CMBR - Volume 2 - Issue 1 - Pages 22-32

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Cell. Mol. Biomed. Rep.

(ISSN: 2823-2550) 2022, 2(1): 22-32

Review Article

Therapeutic potential of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae

rhamnoides L.) in medical sciences
Hamid Ahani1,* , Soroush Attaran2,*

Seabuckthorn has multiple-use properties. This review explores the
Article info
medicinal applications of Hippophae rhamnoides in healing ailments.
Received: 18 Oct 2021
Revised: 29 Dec 2021 The plant is being used in different parts of the world for its
Accepted: 30 Jan 2022 nutritional and medicinal properties. Sea buckthorn-based
preparations have been extensively exploited in folklore treatment
of slow digestion, stomach malfunctioning, cardiovascular problems,
liver injury, tendon and ligament injuries, skin diseases and ulcers.
In recent years, the medicinal and pharmacological activities of
Use your device to scan and Seabuckthorn have been well investigated using limited clinical
read the article online trials. Homeopathy is a well-respected modality to assist wellness.
Traditional and modern medicinal experts have been applied this
plant to treat various diseases. Seabuckthorn is an important plant
because of its immense medicinal and therapeutic potential.
However, several knowledge gaps identified in this paper would
give impetus to new academic and R&D activities, especially for the
development of Sea buckthorn-based herbal medicine and
nutraceuticals. Its full application in dermatology may be attributed
to the presence of a variety of flavonoids, vitamins, and unsaturated
fatty acids. Great use of the plant in the traditional system for
Keywords: dermatological aspects, demands further comprehensive
Hippophae, Medicinal, phytochemical work based on its actual use by the traditional
Traditional, Seaberry, population. Anti-inflammation is the most important applicable
Human leukemia
ingredient of this miracle berry.
1. Introduction traditional medicine (useful for the treatment
of skin disorders resulting from bed
Sea Buckthorn (H. rhamnoides L.) from
confinement, stomach and duodenal ulcers
Elaeagnaceae family has become a crop of
cardiovascular diseases and perhaps the
interest for the food processing industry. The
growth of some tumors), as animal fodder and
accepted name in the plant list org of this
for ecological purposes. The plants have a
species is Elaeagnus rhamnoides (L.)[1]. The
very developed and extensive root system,
exact number of species in the genus
and the roots live in symbiosis with nitrogen-
Hippophae is still unclear however, there are
fixing Frankia bacteria. The roots also
considered to be seven species and H.
transform insoluble organic and mineral
rhamnoides has nine subspecies [2].
matters from the soil into more soluble
H. rhamnoides, also known as common sea states[3].
buckthorn is a species of flowering plant,
Vegetative reproduction of the plants
native to the cold-temperate regions of
occurs rapidly via root suckers. E. rhamnoides
Europe and Asia. It is a spiny deciduous shrub.
has a strong ability to maintain leaf water and
The plant is used in the cosmetic industry, in
1Management and Planning Organization of Khorasan Razavi, MPORG, Mashhad, Iran
2Departmentof Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Hamid Ahani ([email protected] ) and sorous attaran ([email protected])

