2nd Declaration of Independence of The 50 States
2nd Declaration of Independence of The 50 States
2nd Declaration of Independence of The 50 States
With the utmost respect and admiration for the founders of America and the
framers of the original DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, the American
people humbly emulate their thoughtful measured response to certain
perpetual and ascending tyranny and despotism. We too believe it is moral
obligation of those privileged with knowledge and opportunity to work on
behalf of THE PEOPLE, that THE PEOPLE are served best when their
benefactors choose unity over division, nationalism over globalism,
sovereignty over submission, and liberty over oppression, that all human
beings are equal in their innate value, that America was founded under God,
and that our God-given rights may not be revoked, suspended, negated or
abridged without due process. What distinguishes the 2nd DECLARATION
OF INDEPENENCE from its progenitor is the object from which we seek
Regrettably, to our great misfortune, shame and dismay, and despite the
recurrent warnings, and accorded safeguards, a cable of foreign investors and
privateers have managed to gain possession of our land, our wealth, our
labor, our well-being, our future, and even our children.
4. By the early 1900’s, the foreign investors that bankrolled America controlled
the major newspapers and news services, enabling them to shape what is
reported and how it is to be framed. They had to cover their tracks, before
being exposed and repudiated by THE PEOPLE.
7. In 1913, by the way of the 16th Amendment, the foreign investors were
granted the authority to tax the American people directly, something expressly
prohibited by the original Constitution. That THE PEOPLE would willingly
subject themselves to forced confiscation of their property (their labor) is
illogical, putting the legitimacy of ratification in question.
10. In 1920, Congress, by the way of the independent Treasury Act, turned
over the U.S. Treasury Department, and its assets (our gold and silver), to the
Federal Reserve, the central banking system owned by the foreign investors,
established 1913.
11. In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was formed under cover
advancing America’s interests in the world. In fact, the CFR is sponsored by
THE CITY OF LONDON, and serves to advance the interests of the foreign-
owned Federal Reserve, by direction the president, Congress, and the
narrative through OPERATIVES in their news and information networks.
12. In 1925, the owners of the Federal Reserve formed the UNITED STATES
corporation. Just 5 out of the 100 shares issued were identified, with the
balance of the shareholders of US CORP remaining anonymous, yet the
money hail leads to THE CITY OF LONDON, THE BRITISH CROWN, and
THE VATICAN. The tax dollars we send to the Internal Revenue Service go to
the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, which are under their
13. The official formation of US CORP set the stage for the transformation of
America from a Constitutional Republic of THE PEOPLE to a corporation
owned by foreign interests and their families. Over the next few years, the
individual States were registered as corporations as well, making them
franchises of US CORP. Representatives and Senators neither represent nor
work for the American People. Rather, they are managers of US CORP. and,
as such, they are obligated first to serve its best interests. The president is
just the President of America. He is the CEO of US CORP.
14. The abbreviated term “United State” was purposely used to represent both
America and US CORP. to blur the distinction between them. Similarly, the
original U.S. Constitution was quietly supplanted by an impostor “corporate
(all-capital letters) constitution” that bears a similar name and appearance,
again, to confuse and deceive the American people. Specifically, the
“Constitution for the united states of America” was replaced by “THE
CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES,” with the latter’s corporate
statutes becoming the supreme law of America.
15. In 1933, the U.S. federal government declared bankruptcy, and President
Roosevelt, its acting CEO, signed over to US CORP. America and its assets,
including THE PEOPLE, and our labor. The bankruptcy of 1933, that was
arguably unnecessary, ceremonial in nature, and contrived and orchestrated
without the consent of THE PEOPLE, completed the heist and transfer of
America and its assets to the same foreign interests who own US CORP.
19. In 1945, the anonymous owners US CORP founded the United Nations,
under the guise of spreading peace, civility, and humanitarian assistance
throughout the world, yet the true purpose is to condition citizens to recognize
an international authority, a first step in establishing their promised “New
World Order,” in which the U.S. Constitution is retired to make room for a
universal totalitarian government.
20. United Nation’s publications “Agenda 21” and “Agenda 30” reveal the
“New World Order” agenda, calling for the end of nationalism, patriotism,
private property, individual rights, the two-parent family, automobiles, air
travel, and the right to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government. In
keeping with their goal of “sustainable development,” they plan to reduce the
population by over 90%, ridding America and the world of dissidents and
“useless eaters.” The remaining “useful servants” are to live in coastal
communities, wherein they will be stacked-and-packed in micro-apartments.
21. The only thing standing in the way of their “New World Order” is a strong,
prosperous, and secure America. To achieve their goal of world domination.
America must lose its sovereignty and leadership position, and thus why the
owners of US CORP quietly work to undermine our culture, systems, beliefs,
standards, aspiration, and morals; for over 100 years, employing unrestrained
method and tactics.
22. With millions of dollars at their disposal every year from taxing our labor,
the owners of US CORP. fund leftist non-profit groups, including the
COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, that work to subvert our nation and
silence anyone in opposition. They ingratiate the officials and administrators
who run the largest charities and organizations, including the A.M.A. the APA,
the CDC, the FCC, the SEC, and the FDA, and they embed OPERATIVES in
the State Department, the Department of Justice, and the intelligence
agencies, official and covert, including the NSA, FBI, and CIA.
