KMCH Internship Guidlines Corrected Final To Circulate
KMCH Internship Guidlines Corrected Final To Circulate
KMCH Internship Guidlines Corrected Final To Circulate
Dr. Nalla G PalaniswamiM.D., A.B. (USA)
Dr. Thavamani D. Palaniswami M.D., A.B. (USA)
Dr. O.T.BuvaneswaranM.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Editor
Prof. Dr. V. RajendranM.Tech.(Nanotech), Ph.D., D.Sc., FInstP.(UK), FASCh.
Professor and Principal
Dr. Meera Raman M.Sc., B. Ed., Ph.D., UGC-NET.
Dean – Basic and Bioscience
Dr. J. Rengaramanujam
Professor and Head of Microbiology
Associate Editors
Mrs. S. Dhivyapriya
Assistant Professor in Biochemistry
Dr. K. Anbalagan
Assistant Professor in Clinical Laboratory Technology
Dr. S. Saranya
Assistant Professor in Biotechnology
Ms. M. Nivethitha
Assistant Professor in Microbiology
i i
ii ii
1.1 Goals
1 5-7
1.2 Objective
1.3 Vision
2.1 Scheduling
2 8-10
2.2 Safety Procedures
3.1 Reception
3.2 Phlebotomy
3.3 Blood Bank
3 3.4 Biochemistry 11-16
3.5 Microbiology
3.6 Histopathology
3.7 Clinical Pathology
3.8 Molecular Biology
4 Observation 17
Medical Laboratory Internship is an experiential learning phase spanning 36 hrs
where the graduate of the Bio Sciences is trained in the clinical diagnostic laboratory to acquire the
knowledge, skill, and competencies required to acquire a job or to function as an independent
Medical Laboratory Technologist. This internship period is mandatory for all Bio Science graduates
of Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College.
They need to fill tasks list in each discipline during their training at each
rotation. It is essential to evaluate intern’s professional behavior and technical competencies that are
expected to achieve on completion of his/her internship. Internship builds experience as part of
education or find career-building opportunities after graduation. It provides opportunity to learn how
a job at Labcorp provides many possibilities for launching early career of our graduates.
The College shall constitute a “KMCH Internship Committee” in the Chairmanship of the
Principal at the beginning of every academic year. It shall comprise of Dean Biosciences, Heads and
Faculty members as nominated by the Principal from bioscience departments. This Committee shall
be fully responsible to ensure the scheduling of KMCH internship and creating awareness among the
students about the significance of internship in getting a job in clinical segment. The students are
also educated about the prerequisites to be followed during internship and its impact on intern,
patient and laboratory quality index sequentially to the society also. The intern by students will assist
the recruiting labs in attaining the maximum efficiency during the diagnostic period where an edge
will be with the students of Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College with KMCH internship certificates.
1.1. Goals
To understand the competency required for laboratory specialists who should have
acquired necessary knowledge, skills, training and proficiency in the laboratory diagnosis of
various diseases
1.2. Objective
Upon completion of internship the graduate will understand the
Need for in-depth knowledge of the relationships between laboratory data and pathologic
processes, and how laboratory data relate to health and disease.
Experience required for trouble-shooting and resolving typical problems in the clinical
laboratory and are familiar with laboratory quality assurance, laboratory safety,
laboratories regulations, information systems, management, research design and
educational methodology
1.3. Vision
To understand and perform all routine techniques and analysis as applicable in every section of the
department as follows.
Receives or obtains specimens for laboratory analysis and does order entry.
Labels bottles, containers, tubes, sample cups.
Perform various bio-chemical, microscopic and bacteriologic tests to
obtain data for usein diagnosis and treatment of disease.
2.1 Scheduling
i) Twenty four students (Blended from all departments including UG and PG) from the bioscience
departments will be part of first cycle (36 hrs) of internship for three days (12 hours/day)
ii) The 24 students of first cycle will be segregated into eight batches (3 students per batch) where
every batch will be positioned in different departments (Reception, Phlebotomy, Blood bank,
Biochemistry, Microbiology, Histopathology, Clinical Pathology and Molecular Biology)
simultaneously for 4.5 hrs in the rotation basis for three days (Refer Sample Schedule).
iii) The students will be reporting in the KMCH by 6.50 am to the in charge staff allocated for the
first cycle and will leave the hospital by 7.00 pm with marking of attendance.
iv) The staff in charge will be taking care of rotation of students to different lab points as per the
v) A day Before the start of internship the staff in charge will have a presentation to the concern
students on the objective, do’s and don’ts, principles, collection of samples, labeling, storage,
disposal, turnaround time, critical values, post analytical interpretations, adverse reactions, rejection
of clinical specimen and guidelines to be followed during the internship.
vi) The same method of scheduling, orientation and rotation will be followed for the next cycle of
internship. The no of cycle will depend on the total no of final UG and PG students of Biosciences.
v) After the completion of internship the student should have understood the work flow of different
clinical lab departments.
vi) The significance of quality assurance in different phases like preanalytical, analytical, post
analytical, verification, validation, surveillance and calibration of instruments will be dealt during
the orientation by staff in charge.