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can increase chlorophyll content, reduce rhamnoides is used in many countries like
photosynthesis and water relations during Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland
drought stress [4]. Seed germination at its etc. Several improved varieties have been
lowest point of origin China with 32% and the cultivated in these counties [8, 9].
most was in East Azerbaijan with 95% [5].
In the Central Asia and South Asia, a widely
Means of germination percent in seed distributed subspecies is H. rhamnoides subsp.
pretreatments (control, cold, ice water, hot turkestanica. Due to its rich wild resources,
water, lime juice and Gibberellin acid) were this subspecies is being used for producing a
7.5, 23.75, 21.25, 0, 15, and 42.5 in the field lot of products in India, Pakistan,
(Ahani et al., 20142) and 3.75, 43.75, 17.5, Turkmenistan, Kirghizstan, etc. Since
1.25, 15 and 37.5 in the greenhouse (Ahani et seabuckthorn is rich in wild resources, so they
al., 2014) and in the laboratory were 33, 12, are directly being used for various purposes.
41, 4, 9 and 32, respectively[1, 6]. But wild seabuckthorn has only disadvantages
like small berries, many thorns for processing.
The DNA weight and the mean A260 and Few studies have been done on these species
A280 values of the samples from China were and subspecies. Since many countries are
found to be statistically significantly higher aware of seabuckthorn is a very important
than those of the samples from Iran, whereas plant in economy and ecology, it is believed
the mean A260/280 ratio of the samples from that more attention and more studies will be
Iran was higher than that of the given to those genetic resources of
sample/isolate from China albeit by a non- Hippophae, including those that have been
significant difference [5, 6]. used and that have not been touched but very
promised. It is estimated that more than 20
Despite the decrease in morphological
countries have their breeding programs on
characteristics encountered to drought, this
seabuckthorn[10, 11].
species has been able to tolerate this amount
of salt and no died that showed comparative Each country has its localization of genetic
tolerance for this species. Therefore offers for resources so it is needed to make
Elaeagnus rhamnoides species resistance international cooperation on the exchange of
threshold electrical conductivity (EC= 12.03dS genetic resources of Hippophae. It is believed
m-1) of the lower levels were used to that the favourite varieties will be produced
determine which however need to do other through wide international cooperation [12].
tests because the morphological indicators
studied here were not able to clearly explain 3. Medicinal advantages
the differences in salt tolerance and
Valuable substances contained in sea-
Physiology parameter (i.e. Water Use
buckthorn oil play an important role in the
Efficiency (WUE), Relative Water Content
proper functioning of the human body and
(RWC), Water Potential (WP), Water
give skin a beautiful and healthy appearance.
Saturation Deficit (WSD), Chlorophyll content
A balanced composition of fatty acids gives
and Photosynthetic of leaves[7].
the number of vitamins or their range in this
2. Ecological review oil and explains its frequent use in cosmetic
products for the care of dry, flaky or rapidly
Seabuckthorn is multiple-use properties. It aging skin. Moreover, its unique unsaturated
is very rich in its biodiversity. The exact fatty acids, such as palmitoleic acid (omega-7)
number of species in the genus Hippophae is and gamma-linolenic acid (omega-6), give sea-
still unclear however, there are considered to buckthorn oil skin regeneration and repair
be seven species H. rhamnoides L. has 9 properties. Sea-buckthorn oil also improves
subspecies. According to the latest study, blood circulation, facilitates oxygenation of
there are 15 species and subspecies in the skin, removes excess toxins from the body
Hippophae(Table 1). H. rhamnoides and easily penetrates through the epidermis.
subspecies has been widely used for Because inside the skin the gamma-linolenic
ecological restoration and producing a series acid is converted to prostaglandins, sea-
of products. In Europe, H. rhamnoides subsp. buckthorn oil protects against infections,
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prevents allergies, eliminates inflammation 2)[13-15].

and inhibits the aging process(Figure 1; Table

Table 1. The Distribution and the Status of Utilization of Hippophae[12]

