry or concrete chimney having a flue area or
height greater than those given in sentence (2) shall be constructed of
(a) at least two wythes of masonry having a total thickness of not less than
nce shall 7 1/2 in., or concrete not less than 7 1/2 in. thick, and
the tem-
limit for (b) a chimney lining complying with the requirements of article
(4) Every' chimney shall be at least Chimney
(a) 3 ft above the highe91: point at which it comes in contact with the roof, height
(b) at least 2 ft above any roof surface or structure within a horizontal
distance of 10 ft from the chimney.
l the re-
(5) A masonry chimney may be corbelled, provided Corbelling
~ing unit (a) the wall from which the chimney is corbelled is not less than 12 in. thick
(b) the corbelling does not project more than 6 in. from a masonry wall,
nor more than half the thickness of the wall,
(c) the chimney is not supported on a cavity wall or a wall made of hollow
ler heat- units, and
(d) no brick projects more than 1 in. beyond the brick immediately below .
Clearance (6) A clearance of at least 2 in. shall be provided between m,asonry or con-
from framing crete chimneys and combustible framing. This dimension may be reduced to
1/2 inch for exterior chimneys.
Clearance (9) Flooring shall have not less than 1/2-in. clearance from masonry or con·
for flooring crete chimneys.
Protection (10) Wood trim
of trim (a) may be fastened to masonry or concrete chimneys provided that a layer
of asbestos, asbestos millboard or other noncombustible material at least
1/8 in. thick is placed between the trim and such chimneys.
(b) when secured to chimneys shall be secured with noncombustible fastening.
Chimney Linings
Lining Every masonry or concrete chimney shall have a chimney liner or
required lining.
Materials (2) Every chimney lining shall consist of
(a) chimney liners of clay
(0 not less than 5/8 in. thick.
(ii) capable of withstanding the destructive action of flue gases,
(iii) having a softening point not lower than 2000°F, or
(b) fire brick conforming to ASTM specifications C64.1951 or C153.1951 as
(c) other material acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.
(3) Clay chimney liners shall meet the requirements of ASTM specification
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Factory-built Chimneys Every factory-built chimney shall meet the requirements of the "stand-
t a layer ard for Factory-Built Chimneys," C103-1960, published by the Underwriters'
at least Laboratories of Canada.
sand-lime or concrete brick, solid or hollow concrete block, hollow clay tile,
concrete, stone or firebrick complying with the requirements of Section 9.12
~-1951 as
or Part 5.
(4) Except as provided in sentences (5) and (6), the back and side walls of Fireplace
every fireplace shall have a thickness of walls
(a) at least 7 1/2 in. when constructed of clay or shale brick, concrete
brick, sand-lime brick, solid concrete blocks or concrete,
(b) at least 12 in. consisting of at least two units in thickness with joints
staggered when constructed of hollow clay tile or hollow concrete
) that blocks, or
( or con- ( c) at least 12 in. when constructed of stone.
illed with (5) Except as provided in sentence (6), every fireplace shall be lined with Firebrick
firebrick at least 2 in. thick. Where a firebrick lining is at least 3 1/2 in. lining
thick its thickness may be included as part of the wall thickness as required
dow the in sentence (4).
a smoke
! chimney
(6) Where a steel fireplace liner, with an air circulating chamber surround- Steel
ing the firebox acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction, is installed in a lining
.vith good fireplace the thickness of the masonry or concrete walls as required in sentence
(4) may be reduced to 3 1/2 in. of solid masonry or 7 5/8 in. of hollow
or other masonry.
)nstructed (7) Mortar used in the construction of masonry fireplaces shall be Mortar
ley lining
(a) fire-clay mortar or high-temperature cement mortar for the placing of
firebrick, and
11, a drip
.1 flashing (b) mortar complying with the requirements of sentence for
~yond the the placing of masonry units other than firebrick.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Damper (9) The throat of every fireplace shall be equipped with a metal damper
sufficiently large to cover the full area of the throat opening.
