CIE 140 Road Lighting Calcs
CIE 140 Road Lighting Calcs
CIE 140 Road Lighting Calcs
CIE 140-2000
UDC: 628.931 Descriptor: Artificial lighting: Design and calculation
628.971 Exterior lighting
628.971.6 Street lighting
The International Commission on Illumination (CIE) is an organisation devoted to international co-operation and exchange of
information among its member countries on all matters relating to the art and science of lighting. Its membership consists of
the National Committees in 37 countries and one geographical area and of 8 associate members.
The objectives of the CIE are :
1. To provide an international forum for the discussion of all matters relating to the science, technology and art in the fields
of light and lighting and for the interchange of information in these fields between countries.
2. To develop basic standards and procedures of metrology in the fields of light and lighting.
3. To provide guidance in the application of principles and procedures in the development of international and national
standards in the fields of light and lighting.
4. To prepare and publish standards, reports and other publications concerned with all matters relating to the science,
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Published by the
CIE Central Bureau
Kegelgasse 27, A-1030 Vienna, AUSTRIA
Tel: +43(01)714 31 87 0, Fax: +43(01)714 31 87 18
e-mail: [email protected]
CIE 2000
ISBN 978 3 901906 54 1
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CIE 140-2000
Rev. No. Date Revision Notes
Page 19. Fig. 13. Dual carriageway. Upper shaded area, as
1 July 2006 a calculation area in the opposite driving direction, where in
the lanes no observers are positioned, has been removed.
2 December 2006 ISBN Number on the cover pages has been corrected.
This Technical Report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 4-15 of Division 4
“Lighting and Signalling for Transport” and has been approved by the Board of Administration
of the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage for study and application. The document
reports on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light and lighting
described, and is intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It
should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory.
The latest CIE proceedings or CIE NEWS should be consulted regarding possible subsequent
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Ce rapport technique a été préparé par le Comité Technique CIE 4-15 de la Division 4
“Eclairage et signalisation pour les transports” et a été approuvé par le Bureau
d'Administration de la Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, pour étude et application. Le
document traite des connaissances courantes et de l'expérience dans le domaine spécifique
indiqué de la lumière et de l'éclairage, et il est établi pour l'usage des membres de la CIE et
autres groupements intéressés. Il faut cependant noter que ce document est indicatif et non
obligatoire. Pour connaître d'éventuels amendements, consulter les plus récents comptes
rendus de la CIE ou le CIE NEWS.
Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE Technischen Komitee 4-15 der Division 4
“Beleuchtung und Signale für den Verkehr” ausgearbeitet und vom Vorstand der Commission
Internationale de l'Eclairage gebilligt worden. Das Dokument berichtet über den derzeitigen
Stand des Wissens und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es
ist zur Verwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es sollte
jedoch beachtet werden, daß das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die
neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte oder das CIE NEWS sollten im Hinblick auf mögliche spätere
Änderungen zu Rate gezogen werden.
Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst
every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press,
these may not be comprehensive.
Toute mention d'organisme ou de produit n'implique pas une préférence de la CIE. Malgré le
soin apporté à la compilation de tous les documents jusqu'à la mise sous presse, ce travail ne
saurait être exhaustif.
Die Erwähnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die
CIE. Obgleich große Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der
Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es möglich, daß diese nicht vollständig sind.
CIE 2000
CIE 140-2000
The following members of CIE TC 4-15 “Road Lighting Calculations” took part in the
preparation of this report. The committee comes under CIE Division 4, "Lighting and
Signalling for Transport".
