Full Textbook Insight Year 11 Standard
Full Textbook Insight Year 11 Standard
Full Textbook Insight Year 11 Standard
ISBN 978-0-19-031051-6
9 780190 310516
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Study tips i
Indigenous Australians and Torres Strait Islanders are advised that this publication may include images or names of people
now deceased.
Links to third party websites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only.
Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party website referenced in this work.
Contents iii
Chapters 4–6 Cumulative review 230 Chapters 7–9 Cumulative review 352
(MS-S1 Data Analysis S1.2) Glossary 579
Are you ready? ....................................................391
11A Mean and mode..........................................392 Index 582
11B Median ........................................................398
11C Relative merits of mean,
Acknowledgements 586
mode and median ......................................404
11D Range and interquartile range...................408
11E Deciles and percentiles..............................414
11F Box-plots ....................................................418
11G Standard deviation .....................................422
11H Identifying outliers .....................................428
11I Graphical data displays ..............................432
Chapter review ....................................................440
(MS-A2 Linear Relationships)
Are you ready? ....................................................447
12A Straight-line graphs...................................448
12B Gradient and vertical intercept ..................452
12C The equation y = mx + c ..............................458
12D Direct variation relationships ....................462
12E Linear modelling ........................................468
Chapter review ....................................................474
(MS-M1 Applications of Measurement M1.3)
Are you ready? ....................................................481
13A Units of mass .............................................482
13B Units of energy ...........................................486
13C Food and nutrition: energy intake ..............490
13D Energy expenditure ....................................494
13E Energy consumption ..................................502
Chapter review ....................................................506
Contents v
visual worked
mathematics examples
glossary boosts and visuals
understanding located next
of key concepts to the relevant
Tip 3 – manage your study time calculate work out an answer mathematically
When studying, it helps to put some practical classify catergorise into groups
strategies in place to stay on track. Try the following
change to a different form without
time management strategies. convert
changing the value
> Create a study timetable to set up periods of
describe give a detailed account of the features
regular study and revision around your school and
personal schedule. evaluate determine the value
> Use a diary, wall planner or calendar to record
make something clear by describing the
the dates of upcoming assessment tasks, tests or explain relationships between different aspects
exams and allow you to adequately prepare. and giving reasons
> Make lists of daily, weekly or monthly goals.
It helps to keep the bigger picture in mind represent an answer as a number, figure,
and breaks down big tasks into smaller, more formula or symbol
manageable tasks, so that you gain a sense of determine the value or answer to a
achievement. problem
Looking after yourself during your HSC is important: justify present an argument and provide evidence
> eat a balanced diet and stay hydrated – try to avoid solve work out the solution to a question
too much caffeine and junk food
> get enough sleep and regular exercise
> have breaks – a walk to get some fresh air will
help you reset before the next study session.
MS-F1 Money Matters F1.2
If you had difficulty with any of these questions or would like further practice, complete one or more of
the matching Support sheets available on your obook assess.
Q1–2 Support sheet 1A.1 Adding and subtracting decimal numbers
Q3–4 Support sheet 1A.2 Multiplying and dividing decimal numbers
Q5–8 Support sheet 1A.3 Converting units of time
Q9–10 Support sheet 1A.4 Calculating elapsed time
Q11 Support sheet 1B.1 Calculating the percentage of a quantity
Q12–14 Support sheet 1C.1 Calculating an amount as a percentage of another
wage Money earned by working is the basis of most people’s income. Without an income people are
a fixed regular unable to satisfy their basic needs. There are many ways people receive money for work done.
payment earned Most people work for an employer who pays them for their work. An amount earned based on
for work or
services, usually
hours worked is called a wage. A fixed amount earned regardless of the number of hours spent
based on an working is called a salary. This section deals with salary and wage payments.
hourly rate and A salary is an income that is usually described as an amount per annum (p.a.) or per year,
typically paid
although the salary may be paid weekly, fortnightly or monthly. People who are paid salaries
daily, weekly, or
fortnightly include nurses, government employees, teachers and other professionals. A wage is based on
an hourly rate for a certain number of hours worked. Wages are usually paid on a weekly or
a fixed regular fortnightly basis. People who are paid wages include factory workers, shop assistants, building
payment, typically workers and mechanics.
paid monthly but
often expressed
When converting from yearly salaries to monthly, fortnightly and weekly amounts, the
as an annual
sum, made by an following are used.
employer to an 1 year = 365 days
employee = 12 months
per annum (p.a.) = 52 weeks
for each year
= 26 fortnights
(used in financial
Employees may be permanent or casual, and may work full-time or part-time. Permanent
employees receive benefits such as sick leave and holiday pay.
a Monthly = $51 064 ÷ 12 There are 12 months in a year. When converting from an annual
= $4255.33 Divide the annual income by 12. income, divide by the required
b Weekly = $51 064 ÷ 52 There are 52 weeks in a year.
12 for monthly
= $982 Divide the annual income by 52.
52 for weekly
c Fortnightly = $51 064 ÷ 26 There are 26 fortnights in a year. 26 for fortnightly
= $1964 Divide the annual income by 26.
2 Caterina earns $86 924 per annum. Calculate her weekly pay.
a Yearly = $283 × 52 There are 52 weeks in a year. When converting weekly amounts
= $14 716 Multiply the weekly wage by 52. to annual amounts, multiply by 52.
b Monthly = $14 716 ÷ 12 There are 12 months in a year. Always use the annual income
= $1226.33 Divide the annual amount by 12. divided by 12 to find the monthly
One month is not 4 weeks, because income. If the annual income is not
12 × 4 = 48, not 52 weeks. provided, convert to it first.
4 Jason earns $421 per week for weekend work. Complete the following to find:
a Jason’s annual income b Jason’s monthly income
Annual income = $421 × ____ Monthly income = $21 892 ÷ ____
= ____ = ____
5 Ashley earns $379 per week for part-time work. How much does Ashley earn:
a per year? b per month?
b Debra works part-time and receives a monthly salary of $2933. How much does she earn each week?
c Ali works part-time and receives an annual salary of $46 837.25. How much does he earn each
d Kristy works full-time and receives an annual salary of $78 500. How much does she earn each
e Iain works part-time and receives a monthly salary of $3599.60. How much does he earn each
f Ngoc works full-time and receives an annual salary of $74 292. How much does she earn each month?
8 Convert each of the following to an annual salary, if necessary, and calculate the difference between the
annual salaries.
a Kylie: $1136.60 a week and Stacey: $54 642 a year
b Roland: $1803 a fortnight and Paul: $55 271 a year
c Binh: $2610 a month and Aaron: $693.20 a week
11 Madonna works as a
receptionist. If she is paid
$20.90 an hour, how much does
she earn in a 38-hour week?
13 Kristie is a junior and earns $14.43 an hour. Calculate her weekly wage if she works:
a 18 h b 35 h c 40 h d 48 h.
Pay per week = $22.80 × 35 Find the pay per week by Hourly income is the basic
= $798 multiplying $22.80 by 35, then building block that, by
Annual income = 798 × 52 multiply by 52 to find the annual multiplication, will allow us to
= $41 496 income. calculate income over any time
Angus earns $ 41 496 per year. period.
14 Taylor earns $21.60 per hour for a 38-hour week. Complete to find her weekly pay and her annual income.
a Pay per week = $21.60 × ____ b Annual income = $820.80 × ____
= ____ = ____
15 An electrician works a 38-hour week. Find her yearly pay if she earns $58.40 per hour.
16 Ikbar works a 38-hour week. His hourly rate is $22.27. Find his pay for 1 year.
a Weekly = $47 424 ÷ 52 Divide the annual salary of $47 424 Converting annual salaries to
= $912 by 52 to convert to weekly salary. shorter time periods requires
Next, divide the weekly salary division. Divide by 52 for weekly
b Hourly = $912 ÷ 35
($912) by 35 to convert to the or by 12 for monthly incomes.
= $26.06
hourly rate.
17 Jake works 35 hours per week for an annual income of $54 527.20. Complete to find his weekly pay and his
hourly rate.
a Weekly pay = ____ ÷ 52 b Hourly pay = ____ ÷ ____
= ____ = ____
18 Indoo receives an annual salary of $63 300. Convert this to a weekly salary and find Indoo’s average hourly
rate if she works 52 hours per week.
19 Guido works 7 hours a day, five days per week. Find his hourly rate if his annual income is $38 900.
b Name: Anastasia
Day In Out Hours
Monday 7:40 am 5:40 pm
Tuesday 10:20 am 4:20 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am 3:00 pm
Thursday 8:30 am 3:30 pm
Friday 8:35 am 3:35 pm
22 Jim is a junior and works 26 days per month. He averages 7 hours per day. Find his annual income if his
hourly rate is $18.17.
23 Nato is paid $35.20 per hour. He works 4 hours per day seven days a week. Find his pay for 1 year.
27 Which pay option offers the higher weekly wage? By how much?
a Option A: $903.20 a week or Option B: $45 103.20 a year
b Option A: $953.29 a fortnight or Option B: $2405 a month
c Option A: $3276 a month or Option B: $47 024 a year
28 A spreadsheet is provided on your obook assess to enable you to easily convert between annual, monthly,
fortnightly, weekly and hourly income. Use it to check some of your answers for questions in this exercise.
29 Armin and Richard were comparing their pays. Richard said that he earns more per week than Armin.
Richard earns $33 800 per annum, which he said is $704.17 per week. Armin earns $680 per week.
The yearly pay for Richard is correct, but he has made an error in calculating his weekly pay.
a Find Armin’s annual income.
b Find Richard’s correct weekly pay.
c Who really earns more?
d Richard said that he divided the annual income by 12 to find his monthly pay and then by 4 to find his
weekly pay. Find the mistake that Richard made. Explain your answer.
a time-and-a-half b double-time.
Overtime rate = ____ × 1.____ Overtime rate = ____ × ____
= ____ = ____
6 Anna is a junior and earns $14.35 per hour for the first
30 hours in a week. She receives time-and-a-half for
the next 5 hours and double-time after that. Find her pay for a 42-hour week.
7 Alexia works 16 hours at $20.20, 4 hours at time-and-a-half, and 3 hours at double-time. Calculate her
weekly wage.
Vicki earns $25.45 per hour as a cleaner. If she cleans the toilets, she receives an allowance of $24.00 per day.
Find her weekly pay if she works for 4 hours each weekday and cleans the toilets on Wednesday and Friday.
Normal pay = $25.45 × 4 × 5 Normal weekly pay is $25.45 Allowances are added to normal
= $509 multiplied by 4 hours multiplied by income. First, calculate the
Toilet allowance = $24 × 2 5 days. She cleans toilets on 2 days. normal pay. Next, calculate the
= $48 The allowance is then multiplied by amounts of each allowance. Add
Total pay = $509 + $48 2, giving $48. Add the normal pay the allowance pay to the normal
= $557 and allowance to get the total pay. pay to find the total income.
8 Jovan earns $34.20 per hour for an eight-hour day. He is paid a supervisor allowance of $30 per day. Complete
the following to find his pay for a week in which he works 5 days and is supervisor for 3 of the days.
a Normal pay b Supervisor allowance c Total pay
= $34.20 × _____ × _____ = $30 × _____ = _____ + _____
= _____ = _____ = _____
9 Rose is paid $20.70 per hour welding bins. If the temperature is over 30°C, she is paid an extra $13 per day.
Find her pay for a 35-hour week in which there are two days over 30°C.
10 Harry works in a timber yard and is paid $21.40 per hour. He receives a dust allowance of $12.50 per day.
Find his pay for a 5-day, 40-hour week.
11 Georgina is a junior who works in a restaurant and receives a uniform allowance of $9.50 per night. Her
hourly rate of pay is $18.85. Find her pay if she works 5 nights for 6 hours per night.
12 Jeremy receives a bonus of 3% of his annual salary of $43 600. Complete to find the value of his bonus:
Bonus = ____% of $43 600
= ___
× ____
= ____
14 Zofia earns $590 per week. What is her total weekly wage in weeks with these bonuses added?
a 5% b 12% c 20% d 14%
4 weeks pay = $368 × 4 Calculate 4 weeks pay by First find 4 weeks pay; the holiday
= $1472 multiplying $368 by 4. loading is 17__12 % of that amount.
Loading = 17__12 % of $1472 Find 17__12 % of $1472. Total holiday pay is the normal pay
Add the 4 weeks pay and for 4 weeks plus the holiday loading.
= 17__12 ÷ 100 × $1472
the holiday loading to get Total holiday pay can also be
= $257.60 the holiday pay. calculated by multiplying the normal
Holiday pay = $1472 + $257.60 4 weeks pay by 117__12 %.
= $1729.60
19 Ximena was paid 4 weeks holiday pay plus 17__12 % holiday loading. If her normal weekly pay is
$637.52, calculate:
a her normal pay for 4 weeks b her holiday loading for 4 weeks c her total holiday pay.
20 Paul earns $28.60 an hour and works a 38-hour week. Calculate his holiday loading if he is paid 17__21 % of
4 weeks wages.
23 The following wage table shows the hours worked by the junior employees at Active Sports. Calculate the
weekly wage for each employee if:
• the normal hourly rate is $19.40
• overtime of time-and-a-half is paid for hours worked beyond 4 hours from Monday to Friday
• time-and-a-half is the hourly rate on Saturdays.
f A. Fenech 10 9 8 9 10 5
24 Raymond earns $96 325 per year. At the end of the year he is given a bonus of 13% of his yearly wage.
Calculate his bonus.
25 Louie works as a plumber’s apprentice and is paid $13.80 per hour. He is paid a digging allowance of
$13.50 per day if he has to dig trenches and $15.80 per day if he works on open sewers. Find his pay in a
week in which he works 50 hours, digs on three days and works on an open sewer for two days.
26 Benny is a security guard and is paid $24.25 per hour. If he works on the door he is paid $25 per night
danger money. Find Benny’s wage for a week in which he is on the door for 3 nights and works 35 hours.
27 Nabil works in a factory and is paid $25.54 per hour. If he works the furnace he is paid a heat allowance of
$5.27 per hour in addition to his normal rate. Find his weekly pay if he works a total of 32 hours of which
8 hours are spent working the furnace.
28 Jenny works in a bar and is paid $23.90 per hour. If she makes cocktails she receives an extra
$3.20 per hour. Find her pay for a week in which she works 20 normal hours and a further 10 hours
making cocktails.
30 a Casey works 6 hours on Saturday at time-and-a-half and is paid $234. Calculate her normal hourly
pay rate.
b Corey works 8 hours on Saturday at time-and-a-half and 5 hours on Sunday at double time. Calculate
his normal hourly pay rate.
31 Samantha received a 17__12 % holiday loading on 4 weeks normal wages. She normally works a 35-hour week.
Her 4 weeks holiday pay and loading is $2533.30.
a Find her normal weekly pay.
b Find her normal hourly pay rate.
32 On your obook assess, a spreadsheet for calculating an employee’s wage including overtime at time-and-a-
half is provided.
The following view shows the formulas used.
1 Wage calculator
2 Hours Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
3 Normal 8 8 8 5 8
4 Overtime 2 – 3 – 1
5 Normal hours =SUM(B3:F3) Normal pay =B5*B7
6 Overtime hours =SUM(B4:F4) Overtime pay =B6*1.5*B7
7 Hourly rate 13.6 Total pay =D5+D6
a Use this spreadsheet or create your own to check your answers for questions 3 and 4.
b How would you change cell D6 in the spreadsheet if the overtime rate was double-time instead of
c Change the spreadsheet so you can use it to check your answer for question 5.
d Create a new spreadsheet to check your answers for questions 6 and 7.
Commission = 6% of $22 800 Larry sold goods worth Commission is usually a percentage
6 $22 800. His commission of the value of sales. Calculating the
= ___
of $22 800
is 6%, so find 6% of percentage of the amount sold finds
= $1368
$22 800. the commission.
Larry earned $1368 from his sale.
3 Darren sold a house valued at $650 000. Calculate Darren’s commission from the sale if his rate of
commission is 4.8%.
4 Josephine sold a car valued at $48 000. Calculate her commission if the rate of commission is 7%.
5 An investment advisor receives 6% commission on money invested. How much does he earn for advising on
a $753 000 investment?
a Commission = 13% of $1780 The commission is Some salespeople are paid a retainer
= ___ × $1780 13% of $1780. The plus commission. The retainer is
salesperson is paid an amount paid even if there are no
= $231.40
$330 as well. Add $330 sales. It is independent of any sales.
b Total earnings and the commission The amount of commission earned
= retainer + commission ($231.40) to find the from sales is added to the retainer to
= $330 + $231.40 total income. calculate the total income.
= $561.40
6 Luke earns $280 per week plus 9% commission on sales. He makes $2800 in sales in one week. Complete
the following to find his commission amount and his weekly pay.
a Commission amount = ____% of ____ b Weekly pay = ____+ $280
= ____ × ____ = ____
= ____
7 Jenny earns $265 per week plus 10__12 % commission on sales. Calculate her total earnings for the weeks when
she sold the following amounts.
a $124 b $881 c $2763 d $3882 e $4009 f $5720
8 Samir earns $310 per week plus 15% commission on sales. Calculate his total earnings for a week in which
his sales are $2050.
9 In one week, Mark sold goods to the value of $143 000. If his retainer is $145, calculate his wage that week
if his rate of commission on sales is 13.7%.
10 Emily earns $350 commission on sales of $3723. Copy and complete the following to find her percentage
rate of commission to one decimal place.
commission earned
Rate of commission = ______________
total sale value
× 100%
= ___ × 100%
≈ ____%
11 A car salesperson earned $7853.20 commission for 1 week. If his total sales were $54 160, calculate the rate
of commission as a percentage.
12 Determine the rate of commission as a percentage if Sue earned $9348 on sales valued at $76 000.
14 In one week a used car salesman sold three Ford Focus cars each priced at $25 360 and earned
4__12 % commission on his total sales. Find his commission for the week.
15 A real-estate agent sold a house valued at $576 000. If she received 2__12 %
commission on the first $150 000 and __12 % commission on the remainder,
find her total commission.
Pay = $4.38 × 143 Multiply $4.38 by 143. To find the total earned multiply the amount per item
= $626.34 by the number of items.
20 Shania assembles skateboards. She is paid $15.00 per assembled board. How much does she earn for a week
in which she assembles 43 skateboards?
21 Ricky waxes surfboards for the surf hire shop. He is paid $6.70 per waxed board. Find his pay for a day in
which he waxes 15 boards.
22 Ellen works in a belt factory. Each belt completed earns her $4.20. Find her wage for a week in which she
makes 157 belts.
a Income = 18 × $36 Multiply $36 by To find the total earned, multiply the amount per
= $648 18 dolls. item by the number of items.
$36 Divide $36 by 5 to Hourly rate is found by dividing the amount paid
b Hourly rate = ___
get the hourly rate. per item by the time taken in hours.
= $7.20
23 Roberto makes cricket bats and is paid $130 per bat. In a 35-hour week he makes 8 bats. Complete the
following to find his weekly pay and hourly rate:
a Weekly pay = ____ × 8 b Hourly rate = weekly pay ÷ hours worked
= ____ = ____ ÷ 35
= ____
25 Allan strings new tennis racquets and is paid $7.50 per racquet. In a 40-hour week Allan strings
120 racquets. Find his:
a weekly pay b hourly rate.
Tuesday = 200 × $0.39 + 24 × $0.53 Romina makes more than Where more than one rate is
= $90.72 200 hankies. The number paid, find the times where this
Income = $90.72 over 200 is multiplied by occurs. Split the number into the
53 cents and the first 200 parts required and multiply by
are multiplied by 39 cents. the correct rate.
26 Stephanie makes savouries and is paid 80 cents per savoury for the first
50 per day and 95 cents for each savoury in excess of 50. On Monday she
makes 45 savouries and on Tuesday she makes 110. Complete the following
to find her total pay for the two days.
Monday = ____ × $0.80 = ____
Tuesday = 50 × ____ + ____ × $0.95 = ____
Total pay = ____ + ____ = ____
27 Calculate the weekly wage of the following employees who are paid on a
piecework basis at the rate of 57 cents for each piece up to 200 pieces per
day and then 65 cents for each piece produced in excess of 200 pieces.
28 Paula is paid a royalty of 12.3% on all sales. Complete the following to find her royalty on sales of $68 000.
Royalty = ____% of $68 000
= ____
× ____
= ____
32 Madison works in sales. She is given the choice of being paid 8% commission on sales only, or a base salary
of $200 per week plus 2__12 % commission on sales. If Madison sells $3050 worth of goods in a week, which
method of payment would pay her the most? By how much would she be better off ?
33 Jenny was offered a retainer of $640 per month, $140 per month car allowance, plus 1__12 % commission on
any houses she sells. If during her first month of work for her new company she sold two units valued at
$249 000 and $317 000 respectively, what was Jenny’s total income for the month?
34 A doctor charges each person $35.80 per consultation. If the doctor sees, on average, 4 people an hour,
calculate her earnings for an 8-hour day.
35 Nadia is a hairdresser who works at home. She charges $17 for a haircut, $42 for a cut and colour and
$65.20 for a perm. In one week she completes 7 haircuts, 14 cuts and colours, and 2 perms.
a Find her income for the week.
b Calculate her profit for the week, if her expenses were $287.30.
c If Nadia worked a total of 32 h during this week, calculate her hourly rate of pay after expenses.
36 A dressmaker charges $19.00 for major alterations and $11.20 for minor alterations.
a Calculate her wage if, in one week, she completed 15 major alterations and 23 minor alterations.
b Determine her hourly rate if she spent a total of 16 hours working on alterations.
37 Ayansh sells books and is paid a retainer of $875 per month and a percentage
Some people may receive pensions or allowances from the government. These include
pensions for old age, disabilities and sole parenthood. Some allowances include Youth
Allowance and Job Start. Youth Allowance is paid to young people who are studying full-time,
undertaking a full-time apprenticeship, training, looking for work or are sick.
Youth Allowance rates (as at July 2017)
Circumstance Fortnightly payment
Single, no children
Under 18, at home $239.50
Under 18, away from home $437.50
18 and over, at home $288.10
18 and over, away from home $437.50
Single with children $573.30
Partnered, no children $437.50
Partnered with children $480.50
Students and Australian apprentices personal income test
If you earn between If you earn more Your payment
Students and $437 and $524 your than $524 your reduces to $0 once
Australian fortnightly payment fortnightly payment your income reaches
apprentices reduces by reduces by the maximum of
Single, under 50 cents for each dollar $43.50 plus 60 cents
18 years, at home you earn over $437 for each dollar you $857.17
earn over $524
Single, 18 years 50 cents for each dollar $43.50 plus 60 cents
and over, at home you earn over $437 for each dollar you $939.34
earn over $524
Single or couple, 50 cents for each dollar $43.50 plus 60 cents
no dependants, you earn over $437 for each dollar you $1192.34
away from home earn over $524
Couple with 50 cents for each dollar $43.50 plus 60 cents
dependants you earn over $437 for each dollar you $1265.17
earn over $524
Single with 50 cents for each dollar $43.50 plus 60 cents
dependants you earn over $437 for each dollar you $1422.34
earn over $524
If you earn less than $437 per fortnight, your Youth Allowance payment is not affected.
table Jenny could earn up to apprentices personal income table for the correct amounts.
$437. ‘single, under 18, at home’. Consider
the meaning of the heading for the
second column.
c From the personal income test Look in the last column of the
table, Jenny must earn less than ‘Students and Australian apprentices
$857.17. personal income test’ table.
3 Andres is a job seeker and living at home. He is 19 and entitled to Youth Allowance.
a What is his Youth Allowance if he has no income?
b How much could he earn and still keep the full Youth Allowance?
c How much could he earn before he loses his allowance completely?
4 Sylvana is a job seeker and living away from home. She is 17 and entitled
to Youth Allowance.
a What is her Youth Allowance if she has no income?
b How much could she earn and still keep the full Youth Allowance?
c How much could she earn before she loses her allowance completely?
7 Amy is 18, living at home and a student entitled to Youth Allowance. She earns $501 per fortnight.
Complete the following to calculate the amount of allowance Amy receives.
a From the ‘Youth Allowance rates’ table, full allowance for Amy is ____.
b Income in excess of $437 = ____ − $437 = ____
c Reduction = 64 × ____ = __
d Amy’s allowance = ____ − $32 = ____
11 Christos is 20, living at home and a job seeker. He earns $85 per week and is entitled to Youth Allowance.
Calculate the amount of Youth Allowance that Christos will receive each fortnight.
12 Piera is 16, living at home and a student. She earns $250 per week and is entitled to Youth Allowance.
Calculate the amount of Youth Allowance that Piera will receive each fortnight.
Dukan is 18 and has a partner and one child. He is a full-time student and is entitled to Youth Allowance.
Dukan works part-time and earns $614 per fortnight. Calculate his fortnightly payment.
16 Yoshii is 20, lives away from home and has a partner. He is a full-time student and is entitled to Youth
Allowance. He earns $626.00 per fortnight. Calculate his Youth Allowance.
17 Nerita is 20, living at home and a job seeker. She earns $175 per week and is entitled to Youth Allowance.
Calculate the amount of Youth Allowance that Nerita will receive each fortnight.
22 Use the internet to find the latest values for Youth Allowance and pensions. Recalculate the answers to some
of the questions using these. The website address for the Australian Department of Human Services is:
23 Design a spreadsheet that will allow you to calculate part pensions and part allowances. A prepared
spreadsheet is provided on your obook assess. Modify this spreadsheet with the latest data from the internet
or the Australian Tax Office.
Total deductions = $139.00 + $6.20 + $9.40 + $28.20 Add together all the To calculate net
= $182.80 deductions (tax, union income, subtract
Net income = gross income − deductions fees, health insurance and all deductions
= $865.43 − $182.80 superannuation). Subtract from the gross
= $682.63 this total of $182.80 from the income.
gross income of $865.43.
2 Tony’s gross weekly wage is $763.90. His weekly wage deductions are tax of $67, union fees of $4.30,
health insurance of $10.40 and employee superannuation contribution of $18.45. Calculate his net income.
3 a Calculate net income if gross income is $980.25 per week, tax is $159, employee superannuation
contribution is $13.68 and union fees are $7.30 per week.
b Calculate net income if gross pay is $611.92 per week, tax is $51, employee superannuation contribution
is $12.65, union fees are $3.00, and health insurance is $15.95 per week.
4 a Calculate gross income if net income is $564.70, tax is $80.00, health insurance is $14.80, and employee
superannuation contribution is $10.50 per week.
b Calculate gross income if net income is $629.90, tax is $116.00, union fees are $3.75 and employee
superannuation contribution is $50.35 per week.
5 Harry is single and takes out intermediate hospital cover with no excess. Find his premium:
a per week, if paid by payroll deduction b per month, if paid by payroll deduction
c per quarter, if paid in advance d per year, if paid in advance.
6 Lasallian takes out basic hospital cover for singles. She chooses the $1000 excess.
a Find her weekly premium.
b Find the amount she pays for a year by making weekly payments.
c How much would she save by paying the annual premium in advance?
d How much does she save per week by having a $1000 excess rather than a $250 excess?
7 For each of these rates, calculate the saving by paying yearly in advance instead of paying weekly.
a Top cover, no excess b Intermediate cover, no excess
8 Paula pays $57.24 per month for health insurance. Which cover does she have?
Superannuation (super) is a way of saving for retirement. Employers contribute a base rate of 9.5% of an
employee’s normal income directly into the employee’s specified super fund as an extra payment above the
employee’s income. Super funds invest the money in assets such as shares, property and managed funds.
Paul earns $56 092 per annum. His employer pays superannuation of 9.5% on his behalf and Paul
contributes 4% himself.
a How much superannuation is paid on Paul’s behalf by his employer?
b How much does Paul contribute himself?
c What is Paul’s income less his superannuation contribution?
d What is the total amount paid into Paul’s superannuation fund per year?
10 Arif earns $41 922 per annum. His employer pays superannuation of 9.5% on his behalf and Arif
contributes 4%.
a How much superannuation is paid on Arif’s behalf by his employer?
Employer superannuation contribution = ___
× ____ = ____
b How much does Arif contribute himself?
Employee superannuation contribution = ___
× ____ = ____
c What is Arif’s income less his superannuation contribution?
Income = ____ − $1676.88 = ____
d What is the total amount paid into Arif’s superannuation fund?
Total superannuation paid into the fund =____ + ____ = ____
EXAMPLE 1E–4 Calculating annual net income after deductions are made
Calculate the annual net income for an employee whose gross yearly income is $73 926. He has union fees
of $276, tax of $14 521.89, employee superannuation contributions of 4% of gross income and basic private
(single) health insurance with $500 excess, which is paid yearly in advance.
13 Complete the following to calculate the annual net income for Anita whose gross income is $42 965 p.a. She
has union fees of $365 and personal super contributions of 5% of gross income.
Superannuation = ___
× _____ = _____
Net income = _____ − $365 − _____ = _____
14 Calculate the annual net income for Jahmalia whose gross income is $47 955 p.a. if, annually, she has
tax of $6339.78, union fees of $421, employee superannuation contributions of 5% of gross income and
intermediate private (single) health insurance with no excess, paid in advance.
15 Theresa earns $38 902 per annum. She has 11% tax taken out, 6% employee superannuation contributions
and health insurance of $672.70 per annum.
a Calculate the tax Theresa has taken out of her gross annual income.
b How much superannuation does Theresa contribute?
c What is Theresa’s net annual income?
d Calculate Theresa’s net weekly pay.
16 Carol is retired and is paid a yearly superannuation payment of 68% of her final year’s salary, which was
$138 000. Calculate her:
a yearly superannuation payment b monthly income.
17 A particular superannuation scheme pays its members a retirement benefit of 20% of their average salary
over the last 5 years multiplied by the number of years they have been in the scheme.
Retirement payment = 20% of average salary × number of years
Find the retirement benefit for a person with:
a an average salary of $46 981 who has contributed for 15 years
b an average salary of $39 243 who has contributed for 20 years
c salaries of $38 942, $39 210, $29 881, $33 125 and $40 010 for the last 5 years who has contributed
for 8 years.
taxable income The taxable income is calculated using total income and allowable deductions. Total income
income for one includes income from all sources throughout the year. It could include wages and salaries,
financial year bonuses, interest earned, commissions and allowances. The total income may be subject to
calculated by
deductions that reduce the amount used to calculate the tax payable. Tax deductions may
allowable include the cost of tools used for work, the cost of safety equipment, self-education expenses,
deductions from union fees, charitable donations over $2, car travel expenses, the cost of uniforms and their
total income cleaning, and tax agent fees. The deductions allowable will depend on the profession.
total income
all income
received by a Taxable income = total income − allowable deductions
person during one
financial year
Medicare levy The Medicare levy is an extra tax that may be payable.
extra tax to fund Medicare is the public hospital medical system available
the health care without charge for Australians. The Medicare levy is currently
system, calculated calculated at 2% of taxable income. In 2017, the full Medicare
as a percentage of
taxable income
levy was payable if a person’s taxable income exceeded
$26 668. For incomes between $21 335 and $26 668, a reduced
levy was payable, and for incomes of less than $21 335 no
levy was payable. These thresholds were higher in some
circumstances. A Medicare levy surcharge may also apply if a
person does not have private hospital health insurance.
For taxation purposes, income is usually calculated in whole dollars, so always round down to
the nearest whole dollar. (It does not follow the usual rules for rounding.)
Income = $35 980 + ($569 ÷ 2) + $200 Interest on a joint account is shared Determine all
= $36 464.50 between both account holders. income amounts
= $36 464 (rounded down to the Add all income items and round and all deductions.
nearest dollar) down to the nearest dollar, to give Subtract to find the
Deductions = $140 + $80 + $298 $36 464. taxable income.
= $518 Add all deductions, to get $518.
Taxable income = $36 464 − $518 Subtract to find the taxable income of
= $35 946 $35 946.
account), bonus $800, cost of uniforms $340, tax agent fee $60 and work-related car costs $45. Complete
the following to calculate Annie’s taxable income.
Income = ____ + (____ ÷ 2) + $800 = ____ = ____ (rounded down to the nearest dollar)
Deductions = ____ + $60 + ____ = ____
Taxable income = ____ − ____ = ____
2 Use the following information to calculate Gary’s taxable income: wages $42 330, interest $2355 (joint account),
cost of uniforms $300, cleaning of uniforms $156, tax agent fee $100 and work-related car costs $3220.
3 Asha uses the following information to calculate her taxable income: wages $29 555, interest $243, tax
agent fee $70, work-related car costs $452, donations to charity $120. Calculate Asha’s taxable income.
4 Paul uses the following information to calculate his taxable income: wages $53 022, interest $3659, bonus $1000,
tax agent fee $120, work-related car costs $1256, donations to charity $500. Calculate Paul’s taxable income.
Medicare levy = 2% of taxable income The Medicare levy is 2% Taxable incomes that exceed
2 × $35 908 of taxable income. the minimum threshold pay
= ___
100 2% of $35 908 is $718.16. a 2% Medicare levy.
= $718.16
6 Complete the following to calculate the Medicare levy on a taxable income of $42 756.
Medicare levy = ___
× ____
= ____
Excess = $21 536 − $21 335 Calculate the excess by Taxable incomes between $21 335
= $201 subtracting $21 335. and $26 668 have the Medicare
Medicare levy = $0.10 × 201 Multiply 201 by 10 cents levy calculated on the excess
= $20.10 (or $0.10) to get $20.10. income over the $21 335 amount.
8 Complete the following to calculate the Medicare levy on a taxable income of $24 369.
Excess = ____ − $21 335 = ____
Medicare levy = $0.10 × ____ = ____
Government loans
For people with loans that assisted them when studying, or other forms of financial support, those loans
are repayable when taxable income exceeds a threshold. The loan repayment is paid as additional tax. The
repayment thresholds and rates for the compulsory repayment of debts to the following are updated annually:
Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), Student Start-up Loan (SSL), ABSTUDY Student Start-up Loan
(ABSTUDY SSL), Trade Support Loan (TSL) and Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS). The
repayment amount is a percentage of RI (Repayment Income), where RI = taxable income plus any total
net investment loss (which includes net rental losses), total reportable fringe benefits amounts, reportable
superannuation contributions and exempt foreign employment income. For this course, we will assume RI is
equal to taxable income.
2016–17 repayment income thresholds and rates for
10 Use the ‘2016–17 repayment income thresholds and rates’ table to calculate the extra tax allocated to repay
the HELP debts of people with taxable incomes of:
a $65 124 b $88 223 c $50 111 d $57 899
its history?
Income tax is calculated using a tax table. The following table shows the tax rates for 2017–18.
a $53 251 is in the range $37 001−$87 000, Subtract $37 000 to find the excess. Locate the taxable
in the third row of the table. Tax is $3572 plus 0.325 × excess. income range in
Excess = $53 251 − $37 000 the table. Use that
= $16 251 row of the tax
Tax = $3572 + 0.325 × $16 251 table to calculate
= $8853.58 the income
tax payable by
b $26 784 is in the range $18 201−$37 000, Subtract $18 200 to find the excess.
subtracting the
in the second row of the table. Tax is 0.19 × excess.
‘over’ amount
Excess = $26 784 − $18 200
from the taxable
= $8584
income and
Tax = 0.19 × $8584
multiplying by the
= $1630.96
rate, in dollars.
c $105 631 is in the range $87 001 − $180 000, Subtract $87 000 to find the excess. Add the first
in the fourth row of the table. Tax is $19 822 plus 0.37 × excess. amount given in
Excess = $105 631 − $87 000 that cell of the
= $18 631 tax column if
Tax = $19 822 + 0.37 × $18 631 appropriate.
= $26 715.47
$47 953 is in the range ____________ in the ____ row of the tax table.
Excess = ____ − $37 000 = ____
Tax = ____ + 0.325 × ____ = ____
3 The table below shows the pay rates for state MPs, not including electoral allowances. Calculate the amount
of income tax that would be payable on these annual salaries. Round each amount to the nearest dollar.
Office Pay
Premier $377 780
Deputy premier $318 937
Minister $287 515
Parliamentary secretary $235 668
Government whip $185 392
4 The table shows the estimated 2017 starting salaries for new graduates. Calculate the amount
of income tax that would be payable on these annual salaries.
5 Julie is paid an annual salary of $33 700 and receives an income of $896 from other sources.
a Calculate Julie’s total annual income.
b Use the tax table on the opposite page to help you determine the amount of income tax Julie will need to
pay on her total income.
7 Sam has a few odd jobs. In total, he earns $22 500 per year. He receives a tax deduction of $2600. Calculate:
a his taxable income b the income tax payable on his taxable income
c the Medicare levy payable d the total tax payable.
Sarah works as a secretary and receives a yearly salary of $34 479 plus an income of $1950 per year from
babysitting. Her total tax deductions are $1570. During the year she paid tax instalments of $3265.
a Find her taxable income. b Calculate the Medicare levy she needs to pay.
c Find the income tax payable on her taxable income. d Find her tax refund or tax balance payable.
Solve Think Apply
a Total income = $34 479 + $1950 Add Sarah’s salary and Calculate the
= $36 429 babysitting income. taxable income
Taxable income = $36 429 − $1570 Taxable income by subtracting all
= $34 859 = total income − tax deductions
tax deductions
b Medicare levy = 2% of $34 859 The full Medicare levy applies from total income.
= $697.18 for taxable incomes in excess of Use the tax table
$26 668. to calculate
c Tax = 19 cents per $ in excess of $18 200 Income tax payable on $34 859 is the income tax
= 0.19 × ($34 859 − $18 200) in the range $18 201−$37 000 in payable. Compare
the tax paid
= $3165.21 row 2 of the tax table.
with the total
d Total tax due = Medicare levy + income tax Sarah has already paid $3950.
tax liability to
= $697.18 + $3165.21 She only needed to pay $3862.39.
determine if a
= $3862.39 She has paid too much and will
refund is payable.
Tax refund = $3950 − $3862.39 receive a refund.
= $87.61
8 Brittany earns $89 452 as a company manager and $5203 as a part-time singer. She has tax deductions of
$2612 and, throughout the year, pays a total of $20 867.40 in tax instalments. Complete the following to find:
a her total income = $89 452 + ____ = ____
b her taxable income = ____ − ____ = ____
c the tax payable = ____ + 0.37 × (____ − $87 000)
= ____
d her tax refund = $20 867.40 − ____
= ____
9 Celine earns $32 056 per annum as an environmentalist and $8159 as a part-time analyst. She has tax
deductions of $4903 and has paid $5123.90 in tax instalments.
a Find her taxable income.
b Calculate the Medicare levy she needs to pay.
c Find the income tax payable on her taxable income.
d Find her tax refund or tax balance payable.
10 Mr Benton works part time and has a yearly salary of $29 760.
He receives a salary of $2500 from his hobby of wood
carving. His tax deductions amount to $1090 and throughout
the year he has paid PAYG instalments of $3215.90.
a Calculate his taxable income.
b Calculate the Medicare levy he needs to pay.
c Calculate income tax payable on his taxable income.
d Calculate his tax refund or tax balance payable.
14 Find the starting salaries for three apprenticeships of your choice. Work out the tax payable and the take-
home pay. Websites for organisations such as Fair Work Australia could be useful.
The formula typed into cell B5 is:
3 Taxable income = $35 641
IF(B3>87000,(B3-87000)*0.37+19822, IF(B3>37000, 4
(B3-37000)*0.325+3572, IF(B3>18200,(B3-18200)*0.19, 5 Tax payable = $3313.79
IF(B3>0,”NO TAX”))))) 6
Explain why the formula works. Try using it to calculate tax.
1A 2 Zoltan is paid $17.90 per hour. What are his earnings for a 26-hour week?
A $465.40 B $17.90 C $930.80 D $698.10
1A 3 Andre is an apprentice and works 9 hours per day, five days per week. He is paid $8.43 per hour. What is his
annual income?
A $75.84 B $379.35 C $18 208.80 D $19 726.20
1A 4 Mal receives a salary of $63 428 per annum. He works six days per week, 8 hours per day. What is his
hourly rate?
A $25.41 B $27.52 C $27.53 D $50.82
1B 5 Paula is a junior and works during the school holidays. She is paid $15.70 per hour normal rate. She works
30 normal hours, 6 hours at time-and-a half and 3 hours at double-time. What is her pay?
A $471 B $612.30 C $642.96 D $706.50
1B 6 Zanthia receives a bonus at Christmas of 6.2% of her $27 695 salary. What is the amount of her bonus?
A $1717.09 B $276.95 C $33.02 D $6.20
1B 7 Paulette is a permanent part-time employee and is paid $456 per week. She receives a holiday loading of 17__12 %
on her 4 weeks holiday pay. What is her total holiday pay?
A $79.80 B $319.20 C $775.20 D $2143.20
1C 8 Marek is paid a weekly retainer of $400 and 13% commission on sales in excess of $5000. What is his pay in a
week when he has sales of $8350?
A $1085.50 B $435.50 C $835.50 D $1685.50
1C 10 Sue picks mushrooms and is paid $2.15 per box. What is her pay for picking 53 boxes?
A $24.65 B $53 C $4.05 D $113.95
1C 11 Charles is paid a royalty of 8% on total sales. What is his royalty for sales of $356 990?
A $28 559.20 B $3569.90 C $44 623.75 D $35 699
1D 12 The fortnightly living-at-home student rate for a single person under 18 years is $239.50. It reduces by
50 cents for every dollar in excess of $437 earned per fortnight. Sharon is 17, living at home and earning
$451 per fortnight. What is her allowance?
A $7 B $239.50 C $232.50 D $690.50
1E 13 Bernadette receives a gross income of $35 866. She has the following deductions: $3159 PAYG tax; health
insurance of $425; and superannuation contribution of $1240. What is her net income?
A $31 467 B $31 042 C $40 690 D $200 134
1E 14 Trina has an annual salary of $41 908. when she retires, her superannuation will pay her 63% of her salary each
year. What will be her annual income from her superannuation?
A $68 310.04 B $2 640 204 C $15 505.96 D $26 402.04
1F 15 Ossie works part-time for a wage of $23 879 per annum. He receives a bonus of $800, pays tax agent fees of
$60, makes donations to charity of $75 and is entitled to a deduction for work-related car expenses of $356.
What is Ossie’s taxable income?
A $24 415 B $25 397 C $24 188 D $23 961
1F 16 The Medicare levy is 2% of taxable income provided the taxable income exceeds $26 668. What is the Medicare
levy on a taxable income of $34 677?
A $120.14 B $693.54 C $1 201.40 D $8009
1G 17 The income tax on $100 666 is $19 822 plus 37 cents per dollar over $87 000. What is the tax payable on
$100 666?
A $24 878.42 B $19 822 C $ 14 765.58 D $5056.42
1 An electrician works a 42-hour week. Find his yearly pay if he earns $36.50 per hour.
2 Indera receives an annual salary of $57 801. Convert this to a weekly salary and find Indera’s average hourly
rate if she works 48 hours per week.
3 Brian is paid $17.63 per hour. Calculate his weekly wage if he works 35 hours at normal time and 7 hours
overtime at time-and-a-half.
4 Jack is a security guard and is paid $26.50 per hour. If he works on the door, he is paid an extra $30 danger
money. Find Jack’s wage for a week in which he is on the door for 3 nights and works 30 hours.
5 Georgina works as a personal assistant and is paid $696 per week. If her 4 weeks of holiday pay attracts a
loading of 17__12 %, find her pay for her holidays.
6 Tony is paid 1.2% commission on any sales made. Find his commission on a house that sells for $676 500.
8 Martin is paid a royalty of 10.8% on sales of his book. His sales for a year are
$63 580. Calculate his royalty payment.
9 Lorena is a job seeker and living away from home. She is 16 and entitled to Youth
Allowance. Use the charts in Topic 1D to answer these questions.
a What is her Youth Allowance if she has no income?
b How much could she earn before she loses her allowance completely?
10 Mary and Ian are entitled to the age pension. They are a couple with a combined
income of $459.00 per fortnight. The full pension for a couple is $1073.40 per
fortnight. Use the table in Topic 1D to calculate the combined pension paid to them.
11 Calculate net income if gross income is $790.25 per week, tax is $93.75,
superannuation contribution is $39.51 and union fees are $6.30.
12 Calculate the gross income of a part-time employee if her net income is $373.21,
tax is $82.10, health insurance is $27.60 and superannuation contribution is
13 Harry is single and takes out basic hospital cover with a $500 excess. Use the
table in Topic 1E to find his weekly premium.
14 Martha uses the following information to calculate her taxable income: wages $36 522, interest $64, tax agent
fee $65, work-related car expenses $1274 and donations to charity $225. Calculate Martha’s taxable income.
15 The Medicare levy is 2% of taxable income over $26 668. Calculate the Medicare levy payable on a taxable
income of $39 359.
16 Use the tax table in Topic 1G to calculate the income tax payable on each of these taxable incomes.
a $57 368 b $31 259 c $6422 d $82 330
17 Gloria earns $47 366 per annum as a company manager and $4865 as a part-time tax agent. She has tax
deductions of $3698 and, throughout the year, pays a total of $8978.40 in PAYG tax instalments. Calculate:
a her taxable income b the Medicare levy she needs to pay
c the income tax payable on her taxable income d her tax refund or tax balance payable.
1 Jan earns $62 475 per annum. Calculate her weekly pay and her hourly rate if she works 35 hours per week.
2 Akbar works a 7-hour day, six days per week. His hourly rate is $22.56. Find his pay for 1 year.
3 Visnoo is paid $11.95 per hour for a 30-hour week. He is paid overtime at double-time for all other hours.
Calculate his pay for a week in which he works 38 hours.
4 Hewey works as an apprentice plumber and is paid $11.30 per hour. He is paid a digging allowance of $11.50
per day if he has to dig trenches and $15.80 per day if he works on open sewers. Find his pay for a week in
which he works 42 hours, digs on 2 days and works on an open sewer for 3 days.
6 Robert sells new cars valued at $35 675. Find his pay if his commission is 4.5%.
7 Mitchell is a student living at home. He is 17 and entitled to Youth Allowance. Use the charts in Topic 1D to
calculate the allowance Mitchell receives each fortnight if he earns $270 per week.
8 Calculate net weekly income if gross income is $635.28 per week, tax is $128.54, superannuation contribution
is $27.60, and health insurance is $26.20.
9 Calculate gross weekly income if net income is $372.55, tax is $89.10, health insurance is $34.80 and
superannuation is $15.50.
10 Brent is single and takes out top hospital cover with no excess. Use the table in Topic 1G to find his weekly
11 Kang earns $1728 per week. His employer contributes 9% of that amount to Kang’s superannuation fund and Kang
contributes 3%. Calculate Kang’s net weekly income and the total weekly contribution to his superannuation.
12 Giselle uses the following information to calculate her taxable income: wages $67 220, interest $985, meal
allowance $612, bonus $5000, tax agent fee $180, work-related car expenses $1255 and donations to charity
$600. Calculate Giselle’s taxable income.
13 The Medicare levy on taxable incomes between $21 335 and $26 668 is 10 cents in the dollar for each dollar in
excess of $21 335. Calculate the Medicare levy on $22 317.
14 Use the tax table in Topic 1G to calculate the income tax payable on each of these taxable incomes.
a $66 889 b $33 699 c $19 369 d $5522
15 Shania earns $38 996 per annum as a cocktail attendant and $7560 as a part-time singer. She has tax deductions
of $3561 and, throughout the year, pays a total of $6963.30 in tax instalments. Find:
a her taxable income b the Medicare levy she needs to pay
c income tax payable on her taxable income d her tax refund or tax balance payable.
1 Erica works part-time and earns $29 881 per annum. Calculate her weekly pay.
2 Ronaldo works 5 hours a day, five days per week. Find his hourly rate if his annual income is $26 031.
3 Mona earns $14.28 for the first 35 hours in a week. She receives time-and-a-half for the next 8 hours and
double-time after that. Find her pay for a 52-hour week.
4 Regina works in a cafe and receives a uniform allowance of $8.50 per day. Her hourly rate of pay is $15.23.
Find her pay if she works 5 days for 4 hours per day.
5 Ling works as a personal assistant and is paid $753 per week. If her 4 weeks of holiday pay attracts a loading of
17__12 %, what is her pay for her holidays?
6 Robyn is paid a commission of 5.8% of the price of any item of jewellery she sells. If Robyn sells a ring for
$5250, how much is her commission?
8 Fabrice is a job seeker and living at home. He is 17 and entitled to Youth Allowance. Use the charts in Topic 1D
to calculate the allowance Fabrice receives each fortnight if he earns $280 per fortnight.
9 Maurice is single with an income of $625 per fortnight. He is entitled to the age pension. If the full pension is
$808.30 per fortnight, calculate the pension Maurice will receive. Use the chart in Topic 1D.
10 Calculate net weekly income if gross income is $956.31 per week, tax is $148.24, superannuation contribution
is $38.25, union fees are $7.00 and health insurance is $23.50.
11 Larry is single and takes out basic hospital cover with the maximum excess. Use the table in Topic 1E to find
his weekly premium.
12 Vanja uses the following information to calculate his taxable income: wages $53 005, interest $134 (joint
account), cost of uniforms $600, cleaning of uniforms $260, tax agent fee $100 and work-related car expenses
$2551. Calculate Vanja’s taxable income.
13 The Medicare levy is 2% of taxable income over $26 668. Calculate the Medicare levy payable on a taxable
income of $30 080.
14 Use the tax table in Topic 1G to calculate the income tax payable on each of these taxable incomes.
a $72 556 b $38 694 c $21 211 d $5006
15 Tania earns $48 259 per annum as a musician and $9634 in royalties from her recordings. She has tax
deductions of $4980 and throughout the year pays a total of $8413.44 in tax instalments. Find:
a her taxable income b the Medicare levy she needs to pay
c income tax payable on her taxable income d her tax refund or tax balance payable.
1 Pauline earns $62 408 per annum. Calculate her hourly rate if she works 38 hours per week.
2 Fielding is paid $23.37 per hour. He works 5 hours per day, six days a week. Find his pay for one year.
3 James is an apprentice and is paid $11.22 per hour. Calculate his weekly wage if he works 35 hours at normal
time and 5 hours overtime at time-and-a-half.
4 Ross works in a timber yard and is paid $25.40 per hour. He receives a dust allowance of $12.50 per day. Find
his pay for a five-day, 38-hour week.
5 Endora received a 17__12 % holiday loading on 4 weeks normal wages. She normally works a 30-hour week.
Her 4 weeks holiday pay and loading is $2185.70.
a Find her normal weekly pay. b Find her normal hourly pay rate.
6 A factory worker is paid $4.35 for each completed garment. Calculate his wage if he completes 429 garments.
7 Willow is paid a royalty of 8.3% on sales of her book. Her sales for a year are $149 000. Find her royalty.
8 Agneska is a student living away from home. She is 19 and entitled to Youth Allowance. Use the charts in
Topic 1D to calculate the allowance Agneska receives each fortnight if she earns $300 per week.
10 Sam receives a gross weekly wage of $911.03. His weekly deductions are tax of $133.23, union fees of $5.20,
health insurance of $11.80, and superannuation contribution of $19.50. Calculate his net income.
11 Calculate gross income if net income is $540.61, tax is $58.12, health insurance is $15.50, and superannuation
contribution is $38.00.
12 Perry is single and takes out intermediate hospital cover with the minimum payable excess. Use the table in
Topic 1E to help you find his weekly premium.
13 Ito uses the following information to calculate her taxable income: wages $28 369, interest $32 (joint account),
bonus $300, cost of uniforms $250, tax agent fee $50 and work-related car expenses $25. Calculate Ito’s
taxable income.
14 Use the tax table in Topic 1G to calculate the income tax payable on each of these taxable incomes.
a $55 233 b $28 775 c $7998 d $22 225
15 Natalie earns $38 555 per annum as a recording artist and $23 997 in royalties. She has tax deductions of $8550
and, throughout the year, pays a total of $10 044.44 in tax instalments. Find:
a her taxable income b the Medicare levy she needs to pay
c income tax payable on her taxable income d her tax refund or tax balance payable.
TOTAL: 15 marks
of measurement
The main mathematical ideas in this chapter are:
▶ understanding approximations and significant
▶ expressing numbers in scientific notation
▶ converting between metric units of measurement
▶ using prefixes for units of measurement
▶ calculating error in measurement
▶ understanding accuracy of measurement.
MS-M1 Applications of Measurement M1.1
If you had difficulty with any of these questions or would like further practice, complete one or more of
the matching Support sheets available on your obook assess.
Q1–2 Support sheet 2A.1 Understanding place value in decimals
Q3–4 Support sheet 2A.2 Decimal places and rounding
Q5 Support sheet 2A.3 Converting between fractions and decimals
Q6–7 Support sheet 2B.1 Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000, etc.
Q8 Support sheet 2C.1 Length conversions
Q9 Support sheet 2C.2 Area conversions
Q10 Support sheet 2C.3 Volume conversions
Q11 Support sheet 2E.1 Accuracy in measurement
Q12 Support sheet 2F.1 Area of a rectangle
Q13 Support sheet 2F.2 Finding perimeter
significant figures The significant figures in a number are the important or meaningful figures. A crowd of
the number of 61 348 is approximately 61 000, indicating that only the first two figures (digits) are important.
digits in a number
that indicate its It is impossible to cut a piece of timber to a length of 1.333 333… m. The digits after the
accuracy fourth figure, are completely meaningless in this case.
7 Express each of the following numbers as a decimal correct to three significant figures and arrange the
in ascending order (from smallest to largest).
√2 , 1. 4, 1 __ 10
2 , __
5 7
8 A town’s average rainfall in summer over six successive years is 246.5 mm, 237.6 mm, 366.9 mm,
287.4 mm, 412.8 mm and 348.2 mm. Calculate the average rainfall for the town over this six-year period,
correct to four significant figures.
9 A car travels for 3 __21 hours at 71 km/h and then for 2 __14 hours at 75 km/h.
a Find the total distance travelled by the car, correct to four significant figures.
b Calculate the average speed for the whole trip, correct to two significant figures.
4 Use the method in Example 2B-2 to write each of these numbers in scientific notation.
a 526 000 b 28 000 c 7 000 000 d 49 800
e 28 000 000 f 603 000 000 g 910 000 h 13 200 000 000
5 Use the method in Example 2B-2 to write each of these numbers in scientific notation.
a 0.000 43 b 0.008 21 c 0.000 007 d 0.000 029
e 0.065 f 0.000 387 g 0.000 008 2 h 0.000 06
a 8.4 × 1016 Possible steps using a Casio calculator are: If the answer is not displayed
Press 3.5 3 10x 7 3 2.4 3 10x 9 5 in scientific notation, you
could use the SCI function
Answer: 8.4 × 10 16
a The distance of Mars from the Sun is approximately 229 000 000 km.
b The diameter of the hydrogen atom is 0.000 000 000 025 4 m.
c The Sun produces the same amount of light as
3 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 candles.
d There are approximately 130 000 hairs on a person’s head.
e There are approximately 10 000 000 000 000 cells in the human body.
12 a Light travels at a velocity of 300 000 km/s. Express 300 000 in scientific notation.
b How far does light travel in:
i 1 minute? ii 1 hour? iii 1 day? iv 1 year?
c If light takes 4.1 min to reach Earth from Mars, what is the distance from Earth to Mars?
14 The radius of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun is approximately 1.49 × 108 km. Assuming that the orbit is
circular, calculate to two significant figures the distance travelled by the Earth in one orbit. (Use C = 2πr.)
15 a The human brain contains about 1010 cells. Write this as an ordinary number.
b Each human brain cell is about 2.8 × 10−5 m long. If all the brain cells could be placed next to each
other, in a straight line, how long would this line be?
16 Measure your pulse to determine the number of times your heart beats in a minute. If you live to be 75 years
of age, how many times will your heart have beaten in this time? (Assume your pulse remains constant.)
17 Light travels at approximately 3 × 105 km/s and sound travels at 330 m/s.
a After the starter fires the starting gun, how long does it take:
i the sight of the smoke from the gun to reach a timekeeper standing at the end of a 100 m running
The metric system of measurement uses base units for quantities such as length, mass, capacity, area
and volume.
The prefix of each unit name indicates the factor of 10 by which the base unit is multiplied.
× 1000 × 10
÷ 10
5 What would be a convenient unit (millimetres, centimetres, metres, kilometres) to use for measuring the
a width of the classroom
b length of a textbook
c height of a student
d length of a baby
e length of your foot
f length of a matchstick
g distance from Sydney to Brisbane
h length of material for a dress
i length of a driveway
j distance between railway stations
÷ 1000
× 1000
÷ 1000
one 110 mm edge. What is the area covered by a brick plus the mortar?
iii How many bricks, surrounded by mortar, are needed to build a wall of area 60 m2?
Prefixes are used to indicate the factor of 10 by which the base metric unit of measurement is
multiplied. For example, the unit ‘kilogram’ uses the name of the base unit for mass, the gram,
with the prefix kilo, which indicates a multiplying factor of 1000: 1 kg = 1000 g.
This table summarises the most common prefixes used for very large and very small measurements.
ii 5.6 m = ____
−6 μm Divide 5.6 by the
= 5.6 × 106 or 5 600 000 μm number of metres in a
1 = 106
i 5.7 Mm ii 9 cm iii 8 nm
b Convert these to grams.
i 8 Gg ii 4.2 mg iii 5 µg
c Convert these to litres.
i 3 TL ii 2.8 ML iii 7 mL
5 Warragamba dam holds approximately 2 580 000 ML of water at full capacity. How many gigalitres is this?
6 The distance from Mars to the Sun is 0.228 Tm. Convert this distance to kilometres.
7 The mass of a hydrogen atom is 1.67 × 10−24 g. What is the mass in nanograms of 1 million hydrogen atoms?
9 Prefixes are also used for file sizes of digital data. You can access an
extension task related to these file sizes (Investigation 2D) from your
obook assess.
256 mm, 255 mm, 255 mm, 254 mm and 254 mm. Average these measurements to give an approximation of
the length of the book, to the nearest millimetre.
2 Average the following to give an approximation of the true measurement. In each case, the measurements
were taken to the same degree of accuracy.
a 83 mm, 85 mm, 84 mm, 85 mm, 85 mm, 84 mm
b 4.9 kg, 4.8 kg, 4.9 kg, 5.0 kg, 4.9 kg
c 162 mL, 162 mL, 160 mL, 161 mL, 161 mL, 162 mL
d 22.49 s, 22.61 s, 22.54 s, 22.56 s, 22.52 s
13 14 15
13 14 15
13 14 15
9 Write a sensible approximation for the result of each of the following calculations.
a 23.6 m × 5.7 m b 405.2 cm × 58.6 cm
c 88 cm ÷ 65 cm
3 3
d 37.7 mm ÷ 12 mm
10 Five students are given the task of each measuring one of the sides of an 135.6 m 87.26 m
irregular 5-sided block of land. Each student measured their own side to a
different degree of accuracy, as shown on the figure on the right. Write a
sensible approximation for the perimeter of the land. 94.8 m
110 m
11 The diameter of a 20-cent coin is measured to be 2.3 cm. Write a sensible
84.467 m
approximation for the area of the face of the coin.
12 The base and perpendicular height of a triangle are measured to be 5.6 m and 3.89 m respectively. Write a
sensible approximation for the area of the triangle.
13 The mass and height of a woman are measured to be 63.8 kg and 175 cm respectively. Write a sensible
mass where
approximation for the body mass index (BMI) of the woman using the formula BMI = _______
(height) 2
mass is in kilograms and height is in metres.
a For a measurement given as 138 cm, the last significant figure is in the ____ column.
So, the smallest scale on the measuring instrument is ____.
The measurement has been made to the nearest ____.
So, Precision = ____.
Absolute error = ±__12 × _____ = _____
b For a measurement given as 11.7 s, the last significant figure is in the ____ column.
So, the smallest scale on the measuring instrument is ____.
The measurement has been made to the nearest ____.
So, Precision = ____.
Absolute error = ±__21 × _____ = _____
iii Lower bound = 9.38 − 0.005 = 9.375 m Upper bound < upper bound.
Upper bound = 9.38 + 0.005 = 9.385 m = 9.38 m + 0.005 m
True measurement is between 9.375 m and
9.385 m.
5 The capacity of a container is given as 750 mL, to the nearest 50 mL. Complete the following.
a The measurement has been given to the nearest ____ mL. Precision = ____ mL.
b Absolute error = ±__12 × ____ mL = ____ mL.
c Lower bound of measurement = 750 − ____ mL.
Upper bound of measurement = 750 + ____ mL.
The true measurement lies between ____ and ____.
9 The length and breadth of a rectangular recreation room are measured to be 7 m and 4 m, respectively.
Complete the following.
a Using the given measurements,
Perimeter = 2 × ____ + 2 × ____
= ____ m
b Now 6.5 m ≤ length < ____ m
and ____ m ≤ breadth < 4.5 m
Lower bound of perimeter
= 2 × 6.5 + 2 × 3.5 m
= ____ m
Upper bound of perimeter
= 2 × ____ + 2 × ____ m
= ____ m
So, ____ m ≤ perimeter < ____ m
c Maximum error = ____ m − ____ m
= ±____ m
11 The length and breadth of a rectangle are measured to be 7 cm and 4 cm respectively. Complete the
a Using the given measurements: Area = (____ × ____) cm2 = ____ cm2
b Now 6.5 cm ≤ length < ____ cm and ____ cm ≤ breadth < 4.5 cm
Lower bound of area = (6.5 × 3.5) cm2 = ____ cm2
Upper bound of area = (____ × ____) cm2 = ____ cm2
So ____ cm2 ≤ area < ____ cm2
c ____ − lower bound of area = ____ cm2
____ − upper bound of area = ____ cm2
Maximum error = ±____ cm2
15 Repeat question 14 given that the masses of the sand bags were 47.4 kg and 51.9 kg.
2.84 m by 1.42 m.
a Write the absolute error of each measurement.
b Find the percentage error of each measurement,
to two significant figures.
c Calculate the area of the table using the given measurements.
d Calculate the lower and upper bounds of the table's true area.
e What is the maximum error in the answer to part c?
f Express the error stated in part e as a percentage of the calculated area in part c,
to two significant figures.
g Is the percentage error in part f the sum of the percentage errors in part b?
2F 10 The mass of a can of soup was 250 g, to the nearest 10 g. The percentage error in this measurement is:
A ±4% B ±2% C ±0.4% D ±0.2%
2F 11 The side length of a square was measured to be 8 cm. The maximum error in stating that the perimeter is 32 cm is:
A 0.5 cm B 1 cm C 2 cm D 4 cm
3 Calculate (1.4 × 107 ) × (4.5 × 108), expressing the answer in scientific notation.
8 The length and breadth of a table were measured to be 154 cm and 80 cm, to the nearest centimetre.
a Calculate the table’s area using the measurements given.
b Find the lower and upper bounds of the table’s true area.
c Find the maximum error in the answer to part a.
d Express the maximum error from part c as a percentage of the area (from part a).
1 Round 0.005 06 to:
a two significant figures b two decimal places c one significant figure
2 State whether or not each of the following numbers is expressed in scientific notation.
a 4.9 × 100 000 b 7.0 × 108 c 70 × 107
7 The masses of two bags of potatoes were measured, to be 49 kg and 51 kg, to the nearest kilogram.
a What is the total mass of the two bags using these measurements?
b Write the lower and upper bounds of the true mass of each bag.
c Calculate the lower and upper bounds of the total mass of the two bags.
d Determine the absolute error in the answer to part a.
e Express the absolute error as a percentage of the total mass of the bags.
1 Round 2.0695 to these numbers of significant figures:
a one significant figure b two significant figures c three significant figures d four significant figures.
7 The base and perpendicular height of a triangle were measured to be 15.4 cm and 12.5 cm respectively.
a Find the area of the triangle using these measurements.
b Calculate the range within which the triangle’s true area lies.
c What is the maximum error in using part a as the area?
d Express the maximum error from part c as a percentage of the area (from part a).
8 The length and breadth of a bed are measured to be 1.9 m by 0.84 m respectively. Write a sensible
approximation for:
a the perimeter of the bed b the area of the bed.
iv Express the error from part iii as a percentage of the answer in part i. (1 mark)
g The base and height of a triangle are measured to be 28.4 cm and 9.6 cm respectively.
Write a sensible approximation for the area of the triangle, based on the
TOTAL: 15 marks
MS-A1 Formulae and Equations
z 2z
3A 4 Which expression is the result of simplifying 3A 10 What is the expansion of –7x(2x – 5)?
4a + 7 – 9a – 4?
A –14x2 + 35x B –14x + 35
A –5a + 3 B –5a – 3 C 14x – 35x
D 14x – 35
C 5a + 3 D 5a – 3
3A 11 What is the complete factorisation of 15pq – 12q?
3A 5 Which expression is the result of simplifying A 3(5pq – 4q) B q(15p – 12)
5x – 3y + 8y – 7x? C 3q(5p – 4) D 3pq(5 – 12p)
A 2x – 5y B 5y – 2x 3A 12 What is the value of 6a – 4b if a = 3 and
C 2x + y D 12x + 11y b = –5?
3A 6 Which expression is the result of simplifying A 38 B –2
8d × –6g? C 18 D 2
A 2dg B 48dg 3B 13 What is the value of a in the equation
C –48dg D –2dg a + 4 = 24?
3A 7 Which expression is the result of simplifying A 2 B 6
5a × 3b × 4ab? C 20 D 28
A 19ab B 534aab 3C 14 What is the lowest common multiple of 4 and 6?
C 60ab D 60a2b2 A 24 B 12
C 6 D 4
If you had difficulty with any of these questions or would like further practice, complete one or more of
the matching Support sheets available on your obook assess.
Q1 Support sheet 3A.1 Understanding order of operations
Q2–3 Support sheet 3A.2 Finding powers and square roots
Q4–5 Support sheet 3A.3 Simplifying like terms
Q6–7 Support sheet 3A.4 Multiplying algebraic terms
Q8–9 Support sheet 3A.5 Dividing algebraic terms
Q10 Support sheet 3A.6 Expanding expressions to remove brackets
Q11 Support sheet 3A.7 Factorising simple expressions
Q12 Support sheet 3A.8 Evaluating expressions
Q13 Support sheet 3B.1 Solving simple linear equations
Q14 Support sheet 3C.1 Finding the lowest common multiple
pronumeral When the pronumeral x is replaced by a number, for example 2, in an expression such as
letter or symbol 3x − 5, we say that 2 was substituted for x, and the value of the expression is 1 when x = 2
that takes the because 3(2) − 5 = 6 − 5 = 1. When substituting a number into an expression, we usually
place of a number
place the substituted value within brackets.
relationship or A mathematical formula can be used in many applications. Usually it starts with a single
rule between two variable on the left-hand side followed by the equals sign and the rest of the formula on the
or more variables right-hand side. The single variable on the left-hand side is called the subject of the formula
that contains an and its value is found by substituting other values into the right-hand side of the formula and
equals sign; e.g.
v = u + at
(Note: the words ‘formulas’ and ‘formulae’ both mean more than one formula.)
variable (algebra)
quantity that can
have varying or
different value EXAMPLE 3A–1 Evaluating expressions by substituting given
and can be values for pronumerals
represented by a
pronumeral; e.g. For a = 5, b = −2 and c = 3, find the value of:
time or t a 2a − c b √a − 2b c c − 4b2
subject of the
formula Solve Think Apply
single variable
a 2a − c = 2(5) − (3) Substitute 5 for a and When asked to evaluate
usually on the
left-hand side of a = 10 − 3 3 for c. (or find the value of) an
formula; e.g. v is =7 Use order of operations to expression, substitute
the subject of the evaluate. the given values into the
formula v = u + at _____ __________ expression.
b √a−2b = √(5)−2(−2)
Substitute 5 for a and −2
When substituting, put
= √5+4__
for b. Evaluate under the
the number in brackets.
