2018 Rothhardt IOP
2018 Rothhardt IOP
2018 Rothhardt IOP
Topical Review
E-mail: [email protected]
Modern laser-based XUV light sources provide very high photon fluxes which have previously
only been available at large scale facilities. This allows high-performance XUV nanoscale
imaging to be implemented in a table-top manner, and thus qualifies XUV imaging as a novel
imaging technique complementing electron and visible-light microscopy. This article presents
the current state-of-the-art in table-top XUV light sources and matched coherent imaging
schemes. Selected experiments demonstrate the unique capabilities of XUV imaging—namely,
nanoscale (sub-20 nm) resolution, single shot imaging, imaging of extended samples and 3D
imaging of μm-sized objects. In addition, future prospects will be discussed, including scaling to
few-nm resolution, extension to the soft x-ray spectral region, chemically-specific imaging at
absorption edges and time-resolved imaging on femtosecond time-scales.
Keywords: XUV light, nanoscale imaging, coherent diffractive imaging, high harmonic
generation, x-ray lasers, ultrafast imaging
1. Motivation for nanoscale imaging with XUV light attenuation lengths in matter typically lies between a few and a
few hundred micrometers, depending on the material composi-
Imaging of the smallest structures has enabled numerous sci- tion and the particular photon energy. Moreover, the short
entific and technological breakthroughs in this century and the wavelengths enable resolutions down to a few nanometers.
last. While visible-light microscopy provides a large penetration While classical x-ray microscopes are limited to ∼12 nm due to
depth and moderate resolution (>200 nm), electron microscopy the employed Zone plate optics [2, 3], coherent imaging tech-
can provide ultrahigh resolution (<0.1 nm) but is limited to niques surpassed this limit and nowadays provide resolutions
surfaces due to the small penetration depth of the electrons down to a few nanometers [4, 5]. This unique combination of
(<100 nm) [1]. Short wavelength light in the XUV and x-ray high-resolution and deep penetration allows the acquisition of
spectral regions provides complementary opportunities. Its non-destructive 3D images of μm-sized samples with nanoscale
resolution—e.g. uncovering the internal structure of complex
integrated circuits or biological cells as displayed in figure 1.
Original content from this work may be used under the terms In addition, the various absorption edges in the XUV and
of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any
further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and soft x-ray spectral region provide manifold opportunities for
the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. high-contrast and element-specific imaging.
Figure 1. (a) 3D rendering of the interior of an integrated circuit recorded by x-ray ptycho-tomography. Reprinted by permission from Springer
Nature: Nature [6] (2017). (b) 3D visualization of the organelles inside a yeast spore cell (Scale bar: 500 nm). Reproduced with permission from [7].
J. Opt. 20 (2018) 113001 Topical Review
Figure 3. Overview of state-of-the-art HHG sources. The average power per single harmonic is plotted versus photon energy for various
reported sources based on different technologies. The black triangles represent results that have been achieved by HHG in an enhancement
cavity. The red and blue dots represent results achieved with Ti:Sa solid-state lasers and fiber lasers respectively. The lines are plotted for eye
guidance only.
long (few-hundred fs) driving pulses, the harmonic lines can ∼70 eV, and reaches <10 nW at ∼300 eV. Thus, coherent
be spectrally narrow (dE/E<10−2), while short few-cycle imaging with HHG sources requires a trade-off between
driving pulses generate broad overlapping harmonic lines or shortness of wavelength and available photon flux. Conse-
broad spectral continua. Due to the coupling of driving laser quently, all coherent imaging experiments with HHG sources
and generated harmonic, the HHG beam propagates colli- have so far employed <150 eV photon energy (>8 nm
nearly with the driving laser and a good laser-like beam wavelength).
quality can be achieved as displayed at the right side of
figure 2.
