Qsen Maternal Notes
Qsen Maternal Notes
Qsen Maternal Notes
34.2 With the participation of her father, the 35.2 The nurse has heard from a colleague that
nurse obtains a health history from Keoto. What Barry, 16 years old, hates school. When
question should the nurse ask at the end of this considering the use of informatics to respond
and every interview? to this statement, which principle should guide
a. “Where do you think we should go from the nurse’s actions?
here?” a. Communication is most effective when it is
b. “Is there anything else you’d like to discuss?” enhanced by cutting-edge technology.
c. “Are you still feeling okay?” b. Referral to an appropriate, evidence-based
d. “Am I a good interviewer? I’m trying hard.” website can likely resolve this issue.
c. Technology cannot usually substitute for
34.3 Keoto’s sister is 2 years old and appears skilled interpersonal communication.
fearful of medical equipment. To preserve her
d. Communication skills are being replaced by c. Playing a game of Simon Says
technologic innovation in nursing. d. A group discussion on hand pain