Qsen Maternal Notes

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28.1 John is 6 years old. The nurse should teach of conservation.

The nurse recognizes this

his parents that which of his body implies which statement about John?
systems should be reaching its peak point of a. He doesn’t understand why his mother insists
development at this time? he recycle plastic or metal soda
a. His neurologic system cans.
b. His lymphatic system b. He doesn’t understand that, when crossing a
c. His respiratory system two-way street, he must look
d. His musculoskeletal system both right and left.
c. He feels angry because his sister’s piece of pie
28.2 John shares a similar body shape with his is long and thin where his is
mother and is short and fat.
overweight. The nurse identifies which d. He has an imaginary friend.
statement by John as typical according to
the study? 29.1 Bryan is 2 months old, and the nurse is
a. “No one looks fat in my family.” collaborating with the occupational
b. “I like the way I look in my uniform.” therapist in his care. When planning care, the
c. “We look like the people in these pictures.” nurse identifies that John should
d. “People shouldn’t worry about what they sit securely at what age?
look like.” a. 2.5 months
b. 6 months
28.3 John, at 6 years old, is a school-age child. c. 8 months
What should members of the d. 12 months
nurse’s interprofessional team recognize when
caring for school-age children 29.2 Beginning verbal communication is one of
according to Freud? the most important tasks that
a. It’s important for parents to teach children infants need to achieve. The nurse teaches
creativity during this time. Bryan’s mother that by 12 months of
b. Children develop their moral compass or age he should display which characteristics?
spirituality during school-age years. a. “Children this age can usually say around two
c. Freud saw the school-age period as a largely words, plus ‘ma-ma’ and
latent or inactive period. ‘dada.’”
d. Every school-age child needs responsibilities b. “One-year-olds can usually say more words
in order to learn trust and than they are able to
integrity. understand.”
c. “A 12-month-old child can express his or her
28.4 John, who is 6 years old, is a school-age basic needs verbally.”
child. According to Erikson, the nurse d. “An infant who is this age usually can’t
should identify which developmental task to understand spoken words.”
integrate health promotion
activities with during this period? 29.3 The nurse is discussing object permanence
a. How to be creative with Bryan’s mother. Which action
b. How to think abstractly by her infant best illustrates that he
c. How to trust others understands object permanence?
d. How to do things well a. The child looks for the mother after she walks
28.5 John, who is 6 years old, says his broken b. The child cries when either hungry or lonely.
leg wants to get better. When c. The child prefers a large yellow ball to a small
choosing an accurate and empathetic red one.
response, the nurse should be aware John d. The child smiles when the mobile on the crib
is using what form of cognition? jingles.
a. Magical thinking
b. Deductive reasoning 29.4 The researchers concluded that more
c. Concrete operational thinking parent education as to the danger of scalding
d. Sensorial thought is needed to reduce the number of these very
painful injuries in young children
28.6 John is a school-age child, but he still has (Yates, McKay, & Nicholson, 2011). Based on the
difficulty learning Piaget’s concept study, the nurse is most
concerned about which remark by Bryan’s
mother? 30.3 Based on the study and the AAP
a. “I never drive without a cup of coffee in my recommendations on television viewing, the
cup holder.” nurse advises Jason’s parents to take which
b. “I’m going to switch to drinking tea to reduce action?
my caffeine intake.” a. Encourage Jason to watch television in his
c. “I drank coffee during Bryan’s pregnancy; it’s room where the television set is
why he’s so high strung.” smaller.
d. “I’m a coffee addict; I always have a fresh cup b. Teach Jason to always watch television from a
in my hand.” distance of no less than 12
29.5 The nurse reviews infant safety with c. Teach Jason to use the remote control so he
Bryan’s mother. It is most important to can watch television safely by
teach his mother about preventing which himself.
common injuries among infants? d. Allow Jason to watch television only when a
a. Drowning and hypersensitivities parent is free to supervise his
b. Poisoning and suffocation actions.
c. Auto accidents and burns
d. Aspiration and falls 30.4 Jason’s grandmother often visits the
family. When she does, she brings a
29.6 When planning care for an infant who has number of medications with her. The nurse
unique needs, the nurse best teaches the family to follow which
promotes the parents’ psychosocial well-being precautions about unintentional poisoning?
by which means? a. Advise the grandmother to keep her medicine
a. Lowering the family’s expectations around in her purse and stress that no
their infant’s skills one should open her purse but her.
b. Clearly describing the etiology of the infant’s b. Show Jason his grandmother’s pills and
development deficits emphasize that he is not permitted to
c. Encouraging the family to have more children touch them.
d. Emphasizing what the infant can do more c. Assure the grandmother that as long as her
than what he or she cannot do vials of medicine have childproof
caps, there is no danger.
d. Buy the grandmother a medicine case that
30.1 The nurse provides patient education to locks and place it on a high shelf
Jason’s father who had asked if it is when she visits.
normal for his 2-year-old son to spread his feet
wide apart when he walks. Which 30.5 Jason’s mother would prefer to use a
of his statements suggests that he received time-out for punishment. What should