W. Adrian Canada
S. Almási Hungary
J. B. Arens United States of America
A. Augdal Norway
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G. Birnbaum Israel
J.-M. Dijon Belgium
P. V. Hautala Finland
J. Koster Netherlands
J. Lecocq France
K. Narisada Japan
S. Onaygil Turkey
W. Riemenschneider Switzerland
G. Rossi Italy
A. J. V. Serós Spain
R. H. Simons (Chairman) United Kingdom
E. Širola Croatia
K. Sørensen Denmark
R. E. Stark United States of America
A. Stockmar Germany
R. Yates South Africa
A. de Visser Netherlands
P. Blaser Switzerland
P. Gandon-Léger France
N. Pollard United Kingdom
5.1 Luminous intensity data for luminaires 5
5.2 Interpolation of luminous intensity data 6
5.2.1 Linear interpolation 6
5.2.2 Quadratic interpolation 8
5.2.3 Quadratic interpolation in the region of C=0q, or Ȗ=0q or 180q 9
5.3 Road surface reflection data 9
5.3.1 Interpolation in the r-table 11
6.1 Mathematical conventions for distances measured on the road 13
CIE 140-2000
CIE 140-2000
The purpose of this report is to update and to replace CIE 30.2-1982, Calculation and
measurement of illuminance and luminance in road lighting. It gives the methods which
CIE 115-1995 and CIE 136-2000 require for their recommendations.
It includes the calculation of luminance, illuminance, and their associated measures
of uniformity, as well as disability glare. The conventions adopted for luminance and
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Ce rapport est destiné à mettre à jour et à remplacer la publication CIE 30.2-1982, Calcul et
mesure d'éclairement et de luminance en éclairage routier (en englais). Il fournit les
méthodes requises par les publications CIE 115-1995 et CIE 136-2000 et dans leurs
Il comporte le calcul de luminance et d'éclairement et leurs critères d'uniformité
associés ainsi que le calcul d'éblouissement d'incapacité. Il comporte également les
conventions retenues pour les maillages de luminance et d'éclairement.
Dieser Bericht ersetzt CIE-Publikation 30.2-1982 "Calculation and measurement of
illuminance and luminance in road lighting". Es werden die Methoden beschrieben, die für die
in CIE 115-1995 und CIE 136-2000 gegebenen Empfehlungen benötigt werden.
Im vorliegenden Bericht werden Verfahren angegeben sowohl zur Berechnung von
Leuchtdichten, Beleuchtungsstärken und den daraus abgeleiteten Gleichmäßigkeiten als
auch zur Ermittlung der Kennzahlen der physiologischen Blendung. Darüber hinaus werden
die Festlegungen für die Leuchtdichte- und Beleuchtungsstärkeraster beschrieben.
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CIE 140-2000
CIE 140-2000
This report is a revision of CIE 30.2-1982 Calculation and measurement of luminance and
illuminance in road lighting. It gives the methods of calculating the lighting quantities, which
CIE 115 -1995 and CIE 136-2000 require for their recommendations.
It includes the calculation of luminance and illuminance, and introduces the up-to-
date conventions for the location of calculation grid points and observer position. A listing of
the computer program for carrying out the calculations, which appeared in previous editions of
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the report, is not given as it has proven impossible to provide a service for the maintenance of
such a program. Instead test data will be given in a separately issued part of the report to
enable programs to be verified.
The calculation of illuminance is described in greater detail than in the previous
reports, as illuminance, in its many forms, is now a requirement for pedestrian lighting.
The laboratory measurement of the reflection properties of the road surfaces, which
was fully dealt with in previous editions of the report, has been omitted as it will be the subject
of a separate report, as will be field measurements.
q is the luminance coefficient in reciprocal steradians;
L is the luminance in candelas per square metre;
E is the illuminance in lux.
reduced luminance coefficient (for a point on a surface): The reduced luminance
coefficient is the luminance coefficient multiplied by the cube of the cosine of the angle of
incidence of the light on the point. Unit: sr-1. Symbol: r
CIE 140-2000
between ½q and 1½q, the angles over which luminance calculations for the road
surface are generally required.
tilt during measurement (of a luminaire): The angle between a defined datum axis on the
luminaire and the horizontal when the luminaire is mounted for photometric measurement.
Symbol: șm (See Fig. 10.)
NOTE: The defined datum axis may be any feature of the luminaire, but generally for a side-
mounted luminaire it lies in the mouth of the luminaire canopy, in line with the spigot
axis. Another commonly used feature is the spigot entry axis.
tilt in application (of a luminaire): The angle between a defined datum axis on the luminaire
and the horizontal when the luminaire is mounted for field use. Symbol: șf (See Fig. 10.)
