Tds Hordaphos 145
Tds Hordaphos 145
Tds Hordaphos 145
Mono- and diester of phosphoric acid based on long chain alkyl polyethylene glycols
Active content approx. 99 %
Appearance (20°C) yellow to brownish liquid
Phosphorus content approx. 5 %
Dynamic viscosity / 25 °C approx. 2,200 mPa s
pH value approx. 3
(10 g/l in H2O/isopropanol mixture 1:3)
Cloud point (DIN EN 23015) approx. 20 °C
Hordaphos® 145 must be stored in tightly closed original containers away from direct
Maximum storage time is 1 year.
Recommended storage temperature: 5 - 40 °C
At temperatures below 20 °C the product becomes turbid and tends to form
sedimentations after prolonged storage. In case of the product becoming opaque,
thickening or being frozen due to the effects of cold, it has to be slowly warmed up to
approx. 40 °C and homogenized. After a short stirring time the product is once again
ready for use.
Hordaphos® 145 can be used as an EP*-/anti wear additive in both mineral oil and
water miscible cutting fluids. It can be applied for forming processes as well as for chip
removal operations. In mineral oil Hordaphos 145 increases lubricating and EP
properties. Hordaphos 145 is only slightly corrosive to iron and non-ferrous metals.
Hordaphos® 145 dissolves in naphthenic and paraffinic mineral oils to give a clear
solution. In spite of its good compatibility, the solubility with the particular mineral oil
and the additives used should be tested.
Hordaphos® 145 is not used as the free acid, but mainly as a salt. The lubricity of the
neutralised product depends to a certain extent on the amine used for this purpose.
The solubility of the salts depends on the amines used for neutralisation.
In the graph results of Reichert tests for Hordaphos® 145 and selected amine salts are
given in comparison to a "middle chain chlorinated paraffin" (MCCP, C14-17,
Cl-content approx. 50 %). The results clearly indicate that Hordaphos® 145 is a
suitable replacement for MCCPs.
Hordaphos® 145 has an excellent stability to hydrolysis: MEA, TEA and potassium
salts were stored for 54 weeks as 50 % solution in water at 40 °C. Hydrolysis was
monitored by determination of the acid number and conductivity.
Appearance Appearance
at 20 °C clear liquid at 20 °C clear liquid
after 24 h at 40 °C clear liquid after 24 h at 40 °C clear liquid
Lubrication test on steel rolls (Reichert Lubrication test on steel rolls (Reichert
Friction and Wear Tester, 1.5 kg/100 m Friction and Wear Tester, 1.5 kg/100 m
5 % emulsion in demin. water) 5 % emulsion in demin. water)
Wear scar 30 mm² Wear scar 30 mm²
Demin. water as a Demin. water as a
37 mm² 37 mm²
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