= √9 square root sign first, then
Use the correct order of
=3 find the square root.
operations to find the
c c − 4b2 = (3) − 4(−2)2 Substitute 3 for c and
=3−4×4 −2 for b. When −2 is
When using a calculator,
= 3 − 16 squared the answer is +4.
enter the information
= −13 Use order of operations to
from the expression from
left to right.
5 Complete the following to find t using the formula t = a + (n − 1)d when a = −3, n = 20 and d = 2.
t = −3 + (20 − 1) × ____
= ____
13 The body mass index, b, is a measure used to determine if a person’s mass is within a recommended range.
The range is 21 < b < 25.
The body mass index formula is given by b = __ m where m = mass in kilograms and h = height in metres.
a Calculate the value of b for a person of mass 65 kg and height 1.65 m. Is the value within the
recommended range?
b Peter has a mass of 100 kg and is 1.95 m tall. He states that his mass is within the recommended range.
By calculating the value of b for Peter, determine if he is correct.
c Kristy has a mass of 50 kg, is 1.5 m tall and feels that she is below the recommended body mass. Is she
correct? Explain using calculations.
15 In basketball, players score points by throwing the ball through the basket, in an act known as ‘shooting’.
Different points are awarded to players based on where they are standing when they shoot.
3 points Awarded to players successfully goaling from behind the three-point line
2 points Awarded to players successfully goaling from anywhere inside the three-point line
1 point Awarded to players successfully goaling when playing a foul shot
16 Emma walks along a beach. She starts 5 kilometres from the lighthouse and travels at 6 kilometres per hour.
a Write an algebraic expression to represent Emma’s distance from the lighthouse, using t to represent the
number of hours she has been walking.
b How far will Emma have walked if she has been walking for half an hour?
c For how long would Emma have walked if she is 14 km from the lighthouse?
2π R + __
2 )
T ×A
a sheet of metal is B = ____________ , where
B = bend allowance
T = thickness of the sheet, in millimetres
A = number of degrees in the angle of bend
R = radius of curvature in millimetres
By calculating the value of B determine which sheet
metal below has the greatest bend allowance.
Sheet 1: T = 3, A = 5, R = 12
Sheet 2: T = 15, A = 50, R = 60
equation An algebraic equation contains two algebraic expressions that are equal to each other. The aim of
collection of two solving an equation is to find the value of the pronumeral that makes the equation a true statement.
or more algebraic
terms separated To solve a linear equation:
by mathematical
operation symbols 1 Keep the equation balanced by performing the same operation to both sides of the
and containing
equation; that is:
an equals sign;
e.g. 2x + 1 = 7 or • add the same number or term to both sides of the equation
3x2 = 5x – 2
• subtract the same number or term from both sides of the equation
• multiply both sides of the equation by the same number or term
to find the value
of the pronumeral • divide both sides of the equation by the same number or term.
that makes the
equation a true 2 Continue until you obtain the simplest equivalent equation with the pronumeral on
statement one side of the equation and a number on the other. For example, to solve x + 4 = 10,
linear equation we subtract 4 from both sides of the equation to obtain the solution x = 6.
equation in which
the highest EXAMPLE 3B–1 Solving two-step linear equations
positive integer
power of the Solve these equations.
pronumeral is 1; a 5x + 7 = 37 b 8x − 9 = 79
e.g. 2x + 1 = 7 is
a linear equation Solve Think Apply
but 3x2 = 5x – 2
is not because
a 5x + 7 = 37 Step 1: Subtract 7 Perform the same
its highest power 5x + 7 − 7 = 37 − 7 from both sides, operation on both
of x is 2 5x = 30 then divide both sides of the equation
solution 5x = __
__ 30 sides by 5. to keep equivalent
the value of the
5 5
Step 2: Substituting equations in each step.
pronumeral x=6
x = 6 gives 37, Always substitute the
that makes an Check:
which is correct. answer back into the
equation a true (5 × 6) + 7 = 30 + 7 = 37
statement; e.g. equation to check it
x = 6 is correct.
the solution of is correct. Answers
2x + 1 = 7 is x = 3 b 8x − 9 = 79 Add 9 to both sides,
are not always whole
8x − 9 + 9 = 79 + 9 giving 8x = 88, then
8x = 88 divide by 8 to get
8x 88
__ = __ x = 11. Substitute
8 8 x = 11 to get 79,
x = 11
which shows that
x = 11 is correct.
(8 × 11) − 9 = 88 − 9 = 79
x = 11 is correct.
a 7x − 3 = 32 b 4x + 7 = 15
7x − 3 + ____ = 32 + 3 4x + 7 − 7 = 15 − ____
7x = ____ ____ = 8
35 □ __
7x = __
__ __ = 8
7 □ 4 □
x = ____ x=2
4 Substitute the given value for the pronumeral into the equation to determine if it is a solution to the equation.
a 4x + 8 = 60 [x = 13] b 5x − 9 = 11 [x = 3] c 3x + 4 = 13 [x = 3]
d 9 − 2p = −15 [p = 12] e 10 + 5m = −20 [m = −6] f 22 + 3c = 46 [c = 7]
g 6d − 5 = 31 [d = 9] h 11y − 72 = −193 [y = −11] i 14q + 18 = 116 [q = 7]
pronumeral term
Solve the following.
a 9 − 7x = 5 b 17 = 8 − 4x
When five is subtracted from twice a number the answer is three. Write an equation and solve it to find the
original number
a If the first number is x, write an algebraic expression for the second number. whole numbers
b Write an equation in terms of x to represent this problem. that follow one
c Solve the equation and find the two numbers. another in order,
with a difference
14 For each of these problems, form an equation to solve. of 1 between them
(e.g. 7 and 8; –4,
a Two consecutive integers add to 127. Find the numbers. –3 and –2)
b Three consecutive integers have a sum of 27. Find the smallest of the three numbers.
c Four consecutive integers have a sum of –6. Find the largest of them.
d Three consecutive even integers have a sum of 132. Find the smallest of the three numbers.
15 Tyler is saving to buy a cricket bat that costs $235. He is able to save $28 per
week and currently has $67. Follow the steps below to work out when he will be
able to buy the bat.
a Choose a pronumeral to represent the unknown quantity in the problem.
b Use the pronumeral to write an equation to represent the problem.
c Solve the equation and write your answer.
16 For each of these problems, form an equation to solve. Remember to clearly define the pronumeral you use
to represent the unknown variable.
a Rachel bought three equally-priced dresses online for a total cost of $196, which included the delivery
charge of $19. What is the cost of each dress?
18 In an AFL match, players can score points for their team in two ways. They can kick a goal, which is worth
six points, and they can score a behind, which is worth one point.
a Using appropriate variables, write an algebraic equation to calculate the total number of points scored
during an AFL game. Remember to carefully define your variables.
b Calculate the number of points scored if a team kicks 12 goals and 3 behinds.
c Calculate the number of points scored by both teams in each of the following games and identify the
winner. Show all working.
i Kangaroos: 6 goals and 12 behinds, Swans: 7 goals and 8 behinds
ii Eagles: 23 goals and 3 behinds, Suns: 17 goals and 25 behinds
d The scoring in the following games is incomplete. Calculate the number of behinds scored in each of the
games. Show all working.
i Cats: total points was 97, number of goals was 15
ii Power: total points was 128, number of goals was 19
e The scoring for the games below is also incomplete. Calculate the number of goals scored in each of the
games. Show all working.
i Saints: total points was 87, number of behinds was 9
ii Hawks: total points was 131, number of behinds was 17
f There has been some discussion about the possibility of changing the scoring system so that players can
receive three points if they hit the post instead of kicking a goal. How would this change your equation?
g If the change described in part f was implemented and a team scored 15 goals and 14 behinds, and hit
the post a number of times for a total score of 119 points, how many times did the ball hit the goalpost?
a When four is subtracted from one-third of a number, the answer is eight. What was the original number?
b When six is subtracted from one-fifth of a number, the answer is seven. Find the original number.
c A box of chocolates contains 24 chocolates that are mint, caramel or strawberry. There are four more
mint than caramel and twice as many strawberry as caramel. How many of the chocolates are caramel?
20 Hayley, Davina and Marcel go fishing. Davina catches four more fish than Marcel, and Hayley catches twice
as many fish as Marcel.
a Form an equation to find the number of fish each person catches. Explain why this problem cannot be
b Hayley believes they caught a total of 65 fish. Does this seem reasonable? Explain.
To solve equations involving algebraic fractions, multiply both sides by the lowest common
multiple (LCM) of the denominators.
b 4 = __
__ x The LCM of 7 and 3 is 21 so
7 3
multiply both sides of the equation
4 × 21 = __
__ x × 21
7 3 by 21. Divide both sides by 7 to
12 = 7x solve.
12 = ___
7 7
x= 12
or x = 1__57
5 8
7 × ____
x × 40 = __
5 8
8x = ____
8x = __
__ 35
□ □
x = ____
2 Solve the following for x.
a __x = __5 b __x = __1 c __ 1
x = __ d __x = __2 e 3
x = __
__ f 2
x = __
3 2 7 3 5 2 9 5 7 4 5 3
4 2 3
d 2x + 7 = −1
_____ e 1 (3x + 1) = −3
__ f 1 + 2x = 7
3 2 7
1 − 2x = 0
g _____ h 1 (4 − 3x) = −2
__ i 1 (5 − 2x) = −1
2 5 4
9 Substitute the value given in square brackets to check whether it is the solution to the equation each time.
a 3x + 9 = 4 − 2x [x = −1] b 9a + 2 = 7a − 4 [a = −3]
c 7a − 5 = 3 − a [a = 2] d 15 − 2x = 6 + x [x = 3]
e 2x − 3 = 7 − 4x [x = 1__23 ] f 5x − 7 = 3 + x [x = 3__12 ]
Celsius (°C) and F represents the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (°F).
a For C = 30, write the formula as a linear equation involving the variable F.
b Solve your linear equation to find F.
c What is the equivalent temperature in degrees Fahrenheit for a temperature of 30°C?
d Solve a linear equation to find the equivalent temperature in degrees Fahrenheit for a temperature of
e Which temperature is higher: 25°C or 76°F? Show steps of working to justify your answer.
13 Kristen and Daniel have the same amount of money. Kristen buys 5 kg of cherries and has $2 left over.
Daniel buys 2 kg of cherries and has $20 left over.
a Write an equation to represent this situation.
b Solve the equation to find the cost of 1 kg of cherries.
16 For three consecutive even integers, the sum of the two smaller numbers is equal to six more than the largest
number. Form an equation and then solve it to find the integers.
18 Change the spreadsheet in question 17 to solve each of these equations with positive integer solutions.
a 5x − 3 = 53 − 2x b 3x + 5 = 35 − 2x c 19 − 2x = 7x – 44
d 6x + 11 = 41 − 4x e 3x − 17 = 33 − 7x f 9x + 15 = 79 − 7x
20 Explain how to modify the spreadsheet used in questions 18 and 19 to solve equations that do not have
integer solutions.
a A man is currently three times as old as his son. In 11 years from now he will be twice as old as his son
will be then. How old is his son now?
b At present Jen is 8 years older than Wesley. In 3 years from now, Jen’s age will be double Wesley’s age.
How old is Wesley?
c The sum of Kelly and Sam’s ages is 45 years. If Kelly’s age was doubled, it would be 5 years more than
three times Sam’s age. How old is Sam?
We know that a formula links two or more variables according to a rule. Each variable can be
represented by a pronumeral. The pronumeral that is expressed in terms of the others is called
the subject of the formula. If the pronumeral to be found is the subject of the formula, its value
is found directly by substitution as in Topic 3A.
If the pronumeral to be found is not the subject of the formula, there are two methods
for finding its value:
1 substitute the known values into the formula and solve the resulting equation
2 rearrange the formula, so that the subject of the formula is the pronumeral to be
found and then substitute the known values. To rearrange the formula to change its
subject, we use the same rules as those used for solving equations.
EXAMPLE 3D–2 Changing the subject of a formula (one step with two
Make x the subject of each formula below.
a x+3=y b 3x = p c __x = t d x−5=r
a x+3=y b 3x = p c x=t
__ d x−5=r
x+3−3=y−3 p
3x = __
__ x×2=t ×2
__ x−5+5=r+5
x=y−3 3 3 2 x=r+5
__ x = 2t
Apply the rules for solving equations to rearrange the formula so that x is the subject.
EXAMPLE 3D–3 Changing the subject of a formula (one step with three
Make x the subject of each formula below.
a x+a=b b x−k=t c mx = z x
d __
a x+a=b b x−k=t
x+a−a=b−a x−k+k=t+k
x=b–a x=t+k
c mx = z d x
mx = __
___ z x
m m w×w=p×w
z x = pw
x = __
Apply the rules for solving equations to rearrange the formula so that x is the subject.
EXAMPLE 3D–4 Changing the subject of a formula (one step with four
Make x the subject of each formula.
a __ax = __bc b _xz = __
Solve Think Apply
a x __
__ b Multiply both sides of the equation Apply the rules for solving
__ b
__ by a and simplify. equations to rearrange the formula
a×a=c×a so that x is the subject.
ba or __
x = __ ab
c c
b w
zx = __ Divide both sides of the equation
zx __
__ 1 w 1 by z and simplify. To divide by z,
× z = y × __
__ 1.
1 z multiply by its reciprocal __
x = yz
a R = 3 and I = 7 b R = 11 and I = 5
√ __
19 Use t = __
g to find l when t = 1.3 and g = 10.
20 Use r = √__
V to find V when r = 3 and k = 4.2.
21 Use the formula E = __12 mv2 to find the value of v when E = 135 and m = 2.8. Give your answer correct to
one decimal place.
average speed The formula for the average speed of an object is given below. This formula is used to
calculated by calculate the average speed, distance and time travelled.
dividing the
distance travelled distance travelled
Average speed = _____________
during a time time taken
interval by the D
This is usually written as S = __
length of the T
time interval; e.g. where S is the average speed, D is the distance travelled and T is the time taken.
average speed of So it follows that D = S × T, and T = __D.
a car that travels
120 km in 2 hours
When drivers react to situations in which they need to stop a motor vehicle, the total stopping
is 60km/h
distance of the vehicle depends on the distance travelled while the driver reacts and the
total stopping
distance travelled after applying the brakes.
total distance
travelled in the The distance a car travels in the time it takes to stop is:
time it takes for
a driver to react, Total stopping distance = reaction-time distance + braking distance
apply the brakes
and for the car to
The reaction-time distance is the distance travelled in
come to a stop
the time it takes a driver to react to a situation; that
is, to realise there is a problem and move his or her
distance travelled foot to the brake. The usual reaction time, for drivers
in the time it takes unaffected by alcohol, drugs or fatigue has been
a driver to react found to be about 2.5 s.
and move his or
her foot to apply
The braking distance is the distance a car travels
the brakes after the brakes have been applied. This distance
braking distance depends on (the square of) the speed of the car.
distance a motor Note: Factors such as the condition of the road (wet
vehicle travels or dry) and the condition of the car’s brakes and
between the
tyres, as well as the state of the driver, all have an
time the brakes
are first applied effect on the total stopping distance.
and when the
vehicle comes to a
The braking distance is a function of the square of the speed of the car. For a car with
complete stop
good brakes and tyres, travelling in dry conditions on a good road, the relationship can
be approximated by the formula d = 0.01v2, where d is the braking distance in metres
and v is the speed of the car in km/h.
For the same car travelling on a slippery road, the formula for braking distance
becomes d = 0.014v2.
a 232 km
S = _______ Change 17 minutes to hours. D
S = __
4.283 33... h T
17 min = (17 ÷ 60) h = 0.283 33... h
= 54.16... km/h
4 h 17 min = 4.283 33... hours
= 54 km/h (to the nearest whole
Or use the degrees, minutes, seconds key on
your calculator.
b D = 83 km/h × 2.4 h Change 24 minutes to hours. D=S×T
= 199.2 km 24 min = (24 ÷ 60) h = 0.4 h
c 34 km
T = __ 0.6538... hours = (0.653 8... × 60) min D
T = __
52 km/h S
= 39.23... min
= 0.6538... hours
= 39 min (to the nearest minute)
70 × □ 8×□×□
a 70 km/h = ______ b 8 m/s = _________
□×□ □
7 Calculate the reaction-time distance for a car travelling at 80 km/h. Assume a reaction time of 2.5 s.
8 Calculate the reaction-time distance for a car travelling at 100 km/h. Assume a reaction time of 2.5 s.
9 a Use the results of questions 7 and 8 to draw a (straight-line) graph of the relationship between reaction-
time distance (m) and speed (km/h), given a reaction time of 2.5 s.
b Use the graph to estimate the reaction-time distances for cars travelling at these speeds.
i 120 km/h ii 45 km/h
c If the speed of a car increases by 10 km/h, what is the increase in the stopping distance?
10 Calculate the braking distance for a car travelling at 80 km/h in good conditions.
11 a Calculate the braking distance for a car travelling at 100 km/h in good conditions.
b What is the braking distance for a car travelling at 100 km/h in wet conditions?
c What is the difference between the braking distances at 100 km/h in good conditions and in wet
12 Complete the following to find the total stopping distance for a car travelling at 90 km/h in good conditions,
assuming a reaction time of 2.5 s.
Stopping distance = ______ × 2.5 + 0.01 × ____2
= ____ m (to the nearest metre)
13 Find the total stopping distance for a car travelling at 110 km/h in good conditions, assuming a reaction time
of 2.5 s.
14 a If a driver affected by fatigue has a reaction time of 3.5 s, what will be the reaction-time distance of a
15 If a driver is affected by alcohol and has a reaction time of 4.5 s, what difference will this make to the
reaction-time distance of a car travelling at 100 km/h compared with the usual reaction time of 2.5 s?
16 The reaction-time distance, d m, for a car travelling at v km/h, assuming a reaction time of t s, can be
approximated using the formula d = 0.28vt. Use this formula to check your answers for questions 14 and 15.
17 If the speed of a car increases from 50 km/h to 60 km/h, what is the increase in total stopping distance?
18 Find the stopping distance for a car travelling at 70 km/h in good conditions. Assume a reaction time of 2.5 s,
and use the formula d = 0.7v + 0.01v 2, where d is the stopping distance (m) and v is the speed (km/h).
19 a Use the formula d = 0.7v + 0.01v 2, where d is the stopping distance in metres and v is the speed in
km/h, to complete the following table.
Speed (km/h) 0 20 40 60 80 100
Stopping distance (m) 0.7 × 20 + 0.01 × 202 = 18
b Use the information in the completed table from part a to graph the relationship between speed and
stopping distance. (Join the points with a smooth curve.)
c Using your graph from part b, estimate the stopping distance for a car travelling at these speeds.
i 50 km/h ii 120 km/h
20 For a driver under the influence of alcohol and driving in poor road conditions, the formula for stopping
on the same set of axes as the graph from question 19, a graph of the relationship between speed and
stopping distance for a driver under the influence of alcohol.
b Compare your graphs to find the difference in stopping distances at:
i 50 km/h ii 60 km/h iii 110 km/h.
blood alcohol Blood alcohol content (BAC) is a measure of the concentration of alcohol in a person’s
content (BAC) blood. It is expressed as a percentage mass per unit of volume.
percentage 0.02
For example, a person with a BAC of 0.02 (%) has ____
g of alcohol in every millilitre of their
of alcohol in a blood. This is equivalent to 0.02 g/100 mL or 20 mg/100 mL.
person’s blood; A BAC measure can be estimated using tables, formulas and on-line calculators; but it is very
e.g. a BAC of 0.05
important to remember that these are only approximations because they are based on average
(%) is 0.05 g of
alcohol in every values and do not apply equally to everyone.
100 mL of blood A person’s BAC reading is affected by factors such as whether the person is male or female, how
standard drink much the person drank, the length of time that the person spent drinking and the length of time
any drink that since his or her last drink, the person’s weight, whether the person is physically fit, the state of
contains 10 g of the person’s liver, whether the person is a regular drinker, or the person’s mood at the time.
The only way to measure a person’s BAC accurately is with an approved breath analysing unit
known as a ‘breathalyser’.
An estimate of a person’s BAC can be determined by counting the number of standard drinks
consumed. A standard drink is any drink that contains 10 g of alcohol. A standard drink
always contains the same amount of alcohol irrespective of the container size or the type of
drink (beer, wine or spirits).
The number of standard drinks in a container can be calculated using the formula:
N = 0.789 × V × A
where N = number of standard drinks
V = the volume of the container in litres
A = percentage of alcohol (% alc/vol) in the drink. (This is stated on the
Note: 0.789 is the specific gravity of ethyl alcohol, the type of alcohol used in
a a 375 mL stubby of full-strength beer with b a 375 mL stubby of light beer with an alcohol
an alcohol content of 4.8% alc/vol content of 2.7% alc/vol
N = 0.789 × V × A N = 0.789 × V × A
= 0.789 × ____ × 4.8 = 0.789 × 0.375 × ____
= ____ = ____
2 Calculate (to one decimal place) the number of standard drinks in:
a a 120 mL glass of wine with an alcohol content of 12% alc/vol
b a 90 mL glass of fortified wine with an alcohol content of 16.5% alc/vol
c a 375 mL can of bourbon and coke with an alcohol content of 6% alc/vol
d a 750 mL bottle of white wine with an alcohol content of 11.5% alc/vol
e a 275 mL bottle of vodka and orange with an alcohol content of 5% alc/vol
f a six-pack (6 × 330 mL) of full strength beer with an alcohol content of 4.9% alc/vol.
Note: One standard drink per hour will raise BAC by between 0.01% and 0.03%. A person’s BAC will increase
at a greater rate if the person:
• is female • is unfit
• is drinking highly carbonated drinks • has not eaten recently
• has a low body weight • has an unhealthy liver.
a an 83 kg male who has consumed six standard b a 58 kg female who has consumed five
drinks in 3 hours standard drinks in 4 hours
10N − 7.5H
BACmale = _________ 10N − 7.5H
BACfemale = _________
6.8M 5.5M
10 × □ − 7.5 × □ 10 × □ − 7.5 × □
= ______________ = ______________
6.8 × □ 5.5 × □
= ____ = ____
4 Use the formulas for calculating BAC to complete the following table.
Number of standard Number of hours
Gender Mass (kg) drinks consumed spent drinking BAC (%)
a Male 70 3 2
b Female 50 4 2
c Male 95 6 3
d Female 57 2 2
5 An 80 kg adult male wants to keep his BAC ≤ 0.05. Complete the following to find how many drinks he can
consume in 5 hours to achieve this.
Let BAC = 0.05.
10N − 7.5 × 5
So: 0.05 = ___________
6.8 × 80
10N − □
= _______
____ = 10N − ____
____ = 10N
N = ____
If he has ____ standard drinks, his BAC = 0.05.
For his BAC < 0.05, he can have up to ____ standard drinks.
6 A 56 kg woman wants a BAC that is less then 0.05. How many drinks can she consume in 3 hours?
7 A rule of thumb can be used by the holder of a full drivers’ licence to stay under the 0.05 legal limit in NSW:
For males: no more than two standard drinks in the first hour and one standard drink per hour after that.
For females: no more than one standard drink per hour.
Use this rule of thumb to calculate the maximum number of standard drinks that can be consumed by a
person who wants to stay under 0.05 BAC if the person is:
a a male and drinking for 4 hours b a male and drinking for 6 hours
c a female and drinking for 4 hours d a female and drinking for 6 hours
8 Use the rule of thumb from question 7 to calculate the answers to questions 5 and 6.
Note: After drinking ceases, the only thing that will reduce BAC is the passing of time. Drinking coffee,
exercising, taking a cold shower or inducing vomiting will not reduce BAC. Alcohol is eliminated from
the body by the liver at a rate between 4 g/h and 12 g/h, or at an average of 7.5 g/h or 0.75 standard
drinks per hour (since a standard drink contains 10 g of alcohol), and can vary considerably depending
on the person’s health. This means that it can take the liver more than an hour to eliminate one
standard drink.
9 Calculate the time it takes different people’s bodies to eliminate one standard drink if their livers break down
alcohol at these rates.
a 5 g/h b 10 g/h c 4 g/h d 12 g/h e 7.5 g/h
The liver breaks down alcohol at an average rate of 0.75 standard drinks per hour.
A formula that can be used to calculate the time it takes for BAC to fall to zero is: T = _____
where T = the number of hours the drinker must wait.
10 Complete the following to calculate how long a person must wait for BAC to drop to zero from 0.05%.
BAC = _____□
T = _____ = ____ h = ____ h ____ min
0.015 0.015
11 Calculate how long a person must wait for BAC to drop to zero from these levels.
a 0.04% b 0.02% c 0.06% d 0.035%
12 a Calculate the BAC for an 80 kg male and a 52 kg female, both with provisional licences, who consume
13 Damien and Nicole go to a party and start drinking at 8:00 pm. Damien drinks eight schooners of full
strength beer (12 standard drinks) over the next 5 hours. Nicole has six mixed drinks (9 standard drinks) in
the same time. Damien has a mass of 86.6 kg and Nicole’s mass is 56.1 kg.
a Calculate the BAC of both Damien and Nicole at 1:00 am.
b At what time will they be able to legally drive if they both have provisional licences?
14 Ben goes to a party and consumes two stubbies (375 mL) of full strength beer (4.9% alc/vol) in the first hour
and one stubby per hour for the next 3 hours.
a Calculate the number of standard drinks he has consumed.
b Use the formula to calculate his BAC if his mass is 72 kg.
c How long will it be before Ben’s BAC drops to zero?
15 Create a spreadsheet to show the blood alcohol content for a 75 kg male and a 55 kg female, where N is
the number of standard drinks consumed compared with the number of hours spent drinking. Investigate
what the BAC would be for a given number of standard drinks in a given time. Remember it is only an
approximation! (You may like to refer to the spreadsheet supplied in your obook assess.)
This section examines dosages of various medications. Some terms are defined here.
• The dose is the amount of drug taken at any one time.
• The dosage regimen is the frequency at which the drug doses are given.
• The total daily dose is calculated from the dose and the number of times the dose is taken.
• The dosage form is the physical form of a dose of the drug. Common dosage forms
include tablets, capsules, creams, ointments, aerosols and patches.
• The optimal dosage is the dosage that gives the desired effect with minimal side effects.
Age: 7–12 years: __12 −1 tablet every 4–6 hours (maximum 4 tablets in 24 hours)
Age: 12 years–adult: 1–2 tablets every 4–6 hours (maximum 8 tablets in 24 hours)
a How many tablets can an adult take in one dose?
b An adult plans to take two tablets every 4 hours for 24 hours.
i How many tablets would that person take over 24 hours? Why shouldn’t they do this?
ii How many doses of two tablets can be taken over 24 hours?
c A child takes __12 a tablet every 4 hours for 24 hours. Has the maximum dosage been exceeded? Explain.
2 For a very strong painkiller, dosage for adults and children from 12 years is: two caplets, then 1–2 caplets
every 4–6 hours as necessary. (Maximum 6 caplets in 24 hours.)
a An adult takes two caplets now and then two more after 4 hours. How many more caplets can that
person take in that 24-hour period?
b Is two caplets initially, two more after 4 hours and two more after 6 hours, then no more, an acceptable
dosage? Explain your answer.
There are three different formulas that can be used to calculate dosage for children, depending on the age
of the child.
age (in months) × adult dosage
Fried’s formula for children 1 to 2 years old is: Dosage = ______________________
or D = mA
___ where D = infant dosage, m = age of infant in months and A = adult dosage.
age of child (in years) × adult dosage
Young’s formula for children 1 to 12 years old is: Dosage = __________________________
age of child (in years) + 12
or D = where y = age of child in years and A = adult dosage.
y + 12
child’s weight (in kilograms) × adult dose
Clark’s formula for children of any age is: Dosage = _______________________
or D = kA
__ where k = mass of child in kilograms and A = adult dosage.
4 a A child aged 17 months is given a dosage of 6 mL. Use Fried’s formula to calculate the adult dosage.
b A child aged 11 months is given a dosage of 7 mL. Use Fried’s formula to calculate the adult dosage.
5 Use Young’s formula to calculate each child’s dosage, to the nearest millilitre.
a adult dose of 50 mL, child’s age 6 years d adult dose of 20 mL, child’s age 7.5 years
b adult dose of 40 mL, child’s age 8 years e adult dose of 100 mL, child’s age 6.2 years
c adult dose of 80 mL, child’s age 4.5 years f adult dose of 75 mL, child’s age 8.4 years
6 a Use Young’s formula to calculate the adult dose if the dosage for an 8-year-old child was 10 mL.
b Use Young’s formula to calculate the adult dose if the dosage for a 6-year-old child was 5 mL.
7 Use Clark’s formula to calculate each child’s dosage, to the nearest millilitre.
a adult dosage of 18 mL, child’s weight 40 kg b adult dosage of 27 mL, child’s weight 60 kg
c adult dosage of 51 mL, child’s weight 80 kg d adult dosage of 39 mL, child’s weight 75 kg
e adult dosage of 32 mL, child’s weight 100 kg f adult dosage of 40 mL, child’s weight 35 kg
b Use Clark’s formula to calculate the adult dose if a 25 kg child has a dose of 17 mL.
c Use Clark’s formula to calculate the weight of a child receiving a dose of 40 mL, given that the adult
dose is 140 mL.
9 Calculate the flow rate in mL/h for these volumes of fluid and these times.
a volume of 1.4 L over 8 h b volume of 1.7 L over 5 h
c volume of 0.8 L over 6 h d volume of 0.6 L over 5 h
e volume of 0.085 L over 3 h f volume of 4.26 L over 12 h
10 a The flow rate is 150 mL/h for 6 h. How much fluid is delivered? Give your answer in litres.
b The flow rate is 200 mL/h for 7 h. How much fluid is delivered? Give your answer in litres.
c The flow rate is 180 mL/h and 600 mL is delivered. For how long was the fluid delivered?
13 Calculate the time it will take to deliver intravenous liquid at these rates.
a 800 mL delivered at 20 drops/min and there are 15 drops/mL
b 600 mL delivered at 15 drops/min and there are 10 drops/mL
c 500 mL delivered at 10 drops/min and there are 12 drops/mL
d 1.2 L delivered at 25 drops/min and there are 20 drops/mL
e 1.5 L delivered at 15 drops/min and there are 12 drops/mL
f 1.8 L delivered at 20 drops/min and there are 15 drops/mL
14 A sick child requires medication. The adult dose of the medication is 20 mL. The child is 16 months old and
15 Repeat question 14 for a 20-month-old child weighing 12 kg, given that the adult dose of the medication
is 30 mL.
16 A child is 10 years of age and requires a dose of a medicine for which the adult dosage would be 50 mL.
The dosage is calculated using Fried’s rule, without realising that rule is used for children under 2 years
only. A dose could be an overdose if it is double the correct dose.
a Calculate the dosage according to Fried’s rule.
b Calculate the correct dosage using Young’s rule.
c If the entire amount calculated using Fried’s rule is taken at the one time, has the child received an
overdose? Explain.
d The dosage is given through a drip at 20 drops per minute with 15 drops per millilitre. At what time
should the drip be stopped to result in the correct dosage being given?
dosage for children under 12 years 1 Calculation of medicine dosage for child 12 years or less.
of age. Fried’s rule is applicable for 2 Child's information
children under 2 years, Young’s formula
3 Age in months 11
is for children 1 to 12 years and Clark’s
formula is for children of any age. Set 4 Weight in kilograms 6.2
your spreadsheet up so, when you enter 5 Adult dosage in millilitres 40
the three variables for the child, the 6 Child dosage in millilitres
8 7
A 64 B 3 C 50 __ D 8
3A 2 What is the value of s = ut + __12 at 2 if u = 0, t = 5 and a = 10?
A 125 B 130 C 2500 D 2505
3A 3 The volume of a cone with h = 10 and r = 3 is calculated using V = __13 πr2h. Which value is closest to the
A 31 B 94 C 314 D 30
3F 16 Paul goes to a party and consumes three stubbies (375 mL) of full strength beer (4.9% alc/vol) in the first hour
and one stubby per hour for the next 4 hours. Approximately, how many standard drinks has he consumed?
A 1.4 B 4.3 C 5.8 D 10.1
3G 18 The adult dose of a medication is 50 mL. Using Fried’s formula below, what is the dosage for a
1-year-old child?
age (in months) × adult dose
Child dose = ____________________
A 4 mL B 0.3 mL C 3 mL D 0.4 mL
3G 19 A patient is to receive 1.2 L of fluid over 8 h. What is the flow rate in mL/h?
A 9.6 mL/h B 15 mL/h C 150 mL/h D 6.6 mL/h
3G 20 A patient is to receive 800 mL of liquid through an intravenous drip delivering 25 drops/min. If there are
16 drops/mL, how long will it take to deliver the required dose?
A 0.52 h B 8 h 32 min C 12 h D 20 h 50 min
1 If x = 4 and y = 6, find the value of 3x − 5y.
4 πr 3, where r is the radius. Find the volume of a
2 The volume, V, of a sphere is found using the formula V = __
sphere with radius:
a 7 cm b 3.5 cm c 0.6 m
3 The formula for converting temperature measurements from degrees Celsius, C, to degrees Fahrenheit, F, is
9 C + 32. Find F when:
F = __
a C = 200° b C = 20° c C = 55°
d 11x = 55 e 4x − 7 = 39 f 3x − 12 = 60
g 10 + 8n = 72 h 12 − 6c = 85 i 3(2x + 1) = 4
9 Calculate how long an average person must wait for BAC to drop to zero from 0.07%.
10 Use Fried’s formula to calculate the dosage of medicine for a 9-month-old child if the adult dose is 60 mL.
11 Use Young’s formula to calculate the dosage of medicine for a 6__12 -year-old child if the adult dose is 45 mL.
12 A patient is to receive 1.5 L of fluid over 6 h through an intravenous drip. If there are 12 drops/mL, how many
drops per minute are required to deliver the dose?
1 If x = −2 and y = 3 find the value of 5x − 7y.
2 The surface area, A, of a sphere is found using the formula A = 4πr 2, where r is the radius. Find the surface
area of a sphere with radius:
a 4 cm b 7.5 cm c 0.8 m
3 The formula for converting temperature measurements from degrees Fahrenheit, F, to degrees Celsius, C, is
5 (F – 32). Find C when:
C = __
a F = 248° b F = 50° c F = 32°
8 Calculate the BAC of a 98 kg male who has consumed six standard drinks in 4 hours.
9 Use Young’s formula to calculate the dosage of medicine for a 7__12 -year-old child if the adult dose is 25 mL.
10 Use Clark’s formula to calculate the dosage of medicine for a child weighing 15 kg. The adult dose is 30 mL.
11 A patient is to receive 600 mL of saline solution. An intravenous drip delivers 30 drops/min and there are
12 drops/mL. How long will it take to deliver the required dose?
2 The surface area, A, of a cylinder is found using the formula A = 2πr (r + h), where r is the radius and h is the
height. Find the surface area of a cylinder with radius 15 cm and height 10 cm.
3 The time T s for a pendulum of length L m to swing back and forth once is give by the formula T = 2π __
g √
where g ≈ 10 m/s . Find how long it takes for a pendulum of length 2.5 m to swing back and forth once.
8 Calculate the number of standard drinks in a 120 mL glass of red wine, given that the alcohol content of the
wine is 14.6% alc/vol.
9 a Calculate the BAC of a 76 kg male who has consumed five standard drinks in 3 hours.
b Calculate the BAC of a 52 kg female who has consumed four standard drinks in 4 hours.
10 Calculate how long an average person must wait for BAC to drop to 0 from 0.06%.
11 a Calculate the BAC for a 75 kg male and a 53 kg female, both with provisional licences, who consume four
standard drinks in 3 hours.
b A zero BAC is a requirement of NSW law for all learner and provisional drivers. How long would the two
people have to wait before they could legally drive a motor vehicle?
12 What is the drip rate per minute for 1.25 L of fluid over 8 h, with a drip size giving 14 drops/mL?
13 Use Clark’s formula to calculate the dosage of medicine for a child weighing 38 kg, given the adult dose
is 35 mL.
2 The volume, V, of a cylinder is found using the formula V = πr 2h, where r is the radius and h is the height.
Find the volume of a cylinder with radius 12 cm and height 25 cm.
3 A formula for calculating the bend allowance, in millimetres, of sheet metal is B = 2π(R + __
2 ) 360
T × ___ A
where B is the bend allowance, T is the thickness in millimetres, A is the number of degrees in the angle of
bend, and R is the radius of curvature in millimetres. Find B when T = 1.5, R = 4 and A = 113.
9 Calculate the reaction-time distance for a car travelling at 60 km/h. Assume a reaction time of 2.5 s.
10 Use the formula d = 0.01v 2 to calculate the braking distance for a car travelling at 80 km/h in good conditions.
11 Find the total stopping distance for a car travelling at 80 km/h in good conditions.
Use the formula d = 0.7v + 0.01v 2, where d is the stopping distance in metres and v is the speed in km/h.
12 For a driver under the influence of alcohol and driving in poor road conditions, the formula for the stopping
distance of a car becomes d = 1.1v + 0.018v 2.
a Calculate the stopping distance to the nearest metre to complete the table for this driver.
Speed (km/h) 0 20 40 60 80 100
Stopping distance (m)
b Use the table from part a to draw a graph of the relationship between speed and stopping distance.
c From the graph drawn for part b estimate the stopping distance if the car is travelling:
i 50 km/h ii 70 km/h iii 110 km/h
13 Use Young’s formula to calculate the dosage of medicine for a 10-year-old child. The adult dose is 20 mL.
TOTAL: 15 marks
2 a Giselle uses the following information to calculate her taxable income: wages $47 220, interest $385,
bonus $3000, tax agent fee $180, work-related car expenses $1255 and donations to charity $600.
Calculate Giselle’s taxable income.
b The Medicare levy is 2% of taxable income for taxable incomes over $26 668. Calculate the Medicare
levy payable on a taxable income of $41 894.
c Use the following table, showing the tax rates for 2017–18, to calculate the tax payable on these incomes.
i $62 889 ii $37 699 iii $19 369 iv $3522
Taxable income Tax on this income
0–$18 200 Nil
$18 201–$37 000 19c for each $1 over $18 200
$37 001–$87 000 $3572 plus 32.5c for each $1 over $37 000
$87 001–$180 000 $19 822 plus 37c for each $1 over $87 000
$180 001 and over $54 232 plus 45c for each $1 over $180 000
d Simon earns $29 996 p.a. as a cocktail attendant and $17 560 as a part-time singer. He has tax deductions
of $3561 and, throughout the year, pays a total of $8725 in tax instalments. Find:
i his total income ii his taxable income
iii the Medicare levy he must pay iv tax payable on his taxable income
v his tax refund or balance payable.
10 Lisa goes to a party and drinks four standard drinks over 2 hours. Use the formulas in Topic 3F to help you
answer the following.
a Calculate Lisa’s estimated blood alcohol content (BAC) after 2 hours if her mass is 60 kg.
b Find how long it will be until her BAC drops to zero?
MS-S1 Data Analysis S1.1
If you had difficulty with any of these questions or would like further practice, complete one or more of
the matching Support sheets available on your obook assess.
Q1–2 Support sheet 4A.1 Types of data
Q3 Support sheet 4B.1 Populations and samples
Q4 Support sheet 4B.2 Survey questions
Q5 Support sheet 4C.1 Grid references
Q6 Support sheet 4D.1 Writing and simplifying fractions
Q7 Support sheet 4D.2 Multiplying fractions
Q8–9 Support sheet 4D.3 Calculating percentages
Q10–11 Support sheet 4E.1 Number patterns
statistics Statistics is the science of collecting facts and information. The information is organised in
the study of a form that can be analysed easily and conclusions and predictions can accurately be based
on. The facts or pieces of information collected are called data. Data may be collected by
analysing and
counting, measuring and asking questions.
interpreting data The process of statistical inquiry includes the following steps:
data • identifying a problem and posing a statistical question
pieces of collected
• collecting or obtaining data
• representing and analysing that data
• communicating and interpreting the findings.
In this chapter we will investigate the first two of these steps.
Questioning can be by interview, either in person or by phone, or by questionnaire. The usefulness
of the responses to the questions asked will depend on the relevance, clarity and structure of the
questions. Questions should use simple language, be unambiguous so that there can be no doubt
about their meaning, and they should be free from bias; that is, free from unfair influence.
The main types of questions used in questionnaires are:
• Free-response or open-ended questions
• Yes or No questions
• True or False questions
• Tick-a-box type questions
• Response scale questions
• Continuum scale questions
Here are some examples of these question types that could be used to start an investigation into
the school uniform, with a discussion of some of the advantages and disadvantages of each type.
Free-response: ‘What do you like/dislike about the present school uniform?’
This question would possibly collect a lot of information, but, because there would be many
different responses, it might be difficult to organise and interpret the responses.
Yes or No: ‘Would you like to change the present school uniform?’
The responses to this question will indicate whether there is a desire to change the uniform,
but will not indicate what changes, if any, are wanted. (This, of course, could be done by
asking further questions.)
True or False: ‘The present school uniform is satisfactory.’
As for the Yes and No questions, the responses will not indicate any changes wanted.
You could consider factors such as time, cost, the response rate (the number of people prepared to respond
to the questions) and the truthfulness of answers. Discuss your answers with the class.
a personal interviews b phone interviews c questionnaires
3 Trial your questionnaires from question 2 on a small group and, if necessary, modify the questions.
6 Design a short questionnaire to investigate the use of calculators by students in your class. Include at least
one question for collecting information about each of categorical nominal, categorical ordinal, numerical
discrete and numerical continuous variables.
7 Write a short questionnaire to investigate use of the school canteen by members of your school population
and others. Include at least one question for collecting information about each of categorical nominal,
categorical ordinal, numerical discrete and numerical continuous variables.
8 Have you ever taken part in market research? Explain what market research is and how market research
9 What statistics does the World Health Organization (WHO) collect and how are they used? The internet
address is www.who.int
10 The United Nations collects statistics. Research what data is collected and how they are used. The internet
address is www.un.org
population One of the first decisions to be made when collecting data is deciding from whom, or what,
entire group the information is to be collected. The target population is the entire group about whom,
about whom, or from which, information is sought. For instance, if we were interested in collecting
or from which,
information about the cleanliness of trains, the target population would be all commuters who
is sought use rail transport. If we wanted to determine the most popular colour for new cars purchased
in one particular year, the target population would be all new cars sold in that year.
involves colllecting There are two ways of collecting the information: a census or a sample.
information about
every member A census involves collecting data about every individual in the whole population.
of the entire The individuals may be people or objects. A census is detailed and accurate but is
expensive, time-consuming and often impractical.
involves collecting A sample involves collecting data about a portion of the population. It is cheaper and
information about quicker than a census but is not as detailed or as accurate. Conclusions drawn from
a small selection samples always involve some degree of error.
from a population
biased sample The most common way of collecting information is by using a sample. The purpose of
when the method a sample is to provide an estimate of a particular characteristic of the whole population.
of collecting Therefore, the challenge in selecting a sample is to make it as free from prejudice (bias) as
data produces a
possible and large enough to be representative of the whole population.
sample that does
not accurately
reflect the A biased sample is one in which the data has been unfairly influenced by the
characteristics of collection process and is not truly representative of the whole population.
the population
2 State whether a census or a sample would be used for each of the following investigations. Discuss any
problems in collecting such data with the class.
a the number of goals scored weekly by a netball team
b the heights of the members of a football team
c the most popular radio stations
d the number of children in Australian families
e the number of loaves of bread bought each week by a family
f the types of pets owned by students in a class
g the energy ratings of different washing machines
h the number of leaves on the stems of different plants
i the amount of sunshine each day
j the number of people who die from cancer
each year
k students’ opinion of their school uniform (like,
no opinion, dislike)
l the amount of rainfall in each month of
the year
m the countries of origin of immigrants
n the sizes of apples picked (small,
medium, large)
o the numbers of pets owned by the students in
a class
p the genders of school principals
q the health of patients after being given
medication (worse, no different, better)
6 Discuss and describe the sample you would choose if you wanted to gather support to:
a stop smoking in public places b improve the local bus service
c increase the number of books in the library d improve the school’s senior common room.
8 The careers adviser at your school wants to gain an insight into the career goals of the students in their final
year at school. She puts a notice in the school newsletter asking for volunteers.
a What type of sample is this?
b Describe the process the careers adviser could use to find this information.
c Does this process introduce any bias into the sample? For example, consider the number of boys and
girls selected. Discuss with your class.
9 The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is responsible for the Australian census. Research the role of
the ABS and the information collected by the ABS. (The ABS produces year books and many other free
publications. The ABS can be found on the internet at www.abs.gov.au)
a How often is the Australian census taken? What information is collected in the census?
b What information is openly made available?
c How is the information used by governments and businesses?
10 Investigate the aims and purpose of Choice magazine. How does this publication use statistics? Give some
examples. How do the researchers avoid bias in their results? (Choice magazine is probably available in
your school library or can be found on the internet at www.choice.com.au)
60 students
Use the list of random numbers on page 126 to select five students at random from a group of 60 students.
5 Start at the 2 in row 4 and 6 digits across, then move across the row to the right to select 10 students at
random from a group of:
a 80 students b 35 students.
6 Start at the 1 in row 6 and 12 digits across, then move down the column, to select 10 students at random
from a group of:
a 700 students b 280 students
9 Explain how a random sample of 100 students could be selected from a school of 760 students.
To obtain a one-digit random number press SHIFT . 3 10 5 and truncate the digits after the decimal
point, to produce an integer.
(Truncate means to shorten by cutting off a part.)
To obtain a two-digit random number press SHIFT . 3 100 5 and truncate the digits after the
decimal point, to produce an integer.
To obtain a three-digit random numbers press SHIFT . 3 1000 5 and truncate the digits after the
decimal point, to produce an integer.
To obtain a random number from a to b press SHIFT . 3 (b ] a) 1 a 5
12 Use your calculator for the following questions.
a Produce a list of 20 one-digit numbers.
b Produce a list of 20 two-digit numbers.
c i Produce a list of 20 three-digit numbers.
ii Are about half the numbers odd?
Random numbers can be generated using a spreadsheet. The following instructions apply to Microsoft Excel.
Random numbers from 0 to 0.999… are generated using the RAND function.
To produce a list of one-digit random numbers:
• format cells to 0 decimal places
• type into the formula bar: =TRUNC(RAND()*10)
• press enter; highlight the first cell and drag down (or across) as many cells as needed and select Fill Down
(or Fill Right).
The number of cells needed = the number of random numbers needed.
The TRUNC function truncates a number to an integer by removing the decimal part of the number.
To produce a list of two-digit random numbers:
• format cells to 0 decimal places
• type into the formula bar: =TRUNC(RAND()*100)
• press enter; highlight the first cell and drag down (or across) as many cells as needed and
select Fill Down (or Fill Right).
To produce a list of three-digit random numbers:
• format cells to 0 decimal places
• type into the formula bar: =TRUNC(RAND()*1000)
• continue as above for two-digit random numbers.
To produce a list of random numbers from a to b:
• format cells to 0 decimal places
• replace a and b with your chosen values and type into the formula bar: =TRUNC(RAND()*(b–a)+a)
• continue as above for two-digit random numbers.
14 Create a spreadsheet using the instructions above. An example of this is shown below.
1 Two-digit numbers Three-digit numbers Numbers from 30 to 45
3 92 333 32
4 99 675 31
5 61 955 44
6 81 967 43
7 8 297 30
8 70 682 44
9 47 510 40
10 51 989 35
11 47 826 44
12 73 948 31
The formula in cell A3 is =TRUNC(RAND()*100)
The formula in cell B3 is =TRUNC(RAND()*1000)
The formula in cell C3 is =TRUNC(RAND()*(45–30)+30)
16 Use a spreadsheet and Fill Down and Fill Right to make a table of single-digit random numbers.
18 A gardener spreads flower seeds over a large plot of ground. To estimate the number of seeds that germinate,
he divides the plot of land into eighty squares, measuring 1 m by 1 m, as shown in this grid.
He selects 10 squares at random and counts the number of seedlings in
each square. By using the numbers he counted to find an average number
of seedlings per square, he can estimate the total number of seedlings in 7
the garden. 6
a Explain how the gardener could select a random sample of 10 squares. 5
b Use a list of random numbers to select 10 squares at random. 4
c If the numbers of seedlings in the squares selected are 21, 17, 18, 13,
27, 9, 22, 10, 18, 25: 1
i calculate the average number of seedlings per square 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ii estimate the total number of seedlings in the plot.
19 A school principal wishes to select a random sample of teachers to find out the amount of homework that is
being set each day for Year 11 students.
a Explain two methods that the principal could use to choose a random sample of 10 teachers from the
62 teachers on the staff.
b Which teachers would be selected if the principal used the following list of random numbers to do this,
starting with the first digit?
49246 36701 13499 48926 61279 36535 32337 15455 26345
95085 05701 30998 95907 47062 44630 49743 60358 26022
c If the number of minutes of homework set by the teachers selected is 20, 45, 30, 35, 40, 20, 25,
15, 50, 25, calculate the average amount of homework set by these teachers.
d If each Year 11 student has six teachers, estimate the total amount of homework each student is set
each day.
f Calculate the average age of the class using the information on the board.
g Compare the sample averages with the actual class average. Discuss and comment on any findings.
h Find the average of the sample averages. How does this compare with the actual class average (from part f )?
Discuss with the class.
21 Find out how geographers use grid sampling to determine percentages of land types.
random sample of students selected on the basis of gender, if there are 75 boys and 65 girls.
75 = ___ □ □
Proportion of boys = ____ or ___% Proportion of girls = ___ = ___ or ___%
140 28 140 28
2 Calculate the proportion of boys and girls that should be chosen in a stratified random sample of students
selected on the basis of gender, if there are 180 students, of which 76 are boys and 104 are girls.
4 A school of 439 students is made up of the following numbers of students at each year level.
Year 7 8 9 10 11 12
Number of students 96 84 78 65 56 60
a If a stratified random sample is to be taken on the basis of these subgroups (school years), what
proportion of students should be chosen from each year?
b How many students should be chosen from each year if we want a stratified random sample of
40 students?
c Explain how to obtain this sample.
a In a stratified random sample that is selected on the basis of gender, what proportion of girls and boys
should be in the sample?
b How many girls and boys should we select for a stratified random sample of 40 students?
c Explain how to obtain this sample.
6 The ages of people who live in a small country town are shown in the following table. It is proposed to do a
dental check by choosing a stratified random sample of the population on the basis of these age groups.
Age 0–9 10–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70+
Number of people 180 835 260 350 280 250 200 120
a What proportion of each age group should be included in the sample?
b What number of people in each age group should be selected for a sample of 40?
c Explain how to obtain this sample.
sample of:
a 25 items? b 50 items? c 10 items? d 15 items?
2 An electoral roll has 1200 names on it. At what interval should we select names to obtain a systematic
sample of:
a 100 names? b 200 names? c 150 names? d 40 names?
150 ÷ 10 = 15, Assign the numbers 1 to 150 to each student. Divide Assign the numbers 1
so start at any the size of the population by the size of the sample to 150 to the students.
number then select wanted: 150 ÷ 10 = 15. Start at any number then Divide the size of the
every 15th number. select every 15th number. For example: population by the sample
1 If we started at the student who was assigned size to get the interval
number 7, then we would select the numbers 7, 22, size. Start at any random
37, 52, 67, 82, 97, 112, 127, 142 to form our sample. number and select
2 If we started at the student who was assigned number students at the interval
24 we would select the numbers 24, 39, 54, 69, 84, size.
99, 114, 129, 144, 9 (because 159 would have been
the next number, but there are only 150 numbers, so
we start at the beginning again and 159 – 150 = 9).
3 If we started at the student with the number 56, then
we would select the numbers 56, 71, 86, 101, 116,
131, 146, 11 (which is 161 – 150 = 11), 26, 41.
Note: in the ‘Think’ examples 2 and 3 above we need
to go back to the start of the list.
4 a Explain how to obtain a systematic sample of 15 names from a roll of 180 names.
b Which names would be selected if we started at the name numbered:
i 5? ii 10? iii 25? iv 50? v 120?
7 A physical education teacher has a class of 30 students. At the start of the day’s lesson he wants to use a
systematic sample to select the captains of six teams with equal numbers of students in each team.
a Explain how he would do this.
b The teacher tosses two dice and uses the total, 9, as the number for the first captain selected. Which
other students will be selected as captains?
c For the second half of the lesson the teacher requires five teams of equal size. If he again starts with
student number 9 as the first captain selected, which other students will be selected as captains?
a A systematic sample of 10 soldiers is to be selected for a health check. Explain how this could be done.
b If the first soldier, selected at random, is number 23, list the numbers of the other soldiers selected.
c i Which soldiers should be selected for a health check if a systematic sample of 50 soldiers is
ii If the first soldier selected is number 17, what will be the number of the last soldier selected?
A good sample is one that has almost exactly the same characteristics as the total population.
We say that a good sample is ‘representative’ of the population. In this section we will decide
which sampling methods are most suitable in given situations and investigate the effect the
size of a sample has on how well it represents the whole population.
Sampling methods
Random sampling: each member of the population has an equal chance of being
selected in the sample.
Stratified random sampling: the population is divided into subgroups and then a
random sample, proportional to the relative size of each subgroup, is taken from each
Self-selected sampling: the participants choose to be part of the sample by responding
to a request for volunteers.
Systematic sampling: the sample is chosen in a systematic way, with the first number
being selected at random from the population and then further numbers being selected
at regular intervals from the first number.
Male nnyny nnnny ynyyy nyynn yynyn ynnyn yynyy ynyyy yyynn
nnynn nnyny nyynn nnyny nnynn nyynn ynyyn nnyny ynnyn
yynyn ynynn nyyyn yyyny ynn
Female nnyyy yynyy nnnyy nynnn nnyny yynny nynnn ynyyn nnyny
ynnyy nyyny ynynn nyynn nnnyy ynyyn ynnyy nnyny nn
g On the basis of gender, select a stratified random sample of each of the following numbers of students,
and calculate the proportion of each sample who said they had smoked.
i 5 ii 10 iii 20 iv 40
h Comment on whether or not the samples in parts e, f and g are representative of the whole population.
What effect does the size of the sample have on estimating the responses of the total population?
representative sample
A sample of 50 people is chosen from a population of 70 000 people. The sample was carefully chosen to
be representative of the entire population. The people in the sample were asked the following questions.
Their responses are shown in the table.
a Calculate the percentage of the sample who answered ‘Yes’ to a new cinema.
b Estimate the number of people from the entire population who would want a new cinema.
c Estimate the number of people from the entire population who would think the public transport system
is inadequate.
d Estimate the number of people from the entire population who would be unsure about whether the
public transport system is adequate.
3 A sample of 20 people is chosen from a population of 4000 people. The sample was carefully chosen to be
representative of the entire population. The people in the sample were asked the following questions. The
results are shown in the table.
Yes responses No responses Unsure responses
Should a new fast-food restaurant be built 12 6 2
in the centre of town?
Is the access to childcare adequate? 5 7 8
a Calculate the percentage of the sample who said ‘Yes’ to a new fast-food restaurant.
12 × 100 = ___
Percentage = __
b Estimate the number of people from the entire population who would want a new fast-food restaurant.
Number = __
× ___= ___
5 A sample is selected from a school population of 800. The 40 students chosen are representative of the
entire school population. Of the students surveyed, 28 said they were happy with the school uniform and the
rest were not.
a Calculate the percentage of the sample who are happy with the uniform.
b How many students from the entire school population would be happy with the uniform?
c How many students from the entire school population would be unhappy with the uniform?
6 A sample is selected from a school population of 600. The 20 students chosen are representative of the entire
school population. Of the students surveyed, 6 said they were happy with the school canteen and the rest were not.
a What percentage of the students in the sample are happy with the school canteen?
b How many students from the entire school population would be happy with the school canteen?
c How many students from the entire school population would be unhappy with the school canteen?
7 State whether you think the following samples would be satisfactory in estimating the nature of the whole
a Using the proportion of boys and girls in your class to estimate the proportion of boys and girls
in Year 11 at your school.
b Using the proportion of boys and girls in your class to estimate the proportion of boys and girls
in Year 11 across the state.
8 Write a short analysis of the following statistical statements. Is there anything misleading about them?
a Four out of five dentists recommend Britex toothpaste.
b A newspaper reported that 10% of the Citico Company workforce had been dismissed.
c Of the two major political parties, one claimed that unemployment was rising and the other claimed that
employment was rising. Could both be correct?
9 Investigate the contribution made to statistics by the following people: John Graunt, Carl Friedrich Gauss,
Florence Nightingale, Sir Ronald Fisher, W. Edwards Deming and John Tukey. Justify why their contribution
to statistics is so important.
4B 2 Which of the following is an example of data that could not be collected by a census?
A the life of a light globe B the number of vehicle accidents caused by speed
C the number of tries scored by a rugby team D the age of school teachers in NSW
4D 6 Of the 150 students in Year 11, 70 are boys and 80 are girls. In a stratified random sample based on gender, the
proportion of boys who should be chosen is:
A __78 B __ 7
C __ 15
D __87
4D 7 For the information in question 6, the number of girls who should be chosen for a sample of 60 students is:
A 53 B 28 C 32 D 69
4F 9 To investigate the average time it takes for Year 11 students to get to school, the most suitable sample type would be:
A a random sample B a stratified random sample based on mode of travel
C a systematic sample D a self-selected sample.
4F 10 To estimate the number of boys and girls in Year 11 in NSW, a suitable sample would be the number of boys
and girls in:
A your class B the mathematics classes at your school
C Year 11 at your school D Year 11 in a selection of schools in different
4F 11 A sample is selected from a school population of 900. The 30 students chosen are representative of the entire
school population. Of the students surveyed, 25 said they were happy with the school canteen and the rest were
not. How many students from the entire school population would not be happy with the school canteen?
A 5 B 25 C 150 D 750
1 Classify this data as categorical nominal, categorical
ordinal, numerical discrete or numerical continuous.
a number of cloudy days each month
b heights of the girls in a netball team
c dress sizes (small, medium, large, etc.) in a store
d types of fish caught by anglers
5 a Use the list of random numbers given below to find a random selection of five squares from the grid shown.
1 2 3 4 5
7 Explain how to obtain a systematic sample of 20 students from a school roll of 300.
9 A sample of 20 students is selected from a school population of 400 students. The sample chosen is
representative of the entire school population. Of the students surveyed, six said they were happy with the
school uniform and the rest were not.
a What percentage of the students from the sample are happy with the uniform?
b How many students from the entire school population would be happy with the uniform?
c How many students from the entire school population would be unhappy with the uniform?
10 The manager of a bus depot wants a sample of drivers to complete a questionnaire about duty rosters.
a Explain how eight drivers could be selected at random from the 74 who work at the depot.
b Which drivers would be selected if the manager used the list of random numbers given in question 5, by
starting at the first digit in the second row and moving to the right?
11 State whether or not you think the size of the following samples would be satisfactory for estimating the
characteristics of the whole population.
a Using the number of students in your class who approve of the school uniform to estimate approval of the
school uniform by all Year 11 students (consider three classes, six classes, etc.)
b Using the cars passing the front of the school to estimate the most popular colours of cars
1 Write two examples of categorical data (one categorical nominal data and one categorical ordinal date).
3 Describe the sample you would choose if you wanted to gather support for:
a improved netball facilities at the local park
b more lines for serving senior students at the school canteen.
5 Choose five random three-digit numbers less than 200 from the table below. Start at the first digit and move right.
08695 58112 96070 91910 18868 52251 99827 32581
90070 98873 89846 50953 92529 68249 54949 83829
10132 27359 13017 41045 13817 65603 87615 55691
7 A university administrator places an advertisement on an online notice board asking final year students to
volunteer for a series of focus studies on access to tutors. What type of sampling is this?
8 List the steps you would use to produce one-digit numbers on your calculator.
9 Explain two methods that could be used to choose a random sample of six students from a class of 24.
1 Classify the following as categorical nominal, categorical ordinal, numerical discrete or numerical continuous.
a the eye colours of a group of students b the amount of sunshine each day
c the numbers of children in families d the quality of dishwashers (poor, satisfactory, good)
3 Describe a suitable sample to survey if you wanted to collect data about the:
a punctuality of the local bus service
b cleanliness of the council swimming pool.
6 A sample of 15 students is selected from a school population of 300 students. The students chosen represent the entire
school population. Of the students surveyed, 12 said they were happy with the school canteen and the rest were not.
a What percentage of the students in the sample are happy with the school canteen?
b How many students from the entire school population would be happy with the school canteen?
c How many students from the entire school population would be unhappy with the school canteen?
7 Outline the steps you would use to produce a list of random numbers from 1 to 100 using an Excel spreadsheet.
8 Use your calculator to obtain 10 random numbers between, and including, 60 and 80.
9 State whether or not you think the size of the following samples would be satisfactory in estimating the
8 The list of random numbers below is to be used to select five random numbers less than 200. List the first five
numbers selected if you start at the first digit (0) and move to the right.
08695 58112 96070 91910 18868 52251 99827 32581
90070 98873 89846 50953 92529 68249 54949 83829
10132 27359 13017 41045 13817 65603 87615 55691
9 A factory supervisor wants to interview a sample of workers about the use of the new equipment in the factory.
a Explain how five workers could be selected at random from the 24 who work at the factory.
b Which workers would be selected if the supervisor used the list of random numbers given in question 8, by
starting at the first digit in the first row and moving to the right?
TOTAL: 15 marks
MS-M1 Applications of Measurement M1.2
D 1800 cm 6 cm
4 cm
5A 3 What is the length of the 15 m
side labelled x in this
x 7 cm
A 10 m B 14.1 m A rectangle and parallelogram
C 15.8 m D 75 m B rectangle and trapezium
C rectangle and triangle
5A 4 A circle is divided into three equal sectors.
D square and trapezium
What is the size of each sector angle?
5G 9 This rectangular prism is made up of blocks.
A 360° B 180°
Each block is 1 cm long, 1 cm wide and 1 cm
C 120° D 60°
high. What is the volume of this prism?
5B 5 What is the area of a rectangle with length 8 cm
and breadth 3 cm?
A 11 cm2 B 22 cm2
C 24 cm2 D 48 cm2
5B 6 What is the 15 cm
perpendicular height A 7 cm3 B 8 cm3
of this triangle? 16 cm C 12 cm3 D 24 cm3
A 15 cm B 16 cm
C 18 cm D 30 cm
If you had difficulty with any of these questions or would like further practice, complete one or more of
the matching Support sheets available on your obook assess.
Q1 Support sheet 5A.1 Converting units of length
Q2 Support sheet 5A.2 Finding perimeter
Q3 Support sheet 5A.3 Pythagoras’ theorem
Q4 Support sheet 5A.4 Circles and sectors
Q5 Support sheet 5B.1 Area of a rectangle
Q6–7 Support sheet 5B.2 Area of a triangle
Q8 Support sheet 5C.1 Identifying simple shapes within composite shapes
Q9 Support sheet 5G.1 Finding volume
3.8 cm
32 mm
EXERCISE 5A Perimeter
1 Calculate the perimeter of each of these shapes, in millimetres.
a 3.6 cm b 9 mm c 8.1 cm
5.3 cm
1.7 cm 4.7 cm
15 mm
24 mm
11.6 cm 31 mm
2.2 cm
2 Calculate the perimeter of each of these rectangles. Give the answers in centimetres.
a b 45 mm c
11 mm 14.7 cm
2.8 cm 2.1 cm
21 mm
x = 6 + ____ = ____ y
y = ____ − 7 = ____
P = 15 + 3 + 7 + 6 + ____ + ____ x 7
= ____ cm
7 Find the unknown side lengths and calculate the perimeter of each of these figures. All measurements are in
a 53 b 11 c 17
14 x
y 5
x 26 34 9 y
17 11
8 12
28 12 x 7
6 cm 5 cm
5 Find x and calculate the perimeter of each of these figures, correct to one decimal place.
a b c
19 cm 28 cm
8 cm x
15 cm 7 cm 8 cm
x 24 cm
d r
7 Complete the following to find the circumference of this circle in two ways.
a C = πd b C = 2πr
12 cm
= π × ____ r = ____ ÷ 2 = ____
≈ ____ cm C = 2 × ____ × 6
≈ ____ cm
8 Calculate the circumference of each of these circles, correct to one decimal place.
a b c d
9m 6.8 m
18.1 m
3.2 m
6 cm
40 m
9 Find the perimeter of each of these figures, correct to one decimal place.
a b c d
18 m 20 m
8 cm 20 m
10 cm 20 m
10 Find the perimeter of each of these figures, correct to one decimal place.
a b c d
5 cm
20 cm
6 cm
10 m 10 cm
11 Find the perimeter of each of these figures, correct to four significant figures.
a b c
5m 5m
6 cm 4 cm
20 m
12 a Complete the following to determine what fraction of a circle is drawn on the right.
Fraction = ____
360 º
= ____
b Determine the perimeter of the sector shown, correct to one decimal place. 15°
1 × 2 × π ×___+ 7.2 +___ ≈___ cm
P = __ 7.2 cm
13 Determine what fraction of a circle is drawn each time, then calculate the perimeter of each sector, correct to
one decimal place.
a b c
15° 30°
6.4 cm 7.2 cm
5.3 cm
d e f
8.3 cm
7.8 cm
15.3 cm
14 Find the perimeter of each of these figures, correct to one decimal place.
a b 2.4 m c
5.4 m
60° 60°
7 cm 3 cm 12 cm
20 cm
15 cm
17 The frame of a tool shed consists of square galvanised tubing that costs
$4.65 a metre. Find the total cost of the tubing needed to make the frame 2m
of this shed.
18 a Find the lengths of the paths from A to B along the four small
semicircles of equal diameter, and along the larger semicircle,
correct to two decimal places.
b Which distance is shorter?
c What is the difference between the lengths of the two paths? A
20 A circular plate has a circumference of 50 cm. Find its radius, correct to one decimal place.
21 Georgette runs around a circular track with a circumference of 200 m. Find the radius of the track,
to one decimal place.