NOTE 1: The defined datum axis may be any feature of the luminaire but generally for a side-
mounted luminaire it lies in the mouth of the luminaire canopy, in line with the spigot
axis. Another commonly used feature is the spigot entry axis.
NOTE 2: This is the actual tilt of the luminaire when it is mounted for field use and should not
be confused with tilt normal in application or designed attitude in CIE 121-1996.
orientation (of a luminaire): When the first axis of the luminaire is vertical, it is the angle that
a chosen reference direction, which is longitudinal for a straight road, makes with the C=0q,
Ȗ=90q measurement direction of the luminaire. Unit: degrees of arc. Symbol: v. (See Fig. 9.
which illustrates the sign conventions.)
rotation (of a luminaire): The angle the first axis of the luminaire makes with the nadir of the
luminaire, when the tilt during measurement is zero. Unit: degrees of arc. Symbol: ȥ (See
Fig. 9. which illustrates the sign conventions.)
longitudinal direction: The direction parallel to the axis of the road.
transverse direction: The direction at right angles to the axis of the road.
NOTE: On a curved road the transverse direction is that of the radius of curvature at the point
of interest on the road.
installation azimuth (with respect to a given point on the road surface and a given
luminaire at its tilt during measurement): When the luminaire is at its tilt during
measurement, it is the angle a chosen reference direction, which is longitudinal for a straight
road, makes with the vertical plane through the given point and the first axis of the luminaire.
Unit: degrees of arc. Symbol: M. (See Fig. 6.)
NOTE: The reference direction for a straight road is by convention the longitudinal direction.
Symbol Name or description
A age of observer years
C photometric azimuth (Fig. 1.) degrees of arc
CIE 140-2000
Symbol Name or description
spacing between calculation points in the transverse
d m
direction (Fig. 12.) for calculation of luminance
spacing between calculation points in the transverse
dF m
direction (Fig. 12.) of a footway or cyclepath
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CIE 140-2000
Symbol Name or description
angle between the vertical plane of the incident light path
ĮSC and the normal to the flat surface of the semicylinder used degrees of arc
for measuring semicylindrical illuminance (Fig. 15.)
ȕ angle of deviation (Fig. 6.) degrees of arc
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CIE 140-2000
formulae quoted in this document are related to the (C,Ȗ) coordinate system. Luminous
intensity is expressed in candelas per kilolumen (cd/klm) from all the light sources in the
Values of luminous intensities are required over the range of angles which are
important. In particular, values are required up to the maximum angle of elevation which is
relevant for the intended application of the luminaire, with allowance being made for the
maximum angle of tilt of the luminaire. Angular intervals stipulated in this report have been
selected to give acceptable levels of interpolation error when the recommended interpolation
procedures are used, and to keep the time taken for photometric measurements within
practical limits.
In the (C,Ȗ) system of coordinates, luminous intensities will be required at the angular
intervals stated below.
For all luminaires the angular intervals in elevation (Ȗ) should at most be 2,5q from 0q
to 90q plus the permissible maximum field angle of elevation minus the measurement angle of
elevation, for the luminaire. In azimuth the intervals can be varied according to the symmetry
of the light distribution from the luminaire as follows:
a) luminaires with no symmetry about the C = 0q-180q plane: the intervals should at
most be 5q, starting at 0q, when the luminaire is in its measurement angle of
elevation and ending at 355q;
b) luminaires with nominal symmetry about the C = 90q-270q plane: the intervals
should at most be 5q, starting at 270q, when the luminaire is at its tilt during
measurement, and ending at 90q;
c) luminaires with nominally the same light distribution in all C planes: only one
representative set of measurements in elevation is needed.
CIE 140-2000
NOTE: Up to the present time, I-tables have usually been measured according to the angular
spacings recommended in CIE Publication 30.2-1982. These spacings are wider than
those recommended above, and for these I-tables linear interpolation, as described in
Section 5.2.1. will not be satisfactory. Quadratic interpolation or an equivalent
mathematical procedure is recommended.
which lies between the directions in which measurements are taken as shown in Fig. 2. where
the luminous intensity I(C,Ȗ) is required. it is necessary to interpolate between the four values
of intensity lying closest to the direction C in azimuth and Ȗ in elevation.