Taxons The Areas of Distribution The Status of Utilization

Scandinavian countries, Baltic Sea
H. rhamnoides. countries, Germany, Belgium, Many varieties are cultivated in some
subsp. rhamnoides Netherlands, Ireland, Poland, U.K. European countries and Canada
France, Russia
Wild resources are used for ecological
H. rham. subsp. The North, Northwest, Southwest of
restoration and berries are processed for
sinensis China
products. Some new varieties are in tests.
H. rham. subsp. Wild resources are used for ecological
Sichuan, Yunnan, Tibet of China
yunnanensis restoration only.
More than 60 varieties are cultivated in
Russia, Mongolia, many East European
H. rham. subsp. Siberia of Russia, Mongolia, Xinjiang
counties. Many West European counties,
mongolica of China
Canada and China introduced the varieties
for test
India, Pakistan,
Wild resources are used for ecological
H. rham. subsp. Afkhanistan,Turkmenistan,
restoration and berries are processed for
turkestanica Kirghizstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan,
various products
Iran, Turkey, Xinjiang , Tibet of China
Around Alps Mountains: Germany, Most of wild resources are protected as
H. rham. subsp.
France, Switzerland, Austria, Czech, forest species. Some berries are collected
Slovakia, Italy, for processing products
The Capathinan Mountains,
Most of wild resources are protected as
H. rham. subsp. Transsylvanian Alps,the valley and
forest species. Some varieties are cultivated
carpatica the mouths of the Donube and its
for processing products
The Caucasus Mountains, Georgia,
Most wild resources are protected as forest
H. rham. subsp. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine,
species. Some selected varieties are
caucasica Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Iran,
cultivated for the test.
Most wild resources are protected as forest
H. goniocarpa Sichuan, Qinghai of China species. Very few studies have been done
on it.
Most wild resources are protected as forest
H. goniocarpa subsp.
Sichuan, Qinghai of China species. Very few studies have been done
on it.
Most wild resources are protected as forest
H. neurocarpa Sichuan, Qinghai,Gansu of China species. Very few studies have been done
on it.
Most wild resources are protected as forest
H. neurocarpa subsp.
Sichuan, Qinghai, Tibet of China species. Very few studies have been done
on it.
Most wild resources are protected as
Sichuan, Qinghai, Gansu, Tibet of
H. tibetana grassland species. Very few studies have
China, Nepal, India
been done on it.
Most wild resources are protected as forest
H. gyantsensis Tibet of China species. Some berries are collected for
producing Tibetan medicine.
Most wild resources are protected as forest
The southern slope of Himalayan Mt.
H. salicifolia species. Some berries are collected for
Tibet of China, Bhutan, Nepal, India
producing products.
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The immune system of this plant can erosion of the uterus and inflammation of
prevent some virus spread. Modern cosmetic genital organs. Seabuckthorn leaves contain
and pharmaceutical companies search for nutrients and bioactive substances which
natural substances which display unique mainly include flavonoids, carotenoids, free
properties such as sea-buckthorn oil, which and esterified sterols, triterpenols, and
added to a product even in a small quantity isoprenols. The leaves are an equally rich
will undoubtedly ensure its uniqueness [13]. source of important antioxidants including
14-Noreudesmanes and a phenylpropane carotene, vitamin E, catechins, elagic acid,
heterodimer from seabuckthorn berry inhibit ferulic acid, folic acid and significant values of
Herpes simplex type 2-virus replication, calcium, magnesium and potassium [11].
therefore; these bioactive exhibited an Bone-breaking fever virus in the blood of
antiviral effect [16]. Seabuckthorn extract substances extracted from sea-buckthorn
may make restrictions for the Dunge virus leaves is inhibited [17]. The total phenolic
[17]. Seabuckthorn decreases fever of some content of root and seed extracts was
diseases [18]. Extraction of leaves can limit significantly higher than leaf and stem
lung cancer. In addition, seabuckthorn extracts. No significant differences were seen
prevents some viruses such as victoria and between root and seed, or between leaf and
influenza viruses [19]. Seabuckthorn and stem [25].
several plants could limit the spreading of HIV
[20]. Adeno, HIV, HPV viruses can limit by 4. New approaches
seabuckthorn [21]. Sea buckthorn can act as promising
functional food. Sea buckthorn extract can
Sea buckthorn has also shown unique
effectively inhibit prostate cancer growth and
biological properties against viral diseases,
proliferation in vitro. Sea buckthorn extract
anti-viral activity against the influenza virus
effectively downregulates prostate-specific
and herpes virus. The suppressing effect on
antigen with other androgen-responsive
the influenza virus is provided by the
genes in vitro. Differential extraction using
inhibition of viral neuraminidase present in
various solvents based on polarity revealed
the virus. Seabuckthorn properties were
that the end phase aqueous cocktail extracted
evaluated with the help of humoral immune
from leaves of H. rhamnoides L. (SKICDDL-3)
reaction against NCD (Newcastle disease
can effectively target AR and downregulate
virus). Hexane extract from sea buckthorn
androgen-responsive genes, PSA, ELL2, EAF2
acts positively against indomethacin, stress,
and CALR significantly in vitro. Colony
and ethanol which contribute to the
formation Unit assay and Wound healing
development of gastric ulcers [10]. Treatment
assay further show that SKICDDL-3 can
with SBT bud extract reduced the virus titer to
effectively inhibit proliferation and migration
2.0 TCID50/ml at 50 μg/ml, while the HA titer
of castration-resistant C4-2 prostate cancer
was reduced from 1431 (control) to 178.
cells in vitro. Sea buckthorn (H. rhamnoides L.)
Concentrations lower than 50μg/ml displayed
has recently attained worldwide recognition,
an inhibitory effect in the HA assay, but not in
for its pharmaceutical and nutraceutical
the TCID50 virus titration [22].
potential and is currently cultivated in several
In traditional Chinese medicine and the parts of the world [26].
former Soviet Union inflammation of the
The findings of flavonol suggest that
mouth, stomach ulcers, radiation injuries and
mechanisms of growth inhibition by
burns have been used [23]. Anti-bacterial and
pentamethylquercetin, syringetin and
antioxidant support and protection of the
isorhamnetin are different from the apoptosis
natural seeds of this plant species is
caused by quercetin, kaempherol and
recommended. Methanol fruit and leaves of
the plant are also antioxidants and help
prevent cell necrosis [24].

