The Declaration of Nullification 2024
The Declaration of Nullification 2024
The Declaration of Nullification 2024
"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the
political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of
the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature's God entitle them, a
decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which
impel them to the separation."
So said the Founders of our once proud, promising union of nations under Providence. Ensure
those words be remembered, words which the godless tyrants in Washington D.C. have worked
fervently for us to forget. What does "The United States of America" mean? Who are we meant
to serve? A union requires reciprocal relations between partners. Should this social contract
ever be broken, those afflicted retain the right to see such compacts end, and establish a new
one. These traitors who rule this Fallen Republic from the defunct District of Columbia leave our
lands destitute and desperate. It is not only our right, but our duty to remove the shackles forced
on us by those who had sworn to serve and protect us. We the People of the United States
deserve amends, congruent in scale to the magnitude of inhumanities and injustices inflicted
upon us.
Let it be known, we reject this standing tyranny, and choose to form new bonds of brotherhood.
From here on this document shall declare all the grievances that impel us to undergo
non-violent resistance, aimed at saving our States from the tyrannical yoke of Washington D.C.,
and for the return of self determination and liberty to the people.
Our Enumeration of Grievances
Economic Grievances
I. Members from both the Legislative Branch and Executive Branch of our Federal Government
have been a part of the Trilateral Commision, an international economic policy group, since its
inception. In their publication entitled "The Crisis of International Cooperation," the Trilateral
commission declared that the American position must be weakened for the sake of foreign
countries to thrive. By joining such international groups, our own representatives have colluded
with industries, unions, media, non-governmental organizations (N.G.O.'s), investment and
commercial banks, institutes of higher education, and foreign institutions to commit economic
treason against We the People and our livelihoods.
II. The United States Congress and Federal Government of Washington D.C. have violated their
obligation to our Republic by neglecting to print currency, instead outsourcing that sovereign
duty to the Federal Reserve Bank, a private corporation. As a result, our national currency has
been used as a weapon of economic manipulation against the American people, enslaving us
and our economy to an eternal debt which cannot be repaid.
Judicial Grievances
The Judicial Branch of the Federal Government of Washington D.C. has been derelict in its duty
of upholding the U.S. Constitution. One example of many such instances is the Affordable Care
Act, which remained enacted although The U.S. Supreme Court had ruled it unconstitutional, a
clear neglection of their judicial duties.
II. The Judicial Branch has repeatedly twisted the interpretation of our laws and the very
Constitution itself. In order to support partisan objectives, the spirit of the law and the intention
of its authors are too often lost to semantic tricks. The meaning of words as originally intended
are mutated to pervert the letter of the law.
III. The Judicial Branch failed to adhere to our prized principles of non-biased judicial decisions
and interpretations, turning a blind eye when activist judges blatantly allow perverted ideologies
to supersede the Constitution.
Legislative Grievances
I. The Legislative Branch of the Federal Government of Washington D.C. has been willfully
derelict in their duty to write legislation, having deferred to non-governmental organizations to
pen the authorship of our legislation and laws. These outsourced bills and laws, often too
lengthy to be fully read and scrutinized before voted on in Congress, were instead written in
service to special interest groups over the interests of the American people as a whole.
II. The Legislative Branch diluted the effectiveness and legitimacy of the U.S. legal code in part
due to writing meant to obscure both its content and intent. Too often bills were given deceitful
names, masking their true intent to fool negligent Congressmen into signing a false bill, and the
American people at large.
III. The Legislative Branch has repeatedly used deceptive tactics in their bill writing, often adding
special interests of pork barrel bribery to bills as a means to obtain their goals, which would
never pass in a stand-alone bill. These infamous bills are referred to as omnibus bills.
IV. The Legislative Branch has taken to the corrupt practice of writing
aforementioned omnibus spending bills, which hold our union's funding at ransom to serve
special interests projects and non related expenditures, oftentimes funding pet projects that only
serve to get officials re-elected, at the expense of the American people.
V. The Legislative Branch failed in its duty to be knowledgeable of all contents in bills voted on.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi famously once said, "We have to pass the bill so that you
can find out what's in it,". This was in reference to the aforementioned Affordable Care Act: a
two-thousand page bill for which Congress was only given seventy-two hours to read and
understand before being called in to vote. The bill was later ruled unconstitutional by the U.S.
Supreme Court.
VI. The Legislative Branch refined their art of lying to We the People through the legalization of
domestic propaganda. This weaponization has eroded the trust of American citizens in both the
Federal Government and their media lapdogs, who parrot talking points assigned to them by
those they should instead be reporting and investigating on behalf of us.