accurate teaching? the nurse teach Jason’s mother or his daycare
a. “Jason may be all right, but toddlers with setting caregivers about the use of this
dislocated hips also walk that way.” technique?
b. “A wide-spaced gait is a common a. The child should sit still for as many minutes
characteristic of toddlers.” as his age.
c. “Most toddlers walk with feet close together b. The child should sit still for as many minutes
to better stabilize themselves.” as he misbehaved.
d. “His shoes may not have a good arch and this c. Time-out activities can include quiet play or
could be causing him to walk reading books.
unsteadily.” d. Children are not ready for time-outs until
school age
30.2 Toddlers learn a great deal about oral
communication in the course of their 30.6 Jason replies to every request by his
development. The nurse expects Jason, a 2- mother with, “No!” His mother admits
year-old, to have mastered which that she is exasperated and embarrassed by
statement? this, and she states that she is
a. “Red tomatoes.” desperate to change this behavior. How can the
b. “Daddy come.” nurse best meet the mother’s
c. “Old MacDonald.” expressed learning needs?
d. “Please, please.”
a. Have her tell Jason she doesn’t want him to b. Withdraw Cathy from daycare to limit her
say no anymore. exposure to other adults.
b. Instruct her to answer all Jason’s questions by c. Describe common kidnapping culprits the
saying, “No!” father knows.
c. Encourage her to reduce the number of d. Be certain Cathy understands not to leave
questions she asks Jason. daycare with anyone but her parents.
d. Tell her to explain he is not using good
communication skills. 31.5 Cathy’s family is expecting a new baby.
When Cathy is visiting the birthing center, the
31.1 Cathy, who is 3 years old, constantly asks nurse should promote which behavior as a
questions. When teaching her means of fostering family bonding during this
father about communication skills in children of time of transition?
this age, the nurse should state a. Take action to help Cathy spend as much time
that a child of Cathy’s age typically asks how with her mother and the infant as possible.
many questions in a day? b. Teach Cathy about the ways that her life
a. Around 50 might change after the birth of the 1855 baby.
b. 100 to 200 c. Remind Cathy that her parents love her very
c. 300 to 400 much.
d. 600 or more d. Explain to Cathy that she’s very lucky because
sisters grow up to become best friends.
31.2 Results at the end of 18 months showed
that children in the intervention group had 31.6 The nurse is drafting an educational
significantly lower odds of any sleep problems handout for parents of preschoolers that
(Garrison & Christakis, 2012). Based on the addresses the topic of sex education. What
study, what is the best guideline should be included in this
advice the nurse could give the Edwards educational material?
family? a. Tell your child that you will explain these
a. Don’t allow Cathy to watch television until matters when they are old enough to
she is 5 years of age. start kindergarten.
b. Encourage Cathy to watch specific DVDs that b. Emphasize the fact that sexual intercourse
her parents choose for her. between adults must always be
c. Discuss with Cathy that TV does not consensual.
necessarily reflect reality. c. Describe some of the differences between
d. Allow her to only watch cartoons so she boys and girls in clear and accurate terms.
won’t be seeing violence. d. Distract your child from questions about
sexuality for as long as possible.
31.3 Cathy keeps her entire family awake at
night because she is so afraid of the dark. The 32.1 According to Erikson, a sense of industry
nurse teaches Cathy’s parent to take which or accomplishment is the developmental task
action to help overcome this fear? of the school-age period. When planning care,
a. Assure Cathy the room’s window is locked so what would be the best activity to introduce to
no one can kidnap her. Shelly to help her achieve this?
b. Suggest Cathy temporarily sleep in the living a. Encourage her to establish a new club.
room in front of the television b. Suggest she begin a diary in which she
set for safety. records her secret thoughts.
c. Buy a night-light for Cathy’s room and inspect c. Help her with spelling so over a year’s time
the room to be certain it she becomes an expert at this.
appears safe. d. Locate small projects she could complete in 1
d. Teach Cathy that her fear is not grounded in day and feel rewarded.
32.2 Shelly belonged to a series of clubs when
31.4 Cathy’s father, a police detective, says that she was 9 years old. How would the school
he and his wife wish to take measures to nurse describe the typical characteristic of a 9-
prevent Cathy from being kidnapped. What year-old’s club to the nursing student?
action should the nurse recommend to this a. Clubs have formal rules and regulations.
family? b. Clubs are designed to help shy children get
a. Limit playdates to Cathy’s own home. outside of their “comfort zone.”
c. Clubs invariably exclude one or more children.
d. Clubs always include both boys and girls.
33.1 The nurse realizes Raul is concerned about
32.3 Teaching safety is an important area to developing body odor and that he has consulted
consider for school-age children. Which advice some websites that address this problem. The
would be best? nurse recognizes a valid and reliable website
a. “Keep your backpack filled to capacity to would cite which aspect is true of body odor in
avoid falling on frequent trips back to your adolescents?
locker.” a. It is largely dependent on ethnicity and body
b. “As soon as you no longer need an type.
automobile booster seat, you’ll no longer need b. It is caused by an increase in the activity of
a seatbelt either.” apocrine glands.
c. “Gaining weight isn’t serious in the school-age c. Poor hygiene is the main cause of adolescent