B. Chemical safety
Know the color coding and numerical rating of chemicals or materials for health hazard, fire
hazard, reactivity hazard and specific hazard (reactivity with water) (NFPA label).
Use volatile and flammable compounds only in a fume hood.
Never return unused chemicals to their
original container.
Dispose of chemical waste in proper containers according to manufacturer’s instructions.
C. Emergency response
Read safety and fire alarm posters and follow the instructions during an emergency.
Know the location of fire extinguisher, fire exits, and first aid kit and eyewash solution in
your lab and know how to use them.
Know the building evacuation procedure in an emergency.
3.1 Reception
Patients typically have a limited understanding of how their medical bills get generated. They
need to be educated on the purpose of test
Inaccurate coding is among the most prevalent problems that come up during medical billing
processes. It has to be ensured orally before accepting the request.
To start registering the samples a proper sample register must be made. This register must
record all the relevant patient information and results of laboratory testing. This enables the
possibility to verify the results and perform other quality controls. Include at least the
following details:
Patient name + unique identifier (e.g. social security number (if applicable)/date and place of
Patient laboratory ID
Contact details of the requester
Type of primary sample
Date of sample collection
Date of sample reception
Date of sample acceptance
Examination(s) requested
Results of examinations + name of the laboratory technologists performing the examinations
Date of reporting
Identification of person sending the report
3.2 Phlebotomy
Interns need to acquire practical skills of proper phlebotomy techniques during the internship period.
1. To disinfect the blood collection site with appropriate disinfectant.
2. To know how to apply a tourniquet and for desirable time.
3. To detect the preferred venous access sites.
4. To insert the needle properly for blood withdrawal.
5. To take care of the patient to avoid complications during and after blood collection process.
Work flow
Lab technician
fills the
requisition form
Requisition available?
Check whether fasting is
Yes No
Instruct to
come fasting
Is Patient fasting
Take the Patient to
the treatment room
Specimen collection is the first phase of interaction between the patient and the
laboratory. Any error in specimen collection can lead to erroneous results. It is therefore
considered an important step of good clinical laboratory practice and is referred to as
"preanalytic control". The hospital has a policy to collect th samples in an appropriate
Blood Collection
Urine sample
Ambulant patient:
Instruct patient to wash with water Instruct patient to collect mid stream urine by voiding a
little urine into toilet bowl and then voiding into sterile specimen bottle and voiding last part of urine
in to the toilet bowl.
3.3 Blood Bank
Interns need to acquire practical skills of standard blood bank techniques during the internship period
To develop technical accuracy and self-confidence by experiencing routine functions of
Blood Bank.
To recognize and resolve discrepancies for blood grouping.
To exhibit knowledge of standard techniques used for ABO and Rh typing, compatibility
testing, antibody identification, antigen typing, and preparation of blood components.
To acquaint with the procedures of donor selection and issuing of blood and blood products
for transfusion.
Critical values
3.4 Biochemistry
Possess knowledge of the normal range of values of the chemical content of body fluids, significance
of the altered values and its interpretation.
Possess knowledge of the principles of following specialized organ function tests and the relative
utility and limitations of each and significance of the altered values.
(i) Renal function tests 10
(ii) Liver function tests
(iii) Pancreatic function tests
(iv) Endocrine function tests
(v) Tests for malabsorption
Know the principles, advantages and disadvantages, scope and limitation of automation in the
Know the principles and methodology of quality control in the laboratory.
Critical Values in Biochemistry
3.5 Microbiology
Interns need to acquire practical skills of standard microbiological examinations during the
internship period.
To select appropriate media for various clinical specimens.
To process specimens for isolation of pathogenic microorganisms.
To identify microorganisms encountered in the clinical laboratory.
To exhibit knowledge of environmental influences on microbial growth.
To differentiate between normal flora and pathogens.
To interpret antimicrobial sensitivity patterns.
3.6 Histopathology
Interns need to acquire practical skills of histo-and cytopathological procedures during the internship
To recognize appropriateness of specimen type, size, and quality.
To preserve and handle specimens for the requested tests.
To exhibit knowledge of different stains and staining protocols includingimmuno-histo/cyto-
chemical staining.
Turn around time
Independently prepare and stain good quality smears for cytopathologic examination.
Be conversant with the techniques for concentration of specimens: i.e.various filters, centrifuge and
Independently be able to perform fine needle aspiration of all lumps in patients; make good quality
smears, and be able to decide on the types of staining in a given case.
Given the relevant clinical data, he/she should be able to independently and correctly:
(i) Diagnose at least 75% of the cases received in a routine laboratory and categorize them into
negative, inconclusive and positive.
(ii) Demonstrate ability in the technique of screening and dotting the slides for suspicious cells.
(iii) Indicate correctly the type of tumour, if present
(iv) Identify with reasonable accuracy the presence of organisms, fungi and parasites