Busaa Supper Visioni BFayyaa
Busaa Supper Visioni BFayyaa
Busaa Supper Visioni BFayyaa
4. Total lab professionals in this district catchments ____Total HCs__ total microscopy in these HCs_.
II-Malaria Elimination Program Activities
5. Is there malaria elimination plan in your district? Yes/No_______ If yes, does it contain all
activities (as per elimination phase activities)? _________
6. Does malaria elimination task force committee performing regular meeting on elimination activities
on monthly bases? Yes/No If yes, on what issues_______________________________________If
no why-----------------------------------------------------
11.1. Total number of cases treated by preimaqiun? _____: PF_______, PV______, Mixed______,
cases treated with single dose_______, treated with Radical cure________ (check availability of
Premaquine utilization follow up registration book)
11.2. Malaria Test Positivity Rate (TPR) _____%. If TPR >5%, why _________________________
11.3. Do you have the five years malaria cases data? From 2010- 2015 EFY
Years 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Total malaria cases
per year
VI. Active case search and Foci investigation (Focus Test and Treat- FTAT)
1- Did your HF notify the cases within 24hrs before undertaking FTAT to the
Zone/Woreda? Yes/No______. If no, what is the reason? ______________________________.
2-Is there not eligible cases registered? 1-Yes(_____ in number) 2- No If yes, do you notify to
respective district? See case notification format
VII- Anti-malaria school club activity
Number of Total anti Total anti Schools Schools not Facilitato Health
school malaria malaria reporting reporting rs Education
available school club school club anti malaria anti teachers participants
5-8 established with mini activities malaria
media activities
VIII: Vector control Interventions
i. LLINs distribution and utilization
13. Have you done LLINs utilization status assessment in this (four month.)? Yes/No ____,if yes,
capture the result and advice on the assessment elements
14. Do you monitor LLINs utilization status? (Yes/No) _____. If yes, of LLINs distributed to
community, how many HHs utilizing it? _____, what is the actual utilization rate? _____, What is
the utilization rate for total sleeping places according to this woreda? ____.
15. If yes, on ques. No. 17, is there LLINs utilization mal practices in your woreda? Yes/No _____, if
yes, how many HHs engaged in mal practice of LLINs? _____, what is the mal practice actual rate?
______. What action taken _____________________________________________________.
ii. Environmental management activities
Table 1. Environmental management activities performed during the four month, 2016.
SN Type of activities Available(m2) By Source By Abet
Total %
reduction chemical
1 Permanent breeding Site(m2)
2 Temporary breeding Site(m2)
3 No. of community participated
4 Health Education on malaria
1. In how many intervals time environmental management activities should be performed? ________
2. Do you have Abet chemical at hand now? Yes/No __, if yes, how many gallons______ /_______cc.
1. IX- Materials
10 Weekly FTAT report form
11 Supportive supervision check list
X. Monitoring and Evaluation Activities
16. Have you conducted malaria elimination review meeting in this four month? Yes/No_____, if yes,
how many participants participated in?______, if No, describe the
17. Have you conducted Malaria specific supportive supervision in this four month? Yes/No_____ If
yes, would you provided feedback for HC or health post? Yes/No____.If no, describe the
18. Do you have functional PMT at level? Yes___ No___, if yes see the evidence, if no list out the
19. Do you monitor weekly malaria situation by kebele? Yes____ No___ If yes, Do you analyses and
provide feed-back and corrective action based on the evidence? Yes/No__(Place, Time and Person)
20. Do you compare DHIS2 & PHEM report and use the evidence for corrective actions? Yes/No _____
21. Allocated domestic budget in 2014____________Planned for 2015__________
22. Do you have proposal for allocated GF budget from zone.1-Yes 2-No If no
23. What are the strengths on malaria prevention and control activities
See the Availability, Completeness and Timeless of report in this four month.
Action plan