Area = length × breadth breadth
A = lb
Area = base × height height
A = bh
Area = __12 × base × height height height height
A = __12 bh
base base base
Area = __12 product of the lengths of the diagonals
A = __12 xy, where x and y are the lengths of the diagonals x
Area = __12 product of the lengths of the diagonals
A = __12 xy, where x and y are the lengths of the diagonals
Area = __12 × height × sum of the parallel sides
A = __12 h(a + b)
or A = (_____
2 )
h or A = __h2 (a + b) b
Area = π × radius squared
A = πr 2
Area = fraction of circle × area of circle
A = ____
× πr 2 a
3.4 cm
6.8 cm
A = 6.8 × 3.4 cm2 Area = length × breadth Multiply side lengths to find the area.
= 23.12 cm2 = lb
a b c d
12.9 cm 10.3 cm
7 cm
1.3 cm
4.7 cm 8 cm 3.7 cm
a A = __12 × 12 × 5 = 30 m2 Area = __12 × base × height The area of a triangle is half the
area of the rectangle with the
= __12 bh
b A = __12 × 8 × 3 = 12 m2 same base and height.
4m 5 cm 50 m 8 cm
2 cm
32 m 5 cm
4 cm
10 cm
A = 10 × 4 Area = base × height The height is the perpendicular distance between the two parallel
= 40 cm2 = bh sides.
50 mm
c d
12 cm
25 m 3m
5 cm 9 cm
7 cm
5 cm
A = __12 × 5 × 7 Area = __12 product of the lengths of the diagonals A rhombus has two congruent
triangles, so the area formula is
= 17.5 cm2 = __12 xy
similar to that for a triangle.
6.3 m
4 mm
1.5 m 12 mm
11 km
9.5 m
5 cm
8 cm
A = __12 × 5 × 8 Area = __12 product of the lengths of the The diagonals are perpendicular. The
= 20 cm2 diagonals formula is the same as for a rhombus.
= __12 xy
16 m
6 Find the area of each of these trapeziums. Identify the height first.
a b 16 cm
6 cm
3 cm 7 cm 7 cm
12 m
c d
20 m
35 mm 50 mm
28 mm
Calculate the area of each of these circles, correct to one decimal place.
a b
7 cm 11 cm
7 Calculate the area of each of these circles, correct to one decimal place.
a b c d
9 cm 10 cm
5 cm
15 cm
e f g h
13 cm 7 cm 18 cm 22 cm
6.8 cm
9 Determine the fraction of a circle that is drawn each time, then calculate each area to the nearest cm2.
a b c
15° 30°
6.4 cm 7.2 cm
5.3 cm
d e f
11 cm
7.8 cm
15.3 cm
g h i
45° 290°
60° 6.2 cm 6.8 cm
9.3 cm
b A rectangle has an area of 56 cm2. Find the rectangle's length if its breadth is 7 cm.
c A rhombus has an area of 72 cm2. If one diagonal is 18 cm long, how long is the other diagonal?
d Find the radius of a circle with an area of 100 m2.
11 A farm covers land in the shape of a trapezium. The length of the northern boundary of the farm is 265 m
and the length of the southern boundary is 180 m. The perpendicular distance from the northern end to the
southern end is 90 m.
a Find the area of the farm to the nearest square metre.
b Write your answer for part a to the nearest hectare. (Hint: 1 ha = 10 000 m2).
c The farmer decides to purchase her neighbour’s farm, which is in the shape of a rectangle but has the
same area as her farm. What are possible dimensions (in metres) of her neighbour’s farm?
12 A crop duster can carry 480 kg of fertiliser in its tanks. The pilot
is required to fertilise a rectangular field of dimensions 2.8 km by
1.4 km. How many flights will be necessary if the fertiliser is to be
spread at the rate of 40 kg/ha?
Composite figures are made up of more than one plane shape. To find the area of a composite
figure, first divide the figure into its component shapes and then add or subtract the areas.
d e f
5 cm 3m
8 cm 12 cm
9 cm
2 cm 5m
20 cm
10 cm
16 cm 3 cm
d 3 cm e f 5m
2 cm
10 m 7m
5 cm 10 cm 5 cm
9 cm 9m 8m
8 cm
5 cm 6m
3 Find the shaded area of each of these figures, correct to two decimal places where necessary.
a b c
6 cm 9 cm
3 cm 2m
4m 5m
12 cm 7m
d e f
3 km 2 cm 1m
4 km 10 m
3 cm
6 cm 17 m
g h 3 cm i
4 cm 4 cm
8 cm 8 cm
4 cm
15 cm
9 cm 7 cm
j 23 cm k P Q l
7 cm
27c S R
18 cm 10 cm
PR = 5 cm
10 cm SQ = 7 cm
4 Calculate the area enclosed by each of these composite figures to the nearest square centimetre (cm2).
a b c
15 cm
7.4 cm
19.6 cm
25 cm
8 cm 6.3 cm
5 Find the area of each of these figures, correct to one decimal place if necessary.
a b c
8 cm 5 cm
4 cm 11 cm
13.6 cm
d e f
6 cm
8.6 cm
8 cm
6.2 cm
g h i
8.5 cm 13 cm
10.3 cm
12 cm 9m
12 m
162 Oxford Insight Mathematics Standard 11
A = π × 72 − π × 32 The radius of the large circle is 7 cm. The formula for the area of an annulus
= 125.663… The radius of the small circle is 3 cm. is A = πR2 − πr2, or A = π(R2 − r2),
≈ 126 cm 2 Area of the large circle is π × 72 and area where R is the radius of the large circle,
of the small circle is π × 32. and r is the radius of the small circle.
Subtract the area of the small circle from Substitute the value of the large and
the area of the large circle. small radii into the formula.
6 Calculate the area of each annulus below, to the nearest square centimetre (cm2).
a b c
9 cm
3 cm 2 cm
6 cm 4 cm
10 cm
d e f
5 cm 4 cm
14 cm
8 cm
10 cm
7 cm
7 Calculate the area of each annulus below, to the nearest square centimetre (cm2).
a b c
5 cm 8 cm 7 cm 10 cm 11 cm 20 cm
d e f
9 cm 15 cm 7 cm 12 cm 15 cm 19 cm
2.2 m
Pool 5m
4.2 m
13 Determine the area of each shaded region below, correct to one decimal place.
a b c
3 cm
5 cm
15 mm
7 cm 3 cm
d e f
6 cm 4 cm 10 cm
10 cm 9 cm 15 cm
14 An arrow shape can be drawn using a rectangle and a triangle. Draw three different arrows that could have
an area of 50 cm2.
offset Although the shapes of paddocks or fields might be plane shapes, they may not be shapes
a short distance whose perimeter and area can be calculated using simple formulas. But even irregularly
shaped blocks can be dissected into familiar shapes for which formulas can be used. This
from a main section demonstrates the calculations for perimeter and area of irregular shapes, including
survey line estimates for those with curved boundaries.
P 2 5m
PR = 14 m
Area = area of triangle 1 + area of triangle 2 Find the area of each triangle. Using the entire diagonal
= __12 × 14 × 3 + __12 × 14 × 5 The diagonal, PR, of the of the quadrilateral as
= 56 m2 quadrilateral is the base of the base measurement
both triangles and the offset means the areas of only
measurement is the height two triangles need to be
each time. calculated, instead of four.
d e f
26 m 16
22 m 23 51 m
15 m m 10 m 48
20 m 12 m m
8m 63
18 m m
18 m
25 m
Find the area of the field PQRST, to the nearest square metre. R
16 m
24 m
17 m
32 m
17 m 10 m
15 m
6 Find the area of each of the following fields, to the nearest square metre. All measurements are in metres.
a E b J c D
10 40
29 28 55
Q R 25
A D 8 80 C
27 P 20 32 15 15
I 25 110
8 B
35 39 20 25
L 45
14 70
168 Oxford Insight Mathematics Standard 11
(SR)2 = 242
+ 162 = 832 Find the side lengths of Any trapeziums
SR = √832 ≈ 28.84 m each triangle (as we did need to be divided
in Example 5D-3). Divide into a rectangle
(RQ)2 = 322
+ (16 + 17)2 = 2113
_____ the trapezium TSXZ into a and right-angled
RQ = √2113 ≈ 45.97 m
rectangle and a right-angled triangle. Add
(QP)2 = 32 2
+ (10 + 15)2 = 1649
_____ triangle. or subtract
QP = √1649 ≈ 40.61 m The length, ZX, of the measurements to
(PT) 2 = 17 2
+ 152 = 514 triangle and the rectangle is: find side lengths.
PT = √514 ≈ 22.67 m 17 + 10 = 27.
The height of the triangle is:
(ST) 2 = (10 + 17)2 + (24 – 17)2 = 778
____ 24 – 17 = 7.
ST = √778 ≈ 27.89 m
Add all the side lengths.
Perimeter ≈ 28.84 + 45.97 + 40.61 + 22.67 + 27.89
= 165.98
≈ 166 m
7 Complete the following calculation to find the perimeter of field MNOPQ from question 5.
(MN) 2 = 10 2
+ ____2 = ____ (NO) 2 = (11 – ____)2 + (12 + ____)2 = ____
MN = √221 ≈ ____ m NO = √000 ≈ 15.52 m
(OP) 2 = ____
+ 82 = ____ (PQ)2 = (3____
+ ____)2 + 162 = ____
OP = √000 ≈ ____ m PQ = √377 ≈ ____ m
(QM )2 = ____
+ (10 + ____)2 = 740
QM = √740 ≈ ____ m
Perimeter ≈ ___ + 15.52 + ____ + ____ + ____
= ____
≈ ____ m
8 Find the perimeter of the field represented by each field diagram in question 6, to the nearest metre.
If a field has a boundary that is not straight (for example a river) then its
area can be approximated by replacing the curved boundary with a straight
line, creating a trapezium. The area of the trapezium is then an estimate of
the area of the field. This is known as the Trapezoidal rule and is usually
df dl
written as:
35 m
26 m
B 18 m C
B 18 m C
Draw a straight line from A to D. The required
area is approximately equal to the area of
trapezium ABCD.
Area of trapezium = __12 (a + b) × h
or A = __h2 (a + b)
52 m
40 m
10 Use the Trapezoidal rule to estimate the area of each of the following fields.
a b c 56 m
33 m
66 m
28 m 76 m 81 m
43 m
74 m
52 m
EXAMPLE 5D–6 Estimating area using two applications of the Trapezoidal rule
The field in Example 5D-5 has been dissected as shown here. The baseline has D
been bisected at E and the length of the perpendicular offset EF is 31 m. Use
two applications of the Trapezoidal rule to estimate the area of the field. A
35 m
26 m 31 m
B 9m E 9m C
a b c 21 m
22 m
22 m
18 m
15 m 8m
28 m
10 m 10 m 63 m
42 m
37 m
15 m 15 m
d 62 m e f
19 m
48 m
19 m
28 m 31 m 48 m
43 m 25 m
36 m
22 m
10 m 10 m 16 m 16 m
22 m 28 m
63 m
72 m
37 m
18 m
50 m 50 m
B 18 m C
33 m
32 m 35 m 31 m 35 m
26 m 29 m 26 m
28 m
B 6m 6m 6m C B C
8m 8m 8m 8m
5m 4m
14 m 12 m 17 m
surface area The surface area of any shape refers to the sum of Back
the sum of the the areas of all the faces. This box has six faces: two Top
areas of all the
sides, a front and a back, and a top and a bottom.
three faces of a e
three-dimensional Sid
e Sid
solid Bottom
net The net of a solid is a plane shape that can be folded to form the solid. The diagram below
a plane shape that shows a net of a cube.
can be folded to
form a solid
4 cm
Surface area = 6 × area of one face All faces are identical. Count all faces. A cube
=6×4×4 Multiply the area of one always has six identical faces.
= 96 cm2 face by 6.
a b c
3 cm
15 cm 12 cm
2 Calculate the surface area of cubes with sides of the following lengths.
a 4.8 cm b 17 mm c 0.31 m
3 Complete the following to calculate the surface area of this rectangular prism, given its net.
Hint: rectangular prisms have three pairs of equal rectangles: top and bottom, front and back, and the two sides.
5 cm
6 cm
10 cm 6 cm Side Bottom Side
4 cm
5 cm
7 cm
Area of front and back = 2 × area of front Count and compare all faces.
=2×7×4 If some faces have the same
= 56 cm2 Rectangles dimensions, then the number of
Area of sides = 2 × area of one side calculations is reduced.
=2×5×4 A rectangular prism has three
= 40 cm2 pairs of identical faces.
Area of top and bottom = 2 × area of top Rectangles
= 70 cm2
Surface area = 56 + 40 + 70 Rectangles
= 166 cm2
4 cm
7 cm 15 cm
10 cm 3 cm
25 cm
8 cm
4 cm 8 cm
d e f
6 cm
8 cm 45 mm 2m
12 cm
30 m
130 m
60 mm
17 mm
6 Calculate the surface area of the rectangular prisms with the dimensions given. Drawing a diagram can help.
a Length 8 m, breadth 9 m and height 4 m
b Length 12 mm, breadth 15 mm and height 6 mm
c Length 15.3 m, breadth 6.4 m and height 4.3 m
4 cm
15 cm
6 cm
A1 = 2 × area of one triangle Step 1: Surface area of All prisms are solid
two triangles objects that have
= 2 × __12 × 6 × 4
(front and back) one pair of identical
= 24 cm2 ends. All other
A2 = 2 × area of one side rectangle Triangles sides are rectangles.
= 2 _______
× length × ___
breadth The cross-section
Step 2: Surface area of
Breadth = √4 + 3 = √25 = 5 cm
2 2
is the same all
two rectangles
so: A2 = 2 × 15 × 5 along the prism's
(identical). Use
= 150 cm2 length. The shape
A3 = area of rectangular base of the ends give the
rule to find the
= 15 × 6 Rectangles prism its name (for
breadth of the
= 90 cm2 example, triangular
Total surface area prism).
Step 3: Surface
= 24 + 150 + 90
area of one
= 264 cm2 Rectangle
rectangle (base)
6 cm
7 cm
12 cm
= 240 + 84 + 140 + 84
= 548 cm2
a b 17 cm c 5.7 cm
8 cm
8 cm 18.2 cm
28 cm
9 cm 6.2 cm
12 cm 7 cm
32.9 cm
4 cm
15 cm
3 cm
5 cm
d 12 e 38 cm 17.8 cm
.9 f
9.2 cm 17 cm
12.3 cm 33 cm
6.4 cm 50 cm 15 cm 26 cm
18.1 cm
29 cm
8 cm
14 cm
10 a Two rooms with the following dimensions are to be painted. Which room has the greater wall area?
2.3 m
5.6 m
2.2 m
6.3 m
3.1 m
Room A Room B
b A 4 L tin of paint covers approximately 10 square metres and costs $54.95. Calculate the number
of 4 L tins of paint needed to paint room B.
c Calculate the cost of purchasing paint for room B.
1m 2.2 m
1.5 m
26 cm
12 cm
9 cm 22.5 cm 15.5 cm
5.5 cm
2.3 m 20 m
21 cm
cm 3.5 cm 3.2 cm cm
1.5 1.5
area of metal needed to make the chute. (Ignore the thickness of 2.8 m
the metal.)
2.1 m
1.2 m
0.9 m
2.8 m
1.2 m 0.6 m
16 As an extension task, access worksheet 5E.2 from your obook assess to calculate the surface area of
In order to find formulas for the surface area of an open cylinder (open ends) and for a closed
cylinder (closed ends), we can examine the following diagrams.
An open cylinder that has been cut perpendicular to the base, and folded out, forms a
rectangle. The width of the rectangle is equal to the height of the cylinder. The length of the
rectangle is equal to the circumference of the circle that formed the top or bottom.
The circumference of a circle is given by C = 2πr. Therefore the area of the curved surface of
the cylinder is given by A = 2πrh.
A closed cylinder has a circle on both ends. The diagram below shows a closed cylinder that
has been cut perpendicular to the base and unfolded.
A = 2 × area of circle + area of rectangle
= 2 × πr2 + 2πr × h
= 2πr2 + 2πrh
h h
Cut r
The surface area of a cylinder of radius r and height h, open at both ends, is given by
A = 2πrh.
The surface area of a cylinder, of radius r and height h, closed at both ends, is given by
A = 2πr2 + 2πrh.
12 cm
A = 2πrh Use A = 2πrh, The cylinder is open at both ends, so only the curved surface
= 2 × π × 5 × 12 where r = 5 and area needs to be calculated.
= 376.991… h = 12. Use the formula A = 2πrh.
≈ 377.0 cm2
2 Find the outer surface area of each of these open cylinders, correct to one decimal place.
a 5 cm b c 12 cm
14 cm
17 cm
23 cm
4.6 cm
d 4.2 cm e f
8 cm
9.7 cm
8.6 cm
20 cm 1.65 cm
3 Complete the following to calculate the outer surface area of this open cylinder,
correct to one decimal place.
a b c
15 cm
25 cm 12 cm
27 cm
25 cm
12 cm
d e f
19 cm
10.5 cm
2.98 cm
12.34 cm
23 cm
9.2 cm
5 Find the outer surface area of the open cylinders with these dimensions, correct to one decimal place.
a Radius = 4 cm, Height = 12 cm b Diameter = 18 cm, Height = 13 cm
c Radius = 3 cm, Height = 5 cm d Diameter = 11.2 cm, Height = 23.6 cm
18 cm 3.6 mm
12.4 mm
6 Complete the following to calculate the surface area of this closed cylinder,
correct to one decimal place.
Radius = ___ ÷ 2 = ___
A = 2πrh + 2πr2 17.6 cm
= 2 × π × ___ × 17.6 + 2 × π × (___)2
= ___
≈ ___ cm2 15.8 cm
13 cm 20 cm
25 cm
3 cm
20 cm 8 cm
d e 13.2 cm f
17 cm
11.4 m
38 cm
24.6 cm
3.2 m
EXAMPLE 5F–3 Finding the surface area of a sphere with given radius
Find the surface area of this sphere, correct to one decimal place.
3 mm
A = 4πr2 Use A = 4πr2 The only variable in the formula is the radius.
= 4 × π × 32 with r = 3 mm.
= 113.097…
≈ 113.1 mm2
8 Find the surface area of each of these spheres, correct to one decimal place.
a b c
12 cm 0.5 m 65 mm
Find the surface area of this sphere, correct to one decimal place.
12.4 cm
A = 4πr2 Diameter is 12.4 cm so r = 6.2 cm. The only variable in the formula is
= 4 × π × (6.2)2 the radius. If the diameter is given,
= 483.051… halve it to find the radius.
≈ 483.1 cm2
9 Complete the following to find the surface area of this sphere, correct to
one decimal place.
r = ___ ÷ 2 = ___ cm
18 cm
A = 4πr2
= 4 × π × (___)2
= ___
≈ ___ cm2
10 Find the surface area of each of these spheres, correct to one decimal place.
a b c
25 cm 18.4 cm 124 mm
11 Find the surface area of each of these spheres, correct to one decimal place.
a b c
6 cm
20 cm 17 cm
12 Find the outer surface area of each of these open hemispheres, correct to two decimal places.
a b 11.49 m
8.42 cm
1.39 m
15 Determine the total surface area of leather used to cover 20 dozen cricket balls each with diameter 7 cm.
16 Fabian has the choice of two paint rollers. One roller is 25 cm long and has a diameter
of 8 cm. The other roller is 30 cm long and has a radius of 3 cm. Assuming the
rollers have the same absorbency, which roller would need to be redipped in paint
the least often?
17 A can of baked beans has a cylindrical shape with a base diameter of 7 cm and a height
of 10 cm. A label is placed around the curved surface of the can, covering it completely.
What percentage of the total surface area of the can is covered by the label?
18 If you double the height of a cylinder, do you double its surface area?
Explain, using an example.
19 Calculate the total surface area of each of the following closed composite figures to one decimal place.
a 8 cm b lm c
2 cm
3m 6m
20 Consider the composite figure in part b of question 19. Explain why you could calculate the total surface
area of this figure without knowing the radius of the cylinder.
EXAMPLE 5G–1 Finding the volume of a prism using face area and height
Find the volume of this triangular prism with a front face area
of 12 cm2 and height (depth) of 13 cm.
A = 12 cm2
13 cm
V = 12 cm2 × 13 cm Volume = area of face × height The volume is the area of the base multiplied
= 156 cm3 The area of the front face by the perpendicular height. The height is
(or base) is 12 cm2 and the height perpendicular to the front face or base.
is 13 cm.
1 Complete the following to find the volume of this solid.
V = A × ____
= ____ × 3 20 m2
= ____ m3 3m
A = 15 cm2
A = 36 cm2
A = 21 cm2
5 cm
3.2 cm
20 cm
d e f
A = 45.3 cm2
18 cm A = 15 cm2
8 cm
A = 9.2 cm2 1.3 cm
g h i
9 cm
8.6 cm 12 cm
A = 72 cm2 A = 13.6 cm2 A=4 cm2
j k l
A = 20 cm2
90 cm 4 cm
7 cm
A = 4 cm2
A = 20 cm2
a b
5 cm
4 cm
6 cm 10 cm
9 cm 5 cm
V = A × ____ V = ____ × h
= (9 × ____) × 5 = (__12 × 5 × ____) × ____
= ____ cm3 = ____ cm3
a b c
3 cm 10 cm
18 cm 3 cm
15 cm 12 cm
6 cm
7 cm
4 cm
d e
8 cm 3 cm
12.4 cm
10 cm 18.9 cm
7 cm 18 cm
g h i
12.2 cm 14.6 cm
37.6 cm
15.6 cm
10.9 cm 3.5 cm
8.2 cm
0.75 cm
j k 16 cm
8.4 cm
19.2 cm
3.7 cm 25 cm 14.9 cm
18.3 cm
10 cm
2.8 cm
0.75 cm
V = πr2 × h Volume = area of base × height Using A = πr2 for the area of the base,
= π(3)2 × 2 The base is a circle, so A = πr2. the formula becomes V = πr2h and can
≈ 56.55 m3 In this case A = π × 32. be used directly.
5 Complete the following to find the volume of each of these cylinders, correct to two decimal places.
a b
10 m
4m 25 m
V = A × ____ V = ____ × h
= π____ × h = ____ × 42 × 25
= ____ × ____2 × 10 ≈ ____ m3
≈ ____ m3
6 Determine the volume of each of these cylinders, correct to the nearest cubic centimetre (cm3).
a 4.2 cm b c
2.3 cm
18 cm
10.3 cm 9.6 cm
20 cm
7 Use the dimensions below to calculate the volume of each cylinder, correct to one decimal place.
a Radius = 5 cm, Height = 12 cm b Diameter = 13 cm, Height = 25 cm
c Radius = 6.4 cm, Height = 16 cm d Diameter = 9 cm, Height = 40 cm
e Riameter = 37.4 cm, Height = 100 cm f Radius = 14.6 cm, Height = 70 cm
5 cm
V = __43 πr3 Use V = __43 πr3 with r = 5 mm. The only variable in the formula is the
= __43 × π × 53
= 523.598...
≈ 523.6 cm3
8 Find the volume of each of these spheres, correct to one decimal place.
a b c
12 cm 0.5 m 65 mm
9 Find the volume of each of these spheres, correct to one decimal place.
a b c
25 cm 18.4 cm 124 mm
10 Find the volume of each of these spheres, correct to one decimal place.
a b c
6 cm
20 cm 17 cm
11 Find the volume of each of these hemispheres, correct to two decimal places.
a b 11.49 m c
8.42 cm
1.39 m
d 41 cm e f
9 cm 7 cm
19 cm 16 cm
8 cm 9 cm 18.3 cm 12.5 cm 9 cm
4 cm
28 cm
56 cm
7 cm
9.6 cm
13 Which has the greatest volume, a cylinder of radius 3 cm and height 4 cm or a cylinder of radius 4 cm and
height 3 cm?
14 a Find the base area of a prism with height 10 cm and volume 280 cm3.
b Find the height of a rectangular prism with length 10 cm and width 8 cm if its volume is 560 cm3.
c Find the height of a cylinder with radius 8 cm and volume 120 cm3.
a 8 cm b lm c
2 cm
3m 6m
17 As an extension task, access worksheet 5G.2 from your obook assess to calculate the volume of pyramids,
capacity The capacity of a container is the amount of fluid that it may contain. The common units of
amount of fluid capacity are:
that a container
can hold • millilitre (mL)
• litre (L)
• kilolitre (kL)
• megalitre (ML)
Note: 1 ML = 1000 kL = 1 000 000 L
a the volume of 6.5 L of liquid b the capacity, in litres, with volume 25 600 cm3
Volume = (____ × 1000) cm3 Capacity = (25 600 × 1) mL
= ____ cm3 = 25 600 ____
= (25 600 mL ÷ ____) L
= ___ L
2 Find, in cubic centimetres, the space occupied by the following amounts of liquid.
a 2L b 12 L c 2.6 L d 450 mL e 975 mL
3 When completely submerged, various solids displaced the following amounts of water. Calculate the volume
of each solid.
a 650 mL b 7.5 L c 1.25 L d 3.78 L e 0.845 L
6 Use the conversion 1 m3 = 1000 L to calculate the space occupied by the following amounts of liquid.
a 2000 L b 5 kL c 6.7 kL d 0.9 kL e 83 200 L
Volume = area of base × height Halve the diameter to find the radius. Calculate volume first, using
V = Ah, then convert to
22 m
11 How much water can a cylindrical bottle cap hold if it has a diameter of 2.8 cm and a height of 1.1 cm?
Write your answer in millilitres.
13 Find the capacity, in megalitres, of a dam that has a cross-sectional area of 5000 m2 and average
depth of 8 m.
14 Aileen has two cylindrical vases. The first vase has a radius of 5 cm and a height of 10 cm. The second
vase has a diameter of 6.5 cm and a height of 22 cm. Which vase holds more, and by how much? Write
your answer in millilitres.
2.3 m
10 m
19 Ten oranges, assumed to be spherical, have a uniform diameter of 6 cm. If 65% of each orange is made up of
juice, how much juice could be squeezed from these 10 oranges? Give your answer to the nearest millilitre.
21 The capacity of a cylindrical water tank with radius 10 m is 4000 kL. Calculate the height of the tank to the
nearest metre.
22 The fuel tank of a car has a capacity of 60 L. How big is the tank? Suggest some possible dimensions if the
tank is in the shape of a rectangular prism.
23 Water drops falling from a tap are spheres of diameter 0.4 cm. If 15 drops per minute leak from the tap,
A 35 m2 B 75 m2
C 150 m 2
D 300 m2
20 m
7 cm
5C 9 The shaded area of the composite shape on the right is closest to:
A 16.3 m2 B 67.1 m2
C 9.03 m3 D 11.8 m2
4.3 m
2.1 m
5F 16 The surface area of a sphere with diameter 17.8 cm, correct to two decimal places, is:
A 995.38 cm2 B 3981.52 cm2 C 3981.53 cm2 D 2952.97 cm2
12 cm
5H 19 The capacity, in kilolitres, of a cubic tank with side length 8 m is closest to:
A 64 kL B 512 kL C 640 kL D 512 000 kL
1 Find the perimeter and area of each of the following figures.
a b c
4 cm 4.5 cm
7 cm
3 cm
12 cm
6 cm
d e 20 cm f
4.3 cm 30 cm 5 cm
50 cm
12 cm
2 a Calculate the area of the field represented by the b Use the Trapezoidal rule to estimate the area of
diagram below. this field.
12 m
15 m 31 m
B 18 m
D AB = 30 m
21 m
A = 7 cm2
6 cm 8m
10 cm 20 m
3 cm
5 Calculate the volume of a sphere with radius 26 mm, to the nearest cubic millimetre (mm3).
6 Find the capacity in millilitres of a cylinder with radius 7 cm and perpendicular height 14 cm.
d e f
3 cm
5.8 cm
1.1 cm 4 cm
6.3 cm
3 cm
2 a Calculate the perimeter and area of this field. b Use two applications of the Trapezoidal rule to
estimate the area of this field.
12 m
10 m 4m 6m 7m
25 m 16 m 12 m
15 m 15 m
3 Find the total surface area of each of these solids.
a b c
8m 18.3 cm 8.4 cm
15 m
11.7 cm
5 Find the capacity, in megalitres, of a dam with cross-sectional area of 6000 m2 and an average depth of 10 m.
a b c
m 5 cm
8.2 cm 1.
5 cm
12 cm
6.4 cm
11.5 cm
2 a Calculate the perimeter and area of the field b Use two applications of the Trapezoidal rule to
from the diagram below. estimate the area of the field below.
30 m
35 m
10 m
22 m 18 m 30 m
15 m
24 m 24 m
3 Calculate the surface area, correct to one decimal place, of:
a a cube of length 7.2 mm
b a closed cylinder with diameter 17 cm and height 8 cm
c a sphere of radius 13 mm.
4 Calculate the volume of each of these solids, correct to one decimal place.
a b c 6 cm
6.3 cm 5 cm
4 cm
7.8 cm
15.3 cm 10 cm 8 cm
6 cm
1 Find the perimeter and area of each of these figures. Give your answers correct to one decimal place.
a b c
10 mm 2.6 m 113 mm
21.8 mm
5.3 mm 4.9 m
d e f
12 cm 6 cm
8 cm
10 cm 40 cm
15 cm
50 m
40 m 18 m 21 m 22 m 28 m
AB = 100 m 16 m 16 m 16 m
3 Find the total surface area of each of these solids, to one decimal place.
a b c
12.1 cm
6.5 cm
11.4 m 15.3 cm
5 Find the capacity, in kilolitres, of a rectangular tank with length 8 m, breadth 6 m and height 4 m.
b Find the perimeter and area of a sector which has radius 8 cm and a sector angle of 66°. (2 marks)
c Use two applications of the Trapezoidal
rule to estimate the area of the
field represented by this diagram. (2 marks)
24 m 19 m 36 m
17 m 17 m
d Calculate the surface area and volume of a sphere of diameter 11 cm. (4 marks)
e Find the volume of this triangular prism. (2 marks)
8 cm
30 cm
12 cm
f Find the volume of this cylindrical ice-cream container. (2 marks)
12 cm
MS-F1 Money Matters F1.1
If you had difficulty with any of these questions or would like further practice, complete one or more of
the matching Support sheets available on your obook assess.
Q1 Support sheet 6A.1 Writing percentages
Q2–4 Support sheet 6A.2 Converting percentages, fractions and decimals
Q5 Support sheet 6A.3 Writing one amount as a percentage of another
Q6–7 Support sheet 6A.4 Percentage of a quantity
Q8–9 Support sheet 6A.5 Financial percentage calculations
Q10–12 Support sheet 6C.1 Plotting points
change in value
Percentage change = _____________ ×100%
original value
3 a Complete the following to find the percentage increase in weight from 52 kg to 55 kg.
b Complete the following to find the percentage decrease in cost from $186 to $154.
Decrease in cost = $____ − $____ = $____
Percentage decrease = ____ × 100 % = ____% =____% (to one decimal place)
b Loss = selling price – cost price To find the loss, subtract If the selling price is less than
= 360 – 480 the cost price from the the cost price, a loss is made.
= –120 selling price.
Loss is $120. The percentage loss is
Percentage loss the loss divided by the
120 cost price, multiplied by
= ___
× 100%
= 25%
7 A painting was bought for $3600. In the first year its value increased by 6%. In the second year it increased
by a further 8%. Complete the following.
a Value after 1 year = 106% of $____ b Value after 2 years = ____% of $____
= ____ × $____ = ____ × $____
100 100
= $____ = $____
c Overall change in value after 2 years = $____ − $3600
= $____
d Percentage profit after 2 years = ___ × 100 %
= ____% (to one decimal place)
8 A piece of antique jewellery was bought for $2400. In the first year of ownership its value increased by
15%. In the second year, it increased in value by a further 8%.
a Calculate the value of the jewellery at the end of the first year.
9 A $50 000 share portfolio increased in value by 12% in the first year and decreased by 3% in the second
year. Find the percentage profit or loss if it is sold after 2 years.
10 An investor bought $80 000 worth of gold. In the first year the gold increased in value by 10% but, in the second
year, it decreased in value by 10%. Find the overall percentage profit or loss of the investment after these 2 years.
a tax of 10% that have a tax similar to Australia’s GST, called VAT, which stands for Value Added Tax.
is added to the
The GST is a tax added to the price of goods and services. GST is payable on most goods
price of goods
and services (such as all new goods) and services (such as hospitality, electrical work, plumbing,
building). A GST of 10% was introduced in Australia in July 2000 and has remained at
10%. Most unprepared food items, including meat and vegetables, are GST free.
11 Complete the following to calculate the GST on a plasma television with a pre-GST price of $750.
GST = 10% of ____
10 × ____
= ___
= ____
12 Calculate the 10% GST payable on goods with a pre-GST price of:
a $46.00 b $150.00 c $8.40 d $459.00
e $975.50 f $10.99 g $1980 h $15.42
14 Aaron had a new bathroom installed in his house. The bill was $8742.80 and was subject to GST of 10%.
a Calculate the GST payable on the bathroom.
b Find the actual amount Aaron paid for the bathroom.
The easiest way to work out how much GST has been paid on a particular item is to divide the total
price, including tax, by 11. This is a GST rule of thumb.
Note: The rule of thumb of dividing by 11 only works if the GST is 10%.
16 Complete the following to find the GST on a laptop computer that is priced at $1200 including GST.
GST paid = ____ ÷ 11
= ____
17 Use the given rule of thumb to find the GST included in the price of goods and services costing a total of:
a $458.00 b $264 c $34.56 d $219
e $19.80 f $1904 g $2980 h $14.90
18 Find the cost of each item in question 17 before the GST was added.
19 Keong bought a Blu-ray 3D disc player listed at a pre-GST price of $634. Find the total amount Keong
paid for the disc player.
20 An antique watch bought for $15 000 increased in value by 5% in the first year of ownership and increased
by 8% in the second year. It is then sold for this value after the second year. Calculate the percentage profit.
21 Shannon is travelling overseas and is being refunded the GST on the purchase of a camera that was $475
including GST. She calculates the GST refund to be 10% of $475 which is $47.50. Is she correct? Explain
using calculations.
22 Aimee has two quotes for repairs on her car. The first is a pre-GST price of $2450. The second is $2680
including GST. Which quote is cheaper and by how much?
23 A car that cost $28 900 new depreciated in value by 22% in the first year, by 20% in the second year and
by 18% in the third year. What was its value at the end of 3 years?
24 The GST in New Zealand is 15%. Jarrod has purchased a kiwi carving for NZ$95.00 including GST. He is
entitled to a refund of the GST when returning to Australia. The rule of thumb of dividing by 11 does not
work because the GST is not 10%. Calculate Jarrod’s GST refund.
simple interest Simple interest is the name given to the type of interest that is calculated on the full amount
an amount borrowed over the full term of the loan; or invested for the full term of the investment.
calculated on The amount borrowed (or invested) is called the principal. The simple interest rate as a
the full amount
of a loan or
percentage is often called the flat rate of interest. The term of the loan (or investment) is
investment for the usually expressed in years, but may be given as any time period.
full term Simple interest is calculated using the following formula.
sum of money Simple interest formula
invested or
amount borrowed I = Prn where:
as a loan I is the amount of interest in dollars
rate P is the principal, the amount borrowed (or invested)
an amount of
interest usually r is the percentage interest rate per time period, expressed as a decimal
expressed as a n is the number of time periods.
Note: Sometimes t instead of n is used in the simple interest formula.
flat rate
simple interest
rate as a EXAMPLE 6B–1 Calculating simple interest
percentage Calculate the simple interest on $5000 at a flat rate of 8% p.a. over 4 years.
period of time for Solve Think Apply
an investment Convert 8% to a decimal Identify all the values for
or loan
I = Prn
I = $5000 × 0.08 × 4 and substitute the given values: each pronumeral. Convert
= $1600 r = 8 ÷ 100 = 0.08 the percentage rate to
The interest is $1600. P = $5000 a decimal by dividing
n=4 by 100.
3 Complete the following to calculate the simple interest on $4650 at a flat rate of 6.47% p.a. for 5 years.
P = ____ I = Prn
n = ____ = ____ × ____ × 5
r = 6.47 ÷ ____ = ____ = ____
= 1.25%
= 0.0125
d Rate = 5% ÷ 12 There are 12 months in a year, so
= 0.466 666…% divide by 12.
≈ 0.467%
= 0.004 67
P = $3000 Convert 8.56% p.a. to a monthly The units for r and n must
r = 8.56 ÷ 12 ÷ 100 rate as a decimal and substitute the be the same; both in years or
= 0.007 133 33 per month values for P, r and n. both in months. It is easier to
n = 16 months convert the annual rate to the
I = Prn same time period as n.
= 3000 × 0.007 133 33 × 16
= $342.40
The interest is $342.40.
9 Complete the following to calculate the simple interest of $5300 at a flat rate of 6.47% p.a. over 17 months.
P = ____ I = Prn
n = ____ = 5300 × ____ × ____
r = 6.47 ÷ ____ ÷ 100 = ____
11 If $4000 is invested for 4 years, the amount of interest earned is $1280. Calculate the annual simple
interest rate as a percentage.
12 If $6200 is invested for 5 years, the amount of interest earned is $1240. Calculate the annual simple
interest rate as a percentage.
13 If $190 is invested for 10 years, the amount of interest earned is $123.50. Calculate the annual simple
interest rate as a percentage.
14 If $3200 is invested at 6.35% p.a., the amount of interest earned is $952. Find the number of years of the
investment, to one decimal place.
15 Ayush invests an amount of money for 2 years at 3.2% p.a. simple interest and receives $154 in interest.
What amount of money did he invest?
16 Eden invests $1300 for two years at a simple interest rate of 2.8% p.a. After the first year, the interest rate
changes to 3.1%. Calculate the amount of extra interest Eden receives due to the rate change.
17 Hanna has $1000 to invest and wants to earn $50 in interest. She wants a rate between 2.1% and 3.5% and
Interest ($)
of years.
This section is best attempted using
a graphics calculator or, if one is not
available, a spreadsheet. This enables
the variables to be changed and the
new graph to be seen without having
to calculate and plot points. 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Graph A Graph B
Simple interest 7% p.a. Simple interest 4.5% p.a.
500 600
Amount of interest ($)
Amount of interest ($)
Amount of interest ($)
150 4000
100 3000
50 2000
1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (years) 0
1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (years)
1 Graph A above shows the interest earned when $1000 is invested at 7% p.a.
Use Graph A to help you complete the following to find:
a the amount of interest earned after 4 years.
Go up from ____ on the ____ axis to the line, then ____ to the ‘Amount of interest’ axis, to get ____.
b the time taken to earn $400 interest.
Go ____ from ____ on the ‘Amount of interest’ axis to the line, then ____ to the ‘Time’ axis, to get ____.
2 Graph B above shows the interest earned when $2000 is invested at 4.5% p.a. simple interest.
3 Graph C above shows the interest earned when $500 is invested at 6.3% p.a. simple interest. Use this graph
to find:
a the amount of interest earned after 2 years b the time taken to earn $100 interest.
4 Graph D above shows the interest earned when $10 000 is invested at 8.9% p.a. simple interest. Use this graph
to find:
a the amount of interest earned after 4.5 years b the time taken to earn $5000 interest.
Time (years) 1 2 3 4 5 10
Interest ($) 80 160 240 320 400 800
From the table of values, draw a graph showing the amount of interest earned over a period of 10 years
when $1000 is invested at 8% p.a. Use the graph to find:
a the interest earned after 8__12 years b the time taken to earn interest of $550.
Solve Think
Simple interest 8% p.a. Plot the points from the table and draw the straight-
800 line graph. Show ‘Time (years)’ on the horizontal axis
and ‘Amount of interest ($)’ on the vertical axis.
Amount of interest ($)
2 4 6 8 10
Time (years)
a From the graph, the interest after Go up from 8__12 on the horizontal axis (Time) to the
8__12 years is about $680. graph, then across to the vertical axis (Amount of
interest): about $680.
b The time taken to earn interest of $550 is a Go across from $550 on the vertical axis (Amount of
little less than 7 years. interest) to the graph, then down to the horizontal axis
(Time): less than 7 years.
Plot the points from the table and draw the graph. To find values, move from one axis to the line,
then to the other axis. If using a graphics calculator, use the TRACE function to find the values.
5 An amount of $1000 is invested for 10 years at 5% p.a. simple interest. The table shows some
interest values.
Time (years) 1 2 4 5 10
Interest ($) 50 100 200 250 500
a Use the values in the table to draw a graph showing the amount of interest earned over a period of
10 years. (If a graphics calculator is not available, refer to question 9.)
b Find the interest after 7__12 years.
c Find the time taken to earn interest of $180.
7 On the same set of axes, draw graphs to show $1000 invested at:
P R O B L E M S O LV I N G , R E A S O N I N G , J U S T I F I C AT I O N
i 9% p.a. over 10 years ii 11% p.a. over 10 years iii 8.5% p.a. over 10 years.
a How much has each investment earned over 10 years?
b How much has each investment earned after 4__12 years?
c How much more than the others has the best investment earned after 10 years?
d How long does each investment take to earn $500 of interest?
8 On the same set of axes, draw graphs to show $2000 invested at:
i 8% p.a. over 10 years ii 12% p.a. over 10 years iii 10.5% p.a. over 10 years.
a How much has each investment earned over 10 years?
b How much has each investment earned after 8__12 years?
c How much more than the others has the best investment earned after 10 years?
d How long does each investment take to earn $1000 of interest?
and interest rates. Some accounts have low fees, but low 9 6 480
interest rates, and others vary. 10 7 560
b Compare fees and interest rates per month for the 11 8 640
following deposits. 12 9 720
11 a Find some examples of the current annual interest rates for investments. List them.
b Draw graphs to show the investment of $100 over 10 years at varying simple interest rates.
12 a Find some examples of the current annual interest rates for loans. List them.
b Draw graphs to show the simple interest paid on a loan of $100 over 10 years at these rates.
The depreciation of an item is its loss in value due to age and usage. The value of
the loss in the
value of an asset
an item after depreciation is called its salvage value, book value, scrap value or
due to its age written-down value.
and usage In this section, we will look at the straight-line method of depreciation, which assumes that
salvage value the item depreciates by a constant amount each year.
(book value,
scrap value,
the value of
an asset after
method of
a method for
which an item
loses value by a
constant amount
each year
EXAMPLE 6D–2 Calculating the value of an asset using the formula for the
straight-line method of depreciation
A car purchased for $14 900 depreciates $1660 per year. Calculate
a its book value after 5 years
b the scrap value if the useful life is 8 years.
Solve Think Apply
a S = V0 − Dn Substitute V0 = 14 900, Substitute the values of D, n and V0, into the
= 14 900 − 1660 × 5 D = 1660, n = 5 into formula S = V0 − Dn.
= $6600 the formula.
b S = V0 − Dn Substitute V0 = 14 900, The scrap value is the depreciated value at
= 14 900 − 1660 × 8 D = 1660, n = 8 into the end of an item’s usable life. However
= $1620 the formula. the market value may be greater than the
depreciated value.
2 A car purchased for $26 990 depreciates $3300 per year. Complete the following to calculate its book value:
a after 2 years b after 4 years.
S = V0 − Dn S = V0 − Dn
= $26 990 − $____ × 2 = $____ − $____ × ____
= $____ = $____
3 A car purchased for $18 700 depreciates $1980 per year. Calculate its book value after:
a 2 years b 5 years.
7 A cash register machine is purchased for $2770 and depreciates by $360 per year. It has a usable life of
7 years. Find:
a its value after 4 years b its scrap value.
8 A car purchased for $26 900 was worth $14 260 after 4 years, using the straight-line method of
depreciation. Complete the following to calculate the annual amount of depreciation.
S = V0 − Dn
____ = ____ − D × 4
4D + ____ = ____
4D = ____ − ____
= ____
D = ____
9 A car purchased for $45 900 was worth $35 150 after five years,
using the straight-line method of depreciation. Calculate the
annual amount of depreciation.
15 A car purchased for $15 570 depreciates $3120 each year. According to the straight-line method of
depreciation, after how many years is the car worthless?
16 A commercial dishwasher was purchased for $6200. It depreciates at $950 per year. Its scrap value is $500.
Calculate the dishwasher’s useable life.
17 A motorcycle purchased for $22 880 depreciates $3200 each year. After how many years is the motorcycle
18 Calculate the usable life of a washing machine purchased for $4800, depreciating at $575 per year with a
scrap value of $1350.
19 A Porsche motor car is purchased for $125 000. The annual rate of depreciation is $15 000.
and type in three of the column headings from the example into cells A1 to C1 as shown below. Then follow
these instructions.
Type 2000 into cell B2.
Type the formula =7/100 * B2 into cell C2 and fill down to C5.
Type the formula =B2 + C2 into cell B3 and fill down to B5.
1 Time Total balance Interest
2 Start $ 2,000.00 $ 140.00
3 Year 1 $ 2,140.00 $ 149.80
4 Year 2 $ 2,289.80 $ 160.29
5 Year 3 $ 2,450.09 $ 171.51
a Compare your results to those in Example 6E-1. Do you obtain the same values for the total balance
after 3 years and the total amount of interest earned?
b Highlight the values in the columns for ‘Time’ and ‘Total balance’ and then select Charts from the
Insert menu to produce a graph which shows the value of the investment over the three years.
You can modify the spreadsheet from question 1 to answer the following questions.
2 a Complete the table below to determine the final value of $2400 invested at 6% p.a. compound interest
for 3 years.
3 a Complete the table below to determine the final value of $3600 invested at 5% p.a. compound interest
for 3 years.
5 Adele decided to invest her savings of $7890 for 5 years at 8.9% p.a. compound interest.
P R O B L E M S O LV I N G , R E A S O N I N G , J U S T I F I C AT I O N
6A 3 Melissa receives a 20% discount on a pair of jeans. She pays $68 for the jeans. How much does she save?
A $13.60 B $17 C $85 D $51
6A 4 Sharee buys a dining table for $576 including GST. What is the GST on the table?
A $52.36 B $633.60 C $523.64 D $57.60
6C 8 From the graph, what is the number of years required to earn
$700 interest? 400
A 8.8 B 8 C 9 D 8.4
6D 9 Using the straight-line method, what is the value after
4 years of a $25 000 car that depreciates $2650 per year? 0
A $22 350 B $17 050 C $19 700 D $14 400 2 4 6 8 10
Time (years)
6D 10 A car that was purchased for $29 900 was worth $14 300 after 5 years, using the straight-line method of
depreciation. What was the annual amount of depreciation?
A $14 300 B $15 600 C $3120 D $11 180
2 a What would be the value of a $25 000 vintage car after 2 years if it increases in value by 8% in the first
year and then decreases in value by 5% in the second year?
b If the car is sold for its value at the end of the second year calculate the overall percentage profit made.
3 Penny received a discount of $25.70 on a mobile phone. This was 5% of the original price. Find the original
price of the phone.
4 Mark has a new kitchen installed in his house. The bill is $12 546.30, and is subject to GST of 10%.
a Calculate the GST payable on the kitchen.
b Find the total amount Mark pays for the kitchen.
5 Use the rule of thumb in Topic 6A to find the GST paid on goods and services costing the following amounts.
a $1235 b $359 c $42.18 d $266
6 Calculate the simple interest on $850 at a flat rate of 7% p.a. over 3 years.
8 Calculate the simple interest on $4000 at a flat rate of 7.92% p.a. over 17 months.
9 Draw a graph showing the amount of interest earned over a period of 10 years if $1000 is invested at 7% p.a.
simple interest.
a Find the interest after 6__12 years. b Find the time to earn interest of $250.
1 Kieren invests $8000 in a share fund. In the first year the fund increases in value by 12% and in the second
year by 15%. Calculate the overall percentage change in the value of the fund.
2 Julie’s weekly wage increased from $450 to $494.40. Calculate the percentage increase.
3 Harry wants to buy a camera that is listed at the pre-GST price of $849.
a Calculate the GST payable on the camera. b Find the total amount Harry pays for the camera.
4 Calculate the simple interest on $3550 at a flat rate of 11% p.a. over 3 years.
5 Calculate the simple interest on $6000 at a flat rate of 9.74% p.a. over 13 months.
6 If $1590 is invested for 8 years, the amount of interest earned is $699.60. Calculate the annual simple interest
rate as a percentage.
7 A car purchased for $15 800 depreciates $1760 per year. Calculate its book value after 5 years.
8 A car that was purchased for $22 990 had a book value of $15 190 after 4 years, using the straight-line method
of depreciation. Calculate the annual amount of depreciation.
2 Cedric has a new roof put on his house. The bill is $22 586 and is subject to GST of 10%.
a Calculate the GST payable on the roof. b Find the total amount Cedric pays for the roof.
4 Use the rule of thumb discussed in Topic 6A to find the GST already paid on goods and services costing the
following amounts.
a $7500 b $1268 c $25.99 d $401
5 Calculate the simple interest on $1600 at a flat rate of 8.5% p.a. over 6 years.
7 Calculate the simple interest on $9000 at a flat rate of 3.97% p.a. over 19 months.
8 If $11 000 is invested for 7 years, the amount of interest earned is $4312. Calculate the annual simple interest
rate as a percentage.
9 Draw a graph showing the amount of interest earned over a period of 10 years if $1000 is invested at 9% p.a.
simple interest.
a Find the interest after 5__12 years. b Find the time taken to earn interest of $160.
1 Bill the builder purchased $2800 worth of materials
from the hardware store. He receives a trade discount
of 16% and then a further 5% discount if he pays
within 3 days of receiving the account. What is the
overall percentage discount if he pays within 3 days?
5 Use the rule of thumb in Topic 6A to find the GST paid on goods and services costing the following amounts.
a $9953 b $855 c $39.51 d $399
6 Calculate the simple interest on $700 at a flat rate of 7% p.a. over 7 years.
8 If $9200 is invested for 3 years, the amount of interest earned is $2263.20. Calculate the annual simple interest
rate as a percentage.
9 Calculate the simple interest on $7000 at a flat rate of 5.53% p.a. over 11 months.
10 Draw a graph showing the amount of interest earned over a period of 10 years if $1000 is invested at 15% p.a.
simple interest. Find:
a the interest after 9__12 years. b the time taken to earn interest of $850.
11 A photocopier is bought for $15 000. If it depreciates by $4200 each year, how long will it take for the
photocopier’s value to fall below its scrap value of $2400?
TOTAL: 15 Marks
Year 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total
Number of students 135 144 170 120 94 68 731
g A sample is selected from a school population of 700. The 35 students chosen are representative of the
entire school population. Of the students surveyed, 16 said they were happy with the school uniform and
the rest were not.
i What percentage of students in the sample said they were happy with the uniform?
ii How many students from the entire school population would be happy with the uniform?
h An electoral roll has 1800 names on it. How often should we select names to obtain a systematic
sample of:
i 100 names? ii 200 names? iii 150 names? iv 40 names?
2 Find the perimeter of each of these figures, correct to one decimal place, if necessary.
a b c
3m 30 mm 4 cm
12 cm
8 cm
9.3 cm
4.3 m
c d A C
10.3 m
15 cm 15.1 m
7 cm
D AB = 33.2 m
11 cm
5 Find the area of each of these figures, correct to one decimal place.
a b c
8.2 mm 7.3 cm
0.8 m
6 Find the shaded area of each of these figures, correct to one decimal place.
a b
85 cm
15 cm
25 mm
7 Use two applications of the Trapezoidal rule to estimate the area of this field to the nearest m2.
18 m
22 m
27 m
8 a If this cylinder is closed at both ends, find its b Find the surface area of this triangular prism,
surface area, correct to one decimal place. correct to one decimal place.
5.3 m 5 cm
1.2 m
8 cm
4.8 m
14 cm
10 m
10 Calculate the volume of each of these solids, correct to one decimal place, if necessary.
a b 4.1 m c
5.2 m 20 cm
6 cm
15 cm
8 cm
11 a Find the volume of this barn. b Find the volume of this hollow cylinder,
correct to one decimal place.
5 cm
1.8 m
3.1 m 8 cm
6.4 m
4.9 m
10 cm
12 Calculate the volume of these solids, rounded to the nearest whole number, if necessary.
a b
100 cm
r = 15 cm
10 cm
A = 4 cm2
c d
5 cm
1.2 m
7 cm
8 cm
A = 20 cm2
13 Find the capacity, in kilolitres, of a rectangular tank with length 10 m, breadth 4 m and height 3 m.
14 Find the capacity, to the nearest millilitre, of a cylindrical drinking glass with diameter 7 cm and
height 11 cm.
16 a Calculate the simple interest on $4250 at a flat rate of 5% p.a. over 3 years.
b An investment pays 4% interest p.a.
i Express this percentage as a decimal.
ii Find the six-monthly interest rate as a percentage and as a decimal.
iii Find the quarterly interest rate as a percentage and as a decimal.
iv Find the monthly interest rate as a percentage and as a decimal.
c Calculate the simple interest on $4000 at a flat rate of 6.74% p.a. over 17 months.
d If $1750 is invested for 6 years, the amount of interest earned is $840. Calculate the annual simple
interest percentage rate.
e i Draw a graph showing the amount of interest earned over a period of 10 years if $1000 is invested
at 7.2% p.a. simple interest.
ii Find the interest after 3__12 years.
iii Find the time taken to earn interest of $300.
f A printer is purchased new for $6900. It depreciates at $900 per year.
i Calculate the printer’s book value after 4 years.
ii The printer has a usable life of 7 years. Find its scrap value.
g A boat depreciates in value from $22 000 to $17 000 in two years. Find the annual amount of
h Complete the table below to determine the final value of $4200 invested at 4% p.a. compound interest
for 3 years.
MS-S1 Data Analysis S1.1
B dot plot C
7A 3 Which list of class intervals would be the most C horizontal bar D
appropriate way of grouping this data? graph
0 5 10 15 20 25
2 12 20 13 20 15 1 D line graph Frequency
1 4 16 10 12 3 10
7E 8 For this graph, which statement is incorrect?
3 18 11 4 17 13 16
Outside temperature during
A 0–5, 5–10, 10–15, 15–20 one summer day
If you had difficulty with any of these questions or would like further practice, complete one or more of
the matching SupportSheets available on your obook assess.
Q1–2 Support sheet 7A.1 Presenting data in a frequency table
Q3 Support sheet 7A.2 Class intervals
Q4 Support sheet 7B.1 Calculating percentages
Q5 Support sheet 7C.1 Dot plots
Q6 Support sheet 7C.2 Stem-and-leaf plots
Q7 Support sheet 7D.1 Types of data displays
Q8 Support sheet 7E.1 Interpreting line graphs
Q9 Support sheet 7F.1 Finding the average of two numbers
white (W), blue (B), grey (G), red (R), other (O).
a Rearrange this information into a frequency distribution
table using a tally column.
b How many cars passed the front of the school in the
30-minute time period?
c What was the most popular colour of car in this survey?
d Calculate the percentage of cars of each colour.
2 The minimum daily temperatures (in °C) recorded for a month were as follows.
22 21 20 22 23 22 21 23 19 21 21 23 21 20 22
21 20 20 22 20 23 19 20 19 20 18 19 17 18 22
a Organise this information into a frequency distribution table using a tally column.
b On how many days was the temperature recorded?
c On how many days did the lowest minimum temperature occur?
d On how many days was the minimum temperature 20°C?
e What month of the year could this be? Discuss.
3 The eye colours of a group of students are recorded below using the code
blue (B), brown (b), green (G), grey (g).
B b g B b b G b B g b B g b G
b b B g B B g b B G B b g b B
a Organise this data into a frequency distribution table using a tally column.
b How many students were observed?
c What is the most common eye colour in this sample?
4 Consider the following marks (out of a possible 100) gained by 50 students in a test.
70 31 49 54 55 74 50 34 60 68 68 57 45 56 54 85 44
66 56 60 22 45 53 29 61 20 13 52 41 50 74 51 48 69
75 61 40 41 33 62 65 55 51 42 94 64 38 3 51 79
a Complete this frequency distribution table for the data.
Score 3 13 20 22 29 31 33 34 38 40 41 42 44
Score 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60 61
Score 62 64 65 66 68 69 70 74 75 79 85 94
little information, we can condense the data by grouping it into classes, or class intervals)
intervals, and finding the frequency of each class, again using a tally column.
Consider the following incomplete frequency distribution table in which the data is of data
grouped into classes of 10 scores.
i Explain what a class of 0–9 means.
ii Explain what a class of 60–69 means. Class Tally Frequency
iii Are the classes the same size? What is the size 0–9 | 1
of each class interval? 10–19 | 1
iv Complete the frequency distribution table for 20–29 ||| 3
the given data. 30–39
v How many of the test scores lie in the interval 40–49
50 to 59? 50–59
vi What percentage of students obtained a test 60–69
score in the range 80 to 89? 70–79
d Consider this incomplete frequency distribution
table which includes less classes.
i What is the size of each class? Total 50
• the classes do not overlap. For example, if we form classes 0–10, 10–20,
20–30, … then we would not know in which class to put score 10 or score 20
• there are no gaps between class intervals. For example, if we organise the data in question 4 into
classes 0–4, 5–9, 10–14, etc. then, even though there are no scores in the class interval 5–9, this class
should be included
• each class interval is the same size. (When there are extremely low or high scores it may be
convenient to make the bottom and top class intervals open; for example, less than 300, 300–319,
320–329, …, 390–399, 400 or more. However, any further statistical analysis then becomes very
7 Investigate the modes of travel of the students in your class. Present the data in a frequency distribution table
and write a short report on your findings. Would the results for your class be typical of the whole school?
Solve/Think Apply
Use the fact that the cumulative
Score Cumulative Frequency frequency of a score is the sum
frequency of the frequencies of all the scores
7 2 2 up to and including that score.
8 5 52253
9 7 72552
10 12 12 2 7 5 5
11 16 16 2 12 5 4
4 The numbers of matches in 60 boxes of matches were counted and the results are shown below.
49 51 50 50 48 49 50 49 53 50 48 51 49 50 51
52 50 48 49 51 50 53 48 49 51 50 52 49 50 52
51 48 50 49 50 51 52 50 49 48 52 50 51 49 50
50 48 53 52 49 50 51 53 48 50 51 49 50 53 48
a Organise this data into a frequency distribution table and add a cumulative frequency column and a
relative frequency column.
b How many matchboxes contained:
i exactly 50 matches? ii fewer than 50 matches?
iii 50 or fewer matches? iv more than 50 matches?
c Find the percentage of matchboxes that contained:
i 49 matches ii 50 matches iii 51 matches
iv 50 or fewer matches v 50 or more matches.
could hit a golf ball the furthest. Each student’s best shot, to the
nearest metre, is recorded below.
244 220 232 195 242 200 229 205 213 224
216 250 227 186 207 236 225 212 227 230
209 235 234 251 195 206 221 190 198 210
222 235 230 209 254 193 203 228 191 242
204 218 212 218 239 223 252 215 220 198
207 205 226 235 202 196 188 224 245 230
a Copy and complete the frequency distribution table for this
b How many golfers entered the competition? Distance (m) Tally Frequency
c Add a cumulative frequency column and a relative frequency 180–189
column to your table from part a. 190–199
d For how many golfers was the length of their best shot recorded 200–209
as less than:
i 200 m? ii 230 m?
e What percentage of golfers had the length of their best shot
recorded as:
i 250 m or more? 240–249
ii 220 m or more, but less than 230 m? 250–259
iii less than 200 m? Total
7 A nurseryman takes a random sample of seedlings and measures their heights to the nearest millimetre.
The results are recorded in the frequency distribution table below.
Height (mm) Frequency
300–324 3
325–349 18
350–374 47
375–399 32
400–424 14
425–449 6
9 A spreadsheet can be used to add a cumulative frequency column and a relative frequency column to a
frequency distribution table. The following spreadsheet uses the data from Example 7B-1. The relative
frequencies are expressed as decimals, set to three decimal places.
1 Frequency distribution table
2 Score Frequency Cumulative frequency Relative frequency
3 36 1 1 0.025
4 37 5 6 0.125
5 38 8 14 0.200
6 39 13 27 0.325
7 40 7 34 0.175
8 41 4 38 0.100
9 42 2 40 0.050
10 40 1.000
Here is the formula view. Use fill down to complete the columns. Fill down for additional rows and use
AutoSum to calculate the totals.
Note: the calculation of the relative frequency will need to be changed if additional rows are added.
1 Frequency distribution table
2 Score Frequency Cumulative frequency Relative frequency
3 36 1 5B3 5B3/$B$10
4 37 5 5C31B4 5B4/$B$10
5 38 8 5C41B5 5B5/$B$10
6 39 13 5C51B6 5B6/$B$10
7 40 7 5C61B7 5B7/$B$10
8 41 4 5C71B8 5B8/$B$10
9 42 2 5C81B9 5B8/$B$10
10 5SUM(B3:B9) 5SUM(D3:D9)
Create a spreadsheet to complete questions in this exercise again. You may like to use the prepared
spreadsheet provided on your obook assess.
dot plot A dot plot displays data as columns or rows of dots. The number of dots is the frequency of
a display of data the variable.
where each
piece of data is
A dot plot is a convenient and efficient method for illustrating a small data set consisting of a
represented by small number of categories or possible outcomes. It also has the advantage that it can be used
a dot above a directly for unsorted data.
matching number
For large data sets, a dot plot is very time-consuming to prepare and, conversely, a completed
or category on a
horizontal scale dot plot is difficult to read. A dot plot can only be used when the outcomes can be counted.
Dot plots are useful for drawing attention to clusters, gaps and outliers.
b Colour Frequency
Count the dots in each
White 14
Blue 12
Grey 9
Red 11
Other 4
B b g B b b G b B g b B g b g
G b b B g B B g b B G B b B b
a Draw a dot plot for this data. plot
b Determine the frequency of each eye colour. A display of data
where each piece
2 The number of children in 25 families is recorded below.
of data is split into
2 1 3 5 2 3 1 4 2 2 3 4 1 two parts: the last
3 2 5 2 3 2 4 3 2 4 2 3 digit becoming the
a Draw a dot plot to display this information. leaf and the other
digits becoming
b Write the frequency of each number of children.
the stem
Stem-and-leaf plots are another way of displaying information. They are used to group
and rank data to show the range and distribution. The leaf is the final digit of a number, the last digit of a
preceding digits form the stem. piece of data; e.g.
A stem may have any number of digits but a leaf has exactly one. The stem is written once in for the data score
256, the leaf is 6
the left column and the leaves are listed in numerical order beside the appropriate stem. In a
stem-and-leaf plot: stem
digit or digits
• all of the data is used and displayed preceeding the
• the largest and smallest measurements can be found last digit of a piece
of data; e.g. for the
• the clustering of data can be seen more easily
data score 256, the
• the length of the leaf row indicates the number of scores belonging to that stem. stem is 25
3 a Draw a stem-and-leaf plot, using the stems 3, 4, 5 and 6, for these scores:
32 45 37 65 48 57 33 42 59 62 47 51 50 47 36 68 60 50 63 47
b What are the lowest and highest scores?
c How many times do the following scores occur?
i 50 ii 40
d Which score occurs the most often?
e How many scores are in the sixties?
f How many scores are less than 50?
4 a Draw a stem-and-leaf plot, using the stems 12, 13, 14 and 15, for these scores:
132 154 124 156 125 145 130 141 126 151 140 139 128 145 126
146 128 130 140 158 154 142 149 145 150 126 130 148 158 145
b What are the lowest and highest scores?
c How many times do the following scores occur?
i 150 ii 158 iii 120
d Which score occurs the most often?
e How many scores are:
i less than 130? ii 150 or more?
5 The results of a test are shown in this stem-and-leaf plot. Stem Leaf
a What are the lowest and highest scores? 5 00014444456788
b How many times do the following scores occur?
6 001233578899
i 50 ii 60
7 445788
iii 70 iv 80
8 115577
c Which score occurs the most often?
9 00
d How many scores are in the 50s?
e How many scores are:
i less than 60? ii 80 or more?
Solve/Think Apply
Stem Leaf If the data has one stem only,
0 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 it is often useful to split the
This plot gives no more information than an ordered list of numbers. leaves into two groups, one
To show the information in a more meaningful way, the stem is split. containing the leaves 0, 1, 2,
The stem 0 will contain the leaves 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. 3, 4 and one containing the
The stem 0* will contain the leaves 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. leaves 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
The stem-and-leaf plot then becomes:
Stem Leaf
0 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4
0* 5 5 5 5 7
It can be seen from the second plot that most households have 4 or
fewer people.
7 The number of hours per week a group of Year 11 students spent doing homework is shown below.
27 22 38 30 26 34 18 27 32 31
28 33 33 29 24 27 30 31 33 27
28 22 26 32 34 26 26 37 29 28
31 33 23 34 29 26 33 29 32 27
a How many students were surveyed?
b Draw a stem-and-leaf plot for this data using stems 1, 2 and 3.
c Draw another stem-and-leaf plot for the data using stems 1, 1*, 2, 2*, 3, 3*.
d What information is shown in the second stem-and-leaf plot that is not evident in the first?
The heights of girls and boys in Year 12 were measured in centimetres. The results are listed below.
Girls: 152, 162, 167, 170, 180, 193, 174, 157, 163, 172, 169, 174, 167, 160, 170, 171, 167, 174
Boys: 169, 180, 185, 179, 174, 185, 195, 181, 163, 176, 174, 174, 179, 183, 188, 188, 192, 192
a Represent this data in a back-to-back stem-and-leaf plot.
b From the data, what comparisons can be made between the heights of boys and girls?
8 The average rainfall, in millimetres, for Adelaide and Melbourne is shown in the table.
Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
Adelaide 17 19 22 38 59 52 65 50 43 38 24 23
Melbourne 48 48 52 58 58 50 49 51 59 68 60 59
a Copy and complete this back-to-back Melbourne Adelaide
stem-and-leaf plot for the rainfall data. Leaf Stem Leaf
b What comparisons can be made between the
1 __ __
rainfall of the two cities?
2 234
3 __ __
__ 8 8 4 3
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ 5 0 2 __
80 6 __
9 The average rainfall, in millimetres, for Canberra and Hobart is shown in the table.
Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
Canberra 58 57 56 53 49 37 40 47 50 67 63 53
Hobart 48 40 47 52 49 56 54 52 52 64 55 52
a Represent this data in a back-to-back stem-and-leaf plot.
b What comparisons can be made between the rainfall of the two cities?
● peas ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● potato ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● broccoli ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● snow peas ● ●
● ● pumpkin ●
12 The back-to-back stem-and-leaf plot shows the marks of two Year 11 classes for a mathematics test.
Class 11A Class 11B
Leaf Stem Leaf
0 2
99988555442 1 9
9987655510000 2 00223356679
9 3 001224445889
Answer the following questions for:
i Class 11A ii Class 11B.
a What was the lowest mark? b What was the highest mark?
c What was the most common mark? d In what range are the marks clustered?
e In this test a mark of 18 or more was considered satisfactory. How many marks were rated
f Based on your analysis of parts a–e, which class performed better on this test?
13 The stem-and-leaf plot shows the weights (in kilograms) Boys Girls
of the boys and girls in a Year 11 class. Leaf Stem Leaf
a How many students were in the class? 4 79
b How many girls weighed less than 60 kg? 70 5 37779
Instead of a column or row of dots, it is often easier to draw a plain column, or row.
dishwashers, etc.
