Iron Toxicity in Wetland Rice: Rashmi C. M. and Pradeep

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Iron Toxicity in Wetland Rice


Ph.D Scholar, Dept of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru, Karnataka -560065.

Iron is the 4th most abundant element in the earth’s crust after O, Si &
Al. It ranges in soil from 1- 5 % of total iron in plough layer and in
plants its concentration is usually > 50 ppm. Iron occurs in 2 oxidation
states : Ferric (III), Ferrous (II) . Availability of Fe is pH dependent
(acidic pH). Fe is predominantly present in the primary and secondary
ferromagnesian silicates.

Forms of Iron are

1. Iron included in primary and secondary minerals

i. Eg: primary minerals- biotite, hornblende, augite, olivine
ii. Secondary minerals- clay minerals
2. Iron bound to organic matter
3. Oxides and hydroxides
4. Soluble iron Fe2+

Role of Iron in plant

Iron helps in chlorophyll development. Iron is a component of

ferredoxin which is the first stable redox compound formed during
photosynthetic electron transport chain. Iron is a constituent of certain
enzymes like catalases, peroxidases and it is also a component of some
of the haeme proteins.Iron helps in cellular plant respiration. Iron is
involved in N- fixation as it is a component of leghaemoglobin


Soils on which rice is grown can experience a range of redox potential.

Data on the range of redox potentials encountered in soils ranging from well
drained to flooded conditions are summarized in following table, and can serve
as a useful guideline for classifying soil reduction under diverse soil conditions.
Soil reduction is a process in the submerged soils which greatly influences Fe
toxicity in wetland rice. Soil reduction mobilizes Fe(II) in soil solution. The
concentration of Fe(II) is negligible in non -reduced soils. Some of the
reduction products, such as dissolved sulfides, may increase the susceptibility of
the rice plant to Fe toxicity. Production of reduced organic substances may
interfere with Fe toxicity through their influence on rice plant root growth.


The concentration of Fe(II) in soil increases following flooding due to reduction

of Fe(III) oxide by bacteria oxidizing organic matter. The reduction of Fe(III) to
Fe(II) takes place at a redox potential of 180–150 mV.
A rapid increase in Fe(II) following flooding is favoured by low initial soil pH,
a sustained supply of organic matter, the presence of easily reducible Fe, a high
fertility status of the soil and the absence of compounds with a higher oxidation
state than Fe(III) oxide, especially oxygen, Mn(III, IV) oxide, and nitrate in the
soil.The reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) can be illustrated by the following

Fe(OH)3 + e- ⇆ Fe2++H2O

The intensity of reduction of iron:

 Duration of submergence
 Amount of organic matter
 Active Fe content etc..


Iron toxicity is a disorder associated with large concentrations of Fe 2+ in the soil

solution. Although most mineral soils are rich in iron, the expression of toxicity
symptoms in leaf tissues and a reduction in rice yield occur only under specific
flooded conditions, which involve the microbial reduction of insoluble Fe(III)
Fe(II) . A wide range of soil types can be iron-toxic,
Fe3+ including acid
sulfate soils , acid clay soils , peat soils , and valley-bottom soils receiving
interflow water from adjacent slopes . The Fe2+ concentrations in the soil
solution that reportedly affect lowland-rice yields can range from >3000 ppm
and in plants when the concentration exceeds 300 ppm. Iron-induced yield
reduction is frequently associated with a poor nutrient status of the soil or with
accumulation of respiration inhibitors. Hence, iron toxicity may be described as
a multiple nutritional disorder hastened by, but also increasing conditions of P,
K, and Zn deficiency and H2S toxicity .

The expression of iron-toxicity symptoms in rice requires excessive

uptake of Fe2+by roots and its acropetal translocation via xylem flow into the
leaves. Inside the leaf, excess amounts of Fe2+ cause an elevated production of
radicals which can irreversibly damage cell structural components and lead to
an accumulation of oxidized polyphenols . The typical visual symptom
associated with those processes is the “bronzing” of the rice leaves . Rice-yield
losses associated with the appearance of bronzing symptoms commonly range
from 15% to 100%. However, in the case of severe toxicity, complete crop
failure can occur . Overcoming rice-yield reductions caused by iron toxicity
requires both adapted and tolerant varieties as well as appropriate management

Conditions Enhancing Iron Toxicity :

 Low lands adjacent to uplands

 Lower temperature and high rainfall
 Soil pH
 Organic matter
 Poor nutrient status (K, P, Ca, Mg, Zn, Si)
 High salt content

Iron toxicity can be managed by:

 Use of iron tolerant varieties

 Amelioration through use of lime, Basic slag, etc.

 Balanced nutrient management

 Proper water management .

 The application of essential plant nutrients can reportedly counteract

negative effects of excess amounts of iron by competing with Fe2+ for
uptake and ion adsorption sites at the root or by enhancing plants defence
or tolerance mechanisms.
 Potassium seems to play an important role in regulating Fe in the rice
plant, both as competing ion and by reducing root exudation.
 The activity of SOD is essential for the detoxification of super oxide
radicals in tissues, and Zn is a component of SOD isoenzymes.
 Application of P, K, Ca, Mg and Zn - reduce bronzing symptoms and
increase rice yield.


The application of other plant nutrients mitigate Fe toxicity through their

role via root functions related to reducing the amount of iron taken up by the
plant by oxidation, exclusion, or retention of iron. Thus it can be managed by
the best use of antagonistic property of nutrients interaction in managing iron


Ponnamperuma, F. N., 1972, The Chemistry of Submerged Soils, Advances in

Agronomy, 24, 29-96.

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