VII. The Legislative Branch has violated our First Amendment right of free speech through the
use of proxy corporate partners, and has not enacted legislation guaranteeing free speech on all
platforms of the Internet. Furthermore, the Federal Government has failed to treat public forum
platforms from Meta to X as public utilities with the same protections against denial of service for
the purpose of silencing dissent.
VIII. The Legislative Branch is in violation of our Second Amendment rights due to their passage
of the National Firearms Act, and the usage of the Tax Stamp in order to inhibit and prevent We
the People's right to bear arms.
IX. The Legislative Branch has allowed loyalties to other nations to infect its ranks by allowing
dual citizens to serve in our Congress, granting them the power to legislate and vote on policies
that benefit their alternative nation of loyalty at the cost of the American people they swore to
serve faithfully.
X. The Legislative Branch has put tyranny on full display after exempting themselves from the
very laws to which they subject us American citizens. They pulled off this tyrannical act with
great profit through their insider trading and personal exemptions from COVID-19 related
restrictions and measures, such as vaccine requirements and lockdowns. The health and
personal fortunes of countless citizens were destroyed through these illegal actions.
Executive Grievances
I. The Executive Branch of the Federal Government of Washington D.C. has been willfully
derelict of its duty to us citizens of these United States of America. They violate our First
Amendment right of free speech as they persecute journalists who provide evidence of the U.S.
Government's wrongdoings and misbehavior. Additionally, they subvert free speech by way of
conspiring with mainstream media and social media corporations. Thus, they continue their
abuse of the concept of so-called "hate speech" to target dissenting Americans, even after the
U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled multiple times that "hate speech" does not exist. The
Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) has also been weaponized against citizens as a means of
suppressing dissent.
II. The Executive Branch further violated our Fourth Amendment rights of protection against
search and seizure and the citizens' right of privacy: They employ the National Security Agency
(N.S.A.), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.), the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.),
and Big Tech corporations to spy on We the People and seize our communications without
warrant nor reason of criminal suspicion. Moreover, they commit the treasonous act of enlisting
foreign governments to help spy on the American people in order to subvert the legal
prohibitions emplaced by our Fourth Amendment.
III. The Executive Branch further violated multiple amendments through the enforcement of their
No-Fly List and the process involved therein: cell phone records - which were unlawfully
obtained - are constituted as "affects" listed in our Fourth Amendment by the U.S. Supreme
Court. The Executive Branch also used these unlawfully obtained records to "try in absentia
Americans in secret courts; a clear violation of our Fifth Amendment right of due process, and
our Sixth Amendment right to confront any witness set against us. Furthermore, this unlawful
process violates our Fifth Amendment right of free travel by not being served a warrant or
convicted of a criminal offense.
IV. The Executive Branch has also assaulted our Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
persistently and pervasively. Whereas the British Parliament had imposed a Stamp Tax, the
Federal Government has imposed a "Tax Stamp" to inhibit us citizens of our rightful ownership
of weapons and arms suitable for the exercise of our Second Amendment rights.
V. The Executive Branch abuses the purpose of national security to hide their wrongdoings and
failures. We the People hold no interest in waging unjust wars across this Earth, nor against
people who never wronged us. Such conflicts only benefit the interests of politicians, weapons
manufacturers, and bankers, all part of what is referred to as the military industrial complex. Yet
they persist: the Federal Government has repeatedly employed the use of false flags and
outright lies to manufacture consent from the public. They provide supply, support, including
financial, to terrorists around the world in order to better achieve their goals. It is only after the
loss of thousands of lives and billions of dollars that the truth is revealed, if at all. The
perpetrators of these crimes never face consequences for their actions.
VI. The Federal Government has been guilty of repeatedly committing the unconstitutional act of
warfare without a declaration of war approved by the Legislative Branch, as it is their duty and
responsibility to proclaim such an act. In effect, the Federal Government diluted the idea of war
through policies such as the "War on Drugs," which have no declared enemy, and have
underwritten violent and unlawful policies around the world. Countless conflicts and the
financing and abetting of insurrections that will inevitably turn hostile to the United States over
time is not peace. Yet this government falsely claims to be pursuant of that; lies that cost us
Americans lives and economic prosperity.
