ALSO Mnemonic Laminate Cards 2023
ALSO Mnemonic Laminate Cards 2023
ALSO Mnemonic Laminate Cards 2023
P Suprapubic Pressure
Preeclampsia With
Severe Features
❏ New onset headache
❏ Visual disturbances
❏ Pulmonary edema
❏ Hepatic dysfunction
– Transaminase 2X normal
– Right upper quadrant (RUQ)
or epigastric pain
❏ Elevated creatinine
(>_1.1 mg/dL or 2X baseline)
❏ Systolic BP >_160 mm Hg
❏ Diastolic BP >_110 mm Hg
❏ Platelets <100,000/µL
B Bladder emptied?
H Halt traction between contractions
Halt if:
B Bladder empty?
C Cervix must be completely dilated
D Determine position of the head. Think of shoulder
Dystocia. Review the HELPER Mnemonic. 4
E Equipment ready
F Forceps application
G Gentle traction
H Handle elevated to follow the J-shaped pelvic curve
I Incision: Evaluate for episiotomy (avoid if possible)
J Remove forceps when the Jaw is reachable
C Contractions — comment on
pattern and intensity