6 10–19 110
20–29 175
30–39 65
40–49 80
50–59 55
M eb
60–69 40
Month 701 60
Month Sales ($million)
5 The number of milligrams of cholesterol per 100 g of various foods is shown in the horizontal bar graph
below. Complete the given table for the data.
Cholesterol in foods
6 The English, mathematics and science exam marks for five students are shown in the table below.
Complete the column graph to show these results by grouping the subjects together for each
student as shown.
Wendy 89 65 60
Hassan 54 78 75 40
Vincent 62 90 88 20
Tue 3 3 3
Wed 5 6 1
Thu 6 4 0
Days of week
Fri 2 3
Misleading graphs
Misleading graphs give a false impression of the data, either by mistake or
deliberately. The main causes of graphs being misleading are:
• the scale on the vertical axis does not start at zero
• the scale on the vertical or horizontal axis is irregular
• the scale on the vertical or horizontal axis is missing
• the use of area or volume creates a false impression.
Number sold
Number sold
0 0 0
Brand Brand Brand
Solve Think/Apply
Graph A: This column graph correctly shows (as the table does) that the For column graphs, the area of
sales of brand X are double those of brand Y. The width of both columns a 2D column and the volume
are the same and the height of the second column is twice that of the first. of a 3D column indicate the
Tonnes (’000) 40
Cases (’000)
10 10
0 0
2010 2011 2012 1 2
Year Week
Volume (’000 L)
Amount (mg)
Factory A Factory B
9 The percentage of deaths, per 10 000 vehicles, for all registered cars and trucks and motorcycles
between 2004 and 2008 are shown on the graphs below. Approximately how many times more likely is a
motorcyclist to be killed than a driver of any other type of vehicle?
Road deaths in cars and trucks Road deaths on motorcycles
registered cars and trucks (%)
60 60
registered motorcycles (%)
50 50
Deaths per 10 000
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Year Year
12 Many different types of graphs can be drawn using the Chart option (or equivalent) of spreadsheet
The vertical column graph below was drawn after entering the information from Example 7D-1 into
the first two columns of a spreadsheet. Highlight the table, select Chart and choose Column graph.
Investigate the options available such as the labelling, including the table, etc.
1 Brand Frequency
2 Dishlex 10 Dishwasher sales
3 Hoover 8
Number sold
4 LG 4
5 Bosch 7
6 Asko 2 2
Dishlex Hoover LG Bosch Asko
Brand of diswasher
Similarly, you can create a bar graph for given data. Note: to change from one graph type to another, right
click on the graph and select Change Series Chart Type.
a Produce a spreadsheet to create a column graph for the data in Example 7D-1.
b Produce a spreadsheet to create a bar graph for the data in Example 7D-2.
c Now use a spreadsheet to draw the graphs in this exercise.
You may like to use the prepared spreadsheet files provided on your obook assess to help you.
Line graphs are useful for showing upward and downward trends in data. They are also useful
for finding ‘in between’ values when the quantity on the horizontal axis is continuous.
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Day of week
Time (hour) 7 am 8 am 9 am 10 am 11 am 12 pm 1 pm 2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm
Temperature 13 14 16 17 19 22 25 28 27 27 24 22 18
2 The monthly sales figures for a computer firm are shown below. Draw a line graph for this information.
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Sales ($’000) 54 36 30 30 28 34 25 26 31 38 44 56
4 The weight of a baby at various ages is shown below. Illustrate this information on a line graph.
Age (months) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
Weight (kg) 3.2 5.1 7.0 8.8 10.0 10.7 11.2 11.8 12.5
Graph A Graph B
15 15
Profit ($ millions)
Profit ($ millions)
10 10
5 5
0 0
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Year Year
15 15 15
Profit ($ millions)
Profit ($ millions)
Profit ($ millions)
14 10
13 5
12 0
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2015 2017
Year Year 0
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Solve Think/Apply
Graphs A, B and D are fair, although each gives a different impression: Check that a
Graph B makes the increase in profit look smaller because the horizontal scale is scale is present
enlarged. Graph D makes the increase in profit look larger because the horizontal scale on the vertical
is compressed. axis and that
Graphs C and E are misleading: Graph C has exaggerated the increase in profit by it starts at zero
not starting the vertical scale at 0, thus enlarging this scale. Graph E has an irregular and is regular.
vertical scale, so the graph is incorrect.
Cost ($)
2011 2016 2017
6 a Which graph gives the impression of rapidly increasing sales?
Graph A Graph B
2600 3000
Nu-Choc chocolate
Nu-Choc chocolate
2500 2500
2400 2000
Sales of
Sales of
2300 1500
2200 1000
2100 500
2000 0
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Year Year
7 a A large 4WD has a fuel consumption of 15 L/100 km when running on unleaded petrol (ULP). The cost
of ULP is $1.50/L. Complete the table below to show the fuel cost of driving this car.
10 Consider the following data about road fatalities in NSW from 1950 to 2015.
Year 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980
Number killed 634 820 978 1151 1309 1288 1303
11 A 75-kg male drinks for 3 hours. His blood alcohol content (BAC) after 3 hours can be approximated by
10N 2 22.5 where N is the number of standard drinks consumed in this time.
the formula BAC 5 __________
a Complete the table using the given formula.
N 1 2 3 4 5 6
b Draw a line graph to illustrate the information in the table.
c Extend the graph to find the man’s BAC after: i 7 drinks ii 8 drinks.
d If he wants his BAC to be under 0.05 after 3 hours, so that he can drive home, what is the maximum
number of standard drinks he can consume?
e A zero BAC is a requirement of NSW law for all learner and provisional licence holders. If he wants
his BAC to be zero after 3 hours, what is the maximum number of drinks the man can consume?
12 The line graph below, representing the data in Example 7E-1, was drawn using a spreadsheet. The data is
entered in the first two columns. Highlight the table, select Chart and choose Line graph.
1 Day of week Price (cents) Share performance
Share price (cents)
2 Mon 45 50
3 40
Tue 48
4 Wed 55 20
5 Thu 52 0
Fri 46
7 Day of week
Use a spreadsheet to draw some of the line graphs in this exercise. You may like to use the prepared
spreadsheet file provided on your obook assess to help you.
a Number of snacks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 5 7 9 7 6 4 2
b Score 10 11 12 13 14
Frequency 7 11 17 0 5
a Number of goals 0 1 2 3 4
Frequency 8 9 6 3 1
3 On the same diagram, draw a frequency histogram and a frequency polygon for the data given below.
Mark 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Frequency 4 6 9 0 2 3 1
7 4
8 2
5 6 7 8 9 x
12 14
13 12
14 10
16 4
17 2
12 13 14 15 16 17 x
5 For the data in the following tables, find the class centre of each class interval. Draw a grouped frequency
histogram and polygon, for the data in each table.
a Mass (kg) Frequency b Score Frequency c Patients
60–62 2 41–50 3 per day Frequency
63–65 5 51–60 0 10–19 13
66–68 7 61–70 10 20–29 15
69–71 4 71–80 8 30–39 16
72–74 2 81–90 7 40–49 10
91–100 2 50–59 4
60–69 2
Male Female Total
a In 2008, approximately what percentage of all male
riders or passengers killed in motorcycle accidents were:
i 17–25 years old? ii 60–69 years old?
b Approximately what percentage of all female riders or
passengers killed in motorcycle accidents were:
i 17–25 years old? ii 60–69 years old?
c Which age group of male motorcycle riders and
passengers had the:
i highest number of fatalities?
ii lowest number of fatalities?
d Which age group of female motorcycle riders and passengers had the:
i highest number of fatalities? ii lowest number of fatalities?
e Which age group of all motorcycle riders and passengers had the:
i highest number of fatalities? ii lowest number of fatalities?
c Explain any trends shown by the graph.
d Discuss why the number of fatalities has decreased
since 1980 even though the number of registered 0
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
vehicles on the road has increased.
17 1 1
16 18 2 3
19 4 7
4 20 7 14
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 6 20
Temperature (°C)
22 6 26
23 4 30
Draw a cumulative frequency histogram, using
the cumulative frequency of each score. Next,
use straight lines to join the top right-hand
corners of the columns to form the cumulative
frequency polygon.
Note: when drawing a cumulative frequency polygon, we join the upper-right hand
vertices, not the midpoints, of the columns. We do not join the last corner to the
horizontal axis, so the graph it is not strictly a polygon.
To draw a cumulative frequency polygon without first drawing the histogram requires
careful consideration of the upper and lower boundaries of each class interval.
2 For each of the frequency distribution tables given in question 2 of Exercise 7F:
a add a cumulative frequency column
b draw a cumulative frequency histogram and a cumulative frequency polygon.
Solve Think
Find the class centre and add a cumulative frequency column.
Height of students
Height Class centre Frequency Cumulative
28 (cm) frequency
Cumulative frequency
Use the class centres as the values on the horizontal axis and use the cumulative frequency on the vertical
axis. Join the top right-hand corners of the columns of the histogram to form the ogive.
3 a For each part of question 5 in Exercise 7F, add a cumulative frequency column to the table.
b Use the tables from part a to help you draw a cumulative frequency histogram and ogive for each set of
data, on the same diagram.
frequency histogram
Complete the frequency distribution table given the cumulative frequency histogram.
problems/causes that have the most impact are clearly shown on the left of the chart.
The cumulative relative frequency graph helps us to judge the added contribution of
each problem/cause. If the cumulative graph rises steeply then levels out, this indicates
that the first two or three causes are these having the most impact on the problem. If
the columns are roughly the same height, the cumulative graph will rise at a steady
rate, indicating that all causes are having a roughly equal impact on the problem.
Solve Think
Cause of delay
Solve Think
8 Pareto charts can be drawn using a spreadsheet. After entering the data as you would for a table, go to:
Insert . Chart . Histogram . Pareto.
a Use your computer spreadsheet to draw Pareto charts for questions 5–7.
b What is different about the charts drawn by Excel compared to your hand-drawn charts?
Dirty washrooms 8
Long delays in 35
Cramped seating 9
Create a summary overview of this chapter. Include your own descriptions of key terms and strategies.
7A 2 The distance, in kilometres, the members of a group of students travel to school are shown below.
0.6 3.4 0.8 2.8 0.9 1.1 1.9 2.4
3.5 3.6 0.8 1.4 2.7 0.6 1.3 3.9
2.1 2.3 3.0 1.6 1.5 3.2 2.1 1.8
0.7 2.3 3.6 3.5 1.6 1.4 0.4 2.8
3.8 2.9 0.8 1.7 3.7 2.5 1.9 2.0
By organising this data into a frequency table using classes 0–0.4, 0.5–0.9, 1.0–1.4, 1.5–1.9, …
the number of students who travel more than 2.4 km is:
A 25 B 21 C 15 D 12
7B 3 For the data in question 1, the cumulative frequency and the percentage relative frequency of the score 7 are
A 3 and 15% B 15 and 3% C 15 and 15% D 12 and 15%
7D 7 Consider the sales data shown in the table on the right. Months Sales ($ million)
If a horizontal bar graph was used to display the information in this
Jan/Feb 2.4
table, with a scale of 10 mm representing $1 million, the length of the
bar representing sales for March/April would be: Mar/Apr 3.1
A 0.31 mm B 3.1 mm May/Jun 1.8
C 31 mm D 310 mm Jul/Aug 1.4
Sep/Oct 2.8
7E 8 Which of the following is not a cause of graphs being misleading?
A The scale on the vertical axis does not start at zero. Nov/Dec 3.6
B The scale on the horizontal axis does not start at zero.
C The scale on the vertical axis is irregular.
D The incorrect use of area or volume creates a false impression.
Matches played
7F 9 From this frequency histogram, the total number of matches
Number of matches
played was: 6
A 17 B 5
C 6 D 18 3
7F 10 To draw a frequency polygon using the histogram in question 9, the 1
first and last column midpoints should be joined to: 0
A any two points on the horizontal axis 0 1 2 3 4 5
Number of goals
B the two points on the horizontal axis where the previous and
the next score would be Score
C any two points on the vertical axis
D the bottom left and right corners of the histogram.
7G 11 From the cumulative frequency histogram on the right, the 16
Cumulative frequency
A 3 B 4 12
C 5 D 11 10
3 4 5 6 7 8
2 This table shows the variation in the price of shares during one week. Show this information on a line graph.
Use the following information to answer questions 1–6.
The marks scored in a mathematics test by a class are listed below.
11 12 11 14 18 15 13 14 19 18
17 15 15 12 18 17 13 10 9 14
16 16 13 14 11 14 18 10 14 15
2 Add a cumulative frequency and a relative frequency column to your table from question 1.
6 Draw the cumulative frequency histogram and ogive for the data.
Walk Bicycle Bus Car Train
8 Using the cumulative frequency graph on the right, how Calls made
many calls were made between 12:00 noon and 3:00 pm? 110
Cumulative frequency
m– m
1 The numbers of each brand of sound system sold by an electrical store in one week are shown in the table.
a How many sound systems were sold during the week?
b Draw a horizontal bar graph to display this information. Number
c Draw a vertical column graph to display this information. Brand of sales
2 a Draw a stem-and-leaf plot, using the stems 3, 4, 5 and 6, for these scores: Sony 15
33 46 38 66 49 58 34 43 60 63 National 8
48 52 51 48 37 69 61 51 64 48 Pioneer 12
b What are the lowest and highest scores?
Aiwa 10
c How many times do the following scores occur?
Phillips 5
i 51 ii 41
d Which score occurs the most often?
e How many scores are in the sixties?
f How many scores are less than 50?
No signature 92
Wrong form 14
Other 5
Tonnes (× 1000)
Profit (millions)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Year Year
c d Wine consumption
Profit (millions)
Cumulative frequency
b How many students scored: 44
i less than 12? 36
ii 12 or less? 32
iii more than 12? 24
2 Construct a frequency distribution table for the data. 16
3 What percentage of students scored: 8
a 10? b 15? 0
10 11 12 13 14 15
4 Draw a frequency histogram and polygon for the data. Mark
Stem Leaf
3 16
4 0122589
5 011347899
6 2358
7 011
i What is the lowest score? (1 mark)
ii How many scores are in the forties? (1 mark)
iii How many students studied for more than 50 hours per week? (1 mark)
iv What percentage of students studied for fewer than 44 hours per week? (1 mark)
d The graph below shows the percentage of crashes resulting in the death of a driver
aged less than 26 years, by time of the day and day of the week.
Percentage of all crashes involving
death of a driver aged less than 26 years
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Early morning – midnight to 5:59 am Afternoon – noon to 5:59 pm
Morning – 6:00 am to 11:59 am Evening – 6:00 pm to 11:59 pm
MS-S2 Relative Frequency and Probability
If you had difficulty with any of these questions or would like further practice, complete one or more of
the matching Support sheets available on your obook assess.
Q1 Support sheet 8A.1 Understanding a standard deck of playing cards
Q2–3 Support sheet 8A.2 Sample space and outcomes
Q4 Support sheet 8A.3 Introducing tree diagrams
Q5–6 Support sheet 8B.1 Converting fractions, decimals and percentages
Q7 Support sheet 8B.2 Simple experimental probability
Q8–9 Support sheet 8C.1 Using key words to describe probability
Q10 Support sheet 8C.2 Simple theoretical probability
Q11 Support sheet 8G.1 Multiplying fractions
sample space In probability, the sample space of an experiment is the set of all possible outcomes of
set of all possible the experiment. For example, rolling a six-sided die is an experiment with possible outcomes
outcomes of an of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6.
An event is either one outcome or a
a trial (or trials) collection of outcomes. For example, when a
performed to die is rolled, ‘getting a 2’ is one of the six
obtain data equally likely outcomes. The event is
to predict the ‘getting a 2’. Another event could be ‘getting
chances of an
an even number’ which includes the
event occuring
outcomes 2, 4 or 6. This event is a collection
of outcomes.
one outcome
or collection of A multistage experiment is one that is made up of simpler experiments. For example, a two-
outcomes from stage experiment could be flipping a coin and then rolling a die. When finding the sample
performing an
space of multistage experiments, it is often useful to use a systematic method such as a list,
table or tree diagram.
experiment A multistage event is either one outcome or a collection of outcomes of a multistage
experiment made experiment. For example, when flipping a coin and rolling a die, a two-stage event could be
up of more than ‘getting a tail and a 2’ (one outcome) or ‘getting a tail and an even number’ (collection of
one simpler outcomes).
multistage event
one outcome
or collection of
outcomes from
a multistage
equally likely
outcomes that
have an equal
chance of
Equally likely outcomes are outcomes that have exactly the same (equal) chance of
occurring. For example, for a fair die, we would expect rolling a 2 to have the same chance of
occurring as rolling a 5 (or any number from 1 to 6).
The sample space is the list of all possible outcomes.
State whether the outcomes of each of the sample spaces in Example 8A-1 are equally likely to occur.
From Example 8A-1, the sample spaces for the experiments are:
a a coin is tossed: S = {H, T}
b a six-sided die is rolled: S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
c a matchbox is tossed: S = {top, bottom, front face, back face, right end, left end} or
S = {largest face, side face, end face}
3 State whether you think the outcomes of each of the sample spaces for the following experiments (from
question 2) are equally likely to happen (we will test some of these experimentally, later). Discuss any
problems as a class.
a A boy or girl is born.
b A drawing pin is tossed.
c A cylindrical can is tossed.
d A marble is chosen from a bag containing 5 red, 3 blue and 2 white marbles.
e The colour of a set of traffic lights is noted as a car approaches.
f A vowel is chosen from the English alphabet.
g A letter is chosen from the word INSIGHT.
h The day of the week on which a child is born is recorded.
i The result (not the score) of a soccer match.
j A card is chosen from a standard deck of playing cards (there are several answers depending on what is
being investigated).
6 Complete this tree diagram to find all the possible ways 1st question 2nd question Outcomes
you can answer the first two questions on a True or False T
test. (Use T for true and F for false.)
7 Find the sample space when two coins are tossed. It does
not matter if the coins are tossed simultaneously or one
after the other. (Use H for heads and T for tails.) Are all the outcomes equally likely?
8 List all the outcomes possible when a coin is tossed and a die is rolled.
9 a Complete this table to see the sample space when Second die
two six-sided dice are rolled.
1 2 3 4 5 6
b How many outcomes are in the sample space?
First die
c Is it equally likely to obtain a sum of 4 as it is to 3 4
obtain a sum of 6? Explain. 4
d Which outcome is the most likely to occur? 5
e Which outcomes have the same chance of occurring?
f How many of the 36 outcomes show a sum greater
than 8?
11 a Use the table in question 9 to find all the possible Second die
differences between the two numbers uppermost
1 2 3 4 5 6
when two dice are rolled. This table has been
started for you. 1 0 1 2
b How many different outcomes are shown in the table? 2 1
First die
c Is it equally likely to obtain a difference of 0 as it is 3 2
to obtain a difference of 3? Explain. 4
d Which outcome is the most likely to occur? 5
e How many of the 36 outcomes show a difference
less than 3?
13 Find all the ‘words’ that can be made using the letters shown.
First letter: b, c, d Second letter: a, e Third letter: x, y
14 List all the ways in which John, Paul and George can be arranged in a line.
15 How many different responses are possible for a True or False test with four questions?
16 Ann has three pairs of jeans and four shirts. How many ‘mix and match’ outfits can she make?
17 Sarah travels through two sets of traffic lights on her way to the station each morning. What are all the
19 Cathy, Melinda and Rebecca are the only three runners in a race.
Find all the possible orders in which they could finish.
20 A bag contains one red, one blue and one green marble. Two marbles are drawn from the bag in
succession. List the sample space if the first marble is:
a replaced before the second marble is drawn
b not replaced before the second marble is drawn.
21 The numbers 5, 7 and 9 are written on three cards and the cards
are placed in a hat. Two cards are selected, in succession, from 1
the hat and the numbers are written in the order they were
drawn. List all the two-digit numbers it is possible to make if 3 2
the first card is:
a replaced before the second is drawn
b not replaced before the second is drawn.
22 A spinner has the numbers 1 to 4 on it, each with an equally likely chance of occurring. A coin is tossed
and the spinner is spun. Find the sample space for the results of this two stage experiment.
23 Part of a mathematics test contains five multiple-choice questions, each having four possible responses.
How many different ways are there of answering these five questions?
24 Use a table to list all the possible outcomes if Samantha plays Venus in a best of three sets tennis match.
probability You often hear people talk about the ‘chance’ of something happening, or how likely
chance of an something is. Words and numbers can both be used to describe the probability of an event
event occurring, occurring. A probability, P, is expressed as a value in the range 0 (impossible) to 1 (certain),
expressed as a
number in the
or as the equivalent percentage.
range 0 to 1 or One way to predict the likelihood of an event happening is to investigate the occurrence of the
as the equivalent event in the past. This assumes that patterns in the immediate past will not change greatly in
the future.
We can perform an experiment a number of times to observe the frequency of the outcomes
for an event.
Solve Think
P(2 heads) = _____________ If we assume that the frequency of occurrence will be the same for
563+987+450 future tosses, we could predict that, when two coins are tossed, the
= _____
2000 chance of getting 2 heads is approximately 28%. Similarly, we could
987 ,
predict from the data that the chance of getting 1 head and 1 tail is _____
= 0.2815 2000
or approximately 49%, and the chance of getting 2 tails is 450
_____ , or
≈ 28% 2000
approximately 23%.
relative In Example 8B-1, we assigned a number (or a percentage) to the chance of an event
an estimate of the
probability of an The number we have used above is called the relative frequency of the event.
event occurring,
Relative frequency gives an estimate of the probability of an event occurring.
determined by
performing an Relative frequency is often referred to as experimental probability.
experiment a Experimental probability = relative frequency
number of times f f
and finding the = ___ or ___× 100%
Σf Σf
event’s relative
where f is the frequency and Σ f is the total number of possibilities.
2 A card was selected at random from a standard deck of playing cards and Card selection
its value noted. The card was replaced and this was repeated 120 times.
Value Frequency
The results were recorded as shown in the table on the right. (An ace was
counted as a one and the court cards [jack, queen, king] were counted as 10.) <5 36
Using this data, estimate the probability that a card selected at random from ≥5 84
a standard deck is:
a less than 5 b greater than or equal to 5.
3 Five hundred drivers were randomly selected and asked the question Car manufacture
‘In what country was your car manufactured?’ The results are shown in
Country Frequency
the table on the right.
a Find the relative frequency for each country of manufacture. Australia 169
b Using this data, estimate the probability that another driver chosen at Japan 153
random will own a car manufactured in Australia. Germany 77
c Estimate the probability that the driver’s car (from part b) has been Korea 62
manufactured in Korea.
Other 39
6 The table on the right summarises the answers to a question Religions in Australia
8 One hundred batteries were selected at random from a production Battery test results
line and tested. The results are shown in the table on the right. Battery life (h) Frequency
Determine the approximate probability that a battery selected at
<10 2
random from those produced on this line will have a life of:
a less than 10 hours 10–19 22
b 40 or more hours 20–29 59
c less than 20 hours 30–39 16
d 20 or more hours. 40–49 1
9 The table of life expectancy shown on the right is similar to those Life expectancy
used by insurance companies. It is the result of the collection of Age Number surviving
statistics on 100 000 males and 100 000 females. (years) Male Female
a i In this survey, how many of the original 100 000 males
were still alive at age 15? 0 100 000 100 000
ii What is the relative frequency of ‘males surviving to 5 99 378 99 482
15 years of age’? 10 99 322 99 438
iii On the basis of this data, estimate the probability of a 15 99 260 99 393
male baby born today being alive in 15 years time. 20 99 008 99 272
b Using the above procedure, estimate the probability that a female
25 98 626 99 130
baby will survive to 15 years of age.
30 98 194 98 965
c Estimate the probabilities of a male and a female living to age:
i 40 35 97 697 98 751
ii 60 40 97 096 98 443
iii 80 45 96 292 97 971
d i How many males were still alive at 50 years of age? 50 95 141 97 251
ii How many males were still alive at 75 years of age?
55 93 447 96 191
iii What percentage of males who survived to 50 were still
60 90 925 94 618
alive at 75?
iv Estimate the probability of a 50-year-old male living to 75. 65 86 931 92 152
e Repeat part d for females. 70 80 738 88 398
75 71 589 82 305
80 57 770 72 308
85 39 651 56 373
90 20 529 34 635
95 7 113 14 319
100 1 649 3 634
Questions 11–13 involve performing a number of trials of different experiments to calculate the relative
11 a Drop a drawing pin 100 times and complete the table to Outcome Tally Frequency
record whether it lands point up or point down.
Point up
b How many times did the drawing pin land point up? How
many times did it land point down? Point down
c Calculate the experimental probability of each outcome.
d Based on your results, are the outcomes equally likely events?
e Combine the results for the whole class. Compare
the results.
f Based on the class results, are the outcomes equally likely?
Discuss this with the class.
12 a Toss an empty matchbox 100 times and record the number of Outcome Tally Frequency
times it lands on its largest faces, a side face or an end face.
Largest face
b Calculate the experimental probability of each outcome.
c Based on your results, are the outcomes equally likely events? Side face
Explain. End face
d Enter the results into a spreadsheet and use the Chart option
to make a graph of the results.
e Combine the results for the whole class.
f Enter the combined results into your spreadsheet and use the
Chart option to compare the results.
g Based on the class results, are the outcomes equally likely?
13 Count and record the number of boys and girls born on a particular
day by examining the birth notices in a daily newspaper. On the
basis of this information, are the births of a boy and a girl equally likely?
If all the possible outcomes are equally likely, then the theoretical probability of an
event, E, happening is given by:
number of favourable outcomes
P(E) = __________________________
total number of outcomes
The probability of an event may be expressed as a fraction, a decimal or a percentage.
EXERCISE 8C Probability
1 A six-sided die is rolled. What is the probability of getting:
a a 5? b an odd number? c a number greater than 4?
d a 5 or a 6? e a 9? f a number less than 7?
2 In Erin’s maths class there are 11 girls and 12 boys. If the teacher selects one student at random from the class,
what is the probability that it is:
a Erin? b a girl? c a boy? d a girl or a boy?
3 A six-sided die has three faces painted black, two faces painted red and one face painted yellow. If the die is
rolled, what is the probability that the uppermost face is:
a black? b red? c yellow?
d black or red? e green? f black or red or yellow
6 If there are 200 tickets in a raffle, what is the probability of winning first prize if you buy:
a 1 ticket? b 2 tickets? c 5 tickets?
d 10 tickets? e 20 tickets? f 200 tickets?
i P(E) = 0 ii P(E) = 1
a A die is rolled.
b A ball is chosen from a bag containing three red balls and two white balls.
c A card is selected from a standard playing deck.
11 In a class discussion, Matthew gave the following answers to three questions on probability. What would
you tell Matthew about his answers?
a 1.2 b −0.6 c 99%
Remember that:
Relative frequency or experimental probability gives an estimate of the probability that is based on
performing trials of an experiment.
Theoretical probability is the expected probability when all the possible outcomes are equally likely and
it can be calculated for an event, E, using the formula:
number of favourable outcomes .
P(E) = __________________________
total number of outcomes
12 a Toss a coin 100 times and record the results in a table similar to the Outcome H T
one shown on the right.
b i From your results, are the outcomes equally likely?
ii Calculate the experimental probability of each outcome.
c i Combine your results with those of the rest of the class by writing them on the board.
ii Calculate the experimental probability of each outcome using the combined results.
d Compare the experimental probability with the expected (theoretical) probability.
e What do you think would happen if you tossed a coin 1 000 000 times?
f Does the number of trials have an effect on the results? (Number of trials is the number of times the
experiment is repeated.) Comment on your findings.
13 a When a die is rolled, what is the theoretical probability of rolling a number less than 3?
b Roll a die 100 times and find the experimental probability of rolling a number less than 3.
c Compare the theoretical and experimental results from parts a and b. Comment on your findings.
d Combine your results from part b with those of the rest of the class by writing them on the board.
Calculate the experimental probability using the combined results.
e Compare the results from parts a and d. Comment on your findings.
14 A cup contains five red, three green and two blue cubes. The cup is shaken and one cube is selected.
a What is the theoretical probability that the cube is:
i red? ii green? iii blue?
b Perform this experiment 100 times and find the experimental probability of selecting a cube that is:
i red ii green iii blue.
c Compare the experimental results from part b with the theoretical results from part a. Comment on
your findings.
d Combine your results from part b with those of the rest of the class by writing them on the board.
Calculate the experimental probability of each outcome using the results of the whole class.
e Compare the results from part d with the results from part a. Comment on your findings.
Solve Think
a S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} List each possibility.
b i If E = {6} then E˜ = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. The complement of ‘rolling a 6’ is ‘rolling
a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5’ or ‘not rolling a 6’.
ii If E = {2, 4, 6} then E˜ = {1, 3, 5}. The complement of ‘rolling an even
The outcomes that do not result in number’ is ‘rolling a 1, 3 or 5’ or ‘not
an even number are 1, 3, 5. rolling an even number’ or ‘rolling an odd
iii If E = {1, 2} then E˜ = {3, 4, 5, 6}. The complement of ‘rolling a number
The outcomes that do not result in a less than 3’ is ‘rolling a 3, 4, 5 or 6’ or
number less than 3 are 3, 4, 5, 6. ‘not rolling a number less than 3’ or
‘rolling a number greater than 2’.
iv In this case E = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6}, The complement of ‘not rolling a 4’ is
so E˜ = {4}. ‘rolling a 4’.
List all possible outcomes. Cross out the outcomes in the sample space that are
in the event. The remaining outcomes are the complement of the event.
3 A box contains one red (R), one blue (B) and one green (G) counter. One counter is selected at random.
Match the following events with their complement.
Event: a R b G c R or B d B or G e not B f R, B or G
Complement: A G B G or B C not R, B or G D R or B E R F B
4 A card is selected from a standard playing deck. Write the complement of each event below.
a selecting a diamond b selecting a diamond or a heart
c selecting a diamond, a heart or a club d selecting a red card
e selecting an ace f not selecting a king
b i 3
P(even number) = __ 3
If E = {2, 4, 6} then P(E) = __
6 6
=1__ Ẽ = {1, 3, 5} so P(not even) = __
2 6
ii 3
P(not even) = __ Note: P(even) + P(not even) = 1
1 or: P(not even) = 1 − P(even)
= __
2 or: P(even) = 1 − P(not even)
c i 2
P(number less than 3) = __ 2
If E = {1, 2} then P(E) = __
6 6
= 1
ii 4
P(number not less than 3) = __ 4
Ẽ = {3, 4, 5, 6} so P(number not less than 3) = __
6 6
2 Note: P(number less than 3) + P(number not less than 3) = 1
= __
3 or: P(number not less than 3) = 1 − P(number less than 3)
or: P(number less than 3) = 1 − P(number not less than 3)
Determine the outcomes of the complementary event and find its probability.
The results described above are often used when it is inconvenient or time-consuming to count all the favourable
outcomes for an event.
a 1
P(93) = ____ 1 outcome out of 200. Read the question and decide
whether the event or its
b P(not 93) = 1 − P(93) Use P(Ẽ) = 1 − P(E) complement would be easier
200 to count.
= ____ If the event is easier, use P(E).
If the complement is easier,
c 20
P(divisible by 10) = ____ 20 numbers are divisible by 10.
200 use P(E) = 1 − P(Ẽ).
= ___
d P(not divisible by 10) Use P(E) = 1 − P(E˜).
= 1 − P(divisible by 10)
= 1 − ___
= ___
8 The numbers 1 to 100 are written on cards. The deck of cards is shuffled and one card is selected at random.
9 A card is selected from a standard playing deck. Find the probability that it is:
a not the 6 of clubs b not a black 6 c not the ace or king of diamonds
d not a 6 e not an ace or king f not a heart.
3 and
1 , P(exactly 2H ) = __
10 If three coins are flipped and H represents flipping a head, P(3H ) = __
3. 8 8
P(exactly 1H ) = __
a Write the probability of:
i no heads ii no tails iii exactly one tail
iv exactly two tails v three tails.
b i What is the complement of the event ‘at least one tail’?
ii Find the probability of at least one tail.
11 The numbers from 1 to 100 are written on cards and one card is selected at random.
Multistage experiments are those that are comprised of two or more simple experiments. For
example, tossing a coin with rolling a die. Finding probabilities of multistage events is made
easier if we use a table, tree diagram or lattice diagram to show all the possible outcomes.
Front Side
2 a A coin is tossed and a six-sided die is rolled. Find the sample space.
b Find the probability of getting:
i a head and 6 ii a tail and 3
iii a head and an even number iv a tail and a number less than 3.
3 a The numbers 1 to 5 appear on this five-sided spinner, each with equal probability
of occurring. The spinner is spun and a coin is tossed. List the sample space. 1
4 a Two four-sided dice (regular tetrahedra) with the numbers 1 to 4 on their faces are tossed. Use a table to
find all the possible outcomes.
b Find the probability of tossing:
i double 4 ii any double
iii a 1 and a 4, in any order iv two even numbers
v two odd numbers vi a sum of 5.
c What is the probability that:
i exactly one of the numbers is a 4?
ii at least one of the numbers is a 4?
5 a Two fair six-sided dice are tossed. Use a table to find all the possible outcomes.
b Find the probability of tossing:
i double 5 ii any double
iii a 2 and a 3, in any order iv a 1 and a 6, in any order
v two even numbers vi two odd numbers
vii a sum of 5 viii a sum of 11.
c Which sum is the most likely to occur?
d What is the probability that:
i exactly one of the numbers is a 2?
ii at least one of the numbers is a 2?
6 a List the sample space for a family with two children, using G for a girl and B for a boy.
b Assuming that the chances of having a boy or a girl are the same, determine the probability of having:
i two boys ii a boy first and then a girl
iii a girl first and then a boy iv a boy and a girl in any order
v two girls.
a Find all the possible ways in which you can answer the first three questions on a True or False test.
b Find the probability that:
i the first three answers are True
ii the first two answers are True and the third is False
iii two answers are True and one is False, in any order
iv only one answer is True
v all answers are False.
Solve Think
a Possible outcomes: TTT, TTF, A tree diagram shows there are eight possible and equally likely
TFT, TFF, FTT, FTF, FFT, FFF. outcomes.
1st question 2nd question 3rd question Outcomes
9 a A bag contains one red, one blue and one white marble. One marble is chosen at random from the bag,
and then replaced into the bag. A second marble is chosen. Find the sample space.
b Find the probability that:
i both marbles are red ii both marbles are the same colour
iii both marbles are different colours iv the first marble is red
v there is one blue and one white marble vi exactly one marble is red
vii at least one marble is red viii no marble are blue.
10 Repeat question 9 but, this time, the first marble is not replaced in the bag before the second marble
is chosen.
11 A standard deck of playing cards is shuffled and one card is drawn from the deck. The suit of the card is
noted and the card is replaced in the deck. This procedure is repeated once more.
a Find all the possible outcomes.
b Find the probability that the two cards will be:
i both diamonds ii a diamond followed by a heart
iii a diamond and a heart, in any order iv the same suit
v different suits vii both black
vi both red viii a red card followed by a black card
ix a red and black card, in any order x a club followed by a red card.
c Find the probability that:
i exactly one of the cards is a spade ii at least one of the cards is a spade
iii at least one of the cards is black iv neither of the cards is a heart.
12 a List all the ways that Kylie, Marie and Helen can form a queue in the canteen line.
Constructing a tree diagram can help us determine the outcomes for a simple multistage
experiment and this can help us determine the probability of a multistage event.
Solve Think
1st bag 2nd bag Outcomes Draw a tree diagram using R for red marble, B for blue marble
R RR and G for green marble.
G RG From the tree diagram, there are six equally likely outcomes and
one outcome favourable to this event.
B B BB Apply
number of favourable outcomes
P(E ) = __________________________
P(RR) = __ number of possible outcomes
probability tree Note: if we write the probabilities of each simpler event 1st bag 2nd bag Outcomes
diagram along the branches of the tree diagram, as shown, the 1 R RR
tree diagram diagram is called a probability tree diagram.
on which the 1
2 1
probabilities of The probability of drawing a red marble from the first 3 G RG
simpler events 1 . The probability of drawing a red marble from
bag is __ 1 R BR
2 1. 1 3 1
are shown along the second bag is __ 2
B 3
its branches 3
So, the probability of drawing two red marbles is equal 3 G BG
to the product of the probabilities along the branches
leading to that two-stage event: __ 1 = __
1 × __ 1.
2 3 6
Solve Think
1st bag 2nd bag Outcomes Draw a tree diagram using R for red marble, B for blue marble
R RR and G for green marble.
B RB From the tree diagram, the number of (equally likely) possible
G RG outcomes is 12 and the number of favourable outcomes is 4.
B R BR Apply
G BG number of favourable outcomes
P(E) = __________________________
number of possible outcomes
4 = ___
P(RR) = ___ 1
12 3
Note: draw a probability tree diagram showing only the simpler events at 1st bag 2nd bag Outcomes
each stage, with the probability of each along its branches. 2 1
2 and the probability
The probability of a red marble from the first bag is __ 2 R 4
3 3
of a red marble from the second bag is __ 1 . So the probability of getting
2 = __ 1
4 G RG
4 2 1 R BR
two red marbles is equal to the product of the probabilities along the 1 2 1
3 4
1 = __
2 × __ 1.
2 or __ B B BB
branches leading to that event: __
3 2 6 3 1
Remember that: To find the probability of a two-stage event, draw a probability tree diagram and find the
product of the probabilities along the branches leading to that event.
1 A bag contains three red and four blue marbles, and a second bag contains 1st bag 2nd bag Event
5 red and 4 blue marbles. A marble is selected from each bag. R RR
3 R
a Complete this probability tree diagram for this two-stage event. 7 4 B RB
b What is the probability of getting two blue marbles? B R BR
2 A hand of cards consists of two aces and two kings and a second hand consists
of three aces and a queen. One card is selected at random from each hand.
a Draw a probability tree diagram for the selection of the card.
b What is the probability of selecting two aces?
3 Four green discs and five yellow discs are placed in a box. A disc is selected and its colour is noted. The disc
is replaced and a second disc is chosen.
a Draw a probability tree diagram for this two-stage event.
b Find the probability that:
i both discs are green ii both discs are yellow
iii a green disc is followed by a yellow disc iv a yellow disc is followed by a green disc.
4 Class 11A is made up of 8 boys and 12 girls. Class 11B has 11 boys and 11 girls.
a If one student is chosen at random from class 11A, what is the probability of choosing:
i a boy? ii a girl?
b If one student is chosen at random from class 11B, what is the probability of choosing:
i a boy? ii a girl?
c One student is chosen at random from each class. Draw a probability tree diagram for the possible
d What is the probability that the students chosen in part c are:
i both boys? ii both girls? iii a boy from class 11A and a girl from class 11B?
5 When a child is born, the actual probability that it is a boy is 0.51 and the probability that it is a girl is 0.49.
a Draw a probability tree diagram for a family’s two children.
b Calculate the probability of:
i two boys ii a boy and a girl, in that order
iii a girl and a boy, in that order iv two girls.
6 a A coin is biased so that it comes up tails 60% of the time. When this coin is tossed, what is the
probability of getting:
i a tail? ii a head?
b Draw a probability tree diagram for two tosses of this coin.
c For two tosses of the coin, find the probability of getting:
i two heads ii a head and a tail, in that order
iii a tail and a head, in that order iv two tails.
7 The probability that a 60-year-old man will live to be 70 is 0.8 and the probability that a 60-year-old woman
will live to be 70 is 0.9. For a 60-year-old married couple, find the probability that, in 10 years time:
a both will be alive b only the husband will be alive
c only the wife will be alive d neither will be alive.
8 A student enters the 100 m and 400 m races at the school athletics carnival. His chance of winning the
100 m is 0.8 and his chance of winning the 400 m is 0.6. Find the probability that:
a he wins both races b he wins the 100 m but not the 400 m race
c he wins the 400 m but not the 100 m race d he does not win either race.
9 Melanie and Tina are archers. The probability that Melanie hits the bullseye of the target is __ 3 and the
3 5
probability that Tina hits the bullseye is __. If both shoot at the target, what is the probability that:
a both hit the bullseye? b Melanie hits the bullseye but Tina misses?
c only Tina hits the bullseye? d both archers miss the bullseye?
10 The probability that a particular ear infection will be cured when treated with an antibiotic is 0.9. If two
patients with this ear infection are treated with this antibiotic, find the probability that:
a both will be cured b neither will be cured
c one will be cured but not the other d at least one will be cured.
11 Ken plays Lew in a best of three set tennis match; that is, the first player to win two sets wins the match.
a If each player has an equal chance of winning each set, what is the probability that:
i Lew wins in two sets ii Lew wins in three sets
iii Lew loses in two sets iv Lew loses in three sets?
b On past performances Lew has won 6 out of every 10 sets they have played against each other. On the
basis of this information, calculate the probability that:
i Lew wins in two sets ii Lew wins in three sets
iii Lew loses in two sets iv Lew loses in three sets.
1 . So, if a coin is tossed
The probability of tossing a head with a single toss of a coin is __
100 times, we would expect half of the tosses (50) to result in a head.
(expected number)
1 . So, if a die is rolled
When a six-sided die is rolled, the probability of rolling a 4 is __
expected number
of times an 1 of the tosses (100) to result in a 4.
600 times, we would expect __
event will occur, 6
calculated by These are simple examples of what is called the expected frequency or expected number of
multiplying the an event. It is the expected number of times the event would occur. This idea is formalised as
probability of the follows.
event occurring
by the number of
trials Expected frequency = probability of event occurring × number of trials
Solve/Think Apply
4 The probability that a 50-year-old female is diagnosed as having cancer is 0.07. Of a group of five hundred
50-year-old females, how many would be expected to be diagnosed as having cancer?
5 The probability that a school-age child has defective eyesight is 0.08. In a school of 850 students, how many
would you expect to have defective eyesight?
6 The probability that a worker in an abattoir has an accident in any year is 0.14. If an abattoir employs
150 workers, how many accidents could be expected in the next year?
7 In the game of poker, a hand of five cards is dealt to each player. The approximate probability of various
hands is shown in the table below. If one million hands are dealt, what is the expected frequency of each of
the hands in the table?
Hand Probability
Royal flush 0.000 002
Four of a kind 0.000 240
Full house 0.001 441
Straight 0.003 925
Three of a kind 0.021 128
Two pairs 0.047 539
One pair 0.422 569
a i The probability of a 2 in one roll of the die = __1 . number of favourable outcomes
P(E) = __________________________
6 number of possible outcomes
ii The probability of an even number = __1 .
iii The probability of a number less than 5 = __4 or __2 .
6 3
b i Expected frequency of a 2 = __1 × 300 Expected frequency
= 50 = probability of event × number of trials
We would expect a 2 to occur 50 times.
ii Expected frequency of even numbers = __1 × 300
= 150
iii Expected frequency of numbers less than 5 = __2 × 300
= 200
13 a Use a tree diagram to find the sample space for the genders of three children in a family.
b Assuming the chances of a boy or a girl are equally likely, find the probability of having:
i no girls ii exactly one girl
iii exactly two girls iv three girls.
c In a survey of 200 families with three children, how many would be expected to have:
i no girls? ii exactly one girl?
iii exactly two girls? iv three girls?
iii What is the difference between the expected number and the actual number of heads tossed?
iv Use the combined results to calculate the experimental probability of throwing a head.
d Use your answers to parts b and c to help you answer the following.
i As the number of trials increases, what happens to the difference between the expected number
and the actual number of heads tossed?
ii As the number of trials increases, what happens to the experimental probability compared with the
theoretical probability of tossing a head?
52-card deck?
b i Calculate the expected frequency of diamonds when a card is selected from a deck 104 times.
ii In pairs, select a card from a deck 104 times and record whether or not it is a diamond. List the
results in a table.
iii What is the difference between the expected number and the actual number of diamonds selected?
iv Use your results to calculate the experimental probability of selecting a diamond.
c i Calculate the expected frequency of diamonds when a card is selected from a deck 1040 times.
ii Combine the results of 10 pairs of your classmates and find the actual number of diamonds that
occurred in 1040 selections.
iii What is the difference between the expected number and the actual number of diamonds selected?
iv Use your results to calculate the experimental probability of selecting a diamond.
d Use your answers to parts b and c to help you answer the following.
i As the number of trials increases, what happens to the difference between the expected number
and actual number of diamonds selected?
ii As the number of trials increases, what happens to the experimental probability compared with the
theoretical probability of selecting a diamond?
1 2 3
First spinner
A simulation is a simple mathematical model used to investigate a more complicated, time consuming or
costly situation. Situations are modelled using the outcomes of tossing coins, rolling dice, selecting cards
from a pack and using random numbers generated from tables, calculators and computers. Events are
modelled so that simulated outcomes closely match real-world outcomes.
Solve/Think Apply
a Let each digit in the table represent a kick at Describe the possible outcomes (‘a goal’, or
goal. Let the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 signify ‘a ‘a miss’).
goal’ and let the digits 7, 8, 9 signify ‘a miss’; Link each outcome to one or more random
so seven of the ten possible digits in the table numbers (0, 1, 2,…6 for ‘a goal’ and 7, 8, 9 for
(70%) represent ‘a goal’ and three of the ten ‘a miss’).
possible digits (30%) represent ‘a miss’. Choose a suitable source of random numbers.
Start at any digit in the table and read off (From a table or generated by a computer or
five digits. Suppose we start at the 5 in row 2 calculator.)
and column 6. Reading to the right the digits Choose a random number and note the simulated
selected are 5, 8, 1, 1, 2. This represents outcome. (5 is ‘a goal’, 8 is ‘a miss’, 1 is ‘a goal’,
4 goals and 1 miss in five attempts; meaning, etc.)
in five attempts at kicking a goal, he would be Note: we could have chosen any seven of the ten
successful four times. digits to represent a goal.
b Starting at the same place, and selecting
50 digits, the digits selected are
representing 28 goals and 22 misses.
19 A plant seedling has an 80% chance of surviving the first 6 weeks after planting. A nurseryman plants
100 seedlings.
a Using simulation, select 100 digits from the table of random numbers in Example 8G-3 and estimate
the number of seedlings that will survive.
b Compare the results of your simulation with the theoretical expected frequency.
20 Assume that the chance of a baby being male and the chance of the baby being female are both 0.5.
a i Assigning the odd digits 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 to represent boys and the digits 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 to represent girls,
use the table of random numbers in Example 8G-3 to estimate the number of boys and girls in a
family with four children.
ii Repeat part i to produce results for 10 trials and record the results in a table similar to the one below.
Trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of boys Average =
Number of girls Average =
iii Calculate the average number of boys and girls in these 10 simulated families with four children.
iv From your results, in a family of four children, what are the probabilities that there are
0, 1, 2, 3, 4 boys?
v Put your average on the classroom board and calculate the average of all the class averages.
vi Combine the results in your table (number of boys) with the class. From the class data, in a family
of four children, what are the probabilities that there are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 boys?
vii What is the expected number of boys in a family with four children? Compare this with the results
of parts iii and v. Discuss with the class.
1 , __
viii The theoretical probabilities of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 boys in a family of four are ___ 3 , __
1 , __ 1 , ___
16 4 8 4 16
respectively. Compare the results of your simulations (parts iv and vi) with the theoretical
probabilities. Discuss with the class.
b i Assigning the outcome ‘heads’ to represent boys and ‘tails’ to represent girls, toss a coin four times (or
toss four coins simultaneously) to estimate the number of boys and girls in a family with four children.
Repeat parts ii to vi from part a.
c i Assigning the outcomes 1, 2, 3 to represent boys and 4, 5, 6 to represent girls, roll a die four times
to estimate the number of boys and girls in a family with four children.
Repeat parts ii to vi from part a.
d i Assigning the suits spades and clubs to represent boys, and hearts and diamonds to represent girls,
shuffle a standard deck of 52 playing cards and select four cards from the deck to estimate the
number of boys and girls in a family with four children.
Repeat parts ii to vi from part a.
Family 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 20 Total
Number of boys
Number of girls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20
Number of children
d Calculate the average number of children a family will have if they stop after having a girl.
22 As a class, research and discuss the factors that could complicate the simulation of real-world events.
23 For a large number of trials, an experiment can be simulated using random numbers generated by a
spreadsheet function. The rolling of a die can be simulated by generating a list of random numbers from
1 to 6. The tossing of a coin can be simulated by generating a list of random numbers from 1 to 2 and
assigning the number 1 to represent ‘a head’ and the number 2 to represent ‘a tail’ (or vice versa).
In Microsoft Excel, to produce a list of random numbers from a to b, type: =RAND()*(b−a)+a
into the formula bar.
For example, suppose we wish to simulate the tossing of a coin 100 times. We can generate a list of 100
random numbers from 1 to 2 by the following steps.
Step 1: Format the cells to 0 decimal places.
Step 2: Type =RAND()*(2−1)+1 into the formula bar.
Step 3: Highlight 100 cells and fill down.
Step 4: Count the number of heads (1s) and tails (2s).
Use the method shown above to simulate the experiments in questions 24 and 25 below.
24 a Roll a die 100 times. Use tally marks to record the results.
b Calculate the relative frequency of each outcome.
c Do your results show that each number occurs the same number of times?
d Enter the results into a spreadsheet and use the Chart option to make a graph of the results.
e Combine the results for the whole class.
f Enter the combined class results into your spreadsheet and use the Chart option to compare the results.
g Are the outcomes equally likely? Discuss your answer with the class.
25 a Make a spinner with four colours, each occupying __1 of the area of the spinner. Spin the spinner
A P(E) = 0 1
B P(E) = __
C P(E) = 1 D 0 < P(E) < 1
8D 5 If E is the event ‘a number less than 3’ when a six-sided die is rolled, then the complement of the event, Ẽ, is:
A {1, 2, 3} B {3, 4, 5, 6} C {5, 6} D {1, 2, 3, 4}
8E 6 Two three-sided spinners with the numbers 1, 2, and 3 on them are spun. If the probability of each number
occurring is the same, then the probability of two 3s is:
A __1 B __2 2
C __ D __1
3 9 3 9
1 List the sample space for:
a rolling a six-sided die b boys and girls in a two-child family.
2 A coffee tin was tossed 100 times and the way it landed was recorded. Landed on Frequency
What is the experimental probability that this tin will land on one of its
End 18
ends, when tossed?
Curved face 82
3 A card is chosen from a standard playing deck. Determine the probability
that the card is:
a the jack of hearts b a jack c a heart
d a picture card (not an ace) e black f a red queen.
6 A coin is tossed and a six-sided die is rolled. Determine the probability of getting:
a a head and a 3 b a head and an odd number
c a tail and a 5 d a tail and a number less than 3.
A coin is tossed and a card is selected from a standard playing deck. What is the probability of getting:
a a head and a diamond? b a head and a red card?
c a tail and a club? d a tail and a black card?
A six-sided die is rolled 300 times. How many times would you expect to roll:
a a 6? b an even number? c a number less than 5?
9 A football player has a 90% chance of kicking a goal from in front of the posts. If this footballer has 50 shots
at goal, how many times would he be expected to score a goal?
2 One hundred batteries were selected at random from a production Battery life (h) Frequency
line and tested. The results are shown in the table. Determine the
<10 3
approximate probability that a battery selected at random from those
produced on this line will have a life of: 10–19 25
a less than 10 hours b 40 or more hours 20–29 61
c less than 20 hours d 20 or more hours. 30–39 10
3 Of the 24 students in a class, six watch the evening news. Find the 40–49 1
probability that a student chosen at random watches the news.
4 A spinner is shaped like a regular octagon with the numbers 1 to 8 on it. Each number has an equal chance of
being spun. If the spinner is spun, find the probability of getting:
a a5 b a7 c an odd number
d a9 e a number less than 9 f a number divisible by 3.
6 One card is selected at random from a standard playing deck. What is the probability that the card is:
a a diamond b not a diamond c a black jack
d not a black jack e not a black card f black or red
8 A manufacturer randomly tested 150 light globes from the week’s production and found that six were faulty.
a Estimate the probability that a light globe produced that week is faulty.
b If 2700 globes were produced that week, how many would be expected to be faulty?
9 A plant seedling has an 85% chance of surviving the first 6 weeks after planting. If 400 seedlings are planted,
how many would be expected to survive the first 6 weeks?
1 A jar contains one red, one blue and one green disc.
a A disc is selected, its colour noted and the disc replaced. A second disc is selected. List the sample space.
b List the sample space if the first disc is not replaced before the second disc is selected.
2 The results of a survey of the number of children in each of 100 families in a certain town is shown in the table.
What is the probability that a family chosen at random from this town will have:
a no children? b two children? c more than six children?
Number of children 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of families 11 24 34 19 8 3 1
4 Five cards labelled 1 to 5 are placed in a hat. Another five cards labelled 1 to 5 are placed in another hat. A card
is selected from each hat.
a Use a table to find the sample space.
b Find the probability of selecting:
i double 5 ii 3 and 5, in any order iii a sum of 2
iv a sum of 5 v a sum of 1.
5 A bag contains three red and four green marbles, and a second bag contains five red and three green marbles.
A marble is selected at random from each bag.
a Draw a probability tree diagram to represent this two-stage event.
b What is the probability of getting:
i two red marbles? ii two marbles of different colours? iii not two green marbles?
6 From a standard deck, a card is selected, with replacement, 2600 times. Determine how many times you would
expect to get:
a a red card b a diamond c a king
d a black 7 e the 9 of hearts f a red jack.
7 a Complete the table to find the possible totals when Second die
two dice are rolled. 1 2 3 4 5 6
b Calculate the probability of getting a total of:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
i 7
2 3 4 5 6
First die
ii 2
iii 3 or 4. 3 4 5
c Two dice are rolled 60 times. How many times would 4 5 6
you expect to get a total of: 5 6
i 7? 6 7 12
ii 2?
iii 3 or 4?
b What is the probability that, in the two-week period, these shares will:
i rise both weeks? F
ii remain steady both weeks?
3 A bag contains three red, four blue and five green marbles. If a marble is chosen at random, find the probability
that it is:
a red b blue c green d red or blue e not blue.
4 A deck of cards consists of 200 cards numbered from 1 to 200. The deck is shuffled and a card is selected at
random. Find the probability that it is:
a 53 b not 53
c divisible by 100 d not divisible by 100
e a one-digit number f not a one-digit number
g less than 56 h not less than 56
i not less than 5 j not greater than 150.
5 A multiple-choice test has two questions, each with four alternative answers A, B, C and D.
a Use a tree diagram to find all the possible ways of answering these two questions.
b Find the probability that:
i the answers are A then B ii the answers are B then A
iii the answers are both A iv neither answer is A
v at least one answer is A.
6 A card is selected from a standard deck, its suit is noted and the card is replaced in the deck. A second card is
then selected and its suit is also noted.
a List the sample space.
b Find the probability that:
i both cards are hearts ii one card is a heart and one is a diamond
iii both cards are black iv one card is black and one is red.
8 The probability that a sales representative will have a car accident in a year is 0.08. How may car accidents
would a company employing 25 sales representatives expect its sales team to have in a year?
c If P(E) = 41%, what is the probability that the complementary event occurs? (1 mark)
d A deck of cards contains 200 cards numbered 1 to 200. One card is selected at random.
i What is the probability it is 67? (1 mark)
ii What is the probability it is not 67? (1 mark)
iii What is the probability it is not divisible by 5? (1 mark)
e Two four-sided spinners, with the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, each with an equal probability
of occurring, are spun.
i Find the probability of spinning any double (2 marks)
ii If the two spinners are spun simultaneously 450 times, what would be the expected
number of times any double would occur? (1 mark)
f For a family with two children the probability of a boy is 0.55 and the probability of a
girl is 0.45.
i Draw a probability tree diagram to represent this information. (1 mark)
ii What is the probability of having a boy and a girl in any order? (2 marks)
g The chance that the colour of a car passing the front of the school during the middle of the day
is silver is 30%. In a simulation, the digits 3, 5 and 7 are assigned to represent a silver coloured
car and 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 to represent a colour other than silver. Using the set of random
digits below (produced by a computer), determine the number of silver cars in this sample
of 20 cars. (1 mark)
10132 27359 91315 25791
MS-M2 Working with Time
If you had difficulty with any of these questions or would like further practice, complete one or more of
the matching Support sheets available on your obook assess.
Q1–3 Support sheet 9A.1 Understanding a directional compass
Q4–7 Support sheet 9C.1 Converting units of time
Q8–9 Support sheet 9C.2 Understanding 24-hour time
Q10–12 Support sheet 9C.3 Time calculations
Q13–14 Support sheet 9C.4 Differences in time
322 Oxford Insight Mathematics Standard 11
or meridians of longitude:
3 a Mark the North and South poles on a sphere and draw some parallels of latitude Equator
on it.
b Copy the diagram on the right and draw the view looking down on Earth from
above the North Pole. Show some parallels of latitude.
North Pole
4 a Mark the North and South poles on a sphere and draw some meridians of
longitude on it.
b Copy the diagram on the right again and draw the view looking down on Earth
from above the North Pole. Show some meridians of longitude.
Parallels of latitude are labelled according to whether the circle is north or south of the equator and
according to the size of the angle made at the centre of Earth. The reference line for measuring latitude is
the equator. The latitude of the equator is 0°.
parallel of latitude. south of the equator. the equator. The angle made
c The point P is on the 20°N Angle ECP = 20° and P is with the equator combined with
parallel of latitude. north of the equator. ‘North’ or ‘South’ names the
parallel of latitude.
points A to J. G 60°N
A E 40°N
J C Equator 0°
D 20°S
H 40°S 75°N
H M 60°N
I 60°S 45°N
80°S A G 30°N
C 15°N
6 Use the diagram on the right to name the points that lie on the P D Equator 0°
Meridians of longitude are labelled according to whether they are east or west of the prime meridian and
according to the angle made at the centre of Earth. The longitude of the prime meridian is 0°.
the prime meridian combined with ‘E’ (for east) or ‘W’ (for west) Prime
names the meridian of longitude. S
11 a Use the diagram below to help you write the b Name the points that lie on the following meridians
longitude of the points A to J. in the diagram below.
i 80°W ii 70°E iii 120°E iv 0°
C A 60°E I
50°W G A 70°E
110°E C
95°W 120°E
D Equator
H J F E Equator
0° 80°W
I B 0° G B H D
12 a Write the longitude of the meridian passing through each of these points in Figure 1 below.
i T ii V iii W
b Write the longitude of these points. Equator Equator
i K ii L iii M iv N
13 a Write the longitude of the meridian through 120°
30° M
these points in Figure 2 on the right. W V 40°
60° 70° R 70°
50° 30° L
i K ii L iii M K P T U P
iv R v Q L M V X Y
b Write the longitude of these points. S
i T ii U iii V Figure 1 Figure 2
iv X v Y vi Z
The parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude form a grid on Earth’s surface. Lines of
latitude run east to west and meridians of longitude run north to south. The position of a point
can be given by the ordered pair of coordinates (latitude, longitude).
EXAMPLE 9B–1 Writing position coordinates of a point using latitude and longitude
a List all the points that lie on: Prime N
i the 35°N parallel of latitude
D 35°N
ii the 120°E meridian of longitude A
iii both the 35°N parallel of latitude and the 120°E meridian of B
E Equator 0°
b Write the position coordinates of point B.
Solve Think
a i (40°N, 110°W) Latitude 40°N, longitude 110°W K V 25°S
ii (25°S, 80°E) Latitude 25°S, longitude 80°E 110°W Y 80°E
b i T Intersection of 25°S and 110°W
ii R Intersection of 40°N and 80°E
Position is shown by latitude (N or S) first, then longitude (E or W).
4 On a globe or map of the world, find the country in which these lines of latitude and longitude meet.
a 30°S and 135°E b 30°N and 105°E c 75°S and 75°W
d 20°N and 100°W e 0° latitude and 38°E f 45°N and 0° longitude
5 a Point A has position (5°S, 130°W). State whether the following points are due north or due south of A.
i (20°S, 130°W) ii (0° latitude, 130°W) iii (15°N, 130°W)
b State whether the following points are due east or due west of A.
i (5°S, 150°W) ii (5°S, 120°W) iii (5°S, 0° longitude)
b (45°S, 100°E) Move south 20° along the meridian to 45°S, 100°E.
c (25°S, 120°E) Move east 20° along the parallel of latitude to 25°S, 120°E.
d (25°S, 80°E) Move west 20° along the parallel of latitude to 25°S, 80°E.
7 If P is the point (10°N, 75°W), find the coordinates of the point that is:
a 15° due north of P b 5° due south of P
c 25° due south of P d 60° due south of P.
The 180°E and 180°W meridians are the same. When this meridian is crossed, the longitude counts
backwards from 180°.
Note: 190°W = 170°E
Drawing a sketch will make finding the solution much easier. Be careful if crossing the equator or the
180°E/180°W meridian.
The measurement of time is important in our lives. The units of time and their conversions are
listed below.
× 24
÷ 60
2 Convert:
a 150 minutes to hours b 200 minutes to hours
c 300 seconds to minutes d 193 minutes to hours and minutes
e 485 seconds to minutes f 635 minutes to hours and minutes
g 4 hours 37 minutes to minutes h 47 minutes 12 seconds to seconds
i 5 days 17 hours to hours j 100 hours to days and hours
k 1 week to seconds l 10 000 seconds to hours, minutes and seconds
a Calculate the time 2 hours 10 minutes after 0920. b Calculate the time 1 hour 12 minutes before 1528.
c Calculate the time 5 hours 26 minutes after 0850. d Calculate the time 6 hours 38 minutes before 1524.
Solve Think Apply
a 0920 + 2 hours 10 minutes Add the hours: 9 + 2 = 11 Either add or subtract the
= 1130 Add the minutes: 20 + 10 = 30 hours and minutes.
b 1528 – 1 hour 12 minutes Subtract the hours: 15 – 1 = 14 If, when adding, the
= 1416 Subtract the minutes: 28 – 12 = 16 total minutes exceed
c 0850 + 5 hours 26 minutes Add the hours: 8 + 5 = 13 60, convert 60 minutes
= 1350 + 26 minutes Add the minutes: 50 + 26 = 76 to 1 hour and add. If
= 1416 The minutes exceed 60, so convert to subtracting the minutes
hours and minutes. will not work because
76 minutes = 1 hour and 16 minutes there are not enough
minutes to subtract from,
d 1524 – 6 hour 38 minutes We can’t subtract 38 from 24.
convert 1 hour to
= 1424 + 60 min – 6 h 38 min Convert 1 hour to 60 minutes to
60 minutes and subtract.
= 1424 – 6 h + 60 min – 38 min make the time 1424 + 60 min. Then
= 0824 + 22 min subtract the hours and minutes.
= 0846
5 Complete each of the following time calculations, giving the answer in 24-hour time.
a Add 2 hours 30 minutes to the 24-hour time 0600.
b Add 1 hour 15 minutes to the 24-hour time 1020.
c Subtract 1 hour 40 minutes from the 24-hour time 0916.
d Add 1 hour 48 minutes to the 24-hour time 1422.
e Add 2 hours 46 minutes to the 24-hour time 1509.
f Subtract 3 hours 51 minutes from the 24-hour time 1223.
g Subtract 3 hours 43 minutes from the 24-hour time 1605.
h Add 3 hours 46 minutes to the 24-hour time 0854.
i Subtract 4 hours 38 minutes from the 24-hour time 1127.
–6 –3
–9 +8 +10 +12
0 +1
+2 +11
Moscow +9
–8 –7 0 +4 +6
–6 –5 London Berlin
Paris +1 +2
Chicago New York
International date-line
Rome +5 +9
San Francisco Washington Tokyo
Houston New Orleans New Delhi
+2 Cairo
Miami +3 1
+5 2
Honolulu Mumbai +7
0 +1
+3 +8 +9
–5 +7
Greenwich Mean Time
–3 +2 Cairns
+3 1
+8 +9 2
Johannesburg Perth +10 Auckland
Santiago Buenos Aires Adelaide
2 Use the world time zone map to find the standard time in the following cities when UTC is 2:00 pm.
a Tokyo b Mumbai c New York
d Houston e Rome f Adelaide
Use the world time zone map to find the standard time in Sydney when UTC is 8:00 pm Wednesday.
3 Use the world time zone map to find the standard time in these cities when UTC is 9:00 pm Tuesday.
a Sydney b New Delhi c Moscow
d Beijing e Brisbane f Jakarta
4 Use the world time zone map to find the standard time in these cities when UTC is 4:00 am Monday.
a Houston c San Francisco c New York
d Santiago e Miami f Buenos Aires
EXAMPLE 9D–5 Finding the difference in standard time between two cities
What is the difference in standard times between:
a New York and San Francisco? b New York and Paris?
Solve Think Apply
a The difference in standard New York is in the −5 time zone and San Find the time zone for
times is 3 hours. Francisco is in the −8 time zone. each city. Subtract the time
Difference in standard times zones to find the difference.
= −5 − −8, or −8 − −5 = ± 3 h.
b The difference in standard New York is in the −5 time zone and Paris
times is 6 hours. is in the +1 time zone.
Difference in standard times
= 1 − −5, or −5 − 1 = ± 6 h.
8 When it is 8:00 pm Saturday in New York, what is the standard time in:
a Berlin? b Johannesburg? c Beijing?
a Use the world standard time zone map to San Francisco London Sydney
find the local time in San Francisco and
12:00 noon (Monday)
Sydney when it is 12:00 noon in London.
b Copy and complete the table on the right, to 2:00 pm
compare standard times in the three cities. 4:00 pm
c The company directors in the three .
cities wish to organise a three-way .
teleconference. What would be a .
convenient time to hold the conference? 12:00 noon (Tuesday)
11 Use the following number line to complete the table below to show the local time for places east and west of
the prime meridian (0o) when it is 12:00 noon Wednesday UTC.
This number line shows times and longitudes relative to noon in Greenwich, which is on the prime meridian.
180°W 150°W 120°W 90°W 60°W 30°W 0° 30°E 60°E 90°E 120°E 150°E 180°E
The 180°W and 180°E meridians are the same meridian but time differs by 1 day. This is the approximate
location of the International Date Line.
12 Use your completed table from question 11 to help you answer the following questions.
a On a globe, find the 180°E and 180°W meridians of longitude. What do you notice?
b Compare local times for the 180°E and 180°W meridians from the table.
c Discuss the need for the International Date Line.
d Find the International Date Line on a map or globe. Does it follow the 180° meridian exactly? Discuss
why this happens.
e What happens if you cross the International Date Line from:
i east to west? ii west to east?
14 Reynold leaves Beijing (31°N, 121°E) at 7:00 am Tuesday, flying to San Francisco (38°N, 122°W).
a What is the standard time and day in San Francisco when Reynold leaves Beijing?
b The flight time is 12 hours. What is the day and time in San Francisco when he arrives?