2.2. Coherence
Macroscopically, phase-matching of all involved emitters
in the interaction volume and re-absorption of the generated Besides a sufficiently high photon flux and a good beam
XUV radiation need to be considered to optimize the con- quality, a high degree of coherence is important to generate a
version efficiency of HHG. Moreover, the nonlinear medium sufficiently sharp and high-contrast diffraction pattern. Since
—defined by a gas jet, a gas cell or a gas-filled waveguide— the high order harmonic is phase-coupled to the driving laser,
needs to be long enough to reach the so-called absorption the degree of spatial coherence of HHG sources is expected to
limit [15]. Unfortunately, even in optimized cases the con- be high. Measurements of the spatial coherence factor have
version efficiency into a single harmonic line does not exceed been performed by analyzing the visibility of diffraction pat-
10−5 [15–17]. Hence, the typical average power of HHG terns behind a double-pinhole or double-slit sample of various
sources driven by conventional watt-class driving lasers is in separations. Typical examples are displayed in figure 4. For
the μW-range, corresponding to ∼1012 photons s−1. optimized generation conditions and small double-slit separa-
During the last two decades, modern solid-state lasers tions, fringe visibilities larger than 90% have been achieved
have changed this situation dramatically: by incorporating (see figure 4(a)). However, it needs to be noted that intensity-
advanced concepts for high average power operation, fiber dependent phase distortions can alter the spatial coherence,
[18], slab [19] and thin-disk lasers [20] now provide ultra- particularly at larger separations, as can be seen in figures 4(b)
short pulses at average powers exceeding 1 kW. High har- to (d). Hence, high harmonic sources generally have to be
monic sources based on such laser systems nowadays achieve considered as partially spatially coherent [24, 25]. Note that
average power in the mW-range in a single-pass configura- limited spatial coherence degrades the visibility of interference
tion. More detailed information on these sources can be found patterns and thus hinders coherent imaging, particularly if
e.g. in the review article by Hädrich et al [21]. sensitive phase retrieval algorithms are incorporated. For
Recycling of non-converted fundamental laser light is coherent diffractive imaging a visibility larger than 75% is
another promising strategy to boost the generated XUV flux required for reliable convergence [26]. A detailed study on the
[22]. Based on this principle, HHG in enhancement cavities optimization of the wavefront and the coherence of an HHG
has demonstrated mW average powers recently [23]. source for coherent imaging can be found in [27].
Unfortunately, the conversion efficiency of the HHG process Similarly, the temporal coherence properties of high
dramatically decreases towards higher photon energies. As harmonics are important to generate a high-contrast diffrac-
can be seen in figure 3, the available average power per tion pattern even at large diffraction angles. These have been
harmonic line decreases from ∼1mW at ∼22 eV to ∼1 μW at studied experimentally using temporal interferometry. The
J. Opt. 20 (2018) 113001 Topical Review
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Figure 5. Different schemes for separation of high-order harmonics (shown in blue) from a driving laser (shown in orange). The green shaded
areas in (d) and (e) indicate the HHG medium.
Figure 6. Experimental setup for coherent imaging with a high harmonic source. GIPs stands for grazing incidence plates. Reprinted with
permission from [37], (OSA).
wavelength). These mirrors have an energy bandwidth of namely, (a) conventional coherent diffractive imaging, com-
2.2 eV FWHM, which is small enough to suppress the monly referred to as CDI, (b) Fourier-transform holography,
neighboring harmonic lines by at least one order of magni- and (c) ptychography.
tude. In order to reduce astigmatism, the angle of incidence of In contrast to conventional imaging methods, CDI tech-
the mirrors is set as small as possible (2.5° to the normal). In niques avoid the use of image-forming optics after the sample
the end, a 10 μm dimeter focal spot is achieved on the sample. —recording the scattered intensity directly on a camera. In
Note that spherical mirror telescopes, which are widely used this way, losses and aberrations due to imaging optics are
to re-image the source onto the sample, suffer from astig- completely avoided. Consequently, these techniques are
matism and limit minimum spot size to a few μm [36, 37]. referred to as lensless imaging techniques.