years; it only becomes a real problem after age body odor.
18 years.” d. Body odor can result from clogged sebaceous
d. “You’re old enough to tell if you are sick or glands.
not; your mother’s opinion isn’t as important as
when you were younger.” 33.2 The nurse evaluates some of the
anticipatory guidance that provided to Raul
32.4 The types of injuries most often seen were with the goal of fostering his sense of identity.
sprains/strains (44%), fractures (16%), and The nurse identifies which statement as
contusions (16%). The activities resulting in the suggesting he is successfully working toward
most injuries were body collisions (29%), this goal? Select all that apply.
stunting (19%), tumbling (11%), and tossing a. “I’m debating whether I’d like to be a pilot or
(2.5%) (Currie, Fields, Patterson, et al., 2016). a race car driver.”
Based on the study, how would the nurse best b. “I ask my parents at least once a week to let
advise Shelly? me do more things.”
a. Cheerleading will be good for her because she c. “I handle money at my part-time job and it’s
is likely to lose weight from the exercise. sometimes tempting to take
b. She will need to drink an extra source of some of it.”
calcium every day to avoid broken bones. d. “I’m getting used to being so much taller than
c. She should pursue a sport or activity that is my younger sister.”
d. She should be aware that cheerleading may 33.3 Raul is prescribed both a topical cream
be beneficial to her but does carry some risks. and oral tetracycline to treat his acne. The
nurse identifies that he needs additional health
32.5 Shelly tells the nurse she collected “a ton information from which statements (list all that
of candy on Halloween. Because of how apply)?
common this phenomenon is, in consultation a. “I know acne is not contagious even though
with a dental hygienist, you would teach all my friends seem to have it.”
children that what type of candy is less likely to b. “My girlfriend wants to borrow my
cause dental caries? tetracycline; I don’t mind sharing it.”
a. Salt water taffy c. “I know not to take hot showers as hot water
b. A chocolate bar can create new lesions.”
c. Chewy caramels
d. Hard candy 33.4 Raul is depressed because his girlfriend
broke up with him. Which of his statements
32.6 The school-age period is the time when could be interpreted as stalking?
many young people begin smoking. To design a. “I keep her photo on my bedside stand so I
interventions that are effective and patient- can kiss her goodnight.”
centered, the nurse should begin by b. “We take the same route to school every day
acknowledging which of the following? so I often still see her.”
a. Most children who try smoking do not like it. c. “I e-mail her every night to tell her what a
b. The media have occasionally exaggerated the huge mistake she’s made.”
risks of smoking. d. “I took down her photo from Facebook but
c. Many people view smoking as being an wish I could put it back.”
“adult” activity. d. “I know not to eat chocolate because that
d. Children under puberty cannot become always makes lesions worse.”
addicted to smoking
comfort, the nurse can exclude blood pressure
33.5 Results of the study showed alcohol was measurement from assessment until what age?
the gateway drug, leading to tobacco, a. 2.5 years
marijuana, and then other illicit substances b. 3 years
(Barry, King, Sears, et al., 2016). Based on the c. 5 years
previous study, which statement by Raul would d. 7 years
give you the most concern?
34.4 Pressing a tongue blade against the back
a. “Some of my friends got hammered last of the throat causes a gag reflex. When would
weekend but I decided not to stick the nurse want the team members to know it
around.” is important not to elicit a gag reflex?
b. “Some of my friends use weed; they tell me it a. When a child is under 5 years of age
really helps them relax.” b. When a child has symptoms of epiglottitis
c. “My parents said I could celebrate my next c. When a boy has a possible inguinal hernia
birthday by drinking my first d. When a girl has a geographic tongue
d. “My mother eats some kind of chocolate 34.5 The nurse is using a stethoscope to
almost every day. Is that auscultate the sound of Keoto’s mitral heart
hereditary?” valve closing. When determining where to
listen, the nurse identifies which location as
33.6 At the conclusion of a long conversation, best?
Raul admits he has experimented with cocaine. a. Over the anterior sternum
Which finding would most strongly warrant a b. The right 9th or 10th intercostal space
referral to addiction services? c. The left interior rim of the left clavicle
a. Raul has frown lines in his forehead. d. The fourth or fifth left intercostal space at the
b. Raul has thin, fissured lips. nipple line
c. Raul’s eyebrows appear thin.
d. Raul lacks nasal hair. 34.6 Keoto’s father wants to be sure Keoto’s
immunizations are up to date. The nurse
34.1 Substances include common household determines the immunization for HPV is
products and medications. It is important to recommended by which age?
provide guidance and injury prevention a. At 12 to 18 months of age
information to parents to prevent b. Before kindergarten entrance
unintentional ingestions by children (CDC, c. At 16 years of age
2016c). Based on this information, which d. At 11 to 12 years of age
would be the most important question to ask
Candy’s father? 35.1 The nurse wants to review some health
a. “Has Candy tried to drink something that educational materials with Barry, age 16 years.
you’re drinking?” To maximize his learning and his comfort level,
b. “Do you keep all your prescription drugs this activity should take place in which type of
securely locked?” physical space?
c. “What do you keep in the cupboards below a. Intimate space
your sinks?” b. Social space
d. “Where do you store the alcoholic beverages c. Public space
in your house?” d. Personal space