15 Elliot leaves San Francisco (38°N, 122°W) at 1:00 pm Sunday, flying to Sydney (34°S, 151°E).
a What is the standard time and day in Sydney when Eiliot leaves San Francisco?
b The flight time is 16 hours. What is the day and time in Sydney when he arrives?
16 Kaya leaves Houston (30°N, 95°W) at 6:00 pm Saturday, flying to Sydney (34°S, 151°E).
a What is the standard time and day in Sydney when Kaya leaves Houston?
b The flight time is 15__12 hours. What is the day and time in Sydney when she arrives?
17 Kelly and Erin travel on a container ship from Perth (32°S, 116°E) to Buenos Aires (34°S, 58°W).
a They leave Perth at 0700 Saturday, 1 December 2018, and travel 12 500 km at an average speed
of 20 km/h.
i What is the local time, day and date in Buenos Aires when they leave Perth?
ii How long is the journey?
iii What is the local time, day and date in Buenos
Aires when they arrive?
b They holiday until the return journey which leaves
25 days and 5 hours after they arrived. The return
journey covers 13 000 km at an average speed of 18
i What is the local time, day and date in Perth when
they leave Buenos Aires to go back?
ii How long is the journey?
iii What is the local time, day and date in Perth when
they arrive?
c How long was the entire journey?
We observed in the previous section that the borders of time zones do not necessarily follow
meridians of longitude. For convenience, they often follow country or state boundaries.
Australia, for example, has three time zones.
• Eastern Standard Time (EST) is based on the 150°E meridian of longitude and is used
by the eastern states: Queensland, NSW (except for a region around Broken Hill), Victoria
and Tasmania.
• Central Standard Time (CST) is 30 minutes behind Eastern Standard Time and is used
by South Australia, Northern Territory and Broken Hill.
• Western Standard Time (WST) is based on the 120°E meridian and is 2 hours behind
Eastern Standard Time. It is used by all of Western Australia.
daylight saving
Some states have daylight saving time (DST) during summer and change the time by one
time (DST)
the practice of hour. During those times the word ‘Standard’ is replaced with ‘Summer’. In Australia,
setting clocks daylight saving time usually starts from the first Sunday in October, when clocks are put
forward one hour forward by one hour, and ends on the first Sunday in April, when clocks are put back one hour.
from standard
New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia
time during the
summer months
observe daylight saving time each year.
(from October to The diagram below shows the times zones within Australia. Note: the diagram indicates how
April in Australia) many hours have been added to the UTC time standard.
all year
all year
all year
UTC+10.5 (DST)
UTC+11 (DST)
2 a The flight from Sydney to Perth takes 4 hours flying time. If a plane leaves Sydney at 5:00 pm, at what
time will it arrive in Perth (Perth time)?
b 1 hours
A plane leaves Perth at 6:00 am for the return trip to Sydney. Due to head winds, the trip takes 4__
flying time. At what time will the plane arrive in Sydney (Sydney time)?
3 A plane leaves Sydney at 7:00 am Saturday, EST, and flies directly to London. If the trip takes 16 hours, at
what time will it be in London when the plane arrives?
5 Complete the table on the right to compare times in the given cities City Time
during the months when daylight saving operates if the time in Sydney Brisbane
is 1:00 pm.
Sydney 1:00 pm
6 Aryun is in Adelaide and rings his mother to say Happy New Year at Canberra
midnight Adelaide time. If his mother is in Brisbane, at what local time Melbourne
does she receive the call? Hobart
7 Paula lives in Sydney and rings her friend in Perth during summer when
daylight saving time applies. If it is 8:00 pm in Sydney, what is the time Darwin
in Perth? Perth
10 A plane leaves Adelaide at 8:00 am, Adelaide daylight saving time, and flies to Hobart. The flight time is
1 hours. What time will it be in Hobart when the plane arrives?
timetables Tables are a useful way of representing a lot of information easily and quickly. Timetables are
tables containing information about the times of scheduled events.
displayed in
tables about
the times of When reading timetables check these points.
scheduled events
1 Are you looking at the right timetable or section? (Check the heading.)
2 Should you read the timetable in rows or in columns?
3 Is there a key to any symbols, abbreviations or shading?
Note: although 24-hour time is usually written without a colon, the train and bus
timetables in NSW are written with a colon included.
Carlingford --- 16:05 --- 16:45 --- 17:20 --- 18:02 --- 18:47 ---
Telopea --- 16:07 --- 16:47 --- 17:22 --- 18:04 --- 18:49 ---
Dundas --- 16:10 --- 16:50 --- 17:25 --- 18:07 --- 18:52 ---
Rydalmere --- 16:12 --- 16:52 --- 17:27 --- 18:09 --- 18:54 ---
Camellia --- 16:13 --- 16:53 --- 17:28 --- 18:10 --- 18:55 ---
Rosehill --- 16:15 --- 16:55 --- 17:30 --- 18:12 --- 18:57 ---
Clyde (arr) --- 16:18 --- 16:58 --- 17:33 --- 18:15 --- 19:00 ---
Clyde (dep) 15:50 --- 16:35 --- 17:05 --- 17:50 --- 18:20 --- 19:05
Auburn 15:52 --- 16:37 --- 17:07 --- 17:52 --- 18:22 --- 19:07
Lidcombe 15:55 --- 16:40 --- 17:10 --- 17:55 --- 18:25 --- 19:10
Strathfield 16:02 --- 16:47 --- 17:17 --- 18:02 --- 18:32 --- 19:17
Burwood 16:04 --- 16:49 --- 17:19 --- 18:04 --- 18:34 --- 19:19
Redfern 16:13 --- 16:58 --- 17:28 --- 18:13 --- 18:43 --- 19:28
Central 16:17 --- 17:02 --- 17:32 --- 18:17 --- 18:47 --- 19:32
Town Hall 16:20 --- 17:05 --- 17:35 --- 18:20 --- 18:50 --- 19:35
Wynyard 16:23 --- 17:08 --- 17:38 --- 18:23 --- 18:53 --- 19:38
Milsons Point 16:26 --- 17:11 --- 17:41 --- 18:26 --- 18:56 --- 19:41
North Sydney 16:29 --- 17:14 --- 17:44 --- 18:29 --- 18:59 --- 19:44
Source: http://www.sydneytrains.info/timetables/timetables_by_line
Below is the Chatswood to Richmond/Emu Plains train timetable. Use it to answer question 2 on the next page.
Chatswood 08:46 --- 08:52 08:58 --- 09:13 09:16 09:28 --- 09:43 ---
Artarmon 08:48 --- 08:54 09:00 --- 09:15 09:18 09:30 --- 09:45 ---
St Leonards 08:50 --- 08:56 09:02 --- 09:17 09:20 09:32 --- 09:47 ---
Wollstonecraft 08:53 --- 08:59 09:05 --- 09:20 09:23 09:35 --- 09:50 ---
Waverton 08:55 --- 09:01 09:07 --- 09:22 09:25 09:37 --- 09:52 ---
North Sydney 08:59 --- 09:05 09:11 --- 09:26 09:29 09:41 --- 09:56 09:59
Milsons Point 09:01 --- 09:07 09:13 --- 09:28 09:31 09:43 --- 09:58 10:01
Wynyard 09:05 --- 09:11 09:17 --- 09:32 09:35 09:47 --- 10:02 10:05
Town Hall 09:09 --- 09:15 09:21 --- 09:36 09:39 09:51 --- 10:06 10:09
Central 09:13 09:18i 09:19 09:25 --- 09:40 09:43 09:55 --- 10:10 10:13
Redfern 09:15 --- 09:21 09:27 --- 09:42 09:45 09:57 --- 10:12 10:15
Burwood 09:24 --- 09:30 --- --- --- 09:54 --- --- --- 10:24
Strathfield 09:27 09:31 09:33 09:38 --- 09:53 09:57 10:08 --- 10:23 10:27
Lidcombe 09:32 --- --- 09:43 --- 09:58 10:02 10:13 --- 10:28 10:32
Auburn 09:35 --- --- --- --- --- 10:05 --- --- --- 10:35
Clyde 09:38 --- --- --- --- --- 10:08 --- --- --- 10:38
Granville 09:40 --- --- --- --- --- 10:10 --- --- --- 10:40
Harris Park 09:43 --- --- --- 09:54 --- 10:13 --- 10:24 --- 10:43
Parramatta 09:45 09:43 09:46 09:52 09:57 10:07 10:15 10:22 10:27 10:37 10:45
Westmead 09:48 --- 09:49 09:55 10:00 10:10 10:18 10:25 10:30 10:40 10:48
Wentworthville 09:50 --- --- --- 10:02 --- 10:20 --- 10:32 --- 10:50
Pendle Hill 09:52 --- --- --- 10:04 --- 10:22 --- 10:34 --- 10:52
Toongabbie 09:55 --- --- --- 10:07 --- 10:25 --- 10:37 --- 10:55
Seven Hills 09:58 --- 09:55 10:01 10:10 10:16 10:28 10:31 10:40 10:46 10:58
Blacktown 10:02 09:52 10:00 10:06 10:20 10:20 10:32 10:36 10:50 10:50 11:02
Marayong --- --- --- 10:09 10:23 --- --- 10:39 10:53 --- ---
Quakers Hill --- --- --- 10:12 10:26 --- --- 10:42 10:56 --- ---
Schofields --- --- --- 10:16 10:29 --- --- 10:46 10:59 --- ---
Riverstone --- --- --- 10:21 --- --- --- 10:51 --- --- ---
Vineyard --- --- --- 10:25 --- --- --- 10:55 --- --- ---
Mulgrave --- --- --- 10:29 --- --- --- 10:59 --- --- ---
Windsor --- --- --- 10:32 --- --- --- 11:02 --- --- ---
Clarendon --- --- --- 10:37 --- --- --- 11:07 --- --- ---
East Richmond --- --- --- 10:40 --- --- --- 11:10 --- --- ---
Richmond --- --- --- 10:42 --- --- --- 11:12 --- --- ---
Doonside 10:06 --- --- --- --- 10:24 10:36 --- --- 10:54 11:06
Rooty Hill 10:09 --- --- --- --- 10:27 10:39 --- --- 10:57 11:09
Mount Druitt 10:12 --- --- --- --- 10:30 10:42 --- --- 11:00 11:12
St Marys 10:16 --- --- --- --- 10:34 10:46 --- --- 11:04 11:16
Werrington 10:19 --- --- --- --- 10:37 10:49 --- --- 11:07 11:19
Kingswood 10:23 --- --- --- --- 10:41 10:53 --- --- 11:11 11:23
Penrith 10:27 10:06 --- --- --- 10:44 10:57 --- --- 11:14 11:27
Emu Plains 10:30 10:09 --- --- --- --- 11:00 --- --- --- 11:30
Proceeds to --- MVR --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Source: http://www.sydneytrains.info/timetables/timetables_by_line
ii How long does the 10:06 am train from Town Hall take to get to Seven Hills?
iii How long does the 9:57 am train from Strathfield take to get to Werrington?
iv How long does the 10:20 am train from Wentworthville take to get to Riverstone?
b i If I arrive at Blacktown at 10:36 am, what is the latest train I could have caught from Milsons Point?
ii If I arrive at Auburn at 10:05 am, what is the latest train I could have caught from Redfern?
iii If I arrive at Werrington at 10:49 am, what is the latest train I could have caught from Clyde?
iv If I arrive at Emu Plains at 11:00 am, what is the latest train I could have caught from Westmead?
c I am travelling from Burwood to Clarendon to meet a friend for morning tea at 11:00 am.
i Can I catch a train directly from Burwood to Clarendon?
ii What is the closest station to Burwood from which I can get a connecting train to Clarendon?
iii If I am to be on time for morning tea, at what time should I depart Burwood?
iv At what station and at what time would I catch the connecting train to Clarendon?
v At what time would I arrive at Clarendon?
vi How long would the entire trip from Burwood to Clarendon take?
vii If I am being picked up by my friend from the station at 10:50 am, how long must I wait at the
Saturday ( continued. . . )
ref Route Number 32 5 32 4 32 5 32 4 32 5 32 4 32 5 32 4 32 5 32 4 32 5 32 4
A W atsons Bay Military Road 08:51 09:13 09:20 09:43 09:50 10:13 10:20 10:43 10:50 11:13 11:20 11:43
B V aucluse Heights O ld South H ead Rd ... 09:18 ... 09:48 ... 10:18 ... 10:48 ... 11:18 ... 11:48
C V aucluse H opetoun A v enue 08:56 ... 09:25 ... 09:55 ... 10:25 ... 10:55 ... 11:25 ...
D Dov er Heights Military Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
E Rose Bay D ov er Road 09:07 09:22 09:37 09:52 10:07 10:22 10:37 10:52 11:07 11:22 11:37 11:52
F Double Bay Manning Road 09:18 09:33 09:48 10:03 10:18 10:33 10:48 11:03 11:18 11:33 11:48 12:03
G E dgecliff Station New South H ead Rd 09:20 09:35 09:50 10:05 10:20 10:35 10:50 11:05 11:20 11:35 11:50 12:05
H K ings Cross B ays w ater Road 09:25 09:40 09:55 10:10 10:25 10:40 10:55 11:10 11:25 11:40 11:55 12:10
I City - T ow n Hall Park Street 09:33 09:48 10:03 10:18 10:33 10:48 11:03 11:18 11:33 11:48 12:03 12:18
J City - W alsh Bay H ic k s on Road 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:16 11:31 11:46 12:01 12:16 12:31
Source: http://www.sydneybuses.info
3 a On Friday, Harper decided to catch a bus from Watsons Bay Military Road to meet her friend at City–
Town Hall Park Street.
i If Harper arrived at Watsons Bay Military Road at 10:05 am, how long did she need to wait for her
bus to arrive?
ii At what time would Harper have arrived at City–Town Hall Park Street?
iii Harper’s friend arrived at City–Town Hall Park Street at 11:00 am. How long did Harper wait for
her friend?
b Aaron caught the 9:18 am bus from Vaucluse Heights
Old South Head Road to Edgecliff Station New
South Head Road.
i How long did Aaron’s journey take?
ii Aaron waited at the station for 35 minutes until
his friend arrived by train. They then caught a
bus together to City–Walsh Bay Hickson Road.
At what time did they arrive?
iii If Aaron arrived home at 2:42 pm, how long had
it been from the time he caught the first bus?
Source: http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/documents/maritime/usingwaterways/tides-weather/
4 a Consider Wednesday 3 May. There are four entries indicating high or low tides.
i How many high tides occurred on that day?
ii What is the time difference between each high tide and the following low tide?
iii What is the height difference between each high tide and the following low tide?
b Consider the five weekdays from 12 June to 16 June.
i What is the time and date of the highest tide?
ii What is the time and date of the lowest tide?
iii Calculate the time between high tides on Wednesday 14 June.
iv Why does Thursday 15 June have only three tides?
c Sally surfs every day between 7:00 am and 9:00 am.
She says the waves are at their best three hours after low tide.
On which days does she surf when the waves are at their best?
5 Charles catches the 08:51 bus from Watsons Bay Military Road to City–Walsh Bay Hickson Road.
Unfortunately Charles becomes travel sick if he stays on the bus for more than 13 minutes and he needs a
break of at least 5 minutes before he can travel again. Refer to the bus timetable above question 3 on the
opposite page to describe Charles’ journey, including when and where he changes buses and the time that he
finally arrives at City–Walsh Bay Hickson Road.
9A 1 Which of the following sets of points lie on the same parallel of latitude?
A A, F, G B A, E, I Equator
C G, H, I D C, E, H
9A 2 Which of the following points lie on the same meridian of longitude?
A A, F, G B A, E, I
C G, H, I D C, E, H S
9A 6 In the diagram on the right, what is the longitude of point P? 70° 20°
45° 35°
A 20°W C 65°W
B 30°E D 100°W Prime
S meridian
Use the world standard time zones map from Topic 9D to answer questions 12 to 14.
9D 14 When it is 9:00 pm Friday in New York, what is the standard time in Beijing?
A 6:00 pm Friday B 8:00 am Friday C midnight Friday D 10:00 am Saturday
9D 15 Eden leaves Beijing (31°N, 121°E) at 10:00 am Tuesday flying to Honolulu (21°N, 158°W). The flight takes
13 hours. What day and time is it in Honolulu when Eden arrives?
A Tuesday 11:00 pm B Wednesday 1:00 am C Tuesday 6:00 am D Tuesday 5:00 pm
9D 16 When you cross the International Date Line from east to west, what should you do?
A put the clock forward one day B put the clock back one day
C put the clock forward 12:00 hours D put the clock back 12:00 hours
Use the Australian time zones map from Topic 9E to answer questions 17 and 18.
9E 18 It is 7:30 am daylight saving time in Adelaide. What is the standard time in Brisbane, which does not have
daylight saving time?
9F 19 Use the Carlingford–City train timetable from Topic 9F. Odette catches the 17:22 train from Telopea. At what
time will she arrive at Central?
9F 20 Use the bus timetable from Topic 9F. Charlotte leaves home at 0920 and arrives at the Vaucluse Heights Old
South Head Road bus stop at 0930. She catches the next bus to City–Walsh Bay Hickson Road then walks for
18 minutes to meet her friend. How long is her entire journey?
A 48 minutes B 58 minutes C 68 minutes D 88 minutes
4 Use the diagram on the right to name the points with these position N
a (30°S, 120°W) 120°W
b (0°, 80°W) 80°W
c (30°S, 80°W)
Q Equator 0°
d (0°, 120°W) P
7 Jess leaves Beijing (31°N, 121°E) at 8:00 am Wednesday, flying to Honolulu (21°N, 158°W).
a What is the standard time and day in Honolulu when she leaves Beijing?
b The flight takes 11 hours. What is the day and time in Honolulu when she arrives?
2 Use the diagram on the right to write the coordinates of these points. N
a C b D c E 44°N
d F e G f H
3 Given that point A has position (26°N, 105°E), write the position
coordinates of the point that is: Equator 0°
a 15° north of A b 15° south of A
c 15° east of A d 15° west of A. H G 32°S
6 When it is 11:00 pm Thursday standard time in Sydney, what is the standard time in Auckland?
7 Use the world time zone map from Topic 9D to find the standard time in Houston when UTC is 8:00 am.
8 A plane leaves Sydney at 5:00 pm daylight saving time to travel to Perth. The trip takes 3 hours 50 minutes. At
what time does the plane arrive in Perth?
9 Use the Chatswood–Richmond/Emu Plains train timetable from Topic 9F to answer these questions.
a How long does the 9:26 am train from North Sydney take to get to Penrith?
b If I arrive at Auburn at 10:35 am, which train did I catch from Redfern?
Use the diagram on the right to answer questions 1 to 4.
2 Name a point that is:
a due north of I b due south of F G H I J Equator 0°
c due east of C d due west of R. M Q 16°S
6 When the time in Chicago is noon Thursday, standard time, what is the standard time in Tokyo?
7 A plane leaves Sydney at 11:00 am Friday, EST, and flies directly to Paris. If the trip takes 15 hours, at what
time does the plane arrive in Paris (Paris standard time)?
8 Use the Australian time zones to find the time in Darwin when it is 11:28 am in Cairns.
9 A summer concert is held in Perth starting at 6:30 pm and it is live streamed around Australia. Calculate the
local time in Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane when the concert starts.
10 Use the Carlingford–City train timetable from Topic 9F to answer these questions.
a I am meeting a friend at Milsons Point station. Which is the latest train from Dundas that I can catch to
arrive before 6:00 pm?
b At what time does the train from part a pass through Lidcombe station?
Use the diagram on the right for questions 1 to 3.
6 When the time in San Francisco is 5:00 pm Monday, standard time, what is the standard time in Moscow?
1 hours, at what time will the
7 A plane leaves Perth at 11:00 am and flies to Johannesburg. If the flight takes 12__
plane arrive in Johannesburg (Johannesburg standard time)?
8 Saayng is in Adelaide and rings her mother to say Happy New Year at midnight Adelaide time. If her mother is
in Brisbane, at what local time does she receive the call?
9 Use the bus timetable from Topic 9F to answer the following questions.
Angus caught the 9:48 am bus from Vaucluse Heights Old South Head Road to Edgecliff Station New South
Head Road.
a How long did the journey take?
b Angus waited at the station for 25 minutes until his friend, Stuart, arrived by train. They then caught a bus
to City–Walsh Bay Hickson Road. At what time did they arrive?
c If Angus arrived home at 1:23 pm, how long was he out from the time he caught the first bus?
She stays with Robbie for 1 hour and 20 minutes. At what time does she leave
the hospital? (2 marks)
2 Use this column graph to answer the following questions. 6
a How many students catch a bus to school?
b How many students don’t travel by car? 0
Walk Bicycle Bus Car Train
3 The results in a test given to two classes are shown below.
Class A: 29, 39, 21, 23, 35, 31, 41, 45, 27, 31, 37, 25, 13, 43, 19, 33, 37, 35, 29
Class B: 11, 21, 33, 29, 29, 39, 43, 31, 27, 25, 33, 23, 29, 17, 41, 41, 27, 15, 7
a Construct back-to-back stem-and-leaf plots Score Class Frequency Cumulative
for this data. centre frequency
b Which class performed better? Explain your answer. 1–4 2.5 1
4 a Complete the table shown on the right. 5–8 4
b Draw a cumulative frequency histogram and polygon 9–12 7
of the data. 13–16 12
5 a List the sample space for the children in a three-child 17–20 9
family. 21–24 8
b A card is chosen from a standard deck of playing 25–28 4
cards. Determine the probability that the card is: 29–32 5
i the jack of hearts ii a jack
iii a heart iv black.
c A coffee tin was tossed 100 times and the way it landed is recorded Lands on Frequency
in the table on the right. What is the experimental probability that this
End 23
tin will land on one of its ends when tossed?
Curved face 77
d A coin is tossed and a die is rolled. Find the probability of getting:
i a head and a 3 ii a head and an odd number
iii a tail and a 5 iv a tail and a number less than 3.
6 A six-sided die is rolled. List the outcomes of these events and write in words the complement of each event:
a rolling a 3 b rolling an odd number c rolling a number greater than 3.
a Mick arrives at North Bondi Military Rd at 7:00 am. How long must he wait for the next bus to
Circular Quay?
b At what time does Mick arrive at Circular Quay?
c How long was the bus trip?
d Mick’s friend catches the 7:58 am bus from Bondi beach. At what time does she arrive at Circular Quay?
e How long did Mick wait at Circular Quay for his friend to arrive?
MS-F1 Money Matters F1.3
If you had difficulty with any of these questions or would like further practice, complete one or more of
the matching Support sheets available on your obook assess.
Q1–4 Support sheet 10A.1 Interpreting data in graphical form
Q5–7 Support sheet 10A.2 Operations with decimals
Q8 Support sheet 10A.3 Understanding order of operations
Q9 Support sheet 10A.4 Writing rates
Q10 Support sheet 10B.1 Substituting for pronumerals
Q11 Support sheet 10C.1 Calculating rates
Organisations that provide services such as electricity, gas and water are called utilities. In this
section you will read, interpret and perform calculations relating to various utility bills.
2 Refer to the ‘Targets for water-efficient households’ table on the water bill to answer these questions. What
is the ideal daily water consumption for the following households?
a a large property with four people b a small property with two people
c a 600 m property with three people
d an 18 m by 40 m property with six people
3 In 2018, Hunter Water charged residential properties $2.25 per kilolitre for water usage. The water
availability charge was $25.69 p.a. Calculate the total annual cost for a property that used 190 kL of water.
Mr S Ample
12 Water Street Customer Number 22988701
Due Date 23 April 2018
Amount $348.99
Your average daily water usage comparison Targets for water-efficient households
Property size
900 People per
household Small Medium Large
Average litres per day
and $1.75 per kilolitre for each kiloletre more than 450 kL. The water availability charge was $92. What
was the annual cost of water for a household that used:
i 270 kL? ii 480 kL?
b For non-residential properties, the water usage charge was $1.55 per kilolitre. The water availability
charge is based on the size (diameter) of the water meter service
Meter connection Charge ($)
connection(s), as shown in the table on the right. If there is
more than one meter connection to a property, each is charged 20 mm 81
separately. What would be the water availability charge for a 25 mm 127
non-residential property that is supplied by: 32 mm 207
i one 32 mm connection? 40 mm 324
ii one 25 mm and one 40 mm connection?
50 mm 506
iii one 50 mm connection?
100 mm 2025
iv two 25 mm connections?
c A non-residential property has one 20 mm, one 32 mm and one 40 mm connection. If the amount of
water used was 560 kL, what was the total annual cost?
5 Use the sample electricity account on the opposite page to help you answer the following questions.
a i What is the supply period for this bill? ii How many days are in the supply period?
b The Electricity Service Availability charge is the charge payable for having electricity available to a
property (the cost of supplying and maintaining the poles and wires).
i What is the daily charge on the bill? ii What is the total charge for this account?
c The usage charge is a payment for the amount of electricity used.
i What was the total amount of electricity used by this household for the period shown?
ii What is the average daily usage?
d The cost of usage is broken down into peak energy rate, shoulder energy charge and off-peak energy
rate. What percentage of usage occurred in:
i the shoulder period? ii the off-peak period?
e What is the peak energy rate per kilowatt-hour?
f What is the difference between the peak and off-peak rates per kilowatt-hour?
g i What is the total energy usage charge for this quarter?
ii What is the total cost (availability and usage) for this quarter, after GST?
iii What is the average daily cost?
h Assuming the same fixed and usage charges, was this bill smaller or larger than:
i the previous bill? ii the bill for the same period last year?
i Consider the bill for the same period last year.
i What was the average daily usage?
ii Calculate the total amount of electricity used for that period.
j If the total electricity usage on last year’s bill (calculated in part i ii) is broken down in the same
proportion as the current bill, what would have been the amount of electricity used last year in the:
i peak period? ii shoulder period? iii off-peak period?
k Using your answers for part j, and assuming the same rates as the current bill, calculate the:
i energy usage charge for the same period last year ii service availability charge
iii total of the usage and availability charges for this period
iv total charges after the discount is applied and the GST is added.
l Consider the electricity usage comparison. In which month was the:
i most energy consumed? ii least shoulder rate energy used?
iii most off-peak rate energy used?
20 kWh
20 kWh
13 kWh
Electricity (22/11/2017 to 22/02/2018) 594.65
Electricity Discount 5% (22/11/2017 to 22/02/2018) –29.73 Cr
Last Bill This Bill Same Period
Last Year
Subtotal of Charges before GST 564.92 Bill Days
Total GST Payable 10% 56.49 91 93 95
Consider reducing your environmental
Total Charges including GST 621.41 impact. Greenhouse gas released
Total Amount Payable $621.41 to produce your electricity this
period = 1973.1 kg of CO2
Peak 650 kWh 34.91% 4000 Off-Peak
Shoulder 941 kWh 50.54% 3500
Mr A Winters
2 Spring Street
60 0.6
40 0.4
20 0.2
Your account summary 0
Nov Feb May Aug Nov Feb May
16 17 17 17 17 18 18
Supply period 2 Feb 2018 to 3 May 2018
Average daily gas use
Estimated greenhouse gas emissions (tonnes)
Previous balance $183.47
Payment received $183.47 cr Usage
Balance brought forward $0.00 Average usage per day
in this billing period 53.30 MJ
New charges and credits (see details below)
Same time last year 53.33 MJ
Usage and supply charges $170.79
Average cost per day $2.06
Total GST for new charges $17.08
Total amount due $187.87 EMISSIONS FOR THIS BILL 0.3 tonnes
Balance brought forward $0.00
New charges and credits
Usage and supply charges
Gas Consumption 3740 MJ @ $0.02967 $110.97
Next 1110 MJ @ $0.01758 $19.51
Supply Charge $40.31
Total usage and supply charges $170.79
Total GST for new charges $17.08
Total amount due $187.87
8 a The average rate of flow of a bathroom shower with a normal shower rose is 18 L/min. Jenny has two
8-minute showers each day. Calculate the annual cost of her showers if the water usage charge is
$2.45/kL. (Use 1 year = 365 days.)
b Jenny’s brother Sam has one 20-minute shower each day. What is the annual cost of Sam’s showers?
c How much could Jenny and Sam save each year by installing a water-efficient shower rose that has a
flow rate of 8.5 L/min?
9 a There are four people in the Lee family. Use the Toilet Litres of water used
table to help you find the number of litres per year
Full-flush 54 L per person per day
they would save by replacing their full-flush toilet
with a 3-star rated dual-flush toilet. 3-star rated dual-flush 18 L per person per day
What would be the cost savings if the water usage charge is $2.75/kL?
10 A 7.0 kg top-loading washing machine that costs $556 uses 170 L of water per wash. A 7.0 kg front-loading
machine of the same brand costs $660 and uses 80 L per wash. The Lee family who use their washing
machine four times per week are considering whether to buy the top-loading or front-loading machine.
a Calculate the annual water usage charges for each machine if water costs $2.25/kL. (Use 1 year = 52 weeks.)
b What is the annual saving in water costs if they buy the front-loading machine?
c i What is the difference in the purchase price of the machines?
ii If they purchase the front-loading machine, how long will it take to break-even on total costs
(purchase price and water usage)?
There are a number of extra costs added to the retail price when purchasing a new car.
Registration, stamp duty and compulsory third-party insurance are compulsory costs. There
may also be a dealer delivery charge, other insurance costs and, if borrowing money to
purchase the car, interest charges on the loan.
The fee to transfer the registration of a vehicle from one owner to another was $32 in 2017. The cost of
registration of a new vehicle depends on the weight of the vehicle without a load (this is also referred to as the
‘kerb weight’ or tare weight) and whether the vehicle is being used mostly for private use or mostly for business
use. The table below shows some of these costs.
Table 10-1: Registration of motor vehicles in NSW
Size of vehicle Tare weight Private use ($) Business use ($)
Cars, station wagons, trucks up to 975 kg 207 336
976 kg to 1154 kg 240 382
1155 kg to 1504 kg 293 463
1505 kg to 2504 kg 448 697
Motorcycles 62 62
Source: www.rta.nsw.gov.au
Stamp duty
Stamp duty is a state tax that is based on the market value of the vehicle or the price paid for it, whichever is the
greater. It is charged at the following rate:
(Go to the RTA website and click on the link to stamp duty to see the stamp duty costs for NSW.)
Compulsory third-party (CTP) insurance, often referred to as a ‘green slip’, is necessary to register a vehicle in
NSW. This CTP insurance is paid each time a vehicle is registered. It provides compensation to other people
injured or killed when the insured driver’s vehicle is involved in an accident. (It does not cover damage to other
vehicles, property or your vehicle or theft of your vehicle. Other types of insurance are available for these.)
The cost of a green slip varies and depends on a number of factors, including the type and age of the vehicle,
where it is garaged, and the age and driving record of the drivers. You can find examples of the cost of CTP
(premiums) on the State Insurance Regulatory Authority website at www.sira.nsw.gov.au.
• Comprehensive insurance covers damage to, or theft of, your vehicle as well as damage to other vehicles
and property in the case of an accident.
• Third-party property damage vehicle insurance covers you for damage caused by your vehicle to someone
else’s vehicle or property. (It does not cover damage to, or theft of, your vehicle.)
Comprehensive insurance is more expensive than third-party property insurance because it covers more types of
incidents. Both types of insurance vary in price according to factors such as the driver’s age, driving experience
and driving record, the type and age of the vehicle and where it is garaged. Many insurance companies will give
an online quote for car insurance.
Dealer delivery
When purchasing a new car, the dealer will often charge a fee for ‘dealer delivery’. This fee represents the cost
to the dealer of preparing the car for delivery to the buyer. The fee varies from dealer to dealer and is sometimes
waived or reduced in order to induce people to buy from one dealer rather than another.
As part of the agreement when you purchase a new car, the dealer may buy your current car, if you have one, at
an agreed price. When you sell your current car to the dealer in this way, it is called a trade-in.
Extra cost = $463 − $293 In Table 10-1, 1250 kg is in the In the table, find the weight range in which
= $170 range 1155 kg to 1504 kg. the vehicle lies and read the costs for
Cost for business use = $463 business and private registration. Find the
Cost for private use = $293 difference between these two costs.
2 Use Table 10-1 to help you calculate the cost of registration, for private use, of a vehicle that weighs:
a 1820 kg b 1150 kg c 1450 kg
3 How much more expensive is it to register a vehicle for business use than for private use, if the vehicle
a 2130 kg? b 975 kg? c 1200 kg?
Calculate the stamp duty to be paid on the purchase of a new Mazda that has a recommended retail
price of $57 000.
5 Calculate the stamp duty that would be charged on a vehicle that has a market value of:
a $21 990 b $35 699 c $49 000 d $93 600
Dealer price = $10 500 Transfer of registration fee is The transfer of registration fee must be
Transfer of registration = $32 $32 for used vehicles. paid. Stamp duty is charged when there
Stamp duty = 0.03 × $10 500 The price of the car is less is a change of ownership of a vehicle.
= $315 than $45 000, therefore The CTP insurance was paid when the
Insurance = $479 stamp duty is 3% of its car was last registered, so is not due
Total = $11 326 $10 500 price. until the next time registration is due.
7 Complete the following to find the total cost of purchasing and insuring a four-year-old Nissan sports car
that is advertised for $43 900. Comprehensive insurance is $1560.
Dealer price = $43 900
Transfer of registration = $______
Stamp duty = 0.03 × $______ = $______
Insurance = $______
Total = $______
b Use the information in the table to draw a piecewise graph, with price (the independent variable) on the
horizontal axis and stamp duty (the dependent variable) on the vertical axis.
c Use the graph to estimate the stamp duty on a vehicle purchased for:
i $35 000 ii $65 000 iii $78 000
11 a Go to the State Insurance Regulatory Authority website at www.sira.nsw.gov.au and use the following
information to get a quote on a green slip for Richard.
Richard is buying a new car. There is no entitlement to GST input credit. The start date for the
insurance will be the 1st of the month/next month/this year. The vehicle is a new Mazda 6 sedan that
is normally garaged at Parramatta, postcode 2150. The car will be privately owned and registered
for private use. It does not have a current CTP insurance policy because it is a new car. It will also
be covered by comprehensive insurance with NRMA Insurance. Richard has continuously held
comprehensive insurance with NRMA for 2 years. The policy does not have a no-claim discount.
Richard, the sole owner/driver, is 20 years old. He has not had any accidents in the 3 years he has had
his licence and has not lost any demerit points. Richard is not a member of NRMA roadside service.
b What is the cheapest quote for Richard’s green slip?
c What would the cheapest quote be if Richard had had one at-fault accident and lost 4 demerit points.
12 a Search the internet for an insurance company (such as NRMA insurance at www.nrma.com.au) and use
the following information to get a quote for comprehensive insurance for this new car.
Vehicle details: Toyota Corolla hatchback 1.8 that is usually garaged at Manly, postcode 2095.
Insurance cover required is $21 990. The car is for private use and the owner has no finance owing
on the car. The driver is a 20-year-old male (enter a date of birth that makes the driver 20-years old)
with 2 years driving experience and has had no accidents. He wants an excess of $600 on the policy
and has no other relevant policies or memberships. As this is his first car there is no previous insurer.
b Vary the age of the driver (say 20, 25, 30, 35 years, etc.) and record and compare costs.
c Vary the gender of the driver for the ages used in part b and compare costs.
d Using a map and a list of postcodes, vary the locality where the vehicle is garaged and compare costs.
e Investigate the change in costs for a driver who has had an at-fault accident.
f Vary the type of vehicle and compare costs. For example, compare the costs for small versus large
passenger vehicles, 4WDs, people movers and light commercial vehicles.
g Compare the costs from other insurers. (Try www.comparethemarket.com.au/car-insurance/australia/
h Is there an age excess to be paid on top of the basic excess?
15 From the information gathered in the previous questions, make a list of the factors that affect insurance
premiums (such as type of vehicle, driver experience, etc.)
16 A spreadsheet can be used to calculate the total purchase cost of a vehicle and to compare costs. The
spreadsheet below has two vehicles for comparison but using fill across will give more information. Enter
the RRP, weight and type of use, and then the registration and stamp duty will be calculated automatically.
Then enter CTP, dealer delivery and comprehensive insurance.
1 Comparing the costs of purchasing vehicles
2 Cost items Mazda sedan Holden sedan
3 RRP $28,500.00 $57,888.00
4 Weight (kg) 1440 1720
5 Private (P) or business (B) P B
6 Registration $385.00 $789.00
7 Stamp Duty $855.00 $1,994.40
8 CTP Insurance
9 Dealer Delivery
10 Comprehensive Insurance
11 Total $29,740.00 $60,671.40
15 Registration Costs
16 Enter weight in kilograms 1440 1720
17 Private Use $385.00 $540.00
18 Business Use $555.00 $789.00
In cell B6, the formula to calculate the registration of the Mazda sedan is =IF(B5 = "P",B17,B18)
In cell B7, the formula to calculate the stamp duty is
In cell B11, the formula to calculate the total cost is =SUM(B6:B10)+B3
Often people need to borrow money to buy a car. There are many financial institutions that
will provide a car loan or personal loan for this purpose.
The following table shows the monthly repayments ($) for every $1000 borrowed on a
reducing-balance car loan.
Table 10-2: Reducing-balance loan
Note: most financial institutions have an online calculator that can be used to calculate the monthly
repayments on a loan. Visit www.aussie.com.au/home-loan-calculator/repayment.html
1 Complete the following to calculate the monthly repayments on a car loan of $22 700 at 12% p.a. reducible
over 4 years.
4 years = ____ months
From Table 10-2, the monthly repayment on $1000 over ____ months at 12% p.a. = $_____.
22 700 = ____
Number of $1000s being borrowed = ______
Monthly repayment on $22 700 = $_____ × ____ = $_____
EXAMPLE 10C–2 Calculating the book value of an asset using the straight-line
method of depreciation
A new car is purchased for $32 000. It depreciates in value at a rate of 16% of the original price per year.
Calculate the book value of the car after 3 years.
V0 = $32 000 Identify the values for V0 and n. Substitute the values of D, n and
n=3 Calculate the amount of the V0 into the formula S = V0 – Dn.
D = 16% of $32 000 annual depreciation, D, by
= 0.16 × 32 000 finding 16% of $32 000.
= $5120
S = V0 – Dn
= 32 000 − 5120 × 3
= $16 640
4 A new car is purchased for $35 000. It depreciates in value at a rate of 15% of the initial cost per year.
Complete the following to find the book value of the car after 3 years.
15% of $35 000 = _____
V0 = ____, D = ____, n = ____
S = V0 – Dn
= ____ − ____ × 3
= $____
10 a A car depreciates in value from $36 000 to $19 000 in 2 years. Use the straight-line method to calculate
the annual amount of depreciation.
b Calculate the annual depreciation as a percentage of the purchase price.
12 Create a spreadsheet to calculate the monthly repayments for every $1000 borrowed on a reducing-balance
car loan. Start with the information in Table 10-2 and adapt the spreadsheet so that you can easily change the
interest rate and the term of the loan. You may like to use the prepared spreadsheet file (Spreadsheet 10C)
provided on your obook assess to help you.
13 Investigate and write a report on the purchase of a motor vehicle. Include selecting the vehicle, making
calculations for any funding needed, the type of lending institution and the lending rate, and the amount
payable in stamp duty, registration and insurance. New and used vehicle prices can be found in motoring
magazines and on internet websites such as www.redbook.com.au
Fuel consumption is a comparison between two types of quantities: the distance travelled and
the amount of fuel used. It is a rate.
The rate of fuel consumption can be determined by dividing the distance travelled by the
amount of fuel used. This gives the number of kilometres travelled on 1 L of petrol. The rate
can also be determined by dividing the amount of fuel used by the distance travelled, which
gives the amount of fuel consumed in travelling 1 km. For ease of comparison, this second
rate is usually expressed as L/100 km.
2 Calculate the fuel consumption for each of the following trips in:
i km/L ii L/km iii L/100 km
a A car travels 260 km on 28 L of petrol.
b A car travels 220 km on 19 L of petrol.
c A car travels 420 km on 48 L of petrol.
When the rate of fuel consumption is expressed in L/100 km, we can use the following formula to find
the distance travelled in kilometres.
amount of fuel (L)
Distance travelled (km) = ________________________ × 100
fuel consumption (L/100 km)
EXAMPLE 10D–2 Calculating the distance a car can travel on a given amount
of fuel
How far can a Toyota hatchback travel on 48 L of petrol if its petrol consumption is 7.4 L/100 km?
Distance travelled The number of ‘lots of 7.4 L’ used Distance travelled (km)
48 × 100
= ___ 48 The car travels 100 km
7.4 is ____ amount of fuel × 100
= _______________
7.4. fuel consumption
= 649 km for each ‘lot of 7.4 L’ used. Fuel consumption is in L/100 km.
3 Complete the following to calculate how far a vehicle can travel on 45 L of fuel if the fuel consumption is
6.4 L/100 km.
45 × 100 = ____ km
Distance travelled = ___
When the rate of fuel consumption is expressed in L/100 km, we can use the following formula to find
the amount of fuel used in litres.
distance travelled (km)
Amount of fuel used (L) = ___________________ × fuel consumption (L/100 km)
5 Complete the following to calculate the amount of fuel used by a vehicle on a trip of 1160 km, if the fuel
consumption is 10.6 L/100 km.
Fuel used = × □ = ____ ≈ ____ L
6 Calculate the amount of fuel used by a vehicle on a trip of:
a 325 km, if the fuel consumption is 8.4 L/100 km
b 540 km, if the fuel consumption is 12.2 L/100 km
c 270 km, if the fuel consumption is 6.7 L/100 km.
7 A sales representative averages 3400 km of city driving each month in a Ford sedan that has a fuel
consumption of 11.4 L/100 km. Calculate the cost of petrol used in a month in which the average price of
unleaded petrol (ULP) is 149.9c/L.
11 Jenny averages 13 000 km per year and wants to buy a new car. The car she likes is available with a petrol
motor or diesel motor. The petrol model uses 12.8 L/100 km and the diesel model uses 7.8 L/100 km.
a i If Jenny bought the car with the petrol engine, what would be her annual fuel cost if ULP is
ii If Jenny bought the car with the diesel engine, what would be her annual fuel cost if diesel fuel is
iii How much per year would she save by buying the car with the diesel engine?
b What is the average monthly saving with the diesel engine?
c The diesel car costs $1200 more to buy than the petrol car. How many months would it take for Jenny to
break even if she buys the diesel car?
d What distance would Jenny travel before reaching her break-even point?
12 Search the internet for fuel-watch websites to investigate trends in fuel prices for:
a different types of fuel
13 Investigate cycles in the price of ULP. Describe a strategy that could be used to save money on fuel costs.
The calculations are based on buying a new vehicle for private use and operating it for 5 years. The interest
charges are based on the total cost of the new vehicle being financed by a loan. It is assumed that the vehicle
travels 15 000 km each year.
Table 10-3: Average annual running costs
5 What percentage of the total running cost are the fuel costs
for the:
a Toyota hatchback? b Toyota SUV?
7 What percentage of the total running cost are the service and repairs for the:
a Holden sedan? b Toyota SUV?
8 What would be the fuel cost to drive a Ford sedan from Sydney to Melbourne, a distance of 885 km?
9 What would be the difference in fuel cost when driving a Toyota hatchback and a Holden sedan from
Sydney to Brisbane, a distance of 928 km?
10 If the cost of fuel increased by 10%, what would be the new running costs (per week and per kilometre) for
the Honda SUV?
11 If the cost of fuel decreased by 5%, what would be the new running costs (per week and per kilometre) for
the Toyota SUV?
12 The interest charges are based on 100% of the cost of the new vehicle being financed by a loan.
a What would be the savings over 5 years if cash had been paid for the Ford sedan instead of the
purchase price being borrowed?
b What would be the annual running costs for a new Honda SUV if cash had been paid instead of the
purchase price being borrowed?
16 The cost of the Honda SUV is $34 000. What will be its
depreciated value at the end of 5 years?
17 If the Holden sedan cost $37 000 to buy, what would be the average annual rate of interest charged on the loan?
19 a Using the information from Table 10-3, calculate the average operating costs per day for the Ford sedan,
the Holden sedan, the Honda SUV and the Toyota SUV (use 1 year = 365 days).
b Four people, who live in the same general area and work in the same location, drive to work 5 days per
week. Richard drives a Ford sedan, Stephanie drives a Holden sedan, Lilly drives a Honda SUV and
Paul drives a Toyota SUV.
i Over a 4-week period, how much does it cost each person to drive to work, assuming the average
daily operating cost is completely work related?
ii The four drivers decide to form a car pool, so that each person drives everyone to work 1 week out
of every 4 weeks. How much does each person save every 4 weeks by taking part in the car pool?
21 Use an online motoring costs calculator to estimate the running costs for several different types of vehicles,
including motorcycles. Visit www.mynrma.com.au
1 Comparing the running costs of vehicles driven 15 000 km per year
2 Average running costs Ford hatchback Toyota SUV (large)
3 Fuel $1,653.90 $3,465.00
4 Tyres $184.00 $455.00
5 Service and repairs $670.00 $1,150.00
6 Green Slip $525.00 $598.00
7 Registration $332.00 $540.00
8 Comprehensive Insurance $592.00 $1,035.00
9 Other
11 Total $3,956.90 $7,243.00
12 Difference −$3,286.10 $3,286.10
15 Fuel cost
16 Economy in L/100km 7.4 14
17 Kilometres travelled 15 000 15 000
18 Fuel cost per litre $1.49 $1.65
19 Total fuel cost $1,653.90 $3,465.00
21 Registration
22 Enter weight in kilograms 1100 2055
23 Cost of registration $332.00 $540.00
In cell B11, the formula to calculate the total cost for the Ford hatchback is =SUM(B3:B10)
In cell B12, the formula to calculate the difference is =B11−C11
In cell B19, the formula to calculate the fuel cost is =B16*B17/100*B18.
In cell B23, the formula for registration cost is
Use fill across to find the costs for the second vehicle (the Toyota SUV).
To help you, you might like to use the prepared spreadsheet file (Spreadsheet 10E) provided on your
obook assess.
Solve Think
a Income: ($480 × 52) = $24 960 Karen’s net income is greater
Expenses: than her expenses, so she is
Board ($110 × 52) = $5720 able to live within her budget
Fares ($49 × 52) = $2548 and save some money towards
Lunches ($35 × 52) = $1820 her holiday.
Entertainment ($120 × 52) = $6240
Personal items ($95 × 26) = $2470
Clothes ($330 × 12) = $3960
Total = $22 758
Income − expenses = $2202
b If Karen saves all her money, in 3 years she will have The amount she can save over
$2202 × 3 = $6606. the 3 years is the difference
She is short of her target by $7899 − $6606 = $1293. between income and expenses
multiplied by 3.
She pays $20 per week for board, spends $140 per month on clothes, $45 per fortnight on entertainment,
and $80 per fortnight on driving lessons. She saves the rest.
a Prepare a budget for Alison.
b Alison wants to buy a car at the end of the year. How much will she expect to have available to spend?
2 Moses is in Year 11 and lives at home with his parents. He has a part-time job and earns $270 per fortnight.
He pays $25 per week board, spends $150 per month on personal items, and $450 per year for his junior
golf club membership. He saves the remainder.
a Prepare a budget for Moses.
b He wants to buy new golf clubs at the end of the year. The clubs cost $1200. Will he have enough
money saved to buy them?
3 Naomi lives at home with her parents. Her weekly take-home pay is $590. Each week she pays $100 for
board, $53 for fares and $42 for lunches. She spends $150 per week on entertainment, $84 per fortnight on
personal items and $380 per month on clothes. She saves the rest of her money.
a Prepare an annual budget for Naomi.
b Naomi wants to buy a car in 3 years. The cost of the car is $12 550. Determine whether Naomi will be
able to buy the car.
4 Matthew’s net earnings are $640 per week. He shares a house for which he pays $120 per week rent. Each
week he spends $110 on food, $145 on entertainment and $75 on personal items. The loan repayments on
his car are $380 per month. He spends $95 per week on petrol and the 6-monthly car service is $380. Annual
car registration and insurance add to $1148. His mobile phone costs him $64 per month.
a Prepare an annual budget for Matthew.
b How could Matthew adjust his budget so that he can live within his means?
6 Julie and Robert are students working part-time. They want to prepare a budget for next year and have
7 Tiarne is in Year 11 and lives at home with her parents. She has a part-time job with a beautician and earns
$180 per week. She assists with the make-up at six weddings per year and is paid $100 for each. She does
not pay board, but spends $200 per month on clothes and entertainment, $45 per week on make-up and $30
per fortnight on bus fares. She saves the rest of her money.
a Prepare a budget for Tiarne.
b If Tiarne completes a specific make-up course she will then be paid $250 per wedding and her
beautician earnings will increase to $270 per week. The course costs $1200.
i If Tiarne intends to do the course at the end of the year, will she have enough money saved to
pay for it?
ii Her parents offer to lend her the money for the course at the beginning of the year and Tiarne will
repay the loan at a rate of $50 per fortnight for the year. Modify Tiarne’s budget using this extra
iii Tiarne repays $50 per fortnight for the entire year. How much interest does she pay on the
$1200 loan?
iv How much more money does Tiarne have at the end of the year by taking the loan?
1 Monthly Budget
2 Item Annual Amount Jan Feb Mar
3 Income
4 =$B4/12 =$B4/12 =$B4/12
5 =$B5/12 =$B5/12 =$B5/12
6 Total income =SUM(C4:C5) =SUM(D4:D5) =SUM(E4:E5)
7 Expenditure
8 =$B8/12 =$B8/12 =$B8/12
9 =$B9/12 =$B9/12 =$B9/12
10 =$B10/12 =$B10/12 =$B10/12
11 =$B11/12 =$B11/12 =$B11/12
12 =$B12/12 =$B12/12 =$B12/12
13 =$B13/12 =$B13/12 =$B13/12
14 Total expenditure =SUM(C8:C13) =SUM(D8:D13) =SUM(E8:E13)
15 Monthly difference =C6−C14 =D6−D14 =E6−E14
16 Cumulative monthly difference =C15 =C16+D15 =D16+E15
19 Convert to annual amount
20 Period Amount Annual Amount
21 weekly =52*B21
22 fortnightly =26*B22
23 monthly =12*B23
To help you, you might like to use the prepared spreadsheet file (Spreadsheet 10F) provided on
your obook assess.
10A 2 A front-loading washing machine uses 90 L of water per wash. A family uses the washing machine five times a
week. Water costs $2.26/kL. What is the annual water usage charge for this machine (use 1 year = 52 weeks)?
A $1.02 B $10.58 C $52.88 D $528.84
10B 4 The stamp duty charged when buying a car is 3% of the market value up to $45 000, plus 5% of the value over
$45 000. What is the stamp duty to be paid on the purchase of a new car worth $56 000?
A $2800 B $1900 C $1680 D $550
10B 5 What is the cost to register a new car that weighs 1504 kg and is used mostly for business? Use Table 10-1 in
Topic 10B to help you.
A $382 B $463 C $293 D $448
10C 6 The monthly repayment on a loan of $12 000 over 5 years is $256.80. What is the total amount of interest paid
on this loan?
A $15 408 B $3408 C $1284 D $13 284
10E 9 A car is bought for $18 500. It depreciates in value by $4070 per year. What is the book value of the car after
4 years?
A $2220 B $4070 C $6848 D $16 280
10E 10 A car depreciates in value from $36 800 to $23 550 in 3 years. Using the straight line method, what is the annual
amount of depreciation?
A $4417 B $7850 C $8833 D $13 250
10E 11 The total annual running costs of a small car were $8960. The car travelled 14 800 km in the year. What is the
average cost/kilometre?
A $1.65/km B $16.50/km C $0.61/km D $6.10/km
1 In 2018 Hunter Water charged residential properties $2.25 per kilolitre for water usage. The water availability
charge was $25.69 p.a. Calculate the total annual cost of water for a property that used 208 kL.
2 The average rate of flow of a bathroom shower with a normal shower rose is 18 L/min.
a Lorraine has two 6-minute showers each day. Calculate the annual cost of Lorraine’s showers if the water
usage charge is $2.17/kL. (Use 1 year = 365 days.)
b How much could Lorraine save each year by using a water-efficient shower rose that has a flow rate of 8.5 L/min?
4 How much more expensive is it to register a new Toyota sedan, which weighs 1460 kg, for business use rather
than for private use?
5 Calculate the stamp duty to be paid on the purchase of a new BMW car that has a recommended retail price of
$76 000.
6 a Calculate the total cost of purchasing and registering a new Holden sedan that has a recommended retail
price of $36 000, weighs 1637 kg, with CTP insurance costing $477 and a dealer delivery charge of $630.
The car is for private use and the owner decides to take out comprehensive insurance that costs $1150 for
the first year.
b If the buyer of the Holden receives $16 500 for the trade-in of her current vehicle, what is the changeover
7 Find the total cost of purchasing a three-year-old Mazda that has an advertised price of $11 699, and for which
third-party property damage insurance is $479. Include the cost of registration transfer and stamp duty.
8 Use the loan repayment table in Topic 10C (Table 10-2) to answer the following questions.
a Calculate the monthly repayments on a loan of $25 900 at 10% p.a. reducible over 5 years.
b What is the total amount of interest paid on this loan?
c How much would be saved by repaying the loan over 4 years instead of 5 years?
10 Jo’s monthly repayment on a loan at 9% p.a. over 3 years is $381.60. How much did Jo borrow?
1 Refer to the sample water bill in Topic 10A.
a What is the cost per kilolitre of water?
b What are the fixed charges for water availability and sewerage availability?
c Calculate the bill for a period in which 72.3 kL of water is consumed.
2 Refer to the Sydney council rates and charges notice in question 7 of Exercise 10A. From that information,
calculate the total rates payable for a residential property that has a rateable land value of $683 000.
3 Calculate the stamp duty that would be charged on a vehicle that has a market value of $55 600.
4 Find the total cost of purchasing a two-year-old Honda 1100cc motorcycle that has an advertised price of
$16 890. Comprehensive insurance is $685. Include the cost of registration transfer and stamp duty.
5 For a loan of $10 450 at 9% p.a. reducible over 3 years, use Table 10-2 in Topic 10C to calculate:
a the monthly repayment b the total amount of interest paid.
6 If a car uses 55 L of petrol on a trip of 560 km, calculate its fuel consumption in:
a km/L b L/km c L/100 km
7 How far can a vehicle travel on 38 L of fuel if its fuel consumption is 9.4 L/100 km?
8 Calculate the amount of fuel used by a vehicle on a trip of 315 km, if the fuel consumption is 10.2 L/100 km.
9 A salesman averages 5400 km of city driving each month in a Ford sedan that uses 11.4 L/100 km. Calculate
the monthly cost of the petrol used by the salesman if the average price of ULP is 139.9c/L.
10 A Citroën hatchback uses 7.6 L/100 km of ULP. The diesel model of this car uses 6 L/100 km of diesel fuel.
Which car would be cheaper to drive a distance of 680 km, if the price of ULP is 142.9c/L and the price of
diesel is 162.2c/L? How much cheaper is it?
11 Barry owns a Holden sedan that runs on ULP and has a fuel consumption of 10.6 L/100 km. When converted to
run on liquid petroleum gas (LPG), the car’s fuel consumption will be 13.5 L/100 km. Barry drives an average
of 18 000 km per year.
a Calculate the annual fuel cost of running the car on each type of fuel if the average price of ULP is
149.9 c/L and of LPG is 67.8c/L.
b How much per year would Barry save in fuel costs if he converted the car to LPG?
c What would be Barry’s saving per month?
d The cost of converting the car to LPG is $2500. How many months would it take to break even, if Barry
converts the car to LPG?
e What distance would Barry need to travel before he broke even?
12 A car depreciates in value from $33 000 to $12 000 in 4 years. Use the straight-line formula to calculate the
annual amount of depreciation.
2 Refer to the Sydney council rates and charges notice in question 7 of Exercise 10A. Calculate the total rates
payable for a residential property which has a rateable land value of $759 000.
3 a Calculate the total cost of purchasing a new Ford with a recommended retail price (RRP) of $54 000 and
weight of 1804 kg. The CTP insurance for the car is $655 and the dealer delivery charge is $600. The
car is for private use and the owner decides to take out comprehensive insurance that costs $1160 for the
first year.
b If the buyer receives a trade-in of $18 000 on her old vehicle, what is the price to change to the new car?
c To make the purchase, a loan is taken out on the balance of the car’s price.
i Use Table 10-2 in Topic 10C to calculate the monthly loan repayment at 8% p.a. over 4 years.
ii What is the total amount of interest paid on the loan?
d The new Ford travels 580 km on 72 litres of petrol. Calculate its fuel consumption in:
i km/L ii L/km iii L/100km.
4 Three people, who live in the same general area and work at the same location, drive to work each weekday.
Elizabeth owns a Ford hatchback, Monique a Holden sedan and Tanya a Toyota SUV.
a Using the information in Table 10-3 in Topic 10E, calculate the average operating costs per day for each car
(use 1 year = 365 days).
b Over a 3-week period, how much does it cost each person to drive to work, assuming the average daily
operating cost is completely work related?
c The three drivers decide to form a car pool, so that each person drives everyone to work 1 week out of every
3 weeks. How much does each person save every 3 weeks by taking part in the car pool?
5 Allira is in Year 11 and lives at home with her parents. She has a part-time job and earns $170 per week. She
pays $30 per week for board and, spends $170 per month on clothes, $85 per fortnight on entertainment and
$80 per fortnight on driving lessons. She saves what she has left.
a Prepare a budget for Allira.
b Allira wants to buy a car at the end of the year. How much will she expect to have available to spend?
2 a Use the table on the right to find the number of litres Toilet Litres used
of water per year that a household of five people
Full-flush 52 L per person per day
would save if they replaced their full-flush toilet
with a 3-star rated dual-flush toilet. 3-star rated dual-flush 18 L per person per day
b What would be the cost savings if the water usage charge is $2.85/kL?
4 The table below shows the average annual running costs for the vehicles listed. The calculations are based on the cost
of buying a new vehicle for private use and operating it for 5 years. The interest charges are based on the total cost of
the new vehicle being financed by a loan. It is assumed that the vehicle travels 15 000 km each year.
Average annual running costs Ford hatchback (small) Holden sedan (large) Toyota SUV
Standing costs:
Depreciation ($) 3120 5928
Interest ($) 2444 2288
On-road costs, road service 1248 962 1061
membership ($)
Operating costs:
Fuel ($) 1898 2626 2340
Tyres ($) 146 146 208
Service and repairs ($) 671 634 952
Total ($) 8607
Average costs:
Total cost/week ($/week) 165.52 245 223.71
Total cost/kilometre (c/km) 57.4
Size of vehicle Tare weight Private use ($) Business use ($)
Cars, station up to 975 kg 207 336
wagons, trucks 976 kg to 1154 kg 240 382
1155 kg to 1504 kg 293 463
1505 kg to 2504 kg 448 697
v The value of Jenny’s car depreciates to $7600 after 4 years. Calculate the annual
amount of depreciation. (1 mark)
vi Jack’s monthly repayment on a loan at 8% over 5 years is $334.62. Use the
table at the start of part b above to calculate how much Jack borrowed. (1 mark)
c How far can a car travel on 54 L of fuel if its fuel consumption is 7.8 L/100 km? (1 mark)
d To calculate annual residential rates, a council charges a base rate of $495 plus $0.001 562 74
for every dollar of rateable value of the property. The waste service charges are $387.
Calculate the total charges for a residential property with a rateable value of $716 000. (2 marks)
e Karen is in Year 12, lives at home with her parents and has a part-time job. Her weekly
take-home pay is $272. Each week she pays $70 for board, $12 for fares and $15 for lunches.
She spends $50 per week on entertainment, $25 per fortnight on personal items and
$100 per month on clothes. She saves the remainder of her money.
i Prepare an annual budget for Karen. (2 marks)
ii Karen is saving to go to schoolies at the end of the year. She needs to save $4400.
Determine whether she will be able to afford to go to schoolies. (1 mark)
TOTAL: 15 marks
MS-S1 Data Analysis S1.2
Number of days 1 12 9 7 2 11A 8 What is the midpoint of the class interval 10–19?
A The number of days in this month is 31. A 14 B 14.5
B The temperature was 12°C on 18 days. C 15 D 15.5
C The temperature was 20°C on 7 days. 11A 9 What is the size of each class interval?
D The temperature was less than 19°C on A 9 B 10
13 days.
C 20 D 49
If you had difficulty with any of these questions or would like further practice, complete one or more of
the matching Support sheets available on your obook assess.
Q1–4 Support sheet 11A.1 Mean, median, mode and range
Q5–7 Support sheet 11A.2 Interpreting tables
Q8 Support sheet 11A.3 Finding the average of two numbers
Q9 Support sheet 11A.4 Class intervals
Score 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency 3 2 4 8 6
Solve/Think Apply
b Score (x) 12 13 14 15 16
Frequency ( f ) 4 6 5 3 2
c Score (x) 50 51 52 53 54 55
Frequency ( f ) 3 5 8 6 2 4
d Score (x) 8 9 10 11 12
Frequency ( f ) 12 28 25 26 9
2 Use your calculator to find the mean of the data given in each part of question 1. Use your calculator’s
instruction booklet to determine the appropriate steps for your calculator, or ask your teacher.
= 44 790
= 373.25 mm
• You can also use your calculator to find these means, as for the ungrouped data.
• Because we do not know the exact scores and have assumed that the scores are evenly distributed
throughout each class, the answer is an approximation for the real mean.
Score 41–50 51–60 61–70 71–80 81–90 91–100
Frequency 3 0 10 8 7 2
The mode is the score that occurs most often; that is, it is the score with the highest
the score that
frequency. A set of scores may be bimodal. For example, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8 is occurs the
bimodal because it has two modes, namely 3 and 4. most often in a
set of scores
b x 12 13 14 15 16
f 4 6 5 3 2
c x 50 51 52 53 54 55
f 3 5 8 6 2 4
d x 8 9 10 11 12
f 12 28 23 28 9
24 9 60–62 2
25 11 63–65 5
26 18 66–68 7
27 0 69–71 4
28 12 72–74 2
41–50 3 10–19 13
51–60 0 20–29 15
61–70 9 30–39 16
71–80 9 40–49 10
81–90 7 50–59 4
91–100 2 60–69 2
EXAMPLE 11A–4 Finding the mean and the mode from a stem-and-leaf plot
For the data in this stem-and-leaf plot, find the:
Stem Leaf
a mean b mode.
2 2336
4 123556668
5 1557777
6 12355567
7 00
6 For the data given in the following stem-and-leaf plots, find the:
i mean ii mode.
a Stem Leaf b Stem Leaf
5 12 2 466
6 025 3 0115
7 1455 4 5889
8 67 5 168
9 3 6 7
Note: the stems have been split into 1 and 1*, and 2 and 2*. The stems of 1 and 2 can have leaves of 0, 1, 2,
3 and 4. The stems of 1* and 2* can have leaves of 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
This is the theoretical mean of the one-digit numbers in a table of random numbers, because,
theoretically, each occurs, with the same frequency.
b From the table of random numbers given below, take samples of one-digit numbers and find the mean and
mode of each sample. To make this task simpler, work in pairs and take samples of the following sizes.
i 5 ii 10 iii 20 iv 50
48047 45381 33232 35178 46971 85879 31458 22016 08695 58112 96070 91910
18868 52251 99827 32581 90070 98873 89846 50953 92529 68249 54949 83829
10132 27359 13017 41045 13817 65603 87615 55691 58547 01331 62538 79181
33071 63766 73613 24470 85566 81574 71965 20977 48005 83418 58738 98771
40942 42373 38710 39916 08187 00133 16288 64277 80553 58331 62724 74004
09344 91315 25791 40296 27328 85758 45342 98884 36034 79836 94902 80442
c Compare the means you found in part b with the theoretical mean found in part a. Is it true that, as the
sample gets larger, the sample mean gets closer to the theoretical mean? Discuss this with your class.
d i On the blackboard, write the mean of your sample of size 10, from part bii. (All the other students
The median divides the data into two parts, with equal numbers of scores below it and
above it.
median The median is the middle score after the scores have been arranged in ascending
the middle score order; that is, from the smallest to the largest. For an odd number of scores, there is
after the set of one middle score. For an even number of scores, the median is the number midway
scores has been
between the two middle scores.
arranged in
ascending order To find the location of the median in a set of n scores arranged in numerical or
ascending order:
1 cross off equal numbers of scores from each end until there is one or two middle
scores, or
Median = 8 First arrange the five scores in ascending order: Sort the scores into
3, 7, 8, 9, 9. ascending order and
For an odd number of scores there is one locate the middle
middle score. By observation, the middle score score.
is 8 because there are two scores below it and
two scores above it:
Median = 8.
• The median can be found by crossing off equal numbers of scores from each end of
the ordered arrangement:
3 7 8 9 9
Median = 8
• If the number of scores, n, is odd, the median is the value of the score in the
n+1 th position.
In this example, n = 5, so n+1
____ = 3; meaning the median is the 3rd score (which is 8).
iii find the median.
a 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11 b 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23
c 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 19 d 48, 49, 49, 49, 50, 50, 50, 51, 52, 52
e 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 49, 50, 50, 51, 55, 53 f 2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 5, 4, 4, 3, 1, 0, 2
g 34, 35, 38, 40, 37, 36, 33, 38, 34, 39, 36, 37, 38, 37
x 20 21 22 23 24
f 5 7 11 9 4
Solve Think
Add a cumulative frequency column to the table.
x f Cumulative frequency x f Cumulative frequency Scores
20 5 5 20 5 5 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
21 7 12 21 7 12 6th, 7th, 8th,…, 11th, 12th
22 11 23 22 11 23 13th, 14th, 15th,…, 22th, 23rd
23 9 32 23 9 32 24th, 25th, 26th,…, 31st, 32nd
24 4 36 24 4 36 33rd, 34th, 35th, 36th
Because n = 36, the median is n+1 = 18.5.
From the table, n = Σf = 36, so, ____
the average of the 18th and 19th This indicates that the median is the number midway between the
scores. 18th and 19th scores; that is:
From the table, the 18th and 19th Median = the mean of the 18th and 19th scores
scores are both 22. From the cumulative frequency column, we can see that the 18th
So: Median = 22 22+22 = 22.
and 19th scores are both 22, so: Median = ______
Add a cumulative frequency column to the table and use it to find the middle score(s).