Elliptical, toroidal, or parabolic mirrors can be used if smaller Since detectors can only measure the intensity of the
spot-sizes are required [27, 38]. diffracted light, the phase information usually has to be
numerically retrieved with phase retrieval algorithms—except
in the case of holography, where interference with a reference
4. Coherent diffractive imaging and related wave provides the missing phase information.
techniques In coherent diffractive imaging the highest achievable
resolution is given by the Abbe-limit [39], which corresponds to
the highest spatial frequency and thus the highest diffraction
4.1. Introduction to coherent diffractive imaging
angle that can be detected with sufficient signal-to-noise ratio
As discussed in section 2, table-top HHG-based XUV sources (SNR). It is either geometrically limited by the angular accep-
can now generate high photon flux and coherent radiation up tance of the detector or noise-limited due to a limited photon flux
to the water window. The high temporal and spatial coherence on the detector.
of these sources is ideal for CDI, and sub-wavelength reso- Besides this, a number of other requirements limit the
lutions have been demonstrated [37, 38]. In this section, the resolution in coherent imaging techniques. In order to form a
various modalities of CDI are discussed and results from diffraction pattern with sufficient fringe contrast, a high
selected table-top experiments are presented. Figure 7 illus- degree of spatial and temporal coherence is required. As
trates the most common coherent imaging techniques— discussed in section 2, the spatial coherence of high harmonic
J. Opt. 20 (2018) 113001 Topical Review
Figure 7. Coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) modalities: (a) conventional CDI for isolated samples, (b) Fourier-transform holography with a
single reference structure, and (c) ptychographic CDI that uses a scanning stage and a beam constraining pinhole to isolate the illumination.
sources is usually high. However, due to the shortness of the recorded information on an area at least twice as large as the
pulses involved in high harmonic generation, the spectral object [41]. Table-top CDI setups based on HHG sources have
bandwidth limits the temporal coherence length. Hence, it is demonstrated high spatial resolution in both transmission and
important to keep all path differences between interfering reflection geometries [36, 37, 44–48]. The highest resolution
waves in a coherent imaging setup smaller than the coherence achieved to date using a table-top CDI setup is 13 nm. The
length—otherwise, the interference contrast covering the results of this experiment are shown in figures 8 (a)−(c).
phase information is lost. The resulting minimum spatial Diffraction was measured in transmission geometry at the high
resolution Δr can be calculate as numerical aperture of NA=0.7 (see figure 8(a)) using an 18.1
OaDl nm HHG source. This high NA and high dynamic range dif-
Dr , (2 ) fraction pattern enables high-resolution reconstruction of the
sample exit wave with sub-wavelength resolution of 0.72λ (13
with the sample size a, the oversampling ratio O and the nm), as shown in figures 8(b) and (c) [37]. Note that the phase
relative spectral bandwidth Δλ/λ [40]. It is thus important to information on the sample exit wave is available from CDI
keep the spectral bandwidth or the size of the sample suffi- with the same high-resolution. In reflection mode, a resolution
ciently small to achieve high resolutions. Note that in the case of a few μm was obtained with CDI [46] and a higher reso-
of ptychography the sample size a corresponds to the size of lution of ∼100 nm was achieved by introducing an apertured
the illuminating beam. illumination setup [47]. In these experiments, multiple shots of
XUV pulses were accumulated in recording the diffraction
4.2. Conventional CDI pattern. Single-shot CDI experiments, which are interesting for
In the basic implementation of CDI shown in figure 7(a), an time-resolved imaging of non-repeatable processes, have also
isolated sample is illuminated by an XUV beam and the been realized with HHG-based systems and achieved a reso-
diffraction from the sample is recorded by an XUV camera. lution of 119 nm (see figures 8(d) and (e)) [45].