I(Cm+1, J j+1)
J j+1
I(Cm+1, J j)
I(Cm, J j)
source Cm C
Cm C Cm+1
J j+1
CIE 140-2000
§ x - x2 · § x - x1 ·
y x
y1¨¨ ¸¸ y 2 ¨¨ ¸¸
© x1 - x2 ¹ © x2 - x1 ¹
This equation can be applied to either C or Ȗ first. When it is first applied to C, C is substituted
for x:
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x1 = C m
x 2 = Cm1
From this substitution two constants (K1 and K2) can be defined, and conveniently evaluated
by a computer subroutine:
C Cm1
K1 =
Cm Cm1
C Cm
K2 =
Cm1 Cm
Substitution of these constants and appropriate values of I for y in Equ. (1), gives after
I C, J j I Cm,J j >
K I Cm1,J j I Cm,J j @
I C,J j1 I Cm,J j1 >
K I Cm1,J j1 I Cm ,J j1 @
For interpolation at a constant azimuth, C, a similar procedure produces:
I C,J >
I C,J j k I C,J j1 I C,J j @
J Jj
J j1 J j
If this procedure is reversed by first carrying out interpolation in the Ȗ cones followed
by interpolation in the C planes the same result will be obtained.
Where linear interpolation is used with the larger angular intervals recommended in
the previous edition of this report (CIE 30.2-1982) there will be some loss in accuracy and
quadratic interpolation is recommended.
When interpolation is carried out in the region of C=0q see Section 5.2.3.
CIE 140-2000
Cm Cm+1 C Cm+2
J j+2
J j+1
To reduce interpolation errors as far as possible the following two rules should be
followed in selecting the values for insertion in the interpolation equations:
1) The two tabular angles adjacent to the angle for interpolation are selected for
insertion in the interpolation equations and the average calculated.
2) If the angle for interpolation is smaller than this average then the third tabular
angle is the next lower tabular angle (as shown for C in Fig. 4.); if the angle for
interpolation is greater than this average then the third tabular angle is the next
higher tabular angle (as shown for Ȗ in Fig. 4.).
When interpolation is carried out in the region of C=0q, or Ȗ=0q or 180q see
Section 5.2.3.
The formula for quadratic interpolation is obtained by putting n equal to 3 in Equ. (1),
which gives:
ª x x 2 x x 3 º ª x x1 x x 3 º ª x x1 x x 2 º
y x y1 « » y2 « » y3 « »
¬ x1 x 2 x1 x 3 ¼ ¬ x 2 x1 x 2 x 3 ¼ ¬ x 3 x1 x 3 x 2 ¼
x C
x1 Cm
x2 Cm1
x3 C m 2
C is the angle at which I is to be found by interpolation;
m, m+1, m+2 are integers indicating the number of the columns in the I-table;
Cm, Cm+1, and Cm+2 are values of C for the corresponding column numbers.
CIE 140-2000
From this substitution three constants can be defined, which can be conveniently evaluated
by a subroutine program:
C Cm1 C Cm2
Cm Cm1 Cm Cm2
C Cm C Cm2
Cm1 Cm Cm1 Cm2
C Cm C Cm1
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For interpolation of the Ȗ angles further application of Equ. (1), gives three new constants:
J J j1 J J j2
J j J j1 J j J j2
J J j J J j2
J j1 J j J j1 J j2
J J j J J j1
J j2 J j J j2 J j1
From these three equations it follows that k 1 k 2 k 3 1 , and:
I C,J k 1 I C,J j k 2 I C,J j1 k 3 I C,J j 2
which gives the required value of luminous intensity.
The order of the interpolation procedure, first for Ȗ and then for C, may be reversed
without altering the result.
