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DAILY LESSON LOG FOR School: Grade and Section: V-

Teacher: Subject: Science

Teaching Dates: MARCH 20 – 24, 2023 (WEEK 6) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


a. Content Standards A simple DC circuit and the relationship between electricity and magnetism in electromagnets
b. Performance Standards Propose device using electromagnet that is useful for home school or community
c. Most Essential Learning Infer the conditions necessary to make a bulb light up (S5FE - IIIf – 6)
Competencies (MELCs)
d. Learning Objectives a. identify and describe the parts of a simple Direct Current (DC) electric circuit;
b. differentiate open and closed circuit; and
c. discuss safety features and measures on the use of electricity.

a. Teacher’s Guide Pages
b. Learner’s Material
c. Textbook Pages
d. LRMDS Materials Raquel, M. (2020). Quarter Raquel, M. (2020). Quarter Raquel, M. (2020). Quarter Raquel, M. (2020). Quarter
(SLMs/LASs) 3 – Module 4: Electric 3 – Module 4: Electric 3 – Module 4: Electric 3 – Module 4: Electric
Circuit [Self-Learning Circuit [Self-Learning Circuit [Self-Learning Circuit [Self-Learning
Module]. Moodle. Module]. Moodle. Module]. Moodle. Module]. Moodle.
Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education
Retrieve (January 01, Retrieve (January 01, Retrieve (January 01, Retrieve (January 01,
2023) from https://r7- 2023) from https://r7- 2023) from https://r7- 2023) from https://r7-
2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl
e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php?
id=13096 id=13096 id=13096 id=13096
Cuaresma, A. (2021). Cuaresma, A. (2021). Cuaresma, A. (2021). Cuaresma, A. (2021).
Open and Closed Circuits Open and Closed Circuits Open and Closed Circuits Open and Closed Circuits
[Learning Activity Sheet]. [Learning Activity Sheet]. [Learning Activity Sheet]. [Learning Activity Sheet].
Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education
e. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation,
Resources laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning paper, quiz notebook or
Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, test paper
notebook notebook notebook notebook
A. PRELIMINARY a. Greetings
ACTIVITIES b. Checking of Attendance
c. Prayer
d. Singing of National Anthem
e. Exercise
f. Word of the day
g. Spelling
h. Reading
B. Review the previous Directions: Give at least Directions: Answer the Directions: Put a check (/) Directions: Look at each
lesson/Drill two (2) transparent, following questions in your if the given condition is circuit below. If you think
translucent, and opaque Science notebook. necessary to make the the bulb will light, color the
materials. bulb light up and (x) if not. bulb yellow and put a
1. How does an open _____ 1. Attach the wire to check in the box. If you do
TRANSPARENT circuit differ from a closed the negative and positive not think the bulb will light,
1. circuit? charges of the battery. put a cross in the box.
_____ 2. Use a busted
battery in the circuit.
_____ 3. If wire is not
available, you may replace
1. 2. Why do we need a it with a rubber band.
2. switch in an electric circuit? _____ 4. The bulb should
be attached to
OPAQUE the positive charge of the
1. battery.
_____ 5. One wire is
2. disconnected to the other
C. Establishing a purpose GIVE ME 2-MINUTES! Have you ever looked Unscramble the letters to
for the lesson/ Motivation around your house? find the message. Write
List some objects in your Answer the questions that your answers in your
home which use electricity. follow. Write your answers Science notebook.
Write them in your Science in your Science notebook. L E C D O S 1. Status of a
notebook. 1. How many appliances circuit that is complete and
and gadgets do you have? unbroken with flowing
List them. electric
current What do you observe in
the picture? Do you know
the reasons why this
N U T R E R C 2. A flow of
electrical charges
2. How does electricity flow
to your appliances and P E N O 3. Status of a
gadgets? circuit that has breaks or
openings in which electric
current cannot flow