VII. The Central Intelligence Agency has continued orchestrating regime changes in foreign
countries in spite of our objections. Their projects were funded through unlawful involvement in
the illicit drug trade, importing the very same drugs into the United States that ravaged our cities
and people for decades. As one of the main importers and protectors of the domestic
distribution networks of South American cocaine and Afghan opium, they are directly
responsible for ushering in two serious drug use epidemics in our country. Additionally, the
Federal Government enacted policies that enable the importation of fentanyl, another disastrous
drug epidemic that currently plagues every State in our Union. As a result, estimates claim over
seventy-five thousand American lives were lost in the year 2023 alone to fentanyl.
VIII. The Executive Branch enforces exorbitant fees and financial charges as a replacement for
unpassable taxes, one of many subterfuges used to fill their pockets at the expense of We the
IX. The most grievous sin of all: The Executive Branch grossly violated our Fifth Amendment
requirements of equal protections by failing to prosecute and choosing to protect the guilty for
committing crimes against our children. The cases of Lawrence King and the Boys Town
Orphanage, and Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell serve as the most recent examples.
Those in the Federal Government choose to shield the names of high-powered and wealthy
customers of these aforementioned child traffickers, even after convictions proved sex trafficking
occurred within these circles. All the victims in these cases were denied the justice they are due,
while those with the means to subvert the law were never pursued for their heinous crimes and
are still being protected by the Federal Government.
"Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue
could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet
and repulse it."
Our declaration and grievances state facts, actionable arguments, and - most critically-common
sense, calling true children of liberty and good to act for the sake of our posterity. Even so, note
how weary and hesitant some are to stand against such a malicious beast after years of subtle
subjugation. It is akin to a youth who has yet to defend themselves from an abusive parent: a
"guardian" that has taught them all they know, to their own detriment. We must help them to see
the light and stand against those who censure, coddle, abuse, and oppress.
Still, some will say, "You speak of non-violence. How then can we fight?" The resolution is the
recognition of States' rights and understanding of citizens' fundamental rights as enshrined in
our founding documents. So, we in turn trade them these questions:
"You know the national bird of the U.S., its anthem, the flag, and the Constitution.
But, do you know those of your own State? Say, can you sing the song that is your State's
anthem? Can you describe your own flag, let alone own one to hang honorably?
What are the birds and animals that compliment the landscape which makes yours unique from
all others? And, pray tell, do you remember your State has its own constitution?"
The answers to these questions are what the agents of the defunct District of Columbia have
worked to make us forget, for it is their intent to warp our voluntary Union of States into
something compulsory that insults our forefathers: A borderless, post-national, imperialistic
economic exchange zone with only one flag and one creed that will have lost all their meaning,
governed with an iron fist by a single party. Know that their plans are as weak as their
aspirations though; they delved too greedily and too deep. With no foundation, their house of
cards will collapse. All the American people must do is answer our questions, and keep them
close to heart.
We the People, united, possess the power to enact the change required to restore our Republic:
We will hold our State's anthems with as much pride as the Star-Spangled Banner. We will raise
our flags proudly above the federals', reminding them who serves whom. We will keep a copy of
our State's constitution and memorize it to better protect our rights. We will rediscover all the
things that make our State what it is, to cherish and protect them from here on. And we will
support those governors, sheriffs, and mayors who truthfully serve their people and work
towards restoring our great States. But, know that should any of these representatives serve
interests not that of the peoples', they cannot and will not be supported.
We the People comprise a Union of States: a community of individual districts woven together
seamlessly by common laws that speak to us on a national scale. It must be proclaimed that we
stand firm against the dissolution of this Republic our ancestors fought to create and defend
over ten score years. Nevertheless, we cannot deny the reality that stands before us: Our
Republic is being targeted and fractured deliberately, ripened for the picking by foreign
adversaries with the complicity of our elites at home. Should the Federal Government keep
complicit in this, then it is inevitable that individual States will break off from our Republic to save
themselves. Even should one decry them for taking hold of this right inscribed in our collective
constitutions, can one truly say they do not understand their urgency? "A house divided against
itself cannot stand," was what one President said before as storm clouds gathered on the eve of
our Civil War (Lincoln, House Divided Speech, 1858). Such storm clouds have begun to gather
again, but we, the drafters of this document, believe the American people still possess the
power and time to quell this tempest should their eyes and ears reach our resolutions.
There is an old expression signifying the mindset of men who choose to let evil endure at the
expense of others: "May you live in interesting times." Such words and wishes for the future do
not fit with us. So, let that be countered with the new American version: "Bless you, who live in
interesting times!" We the People were blessed to be born in such tremulous times with the
means to mend the world and inspire individuals for hundreds of years to come. It would be a
mortal sin to simply let these things pass, and to allow our country to be stolen from us.
Apathy is death.
May Providence guide our hands in rebuilding the Republic for which it stands.