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USN 16/17CSE14

First Semester M.Tech. Degree Examination, Jan./Feb. 2021

Structural Dynamics
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 80
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module.
2. Any revealing of identification, appeal to evaluator and /or equations written eg, 42+8 = 50, will be treated as malpractice.

1 a. Consider a SHM x = 3 sin (50t + /3). Calculate the maximum velocity and maximum
acceleration. (08 Marks)
b. In a vibrating system of 100kg mass supported by 100000N/m spring constant with a
damping constant of 632.4 NS/m find the natural frequency, damped natural frequency,
damping ratio and time period of oscillation. (08 Marks)
Important Note : 1. On completing your answers, compulsorily draw diagonal cross lines on the remaining blank pages.

2 A spring-mass system 3kg mass, 300N/m spring constant and 15NS/m damping constant is
displaced initially by 0.02m from its equilibrium position and released with zero initial
velocity. Find the type and characteristic of the motion. (16 Marks)

3 A vibrating system has a mass of 1kg suspended by a spring of stiffness 1000N/m. It has a
viscous damping constant of 30NS/m. It is subjected to a harmonic excitation with F0 = 10N.
a. The resonant frequency
b. The phase at w = 0.5wn and 1.5wn
c. The amplitude at resonance
d. The maximum amplitude and the corresponding ‘w’
e. The damped natural frequency. (16 Marks)

4 A 1000kg machine is mounted on four springs of total spring constant ‘K’ and a damping
constant ‘C’. It is subjected to a harmonic external force of amplitude Fo = 500N and of
frequency 180rpm. Determine maximum force transmitted to the support and the amplitude
of the vibration mass when
a. K = 1.96  106N/m,  = c/cc = 0.1
b. K = 1.96  106N/m,  = c/cc = 0.5 (16 Marks)

5 Determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the given MOOF system
EI = 4.5  106N-m2 for all columns. Refer Fig.Q.5. (16 Marks)


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6 Find the natural frequency of the system shown in Fig.Q.6.

(16 Marks)

7 Determine the natural frequencies of system. Refer Fig.Q.7. Here M1 = 2kg, M2 = 1kg,
K1 = 500N/m, K2 = 200N/m and K3 = 0.

(16 Marks)

8 Determine the natural frequency of the system shown in Fig.Q.8. (16 Marks)


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9 Determine the natural frequency of the given system using Dunkerley’s method. Refer
Fig.Q.9. Here
M1 = 4kg K1 = 300N/m
M2 = 2kg K2 = 100N/m
M3 = 1kg K3 = 100N/m (16 Marks)


10 Determine the natural frequency of the given system using Rayleigh method. M1 = 4kg,
M2 = 2kg, M3 = 1kg, K1 = 300N/m, K2 = 100N/m, K3 = 100N/m. Refer Fig.Q.9 (16 Marks)


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