Smoke (10) The sides of the smoke chamber connecting a fireplace throat with a
chamber flue shall not be sloped at an angle greater than 45 deg to the vertical.
(11) Sentences (8) to (10) are based on experience with conventional fire-
places. Fireplaces of different design need not comply with sentences (8) to (10)
provided alternate safety requirements which are satisfactory to the authority
having jurisdiction are met.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
(2) Where there is no piped water supply, a sanitary privy, chemical closet,
or other means approt;ed by the authority having iurisdiction for the disposal
~inforc· of excreta shall be provided. Where a piped supply of potable water is available the plumbing Connection
fixtures for a drrellillg unit shall be connected to to piped
(a) the water supply system, and potable
water supply
(b) either a sanitary sewer or an individual sewage disposal system.
, stone
lforced Where a means of heating water is provided in a water supply Hot water
system, piping shall be installed to connect the heated water with a kitchen supply
.d fire sink, a wash basin and a bathtub .
(2) Provision shall be made for the discharge of water from relief valves
attached to hot water heating tanks to a drain.
with a Wherever gravity drainage to a sewer, drainage ditch or dry well Floor drains
is possible a floor drain shall be installed in a basement or cellar.
al fire- (2) Each floor drain shall be
to (10)
lthority (a) connected to a trap at least 3 in. in diameter, and
(b) provided with removable grating set flush with the floor.
trical facilities as required by this Section shall be provided for every dwelling
unit . Electrical facilities shall have sufficient capacity to provide, without Capacity
overloading, electrical energy for the lighting and appliance outlets provided in
the plans and specifications for the building.
ltaining Electrical installation shall meet Installation
(a) the requirements of the appropriate Provincial or Municipal statutes,
nstalled or in the absence of such statutes,
(b) the requirements of the current edition of the Canadian Electrical Code,
Partl, C22.1 and Supplements published by the Canadian Standards
comply This Section applies to all materials used in the construction of houses.
General Properties All materials shall possess the essential properties necessary to perform
their intended functions in the structure.
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
Where no Materials for which no specification is listed in Part 5 may be used
specification if it can be shown to th(' satisfaction of the outhority having jurisdiction that the
applies material is suitable for its intended application.
Code re- (2) When the specifications in Part 5 contain requirements that conflict
quirements with specific requirements elsewhere in this Part, the requirements of this Part
to govern shall govern.
~i:~ l);:~rt
h;d: th;~
.)(: '~,:;;(~d
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
· .-
Third Printing
-including all Corrections and Revisions
to July 1963
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
(Bold-face type indicates the Part or Section number; page numbers follow)
Access Bracing
to attics and crawl spaces ............ 9;5,3;65 of structure during construction ........ 8;4
to heating, ventilating and air to resist earthquake loads ................ 4.1;11
conditioning equipment ....... 6;8,13 Breechings, for heating appliances
Acoustical insulation .............. . .............. 3;73 burning solid fuel ...... . ..... 6;28
Administration ....................... . ........ 1 ;3-7 Building assembly
Aggregate, concrete .... 4.5;9,62 control of condensation ........ 4.7;3
Air for combustion, solid fuel burn- control of moisture and wind