CIE 140-2000
1,25 375 373 352 318 265 221 189 166 150 136 125 107 91 93 91 91 88 94 97 97
1,50 354 352 336 271 213 170 140 121 109 97 87 76 67 65 66 66 67 68 71 71
1,75 333 327 302 222 166 129 104 90 75 68 63 53 51 49 49 47 52 51 53 54
2,00 318 310 266 180 121 90 75 62 54 50 48 40 40 38 38 38 41 41 43 45
2,50 268 262 205 119 72 50 41 36 33 29 26 25 23 24 25 24 26 27 29 28
3,00 227 217 147 74 42 29 25 23 21 19 18 16 16 17 18 17 19 21 21 23
3,50 194 168 106 47 30 22 17 14 13 12 12 11 10 11 12 13 15 14 15 14
4,00 168 136 76 34 19 14 13 11 10 10 10 8 8 9 10 9 11 12 11 13
4,50 141 111 54 21 14 11 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 8 8 8 8 10 10 11
5,00 126 90 43 17 10 8 8 7 6 6 7 6 7 6 6 7 8 8 8 9
5,50 107 79 32 12 8 7 7 7 6 5
6,00 94 65 26 10 7 6 6 6 5
6,50 86 56 21 8 7 6 5 5
7,00 78 50 17 7 5 5 5 5
7,50 70 41 14 7 4 3 4
8,00 63 37 11 5 4 4 4
8,50 60 37 10 5 4 4 4
9,00 56 32 9 5 4 3
9,50 53 28 9 4 4 4
10,00 52 27 7 5 4 3
10,50 45 23 7 4 3 3
11,00 43 22 7 3 3 3
11,50 44 22 7 3 3
12,00 42 20 7 4 3
The plan area covered by the data in the table is indicated in Fig. 5. in terms of the
mounting height of the luminaire, and in relation to the position of the luminaire and the
direction of the observer.
0 To observer
12H 8H 4H 0 4H
Fig. 5. Plan area covered by r tables.
The reduced luminance coefficient varies according to the following angles, which are
indicated in Fig. 6:
a) İ the angle of incidence at the point P.
CIE 140-2000
b) Į the angle between the line of sight of the observer and the surface of the
carriageway. This is fixed at 1q.
c) ȕ the complementary angle between the vertical plane through the luminaire, at Q,
and point of observation, P, and the vertical plane through the observer and P.
It will be noticed in Fig. 6. that Ȗ, the vertical photometric angle, is equal to İ, the angle
of incidence. This is only true when the luminaire is used at its tilt in measurement and the
rotation is zero.
The reflection characteristics of the road surface may vary with the angle of view with
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respect to the axis of the road, that is the surface may not be optically isotropic. The resulting
variation in the reduced luminance coefficient is usually small and can be disregarded.
T Light path
CIE 140-2000
The ensuing mathematical procedure is similar to that described for the I-table
(Section 5.2.2.). As for that procedure the order of interpolation may be reversed without
affecting the results.
Em E E m+1 E m+2
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tanH j+2
tanH j+1
tanH j
To determine the luminous intensity directed from a luminaire to a point it is necessary to find
the vertical photometric angle (Ȗ) and photometric azimuth (C) of the light path to the point. To
do this account has to be taken of the orientation, the tilt in application, and rotation of the
luminaire. For this purpose mathematical sign conventions for measuring distances on the
road and for turning the luminaire about axes have to be established.
CIE 140-2000
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Fig. 9. Axes for turning the luminaire in relation to (x,y,z) coordinate system.
į is the tilt for calculation, in degrees of arc;
4 f is the tilt in application, in degrees of arc;
4 m is the tilt during measurement, in degrees of arc.
CIE 140-2000
4 f is tilt in application
4 m is tilt during measurement G
G is tilt for calculation
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Fig. 10. Tilt during measurement, tilt in application, tilt for calculation.
>0 >0 tan 1 0 d C d 90
<0 >0 180 tan 1 90 d C d 180
<0 <0 180 tan 1 180 d C d 270
>0 <0 360 tan 1 270 d C d 360
CIE 140-2000
0 d C d 90 C
90 < C d 180 180 - C
180 < C d 270 540 - C
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x2 y 2
J tan 1 degrees (6)
where 0° J < 90°.
x c = x ( cosQ cos\ - sinQ sin G sin\ ) + y( sinQ cos\ + cosQ sin G sin\ ) + H cos G sin\
y c = - x sinQ cos G + y cosQ cos G - H sin G
H = - x ( sinQ sin G cos\ + cosQ sin\ ) - y( sinQ sin\ - cosQ sin G cos\ ) + H cos G cos\
x and y are the longitudinal and transverse distances between the calculation point and
the nadir of the luminaire as indicated in Fig. 8.
