NCM 119 Lec Midterm
NCM 119 Lec Midterm
NCM 119 Lec Midterm
NURSING MANAGEMENT PROCESS - The proficiency in performing an activity in the
correct manner with the right technique.
OVERVIEW OF THE NURSING MANAGEMENT - (ability to use the tools, equipment, procedures,
PROCESS and techniques of a specialized field)
Changes in the Health Care Delivery System
** The Philippine Nursing Law of 2002, R.A. 9173 focuses 3. CONCEPTUAL SKILLS
on 3 changes in the effort to improve people’s health: - ability to see individual matters as they relate to
1. HOSPITAL or INSTITUTIONAL CARE the total picture and to develop creative ways of
- emphasis shifted to community health delivery identifying pertinent factors, responding to the
big problems, and discarding irrelevant facts
- efforts are now directed toward a holistic 4. POLITICAL SKILLS
approach to care of individuals, families, and - One’s ability to enhance one’s power, build a
communities power base, and establish the “right”
- patients, individuals, families, and 5. DIAGNOSTIC and ANALYTICAL SKILLS
communities are now active participants in - Ability to identify and evaluate problems and
healthcare efforts. analyze decisions made.
∞ The management process is universal. Knowledge of this
process assures nurses of the smooth functioning of their ** ALL managers must have these types of skills, but the
units in attaining their goal of quality care through the mix of skills a manager requires varies with his / her rank
judicious use of available human and materials resources in the hierarchy
within a specified time∞
- relate to those beliefs, feelings, and values that
may be based on emotions and may not be
subjected to conscious verbalization.
⬧ Interest in one’s work
⬧ confidence in one’s mental competence
⬧ desire to accept responsibility
⬧ respect for the dignity of one’s associates
⬧ desire for creative contribution
- are abstract factors but they direct one’s thinking
DEVELOPING FUTURE MANAGERS: to factors that can be developed by an individual
¤ MANAGEMENT SKILLS ¤ manager who takes time to consider them.
- Pertains to dealing with people and how to ⬧ skill
“get along” with them. ⬧ art
- (ability to work with and for people, to ⬧ judgment
communicate with others, and to understand
⬧ wisdom.
= Provides services for all kinds of illnesses,
diseases, injuries, and deformities.
ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS FOR NURSING Example: Philippine General Hospital
1. Chief Nurses or Nursing Service Directors of Hospitals
with 100-bed capacity are required to have a Master of Arts 2. SPECIAL HOSPITALS
in Nursing (MAN) with a major in Nursing Administration. = Provide services for one particular kind of illness
2. Supervising Nurses or disease or health and medical care
- at least 9 units in graduate studies in nursing. Example: National Kidney and Transplant Institute
(East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City)
1. Admission – Type of patients, time, reservation,
3 GENERAL AREAS IN NURSING THAT identification of patient, signing consent
REQUIRES POLICY FORMULATION: 2. Transfer – request, departments to be notified
a. Areas in which confusion about the locus of 3. Discharges – Notifications, against medical
responsibility might result in neglect advise, conduction, clearances.
malperformance of an act necessary to a patient’s
welfare. - Procedures are specific directions for
b. Areas pertaining to the protection of patient’s and implementing written policies. Areas where
families’ rights (e.g. right to privacy, property procedures are needed – related to job situation
rights) and those involve patient care.
c. Areas involving personnel management and - Nursing procedure manual should be available in
welfare each unit to familiarize nurses of the common
nursing procedures utilized in the nursing unit.
5. Case Management
- RN Case Manager supervises the care of the
patient and the use of resources across the
continuum to focus on the individual patients.
- ADVANTAGES – can be very cost-effective and
3. Team or Modular Nursing
satisfying for patients who are high-risk/ problem-
- RN Team Leader coordinates a group of patients
working with other team members (RNs, LPNs,
- DISADVANTAGES – Case Management is not a
and UAPs) utilizing their skills.
true inpatient delivery system but rather the
- Common Use Areas: Inpatient and Outpatient
management of patient care
- ADVANTAGES - If done well can be very
satisfying to staff and patients as well as cost-
- DISADVANTAGES – requires high-level
leadership skills from RN – harder to do with
higher patient acuity and inconsistent team
ELEMENTS OF ORGANIZING - is the path of authority and accountability from one
1. SETTING UP THE ORGANIZATIONAL individual at the bottom of the organization to the
STRUCTURE very top administrative authority.