ing heating appliances ................... 6;13 penetration .................................... 4.7;4
Air conditioning Building materials
refrigeration equipment for ...... . ........ 6 ;23 handling and storing ............................ 8;5
systems and equipment ........ 6;7 list of specifications ......... 5;2-23
Air filters and washers for heating, location of during construction ............ 8;5
etc. ........ .. ........................ 6;12 stacking of bagged ................................ 8;6
Allowable stresses, see Stresses Building services ............................... 6;3-31
Anchorage Building systems, special (houses) ........ 9;3
for floors, ceilings and roofs
(houses) ..... . ........................ 9;11
in concrete construction ............... 4.5;36.61 Caissons . ............... . ....................... 4.2;14
in steel construction .. 4.6;26,42 Carbon type odour removal equipment .... 6;12
Anchors for masonry 4.4;13 Castings, iron and steel .................... 4.6;15
Appliances, heating ..... 6;12 Caulking, masonry walls above
installation of (houses) 9'17 grade (houses) ................................ 9;10
venting of (houses) 9;18 Cavity wall ....................................... 4.4;3
Appliances, solid fuel burning Ceilings, see also Interior finish
accessories, clearances, mounting .. 9;17 design load for (houses) ............... 9;7,12
Appropriate authority having juris- height of .. 3;78,9;4
diction, see Authority having Cellars, fire protection of 3;17-46
jurisdiction ................ ..... . .......... 2;2 Chimneys
Area of building concrete or masonry ............ 9;18-20,6;24
regulations for 3;17-46 factory-built ................. 6;27
Area of rooms ....... 3;78 factory-built (houses) ........................ 9;21
Attics flue ........ 6;27
access to .. 9;5,3;65 metal (smokestacks) ....... . ......... 6;26
ventilation of .... 9;6,3;65 Chimneys and venting equipment ........... 6;23
Authority having jurisdiction Cladding (see also Interior finish) ... 4.7;3-11
definition .. ........ .. ............................ 2;2 exterior, control of moisture pene-
duties and powers of ........ 1;5 tration ................. 4.7 ;5,6
interior wall and ceiling (houses) ...... 9;13
materials ................ 4.7;5
installation practices ... . ........... 4.7;6
Backfilling .... .. .. 4.2;15 roof ...... . .............................. 4.7;4,5
for houses ... ... ........ . . ............... 9;8 Classification, major occupancy ............ 3;5
Barricades, general requirements for ....... 8;3 Clearances
Basement, fire protection of . .3;17-46 ducts, boots, register boxes (houses) .... 9;15
Basement walls, waterproofing ......... 4.7;4 boilers and furnaces burning solid
Beams, for wood, concrete, and fuel....... . ............... .. ..... 6;13
steel-see Sections 4.3, 4.5, branch ducts, boots, and register
and 4.6 boxes ............ . ............ 6;11
Bearing pressure ...... 4.2;5,7 flue pipes or breechings .................... 6;28
Bearing surface, on rock .. 4.2;15 heat exchangers, unit heaters,
Bending moment, for wood, con- radiators and convectors (houses) .... 9;17
crete and steel-see Sections horizontal heating supply ducts ........ 6;9,11
4.3, 4.5, and 4.6 metal chimneys (smokestacks) ........... 6;26
Bins, storage, for solid fuel or ashes .... 6;22 solid fuel burning appliances
Bleachers 3;54 (houses) ... ........ 9;17
Boatswain's 8;16 steam and hot water piping ... 6;22
Boiler and machinery rooms, en- stoves, ranges and space heaters
closure of 3'50 burning solid fuel ....................... 6;19
Boilers .......... 6;13:17 vertical heating supply ducts. .6;11
Bonding of masonry ...... 4.4;13 water heaters burning solid fuel .. 6;21
