My Work
My Work
Teaching is the act of sharing knowledge, skills, and values with others to enhance their
understanding. Teaching is observed in various settings, such as : educational institutions
and workplaces, aiming to engage learners effectively, guide them towards their learning
objectives, and bring out a positive learning atmosphere. Teachers play an important role
in nurturing individuals by giving support, and the necessary tools for success which aids in
contributing to the advancement of individuals and society through the promotion of
critical thinking, creativity, and intelligence .
As an art, it needs skill to explain things, keep learners interested, and solve their
problems to help them change how they behave. And as a science, it follows a systematic
and methodical approach. By using methods like experiments, trials, and evaluations,
teaching becomes more like a science.
1) Teaching is a social and cultural process designed to help individuals learn.
2) It involves giving information that students need but can’t figure out on their own.
3) Teaching is interactive, guiding students’ progress and development.
4) It leads to development and learning, causing a change in behavior.
5) Teaching is considered both an art and a science.
6) It happens face to face, and its effects can be observed, measured, and adjusted.
7) Teaching is a skilled occupation requiring knowledge of teaching methods.
8) It facilitates learning and can be both conscious and unconscious.
9) Teaching ranges from memory recall to reflective thinking.
10) It forms a continuum of training, conditioning, instruction, and indoctrination.
Teaching goes beyond information transfer. It aims at:
- Facilitating understanding, skill development, character building, and curiosity
- Empowering critical thinking, skill development, ethical values, love for learning
- promoting a Symbiotic teaching-learning process
- Catering to diverse needs and learning styles
- Ensure engagement and success
Learning , as per Crow and Crow ( 1973) is defined as “the acquisition of habits,
knowledge and attitudes .It involves new ways of doing things ,and it operates in an
individuals’ attempts to overcome obstacles or to adjust to new situations and
represents progressive changes in behavior.
1. Acquire knowledge.