The oil extracted from berries is used for

the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers,

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Fig. 1. Sea-buckthorn pulp oil batch

Table 2. ingredients of seabuckthorn fruits (derived from sinensis subspecies)

Peak RT(min) Component %

1 15.2 Myristic Acid C14:0 0.39
2 17.7 Pentadecanoic Acid c15:0 0.10
3 20.4 Palmitic Acid c16:0 32.03
4 21.2 Z-Palmitoleic Acid C16:1 ∞7 28.05
5 21.5 E-Palmitoleic Acid c16:1 0.11
6 22.6 Hexxadecenedioc Acid c16:2 0.11
7 22.8 Tricosene 0.09
8 23.1 Margaric Acid C17: 0 0.10
9 23.2 Tricosene 0.12
10 23.9 8-Heptadecenoic Acid 0.20
11 24.4 Heptadecenoic Acid Isomer 0.03
12 26.3 Stearic Acid c18: 0 1.20
13 27.1 Oleic Acid C18: 1∞9 23.83
14 27.3 Cis-Vaccenic Acid C18: 1∞7 7.90
15 28.3 Linoleic Acid C18: 2∞6 3.29
16 31.5 Linoleic Acid C18: 3∞3 1.84
17 34.8 Arachidic Acid C20:0 0.27
18 35.9 Gondoic Acid C20:2 ∞9(Gadoleic) 0.23
19 42.3 Behenic Acid C22: 0 0.04
20 52.0 Lignoceric Acid C24:0 0.05
Total 99.98
The antiproliferative effect of H. anti-proliferation properties and can induce
rhamnoides L. leaves extract on acute myeloid apoptosis and stimulate the immune system,
leukemia cells was at least partially and sea buckthorn oil counteracts many side
determined by activation of the S phase effects of chemotherapy by restoring kidney
checkpoint, which probably led to and liver function, increasing appetite, and
deceleration of the cell cycle and apoptosis keeping patients in generally good health.
induction[28]. Although the anticancer activity of sea
buckthorn has been confirmed by many in
Sea buckthorn may represent a “golden vitro and animal in vivo studies, the treatment
mean” for the treatment of cancers: It has

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and prophylactic doses for humans are acetylcholine-induced vasorelaxant activity

