The Stamp Game 1 MC

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Math - The Decimal System

The Stamp Game

Materials A box containing the following:

small wood or plastic squares (stamps), all the same size, 25 in each category: 1
printed on green, 10 on blue, 100 on red and 1000 on green;

28 skittles: one large green and nine each of green, blue and red;

3 small discs one each in green, blue and red;

writing tray with squared paper organized by colored clips associated with the 4
operations (red - addition, green - subtraction, yellow - multiplication, blue - division)

lead pencil, red pencil, 3-4 other colored pencils, straight edge or ruler.

For the introduction: golden bead presentation tray

Prerequisite Group work with all operations using golden beads / pencil grip & manual dexterity
The Decimal System
The Dot Game

Purposes To help the child carry out addition as an individual exercise.

To help the child concentrate on the categorical values involved, and to
see that these qualities are always from 1 to 9.
To provide an introduction to the traditional operational signs.
To deepen a child’s understanding over the mechanism of changing.

Age 4 ½ and up

Presentation 1: Introduction to the Stamp Game

Stage 1: Linking Golden Beads with Stamps

1. Invite child for an individual presentation.

2. Ask child to bring presentation tray of golden beads to table.
3. Show child stamp game box & how to carry it.
4. Bring out and review golden beads.
5. Bring out 1 stamp from each category & place them below
corresponding beads, naming each one.
6. Tell the child, “We call these stamps, and they represent the
quantities. Let’s look at the number on each one.” Invite child to
read them & count the number of zeros.
7. Tell the child, “See, this little square can represent a thousand!”
8. Put away golden beads and reset the stamps.

Stage 2: Making Numbers without Writing

9. Ask the child to make numbers with stamps from one place value.
Show them how the stamps stack vertically. Repeat until child is
comfortable building numbers this way.
10. Form a number from 2 or more categories of stamp. Show child
how to build a 2-digit number, and how to read it. Invite the child
to build several numbers until they’re comfortable with the process.
11. Ask child to make a number with stamps to be read aloud.
12. Ask child to make a number with a missing category of stamps to
be read aloud. Say, “When we are missing stamps from a category,
we leave a space where that category would go.” Repeat with other
missing categories until child is comfortable.

Stage 3: Making and Writing Numbers

13. Introduce child to the special writing tray for the stamp game.
14. Invite child to write a number using stamps.
15. Show child stamp game paper. “We have a way to write that
number down- how many categories are there?”
16. Show child where to write the four place value categories of
stamps. Skip the first column, explaining that it isn’t used now.
The Decimal System
The Dot Game

17. Ask child how many thousands in their number (write it), then ask
for other place values in order.
18. Repeat with a number missing a category of stamps. Say, “When
we’re missing a category, we leave a space with stamps, and write a
zero on our paper.”
19. Repeat until child is comfortable with concept.

Stage 4: Making and Writing Numbers in a Column

20. Ask child to build a four-digit number (next to top half of paper).
21. Ask child to build a three-digit number (next to bottom half of
paper), showing how to leave space between numbers with a ruler.
22. Show child how to align categories between numbers.
23. “Let’s write the first number on our paper.” Invite child to do so.
24. Invite child to read second number. “Let’s write that down as well.
We don’t have any thousands for this number, so where do we start
writing it?” Lead child to the hundreds column, reminding them
that stamps of corresponding columns should be aligned across
25. Repeat exercise using numbers with zeros in the middle
26. Invite child to repeat

Control of Error Reverse operations for each subsequent presentation.

Pedagogical New language given: plus, addend, sum, equals

New Information:
 The quantities of the different categories are represented in
stamps that are all the same size (unlike the golden bead
materials, the ten or thousand is not bigger than the 1 or each
other, etc).
 The child is helped by the color of the stamps and the numbers
written on them.
 Paper is the same for addition, subtraction and multiplication;
longer for division.

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