23. In trade for generous grants and endowments, the anonymous owners of
US CORP shape the curriculum, and political sentiment of the public schools,
colleges, and universities, insuring the next generations, our children, harbor
disdain for their country, their history, their culture, their families, and even
their ethnicity.
24. The anonymous owners of US CORP keep THE PEOPLE in the dark
about the true history of America, the greatest heist and cover-up in history,
by controlling public education, the major publishers, the news services, the
airwaves, and the social and information networks.
26. By the way of funding campaigns and fixing elections, the owners of US
CORP obligate the most influential politicians to further their agenda of
breaking America socially and financially. They promote disdain for country,
dependency on government, indulgence, lawlessness, and immorality, to spoil
and dishearten citizens, predisposing them to trade their sovereignty for the
false promises of an international unelected government, sponsored by the
world elite.
27. By the way of the Democrat Party, and OPERATIVES posing as television
hosts, entertainers, journalists, pundits and policy experts, the owners of US
CORP brainwash and condition THE PEOPLE to accept invalid arguments
and pseudoscience, that call for globalism, socialism, and a godless society,
in which technology is our moral compass.
30. Because the free, open largely unchained internet reveals the hidden heist
of America, and the criminal network that operates in the shadows, the
owners of US CORP, the predators of crimes against America and Humanity
are tightly concerned about exposure. To ensure THE PEOPLE do not wake
up, organize, and enact justice, the sensor the information we see, ply us with
psychoactive drugs, make us complacent with money from government,
distract us with sempiternal video games, and promote us with meaningless
sporting event after another.
31. In conjunction with skewed statistics, deceptive polls, false facts, and the
omission of decisive information, the owners of US CORP promote anti-
Americanism, and their “New World Order” agenda. Fake new keeps THE
PEOPLE disoriented, misinformed, and divided over ethnicity, gender, sexual
orientation, religion, and economic class. Meanwhile, their debt system
enslaves us their grip ever lightens through surveillance, and fluorination,
vaccinations, and others technologies are deployed to weaken any
substantive opposition.
32. The owners of US CORP are working incessantly to disarm the millions of
law-abiding Patriots who stand in the way or their totalitarianism, oppressive
“New World Order.” By the way of orchestrated mass shootings, the owners of
US CORP will continue to terrorize THE PEOPLE until we assent to
“comprehensive background checks.” The word “comprehensive” is nebulous
and undefined, allowing for battery of psychological and medical testing, ever-
expanding, until largened individuals are deemed emotionally unstable, and a
danger to society. True to the predictions of every futuristic book and movie,
patriotic Americans will be disarmed by the way of political profiling, under the
guise of screening for mental health.
a. The world Democracy does not appear anywhere in the America’s founding
documents, because the framers knew that Democracy, in any form, or
disguise is fatally flawed, leading invariably to oppression, unrest, societal
failure, violence, and death.
f. Finally, Article QV. Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution resolves any doubt,
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican
“Form of Government”.
Having exposed the greatest heist and cover-up in history, we are able to
summarize. America and its assets were quietly hijacked, and the cover-up
has resulted in unthinkable crimes against THE PEOPLE and humanity.
Allowing the hostile takeover to stand will lead eventually to compete and
irreversible subjugation and the eradication of truth, justice, and all that is
This 2nd DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE distinguishes the United
States of American from the subversive UNITIED STATES CORPORATION.
It asserts that the US CORP was formed illegally, that it is foreign-owned, and
that its shareholders have been quietly at war with America for over 150
years. Treasonous OPERATIVES, embedded within government and the
“fake news” networks, purposely divide the citizenry, and facilitate conflict
among the nations., to hide that US CORP was formed illegally, that is
foreign-owned, and that its shareholders have been quietly at war with
America for over 150 years. Treasonous OPERATIVES, embedded within
government and the “fake news” networks, purposely divide the citizenry, and
facilitate conflict among the natives, to hide that US CORP is and always has
been, the only real enemy of America. This 2nd DECLARATION OF
INDEPENDENCE also repudiates, with conviction. US CORP’s satanically
inspired plan for world governance. In addition to being, of, by, and for THE
ELITE, and not THE PEOPLE their falsely advertised pseudo-Utopian
unelected totalitarian “New World Order” would supplant America’s
sovereignty, and extinguish forever, any semblance of liberty, and prosperity.
However, the transfer of ownership form the American people was not
conducted openly and with candor, but clandestinely, through calculated
design, and nefarious means, without body consent, and unconstitutionally. It
is for the latter reason that American people claim their right to rectification.
That the greatest heist in history was affected outside the constraints of the
U.S. Constitution, and that those who were elected to represent America’s
best interests transgressed their fiduciary responsibility, and exceeded their
authority, warrants this proclamation, that the American people are rightful
owners of our land, our labor, our wellbeing, or future, and our children, for our
benefit, and the benefit of our posterity.