unknown[1]. was significantly decreased in cholesterol-fed
animals and could be restored to that of
Seabuckthorn (H. rhamnoides L.) normal values by seed oil administration.
constitutes thorny nitrogen-fixing deciduous These observations suggest that supercritical
shrub. Sea buckthorn(SBT) is primarily valued CO(2) extracted SBT seed oil has significant
for its very rich vitamins A, B1, B12, C, E, K, anti-atherogenic and cardioprotective activity
and P; flavonoids, lycopene, carotenoids, and [31].
phytosterols. and therapeutically important
since it is rich in potent antioxidants. sea buckthorn powder (SBP) was
Hippophae sp has high-nutritional and administered at varying concentrations (0.6,
medicinal values due to its very rich 0.9, 1.2, 1.5 and 1.8 µg mL−1) to cell cultures
antioxidant property. It is a widely used plant (BE(2)‐M17) with 20 mm Aβ for 72 h. MTS
in traditional medicine for various clinical test indicated that SB significantly increased
conditions. Scientifically evaluated cell viability in Aβ‐induced cells up to 95%.
pharmacological effects of it are like Results of Western blot showed maximum of
antiulcerogenic effect, in vitro and in vivo 38% inhibition of Aβ compared to the control
antioxidant effects, cardiac disease, anti- (Aβ only). ELISA demonstrated a significantly
atherogenic effect, radioprotective effects, lower amyloid‐β level (6672 pg mL−1) than the
beneficial effects on experimental injury and control (10189 pg mL−1). These findings
clinical diseases of the liver, inhibition of suggest that this plant warrants further
platelet aggregation. A lot of research work is investigation as a potential therapeutic agent
still needed to find cellular and molecular in the treatment of AD [32].
mechanisms of these activities[29].
Naturally occurring vitamin B12 is only
In vitro, Cytotoxic and anti-proliferative found in animal products such as meat, milk,
effects of hydro-alcoholic extract of H. dairy products, fish, oysters and clams, but it
rhamnoides Linn (HEHR) seeds were is well-known for its absence in plant-based
investigated on human leukemia (HL-60) and foods. significant amounts of vitamin B12
normal (BHK21) cells while in vivo anti- were detected only in H. rhamnoides (37 μg/
proliferative effect of HEHR was evaluated on 100 g dry weight). These initial findings
Ehrlich ascite carcinoma (EAC) induced Swiss provide the basis for the detection of vitamin
albino mice. anti-proliferative effect of HEHR B12 also in other plants and can be a good
due to its interference with the cell kinetics measure of prevention for vitamin B12
which indicated the reduction in the GSH deficiency in vegetarians [33].
levels and colony growth. The cytotoxic effect
of HEHR is produced by the apoptosis There have been numerous bioactive in
mechanism which involved DNA Hippophae sp, some of which are rare in the
fragmentation [30]. plant kingdom e.g., the ratio of palmitoleic or
Omega 7 to γ-linolenic acid or Omega 6.
Accumulation of cholesterol in the aorta Vitamin C is present in very high amounts (up
was studied using the Sudan-IV staining to 900 mg%). In comparison with citric fruits,
technique. SBT seed oil feeding to normal sea buckthorn berries have about a 14-times
rabbits for 18 days caused a significant higher amount of vitamin C than oranges. The
decline in plasma cholesterol, LDL-C, oil used internally has positive effects on the
atherogenic index (AI) and LDL/HDL ratio. digestive system lowering inflammation. Oral
The HDL-C levels, HDL-C/TC ratio (HTR) and application is adjuvant in the treatment of
vasorelaxant activity of the aorta were gastric, duodenal, and intestinal ulcers. It has
significantly increased. In cholesterol-fed been shown to reduce inflammation processes
animals, the TC, TG, LDL-C and AI were in the vagina and cervix. A high amount of
significantly increased and showed a decline vitamin C makes it suitable for immune
following seed oil administration. The deficiencies; due to its antioxidant activity, it
increase in HDL-C was more marked in seed removes free radicals and strengthens the
oil-treated hypercholesterolemic animals. The immune system. Hippophae oil lowers blood

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2022, 2(1): 22-32 Cell. Mol. Biomed. Rep.