Only the intensity of the diffraction pattern is measured, its
phase being retrieved numerically using iterative algorithms
4.3. Holographic CDI
[41–43]. A Fourier space constraint (the measured diffracted
intensity) and real space constraints (a priori information, e.g. The phase retrieval algorithms employed in conventional CDI
isolated sample or non-negative imaginary part) are applied are time-consuming and require lots of computational
iteratively until the algorithm converges to a final recon- resources. Convergence speed is also dependent on the SNR
structed image. To be able to use the Fourier transform as the and oversampling ratio of the measured diffraction pattern, in
propagator between the two spaces in these iterative algo- addition to issues of twin-image ambiguities and stagnation
rithms, the camera is placed in the far field of the wave exiting [41, 49]. These issues can be overcome if the phase of the
the isolated sample. In addition, the diffraction intensity has diffracted field is encoded on the camera during measurement.
to be sufficiently oversampled on the camera—with an These techniques are collectively referred to as holographic
oversampling factor greater than 2, which translates into CDI techniques; the phase of the diffracted wave is encoded
J. Opt. 20 (2018) 113001 Topical Review
Figure 8. Sub-wavelength resolution CDI in a transmission geometry. (a) High-NA diffraction pattern recorded for a transmission sample
shown in the inset, (b) reconstructed amplitude using phase retrieval algorithms, and (c) cross-section along the white line in (b) showing a
half-pitch resolution of 13 nm. (a)–(c) Reprinted with permission from [37], (OSA). (d) Shows a diffraction pattern measured in a single-shot
experiment and (e) the reconstructed amplitude using the diffraction pattern in (d), (e) Reprinted figure with permission from [45], Copyright
(2009) by the American Physical Society.
Figure 9. (a) Schematic and reconstructed object in multiple reference holography. Reprinted with permission from [52], (OSA). (b) Results
from the highest resolution holography experiment, showing autocorrelation of the measured hologram for the sample shown in the inset.
Reproduced from [53]. CC BY 4.0.
on the camera through interference with a reference wave to be found. Multiple reference structures can be used instead
[50]. The implementation of Fourier-transform holography of one, to improve the SNR of the composite image [51].
(FTH) is shown in figure 7(b), where the reference wave The first demonstration of FTH in a table-top setup was
originates from a reference structure in close proximity to the performed by Sandberg et al, achieving 89 nm resolution [52]
sample and interferes with the diffracted wave at the camera. in a multiple reference scheme as depicted in figure 9(a).
In FTH, a simple Fourier transform performs a direct and Iterative phase retrieval algorithms can still be used to refine
unambiguous reconstruction of the object. The achievable the resolution by seeding the image from FTH as a starting
resolution is limited to ∼70% of the reference structure size point. The highest resolution achieved using FTH in a table-
besides the wavelength and NA of the measurement. Since top setup is 34 nm (figure 9(b)), and reference holes of just a
the transmitted intensity of the reference wave scales quad- few wavelengths in diameter were used in this experiment
ratically with the hole diameter, a smaller reference hole also [53]. By refining the resolution using phase retrieval algo-
reduces the SNR of the image, and a compromise often needs rithms, the authors demonstrated the smallest features ever
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Figure 11. (a) First demonstration of ptychography using HHG radiation. Reprinted with permission from [67], (OSA). A sample with a
height structure was scanned in reflection. The retrieved phase information was used to generate a height map. (b) Complex image showing a
wide field of view of approximately 100 μm×100 μm. Reproduced from [68]. CC BY 4.0.
Figure 12. (a) Reconstructed transmission of a nearly periodic zone plate [38]. (b) Resolved grid with a line width of 88 nm which was
measured in reflection [73]. (c) Resolved features of a Siemens star. The resolved features directly show the obtained resolution [75].
(d) Reconstructed image of a reflection measurement using 13.5 nm radiation. (e) Reconstruction of the probe projected to a grazing incidence
on the sample, which yields a highly elliptical illumination [74]. (a) Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature: Nature Photonics [38]
(2017). (b) Reproduced with permission from [73]. (c) Reproduced with permission from [75]. (d), (e) Reproduced from [74]. CC BY 4.0.
the experiment by Mamezaki et al, which was specifically test as suggested recently [76]. In contrast to previous experi-
designed for the inspection of lithography masks, such a geo- ments, the resolution was estimated by the size of the resolved
metry allows for imaging of a wider range of samples, since the features for the first time. A detailed comparison with the pre-
reflectivity under normal incidence is small compared to the viously-used knife-edge test showed that a knife-edge can over-
reflectivity at grazing incidence. The resolution achieved was estimate the achieved resolution and thus Rayleigh-like resolution
rather small, because of a low NA, but the projection of the beam tests, e.g. on a Siemens-star, should be regarded as the state of the
onto the sample yielded a large horizontal extent (see art in future characterization of XUV imaging systems.
figures 12(d) and (e)) and a large field of view was able to be
scanned in a short time.