R I T C I U C 4. The
unbroken path along which
an electric current flows

T H C I S W 5. Opens and
closes the circuit

D. Presenting Have you ever looked Have you ever looked Have you ever looked Have you ever looked
examples/instances of the around your house and around your house and around your house and around your house and
new lesson/Motivation observe what electricity observe what electricity observe what electricity observe what electricity
does for you? Electricity is does for you? Electricity is does for you? Electricity is does for you? Electricity is
important to everyone. important to everyone. important to everyone. important to everyone.
Everybody benefits from it. Everybody benefits from it. Everybody benefits from it. Everybody benefits from it.
Almost all homes use Almost all homes use Almost all homes use Almost all homes use
electricity. Using electricity electricity. Using electricity electricity. Using electricity electricity. Using electricity
lightens our load. It makes lightens our load. It makes lightens our load. It makes lightens our load. It makes
work easier, faster and work easier, faster and work easier, faster and work easier, faster and
better, especially for busy better, especially for busy better, especially for busy better, especially for busy
persons. Doesn’t electricity persons. Doesn’t electricity persons. Doesn’t electricity persons. Doesn’t electricity
power up your fan, power up your fan, power up your fan, power up your fan,
television, radio, flat iron television, radio, flat iron television, radio, flat iron television, radio, flat iron
and refrigerator? Imagine and refrigerator? Imagine and refrigerator? Imagine and refrigerator? Imagine
how uncomfortable life how uncomfortable life how uncomfortable life how uncomfortable life
would be if these would be if these would be if these would be if these
appliances were taken appliances were taken appliances were taken appliances were taken
away from you. How does away from you. How does away from you. How does away from you. How does
electricity flow to your electricity flow to your electricity flow to your electricity flow to your
appliances? appliances? appliances? appliances?
E. Discussing new Most households have Most households have Most households have Most households have
concepts and practicing several devices that make several devices that make several devices that make several devices that make
new skills No. 1 use of electricity. The use of electricity. The use of electricity. The use of electricity. The
number of appliances that number of appliances that number of appliances that number of appliances that
you have at home shows you have at home shows you have at home shows you have at home shows
how important electricity is how important electricity is how important electricity is how important electricity is
in our everyday lives. How in our everyday lives. How in our everyday lives. How in our everyday lives. How
does electricity flow to your does electricity flow to your does electricity flow to your does electricity flow to your
appliances? appliances? appliances? appliances?
F. Discussing new An Electric Circuit is Circuits are like train Circuits are like train Continuity of an Electric
concepts and practicing composed of trucks. The train can only trucks. The train can only Circuit
new skills No. 2 interconnected electrical move along if all the train move along if all the train
components. These trucks are properly trucks are properly 1. Closed Circuit (Switch
components form a connected. The parts of an connected. The parts of an On) - A closed circuit
complete path of an electric circuit must not electric circuit must not makes the bulb light up
electric circuit. Simple only be complete but must only be complete but must because the path of
electric circuit has three be connected properly. be connected properly. electricity is complete.
main parts: The sources Look at the pictures of the Look at the pictures of the Electric current flows
are power supply, the two electric circuits at the two electric circuits at the through the connecting
conductor, and the load. right. In the set up, a wire right. In the set up, a wire wires from the power
Electric current does not is attached to the negative is attached to the negative source to the device (ex.
flow in an open or end of the battery, while end of the battery, while bulb) then back to the
incomplete circuit. A the other wire is attached the other wire is attached source again.
current does not flow from to the positive end. Both to the positive end. Both
the dry cell unless there is wires are attached to the wires are attached to the 2. Open Circuit (Switch
a path from one terminal to bulb. Such a circuit is bulb. Such a circuit is Off)- Electricity does not
another. called a closed circuit. A called a closed circuit. A flow in this kind of circuit
closed circuit makes the closed circuit makes the because there is a gap or
Parts of an Electric Circuit bulb light up because the bulb light up because the no complete path from one
A complete electrical path of electricity is path of electricity is end of the circuit to the
circuit has the following complete, allowing complete, allowing other end. If it is an open
parts: electricity to flow through it. electricity to flow through it. circuit, an electrical device
Electricity flows from the Electricity flows from the does not work.
1. Power Source – the negative to the positive negative to the positive
source of energy to move terminal of the dry cell. terminal of the dry cell. In summary, to turn on the
the electrons, maybe a dry lights, you must close the
cell, battery, generator, or circuit by turning on the
a solar cell. switch to connect the wires
2. Connector – the wire or and other parts of the
other conductors that link circuit. On the other hand,
all parts of the circuit and to turn off the lights, you
create a path where Another kind of circuit is an Another kind of circuit is an must open the circuit by
current flows. Metals like open circuit. Electricity open circuit. Electricity turning off the switch to
silver, copper and does not flow in this kind of does not flow in this kind of disconnect them. Besides
aluminum wire are good circuit because there is a circuit because there is a switches, other causes of
conductors of electricity. gap or no complete path gap or no complete path gaps or breaks in a circuit
3. Load – a load is an from one end of the circuit from one end of the circuit include drained, rusty, or
output device that uses to the other end. So what to the other end. So what wrong positions of
electricity such as a light makes a circuit open? The makes a circuit open? The batteries wherein similar
bulb, appliances, switches that you see switches that you see terminals are connected,
computers and gadgets. 4. around our homes are around our homes are defective devices, and
Switch – controls the flow electrical components that electrical components that busted bulbs.
of electricity; can connect can make the circuits of can make the circuits of
or disconnect the path of the lights in our homes the lights in our homes How Short Circuit Occurs
electric current. open or closed. So to turn open or closed. So to turn
on the lights, you have to on the lights, you have to Short circuits are a major
close the circuit by pushing close the circuit by pushing type of electrical accident
the switch on. To turn off the switch on. To turn off that can cause serious
the lights, you have to the lights, you have to damage to your electrical
open the circuit again by open the circuit again by system. They occur when
pushing the switch off. pushing the switch off. a low-resistance path not
Other than switches, other Other than switches, other suited to carry electricity
causes of gaps or breaks causes of gaps or breaks receives a high-volume
in an open circuit included in an open circuit included electrical current. In
drained, rusty or drained, rusty or simpler terms, short
mispositioned batteries mispositioned batteries circuits happen when hot
wherein similar ends are wherein similar ends are wire touches a conductive
connected; busted bulb: connected; busted bulb: object it is not supposed to.
and misplaced bulb. and misplaced bulb. An electric cord contains
two wires. One wire carries
current from the power
source to the load/
electrical devices. The
other wire carries current
back to the source. A
damaged cord can cause a
short circuit. A short circuit
occurs when electric
current follows a shorter
path than is intended. For
example, if the two bare
wires in a damaged cord
come into contact with
each other, current flows
directly from one wire to
the other.