Bonding and tying masonry walls Cladding ....... ..4.7;3-6
ahove grade (houses) .... 9;10 Climatic data, form for ......... 1;7
Climatic loads " .. " ..... 4.1;3 Corbelling, masonry .................... 4.4;15,9;10
Clothing, special for construction Corrosion, concrete reinforcement ........ 4.5;20
workers ...... " ...... 8;4 Courts, health requirements for ............ 3;73
Coal-burning heating appliances ............ 6;13 Crane loads ....................... ,. .. " ........... 4.1;8
Cold-formed steel construction ...... 4.6;41-43 Crawl spaces
Cold-riveted steel construction ....... 4.6;43,44 access to 9;5,3;69
Cold weather requirements drainage and damp-proofing of
concrete .4.5;15 (houses) ................... " ............. 9;9
masonry .4.4;16 height of (houses) ................................ 9;4
Columns ventilation of ........................... " ... 9 ;6,3;69
basement and cellar (houses) .9;9
for wood, concrete and steel-
see Sections 4.3, 4.5, and 4.6 Dampers, for heating, ventilating,
Combined loads, increase in design and air-conditioning ducts .. " .. " ... 6;11
stresses for ........ " .. " .............. 4.1;11 Damp-proofing
Combustion air for solid fuel burn- basement and cellar walls ........... " .. 4.7;4
ing heating appliances .................... 6;13 foundation walls, crawl spaces
Compression tests, concrete ................ 4.5;10 and floor slabs (houses) " .............. 9;9
Concentrated loads, table of ................ 4.1;7 installation practices ...... 4.7;6
Concrete, plain, reinforced and pre- masonry walls above grade (houses) .... 9;10
stressed .4.5;3-63 materials ................................. 4.7;5
allo-wable stresses ............ 4.5;21,23,34-36, Debris, disposal and removal ................ 8;23
53,55,56,58,61 Definitions of words and phrases ........ 2;2-8
anchorage ........................ 4.5;36,61 Deflection, for wood, concrete and
chimneys ........................ 6;24 steel members see Sections
classes of ...................... " ... " .. 4.5;8 4.3, 4.5, and 4.6
cold weather .................................... 4.5;15 Demolition ..... .. ...................... 8;21-24
compression tests ............ . ... 4.5;10 Derricks, regulations covering use of .... 8;11
conduits, pipes, etc, embedded in Design.. .. .............................. 4.1;3-11
structural concrete .......... 4.5;20,27 Doors
construction joints ... 4.5;19,20 exterior, fire protection of 3;46-48
corrosion. .................. ...4.5;20 fire, where required in fire walls
damage to fresh concrete. ...4.5;12,15 and fire separations ................... 3;11-14
design conditions, loads, and
forces .................... .. .. 4.5;4,5
drawings .. .. ................. 4.5;5 for foundation walls and crawl
effect of temperature ..... .. ..... 4.5;5,23,26 spaces (houses) ...... .. ..... 9;9
footings ........... .. ....... 4.5;59-62 systems in plumbing ................ 7 ;22,28,29
forms ... "............ ...4.5;16 systems, testing of ...................... 7;21
gypsum reinforced ....... 4.5;63 Drains, floor ...................... 9;23,3;76
load tests """""""""'''''''''' ...... 4.5;5 Drawings
materials and methods of con- concrete ........................................... .,4.5;5
struction ... 4.5;7 heating ................................................ 6;7
new or special systems ........... 4.5;5 for houses ....... ""'"'''' .............. 9;3
storage of materials . .. ... 4.5;7 requirements for ........... 4.1;4
tests for air content . .. ... . .. .... 4.5;11 requirements for foundation .......... 4.2;5
Condensation, control of .... 4.7;3 signing of ......................... 4.1;4
Construction joints, concrete ........ 4.5;19,20 steel construction ....... 4.6;5
Construction safety... .. ........ 8;3-24 submission of . .. ..... 4.1;4,4.2;5