H is the height of the luminaire above the calculation point;
v, į, and ȥ are the orientation, tilt in application, and rotation;
xc, yc, and Hc are distances on the coordinate system which has been turned through į,
v, and ȥ. They correspond to x, y, and H in the unturned coordinate system and for
calculation purposes may be regarded simply as intermediate variables (see
Fig. A.1.).
2) Calculation of C
Evaluation of tan 1 will give:
90q d tan 1
d 90q
The angular quadrant in which this lies is determined from Table 5.
Table 5. Calculation of C from x' and y'
>0 >0 tan 1 0 d C d 90
<0 >0 180 tan 1 90 d C d 180
<0 <0 180 tan 1 180 d C d 270
>0 <0 360 tan1 270 d C d 360
CIE 140-2000
x' 2 y ' 2
>0 J tan 1 0 t J < 90
0 90 90
x' 2 y ' 2
<0 J tan 1 180 90 > J d 180
7.1 Luminance
I (C,J ) r ) MF 10 4
L= ¦ H
L is the maintained luminance in cd/m2;
Ȉ indicates the summation of the contributions from all the luminaires;
I(C,Ȗ) s the luminous intensity in the direction (C,Ȗ), indicated in Fig. 1. in cd/klm;
r s the reduced luminance coefficient for a light ray incident with angular coordinates
(ȕ, İ),
ĭ s the initial luminous flux in klm of the sources in each luminaire;
MF is the product of the lamp flux maintenance factor and the luminaire maintenance
factor; [1]
H s the mounting height in m of the luminaires above the surface of the road.
I(C,Ȗ) is determined from the luminaire I-table after corrections have been made for the
orientation, tilt, and rotation of the luminaire as indicated in Section 6. and linear
interpolation, if necessary, applied. Likewise, r for the appropriate value of ȕ and
tan İ is determined after the use of quadratic interpolation, if necessary.
7.1.2 Field of calculation for luminance
The field of calculation should be typical of the area of the road which is of interest to the
In the longitudinal direction on a straight road, the field of calculation should lie
between two luminaires in the same row (Fig. 11.), the first luminaire being located 60 ahead
of the observer.
In the transverse direction, it should cover the whole carriageway width on roads
without a central reservation, and the width of one carriageway on roads with a central
CIE 140-2000
However, this is limited by the applicability of the r-table. As stated in Section 5.3. the
r-table is measured for an observer viewing the road at an angle of observation of 1q (Fig. 6.).
For a conventionally used eye height of 1,5 m this would result in the observation point lying
86 ahead of the observer. It has been found that the r-table is applicable over a range of
viewing angles lying between 0,5q and 1,5q (see definition of reduced luminance coefficient),
which results in the r-table being applicable to points lying between 57 m and 172 m
approximately (conventionally taken as 60 m and 170 m) ahead of the observer.
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60m S
D/2 D=S/N
Edges of lane
Centre-line of lane
Field of calculation
CIE 140-2000
d = WL (9)
d is the spacing between points in the transverse direction (m);
WL is the lane width (m).
The outermost calculation points are spaced d/2 from the edges of the lane.
Where there is a hard shoulder and luminance information is required, the number
and spacing of the calculation points should be the same as for a driving lane.
CIE 140-2000
Observer position
Calculation field
Fig. 13. Examples of positions of observation points in relation to the field of calculation.
CIE 140-2000
5H 12H
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Calculation point
Boundary of field of
Boundary of area for
location of luminaires
7.2 Illuminance
In this report the calculation of two forms of illuminance is considered. These are:
Planar illuminance on a horizontal plane, usually the road surface or footway, referred
to as horizontal illuminance.