G. Developing Mastery Directions: Label the parts Directions: Answer the Directions: Match the Directions: Complete the
(Leads to Formative of a simple DC electric following questions in your following terms with the following sentences by
Assessment) circuit shown in Figure 1 Science notebook. correct definition by writing choosing the correct
below. Write your answers the letter on the blank answer from the box
in your Science notebook. 1. What happened to the before each number. below.
bulb after you connected 1. If the switch is on, the
the switch to the wires? circuit is ___________.
Why? Therefore the circuit will
work. 2. When the switch is
___________, the circuit is
2. How did you know that
open. Therefore the circuit
electricity flow in the
won’t work. 3. In a circuit
with unjointed wires, the
motor ___________ work.
3. What happened to the 4. A ___________ controls
bulb after you the circuit in opening and
disconnected the switch to closing it. 5. An open
the wires? Why? circuit is a ___________

switch closed off

broken will not
H. Finding Practical Electricity is an essential Electricity is an essential Electricity is an essential Electricity is an essential
Application of Concepts part of modern life and part of modern life and part of modern life and part of modern life and
and Skills in Daily Lives important to the important to the important to the important to the
economy. People use economy. People use economy. People use economy. People use
electricity for lighting, electricity for lighting, electricity for lighting, electricity for lighting,
heating, cooling, and heating, cooling, and heating, cooling, and heating, cooling, and
refrigeration and for refrigeration and for refrigeration and for refrigeration and for
operating appliances, operating appliances, operating appliances, operating appliances,
computers, electronics, computers, electronics, computers, electronics, computers, electronics,
machinery, and public machinery, and public machinery, and public machinery, and public
transportation systems. transportation systems. transportation systems. transportation systems.
Give five (5) importance of Give five (5) importance of Give five (5) importance of Give five (5) importance of
electricity to your home electricity to your home electricity to your home electricity to your home
and school. and school. and school. and school.
I. Making Generalization What is a simple DC How do we differentiate How do we differentiate How do we differentiate
and Abstraction Circuit? How do electricity closed circuit from open closed circuit from open closed circuit between
flow in this circuit? circuit? circuit? open circuit and short
J. Evaluating Learning Directions: What are the Directions: In your Science Directions: Draw a Directions: Look at each
parts and corresponding notebook, draw a closed schematic circuit diagram circuit diagram. Count the
functions of a simple DC circuit and an open circuit for the following: number of parts of each
electric circuit? Write your and label its parts. circuit. Then, determine if
answers by copying first the circuit is closed or open
the table in your Science 1. CLOSED CIRCUIT and tell the reason why.
notebook. Problem #1 has been done
for you as an example.
Parts of a Functions
Simple DC


K. Additional activities for

application or remediation
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction
and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the
purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of
the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the
learners learners learners learners learners

VI. REFLECTIONS Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in
the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning
process when process when process when process when process when
incorporating incorporating incorporating incorporating incorporating

A. No. of learner who
earned 80%
B .No. of learner who
scored below 80% ( needs
C. No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal /supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share w/other teacher?

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