Chapter 4 - Review Questions 1
Chapter 4 - Review Questions 1
Chapter 4 - Review Questions 1
3. Indicate whether the following instruments are examples of money market or capital
market securities.
BSP treasury bills – Capital Market Securities
Long-term corporate bonds – Capital Market Securities
Ordinary Shares – Capital Market Securities
Dealer commercial paper – Money Market Securities
5. Give examples of financial instruments represented by financial assets and explain each
► Cash on hand and in banks refers to the quantity of money a corporation has in the
form of banknotes or coins, or the amount of money a bank has in the form of demand
deposits such as cheques and savings deposits. Derivative financial assets are financial
products whose value is derived from contractually mandated cash flows from another
investment or index. Investing in other firms' accounts receivable, loans, bonds, and other
debt certificates includes accounts receivable, promissory notes, and other bond
certificates. Stock certificates and listed securities are examples of shares and other equity
instruments issued by other corporations.
D 1. This form of capital is found in the statement of financial position under long-
term liabilities and equity.
E 2. The purchasing power of the peso shrinks over time.
F 3. A market where the securities being traded are new public offerings.
C 4. Securities with a maturity of less than 1 year.
A 5. Redeploying the asset and liability structures of the firm.
H 6. A leveling off or slowing down of price increases.
B 7. Market composed of common stock, preferred stock, commercial and
government bonds, and other long-term securities.
G 8. This market trades previously issued securities.
I 9. The high inflation rates of the 1980s caused this form of capital to hold its value
better than other forms of capital during this time.
1. Why is there a need for an efficient financial system for a country have a strong
► A well-developed and well-functioning financial market is essential to a country's
economy and efficiency. It encourages the effective direct flow of savings and
investments into the economy, hence enabling capital accumulation and contributing to
the production of goods and services. Businesses must have access to enough sources of
finances in order to invest in capital, adopt new technologies, and expand, which is
critical for economic progress.
1. Compare the function of a commercial bank with the function of a universal bank.
► Universal banking combines the services of a commercial bank and an investment bank,
offering all services from a single institution, whereas Commercial Banking conducts activities
that primarily involve receiving deposits and lending money, along with certain other duties. A
universal bank is a commercial bank that also has the authority to act as an investment house and
engage in non-allied firms. That power does not exist in a normal commercial bank.
2. Enumerate 3 government banks.
► LANDBANK. Land Bank of the Philippines
► DBP. Development Bank of the Philippines.
► LBRDC. LBP Resources and Development Corporation.
4. A bank which caters to farmers businessmen and cottage industries in the rural areas
a. Rural bank
b. Cooperative bank
c. Saving and loans association
d. Universal bank
6. Which of the following is not a government agency that regulates financial institutions?
a. Insurance Commission
b. Bangko Senral ng Pilipinas
c. Securities and Exchange Commission
d. Bureau of Internal Revenue
7. Explain briefly how the following regulatory agencies intend to align their policies, roles,
and practices with global standards
a. BSP - A strong prudential regulator is essential for a stable financial sector. The BSP
plays that duty exclusively in the Philippines. Ultimately, the goal is to guarantee that
banks maintain their solvency and liquidity. In general, the BSP conducts routine bank
investigations no more than once a year.
b. SEC - Given the globalization of the world's financial markets, the SEC supports
worldwide initiatives to strengthen regulatory standards and encourages collaboration
among securities authorities across the world. Through such collaboration, regulators can
obtain valuable insights on effective regulatory measures.
c. Insurance Commission - They provide, explain, and suggest insurance plans on which
the public may rely to protect themselves from certain risks. Insurance Agents'
Examinations are held on a regular basis by the Insurance Commission (IC) for approved
applicants. Certificates of Authority, or licenses to solicit and sell insurance, are then
awarded to successful examinees.
8. Discuss briefly the following current risks in the Philippine Financial system
a. Repricing, refinancing and repayment risks
b. Developments in the credit market
c. Increasing demand for credit by corporate business and households
10. What positive developments are occurring that could possibly reverse some unfavorable
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic?
► Focus on Green Recovery.
The OECD Green Recovery Database focuses on COVID-19 economic recovery
initiatives that have demonstrable positive, negative, or "mixed" environmental
consequences on one or more environmental dimensions.
11. Write a short essay on how COVID-19 Pandemic affected you, as an individual, your
family and your local community.