34.2 With the participation of her father, the 35.2 The nurse has heard from a colleague that
nurse obtains a health history from Keoto. What Barry, 16 years old, hates school. When
question should the nurse ask at the end of this considering the use of informatics to respond
and every interview? to this statement, which principle should guide
a. “Where do you think we should go from the nurse’s actions?
here?” a. Communication is most effective when it is
b. “Is there anything else you’d like to discuss?” enhanced by cutting-edge technology.
c. “Are you still feeling okay?” b. Referral to an appropriate, evidence-based
d. “Am I a good interviewer? I’m trying hard.” website can likely resolve this issue.
c. Technology cannot usually substitute for
34.3 Keoto’s sister is 2 years old and appears skilled interpersonal communication.
fearful of medical equipment. To preserve her
d. Communication skills are being replaced by c. Playing a game of Simon Says
technologic innovation in nursing. d. A group discussion on hand pain

35.3 The nurse wants Barry, age 16 years, to

increase his cognitive understanding of his
condition. After teaching sessions, which
statement from him would best show that his
cognitive knowledge has increased?
a. “I feel so much better now about the care I
b. “I understand I have to take two types of
c. “I’ve finally learned how to swallow big
d. “I hate having to take medicine but will take

35.4 The nurse wants to teach Barry more

about his hypercholesterolemia, and he has
expressed a preference for video resources. To
ensure that such videos are safe,
ageappropriate, and accurate, the nurse should
do which action?
a. Preview any potential video resources before
referring them to Barry.
b. Encourage Barry to search YouTube and then
report back to you.
c. Emphasize the fact that written materials are
usually preferable to video materials.
d. Refer Barry to his local public library and have
him liaise with a librarian

35.5 The children’s postoperative pain was

significantly lower in the intervention group as
compared with the intervention group
(Chartrand, Tourigny, & MacCormick, 2017).
Based on the previous study, what does the
nurse determine for Wolf, 3 years old, if he
seemed exceptionally anxious before surgery?
a. Face-to-face instruction is preferable because
it is most effective.
b. He has no reason to feel anxious because 1-
day surgery is finished so quickly.
c. He should be given the choice between a
Web-based/DVD program or face-toface
d. He, like most preschoolers, is too young to
understand an explanation of his

35.6 The nurse wants Wolf, 3 years of age, to

know how to do the hand exercises he will
need to do after surgery. When collaborating
with the physiotherapist, which technique
below would probably be most effective with
a. A pamphlet you read together
b. A lecture from a sports hero

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