in house construction .......... "..... . .. 9;4 Duct spaces, requirements ........ 3;69
for masonry during construction .... 4.4;16 Duct systems ... .. .......................... 6;8-12
Contamination of water system, for houses ............... ,.... ,. ....... 9;15,16
protection from .. " .. 7;42 Dumbwaiters ..................................... ,. ... 6;30
Control joints in masonry .. 4.4;11 Dwelling units, see also Part 9
Controls rooms and suites, fire separation ........ 3;56
for forced warm-air furnaces ... 6;18
for heating, ventilating, and air
conditioning ......... ................ ...6;12 Earthquake, stresses in concrete and
for steam and hot water boilers ........ 6;17 concrete reinforcement 4.5;23,58
for water heaters burning solid fuel ... 6;21 Earthquake loads 4.1;10
Convectors Eccentric loads on masonry ....... 4.4;11
clearances for (houses) ..... ..9;17 Electric cable, protection of during
steam or hot water ........................... 6;21 construction ........................................ 8;7
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
f .... 8;11 Exhaust outlets, for heating and between buildings ... 3;46
.. 4.1;3-11 ventilating systems ....... 6;12 boiler and machinery rooms ....... 3;50
Exits, see also Means of egress crawl and duct spaces ...... 3;69
.. 3;46-48 application to new and existing dwelling units ..... 3;56
construction 3;60 escalators ........ 3;14
... 3;11-14 fire separation of 3;64 exits ... . ...... . .. 3;64
horizontal, definition 3'3 outdoor places of assembly 3;55
for houses 9:5 requirements for 3;12
......... 9;9 leading through occupied spaces ....... 3;th spandrel protection 3'13
';22,28,29 location of 3;62 tenant occupied floor areas 3;58
... 7;21 minimum height of 3;64 under tiers of seats 3;54
9;23,3;76 number of 3;62 Fire stopping 3;8
principles of design .3;60 Fire wall, requirements for 3'14
.. 4.5;5 requirements for 3'59-69 First aid 8;24
restrictions on the use of , 3;61
......... 6;7 Fittings, plumbing ............. 7;11
......... 9;3 sharing of '3'61 Fixtures plumbing
..... 4.1;4 use of heating units in 3;64 materials and installation . .. . .......... 7;8
...... 4.2;5 width, obstructions in 3;64 size and capacity of pipes for ...... . .7;43
...... 4.1;4 width of ....... . .......... 3;63 Flame spread rating (see also In-
...... 4.6;5 Expansion joints, concrete 4.5;19,20
Explosion venting 3;51 terior finish) ....... 3;15
.1;4,4.2;5 Flashing
Explosives, regulations 8;9
....... 3;69 for masonry walls .... 9;10
Extinguishing equipment, fire .... 6;32
..... 6;8-12 materials .. 4.7;5
... 9;15,16 practices for installing .4.7;6
...... 6;30 Floor in contact with soil, protec-
Factory-built tion from moisture penetration .4.7;4
....... 3;56 chimneys .. 6;27 Floor areas
fireplaces . 6;23 exits leading through 3;5,7
Fans for heating, ventilating and indoor places of assembly 3-53
air-conditioning .. 6;12 institutional occupancy 3:56
Fencing, general requirements ......... 8;3 means of egress in any floor area .3;53
4.1;10 Filled ground, foundations on ...... 4.2;15 outdoor places of assembly 3;56
Filters, air for heating, ventilating requirements for heating units 3;53,59
..... 4.4;11
and air-conditioning ................... 6;12 rooms for hazardous substances 3;53,59
Finish, interior, see Interior finish seating 3;54,56
......... 8;7
Flooring Heating
in wood joist construction .. . .. 8;19 appliances .. 9;14-16,6;12
removal during demolition ..... 8;22 appliances in exits 3;63
requirements for temporary .8;18 appliances in floor areas 3;52-58
Floor loads ....................................... 4.1;4-7 Heating' systems and equipment ...... 6;7
Floors Heating units, combustion air (houses) .... 9;6