- The creation of an organizational system - also referred to as the hierarchy of the organization
compatible with the philosophy, conceptual
framework, and goals of the organization provides • HORIZONTAL SOLID LINES
the means for the accomplishment of an - connect individuals who are at the same level in
organization’s purpose. the organization and have official relationship.
- Refers to the process by which a group is formed, - these individuals are required to work together for
its channels of authority, span of control, and lines certain objectives in the organization but none has
of communication. the authority over the others. They are placed in
the same level in the organizational chart and they
PURPOSES: have to report to the same superior.
• It informs members of their responsibilities so that ¤Example¤
they may carry them out. All unit managers are connected by solid horizontal lines to
• It allows the manager and the individual workers indicate that they have official working relationships but
to concentrate on his/her specific roles and none has the authority over the other
• It coordinates all organizational activities so there
is minimal duplication of effort or conflict. • DOTTED LINES
• It reduces the chances of doubt and confusion - represent communication relationship in which
concerning assignments neither individual has direct authority or
• It avoids overlapping of functions because it accountability to the others and they do not have
pinpoints responsibilities. the same superior.
• It shows to whom or for whom they are
- refers to the number of subordinates and different
BOXES (in the organizational chart) tasks for which a person in authority is responsible
- may represent individuals in the organization or and these people are also responsible for reporting
may indicate the entire department. to person in authority.
TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: hospital or hospital administrator and the chief
A. Informal Structure - Consists of personal and nurse. Those in the middle and lower levels of
social relationships among the members of the management are in concentric circles. This shows
organization, not reflected in the organizational the outward flow of formal authority, which is
chart. from the center moving outward.
- Employees are responsible to only one superior to
avoid confusion, overlapping of duties and
- Workers performing similar assignments are
grouped together for a common purpose:
• Specialization of activities
• Simplifies the administrator’s work
• Helps maintain administrative work
- It refers to the span of managerial responsibility
and the number which one superior can assist,
teach and help to reach the objectives of their own
Fig. 4: An organizational Structure showing the relationship
E. EXCEPTION PRINCIPLE of the nursing service / division with the College of
- Recurring decisions should be handles in a Nursing
routine manner by lower-level managers whereas
problems involving unusual matters should be
referred to the higher level. This will enhance
decision making of subordinates.
- It is the process of pushing decision making to the
lowest levels of organization.
STAFFING - Screen out applicants who do not fit the image of
- The process of determining and providing the the agency
acceptable number and mix of nursing personnel to - Try to fit the job to a promising applicant
produce a desired level of care to meet the patient’s - Try to fit the applicant to the job
demand. It should be orderly, systematic and based
upon sound rationale. It is complex. c. Interview – to obtain further information about the
applicant, to give information and to determine if the
GOAL/PURPOSE applicant qualifies for the position.
- To provide each unit with an appropriate and
acceptable number of each category of workers to During the Interview, observe the applicant:
perform the nursing tasks required. - If he/she show genuine interest in the job
- Has willingness to work and assume
OBJECTIVES: responsibilities
• To provide continuous quality nursing care - If he/she well mannered
• Evaluate staffing practice periodically
• Utilize talents and skills d. Orientation – introducing the applicant to her new job. It
is the process of becoming familiar with a new environment
FACTORS AFFECTING STAFFING: and adapting well to it.
a. Type, philosophy and objectives of the hospital and This would include:
the nursing service. > Tour of the Physical facilities
b. Population served of the kind of patient‘s served > Introduction to co-workers
whether pay or charity. >Description of the organizational structure of the
c. Number of patients and severity of their illness. institution
d. Availability and characteristics of the nursing staff > Information on the Philosophy, goals, policies
including education, level of preparation, mix of and the standards of the institution
personnel, number and position. > Functions of the members of the health team
e. Administrative policies such as rotation weekends > In-service education training program
and holiday off duties.
f. Standard of care desired.
g. Layout of various nursing units and resources 2. Systems of Assignment
available within the department. 5 Methods of assigning personnel:
h. Budget including the amount allotted for salaries, a. CASE METHOD
fringe benefits, supplies, materials and equipment. - Each patient is assigned to a nurse for total
i. Professional activities and priorities in non-patient patient care
j. Teaching program or the extent of staff b. FUNCTIONAL METHOD
involvement in teaching activities. - based on the concept of division of labor where nurses
k. Expected hours of work per annum of each and other caregivers are assigned to do specific tasks on
employee. several patients.
l. Patterns of work schedule.