3 Complete the following tables to find the median of each set of scores.
a b
x f Cumulative Scores x f Cumulative Scores
frequency frequency
3 2 2 1st, 2nd 12 4 4 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
4 3 5 3rd, 4th, 5th 13 7 11 5th, 6th, …, 11th
5 7 12 6th, 7th, …, 12th 14 5 16 12th, …
6 4 13th, … 15 3
7 1 16 2
c x 8 9 10 11 12 d x 24 25 26 27 28
f 12 28 25 26 9 f 9 11 18 0 12
300 325 350 375 400 425 450
Height (mm)
a Mass b Height
100 80
Cumulative frequency
Cumulative frequency 90 70
80 60
70 50
60 40
50 30
40 20
30 10
20 0
10 14 21 28 35 42 49
0 Height (cm)
2 7 12 17 22 27
Mass (kg)
60 140
Cumulative frequency
50 120
40 100
30 80
20 60
10 40
0 20
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0
Mark 10 15 20 25 30 35
Number of days
c d
Height (cm) Frequency Patients per day Frequency
155–159 19 10–19 13
160–164 21 20–29 15
165–169 24 30–39 16
170–174 19 40–49 10
175–179 17 50–59 4
60–69 2
Stem Leaf Cross off numbers in pairs, starting with the The median can be
lowest and highest numbers, 22 and 70. The found by crossing off
2 2336
two middle scores remaining are 55 and 55. pairs of numbers from
3 55+55 = 55
So: Median = ______ the top and bottom of
4 123556668 2
the stem-and-leaf plot
5 1557777 Or, because there are 30 scores, the median is or by identifying the
the average of the 15th and 16th scores. The middle score(s).
6 12355567
scores are already in order, and the 15th and
7 00 16th scores are both 55. So: Median = 55.
Median = 55
9 Repeat question 8 using classes of 30–34, 35–39, etc. Explain any differences from the question 8 answers
in your results this time.
10 a Show that the median of the scores 2, 5, 5, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 and 44 lies between the mode and the mean.
b Show that the mean of the scores 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7 and 7 lies between the mode and the median.
c Find a set of scores for which the mode lies between the median and the mean.
d Find a set of scores for which the mean lies between the median and the mode.
e Find a set of scores that has the same mean, mode and median.
The mean, the mode and the median were introduced in this chapter as measures of central
tendency; that is, single numbers that are central to or typical of all the numbers under
consideration. Which of these measures is the most appropriate in a given situation? There
is no general rule; rather it depends on the nature of the data and the relative merits of the
measures. We will investigate some of the properties of the mean, mode and median.
EXAMPLE 11C–1 Finding the mode and comparing it to the mean and median
a Find the mode of each of these sets of scores.
i 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 17, 18 ii 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21 iii 14, 15, 16, 17, 26, 26, 26
b Consider the relative merits of the mode, the mean and the median for each of the cases above.
Solve/Think Apply
a i Mode = 16, because the number 16 occurs the most times. The mode is the number that occurs
with the highest frequency.
ii There is no mode because all the numbers have the same
iii Mode = 26, because the number 26 occurs the most times.
b i The mode (16) is central and typical of the scores. The There are cases in which the mode
mean (15.9) and the median (16) are also good measures is important even if it is not a central
of central tendency. value. For example, if the numbers are
the sizes of hats sold by a shop, then
ii There is no mode, so the mode is not a satisfactory
the size that is sold most often would
measure of central tendency. The mean (17) and the
be important to the shop owner and
median (16.5) are both good measures of central tendency.
hat manufacturer.
iii The mode (26) occurs at one end of the set of scores; it is
not a central value. The mean (20) and the median (17) are
both good measures of central tendency.
a 5+5+6+7+8 = 6.2
i Mean = ____________ The mean is the sum of the scores
divided by the number of scores.
5+5+6+7+80 = 20.6
ii Mean = _____________
b i The mean (6.2) is central and typical of the data, so it The mean has the disadvantage of being
is a good measure of central tendency. The mode (5) is affected by extremely large (or small)
not a central value, but the median (6) is both central values. Very small or very large atypical
and typical. scores are called outliers. In some
ii Four out of five scores are less than the mean (20.6), cases it may be useful to ignore outliers
so the mean is not a central value and is not typical of the when calculating the mean.
size of any of the scores. The mode (5) is not a central Note: If we ignore the outlier 80 in
value. The median (6) is unaffected by the extreme value part b ii: Mean = 5.75
and would be the best measure of central tendency.
EXAMPLE 11C–3 Finding the median and comparing it to the mean and mode
a Find the median of this data about the number of goals scored by a footballer over 10 games:
1 2 2 3 6 6 6 6 6 6
b Consider the relative merits of the median, mode and mean for this data.
Solve/Think Apply
a Median The median is the middle score, after
= average of 5th and 6th scores the scores have been arranged in
=6 ascending order.
b For this pattern of scores the median happens to be the The most appropriate measure is the
end score (which is also the mode). In this case, the mean one that is a central value.
(4.4) would be a better measure of central tendency.
• This is the most commonly used, is easy to understand and is easy to calculate.
• Its value depends on the value of every score in the data set.
• Its main disadvantage is that its value is easily distorted by very large or very small atypical scores
• It has the best sampling stability: if we choose random samples of the same size from a large
population, the mean is the measure that varies the least from sample to sample.
• It is not suitable for categorical data.
• This is the most frequent value in a set of data.
• Its value is easy to determine and it is not affected by outliers.
• There may be no mode, or more than one mode, in a data set.
• It may not be a central value.
• When comparing random samples of the same size taken from a large population, the mode is the
measure that varies the most.
• It is the only measure suitable for categorical data.
• This is easy to understand: there are equal numbers of scores above and below it.
• It is not affected by outliers, since its value depends on the number of scores above and below it, not
on the values of these scores.
• For some unusual patterns of scores it may not be a central value; e.g. 0, 1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5
• When comparing samples, it varies more than the mean but much less than the mode.
• It is not suitable for categorical data.
6 A shoe store had a discount sale of women’s running shoes and sold shoes of the following sizes in one day.
6 10 4 7 8 7 6 5 7 8 7 5 6 4 3 7
a For the sizes of shoes sold, find the:
i mean ii mode iii median.
b Which of these measures would be of most use to the shop owner?
7 The Beacon Lamp Company has a total of 30 employees 1 general manager $260 000
whose annual salaries are listed on the right. 1 marketing manager $100 000
a What is the total annual wage bill for this company? 1 accountant $120 000
b Calculate the mean wage for the employees. 1 engineer $100 000
c How many employees earn: 1 warehouse manager $100 000
i less than the mean wage from part b? 15 production workers $50 000 each
ii more than the mean wage from part b? 10 tradespeople $60 000 each
d What is the median wage? e What is the modal wage?
f In a wage determination case for the employees of this company, which measure of central tendency
would you use to support your argument if you were the representative for:
i the general manager? ii the production workers?
g Which measure of central tendency is the most appropriate to represent the wages of the employees of
this company? Give reasons for your answer.
a Are there any outliers in this data set? Discuss possible reasons for this score.
b Calculate the mean weight of the team, with and without the outlier.
c Find the median weight of the team. What is the modal weight?
d Which measure of central tendency is the most appropriate to represent the weights of the players?
14 The number of injuries sustained in workplace accidents in a factory over a period of 12 months are:
2, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 2, 2
a For the number of injuries, find the: i mean ii mode iii median.
b Which of these measures of central tendency is the most appropriate for this data? Explain your answer.
Chapter 11 Exploring and describing data 407
EXAMPLE 11D–2 Finding the interquartile range (quartiles are scores in the set)
Find the lower, middle and upper quartiles and the interquartile range for these scores:
2 2 3 5 6 6 7
Solve Think Apply
2 2 3 5 6 6 7 Write the scores in numerical order, if necessary. Find the median (Q2).
↑ ↑ ↑ n+1
Find the median (2nd quartile): ____ This divides the data
Q1 Q2 Q3 2
into two groups with
The median is the 4th score: Q2 = 5
Interquartile range equal numbers in each.
Note: the median divides the data into two parts with
= Q3 − Q1 The middle score of
three scores in each.
=6−2 the lower group is the
The lower part contains the scores 2, 2, 3. The lower
=4 lower quartile (Q1).
quartile is the score that divides this set into two equal
The middle score of
7 8 10 12 13 13 14 Q1 = ____
↑ ↑ IQR = ____ − ____ = ____
Q2 Q3
EXAMPLE 11D–3 Finding the interquartile range (quartiles are not scores in the set)
Find the lower, middle and upper quartiles and the interquartile range for these scores:
a 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6
b 23 27 25 23 24 25
c 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6
Solve Think Apply
a 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 The scores are already in numerical order. First find the median
↑ ↑ ↑ n+1 = 5.
In this case n = 9, so ____ (Q2). This divides the
Q1 Q2 Q3 data into two groups
So, the median is the 5th score = 4.
Q2 = 4 with equal numbers
Q1 is the middle score of the set 1, 2, 2, 3.
in each. The middle
5+6 = 5.5
2+2 = 2, Q = ____ Q3 is the middle score of the set 5, 5, 6, 6.
Q1 = ____ score of the lower
2 3 2 The quartiles have divided the data into
group is the lower
IQR = Q3 − Q1 four parts with two scores in each.
quartile (Q1).
= 5.5 − 2
The middle score of
= 3.5
the upper group is
b 23 23 24 25 25 27 Arrange the scores in numerical order. the upper quartile
↑ ↑ ↑ n+1 = 3.5.
In this case n = 6, so ____
2 (Q3).
Q1 Q2 Q3
The median is the number midway IQR = Q3 − Q1
24+25 = 24.5
Q2 = ______ between the 3rd and 4th scores.
Q1 = 23, Q3 = 25 Q1 is the middle score of the set 23, 23, 24.
IQR = 25 − 23 = 2 Q3 is the middle score of the set 25, 25, 27.
5 Complete the following to find the interquartile range of the following scores.
42 44 45 48 53 61 64 68 71 Q1 = = ____
↑ ↑ Q3 = ____
Q1 Q2 IQR = ____ − ____ = ____
8 Find the interquartile range for each of the following sets of scores.
a 50, 50, 52, 55, 55, 57, 57, 58, 60, 60 b 33, 35, 38, 42, 43, 44, 52, 53, 55, 58, 61, 64, 66, 68
9 Complete the following to find the interquartile range of the scores below.
4 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 Q1 = ____ Q3 = ____ IQR = ____
↑ ↑
Q1 Q2
10 Find the interquartile range for each of the following sets of scores.
a 17, 20, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28 b 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5
11 Find the interquartile range for each of the following sets of scores.
a 34, 31, 33, 31, 32, 35, 30 b 16, 16, 14, 15, 14, 13, 16, 14, 10
c 5, 6, 6, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6, 7, 4 d 80, 82, 81, 81, 80, 83, 82, 83
2 7 12 17 22 27 32
Q1 = 15 Q2 = 25
= 10 draw a vertical line from this point to the horizontal axis quartile by locating the point
and read the value of the lower quartile. on the polygon that is three-
The upper quartile can be estimated by locating the point quarters of the way up the
three-quarters of the way up the cumulative frequency vertical scale.
axis and drawing a horizontal line across to the polygon. Then IQR = Q3 − Q1.
Next draw a vertical line from this point to the horizontal
axis and read the value of upper quartile.
13 By first drawing an ogive, find the interquartile range of the scores (discrete) in each of these frequency
distribution tables. (For help with drawing an ogive, refer to Topic 7G on page 266.)
a x f b x f c x f
33 2 8 12 24 9
34 4 9 28 25 11
35 9 10 25 26 18
36 10 11 26 27 0
37 5 12 9 28 12
15 In a test, the median result for Linda’s class was 58 and the interquartile range was 21. In Lara’s class, the
median was also 58 but the interquartile range was 10. From this information, what conclusions could be
made about the results?
Range 26 50
IQR 7 9
Upper quartile 24 25
Lower quartile 17 16
Lowest score 4 15
Highest score 30 65
deciles For large sets of data, a natural and useful extension of the concept of quartiles is to divide the
nine numbers that data into 10 parts with equal numbers of scores in each. The scores that separate these 10 parts
separate the set are called deciles.
of ordered scores
into ten parts with Decile 1 is the score that has 10% of the scores below it and 90% above it.
an equal number Decile 2 is the score that has 20% of the scores below it and 80% above it.
of scores in
each part Decile 3 is the score that has 30% of the scores below it and 70% above it, etc.
Decile 5 is the median.
99 numbers that If a large set of data is divided into 100 equal parts with equal numbers of scores in each, the
separate the set scores that separate these 100 parts are called percentiles.
of ordered scores
in 100 parts with
The 35th percentile (P35) is the score that has 35% of the scores below it (and 65% of the
an equal number scores above it).
of scores in each The 90th percentile (P90) is the score that has 90% of the scores below it (and 10% of the
scores above it). This is equivalent to decile 9.
70 6 Decile
60 5
50 4
10 1
0 0
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
Decile 1 = 13 Add another vertical scale to the graph and divide this scale into 10 Divide the vertical
Decile 4 = 27 equal parts. The deciles can be found as shown on the graph above. scale into 10 equal
Decile 9 = 48 From the ogive, Decile 1 = 13, Decile 4 = 27 and Decile 9 = 48. parts. The scores
So 10% of the scores are less than 13 (and 90% are greater than 13); that separate these
40% of the scores are less than 27 (and 60% are greater than 27); parts are deciles.
and 90% of the scores are less than 48 (and 10% are greater than 48).
a b
Cumulative frequency
80 160
Cumulative frequency 70 140
60 100
50 80
40 60
30 40
20 20
10 0
10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190
0 Score
10 20 30 40
c d 120
90 110
Cumulative frequency
Cumulative frequency
80 90
70 80
60 70
50 60
40 50
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Score Score
240 80
210 70
180 60
150 50
120 40
90 30
60 20
30 10
0 0
150 160 P35 170 180 P87 190 200
P35 ≈ 162 Add another vertical scale to the graph and divide this into Divide the vertical scale
P87 ≈ 184 100 equal parts. The percentiles can be estimated from into 100 equal parts. The
the ogive. scores that separate these
P35 ≈ 162 P87 ≈ 184 parts are percentiles.
So 35% of the scores are less than 162 and 87% of the
scores are less than 184.
5 The chart below shows the body mass index-for-age (BMI) for boys aged 2 to 20 years. Use the chart to
27 85
23 50
BMI (kg/m2)
21 25
20 10
19 5
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Age (years)
EXAMPLE 11F–1 Finding the range, median and interquartile range from a
box plot
For the box plot shown, find the:
a i highest score
ii lowest score
iii range of the scores.
b For the data displayed, find the: 10 20 30 40 50 60
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
c d
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Draw a box plot using the five-number summary given for each data set below.
Lowest score Highest score Lower quartile Median Upper quartile
a 15 40 23 28 32
b 130 153 139 141 148
c 6 28 7 10 18
d 71 83 73 78 80
e 1 9 3 5 7
35 35 36 36 37 38 39 39 39 40
Solve Think/Apply
Find the five scores required and draw the box plot as before.
Lowest score = 35, Highest score = 40. Use a diagram:
35 35 36 36 37 38 39 39 39 40
↑ ↑ ↑
Q1 Q2 Q3
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
Q1 = 36, Q2 = 37.5, Q3 = 39
a 4, 5, 8, 8, 10, 12, 12, 14, 15, 19 b 21, 21, 23, 24, 24, 24, 26, 28, 30
c 89, 90, 92, 95, 95, 98, 102, 103 d 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 30, 30, 31
20 30 40 50 60
7 The average monthly rainfall, in millimetres, for Canberra and Hobart is shown in this table.
Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
Canberra 58 57 56 53 49 37 40 47 50 67 63 53
Hobart 48 40 47 52 49 56 54 52 52 64 55 52
a Use the given rainfall data to draw two box plots on the same scale.
b What comparisons can be made using the box plots?
The interquartile range is a better measure of the spread of a set of scores than the range, but
its weakness is that its value depends on only two scores, the upper quartile and lower quartile.
A more commonly used measure, whose value depends on all the scores, is the standard deviation.
deviation Standard deviation, σn, is determined by finding the distances of all the scores from
a measure of the mean and then calculating an ‘average’ of these distances.
dispersion or
spread whose
value depends In the same way as the mean, mode and median are ‘typical’ scores of the set of data, the
on all the scores;
standard deviation is a ‘typical’ distance of the scores from the mean. The smaller the standard
determined by
calculating an deviation, the smaller the ‘typical’ distance of the scores from the mean, therefore the smaller
‘average’ of the the spread of the scores.
distance of each Standard deviation can be calculated using an algebraic formula, but it is simpler and quicker
score from the
to use the statistics mode on a scientific calculator.
Note: the interquartile range is a measure of the spread of the scores about the median. The
standard deviation is a measure of the spread of the scores about the mean.
σn = 1.7 (to one decimal place) Use your calculator’s instruction Put the calculator into statistics
manual or ask your teacher to help mode and enter the data. To obtain
you determine the appropriate steps the standard deviation press the
for your calculator. keys for σn.
Note: there is another key on the calculator labelled σn−1. This is another kind of standard
deviation which we will investigate later in this section.
EXAMPLE 11G–2 Finding the mean and standard deviation for grouped data
Find the mean and standard deviation for the following grouped data.
Height (mm) 300–324 325–349 350–374 375–399 400–424 425–449
Frequency 3 18 47 32 14 6
Height (mm) Class centre (x) Frequency (f) For grouped data we Put the calculator into
300–324 312 3 again assume that statistics mode and
the scores are evenly enter the data using
325–349 337 18
distributed throughout the class centres as
350–374 362 47
each class and we the ‘scores’. Press
375–399 387 32
use the class centres. the keys for x̄ (mean)
400–424 412 14
Apply the appropriate and σn (standard
425–449 437 6
steps to enter the data deviation).
x̄ = 373.3 (to one decimal place)
into your calculator.
σn = 27.7 (to one decimal place)
3 Find the mean and standard deviation for each of these data sets.
a b
Mass (kg) Frequency Score Frequency
60–62 2 41–50 3
63–65 5 51–60 0
66–68 7 61–70 10
69–71 4 71–80 8
72–74 2 81–90 7
91–100 2
20–29 15 160–164 7
30–39 16 165–169 10
40–49 10 170–174 5
50–59 4 175–179 2
60–69 2
b i Add 5 to each of the scores from part a and recalculate the mean and standard deviation.
ii What do you think would happen to the mean and standard deviation if we added 10 to each score
from part a? Check by calculation.
c i Multiply each score from part a by 5 and recalculate the mean and standard deviation.
ii What do you think would happen to the mean and standard deviation if we multiplied each score
from part a by 10? Check by calculation.
5 For a set of scores, the mean is 17 and the standard deviation is 4. Determine the new mean and new
standard deviation if:
a 3 is added to each score in the set b each score is multiplied by 5 c 5 is subtracted from each score
6 If the standard deviation of a set of scores is zero, describe the data.
In the same way that there are different averages, there are two types of standard
deviation. The standard deviation we have been calculating above is called the deviation
population standard deviation. However, it can be shown that when σn is calculated standard deviation
for a sample from a large population, its value tends to underestimate the spread of for a population,
scores in the whole population. For this reason, the algebraic formula for standard denoted by σn
deviation is altered slightly and this value, denoted by σn−1, called the sample sample standard
standard deviation, is used when determining the standard deviation for a sample. deviation
The value of σn−1 may be determined on a calculator using a similar method to that standard deviation
for a sample,
for σn.
denoted by σn−1
Weight (kg) 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 80–84
Frequency 1 8 11 12 7 5 4 0 1 1
7 The shoe sizes of a random sample of Year 11 girls are recorded below. Find the sample standard deviation
of this data.
5, 4, 7, 5, 6, 7, 4, 8, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, 5, 9
8 A sample of 20 families is chosen at random and the number of children in each family is recorded in this
table. Calculate the mean and sample standard deviation.
Number of children Frequency
0 2
1 3
2 10
3 4
4 0
5 1
9 A woman measures the time it takes her to get to work each day. The times, in minutes, for a two week
period are summarised in the table below. Determine the mean and sample standard deviation of these times.
Time Frequency
24–26 2
27–29 3
30–32 3
33–35 1
36–38 1
10 The weights (in kilograms) of 17-year-old soccer players were: 69, 64, 58, 77, 85, 90, 72, 61, 73, 59.
a Find the population standard deviation (σn) and the sample standard deviation (σn−1) of these weights.
b Compare the values obtained in part a. Which would be more appropriate to use?
11 Two machines produce chocolates with an advertised weight of 60 g. Samples of the output from these
machines were selected and weighed. The weights of the sample chocolates, in grams, are listed.
Machine 1: 50, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60
Machine 2: 50, 50, 55, 55, 60, 60, 60
a For machine 1 and machine 2 find the:
i range ii interquartile range ii standard deviation.
b Where are the scores clustered for machine 1?
c Which machine produces chocolates of a more consistent weight? Explain your answer.
Chapter 11 Exploring and describing data 425
score wins the match. Carrie and Laura play nine holes of golf. Their scores are listed in the table below.
a For each player, find the:
i mean score ii median score.
b How many holes did each player win?
c For each set of scores, compare the:
i range
ii interquartile range
iii standard deviation.
d Use the data to present an argument that Laura is the better player.
e Use the data to present an argument that Carrie is the better player.
Hole Carrie Laura
1 5 4
2 8 6
3 6 5
4 3 3
5 5 4
6 8 8
7 4 4
8 7 6
9 8 15
Total 54 55
13 The marks scored by Julie and Alison in the eight topic tests they did in mathematics over the year are shown.
Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Julie 72 71 81 74 72 65 78 44
Alison 71 70 76 73 78 62 76 69
a Find the total marks scored by each student.
b For the marks scored by each student, find the:
i mean mark ii median mark.
c In how many tests did Julie score higher marks than Alison?
d For each student’s marks, compare and comment on the:
i range ii interquartile range.
e Calculate the standard deviation of each student’s marks.
f Which student’s performances were more consistent?
g The Mathematics Prize is to be given to the better of these two students. Use the data to present a case
for each student to receive the award.
14 a Find the standard deviation (σn) for each of these data sets.
i 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 ii 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 90
b Discuss the effect of outliers on the standard deviation.
c Find the range and interquartile range for each data set.
d Does the outlier affect the range or the interquartile range?
16 Investigate examples from the media to illustrate appropriate and inappropriate use or misuse of measures of
central tendency and spread.
17 Spreadsheets have inbuilt functions to find various statistics for a set of data. The spreadsheet below left
contains the marks out of 50 obtained on some tests and the formulas for finding statistics. The spreadsheet
below right contains the statistics generated by the formulas in the first spreadsheet shown.
The marks in cells B2 down to B6 can be added using the sum function in the formula =SUM(B2:B6).
The mean mark can be found using the formula =AVERAGE(B2:B6) or =AVG(B2:B6).
The standard deviation can be found using =STDEV(B2:B6).
1 Test Mark 1 Test Mark
2 1 33 2 1 33
3 =A2+1 23 3 2 23
4 =A3+1 45 4 3 45
5 =A4+1 18 5 4 18
6 =A5+1 44 6 5 44
7 Total =SUM(B2:B6) 7 Total 163
8 Mean =AVERAGE(B2:B6) 8 Mean 32.6
9 Standard deviation =STDEV(B2:B6) 9 Standard deviation 12.14
a Enter some marks of your own and find the total, mean and standard deviation.
b Try these formulas:
=COUNT(B2:B6) =MAX(B2:B6) =MIN(B2:B6)
Explain what each of these formulas does.
c Investigate the FORMULA functions of the spreadsheet.
As previously discussed, outliers are scores which appear to be abnormally higher or lower
than the rest of the scores. It is up to statisticians to decide what is abnormal. Here are two
general methods that statisticians use to identify outliers.
Solve/Think Apply
Add a cumulative Find Q1, Q2, Q3 and the IQR
a x f cf
frequency column. There and use Q1 – 1.5 × IQR for the
3 1 1
are 12 scores so the lower limit and Q3 + 1.5 × IQR
4 1 2 median is the average of for the upper limits.
5 1 3 the 6th score (which is
6 3 6 6) and the 7th score (which
7 5 11 is 7); i.e. Q2 = 6.5.
8 1 12 Q1 is the middle of the
first 6 scores = 5.5.
Median = Q2 = 6.5 Q3 is the middle of the
Q1 = 5.5 last 6 scores = 7.
Q3 =7
IQR = Q3 – Q1 = 7 – 5.5 = 1.5
Lower limit = Q1 – 1.5 × IQR
= 5.5 – 1.5 × 1.5
= 3.25
Any score below 3.25 is an
outlier, so 3 is an outlier.
Upper limit = Q3 + 1.5 × IQR
= 7 + 1.5 × 1.5
= 9.25
So 8 is not an outlier.
b Sample mean = x¯ = 6.1 Use your calculator to find
Sample standard deviation = σn−1 = 1.4 the mean and sample standard
Lower limit = 6.1 – 3 × 1.4 = 1.9 deviation and substitute into:
Upper limit = 6.1 + 3 × 1.4 = 10.3 mean – 3 × standard deviation
Using this method, none of the scores are outliers. and mean + 3 × standard
3 For each data set in question 2, which method of identifying outliers is the most suitable?
5 The weights, in kilograms, of the players in a women’s hockey team are recorded as:
55, 56, 63, 48, 58, 56, 48, 54, 55, 62, 64, 157
a Show that 157 is an outlier, using both methods discussed earlier.
b Discuss possible reasons for the score of 157.
c Calculate the following measures, with and without the outlier:
i mean and median weight of the team
ii the interquartile range
iii the population standard deviation.
d Which measures are affected the most by the outlier?
e Describe the weights of the team members using the most appropriate measures of location and spread.
The shape of frequency curves may be described in terms of smoothness, symmetry and number
of modes. The mode is the score with the highest frequency, so has the highest value on the graph.
Graph A is a smooth curve, Graph B is not smooth.
Graph A Graph B
f f
Graph C is unimodal (has one mode) and graph D is bimodal (has two modes).
Graph C Graph D
f f
description of a
distribution graph
for a data set with
one mode
description of a
distribution graph
for a data set with Note: A curve with two distinct humps, even if the frequency at each hump is not the same,
two modes is called bimodal. If a curve has three or more modes it is sometimes described as being
multimodal multimodal. (Note: bimodal can be considered as a special case of multimodal.)
description of a Graph E is symmetrical, Graph F is asymmetrical. Graphs that are not symmetrical are said to
distribution graph be skewed.
for a data set with
Graph E Graph F
many modes f f
description of a
distribution graph
of a data set for
which the shape is
not symmetrical
negatively f
skewed If the longer tail of the graph is to the left, then the
description of a distribution is negatively skewed. This would occur, for
skewed graph example, if we graphed the distribution of the results of a very
which has a
easy test. Most of the students would score high marks and
longer tail to the
left only a few would score low marks.
f description of
The curve on the right is described as bell-shaped. It is a distribution
often referred to as a normal distribution. It occurs for many graph of a set for
naturally occurring characteristics, such as the number of which the shape is
tomatoes on a plant, the number of peas in a pod, the heights
of a particular age group of females. More will be learnt
about this curve in Year 12.
Number of families
Number of pods
c d
Number of games played
Number of students
Solve Think/Apply
a The curve is bell-shaped, smooth, symmetrical Symmetry is the first feature examined, followed
and has one mode. by the number of ‘bumps’ or modes.
b The curve is positively skewed, smooth, not
symmetrical and has one mode.
c The curve is smooth, symmetrical and bimodal.
Number of people
a smooth, unimodal, positively skewed
b smooth, unimodal, negatively skewed
c smooth, symmetrical, bell-shaped, unimodal
d smooth, symmetrical, bimodal
e not smooth, asymmetrical, multimodal
Team score Blood pressure
Number of students
Number of people
Number of plants
at concert
3 For graphs A–E in question 1, place a cross on the horizontal axis to indicate the mode(s).
4 Match each of the following descriptions to one of the curves, A to D, shown on the next page.
a the heights of 1000 randomly selected adult women b the results in a difficult examination
c the weights of jockeys and wrestlers d the results in an easy examination
5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6
c d
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
b This set of scores is clustered The rows with the most numbers can form
in the 40s and 50s. a cluster of scores.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
7 The box plot below is drawn from the data in the stem-and-leaf plot shown. Explain why the distribution is
positively skewed.
Stem Leaf
3 789
4 03578
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
5 222699
6 018
7 4
8 7
8 These box plots are drawn from the stem-and-leaf plots in question 6. What is the shape of each
distribution? What aspect of the box plot shows this?
a b
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
c d
e f
15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30
c d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
e f
20 22 24 26 28 30 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
g h
50 60 70 80 90 10 20 30 40 50 60
i j
40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50
for a test marked out of 10. 12
a Draw a smooth curve on the histogram.
b Describe the shape of the curve. 8
c What comments can be made about the test based on 6
the shape of the curve? 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b Describe the shape of the curve. 10
c What comments can be made about the test based on 8
the shape of the curve? 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c What comments can be made about the number of 12
peas in a pod based on the shape of the curve?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Number of peas in pod
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Weight (kg)
Boat 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Weight (kg)
Class Frequency
11A 2 The mean of the scores in the table on the right is:
A 2.5 B 9.3 C 9.5 D 35 0–4 3
5–9 4
10–14 6
11A 3 The modal class of the data in the table in question 2 is:
A 0–4 B 5–9 C 10–14 D 15–19 15–19 2
11B 4 The median of the data in the table in question 1 is:
A 24 B 25 C 24.5 D 10
11B 5 For the scores 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 12, which of the
Cumulative frequency
following values are correct? 50
A Mean = 9.3, Mode = 8, Median = 8.5 40
B Mean = 9, Mode = 8.5, Median = 8 30
C Mean = 9.3, Mode = 8, Median = 9 20
D Mean = 9, Mode = 9, Median = 8.5 10
11B 6 The median of the data shown in the ogive on the right is: 52 57 62 67 72 77
Weight (kg)
A 64.5 B 62 C 67 D 63.5
Stem Leaf
11B 7 The data in this stem-and-leaf plot has:
A Mode = 6, Median = 6 B Mode = 6, Median = 4 3 024
C Mode = 46, Median = 46 D Mode = 46, Median = 4 4 13666
5 0488
11C 9 If we choose random samples from a large population, which of the following is the measure that varies the most?
A mean B mode C median D all vary the same amount
11D 10 For the ogive shown in question 6, the interquartile range is approximately:
A 15 B 40 C 69 D 10
11D 11 Which of the following statements is not true for the data in this back-to-back stem-and-leaf plot?
A The median for class B is greater than the median for class A.
Class A Class B
B The mean for class B is greater than the mean for class A. Stem
Leaf Leaf
C The interquartile range for class B is greater than the interquartile
range for class A. 85220 4 25
D The range for class B is greater than the range for class A. 97631 5 33699
87432 6 014888
11E 12 For the data graphed in question 6, the 7th decile is approximately;
A 53 B 66 C 68 D 74 9865 7 1137
9 8 011
11E 13 For the data graphed in question 6, the 65th percentile is
A 45 B 66 C 72 D 77
11G 15 What is the population standard deviation of the data in the following table?
A 1.21 B 1.41 C 2.28 D 2.55
Mark 5 6 7 8 9
Number of students 5 5 8 7 2
11G 16 The sample standard deviation of the scores 23, 23, 24, 25, 25, 25 and 26 is:
A 1.13 B 1.05 C 171 D 7
11H 17 Which of the following can be used to identify outliers in a sample of data?
A mean – 1.5 × IQR B Q3 + 1.5 × IQR
C median + 1.5 × IQR D Q1 – 5 × σn−1
A the class marks for an easy test B the class marks for a hard test
C a uniform distribution of class marks D no recognisable pattern of marks.
5 Find the mean and sample standard deviation of these scores: 17, 25, 19, 20, 23, 19, 21.
7 The prices of apartments sold in one month by a real-estate agent are listed below.
$250 000 $280 000 $240 000 $300 000 $290 000 $550 000
a Calculate the:
i mean price ii median price.
b Identify any outliers.
c Which of these measures (mean or median) is the more appropriate average to use for these prices?
Give reasons for your answer.
8 The maximum temperature recorded each month for two towns is shown in the table below.
Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
Town A 31 30 28 26 23 18 17 19 24 27 28 30
Town B 36 34 30 26 22 17 13 20 25 27 32 35
a For each town, find the:
i mean temperature ii median temperature.
b For each town’s temperatures, find the:
i range ii interquartile range iii population standard deviation.
c Write a short description comparing the temperatures for the two towns. In your description include the
shape of each distribution and any clustering or outliers.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cumulative frequency
b upper quartile 90
c lower quartile
d interquartile range 60
e 2nd decile 50
f 45th percentile. 40
4 Which of the following measures is 20
suitable for analysing categorical data? 0
A range B mean 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
C mode D median Mark
5 Calculate the mean and population 6 For the data 22, 23, 23, 25, 26, 26, 27, 29, 31, 31,
standard deviation of the data given in this table. find the:
Weight Frequency a mean
4.3 6 b median
c range
4.4 9
d interquartile range
4.5 4
e standard deviation.
4.6 5
4.7 6
7 a Draw a smooth curve representing the data in the histogram on the right. 9
b Describe the curve in terms of skewness. 8
8 Two groups of students are given pairs of shoes to wear to school.
The students in group X are given rubber-soled shoes and those in 4
group Y are given shoes with soles made of a new synthetic material. 3
The thickness (in millimetres) of the soles of the shoes after 6 months
is shown below. 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Group X: 5, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 6, 2, 6, 4, 4, 5, 3, 5, 6, 7, 6, 6, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5 Number of snacks
Group Y: 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 6, 4, 8, 5, 3, 4, 7, 6, 5, 2, 8, 5, 6, 5, 6, 8, 7, 3, 4
a For each group of results, find the:
i mean ii median.
1 Find the mean, mode, median, range and standard deviation (σn) of these scores:
2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6
2 The results in a test given to two classes are shown below.
Class A: 24, 34, 16, 18, 30, 26, 36, 40, 22, 26, 32, 20, 8, 38, 14, 28, 32, 30, 24
Class B: 6, 16, 28, 24, 24, 34, 38, 26, 22, 20, 28, 18, 24, 12, 36, 36, 22, 10, 2
a Construct back-to-back stem-and-leaf plots for this data.
b For each class find the:
i mean ii median iii range iv population standard deviation.
c Describe the shape of the distribution for each class.
d Use the median and interquartile range to identify any outliers.
e Which class performed better? Explain.
50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Score TOTAL: 15 marks
MS-A2 Linear Relationships
A x 4 6 7
y 7 9 10
B x 2 6 8
y 1 5 7
C x 1 4 5
y –2 7 10
x 2 3 7
y –1 4 14
12A 7 Which rule links the values of x and y
12A 1 What are the coordinates of point F? in this table?
A (4, 3) B (3, 4)
x 2 6 8
C (2, 3) D (3, 2)
y 6 22 30
12A 2 What are the coordinates of point B? A y = 2x + 2 B y = 2x – 5
A (2, –5) B (–5, 2) C y = 4x – 2 D y = 3x
C (–2, 5) D (5, –2)
12B 8 What is the gradient of y
12A 3 For which two points is the x-coordinate this straight-line graph? 3
the same? A 2 B –2
A G and E B D and H C 1 D –1
C B and C D A and F −2 −1 1 2 x
12A 4 What is the value of the expression 5p – 4q 12B 9 What is the gradient of
when p = 3 and q = –5? y
this straight-line graph? 2
A 35 B 8 A 2 B –2 1
C –5 D –37 C 1 D –1 −2 −1 1 2 x
If you had difficulty with any of these questions or would like further practice, complete one or more of
the matching Support sheets available on your obook assess.
Q1 Support sheet 12A.1 The Cartesian plane (positive numbers)
Q2–3 Support sheet 12A.2 The Cartesian plane (four quadrants)
Q4–5 Support sheet 12A.3 Substituting for pronumerals
Q6–7 Support sheet 12A.4 Tables of values and rules
Q8–9 Support sheet 12B.1 Finding the gradient of a linear graph
independent Many situations are modelled using straight-line graphs. Sometimes, points are plotted on
variable a number plane and a line is drawn through them. At other times, a rule or relation is given
variable whose
and ordered pairs are calculated. The graph of a linear relationship between two variables
outcomes are
not due to those
produces a straight line. The values of the dependent variable depend on the values of the
of another independent variable.
variable; usually
represented on
the horizontal EXAMPLE 12A–1 Drawing a straight-line graph from a table
axis of a graph; of values
e.g. for the linear
Bulk washing powder is sold for $1.40 per kilogram. The table shows weight versus cost
y = 2x + 1, the for washing powder.
independent Weight (kg) 1 2 5 10 15 20
variable is x
Cost ($) 1.40 2.80 7.00 14.00 21.00 28.00
variable a Draw the graph of weight versus cost.
variable whose b Use the graph to find the cost of 12.5 kg of washing powder.
value depends
upon that of
Solve Think
another; usually
represented on a Washing powder Because cost depends on the number of
the vertical axis of 28 kilograms, it is the dependent variable, and
a graph; e.g. for is placed on the vertical axis. The number of
the relationship
y = 2x + 1,
20 17.5 kilograms, the independent variable, is placed
Cost ($)
b The cost of 12.5 kg of washing Find the point 12.5 kg on the ‘Weight’ axis.
powder (read from the graph) is Draw a vertical line to intersect the graph. From
$17.50. this point, draw a horizontal line to the ‘Cost’
axis. Read the value at this point: $17.50.
Place the dependent variable on the vertical axis and the independent variable on
the horizontal axis. Remember to label the axes and use equal divisions on the
scale. Plot the points and draw a straight line through them.
Find the required value on the horizontal axis and draw a line to intersect the graph.
From this point, draw a line to meet the vertical axis. Read the value.
Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cost ($) 3.50 7.00 10.50 14.00 17.50 21.00
a Draw the graph of weight versus cost. Which is the dependent
b Use your graph from part a to find the cost of 2.5 kg of oranges.
2 Mobile telephone calls cost 65 cents per minute. This table shows the cost of calls of different duration.
Time (min) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cost ($) 0.65 1.30 1.95 2.60 3.25 3.90
a Draw the graph of time versus cost. Which is the independent variable?
b Use your graph from part a to find the cost of a call of 2.5 minutes duration.
c A call cost $3.00. How long was that call?
3 Rema earns $18 per hour. The table shows her income versus hours worked.
Time (h) 2 4 6 8 10
Income ($) 36 72 108 144 180
a Draw the graph of income versus hours worked.
b Use your graph from part a to find Rema’s income for 7 hours.
c How many hours must she work to earn $90?
Solve/Think Apply
a Calculate the cost by
Distance (km) 0 10 20 30 40
multiplying the cost
Cost ($) 10 42 74 106 138 per kilometre by the
For a journey of 10 km: Cost = $10 + $3.20 × 10 = $42 number of kilometres and
For a journey of 20 km: Cost = $10 + $3.20 × 20 = $74 adding this result to the
booking fee.
4 The cost of hiring a taxi is $3.00 flagfall and $2.40 per kilometre travelled.
a Copy and complete this table of costs for taxi hire.
Distance (km) 0 10 20 30 40
Cost ($) 3 27
b Draw the graph showing the cost of hiring the taxi.
c How much does it cost to travel 35 km?
d How far could you travel for $15?
6 A person drives non-stop from Taree to Sydney, a distance of 300 km. The rule giving the distance from
Sydney is d = 300 − 100t where d is distance in kilometres and t is time in hours.
a Copy and complete this table of values for the given rule.
b Draw a graph of distance from Sydney versus time.
Time (h) 0 1 2 3
c How far is the driver from Sydney after 1__1 h?
2 Distance (km) 300 100
d How far has the driver travelled after 1 h?
7 On a particular day, $100 Australian buys $60 US. Use this and the fact that A$0 = US$0 to draw a
conversion graph for A$ and US$. Put A$ on the horizontal axis (values up to $100) and US$ on the vertical
axis. How many A$ can be bought for US$40?
9 Shailesh is filling his car with petrol. He puts in 80 litres of fuel and the cost is $110.
a Draw a straight-line conversion graph for this information.
b How many litres of fuel would $70 buy?
c What would be the cost for 55 litres of fuel?
10 Karolin is filling her car with petrol. She puts in 50 litres of fuel and the cost is $65.
a Draw a straight-line conversion graph for this information.
b How many litres of fuel would $25 buy?
c What would be the cost for 35 litres of fuel?
11 This table shows the rates for taxi travel in the day and Distance Cost for Cost for special
at the special night rate. (km) day rate ($) night rate ($)
a Plot the points and draw the graphs for both rates on 0 3.60 6.10
the same set of axes. 5 14.55 19.25
b Use your graph to determine how much further you 10 25.50 32.40
can travel for $75 during the day compared with the
15 36.45 45.55
special night rate.
c Use your graph to find the difference in cost 20 47.40 58.70
between a 42 km journey at the day rate and at the 25 58.35 71.85
special night rate. 30 69.30 85.00
35 80.25 98.15
40 91.20 111.30
45 102.15 124.45
50 113.10 137.60
55 124.05 150.75
60 135.00 163.90
the data in question 11 showing the
formulas for calculating the costs. 1 Taxi rates
a Create a spreadsheet or use 2 km rate ($/km) 2.19 2.63
the one provided in your 3 Flagfall ($) 3.6 6.1
obook assess. Fill down to 4
complete the spreadsheet for
5 Distance (km) Day rate Special night rate
the data provided in the table in
question 11. 6 0 =B3 =C3
b Use your spreadsheet to answer 7 5 =A7*$B$2+$B$3 =A7*$C$2+$C$3
question 11. 8 10 =A8*$B$2+$B$3 =A8*$C$2+$C$3
c Edit the kilometre rate and
9 15 =A9*$B$2+$B$3 =A9*$C$2+$C$3
flagfall to see how that affects
the graph.
gradient (slope) The words slope and gradient are used when talking about the steepness of a line graph.
steepness of a Gradient or slope is associated with house roofs, escalators, hills, etc. The steeper the slope,
line (defined as the larger the gradient.
m) that can be
measured using vertical rise
Slope = ____________
any two points on horizontal run
the line or interval The slope is also referred to as the gradient.
Gradient = ____ vertical
run rise
Note: for a horizontal line the vertical rise is 0, therefore the
slope is 0.
For a vertical line the horizontal run is 0, so the slope is infinite horizontal
or undefined.
The following illustrations indicate slopes of varying amounts.
a House roof b Leaning Tower of Pisa
56 = 14
Slope = ___
56 m 4
2 = __
Slope = __ 1
8 4
When line segments are drawn on graph paper we can easily determine the slope of the line
segments by drawing horizontal and vertical lines to complete a right-angled triangle.
1 km
3 Determine the slope of each of the line segments on the right.
a OA b OB c OC d OD
e OE f OF g OG
BC 2 1 1
__ F
2 E
Solve Think
+2 Choose two convenient points on the line. To get from the left-hand
point to the right-hand point, we move 2 units to the right horizontally
and 4 units down vertically.
(By convention, moving horizontally to the right is taken as the
positive direction, and to the left as the negative direction. Moving
vertically, up is the positive direction, and down is the negative
rise = ___ direction.)
run +2 = −2
Calculate the slope using: Gradient = ____
Note: Moving from left to right, ‘uphill’ lines have positive slopes and ‘downhill’ lines have negative slopes.
6 Imagine you are walking across the countryside from O to W (from left to right). This graph represents the
profile of your walk.
a When are you going uphill? b When are you going downhill?
c Where is the steepest positive slope? d Where is the steepest negative slope?
e Where is the slope zero? f Where is the slope not zero but least?
1 2 3 4 5 x
+2 2 3 4 5 x
a y b y c y
10 2
2 4 6 x
8 (2, 8) −2
2 4 6 x
6 −2 −4
4 −4 (2, −4) −6
(2, −8)
2 −6 −8
−2 2 4 6 x
d y e y f y
8 2 30
(4, 6) 24
6 (4, 24)
2 4 6 x 18
4 −2
2 −4 12
(4, −3)
−6 6
−2 2 4 6 x
−2 2 4 6 x
1 2 3 4 x
a y b y c y y-intercept
1 4 2 point where a line
crosses the y-axis
2 4 6 x
4 8 12 x
2 4 6 x of a number plane
−2 −8 −4
−3 −12 −6
9 Find the slope of each of these lines. Be careful, because the scales are not the same.
a y b y c y
300 160 60
200 120 45
100 80 30
40 15
−10 −5 5 10 15 20 x
–10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x 2 4 6 8 10 x
d e 16
f 800
12 600
0.1 8 400
4 200
0 0
–20 –15 –10 –5 5 x 10 20 30 40 50 60 1000 2000 3000
Tax payable ($’000)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Taxable income ($’000)
12 This is another piecewise graph. The points where the tax rate changes are marked.
a Find the tax payable on $90 000. Tax
b Find the income on which tax of
$20 000 is payable.
c Find the gradient of the section
Tax payable ($’000)
b Find the steepest gradient that can be driven up and driven down by:
i trucks ii cars
iii four wheel drives iv trains.
The rules or equations for straight-line or linear graphs may all be written in a similar form.
The convention is to write the rule for straight-line graphs in the form y = mx + c
where x is the independent variable, because any value may be used
y is the dependent variable, because it depends on the value of x
m is the gradient of the line
c is the y-intercept.
This relationship connects every point on a straight-line graph.
−2 2 4 x
EXAMPLE 12C–2 Writing the gradient and y-intercept of a line from its equation
Write the gradient and y-intercept of each of the following lines.
a y = 7x + 8 b y = −3x − 1 2x
c y = ___
Solve Think Apply
a Gradient = 7, y-intercept = 8 From question 3 above, the When the equation of a
number by which x is being line is written in the form
b Gradient = −3, y-intercept = −1 multiplied is the gradient, and the y = mx + c, m is the
constant term is the y-intercept. gradient of the line and c is
c 2 , y-intercept = 0
Gradient = __
3 the y-intercept.
4 Write the gradient and y-intercept for each of the following lines.
a y = 5x − 1 b y = −2x + 11 c 3x
y = ___ d y = −x − 2
e x +3
y = __ f y = x − 15 g 7x −1
y = −___ h y = __x − __2
2 5 6 5
Find a linear equation that describes the pattern shown in each of the following tables.
a x 2 3 4 5 6 b x 1 2 3 4 5
y 5 6 7 8 9 y −3 −2 −1 0 1
c d x 0 1 2 3 4
x 0 1 2 3 4
y 0 3 6 9 12 y 3 6 9 12 15
6 Find a linear equation that describes the pattern shown in each of the following tables.
a x 1 2 3 4 5 b x 2 3 4 5 6
y 6 7 8 9 10 y −1 0 1 2 3
c x 0 1 2 3 4 d x 0 1 2 3 4
y 0 5 10 15 20 y −2 0 2 4 6
7 The KNOT ME Tie Company has fixed costs of $800 per day and a
variable production cost of $2 per tie. The daily cost can be modelled
using the straight-line equation C = 2n + 800.
a Explain each term in the formula C = 2n + 800.
b Complete this table of values.
n 0 50 100 150 200 250
8 The Chilly Frozen Yoghurt Shop has a monthly fixed expense of $1500 and the cost of making each serve of
yoghurt is $1.40.
a Write an equation modelling this information. Use C for monthly cost in dollars and n for the number of
serves of yoghurt made.
b Complete this table of values.
n 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
other digital technology. There are many websites that offer free access to an online graphing calculator (for
example, https://www.desmos.com).
The following instructions are for drawing the graph of y = 2x + 3 with a CASIO graphics calculator.
Step 1: Press MENU to obtain the MAIN MENU screen and select GRAPH.
Step 2: At Y1:, enter the right-hand side of the equation y = 2x + 3 by pressing 2 X, θ, T + 3 and then EXE .
(You can enter more equations at Y2:, Y3:, etc. to draw more than one relationship on the same
number plane.)
Step 3: Select DRAW to draw the graph.
Step 4: The graph should appear on the screen. If the scale of the axes needs adjustment, access V-Window and
adjust as needed. Then EXIT to return to the graph.
10 a Draw graphs of y = 3x + 1, y = 3x – 1, y = 3x, and y = 3x + 2 on the same number plane.
b What do you notice about all four graphs? Explain.
c Without plotting any points, add the graph of y = 3x + 3 to the number plane. Explain how you knew
what to draw.
11 a Draw the graphs of y = 2x + 1, y = 2x – 1 and y = 2x + 3 on the same number plane. What do you notice?.
b Draw the graphs of y = –3x, y = –3x – 1 and y = –3x + 2 on the same number plane. What do you notice?
c Draw the graphs of y = x + 2, y = x and y = x – 5 on the same number plane. What do you notice?
d What conclusion can be drawn about straight lines with the same gradient?
direct variation Quantities such as time, distance, cost and length change depending on the situation. These
relationship are called variables.
between two
Mathematics uses the relationship between variables in many circumstances. When there is a
quantities or direct variation relationship between two quantities or variables, one of the quantities can be
variables in expressed as a constant multiplied by the other quantity.
which one of the
In the table below, when x is multiplied by 3, y is also multiplied by 3. As one quantity
quantities can
be expressed increases, the second quantity increases.
as a constant
multiplied by the ×3
other quantity
x 1 2 3 4 5
proportional y 5 10 15 20 25
two quantities
or variables ×3
are directly
proportional 1 ) so is y. As one quantity
In the table below, when x is divided by 4 (or multiplied by __
when an increase 4
decreases, the second quantity also decreases.
(or a decrease)
in one causes
a proportional
increase (or x 1 2 3 4 5
decrease) in
the other; e.g. y 7 14 21 28 35
y is directly ÷4
to x if __x is a Many applications of this exist in the real world, such as:
constant value
• a person’s wage and the number of hours worked
• the cost of fuel and the amount of fuel bought
• the amount of paint used and the area painted
• the distance travelled at constant speed and the time taken
• the total cost of drinks and the number of drinks purchased.
If two quantities are directly proportional, then an increase (or a decrease) in one causes a
proportional increase (or decrease) in the other.
t 0 1 2 3
d 0 75
a Complete the table.
b Graph this information on a number plane.
c Write an equation to describe the relationship
between time and distance.
1 2 3 4
Time in hours (t)
The graph in Example 12D-1 shows a direct correlation between the two quantities time and constant of
distance. To find distance, time is multiplied by 75; that is, the ratio of distance to time is variation (or
always 75:1. proportionality)
constant value
(k) for __x when
there is a
If __x is always a constant, then we say that y varies directly as x. direct variation
y relationship
The equation connecting two quantities is __ x = k or y = kx where k is called the between y and x.
constant of variation or constant of proportionality. The equation
The notation for variation is y ∝ x and is read as: connecting y and
x can be written
‘y is proportional to x’ or ‘y varies directly as x’.
as y = kx where k
If y ∝ x, the graph of y plotted against x is a straight line through the origin, with is the constant of
gradient k. variation.
8 (2, 8) 8 16
6 6 12
(5, 5)
4 8
2 2
0 0 2 4 6 8 10 x
2 4 6 8 x
2 4 6 8 x
x x x x
5 Calculate values for __x for each of the following tables.
a x 1 2 5 b x 2 3 6
y 4 8 21 y 14 21 42
i In each case, state whether or not direct proportionality exists between x and y.
ii When direct proportionality exists, find the constant of variation and express y in terms of x.
= __ with k = __x .
= __
c x
y = __ x.
Substitute x = 42 into y = __ Substitute the known value for x or y into the
3 3
equation and solve it to find the unknown
= ___
3 quantity.
= 14
d x
y = __ x.
Substitute y = 7 into y = __
3 3
7= __
= 21
8 The amount of petrol used by a car travelling at a constant speed is directly proportional to the distance
9 The amount of petrol used by a car travelling at a constant speed is directly proportional to the distance
travelled. A car uses 6 L of petrol to travel 56 km. How much petrol will be used to travel 140 km at the
same speed?
10 The amount of petrol used by a car travelling at a constant speed is directly proportional to the distance
travelled. A car uses 8 L of petrol to travel 75 km. What distance will the car cover if it travels at the same
speed and uses 24 L of petrol?
15 The amount of water dripping into a bucket from a tap is directly proportional to the length of time the
tap drips. Water dripping from a tap fills a 5-litre bucket in 8 hours. How long will it take to fill a 12-litre
19 The current required to operate a car’s starter motor varies directly as the voltage. The current is 150 amps
Graphs and equations can be used to model real situations. A graph allows a comparison
between two variables. In this topic, we will look at straight-line graphs to model physical
situations. The gradient and the intercept on the vertical axis of linear graphs have meaning in
practical situations. This section examines these applications. A straight-line graph of the form
y = mx (or y = kx) shows a direct variation relationship between the two variables. A straight-
line graph of the form y = mx + c shows a relationship between x and y, the gradient m, and a
constant term c.
d Find the vertical intercept. What is its
meaning in this situation?
100 200 300 400 500
Number of books
Cost ($)
1000 400
100 200 300 400 500
Number of books
b 270 books Find the point on the line whose vertical coordinate
(cost) is 3000. The horizontal coordinate (number of
books) is 270.
c 3200 = 8
Gradient = _____ Using points (0, 800) and (400, 4000): The gradient is
400 3200 .
rise = _____
This is the cost per Gradient = ____
expressed as the unit
of the rise per unit of
book after the initial set Because the units of the vertical rise are dollars and
the run.
up costs. the units of the horizontal run are books, the unit for
Cost = $8/book the gradient is $/book.
d Vertical intercept is The vertical intercept is the cost of printing zero The vertical
$800. This is the fixed books. intercept is the point
cost for setting up. where the line cuts
the vertical axis.
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Distance (km)
Cost ($)
d Find the intercept on the vertical axis. What is its meaning in 240
this situation? 160
8 16 24 32 40 48 56
Number of people
Cost ($)
d Find the intercept on the vertical axis. What is its meaning in 300
this context?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (h)
worth of goods?
c Find the gradient. What is its meaning in this context?
d Find the intercept on the vertical axis. What is its meaning in
this context? 100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sales ($’000)
5 This graph models the height of a burning candle. Height of a burning candle
a What is the height of the candle: 320
i initially? ii after 5 hours? 280
b How long does it take for the height to decrease to 240
Height (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Principal ($’000)
6 The interest, $I, earned on a principal of $P for 1 year is given by the formula I = kP, where k is a constant.
a If an investment of $8000 earns interest of $240, find the value of the constant k.
b Use the value of k from part a to complete the table below.
P 2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000
I 240
(0, 0) and (16, 100), because Celine point whose
100 runs 0 m in 0 s and 100 m in 16 s. coordinates are
given by the
16 information
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 supplied in the
Time (s) question.
100 = 6.25
rise = ____ Then calculate the
b Gradient = ____
The vertical rise between these two
16 points is 100 m and the horizontal run gradient using
The gradient is Celine’s speed in m/s. rise .
Gradient = ____
She runs at an average speed of 6.25 m/s. is 16 s. The units for the gradient are run
m/s. This is speed. The meaning of
c If d is distance (in m) and t is time (in s) Use pronumerals to define the two the gradient is
then d = 6.25t. variables and write an equation in the indicated by its
form y = mx. units.
13 Use the information in question 10 and extend the graph to cover a distance of 1000 km.
a Is the gradient still the same? Why or why not?
b Is the graph still accurate as a mathematical model for Craig’s drive? (Hint: consider petrol.)
14 The rate for taxi fares varies depending on the time of day. The graph on Taxi fares day and night
the right shows the cost in dollars compared to the distance travelled in Day rate
kilometres for travel during the day and at night. Night rate
a What is the meaning of the gradient in this context?
b Find the gradient of each line. What does the steeper slope of one of
the lines indicate?
Cost ($)
c For each line, find the intercept on the vertical axis. What is the 80
meaning of the intercept for each situation? 60
d For each line, write an equation which models the linear relationship. 40
15 Write a report based on one of the algebraic models presented in this
chapter. Explain how the model works and its limitations. Give examples 20 40 60
of ways of improving the model. Explain the value of having the model. Distance (km)
12A 1 What is the time taken to travel 200 km? Distance travelled
A 2h B 2__ 1 h
2 400
Distance (km)
C 3h D 3 __ 1 h 300
12A 3 h?
2 What is the distance travelled after 3__
4 100
A 5 km B 250 km 0
1 2 3 4
C 300 km D 6 km Time (h)
12C 10 The income on which tax of $10 000 is payable is closest to:
A $2000 B $36 000
C $30 000 D $2500
12C 11 The Clear View Water Company purifies water. The weekly fixed 20 40 60 80
costs are $250 and the cost per glass is $3. Which of the following Taxable income ($’000)
12C 12 The equation C = 4n + 520 models an ice-cream shop’s costs. What could the 520 represent?
A number of ice creams sold B the cost per ice cream
C fixed daily cost D number of ice creams made
C x 1 3 5 D x 1 3 5
y 4 6 8 y 8 10 12
12D 14 The table on the right shows values of x and y which are in direct x 6 12 24 b
proportion. What are the values of a and b? y 2 4 a 12
A a = 8, b = 4 B a = 8, b = 36
C a = 72, b = 4 D a = 72, b = 36
12D 15 The amount of petrol used by a car travelling at a constant speed is directly proportional to the distance travelled.
A car used 7 L of petrol to travel 52.5 km. The amount of petrol used to travel 126 km at the same rate is:
A 2.4 L B 7.5 L C 16.8 L D 945 L
12E 16 What does the slope of the distance–time graph for question 1 represent?
A speed B time taken C distance travelled D all of these
1 Dog shampoo is sold in bulk amounts for Capacity (L) 1 2 3 4 5 6
$4.50 per litre. This table shows capacity, in Cost ($) 4.50 9.00 13.50 18.00 22.50 27.00
litres, versus cost for the liquid.
a Draw the graph of capacity versus cost. Which is the dependent variable?
b Find the cost of 3.5 L of shampoo.
Chapter 12 Linear relationships 475
1 Chocolate frogs are sold by weight. This table shows Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6
weight, in kilograms, versus cost for the chocolate frogs.
Cost ($) 10 20 30 40 50 60
a Draw the graph of weight versus cost. Which is the
dependent variable?
b Use the graph to find the cost of 4.5 kg of chocolate frogs.
1 Cashew nuts are sold by weight. This table shows Weight (kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6
weight, in kilograms, versus cost for the nuts.
Cost ($) 15 30 45 60 75 90
a Draw the graph of weight versus cost. Which is the
dependent variable?
b Use the graph to find the cost of 3.8 kg of nuts.
c How many kilograms of nuts can be purchased for $50?
2 The cost of hiring a night-time taxi is $7.00 flagfall and $3.80 per kilometre travelled.
a Complete this table of costs for taxi hire.
Distance (km) 0 10 20 30 40
b Draw the graph showing the cost of hiring the taxi.
c How much does it cost to travel 15 km? Cost ($)
d How far can a passenger travel for $75?
3 Find the gradient and y -intercept of the straight-line graph on the right. 6
4 Sketch the straight-line graph of y = 3x − 4.
5 On a particular day, A$100 buys 87 euros. 3
a Draw a conversion graph with A$ on the horizontal axis. 2
b How many A$ are needed to purchase 50 euros?
c Find the gradient. What is its meaning in this context? −3 −2 1 x
d Extend your graph to $500 Australian. Is it still accurate as an exchange model?
7 The Socks Are Us company sells socks for $16 a pair. Sales may be modelled using the straight-line equation
I = 16n.
a Explain each term in the formula I = 16n. n 0 50 150 200 250
b Complete the table of values. I
c Draw the straight-line graph I = 16n.
d Use the graph to find the number of pairs of socks sold when the income is $1840.
a Draw the graph of time versus cost. Which is the independent variable?
b Use the graph to find the cost of a 2.5 min call.
c What is the maximum length of a call that costs $3.00?
2 a The cost of hiring a car is $10 flagfall and $3.40/km Distance (km) 0 10 20 30 40
for each kilometre travelled. Complete this table of Cost ($) 10.00 44.00
values for car hire.
b Draw the graph showing the cost of hiring the car.
c How much does it cost to travel 35 km?
d How far can a driver travel for $15?
e Is this an example of direct variation? Explain
Taxi hire charges
3 Sketch the straight-line graph of y = −2 − 4x.
4 The graph on the right models taxi charges.
Cost ($)
a Find the cost of travelling 65 km. 20
b How far can a passenger travel for $40?
c Find the gradient. What is its meaning in this context?
d Find the intercept on the vertical axis. What is its meaning 20 40 60 80
in this context? Distance (km)
5 This graph shows the total cost of hand-made Christmas cards. Total cost of Christmas cards
a What is the cost of buying:
i 6 cards?
ii 18 cards?
Cost ($)
iii 30 cards?
b How many cards can be bought for: 40
i $20?
ii $65? 0
10 20 30 40
iii $100?
Number of Christmas cards
c If you buy 10 cards what is the cost per card?
d i What is the gradient of the line segment for the cost of buying more than 30 cards?
ii What does the gradient represent in this situation?
6 The Tight Squeeze belt company has weekly fixed costs of $400. The cost per belt is $7.
a Write an equation to represent this information.
n 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Use A for cost and n for the number of belts.
b Complete the table of values. A
c Draw a straight-line graph.
d Use the graph to find the number of belts made when the cost is $2000.
7 a Find the values of a, and b in the table on the right, given that y ∝ x. x 2 3 5 b
b From the table, write the relationship between x and y as a linear equation.
y 32 48 a 8
Speed (m/s)
seconds, that it takes to row one kilometre r ph
4 e rive Gra
t h
at the speed sound in part ii. 3 On (1 mark)
2 the la
b Graph B represents Ben’s performance on On
a river when he rows downstream, with the
same rating as his rating on the lake. 10 20 30 40
i Find his speed on the river if his stroke Rating (strokes/min)
rating is 20 strokes/min. (1 mark)
ii How fast is the river flowing? (1 mark)
a different speed. 3
i Is Kate rowing upstream against the flow
or downstream? Give reasons. (1 mark)
ii How fast is this river flowing? 10 20 30 40 r (1 mark)
Rating (strokes/min)
d Find the linear equation that describes the
pattern shown in the table below. (2 marks)
x 1 2 3 4 5
y 7 3 −1 −5 −9
f The cost of pies varies directly with the number purchased. Three pies cost $13.50.
i Form an equation linking cost, $C, and the number of pies purchased, n. (1 mark)
ii What is the constant of variation k? (1 mark)
iii Draw the graph of C versus n for 0 ≤ n ≤ 10. (1 mark)
iv How much would 8 pies cost? (1 mark)
TOTAL: 15 marks
MS-M1 Applications of Measurement M1.3
If you had difficulty with any of these questions or would like further practice, complete one or more of
the matching Support sheets available on your obook assess.
Q1–2 Support sheet 13A.1 Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000, etc.
Q3–4 Support sheet 13A.2 Operations with decimal numbers
Q5–6 Support sheet 13A.3 Decimal places and rounding
Q7 Support sheet 13A.4 Converting between kilograms and grams
Q8 Support sheet 13C.1 Writing rates
Q9 Support sheet 13C.2 Finding a fraction of a whole number
Q10 Support sheet 13D.1 Substituting for pronumerals
Q11 Support sheet 13D.2 Converting units of length
Q12 Support sheet 13D.3 Solving simple linear equations
The metric system of measurement uses base units to measure quantities such as length, mass,
capacity, area and volume.
The international standard (SI) unit for mass is kilograms. Common units of mass are
tonnes (t), kilograms (kg), grams (g) and milligrams (mg).
Prefixes such as ‘kilo-’ and ‘milli-’ are used to indicate the factor of 10 by which a unit is
× 1000 × 1000
÷ 1000
7 Jay adds up the following masses: 2.4 kg, 421 g, 0.7 kg, 35 g and 200 g.
He obtains an answer of 659.1 kg. Give Jay some advice on how to
answer the question correctly, and state the correct answer.
9 A can of soup has a mass of 265 g. If the soup is delivered to the supermarket in cartons of 12 cans, what is
the total mass of five cartons? The mass of each empty cardboard carton is 210 g.
Give you answer in kilograms.
10 The total mass of a transport vehicle when fully laden with six cars is 9.43 t. If the unloaded car transport
vehicle has a mass of 2700 kg, what is the average mass of each car, to the nearest kilogram?
11 Kyna needs to find the mass of one sheet of paper, but does not have a scale sensitive enough to measure
something that light.
a Suggest a possible way Kyna could find this mass.
b If the mass of a ream (500 sheets) of paper is 2.25 kg, calculate the mass of one sheet of paper.
Solve Think
Deciding whether more or less than 10 mL is to be given is the key to answering this question. Because
the amount of painkiller required is greater than the amount in 10 mL of the medication, more than
10 mL of the medication needs to be given.
13 A patient is prescribed 600 mg of a painkiller. Calculate how much of each of the following medications he
must be given if the medication is available in these concentrations.
a 20 mg in 5 mL b 30 mg in 10 mL c 50 mg in 1 mL
d 120 mg in 5 mL e 100 mg in 20 mL f 60 mg in 5 mL
g 5 mg in 1 mL h 50 mg in 5 mL i 75 mg in 5 mL
14 A patient is prescribed 800 mg of an anti-nausea drug. Calculate how much of each of the following
medications she must be given if the medication is available in these concentrations.
a 100 mg in 5 mL b 10 mg in 1 mL c 50 mg in 5 mL
d 160 mg in 10 mL e 200 mg in 20 mL f 80 mg in 5 mL
g 20 mg in 5 mL h 40 mg in 5 mL i 80 mg in 10 mL
15 Lana needs to give her dog some antibiotics. The instructions say that for
every 5 kg of body mass, the dog needs half a tablet.
a How many antibiotic tablets would Lana’s dog need if it has a mass of
30 kg?
b How many antibiotic tablets would be given to dogs of the following
i 10 kg ii 15 kg
iii 20 kg iv 12.5 kg
c Rhys gives his dog 2.5 tablets. What is the mass of his dog?
a 256 cal b 5840 cal c 3.6 kcal d 20.3 kcal e 0.47 kcal
6 Convert each of the following to calories (to the nearest whole number).
a 580 J b 6923 J c 15.9 kJ d 0.65 kJ e 252 kJ
8 Convert each of the following energy values in kilojoules to Calories (to the nearest whole number).
a 1000 kJ b 926 kJ c 1240 kJ d 20 000 kJ e 7590 kJ
9 Convert each of the following energy values in kilocalories to kilojoules (to the nearest whole number).
a 40 kcal b 690 kcal c 137 kcal d 1050 kcal e 2520 kcal
10 Convert each of the following energy values into kilocalories (to the nearest whole number).
a 730 kJ b 2690 kJ c 9500 kJ d 1950 Cal e 3425 Cal
11 The estimated daily energy requirement from food for an average adult is stated as 8700 kJ. How many
Calories is this?
12 Individual dietary requirements may be higher or lower than the average, depending on age, gender, height,
weight and physical activity levels. The questions below relate to the estimated daily energy requirements
for people with a low level of physical activity (for example office workers or students).
a The estimated daily energy requirement for a 17-year-old male who weighs 70 kg is 12 700 kJ.
Convert this energy requirement to kilocalories.
b The estimated daily energy requirement for a 17-year-old female who weighs 60 kg is 2400 Calories.
Convert this energy requirement to kilojoules.
c The estimated daily energy requirement for a 32-year-old female who weighs 65 kg is 9200 kJ.
Convert this energy requirement to Calories.
d The estimated daily energy requirement for a 55-year-old male who weighs 80 kg is 2865 kilocalories.
Convert this energy requirement to kilojoules.
The food we eat provides our bodies with the energy they need to function. Most of that
energy comes from the carbohydrates, protein, fat and dietary fibre in the food we consume. In
Australia, the energy content of food and drinks is measured in kilojoules.