design load for wood (houses) ........ 9;7,12 Heavy timber construction ...... 3;9
finish for, (houses) ........................... 9;13 Height
plank and joist (houses) ............... 9;12 ceiling and door (houses) ,.. ".,",." ....... 9;4
Flues, chimney............... . ....... 6;27,9;18 crawl space (houses) .... .. ..... ,.9;4
Flue pipes exits ................ ' ... ' .. .. ...... 3;63
for heating appliances burning of building (definition) 3;17
solid fuel .................................. 6;13,28 of buildings, regulations for . .. ... 3;17-46
solid fuel appliances (houses) ............ 9;18 room 3;78
Footings (houses) ....... .. ........... 9;8 High roof assemblies, see Roof as-
Forms for concrete ............ ..4.5;16 semblies, high
Formwork ............. 8;21 Hoists ·8;11-13
Foundations ......... . ...... .4.2;2-15 Hoistway
bearing capacity of ........... 4.2;7 thoroughfare through
house ....... ... ........... . ............... 9;8
for elevators ............ ,6;30
pile ............................ . ........ 4.2;8 Horizontal exits ....... 3;66
special ................................... . ..... 4.2;14 definition .. , ............ ".3;3
walls .. 4.2;14 Housing ...... ,9;3-23
Front yards, requirements to pre-
vent fire spread ... ... .... ... .. ..... .. .... 3 ;46
Frost action, depth of foundations
for ............................................. 4.2;14
Impact loads ......... 4.1;7
Incinerators ... 6;29
Frozen soils, foundations on ..... 4.2;15 Indoor design conditions, heating .. 3;69
Fuel, storage during construction ............ 8;8 Inspection
Furnaces before placing foundations .. 4.2;5
burning solid fuel ............ .. ..... 6;13 of plumbing systems ,... ,',." ...... ,7;7
clearances for ... ...... ............ .. .. 6;13 Insulation
mounting of ...................................... 6;13 acoustical 3;73
requirements for temporary .......... 8;8 pipe for steam and hot water piping .. 6;23
safety devices and controls for ....... 6;18 thermal 4.7;4
Interior finish
definition ... ........... 3;15
Garages exits ... .. .. 3;63
floor areas used as 3'58 floor areas 3'52-58
open air parking .... .. ...... 3;58 in houses .. ,...'.. 9;13
Gas burning heating appliances ............ 6;12 health requirements .................... 3;73
Glazing, exterior (houses) .................... 9;13
Gravity exhaust ducts for ventilation .... 6;11
Guardrails Jacks ... .. 8;10
for temporary stairs ............... .. .......... 8;20 J ointing, materials for plumbing ..... 7;15
for exits ..................... . .............. 3;64
loads on ............................................ 4.1;7
Guards, heating, ventilating and Ladders .8;17,18
air-conditioning equipment ............. 6;8 Lighting
Guide rails, for hoist ............................ 8;13 artificial illumination 3;71
Gypsum concrete reinforced .......... 4.5;63 emergency 3;50
natural and electric for houses .9;5
provision during construction ...... . ... 8;8
Health requirements ............................ 3;70-78 concrete ...................... . .... ..4.5;5
Heat exchangers pile foundation ..4.2;8
clearances for (houses) ....... 9;17 soil and strip footings ............ 4.2;7
using steam or hot water ... 6;21 Loads, design .,. ... 4.1;3,4,8-10
Heaters for houses ......... 9;7
domestic water (houses) ........ 9;17 Lumber
space ....... .................... .. .................. 6;19 stacking of ........ , ...... ,8;5
ventilation for unvented ........................ 8;8 sawn ........... ..4.3;15,18,19
water .................................................... 6;21 yard ....... ..4.3;16
l specifications and test methods for .... 5;3-24
storage of .......
testing of (houses) . .. .. ..
concrete, specifications for
. ..................... 5;3
. ...... 9.23
... 4.5;7
plumbing ..
Piles ...