5. Future directions
In a very recent experiment, features of only 43 nm in size
have been resolved by combining ptychography with a high
5.1. Coherent diffractive imaging with soft x-rays
photon flux 18 nm source [14, 75]. By the use of Siemens star test
samples, features down to 20 nm in size were made available for The soft x-ray spectral region (<10 nm wavelength) is highly
examination, allowing for a direct reliable real-space resolution attractive for imaging, since many host materials are highly
J. Opt. 20 (2018) 113001 Topical Review
Figure 13. (a) Diffraction pattern recorded at 8 nm wavelength and (b) corresponding reconstruction of the exit wave.
J. Opt. 20 (2018) 113001 Topical Review
Figure 15. Coherent diffraction imaging with two temporally delayed broadband pulses. Recording various diffraction patterns for different
delays T allows extracting the spectrum for each pixel via Fourier-transform spectroscopy. Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature:
Light Science & Applications [85] (2014).
Figure 16. Three-dimensional profile of buried structures obtained with an XCT measurement. Left pane shows the depth and lateral
information extracted; right pane shows determination of depth information with an accuracy of 4 nm. Reprinted with permission from
[90], (OSA).
under intensive research [87, 88]. Ultimately, nanoscale results are shown in figure 16. A scanning stage was incor-
mapping of chemical composition will become feasible with porated in the setup for imaging in the lateral direction, and a
table-top devices. transverse resolution of 23 μm—limited by the XUV spot size
—has been achieved. XCT usually requires a reflective layer
5.3. XUV coherence tomography (XCT)
on top of the sample to be used as a reference. Ghost signals
can efficiently be avoided by employing one dimensional
While CDI techniques have demonstrated very high lateral phase retrieval algorithms [90].
resolution, the depth information is not usually available,
except if the material is known and the phase plus amplitude
5.4. 3D tomography
of the transmitted light is carefully analyzed. An alternative
method is coherence tomography, which is a non-invasive The penetrating power of x-rays enables the combination of CDI
technique in the VIS and infrared wavelengths commonly with computer tomography, thereby revealing the internal
used to obtain depth information. Scaling the μm-range axial structure of e.g. biological samples. So far tomography in
resolution of optical coherence tomography (OCT) can be combination with FTH [91], single shot CDI [92, 93], and
achieved by using shorter wavelength XUV light with a broad ptychography [94, 95] were demonstrated at synchrotrons. By
spectral bandwidth [89]. As discussed in section 2, HHG combining a variation of FTH [55] with CDI, it was possible to
sources can generate a high photon flux in the spectral range measure the three-dimensional structure of a diatom (see
between 30 eV and 100 eV, where Si has high transmission. figure 17(a)). With CDI on isolated samples several experiments
These sources are thus suitable for coherence tomography in in combination with tomography were performed. It was, for
the XUV, known as XUV coherence tomography (XCT), example, possible to resolve the internal structure of unstained
which has a number of potential applications in technology yeast cells (see figure 1(b)) and the three-dimensional structure
and solid-state physics. In the first demonstration of XCT of a human chromosome (see figure 17(b)). To resolve three-
using an HHG source, Fuchs et al demonstrated an axial dimensional structures of extended samples, tomography must
resolution of 24 nm using a broadband XUV source gen- be combined with ptychography. Several pioneer experiments
erating a relatively flat spectrum from 30 eV–70 eV [90]. The have already proven this concept. An isotropic resolution of
J. Opt. 20 (2018) 113001 Topical Review
Figure 17. (a) Three-dimensional reconstruction of a diatom sample using a combination of FTH and computer tomography [91]. (b) Three-
dimensional image of a human chromosome. The colour bar shows the electron density [93]. (c) Volume rendering of bone material. ‘L’
shows osteocyte lacuna and ‘C’ indicates complex channel networks called canaliculi [95]. (a) Reproduced from [91]. © IOP Publishing Ltd.