The average amount of energy provided by these nutrients is:
• protein 17 kJ/g
• fat 38 kJ/g
• carbohydrate 17 kJ/g
• dietary fibre 8 kJ/g
To calculate our total energy intake
from a serving of food, we take the
amount of each of these nutrients,
multiply each by the energy it provides
and add the subtotals.
fibre. Calculate the total energy intake from eating one serve of baked beans.
2 There is 7.6 g of protein, 4.6 g of fat, 16.5 g of carbohydrate and 2.0 g of dietary fibre per 100 g of savoury
biscuits. Calculate the total energy intake from consuming 100 g of biscuits.
3 A 100 g serving of ice cream contains 3.3 g of protein, 4.9 g of fat, 30.6 g of carbohydrates and no fibre.
Calculate the total energy in one 100 g serving.
4 Sea salt potato chips contain 2.2 g of protein, 6.3 g of fat, 17.8 g of carbohydrates and 1.1 g of dietary fibre
per serve.
a Calculate the total energy in one serve of these potato chips.
b Convert your answer for part a to:
i joules ii calories iii kilocalories.
c If the serving size of the potato chips is 28 g, calculate the amount of energy provided by eating 60 g of
chips, in:
i kilojoules ii joules iii calories iv kilocalories.
d Calculate the energy intake per 100 g of chips in:
i kilojoules ii joules iii calories iv kilocalories
5 Rice contains 7.0 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat, 79.8 g of carbohydrates and 1.4 g of dietary fibre per 100 g.
a What is the total energy intake from the consumption of 100 g of rice?
b The average size of a serving of rice with a meal is 60 g. How much energy is provided by one serving?
c Convert your answer for part b to kilocalories.
d Show that 1 kcal = 4.184 kJ.
e Complete the following table using the conversion shown in part d.
Nutrient Energy kJ/g Energy kcal/g
Protein 17
Fat 38
Carbohydrate 17
Dietary fibre 8
f Using the table from part e, calculate the total energy
provided by 100 g of rice, in kilocalories.
g What is the energy intake, in kilocalories, from eating
a 60 g serve of rice? Compare your answer with your
answer to part c.
6 Milk contains 3.4 g of protein, 3.4 g of fat, 4.8 g of carbohydrate and no fibre per 100 mL.
a Calculate the total energy intake per 100 mL of milk.
b Health experts recommend that women in the 19–50 age group should have a minimum of 2__1 servings
of milk (or other approved dairy food) per day. If one serving is 250 mL, what would be the energy
provided by 2__1 servings of milk?
c Convert your answer for part b to kilocalories.
8 Annabel consumes the following meals during one day. Use the information from Table 13-1 to help you
calculate her total energy intake for the day.
1 tbs of
Breakfast: 1 sachet of instant porridge, 1 cup of reduced fat milk, 1 slice of grain bread with __
margarine, 1 medium boiled egg, 1 banana
Lunch: 1 baked chicken thigh (skin removed), 1 cup of leafy salad (no dressing), 1 apple
Dinner: 1 cup of broccoli,
1 cup of beef stir-fry, __
1 corn cobette, 1 glass of red wine (200 mL)
energy out Energy out refers to the amount of energy the body uses to sustain its basic physiological
amount of energy functions (breathing, digestion, maintaining body temperature, muscle activity, etc.) and to
the body uses perform normal daily physical activities. The amount of energy the body needs to perform
to sustain basic
these activities is influenced by a number of factors including gender, age, weight, height and
functions and
perform normal level of fitness.
daily physical Table 13-2 below shows the estimated number of kilojoules burned per kilogram of body
weight for every 30 minutes of common activities.
Table 13-2: Energy burned per kilogram of
weight in a 30-minute time period
Another method for calculating the amount of energy used in an activity involves
using the concepts of basal metabolic rate and a physical activity factor.
The basal metabolic rate (BMR) of a person refers to the minimum amount of
basal metabolic
energy needed to sustain basic bodily functions (that is, to keep the person alive) for rate (BMR)
a 24-hour period. An estimate can be calculated using either the Schofield formula minimum amount
or the Harris–Benedict formula, discussed later (pages 496 and 497). of energy needed
to sustain basic
The physical activity level (PAL) is the result of the comparison: bodily functions for
total energy needed for the activity
_____________________________ a 24-hour period,
BMR measured in kJ/day
For example, a physical activity factor of 1.7 indicates that the activity requires physical activity
1.7 times more energy than the BMR. level (PAL)
the total energy
The energy output needed is then given by:
needed for an
Energy out = basal metabolic rate × physical activity level activity compared
to the BMR
Energy out = BMR × PAL
2 Use the Schofield formula to calculate the basal metabolic rate (BMR) for:
a a 24-year-old woman who weighs 55 kg b a 16-year-old boy who weighs 73 kg
c a two-year-old girl who weighs 12.1 kg d a 70-year-old man who weighs 72 kg.
The Harris–Benedict formula for estimating BMR, in kJ/day, from weight in kilograms, height in
centimetres and age in years is shown below.
For females:
BMR (kJ/day) = 2783 + (40.0 × weight in kg) + (7.7 × height in cm) – (19.6 × age in years)
For males:
BMR (kJ/day) = 278 + (57.5 × weight in kg) + (20.9 × height in cm) – (28.2 × age in years)
4 Use Table 13-2 on page 494 to help you answer the following questions.
a Estimate the energy used by a 52 kg girl who plays tennis doubles for
45 minutes.
b How much more energy would the girl have used if she had played singles,
instead of doubles, for the same length of time?
5 Ben (86 kg) and his brother Noah (93 kg) go on a 75-minute run together. Who
burns the most energy during the run and by how much?
Table 13-4 below shows the physical activity level (PAL) for different lifestyles.
5 Heavy occupational work or highly active leisure Construction workers, fitness trainers 2.2
6 Significant amounts of exercise in addition to Add extra
2, 3, or 4 above PAL units
Note: it is important to remember that the calculations above are broad general guidelines only. Energy
output depends on a number of variables including age, gender, body size and composition, and the amount
and intensity of physical activity or exercise. The lifestyles and corresponding PALs in Table 13-4 are
generalisations only. Each calculation needs to be adjusted to suit the characteristics of each individual. The
energy output estimated above corresponds to the amount of energy that must be consumed, by eating food, to
maintain the current weight of the person (that is, the amount of food that must be consumed to maintain the
balance between energy in and energy out for the nominated lifestyle).
Activity/Sport PAL
Walking 4 km/h 2.9
Walking 7 km/h 5.2
Running 9 km/h 8.6
Running 14 km/h 12.8
Cycling 16 km/h 4.0
Swimming 1.2 km/h 3.3
Swimming 3 km/h 10.0
Soccer 10.0
Cross-country skiing 7.5
Table tennis 5.4
Volleyball 6.5
14 A 16-year-old girl, who weighs 47 kg and is 157 cm tall, goes cross-country skiing for 3 hours.
a Use the Harris–Benedict formula to estimate the girl’s BMR.
b Calculate the amount of energy required for the girl to perform this exercise.
1 hours.
15 A 52-year-old woman, who weighs 58 kg, walks at 4 km/h for 2__
a Use the Schofield formula to estimate the woman’s BMR.
b Calculate the amount of energy required for the woman to perform this exercise.
Breakfast: __13 cup of natural muesli, 1 cup of regular milk, 3 slices of grain bread,
3 tbs of margarine, 1 grilled sausage, 1 boiled egg, 1 orange
Lunch: 4 slices of pizza, 1 flavoured milk (600 mL), 1 banana
Dinner: a 140 g piece of grilled steak, 1 serve of hot chips, __12 cup of carrots, __12 cup of peas,
glass of water
Snacks: 1 orange, 1 apple, 1 tub of low-fat yoghurt, 2 slices of cheddar cheese
a Using the information in Table 13-1 on page 492, calculate Ben’s total energy intake on this day.
b In order to stay the same weight we need to
consume about the same amount of energy as we
burn. The average energy intake recommended
to maintain a normal lifestyle for a healthy adult
is 8700 kJ/day. What percentage of the average
daily intake for an adult is Ben’s energy intake?
c What could Ben do to maintain his body weight?
d Ben is 28 years old and weighs 98 kg.
i Use the Schofield formula to estimate
Ben’s BMR.
ii For how long would Ben need to run at
9 km/h to burn the energy he consumed on
the day described?
power rating Electricity is a form of energy used in homes and businesses for room heating and cooling,
rate at which lighting, cooking, water heating and running machinery. Domestic users are usually charged
an appliance for their household electricity by way of a quarterly bill. Electricity bills are based on the cost
uses electricity,
measured in
of getting the electricity to the user – that is, the cost of generating the electricity and the cost
watts (W) or of supplying and maintaining the poles and wires. This is often referred to as the ‘electricity
kilowatts (kW) service availability charge’ or the ‘supply charge’. The users are also charged for the amount
energy of electricity they use.
consumption All electrical appliances have a power rating. This is the rate at which the appliance uses
energy used by
electricity. Power is measured in units called watts (W). One kilowatt (kW) = 1000 W.
an appliance,
measured in A satisfactory unit for measuring the energy consumption of an appliance is the
kilowatt-hours kilowatt-hour (kWh or kW-h). This is the energy used by a one kilowatt appliance in one hour.
(kWh) The energy consumption of an appliance can be calculated using:
Energy (kWh) = power (kW) × time (h)
20 kWh
20 kWh
18 kWh
Electricity (23/02/2018 to 23/05/2018) $658.58
Electricity Discount 5% (23/02/2018 to 23/05/2018) –32.93 Cr
Last Bill This Bill Same Period
Last Year
Subtotal of Charges before GST 625.65 Bill Days
Total GST Payable 10% 62.57 93 90 90
Consider reducing your environmental
Total Charges including GST 688.22 impact. Greenhouse gas released
Total Amount Payable $688.22 to produce your electricity this
period = 1946.7 kg of CO2
— Contract
— Contract
to 23/05/2018)
to 23/05/2018)
EDX009745/001 595.6
904.9 0.0 0.0 595.6
904.9 kWhkWh 52.50c
52.50c $312.69
Shoulder Energy
Energy Charge
Charge — Contract
— Contract (23/02/2018
(23/02/2018 to 23/05/2018)
to 23/05/2018)
EDX009745/002 1122.7
950.2 0.0 0.0 1122.7
kWhkWh 24.40c
24.40c $231.85
Off-Peak (Night
(Night Rate)
Rate) Energy
Energy Rate
Rate — Contract
— Contract (23/02/2018
(23/02/2018 to 23/05/2018)
to 23/05/2018)
EDX009745/003 390.4
290.7 0.0 0.0 390.4
kWhkWh 12.76c
12.76c $37.09
Electricity Service
Electricity Availability
Service Charge
Availability Charge 90 days
90 days 85.5c/day
85.5c/day $76.95
Total Electricity
Electricity Before
Before GSTGST 2418.0
kWhkWh $658.58
Peak 596 kWh 32.44% 4000 Off-Peak
Aug Nov Feb May Aug Nov Feb May
16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18
i the previous bill? ii the bill for the same period last year?
h Consider the bill for the same period last year.
i What was the average daily usage?
ii Calculate the total amount of electricity used for that period.
i Consider the electricity usage comparison. In which quarter was the:
i most energy consumed? ii least shoulder rate energy used?
iii most off-peak rate energy used?
Energy used = 0.3 × 6 300 W = 0.3 kW Energy (kWh) = power (kW) × time (h)
= 1.8 kWh 47.77 cents = $0.4777 and:
Cost = 1.8 × 0.4777 Cost = energy used (kWh) × rate ($/kWh)
= $0.86
2 Complete the following to find the cost of running a 2400 W heater for
5 hours per day for 60 days if the energy rate is 39.95 cents/kWh.
Energy used = ___ (kW) × ___ (number of hours) = ___ kWh
Cost = ___ (kWh) × $0.3995 = $___
4 Many appliances consume electricity even when they are not operating. This is generally referred to
as stand-by power consumption.
i Calculate the annual energy consumption in kilowatt-hours for each household appliance listed
below if it is left on stand-by for 24 hours a day for a year.
ii Determine the annual cost of stand-by energy used for each appliance if the cost of electricity is
26 cents/kWh.
a Cordless phone with an average stand-by power consumption of 3 W
b Television with an average stand-by power consumption of 10 W
c Computer monitor with an average stand-by power consumption of 5 W
d Clock radio with an average stand-by power consumption of 4 W
e Personal computer with an average stand-by power consumption of 2 W
5 a Calculate the cost of running a 1400 W pool filter for 2 hours per day for a year if the peak rate is
47.77 cents/kWh.
b How much could be saved by programming the filter to operate in the off-peak period of the day when
the cost is 19.4 cents/kWh?
7 What is the difference in the annual running costs for the two models of television in each of the following
pairs of televisions, given that the energy cost is 42.84 cents/kWh?
a Sonic LED 138.8 cm screen: energy consumption of 261 kWh/year
and: Sonic LED 98 cm screen: energy consumption of 141 kWh/year
b Yanso LCD 66 cm screen: energy consumption of 241 kWh/year
and: Yanso LCD 100 cm screen: energy consumption of 561 kWh/year
9 a A house uses 12 standard 100 W light globes. Assuming that, on average, each globe is used for
3 h/day, calculate the annual cost of the lighting for the house if electricity costs 39 cents/kWh.
b How much could be saved each year by replacing the standard globes with energy-efficient
20 W globes?
10 Power is the rate at which energy is used; that is, Power = ______.
The international standard (SI) unit for power is the watt (W), which
is defined as:
1 watt = 1 joule/second, where the amount of energy is measured in
joules (J)
So: 1 kilowatt (kW) = 1000 W = 1000 J/s
Investigate the rate of energy consumption (the power rating) of
these common appliances and physical activities:
a an electric kettle b fast running
c playing tennis d an electric room heater
e doing aerobics f a car engine
g swimming or cycling h a laptop computer
Hint: the power ratings of electrical appliances can be found
directly from labels on the appliances or from power rating
tables. For the physical activities, convert the rate of energy use
to joules/second (watts).
13A 2 A patient is prescribed 480 mg of a painkiller. The painkiller is supplied in a syrup with a concentration of
16 mg/3 mL. The amount of this syrup that should be given to the patient is:
A 9 mL B 90 mL C 2560 mL D 10 mL
13B 4 To the nearest joule, which of the following is equivalent to 1.4 kcal?
A 1.4 kJ B 0.586 kJ C 5.858 kJ D 0.335 kJ
13C 5 Two slices of wholegrain bread contain 8.6 g of protein, 4.0 g of fat, 24.8 g of carbohydrate and 6.2 g of dietary
fibre. The average amount of energy provided by these nutrients is:
• protein 17 kJ/g
• fat 38 kJ/g
• carbohydrate 17 kJ/g
• dietary fibre 8 kJ/g
What is the energy supplied by one slice of this bread?
A 192.35 kJ B 384.7 kJ C 769.4 kJ D 1538.5 kJ
13D 6 A person who performs aerobics burns 10.8 kJ/kg/30 minutes. The energy burned by a 58 kg woman who does
50 minutes of aerobics is:
A 376 kJ B 626 kJ C 1044 kJ D 1253 kJ
13D 8 A woman who weighs 52 kg has a BMR of 5306 kJ/day. The physical activity level (PAL) for cross-country
skiing is 7.5. The energy burned by the woman if she goes cross-country skiing for 2 hours is:
A 1531 kJ B 3316 kJ C 79 590 kJ D 172 432 kJ
13D 9 A man has a BMR of 6854 kJ/day. How long, to the nearest minute, would it take him to burn 2000 kJ by
running if the PAL for this exercise is 10.1?
A 5768 min B 177 min C 84 min D 42 min
13E 10 Given that the cost of electricity is 52.68 cents/kWh, which of the following is the cost of running
a 2200 W electric heater for 5 hours a day for 70 days?
A $81.13 B $579.49 C $162.26 D $405.64
1 Convert:
a 2.4 g to kilograms b 5630 g to kilograms c 4.846 t to kilograms
2 A patient is prescribed 400 mg of a painkiller. Calculate how much medication must be given if it is available
in these concentrations.
a 5 mg in 1 mL b 50 mg in 5 mL c 100 mg in 5 mL.
3 Convert:
a 19.28 kJ to joules b 2634 J to kilojoules c 820 kJ to Calories.
5 Every 100 g of chicken and sweetcorn soup contains 2.0 g of protein, 2.3 g of fat, 7.0 g of carbohydrate and
1.0 g of dietary fibre. If one serving of the soup is 265 g, calculate the total energy content in one serving.
6 Use Table 13-2 on page 494 to estimate the energy burned by the body when performing each of the following
7 Use the Harris–Benedict formula to calculate the basal metabolic rate for:
a a 27-year-old man who weighs 86 kg and whose height is 176 cm
b a 36-year-old woman who weighs 62 kg and is 167 cm tall.
9 Calculate the cost of running a 350 W television for 8 hours when the cost of electricity is 47.77 cents/kWh.
1 Convert:
a 2900 mg to grams b 7.06 kg to grams c 940 kg to tonnes.
2 A patient is prescribed 600 mg of a painkiller. Calculate how much medication must be given to the patient if
the medication is available in these concentrations.
a 30 mg in 4 mL b 60 mg in 3 mL c 100 mg in 10 mL
3 Convert:
a 1.608 kcal to calories b 5205 cal to kilocalories c 10 000 cal to Calories
5 Use Table 13-1 on page 492 to help you calculate Eliza’s total energy intake for the day if she consumes the
following meals.
Breakfast: __1 cup of natural muesli, 1 cup of reduced fat milk, 1 boiled egg, 1 slice of grain bread,
1 tbs of margarine
Lunch: 2 long sushi rolls, 1 tub of low-fat yoghurt (200 mL), 1 apple, 1 bottle of water (600 mL)
Dinner: 2 baked chicken thighs (skin removed), 1 boiled potato, __1 cup of broccoli, __
1 cup of carrots,
2 2
1 glass of white wine (200 mL)
6 Use the Schofield formula to calculate the basal metabolic rate for:
a a 31-year-old female who weighs 59 kg b a 65-year-old man who weighs 88 kg.
7 A 42-year-old male bus driver weighs 83 kg and does no strenuous leisure activities.
a Use the Schofield formula to estimate his BMR.
b Using the information in Table 13-4 on page 497, estimate the energy output required to maintain the bus
driver’s lifestyle.
2 A man has been prescribed 750 mg of penicillin for an infection. The penicillin is available in a syrup which
contains 125 mg of penicillin in every 8 mL. How much syrup should be given?
3 Convert:
a 23.05 kJ to joules b 2900 J to kilojoules c 415 kJ to Calories.
5 Every 100 g of canned spaghetti and tomato sauce contains 1.7 g of protein, 0.2 g of fat, 11.0 g of
carbohydrate and 0.8 g of dietary fibre. Calculate the total energy intake if you ate one 220 g can of this
spaghetti and tomato sauce.
6 Use Table 13-2 on page 494 to estimate the energy that is burned by the
following people’s bodies during the given activities.
a A 70 kg girl walks for 1__12 h.
b A 95 kg man plays golf for 3__12 h.
c A 65 kg boy plays tennis for 80 minutes.
7 Use the Harris–Benedict formula to calculate the basal metabolic rate for:
a a 48-year-old woman who weighs 72 kg and whose height is 170 cm
b a 14-year-old girl who weighs 48 kg and is 1.55 m tall.
9 a Complete this table to find the total usage charges for the electricity bill to which it refers.
b The service availability charge is 78.67 cents/day. If the billing period was 91 days, calculate the total
10 a A computer monitor has a stand-by power usage of 4 watts. Calculate the annual energy consumption in
kilowatt-hours if the monitor is left on stand-by for 20 hours every day for a year.
b Determine the cost of the stand-by energy used when the cost of electricity is 26.9 cents/kWh.
3 Convert:
a 3.14 kcal to calories b 980 cal to kilocalories c 60 Cal to kilojoules.
6 Use the Schofield formula to calculate the basal metabolic rate for:
a a 10-year-old boy who weighs 32 kg b a 7-year-old girl who weighs 23 kg.
iii For how long would Jennifer need to play soccer to burn the extra energy she consumed
on this day, given that the PAL for this exercise is 9.8? (3 marks)
e i Calculate the amount of energy needed to run a 2200 watt room heater for 4 hours a day
for 90 days. (2 marks)
ii If the price of electricity is 33.6 cents/kWh, how much could be saved in a year by only
putting the heater on for 3 hours a day instead of 4 hours a day? (1 mark)
2 The stamp duty on the purchase of a motor car is 3% of the value up to $45 000 and 5% for amounts in
excess of $45 000.
a Calculate the stamp duty on a car valued at $16 950.
b Calculate the stamp duty on a car valued at $105 000.
3 The following table gives the monthly repayments ($) for every $1000 borrowed on a reducing-balance
car loan.
Interest rate (%p.a.) Term of loan (months)
12 24 36 48 60
8 86.99 45.23 31.34 24.41 20.28
9 87.45 45.68 31.80 24.89 20.76
10 87.92 46.14 32.27 25.36 21.25
a Calculate the monthly repayments on a loan of $28 500 at 9% p.a. reducible over 5 years.
b What is the total amount of interest paid on this loan?
c How much would be saved by repaying the loan over 4 years instead of 5 years?
c For the scores 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12 and 13, find:
i the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quartiles ii the interquartile range.
d Organise the following data into a stem-and-leaf plot:
56, 58, 74, 62, 54, 50, 51, 73, 60, 71, 59, 65, 49, 78, 65, 56, 48, 48, 64, 57
e Use your stem-and-leaf plot from part d to determine the:
i range ii mode iii median iv interquartile range.
f Draw a box-plot for these scores: 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 12.
g The mean of a set of data is 11.3 and the standard deviation is 2.9. What is the new mean and standard
deviation if:
i 5 is added to each score? ii each score is multiplied by 5?
h Find the mean, mode, median, range and population standard deviation (σn) of these
scores: 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6.
8 9 10 11 12 13
11 The comparative box-plots on the right show the times (in seconds)
for male and female competitors to complete a triathlon.
a What was the fastest time for this event?
b How long did it take the first half of the male competitors
to finish?
c How long did it take the first quarter of the female
competitors to finish?
6000 7000 8000 9000 10 000 11 000
d Which group had the greatest range of times? Time (s)
e Which group had the smallest interquartile range of times?
12 a Mobile telephone calls cost 75 cents per minute. This table shows time versus cost for the calls.
Time (min) y
1 2 3 4 5 6
Cost ($) 0.75 1.50 2.25 3.00 3.75 4.50 6
i Draw the graph of time versus cost. Which is the dependent variable?
ii Use the graph to find the cost of a 2.5 min call.
−1 1 2 3 x
iii What is the maximum length of a call that costs $2.50? −2
b Find the gradient and y-intercept of the straight-line graph on the right.
c Sketch the straight-line graph y = −3 − 4x.
d A graph modelling taxi charges is shown on the right. Taxi hire charges
i Find the cost of travelling 75 km.
ii How far can you travel for $50? 40
Cost ($)
13 Complete this table of values for y = 3x − 2 and draw the straight-line graph on a number plane.
x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
16 a Use the Schofield formula to calculate the basal metabolic rate for:
i a 34-year-old female who weighs 58 kg
ii a 62-year-old man who weighs 92 kg.
b Use the Harris–Benedict formula to calculate the basal metabolic rate for:
i a 39-year-old woman who weighs 75 kg and whose height is 170 cm
ii a 14-year-old girl who weighs 55 kg and is 1.45 m tall.
17 Calculate the annual cost of running the average Sydney home, which uses 27 kWh of energy each day,
given that the cost of electricity is 47.77 cents/kWh.
27 a $624.41 b $632.34 iii $12 943 iv $1229.59
28 12.3, $68 000, $8364 d i $3904.31 ii $2054.90
29 a $3792.33 b $26 798.15 iii $39 043.10 iv $5959.21
c $2979.64 d $37 684.50 e i $2179.30 ii $0
30 a $21 400 b $22 800 c Tony by $1400 iii $22 940 iv $2179.30
31 a Karla b 10.2% f i $6070.60 ii $3834.06
32 The second method is better by $32.25. iii $60 066.94 iv $9904.66
33 $9270 34 $1145.60 12 $920.53, $118.63
35 a $837.40 b $550.10 c $17.19 13 $42 965, $2148.25; $42 965, $2148.25, $40 451.75
36 a $542.60 b $33.91 14 $37 800.47
37 2.5% 15 a $4279.22 b $2334.12
38 a $2835.60 b $3370.06 c $2440 d $3697.32 c $31 615.96 d $608.00
16 a $93 840 b $7820
EXERCISE 1D GOVERNMENT ALLOWANCES AND PENSIONS 17 a $140 943 b $156 972 c $57 973.76
Answers 517
a 5.1 × 108 km2 b 1.1 × 1012 km3
14 9.4 × 10 km
8 e 60 mL f 1080 L g 15 mL h 5L
15 a 10 000 000 000 b 280 km 13 1 000 000 = 106 mL
17 a i 3.333 × 10–7 ii 3.030 × 10–1 14 a 15 L b 8 kL c 7.6 L d 0.8 L
b 3.030 × 10–1 e 9.28 kL f 0.725 kL g 0.095 L h 0.04 kL
c If the timekeeper starts the stopwatch when he or 15 a mL b kL c L d L
she sees the smoke, he or she will actually start the e L f kL g L h L
stopwatch 0.000 000 333 3 seconds late (because this 16 × 10 000 × 10 000 × 100
is the time it takes for the light to travel this distance). hectare square metres square centimetres square millimetres
Since the stopwatch only measures to the nearest 0.01 (ha) (m2) (cm2) (mm2)
of a second, this will make no difference to the timing
÷ 10 000 ÷ 10 000 ÷ 100
of the race. If the timekeeper starts the stopwatch when
he or she hears the gun, he or she will actually start the 17 a 26 000 m 2
b 49 000 cm c
1400 mm2
stopwatch 0.0303 seconds late (because this is the time d 7520 cm2 e 16 500 m2 f 2480 mm2
it takes for the sound to travel this distance). This will g 8 294 000 m2 h 5.671 × 1010 cm2
make the timing of the race 0.03 seconds less than the 18 a 6.3 ha b 12.7 m2 c 8.1 cm2
real time. d 4.568 m2 e 0.298 km2 f 240 ha
19 × 1 000 000 × 1000
EXERCISE 2C METRIC UNITS OF MEASUREMENT cubic metres cubic centimetres cubic millimetres
(m3) (cm3) (mm3)
1 × 1000 × 100 × 10
÷ 1 000 000 ÷ 1000
kilometres metres centimetres millimetres
20 a 5000 mm
(km) (m) (cm) (mm) 3
b 3 900 000 cm c 25 600 mm3 3
÷ 1000 ÷ 100 ÷ 10 d 640 000 cm3 e 415 mm3 f 7 390 000 000 mm3
21 a 7.4 m3 b 56.7 cm3 c 0.69 m3 d 4.258 5 cm3
2 a 3600 m b 8400 mm c 3482 cm 22 a 14 kg b 9L
d 560 m e 290 cm f 964 mm 23 6.4 × 108 kL 24 2.5%
g 65.8 cm h 452 mm i 15 680 m 25 a 5.8 m3 (to one decimal place)
j 36.9 mm k 16 370 mm l 4265 m b i 0.0253 m2 ii 0.0288 m2 iii 2084
3 a i 100 000 ii 1 × 105
b i 1 000 000 ii 1 × 106
d 6m e 4 cm f 0.085 km 1 a i 5.7 × 106 (5 700 000) m
g 8m h 32.8 cm i 0.62 m ii 9 × 10−2 (0.09) m
j 14.3 km k 0.86 m l 0.63 km iii 8 × 10−9 (0.000 000 008) m
m 9.4 cm n 0.07 m o 24.895 km b i 8 × 109 (8 000 000 000) g
p 23 m q 14.96 m r 162.7 m ii 4.2 × 10−3 (0.0042) g
s 36 m t 72.945 m iii 5 × 10−6 (0.000 005) g
5 a m b cm or mm c cm d cm c i 3 × 1012 (3 000 000 000 000) L
e cm or mm f mm g km h cm ii 2.8 × 106 (2 800 000) L
i m j km iii 7 × 10−3 (0.007) L
6 × 1000 × 1000 × 1000 2 a i 4.9 × 10−3 (0.0049) km
tonnes kilograms grams milligrams
ii 4.9 × 106 (4 900 000) µm
(t) (kg) (g) (mg) iii 4.9 × 109 (4 900 000 000) nm
b i 2.4 × 10−6 (0.000 002 4) Mg
÷ 1000 ÷ 1000 ÷ 1000
ii 2.4 × 10–12 (0.000 000 000 002 4) Tg
7 a 3600 kg b 7100 mg c 17840 g d 630 kg iii 2.4 × 106 (2 400 000) µg
e 4800 g f 2465 kg g 21590 kg h 600 mg c i 6.5 × 10−6 (0.000 006 5) ML
i 6060 kg j 489 g k 1070 kg l 30 mg ii 6.5 × 103 (6500) mL
8 a i 1 000 000 ii 1 × 106 iii 6.5 × 10–9 (0.000 000 006 5) GL
b i 1 000 000 000 ii 1 × 109 3 a 7.2 × 103 (7200) Mg
c i 1000 ii 1 × 103 b 2.9 × 107 (29 000 000) ng
9 a 8t b 4.3 kg c 2.74 g d 0.69 kg c 8 × 109 (8 000 000 000) km
e 0.065 g f 2.32 kg g 0.7 t h 0.46 g d 4.3 × 104 (43 000) µm
i 0.08 kg j 0.007 g k 0.009 t l 0.3 kg e 8.8 × 106 (8 800 000) ML
10 a kg bg c g d kg e t or kg f 9 × 106 (9 000 000) mL
f t or kg g mg hg i mg j g g 5.3 × 106 (5 300 000) ns
11 × 1000 × 1000 h 1.2 × 103 (1200) ns
4 9.46 × 103 (9460) Tm
5 2580 GL 6 228 000 000 km
kilolitres litres millilitres
(kL) (L) (mL)
7 1.67 × 10−9 ng 8 0.024 µs
÷ 1000 ÷ 1000
Answers 519
5 a 1120 mm2 b 12.9 ha 11 a Yes b No, 4a + 4b
c 3 400 000 cm3 d 73 cm3 c No, 6a + 2b d No, −2a − 5b
6 a 4 500 000 m b 2t e No, −2a − 5b f Yes
c 7 000 ns d 0.000 003 5 GL g No, 12a2 + 13ab − 14b2
7 a 100 kg b 48.5, 49.5 kg, 50.5, 51.5 kg h No, 12a2 + 13ab − 14b2
c 99 kg, 101 kg d ±1 kg e ±1% i No, a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3
8 a 35 kg b 1.5 g/mL j Yes
12 a i −4 ii −4 iii −4 iv −4
REVIEW SET 4 b All equal −4. c No
d Only expressions a i and iii are always equal.
1 a 2 b 2.1 c 2.07 d 2.070
13 a 23.8, yes b 26.3, no c 22.2, yes
2 a 1365 cm b 3.46 t
14 a 10n + 50 b $110
c 0.276 L d 8300 mm
15 a 3a + 2b + c where a represents the number of goals
3 a 136 500 m2 b 19.6 cm2
scored from behind the three-point line, b represents the
c 3.7 m3 d 6800 m3
number of goals scored inside the three-point line and c
4 a 6000 µL b 4 200 000 kg
represents the number of goals scored on a foul shot
c 8100 ns d 0.000 56 TL
b 43
5 a 6.4 × 108 b 3.0 × 10–7
c One possible answer is a = 10, b = 17 and c = 4.
6 a 1.5 × 10−2 b 1.4 × 1010
16 a 6t + 5 where t represents time in hours
7 a 96.25 cm2
b 8 km c 1.5 h
b 95.55 375 cm2 ≤ area < 96.94 875 cm2
17 Sheet 1: 1.18, Sheet 2: 58.9; Sheet 2 has greater bend
c 0.698 75 cm2 ≈ 0.7 cm2
d 0.7%
8 a 5.5 m b 1.6 m2
1 a 1.31 × 10–3 b two b 7, 4x, 4x, 4
c 8.2 × 105 2 a x=4 b p=4 c x = 14 d x=9
d i 94.63 m ii 2 500 000 cm 3 e p = 10 f y = 10 g x = 24 h p=4
e i ±0.25°C ii ±1.3% i m=6 j q = 34 k s = 33 l r = 13
f i 5.52 L ii 5.51 L, 5.53 L mT = 5 n s=9 o m = 16
iii ±0.01 L iv ±0.18% 3 a 5, 32, not a solution b 8, 24, a solution
g 140 cm2 4 a Yes b No c Yes
d Yes e Yes f No
g No h Yes i Yes
CHAPTER 3 FORMULAS AND EQUATIONS 5 a 6, 8, x, −1__53 b 7, 7, 5x, 5, 5, −3__53
6 a x =−__32 b x=1 c x = −3__21 d x = 11
ARE YOU READY? e x = −3 f x = −2 g x=3 h x =__75
1 D 2 D 3 B 4 A i x=9 j x = −4 k x=8 l x = −2__21
5 B 6 C 7 D 8 B m x = −1 n x=3 o x = −5
9 D 10 A 11 C 12 A 7 3, 3, 4, 5, 20
13 C 14 B 8 a x = 10 b x = 15 c x = −25
d x = −42 e x = 42 f x = 50
9 a No b Yes c Yes d No
AND FORMULAS 11 a x = −3 b x = __49 = 2__41 c x = −__51
1 a −3, 15 b 7, 13 10
d x = __37 = 2__31 e x = __ = 1__73 f x = __35 = 1__32
2 a 7 b 3 c 19 d −8 7
e 25 f 50 g 100 h 125 12 a 3x – 5 = 13, x = 6 b 4x – 7 = 13, x = 5
i 13 j 28 k 49 l 29 c 9 + 5x = 34, x = 5 d 7x + 8 = 29, x = 3
13 a x+1
m __21 n 95 o 2__21 p2
b x + x + 1 = 275 or 2x + 1 = 275
3 a −3 b7 c −21 d 16 c x = 137; two consecutive numbers are 137 and 138
e −1 f −__23 g 49 h −21 14 a Let x be the first integer, hence the second integer is
i −80 j −3 k −18 l −21 x + 1; x + x + 1 = 127 or 2x + 1 = 127, x = 63; two
4 a 10 b −4 c 4 d 10 consecutive integers are 63 and 64
e 58 f 40 g 30 h 8 b Let x be the first integer, hence the second integer is
i 5 j 10 k 4 l 7 x + 1 and the third integer is x + 2; x + x + 1 + x + 2
5 2, 35 = 27 or 3x + 3 = 27, x = 8; smallest number is 8
6 a 2500 b 1000 c 1200 d5 c Let x be the first integer, hence the second integer is
7 a 75 b 110 c 150 d 15.36 x + 1, the third integer is x + 2 and the fourth
8 a 904.8 cm3 b 2572.4 cm3 c 9.2 m3 integer is x + 3; x + x + 1 + x + 2 + x + 3 = –6 or
9 a $1610.51 b $1591.98 c $3300.80 d $1461.23 4x + 6 = –6, x = –3; largest number is 0
Answers 521
b c Speed (km/h) 0 20 40 60 80 100
d x=n+k e x = __ac f x = __ae Stopping distance (m) 0 18 44 78 120 170
g x = vw h x = kt i x=p−q
j x=k+m k x = __ba l x = bt b Reaction-time stopping distance
mp ay 240
15 a x = q ___ b x=m kt
__ c x= b __
k d m
d x = __
at e x = __
ez f x = __
55 1 a 0.375, 1.4 b 2.7, 0.8
50 2 a 1.1 b 1.2 c 1.8
45 d 6.8 e 1.1 f 7.7
10 × 6 − 7.5 ×3
40 3 a BAC male = ____________
6.8 × 83
≈ 0.07
10 × 5 − 7.5 × 4
30 b BAC female = ____________
5.5 × 58
≈ 0.06
4 a BAC ≈ 0.03 b BAC ≈ 0.09
0 c BAC ≈ 0.06 d BAC ≈ 0.02
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
10N − 7.5 × 5 10N − 37.5
Speed (km/h) 5 0.05 = __________
6.8 × 80
= ________
b i 83 m ii 31 m c About 7 m 27.2 = 10N − 37.5
10 64 m 64.7 = 10N
11 a 100 m b 140 m c 40 m N = 6.47
12 90 000
______ × 2.5 + 0.01 × 902
= 144 m (to the If he has 6.47 standard drinks his BAC = 0.05.
60 × 60
nearest metre) For his BAC < 0.05 he can have up to 6 standard drinks.
6 Up to 3 standard drinks
13 197.4 m
7 a 5 b7 c 4 d6
14 a 58.3 m b 16.7 m
8 6 standard drinks, 3 standard drinks
15 55.6 m 16 58.8 m, 16.8 m, 56 m
9 a 2h b 1h c 2 h 30 min
17 18 m 18 98 m
d 50 min e 1 h 20 min
Answers 523
1 D 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 B 6 D 210
7 B 8 A 9 C 10 C 11 A 12 B 180
13 D 14 C 15 C 16 D 17 B 18 A 150
19 C 20 B 120
1 −18
2 a 1437 cm3 b 180 cm3 c 0.9 m3 0
20 40 60 80 100
3 a F = 392° b F = 68° c F = 131° Speed (km/h)
4 a d = 44 b x = 11 c x = 576
d x=5 e x = 11__21 f x = 24 c i 100 m ii 165 m iii 340 m
f 27 mL d Bank customers
2 a Census b Census c Sample
Census or sample
e Sample
h Sample
f Census
Answers 525
d Unsure = 20 × 4000 = 1600 6 a Vince: ___
= __
, Sophie: ___
, Talia: ___
4 a 62.5% b 31 250 c 35 000 d 3750 50
Mohammed: 200 = 4 1
5 a 70% b 560 c 240
6 a 30% b 180 c 420 b Vince: 6, Sophie: 4, Talia: 5, Mohammed: 5
7 a It may or may not be representative; it depends on how 7 Self-selected sampling
students are allocated to classes in your school. 9 Method 1: Write names of students on pieces of paper and put
b The sample is too small to be representative of the whole in a box. Select 6 pieces of paper at random from the box.
population of Year 11 students in your state. It may also Method 2: Assign the numbers 1 to 24 to the students.
be biased. Use a table of random numbers to select 6 numbers which
8 a Dentists may be paid by Britex. The sample is not are less than or equal to 24.
representative of the whole population.
b Is the 10% across all positions from senior management REVIEW SET 3
down or is it 10% of the lowest paid workers? This could 1 a Categorical nominal b Quantitative continuous
be misleading as, for example, if it was 10% of the 10 c Quantitative discrete d Categorical ordinal
managers then it would be 1 person. If it was 10% of the 3 a People who use the bus service
500 factory workers then it would be 50 people. b People who use the pool.
c Yes, depending on how the sample was grouped. 4 a i Every 15th part ii Every 25th part
5 Advantages: Can reduce the time and expense of finding
REVIEW MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS suitable subjects that meet the selection criteria. Volunteers
1 B 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 A 6 B are likely to be committed to take part in the study. They
7 C 8 A 9 B 10 D 11 C may also show a greater willingness to provide more
insight into the subject of the research by giving full
REVIEW SET 1 detailed responses to open ended questions.
Disadvantages: Because the people chosen are volunteers,
1 a Quantitative discrete b Quantitative continuous there is likely to be a degree of self-selection bias. This can
c Categorical ordinal d Categorical nominal either lead to the sample not being representative of the
2 a Census b Census c Census d Sample population being studied, or exaggerating some particular
3 a Only people at home on Saturday night are surveyed. finding from the study.
b Only people on electoral roll are surveyed. 6 a 80% b 240 c 60
4 Write the names of the students on cards, shuffle the cards 9 a If there are only a few bus stops on the route then the
and select 12. number of people at one bus stop would be suitable.
5 a Moving left across the list gives (5, 5), (1, 2), (2, 2), If there are many bus stops then one bus stop is not
(5, 1), (2, 5). satisfactory.
b5 b No. One carriage on one train out of many trains in
4 service is not suitable.
1 1 Self-selected sample
3 Advantage: collects data about every member of the
1 2 3 4 5
population so is detailed and accurate.
6 a Year 7: ___
= ___
, Year 8: ___
= ___
, Year 9: ___
, Disadvantage: often expensive, time-consuming and
Year 10: ___ 24
= ___ 75
, Year 11: ___ 3
= __ 73
, Year 12: ___ impractical.
500 125 500 500
4 a The tyre distributor would only recommend tyres that
b 17, 16, 18, 19, 15, 15 they sell.
7 Assign the numbers 1 to 300 to the students, choose the b The sample is biased towards people whose names start
first number at random and then select every 15th number. with one (or two) letters of the alphabet.
9 a 30% b 120 c 280 5 a Number every employee from 1 to 120. Use a table of
10 a Assign the numbers 1 to 74 to the drivers. Use a table or random numbers to choose 25 different numbers from
calculator to select 8 random numbers less than or equal 1 to 120.
to 74. The drivers whose numbers are selected form the b Put names in a hat and draw names at random. Other
sample. answers are possible.
b 7, 9, 73, 65, 53, 52, 49, 54 c Start at any number and select every 5th employee.
11 a Yes, if the number of classes is small (2 or 3). 6 ‘Biased’ means ‘not free from prejudice’.
b No 7 A good sample is one whose characteristics are
representative of the whole population.
REVIEW SET 2 8 86, 70, 101, 190, 13
2 a Sample b Census 9 a Assign the numbers 1 to 24 to the workers.
3 a Members of the local netball club Use a table or calculator to select five random numbers
b Senior students less than or equal to 24. The workers whose numbers are
4 a Members of another sporting club who may want their selected form the sample.
own facilities improved, or non-sporting people. b 8, 12, 7, 9, 19
b Junior students
Answers 527
132 + (5 + 15)2 = 569
BC = √569 ≈ 23.9 d 1050.18 cm2 e 9320 cm2 f 1156.40 cm2
(CD)2 =____
132 + 112 = 290 9 a 1120 cm 2
b $14
CD = √290 ≈ 17.0 10 a Room A = 38.28 m2, Room B = 34.4 m2. Room A has
(AD)2 =____
122 + (15 + 11)2 = 820 the greater area.
AD = √820 ≈ 28.6 b 4 tins c $219.80
(AB)2 =____
122 + 52 = 169 11 7 m2
AB = √169 = 13 12 Weet-Bix: 1161 cm2, Sultana Bran: 1262.5 cm2. Sultana
Perimeter ≈ 23.9 + 17.0 + 28.6 + 13 = 82.5 m Bran box has the greater surface area.
4 d 145.8 m e 91.1 cm f 295.6 m 13 a 313.4 m2 b 5 cans c $412.50
14 a 231.7 cm2 b 285.1 cm2
5 Area △MQP = 2 × (10 + 12 + 3 + 8) × 16 = 264 m
__ 2
15 25.56 m2
Area △MRN = __21 × 10 × 11 = 55 m2
1 A = 2πrh = 2 × π × 4 × 9 = 226.19… ≈ 226.2 cm2
Area △NOTR = __21 × (12 + 3) × (7 + 11)
2 a 534.1 cm2 b 664.8 cm2 c 1055.6 cm2
= __21 × 15 × 18 = 135 m2 d 256.0 cm2 e 1005.3 cm2 f 89.2 cm2
Area MNOPQ = 264 + 55 + 28 + 135 = 482 m2 3 Diameter = 12 cm, so radius = 6 cm
6 a 3662 m2 b 964 m2 c 16 625 m2 A = 2 × π × 6 × 8 = 301.593… ≈ 301.6 cm2
7 (MN) =____
10 + 11 = 221
2 2 4 a 942.5 cm2 b 1017.9 cm2 c 1178.1 cm2
MN = √221 ≈ 14.87 m d 303.5 cm2 e 1372.9 cm2 f 115.5 cm2
(NO)2 =____
(11 − 7)2 + (12 + 3)2 = 241 5 a 301.6 cm 2
b 735.1 cm 2
c 94.2 cm2
NO = √241 ≈ 15.52 m d 830.4 cm 2
(OP)2 =____
72 + 82 = 113 6 Radius = 15.8 ÷ 2 = 7.9 cm
OP = √113 ≈ 10.63 m A = 2 × π × 7.9 × 17.6 + 2 × π × (7.9)2
(PQ)2 =____
(3 + 8)2 + 162 = 377 = 1265.747…
PQ = √377 ≈ 19.42 m ≈ 1265.7 cm2
(QM)2 =____
162 + (10 + 12)2 = 740 7 a 1445.1 cm2 b 603.2 cm2 c 527.8 cm2
QM = √740 ≈ 27.20 m d 2264.4 cm2 e 4246.4 cm2 f 318.7 m2
Perimeter ≈ 14.87 + 15.52 + 10.63 + 19.42 + 27.20 8 a 1809.6 cm 2
b 3.1 m 2
c 53 092.9 mm2
= 87.64 m 9 r = 18 ÷ 2 = 9 cm
≈ 88 m A = 4πr2 = 4 × π × 92 = 1017.876… ≈ 1017.9 cm2
8 a 245.27 m ≈ 245 m b 122.09 m ≈ 122 m 10 a 1963.5 cm2 b 1063.6 cm2 c 48 305.1 mm2
c 514.36 m ≈ 514 m 11 a 452.4 cm 2
b 1256.6 cm 2
c 907.9 cm2
9 Area ≈ __
(98 + 52) = 20 × 150 = 3000 m2 12 a 445.46 cm 2
b 207.38 m 2
c 3.03 m2
2 13 a 2827 m2 b 36 cans c $4147.20
10 a 3478 m2 b 3094 m2 c 2260.5 m2 14 141 spheres
11 a 365 m2 b 1380 m2 c 372 m2 15 36 945 cm2
d 1909.5 m2 e 545 m2 f 1024 m2 16 The roller with a diameter of 8 cm and length 25 cm has a
12 a 33 000 m2 b 15 600 m2 c 17 400 m2 larger surface area and so would not need to be re-dipped
d 174 000 m3 as often.
13 a 3000 m2 b 54 000 m3 17 74%
14 a 549 m2 b 551.25 m2 18 No
15 a 225.5 m2 b 2255 m3 c 133 500 m3 19 a 157.7 cm2 b 173.4 m2
16 a 344 m2 b 6880 m3 c 41 280 m3 c 424.1 m2
20 The area of the top surface of the cylinder is the same as
EXERCISE 5E SURFACE AREA OF PRISMS the area not counted when calculating the surface area of
1 a 54 cm2 b 1350 cm2 c 864 cm2 the top of the rectangular prism.
2 a 138.24 cm2 b 1734 mm2 c 0.5766 m2 21 $4220.31
3 Top and bottom: A = 2 × 10 × 6 = 120 cm2
Front and back: A = 2 × 5 × 10 = 100 cm2 EXERCISE 5G VOLUME
Two sides: A = 2 × 5 × 6 = 60 cm2 1 V = A × h = 20 × 3 = 60 m3
Surface area = 120 +100 + 60 = 280 cm2 2 a 75 cm3 b 115.2 cm3 c 420 cm3
4 Area of front and back: A = 2 × 8 × 4 = 64 cm2 d 815.4 cm 3
e 11.96 cm 3
f 120 cm3
Area of both sides: A = 2 × 5 × 4 = 40 cm2 g 648 cm 3
h 116.96 cm 3
i 48 cm3
Area of top and bottom: A = 2 × 8 × 5 = 80 cm2 j 360 cm3 k 140 cm3 l 80 cm3
Surface area = 64 + 80 + 40 = 184 cm2 3 a V = A × h = (9 × 6) × 5 = 270 cm3
5 a 276 cm2 b 424 cm2 c 598 cm2 b V = A × h = (__21 × 5 × 4) × 10 = 100 cm3
d 432 cm 2
e 8970 mm 2
f 8440 m2 4 a 270 cm3 b 420 cm3 c 108 cm3
6 a 280 m2 b 684 mm2 c 382.46 m2 d 343 cm3 e 720 cm3 f 703.08 cm3
7 a 600 cm2 b 224 cm2 c 1490 cm2 g 1037.244 cm3 h 460.6 cm3 i 89.79 cm3
d 300 cm 2
e 3150 cm 2
f 241.6 cm2 j 568.764 cm 3
k 1536 cm 3
l 31.29 cm3
Answers 529
22 The second quote ($2680 including GST) is cheaper
by $15.
23 $14 787.55 24 $12.39
1 A 2 D 3 C 4 C 5 A 6 D
7 B 8 D 9 A 10 D 11 C 12 B
1 P = $800, r = 5 ÷ 100 = 0.05, n = 6
I = $800 × 0.05 × 6 = $240
1 a $576 b 26.25 m c 918 kg 2 a $54 b $135
d 179.2 cm e 324 min f $18 c $825 d $657
g 2.03 t h 65 s i 320 L 3 P = $4650, n = 5
2 a 80.5 mm b $364.80 c 210 mL r = 6.47 ÷ 100 = 0.0647
d 3.888 km e 64.5 g f $417.24 I = $4650 × 0.0647 × 5 = $1504.28
g $2932.50 h 38 s i 3.5448 ha 4 a $365.94 b $1723.78
3 a Increase = 55 − 52 = 3 kg c $8382 d $5605.60
Percentage increase = __ × 100% = 5.76 … % ≈ 5.8% 5 a $1072 b $3354.40
b Decrease = $186 − $154 = $32 c $15 120 d $3300
32 e $4500 f $79 460 g $1010.62
Percentage decrease = ___
×100% = 17.20…% ≈ 17.2% 6 a 0.08 b 4%, 0.04
4 a 21.4% b 8.3% c 7.9% c 2%, 0.02 d 0.666…%, 0.0066…
d 168.8% e 100% f 10.4% 7 a 0.03 b 1.5%, 0.015
5 a 25.8% b 7.3% c 1.9% c 0.75%, 0.0075 d 0.25%, 0.0025
d 10.5% e 66.7% f 6.2% 8 Annual 6-monthly Quarterly Monthly
6 a i loss $5500 ii 25% b i profit $70 ii 70%
rate (%) rate (%) rate (%) rate (%)
c i loss $1680 ii 40% d i profit $7500 ii 15%
e i loss $320 ii 53__31 % f i loss $1300 ii 61.9% a 9 4.5 2.25 0.75
Answers 531
2400 12%
10.5% b $567.45
8% 4 a
1600 Time Balance + Total Interest
1200 interest balance
800 Start of 1st year $980 $29.40
Start of 2nd year $980 + $29.40 $1009.40 $30.28
2 4 6 8 10 Start of 3rd year $1039.68 $31.19
$1009.40 + $30.28
Time (years)
Start of 4th year $1039.68 + $31.19 $1070.87 $32.13
a i $1600 ii $2400 iii $2100
b i just under $1400 ii just over $2000 Start of 5th year $1070.87 + $32.13 $1103.00
iii just under $1800
c $800, $300 b $123.00
d i 6__41 years ii a little over 4 years 5 a Time Balance + interest Total Interest
iii 4__43 years
Start of $7890 $702.21
Start of $7890 + 702.21 $8592.21 $764.71
1 Year Value ($) Depreciation ($) Depreciated 2nd year
value ($) Start of $9356.92 $832.77
$8592.21 + $764.71
1 35 000 3800 31 200 3rd year
2 31 200 3800 27 400 Start of $9356.92 + $832.77 $10 189.69 $906.88
4th year
3 27 400 3800 23 600
Start of $10 189.69 + $906.88 $11 096.57 $987.59
2 a S = $26 990 − $3300 × 2 = $20 390 5th year
b S = $26 990 − $3300 × 4 = $13 790 Start of $12 084.16
$11 096.57 + $987.59
3 a $14 740 b $8800 6th year
4 a $2600 b $600
5 a $30 599 b $17 999 b No, not enough money, only $12 084.16
6 a $3100 b $1000 c Needs another $905.84
7 a $1330 b $250
Time (years) Investment ($)
0 1000.00
Investment ($)
$200,000 Compound interest
1 1070.00 8.5% p.a.
2 1144.90
$100,000 Simple interest
3 1225.04 $50,000 8.5% p.a.
4 1310.80 0
5 1402.55 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (years)
6 1500.73
7 1605.78
8 1718.19
1 C 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B
9 1838.46
6 D 7 A 8 A 9 D 10 C
10 1967.15
b, e
$2,500 1 a 82.4 kg b $246.50
Investment ($)
Simple interest 1 2%
$3,000 2 a $2258.60 b $24 844.60
3 a $42.50 b $467.50
$2,000 Compound interest
4 a $681.82 b $115.27 c $2.36 d $36.45
9.3% p.a.
$1,000 5 $816
0 6 a 0.06 b 3%, 0.03
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 c 1.5%, 0.015 d 0.5%, 0.005
Time (years) 7 $565.73 8 5.6%
c about $3000 d about $1000 e Just under 9 Simple interest 9% p.a.
Amount of interest ($)
8 years 1000
g 14.3% 800
8 a i $185 000 ii $226 098.34 600
b Compound interest gives interest on the interest 400
earned each year. Simple interest is the same amount 200
every year. 0
2 4 6 8 10
Time (years)
a $500 b 1__43 years
Answers 533
iii 1%, 0.01 iv __31 %, 0.003
c $381.93 d 8%
Amount of interest ($)
1200 e i Interest 7.2% p.a.
1000 700
Temperature Number of days Mark Frequency
17 1 0−4 0
18 2 5−9 1
19 4 10−14 0
20 7 15−19 0
21 6 20−24 4
22 6 25−29 1
23 4 30−34 3
b 30 c 1 d 7 35−39 3
3 a Colour Number of students 40−44 4
Blue 10 45−49 3
Brown 11 50−54 4
Green 3 55−59 1
Grey 6 60−64 4
65−69 1
b 30 c Brown
4 a 70−74 0
Score 3 13 20 22 29 31 33 34 38 40 41 42 44 75−79 1
Frequency 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ii Mark Frequency
Score 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60 61 0−9 1
Frequency 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 10−19 0
20−29 5
Score 62 64 65 66 68 69 70 74 75 79 85 94
30−39 6
Frequency 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
40−49 7
b We are unable to obtain very much information from this 50−59 5
table apart from getting a rank order of the scores. It is 60−69 5
also very time consuming to prepare. 70−79 1
c i The scores from 0 to 9
ii The scores from 60 to 69 iii Mark Frequency
iii Yes. Ten possible scores. 0−< 20 1
iv Class Tally Frequency 20−< 40 11
0–9 | 1 40−< 60 12
10–19 | 1 60−< 80 6
20–29 | || 3 iv Mark Frequency
30–39 |||| 4 0−49 19
40–49 |||| |||| 9 50−99 11
80–89 | 1 0−4 3
90–99 | 1 5−9 12
Total 50 10−14 23
15−19 2
v 14 vi 2%
d i Twenty possible scores ii Number of globes
Time (× 100 h)
ii Class Tally Frequency 1−<6 5
0–19 || 2
6−<11 16
20–39 |||| || 7 11−<16 18
Answers 535
5 2 25 8%
200−209 |||| |||| | 11 21 18__31 %
b i 19 ii 23
c 7
i __ 4
ii __ 210−219 |||| ||| 8 29 13__31 %
25 25
d i 36% ii 8% 220−229 |||| |||| ||| 13 42 21__32 %
2 a Goals/match Frequency Cumulative Relative 230−239 |||| |||| 10 52 16__32 %
frequency frequency
240−249 |||| 4 56 6__32 %
5 4 4 16%
250−259 |||| 4 60 6__32 %
6 3 7 12%
7 7 14 28% b 60
8 5 19 20% d i 10 ii 42
9 0 19 0% e i 6__32 % ii 21__32 % iii 16__32 %
7 a 25 b 120
10 3 22 12%
c No, the grouped data only shows how many plants were
11 2 24 8% 350–374 mm high.
12 1 25 4% d No, the grouped data only shows that the shortest plant
b i 14 ii 19 is in the class interval 300–324 and the tallest plant is in
the class interval 425–449.
c i __51 4
ii __
25 e Height Frequency Cumulative Relative
d i 12% ii 8% frequency frequency
3 a Score Frequency b Score Frequency 300−324 3 3 2.5%
3 4 12 5 325−349 18 21 15%
4 2 13 6 350−374 47 68 39.2%
5 4 14 8 375−399 32 100 26.7%
6 5 15 10 400−424 14 114 11.7%
7 3 16 5 425−449 6 120 5%
17 2
f i 21 ii 100
c Score Frequency d Score Frequency g 5% h 2.5%
87 23
8 a Maximum daily Frequency Cumulative Relative
8 11
temperature (°C) frequency frequency
9 6 88 25
17 3 3 10%
10 10 89 30
18 4 7 13.3%
11 0 90 28
19 8 15 26.7%
12 5 91 21
20 6 21 20%
13 8 92 11
21 5 26 16.7%
4 a Number of Frequency Cumulative Relative 22 4 30 13.3%
matches frequency frequency
b 15 days c 50% d 0.3
48 9 9 15%
49 12 21 20%
50 18 39 30%
51 10 49 16__32 %
1 a Student’s eye colour
52 6 55 10%
53 5 60 8__31 %
b i 18 ii 21 iii 39 iv 21
c i 20% ii 30% iii 16__2 %
iv 65%
v 65% Blue Brown Green Grey
5 a 3 b 40 c 20% d 10% Eye colour
Eye colour Frequency Time Frequency
Blue 10 0−9 5
Brown 11 10−19 8
Green 3 20−29 7
Grey 6 30−39 5
1 2 3 4 5 c Stem Leaf
Number of children
b Number of children Frequency 1* 8
1 3 2 2 2 3 4
2 9 2* 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9
3 7 3 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4
4 4 3* 7 8
5 2
d Most students spend between 25 and 35 hours per week
3 a Stem Leaf doing homework.
3 2367 8 a Melbourne Stem Adelaide
4 257778 1 79
5 00179 2 234
6 02358 3 88
b Lowest = 32, highest = 68 988 4 3
c i 2 ii 0 9988210 5 029
d 47 e 5 f 10
4 a Stem Leaf
80 6 5
Answers 537
Exam mark
1 % protein in foods 20
35 0
30 Reiko James Wendy Hassan Vincent
Protein (%)
5 4
0 3
Food 1
2 Month Sales
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Days of week
($ million)
8 a Scale on vertical axis is irregular.
Jan/Feb 7.7
b Use of area.
Mar/Apr 8.2 c No scale on vertical axis.
May/Jun 3.2 d Use of volume.
Jul/Aug 4.1 9 5 times
Sep/Oct 3.4
10 a Artist Number of Scientific
downloads notation
Nov/Dec 6.0
Rihanna 47 571 000 4.8 × 107
3 Age of vehicle occupants Black Eyed Peas 42 405 000 4.2 × 107
200 Eminem 42 290 000 4.2 × 107
4.2 × 107
Number killed
AFL 50
Soccer 45
Cricket 40
Number (millions)
Rugby league 35
Rugby union 30
Netball 25
Indoor cricket 15
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 5
Injuries (number per year) 0
Em s
nye e
(mg/100 g)
Lobster 70
Beef 80
Chicken 100
Duck 105
Prawns 145
Number (millions)
50 56
% overweight
40 32
35 24
30 16
25 8
a 0
Em s
nye e
9 9 9 9 9
–1 20–2 30–3 40–4 50–5 60–6
Weight (kg)
Number of fatal crashes
200 6
150 2
100 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Age (months)
5 Scale on horizontal axis is irregular.
0 6 a Graph A b No c No
7 a Distance
sta wn
20 10 20 30 40 50
16 Distance travelled (1000 km)
8 c
4 0 10 000 20 000 30 000 40 000 50 000
7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fuel
3500 4865 6230 7595 8960 10 325
am Time pm cost ($)
Answers 539
20 000 6
Value ($)
15 000 2
10 000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
b Score
5 000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8
Number of years
d After about 4 years.
10 a 0
Road fatalities in NSW from 1950 to 2015 10 11 12 13 14
1400 2 a
Number of people killed
Number of goals
1200 10
1000 8
0 0 1 2 3 4
Year b Salary
0.06 4
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0.02 Mark
4 a Score (x) Frequency (f)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 3
6 4
c i 0.09 ii 0.11
7 8
d4 e 2
8 6
9 2
Score (x) Frequency (f)
12 15 40
Cumulative frequency
13 10 35
14 6 30
15 8
16 11
17 14 10
5 a Mass
8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 b i Score Frequency Cumulative frequency
2 10 7 7
0 11 11 18
61 64 67 70 73
Mass (kg) 12 17 35
b 13 0 35
10 14 5 40
8 ii Score
Cumulative frequency
0 25
45.5 55.5 65.5 75.5 85.5 95.5
Score 20
c Patients per day
16 5
10 11 12 13 14
2 a i Number of Frequency Cumulative frequency
4 goals
0 8 8
14.5 24.5 34.5 44.5 54.5 64.5 1 9 17
Number per day
2 6 23
6 a i 24% ii 6%
3 3 26
b i 33% ii 5%
c i 26–39 ii 0–4 4 1 27
d i 40–59 ii 0–4, 5–16
ii Number of goals
e i 26–39 ii 0–4
7 a i 1970, 1980 ii 2010 28
b i 1950–60 ii 1980–90
Cumulative frequency
c The number of fatalities rose sharply from about 600 20
in 1950 to 1300 in 1970 where it remained steady for 16
the next decade. It then decreased from 1980 to 2010, 12
quickly at first and then at a relatively slower rate 8
0 1 2 3 4
1 a i Number of snacks Frequency Cumulative frequency Number
0 5 5 b i Salary Frequency Cumulative
1 7 12 ($’000) frequency
2 9 21 30 8 8
3 7 28 40 6 14
4 6 34 50 7 21
5 4 38 60 3 24
6 2 40 70 0 24
80 1 25
Answers 541
Cumulative frequency
28 60
Cumulative frequency
24 50
20 40
16 30
12 20
8 10
4 0
14.5 24.5 34.5 44.5 54.5 64.5
30 40 50 60 70 80 Number per day
Amount ($’000) 4 a Score Cumulative frequency Frequency
3 a i Mass (kg) Frequency Cumulative frequency 2 3 3
60–62 2 2 3 5 2
63–65 5 7 4 8 3
66–68 7 14 5 13 5
69–71 4 18 6 15 2
72–74 2 20
b Score Cumulative frequency Frequency
ii Mass
18 2 2
Cumulative frequency
20 19 7 5
16 20 13 6
21 16 3
4 22 19 3
0 23 20 1
61 64 67 70 73
Mass (kg) c Score Cumulative Frequency
Score Frequency Cumulative frequency frequency
b i
41–50 3 3 141 2 2
51–60 0 3 142 7 5
61–70 10 13 143 15 8
71–80 8 21 144 22 7
81–90 7 28 145 27 5
91–100 2 30 146 30 3
Type of Frequency Relative Cumulative
applications complaint frequency relative
120 100% (%) frequency
110 (%)
Difficult parking 77 51 51
Layout confusing 8 5 94
60 50% Poor lighting 5 3 97
50 40% Other 3 2 100
40 Total 150
20% Customer complaints
20 150 100%
10 10%
0 0% 90%
No signature
No address
Wrong form
Can’t read
120 80%
6 a 80
Type of Frequency Relative Cumulative 50%
complaint frequency relative 70
(%) frequency (%) 60 40%
Invoice wrong 36 45 45 50
Product 22 27.5 72.5 30%
quality 40
Packaging 11 13.8 86.3 30 20%
Delivery 7 8.7 95 20
Other 4 5 100 10
Total 80 0 0%
Difficult parking
Limited sizes
Limited styles
Salesperson rude
Layout confusing
Poor lighting
Customer complaints Other
80 100%
Cumulative relative frequency
70 90%
50 Type of complaint
b 7% c Parking, range of sizes d 76%
40 50%
9 a Type of Frequency Relative Cumulative
30 40%
complaint frequency relative
20 (%) frequency (%)
10 Too expensive 93 46.5 46.5
0% Long delays in 35 17.5 64
Invoice wrong
Product quality
Answers 543
Hair colour
140 70%
120 60%
Limited menu
Rude staff 4
Price ($)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Type of complaint Day of week
b Cost of meals, delays in serving, noise, (portion size) 3 Spelling test
c 74% (82% if portion size included)
1 A 2 C 3 C 4 D 5 C 6 D
Cumulative frequency
7 C 8 B 9 D 10 B 11 B
1 a Hair colour Frequency Relative frequency
Black 8 26__32 %
Brown 8 26__32 % 4
Blond 9 30% 2
Red 2 6__32 % 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Grey 3 10% Mark
b 30 c Blond
d See table above i 26__32 % ii 30%
1, 2 Mark Frequency Cumulative Relative
e i Survey of hair colour frequency frequency
9 1 1 3__31 %
10 2 3 6__32 %
11 3 6 10%
12 2 8 6__32 %
13 3 11 10%
Black Brown Blond Red Grey
14 6 17 20%
Hair colour
15 4 21 13__31 %
16 2 23 6__32 %
17 2 25 6__32 %
18 4 29 13__31 %
19 1 30 3__31 %
Stem Leaf
4 a 20% b 3__31 %
3 3478
6 4 368889
Frequency 5 5 1128
4 6 013469
b 33, 69
c i 2 times ii 0 times
d 48 e 6 f 10
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 Cause of delay Frequency Relative Cumulative
Mark frequency relative
(%) frequency (%)
32 No signature 92 51 51
Cumulative frequency
28 Incorrect address 47 26 77
24 Can’t read 22 12 89
Wrong form 14 8 97
Other 5 3 100
8 Total 180
0 Delays in processing
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 credit card applications
Mark 180 100%
7 a 4 160 90%
0 0%
No signature
Incorrect address
Wrong form
Can’t read
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Number of sales
6 1 a Mark in test
Cumulative frequency
2 50
Brand 0
10 11 12 13 14 15
b i 16 ii 34 iii 26
Answers 545
f Yes g No h Yes
i Don’t know j Discuss with class
4 a False. The prevailing weather pattern determines the
10 11 12 13 14 15 chance of rain.
Mark b False. Not all swimmers are of equal ability.
c False. The letter Z is more common (or less common) in
different cultures.
REVIEW PRACTICE EXAMINATION QUESTION d False. The candidates do not necessarily have the same
1 a i Class centre Cumulative frequency
qualifications, financial backing, etc.
e False. Not all students may be old enough, have access
2 7 to a car, etc.