.. ........................ 7;6
.................. 4.2;14
jointing... .................... ...... . .. 7;15
timber .......... 4.3;29
.. 8;13 Means of egress, see also Exits Pile drivers, maintenance and oper-
.6;30 corridor floor areas .............. . ation of .................. 8;10
... 3;52 Pipe covering or insulation, steam
...... 3;66 from business and mercantile
........ 3;3 occupancies (floor areas) and hot water piping .................... 6;23
3;56 Pipes
... 9;3-23 from industrial and storage
occupancies (floor areas) and fittings (plumbing) ................... 7;11
3;57 diameter of (plumbing) ....... . .. 7;33
from residential occupancy (floor
areas) flue, see Flue pipes
..... 4.1;7 3;56 minimum drainage slope for pot-
.6;29 in institutional occupancy (floor
areas) able water .. 7;29
..... 3;69 .3;55 stacking of, during construction ......... 8;6
lighting 3;50
within floor areas Piping
..... 4.2.5 3;52 for steam and hot water heating
........ 7;7 Metal chimneys (smokestacks) 6'26
systems ................. .. ..... 6;22
Mixed occupancy 3;5,16,44:48 steam and hot water (houses) ... 9;16
.... 3;73 Motion picture machine booths 3;54 Piping (plumbing)
... 6;23 Mounting arrangement and support ..... . ...7;19
.4.7;4 of boilers and furnaces burning construction and use of joints ....... 7;16
solid fuel ..... 6;13 drainage, arrangement of . .. ....... 7;27
.. 3;15 for stoves, ranges and space joints and connections ..... .. .... 7;18
.... 3;63 heaters burning solid fuel ............... 6;19 Places of assembly
.3;52-58 for water heaters burning solid fuel .... 6;21 indoor ............. .. ............................... 3;53
.. 9;13 removable seats ............................ ...3;53
..... 3;73 Places of outdoor assembly, see
Nails, as a hazard ..................... 8;4
Non-potable water systems ... 7;44 Outdoor places of assembly
Placing concrete ................. ..4.5;12.15
... 8;10 Plastic design, steel construction .... 4.6;30-35
...... 7;15 Occupancy Plumbing
combinations ......... 3;51 for houses ......... 9;22
mixed .· .. ·3;5,17,47,51 required facilities .................... 3;73
8;17,18 permit 1;5 services . .. . . ...... ... ............. . .......... 7 ;3-44
Occupant loads, listing .......... 3;16 Plywood ....... .. .. 4.3;22-29
.. 3;71 ~i Odour removal .......................
Oil burning heating appliances
.. ...... 6;12
.......... 6;13
Pole construction
.... 4.3;31
.. 3;50
..... 9;5 Open-air parking garages ...................... 3;57 design of {houses) .. 9;12,13
.... 8;8 Openings in masonry walls 4.4;11,14 Potable water system .... 7;41-43
Organic materials, foundations on .. 4.2;15 Power elevators ......... 6;31
.. 4.5;5 Outdoor air, intakes for ...... 6;12 Practices, design ....... ................... ..4.1;3
..... 4.2.8 Outdoor places of assembly .... .. .. 3;55 Pressure, lateral, due to soil .. 4.2;7
.4.2;7 fire separations, seating ... 3;55 Prestressed concrete . . ............... 4.5;63
;3,4,8-10 Outlets, exhaust, for heating and Procedures, designs ...... 4.1;3
... 9;7 ventilating ...... ... . . ... 6;12 Protected wood frame construction ........ 3;8
Outside design conditions, heating ....... 6;8 Protection
.. 8;5 Overturning moment, due to wind of masonry during construction ....... 4.4;16
15,18,19 loads ..... 4.1;11 of windows in walls abov<!.,roofs 3'48
.. 4.3;16 Owner, duties and responsibilities ..... 1;3,4 Pulverized fuel firing 6;19
Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays
· .. 4.1;11 Venting
.... 3;67 Tanks for potable water system ..... 1,43
...... 6;26 Tape for joints in duct work ........ 6;9 equipment ................................. 6;23
Temperature, minimum indoor ............... 3;13 gas and oil fire appliances (houses) ... 9;18
..... 4.1;8 testing of plumbing systems .7;21
Tenant occupied floor areas, fire
..... 4.2;5 separation ..... .. .......................... 3;58 Venting system (plumbing) . .. ... 7;34
..... 4.2;7 Test methods, materials and equip-
4.2;5 ment (houses) .... .. .... 9;3
..... 4.2;7 Tests Walls. see also Interior finish
of chimneys, and gas vents foundation ........... 4.2;14