- based on group approach where staff members work as a
STAFFING PROCESS team to give total care to a selected group of patients.
1. Selection of Personnel
a. Recruitment – method of enlisting personnel for d. PRIMARY METHOD
employment - Is based on the philosophy that patient’s instead of tasks
Methods of Recruitment include: should be the focus of professional nurse. The primary
* Advertising nurse who is the registered nurse is given the full
*Word of mouth responsibility to give total patient care to 4-6 patients. He is
* Employee recommendation responsible for the care of this patient 24 hours a day
throughout the hospitalization. An associate nurse also an
b. Screening – applicants submit resume. This helps RN, cares for the patient using the care plan designed by
in determining whether the applicant is qualified the primary nurse while the latter goes off duty.
and meets the minimum requirement.
- It is the combination of the primary and team nursing.
The nurse is assisted by non-nursing members of the health
team such as nurse attendants and assistants to give nursing
care to 8-12 patients.
a. LEVEL I – Minimal care of self care
b. LEVEL II – Moderate or intermediate care or
partial care
c. LEVEL III – Total, complete or intensive care
d. LEVEL IV - Highly specialized care
d. Cyclical schedule
- An approach which covers a designated number
of weeks called cycle length and is repeated
• It is fair to all
• It saves time
• It enables the employee to plan ahead for personal
needs preventing frequent changes in schedule
* A time table showing planning work days and • Schedule leave coverage are more stable
shifts for nursing personnel • Productivity is improved.
Directing Includes:
a. Delegation of work
b. Utilization of policies and procedures
c. Supervision of personnel
d. Coordination of services
e. Communication
f. Staff development
g. Making decisions
A. Delegation
- It is the process by which a manager assigns
specific tasks/duties to workers with
commensurate authority to perform the job.
- Managers assign responsibility, give authority, and
create accountability within the subordinate --- it
relies on TRUST.
1. Select the right person to whom the job is to be
2. Delegate both interesting and uninteresting tasks
3. Provide subordinate with enough time to learn
4. Delegate gradually
5. Delegate in advance
6. Consult before delegating
7. Avoid gaps and overlaps
1. Saves time and can help develop others
2. Maximizes the use of the talents of staffs
3. Uses latent abilities in personnel that contribute to
their growth and development
- It is concerned with people, the work area,
working conditions, and the work itself.
It is carried out to:
1. Inspect, evaluate, and improve worker performance
2. Provide suitable working conditions of the staff
3. Orient, train, and guide individual members
4. Situational Leadership
• “contingency” style of leadership
• The work situation, the manager’s leadership style
and expectations, and the follower’s characteristics
and expectations blend together and form a
productive combination.
• The leader must know himself, and must be
flexible to make adaptations and changes
5. Theory Z
• Introduced by William Ouchi, enlarges from
Theory Y
• Democratic approach of leadership 2. HERZBERG’S THEORY OF JOB SATISFACTION
• It refers to Japanese management practices of - Introduced by Frederick Herzberg – propose a two-
consensus decision-making, quality circles, and factor motivational need theory
employee participation to enhance productivity - Claimed that workers are motivated by two steps of
• It has a humanistic viewpoint and focuses on needs
developing ways of motivating people through: a. Hygiene factors or needs
a) Collective decision-making - associated with working conditions (Pay, quality
b) Slower promotion of supervision, job security, and agency policy)
c) Holistic concern
d) Long term employment b. Motivation factor or needs
e) Indirect supervision - associated with work itself (challenges, added
responsibility, opportunities for personal growth and
- It refers to the manner in which people respond to
and identify with each other in situations of ♣Lack of Hygiene factors causes job satisfaction and
everyday living. Absence Of Motivation Factors causes lack of job
- It is the dynamics of how people interact, and why satisfaction.
they react to each other as they do.
⮚ Refer to lab results promptly and file them
• Manage change properly properly in the chart for easy reference.
