Chapter 11 Investments Additional Concepts Lecture

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Investments – Additional

Learning Objectives
• Account for regular way purchase or sale of financial
• Account for the reclassification of financial assets.
• Account for the impairment of financial assets measured at
FVOCI (mandatory).
• Account for dividends received from investments.
• Account for stock rights.
• State the types of risks that are disclosed in the financial
Regular way purchase or sale of financial assets
• A regular way purchase or sale is a purchase or sale of a financial asset
under a contract whose terms require delivery of the asset within the
time frame established generally by regulation or convention in the
marketplace concerned.

• Trade date accounting vs. Settlement date accounting

a. Under trade date accounting, the financial asset purchased (s0ld) is
recognized (derecognized) at the trade date (i.e., the date the entity
commits to purchase or sell the financial asset).
b. Under settlement date accounting, the financial asset purchased (s0ld) is
recognized (derecognized) at the settlement date (i.e., the date the
ownership of the financial asset is transferred).
Fair value change between trade date & settlement date
• For purchases of FVPL and FVOCI assets (but not
amortized cost), the buyer recognizes the change in
fair value between the trade date and the settlement

• For sale transactions, the seller does not recognize

the change in fair value between the trade date and
the settlement date.

• After initial recognition, financial assets are reclassified only

when the entity changes its business model for managing
financial assets.

• Reclassification date is the first day of the first reporting

period following the change in business model that results in
an entity reclassifying financial assets.
Reclassification of debt-type financial assets
Reclassification of debt-type financial assets
Notes on reclassification
• Only debt instruments can be reclassified. Equity instruments
(e.g., investments in shares of stocks) cannot be reclassified.
• Financial assets cannot be reclassified into or out of the
“designated at FVPL” and “FVOCI - election”
• The initial measurement is fair value at reclassification
date, except for a reclassification from FVOCI to Amortized cost
where the fair value on reclassification date is adjusted for the
cumulative balance of gains and losses previously recognized in

• The impairment requirements of PFRS 9 apply equally to

debt-type financial assets that are measured either at
amortized cost or at FVOCI.
• Impairment gains or losses on debt instruments measured
at FVOCI are recognized in profit or loss. However, the loss
allowance is recognized in OCI and does not reduce the
carrying amount of the financial asset in the statement of
financial position.

• Only cash and property dividends received from equity

securities may be recognized as dividend revenue.
Stock rights

• Stock rights, being equity instruments, are measured at

fair value.
Disclosure of Risks on financial instruments

1. Credit risk - The risk that one party to a financial instrument will
cause a financial loss for the other party by failing to discharge an
2. Liquidity risk - The risk that an entity will encounter difficulty in
meeting obligations associated with financial liabilities that are settled
by delivering cash or another financial asset.
3. Market risk - The risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a
financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices.
Market risk comprises the following.
• Interest rate risk
• Currency risk
• Other price risk
1. Assignment:
submission November 18)

2. Quiz (Chapters 9 to 11)

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