(houses) ................... .. . ... 9;18 foundation (houses) ........................ 9;9
...... 6;19 methods of. for material speci- interior finish (houses) .9;13
fications ....... .. ............... . ...5;3-24 masonry .. 4.4;3
...... 3;13 Thermal insulation masonry (houses) .... .. ........... .. ..9;10
materials 4.7;5 plank frame (houses) ......... 9;13
...... 3;15 ........ 4.7;6 siding (houses)
...... 6;31 practices in installing ... ... 9;13
........ 8;1 Tiers of seats, fire separation 3;54 stud .... 9;12
...... 3;54 Timber, see Section 4.3 Warning lights. for obstructions
...... 3;64 Toeboards, general requirements .8;20 in streets .... 8;4
........ 9;5 Toilets Washers, air, for heating, ventilat-
....... 8;19 requirements for during construction .... 8;6 ing and air conditioning ............... 6;12
.. 8;19,20 ventilation .... . ............................. 3;70 Washing, provision of facilities dur-
....... 6;31 Tools, power, installation and oper- ing construction ....... . . ....... 8;6
........ 8;7 ation of . ................................ .. ... 8;11 Waste material, handling of during
Traps construction ... ................................ 8;4
.........8;8 and interceptors (plumbing) ................ 7 ;10 Waste stacks, vent pipes for ......... ..7;36
.4.6;3-46 plumbing, location and size ................ 1;25 Water
plumbing, vent pipes ........................ 7;34 supply and testing of drinking ............ 8;6
.. 8;19 Trees, protection of during excavation .... 8;8
Trenches, during construction .................. 8;9 Water heaters .............. . ....... 6;21
......... 8;6 Waterproofing
Trucks, maintenance and operation of ...... 8;9
.6;11.18 basement and cellar walls . .. .... 4.7;4
Tunnels, regulations covering ex-
cavation ........................................... 8;9 foundation walls, floor slabs
....... 6;22 (houses) .................... .. ........ 9;9
...... 4.5;7 materials .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. .4.7 ;5
....... 6;21 practices in applying .... ..4.7;6
......... 8;5 Underground ducts for heating and
ventilating .......................... . ..6;11 Water system, see also Potable
Unit heaters water system
....... 6;19 testing of ..... .. .... 7;21
clearances for (houses) ........ .9;11
using steam or hot water .... .6;21 Weep holes, masonry walls above
.8;3 grade................... . 9 ; 1 0
.... 8;4 Unit masonry ................................... .4.4,3-16
Unprotected noncombustible con- Weight of materials ............................... 4.1;4
struction Welding (see also Welds) ........... ..8;11
... 4.5;10 Welds 4.6;3,6,8-11,11-19
specifications for ..... 3;10
Use and occupancy 3;3-78 Wells for potable water system ....... . .. 1 ;43
Wheelbarrows, maintenance of ... . ..8;10
Vapour barriers stresses in concrete and concrete
.4.3;30 for insulation (houses) ...... 9;13 reinforcement .... 4.5 ;23,58
materials ..... 4.7;5 unit stresses in steel construction .... 4.6;11
.4.3;31 practices for installation ........... 4.7;6 Wind loads ..... .. 4.1;9
.4.2;7 requirements for .... .. .................. 4.7 ;3,4 Windows
'.5;23,58 Veneer, masonry........ ..4.4;3,9.11,13 fire protection o f . . . 3 ;46-48
..... 4.2;5 Vent pipes, plumbing ....................... 1;36,37 fire protection of in fire separ-
.. 4.1;11 Ventilating ations .. 3;11-14
.. 4.2;12 attic spaces ..... . ............ 3;69 in houses .. .. . ... ..... ....... ... 9 ;13
buildings ... . ... ......... 3;70 required ...................... .. ........ 3;12
.... 4.1;3 contaminated spaces 6;8 size, location and obstruction of
.4.1;3-11 crawl spaces 3;69 (houses) ........................................... 9;5
deep excavations 8;9 Wiring, electrical .......... 6;8,29,30,9;23
..... 4.1;4 design and installation (houses) .... 9;22 Wood ...... .. ................. 4.3;3-52
.3;10 duct spaces 3;69 Wood-frame construction (houses) .... 9;11
9;12 for explosion hazard ................ .. ........3;51 Wood in masonry ....... 4.4;12-15
4.1;3 natural and mechanical (houses) ...... 9;5
.4.1;3 systems and equipment ... . .. 6;1
.4.4;12 toilet rooms .................. . ...3;10 Yards, health requirements for ...... . ...... 3;73
DA 1960