Self Check Fasilitting Autosave
Self Check Fasilitting Autosave
Self Check Fasilitting Autosave
2. Are tests from book publishers better than those you develop? Ans. C
4. What is the first information entered into the table of specifications? Ans. B
Multiple Choice:
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of your choice on
your answer sheet.
Self-Check 1.1-2
Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of
your choice on the your answer sheet.
Self-Check 1.1-3
Multiple Choice:
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of your choice on your
answer sheet.
1. The written specification of the knowledge, skills and attitudes and
values required for the performance of a job, occupation or trade and
the corresponding standard of performance required for these in the
workplace is the ans. B
A. Training Regulations
B. Competency Standards
C. Competency-Based Curriculum
D. Competency Based Learning Materials
2. The building blocks of a unit of competency that describes the worker
is able to perform are the ans. A
A. Elements
B. Skills
C. Tasks
D. Performance criteria
3. This part of the competency standard identifies the knowledge
evidence, productive evidence and process evidence that are essential
for successful performance of the competency. Ans. D
A. Evidence plan
B. Underpinning knowledge
C. Underpinning skills
D. Critical aspects of the competency
4. This part of the competency standards defines boundaries within
which the unit of competency applies ans. C
A. Evidence Plan
B. Nominal duration
C. Range of variables
D. Critical aspects of the competency
Direction: Read the question below carefully. Choose the correct letter
which represents the best answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet.
Instruction: Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
1. Which of the following characteristics affect learning outcome?
A. educational attainment
B. learning styles
C. previous experiences
D. all of the above
2. What is the learning style of a learner who has a strong language
skills? (C)
A. auditory
B. kinesthetic
C. mixture of visual and auditory
D. visual
3. A learner who likes manipulating devices has a learning
style. (B)
A. auditory
B. kinesthetic
C. mixture of visual and auditory
D. visual
4. Which of the following is not important in planning a
A. ability level
B. learning preferences
C. Training method
D. none of the above
5. A trainee that perceives things abstractly and process them actively
and learns by testing theories and applying common sense is an (B)
A. Activist
B. Pragmatist
C. Reflector
D. Theorist
6. Imaginative thinkers who believe and reflects on their experiences are (C)
A. Activist
B. Pragmatist
C. Reflector
D. Theorist
7. A trainee who form theories and concepts by integrating his
observations into what is known. He needs to know what the experts
think. (D)
A. Activist
B. Pragmatist
C. Reflector
D. Theorist
8. A trainee who perceive information concretely and process it actively
and by trial and error. (A)
A. Activist
B. Pragmatist
C. Reflector
D. Theorist
Self-Check 1.1-6
On your answer sheet, answer the following questions:
Self-Check 1.2-2
Multiple Choice
Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of
your choice on your answer sheet
A. case study
B. equipment simulation
C. demonstration
D. role play
2. This is one of the trainer’s concerns when selecting training methods. (C)
A. Ready availability
B. Trainers’ capability
C. Level of difficulty of the techniques to be used
D. Number of participants
A. demonstration method
B. discussion method
C. lecture method
D. role playing
4. A training method wherein pairs or small groups are given, orally or in writing,
a specific situation, event, or incident and are asked to analyze and solve it. ()
A. case study
B. demonstration method
C. discussion method
D. lecture method
5. A training method that can help participants improve skills, attitudes, and
perceptions in real situations is . (D)
E. demonstration method
F. discussion method
G. lecture method
H. role-playing
Multiple Choice:
Choose the best answer. Write the letter of your choice to your
answer sheet.
1. This is a clearly stated trainer aid in conducting CBT. (B)
A. Lesson plan
B. Session plan
C. Training activity matrix
D. Workshop layout
2. The main basis in planning a training session is the Competency
standard. What part of the competency standards dictates the criteria in
evaluating a skill or a competency? (B)
A. Assessment criteria
B. Performance criteria
C. Underpinning skills
D. Critical aspect of competency
Self-Check 1.2-
Multiple Choice
Instruction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Type of human resource for presenting instruction. (B)
A. Customer
B. Instructor
C. Patrons
D. All of the above
B. Cassette tape
C. Job sheet
D. None of the above
A. Still visuals
B. Language machine
C. Motion visuals
D. All of the above
A. Journal
B. References
C. Manufacturer’s manual
D. None of the above
Multiple Choice: Choose the correct letter that best describe the
Write your answer in capital letter on your answer sheet.
1. This page has the Learning Outcome number and title and a table of all
the activities for presentation, practice and feedback the trainee can
undergo to attain the required competence this term refers to: (A)
A. Learning Experiences
B. Learning Outcome summary
C. Module content
D. Module title
2. This is a page that contains the content, assessment criteria and
assessment method (B)
A. List of competencies
B. Learning Outcome summary
C. Module content
D. Module title
3. This page contains the Qualification Title on top of the page and a
competency number, unit of competencies, module title and the code in each
column. (B)
A. Front cover
B. List of competencies
C. Learning outcome summary
D. Module content
E. Unit of competencies
4. This page reflects the contents and the skills to be discussed as stated in
the unit descriptor. (D)
A. Front cover
B. List of competencies
C. Learning outcome summary
D. Module content
E. Unit of competencies
2. Which of the following verbs is a good action word for a SMART objective?(A)
A. identify
B. know
C. learn
D. understand
3. Which of the following action words is in a knowledge level? (B)
A. develop
B. explain
C. package
D. weld
4. Which of the following is contained in the body of the Information sheet? (D)
A. introduction
B. objectives
C. title
D. development of the content/topic
5. Which part of the Information Sheet covers the review of the previous
lesson? (A)
A. introductory paragraph
B. learning objectives
C. title
D. body/text
1. The page in your CBLM that is A. Performance
used to practice a particular
task. (C)
2. The observable behavior that B. Performance
a student will do to Objectives
demonstrate that the lesson is
learned (A)
3. Statement which identify the C. Task Sheet
specific knowledge, skill or
attitude that the trainee
should gain. (B)
4. These are the external factors, D. Performance Criteria
prerequisite for completing the Checklist
action described in a
performance objective (E)
5. The element of the E. Condition
performance objective which is
the basis for evaluating the
performance of the trainee.(F)
6. The page in the CBLM that is F. Criterion
used by the trainee to practice
how to use an equipment or
machine essential in the
performance of a skill. (J)
7. The page that is used to train G. Steps/Procedure
or practice a combination of
tasks and operations and
produce a product or a
8. The page that contains the list H. Assessment method
of criteria in evaluating the
performance or a product in a
task/job/operation sheet.(D)
I. Job Sheet
J. Operation Sheet
Self-Check 1.4-
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of your choice on
your answer sheet.
2. A test that discriminates trainees who learned the training and those who
did not learn is (C)
A difficult
B.objectiv e
D. valid
3. A test package that measures what it intends to measure is (D)
A. difficult
B. objective
C. reliable
D. valid
4. The tool that ensures validity of your written test is the (C)
A. evidence plan
B. item analysis
C. table of specification
D. Performance Criteria Checklist
5. The tool that ensures reliability of your written test is the (B)
A. evidence plan
B. item analysis
C. table of specification
D. Performance Criteria Checklist
Directions: BCDBA
Select the correct answer from the choices listed below each item. Write
your answer on your answer sheet.
2. This area provides the learner with the knowledge requirements in the
various modules responding to the competencies. (C)
A. Computer Laboratory
B. Contextual Learning Area
C. Learning Resource Area
D. Trainers Resource Area
3. The area where in the learners acquires the skills and knowledge
components of the competencies prescribed by the standard is . (D)