• Assign undesirable jobs on rotation basis
• Job redesign > Job rotation, job enlargement, job Coordination with Radiology Services
enrichment - Nurses observe the following:
• Provide productive climate and high morale ⮚ Requests should be properly filled in and
forwarded to the x-ray department for proper
scheduling and specific instructions
D. COORDINATION OF SERVICES ⮚ If you’re not familiar of the procedure always refer
♥ It unites personnel and services toward a common to your procedure manual
♥It enhances collaborative efforts resulting in an efficient, ⮚ Prepare the patient properly – patient’s history and
smooth, and harmonious flow of work observe for allergies, give specific instructions, and
♥ Prevents overlapping of functions, promotes good provide assistance in bringing the patient to the X-
working relationships, and work schedules are ray unit.
accomplished as targeted.
⮚ Observe proper endorsement especially with the
Coordination with medical services: preparations.
- As Nurses, we should know the following: ⮚ Follow up results if necessary and refer promptly
⮚ Medical staffs and file results properly in the chart for easy
⮚ Details about their patients (diagnosis, actual
condition, medical plan & treatment, Coordination with Pharmacy Services
etc.) - Regarding procurement of drugs:
- Nurses are not only implementers of care
⮚ Policies should be jointly formulated by the
Coordination with Administrative services: administrative, medical, and Nursing Services, and
- Pertains to both human and material resources the pharmacy must be circulated to all units
- As nurses, we participate in the following:
⮚ Units must be provided with an established
⮚ Budget planning for staffing, adequate facilities, Hospital drugs formulary through the Unit Drug
and material resources Dose System (UDSS). It would depend upon the
services of the pharmacy department
⮚ Report promptly repairs and maintenance of
equipments, request supplies needed in the ⮚ As use of Narcotic drugs:
unit/department • Must have yellow prescription
• Must be stock properly
⮚ Observe preventive maintenance as well as
• Should be properly recorded
undergo training in handling highly sophisticated = Clinical Pharmacist in the Unit – prepare medicines
equipments prescribed by the physicians and are administered by the
nurse in the units.
Coordination with Laboratory services
- Responsibility of nurses are the following: Coordination with the Dietary Department
⮚ Request should be properly filled in and forwarded - Responsibility of the nurse:
to the laboratory department ⮚ Prepare the diet list
⮚ Direct the medical technologist where the patients ⮚ Must be aware of the prescribed diet of their
are located and provide assistance when necessary. patients, their preferences for food, allergies as
⮚ Specimens (sputum, urine, feces, and those well and restrictions
collected after procedures like CSF and for ⮚ See to it that the right diet goes to the right patient,
biopsies) should be properly labeled. assist them when necessary, observe their appetite
⮚ Give proper instructions to patients if they need Inform dietary service if patient need dietary instructions or
if there are changes in their diet
special preparations relevant to the exams, endorse
properly, provide tags, or label the chart to be
Coordination with the Medical Social Services
reminded of such.
⮚ Nurses refer patients with psycho-socio-economic
problems to the Medical Social Services
⮚ Is the actual expression of the message
⮚ Volunteer civic groups also coordinate with the
Medical social services 4. RECEIVING
Coordination with the Medical Record Services ⮚ The receiver’s senses of seeing and hearing are
- Responsibility of the nurse: activated as the transmitted message is received
⮚ Accurate documentation and completeness of the
patient’s chart, including its safety and
confidentiality ⮚ Receiver defines words and interprets gestures
during transmission of speech
⮚ Discharged patient’s chart should be forwarded to
the Medical record section. 6. RESPONSE OR FEEDBACK
Coordination with Community agencies, other ⮚ It is important for the manager or the sender to
institutions and Civic Organizations know that the message has been received and
accurately interpreted.
⮚ Necessary for the continuity of patient care
- It is the transmission of information, opinions, and
intentions between and among individuals
Nurse managers communicate in order to:
a. Facilitate work
b. Increase motivation In an organization, there are 4 lines of communication
c. Effect change
d. Optimize care
e. Increase work satisfaction
f. Facilitate coordination
⮚ Begins when the sender decides to share the 1. UPWARD COMMUNICATION
= emanates from subordinates and goes upward
content of a message with someone, sense a need = usually in the form of feedback to show the
to communicate, develops an idea or selects extent to which communication has been received, accepted
information to share and implemented
= Does not floe easily as downward
Purpose of communication is to: communication because subordinates may not have the
• Inform ability to express their thoughts or may be too shy to
• Persuade express them
• Command = It includes discussion between subordinates and
• Inquire superiors, grievances, procedures, written reports, incident
• Entertain reports and statistical reports.