7 18 5 None of them
12 33 6 1st question 2nd question Outcomes
17 47 T TT
22 50 F TF
11 F
ii 33 iii __
or 22% iv 34% F FF
v Test scores 7 {HH, HT, TH, TT}, yes
8 {H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6}
Cumulative frequency
50 9 a Second die
40 1 2 3 4 5 6
30 1 (1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5) (1, 6)
20 2 (2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5) (2, 6)
First die
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 a __61 b __21 c __31 d __31 e 0 f 1
1 0 1 2 3 4 5
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 a __
b 2311
__ c 23__
d 1
First die
3 2 1 0 1 2 3 3 a 2 1
__ b __31 c __61 d __65 e 0 f 1
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 4 a __81 b __81 c __41 d __21 e __21
5 4 3 2 1 0 1
f __83 g __41 h 0 i 1
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
b6 5 a 52 1
__ b 13 1
__ c 4 1
__ 1
d __
e __
c Yes, 3 and 6 each appear six times in the table
f __21 g __21 h 0 i 1
e 24 6 a ___
1 1
b ___
c __
d __
e __
f 1
12 {BBB, BBG, BGB, BGG, GBB, GBG, GGB, GGG}, yes 1
7 a __4 b __61 1
c __ 5
d __ 7
e __
13 {bax, bay, bex, bey, cax, cay, cex, cey, dax, day, dex, dey} 12 12 12
14 {John Paul George, John George Paul, Paul John George, 11
f __ g __61 h 0
Paul George John, George John Paul, George Paul John}
15 16 16 12 8 a 9 4
__ b 3 1
__ c __92 d __97 e __95
17 {RR, RG, RA, GR, GG, GA, AR, AG, AA}, no f __32 g __31 h __92 i 0 j 1
18 {1.8AO, 1.8AB, 1.8AR, 1.8MO, 1.8MB, 1.8MR, 2.2AO,
2.2AB, 2.2AR, 2.2MO, 2.2MB, 2.2MR} 9 a __
b __
c __21 d __21 9
e __
f __
g __ 7
h __ i 0 19
j __ 9
k __ 11
l __
20 a {RR, RB, RG, BR, BB, BG, GR, GB, GG} 10 10 20 20 20
10 Other answers possible.
b {RB, RG, BR, BG, GR, GB}
a i P(7) = 0 ii P(odd or even) = 1
21 a {55, 57, 59, 75, 77, 79, 95, 97, 99}
b i P(yellow) = 0 ii P(red or white) = 1
b {57, 59, 75, 79, 95, 97}
c i P(17) = 0 ii P(red or black) = 1
22 S = {H1, H2, H3, H4, T1, T2, T3, T4]
11 a Wrong, 0 ≤ P(E) ≤ 1 b Wrong, 0 ≤ P(E) ≤ 1
23 1024
c Possible
13 a __31 b-e Disscuss with class
iii __51
1 a On its end: ___
76 19
= __ or 38%
200 50 15 a i __41 ii __41 iii __41 iv __41
___ 31
On its side: 200 = 50 or 62%
17 Other answers possible.
19 31
b i __50
or 38% ii __
or 62% 1
a P(3) = __ b P(odd) = __21
2 a __
or 30% 7
b 10 or 70% c P(10) = 0 d P(number less than 10) = 1
3 a Australia ___
, Japan ___
, Germany ___77
, 3
e P(number divisible by 3) = __
62 31 39
Korea ___
= ___
, Other ___
f P(number less than 9) = __
169 31
b ___
or 33.8% c ___
or 12.4% g Impossible h Impossible
4 ____
or 2%
5 a ___
or 11.5% 43
b ___
or 15.9%
1 a {H, T}
6 a 25.3% b 17.1% c 7.2% b i {T} ii {H}
7 a 0 3
b __ or 6% 21
c __ 39
or 42% d __ or 78% 2 a {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
50 50 50 b i {not spinning a 3} = {1, 2, 4, 5}
8 a __
or 2% 1
b ___
or 1% c __
or 48% d __
or 76% ii {not spinning an odd number} = {spinning an even
9 a i 99 260 99 260
ii ______ iii 99.26% number} = {2, 4}
100 000 iii {not spinning a number greater than 3} = {spinning
b 99.393%
c i Male 97.1%, Female 98.4% a number less than or equal to 3} = {1, 2, 3}
ii Male 90.9%, Female 94.6% iv {spinning a 5} = {5}
iii Male 57.8%, Female 72.3% 3 a B b D c A d E e F f C
d i 95 141 ii 71 589 iii 75.2% iv 75.2% 4 a {not selecting a ♦} = {selecting a ♥, ♣ or ♠}
e i 97 251 ii 82 305 iii 84.6% iv 84.6% b {not selecting a ♦ or ♥} = {selecting a ♣ or ♠}
c {not selecting a ♦, ♥ or ♣} = {selecting a ♠}
10 ____
or 33.9% d {not selecting a red card} = {selecting a black card}
e {not selecting an ace} f {selecting a king}
5 a {HH, HT, TH, TT}
b i {HT, TH, TT} ii {HH, TH, TT} iii {HH, TT}
iv {HT, TH, HH} v {TT} vi {HH}
Answers 547
4 9 R BR
2 (2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4) 7 B
3 (3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) (3, 4)
4 (4, 1) (4, 2) (4, 3) (4, 4) b 63
1 1 1
b i 16 __ ii 4__ iii 8 __
2 a 1st card 2nd card Outcomes
iv __41 v __41 vi __41 1
4 A AA
2 A
__ 7
__ 1 Q AQ
c i 8 ii 16 4
5 a 1 4
Second die 2 K
1 Q KQ
1 2 3 4 5 6 4
b 8
1 (1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5) (1, 6)
2 (2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5) (2, 6) 3 a 1st disc 2nd disc Outcomes
First die
3 (3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) (3, 4) (3, 5) (3, 6) 9 G GG
9 G
4 (4, 1) (4, 2) (4, 3) (4, 4) (4, 5) (4, 6) 5 Y GY
5 (5, 1) (5, 2) (5, 3) (5, 4) (5, 5) (5, 6) 4
9 G YG
6 (6, 1) (6, 2) (6, 3) (6, 4) (6, 5) (6, 6) 9 Y
__ 1
__ 1
__ 1
b i 36 ii 6 iii 18 iv 18 16 25 20 20
b i __
ii __
iii __
iv __
v __41 vi __41 vii __91 1
viii __
18 4 a i 0.4 ii 0.6
c 7 b i 0.5 ii 0.5
5 11
d i __
ii __
36 c Class 11A Class 11B Outcomes
6 a {BB, BG, GB, GG} 0.5 G GG
0.6 G
b i __41 ii __41 iii __41 iv __21 v __41 0.5 B GB
0.4 B
__ 1
__ 3
__ 3
b i 8 ii 8 iii 8 iv 8 0.5 B BB
v __81 vi __87 vii __21 viii __81 d i 0.2 ii 0.3 iii 0.2
1st child 2nd child Outcomes
0.51 B BB b i 25 ii 50 iii 25
0.51 B
0.49 G BG 13 a 1st child 2nd child 3rd child Outcome
0.51 B GB G GGG
0.49 G GGB
0.49 G GG G G GBG
b i 0.2601 ii 0.2499 B GBB
iii 0.2499 iv 0.2401 G
6 a i 0.6 ii 0.4 B
b 1st toss 2nd toss Outcomes B
0.4 H HH
0.4 H b i __81 ii __83 iii __83 iv __81
0.6 T HT
c i 25 ii 75 iii 75 iv 25
0.6 T 14 a __21 15 a __41
0.6 T TT
c i 0.16 ii 0.24 iii 0.24 iv 0.36 b i 50 b i 26
7 a 0.72 b 0.08 c 0.18 d 0.02 c i 500 c i 260
8 a 0.48 b 0.32 c 0.12 d 0.08
16 a Second spinner
9 a __
b __
c __
d __
1 2 3
10 a 0.81
First spinner
b 0.01 c 0.18 d 0.99
11 a 1st set 2nd set 3rd set Outcome 1 (1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3)
2 (2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3)
3 (3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3)
K KLK 1 1
L b i 9 __ ii 3 __ iii __92
c i 50 ii 150 iii 100
L LL 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 B 6D
i 0.25 ii 0.25 iii 0.25 iv 0.25 7 C 8 D 9 D 10 D
b i 0.36 ii 0.288 iii 0.16 iv 0.192
1 a {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} b {BB, BG, GB, GG}
1 Expected number of tails = __21 × 400 = 200 3 a __
1 1
b __ c __41
52 13
2 a 153 b 147 3
d __ e __21 1
f __
13 26
3 438 4 35
4 a Any impossible event
5 68 6 21
b e.g. Getting heads when a coin is tossed.
7 Royal flush 2, Four of a kind 240, Full house 1441,
c Any certain event
Straight 3925, Three of a kind 21 128, Two pairs 47 539,
One pair 422 569 5 a __83 b __41 c __41 d __87
8 45
e __85 f __81 g 0
9 a i 6 1
__ ii 2 1
__ iii 31
__ iv 3 2
6 a 12 1
__ b 41
__ 1
c __ d __61
b i 6 × 600 = 100 7 a __81 b __41 c __81 d __41
ii 2 × 600 = 300 8 a 50 b 150 c 200
iii __31 × 600 = 200 9 45
iv 3 × 600 = 400
10 a i __83 ii __21 iii __81 1 {PMY, PYM, MPY, MYP, YPM, YMP}
b i 150 ii 200 iii 50 2 a 0.03 b 0.01 c 0.28 d 0.72
11 a i __21 ii __41 1
iii __ 1
iv __ 3 41
13 26
b i 130 ii 65 iii 20 iv 10 4 a __81 b __81 c __21 d0
e 1 f 4
Answers 549
0.3 R FR
3 (3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) (3, 4) (3, 5) (3, 6) 0.2
F 0.5
4 (4, 1) (4, 2) (4, 3) (4, 4) (4, 5) (4, 6) 0.2
5 (5, 1) (5, 2) (5, 3) (5, 4) (5, 5) (5, 6)
6 (6, 1) (6, 2) (6, 3) (6, 4) (6, 5) (6, 6) b i 0.09 ii 0.25 iii 0.04 iv 0.51
b i __1
ii __61 iii __61 iv 0 REVIEW SET 4
8 a __
b 108 1 a __
b __
c __
d __
e 0
9 340 2 1
3 a __41 b __31 5
c __ 7
d __ e __32
REVIEW SET 3 12 12
4 a ___ 1 199
b ___ 1
c ___ 99
d ___ 9
e ___
1 a {RR, RB, RG, BR, BB, BG, GR, GB, GG} 200 200 100 100 200
191 29 49
b {RB. RG, BR, BG, GR, GB} f ___
g __
h __
i __
j __43
2 a 0.11 b 0.34 c 0 5 a 1st question 2nd question Outcome
3 a 0.01 b 0.09 c 0.1 d 0.9 e 0.01 A AA
f 0.09 g 0.99 h0 i 0.8 j 0.5 B AB
4 a Second set of cards C AC
1 2 3 4 5 A BA
First set of cards
1 (1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5) B
2 (2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5) D BD
3 (3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) (3, 4) (3, 5) A CA
4 (4, 1) (4, 2) (4, 3) (4, 4) (4, 5) C
5 (5, 1) (5, 2) (5, 3) (5, 4) (5, 5) D CD
1 2 1 4
b i 25 ii 25 __
iii 25 iv 25 __ __ __ v 0 B DB
5 a 1st bag 2nd bag Outcome C DC
3 D DD
7 R RR 1 1 1 9 7
3 R b i __16
ii __
iii __
iv __
v __
7 4
G RG 6 a 1st card 2nd card Outcome
3 H HH
4 7 R GR
7 G H
4 G GG
7 S HS
15 29 11 H DH
b i __
ii __
iii __
14 D DD
6 a 1300 b 650 c 200 d 100 C DC
e 50 f 100
7 a Second die D CD
1 2 3 4 5 6 S CS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H SH
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C SC
First die
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 b i __
ii __81 iii __41 iv __21
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
b Second die
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1, 1 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 1, 5 1, 6 N
First die 2 2, 1 2, 2 2, 3 2, 4 2, 5 2, 6
3 3, 1 3, 2 3, 3 3, 4 3, 5 3, 6
4 4, 1 4, 2 4, 3 4, 4 4, 5 4, 6 5 a A 40°N, B 80°S, C 0°, D 20°S, E 60°N, F 20°N, G 80°N,
H 40°S, I 60°S, J 0°
5 5, 1 5, 2 5, 3 5, 4 5, 5 5, 6
6 a C b I c H, M
6 6, 1 6, 2 6, 3 6, 4 6, 5 6, 6 d D, P e B f L, R
1 g A, G h J, O i K, Q
c i __
ii __61 11
iii __
iv __61
j F k E
v __41 vi __41 7 a 90°N b 90°S
1 7 8 a i 40°N ii 70°N iii 0° iv 30°S
d i __ ii __61 1
iii __ iv __ v 0
18 36 36 v 60°S
5 5
e i __61 ii 18__ iii 18 1
__ iv 18 __ v 0 b i 70°N ii 40°N iii 0° iv 30°S
v 60°S
8 2
9 a i 60°N ii 40°N iii 30°N iv 0°
v 15°S vi 35°S vii 45°S
1 a i {RR, RG, RB, GR, GG, GB, BR, BG, BB} v 30°N vi 60°N vii 35°S
ii {RG, RB, GR, GB, BR, BG} 10 i 34°S ii 51.5°N iii 41°N iv 23.5°S v 23.5°N
b i 0.16 ii 0.66 11 a A 110°E, B 60°E, C 50°W, D 95°W, E 50°W, F 95°W, G
c 59% 0°, H 60°E, I 0°, J 110°E
1 199 b C, G b E, H, I c A, D d B, F, J
d i ___ ii ___ iii __54
200 200 12 a i 70°E ii 120°E iii 60°W
e i __41 ii 112 or 113 b i 60°W ii 0° iii 70°E iv 120°E
f i 1st 2nd 13 a i 50°E ii 80°E iii 120°E
child child Outcome iv 70°W v 100°W
0.55 B BB b i 100°W ii 70°W iii 0°
B iv 50°E v 80°E vi 120°E
0.45 G BG 14 i 151°E ii 0° iii 74°W
0.55 B GB
0.45 G GG 1 a i A, B, C, D ii C, F, K, Y, Z, V iii C
ii 0.495 b i Q, R, Z, T ii A, H, I, P, Q, X iii Q
g 8 2 A(50°N, 75°W), E(30°N, 100°E), G(30°N, 0°), I(15°N,
75°W), K(15°N, 45°E), M(0°, 100°E), O(0°, 0°), Z(30°S,
45°E), U(60°S, 100°E), W(60°S, 0°)
f H g T hU i P j F
ARE YOU READY? kX l O mL n B o C
4 a Australia b China
1 D 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 C c Antarctica d Mexico
7 D 8 C 9 B 10 D 11 C 12 B e Kenya f France
13 A 14 B 5 a i S ii N iii N
b i W ii E iii E
EXERCISE 9A LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE 6 a i (25°S, 95°E) ii (45°S, 95°E)
1 a Parallel of latitude b Meridian of longitude iii (35°S, 105°E) iv (35°S, 85°E)
c Parallel of latitude d Meridian of longitude b i (35°N, 150°E) ii (15°N, 150°E)
e Meridian of longitude f Parallel of latitude iii (25°N, 160°E) iv (25°N, 140°E)
2 a S b E c i (10°S, 90°W) ii (30°S, 90°W)
c W d N iii (20°S, 80°W) iv (20°S, 100°W)
d i (40°S, 40°W) ii (60°S, 40°W)
3 b Equator
iii (50°S, 30°W) iv (50°S, 50°W)
7 a (25°N, 75°W) b (5°N, 75°W)
c (15°S, 75°W) d (50°S, 75°W)
N 8 a (15°N, 165°W) b (32°S, 170°W)
c (18°S, 160°E) d (34°N, 150°E)
9 a B is 15°S and 20°E of A
b B is 5°S and 10°W of A
c B is 15°N and 10°E of A
Answers 551
÷ 24 ÷ 60 ÷ 60
4:00 pm 12:00 midnight 10:00 am
2 a 2.5 hours 3
hours 3__1 6:00 pm 2:00 am 12.00 pm
c 5 minutes d
3 hours 13 minutes 8:00 pm 4:00 am 2:00 pm
e 8 minutes 5 seconds f
10 hours 35 minutes 10:00 pm 6:00 am 4:00 pm
g 277 minutes h
2832 seconds
12:00 am 8:00 am 6:00 pm
i 137 hours j
4 days 4 hours
k 604 800 seconds l
2 hours 46 minutes 2:00 am 10:00 am 8:00 pm
40 seconds 4:00 am 12:00 noon (Tuesday) 10:00 pm
3 a 2:06 pm b 12:51 am c 8:05 pm c 10:00 pm London time
d 1:22 am e 9:25 am f 9:21 pm
g 7:15 pm h 12:12 pm i 12:54 pm 11 Longitude Local time Longitude Local time
j 5:49 pm k 6:22 am l 10:54 pm west east
4 a 0743 b 1720 c 0135 0° 12:00 noon Wed 0° 12:00 noon Wed
d 1243 e 1620 f 0146
45°W 9:00 am Wed 45°E 3:00 pm Wed
g 0608 h 2027 i 0920
j 2308 k 1200 l 0000 90°W 6:00 am Wed 90°E 6:00 pm Wed
5 a 0830 b 1135 c 0736 135°W 3:00 am Wed 135°E 9:00 pm Wed
d 1610 e 1755 f 0832 180°W 12:00 midnight 180°E 12:00 midnight
g 1222 h 1240 i 0649 Tue Wed
6 a 8 days 10 hours b 6 days 20 hours
c 3 days 7 hours d 5 days 19 hours 31 minutes 12 a Same meridian b Differ by one day
e 4 days 8 hours 23 minutes f 7 days 8 hours 19 minutes c Change of one day
7 a 1 day 13 hours 52 minutes b 4 days 5 hours 7 minutes d No, due to countries needing to be on the same day.
c 4 days 13 hours 23 minutes d 1 day 5 hours 39 minutes e i Add one day ii Subtract one day
e 3 days 5 hours 51 minutes f 5 days 18 hours 51 minutes 13 Sunday 26 March 8:30 pm
8 a 1242 b 5 hours 18 minutes 14 a 3:00 pm Monday b 3:00 am Tuesday
c 2005 d 3 days 6 hours 45 minutes 15 a 7:00 am Monday b 11:00 pm Monday
9 a 8:10 pm Wednesday 16 May 16 a 10:00 am Sunday b 1:30 am Monday
b 7:14 pm Sunday 3 June 17 a i 8:00 pm Friday 30 November 2018
c 1 hour 28 minutes ii 26 days 2 hours 30 minutes
iii 10:30 pm Wednesday 26 December 2018
b i 2:30 pm Monday 21 January 2019
EXERCISE 9D WORLD TIME ZONES ii 30 days 2 hours 13 minutes
1 a 8:00 pm b 4:00 am c 3:00 pm iii 4:43 pm Wednesday 20 February 2019
d 8:00 am e 2:00 pm f 4:00 pm c 81 days 9 hours 43 minutes
2 a 11:00 pm b 7:30 pm c 9:00 am
d 8:00 am e 3:00 pm f 11:30 pm EXERCISE 9E AUSTRALIAN TIME ZONES
3 a 7:00 am Wednesday b 2:30 am Wednesday
c 1:00 am Wednesday d 5:00 am Wednesday 1 a 8:00 am b 10:00 am c 5:00 pm
e 7:00 am Wednesday f 4:00 am Wednesday d 6:30 pm e 7:20 pm f 3:00 pm
4 a 10:00 pm Sunday b 8:00 pm Sunday 2 a 7:00 pm b 12:30 pm
c 11:00 pm Sunday 3 1:00 pm Saturday
d 12:00 midnight end of Sunday
e 11:00 pm Sunday f 1:00 am Monday
b ACT, NSW, SA, Tas, Vic 5 a 255 minutes b 10:46 am
c Start first Sunday in October and finish first Sunday c 1546 d 1 days 17 hours 48 minutes
in April 6 a 10:00 pm b 4:00 am c 12:00 pm
5 City Time 7 a 3:00 pm Tuesday b 2:00 am Wednesday
8 5:30 pm
Brisbane 12:00 pm
9 a 0.9 m and 0.86 m
Sydney 1:00 pm b 7 hours 1 minute and 6 hours 29 minutes
Canberra 1:00 pm
Melbourne 1:00 pm REVIEW SET 2
Hobart 1:00 pm 1 a Circle parallel to the equator
Adelaide 12:30 pm b Circle passing through both poles
2 a (44°N, 60°E) b (44°N, 30°W)
Darwin 11:30 am
c (0°, 30°W) d (0°, 60°E)
Perth 10:00 am e (32°S, 60°E) f (32°S, 30°W)
6 11:30 pm 7 5:00 pm 8 12:00 midnight 3 a (41°N, 105°E) b (11°N, 105°E)
9 Adelaide 9:30 pm, Sydney 10:00 pm, Brisbane 9:00 pm c (26°N, 120°E) d (26°N, 90°E)
10 10:00 am 4 a South b West
5 a 113 hours b 2142
c 5 days 8 hours 26 minutes
EXERCISE 9F INTERPRETING TIMETABLES 6 1:00 am Friday 7 2:00 am 8 5:50 pm
1 a i 1802 ii 1825 9 a 1 hour 18 minutes b 10:15 am
b 1853
c i 21 minutes ii 45 minutes REVIEW SET 3
iii 43 minutes iv 32 minutes 1 a E(32°N, 15°W) b H(0°, 80°W)
d i 1 hour 3 minutes, 53 minutes, 1 hour 3 minutes, c P(16°S, 40°W) d F(0°, 120°W)
51 minutes, 51 minutes 2 a D bM c D or E dM
ii delay at Clyde 3 a i North ii East
2 a i 88 minutes ii 40 minutes b i South ii East
iii 52 minutes iv 31 minutes, change at Blacktown c i North ii West
b i 0943 ii 0945 iii 1008 iv 1018 d i South ii West
c i No ii Strathfield iii 0930 4 a (32°N, 45°W) b (14°N, 15°W)
iv Strathfield 0938 v 1037 c (20°N, 100°W) d (16°S, 85°W)
vi 1 hour 7 minutes vii 53 minutes 5 a 6 days 13 hours b 3:34 pm
3 a i 8 minutes ii 1048 iii 12 minutes c 1528 d 2 days 15 hours 52 minutes
b i 17 minutes ii 1045 iii 5 hours 24 minutes 6 3:00 am Friday 7 5:00 pm Friday 8 11:58 am
4 a i 2 9 Adelaide 9:00 pm, Sydney 9:30 pm, Brisbane 8:30 pm
ii 6 hours 56 minutes, 5 hours 39 minutes 10 a 4:50 pm b 5:10 pm
iii 1.23 m and 0.63 m
b i 13 June 2245, 1.74 m REVIEW SET 4
ii 12 June 0408, 0.47 m
iii 6 hours 1 minute, 6 hours 27 minute 1 a (45°N, 55°E) b (0°, 65°W)
iv Times of the tides c (0°, 0°) d (10°S, 65°W)
c 14 May, 15 May, 16 May, 23 May, 4 June, 5 June, 12 2 a V, W bV c Z d E, D
June, 13 June, 14 June, 26 June and 27 June 3 a (20°N, 65°W) b (10°S, 95°W)
5 Off at 0856 Vaucluse, on at 0925 Vaucluse, off Rose Bay c (15°S, 55°E) d (60°S, 105°E)
0937, on 0952 Rose Bay, off Double Bay 1003, on Double 4 a 3 hours 47 minutes b 11:27 am
Bay 1018, off Kings Cross 1025, on Kings Cross 1040, off c 1123 d 2123
City - Town Hall 1048, on City - Town Hall 1103, arrives 5 2:00 am 6 5:00 am Tuesday 7 5:30 pm
City - Walsh Bay 1116. 8 11:30 pm
9 a 17 minutes b 11:00 am c 3 hours 35 minutes
1 C 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 C 6 A
7 C 8 D 9 A 10 B 11 A 12 D 1 a UTC 0°
13 A 14 D 15 C 16 B 17 C 18 C b i 6:27 pm ii 3 hours 43 minutes
19 A 20 D c B(60°N, 30°W)
d 8:30 am
REVIEW SET 1 e i 9 hours ii 11:40 pm Sunday
iii 19 hours 35 minutes
1 a one whose centre is not the centre of Earth f i 9:28 am ii 10:10 am iii 11:50 am
b one whose centre is the centre of Earth
2 a 50°S b 0° c 20°N d 35°N
3 a 50°E b 0° c 40°W d 100°W
Answers 553
Cumulative frequency
1 a Colour Number Relative frequency 40
10 __
Black 10 __
=1 3
Brown 6 __
= __1 5 10
__ 3
__ 0
Blond 9 = 10
30 2.5 6.5 10.5 14.5 18.5 22.5 26.5 30.5
Red 1
__ Score
__ 2 5 a {GGG, GGB, GBG, GBB, BGG, BGB, BBG, BBB}
Grey 4 30
= __
1 1
b i __52
ii __
iii __41 iv __21
b 30 c black 23
c ___
d i __31 ii __
10 1
d i __12
ii __41 1
iii __
iv __61
e i Hair colour
6 a 3; not rolling a 3
b 1, 3, 5; rolling an even number
c 4, 5, 6; rolling a number less than 4
7 a GG, GB, GW, BF, BB, BW, WG, WB, WW
b i __91 ii __31 iii __31 iv __31
Black Brown Blond Red Grey v __32 vi __91 vii __92 viii __94
Hair colour
8 a GB, GW, BG, BW, WG, WB
ii Hair colour b i 0 ii 0 iii 1
Black iv __31 v __31 vi __21
Brown vii __31 viii __32 ix __32
9 a 100 b 200 c 300
10 a i PQR, TUV, XYZ ii TUV
2 4 6 8 10 b P(60°N, 150°W), U(0°, 15°W), Y(15°S, 15°W)
Frequency c i True ii True iii False iv False
2 a 8 b 26 d i (15°S, 10°W) ii (52°N, 15°W)
3 a 11 a 115 hours b 4 hours 49 minutes
Class B Stem Class A
c 2 days 13 hours 52 minutes
7 0 12 a i 1:00 pm ii 5:00 am
751 1 39 b i 7:00 pm Thursday ii 7:30 am Friday
99977531 2 135799 c i 8:00 am ii 10:00 am
iii 5:00 pm iv 7:30 pm
9331 3 11355779
13 a 28 minutes b 8:00 am c 32 minutes
311 4 135 d 8:28 am e 28 minutes
b Class A because it had more higher scores than class B.
4 a
Score Class centre Frequency Cumulative
1–4 2.5 1 1
5–8 6.5 4 5
1 C 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 D 6 D
9–12 10.5 7 12
7 A 8 B 9 D 10 A 11 D
13–16 14.5 12 24
21–24 22.5 8 41
1 a i 1/01/18 to 31/03/18 ii 90 days
25–28 26.5 4 45 b $201.43
29–32 30.5 5 50 c i 68 kL ii 756 L
d i $2.17 ii $348.99 iii $3.88
e i Larger ii Smaller
f i $134.76 ii $336.19
g $7.72
h This bill was 185 L greater than the local average.
i i Larger ii 111 L iii 9.25 buckets
2 a 587 L/day b 367 L/day
c 477 L/day d 739 L/day
Price 3% of the price 5% of the price Total
4 a i $510.50 ii $842 ($000) up to $45 000 over $45 000
b i $207 ii $451 iii $506 iv $254 10 $300 – $300
c $1480
20 $600 – $600
5 a i 22/11/17 to 22/02/18 (inclusive)
ii 93 days 30 $900 – $900
b i 74.7 cents/day ii $69.47 40 $1200 – $1200
c i 1861.4 kWh ii 20 kWh 45 $1350 – $1350
d i 50.54% ii 14.54%
50 $1350 $250 $1600
e 47.77 cents/kWh f 35.87 cents/kWh
g i $525.18 ii $621.41 iii $6.68/day 60 $1350 $750 $2100
h i Larger ii Larger 70 $1350 $1250 $2600
i i 13 kWh ii 1235 kWh 80 $1350 $1750 $3100
j i 431.1 kWh ii 624.2 kWh iii 179.6 kWh
k i $348.40 ii $70.97 b Stamp duty on vehicle
iii $419.37 iv $438.24 3200
l i August 2017 ii February 2017 iii August 2016 2800
6 a i 2/02/18 to 3/05/18 ii 91
Answers 555
Answers 557
ii 52.4 Σ f = 30
d i Score (x) Frequency (f ) ii 72.83
8 12 96
5 a 5 b 13 c 52 d 9, 11 e 26
f 66–68 g 61–70, 71–80 h 30–39
9 28 252
6 a i 70.9 ii 75
10 25 250 b i 41.7 ii 26, 31, 48
11 26 286 c i 127.95 ii 108
12 9 108 d i 20.2 ii 26
Σ f = 100 Σ f x = 992
b i Mark Frequency f ii 6.5 iii 2.5
0−4 0 g ii 7.5 iii 37
3 a x f Cumulative frequency Scores
5−9 1
10−14 0 3 2 2 1st, 2nd
15−19 1 4 3 5 3rd, 4th, 5th
20−24 2 5 7 12 6th, 7th, …, 12th
25−29 1 6 4 16 13th, …, 16th
30−34 2 7 1 17 17th
35−39 2 Median = 5 (9th score)
40−44 4 b x f Cumulative frequency Scores
45−49 3 12 4 4 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
50−54 4 13 7 11 5th, 6th, …, 11th
55−59 1 14 5 16 12th, …, 16th
60−64 6 15 3 19 17th, 18th, 19th
65−69 0 16 2 21 20th, 21st
70−74 2
Median = 13 (11th score)
75−79 1 4 a 52 b 35.5 c 10 d 26
5 a 14 b 29 c 41 d 23
ii Mark Frequency 6 a i
Score Frequency Class centre Cumulative
0−9 1
10−19 1
41–50 5 45.5 5
20−29 3
51–60 0 55.5 5
30−39 4
61–70 12 65.5 17
40−49 7
71–80 10 75.5 27
50−59 5
81–90 9 85.5 36
60−69 6
91–100 4 95.5 40
70−79 3
ii Score
iii Mark Frequency 40
Cumulative frequency
0−19 2 35
20−39 7 30
40−59 12
60−79 9
iv 10
Mark Frequency
0–39 9 0
40–79 21 45.5 55.5 65.5 75.5 85.5 95.5
c i 46.7 ii 47.5 iii 48.2 iv 47.5
iii 74
d The smaller the class interval, the closer the
approximation to the real mean. b i
Mass (kg) Frequency Class Cumulative
8 a 1680 b 952 c 64.2 centre frequency
9 72 km/h 10 a __45
= 4.5 60–62 4 61 4
63–65 7 64 11
EXERCISE 11B MEDIAN 66–68 9 67 20
1 a 6 b5 c 13 d 29 e 4 69–71 6 70 26
f 21.5 g 56 h4 i 243.5 j 104 72–74 4 73 30
2 a ii 5 iii 8
b ii 4 iii 22
c ii 4.5 iii 16.5
d ii 5.5 iii 50
Answers 559
Cumulative frequency
25 40–49 3
20 50–59 7
15 60–69 5
5 c 50.5; reasonably close
0 d Scores Frequency Cumulative frequency
61 64 67 70 73
Mass (kg) 30–39 5 5
iii 67 40–49 3 8
c i Height Frequency Class Cumulative 50–59 7 15
(cm) centre frequency 60–69 5 20
155–159 19 157 19
e Scores
160–164 21 162 40
Cumulative frequency
165–169 24 167 64 20
170–174 19 172 83 16
175–179 17 177 100
ii Height 4
100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
90 Score
Cumulative frequency
50 60–64 1 16
40 65–69 4 20
e Scores
Cumulative frequency
10 20
0 16
14.5 24.5 34.5 44.5 54.5 64.5
Number per day 12
iii 32 4
7 a 72.5 b 45 c 120.5 d 21 0
8 a mean = 50.4, mode = 54, median = 54 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Median = 52
f Median of a stem-and-leaf plot is exact, but median of 8 a 6 b 19
grouped data is an estimate. 9 Q1 = 4.5, Q3 = 9, IQR = 4.5
10 a Median = 8, mode = 5, mean = 12.3 10 a 6.5 b3
b Mode = 3, mean = 4.6, median = 5 11 a 3 b 2.5 c 2 d2
12 a ≈14 b ≈10 c ≈15 d ≈9
Cumulative frequency
ii Mean = 5 and median = 4.5 are both good measures.
iii Mean = 29 and median = 26 are both good measures.
2 a i 9.2 ii 29
b i Yes ii No; it is affected by outlier 110.
c i Median = 9 is good measure. Mode = 8 is not a
central value.
ii Median = 9 is satisfactory.
Mode = 8 is not a central value. 0
45.5 55.5 65.5 75.5 85.5 95.5
3 a 5 b No, it is not a central value. Score
c Mode = 5 is not central; mean = 4 is satisfactory.
ii 20
4 Mean 5 Mode
b i Patients per day
6 a i 6.25 ii 7 iii 6.5
b Mode, as it is the shoe size with highest sales.
Cumulative frequency
7 a $2 030 000 b $67 667 50
c i 25 ii 5 40
d $55 000 e $50 000
f i Mean ii Mode
g Median: half the employees earn more and half earn less.
8 a Mean = 23.8, mode = 29, median = 23.5
b Mean and median are central and typical. Mode is not 14.5 24.5 34.5 44.5 54.5 64.5
central but is important because more people had to wait Number per day
this length of time than any other. ii 20
9 a Mean = 4.1, mode = 6, median = 4.5
c i Mass
b Mode
10 a Mean = $640 000
Cumulative frequency
b The mean has been affected by the high price $960 000. 25
No mode. Median = $560 000 and is the most appropriate. 20
11 Mode
12 a, b Results are summarised in part c.
1st 20 2nd 20 3rd 20 4th 20 5th 20 5
Mean 4.05 4.8 4.3 5.05 5.4 0
61 64 67 70 73
Mode 3 1, 8 0, 1, 9 8 0, 8, 9 Mass (kg)
Median 3.5 5 4.5 5.5 6.5 ii 6
d Mode e Mean d i Height
13 a 157 is an outlier possibly caused by an error in
Cumulative frequency
Answers 561
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Rainfall (mm)
5 10 15 20 25 30 38 + 38
Adelaide median = ______
= 38,
d 71 73 78 80 83
22 + 23 50 + 52
Q1 = ______
= 22.5, Q3 = ______
= 51
52 + 58
Melbourne median = ______
= 55,
70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 49 + 50 59 + 59
Q1 = ______
= 49.5, Q3 = ______
= 59
e 1 3 5 7 9
7 a Average monthly rainfall
0 2 4 6 8 10
3 a
4 8 11 14 19
30 40 50 60 70
Rainfall (mm)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
b Canberra has a greater spread of rainfall than Hobart. The
b 21 22 24 27 30
two cities have similar rainfall in the middle 50% of values.
8 a Weights of students
20 22 24 26 28 30 Girls
75% of girls weigh less than the lower quartile of 25% EXERCISE 11H IDENTIFYING OUTLIERS
of boys. 1 a i 3 ii No outlier
9 Karuah
b i 21 ii No outlier
c i 17 ii No outlier
d i No outlier ii No outlier
2 a i 3 ii No outlier
b i No outlier ii 18
3 a Median and IQR b Mean and standard deviation
32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104
4 a i Q1 = 18, Q2 = 26, Q3 = 29, IQR = 11
Car speed through town ii 1.5, 45.5 iii 59
Karuah has more drivers exceeding the speed limit and b i Q1 = 23, Q2 = 35, Q3 = 43, IQR = 20
so more drivers would be fined for speeding. Buladelah ii −7, 73 iii No outlier
has fewer speeding drivers but the highest speed is very c i Q1 = 56.5, Q2 = 67.5, Q3 = 75, IQR = 18.5
dangerous, so it would be targeted for safety. ii 28.75, 102.75 iii No outlier
d i Q1 = 106, Q2 = 110, Q3 = 119, IQR = 13
EXERCISE 11G STANDARD DEVIATION ii 86.5, 138.5 iii 83
e i Q1 = 69, Q2 = 76, Q3 = 88, IQR = 19
1 a 6, 1.4 b 6, 2.8 c 6, 4.2 ii 40.5, 116.5 iii 118
d 28, 2.6 e 90, 1.4 f 250, 5.6 f i Q1 = 38, Q2 = 49, Q3 = 57, IQR = 19
g 6, 2.5 h 5, 0 ii 9.5, 85.5 iii No outlier
2 a 3.72, 1.22 b 16.9, 1.11 5 b No girl will weigh 157 kg so this is probably an error in
c 1.79, 1.16 d 122.96, 1.37 measuring, or recording the correct weight.
3 a 66.85, 3.35 b 72.83, 12.89 c With outlier: i mean = 64.7 kg, median = 56 kg
c 31.67, 13.30 d 165.93, 5.57 ii IQR = 8 iii 28.3
4 a 4.5, 1.26 Without outlier: i mean = 56.3 kg, median = 56 kg
b i 9.5, 1.26 ii (4.5 + 10), 1.26 ii IQR = 8 iii 5.1
c i 22.5, 6.29 ii (4.5 × 10), (1.26 × 10) d mean, standard deviation
5 a 20, 4 b 85, 20 c 12, 4 e Ignore outlier because it is an obvious error. Mean = 56.3,
6 The scores are all the same. median = 56, IQR = 8 and population s.d. = 5.1
7 1.5
8 mean = 2, sample s.d. = 1.1
9 mean = 29.8, sample s.d. = 3.8 EXERCISE 11I GRAPHICAL DATA DISPLAYS
10 a population s.d. = 10.3, sample s.d. = 10.9 1 a A bD c E d B e C
b sample s.d. 2 A More matches result in low scores than high scores.
11 a i Range: machine 1 is 10, machine 2 is 10. B The two humps might represent the clustering of blood
ii Interquartile range: machine 1 is 0, machine 2 is 10. pressures for males and females.
iii Standard deviation: machine 1 is 3.5, machine 2 is 4.2. C There is no pattern of shoe sizes except that there are
b Around 60 fewer pairs of small and large sizes.
c Machine 1 as it has a lower standard deviation, with D More people arrive closer to the concert starting time
scores clustered around 60. than early.
12 a Carrie: i 6 ii 6 E The number of tomatoes/plant is evenly distributed about
Laura: i 6__91 ii 5 the mode.
b Carrie 1, Laura 5 3 A B
Number of people
Number of matches
c 6 C D
Number of plants
d Julie: i 37 ii 8
Alison: i 16 ii 6.5
e Julie 10.7, Alison 4.8 f Alison
g Julie had higher marks than Alison in 6 of the 8 tests.
Alison had a higher mean and lower standard deviation. Number of tomatoes
Shoe size
14 a i 1.3 ii 31.2
b Outliers have a large effect on the standard deviation. E
Number of people
c i Range = 4, IQR = 2
at concert
Answers 563
1 2 3 4 5 6 4
iii negatively skewed 2
b i, ii 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5 6 7 8 9 b Negatively skewed
iii bell shaped or symmetrical c An easy test
c i, ii 11 a
1 2 3 4 5
iii bimodal
d i, ii
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5
b Positively skewed
iii positively skewed c A hard test
6 a i positively skewed ii 10s and 20s 12 a
b i symmetrical about mode ii 30s 20
c i negatively skewed ii 60 s and 70 s 18
d i symmetrical ii 100s and 110s 16
e i positively skewed ii 60s and 70s 14
a Symmetrical 23 28 32 9 No
b Positively skewed 7 10 18 11 No 1
c Symmetrical 3 5 7 4 No
d Symmetrical 8 11 14 6 No 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
e Positively skewed 22 24 27 5 No Weight (kg)
f Negatively skewed 22 27 30 8 No
g Negatively skewed 65 72 79 14 No
h Positively skewed 21 30 43 22 No
i Negatively skewed 60 69 79 19 No
j Symmetrical 20 25 30 10 Yes
7 a i $318 333 ii $285 000
b $550 000.
c Median, because it is not affected by the outlier of
3 $550 000.
8 a Town A: i 25 ii 26.5
2 Town B: i 26 ii 26.5
b Town A: i 14 ii 8 iii 4.7
1 Town B: i 23 ii 12 iii 7.1
c Town A negatively skewed, cluster above median.
0 Town B symmetrical, no clustering.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 9 a Negatively skewed b No outliers
Weight (kg)
b Weights for boat 1 show a bimodal distribution and REVIEW SET 2
weights for boat 2 are symmetrically distributed
1 Mean = 86.65, mode = 87, median = 87, range = 3
around 70 kg.
2 a i Mean = 24, mode = 5, median = 5
c Boat 1, as there is an outlier, 30 kg, that represents the
ii Mean has been affected by the outlier 100. Mode and
weight of the cox.
median are appropriate measures.
b i Mean = 5.1, mode = 4, median = 5
CHAPTER 11 REVIEW EXPLORING AND DESCRIBING DATA ii Mode is not a central score. Mean and median are
appropriate measures.
REVIEW MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS c i Mean = 2.5, mode = 1, median = 1
1 D 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 A 6 D ii Mode and median are not central. Mean is an
7 C 8 C 9 B 10 D 11 D 12 C appropriate measure.
13 B 14 B 15 A 16 A 17 B 18 B 3 a 68 b 90 c 57
19 B d 33 e 53 f 66
4 C 5 4.49, 0.14
REVIEW SET 1 6 a 26.3 b 26 c 9
d6 e 3.07
1 Mean = 7.7, mode = 6, median = 8, range = 4 7 a
2 a Class centre Cumulative frequencsy 9
3 12 8
8 20
13 38 5
18 69 4
23 80 3
b 1
Cumulative frequency
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
60 Number of snacks
b Slightly positively skewed with mode of 2 snacks
8 a Group X: i 4.6 ii 5
Group Y: i 5.2 ii 5
b Group X: i 5 ii 1.2
Group Y: i 6 ii 1.7
3 8 13 18 23 c
Class Group X
c i 16 ii 14 iii 18
3 a i 9, 11, 12 ii 3 Group Y
b i 9, 11, 12.5 ii 3.5
c i 9, 11.5, 12 ii 3
d i 9.5, 11.5, 13.5 ii 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Thickness of shoe sole (mm)
4 25 30 32 36 42
d Much the same for lower 50% but group Y students have
more shoes that last longer.
25 30 35 40 45
5 20.6, 2.7
Answers 565
50 886444220 2 0244668
40 8664 3 0022468
4 0
10 b Class A: i 26.2 ii 26 iii 32 iv 8.3
0 Class B: i 22.4 ii 24 iii 36 iv 9.9
34.5 44.5 54.5 64.5 74.5 84.5
c Class A slightly negatively skewed
Class B almost symmetrical, slight negative skew
b i 47 or 48 ii 66 or 67 iii 19
d No outliers in class A. In class B, 2 is an outlier.
iv 57 v 83
e Class A had more high scores than class B and had the
4 a Adrian: i 7.6 ii 8
highest score.
iii 6 iv 1.5 v 1.5
3 Range = 5, IQR = 2.5
Zoltan: i 7.6 ii 8
iii 5 iv 2.5 v 1.6 4 a
b i
1 2 3 4 5
Number of children
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Goals scored b Positively skewed
c There are more families with a smaller number of
ii The scores for Adrian are negatively skewed and
clustered between 7 and 8.5. The scores for Zoltan
5 a i 25 ii 30 iii 32 iv 36 v 42
are almost symmetrical.
b Positively skewed
c Zoltan has more games with a higher number of goals
c No outliers
than Adrian. Zoltan’s lowest number of goals per game
was 5 whereas Adrian’s was 4.
5 a
18 1 a i 10 ii 11 iii 14
16 b 9.1
14 c i $34 500, $41 500, $51 500
12 ii
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
4 (’000)
2 iii No outliers; all incomes sit within the interval $9000
0 and $77 000.
10 11 12 13 14
Score iv Approx. $14 022
d i 120 ii 70
b Distribution is bimodal.
c Yes, 14.
Cost of night-time taxi hire
Cost ($)
1 B 2 A 3 D 4 A 5 B 6 C 80
7 C 8 A 9 B 60
1 a Dependent variable is cost. b About $9.00 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Cost of oranges Distance (km)
25 c $53 d 22 km
20 6 a Time (h) 0 1 2 3
Cost ($)
Distance (km)
1 2 3 4 5 6 300
Weight (kg) 200
2 a Independent variable is time. 100
Mobile phone charges 0
1 2 3
4 Time (h)
Cost ($)
3 c 150 km d 100 km
2 7 US$40 is about A$67.
1 A$ and US$ Conversion
0 70
1 2 3 4 5 6 60
Time (min)
b $1.60 c 4.7 min 40
3 a Rema’s income 30
200 10
Income ($)
120 20 40 60 80 100 120
80 A$
40 8 60 Euros is about $A85.
2 4 6 8 10 A$ and Euro Conversion
Time (h) 80
b $130 c 5h
4 a Distance (km) 0 10 20 30 40 50
20 40 60 80 100 120
20 9 a Cost of petrol
0 90
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Distance (km)
Amount of fuel (L)
c $87 d 5 km 60
5 a Distance (km) 0 10 20 30 40 50
Cost ($) $5.00 $37.00 $69.00 $101.00 $133.00 40
20 40 60 80 100 120
Cost ($)
Answers 567
Taxi fares at day rate and special night rate 12 a $10 000
160 Special night rate b Just over $140 000
140 c Gradient = 0.15; that is, 15 cents per dollar in this tax
Cost ($)
100 bracket
80 Day rate d Gradient ≈ 0.21; that is, 21 cents per dollar in this tax
40 bracket
20 e Gradient ≈ 0.08; that is, 8 cents per dollar in this tax
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Distance (km) f Approx. 23.5 cents in the dollar
AC 4 2 1
__ c y d y
1 4
BE 6 3 2 3
__ −2 −1 1 2 x 2
AE 8 4 2
−2 1
AF 9 4 __21 1
2 −3
1 2 3 x
b No matter which pair of points on a straight line are e f
y y
used, the gradient is the same. 2
5 a 0 b −__31 c −__21 d −__43 3 1
e −__23 f −7 g −∞ or ∞ or undefined 2
−2 −1 1 2 x
6 a OP, PQ, RS, TU b QR, ST, UV −2
c TU d ST e VW f PQ −2 −1 1 2 x −3
7 a 4 b −2 c −4 3
d 2 e −__3
f 6 −2 −4
y y b y=x−3
1 3 c y = 5x d y = 2x − 2 or y = 2(x − 1)
−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 x 7 a C is the daily cost in dollars, n is the number of ties sold
each day, 800 is the fixed cost per day in dollars
−2 −1 1 2 x b n 0 50 100 150 200 250
C 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
3 a Gradient = 2, y-intercept = 7
b Gradient = 4, y-intercept = −6 C KNOT ME Tie Company
c Gradient = 1, y-intercept = −1 1400
d Gradient = −1, y-intercept = 3 1200
e Gradient = −3, y-intercept = 2 C = 2n + 800
f Gradient = −2, y-intercept = −2 1000
g Gradient = __21 , y-intercept = −1
h Gradient = −__43 , y-intercept = 1
4 a Gradient = 5, y-intercept = −1
b Gradient = −2, y-intercept = 11 200
__ 0
c Gradient = 4 y-intercept = 0
50 100 150 200 250 n
d Gradient = −1, y-intercept = −2
d 70 ties
e Gradient = __21 , y-intercept = 3 8 a C = 1.4n + 1500
f Gradient = 1, y-intercept = −15 b n 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
g Gradient = −__57 , y-intercept = −1 C 1500 2200 2900 3600 4300 5000
h Gradient = 6 y-intercept = 5
, − __2 c C Chilly Frozen Yoghurt Shop
5 a y b y 6000
4 16 5000
3 12
2 8 C = 1.4n + 1500
1 4 3000
−1 −1 1 2 x −4 2 4 6 8 x
−2 −8
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 n
c y d y d 1.4 e 1250 serves of yoghurt
3 9 a C = 1.8n + 750
2 1 b 1.8 is cost per cup c 750
−3 −2 −1 1 2 x d n 0 200 400 600 800 1000
−2 −1 1 2 3 4 x −2 C 750 1110 1470 1830 2190 2550
−2 −3
e C Pulp Free Fruit Juice Company
e y f y
6 5 2000
4 C = 1.8n + 750
−10 −5 5 10 15 20 x
−8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 x 500
−4 −20 0
200 400 600 800 1000 n
g y h y f 450 cups of juice
2 1
1 0.5
−3 −2 −1 1 2 x −2 −1 1 2 3 4 x
−2 −1
Answers 569
b All parallel −4
c Parallel to y = 3x + 2 and one unit further up, cutting
the y-axis at 3
11 a y −8
y = 2x + 3
y = 2x + 1
b Not parallel but all have the same y-intercept of 1
6 c Passes through (0, 1) with gradient 4
y = 2x − 1
4 d y
10 y = 3x − 1
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 x 5
−2 y = 2x − 1
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 x
b y
7.5 Not parallel but all pass through (0, –1); that is, all have
y = −3x + 2 a y-intercept of –1
y = −3x e All pass through the y-axis at the same point.
y = −3x − 1
2.5 13 a y
y = −x + 1 y=x+1
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 x
−2.5 3
−5 2
−7.5 1
All parallel −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 x
c y y=x+2 −1
6 −2
4 −3
b Not parallel but have the same y-intercept of 1
−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 x
All parallel
d Lines with the same gradient are parallel.
y = −x y=x 12
2 8
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 x 0
−1 1 2 3 4 5 D
c Yes; it is a straight line through the origin.
−2 d π ≈ 3.1
e i 7.9 cm ii 5 cm
3 a i 4 ii y = 4x
b i 1 ii y = x
d Not parallel but have the same y-intercept of 0 c i 2.1 ii y = 2.1x
e 4 Graph B
5 a i not proportional
y = −2x + 1 8 y = 2x + 1 y
b i _x = 7, proportional ii y = 7x
6 y
c i x = 2, proportional ii y = 2x
4 _ –__1 ,
d i x = 3 proportional ii y = –__3x
Answers 571
Distance (m)
5 a i 300 mm ii 150 mm 80
b 3h c ≈ 1 __32 h or 1 __21 h 60
d Gradient is −30; height decreases 30 mm/h. 20
e Vertical intercept is 300; it is the initial height of the 0
candle. 5 10 15 20 25
6 a k = 0.03 Time (s)
b P 2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000 b 7.5 s c Gradient = 4, speed = 4 m/s
I 60 120 180 240 300 d If d is distance (in m) and t is time (in s) then d = 4t.
10 a Craig’s drive
c Interest earned
300 250
Distance (km)
250 200
200 150
I ($)
150 100
100 50
50 0
1 2 3 4 5
0 Time (h)
2 4 6 8 10
P ($’000) b 75 km c Gradient = 50 d km/h
d If d is distance (in km) and t is time (in h) then d = 50t.
d Gradient is 0.03; it is the rate of interest as a decimal.
7 a 80 11 a Conversion of A$ to Euro
b t 1 3 5 7 9
d 80 240 400 560 720 Euro
c Distance travelled 40
700 20
600 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
500 Australian $
d (km)
b A$65 c Gradient = 0.78
d It is the conversion rate.
e If e is the amount of euros and d is the amount of
Australian dollars then e = 0.78d.
2 4 6 8 10 f Yes
t (h) 12 a Yes, the line has the same gradient as it is straight.
d Gradient = m = 80; the speed of the train is 80 km/h b The runner would get tired and so their speed would
8 a 4.25 decrease. A longer race would have to be run at a slower
b speed to cover the distance.
h 4 8 12 16 20 13 a Yes, the line is straight; the speed has not changed.
V 17 34 51 68 85 b Not necessarily, as Craig may need petrol stops, there
may be traffic, he should also take a rest, etc.
c Volume of solid 14 a cost (in dollars) per kilometre
b Day rate: gradient ≈ 2.22, Night rate: gradient ≈ 2.73;
cost of a taxi trip at night is higher than during the day.
V (cm3)
1 a Dependent variable is cost. 300 d = 70t
Dog shampoo 250
Cost ($)
10 1 2 3 4 5 t
5 c 245 km d ≈ 2 h 50 min
0 e Yes, as it is a straight-line graph passing through the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Capacity (L) origin.
b About $16
2 a Time (h) REVIEW SET 2
0 1 2 3 4
1 a Dependent variable is cost.
Distance (km) 400 300 200 100 0
Chocolate frogs
b Distance to Sydney
500 50
Distance (km)
Cost ($)
400 40
300 30
200 20
100 10
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (h) Weight (kg)
c 250 km d 250 km b $45
3 Gradient = 2, y-intercept = 3 2 a Time (h) 0 1 2 3 4
4 y Distance (km) 0 60 120 180 240
5 b Distance to Sydney
Distance (km)
−2 −1 1 2 x 120
5 a Conversion of A$ to euro
1 2 3 4 5
80 Time (h)
Answers 573
2500 60
C = 5n + 900 20
1500 0
1000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Australian $
b About A$57 to A$58
50 100 150 200 250 n c Gradient is 0.87; conversion rate for number of euros
you get for A$1.
d 120 hats d Yes
6 No, as _x does not produce a constant value 6 y = −3x + 2
7 a I is the income in dollars, n is the number of pairs of socks
REVIEW SET 3 produced, 16 is the cost (in dollars) per pair of socks
b n 0 50 150 200 250
1 a Dependent variable is cost.
Cashew nuts I 0 800 2400 3200 4000
60 4000
40 3500
1 2 3 4 5 6 2500
Weight (kg) 2000 I = 16n
b About $57 c About 3.3 kg 1500
2 a Distance (km) 1000
0 10 20 30 40
Cost ($) 7.00 45.00 83.00 121.00 159.00
b 50 100 150 200 250 300 n
Cost of night-time taxi hire
160 d 115 pairs of socks
140 e Yes, as it is a straight line passing through the origin.
Cost ($)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Distance (km) 3
c About $65 d About 18 km
3 Gradient = 2 , y-intercept = 5
__ 0
1 2 3 4 5 6
4 y Time (min)
4 b about $2.10 c about 3.5 min
2 2 a Distance (km) 0 10 20 30 40
f i C = 4.5n ii 4.5
140 iii Income vs cost
Cost ($) 80 C = 4.5n
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 20
Distance (km)
c About $130 d About 1.5 km
e No, as the straight line does not pass through the origin. 0
3 y 2 4 6 8 10 n
2 iv $36
2 4 x
Answers 575
5 658 kJ 4 a $5153.33 b 12.6%
6 a 668 kJ b 893 kJ c 3167 kJ 5 a i 10.8 km/L ii 0.092 km/L iii 9.23 L/100 km
7 a 8140 kJ b 5843 kJ b 535.7 km
8 a 5632 kJ/day b 1901 kJ 6 a Income: ($170 × 52) = $8840
9 $1.34 Expenses:
Board ($40 × 52) = $2080
REVIEW SET 2 Clothes ($100 × 12) = $1200
Entertainment ($65 × 26) = $1690
1 a 2.9 g b 7060 g c 0.94 t
Lessons ($85 × 26) = $2210
2 a 80 mL b 30 mL c 60 mL
Total expenses = $7180
3 a 1608 cal b 5.205 kcal c 10 Cal
Excess = $1660
4 a 82 cal b 679 cal c 7650 cal
b $1660 c Reduce expenses or increase income
5 6428 kJ
7 a Mean = 7.4, mode = 8, median = 8
6 a 5544 kJ/day b 6771 kJ/day
b i
7 a 7637 kJ/day b 12 601 kJ/day Class Frequency Class Cumulative
8 a 6128 kJ/day b 28 min centre frequency
9 $22.93 1–5 16 3 16
6–10 8 8 24
REVIEW SET 3 11–15 18 13 42
1 a 17 610 mg b 62.805 kg c 3604 kg 16–20 31 18 73
2 48 mL
21–25 9 23 82
3 a 23 050 J b 2.9 kJ c 99 Cal
4 a 519 J b 4519 J c 31 380 J ii 100
Cumulative frequency
5 506 kJ
6 a 1701 kJ b 6185 kJ c 1274 kJ
7 a 6031 kJ/day b 5622 kJ/day 60
8 a 7445 kJ/day b 1680 kJ 40
9 a Energy used Rate Cost 20
(kWh) ($/kWh) ($)
Peak 583.6 0.5144 300.20
3 8 13 18 23
Flexi 892.8 0.2136 190.70 Score
1 a $499 000 2
b i $0.00133474 ii Yes 0
c i $180 ii $388 iii $568 8 9 10 11 12 13
d $1759.04 e $1940.56
2 a $508.50 b $4350 b Positively skewed
Answers 577
b Gradient = −3, y-intercept = 6 1500
c y 1000
4 500
50 100 150 200 250 300
−2 −2 1 2 x n
y = −3−4x
−4 d About 130 ties
−6 15 a i 3400 kg ii 14.63 kg iii 4113 kg
b i 100 mL ii 50 mL iii 250 mL
d i $40 ii 100 km c i 1428 cal ii 6.605 kcal iii 287 Cal
iii Gradient is 0.4; cost per km d i 58.56 cal ii 439.77 cal iii 6500 cal
iv Intercept is $10; flag fall e 553.52 kJ
v No, as the y-intercept is not at the origin. 16 a i 5510 kJ/day ii 6967 kJ/day
e i __41 ii y = __4x iii 12 iv 32 b i 6327.6 kJ/day ii 5825.1 kJ/day
17 $4707.73
Glossary 579
on which the probabilities of simpler in a number that indicate its accuracy areas of all the three faces of a
events are shown along its branches simple interest an amount calculated three-dimensional solid
pronumeral letter or symbol that takes on the full amount of a loan or systematic sample sample chosen in
the place of a number investment for the full term a methodical way where members of
quartiles three measures that divide skewed description of a distribution the population are put in order, the first
a set of scores (in ascending order) into graph of a data set for which the shape is number is chosen at random and then
four parts with an equal number of scores not symmetrical every nth number is chosen for the sample
in each part; the measures are the lower small circle circle formed when a slice tally marks lines or marks that help
quartile (Q1), middle quartile or median is taken that does not pass through the record data in a table with every fifth
(Q2), and upper quartile (Q3) centre of the Earth tally mark drawn through the preceding
random sample sample in which each four marks
solution the value of the pronumeral
member of the population has an equal that makes an equation a true statement; taxable income income for one
chance of being selected e.g. the solution of 2x + 1 = 7 is x = 3 financial year calculated by subtracting
range the difference between the highest allowable deductions from total income
solve to find the value of the
score and the lowest score in a data set pronumeral that makes the equation a term period of time for an investment
rate an amount of interest usually true statement or loan
expressed as a percentage time zone region of the world that
standard deviation a measure of
reaction-time distance distance observes the same time throughout
dispersion or spread whose value
travelled in the time it takes a driver to depends on all the scores; determined by time-and-a-half overtime rate where
react and move his or her foot to apply calculating an ‘average’ of the distance employees are paid 1__12 times their normal
the brakes of each score from the mean hourly rate
relative frequency the number of standard drink any drink that contains timetables information displayed
times a score occurs as a fraction of the 10 g of alcohol in tables about the times of
total number of scores scheduled events
standard time time adopted for a
relative frequency (experimental particular region within a time zone total income all income received by a
probability) an estimate of the person during one financial year
standing costs fixed costs; e.g.
probability of an event occurring, depreciation, loan interest, on-road total stopping distance total distance
determined by performing an experiment costs such as registration, insurance and travelled in the time it takes for a driver
a number of times and finding the event’s motoring organisation membership to react, apply the brakes and for the car
relative frequency to come to a stop
statistics the study of collecting,
royalty payment based on a percentage unimodal description of a distribution
organising, analysing and
of the continuing sales of a product that graph for a data set with one mode
interpreting data
someone has made or created upper limit of true measurement
stem digit or digits preceeding the last
salary a fixed regular payment, result of adding the absolute error
digit of a piece of data; e.g. for the data
typically paid monthly but often to the given measurement
score 256, the stem is 25
expressed as an annual sum, made by an variable (algebra) numerical quantity
employer to an employee stem-and-leaf plot A display of
data where each piece of data is split that can have varying or different value
salvage value (book value, scrap value, and can be represented by a pronumeral;
into two parts: the last digit becoming
written-down value) the value of an e.g. time or t
the leaf and the other digits becoming
asset after depreciation variable (statistics) a particular
the stem
sample involves collecting information characteristic that we are interested in
straight-line method of
about a small selection from a population when collecting data
depreciation a method for which an
sample space set of all possible item loses value by a constant amount volume the amount of space a solid
outcomes of an experiment each year occupies
sample standard deviation standard stratified random sample sample wage a fixed regular payment earned
deviation for a sample, denoted by sn−1 made up of random samples taken from for work or services, usually based on
scientific notation a value written as a subgroups (strata) of the population, an hourly rate and typically paid daily,
number from 1 up to, but not including, proportional to the relative size of each weekly or fortnightly
10 (with any number of decimal places) subgroup World Time Zones time zones around
multiplied by a power of 10 subject of the formula single the world that are expressed as positive
self-selected sample sample in which variable usually on the left-hand side or negative offsets from UTC
participants choose to take part by of a formula; e.g. v is the subject of the y-intercept point where a line crosses
responding to a request for volunteers formula v = u + at the y-axis of a number plane
Glossary 581
cost of running 504–05 frequency polygons 262–65
power rating 502 Fried’s formula 105 kilocalories 488–89
electricity accounts 359, 503 fuel consumption (cars) 372–75 kilograms 482–84
energy, units of 486–89 kilojoules 486–89
energy consumption 502–05 G energy expenditure 494–501
kite, area 154, 157
energy expenditure 494–501 gas accounts 360–61
time needed to burn government allowances and
kilojoules 500–01 pensions 22–27 L
to maintain lifestyle 498–99 gradient (slope) 452–57 latitude 322–24, 326–29
to perform individual grams 482–84 and position coordinates 326–29
activities 499–500 graphical data displays 432–37 length, metric units 54–55
energy intake from foods 490–93 graphing, direct variation limit of reading 60
energy out 494–95 relationship 462–67 line graphs 258–61
equally likely outcomes 280, 283 graphs see also straight-line graphs
equations bar 252–57 linear equations 80–91
with fractions 86–87 column 252–57, 262 checking solutions to 89
linear 80–91, 458 cumulative frequency 266–69 containing negative
equator 322 line 258–61 pronumerals 82
errors in measurement 60–63 misleading 259–60, 261–62 involving fractions 86–87
absolute error 64–69 piecewise 366, 457 with pronumerals on both sides 88
maximum error 68–69 simple interest 210–17 resulting from substitution 83
event 280 sketching 459 worded descriptions 84–85
expected frequency (expected straight-line 458–73 writing the gradient and y-intercept
number) 306–13 great circle 322 from 459
experiment 280–85 greatest possible error (GPE) 64 linear graphs see straight-line graphs
experimental probability 286–89 green slip 362 linear modelling 468–73
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 334 direct variation 472–73
F Greenwich meridian 322 linear models, interpreting graphs
gross income 28 of 468–69
fats 490
grouped data 242–43 linear relationships, finding equations
five-number summary 418–21
mean 392–95, 423–24 that describe 460–61
drawing box plots from 419
median 401–02 loadings 10–15
fixed costs 376
standard deviation 422–27 see also annual leave loading
fixed spending 380
GST (Goods and Services Tax) loan calculations 368–71
flow rates (intravenous drip) 106
208–09 longitude 322–29
food, energy intake from 490–93
and position coordinates 326–29
formulas 7
area 154–59 H lower limit of true measurement
blood alcohol content Harris–Benedict formula 495–501
lower quartile 409
(BAC) 100–03 health insurance 28–31
changing the subject of the 93–95 histograms 262–64
complementary events 294 horizontal bar graphs 253–54 M
finding the value of a household bills 356–58, 502–05 mass
variable in 92–95 hypotenuse 149 converting units of mass 482–84
simple interest 210 metric units 54, 482–85
straight-line method of I mathematical formulas see formulas
depreciation 218 maximum error 67–69
income, earning an 4–9
subject of the 76 mean 392–97
income tax calculation 36–39
substitution into 76–79, 92 comparison with mode and
independent variable 448–49
volume 186 median 405–07
insurance (cars) 363
frequency curves see distribution (curves) from frequency distribution
interest rates 211–13
frequency distribution tables 236–39 table 392–93
International Date Line 338, 399
adding cumulative and relative from stem-and-leaf plot 396
interquartile range 408–13
frequency to 240–45 for grouped data 393–94, 423–24
from box plot 418–19
constructing from cumulative relative merits 404–07
from ogive 414–15
frequency histogram 268 measurement
interpreting 412
grouped data 264–65, 395–401, accuracy of 60–63
irregular shapes, perimeter and
412 area 166–73 errors in 64–69
identifying outliers from 428–31 prefixes for units of 58–61
mean from 392–93 units of 54–57
median from 400 J upper and lower limits of
mode from 395 joules 486–89 true 64–69
Index 583
formula 210 into algebraic expressions 76–77, 78
graphs 214–17 into mathematical formulas 77–79 unimodal distribution 432
simulations 307, 310 superannuation 29–30 units of energy 486–89
sketching graphs 459 surface area 174–79 units of mass 55, 482–85
skewed distribution 432, 435 cylinders 180–85 units of measurement
slope (gradient) 452–57 prisms 174–79 metric units 54–57
small circle 322 sphere 180–85 prefixes 58–61
speed, distance and time 96–97 systematic sampling upper limit of true
sphere 134–35, 136 measurement 64, 65–67
surface area 183–85 upper quartile 409–11
volume 190–91 utility bills 356–61, 503–05
stamp duty 362, 364–67 T
standard deviation 422–27 tally marks 236 V
grouped data 423–24 target population 122–25
variables 76, 119–21
standard drinks 100–03 tax payable 36–39
VAT (Value Added Tax) 208
standard times 335–39 tax rates 36
vertical column graphs 252–53
standing costs 376 tax table 36
vertical intercept (straight-line
statistics 118 taxable income 32–35
graph) 452–53
stem-and-leaf plots 246–51 term (loan) 210
volume 186–91
back-to-back 250–51, theoretical probability 290–93
converting to/from
254–55 third-party property damage vehicle
capacity 192–93
describing the shape of a distribution insurance 363
cylinder 189, 191
from 436 time
formulas 186
drawing a box plot from 420 calculations 330–33
metric units 54
identifying outliers from converting between 12-hour and
prism 186–88, 191
430–31 24-hour time 331
sphere 190–91
mean and mode from 396–97 converting units of 330–31
median from 403 distance and speed 96–97
with split stems 249 time zones W
straight-line graphs 448–51 Australian 340–41 wages 4, 6–7
equation y = mx + c 458–61 world 334–39 water bills 262–64, 356–58
gradient (slope) 452–57 time-and-a-half 10 Western Standard Time (WST) 340
sketching 459 timetables, interpreting 342–43 World Time Zones 334–39
y-intercept 456, 459 total income 32 written-down value 218, 370
straight-line method of total stopping distance 96, 99
depreciation 219–22, 370 trade-in 363
formula 219 trapezium, area 154, 157, 168 Y
stratified random Trapezoidal rule 170–73 y = mx + c 458–61
sampling 132–33, 136 travel calculations 96–99 y-intercept (straight-line
study loan repayment 35 tree diagrams 302–05 graph) 456, 459
subject of the formula 76 triangle, area 154, 155, 168 Young’s formula 104, 105
changing the 92, 93–95 triangular prism, surface area 176–78 Youth Allowance 22–27
Index 585
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