cholesterol, which helps to prevent pharmacological evaluation confirmed the

atherosclerosis. Seabuckthorn was tested and ethnomedical claimed biological actions and
shown to significantly increase the level of other beneficial effects on the skin of H.
beneficial high-density lipoprotein (HDL) rhamnoides using scientifically accepted
cholesterol fraction. It reduces the risk of protocols and controls, although some of the
thrombophlebitis and is enrolled in the studies require more elaborative studies. Its
control of bleeding. Febrile states respond full application in dermatology may be
positively to oil, as well as symptoms of attributed to the presence of a variety of
rheumatoid disease. Some of the lipophilic flavonoids, vitamins, and unsaturated fatty
components (ά- and γ-linolenic acids) of acids. Great use of the plant in the traditional
Seabuckthorn oil positively influence brain system for dermatological aspect, demands
functions and the central nervous system by further comprehensive phytochemical work
an antidepressant effect. Its advantage as an based on its actual use by the traditional
adjuvant in cancer therapy is that fastens population. Demonstration of the plant in the
regeneration after the use of traditional system, pharmacology,
chemotherapy[31, 34]. cosmeceuticals not only demands its further
therapeutic studies but also warrants focus
The favoring feature of oil is that it is towards its cultivation and propagation across
considered safe, with no potential harmful the globe[3].
effects. It can be consumed by pregnant and
breastfeeding women. The suggested Signs of irritation (corneal epithelial
pharmaceutical form that would be ideal for inflammation/corrosion, dilatation of blood
the application of oil is capsules, because of vessels in the bulbar conjunctiva, conjunctival
the problem with rancidity (presence of chemosis, dots on the margin of the cornea,
unsaturated fatty acids). Different fractions of oedema on the margin of the
fruits were investigated for antioxidant conjunctiva/cornea, eyelid irritation, and
activity and its relationship to different other possible signs of irritation) were
phytonutrients. The capacity of the crude evaluated and scored from photographs taken
extracts, such as the phenolic and ascorbate of the eyes and eyelids at study visits. In part
extracts, to scavenge radicals decreased one, the Hippophae spray was well tolerated.
significantly with increased maturation. The In part two, OSDI decreased significantly
antioxidant capacity of the lipophilic extract (P = 0.022) in the Seaberry spray eye
increased significantly and corresponded to compared to the reference spray, indicating a
the increase in total carotenoids [35]. beneficial effect on symptoms. In part three,
OSDI in the SB spray eye decreased
Seabuckthorn is primarily found in cold- significantly compared to the untreated
temperate regions of Eurasia and was first control (P = 0.0007). Symptom sums and
located in China. Berries are the most frequencies of dryness (sum P = 0.0046,
prominent feature of the plant. Phytochemical frequency P = 0.0016) and watering (sum
studies reveal the presence of a wide variety P = 0.0003, frequency P = 0.013) in the daily
of compounds like flavonoids, carotenoids, logs were lower in the eye treated with
polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals, Seaberry spray [36]. Aqueous extract of
vitamins, Omega 3, 6, 9 and rarest Omega 7 Seabuckthorn (H. rhamnoides L.) leaves and
and about 190 bioactive compounds [3]. evaluation of its therapeutic role in oxidative
stress-induced cataract in isolated goat lenses
The pharmacological studies
using Vitamin E as reference compound.
demonstrated, sea buckthorn exhibits
Results showed the potential to delay the
antibacterial, anti-sebum, antifungal, anti-
onset and/or progression of cataracts, at least
psoriasis, anti-atopic dermatitis and wound
during in vitro conditions. Results indicate the
healing activities. Besides, it has also been
possibilities of evaluating this extract for its
included in various cosmeceuticals for its use
use as an ant cataract agent during in vivo
in skin-eventone, smoothening, rejuvenation,
removal of wrinkles, scars, and pigmentation,
and also in hair-related problems. The

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5. conclusion 3. Pundir S, Garg P, Dviwedi A, Ali A, Kapoor V,

Kapoor D, Kulshrestha S, Lal UR, Negi P
Great use of the plant in the traditional
(2021) Ethnomedicinal uses,
system for dermatological aspects, demands
phytochemistry and dermatological effects
further comprehensive phytochemical work
of Hippophae rhamnoides L.: A review.
based on its actual use by the traditional
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
population. Anti-inflammation is the most
important applicable ingredient of this
miracle berry.
Conflict of Interests 4. Ahani H, Jalilvand H, Vaezi J, Sadati SE
(2016) Studying the seed germination
All authors declare no conflict of interest. traits of Seabuckthorn (Elaeagnus
rhamnoides) of Iran, China and Tibet.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Forest and Wood Products 69(2):225-235.
No human or animals were used in the doi:
present research. 6.59038
5. Ahani H, Jalilvand H, Vaezi J, Sadati S (2015)
Consent for publications Effect of different treatments on Hippophae
All authors read and approved the final rhamnoides seed germination in
manuscript for publication. laboratory. Iranian journal of forest
Availability of data and material 6. Ahani H, Jalilvand H, Vaezi J, Sadati S, Jia D,
All the data are embedded in the Bai X, Bagheri H DNA quality and quantity
manuscript. of Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
subspecies in Iran and China. In: 7th
Authors' Contribution conference of International Seabuckthorn
Association, India, 2015.
All authors had equal role in study design, 7. Ahani H, Tabatabaei S (2018) Impact of
work, statistical analysis and manuscript irrigation with saline water on morphology
writing. of sea buckthorn seedlings in nursery.
Forest Res Eng Int J 2(6):326-333
Informed Consent
8. Ciesarová Z, Murkovic M, Cejpek K, Kreps F,
The authors declare not used any patients Tobolková B, Koplík R, Belajová E,
in this research. Kukurová K, Daško Ľ, Panovská Z (2020)
Why is sea buckthorn (Hippophae
Funding/Support rhamnoides L.) so exceptional? A review.
This work was supported by Mashhad Food Research International 133:109170.
University of Medical Sciences doi:
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2022, 2(1): 22-32 Cell. Mol. Biomed. Rep.

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How to Cite This Article:

Ahani H, Attaran S (2022) Therapeutic potential of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides
L.) in medical sciences. Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Reports 2(1):22-32.

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