⮚ Involves putting meaning into symbolic forms: = the traditional line of communication is from
Speaking, writing or non-verbal behavior superior to subordinate which may pass through various
levels of management
= the communication is primarily directives and
⮚ Words are symbolic and their meaning is subjected
activities coordinated at various levels of the organization
= It includes: to various interpretations
a. Policies ⮚ The leader should try to be aware of the choice of
b. Rules and regulations
words or phrases used in conveying a message to
c. memoranda
avoid misinterpretation or sending a wrong
d. Employees handbook
message to a group.
e. Interviews
f. Job description
g. Performance appraisal
1. Clear lines of communication serve as a linking
process by which parts of the organization are
unified towards goal achievement
= flows between peers, personnel or department on the
2. Simple exact and concise messages ensure
same level
understanding of the message to be conveyed
= used frequently in the form of:
3. Feedback is essential to effective communication
a. Endorsement between shifts
4. Communication thrives best in a supportive
b. Nursing rounds
environment, which encourages positive values
c. Journal meetings and conferences
among its personnel.
d. Referrals between departments or services
5. A manager’s communication skill is vital to the
= there will be coordination and cooperation among various
attainment of the goals of the organization.
departments, thus ensuring smooth workflow
6. Adequate and timely communication of work-
related issues of changes that may affect jobs
enhances compliance.
= deals with information that flows from caregivers to the
patients, their families, relatives, visitors and the
= this facilitates participation of patients in their plan of ⮚ As supervisors and head nurses, they should
care participate in determining the training needs of
= Communication of the philosophy, vision and mission of their staff.
the employees, value their work, which could enhance
support from their families. ⮚ New employees are given the opportunities to
observe a more experienced staff by “shadowing”
or by being a big sister or a buddy.
⮚ Ranking preferences, weighing its advantages and
⮚ Choosing the best course or best solution that offer
a better chance for success.
⮚ It may be a compromise or a combination of two
possible solutions.
departments of business organizations are ⮚ Refers to decisions and actions of the nurse
observed, supervised and made subject to control relative to the nursing process, which are necessary
in the light of company objectives to provide good nursing care.
CONTROL PROCESS “Quality” – degree of excellence
A. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL “Assurance” – formal guarantee of a degree of excellence
• It is the estimation of the degree of excellence in • Review of patient’s chart while still admitted
patient health outcomes and in activity and other • Observation of staff as patient care is given
resource outcomes. • Inspection of patient and / or observation of the
• (Williamson) It is the measurement of the actual effects of patient care where the focus is on the
level of service provided plus the efforts to modify patient. This is done during rounds or patient
when necessary the provisions of these services in interview.
light of the results of such measurement
• It assures patients that an acceptable standards or b. Retrospective audit
care will be provided to them.
⮚ Patient care is evaluated through:
• Review of discharged patient’s chart
QUALITY ASSURANCE vs PERFORMANCE • Questionnaire sent to or interviews conducted on
EVALUATION discharged patients
Performance Evaluation
⮚ Focuses on the worker, it shows how well the 2. PEER REVIEW
worker satisfies the requirement of his / her job
⮚ Patient care audit maybe done by peers, evaluating
within the organization
Quality assurance another’s job performance against accepted
⮚ Focuses on the care and service the patient receives
than on how well the professional performs the 3. QUALITY CIRCLES
duties that the position requires
⮚ Introduced by the Japanese
⮚ Develop a sound disciplinary program tailored to
the objectives of the institution / organization.
These should include:
1. A set of disciplinary policies and procedures
2. Uniform application of disciplinary rules
3. A disciplinary committee
4. An orientation program for all new employees
where expectations of appropriate performance and
behavior emphasized
⮚ Discipline is something to use to help correct
behavior that interferes with the work group
achieving its purpose in an orderly manner. It is a
rational action taken by you – not an emotional