Semicylindrical illuminance, 1,5 m above the surface of interest. The semicylindrical
illuminance varies with the direction of interest. For a street this is taken to be in a
designated longitudinal direction. In Fig. 15. the shaded vertical plane is orientated in
the longitudinal direction.
I C,J cos 3 H ) MF
Eh ¦ H2
Eh is the maintained horizontal illuminance at the point in lux;
6 indicates summation of the contributions from all the luminaires,
I(C,Ȗ) is the intensity in cd/klm in the direction of the point;
İ is the angle of incidence of the light at the point;
Ȗ is the vertical photometric angle;
H is the mounting height in m of the luminaire;
ĭ is the initial luminous flux in klm of the lamp or lamps in the luminaire;
MF is the product of the lamp flux maintenance factor and the luminaire maintenance
CIE 140-2000
Esc is the maintained semicylindrical illuminance at the point in lux;
6 indicates summation of the contributions from all the luminaires;
I(C,Ȗ) is the intensity in cd/klm in the direction of the calculation point;
ĮSC is the angle between the vertical plane containing the intensity vector and the
Licensed copy from CIS: watermanpart, Waterman Partnership, 23/09/2017, Uncontrolled Copy.
Vertical plane
at right-angles
Flat surface of to flat surface of
semicylinder semicylinder
CIE 140-2000
7.2.3 Carriageway
d = Wr
d is the spacing between points in the transverse direction (m);
Wr is the width of the carriageway or relevant area (m).
CIE 140-2000
The spacing of points from the edges of the relevant area is D/2 in the longitudinal
direction, and d/2 in the transverse direction, as indicated in Fig. 16.
The calculation points should be evenly spaced in the field of calculation (Fig. 16.) and their
number should be chosen as follows:
(a) Longitudinal direction
If the footways or cyclepaths are of the same lighting class as the carriageway, they
may be considered together with the carriageway for determining the spacing of the
calculation points in the longitudinal direction, otherwise Section (a) applies.
(b) Transverse direction
dF is the spacing between points in the transverse direction in metres;
WF is the width of the footway or cyclepath in metres;
n is the number of points in the transverse direction with the following values:
for WF d 1,0 m, n = 1
for WF > 1,0 m, n is the smallest integer giving dF d 1 m.
The points adjacent to the edge of the carriageway should be spaced from the edge
of the carriageway at one half the spacing between points.
For the number of luminaires included in the calculation, Section applies.
CIE 140-2000
The longitudinal uniformity is calculated as the ratio of the lowest to the highest luminance in
the longitudinal direction along the centre-line of each lane, including the hard shoulder in the
case of motorways. The number of points in the longitudinal direction (N) and the spacing
between them should be the same as those used for the calculation of average luminance.
The observer's position should be in line with the row of calculation points.
k Ee
TI % (12)
av 4 2
k is a constant which varies according to the age of the observer. It is conventionally
taken as 650, which is applicable for an observer of 23 years. Its value for other ages
can be derived from the formula:
ª § A · º
k = 641 « 1+ ¨ ¸ » (13)
«¬ © 66,4 ¹ »¼
A is the age of the observer in years;
Ee is the total illuminance (in lux per 1000 initial lamp lumens) produced by new
luminaires on a plane normal to the line of sight and at the height of the observer's
eye; the observer's eye, height 1,5 m above road level, is positioned transversely
Wr/4 from the carriageway edge indicated in Section 7.1.4. and longitudinally at a
distance in metres of 2,75(H – 1,5), where H is the mounting height (in m), in front of
the field of calculation. The line of sight is 1q below the horizontal and in a vertical
plane in the longitudinal direction passing through the observer's eye.
Lav is the average initial luminance of the road surface;
ș is the angle in degrees of arc between the line of sight and the centre of each
This equation is valid for 0,05<Lav<5 cd m-2 and 1,5°<ș<60° (CIE 31-1976).
Ee is summed for the first luminaire in the direction of observation and luminaires
beyond, up to a distance of 500 m.
The calculation is commenced with the observer in the initial position stated above
and repeated with the observer moved forwards in increments which are the same in number
and distance as are used for the longitudinal spacing of luminance points. The maximum
value of TI found is the operative value.