CC BY 3.0. (b) Reprinted figure with permission from [93]. Copyright (2004) by the American Physical Society. (c) Reprinted by permission
from Springer Nature: Nature [95] (2010).
15 nm was achieved, allowing resolution of the internal structure bandwidth requirements of coherent imaging techniques will
of integrated circuits (figure 1(b)) and bone material (see be required [101, 102].
figure 17(c)).
So far, CDI experiments combined with computer tomo-
graphy have been conducted at large scale facilities only. To our
knowledge there has until now been no CDI-tomography 6. Summary
experiment performed using a table-top XUV source. The main
challenge will be to achieve high stability over a long mea- In this article, we have presented and discussed the state of the art
surement time, since many projections must be acquired. A high in table-top nanoscale coherent imaging with coherent XUV light
photon flux from the source and efficient low-loss XUV optics sources based on high harmonic generation. The availability of
will be needed to perform such measurements in a reasonable high harmonic sources with sufficiently high photon flux and
amount of time. Furthermore, the rotating setup necessary to excellent coherence properties has enabled nanoscale imaging on
acquire multiple projections must be small, to enable a suffi- the table top with impressive performance. Within a few years,
ciently high numerical aperture to achieve high resolutions in the the field has advanced from the first table-top demonstrations on
XUV range. A compact apparatus, which enables three-dimen- isolated test samples to reliable, routine imaging of extended and
sional imaging of extended samples using radiation in the XUV complex samples via ptychography with the highest resolutions.
and soft x-ray region, promises to find broad application in Such imaging devices are now ready to address real-world
technology and particularly in life sciences. imaging. They will soon complement existing imaging methods
in many fields of technology and science, ranging from solid-
state physics via nanotechnology up to life sciences. In contrast to
5.5. Time-resolved experiments (pump-probe)
synchrotron-based systems, the table-top devices are compact,
The most striking advantage of high-harmonic sources com- easy to use, and can be integrated into standard laboratories.
pared to others is their ultra-short pulse duration, ranging These huge advantages will foster their dissemination into
from a few hundred femtoseconds down to 43 attoseconds research and even industrial applications like actinic semi-
[96, 97]. Moreover, the generated harmonics are phase locked conductor mask inspection. In future, the output power of high
to the driving laser and to the other harmonics. This enables harmonic sources will steadily increase with advances in laser
the observation of ultrafast dynamics with femto- to attose- technology. Thus, table-top coherent imaging is expected to be
cond precision via pump−probe experiments [98–100]. A available in the soft x-ray region—including the biologically
combination of the nanoscale resolution of CDI techniques relevant water window—soon. Increased photon flux of the
with this high temporal resolution would provide novel sources will also enable recording full 3D ptycho-tomography
insights into ultrafast processes at the nanoscale. Examples datasets in reasonable measurement times and thus enable unique
include ultrafast electron dynamics, ultrafast magnetization insight into matter at the smallest scales. Complementary, spec-
dynamics, and ultrafast heat transport. Repeatable processes tro-microscopy approaches are currently in development, which
might be imaged with multi-pulse accumulation, while non- will allow mapping of chemical elements at the nanoscale.
repeatable processes require single-shot images. Ultimately, In addition, the ultra-short pulse durations of high har-
the combination of short pulses (with large bandwidth) and monic sources will open unique possibilities in the study of
high spatial resolution (usually requiring a narrow bandwidth) the ultrafast dynamics of e.g. electrons, spins, energy levels,
remains challenging, and advanced approaches relaxing the and band-structure at the nanoscale. The development of
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