CIE 140-2000
The average illuminance on the strips on and adjacent to the carriageway should be
determined by the same procedure, or mathematically equivalent procedure, as used for
determining the average illuminance of the footpath.
7.2.5. is followed.
When photometric performance data are prepared for an installation, the following ancillary
data should be declared:
a) identification of the luminaires, including setting of the optical components and
lamp, and mark number, if applicable;
b) identification of I-table;
c) identification of r-table;
d) tilt during measurement of the luminaires;
e) tilt in application of the luminaires;
f) rotation of the luminaires;
g) orientation of the luminaires;
h) identification of the light sources;
i) luminous flux of the light sources on which the calculations are based;
j) maintenance factors applied;
k) definition of the area of calculation;
l) position of the luminaires in space or a numerical description
m) mounting height of the luminaires;
n) moving observer for luminance calculations;
o) age of observer for calculation of threshold increment;
p) any deviations from the procedures given in this report;
Item c) is not required when the calculations are solely those of illuminance.
1 CIE 17.4-1987 International Lighting Vocabulary.
2 CIE 115-1995 Recommendations for the lighting of roads for motor and pedestrian traffic.
3 Adrian W., Bhainji A. Fundamentals of disability glare. A formula to describe straylight in the
eye as a function of the glare angle and age. Proc. 1st Symp. on Glare. pp. 185-193. (1991).
CIE 140-2000
A.1. Method
A rectangular coordinate system is adopted in which the position of a point P, is specified in
(x, y, z) coordinates on X, Y, Z axes.
Matrices are used to express the turning1 of the coordinate system about each of the
three axes. These are composed, in the correct order, to give a new coordinate system X', Y',
Licensed copy from CIS: watermanpart, Waterman Partnership, 23/09/2017, Uncontrolled Copy.
Z' in which the combined effect of the three turning movements is expressed in terms of
coordinates (xc, yc, zc).
The first axis of the luminaire lies in the Z axis, the second axis of the luminaire lies in
the X axis, and the third axis of the luminaire lies in the Y axis (see Fig. 9. and Fig. A.1.). The
origin of the coordinate system lies at the photometric centre of the luminaire.
A.2. General matrix for turning movements about the axes of the coordinate system
Consider a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system with axes U, V, and W. Let the
coordinates of a point P in this system be (u, v, w). If the system is turned anti-clockwise
through an angle Ȧ about the W axis, the coordinates (uc,vc,wc) of a stationary point P in the
turned system can be found from the expression:
ªcos Z - sin Z 0º
« »
>u c v c w c@= >u v w @ « sin Z cos Z 0 » = >u cos Z + v sin Z - u sin Z + vc os Z w @ (A1)
« »
¬ 0 0 1¼
ªcos Z - sin Z 0º
« »
T W = « sin Z cos Z 0» (A2)
« »
¬ 0 0 1¼
where the negative power of T signifies that the matrix is the inverse of the matrix for turning
the point P through the angle Ȧ about the origin, and the suffix W refers to the axis of turning.
ªcos Q - sin Q 0º
« »
T Z = « sin Q cos Q 0» (A3)
« »
¬ 0 0 1¼
ª1 0 0º
-1 « »
T X= «0 cos G - sin G » (A4)
« »
¬0 sin G cos G ¼
The more usual term for turning in texts describing the application of matrices is rotation. In
this document rotation is used in the specialized sense for describing the turning of a
luminaire about the Y axis.
CIE 140-2000
The effect of the turning movements will depend on the sequence in which they are applied.
To be in accord with application in the field this must be first orientation, second tilt, and third
O Y'
X J X'
H I H' I'
P(x,y,-z) P(x',y',-z')
Fig. A.1. shows how the primed values xc, yc, zc, Hc, Cc, Ic, and Ȗ,c after turning have taken
place, relate to the unprimed values before turning has taken place. The position of P does
not change with respect to the position of the luminaire, so the vector OP in Fig. A.1. (a)
equals the vector OP in Fig. A.1. (b). xc, yc, zc, and Hc are found by multiplying the matrices
for the three turning movements together. The order must be as indicated below to be in
accord with Section A.6.
CIE 140-2000